matan4il · 1 year
What? No! Please please please don't stop writing metas! I live off of them. Always waiting for them before I watch an episode! Please I love you!
Awwww, hi lovely! Awww, I hope you saw and enjoyed the 615 meta. Thank you so much for this heartwarming message, it makes me so happy to know that you like my meta posts this much! You and other stellar people like you make me wanna continue writing them. I did decide to leave it in the hands of readers, and I hope they will reblog and support these posts. It makes me very hopeful that if everyone feels like you do, then people will engage with and support the meta, and these posts will continue. I'm at the very least optimistic that we'll have the meta written and posted for all of s6. And if the 618 meta indicates there's on going interest, then I'll be back, doing this in s7 as well.
I hope you're having a fantastic day and thank you for making mine better! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
DiNozzo x reader - Giblet
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Hi, welcome back <3 if it would be possible can I have a Dinozzo x Reader, where reader is daughter of Gibbs but nobody knows and Dinozzo will find out after a while of dating her she is Gibbs' daughter? Like reader comes to visit dinozzo and everyone will find dinozzo is dating and than that she is the daughter? - @agataroman 💕
You hadn’t been here in years, yet the place seemed so familiar to you. Nothing much had changed beside some odd touch up jobs around he place to keep up its professional stance.
Stepping out of the lift, you smiled at all the agents buzzing about, but that wasn’t why you were here.
You were a woman on a mission, a very, very important mission.
You were looking for your boyfriend so you could spend his lunch with him.
Stepping further into the floor, you looked around and thankfully he wasn’t hard to find. You heard his laugh before you even saw him.
Grinning from ear to ear, you made your way over and rested your arms over the edge of the divider next to the desk where he was stood, back towards you.
“Come on McDork it’ll be funny.”
“No DiNozzo.”
“Boring!” Tony whined.
“Hey, they’d mean T.” You laughed.
You jumped, spinning around he stared at you for a second before grinning widely at you. Coming around he quickly scooped you up into his arms around twirled you around before setting you back on the floor.
He pressed a kiss to your head and slipped his arm around your shoulder.
“What’re you doing here?” He asked.
“Just thought I’d come surprise you for lunch.”
“Well colour me surprised.” He chuckled.
He brought you around and into the small area, two people walked over. A woman and a man.
“This is (Y/N), my wonderfully hot girlfriend.”
You elbowed him slightly making him groan a little but it didn’t lessen his smirk.
“Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Ziva David.”
“Nice to meet you Ziva.”
The man stepped up next and shook your head with a smile.
“Timothy McGee.”
“Nice to meet you Timothy, can I call you Tim
He nodded and stepped back.
“So, hows you guys meet.”
Tony sat on his desk, and you leant against him, listening as he explained the story of how you met at one of his favourite restaurants.
While he was talking, no one seen their boss walk in, but you did and you waved at him slightly.
“Hey boss.” Tony Said.
Everyone turned round and Gibss started at you making them all nervous. His stern expression making them worried he was going to tell them off, but then it broke into a smile and he waved you over.
Slipping out from your boyfriends grasp, you skipped over and hugged the man.
“Hey dad!”
“Hey kiddo, why’re you here?”
“Date.” You said, pointing to Tony.
Now, Gibbs knew you were already dating Tony, but Tony has no idea that he was dating is bosses daughter.
It took a few seconds for this to process in his made and he gawked at you.
“You’re a Gibbs?! You’re a Giblet?!”
“How did you not know T!?” You laughed, “I literally told you about him!”
The other laughed as they watched the interaction, Tony threw his arms up in the air.
“I just thought it was a marine thing!”
You snickered, giving your dad one last hug you walked over to your boyfriend and pat his chest with a smirk.
“It’s okay, you’re a bit stupid at times but I love you.”
Tony was still trying to process this, so while he was you took a seat at his desk while stood there looking between you and Gibbs.
“You stare any more DiNozzo I will slap you.”
“Sorry boss!”
Tony quickly rushes over to you and grabbed his wallet and keys, holding a hand out tonyou with a smile.
Gibbs watched the interaction, at first his was sceptical about you dating Tony, but now seeing you guy together it made him happy and there was no one better for you
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matan4il · 1 year
With the promo for 613 (I am still in disbelief)
Do we know how Eddie is part of this mob-like establishment, how he knows about it? Or do you have any interesting theories about it? Please do share <3
Hi darling! Thank you for the ask.
I know what you mean about the promo, because same. But as far as I'm aware, no. We don't know how Eddie is a part of this LAFD poker night. TBH, I can't see the connection being any of the higher ups (when did Eddie have the opportunity to brush shoulders with them?) and also Rosen's familiar way of talking to Eddie when he and Buck arrive ("Don't make me regret this, Diaz") makes me think she's the connection. Though I kind of doubt that she has a lot of significance. I do assume the show was mainly fixated on (1) getting Buddie into suits because YES; (2) putting them in the same room with Mehta, the captain from the shooting arc; (3) playing around with their dynamics in a fun way, 'coz that's something 911 likes to do, before... (4) aiding Buck's recovery arc further, once again with Eddie being his significant other throughout it.
