#ageless centurion
wildcatofgreen · 2 years
The centurion hopped off the metal box, sitting down in front of the young halfling, putting a finger underneath her chin. She raised the other's chin with it, making their vision meet eye to eye.
A smirk found itself on the centurion's face.
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"You wish to deny the truth. Yet, your eyes betray you. That longing, that wish to be there, right next to them. You want it ever so dearly, don't you?"
The halfling did not speak, only attempting to avert her gaze.
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"You can not fool a dragon who has lived well beyond your years, hatchling.
"I know love when I see it."
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"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," the mercenary practically groaned out her words, waving her hands in front of her younger sis. Spirits, she talks way too fast for her own good. "Okay, go from the top, and speak slowly this time. I can't understand you if you're speakin' faster than your bike."
The younger wildcat had practically barged in to the mercenary's home, juuuuust as she was getting ready to leave for the museum. Because she had to be this woman's therapist, apparently. She's gonna start working at the Battlesphere soon--she could just buy one and be perfectly fine.
But, whatever. She could be a couple minutes late. As long as her sister ended up okay by the end of it, she wouldn't mind taking out some time to talk.
...She just has to figure out how to make the Regent not kick her ass by the end of it.
With a huge inhale, and an even larger exhale, the younger wildcat spoke again.
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"I... uhm... well... y'know Lilac, right?"
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"The dragon girl, right? Can't seem to remember a time you ain't talk about her."
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"Sierra tango foxtrot uniform."
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"Ha! You're even getting better at that!!! Makin' your sister proud."
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Silence, followed by a low, embarrassed mutter. She was cursing something under her breath.
Then, she spoke again, grabbing her upper arm with her other hand.
"I... I think I... like her."
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"Yeah, tell me somethin' I don't know."
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"N-No! I mean like... "Like like her..."
And the mercenary just rolled her eyes.
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"You just gonna like, keep tellin' me the obvious here, champ? Or are you makin' me late for a reason?"
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"W-W-W-Wait, y-you knew????"
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"For the past half decade. You ain't exactly good at hidin' it, sis."
The younger wildcat had a very ''minor'' freakout about Corazon knowing about her crush. And, the mercenary had just let it happen. Let it get out of her system. And, she also called the Regent to let her know that she'd... at the very least, be late.
The Regent then told her she would have to make up for this ''transgression''.
And to tell Carol she said ''hi''. Spirits, of course she'd know. The two are practically bunk bed buddies, after all. Carol said that there's only a ceiling separating their rooms, right?
She does not envy the Regent. Her sister does not know how to be quiet. As evidenced right now, where she has been screaming and rambling for the past couple minutes.
The mercenary just sat on her couch, across from her little baby sis, with a little mug in her hand that had ''#1 MERC'' written in plain common across it's base.
But, finally, after what felt like years, she appeared to have calmed herself.
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"Ya done? Ya good, sis?"
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"Aggggggh. Aaaaaaaaugh. Aaaaaaaaa--"
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"Yes, you're done. Cool. Can we get to the point already? I don't got all day."
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"Stones damn it.
"I jus'... Iunno what to do, y'know?"
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"What do you mean ''what to do''. Do you feel like you should be doing something?"
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"Iunno!!! Like... I know that I like her, but... she's off in stones know where, doin' spirits know what, an' I jus'... "I can't tell her. I can't even call her. An' she'd 'prolly reject me anyway! Iun't...
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"You've been feelin' like this for years now, haven't you? What makes this any different?"
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"I think it's the fact that she's...
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"I... I miss her, Cory. I miss her way more than I thought I would. It feels like I'm missin' somethin' an' I can't do anythin' 'ta get it back."
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"I mean, can't you just go to her right now?"
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"Like I got the time 'ta steal another plane."
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"No, like
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"Your gem. Ain't you say that it teleports you everywhere? Why can't you just teleport yourself to the dragon girl, kiss her and come back? Would it really be that hard?"
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"A-An' besides, that ain't how the gemerald works. I can't just teleport wherever I want, whenever I want!!! It kinda jus'...
"Forces me places. I think it's got a mind of it's own."
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"You want me to... be with her...? But what about my--"
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doctor-who-binge · 1 month
The Girl Who Waited
I love The Girl Who Waited is one of my favorite episodes ever. It is the proof that she loves Rory more than she could ever love The Doctor. The biggest showcase of Amy & Rory's character development.
Rory is more reliable than The Doctor and she knows it. This was a theme throughout series 6, she was talking about Rory while kidnapped by The Silence and Rory thought it was The Doctor. Her reaction when Rory tells her that he thought it might have been The Doctor was an amazingly acted "HIM?" with a what the fuck expression. Its also shown when Rory defiantly tells The Doctor "She can always hear me Doctor and she always knows I'm coming." Then again when she is talking to baby Melody and the speech makes it sound likes shes speaking about The Doctor only to have the twist at the end of the people of earth knowing him as the last centurion.
But The Girl Who Waited is just absolutely in your face about this fact. It is the entire damn episode.
Its apparent though every goddamn aspect:
Amy says "Rory I love you. ... now save me" Its not a request to The Doctor at first, I never noticed that before. (Thats the line that prompted me to gush about this episode) She trusts that's Rory is the one that will have to do it.
She doesn't say "I hate you" to Rory even though she seems angry with him, but she says with a lot of conviction she hates The Doctor more than shes ever hated anyone in her life.
Rory says he doesn't care that she got old he cares that they didn't grow old together and when she angrily talks about being in solitary confinement she speaks to The Doctor not Rory.
She asks Rory "stay or go" when she heads into the Garden, again showing she isn't going to write off Rory. Then he make her laugh so easily the first time in 36 years, showing so much chemistry from only 3 lines of script
She named a robot Rory because she "needed a bit of company" and when the Doctor tries to make her feel guilty about taking the hands off she mockingly calls him the voice of god. Which is later repeated by her daughter river who says "when one is in love with an ageless god who insists on the face of a 12 year old".
THEN, THEN when older Amy says "they didn't save you, they get in their TARDIS and fly away" and younger Amy immediately says "No Rory wouldn't, not ever, something must have stopped him" younger Amy didn't even fucking mention The Doctor when protesting older Amy's idea. Because The Doctor certainly WOULD do something like that because he has before. Twice in the 11th hour and she even says in the Christmas special "please Doctor don't be late this time"
THEN IT GETS EVEN FUCKING BETTER when older Amy says "and thats why you'll refuse [to save yourself] when its your turn and nothing you can say will change that." Younger Amy knows immediately that there is something she can say and its so simple "3 words, what about Rory?" When older Amy smiles about the fact that she named her robot Rory younger Amy without hesitation says "so you didn't name it The Doctor or biggles our favorite cat" and they both laugh over memories of him.
Younger Amy begins talking about meeting people, and it ends with both younger Amy and older Amy saying at the exact same time "Rory's the most beautiful person I've ever met"
Then this line of dialogue:
Younger Amy: please, do it for him
Older Amy: You're asking me to defy destiny, causality, the nexus of time itself, for a boy
Younger Amy: You're Amy, hes Rory, and oh yes I am.
Older Amy to Rory: I'm going to rip time apart for you *kisses and hugs him*
She never actually seems angry at Rory. Shes heartbroken over Rory but legitimately hates The Doctor.
"Its not about what I'm doing its about who I am doing it for, I'm trusting you to watch my back" To which Rory replies with zero hesitation. "Always, you and me, always"
Both Amys are able to think of the most important thing without consulting each other and its about Rory. Their first kiss specifically.
This next line alone encapsulates all her character development since The 11th hour. Older Amy says "Amy pond in the TARDIS with Rory Williams." Remember she ran away from Rory with The Doctor in season 5 up until Vampires of Venice when The Doctor decides he has to come because Amy wanted to have basically a one night stand with The Doctor. Amy even seems hesitant to bring him at first.
"The look on your face when you carried her away... her... you use to look at me like that, I'd forgotten how much you loved me. I forgot how much I loved being her" She forgot just how much she loved being his wife, the Amy Pond that was with Rory. Not the Amy in solitary confinement for 36 years without him.
Rory legitimately has problems trying to pick "which Amy" to save. The Doctor forces Rory to make that decision. Rory clearly sees both of them as his Amy, his wife, and there is incomprehensible anguish for Rory to let older Amy die.
At the end older Amy has to die and Rory simply can't handle it, he can't make the decision between which Amy to save. So to help him older Amy make the decision for him. "If you love me don't open that door" and Rory just can't handle it. Its so obvious how much he loves older Amy just as much, no different than "the real Amy" and older Amy says "tell her I'm giving her the days.... the days with you" then the fantastically poetic line she says to her husband "take them please I'm giving you my days"
Also I never really thought about the "This Amy will have never existed" bit in the episode and how it seems that even the Doctor is trying to convince himself that its true... when its not
Rory screams at the Doctor "you can't leave her she'll die." the Doctor tries to reason that she will mever have existed to which Rory yells "But she happened, shes there!!!" Remember his 1000 years technically didn't happen, but he can remember it. Season 5 was constantly talking about how time can be unwritten but things are never forgotten "not really", "if it can be remembered it can come back." The Doctor yells that older Amy isn't real but Rory knows she is, he knows that his 1000 years was real even if it "never existed"
The Doctor knew from the beginning he was saving younger Amy but had to lie to Rory, because he knows not only would older Amy object to The Doctor not saving her, Rory would also object. We see that The Doctor really is the bad guy. Rory states that "this isn't fair, you're turning me into you" He won't even answer Rory candidly when asked if he always knew that he couldn't save both he simply states "I said I'd save her and there she is"
The following episode The Doctor has to force Amy to lose her faith in him. Which she does. And it doesn't break her. The Doctor gives her and Rory a house and a car and they go and live their life. She doesn't need him anymore
Goddamnit I fucking love this episode. Its like a sequel to Amy's Choice. The episode that forces Amy to pick in the love triangle and how she genuinely doesn't know until Rory dies, in this episode both Amys know that its Rory with zero hesitation.
Tangentially related:
Doctor: That is NOT how I travel
Is chefs fucking kiss I love the Doctor being told off. Same vibes when Clara yelling at him (12) about how he walks their Earth.
On a lighter note:
..... why isn't anyone else in her red waterfall for 36 years? Even the sick patients wouldn't want to live in solitary for a life time only able to have company when in the magnifying glass room.
