#again pls feel free to ask anything else!!
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sports-on-sundays · 1 day ago
Hello hello, I am back with another request! It's with Oscar again but friends to lovers. Hear me out, the most cliche thing ever. Oscar loves her, she loves him but both too dense to realise it. They are out and about and another dude corners her and tries to make out with her, Oscar saves the day (make him protective and violent pls, make him punch the guy (side note: I would pay money to see Oscar actually punch someone, don't ask me why idk🙈)). So then he comforts her, takes her home and she asks him to stay. I will leave the rest of the convo to you🤗. Let there be a first kiss and cuddle I beg I am the biggest sucker for those bcs Oscar seems like the best guy to have your firsts with.
Holy hell that's a long ass request haha. Thank you for reading all that🤣 have fun with it and feel free to change things up a little bit if you want to!
be / OP81
Summary: Oscar x female!best childhood friend!Australian!reader - You and Oscar are finally forced to realize your feelings for each other.
Warnings: panicking, someone forcing himself onto another person, blood, crying, i did change up the request a little bit 🤏, feeling sick
Requested: Yes! And don't worry about the long request, I really liked it, and thanks so much for requesting! Long requests are better sometimes anyway.
Author's Note: Guys I'm starting to think I seriously need my very own Oscar Piastri....
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"It wasn't even that funny-"
"It wasn't even that funny!"
Both you and Oscar look up to who it was mockingly imitating Oscar's friendly teasing, and your eyes set themselves upon Lando Norris, smirking obnoxiously.
"What's your problem?" you demand, crossing your arms, most of the laughter from Oscar's joke that he made fives minutes ago (yes, you were still laughing your head off at it) gone.
"What do you mean? I'm just kidding. It's just funny how your boyfriend can make the most dumb joke, and send you both into a ten minute laughing fit-"
"Boyfriend?" you and Oscar seem to ask incredulously in sink.
The smile falls off of Lando's face this time, and is replaced by a look of surprise and confusion. "Waaaait... So you're trying to tell me you guys aren't dating?"
Oscar blinks a few times in confusion. "Y/n and I are just friends. We always have been."
"Yeah," you add quickly, nodding. "I don't know why everyone thinks differently."
Lando's eyebrows raise in amusement. "Maybe because you guys act like you're mad in love...? Like, all the time? Or maybe the fact that you come to every single one of our races? Or maybe it's the way you look at each other with heart eyes, like the other one is the only one in the room? I mean, I don't know. It could be the way you're always giggling and talking and yapping to each other... But, oh, what do I and everybody else know?"
"Good question," Oscar deadpans. "What do you know?"
Lando shrugs, rollings his eyes, and struts away. As soon as he's gone, Oscar turns back to you with a little shrug and says, "Sorry about that. I guess nobody gets that two people can love each other as friends without feeling romantic feelings..."
You nod, shrugging. It makes sense to you, simply because that's how it's always been with you and Oscar, forever. The two of you practically slept in the same crib (not literally!). You always just assumed he's like a brother or something, and it doesn't pay to consider anything else. So you haven't. Too risky, and besides- that's not worth it to waste your time thinking about. You like things just the way they are, no need to change them.
"Hm?!" you look up, snapping out of your pondering.
Oscar smiles at you, his brown eyes soft, like they always are when he looks at you. You smile back, eyes equally as warm as he says, "Did you hear me?" in amusement.
You chuckle, "No, sorry."
He nods, giving your shoulder a little pat as he stands up. "I've got to go now get ready for the race. First of the season. Wish me luck!"
"Luck isn't needed," you say with a little grin. "You've got enough skill alone to win it."
He grins. "I guess. But luck never hurts, does it?"
"Not at all." You stand up with him and give him a quick half-hug, saying gentler, "Drive safe, and bring it home. I'll be cheering you on."
"Like always?"
"Like always."
"Hey, Y/n?"
You look up from your phone, shutting it off. You're sitting alone, long after the 2025 season opening race, the Australian Grand Prix, has ended. You haven't seen Oscar since the race ended, and have just been sitting around, not wanting to go home until you have a chance to talk with him. And there he is, standing there, back in his regular clothes: a black sweatshirt, sweatpants, and sneakers, looking thoroughly sleepy.
You immediately stand up, smiling, saying simply, "It was a great drive."
"Well, I-"
"Hush. You scored points after what happened, and that's enough, for goodness' sake."
He smiles softly, and though his eyes say a lot more, he just nods and says simply, "Yeah, yeah, you're right. As always."
You nod promptly and say teasingly, "I know!"
He just rolls his eyes and says, already in a better mood just by talking to you, "Mum wanted you over tonight for dinner."
You grin, "She did, did she?"
"You know she always does, whenever I'm around, want me to bring you over. She adores you."
"She's the sweetest," you chuckle. "Well, I wouldn't mind one of your mum's home cooked meals."
Oscar nods, grabbing his coat, and saying, "I agree; that would hit the spot right now. C'mon."
You two make it to the car and get in, before you start heading to Oscar's mother's home. The car ride is mostly silent, but neither of you really mind. It's a comfortable, good kind of silence.
Towards the end of it, though, you ask simply, "So, that's the end of the first race week of the season. How're you feeling?"
Oscar shrugs, thinking for a few moments, before saying, "Hmm... I guess I'd have to say tired, but very hopeful."
You smile. "Good. You just need your beauty rest, huh?"
He glances at you with a cute little smile. "Right."
Dinner is nice. Warm, and reminds you of home, and your childhood, and everything good. And it's perfect for a rainy day like today.
Once he's finished eating, though, Oscar stands up, stretching, from the table, and says, "Well, I should be off to bed..."
"Oh, Oscar, you will give poor Y/n a ride home won't you?" Oscar's mother asks.
He looks over at you with a little smile and nods, saying, "Oh, right, of course."
You walk to the door together, but before Oscar opens the front door to leave, you gently grab his arm and say simply, "Osc."
He looks up from unlocking the door, meeting your eyes. "Hm?" he asks gently.
"You don't need to drive me home. I could get a cab or take the bus or whatever. It's all good. You've had a crazy week, as it is, much crazier than mine-"
"I mean, I was thinking maybe it'd be fine if I didn't drive you home, too, but you don't have to get a cab. I'm sure if I asked, my mum would be fine with you just staying the night or something."
You blink in surprise, but smile at the suggestion. "Oh. Well, I'd hate to bud in-"
He smiles. "You're family, Y/n. Don't worry." He takes your hand, tugging you back towards the dining room, calling, "Mum! Would it be fine if Y/n just stayed the night? We've both had a long day!"
"Oh, of course, honey! Tell her she can make herself just all nice and comfy and at home! Y/n's such a sweetheart, anyways. She's always welcome!"
Oscar smiles, looking at you. "You heard that, right?"
You smile back up at him with a little laugh. "Yeah, I heard that."
He nods, saying, "C'mon, let's go to my room."
The two of you head there, both of you knowing the way to Oscar's childhood bedroom from all the years you used to spend in there together. When you walk in, seeing all the dressers in the same place they always were, and all Oscar's old decorations from his karting days, memories seem to flood back, just like that, and both you and Oscar feel it. You crawl onto his bed, just like you always used to do, flopping down against his pillows, making yourself at home.
Oscar smiles and crawls in next to you. Just like he always used to do, too. "Last time we were both here was..."
"...right after you joined McLaren, right?" you smile at the memory.
"I guess so." He smiles down at you.
"I remember distinctly, one time, you had been gone so, so long, and I asked your mum if I could surprise you when you got home..."
Oscar starts laughing, clearly remembering it to. "Ohhh yeah. I threw open the bedroom door and flopped on my bed, even though you were on it. By the time I saw you and yelped, it was too late."
"Yeah, and I wrapped my arms around you and started tickling you," you say giggling.
He rolls his eyes, grinning. "I remember. By the end of it, I was gasping and near tears. God, Y/n, you know I was tired."
"I know. But I made you laugh and smile, didn't I? And I made you feel better, didn't I?"
"I mean, I was just happy to see you," he says, his gaze comfortably resting on yours.
"I was happy to see you. Do you know how much I missed you those months?"
"You miss me if you don't see me for a week, Y/n, still."
"Why do you think I come to every race that I can?"
"Because I pay for you to?"
You roll your eyes at that, crossing your arms, "I mean, yeah, but that's not the sentiment I was going for!"
He laughs, giving your shoulder a little playful tap. "I know, I know."
You sigh deeply, the sweet silence settling between the two of your for a little while, before murmuring, "And I hope you remember after that tickle attack, when your face was red and you were nearly crying from laughing, I gave you the biggest hug of all time..."
Oscar's face warms at that as he leans a bit closer to you. "Yeah... Yeah, I remember. You wanna know why that moment was special to me?"
"Because that was the moment I realized that there are some people in my life that never truly will leave me. Even if I leave them. And you're one of the best of them. That was when I learned what family is."
You nod slowly, thinking about that for a few moments, before saying, "That's... so sweet. I like it."
Oscar smiles. "Me, too. I like it too. I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you."
"And I so lucky to have a best friend like you."
Oscar smiles at that, nodding, satisfied, before letting out a big yawn, reminding you if a sleepy cat, before folding his hands up into fists and rubbing his watery eyes.
And, as if it's contagious, you let your own yawn, a few moments later.
Oscar smiles, this time more sleepily at you, before slipping his arm over your shoulders and pulling you a little closer to himself. You flop your head to lean against his shoulder, and murmur, "Time for us both to get the much-needed rest our bodies are begging us for?"
"Mmm-hm. Yeah. Whatever you said," Oscar murmurs as he drifts off, the hint of a smile still lingering on his mostly relaxed face.
And you both drift off, surrounded by that perfect warmth and tranquility that feels just like home.
A little under a week later, you're sleeping against Oscar in a very similar position, feeling like you're just as at home in China than you are in Australia, simply because of the person you're resting against, when you're awakened by the painful claims, "I ship it, the mechanics ship it, the other teams' drivers ship it, the fans ship it. My God, even my mum ships it! Literally everyone can see you're mad in love except you and her!"
You stretch, your eyes fluttering open, and murmur before you're even sure it's Lando's unwanted yapping torturing your ears, "Landooo shut uppp..."
Oscar gives your shoulder a squeeze, groaning to Lando in his perfectly alert awake state (contrary to yours), "Look at that, Lando, you made her wake up!"
"Oh, yeah, 'cause you'd hate for her to stop sleeping against y-"
"Lando, stop, it's not like that."
"How come every time a girl and a guy are friends, everyone ships them? I think that's society's problem," you comment as you rub your tired eyes.
Lando snorts, saying, "It's not every time. You guys are just obvious. And oblivious. You just need to admit it to each other."
"There's nothing to admit to each other, Lando," Oscar comments as he watches you slowly lean off of him, slipping his arm off your shoulders.
"Yeah, we're, like, brother and sister."
"Well, I wouldn't say that-" Oscar begins quickly.
"I mean, yeah, like-"
"We're more like just really close friends," Oscar finishes confidently.
"Yes, that's true, I agree," you say quickly, looking up at him. "We're family, but not brother and sister."
"Ah, so you're family, but it's not like siblings. What else could you be other than mad in love but just too dense to realize it?" Lando asks.
You just glare, crossing your arms, and Oscar comments, "I don't know, but it's not like that."
"Maybe it's just not like that simply because you both refuse to admit what you really want."
"Lando, I don't need you of all people being my psychologist. Could you just leave it?" you comment, feeling Oscar's eyes watching you.
Lando sighs (overdramatically), shrugs, and says, "Suit yourself. I'm just saying, you guys have got to get together soon, or else you'll drive yourselves and everyone else insane. We can all tell you guys just need to kiss already." And with that, he once again struts away.
As soon as he's gone, you whine, leaning your head into Oscar's shoulder, "I hate Lando!"
"Don't say that. He's just kidding," Oscar says gently.
You sigh. "I know... it's just..."
"Hm?" Oscar prompts gently.
"I don't want people thinking something that's not true."
"Who cares what they think? We both know how we feel about each other, and that's all that matters." But do we? Oscar's brain echoes.
"Yeah, you're right," you murmur, nodding, comforted by his words, not even picking up the way he stares forward, eyebrows knitted together, deep in thought.
You've heard what you think you want to hear, and that's all that matters to you.
The moment you see Oscar after his podium, after he stood on the first step, winning such a solid race as that, you run into his arms, causing him to laugh as he hugs you back, saying, "Hey, Y/n."
"I'm so proud of you!" you say excitedly. "Amazing drive- amazing!"
"Thank you, Y/n. It means a lot. I'm so happy you were here to cheer me on."
You grin up at him. "Me, too, Oscar. Me too."
He celebrated with his team after the race, you staying in your hotel, since Oscar promised you he'd like to bring you home with him to Monaco, and have a more low key celebration, without as many people. Besides, you'd like it that way better anyway. And this way, you can get some extra sleep and try to avoid some of the jet lag from the long flight to Monaco.
Now you stand in Oscar's bathroom back in Monaco, gazing at yourself in the mirror in your white crop top and silver skirt, knowing that when you step out of the bathroom, all you need is for Oscar to tell you it looks nice, and then all your worries will vanish.
And once you do, of course, he stands up from the living couch and says, "You look really pretty. Ready to go?"
You smile softly, sighing in relief, and nod. "Yes. I'm ready to go celebrate with the winner of the 2025 Chinese Grand Prix." You laugh a bit, and add as you head out to the car, "Oscar, you know I'm so incredibly proud of you."
He grins. "I know, I know." You know he loves your lavishing, even if he wouldn't admit it. He's never gotten enough of it; you're one of the people that appreciate him the most, you think, at least. You appreciate him a whole lot, anyways.
Soon you get to your destination, and the night starts off really fun, you and Oscar just sticking with each other, laughing, singing, drinking, and dancing. But after too long, the air becomes stale, the noise becomes too loud, and the drinks turn bitter. You're tired, and Oscar's off somewhere, swept away with his other friends. You sigh deeply, leaning against the wall, running a hand through your hair.
It's then that you feel a hand on your shoulder, and it makes you flinch. It's unfamiliar.
It's not Oscar's hand.
You look up to see a man around your age with tangled overgrown curly brown hair and dark, cold eyes. He's wearing a gold chain around his neck and a football jersey. It's then that he shows you his unflattering smirk and says in a thick French accent, "I'm Jordan."
You just kind of nod, showing a fake smile and crossing your arms, not really in the mood for any antics with any strange guys.
His eyebrows raise as he says, "Do you have a name, or am I going to have to give you one?"
Your lip immediately curls up as you look at him from the corner of your eye, still not tilting your face directly towards him. "You're not smooth. My name is Y/n."
"Pretty name for a pretty girl. A sassy girl, too, at that. I like that."
You bite your lip, rolling your eyes in utter annoyance at this guy 'Jordan.' "Good for you..." you murmur, trying to send him the message that you really don't want to talk with him.
Jordan just hums and steps closer to you. You glance up at him for the first time, really, feeling a bit sick from how close he is to you. You murmur awkwardly, "Could you please step away?"
"No, I don't think I will. I'm enjoying your reaction too much."
"Please, stop."
He roughly grabs your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes. You swallow deeply.
"I really like your skirt..." he purrs, leaning in closer to you, completely ignoring your protests. His hand slips onto your thigh and grips it tightly.
"Stop... I don't care-"
"You don't, don't you? Well, what a shame... I reckon there's not much you can do about that..."
He lips meet yours in a nasty, rough kiss. Your head pounds and spins as your knees begin to shake, panic of what's happening sinking in, your thoughts raging with anxious thoughts at the same time as your head being completely empty. You push at his chest, but he pushes his whole body up against yours, pinning you to the wall, further into a shadow.