As always, take this with a pint of salt or more. I know nothing. These are just my guesses on some of the things the writers had in mind when planning this scene. I might have a few more thoughts that started when I lost my whole damn mind over the promo, but they're so much, I'll probably just put them in the weekly meta...
Hope you have a great day, lovely! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 2 years
Okay hear me out... This is my brain on no sleep and I really need to tell everyone... So I and my roommate did a thing. We both ship buddie very much and we talked almost every day about it. And we created a scenario. Hear me out.
So basically now that Buck is accepting himself he's starting to realize his feelings for Eddie. Eddie, if he doesn't, will soon too. Maybe in the episode 617 ,,love in the air" (we all have seen the mark with buddie sticker on it). And fast forwarding to season 7, in the last episode of 7a, maddney would have a wedding and in the last episode of 7b, buddie would have a wedding... And somewhere in between josh and ravi would find love too (we put them together as we don't have anyone else 😅😅).
Horrible scenario?
Hi darling! Awwwww, this is adorable! :D Your scenario actually makes my hopelessly romantic heart so happy! I'm not holding my breath for a Buddie wedding at the end of s7 (too soon after all of this build up), but I'll confess that a part of me thinks, well... they're basically married already, it makes sense that once they realize their feelings, they absolutely could go ahead and just make it official already. So yes to all of the romance! Even if it's not how it'll play out on screen, it's not 'coz it doesn't make sense for Buddie. ;)
Thank you for this adorable ask, I'm giving you and your roommate a big, squishy hug! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 1 year
I know I have a lot of asks, but this one is actually for entire fandom because I need help...
So my roommate told me about one tiktok video that makes her very hopefull about buddie and she wanted to show me, but the video was deleted... So I ask everyone for help to find if anyone downloaded it and send it to me pls.
There is Eddie opening a door for Buck and buck is basically grabbing him and pushing him through the door and closing it...
So please please if anyone has it, share it!!
Lovely, you can send as many asks as you would like! *hugs* I'm not on TikTok, I don't have the app installed anywhere, so I'm afraid to say that I personally can't help you, but I'm happy to put your request out there and maybe someone else knows what this is about and can help you out...
Hope you have an amazing day either way, and that you are getting through this mini hiatus okay! *sending love to you* As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 2 years
Hello hello again
First thing first, at the beginning of the lightning episode I saw Hotel Transylvania and the zink thingy there (haven't seen it in english so I don't know if it's like that?), am I the only one?
Secondly, I think my mind is trying to hurt Buddie for some reason, because when I thought about different parallels I can see Eddie going head straight into danger because Buck is in the hospital ans Eddie doesn't know how to deal with that. And what's more I started making story where Buck is coding in coma and doctors can't revive him and Eddie in the background is like "Chris needs you..... I need you, please come back to us". Please tell me I am not going crazy please
Love your work by the way <3
Hello again, lovely! :D *squishes*
Oooh, may I ask which language you saw it in? I adore learning about different languages and cultures! :D And I believe you're referring to what was called in English the zing moment when someone spots for the first time the love of their life. NGL, that works so well for me in terms of what Eddie was probably feeling when he looked up and saw Buck appearing lifeless. That HAD to be a moment when Eddie knew for sure that he couldn't live without Buck. And when he ran up that just-electrocuted ladder, when he himself was shocked off of it just a moment earlier, tell me that's not Eddie's "two cut lines" moment, paralleling the moment when Hen implied in 315 to Buck that if he couldn't save Eddie, he would die with him.
lol You are def not going crazy! And I mean, no one likes to hurt Buddie more than the 911 writers, so I think we're all in the clear in comparison. XD But yeah, anything that continues this theme, that shows how much one of them doesn't want to live without the other, I think we are ALL here to gobble it all up!
Thank you so much for the sweet words, it means so much to me! I hope you continue to enjoy what I can offer. Have a great day! And as always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 2 years
Hello hello
I really love your posts, going in many details, I just love it. Secondly I go ope you will continue with buddie meta as s6b aired? I really hope you will! ❤️❤️
Hello, lovely! :D And thank you SO MUCH for the kind words and for wanting to read my meta, you have no idea how much that fills my heart and helps me to keep going! I am going to continue with the meta posts, yes. At least, that's the intention so long as people want to see them. If you'd like to be tagged in my tag list so you'd be notified when the meta is posted, you can let me know here.
I hope you have a great day, and thank you again for making mine so much better. Prepare for incoming meta! ;D And as always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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matan4il · 2 years
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Buck and Eddie, two cut lines: forever rushing into the danger threatening to claim their partner || 315 vs 610
Gifset to accompany my reply to the lovely @agataroman’s ask. (my Buddie gifs) (all my content)
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