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thequeendomhq · 5 months
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NAME. Leander Mordecai AGE & BIRTH DATE. 37 & November 3rd, 2987 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him NATIONALITY. Lysaran SPECIES. Witch FACTION. N/A OCCUPATION. Prince & Centurion FACE CLAIM. Tyler Lepley
( tw: war, violence, death )
For years, Princess Arethusa Mordecai tried to conceive a child, an heir who would take the throne after her. In Lysara, an unbroken line of women has ruled for three thousand years. Under the sign of the lion, surrounded by the Healers of Ceres, Leander Mordecai came screaming into the world. This was meant as a sign of good health, a loud, noisy child, born fighting and surrounded by the birth’s difficult circumstances. Prince Leander Mordecai was a boy; he’d never inherit the throne, and he had no right to rule - his father was famed for being an aloof and distant King, a man who was only acknowledged by his proximity to the future Queen—a figure who spent more time babbling about stars from the Tower’s observatory than in court. Leander could have been anything; the world expected very little of him, but this became his resolve. He was a boy but still a Mordecai and was every bit his mother’s son.
Princess Arethusa continued to try for another child while she still could; for a time, the people who came and went from her chambers: healers, alchemists, astrologists, druids, elvhen, vampiric scientists, runecarvers, and more - sorcerers from all walks of life who peddling snake oils, charms, and whatever they could. The age at which it would be possible for Arethusa to give birth to a child passed, and the future of the Elysian Throne was thrown into mystery. All the while, Leander worked.
He was an adept, studious child who studied the threads from an early age. He was a lionhearted boy who seemed to inherit the best of both sides: his mother’s fiercely indomitable spirit and his father’s natural charm. His mother told him the wheel did not care if he was afraid. He was a Mordecai, and he’d be called to greatness whether he could bear it or not. Leander could be found in the stacks of the Library of Olympia, pushed into studying dry topics by his tutors that he didn’t care for. They would excitedly talk about battles from two thousand years ago, but the Prince’s mind was always more concerned about the present and the days to come. Stories of griffon-riding legionnaires were of no interest.
From an early age, Leander excelled under the School of Destruction; while completing his studies as any noble child should, he resolved to focus on the primal threads and the weaves that balanced one another to explosive effect. While Leander was not a Novice of the Tower, he was like other children born amidst the Tower and grew up alongside the Olympians; it was the place of his mother’s court to worry about after state affairs, to play at the Great Game while Leander sat quietly discontent. In the West, there were ageless stories of mistreated witches; to the South, new horrors were rising amidst witches put to the stake, and even further south came the whispers of how the Kossith treated his kind.
Leander, however talented, began as any other child did. Precocious and observant, he’d laugh at his father’s jokes and endlessly play at the man’s puzzles. He’d listen to his grandmother’s stories and watch as she reinforced her weaves with fervent needlework; he learned to tie knots as the salt and sea air ran over his mother’s reckless features. She was still just the princess, not yet sat upon the Elysian Throne, no matter how certain her future seemed. Together Arethusa and Leander would race about the city or around the Tower’s tracks, laughing as liberty and the weightless air of the future rushed over them.
Childhood ended too soon. Queen Damodred Mordecai passed, Arethusa ascended, and seemingly overnight, she changed. Recklessness abandoned, Queen Mordecai sat upon the Elysian Throne and was beyond reproach. The change was evident to anyone but none more than Leander; he saw her youth seemingly fade before his eyes, and with it he left his own. She was Queen now but had no daughter, so there was none to take on the mantle after her. The games his father would play with him now seemed childish; the reckless abandonment of responsibility was no longer something that he could afford, and more and more, the Prince turned into himself. Shifting inward as he tried to ascertain what he could do to help the future of his family, and the future of the nation as a whole.
Leander had grown up in his mother’s courts; he’d been entertained on holiday in the Queenset Isles, seen the beaches of Eastreach, known the courts of the West and the North. Cared for with gloved hands, Leander still wished to see more - he wanted to know the realm that his mother ruled, the Queendom that had birthed him, and the nobles that swore their houses to the Lysaran banner. In the years to come, he would be a Novice of the Tower of Olympia, but even then, there was little question that Leander would become an Accepted.
Leander had a passable understanding of destruction magic and a fundamental knowledge of the building blocks of the threads that made up the other schools. Still, these were all lessons under the careful guidance of the Scholars of Juno. It would have been easy for Leander to squander his potential; only his mother had ever held any expectations for him. His father’s wish was that Leander grow up happy, but Arethusa wanted her son to be ready for the darkness encroaching - a darkness that returned to her dreams time and time again.
Escorted by Olympians, Prince Leander stood amidst the city of Haven as Eric the Bloodied boasted about the power of wolves. He saw firsthand the ferocity of their kind. He also went to Borderreach, where the people under the mountain were constantly guarded and spoke openly with the refugees smuggled in from Iskaldrik. Leander met these witches, individuals with fearful hearts and stunted magic. Under the shadow of the Deadlands, they saw firsthand a witch who’d beseeched a small hamlet under their thrall, using weaves of compulsion to bring an entire population under their thrall - all at the behest of their vampiric master who’d descend from the hillside. The Olympians cleaved this witch, and Leander looked on as they were imprisoned weeping - sent to Eterna to live out their sentence, but even if freedom came, their magic would never return.
Leander was a child when he left, but four years later, he was sixteen and stood before his mother. Arethusa asked him what he had learned of their laws, their purpose, and how the Crown upheld them for the good of Lysara:
“Our laws don’t exist to protect our lives. They exist to protect our people from us.”
Every child of the Lysaran royal family attended the Tower of Olympia, even if they did not have any magic to speak of. It was customary for them to train and study as Novices, to understand the fundamentals of magic, and to respect its limits. Leander spent a year paying his dues; he had the power and the talent to become an Accepted, but just as his mother had years before him, he cleaned the tower, dusted the stacks, cleared plates, goblets, and polished silverware. Despite being a Prince, Leander was equal to all the other Novices under the eyes of the Tower and the Sitters within.
After a year of humbling himself while other Novices who’d started at the same time as him were Accepted, Leander traded the plain, white robes for the robes of an Accepted. Bands of colour decorated the cuffs to denote his place among the others. His time as a Novice taught him patience, and the lessons from the Olympians taught him greater control, building upon the foundation already laid within his youth. Leander was young, but he was bright and talented. He had inherited the same royal spark for magic that Arethusa carried.
Leander could leave the Tower of Olympia for the first time in a year. As an Accepted, he had greater privileges than before, using these to his advantage. Weaves of destruction came quickly and naturally; in time, he blended them with alteration methods as he married the two schools together over the next year. If there had ever been any question about Leander’s worth, it died during his time as an Accepted; for the first year, the Olympians looked on, knowing full well that he’d lend well to any of their factions. A Healer who was also a capable fighter, a spymaster who could defend himself in times of need, a smith who knew how to use the weapons just as well as make them, a scholar who stopped at nothing to get to the truth - but the lionhearted witch was born to fight, to lead, to defend those who needed it, and to hunt those who deserved it—Warrior of Mars.
Leander completed his trials and faced himself in the basin of dreams; when he awoke, it was to his Olympian signet ring of dragon’s gold newly outfitted with the signet of Mars. Officially recognized by his brothers and sisters of the Tower, Leander would always be the Prince, but now he’d made a name for himself beyond the notation of the crownless Mordecai.
A warrior needed to know how to patch themselves up in a fight, to conjure things kept in reserve quickly to their aid, and to protect their mind from fundamental persuasions. This was what it meant to be an Olympian, but Leander’s first calling and mastery came with the school of destruction, air to create an impenetrable shield - to pull the breath from a person’s lungs. Flames that could take the shape of beasts and birds, dragons that would spiral under the tides to bring an entire fleet to its knees. Warriors of Mars trained to battle the dark, defend witches, and hunt those who’d abuse magic wherever they happened.
Leander remained in Eterna and the public eye for the following few years; while his studies were technically concluded, they were far from finished. Still, he’d spent the last twenty years within its halls, growing up among Scholars, tutors, and seasoned witches. The Great Game permeated Tower politics alongside Eterna, and Leander had neither the time nor the patience for it. He was dispatched alongside others to investigate situations across Lysara, within the Gulf of Taravell, Astoria, Iskaldrik, and Ankhuria. The laws of Lysara bound Olympians, but they did not ignore the calls from those beyond their borders; they only acted with greater discretion. Here, he helped those find asylum in Lysara, he stopped the abusers who’d damage the pattern, and he’d cleave when necessary to do so.
In his time abroad, Leander gained a greater appreciation for the threads that had yet to be discovered or the primal principles of nature. The witches of old observed the elvhen with their abilities and created weaves to mimic what the others could do by nature of their birth - they did the same with the druids. In his mid-twenties, Leander took some time away from Tower politics to study and hone his magic alongside the elvhen of the Silverlands and the druids who kept to the wilds. Here, he came into his second school, where he’d blend alteration with more significant effect as he mastered the school of destruction. In the treacherous peaks of Blackrock, Leander contended with monsters and beasts more virulent than any other; in the feywilds, he treated creatures of great mystery and observed how each interacted with the natural world around them.
News from the South ended this time of reflection and training. Queen Arethusa Mordecai marched to defend their borders and seek the liberation of witches in Astoria before they were brought to the pyre. Her Olympians could do so more freely, and she could not cross into Astoria without notice. Nightingales sang stories that reached the ears of Agents, and Warriors like Leander crept through Astoria’s lands to liberate all they could.
In Astoria, witchcraft of any kind had been criminalized, and those discovered to have magic were presented with two options: they could be cleaved of it forever, or they could be washed clean of their sins from a blazing pyre. In the midst of this was Leander and his fellow Olympians, who went behind enemy lines to liberate those they could, mitigate any suffering, and destabilize the enemy’s efforts wherever possible. Leander had seen conflict before; he’d encountered hatred, but the hunger that had overtaken the ordinary people of Astoria was unlike anything the Prince had ever witnessed. He watched mothers lash themselves raw after discovering the husband they’d ever known had been hiding witchcraft all along; he saw lovers throw themselves onto the pyre of their other half to try and save them from the blaze. Grown men weeping over their losses, but worst of all was the hatred.
As the smell of scorched flesh met the harrowing wails of agony, the people cheered. They roared with laughter, jeers, and rage as the high were brought low and the powerful were made weak - dragged through the streets and paraded by the righteous sycophants.
Below Astoria, whispers of a rebellion rumbled at the foundations of The Divine’s city; it was here that the Olympians had gathered those witches that they could track down to try and spirit them out of the country’s borders. However, the rage within this hold sparked and grew into something that Leander and the others could not contain. Many wished to flee, but most wanted to fight. It was hard to begrudge the witches’ desire for vengeance; their loved ones had been hunted, and their futures had been taken from them. Confrontation built, and while Leander could get several of the witches to safety, those remaining were not heard from again. Guerilla tactics would continue across Astoria, but Leander went to the front lines as Queen Arethusa Mordecai was called back to Eterna.