You gasp, the panic sinking in deeper, and hardly register what happens next.
Oscar's familiar voice in all the chaos says in one of the angriest, coldest tones you've ever heard from his mouth, "Get your fucking nasty hands away from her."
Jordan tears his lips away from your mouth as Oscar grabs him, Jordan turning his head to look behind him, but before he has a chance to react, you watch as a fist comes flying across and hits him square across the face. He stumbles back and as blood begins gushing from his nose. For a moment, his eyes meet yours in shock, as if he expects you to help a dog like him, but it's then that you watch Oscar grab him by the collar and murmur in the darkest of tones to him, "I told you to get your nasty hands away from her, and you didn't. That's my girl, and no one dares to touch her like that. You better not think you can go on like this, and I hope this can be a reminder for you not to." And with that, Oscar throws another punch, hitting the guy in his eye. You slowly slip down the wall, still watching in shock as Oscar finishes him off by handing one more punch to him on his bloody jaw, before letting go of his collar, letting him fall to the floor, finishing with a yell, "The pain you're feeling right now is nothing compared to the pain you deserve!"
You watch as Jordan scampers up and, just like that, without even considering a fight, stumbles off, out of sight.
And then, everything hushed, Oscar turns, and his eyes meet yours. His hair is a little sweaty and messed up, falling over his forehead. For a moment, you see that remaining burning anger, but as soon as he takes you in, that vanishes, and is replace by the familiar warmth he seems to always look at you with.
And the moment your eyes lock, the tears start coming, and you break down.
Oscar is immediately by your side, pulling you into his arms, sitting on the floor next to you and holding you in his lap, gently stroking your hair. After a while, you hiccup, slowly leaning away, your body still shaking, and murmur, mopping up your eyes with your hands, "Os- Oscar... That was scary. I'm scared."
He gently takes your hand. "You don't have to be. I'm here. Are you ready to go home?"
You nod slowly, and Oscar helps you up, leading you out back to his car, his arm around your back protectively the entire time.
Once back in the car, as the events of what just happened replay through your head, you hiccup, more tears threatening to flow. Oscar gently takes your hand, murmuring in the dark of the parked car, "Tell me what I can do for you, and I'll do it. I hope you know I'll do anything for you to feel better."
You sigh shakily and just lean into him. He wraps his arms around you, holding you for a few minutes, before you lean away again and murmur, "Let's just get home..."
Oscar nods. "Good idea." He turns the car on and begins driving, and as soon as he does holds his hand that he's not using to drive out to you. You put your hand in his, letting the warmth from it fill you and comfort you.
As he drives, you suddenly say in the empty silence, "'That's my girl.' That's what you said."
Oscar just nods a little. "I know. I did mean to say that, you know."
You swallow, thinking for a few moments, before murmuring the simple question, "Why?"
"Because you've always been mine and I've always been yours, haven't I?"
You swallow. "I don't know what that means."
"Forget what it means. You're the most important girl- the most important person- to me. You're my girl, and I'm not going to let anyone be messing with you."
That feels right to you, and good to you, to hear that. And you're glad, in a way, that he's so confidently figured that out. It frees you to say back, "Well, yeah, then... I guess that makes you my boy, then..."
Oscar smiles very softly, giving your hand a little squeeze as you arrive at his home. Once you're both inside, before you have a chance to start worrying, Oscar says gently, putting a hand on your shoulder, "I want you to be comfortable. What do you need? I could get you something to eat, run a bath for you, get a change of clothes, all three, whatever else you need-"
"Oh, uh, don't worry about it-"
"Hush," Oscar suddenly interrupts, shaking his head. He moves to stand right in front of you, before gazing down into your eyes, and saying in all sincerity, "Look, I want you to be honest. I want to take care of you if that's what you need. I want you to be comfortable."
You swallow, nodding a bit, before murmuring, "A bath and a change of clothes might be nice... I'm not hungry, though."
Oscar nods, putting his hand on your back, leading you to his room. He opens his closet and says, "You can wear whatever you can find. I'm going to go run that bath for you; I'll call you when it's ready. I'll get a towel for you in the bathroom, too."
You nod, find one of his bigger McLaren T-shirts and a pair of black sweatpants, and head to the bathroom just as Oscar is calling for you.
Oscar smiles at you gently when you walk in and say simply, "Anything else you need?"
You shake your head 'no,' saying, "Thank you."
He nods. "Of course. I'll just be in the living room, you can come there when you're done. Call me if you need anything. And take your time, too."
You smile weakly, nodding. "Alright. Thanks, Osc."
He nods, leaving you to have your bath. You peel off your clothes and sink into the water, feeling its warmth surround you like an embrace. You let out a long sigh of relief as the water touches your sore, tense muscles, soothing them. After the night you've had, it feels good to just be. To just experience something genuinely good and calming, knowing Oscar is just in the next room.
Oscar. The way he stood up for you, was so protective of you, and beyond that, has been taking such good care of you... You know Oscar a good man... He was always a really sweet boy, and he's grown up to be a really very upright and sweet man. It was crazy- crazy- to see him go off on that stranger, and beat him up the way he did.
But somehow, it felt right. It was just proving he's good. That he cares so much about and for you, he won't let anyone hurt you without knowing the consequences of it from him.
How much does he really care about me?
The question almost feels good to ask, because you have a feeling the answer is one you like.
And then the way he so confidently called you his girl.
'That's my girl.'
Just looking back on it, for some reason, it makes your heart skip a beat. It's that chest-tightening nervous affectionate feeling you get often when Oscar does or says little things. Although this time, it's not little, and every new thing he does seems to make your stomach flutter a little more. It's a familiar feeling that you're sure you've gotten hundreds of times before with Oscar, but for some reason, you're only realising it now. Why, you have no idea, and what the strange feelings could mean, you have even less of an idea.
Soon, you finish your bath, and after drying yourself put on Oscar soft, comfortable clothes, no matter how over sized they are on you. Besides, you don't care in the slightest about that as soon as you inhale his familiar, comforting scent when you put them on. You go to the living room and see Oscar laying on the couch on his phone, now in a T-shirt and sweatpants, just relaxing. As soon as you walk in, though, he looks up.
"Osc...? Do you have a brush I could use for my hair?"
He nods, hopping up from the couch, and says, "Yeah, I do. Wait here, I'll be right back. Just get yourself comfy."
He leaves, and you shrug, taking his advice, and curl up on the couch, waiting for him to come back. He takes longer than you expect him to, but soon enough, he walks back in and sits next to you, saying, "Why don't you just relax, and I can brush it for you?"
"Seriously? You don't have to," you say immediately, secretly wanting badly for him to brush your hair for you. You love the feeling of other people playing with your hair- and if it's Oscar, even better.
He smiles at you. "I know, but I want to." And with that, to both of your delight apparently, begins gently brushing through your hair. When he's done, he slowly start running his fingers through it, starting from the bottom and going up to the top. You sigh, leaning back into him, and Oscar just simply loves it. After a while he says, softly amused, "You just seem to melt when my hands are in your hair."
You shrug, smiling a little, and say, "What can I say? It feels really good."
He chuckles that low comforting chuckle that feels just like home. "I can tell." After a few more minutes he says, "I found a hair tie I think you must've left here at one point. Do want me to braid your hair or something?"
You smile, glancing back at him, and say, "You can do that? I don't know if I can trust you."
He just smiles back at you. "You should. I'm good at it. Remember, I grew up with three sisters."
You shrug again before saying, "Well, alright..."
He chuckles softly again, before he gently begins braiding your hair, his fingers gently weaving through your locks, slowly, until he finally finishes and ties it on the end. Once he's finished, you turn around to face him.
He smiles at you.
You smile back, taking his hands in both of yours.
"You're beautiful," he suddenly says, looking right into your eyes. "I don't think I've told you that enough. Because I think it all the time, whenever I look at you."
For some reason, your friend saying that makes you blush. There are a few moments of silence, before you look down at your joined hands and murmur, "Crazy that the hands that beat up that guy are the same hands that just gently braided my hair."
Oscar shrugs, smiling a little. "They have different uses in different moments. And I don't regret what I did for a moment, not any of it. I would do the exact same thing if I had to do it all again. In fact, just thinking about it makes me really angry. But what matters most is that you're okay."
You sigh slowly, nodding, your head a bit dizzy at the thought of it all. "I'm just so thankful for you, throughout it all. You, like, saved the day..." you chuckle wryly.
He shrugs, nodding a bit. "I guess." A little laugh.
More silence.
You stare down once more at your joined hands. "But Oscar..." you begin hesitantly.
"Yes?" he prompts gently.
"...I'm sorry."
"Y/n... for what? You did nothing wrong-!" Oscar begins somewhat incredulously.
"It's just... You were celebrating your win..."
"Oh, Y/n..." Oscar begins, his tone softening. "Come on, now. Look up at me, will you?"
You sigh, doing so.
"It's not your fault, what happened," Oscar says. "It's that idiot's fault, and we both know that. What happened happened, and there was no preventing it. And if you're worried about me, don't be. I had a perfectly good time celebrating in China with my team. This was more that I wanted to do something with you, for you. But look at this right now. Here we are, sitting together, anyway. Isn't that what matters the most anyway; isn't that the point? So why don't we just make the most of this moment, right now, hm?"
You sigh again, nodding slowly, before saying, you heart almost feeling like it's being squeezed, "Okay."
"Hey," Oscar murmurs, his hand touching the bottom of your chin. "You're looking down again. Talk to me." He gently raises your chin.
You swallow, and suddenly, words that you hardly knew you even thought start coming from your mouth, and only now as you hear them in your voice do they even begin to make sense: "I guess it's just that... You're so caring and gentle with me, and protective. And we like each other so much and get along so well and we've known each other for years and... I guess sometimes I wonder about us... You know, our relationship, like, what even is it? I mean, I think we'd both readily admit we most definitely love each other, but I guess... well, I don't know..."
Oscar nods slowly, before whispering, as if it's some long kept secret, "You guess you just wonder in what way we love each other?"
You swallow, nodding. "Well, yes, exactly. Because... well, I don't know."
"Can I tell you how I feel about you?"
You study his face for a few moments- his handsome face- and nod.
"I feel about you the most deep feeling I've ever known, deeper than I ever thought I could experience. The love I have for you is beyond anything I could describe in a physical sense- it's beyond a romantic love or and family love or the strongest kind of named love I could think of. All I know is that when I look at you, I see fulfillment, and happiness. I see everything I've ever needed, plus everything I've ever wanted. I see a priceless jewel- the sort of thing that anyone would honor and protect with their life. I see beauty herself, on the inside and out. I see my best friend, my favorite person, the one I would spend any and every moment with, if I could. I see comfort, I see love. I look at you and know the great lengths I would go for you. I know it's all so cliche, but it is a love beyond words. It is. I just..." he trails off, before leaning in and whispering, "Are you crying?"
You sniff, looking away, your heart pounding. "No..."
He smiles gently, his hand leaving yours to reach up and wipe a tear away off your cheek with his thumb, "Don't cry."
"That's just so... sweet... and... everything I exactly feel, too, put into words..."
"Y/n..." he hums gently with a little chuckle. "I don't want you to cry, though."
"Don't worry," you say with a little hiccupy laugh. "They're good tears."
He smiles a bit, grabbing your hand again and giving it a squeeze. "Okay."
You swallow, before daring to ask, "What would the difference be, if you were my boyfriend instead of my best friend?"
Oscar eyes seem to light slightly at the question, and he says simply, "Nothing at all, except for one thing: we would be able to express that deep love for each other in different ways."
You nod slowly, swallowing.
Oscar leans in closer to you. "How does that sound to you?"
"I... I think it could be just what I need."
Oscar smiles softly. "I mean, I feel like... it would be nice to not just have to use my words to tell you how much I love you. You know, to be able to kiss you, or something, instead."
You find yourself smile a little at the words, nodding as pinkness gets to your cheeks. "Yeah... that doesn't sound so bad."
Oscar smiles, just gazing into your eyes. "Yeah?"
"It's just that... with tonight, with what happened..."
"Oh, I wasn't meaning we had to do anything tonight- just to think about. You know...?"
You nod slowly, before muttering, "But maybe... Just maybe tonight is the night to do it." You pause, before continuing, "You know, with all that happened, maybe if we just decided... tonight, let's just take a little step... it would help me to leave that. You know, it wasn't my fault... and I have someone who really does love me."
Oscar smiles. "And I really do."
You smile back, looking back up into his sweet brown eyes.
He slips his hand out of yours and gently brings it to your cheek, muttering, "Well, is it okay if I kiss you? Just a little kiss?"
You smile wider, feeling your stomach flutter at the sincere question. Nodding, you reply, "Yes, I reckon that is okay."
Oscar nods, his thumb stroking your cheek a bit as he leans in, his other hand gently touching your waist. His hand on your cheek shifts to cup the side of your neck, and he whispers, his warm breath on your ear, "You still okay?"
You nod.
And with that, he leans in, and, pulling you closer to himself, kisses you in the most perfect way. His adoration and love for you flows through the kiss, while still keeping it short and gentle. When he leans away, he whispers, "How was that?" with a little adorable smile.
You just sigh shakily and murmur, "I think you should do it again."
And he does without a second more of hesitation. His lips meet yours as he pulls your body closer to himself, lost in the kiss, lost in his emotions. When he pulls away again, he's pulled you onto his lap, but neither of you seem to care, both too swept up in each other's gazing eyes.
"I didn't realize for how long I needed to do that..." he whispers gently.
You smile a little. "I didn't realize how long I needed that from you."
He smiles back. "We'll call that both of our first kisses, okay?"
You nod. "Does this mean I'm your girlfriend now?"
"I like the sound of that."
You smile and throw your arms around him in an embrace. He pulls you closer to him, leaning back so that you can lay your head on him, and rubs your back, whispering, "I love you so much, Y/n. So, so much. To the moon and the stars and all the way back."
You smile up at him. "I don't know about the moon and the stars for me Oscar, but I'll tell you this: I love you enough to want to spend my life with you. I love you enough to want to grow old with you."
At those words, Oscar's arms tighten around you, and he chuckles, "See how sappy we suddenly get as soon as we decide to just give it up and kiss? My God."
You grin into his chest. "Yeahhh... But I don't mind it."
"Oh, trust me, I don't either." He shifts, moving you with him, making you both comfortable, so that you're laying together, cuddling.
"I really like this."
He hums. "Me too."
"You know we'll never hear the end of it from Lando if he finds out."
You feel the vibration of his laugh in his chest. "I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, let's just relax. I just want to be. Be with you."
"I think that sounds like exactly what I was made for. To be with you."
He smiles, and you shut your eyes, content to listen to his heartbeat and just be.
Just be with him.
