#age regressor!soul tails
sodasbubble · 3 months
I did an art! This is an agere version of the Soul Tails art I posted on my main. I think he would definitely regress!
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Gave him some cozy clothes, he needs it. I also think he likes the design of the red rings and would have them on his stuff a lot, Idk why :^
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idontknowmyownmind · 2 years
Sibling Cale and KRS AU 2.0
‼️No Twin AU
Older Cale & Younger Roksoo
7 years age gap
Reincarnator Roksoo
Regressor Cale‼️
About reincarnator Roksoo
- He was 6 or 7 when he died
- His uncle went to far
- He imprint on Cale and love and treasure him the most, even more than his /new/ parents
- Jour died when he was 1 year old
- He doesn't have much memories of his /new/ mother and his father is not present
- Cale is a constant presence beside him. He always there, no matter how lost he is, his big brother will always found him
- He become chatty, bright, and shine the most in his older brother presence (like a puppy that always wagged its tail near its owner)
- The reason is because his first memory in this life is a little but warm hand, shooting eyes and voice, a warm and safe hug, and his brother red hair
- Roksoo will always run to Cale for hugs everytime he caught a glimpse of him
- Like being petted by only his hyung
- Like to cuddle with his hyung
- No one is allowed to touch his head or hair beside his hyung, he even flinch from his father's hands
- Its born from the trauma of his past life where the reason of his death is a wound on head
- His name in this life is Eros Henituse
About regressor Cale
- In his first life, he is not known as trash but a rude and arrogant young master
- He accepted his step-family but he doesn't love them as family
- For Cale, they are like a distant family he's not particularly like or dislike and care for
- Cale definition of mother is Jour, so he doesn't quite know what to make of Violan
- Basen is to meek and timid for Cale, so he ignore him for most times
- Deruth was a faint presence in his first life
- The only constant he had were Ron and Vicross
- He died at the age of 18 when CH beat him up
- He wandered as ghost after that and know everything that happens after his death (his knowledge is as much as good, if not more, than TCF!Cale)
- He then regress but different from before, he got a baby brother from his mother
- Jour gave her AP to Cale
- In his second life, Jour died for having a weak body after a year giving a birth to Eros
- Cale just know that his baby brother is probably like him, a poor soul the God took pity on
- He also found the signs of PTSD because in his first life, he took care of a bunch of orphan and kids from slump
- The moment he laid his eyes to the baby, before he know that Eros is the same as him, he swore to himself that he will loves this precious existence with everything he have
- He is the one who take care of baby Eros since their mother death
- In this life, Cale grown into a distant, stoic and cold young master
- He only soften in the presence of his baby brother, he is not ashamed to openly being affectioness with him
- Cale also only become more of himself when with Ron and Vicross
- He spoil his baby brother rotten and always there for him
- By the ages of 13 he acquired Annual Rings of Life, Super Rock, Dominating Aura, White Crown, The Indestructible Shield, Vitality of the Heart (not in this order)
- And by the age of 15, he got Blood-Drenched Rock, Sky Eating Water, Fire of Destruction, The Sound of the Wind (don't ask me how)
- He also safe the dragon a year after he hatched. So it was when Cale was 15 and the dragon still 1 year old.
- Eros and the dragon become playmate
- Cale relationship with his step-family more or less same as his first life (I feels bad for making Basen and Lily longing for their big brother's love or recognition, something they might never get in this AU)
- He take On and Hong earlier because they were one of the kids he took care in his first life
- Cale doesn't want a thing to do with the heroes, so he work in the shadow
- He is under an alias and no one know about it long after the war (only the family he create know about this)
[An AU inside AU
TCF, TBOAH, and ST reaction verse
They react to each other but mostly focus on TCF with only snipset of TBOAH and ST here and there
None of them know another group also react with them
The fourth group, lets call them R2, watch with interest
Especially toward the young master of Henituse, his supposed soul-switch partner, and the fate on their world
Their fate is not that different, but somehow they feels like they got it easier?
Note: when the reaction happens, Cale is 19 and Eros (Roksoo) is 12
Eros watch in interest of other him's fates
But he doesn't feels envy or anything, rather he is glad (and a little bit smug) for having his fate better than any of other him
Ater the reaction, the other three think it's over but the voice say that they will react to another world. They will react to R2 world
It's started with Eros first life to his reincarnation
They watch, and couldn't help but think, how lucky he is compared to his counterparts
ST!KRS is glad and thankful for his life now and will not trade it with anything, but watching his other self so happy and free, so loved, he can help but envy him
He doesn't feels anything like this while watching TCF!Cale, but maybe it's because he also going through the same thing as him before and maybe because he know that he can keep his idiot hyungs longer than TCF!Cale
TCF!Cale, despite being on old man, refuse to acknowledge a faint green emotion in him
OG!Cale and TBOAH!Cale watch in interest, it's mindblowing how different one existence can bring
They watch how R2!Cale instantly know when there is something wrong with his baby brother, how he always know and there
After from Eros life, they started from R2!Cale life
To say that they are shock is understatement
The Henituse feels complicated with how their relationship differ so vastly between them
Cales also feels complicated, TBOAH!Cale even started to doubt his actual feeling toward his step-family, "is he, after all, never really see them as family?"