Commander and Officer, Leander led troops into battle along the border of Southreach. There, in Ardentgate, the labor of the fight had already been fought for several years before Leander joined the fray. He saw firsthand the weariness of soldiers on the front line and the zeal of the zealots that they fought against. Leander remained for three years before being recently called back to Eterna alongside his mother; for the moment, Ardentgate and the borders of Southreach are at a stalemate, but over the Queenset Isles, the fighting has continued on the sea.
+ courageous, adaptable, independent – petty, pompous, argumentative
played by shane. est. he/him.
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Bob Willis Trophy: Stone & Coad get delayed county cricket season off to bright start
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The match between Leicestershire and Lancashire change into performed at a picturesque, nonetheless empty, Original Motorway in Worcestershire
England’s Olly Stone took 4-39 as Warwickshire bowled out Northants for 142 within the Bob Willis Trophy on the long-awaited first day of the season.
Yorkshire’s Ben Coad then weighed in with 4-20 to support bowl out Durham cheaply at Chester-le-Motorway.
Kent’s Heino Kuhn hit the first century of the county summer, whereas Middlesex’s Chop Gubbins also made 150 now not out.
Gubbins, who didn’t plan up a single first-class century in 2019, led his aspect to 264-4 in opposition to Surrey.
Kuhn’s effort, an unbeaten 140, helped Kent attain 344-6 in opposition to 2019 county champions Essex at Chelmsford.
The first two centurions of the recent season on this recent trophy both came within the South Community, South African Kuhn reaching his first first-class ton for Kent a quarter of an hour forward of Gubbins reaching three figures in opposition to Surrey.
Lancashire captain Dane Vilas maintained closing summer’s glorious ruin within the game with Leicestershire – which had been switched for security reasons to Worcester – nonetheless he fell on 90, true searching turning into the day’s third centurion.
Sunday, 12 April change into the date when the 2020 County Championship would possibly maybe aloof delight in got beneath formula to launch the English domestic season, nonetheless the coronavirus pandemic supposed the open of the campaign needed to be delayed.
It has taken an additional 111 days to procure the season going – in a recent pink-ball opponents featuring all 18 counties split into three regional teams of six.
There had been hope that two of the day’s opening matches – Surrey’s South Community game at dwelling to Middlesex and Warwickshire’s Central Community assembly with Northants – would possibly maybe well also very neatly be performed in front of restricted 2,500 crowds.
But that possibility change into taken away by the authorities’s possibility on Friday to slay the a glorious deal of deliberate pilot events to procure crowds merit in sports activities stadiums.
Relive Saturday’s motion within the Bob Willis Trophy
North Community
Coad conceded true 23 runs throughout his 16.4 overs for Yorkshire
Yorkshire had been touted as favourites to steal the North Community after being paired with five of closing season’s County Championship Division Two facets, admittedly one of them being promoted Lancashire.
But the Tykes made a sturdy open, bowling out Durham for true 103 sooner than ending the first day on 84-4, of which Tom Kohler-Cadmore made 41.
Lancashire owed most in their total of 265-6 in opposition to Leicestershire at Worcester to a fifth-wicket stand of 130 between Vilas and Steven Croft (63), after Josh Bohannon had earlier made 44.
After being diminished to 97-4 right now after lunch, Vilas led the vogue with 14 fours from his 126 deliveries, sooner than edging a pressure off Tom Taylor to Hassan Azad at chase.
Azad had earlier didn’t hang onto an earlier chance by Vilas on 28, also off Taylor – an pricey omit.
Lancashire primitive boy Haseeb Hameed had a happier first game for his recent county Nottinghamshire with 68 on his debut in opposition to Derbyshire.
He shared an opening stand of 111 with Chris Nash (59) sooner than Samit Patel (63) helped the Notts tail wag.
From 192-7, Joey Evison (38) and Jake Ball (34) helped their aspect attain 324 all out, sooner than Derbyshire closed on 9-0.
Central Community
Stone made the headlines for Warwickshire with the first four-wicket haul within the completion named after vulnerable Bears quick bowler Willis. But any other man making his return after hurt, Australian Ryan Sidebottom, took two wickets, whereas there change into one for Tim Bresnan too on his debut for his recent team.
Having bowled out Northamptonshire for 142, the Bears slumped to 85-4 sooner than closing on 130-4 attributable to an unbroken 45-bustle stand between opener Have interaction Yates (63 now not out) and Michael Burgess (30 now not out).
It change into also sluggish growth at Bristol, where Gloucestershire reached easiest 246-8 in 91 overs in opposition to Worcestershire – a disappointment for the hosts having been 205-2.
Charlie Morris battled merit to crash with 3-35 for the Pears from 20 miserly overs after an earlier 127-bustle stand between captain Chris Crooked and Graeme van Buuren (60).
Somerset paceman Jack Brooks came to the rescue alongside with his aspect on 189-9 in opposition to Glamorgan.
The closing man, who has a indispensable-class century to his name (for Yorkshire in a Roses Match), smashed 72 out of a stand of 107 with Steven Davies (81 now not out) sooner than returning a steal to Graeme Wagg.
That helped Somerset attain a miles extra healthy 296, Ruaidhri Smith taking 3-41, sooner than Glamorgan saw out the last seven overs of the day on 8-0.
South Community
Gubbins struck 17 fours and one six throughout his unbeaten knock of 150
Hampshire debutant Ajeet Dale and Mason Crane every took three wickets to support bowl out Sussex for 176, of which George Garton made an unbeaten 54.
England squad member Ollie Robinson then took two wickets as Hampshire closed on 77-4.
Middlesex owed most to the unbeaten Gubbins at The Kia Oval nonetheless he loved his most prolific partnership with Max Holden, who made 48 in a second-wicket stand of 111, whereas the ageless Rikki Clarke took 2-33 for Surrey.
But the day’s most efficient collective batting performance change into Kent piling up 344-6 in opposition to Essex.
From 23-3, Ollie Robinson (78) put on 150 with Kuhn, who change into then extra backed by sturdy efforts from Grant Stewart (37) and 44-year-primitive Darren Stevens (36).
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winsomefurnitute · 4 years
Buy Sofa’s That Complement Your Home Decor - Winsome Furniture
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Furniture today is certainly not a negligible purchaser's need. Each part of one's own home delineates and communicates character to the world. Character, be that as it may, can't be essentially purchased. It must be curated cautiously and with colossal exactness. What better household item to show what sort of individual you are than a couch.      It is anything but an unimportant article to sit on, individuals use it to rest, to unwind, to impart, and to tune in. SPNS has grown such a couch which networks in totally with your home stylistic theme and exemplifies it. 
It has become the main Sofa set producer in Indore because of the sole explanation that each couch set made, will be made with energy and care, just for you. It offers not only one sort of couch to take into account your requirements, for instance, the Leather Sofa Set made in Pune has a one of a kind mix of new-age ease and Centurion character which includes a specific rich and agelessness to your stylistic theme. A Leather Sofa Set can add magnificence and profundity to any stylistic theme it is matched with. 
Texture Sofa Sets carry a specific glorious sense to a house; oomph and artfulness become staples of any family room comprising of Sofa Sets with Fabric upholstery. Brilliant and Smooth Fabric couch sets mesmerize anybody in the stay with its elaborate highlights. 
Erica Two Seater Sofa-Winsome Furniture 
Sectional Sofa Sets are made for a group and by a group, a couch which doesn't settle on comfort however conveys enough space for everybody. It gives sufficient seating its particular area plan, which genuinely exemplifies the expression "Esprit de corps" with abundance and extravagance. 
L-formed Sofa sets are impeccable to catch your interesting and laid-back vibe your home has, it gives extra seating space without devouring a great deal of room. L-molded sofas are 2 of every 1 set, the plan transforms it into an additional bed for some startling visitors yet once more doesn't settle on comfort. 
Couch cum Beds have reformed solace since their initiation, Sofa cum beds go a mile farther than any common couch, by presenting the genuine style remainder, Sofa cum beds are the ideal visitor room incorporated with one. Couch cum beds give comfort as well as become a genuine performed various tasks with a few extra rooms to accumulate assets or store fundamentals. The couch cum bed is high on usefulness and is a stylish and contemporary furniture piece. 
3 Seater Sofa cum Bed 
Office relax couch' and Office couch sets give a couple of yet genuinely necessary calm minutes in a working environment, Stress is a tremendous and wild issue however with the agreeable SPNS Office couch sets, a superior work environment air is made. 
Buoy Three Seater Sofa Combination of cream and earthy colored shading Letherette 
Wooden Sofa sets include class, toughness, inheritance, and solidarity to its lavishness and nuance. Aware that exemplifies class and magnetism while giving you a couch which coordinates the rich legacy of your whole stylistic theme. 
New Arrival-couch set-Manufacturer 
"Basement Door", a word which has no supernatural importance, it conveys its essential capacity; a Door to the basement. This word, as per a few etymologists and artists, "Basement Door" is one of the most excellent expressions in the English language simply because of its sound. In this day and age where a word as unceremonious as "Basement entryway" has such a comprehension behind it; Winsome Furniture treats every single couch with a similar getting, significance, and energy.      It has become the main couch producer in MP and Rajasthan because every single couch made has a genuine understanding and unadulterated energy behind it. It endeavors to convey just the highest caliber of couch's to the clients, produced using prime materials and handmade flawlessly.  Winsome Furniture is the best
sofa furniture manufacturers
in MP and Rajasthan.
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pcarroll920 · 4 years
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Nothing adorns the feminine look like precious earrings with diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds. These jewellery create a complete evening look. A new pair of earrings made of gold or platinum with gemstones will never be superfluous in a jewellery box like 1 carat solitaire ring and engagement rings London.
Thanks to the plasticity of gold and many years of experience, jewellers can create precious masterpieces in any style. Especially popular are:
floral themes
geometric forms
unusual abstractions
In our online store, you can buy earrings with gemstones and pick up a beautiful bracelet, an exquisite pendant. We offer you jewellery of exceptionally high quality at affordable prices.