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raeflora · 4 months ago
which of blair's love interests do you think she actually loved/was in love with? i know she said multiple times that she loved louis but did she? cause she was so prepared to leave him at the end of season 4 and the only thing they really had in common was a painting😭
hi again!! this is such a good question omg 🫶🏻🫶🏻 so I'm gonna break it down by love interest so it's hopefully easier to read
nate: I think she loved nate in a young way like a first love thing. it wasn't real adult love but she loved the idea of him and being mrs nate archibald but once they got older it obviously didn't work out. I do think she loved him but wasn't necessarily in love with him, but she thought that it was the same thing
chuck: obviously she was deeply and truly in love with him!! I think she realised she loved him in the summer between s1 and s2, and that's why she wants him to say he loves her in 2x01 bc she knows she loves him now. I don't think she fell in love with him instantly like he did with her, rather she realised during the summer that her feelings for him were different than her feelings for nate and she knew it was really being in love. also despite her whole "I'm not in love with you the way you need me to be" nonsense in s5 she clearly was always in love with chuck more than anyone else, and she only said that bc she was so lost in herself
marcus: loved the idea of a title but not him
carter: a l'il fling of no consequence
jack: obviously not
louis: I don't think she truly loved him, as u said she was ready to leave him at the end of s4 and again during s5. I do think she loved him in a similar way to nate in the sense that she loved the idea of him and what he represents, and the sparkly fun of being a princess but she's not in love with him. she tells chuck she doesn't love louis like she loves him, and she tells serena in 5x13 that she's sure she'll grow to love louis so it's clear she was never really in love with him and just loved the fairytale fantasy
dan: she canonically wasn't in love with him. I've talked about this before but she didn't even love him like nate or louis, she just wanted security and nothing serious so she didn't love him in any way at all
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cheriecoke · 1 year ago
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fem!reader, sfw, fluff, you leave lipstick all over levi before a mission and the scouts find out, just something super cutesy & short while i work on some longer pieces hehe, pls ignore errors lol, 1.3k words
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“promise you’ll come back in one piece?” you say, smoothing the wrinkle between levi’s brow with a kiss. 
he glances up at you from under his lashes, crinkling his nose as a short, breathy laugh escapes him, one he tries to subdue. still, he can’t deny the happiness that slips onto his features, not when joy is so fleeting because of the life that the two of you live. 
cold hands run across your back, down to your hips as you straighten his collar, kissing his sharp cheekbones, the bridge of his nose. “i’ve made it this far, haven’t i?” levi mutters, squeezing your sides gently before shifting you off of his lap.
he lifts you, sets you on the edge of his desk, causing some of the papers that erwin had dropped off earlier to crinkle. a smile graces your lips as levi stands, stretching his limbs behind him, the chair pushing away from the desk with a creak.
“i’m going to be late because of you,” levi remarks, eyes narrowed playfully, but he gives you another kiss on the lips, lingering there like it’s painful to pull away.
“then stop kissing me.” your hands splay across his chest, but you don’t push him away, feeling his heart beat under his ribcage, the melody that you will always come back to. still, levi tugs your hips forward, slots in between your legs, and kisses you even deeper. “it’s time for you to go, captain levi.” 
a heavy sigh weighs against your mouth, his exhale warm as he pulls back. “sounds like you want me gone.” 
“of course i don’t.” your voice softens as you play with his fingers for a moment, before he's tugging them away gently, withdrawing from your figure. “i'm going to have to find someone else to sleep next to while you’re away."
normally, you would’ve been going with levi and the rest of the scouts, but an injury from your last mission prevented you from going on any more for a few weeks. 
levi snorts, putting on his jacket, fixing the leather straps across his chest. “is that all i’m good for? killing titans and keeping your bed warm?”
you make a face at him, then shrug, half-hearted as he stares back at you with amusement. then, you laugh, cheerful and free; you know levi will come back to you. he has no other choice. 
levi makes his way towards the door. 
he turns, the lipstick stains still visible on his cheek, dark against his pale skin. for a moment, you wonder if you should tell him—if he’d be mad if you didn’t. 
but then you remember he’s going to meet with a squad of fifteen year olds that have all almost died alongside him. if they really have a problem with their captain being loved by you, then they don’t care about him as much as you thought. 
you smile and shake your head, voice holding just enough mischief for levi to notice. “just be safe. i love you.” 
he softens. there are times where levi is hesitant to say the words, still worried you will be taken from him. but this is not one of those times. not when you will be separated for days, his life once again in danger. “i love you too, sweetheart.”
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within ten minutes, levi is down to the first floor, pushing into the room where the members of his squad are already waiting. 
he’s only a minute late, but he feels like they must have been waiting for hours, the way that they are all gawking at him with wide eyes, connie’s jaw faltering slightly. “everyone here?” levi asks, doing a quick scan of the room, counting heads like he’s their babysitter. 
no one says anything. eren’s eyes look like they might bulge out of his head, and jean covers his mouth, looking away as him and sasha let out a stifled giggle. 
levi’s mouth draws into an even thinner line. “what the hell are you snickering about?" he grumbles, looking at each of them individually, wondering who will be the first to confess. 
their eyes dart away dramatically, faces red. even eren, who is normally more obnoxious than the rest, seems to have run out of words to say. 
his eye twitches; levi wonders if connie’s head might burst, or if sasha’s laugh will rip out of her first. 
“well?” levi asks again, snapping, already tired of this mission. a hot cup of tea sounds nice, in bed next to you.
armin, as usual, is the one to speak up when no one else has anything intelligent to say. “well, sir,” the blonde says, gesturing towards his own face. “i think…”
levi touches his cheek, remembering all the places you’d kissed him earlier, wearing that pretty black dress and your dark lipstick. a sigh leaves him when he pulls his fingers away, the tips coming back, smeared with a deep red. 
he should've known.
“i see," levi says, staring for a moment, before meeting eren's eyes, his lips finally widening into a grin.
“ooooh," eren sings, his expression smug as mikasa elbows him, her own features pinched tight. "the captain’s in looooove."
levi knows they are expecting a reaction, a spectacle of the fact that he adores you. but he’s never kept it a secret, and he’s certainly not ashamed of all the things he feels for you. 
“and what if i am?” levi asks instead, pointedly staring eren down as the rest of the scouts watch the exchange. “honestly, i am surprised no one noticed sooner.”
eren’s jaw falters a bit; a small wave of silence falls over the scouts. you and levi don't make a point of hiding your relationship, but really, levi shouldn’t have been surprised that no one in his squad was observant enough to notice. 
or so he thought, anyway.
historia’s smaller, high-pitched voice breaks up the quiet, repeating your name back to him, as if affirmation that you’re the one he kisses goodnight. a silly question really, considering levi has never looked at anyone else with the same kind of tenderness. 
“it is her, isn’t it?” historia asks, smiling softly. “i only know because you’re always holding hands under the table when you think no one can see.”
levi raises his eyebrow. “clearly we were wrong about that.” though, of all the things to notice, he thought it’d be the way you kiss him after every mission, the way he’s harder on you than anyone else because he doesn’t want to lose you.
eren shrieks your name like he’s never heard it before, and levi is starting to wonder if the boy actually is an idiot. his old squad had known immediately; petra caught you sneaking up to levi’s quarters when you thought everyone else was asleep, kissing him on the cheek when you thought everyone's back was turned. 
it’s been a long time since then, he supposes. maybe the years have taught you subtlety. 
“how long have you been together?”
“does she actually like you?” 
“do you—” connie makes a lewd gesture with his fingers. “you know.” 
“connie!” jean shouts, whacking him on the back of the head. “what do you think! dumbass.” 
“hey!" connie says, rubbing his head. “geez. i just can’t picture it.” 
"i’d rather you didn’t." levi’s face turns sour, disturbed by a room full of teenagers discussing his private and romantic life. “bring it up again and i’ll leave you outside of the wall on the next mission.” he pauses, crosses his arms with an exasperated exhale. “and she likes me just fine. at least, she has for the past five years.” 
a new wave of questioning starts and levi pinches his temples, shakes his head, the red smear of lipstick still on his face.
levi almost wishes you could’ve been there to field the questions instead. you’ve always been better with the kids, connected with them a lot easier than levi had.
even if it was would’ve exposed his lovesick eyes, the tiny lift of the corner of his mouth when you were around.
he’s never been very good about hiding it anyway.
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nayeoniiz · 2 months ago
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pairings ❥ heeseung x fem!reader
point of view ❥ third person, omniscient
warnings ❥ mutual masturbation, cyberstalking, noncon recording
synopsis ❥ you meet heeseung on omegle and quickly hit it off until you accidentally disconnect. feeling at a loss from not being able to find him again, you give up and live life as if it never happened. unbeknownst to you, however, he turns out to be a hacker who hacked into your camera, resorting to watching your secretly from behind the screen… until he didn’t.
genre ❥ smut
word count ❥ 4.4k
taglist: @rayofsunshineeee
Webcam Perv! (2)
author’s note: sorry it took me a bit longer to release, i ended up rewriting over the whole draft. i was gonna write the full story in one go, but if there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that i love making series. anyway i hope yall enjoy! & a reminder that my requests are open (send as an ask or submission pls do not dm me lol). go check out my other stories while you’re at it bc i have much more cooking! not proofread so don’t come for me!
y/n lay blank faced on her bed with her phone in hand. it had been hours since she’d gotten home from her classes, and now she was just scrolling mindlessly on tiktok out of boredom. her room was quiet except for the occasional hum of her heater and the everchanging audios blasting from her phone’s speakers.
she sighed, tossing her phone to the side resorting to staring at the ceiling. as the days were growing colder, y/n couldn’t help but to feel this growing sense of loneliness creeping in, like there was something missing that she couldn’t quite put her finger onㅡexcitement was the closest word she think of. she didn’t have many friends to talk to, or text, or hang out with—just her best friend natty, but the girl was currently unreachable as she had already fallen asleep after their brief phone call.
midterms were always the dryest times for y/n. after spending hours in the library, forcing far too many categories of knowledge down her throat for her own goodㅡ just to end up with barely above average scores, she was too drained to do much of anything else when she got home. but, it was hard to just sleep. she was intransigent when it came to resting after studying because she wanted to give herself the free time she’d lost instead. usually being on her phone, and rotting her brain away with the useless curated content that she handpicked for herself would suffice. but on days like thisㅡ where her studying ended close to (or in this case, after) midnight, it wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy the dopamine she was longing for.
after a few moments of lying in a frozen state of staring off into nothing, she reached for her laptop, opening it on impulse. omegle. it had been a while since she’d used it, and honestly, it wasn’t the best idea, but she figured it might help pass the time. and maybe it’d even give her some form of human interaction, though her hopes weren’t too high given the website’s reputation. she typed “k-pop” into the category field, hoping it’d narrow down the pool to people around her age who might share at least one interest with her.
the first few chats weren’t anything special. she ran through the typical brief hellos, the awkward pauses, and of course the familiar “stranger has disconnected.” a few times, however, she was met with the sight of creepy old men who took pleasure in flashing, reacting at lightning speed to skip the chats before things could get worse. some people seemed normal at first, friendly even, but as soon as they’d start saying weird thingsㅡor worse, making noises that gave away their intentions, it’d soil her mood once again as she refreshed her tab.
after getting skipped again for the umpteenth time, y/n found herself hovering her mouse over the “new chat” button, debating. she looked at the clock in the corner of her screen, she had already wasted 30 minutes trying to find a normal human being to talk to. she was beginning to wonder if this was really a good idea to begin with. was it even worth possibly getting harassed for another half hour, in the name of being social? she weighed her options: she could either waste another 2 hours on tiktok, or go to bed. neither seemed appetizing for the hunger of connection she craved. with a sigh, she decided to try one more. and if it didn’t work out, it just meant that it was time to call it a night. she clicked to start a new chat.
stranger is typing…
stranger: hii
you: hello
stranger: m23
you: f22
stranger: cam?
you: earn it?
this one didn’t seem too bad so far, but she wasn’t going to make an early judgement. the man seemed to respect her decision as he quickly changed the conversation. they kept things light, alternating on asking each other random questions back and forth about hobbies, favorite foods, movies, shows, and music. the conversation was easy, fun even, and y/n found herself smiling a little despite the earlier frustration. it was like she was finally getting what she was looking for. with the conversation being tame, he took it as a green light to ask again.
stranger: can i see you now?
you: fine lol
y/n hesitated before turning her camera on and adjusted her hair quickly before looking at the screen. the male in her vision had a sharp, almost angelic face, with delicate features that seemed to be personally sculpted by the man above. his hair was dark and tousled, the slight messiness giving him a laid-back, calm vibe with his headset only adding character to his visual as they laid over his ears. his eyes were a captivating deep brown. they were soft and friendly, it made it hard to look away. even through the webcam, it was clear he had this undeniable charm, his steady gaze hinting that he knew the effect he had on others. the two of them stayed still, ogling each other for a bit, the stare down only being interrupted when he abruptly started typing again.
stranger is typing…
stranger: damn ur fine lol
you: thx so are you
stranger: you in korea?
you: yeah
stranger: me too
stranger is typing…
stranger: audio?
you: yk what? yeah
heeseung and y/n both go to turn on their audio. while her room was silent, disregarding the small noise coming from her room’s heater, heeseung had r&b music softly playing in the background. it only added to this boy next door vibe she was getting from him. the two of them were silent for a second before heeseung decided to break the ice by speaking first.
“hello? let me know if you can hear me.” his voice came through clearly, deep and smooth, carrying a natural warmth that drew her in without him even trying. a part of her was convinced he had to secretly be a weirdo. what was someone as attractive as him even doing on this site, yet alone at this hour? she took a breath before answering.
“hi, yeah i can hear you,” she replied, her tone a little uncertain, unsure of how to match his cool energy. she wasn’t exactly the extroverted type of person to begin with, you can only imagine how much harder it was to speak when such a captivating face was waiting for her response in real time.
heeseung only chuckled softly, the sound seamlessly exuding natural confidence. “so… i guess we finally get to talk now.”
y/n smiled at his words, her need for approval rising as she juggled through all the responses she could make to keep him engaged, “yeah, seems like it,” she responded, her voice was steady now as she tried to shake off the nervousness creeping in. 
heeseung chuckled, shifting closer to his keyboard as his fingers danced over the keys. the music in the background shifted, the beat changing just as he leaned back in his chair, folding his arms behind his head. his voice lowered a notch as he spoke, a hint of amusement in his tone. ��i’m, heeseung, by the way.”
“y/n,” she responded.
“i gotta admit,” he said, “i wasn’t sure if you’d actually turn on your mic.”
“why’s that?” she asked, an almost muted giggle escaping her lips as she twirled a strand of her hair, her fingers displaying how nervous she felt. heeseung watched her with a quiet intensity, noticing every little movement she made. the way her fingers fidgeted and how she avoided meeting his gaze through the screen.
“i don’t know,” he said, his tone lazy and nonchalant, but holding a teasing undertoneㅡ a subtle shift she didn’t quite catch onto. “guess i’m just lucky you did.” he didn’t say anything about her fidgeting, though. he didn’t need to. she seemed like the type to change her behavior once it was called out, and he was more captivated by it than he let on. there was something about her shyness, moreso the way she couldn’t quite hide it, that intrigued him. “so, what do you usually do when you’re not chatting with strangers on the internet?”
his question had caught y/n off guard for a brief moment, another nervous laugh slipping past her lips as she tugged on her shirt’s collar, adjusting it to make sure nothing was out of place though she didn’t actually need to. she didn’t know why, but something about talking to him felt different from the others. “uh, not much… if i’m not studying, i just watch tiktoks or call my friend if she’s not tired.” she replied hoping the answer sounded casual enough.
“hm, sounds like you’ve got some time to kill,” heeseung smirked, inching his chair closer to the screen. he opened a second tab, the soft clatter of his typing blending effortlessly with the mellow r&b drifting through the background.
“yeah, guess i do. life’s… kinda mundane, you know?” y/n replied sheepishly. her gaze followed his, noting the slight movement of his hands just out of view, but chucking it up to him searching for another song to play as the music shifted again. he didn’t back away from the screen this time, though. instead, he kept his eyes locked on hers, unwavering.
“i get it,” heeseung replied, his voice lowering slightly, but still keeping its laidback manner, like they were just two people having an ordinary conversation. “i’m the same, but i'm more of a youtube guy, i found out about this site through a video on there.” as he spoke, his finger subtly danced across the keyboard, the screen flickering with the quiet download of her IP address. his eyes stayed on the camera, his expression open and unreadable, like he was genuinely listening to her.