The Voice then summon R2!Cale to their room after the reaction (they alreadt unsummons most occupiants and let only the important ones remains)
He stood in the middle of the room and sweap his eyes on them while blinking slowly. He impassively look at them
It's different from TCF!Cale that still emit a welcoming and warm feeling (unless you are strangers), this Cale look cold and detached from them
But they watch the second those cold eyes soften in a gentle warm when Eros is teleported to the room. They watch a gentle and loving smile slowly form on his lips, how his face look soft, when Eros exclaimed "Hyung!!" happily and went straight to hug him
The rest is history]
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cutiecorner · 2 years
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Okay. Officially entering batman mode (as if I haven't been there for weeks). This would be a million miles long if I talked about both his cgs, so I'll make a separate post for his dynamic with Clark Kent. Also good a time as any to remind that all relationships i portray are exclusively platonic/familial, please don't be weird. Art is from the Wayne Family Adventures on webtoon, btw!
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As you can probably guess by the un-batman-ness of it all, Bruce's regression is largely stress/trauma related and involuntary
Given how much he has to deal with on a daily basis, it kind of takes a lot to get Bruce to regress. He doesn't do it often, at least at first. The one thing that makes him need to regress without fail is children being present at any altercation.
When that happens, he just kinda goes silent for the rest of the night. If he's working alongside someone they put the pieces together on their own that it triggered him in some way, so they don't bother him about it. Really he's just trying to get home before he breaks down.
Once he does get home, Alfred is there for him, and that's always what he needs. I'm very much of the headcanon (just canon honestly) that Alfred is straight up a parent to Bruce, and though they don't express it that much they very much see themselves as father and son.
Alfred knows when Bruce is regressed, its just a general look about him. He just drops every facade. The silence is also a big factor. Despite being stoic, Bruce usually rattles off all sorts of information when he gets home from a mission, so when he doesn't it makes a big difference.
Bruce doesn't really do regular regressor things. His version of regression is normals people's 'normal everyday relaxation time', if with a bit of nostalgia and a lot more tears.
Bruce's regression age is very nebulous and hard to define.
Demeanor wise, Bruce is very fragile when regressed. He's really jumpy, he gets scared at the smallest things and is very easily upset. He's also really apologetic about it, and as always has a hard time communicating his needs.
He follows Alfred around like a puppy, which Alf finds extremely endearing. Alfred needs to be in sight at all times or Bruce gets super worried and scared, so usually Bruce just clings to his arm if possible, or even his coat tails sometimes.
Obviously the tea flows freely, it's absolutely his favorite and very comforting for him. Though it hurts his very soul, Alfred waters it down a tiny bit with cold water so Bruce doesn't burn himself. Both of them have a very broad taste, and one of the few 'fun' things they do when Bruce is regressed is try new teas together. His favorite is Earl Grey, which Alfred tries very hard not to tease him about
Food wise, Bruce loves a good soup. For one, it's easy to eat without making a mess, and it's easy to be fed by someone else if it comes to that. Also it harkens back to sick days as a child, or even sick days as an adult. Though he tries to push them away for hero work, deep down Bruce loves being cared for on those days. Also come on it's soup!
He doesn't have a baby blanket, instead he straight up uses the comforter off his bed. He's always had the same one (as far as he knows) so it has the same effect for him. He's always draped in it, both because it makes him feel physically small and it kinda feels like a cool cape.
You'd think he'd try to avoid that stuff in his resting time, but he can't help it. Bruce always loved heroes, especially as a little kid. He loves old westerns, samurai, and detectives especially. Naturally, that kind of media is what he gravitates toward when he's regressed. They have an extensive archive of those things, movies, TV, and radio, so he usually takes his pick and tries to focus on that while he calms down. The Gray Ghost is his favorite, of course.
Applicably, pretty much the only time he talks while regressed is quoting the stories line for line as they happen. Usually just his favorite parts, but if he really needs to distract himself he could do the whole thing. Alfred feigns ignorance of the media so Bruce can feel like he's showing him something, but occasionally he'll quote a line and Bruce goes crazy /pos
A lot of his regression is just repeating things he did as a kid, mostly with Alfred, given he was kind of his only friend. If he's feeling up to it, they play chess, Alfred reads to him, or he does the puzzles (like crosswords/sudoku) in Alfred's morning newspaper - he loves that one because it makes him feel really smart.