People have known this jewellery since ancient times.
have come a long way in history, they were worn back in Ancient Asia 7 millennia ago. They emphasized the status of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and other nationalities. Only representatives of the upper class could afford to buy earrings with a diamond or other precious stone. By the way, in the past, this jewellery was not only female. In different countries, earrings could indicate a type of activity, estate, and even serve as a symbol of courage – these were worn by Roman centurions. In the Middle Ages, accessory in Europe falls under the ban of the church. Dashing captains of ships, sailors who circled Cape Horn have worn earrings with diamonds or just precious metals. In the fashion of noble people, earrings returned to the Renaissance. Since then, in the box of almost every woman, there are several pairs of earrings. Now the earrings can be in different designs, jewellers decorate them with precious and semi-precious stones using different cutting methods. The most popular of them are diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald and topaz.Make Her Say “Yes": Engagement Ring Buying Tips
People have known this jewellery since ancient times. Earrings have come a long way in history, they were worn back in Ancient Asia 7 millennia ago. They emphasized the status of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and other nationalities. Only representatives of the upper class could afford to buy earrings with a diamond or other precious stone. By the way, in the past, this jewellery was not only female. In different countries, earrings could indicate a type of activity, estate, and even serve as a symbol of courage – these were worn by Roman centurions.
In the Middle Ages, accessory in Europe falls under the ban of the church. Dashing captains of ships, sailors who circled Cape Horn have worn earrings with diamonds or just precious metals. In the fashion of noble people, earrings returned to the Renaissance. Since then, in the box of almost every woman, there are several pairs of earrings.
Now the earrings can be in different designs, jewellers decorate them with precious and semi-precious stones using different cutting methods. The most popular of them are diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald and topaz.
The World Will Become Even More Beautiful If You Wear Diamond Earrings
A diamond is one of the most durable stones. It symbolizes purity, integrity and permanence. The ancient Greeks believed that diamonds were the tears of the gods, and the Romans considered them fallen stars. Diamond earrings will suit strong charismatic personalities, always going to their goal.
Diamond earrings are an ageless classic. Not a single stone can be compared with the luxury and splendour of a natural diamond, which favourably emphasizes the impeccability of its owner. The cost of earrings depends on the quality of diamonds:
number of stones used in the product
Sparkling diamonds make up the perfect tandem with the mesmerizing beauty of white gold and the warm glow of pink or yellow.
Earrings with diamonds are a no longer inaccessible luxury – in our online store there are many exclusive models at an affordable price. Laconic earrings or droplets with one diamond look as elegant as large earrings with several crystals. However, miniature jewellery is appropriate in everyday attire, and it is desirable to leave bright and massive ones for a solemn occasion. The catalogue of the online store contains the best and high-quality jewellery accessories, among which you can choose the model of your dreams.
Sapphire Earrings: A Cosmic Radiance in Your Jewellery
This stone of saturated blue or pink colour is a symbol of fidelity and kindness. It is believed that if a lady wears sapphire earrings, good and harmony will reign in her life. With its unique colour, sapphire captivates others. This stone was loved by many historical figures, including Maria Stuart and Alexander the Great. In India, sapphires decorated the clothes of the clergy, these stones were also present in the crown of Cleopatra. The Slavs attributed magical abilities to sapphire. In terms of hardness, this stone is second only to diamond.
You are Irresistible when Your Ears are Adorned with Emerald Earrings
Stylish emerald earrings are unique jewellery. They become special thanks to the natural qualities of the rare stone and the efforts of our jewellers who embody the most original ideas in white, pink or yellow gold.
Jewellery with emeralds has been popular at all times. In ancient times, the green stone was called the gift of the gods. It was worn by kings and sultans. One of the most famous admirers of the magnificent mineral was Queen Cleopatra.
Emerald belongs to the beryl family. It is highly regarded for its expressive green colour and transparency. The most expensive are stones of a dense green hue. The cost of some of them is higher than that of diamonds.
In classic earrings, the emerald takes various forms:
drop-shaped, etc.
Thanks to the cut, amazing colour transitions and its unusual radiance appear. The catalogue presented on our site is constantly replenished with gold products, as well as emerald earrings, which can satisfy any even the most sophisticated tastes.
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fireandseaweed · 7 years
Two Bro’s In Brome || Jason and Percy
Jason and Percy get pizza.
Late nights weren’t unusual for Jason these days. The duties of Pontifex coupled with the workload of his classes meant that he couldn’t go to bed quite as early as he used to, even though his alarm went off at the same time every morning. Sitting at his desk in the living room of his apartment, mostly tuning out the sounds of Netflix in the background, he tapped away at his laptop, editing a story he had to turn in for one of his classes. A cup of coffee (decaf because of the hour) steamed in front of him and even though he had a lot of work to do, he couldn’t help but feel peaceful. Until he heard the telltale sounds of a key scraping in the lock to his apartment. A couple people had keys; Nico, Annabeth and Percy, Piper, Will, so it was hard to pinpoint until the door opened who exactly it was. But he pushed his glasses up on his nose and waited for the door to open, “Help you with something?”
Percy had never fully understood how someone could be as much of a workaholic as Jason and Annabeth appeared to be. They both worked all the hours under the sun and to be honest Percy had sort of gotten used to the fact that they got so into their work that they forgot about him. Shifting the pizza boxes onto his left hand, he scrabbled with the lock and caught Jason red handed. “Ha. I knew you’d forgot.” He set the pizza on the table in the center of the living room, making his way over he spotted the laptop and word document. “If you’ve got work you need to do we can turn pizza night into a study sesh,” he always took his laptop to Jason’s. They often had to do homework as they chilled out together. “As long as you’ve got some beer I’m willing to forgive you.”
Jason turned beet red when he saw Percy come through his door with a stack of pizzas and a wide grin on his face, “Gods! I totally had! I’m so so sorry Perce.” He snapped his laptop shut and went to go help Percy with the boxes, setting them down on his kitchen counter before he pulled his best friend into a tight hug. “Between school and trying to work with the Vulcanites on rebuilding Temple Hill and shifts at the bookstore I’ve just been buried this week.” He released his friend and got them both beers from the fridge, “I do have beer! I always keep beer on hand just so you’ll forgive me when I inevitably fuck up.” He cracked the bottles open and passed one to Percy, “How are you? Thanks for grabbing the pizza.”
Laughing Percy hugged his friend and brushed away his apology. “I’ve already forgotten about it.” He shrugged and took the beer off of his friend. Taking a long drink, he smiled before grabbing a slice of pizza. Chewing on the cheesy delight he made his way across the room and slumped into Jason’s couch. “That’s much better,” he yawned gently and took another mouthful. Smiling peacefully he sat in silence for a moment before speaking. “Has it ever occurred to you that you’ve got too much on your plate? You don’t need to work and go to college and be the pontifex maximus. Leave something for the rest of us to do.” He laughed and swallowed another mouthful of beer. “Don’t sweat it,” he smiled. “I’m good, just, maybe for the first time in years I’m just living my life and it’s wonderful.”
“Is it because of the beer? There’s a reason I always keep your favorite in the back of my fridge.” Jason grabbed a slice of the super cheesy and bacony pizza that Percy had brought him, his favorite, and slid into the chair next to the couch, chewing idly and looking at his friend. “Nearly every day. But I made a promise to a goddess to be Pontifex, and a promise to myself to go to school and I need money so I’ve got to work too… so really it’s just a matter of keeping up this pace for another three years and then I’ll have my degree and it’ll all be peachy keen… or selling a manuscript before that and becoming a published author so I don’t need to work anymore. But you know me, P… I like being busy. If I’ve got too much downtime I go crazy.” A smile crept across his face and he leaned forward to squeeze Percy’s knee, “That makes me happy, dude. I”m glad.  You definitely deserve this.”
“It may well be because of the beer, but it is also really nice to just get to hang out with a friend.” Percy smiled gently and swallowed another mouthful of ice cold beer. It was exactly what he needed after such a long and hard day. Shifting gently he shrugged. “You make too many promises Jason, when you commit to something you commit to it, I’ll give you that. But you’re stretching yourself too thin.” He wished that he could help his friend with this, but he had chosen this job and it was up to Jason to see it through. “I keep busy, but no so busy that I don’t ever have time off.” He taught swim classes and was the captain of the UNR swim team, he also studied full time and trained. “I’m lucky,” he knew it, despite the PTSD and everything that had ever happened to him, he knew that he was lucky. He knew that things could be much worse. “What about you?”
“We all know it’s the beer.” Jason threw a wink at Percy. Their long friendship made it easy for them to joke like this. When you’ve had someone’s blood all over your hands you get to joke with them a bit. “I make only the promises I intend to keep and the ones that need to be made. You know me, P. I gotta help however I can. Besides… as long as I have you and that genius girlfriend of yours to occasionally slap some sense into me.” He finished his piece of pizza and went to grab another from the box, “You get this from Pizza Place? Maxine’s getting better at this shit and it was already good as hell to begin with.” Sitting back down he shrugged and started in on his second pizza. “Life is life. I’m busy, therapy twice a week, I try to do some work on the Hill at least every weekend but you know what a fucking shitshow it is up there. Before you start to gripe at me I make sure to take at least two hours to do things just for me every night. I’m taking care of myself. Promise.” His eyes moved over to the large calendar hanging on the wall, filled with all sorts of dates and appointments, before he landed on a date heavily circled with a couple of stars on it, “New recruits come in a couple days. Ready for this year’s crop of scared kids?”
Shrugging gently, Percy laughed. “Well you are the one who is saying it is the beer, I won’t admit to anything.” He laughed and shook his head, he knew Jason was joking and it was always reassuring to have him make jokes at his own expense. That was when you knew you were with friends. Or in this case, his best friend. “Yeah, this is definitely one of Maxine’s finest works. I’ve been eating there since I arrived in New Rome and even I think that she is outdoing herself.” He chewed on his pizza and smiled, “You know how I worry about what could happen if someone didn’t make you look after yourself, besides Thalia wouldn’t let me get away with it if something were actually going to happen to you. I’m still pretty terrified of her shield.” He danced over the PTSD and the mention of therapy. This wasn’t the day for that. Jason’s suggestion made him laugh. “I doubt I’ll see much of them, I’m only covering a few training sessions for advanced swordsman, I won’t get to meet any of them for a while. I hope they’re ready though.”
With a twinkle in his eye Jason beamed at his friend, “Well that’s what brothers are for. Saying the inconvenient truths you won’t. I’m just here to keep you honest, Percito.” Jason debated on a third slice of pizza and decided to just sit and nurse his beer for a little while. “I can look after myself just fine, thank you. I have saved the world multiple times, a busy schedule is nothing compared to that. Though…. Thalia is more terrifying than Gaia and Krios combined.” He nodded as Percy talked, “I’m a little jealous. Reyna and Frank roped me into giving tours and being one of the on-call “if you need help settling in” people. One of the downsides of having an office at HQ. I doubt I’ll be very involved though. I’ll put on my best scary older legionnaire face and they’ll be too terrified to talk to me. Works like a charm every time and leaves me plenty of time to focus on the things that matter. Like homework, and movie nights.”