“that’s interesting, this app usually has a bad rep. like, there’s only creeps on here,” y/n said, though her words seemed to be misunderstood as heeseung furrowed his brows.
“are you trying to insinuate that i’m a creep?”
her eyes widened in shock, and she quickly slapped a hand over her mouth. a stutter broke through her words. “what?! no! i’m just saying—i’ve run into a lot of them tonight before i landed on you. so i was just… i don’t know. forget i said anything.” she sulked, her face reddening with embarrassment at her failed attempt to relate. heeseung watched in awe, his lips curving into a small, knowing smile, at her mannerisms, finding every one of her reactions so cute. sensing her discomfort, he smoothly shifted the topic.
“i’m kidding, y/n.” he grinned, showcasing his pearly whites. “so… what’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never got around to?” he asked, his tone light, but there was an underlying intensity to his gaze. he wasn’t just asking out of curiosity; he was studying her, absorbing every word she said, as if her answers would tell him everything he needed to know.
y/n paused, thinking for a moment before she answered. “probably traveling more. i feel like i’m always stuck in the same routine.”
“yeah, routines can be… limiting. but they’re also comforting, right?” he paused, his eyes flickering to a different part of his screen for just a moment before he continued. “you know, sometimes it’s those little moments, when everything feels a little too safe, that you need to shake things up.” he spoke so casually, like he was giving advice, but it sounded a bit odd to y/n. she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to his words, though she couldn’t put her finger on what it was. regardless, she found herself wanting to stay, wanting to know more. and she was always too paranoid for her own good anyway. it was probably nothing.
“i guess.”
“oh. yeah, but is that the only reason you’re on here?” heeseung’s fingers were still moving on his keyboard, the quiet clicking of the keys going unnoticed now. he wasn’t just talking anymore—he was already pulling the strings, weaving a subtle web around her, all while his words remained smooth and harmless. y/n’s lips pursed in thought, the sudden change in the atmosphere making her feel more curious than she was letting on.
“what do you mean?” she asked, confusion creeping into her tone as she leaned forward, trying to get a better look at him. heeseung’s system, working silently in the background, had breached the security of her wifi by now, scanning through the connected devices, its main goal being to gain access to her phone.
“i mean… it’s almost 4am, saturday night. you’re a cute girl, seem kind of introverted, but you give off this vibe... like you’re looking for some fun.”
whatever dimwitted perception y/n formed of him had shattered. he was no different from any of the other men she’d encountered prior. “oh. i don’t really do… that,” she replied, a slight pout playing on her lips. she moved her mouse to hover over the skip button, but she didn’t click it. something was keeping her here. maybe it was the way he looked at her—too attractive, too confident. she wasn’t sure, but she didn’t move.
heeseung noticed her hesitation, his grin widening. “oh, neither do i,” he said in a humoring manner, brushing her reaction off as if his earlier comment didn’t mean anything. “i just had to test the waters. can you blame me though? it’s not every day you meet an attractive girl on here. you said it yourself, there’s usually only creeps on here, right?”
“yeah,” she laughed, the sound effortlessly drawn out as she got caught in the pull of his charm. any cautions she had before seemed to dissipate as she got lost in his eyes. she debated whether she should just give in—it wasn’t like they’d see each other again, right? but then, the stories about girls who made impulsive choices, and got extorted, crept into her mind. the fear of becoming just another statistic arose.
“what do you have in mind?” she asked, her words slipping out before she could think them through. her people-pleasing tendencies had kicked in, but the smile that spread across his face made her heart race. somehow, it felt good, like she was doing something right. and that made it feel worth it. rewarding, even.
“whatever you’re offering, baby,” heeseung replied smoothly, his voice dipping into an unfamiliar, alluring tone that made her body tingle. as he spoke, his hand moved subtly off-screen, clicking to start recording. the faintest smirk curled on his lips as he leaned closer to the camera, his eyes burning into hers with a suggestiveness that made her feel seen in a way she hadn’t before. desired. wanted.
“i don’t know,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. a nervous smile played on her lips as her fingers fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. her eyes darting away from the camera before flicking back to his. “i’ve never done anything like this before.”
heeseung tilted his head slightly, his smirk widening as he studied her. there was something about her naivety, the way she danced on the edge of her own boundaries, that made his pulse quicken. he decided then and there that if he wasn’t already obsessed before, he definitely was now. utterly and completely.
“well, i’m honored to be the first,” his voice dripped with seduction, but his eyes glinted with something far more sinister.
her cheeks flushed as she hesitated again, her fingers picking at the fabric of her shirt before she finally blurted, “could you maybe…” she paused, laughing softly at how ridiculous she felt to ask. “show me something, too? just to keep it fair.” her words made heeseung pause for a moment before a low chuckle escaped him, growing into full, unrestrained laughter. he leaned back in his chair, shaking his head in amusement, his eyes never leaving her face.
she was truly a character—everything about her was so… adorable. her openness, her immediate trust in a complete stranger, and the impulsivity that seemed to pour out of her without a second thought. it was intoxicating. she was everything he’d been looking for, everything someone like him—a man with desires he dared not say aloud—would dream of finding. and yet, beneath his amusement, there was a darker realization. if she wasn’t careful and kept giving away pieces of herself so easily, someone would take advantage of her. someone crueler, more reckless, more dangerous than him. he couldn’t let that happen. not with anyone else at least. she was his now. and if she was going to be ruined, it would only be by him.
“would you like it better if i go first?” heeseung inquired, his voice smooth as the corners of his lips nearly curled into a restrained smirk. he watched her reaction closely, catching the way her quick, almost desperate nod betrayed her displayed excitement. it was endearing, almost painfully so. it drove him crazy. he pursed his lips, feigning contemplation, before his smile grew wider, softer. “thought so,” he murmured, his tone carrying just enough teasing warmth to make her feel both at ease. she was completely under his spell. 
he reached for his webcam, the movement slow as he decided to savor the moment. tilting it slightly, he aimed it downward, the lens capturing his relaxed posture, legs spread comfortably wide. the soft fabric of his sweatpants clung to him in just the right way, emphasizing his figure without him needing to do much at all. the unthought of confidence in his movements was enough to hold her gaze, her breath catching as the tension in the air thickened. his hands grazed over the fabric covering his length, a small hiss of relief leaving his lips as he did so. she had already gotten him painfully hard without even trying.
lifting his hips, he slides his sweats down. just enough for him to pull his cock out, an unintentional gasp falling from y/n’s lips at the sight of it. he couldn’t hide the rush of pride that surfaced at her reaction. it was a response he’d grown accustomed to from his long list of other victims on the site, but there was something about y/n that struck him differently. her wide-eyed gaze, the way her lips parted slightly as if she wanted to speak but couldn’t find the words—it was enough to ignite a deeper need within him, a desire to draw her in further, to leave her completely captivated by him.
a quiet curse slipped past his lips as he stroked, his hand barely being able to wrap around its girth. his movements were meticulous, unhurried as he moved to spread his precum over the rest of his length. he leaned back slightly, his gaze never leaving her face. his dark eyes carried a silent command, the faintest nod of his head urging her to follow his lead. he didn’t have to say a word—his confidence, his control, it was all laid bare in the way he watched her, waiting to see how far she would go.
it was then that y/n realized she couldn't back out now. not that she wanted toㅡ her curiosity, mingled with the pull he had over her, kept her rooted in place. but it was starting to feel too real, the weight of the moment sinking in as she hesitated, unsure of what he was expecting. the fact that he left it up to her made it even more difficult. her mind raced as she nervously tugged at the bottom of her shirt, praying her choice would be enough to satisfy him.
heeseung's gaze didn't waver, his expression unreadable but intent, as though he were savoring every second of her hesitation. when she finally moved, lifting her shirt to display her breasts. her cheeks burned as she moved her hands over one, massaging and pinching her nipples. his lips twitched into the faintest smile. to her, his reaction was subtle, leaving her questioning if she'd done enough. 
but to heeseung, it was everything. to him, everything about her was intoxicating, from the nervous way she moved, to the unsure glances she gave him. he would have been satisfied just seeing her collarbone. his heart raced at the thought of how easily she gave in, how willingly vulnerable she was in front of him. it inflated his ego even more, knowing he was the first to witness this side of her.
he forced himself to keep his expression composed, though his excitement was nearly impossible to contain. the speed of his fingers absentmindedly sped up, thinking of how he’d be able to relive it again later tonight. and he’d make sure to replay every moment, over and over, obsessing over the way she unwittingly gave herself to him.“ah~ fuck, y/n,” he whimpered, unable to contain the heat growing over him. his eyes snapped shut, immediately imagining his hand to be hers. his hips bucked, as he began thrusting into his fist chasing the feeling of a body he knew now that he just had to get his hands on. tonight wasn’t going to be enough, he needed more. 
y/n didn’t know where her confidence was coming from when her free hand snaked its way down to the hem of her shorts as she pushed past them straight into her panties. she scooted into a slouch allowing herself easier access as she began rubbing on her clit, the pressure soothing its throbbing ache and sending a sweet, shocking sensation throughout her body. she couldn’t bite back the moan that slipped outㅡ the noise sounding like music to heeseung’s ears. oh how jealous he was of her hands now. being able to touch her because he couldn’t. it wasn’t enough, nowhere near it.
”look at me,” he murmured, his voice rough, making her cheeks flush as she slowly opened her eyes to meet his. his gaze was full of desire, making her feel small in a way that was strangely exhilarating. she found herself wanting nothing more than to impress him. she bit her lip as she quickly moved to lower the camera, aiming it to display more of her chest and downward before returning to her prior position on the chair. it didn’t even matter to him that her shorts kept her beautiful cunt a mystery to himㅡ the whole picture was so fucking sexy. the way she was playing with her nipples, pinching and rolling them, the speed of her circular motions increasing as she chased her orgasm, the way her tongue rested on her bottom lip before she bit it, the way sheㅡ
“heeseung~ oh my god.”
fuck. if he was wasn’t already stroking fast enough, he was moving at godspeed now. he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold back. he rubbed his thumb along his tip’s slit as he kept his pace, the action leaving his hips stuttering. he was so close, and y/n was too. she couldn’t control the volume of her moans, gripping her breast like her life depended on it. “i’m gonna cum, oh my god, oh my god,” the desperation in her voice made him come undone as he bit back a loud, throaty moan. but she kept going, still chasing her climax as her moans got choked out the harder she went on herself.
just as she was about to cum, when she was almost there, her computer suddenly shut down. the screen went black without warning, leaving only an empty, lifeless void. heeseung watched as her screen flickered and then turned dark, his heart sinking in frustration. “fuck!” he swore, shooting forward in his chair, eyes fixed on the blank screen. he slammed a fist on the desk in irritation before quickly ending the recording. his hands moved frantically over the keyboard, reopening his hacking program, desperately trying to figure out what went wrong.
y/n didn’t even notice, her orgasm crashed over her as she felt like every nerve, and cell in her body had come undone. she kept her eyes closed as she let out a breathless sigh, regaining her composure. after a few seconds, y/n opened her eyes to see that her laptop was blank. she frantically clicked on buttons trying to turn it on, clicking the power button which only displayed a red drained battery as if to mock her further. of all times it could have decided to die, why now? the frustration and panic settled in as she realized she may never get to see him again. she didn’t have any ways to contact him, but would he even want to hear from her again? doubt clouded her mind. now there was no way of knowing. she wanted to keep talking to him, but the odds seemed slim. with a heavy sigh, she jumped up, scrambling to plug her laptop into the charger.
meanwhile, heeseung was still navigating through her information. he had closed out of omegle and now his focus was entirely on troubleshooting. he noticed her computer no longer showed up on the network, the last activity was two minutes ago. “that piece of shit must’ve died,” he grumbled under his breath. he figured now would be the time to access her phone’s camera as it would be useless trying to find her again on the website. switching servers on the program, he downloaded the data to his phone and went to lay down. he watched through the front camera on her phone, but it remained in the same spot unmoving. he was getting frustrated.
y/n had wasted almost 45 minutes skipping through hundreds of people in search of his face on omegle. but to no avail, his face never came up again. it was 6am, and she had plans with natty to go through with in the evening. as much as she didn’t want to right now, she had to sleep. oth of them, in their own way, ended up resigned to their separate fates. y/n reluctantly accepted her defeat, bitterly acknowledging that the night had slipped away. but at least for heeseung, there was a sense of satisfaction in knowing he would have another chance to see her again. this wouldn’t be the last time they crossed paths. he’d make sure of that.
Webcam Perv! (2)
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digitaldaydreamm · 1 month ago
PLSPSLSPSLPDLS GIVE US THE PART 3 PSLPSS FKKFJFJF I CANNOT WAIT ANY MONGERRTHFJXJCH😭 (btw this- I’m crazy alr but pls do take care of urself but PLSPSLDPS update quick ily)
anything for u <3
unspoken claim
rafe x childhood friend!reader
| summary | rafe can't hold back any longer...
warnings: suggestive, mentions of oral
a/n: third (and final) part is hereeee!!! i will obviously continue writing for this pair, i just don't plan on making this a series as of right now. keep sending me your thoughts, comments and ideas about rafe x reader (or anything else)! i love reading everything you send <3
part 1 part 2 masterlist
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⋆。𖦹 °.🐚⋆❀˖°
The familiar scent of your room—vanilla and faint traces of your shampoo—lingered in the air, but it wasn’t the same.
Not with him here.
Rafe sat at the foot of your bed, one arm draped lazily over his knee, the other tapping slow, deliberate patterns against the comforter. He hadn’t said much since coming over, just watching you with the same unreadable expression that had been throwing you off all night.
And you knew why.
Because it was the first time he’d been in your room since it happened.
Since he had pressed you into this very mattress and torn you apart with his mouth, his hands holding you down, his voice coaxing out every little sound he wanted to hear.
You shifted, tugging your sleeves over your fingers, pretending you weren’t hyper-aware of it—of him.
But Rafe wasn’t pretending.
“You been avoiding me?”
Your stomach twisted.
A slow smirk tugged at his lips. “You sure?”
You forced yourself to look at him.
“I let you in my house, didn’t I?”
That amused him.
“Yeah,” he murmured. “But you won’t come near me.”
Your breath hitched as he reached out, fingers curling around your ankle, tugging you just enough that you lost balance and had to catch yourself against the bed.
“What?” he murmured, tilting his head. “You nervous?”
His hand moved, fingers tracing the exposed skin just above your sock.
Your breath caught.
He noticed.
Rafe hummed, thumb brushing back and forth absentmindedly.
“You think about it?”
You knew what he meant.
Your heart pounded. “I—”
“Because I do.”
The words sent a sharp current through your spine.
You swallowed, fingers curling against the comforter.
His grip on your leg tightened, like he could feel you squirming before you even moved.
“I think about how fuckin’ sweet you sounded,” he murmured, voice low, rough. “How good you tasted.”
Your breath faltered.
Rafe exhaled sharply, his free hand dragging up your thigh, stopping just beneath the hem of your shorts.
“Bet you touched yourself after,” he mused, smirking when you sucked in a sharp breath. “Didn’t you?”
Your stomach twisted, shame curling in your chest because you had.
And Rafe could see it on your face.
His smirk deepened.
“You did,” he murmured, pleased.
You didn’t say anything.
Didn’t deny it.
And that was enough for him.
Rafe exhaled sharply, fingers gripping your thigh, dragging you closer—slowly, deliberately, letting the anticipation coil tight in your stomach.
“You wanna know what I think?” His voice was lower now, sending a shiver down your spine.
You swallowed. “What?”