He also likes to draw. Ironically, his adult skill at art doesn't go away when he's regressed, so the little doodles he makes are usually quite realistic sketches. For the most part he draws his family and friends. He likes to draw Clark and Diana and the rest of the justice league, sometimes as different types of heroes like cowboys or spacemen. Interestingly, he draws the heroes and their alter egos as different people - like his friend Diana is different than his friend Wonder Woman.
Though most of his comfort interests are straight from his childhood, there are a few things he enjoys from after that period. The most obvious examples would be Diana's taste in music (she's a likes hippie classic rock), Clark's favorite movies or shmultzy sitcoms like the partridge family, or his sons' favorite show, Star Trek (mostly Tim, but the others like it too).
They're not very physically affectionate usually, but sometimes Bruce likes to be held, especially when he's really upset. Usually they lay on the couch and he lays his head in Alfred's lap or on his shoulder.
Besides his comforter, he doesn't really have specific comfort items, like he doesn't have a teddy or paci initially. He does like to cuddle though, so he often carries pillows around with him.
Bruce and Alfred just aren't naturally affectionate, so they don't really have pet names. Bruce just sticks to Alfred or Al/Alf, maaaaybe Alfie if he's feeling incredibly small, but again he doesn't really talk anyway. Alfred just uses the normal terms of endearment, pretty much limited to "my dear boy", but if he's feeling soft he could go for "little one" or british-isms like "darling". Somewhere along the line after Clark encourages him to have a more happy regression experience, Bruce very rarely calls Alfred "pop". It's mostly because he would call Alfred "pops" in a 'you're old' type of way in his teen years, but it got mixed up in Bruce's baby brain as a genuine term. Alfred feels The Emotions Ever about it.
I might come back and add even more headcanons later or make a part two, but these are the base ones for now. I'm not even close to done lol, next up is baby Bruce with cg Clark!
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tinypaw · 2 years
if ur reading this im wagging my tail at u
hai!!! im pup but u can also call me hunter!!! this is mai 1st ever agere blawg :DDD :3
here hav dis free balloon->🎈
he/him or pup/pups pls 🐾🌈
little age around 10!
"#pup soul" = aesthetic tht helps me feel little :3
"#pupload" = free pixabay pics w/ regression vibes (queued)
"#woof posts" = original textposts!
dats the gist but i have moar abt me under the grass!
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ima scene & emo kid and have been since liek... even when the communities were fighting >:0 now they joined together and its awsumsauce 🏳️‍🌈💐
ima regressor and a dog therian (it means im a kid that is also a puppy)🐶🌟
im here mostly as a regression log :0 i put edits and art here too🪁🖍
btw i dont want a caregiver >:3 ima EVIL pup... i rebel against authority, i want a playmate instead!!
just kidding, caregivers r cool n they should have as many comfy blankies as they want. but my system members r my playmates and we help each other like that :P
(edit: well i think wat i mean is, i want a caregiver but in the same little age range as me?? heheeh i has no idea)
also heres my icon!
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ima labrador retriever so i got kinfeels looking at dis on pixabay O.o
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litten-rock · 3 years
~sorry for the multiple posts one after another!~
Thought I’d explain myself a bit.
You can call me Neka; I am under 18.
I am a therian. A therian is someone who feels that their soul is that of another animal(s), and/or that they are/should be said animal(s). They may engage in acts like the animal(s), wear accessories that make them feel more like their theriotype(s), etc.
I am an age regressor. Agere, as it is commonly shortened to, is a community where people, typically teenagers or young 20s, but can be older, regress to a younger mindset. This is called “littlespace”. Age regressors may get childish gear, such as pacifiers and stuffed animals, in order to help them regress. These are not necessary, though. *IMPORTANT* Agere should NOT be confused with ddlg, ageplay, etc. Those are sexual. Agere is never sexual; it is used by many people as a coping mechanism for trauma or anxiety, or other things.
I have just found out I am a pet regressor as well. Pet regression (petre) is similar to age regression, but rather than regressing to a childlike headspace, the regressor goes into an animal like headspace. Despite the name, you can regress to animals that are not pets. I regress to both a husky and a fox! Pet regressors can buy items to help them regress, such as ears, tails, or collars, but these are not necessary.
*IMPORTANT* similarly to agere (above), petre should NOT be confused with petplay. Same reasons as above.
I am a lesbian. I am a girl who likes girls.
I use xenogenders and neopronouns. These are genders that I feel fit me better than the typical genders. They can range from your gender feeling empty and black (voidgender) to your gender being connected to cats (catgender). If someone is catgender, that does not mean that they think they are a cat. Neopronouns are used as alternate pronouns to “she, he and they”. “Traditional” neopronouns, like xe, are typically more accepted than “nounself” pronouns, which I use. These are pronouns such as “mew/mews”. Personally, I am stargender, catgender, frostgender, and ventigender (no not Venti from Genshin)(and many more!), and use purr/purrs, mist/mists, star/stars, and wind/winds.
~Thank you for reading! Have a nice day~
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