Laughing once more, Percy realised that he didn’t miss the nights that he had spent with legionnaires when he had first moved here. Hell he didn’t even miss being a counsellor at Camp Half Blood and that really told you that he had grown up. “Inconvenient or annoying truths?” He couldn’t hide his smirk and instead stuffed more pizza into his mouth. “Either way it is appreciated even if it isn’t convenient.” He shrugged gently and chewed on his pizza, “Well I wouldn’t go after her, I’m quite glad that she isn’t my sister. Although heaven help anyone who hurts you.” He shrugged gently and drank some more. “I do not miss those days, I am more than glad that there is a new generation of centurions who can cope with the nitty gritty details like settling in semi traumatised legionnaires and probatios.” Pretty much every demigod was partially traumatised. “Those are certainly important, but I hope you don’t have anyone who idolises you, that’s infuriating.”
Laughing along with his best friend, Jason stretched and twisted his broad frame until he was resting comfortably in the chair “she can be a hellion. An immortal, ageless, ferocious hellion.” A slight roll of his eyes and a shrug later he replied, finishing the last dregs of his beer “part of the job. Look intimidating in white robes and terrify them into doing well and fighting for the glory of Rome… and then praying to the gods that they don’t come knocking on my office doors.” He wandered over to the fridge and got them both two new beers, “That hasn’t happened in a year or so. Last one who was got a stern talking to by Reyna and Frank about what exactly constitutes stalking. I try to stay pretty aloof and unapproachable for that exact reason. I don’t have the time to deal with a wanted romantic partner let alone an unwanted one. Who has time for that?!” He chuckled wryly, mostly to himself. He hadn’t dated since Piper and though she kept trying to set him up with people, he was content to be single. “I know it’s early… but what’re you doing for Christmas this year?”
Gratefully accepting the new beer, Percy swallowed the last dregs of his current drink and held the ice cold bottle gingerly in his slender fingers. “Hashtag blessed ese,” he smirked gently and laughed before shrugging, “I never worry about you going rogue, I worry about Annabeth going rogue.” He thought back to his brief time in the legion and shrugged, the brand that had been tattooed onto his forearm seven years ago briefly popping into his mind. At least it looked cool. “I can’t blame them,” he said with a shrug, “I remember seeing Luke and Thalia in action and I was pretty awestruck, but you’re even more of a hero. The man who slayed the Trojan sea monster.” It was one of many of his best friends impressive accomplishments. “I get it, wanting to be single, from you it makes sense.” It was true. Jason deserved some time to himself, besides he was too busy to have a love life. “Mom and Gabby are going to Paul’s parents, so me and Annabeth will either stay here or go see her dad I guess. You? Either way, I expect to see you.”
“Who’s got the time to go rogue, dude? But gods help us if Annabeth ever does. We’d all be powerless in the face of her genius.” Jason’s cheeks flushed momentarily as he waved Percy’s compliments away “That was a long time ago. Now I’m just a dude doing dude things. and building temples. Nothing exciting. No monsters for this old man. Not if I can help it.” He couldn’t help but chuckle “but if I start getting a bunch of cats you gotta set me up on some dates, man. Don’t let me turn into that sad old man.” He knew Percy wouldn’t, even without asking. They looked out for each other, like they had since they first met, and he knew Percy had his back. “I haven’t decided. Either I’ll use my Pontifex sway to get a table at Bacchus’ for one or I’ll take a trip somewhere. I’m just trying to see who’s doing what.”
“Not to mention the amount of work it would be, by the Gods duelling a titan and giants was hard enough, when I fought Ares I was sure I was going to die.” Percy shrugged and smiled gently. It was nice that they could talk through things like this, even if they were mostly joking. “Just a demigod trying to have some kind of normal life, I get it.” He couldn’t think of anything better. Nodding gently Percy had to admit that he didn’t get to go home for Christmas nearly as often as he would have liked to be able to. Mostly because he was so busy, and the price of flying, it meant it was hard for him to work through it all. Pausing for a second, he nodded. “Well as I’m sure you already know, you’d be welcome to join me and Annabeth at any time. Christmas is a time for family.”
“I would honestly rather face Krios in single combat again than try to deal with a rogue Annabeth. That’s a depressing thought. Mostly for the titans. If a mortal woman is more terrifying than them.” Jason laughed, stretching, “well… as normal as we can get. We certainly don’t have the most normal lives, but we can get some sort of semblance of normality.” He gestured to the apartment around him “I’ve got a place. Houseplants. A bed that’s not a barracks bunk… this is pretty normal for us. It’s the kind of normal I can live with. Homework. Friends. Job. It’s a good normal and as long as I have you and Annabeth around I’m good.” His smile softened and mellowed, the smile of the content and loved, “I know. And the same goes for you guys. Wherever I am at Christmas there's always two places for you guys right next to me. I just sorta wanna get outta New Rome for it. No family to go to so I might just… go.”
“The titans are similar to the older and more conservative generation, they have stopped being relevant and that terrifies them.” Percy laughed. “As for Annabeth, well what can I say.” The pride in his voice wasn’t deliberate. But he couldn’t help but be fiercely proud of what she could do. She was way more impressive than any other demigod that she could think of. Smiling gently Percy thought about going away from it all for Christmas. Maybe that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. “I don’t know,” he sighed and shrugged, “I will have to see what Annabeth says, I’m not thinking just for me anymore.” He scratched the shadow of stubble that had crept across his face, tapping his fingers against his bottle of beer he smiled gently. It was true that this was as normal as things were to get for them. Maybe that wasn’t a bad thing. It was good to do something that didn’t have swords and blood as a main activity staple.
“Well… because we killed a bunch of them. That’s gotta really put a hitch in their panties.” Jason smiled at the clear pride Percy had in his girlfriend. They were a couple that loved and supported each other truly and deeply and Jason loved seeing it. “It’s not set in stone or anything. I’m just trying to figure out my options. But yeah… figure out what you guys are planning and let’s do something. Like normal mortal adults.” He sat comfortably in the chair for a long moment before heaving a giant sigh. “Alright. We gotta get some work done. Or at least I do. You can use my playstation if you want or do some work, but I’mma be writing shit. Be prepared for me asking you opinions on lines of shit. This is what you get for being my brother.” And he wouldn’t have asked for a better family.
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jobinterviewghost · 5 years
Big-hitting Shane Watson ends his spectacular BBL career | The West Australian
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The Sydney Thunder have been dealt a huge blow as clubs finalise their BBL09 rosters, with veteran Shane Watson announcing his retirement from the competition.
The skipper last year signed a two-year contract extension, but has decided to call stumps in order to spend more time with his family.
Watson departs as the club’s all-time leading run-scorer, with 1,014 to his name at an average of 26.68.
The 37-year-old, who is currently playing for the Chennai Super Kings in the IPL, was previously involved with the Sydney Sixers and Brisbane Heat, but played 40 of his 41 BBL matches in lime green.
“I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who has been involved with the Sydney Thunder over the last four seasons,” said Watson.
“I have so many amazing memories that I will savour forever with the one standout being our win in 2016.
“Finally, to my team mates, I have played with so many great people and cricketers at the club and I sincerely wish everyone the absolute best for the upcoming seasons.”
In January, Watson became the oldest BBL centurion, notching his first and only ton in the competition off just 61 deliveries.
But despite showing no signs of slowing down, the ageless right-hander has made the decision to leave professional cricket in Australia on a high.
Arguably Australia’s most prolific white-ball player in history, Watson called time on his decorated International career in 2016 after 59 Tests, 190 ODIs and 58 T20s.
Watson’s individual portfolio boasts two Allan Border medals, 10 white ball centuries and more than 200 wickets for Australia, on top of the team triumphs he’s been involved in.
The allrounder’s longevity has seen him take part in two winning World Cup campaigns, a BBL title and two IPL championships.
Watson will continue to play in T20 competitions overseas, most notably the IPL and Pakistan Super League, after being crowned the latter’s Most Valuable Player last month.
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nemesisadrastia · 7 years
This is a list of 800+ character titles I’ll be continuously updating. The current number of titles will be below the cut, so I don’t have to chase after different version of this. This list is going to be one of unusual titles that you won’t really find in any other masterlist (at least, not any that I’ve seen around), so if you need something more descriptive and unique to use for your characters or your RPG, I’m sure this is a good list for you.