His nose skimmed the side of your jaw, lips ghosting over your skin as he whispered:
“I think you want me to do it again.”
Your breath stuttered.
Rafe chuckled softly, his hands pressing firmer against you.
“You just don’t know how to ask.”
His words clung to the air between you, thick and charged, sending heat crawling up your neck.
You should’ve pushed him away.
You should’ve said something.
But you didn’t.
Because he was right.
And when his fingers squeezed your thigh, pulling you even closer, when his lips brushed the shell of your ear like he was waiting for you to crack—your resolve crumbled.
Your voice was barely above a whisper.
His hands traced slow, lazy circles into your skin, but you could feel the restraint in them, the tension in his grip like he was holding himself back.
“Tell me, baby,” he murmured, his lips dragging down the side of your jaw. “What do you want?”
Your stomach twisted, your pulse hammering against your ribs.
He wanted you to say it.
To admit that you had thought about it. That you had wanted it again.
But the words tangled in your throat.
And Rafe—impatient, dominant, so fucking sure—was already reading you like a book.
His fingers curled under your chin, tilting your face up, forcing you to look at him.
“C’mon, kid,” he murmured. “Use your big girl words.”
Your breath caught.
Heat flared across your cheeks, a sharp mixture of embarrassment and something else—something that made your thighs press together.
Rafe saw.
And he fucking smirked.
“Yeah?” he mused, dragging his thumb across your lip, voice low, teasing. “That what you want?”
Your stomach flipped.
"Please..." you nodded meekly.
His hand trailed down, fingers ghosting over your throat, pressing just enough to make your breath stutter.
“You want me to ruin you again?”
Your entire body tensed.
Rafe let the question settle, his grip tightening slightly.
Then, softly, coaxingly:
“Say it.”
You hesitated, but the words were already forming before you could stop them.
“…I want it.”
Rafe hummed, pleased.
His fingers traced slow, deliberate lines down your stomach, making you squirm, making you ache.
“That’s my girl.”
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Rafe’s hand was warm against your jaw, his touch firm but not forceful. He was looking at you like he was trying to read your mind, like he was trying to carve his way into your thoughts before you could shut him out again.
“You’re not gonna pretend this didn’t happen,” he said, voice low. “Not this time.”
Your throat felt tight.
“I just—” You hesitated, heart pounding. “I don’t want things to change.”
Rafe let out a slow breath, his fingers tightening just slightly. “They already have.”
You swallowed hard, not sure how to respond to that.
His hand drifted down, fingers brushing your throat before settling against the pulse point at your neck. He could feel how fast your heart was beating. He probably knew how nervous you were.
“I can’t go back to before,” he admitted, voice quieter now. “I can’t fucking hold myself back anymore.”
Your stomach flipped.
You bit your lip, hesitant. “Rafe—”
“Tell me you don’t feel it,” he cut you off, gaze sharp. “Tell me you don’t want this.”
You hesitated.
Because you couldn’t.
You did want this.
You didn’t know what it meant, what it would change, but you wanted him. And you were tired of pretending you didn’t.
You exhaled, chest tight. “I don’t know how.”
Rafe stilled.
You weren’t sure what made you say it, but the words just slipped out, quiet and unsure.
“I don’t know how to do this,” you admitted, voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve never—”
You bit your lip, looking down.
Rafe’s grip softened, his thumb tracing over your cheek. “I know.”
Your stomach twisted.
You didn’t know why it made you so nervous, admitting it out loud. But Rafe wasn’t teasing. He wasn’t making a big deal about it. He just… knew.
And that somehow made it worse.
“I—” You hesitated, swallowing hard. “I’ve never even—”
But you didn’t need to finish the sentence.
Rafe’s fingers tilted your chin up, his gaze dropping to your lips.
Your breath caught.
“Then let me,” he murmured.
Your pulse raced.
Your lips parted slightly, unsure. Hesitant.
But when he leaned in, slow and sure, when his lips brushed yours—your mind emptied.
Rafe kissed you like he had been waiting for it. Like he had been holding back for too long. Like he wasn’t going to let you run from this.
His lips were soft, warm, and when he deepened it, when his hand slipped to the back of your neck, holding you there—your body melted into his.
It wasn’t just your first kiss. It was a shift. A line you couldn’t uncross.
And when he finally pulled back, just barely, his forehead resting against yours, his voice was quiet but sure.
“No more pretending.”
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pomefioredove · 8 months ago
hi!! could you pls do headcanons for the housewardens (+jamil) with a reader that stims? like if they get nervous or excited they do flappy hands! Gn reader, and the characters are crushing on reader but they’re not dating yet please! Thank you :>
:) of course! I stim so I get it LOL
summary: reader who stims! type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, leona, azul, jamil, kalim, vil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic for most, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu
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Riddle already has a high "nonsense tolerance" when it comes to you
if you were anyone else, he would get overstimulated so fast
but, it's you
and he likes you
and he puts a lot more effort into making you comfortable around him than he would ever admit
so, by all means! fidget, stim, hum, he likes all of you
and if anyone else has a problem with it, they can go through him, first
if you can live with a little teasing, Leona can live with your stims
...kind of
he would never admit it to himself, but the way you get excited is kinda endearing to him
(major cuteness aggression)
so he just can't help teasing you a tiny bit for it
lovingly, of course
Azul has an eye for detail and a love of figuring people out
and admiring observing you is one of his favorite pastimes!
he might need the information later
for... reasons.
he finds your mannerisms... interesting. your nervous ticks are so different from the other student's
then Floyd suggests you're obviously stimming; it just looks different "'cause you're on land and stuff,"
it makes sense (though he doesn't have to be so smug about it)
mystery solved
but Azul keeps staring at you, anyway. for... reasons.
unsurprisingly, Kalim loves it
if he doesn't stim already, he might just start
it's a good way to let off some energy when he's overexcited, or calm him when he's nervous
(which happens more often than you'd think)
he would be baffled by the idea that people find it annoying
or weird, or childish
if he felt like someone was staring, or about to say something to you, he'd start stimming with you
power in numbers, right?
surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) Jamil doesn't really... care
at this point, he's dealt with everything
a nuclear bomb could go off and he probably wouldn't even react
that's a slow tuesday for him
it's only during the metaphorical nuclear fallout
(when he has that migraine he always gets)
that he'll ask you for quiet and space
and that's the very most he'll say about it
Vil isn't ignorant
he's not going to punish you for something that you find helpful
...and Rook has his little quirks, too
besides, there's nothing you could do that he wouldn't find endearing
what he will do, however, is help you manage
to your comfort, of course
there's a drawer full of stim toys in the Pomefiore lounge probably
and if not, Rook probably has a doohickey or two that can keep your hands occupied during quiet/important/etc occasions
otherwise, you're free to do whatever
I'm gonna be so real tbh I see Pomefiore as a very disability-friendly dorm and I'll die on that hill
Idia! the freak himself
nah, he doesn't care
he probably has a ton of his own stims he's already super embarrassed about
so he's definitely not going to say anything to you
if anything, it makes him feel better about himself
it's cute when you do it
he starts 3D printing you toys he think you'll like, most that he designed himself
so, he does care, but... in a good way!
LMAO okay. wait
between Lilia, Silver, and Sebek, there's no way Malleus would see stimming as anything but normal
Lilia probably starts crawling on the walls like a spider when he's excited
so hand-flapping is like aw... cute! :) to Malleus
he would, will, and has stared down anyone who makes a face or a nasty comment about it
so you can be sure that no one will ever say anything mean to you about it!
like, ever again
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celuere · 3 days ago
Please I need arle being the biggest piece of shit during a date with reader, pulling every single method of teasing you before dicking you down 🥺 (stripteasing pls)
Feel free to add whatever else you want :333 ty and love you lots
pairing: arlecchino x fem!reader
cw: arles fat fucking dick, stripteasing ngh, teasing, overstimulation, uhmmmm you‘re not wearing any underwear, voyeurism kinda??, usage of a vibrator, unhinged sesbian lex
freakray is at it again (yk i love you)
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„is the food to your liking, my love?“, arlecchino cut her own - very raw - steak in half as she awaited your answer.
she just had to take you out to dinner today. she didn’t even ask. all she gave you was a „be ready by six“ and placed a tiny little bag into your lap with things she wanted you to „wear underneath your dress“.
that’s why you were sitting with nothing covering your pussy underneath todays attire.
the bag was empty.
you don’t how much dignity you lost in the span of the last three hours but given your husband‘s almost… smug face… she planned this all along.
„the lobster is certainly very delicious, i cannot complain…“, you took an extra big bite into the juicy meat to show her you were serious.
„my… usually i only ever see you this passionate about a different kind of meat.“
her next bite couldn’t have looked more casual.
„e-excuse me?“
„oh, nothing.“
your eyes were wide. filled with shock and something… more carnal as you watched her bring the wine glass to her lips.
and just as you came up with a comeback-
you forced your legs shut. the food in your throat getting stuck as you watched your husband muster you as if she doesn’t have a single clue about what’s going on underneath the table.
as if her hand isn‘t fidgeting with the remote to the vibrator that she had shoved up into your cunt just moments before leaving the house.
„ma cherie… you look a little red in the face. perhaps a few sips of your champagne will cool you down.“, she accompanied her recommendation by tapping on the glass with her razor-sharp nail.
you only glared at her as you rubbed your hand over your thigh to ease the tension, too scared to open your mouth.
fucking sadist.
it didn’t get any better over the duration of your dinner.
you came twice underneath the table before you finished your dessert, legs already quivering as you watched your waitress whisper the bill into the harbinger’s ear.
not letting you know about the ridiculously high price she is paying for the both of you tonight. a common trait of hers. (she refuses to let you even pay for your own part of the dinner every. single. time.)
„it has been a delight to serve you both on this lovely evening. i wish you a safe ride back home.“, the server bowed her head before quietly retreating from your table, leaving you with your husband alone.
a red painted nail trailed the pattern of the table cloth before her, almost in an attempt to distract you- before the lovely toy stuffed between your legs went off again, forcing you to slam your hand onto your mouth this time.
still, with the restaurant staff still being present you could do nothing except scowl at her.
„darling, we should catch the carriage home. don‘t you think so?“
you merely nodded.
the ride to your mansion equaled a death sentence.
with a black hand grabbing and squeezing the plush of your quivering thighs it was fairly hard to take in the winter wonderland outside the windows.
she didn‘t comment on how soaked your inner thighs were in your own arousal, in fact… she didn‘t say anything at all. as if she wanted to keep you on edge as good as possible. as if she wanted to ruin you as much as possible before delivering the grand act- in your bedroom.
the moan that threatened to slip past your lips the more she inched closer to your aching pussy and even with the vibrator turned off, you were cartwheeling on the inside.
what is she planning?
will she torture you even further?
did she just mess with you out of boredom?
„sit and watch.“
two hands pushed you down onto the soft mattress.
„huh- wh-what?“, you watched your husband in slight bewilderment as she stepped away from you, her hand already getting to work on loosening up the tie around her neck. her black blazer already discarded over a nearby chair, leaving her in a bordeaux shirt.
„you heard me.“, your throat went dry as she let it hang loose on her shoulders before her fingers proceeded to unbutton the fabric, „i tortured my poor wife for the whole evening. allow me to pay her back. now keep. your. eyes. on. me.“, each word was undermined by a button being plopped open one after the other.
your body grew hot as the scarred skin came into view first. followed by a toned body that was honed over the years through intense- almost cruel physical labor- and training. yet she never looked more beautiful to you, her wife.
„you are staring, ma amour.“, the slightest hint of a smirk played around her lips as she slid the last layer of clothes down her arms- her bra.
seeing her so… bare in front of you. at her most vulnerable… 
„i‘m allowed to look at what’s mine…“
her hands stilled on the buckle of her belt.
„…indeed, you are. my whole being belongs to you after all. there is no denying that.“, the tall woman stepped closer to you again until she was standing directly before you. it was only now that you noticed the bump in her pants. a fucking big bump.
„go on… undress your husband…“, arlecchino allowed herself to run her hand through your hair and letting her nails caress your scalp, forcing a pleased hum from your lips. 
your pussy clenched. the vibrator already removed from inside of you but you were soaked nonetheless. soaked and not taken care of.
but the knave always takes care of her business.
when she folded you in half on the mattress with her cock rutting into you, it was probably the closest to heaven the both of you will ever get. your nipple engulfed by her lips with the skin already covered in a messy chaos of hickeys and the remains of an expensive bloody-red lipstick.
but she fucked you so well. she knew which pace to use on you, how to angle her hips, what words to whisper to you in order for your vision to be clouded by dancing stars.
„tu es si belle avec ma bite qui bourre ta chatte...“
„you look so beautiful with my cock stuffing your pussy…“
you hope salvation will one day come in form of your husband‘s dick.
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kentoxo · 4 months ago
friction | reader (f) x crush!nanami pt. 11
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pairing: reader (f) x crush!nanami
synopsis: [AU] you have always had a crush on nanami. since the day you were hired as his personal assistant, you've been right at his side combating numbers and making money within the finance department for the company you two worked for. but, things take a turn when nanami catches wind of your feelings, and rejects you. little did he know the weight of his mistake.
warnings: angst, heartbreak, sexual tension, jealousy (future smut)
a/n: i have returned with another, not-so-interesting part. i apologize to those who might have asked to be tagged previously, i *think* i have everyone now! but again, pls feel free to yell at me in my askbox if i didnt get you! the next part is gonna be way more fun, promise :) trying to bring in more of our jjk favs (including our baby boy toru)
all parts: pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10,
December | Tokyo, Japan | Monday
“Kento, are you stupid or dumb?” Haibara coldly spits through the phone. “You have what, like 5 days? My god, where is your brain dude?” 
“I’m a businessman,” Nanami responds, with shaky sighs escaping from between his lips as he enters the lobby of their job. “I made a deal, and she accepted the terms. When have I ever lost a deal?” 
“This all could have been avoided if you just said the other shit you told me,” Haibara groaned. “How she’s pretty, and the way you are able to open up to her.” 
Nanami lets out his own sigh, as his friend was probably right. “She… made me nervous. I only know how to be professional and talk in working terms. I’m not good at anything else.” 
“And now she’s pissed off, so fantastic work, Head of Department,” Haibara says before sucking his teeth. 
Nanami walks into the elevator, one hand buried in his pocket while the other holding his phone tiredly at his ear. A few other colleagues enter, giving Nanami a curt bow before pressing their floor button. “Is she in yet, by the way?” Nanami asks, a twinge of optimism in his tongue. 
“Of course she is,” Haibara hummed, the sounds of papers being sifted in the background. “She even asked for me to get your cup of coffee since she’s in a meeting right now.” 
Nanami’s eyebrow raised, “meeting?” 
Haibara murmurs a ‘hold on,’ the only sound to be heard was Haibara walking past several cubicles and work conversations. After finding a quiet place, Haibara brings the phone close to his mouth while cupping it with his other hand, “she’s in a meeting with shacho. ‘m not sure what it’s about, but he went to her desk the moment she clocked in.” 
What? “Did it seem like she was in trouble?” Nanami questions, his heart skipping a beat or two. 
Haibara shrugs, “‘m not sure, but I think it has to do with her promotion. Shacho mentioned it during the client lunch the other day, remember?” 
“That’s right,” Nanami lets out slowly, recalling that day in his head. That day, your usually tidy hair had a small lock of it sticking out from behind your ear. That same day is why Nanami wishes for hindsight almost constantly. “I wonder…” 
“Right?” Haibara whispers curiously. “Whatever promotion she gets, she earned it for sure.” 