CURRENT TITLE COUNT: 908 [since 09/08/18]
The Abdicator
The Abhorrent
The Abomination
The Abrasive
The Accommodator
The Ace
The Achiever
The Acidic
The Acolyte
The Acrobat
The Activist
The Adherent
The Admiral
The Adventurer
The Adviser
The Advocate
The Afflicted
The Ageless
The Agent
The Aggressor
The Agitator
The Alchemist
The Almighty
The Alpha Wolf
The Altruist
The Amateur
The Ambassador
The Ambitious
The Ambulatory
The Analyser
The Analyst
The Anarchist
The Angel
The Annihilator
The Anointed
The Anointer
The Antagonist
The Anti-Hero
The Apollo
The Apothecary
The Apprentice
The Arcanist
The Archer
The Architect
The Archivist
The Aristocrat
The Armed
The Artful
The Artificer
The Artisan
The Artist
The Ascendant
The Ascended
The Assassin
The Asserter
The Assistant
The Associate
The Athlete
The Audacious
The Authentic
The Avaricious
The Avenger
The Awakened
The Babbler
The Babelfish
The Backstabber
The Badass
The Balance
The Bandit
The Banshee
The Barbarian
The Barber
The Bard
The Baron
The Bastion
The Bear
The Beast
The Beastly
The Beginner
The Beguiler
The Behemoth
The Belle
The Benefactor
The Beneficiary
The Benevolent
The Berserker
The Betrayer
The Binder
The Blacksmith
The Blademaster
The Blaze
The Blazing Light
The Blessing
The Blight
The Blighted
The Blister
The Blogger
The Bloodletter
The Bloodseeker
The Bloodthirster
The Boatswain
The Bohemian
The Bombardier
The Bonecrusher
The Bouncer
The Bountiful
The Bounty Hunter
The Brain
The Brave
The Brawler
The Brigand
The Broker
The Brutal
The Brute
The Buccaneer
The Builder
The Burglar
The Butcher
The Campaigner
The Candidate
The Canoness
The Capitalist
The Captain
The Caregiver
The Caretaker
The Carpenter
The Cat
The Catalyst
The Cavalier
The Centurion
The Challenger
The Chameleon
The Champion
The Changeling
The Chaotic
The Charismatic
The Charmer
The Chaser
The Chef
The Chief
The Child
The Chosen
The Cipher
The Clairvoyant
The Classifier
The Cleaner
The Clear-Sighted
The Cleric
The Clever
The Clumsy
The Cold-Blooded
The Collaborator
The Collector
The Colossus
The Commander
The Commando
The Committed
The Companion
The Competent
The Competitor
The Compiler
The Composer
The Comprehended
The Condemned
The Confidant
The Confounder
The Confused
The Connoisseur
The Conqueror
The Conscience
The Conspirator
The Consul
The Contender
The Contractor
The Contrarian
The Cook
The Cool-Headed
The Coordinator
The Corrupt
The Corrupted
The Corrupter
The Corsair
The Cougar
The Count
The Courtesan
The Cowboy
The Cowgirl
The Coyote Man
The Craftsman
The Crafty
The Crapshooter
The Critic
The Cruel
The Crusader
The Crusher
The Cryptic
The Cunning
The Curiosity
The Customer
The Cutthroat
The Cynic
The Dama Rossa
The Damned
The Dandy
The Dangerous
The Dauntless
The Dawn
The Deacon
The Deadly Shadow
The Deathless
The Debater
The Debris
The Deceiver
The Deconstructor
The Dedicated
The Defender
The Defensive
The Defiled
The Delinquent
The Demolisher
The Demon
The Dependable
The Deprogrammer
The Designer
The Desperado
The Despot
The Destroyer
The Destructive
The Determined
The Devastator
The Developer
The Devoted
The Dexterous
The Diplomat
The Director
The Disciple
The Discoverer
The Distractor
The Doctor
The Dominator
The Dragon
The Drake
The Dreamer
The Drifter
The Druid
The Drunkard
The Duelist
The Duke
The Dutiful
The Dynamo
The Eager
The Eagle
The Earl
The Eccentric
The Economist
The Efficient
The Effigy
The Ego
The Elder
The Elitist
The Elusive
The Emissary
The Emotionless
The Empath
The Emperor
The Enchantress
The Encyclopedia
The Enduring
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692 notes · View notes
setaside2 · 8 years
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The last remaining tree at the House of Hands. It's not often you see a remnant such as this, with patterns of detritus and scattered growth clearly a warrior's armor cast off in flight, backed to the bluff knowing itself to be the last of the last, the lone wooded centurion where once were legions. The rivers flowed, here, then, and with regularity: watering holes where the natural order of things suggested truce in survival, a place where hunters and the hunted, and those who were both, could settle and center, take stock of their roles, appreciating the beauty in the order and connectivity of it all. Those were moments of respite, of near serenity, within eras of admitted savagery both in the behaviors of the troposphere and in the denizens of those who lived beneath it. Today the waterways have receded entirely, commuted to beds of iron and silicon still carved by eddies though they be of wind, ripples in the dunes refined by years of the evaporative chain and the occasional sidewinder seeking a place to sun before the the chase begins at dusk. There is nothing until it is too much, either inversion or flash flood, and our guardian, knowing this is no way to live understands the chivalry in being the last of its kind: it must represent. And so doing, it stands as tall as insufficient nutrients and the wearing of age allow, still full of the plumage of a peridot matrix in situ atop a nearly petrified core... Never stone, no, never, living and ageless and stunning in its perseverance, its loneliness, its contrasts, its total commitment to the tale. We leave it here at its inevitable last stand, knowing how the story will end: the tragedy of relativity, the ironic beauty in being, the soldier in the desert swan song, a figment of dreaming absorbed by the greater plane not so much forgotten as assimilated; another totem on the ancestral trail with a name we'll never remember, and a weighted gravity we cannot help but know within our own ever rushing channels of iron and salt and their hemoglobin carrier, as the mimic of our future selves. (at Monument Valley Park)
0 notes
wildcatofgreen · 2 years
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"You said her artifact can teleport her, correct?"
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"Well, yeah, but--"
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"Then there is nothing more that needs to be said. If you can be with her, then call her to you. Failing that, go to her. Enjoy her presence, bask in her love.
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"You might never know when it's your last time to do so. I would rather you not suffer the same fate as me."
The centurion stood, and without another word, left the metallic chamber, left this personal hell, to move on to another.
That wildcat...
It reminded her too much of Cordelia. From how the hatchling described her, she had that same snark and joy, even down to having a similar stone, though, her's sounds much more powerful than Cordelia's.
Curious. How a stray like her landed upon power like that?
The centurion can only hope she doesn't abuse it, or let it fall into the hands of bastards.
Anonymous asked: So, are you gonna go visit her?
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"I mean... I wanna, right?
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"But that ain't how the gem works!!! Like, I like Cory's idea as much as the next guy, but it ain't like I can just think really hard an' be brought 'ta her!!! It ain't how it works!!!"
#''stupid cory. she doesnt understand anything.'' #''think she's hot shit yeah well TOO BAD YOU AINT NOTHIN' SIS. 3:<''
Anonymous asked: How are you gonna see her again?
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"I... I don't know. Outside of just telling her to fly over here.
"I'm not even sure if what Merga said to do was a good idea. I mean, Carol's probably super busy being the Battlesphere Champion by now. I wouldn't want to interrupt that. Especially for something not important."
#I have this pit in my stomach... #Was I really so easy to read...?
Anonymous asked: Do you think she feels the same?
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"Noooot even slightly, bub. She's 'prolly smoochin' with some guy down there, wherever she is.
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"Stones, she's probably not even gay!!! What the hell am I thinkin', man??? Cory's got all these stupid ideas in my head now. Stones damn it!!!"
#''when this is all over im kicking her ass.''
Anonymous asked: Do you think she feels the same?
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"I don't know. I mean, I've thought about it before. She always gets a little bit flustered around me, whenever I get too close.
"I didn't think much of it back then. But, maybe...
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"Oh, who am I kidding? That girl's probably straight as a board. I think she just wasn't used to being touched back then. Last time we were together, she was perfectly fine."
#This whole idea is stupid anyway.
Anonymous asked: Do you want to be with her?
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"More than anythin', really.
"But I jus'... I can't even see it happenin'. It dun't feel possible."
#''she's gonna reject me i already know it i already know it i already know it''
Anonymous asked: Do you want to be with her?
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"I didn't realize it before, but all of those feelings... all of those times I felt safe and fuzzy around her...
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"I guess I do.
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"But it's too late now, isn't it? It's not like I can talk to her again without going mainland."
#Maybe /this/ is my biggest regret...
Anonymous asked: Isn't there ANY way you contact her?
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"Look, I'mma text her right now. An' when it says ''service unreachable'', y'all can get on all fours an' eat my ass, got it?"
#''y'all're stupid as shit i swear'' #''what part of ''i havent talked to her in weeks'' are y'all not gettin' here''
wildcatofgreen: sup lyli i know this message aint gettin to ya but im try'na prove a point.
The water dragon froze.
Her phone just lit up.
Was that... Carol?
But... how??? What???? She doesn't have reception!!! How is she...
lilmissheropants: Lol! Idk how you're texting me right now but whatever you're doing, keep doing it!!!
The wildcat froze, almost dropping her phone out of her hand.
Excuse her??? She responded??? But, what? How??? She doesn't have reception!!! How's she supposed to--
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught something.
That stupid green gemerald--it's glowing brighter than usual.
Hell, of course this would be that thing's fault. Of course.
Well, she can actually thank it for once. This was only purely a good thing.
wildcatofgreen: kkay i figured it out on my own blame the gemerald lilmissheropants: Again? How much trouble has that thing gotten you in??? wildcatofgreen: lmao how much do you think lyli lilmissheropants: Way too much!!! lilmissheropants: You should totally get rid of that thing sometime. wildcatofgreen: girl we literally wouldnt be talkin rn if i didnt have it wildcatofgreen: be thankful lilmissheropants: Good point LOL
The two had texted each other for hours, speaking about the past couple of weeks, catching each other up on their lives. Lilac would tell a story about foraging, Carol would tell a story about Neera. Lilac would tell a story about all the pretty sights and the new people she's met, Carol would tell a story about another one of Milla's potions. On and on and on this would go, until the dragon finally said something different.
lilmissheropants: Hey... can I tell you something? wildcatofgreen: duh. we wouldnt be besties if you couldnt
They both would wince at the word--Carol for having to use it, Lilac for seeing it.
lilmissheropants: I...
The dragon stroke her fingers across the phone's keyboard, a collection of characters appearing in the bar--the letter combinations made nothing but words of gibberish. It seems like she was stalling.
lilmissheropants: Merga told me something. wildcatofgreen: big fish lady droppin the DEETS wildcatofgreen: what she say? what she say? lilmissheropants: That you should come visit!! wildcatofgreen: i aint stealin another plane that shit's exhaustin lilmissheropants: No like, with you're gemerald! lilmissheropants: Dummy! wildcatofgreen: *your :3c wildcatofgreen: sdi this is what cory said too lilmissheropants: She wants you to visit? wildcatofgreen: somethin like that wildcatofgreen: she wants me to just teleport to you usin the gemerald but how tf am i gonna do that wildcatofgreen: you and i both know i cant CONTROL this thing wildcatofgreen: last time it threw me anywhere i was neck deep in an alternate brevon's business and you KNOW you dont want me to go through that shit again lilmissheropants: Don't remind me. XC lilmissheropants: I don't know then lilmissheropants: Maybe I could go over there? wildcatofgreen: lmao with what money girl wildcatofgreen: you got enough money to catch a plane? lilmissheropants: I mean, I don't need money to go over there. I got over to Parusa by ''hitching a ride'', if you know what I mean! X) wildcatofgreen: never thought id see the day where MY lyli is stealing free plane rides wildcatofgreen: for shame for shame lilmissheropants: You'd do it too and you know it! wildcatofgreen: yeah and stealin's like wildcatofgreen: my THING wildcatofgreen: you'd think you'd know that by now. ;/ lilmissherpants: LOL I'm gonna beat your BUTT when I get back up there! wildcatofgreen: mhm yeah okay try me lyli wildcatofgreen: im an amazin kung fu kitty ill be all like WATCHA WAHBAM WHABLAM!!!! and youll be on the floor like ''oh no carol please have mercy wah wah wah'' lilmissheropants: LOL XD lilmissheropants: Suuuure you would! Like I don't win most of our sparring matches!!! wildcatofgreen: and besides i dont think itd be a good idea for you to come back up here for like wildcatofgreen: what wildcatofgreen: a day? wildcatofgreen: you got your dragon stuff i got my battlesphere stuff wildcatofgreen: we'd just be wasting each other's time really
A pit fell into both of their stomachs.