The elevator doors open, and Nanami quickly rushes into the office. “Meet me in front of Takada shacho’s office.” 
“Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be right there!” Haibara calls out. Nanami turns around to see his dark-haired partner behind him, sheepishly waving his phone in the air. Nanami hangs up and walks up to him, curious of his intentions. “You’re gonna owe me about $150 after this.” 
Nanami looks around before getting close to Haibara’s. A few strands of blond hair escape Nanami’s usually kempt hair. “What the hell did you buy?” He whispers, practically hisses. 
Albeit his nerves, Haibara looks up at him with a smirk, “when have I ever let you down, Kento?” 
“Never, but you best not start today,” Nanami growls, pulling away before making a quick stride over to Takada’s office. 
As he did, he noticed many of his colleagues peer curiously from their cubicle over to Takada’s office as well, with other eyes peering at your own desk for your return. A sea of whispers then started to surround Nanami as everyone noticed his arrival. Quiet, respectful greetings and curt bows create the aura around him as Nanami nods in acknowledgement. It was all just too curious for Nanami, as he felt the itch to know what he didn’t. 
But he could swear his eyes were deceiving him when he saw the backs of both Geto and Ieiri. 
“Geto, Ieiri,” Nanami addresses them in a firm, yet soft tone. 
Geto is first to turn, his long raven hair flowing from his movement. He usually had the top part of his hair bunned, but he decided to let his entire mane out today. Peculiar, Nanami mentally noted. It was also peculiar that Geto himself had a large bouquet of winter white lilies. “Kento,” Geto begins, a warm yet deceitful smile is pulled from each end of his lips. He offers his free hand, in which Nanami reluctantly shakes. 
Nanami has no issues with Geto, of course. All of them went to school together, Shoko and Haibara included. There has never been, and will never be, any beef between the two gentlemen. Of course, Nanami felt hesitant with him now, considering Geto hired you initially, and you were now under Nanami. There was a sudden and inexplicable feeling within the hazel-eyed man. Nanami was… nervous. 
Geto’s obsidian orbs weren’t helping with that, either. 
“Why so formal?” Ieiri sounded from his right side, pulling him out of his locked gaze with Geto. Nanami snatches his hand back, and quickly offers it to Ieiri, who teasingly just shakes the tips of his fingers. Her free hand held a small red box with a gold ribbon tied around it. “It’s been a little while, Kento. You never come up to visit.” 
“It’s because I work,” Nanami hums, letting her hand go to shove both his hands in his pockets. He needed some sort of solid ground, and his pockets felt safe. “And so do you both, considering we’re all department heads here.” 
“That we are,” Geto hums, “it has been quite crazy in Legal, considering how many clients the both of you have been pulling in.” 
Ieiri stows away a lock of her auburn hair behind her ear, gently lowering the cigarette she had hidden. “Sales has been quite crazy,” Ieiri said slowly, “hence why I’m down here. ‘m looking for my girl that you snatched from me.” 
Nanami squints his eyes, staring Ieiri down. But after realizing her words, his eyes slightly widened, “do you, by any chance, know what her promotion is about then?” He looks over at Geto as well, silently extending that question to him. 
Ieiri widened her eyes in confusion, with Geto raising his eyebrow in curiosity. “You… don’t know?” Geto asks, each word burned off his tongue in humor. 
Nanami was annoyed from not knowing, “I don’t if I’m asking. Why would I know?”
Ieiri taps at her bottom lip with the tip of her index, “well, you are her manager. You’d be the one that Takada shacho would talk to regarding Y/N’s growth within the company.” 
It did raise curiosity that Takada would mention Y/N’s promotion aloud in front of him and clients that have no relevance. But, Nanami did have some expectation to talk about your future promotion with Takada, whatever that would pertain. It felt somewhat like betrayal, considering how much Takada confided in him. Nanami could only hope it was with right intentions that he was not included in his assistant's promotion. 
“I have no say in how he makes his decisions,” Nanami’s eyes narrow at the door before them. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes to calm his nerves. “I can only hope it is a promotion that is to her liking.” 
“I can give you a hint if you want,” Ieiri teases with a toothy grin. Geto clutches the bouquet a little tighter as she piques Nanami’s interest. He looks over to her, noticing her adjusting her long, black dress. She pulls off pieces of lint, torturing him purposely with the wait. “I heard a rumor that… this promotion is a role that is above all of ours.” 
Nanami, at the moment, was beyond proud of you. He couldn’t even conceal his smile, feeling pangs of excitement in his heart. He was glad that you were seen exactly the way he sees you. Intelligent, capable, overachieving, and approachable. You work with such grace, and exude so much warmth as a person. You getting promoted to a position much greater than his is truly an honor. He was lucky to have a small role in your success, if you considered his significance. 
“But supposedly she will still reside within one of our departments,” Geto hums quietly. Nanami gives him a look, but Geto shrugs, “that’s all I know.” 
Nanami’s smile calmed, “I don’t see the need for her to transfer out of Finance, though.” 
“Is that right?” Geto questions with a smirk. “You have your department completely sorted, besides how nosey they are.” The three heads look back to see all of his colleagues eye them like fish, having them awkwardly turn back to their work. “What help is needed here?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Nanami replies, an accidental hint of offense weaved in his words. “Just know that her skill set would be best utilized and appreciated here.” 
Geto’s smirk still played tricks in Nanami’s head, “and yet she applied and was initially hired for Legal. She was first recognized and utilized for her skill set in the Legal Department.” 
“She clearly is a woman of many talents, considering her contribution to all of our departments,” Nanami points out. He adjusts his tie, and sweeps his hair back in a more tidy manner. “She has done wonders for my department, and I intend to keep her flourishing here.” 
“I hope you boys didn’t forget that I’m here, too,” Ieiri pipes in, slightly annoyed at being ignored. “Nonetheless, it’s not about us. It’s about where she would like to go, and where Takada shacho believes where her role would be best fit.” 
After her words, the three hear frantic running from behind. Nanami turns around to see two bouquets of white roses make their way towards them. They were large, almost the size of two small bedside tables. The person halts, with staggering breaths emitting from the bouquets. Nanami notices the hair just barely sticking out from the top and knew right away that it was his closest friend, Haibara. 
“Nanami,” Haibara spews simply, forcing the two bouquets into his arms. The scent of florals intoxicated Nanami’s nose as he looked over the bouquets at his exhausted friend. “Looks like.. I made it right on time,” he lets out through sporadic, heavy breaths. From the corner of Nanami’s eye, Geto looked slightly annoyed at the fact that he was slightly one-upped. 
Before Nanami could even express his gratitude, the click of an unlocking door sounded from behind him. They all look over to see Takada shacho with a wide smile. To his right, you stood there, your body completely stiff from nerves. Nanami could tell that, despite everything, you still looked at him with those eyes, finding some sort of solace in them. 
Takada jumped a bit, humored at the sight of 3 of his Head of Departments. “Well, good morning to you all,” their boss hums heartily. All of them, including Haibara, bow. “I haven’t seen you 3 together since last year's Holiday Party. The only person we’re missing here is Satoru.” 
Satoru Gojo, the Head of IT. 
Geto nods, “they’ve been quite busy since changing the system for our company hub.” 
Takada nods, “I need to go visit them soon. See if there’s any relief I can send to their department. Speaking of…” Takada then moves away from you and allows you the spotlight. “Everyone, please turn your attention here.” 
You felt your nerves right at your throat. Though this was a good thing, you were never a fan of being front and center of anything. You always had stage fright, surely since you were younger. Having the attention and eyes of many was something you could never get used to, even now in your adult life. Nanami could see you remaining frigid while expressing a sheepish smile. 
As Takada begins to congratulate you on your new role as Office Manager, Nanami quickly walks up to you and puts the two bouquets in your hand. Although it was sudden and the bouquets held some weight to them, it provided a shield from your fellow colleagues staring at you. Nobody questioned it as claps and quiet cheers erupted in the office. 
You noticed Nanami standing firmly to your side, smiling at everyone while gently nudging you with his arm. You look up at him, uncertainty glimmering in your eyes. He mouths a silent ‘congratulations’ with a very wide and proud smile. You knew he was going to ask you about it later, but right now, it felt nice to just get a simple praise. It was the one bit of calmness within the chaotic sounds of claps and praises. 
“I hope everyone can join me in wishing Y/N much luck in her deserved promotion,” Takada announces, causing the crowd to quiet down. Praises continued to stream, but you could barely pay attention as you stared up at Nanami’s hazel eyes. But you did get interrupted by Ieiri’s hand latching onto your forearm. You look ahead to meet the eyes of both of your previous bosses. 
While anxiously holding onto the bouquets, you quickly bowed before the both of them, “a-ah, Ieiri kacho, Geto kacho! It is wonderful to see you both!” 
“And we you, Y/L/N,” Geto hums with a soft tone. “Many congratulations on your promotion. May your transition be as perfect as your work ethic.” 
You bow once again, attempting to find calm in Haibara’s frantic thumbs up shaking in the background. “Thank you very much… I would have never been able to even get here without you, Geto kacho.” 
Geto emits a hearty laugh before grinning, “you said it first.” 
Ieiri promptly shoves him a bit, smiling down at you, “why don’t we all have celebratory breakfast?” Ieiri looks over at Takada with a pearly smile. “Can Y/N delay her work so she can celebrate her monumental accomplishment with us?” 
Takada smiles before nodding, “please, feel free to take your time. I’d love to join you all, but my entire schedule is booked with meetings. Enjoy in my absence. And again, congratulations, Y/N.” 
They all bow before Takada, who takes his leave back into his office. A brief silence ensues before Geto goes up to you and begins to take the bouquets from your arms. “A-ah, Geto kacho, you don’t have to,” you insist, attempting to keep them in your arms. “You are already carrying one yourself.” 
Before Geto could even advance, Nanami quickly holds your elbow and tilts you so you’d be facing him. Without another second, he takes back the two bouquets from your arms. “Let me carry them for you, Y/N kacho,” Nanami says quietly. 
Your heart melts. Your mind was going blank. You could vomit from excitement, anxiety, and enchantment from Nanami’s teasing. “Th-thank you, Nanami kacho,” you say shyly, feeling your cheeks erupt in heat. 
“I’m no longer your kacho,” Nanami quickly spews, “feel free to drop that honorific for me.” There was something brewing in those hazel eyes, and you were left to wonder what goes on behind those beautiful orbs.
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@a-sor @typicalchels @celestialzdiviner @satoru-is-the-way @sannieworshipper
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radawaycunt · 4 months ago
Saw you were taking Lucius Verus requests 👀
Perhaps something along the lines of Lucius rescuing reader from trouble. Hurt/comfort? I just know those biceps could hold me all day…
(if you write this can you tag me pls)
Oooooh thanks for requesting!!
(For the sake of this scenario, let’s say Lucius was allowed to walk the streets of Rome. Tw // mild violence)
“Fifteen denarii? For this?” You raised your eyebrows at the textile merchant, pointing at the swath of fabric you’d been sampling. “You must take me for a fool."
He frowned, his screwed up face uglier and even less friendly than before. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"For the quality, this is ten at best! And that’s being generous!”
"How dare you!" He spat, causing the stall's guard to take a menacing step forward. "This is genuine Tarentum wool!"
"I own such wool, and it doesn't feel nearly as coarse as this," you scoffed, tossing the fabric back at him. "You are scamming people with fakes."
"You forget yourself, woman," the guard said, his voice gruff.
He raised a large, meaty hand with the intent to strike you across the face and you flinched, trying to cover yourself with your hands. You grit your teeth in anticipation...
But the startling pain never came. You dared to look up as you heard the guard's confused grunt, and you saw that another man had caught his wrist.
"I would really advise against that," the man said, a dangerous edge to his tone.
"And who are you!? This does not concern you!" The merchant said, turning his glare away from you. "She was trying to tarnish my business!"
"Not without good reason, I suspect."
The guard tried to shove him off, but the man swiftly spun away from from his reach and punched him square in the face. You clambered backward as a full on brawl broke out between them, breaking the table where all the different pieces of textile were displayed. Your first instinct was to flee, but as you turned to run, a hand caught your arm.
"And just where do you think you're going?" the merchant sneered, his grip tight enough to bruise. "Look what you have caused!"
He backhanded you harshly, and at your cry, your savior knocked the guard unconscious and whirled around. There was fury in his gaze as he saw you cradling one side of your face with your free hand, and he took up the fallen guard's sword.
"Let go of her," he said slowly, pointing the tip of the sword at the merchant. "Or I'll cut off your hands."
Begrudgingly, the merchant let you go, and your savior nodded at you to get behind him. You hurried towards him without a second thought, instinctively holding onto his tunic. The two men stared at each other for a tense moment, poised to strike.
"I should cut them off anyway, so you may never strike a woman again," he spat, but lowered the sword.
"Get the fuck out of here," the merchant growled, his teeth clenched. "If I ever see either of you around here again, I'll have you killed."
Your savior did not even react to the threat, instead glancing at you over his shoulder. "Come on, let's go."
He tossed the sword on the ground and led you away, hovering close behind you to make sure no one else tried anything. Out in the busy street, he stopped you so he could examine your face, frowning. His thumb traced your cheekbone ever so lightly, which was just beginning to turn faintly purple.
You looked at him more closely, as well, pinned in place by the concern in his crystalline blue eyes. He was handsome in an almost divine way, like the personification of the god of war, Mars. He certainly fought like him, too, an undercurrent of violence under the flex of his muscles.
But you were not afraid of him, instead just awed that he had done it all in your defense.
"Does it hurt?" he asked, his eyes meeting yours.
You shook your head. "Just a dull throb now. Won't look so pretty for a while, though..."
"You needn't be concerned about that," he said, his hand retreating.
You swallowed hard, your face heating up at the insinuation. "I--Thank you for saving me, um..."
"Lucius, he said. "Lucius Verus."
"Thank you, Lucius," you said. "Surely I would be worse off if it hadn't been for you. Aren't you afraid he might call the Praetorian guard?"
"He won't. He would have to answer too many other questions that I'm sure he would prefer not to, especially about his business practices..."
You nodded, letting out a breath as you felt a little more relieved. You felt the urge to hug him, but instead you took both of his hands and squeezed them appreciatively.
"May the Gods bless you always, Lucius Verus."
He squeezed your hands back and smiled, inclining his head graciously.
"And you," he said, then glanced around at the busy crowd of the market. "I should like to be your personal guard for the rest of the day, if you'd let me escort you."
Your smile widened. "Well, I would never dream of declining such generous offer."
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justarkive · 1 month ago
MAGIC pt II | jeon jungkook
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pairing: jungkook x f! reader
genre: smut , angst 18+!!
warnings: nudity, cheating, swearing, manipulation ¿
smut warnings: dry humping, nipple play, unprotected sex (dont.), kissing, fucking sideways, choking, pls lmk if i missed any!
read part 1: MAGIC / JEON JUNGKOOK
a/n: final partt!! i actually hate this so much but i wanted to get this ending off of my mind, not proofread so ignore mistakes! tysm 4 reading ^^
This morning, Jungkook messages you asking if you’re free tonight. However, your clockwork routine of answering “yes” everytime is disrupted when you decide for once, to leave him on delivered. He spams your phone, begging to talk but this time, you’ve really had it with him.
You think, perhaps talking may be a good idea, but knowing yourself, you’ll end up tangled together again or worse, alone like last night.
Its nearing 9pm again when you realise that Jung-kook has stopped bothering you, you can’t help but stare at the endless streams of messages using all of your strength to not reply to him, and god knows how, you don’t.
Is this seriously the end of you and him?
A knock at your door tells you otherwise.