The dragon stared at the feline's words, solemnly rubbing her thumb against the screen. She... she had a point, didn't she? Why would she bother? Her time would be better spent just... studying. Figuring out that language, learning about her people, things like that.
A groan, a whimper. When she's right, she's right.
Meanwhile, the wildcat was holding her head in her hands, screaming (internally, for once). What the hell was she doing??? Why was she just pushing her away like this??? What the hell's the point? To make herself even more miserable than before? To create her own special hell, to dig herself deeper to that pit???
She wants to see her--she desperately wants to see her. It's the least, the very least she can do. And hell, if Lilac's offering, then...
The two responded, their timing near identical.
wildcatofgreen: i mean ofc this aint to say that you shouldnt come i think you probably should lilmissheropants: Yeah I don't know what I was thinking. It was a silly idea anyway.
They blinked. A lull in their response time as they looked over the other's sent words.
Then, they responded again.
wildcatofgreen: i mean shit we've done sillier but if you dont wanna come im cool with that that's fine lilmissheropants: Though if you WANT me to come I'm not opposed to it.
Another lull, another blink.
The wildcat was the first to respond this time.
wildcatofgreen: okay okay okay what the hell are we doing here wildcatofgreen: are you visiting or not we cant keep going around in circles like this lilmissheropants: If lilmissheropants: You want me to come? I'll come! wildcatofgreen: alright then its settled wildcatofgreen: but like wildcatofgreen: when?
A final lull, and a final identical timing.
lilmissheropants: I could come over tomorrow if it's not a problem? wildcatofgreen: maybe tomorrow so all this can be done faster
This caused the two to erupt in laughter. They knew each other so well, been around each other for so long--they were just steps away from finishing each other's sentences. It was so stupid, so very, very stupid.
But it was great--incredible, even, that they were like this. That they were so in sync like this. A bond that could never be broken. A love that could never be stomped.
wildcatofgreen: well alright then guess tomorrow it is! lilmissheropants: Alright! lilmissheropants: It's a date!
Anonymous asked: You two are dating now?
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"What? No. She didn't mean it like that, you dope.
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"A calendar date. Get your head out your ass."
#''wait'' #''could she...?'' #''nah thatd be stupid'' #''its just a normal friends thing thats all''
Anonymous asked: A ''date''?
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"Do you think that was too forward? Do you think she'll know before tomorrow...?
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"I don't know why but, the thought of her knowing, it just..."
#I shouldn't be so scared #But I am... #I don't know why #It doesn't make sense...
Anonymous asked: Do you think you're ready to see her again?
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"As ready as I'll ever be. Stones, Iun't even know what 'ta say. Do I jus' like, act normal? Or do I like say somethin' right off the bat? Or maybe I jus' dun't do anythin' and act like it's just friends bein' friends! Right?"
#''fuck dude you got no idea the anxiety runnin through my head rn'' #''i know she doesnt like me i know she doesnt like me i KNOW she doesnt like me'' #''but why is this givin me so much fuckin' HOPE?'' #''UGH''
Anonymous asked: Do you think you're ready to see her again?
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"I don't have much of a choice but to be ready, right?
"Whatever happens, happens. And I gotta deal with it."
Anonymous asked: How will this affect your Battlesphere Champion try out?
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"Right. Those things are on the same day, y'know. Almost forgot about it, really.
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"I'm thinkin' I jus'... skip it, right? Like, if it comes in between me and her... it should be her everytime. No matter how cool it is."
#''and if shit falls through i could always ask to do a redo right'' #''or i can jus focus on my mechanics stuff more'' #''like i got options i aint gonna be broke if i dont do this thing'' #''i think.''
Anonymous sked: How's this going to affect your learning?
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"It's just a day off, right? Leave tomorrow, come back the next day.
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"And... Merga told me to do it, so I should be fine both ways, right?" Right?
#It'll be like I never left. #I just hope everything goes well tomorrow...
The wildcat rolled over in her bed, groaning all the while. She's never felt more dread in her life. This idea was stupid, just exceedingly stupid. Damn it, why'd she convince herself into this!!! Why'd she convince Lilac into this??? It's just gonna end in regret and sorrow she knows it she knows it she knows it!!!
She knew she had to get up, she knew she had to get up, but stones she really, really did not want to.
Hell, Lilac might not even come, right? Who knows how many planes there are out of Parusa? That place is barely an island!!! No way would it have consistent flight schedules--
lilmissheropants: Good morning, sleepy head! lilmissheropants: Just got on the plane! I think I'll be up there an about an hour. lilmissheropants: Wait for me, okay? Talk to ya soon! <3 lilmissheropants: Oh! And don't tell anyone I'm coming, okay? I don't want to hang out with anyone but YOU today!
The dragon clicked her phone off then shoved it in her pocket. A sigh escaped her maw. She looked up at the plane's hull, then nodded to herself, encircling herself with her latent energy and using it all to boost herself on top of the hull. She landed with only a little bit of trouble, steadying herself upright only after a moment or two. She smirked to herself, rubbing her nose with her index finger in a fashion much like Carol would.
She can run faster than this thing can fly. This is gonna go without a hitch.
wildcatofgreen: talk to ya soon lyli wildcatofgreen: your secret's safe with me :3c wildcatofgreen: have a safe flight <3
Hell, this was really happening, wasn't it? She was already coming up here, as if it wasn't a thing at all.
Well, if she was the only one who didn't show up, it'd be embarrassing on both their parts.
So, with a sigh, she'd drag herself out of bed.
She was gonna see Lyli again! She needs to calm down.
Because seriously, what's the worse that could happen?
"Okay, okay, okay, but like," the wildcat couldn't help but wave her hands at the dragon as they walked, "I expected ya 'ta be in the plane, girl! Not on it!!!"
"What, you've never seen a flying dragon before?" There was this aura of smugness in the dragon's tone, with an equally smug smirk attached.
"Not one like that! That's dangerous!!!" She elbowed the dragon's shoulder, "What, 'cause ya been on one giant flyin' dragon ya think ya can tame planes, too?"
She put her hands on her hips and stopped to stare at the feline. "This is coming the girl who does wheelies on her motorcycle on guardrails for fun. On the highway!"
The feline does a heel turn, putting a hand on her chest as she moon walks away from the dragon. "Y'see, that's different! You can easily fall off of a plane. I could never fall off my bike~." She radiated that same smugness the dragon did just a moment ago.
And to this, the dragon crossed her arms against her chest as she walked forward again, an eyebrow raised at the cat. "Yeah, sure, tell that to the walls."
"Oh come on!!!" She threw her hands in the air! "You know walls are my mortal enemy. They'd put a stop 'ta me no matter what!"
The two couldn't help but burst in shared laughter, the feline turning back around and waiting for the dragon to come next to her again. And, once she was in range, she'd put her arm over the dragon's shoulder, walking along with her as she does so.
It felt so nice to be together again, even if it was just for a day. It felt so comfortable, so relaxing, to have your best friend by your side. Knowing that she'd always have your back, knowing that you could always chill out and not have to worry about anything anymore. As long as she was there.
"So, Lyli, what'cha wanna do first? Go to our favorite sushi place? Or maybe we can get some udon? Oh, oh! Maybe we can be fancy and get some unagi, too!!!"
At this, the dragon had to think, putting a hand to her chin.
"Carol, have you ever had Adobo before?"
And to this, the wildcat stared blankly. "I... dun't think so? What is that?"
The dragon wasted no time, grabbing the wildcat's arm wrapped around her and running off to... somewhere. "Then lets not waste any time!!! I wanna show you all the awesome foods I had in Parusa!"
Apparently, Parusian food's been around the three kingdoms for a while. Lilac and Carol remembered seeing some of their food spots way back when, but never bothered actually going in and checking it out. Thankfully, because of Lilac's time on Parusa, and finding what little bits of crystals she can around the area, she had a pretty decent knowledge of their food going in. Sure, most of the time she ate fish, but whenever she could she'd buy something from the restaurants. It was just that good.
Carol seemed to think so, too! She gobbled up everything that was thrown at her--adobo, sinigang, kaldereta, longganisa, she loved it all!!!
Meanwhile, Lilac noted that, while it was good, it seems like Parusian dishes had a certain charm if they were made in Parusa.
After their little food escapade, the two just hung out! As if they hadn't been separated to begin with. They raced, watched T.V., hit the local arcade, people watched--they tried to do anything and everything they could in the time allotted!!
Though, they did have a mutual agreement--nothing too close to the Royal Palace or Shang Mu. Which, Shang Mu wouldn't be too hard to avoid--it's an entirely different kingdom, all they had to do was not go on that highway.
The palace, however, was a different story. A lot of times, they sort of just absentmindedly wandered over there--one would think that, with these two being in Shang Tu so much over the years, they'd know the layout by heart. But apparently not--or if they knew it by heart, it very obviously wasn't well.
But, luckily, it seemed like they weren't spotted, at least.
Eventually, the sun started to set and the lights of Shang Tu started to turn on. Their time was running out.
Yet, there was one more place, one last place that the dragon wished to visit. A place she hasn't been to in a while, frankly.
She wanted to go see an old friend.
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 8 years
The Lone Squire
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iOu4A6
by marylou
During the Lone Centurion's long watch over the Pandorica, he meets someone who understands.
Words: 264, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of While Arthur Slept
Fandoms: The Squire's Tales Series - Gerald Morris, Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Auton Rory Williams, Terence (Squire's Tales)
Additional Tags: there are like no official st tags, ageless terence, The Lone Centurion
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iOu4A6
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Anonymous asked: Do you like Lilac?
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"Nope!!! This is a trick question!!! I ain't answerin' it!!!! Foxtrot yankee!!!!!"
Anonymous asked: You don't like Lilac?
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". . .
"Look, lissen, I jus'...
"I know what you're askin'. I ain't dumb.
"But I ain't gonna say anythin' about that 'ta you. Not a chance."
Anonymous asked: Have you ever been on a date?
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"Not really, no.
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"Not unless you count that time me and Carol went to the Battlesphere!
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"That's a date but it's not like, a real date. We were kids! And me and Carol are just friends! So it doesn't really count."
Anonymous asked: Have you ever been on a date?
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"Nope. Next question."
#''why is my love life so INTERESTING for you guys'' #''are you okay? do you need help? neera's got a therapist i can recommend''
Anonymous asked: Would you kiss her?
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"Kiss... who?"
#There's not a lot of people I'd want to kiss #But #... #You need to be more specific.
Anonymous asked: Would you kiss her?
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#''i... i wish i could.'' #''i really really wish i could.''
Anonymous asked: Do you love her?
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#''stones damn it. damn it damn it DAMN IT!!!'' #''of course i love her.'' #''ive loved her for YEARS'' #''how could i not love her''
Anonymous asked: Do you love her?