Your heart drops. If it was possible, it’d fall out of your ass from the sheer anger you felt. How does he have the audacity to show up here after being ignored all day, and the shit he pulled last night?
A few minutes have passed, you’ve long forgotten the show playing on your computer on your lap since the sounds of his knocking have blocked out everything else. You’ve felt emotional the whole day, and you know opening the door and seeing his face knowing that he’ll be giving you that look which makes you give in every single time nearly brings tears out of your eyes out of pure frustration.
You’re selfish and weak. And because of it, you’ll open the door, and let him in.
His worried eyes bore into yours and cold hands ,which must mean he’d been out there for a while, hold your face in place, grounding you as much as it makes your heart fucking pound out of your chest. You hate yourself for loving him, when you know that he could never love you back.
“Im so fucking sorry.” His head rests against your forehead, and the brush of his lips against your cheek as he speaks is enough to have you breaking into sobs. Nimble fingers clutch his baggy tee into fists, and you stand there, crying into his neck and he’s cradling your head and stroking your back like you’re a fucking dog and you hate it.
The tears eventually stop, and he’s sitting on your bed and your legs are thrown across his. He seems immersed in the episode you have playing on the TV, but you sit there, eyes blurring everything in your vision but him. These moments make you forget that you and him will never work, that the place he calls home isn’t your shitty student flat, that you and him aren’t something he so desperately hides in the darkness of the night. And when he turns his head and giggles when he catches you staring, you swear your heart is swelling out of your chest.
He’s effortlessly pulling you on top of him, hands finding your waist so easily. “I hope you know im really sorry about last night,”
You say nothing, tucking the loose strand of hair hanging in front of his face behind his ear, dwelling in the illusion of being his. “Eunb-“
You dont even let him finish the word, clashing your lips on his and his hands move from your waist to your face. You’re desperate, licking into his mouth and smirking when you feel him being unable to catch up. Needy bites and licks are reciprocated when your hand tangles in his hair and your pushing him into your face harder.
“Take your pants off.” You order against his lips, his eyebrows cock up at your sudden change of tone and he swears he could die from the way you peel your shirt off and squeeze your tits in his face. Quickly realizing that its not possible for him to remove anything with you on top, you stand up and kneel next to him, helping him remove his sweats.
His tip is already peeking out of his boxers, leaking precum all over his lower stomach and the sight had you clenching over nothing. He’s staring at you, the pressure of his gaze making you move closer however it doesn’t show on your face, and he’s confused.
Until your legs straddle his waist and you’re grinding on his hard, hot cock. You will yourself to not moan when his head gets thrown back and the expanse of his bare neck calls you to leave marks.
At this point you don’t give a fuck about a Eunbi.
“You’re so wet for me, shit baby.” His hands come up to your breasts, the tips of his thumbs rubbing your nipples and combined with the feeling of his cock grinding against your clit has your back arching and frantically grinding against him quicker.
“Kook- fuck.” Your grinding against his cock in circles now, ignoring how the friction of his wet boxers slightly burns since the pleasure is far too overpowering and he’s encouraging you by sitting up and kissing your neck. He finds that his fingers physically cant stay away from your hardened nubs and it has you screaming into his mouth when you come.
He’s impatient, moving you off of him and laying you to the side, frantically pulling off his boxers and shuffling behind you. The moment his impossibly hard cock touches your folds has your stomach doing leaps and he moans so hard once he’s finally inside that he cant help but rub your little clit from side to side.
“Always so fucking good, you’re so good to me baby. Fuck-“ His hips stutter when you clench around him. “You ever gonna let me cum in this pussy? Hm? Want me to fill you up till you can barely walk without it leaking out?”
He’s so fucking gross. And you love it.
“Y-yes fuck, cum inside me kook.” Your moving your head back, desperately searching from his lips to distract yourself from everything wrong with what he was about to do, and when you find his lips you kiss them. Not frantically, a deep, sensual kiss.
And when his hand wraps around your neck, and his fingers rub faster than ever on your clit, your whimpering as you cum around his dick. Hes swearing, feeling you up, squeezing whatever he can to keep his own composure when he fills you with his magic, ropes of cum coming out of his cock bursting out of your pussy. And you both sit there, saying nothing, just staring into each other’s eyes while his cock grows soft inside of you.
It’s been a few minutes, and the icky feeling begins to take over, Your leg is thrown over his middle while your head rests against his chest. You both still haven’t said anything, and for some reason something tells you that this’ll be the last time Jeon Jungkook will be in your bed.
He cleans you in the shower, awfully gently as if he’d break you and you hide your tears in the water streaming on your face because you truly believe, that you’d been broken by him a long time ago.
You’re not sure what’s more suffocating: The steam of the shower trapped in the bathroom whilst Jungkook dries you off, or the feeling of his hands on your bare skin in such a non-sexual manner. However you know deep down, it’s the latter.
He’s lying you down in bed, getting into the covers next to you. You’re far too burnt out to care about Eunbi, or whether he’s leaving like he always does, and your drifting off with your face smushed into his chest and your legs tangled with his.
When you wake up, Jungkook is still sleeping in next to you. You know you should wake him up, considering his phone is blowing up with texts from you know who, but you’re a selfish woman.
That day Jung-kook wakes up alone in your apartment, with Eunbi waiting for him at the door, and all ways of contacting you removed from his phone.
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mrsmangi · 2 months ago
petition for violet please my love hehe
forever, always - luigi mangione
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♡ flower prompt: violet - a daydream about the future - meaning: loyalty & faithfulness ♡ w.c.: 1.3k ♡ a/n: highly requested prompt, it's 2am. pls have mercy on me. i love you all. enjoy!
♡ send me a flower & i'll write a drabble based off the prompt ! ↪ prompts that have been requested
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You’ve always hated the question, “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” 
What a trap, you think. It’s a polite way for people to pry their dirty fingers into your business–your uncertainties. It’s not like you avoid thinking about the future (sometimes you feel like you think about it too much) but answering that question always feels impossible. Ten years is so abstract, after all. It’s too vast, too distant to feel real. Yet, here you are again, the question living in your head, free of rent. 
You look across the café table where Luigi sits, blissfully unaware of the chaos in your mind. He’s staring at the menu, brows furrowed in concentration as his fingers hover over the laminated options. You know he’s not actually interested in the coffees, not when the boy doesn’t even like caffeine. He’s scanning for something else: a tea, maybe, or a fruit smoothie. Something simple. His lips twitch into a pleased smile when he finally spots what he’s looking for. 
“They’ve got a chamomile blend,” he says, glancing up at you, voice warm. It reminds you of the way sunlight feels on your skin after a harsh, long winter. “What about you? Are you already set on something?” 
You raise your glass of water to your lips with a small smile. “Just the usual,” you reply, warmth grounding you in the moment. The café around you hums softly with conversation and the quiet clattering of cups, but none of it registers itself in your head. Not when Luigi looks at you like that, his attention is completely yours. 
“You’re staring at me,” he says, tilting his head slightly, bemused. 
“Just thinking.” 
“Dangerous,” he teases. He doesn’t push you, though, just watches you with a quiet patience. It makes you feel like you can tell him anything, like he’d hold your words carefully as if they were fragile and delicate. You feel understood and seen under his gaze alone. His head tilts once more, a silent invitation to speak if you’d like to. 
You do, but how could you even begin? The future feels like a fragile thing, one you’re afraid of vocalizing. Still, the thought of it remains, persistent and teetering on the tip of your tongue. 
“I think,” you start, words unsteady at first, but growing firmer as you continue to speak. “I’ve been thinking about what it feels like to be happy. Content. To have everything feel right in your life, even if it’s not perfect.” 
Luigi sets down the menu, eyes softening with curiosity. “Uh-huh.” 
“I don’t really have a plan for it or anything,” you continue, nearly stumbling over your own words. “It’s more like a feeling I have. I don’t know if I could ever really have that, but the idea of it is stuck in my head. It won’t go away.” 
“What do you picture when you think of that feeling?” he asks gently. 
“A house,” you blurt abruptly. He blinks, eyebrows lifting, intrigued. “A little one that we own together. It’s not too big, but it’s warm and cozy. There’s a garden in the back and it’s a bit overgrown, but we both agree that it’s still beautiful. You’d probably spend all your time out there, trying to tame it.” 
Luigi’s lips curve into a soft smile. He props his cheek up, fist rested against it, with his elbow on the table, gazing at you. “Sounds like a losing battle to me,” he says. 
“Maybe,” you reply, smiling. “You’d come in with dirt under your nails, and tell me about how you finally got the roses to climb the trellis, even though the weeds just won’t quit.”
“What about inside?” 
“Inside…” You pause, trailing off. “It’s a different kind of mess. We have bookshelves overflowing, little trinkets and postcards I’ve collected scattered everywhere. We have a record player because I told you how much I always wanted one as a kid and you bought one for me. You purposely buy vinyls with weird covers just to make me laugh. The walls are covered with little pieces of us. A lot of photos, some art. It’s not perfect, but it feels like it’s alive. Like it’s been lived in. Loved. And there’s always laughter,” you continue. Luigi leans forward slightly. You recognize something unspoken in the way he watches you, like you’re sharing something more important than just a daydream. “The type of laughter that makes your stomach hurt because you’re so happy, you don’t even care. It’s messy, but it’s ours.” 
 “It doesn't sound messy," he says. "It sounds wonderful. Is that where you see yourself in 10 years?”
There it is, you sigh internally. That dreaded question. You’ve spent so much time resenting it, the way it forces you to confront how little you have figured out about your life, how impossible it makes it feel to predict the kind of person you’ll be then or the kind of life you’ll live. Sitting here with Luigi, you wonder if maybe you’ve misunderstood the question all this time. Maybe it hasn’t always been a test, but an invitation–a chance to dream aloud, to let yourself want something even if you don’t know what the future carries. You’ve always been afraid to answer because it feels like committing to something intangible and fragile.
His hand covers yours suddenly, thumb brushing over your knuckles. You glance up at Luigi, his unspoken patience pulling you out of your thoughts. The weight of his hand in yours feels like a lifeline to you, something solid holding onto you in the middle of your uncertainty. And suddenly, the question you’ve disliked for so long doesn’t feel like such a trap after all. 
Luigi makes you feel like your answer doesn’t have to be perfect, and it doesn’t have to include every detail of your imagination. It only has to be yours. For the first time, it doesn’t scare you and it doesn’t feel like an impossible demand. 
“I don’t know,” you admit to him, honestly. You glance down at your joined hands, curling your fingers to interlock with his. “I don’t know where I’ll be in ten years or the kind of life I’ll lead or the kind of person I’ll be.” 
You pause, lifting your gaze to meet his, words spilling out of you before you can second-guess them. “All I know is that I want you there. Forever, always.” 
Luigi blinks, surprise flickering across his face before his expression softens, lips curling upward. It’s tender. His thumb brushes over your knuckles again before he speaks. 
“Forever, always?” he repeats, like he’s testing the words in his mouth to make sure they feel as solid as they sound. 
“Yeah,” you say, “I don’t know where I’ll be living or what I’ll be doing, but if I have you…I think I’ll be okay. Better than okay–I will be happy. Content.” 
His lips curl further into a smile so genuine it makes your chest ache. “I think I can promise you that,” he says, voice steady. “Forever, always.” 
“You can promise me that?” you laugh quietly, tilting your head. “You don’t think I’ll drive you crazy in ten years?” 
“Oh,” he chuckles, shaking his head gently. “I’m sure you will, but if I’ve learned anything, it’s that you’re the kind of crazy I don’t ever want to live without.” 
You don’t find it in yourself to look away from him. For the first time in your life, the future doesn’t feel like a vast, unknowable, daunting thing–it feels manageable, hopeful. Beautiful, even. No matter what happens, you know one thing is for certain: you want Luigi by your side.
“Forever, always,” you repeat, the words rolling off your tongue like an oath. With your hands intertwined with Luigi’s in the small cafe you sit in, the world has never felt so right. The question you’ve hated for so much of your life feels like an open door now–all because of him. It’s a chance to step into something messy and imperfect and entirely yours with the love of your life.
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sscieloz · 1 year ago
Ning Yizhuo x Reader
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Synopsis: you and ning have been best friends ever since you could remember. but she’s been distant lately, and you can’t help but wonder where does she go to every single night.
Warnings: cnc (? maybe?). smut. nsfw.
Word count: 4.8k
Notes: I’m trying to get into darker themes for 2024. writing different prompts, challenging myself. I apologize if I it’s off putting. pls say something if it is!
Ning Yizhuo was a good girl.
She never skipped classes, never talked back or raised her voice at elders, never missed a day of bible school, and never forgot to flicker the lights in her room whenever you were going to sleep.
Yet, she earned for more.
She was ambitious. Has always been, ever since she was a little girl. She’s had this feeling in her chest for ages, a clear warning that she was born in the wrong place: she didn’t belong in this small town, surrounded by rich fuckers that did nothing but label people and gossip all day. She was more than a close-knit community that lived off balls and charity events to make up for the fact that everyone who lived there were scrumptious, vile people. Those people did not represent herself at all.
Someday, she’d be truly free of the chains that tied her to this place.
For now, she was content enough with adjusting the helmet in her head, hopping on her bike to seek things that would make her forget about the life she lived, even if just for one night.
“And where is Mrs. Yizhuo once again, Y/n?” Your teacher’s voice echoed harshly from behind you, as you positioned your hands on the piano to start your lesson for the day.
“She’s sick, Mrs. Lee.” You straighten your posture, hoping to get more credibility. “She took many meds this morning. I think she’ll be sleeping all day to recover. I’m sorry.”
The teacher gives you a knowing look, but says nothing once you begin to practice the same songs over and over, until your fingers hurt from the repetitive movements.
You send Ningning several messages as soon as the woman looks away. She’s your best friend, of course you’d cover for her even without her asking for it. Although you don’t think she cares, anyway.
She’s been acting so different lately. Like somebody else; a different girl, different person. It was as if you didn’t know her at all.
You’ve been next-door neighbors ever since you could remember, always there for each other. That, along with the fact that your parents are part of a close-knit friend group that has been friends ever since high-school, made it easy for her to be your other half, your soulmate. Her house was right next to yours, and you’ve developed a habit of checking if her room had the lights on whenever you were anxious. Ning was your best friend, and you did everything together: from hanging out at each other’s houses to attending choir and piano lessons every single day.
That was until she changed. Suddenly, she was distant: disappearing out of nowhere, not answering any of your calls and texts all day and coming back dirty, sweaty and breathless — her hair stinking with smoke. The only thing you could rely on was the flickering of her bedroom lights, every single day when the clock hit your bedtime. You were rigid with your routine, and Ning knew that. She’s never missed it, and it comforted your heart, somehow. To know that deep inside, she was still your Ningning.
You often had to make up lies wherever you went, making up endless excuses for her absences, but at some point, it got unsustainable— she stopped showing up, without saying anything to anyone. Ning wore all black, with tight skirts and black stockings, and often had a bored look on her face, silently challenging anyone to come at her and say something.
No one ever did, obviously. People merely stared as she passed by, disdain etched on their faces.
You knew she hated living in a small city, although, you didn’t mind living so yourself. There was something comforting in knowing everyone, and oddly enough, you felt safe to feel there was always a pair of eyes watching out for you — not watching you, no. Well, people could do that, too: be excessively mean and controlling at times, but you know how to set your boundaries well. You played your part, being a former straight A student who was now attending the local university, with plans to join your step-father at the architecture company he owned, once you were done with your studies. You had been the perfect little debutant, and could always be found next to your friends or your parents at the charity events and lavish galas hosted by the community. You couldn’t say it wasn’t suffocating at times, but it wasn’t like you completely hated it.