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"Love... who?"
#If it's who I think you're talking about...
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The hatchling's footsteps echoed against the metallic halls of centurion's old chamber, the place where they created her, the place where her life was irrevocably changed.
The centurion was not sure why she wished to spend so much time here, was not sure why she grew a fondness for this hell. The broken glass tubes, the ever prominent smell of rust and decay, the life she once had...
Anyone else would have wanted to leave. Yet.
She couldn't help but stay.
It was so deep underground that, somehow, someway, the flora outside these walls had yet to step inside--to seep their way back into the world they were once banished from. Almost as if somebody had been taking care of this place.
Yet, when she came, when she lead the hatchling to find her, she found no such person other than herself.
These halls were empty. And they would remain as such, with only the hatchling and the centurion to occupy them.
Currently, the last of the water dragons was thinking, staring, watching the walls, perched up upon an old, rusted metal box.
She was used to this, this silent thought. She had gotten used to it for hundreds and hundreds of years. What was another couple seconds, in the grand scheme?
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She did nothing but grunt, slightly looking towards the hatchling.
She had started finding her, as she called it, ''hiding spots''. She was getting adept at knowing where the centurion spent her time.
And this time, it appeared she had a question.
Holding her upper arm with her other hand, the hatchling would slowly step inside, step towards the monster.
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"Can I... ask you something?"
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"What is it, child?" Her cadence, always harsh, always meant to drive people away, meant to instill fear into their hearts. Calling the young woman a child was just a force of habit--she hadn't always dealt with those much younger than her, much less mature than her. Yet, names other than their own were always given to them, for she had never known an actual child--it was all in passing. Children, hatchlings, younglings, all the same to her. All the same.
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"B-Back on Bakunawa--...actually, even before then. On Parusa, there's..." She trailed off. The centurion could see the nerves coat her entire being. It bothered her, it made her impatient.
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"Well?" She flicked the end of her tail against the floor, even just the small end made a reverberating slap against metal. It caused the hatchling to jump. It would almost make the centurion laugh, had she cared to.
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"Before we left Parusa, before we left to go and stop you... there was something I had wanted to check up on. "Throughout Parusa, there were these... these time capsules. Audio logs. They were scattered through the lands. I was just collecting them, absentmindedly. "But, when I got to back Parusa's water dragon museum, that lady, the one who showed up on Bakunawa..." She trailed off again.
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"So, you found her diary."
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"Calm yourself, hatchling. I've known she's maintained one throughout our years. She's told me of the earth dragon's technology, how they could record audio before we had suitable ways to live on land, how they were space fairers before any of our turmoil transpired. I am not ignorant to their methods. Nor could I ever be."
A pause, a glance back at the shattered tubes.
The hatchling found herself sitting next to the metal box, looking up at the centurion as she spoke.
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"You two seemed... really close. It... actually reminded me of someone. Someone back home.
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"What... was she, to you? Was she..." She trailed off.
The centurion thought, for a moment.
She could explain and extrapolate it in many, many ways. Ways that could be described as poetry, or a possibly even as novella. Her words could paint a picture like no other, tell a story like no other, they could share her pain and sorrow felt throughout her many years of living, as if it were nothing at all.
She was sure she didn't need to. Knowing this dragon, one apt comparison could tell her all that she needs.
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"I suppose... she is to me what the wildcat is to you."
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"C-Carol? I mean... she's my best friend!
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"I-I guess I can understand that! If something ever happened to her, stones I don't know what I'd do!!!"
The centurion couldn't help it, this time. First, a small chuckle. Then, a hearty guffaw. Finally, an erupting laughter, echoed throughout the metal walls of this damned chamber. To see the hatchling hide it so poorly? To think that she could get it past her, someone over ten times her age?
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"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, hatchling, you should tell me more about your modern comedic wits. Surely you aren't so blind? Surely you know it better than I?"
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She hung her head low, her nerves making their full appearance, "...K-Know what?"
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Bob Willis Trophy: Derbyshire win again, while Lancashire and Kent complete first victories
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Matt Critchley starred with the ball as Derbyshire beat East Midlands competitors Leicestershire
Derbyshire leg-spinner Matt Critchley conjured up his facet’s second straight Bob Willis Trophy do away with as he took a career-simplest 6-73 to encourage beat Leicestershire.
On high of final week’s rousing do away with over Nottinghamshire at Trent Bridge, Derbyshire bowled out their diversified East Midlands neighbours for 220 to draw up a nine-wicket do away with.
Unfancied Derbyshire trip high of North Neighborhood, sooner than Lancashire, who got off the sign with a tickled innings do away with over Durham.
The third of three victories internal three days came at Canterbury, the set aside Kent pair Jordan Cox and Jack Leaning draw unique batting data prior to the ageless Darren Stevens took 5-50 to bowl his facet to an innings victory.
The diversified extra unhappy headline makers in South Neighborhood were luckless Hampshire.
The day after shedding England’s Liam Dawson for the season with a ruptured Achilles tendon, they lost speedy bowler Ryan Stevenson who suffered a corrupt leg harm.
He indispensable extended medicine after sliding into a metal tent pole, fragment of 1 of the marquees on the boundary edge at Middlesex’s most up-to-date outground home at Radlett.
Sunday: Somerset wrap up do away with internal two days
Saturday: England returnees fail in Bob Willis Trophy
Relive Monday’s action in the Bob Willis Trophy
North Neighborhood
After wins over Nottinghamshire and now Leicestershire, who started this spherical of fixtures on high of North Neighborhood, Derbyshire might per chance per chance presumably now face their hardest test yet when they trip to Leeds this Saturday to face pre-occasion group favourites Yorkshire.
Nonetheless, after successful their opening group sport, Yorkshire might per chance per chance well need a job on their fingers to manufacture it two wins from two themselves.
No matter 75 from England’s Jonny Bairstow and an unbeaten 41 from Jonny Tattersall, the Tykes closed on 257-7 against Notts at Trent Bridge, simplest 168 forward and with handsome three wickets in hand.
Lancashire, for the moment, are up to second in the group, after their pacemen bowled out Durham at Chester-le-Street for handsome 110 – their first do away with and the hosts’ second defeat.
Liam Hurt, who took 4-27 in simplest his second top quality match, Tom Bailey (3-11) and ex-Notts man Luke Wood, who took 2-31 on his Lancs debut, did the harm.
Central Neighborhood
Warwickshire personal their sights draw on a imaginable final-day escape scramble at Bristol against Gloucestershire alternatively it could presumably take some doing on such a boring discover.
For the third successive day, runs came at a trickle as the Bears were bowled out for 247, a first innings lead of 37. They then restricted the hosts to 197-6 second time spherical, of which Graeme van Buuren made 72.
Worcestershire started the week high of the group, prior to being displaced by Somerset, two-day winners over Northants on Sunday evening. Nonetheless they’d well need their work crop out to force a final-day victory against Glamorgan.
Billy Root hit 118 as Glamorgan totalled 374, which became 81 in arrears on first innings.
The Pears reached 98-2 by the shut to prolong that overnight again to 179, Daryl Mitchell closing on 48 after the leisurely lack of first-innings centurion Jake Libby (44) and nightwatchman Joe Leach to the final ball of the day for a fifth-ball duck.
The timing of any Worcestershire declaration would be a truly worthy nonetheless Glamorgan’s must do away with after shedding their first sport might per chance per chance presumably furthermore uncover a perfect ingredient in putting in place a thrilling finale.
South Neighborhood
Jack Leaning and Jordan Cox positioned on an unbroken stand of 423 for Kent
Stars of the demonstrate at Canterbury were Kent unique boys Cox and Leaning, who rewrote the county’s batting data against hapless Sussex.
The pair extended their overnight double-century stand to 423 – the very supreme partnership for any wicket in Kent’s 156-365 days history, teen Cox reaching 238 no longer out, on simplest his fifth top quality appearance, whereas Leaning, their iciness signing from Yorkshire, made 220 no longer out, furthermore a career-simplest.
Unnerved Sussex then buckled to the wiles of 44-365 days-light Stevens, bowled out for 173 to lose by an innings and 25 runs.
After Stevenson’s collision with that metal tent pole at Radlett, on high of the absence of Dawson, shrimp-primitive off-spinner Felix Organ came to the occasion with 4-42 to encourage bowl out Middlesex for 201 and leave Hampshire a target of 158 to do away with.
Though they personal got handsome nine match batsmen, Hampshire closed on 60-2 and, with skipper Sam Northeast no longer out overnight, might per chance per chance well amassed ranking the job carried out.
At Chelmsford, weakened Surrey closed on 27-1, amassed needing a additional 310 to beat Essex. That became after Essex had been bowled out for 261, of which Paul Walter made 46 and Alastair Cook 42.
Off-spinner Amar Virdi and on-mortgage Worcestershire paceman Adam Finch both took four wickets for Surrey.
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jobinterviewghost · 5 years
Big-hitting Shane Watson ends his spectacular BBL career | PerthNow
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The Sydney Thunder have been dealt a huge blow as clubs finalise their BBL09 rosters, with veteran Shane Watson announcing his retirement from the competition.
The skipper last year signed a two-year contract extension, but has decided to call stumps in order to spend more time with his family.
Watson departs as the club’s all-time leading run-scorer, with 1,014 to his name at an average of 26.68.
The 37-year-old, who is currently playing for the Chennai Super Kings in the IPL, was previously involved with the Sydney Sixers and Brisbane Heat, but played 40 of his 41 BBL matches in lime green.
“I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who has been involved with the Sydney Thunder over the last four seasons,” said Watson.
“I have so many amazing memories that I will savour forever with the one standout being our win in 2016.
“Finally, to my team mates, I have played with so many great people and cricketers at the club and I sincerely wish everyone the absolute best for the upcoming seasons.”
In January, Watson became the oldest BBL centurion, notching his first and only ton in the competition off just 61 deliveries.
But despite showing no signs of slowing down, the ageless right-hander has made the decision to leave professional cricket in Australia on a high.
Arguably Australia’s most prolific white-ball player in history, Watson called time on his decorated International career in 2016 after 59 Tests, 190 ODIs and 58 T20s.
Watson’s individual portfolio boasts two Allan Border medals, 10 white ball centuries and more than 200 wickets for Australia, on top of the team triumphs he’s been involved in.
The allrounder’s longevity has seen him take part in two winning World Cup campaigns, a BBL title and two IPL championships.
Watson will continue to play in T20 competitions overseas, most notably the IPL and Pakistan Super League, after being crowned the latter’s Most Valuable Player last month.
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