Clearly, you were unable to say the same for Ningning. What had stirred this change inside of her? Your chest burned every time you thought about it, eager to know. You yearned to be a part of her life again, yet a small part of your brain was too afraid to ask her about it, knowing she’d answer you wholeheartedly.
You hated the change. You missed your best friend too much. You missed the old her.
The Ning who would flick her lights to let you know she was there, whenever it was time for you to go to sleep. The Ning who let you cry on her shoulder for hours at your grandfather’s funeral. The Ning who would attend the school games to see you cheer, who stood by your side when your dad left, and who washed all of your fears away when your mother remarried.
That was your soulmate; the Ningning who was always there for you. Not the reckless girl with a blank face who didn’t seem to care about a single thing.
Although, you were beginning to think you did not know her at all.
“Can I come?” You ask, trying to suppress a shiver as the wind blows cold against your body. It had certainly not been the best idea to wear a white, short dress with even tinier undershorts and boots in autumn, but you couldn’t think about anything else to put on.
With only a leather jacket to warm off your body, your eyeliner, smudged, dark makeup and heavy jewelry mirrored the girl standing in front of you, and you can’t help but smile.
You’d fit in well.
“Excuse me?” Ningning exclaims, frowning in disbelief.
“I want to come with you.” You repeat yourself, holding your own hands nervously. “You’ve changed, Ning. I’m not stupid… I just want to understand. Would you show it to me, please?”
You hate the way she’s looking at you, like she’s still deciding whether to allow yourself into her new world. You also hate the way your voice cracks, always vulnerable when it comes to her.
After minutes of staring, Ning decides to give you a chance. Shrugging, she leaves you alone on the sidewalk as she returns to her garage, shoving a helmet into your chest.
“Fine. But say anything funny, and I’ll leave you there alone. Got it?” You nod, trying not to feel hurt by her indifference towards you.
After a few clumsy attempts, you manage to hop in on her fancy bicycle, hands trapped tightly on her thin waist. You often spied on Ning going out with a dark motorbike you were sure her parents hadn’t bought her. However, as the two of you go at full speed through the night, you feel like you understand her a little better: it’s so freeing, to just ride on the freeway as the wind messes up your hair. You laugh, hugging her tighter, the only thought crippling your mind being over how beautiful the moon looked in the cloudless night, alone in all its glory.
Before you register, Ningning parks her bike carefully. If not for the fact that the place was absolutely crowded, you wouldn’t be able to tell this was the place she’s been sneaking out too frequently. It’s simple: just many cars parked in a circle, occupying the large freeway as people stand against them like ants. You guess someone must’ve blocked the way so no unwanted cars would drive by, but that was a lucky guess.
Nevertheless, you’re struck by a sudden heat wave — being surrounded by a fairly large, energetic crowd was enough for you to feel your face getting warmer, much to your liking. The atmosphere was lively, electricity hanging in the air almost palpably. It was as if everyone were anticipating, waiting for something, and you were nearly sure Ning was involved in that.
“There.” She motions to the right area of the crowd, waving at someone unknown to you. “Let’s go.”
You try to act cool as she grabs your hand to guide you through the crowd, failing terribly. The truth is, it’s been months since she’s talked to you, touched you properly. Perhaps you missed Ningning much more than you could admit, judging by the serotonin boost you’d gotten by a mere touch from her.
Ning stops in front of a black Dodge, where three girls stand with bored looks. They’re all wearing black and red, in some sort of subtle color coordination. You notice Ning’s outfit follows the theme, too, her crimson crop top standing out from her black pants and leather jacket.
“You’re late, Ningning.” Giselle says, not bothering to look at you as she chews on her gum, hands brushing her hair ever so flawlessly. She’s beautiful — they all are, and there’s something in the way they pose; as if they’re royalty around the place.
“Hello to you too, Gigi.” Ning answers her, not affected by her dismissal in the slightest. Your best friend gestures to the other girls, then, giving your hand a squeeze. Even though it wasn’t needed anymore, she was still holding on to you. “Those are Karina and Winter.” They bow slightly, acknowledging your presence. “Girls, this is Y/n”.
The trio share a knowing look at the mention of your name. As if a spell had been cast upon them, the girls are all over you, swirling, giggling and speaking all at once.
“It was about time we met you, Y/n”. Winter giggles, resting her head on Karina’s shoulder.
“Right?” Giselle shakes her head, suddenly interested in the conversation, with her condescending tone. “Took Ningning long enough to bring you to the Underworld.”
The Underworld. The name alone is enough for you to shiver, shrinking under your oversized jacket. Like a reflex, you turn to your best friend, brows furrowed and mind seeking for answers. “The Underworld?”
As soon as she opens her mouth to explain, she’s dragged away by Karina, who sighs. “Tell her all about it later, Ningning. Giselle was right, you really are late, and we have to enroll you in today’s race right now.”
Ning stares at Winter with a serious look, waiting until the bob-haired girl nods to leave. “Take care of her while I’m gone.” Shooting you an apologetic look, Ning follows Karina to the heart of the crowd, not at all uncomfortable as you lose her amidst the sea of unknown faces.
You’ve been warned about such places before, ones where people go to lose themselves and do things they shouldn’t. Even though it’s dark, you’re able to see what every group is occupying themselves with, always good to notice details in a crowd. Some drinking, smoking, others doing drugs that were too explicit for such an open space. Many people acted borderline pornographic, too, engaged in heavy make out sessions and touching places that had you looking away, too embarrassed to lurk.
“I’ll go breathe some air.” You tell Winter, who’s now sitting on the hood of the car, furiously typing on a computer as big as her head. She must’ve grabbed it from the passenger’s seat while you were busy looking around, horrified.
You expect her to protest, specially since Ning had been clear in her words, but the small girl doesn’t even look at you for more than three seconds before answering, still heavily focused on the screen that lights her face. “Okay.”
Before she’s even finished, you turn around and dodge people as best as you can, barging towards the woods located on the edge of the road without hesitation. You walk until the lively event is just a faint noise, crippling your ears like a bug on a hot, sticky day.
Now, being able to breathe the cold air properly and free from the demons of the night, you try to understand your best friend. Ning has always been a free spirit, independent and strong-willed. But, while her wild nature did stir up some trouble in your community, she’s always been welcomed and loved. That’s how a family worked, right? You might fight, but you also sort things out, eventually.
The sound of dry leafs being stepped on startles you, but you’re soon at ease once you see Ningning’s silhouette coming out of the darkness. She sits by your side, both looking at the moon instead of facing each other.
She must be afraid too, you reckon. Of you judging her choices, turning your back on her like her family did, the moment she changed her attitude.
Well, you did judge, but you’d never leave her alone. You love her too much to do so, even if you couldn’t quite understand her ulterior motives.
Ning looks beautiful under the moonlight, her long hair shiny as she plays with her own fingers, hesitant to speak up. Her hair is one of the last things she’s kept true to herself after this sudden change. You let your hands run through, reminiscing the times when, not matter how impatient, she’d let you comb and style it.
Such memories must’ve been going through her mind, too, in a reassurance of the bond you shared. Gathering courage, she turned her face to you, smiling faintly.
“Ilegal fights and street races. That’s what we do here in the underworld, that’s what it’s about.” Ning keeps you from interrupting her, already aware of what you’re going to ask. “I’ve seen people do some darker shit, yeah, like drugs and stuff, but the girls and I stay far away from that. It’s not something you can deal with without falling into a hole, you know. And I’m not trying to dig myself a grave or anything.”
You breathe in deeply, acknowledging everything she’s said. It’s like you’re walking on thin ice: one phrase worded wrongly, and she’d shut herself off from you for good.
So you choose the safest route. “And… the girls? You, hm, you all race?”
Ning relaxes instantly at your words. Her shoulders fall off, glad you didn’t start screaming at her or try to brainwash her guts. She expected a far worse reaction.
Shaking her head, her tone is a little more excited as she answers. “I’m the only racer of the group. Giselle fixes the mechanics, Winter does the stats, and Karina handles the bets and closes off the deals. They are my girls, Y/n. My family.”
You stand up, unconsciously walking around in little circles as you try to think of the right words to not scare off your best friend. The truth is, this whole Underworld thing was not only scary — it terrified you to know Ning had found herself in such a place. She needs to think through all of this situation, and realize she’s losing herself badly, walking into a path set for destruction. She needs help, and she so desperately needs to come to her true senses. You have to save Ning from herself, and you’d do just that.
“We’ll take you back.” The words come out without you really thinking them through, not at all as careful as you wish to be. You turn around completely to face Ning, only to find her already staring, her big eyes as cloudy as ever. “We know you’re sorry, Ning, it’s ok. Just… let us go back, then it will all be just like before.”
She lifts her brows and takes a few steps towards you, not stopping until you’re trapped, back hitting the trunk of a tree.
“I’m not sorry for what I’ve done, Y/n.” She’s angry, and you hate seeing her mad. Specially at you. Ning never got mad at you. “I’m sorry that we were born in this shitty ass town with so many rich fuckers, and I’m sorry that stupid community has brainwashed you so much they can control you as they please. I apologize for being distant because I know it hurts you, but besides that, I’ve done nothing wrong.”
She’s breathless from speaking with such fervor, both of her hands placed on each of your sides so you have no way of escaping.
And even though you gulp, you force your body to not have any fear. It’s Ningning: your best friend, your soulmate. She’d never hurt you.
She’d never.
“Ning.” You look down, failing to hide the tremor in your voice. “Ning, let me go.”
Something in her eyes shift the moment she noticed the fear in your voice. Her pupils are wide blown, and her smile is just wrong, staring at you from head to toe. Suddenly, you’re hyper aware of the wind messing with your very short dress, and how hot you feel, despite the cool weather.
Somehow, you get the feeling she’s thinking the same thing, too. Time stops as her eyes fall to your lips, and she’s on top of you in a blink. Kissing, tugging, licking… Ning’s desperation is something you can taste, and it’s written all over. This kiss is not like the sweet, chaste experiences you’ve had before. Ning kisses you like a woman starved, taking until there’s no air left, and your lungs are burning, claiming for relief.
Her kiss is venomous, so sinful you fear what you’d do if you experience it again.
“W-what the fuck, Ning! Why’d you do that?” You manage to say, crossing your arms over your chest to try to get some distance between you. “This wrong, Ning. This isn’t y—”
“Did they send you here?” She ignores your words completely, hands assaulting your body as you try to move against her. “Is that it? Are they that fucking desperate, really?”
Perhaps you’re weak, or maybe she’s been putting some work in the gym, but the truth is she doesn’t move an inch, no matter how much try to pull her away. If anything, it only brings her closer to you, that wicked smirk still on her face.
“What? They… no! Of course not. I came because I want to understand you.” Her accusations hurt, even though you know she’s not entirely wrong.
The truth is, Ning’s too smart for her own good.
Surprisingly, her fingers are delicate as they brush one of your shoulders, playing with your dress sleeve before letting it slide midway, enough for it to expose yourself to the dark night. You shiver, not only due to the winds that cause your nipples to harden, but also because of the girl who stares at you like she’s gone mad. She’s salivating, and you watch her every breath until she lowers her head and latches her mouth onto one of your boobs, her teeth teasingly picking on your nipples.
It’s as if you’ve been electrocuted. Your back arches, and you try even harder to let go of the hand that’s keeping yours clasped together so tightly it hurts, but you can’t set yourself free. Did her touches always feel like that? So wrong, yet so… good, you look forward to more?
“Stop, p-please. Ning, my b-boyfriend…” It’s all you’re able to mutter, choosing to keep your mouth shut. You’re too afraid of the sounds that might come out of your lips if you continue speaking.
You’ve never felt like this before. This tingling sensation, erupting to all your body — specially to your core. The warmth that eloped your body like you were too close to the sun. It felt good, Ning’s touches are so good you itch with need.
It’s no surprise you’ve touched yourself before. You were no saint, either. However, it has never felt anything close to that. You would never be able to mimic Ning’s hands, cupping your breasts, pinching your waist, forcefully opening your legs to keep her knee seated between them… all while still trapping you, the burning sensation in your hands serving as a lively reminder of the situation you were currently in.
“Your boyfriend, yes. That fucking idiot.” Ning’s hands go straight to the hem of your shorts, forcing them down. “He’s never touched you like that, right Y/n? Surely, you’d tell me. I’m your best friend, after all.”
Tears start to cloud your vision as her hands pull down your shorts, fingers going all the way under your dress to find the bare skin of your abdomen. She scratches it slightly, even though you find yourself still struggling vigorously against her touches.
“Ning, you don’t know what you’re doing. I’m sorry, please s-stop…” Ning huffs, annoyed by your attempts to get her off you.
“No, Y/n. I know exactly what I’m doing.” She laughs as her teeth scratch your shoulder, and then she bites. It’s so unexpected you scream, ashamed to admit that her harsh touches are the reason your insides are embarrassingly wet. “I bet you’ve touched yourself thinking of me, too. God, Y/n. You act like you’re this good little example to others, but I know you better than anyone. You’re such a dirty, hungry whore.”
Ning’s wet mouth leaves a trail of saliva on your skin as you stop moving against her chest. Instead, you let your head rest on the corner of her neck, biting your mouth so hard you feel the metallic taste of blood in your tongue. Ning notices it, too — her eyes have never stopped observing you attentively, not from the moment she’s met you for the first time. Grabbing your neck possessively, she pulls you in for another hungry, aggressive kiss, her tongue forcing its way over your mouth until your taste was all hers to delight herself with, too.
Without an alibi to hide your pleasure, you moan against her lips, chest moving rapidly with the adrenaline. You feel her smile, too.
This doesn't seem right, in any way. Your best friend, forcing you to surrender against her wishes and talking to you like you were nothing… it is all wrong, deeply wrong.
But why is she making you feel so alive? Why is the burning sensation that expands over every inch of your skin so addicting?
If it’s so wrong, why does it feel so good?
“Does he touch you like this?” Ning asks with a sultry tone, as her fingers toy with your folds. The anticipation drives you insane, only intensifying your arousal. You gasp at the sensation of her fingers in your cunt, hovering and so close to where you need her. Your silence irritates her, clearly. “Answer me, whore.”
Her hands, God — her hands leave your cunt so quickly and reach out for your throat, squeezing on your pulse point with such precision you nearly cum on the spot. You feel lightheaded, unable to think about anything but how alive Ning makes you feel. In fact, it’s her touches that ground you again, reminding you of what is happening.
She kisses your jaw, her tone dripping with fake-sweetness as she murmurs. “Tell me what I already know, Y/n. Say it.”
With that, you’re aware of your current situation: Ning’s getting inside your head, distracting you with pleasure until you’re dumbed down enough to surrender to her wishes.
When did she become so evil?
“Stop— touching me.” You say, turning your head away from her. Still, you can’t help but obey, even though your voice is barely audible as you add. “You know the answer, already.”
Ning’s hand slides through your body, taking her time to grope, scratch and pinch as she pleases until she’s cupping your cunt again, her motion too sweet for the harsh way she’s been acting towards you. Two of her fingers go to your slit, taking all the air from your longs as she shoves them in and out slowly, savoring the sensation both for herself and for you. And you’re wet— so much her fingers slide easily, despite your lack of experience. It’s as though time had stopped: the animals have stopped making noises, the wind has stopped humming and all the people at the street have quieted. All you can hear is Ning’s breathing, just as erratic as you, and the lewd sounds coming out from your cunt.
It feels so good, you wonder how you've lived all this time without Ningning touching you like that. Like you were a secret gemstone she was more than ready to unravel.
“If you want me to stop touching you, then why are you so fucking wet?” She asks, cocky as you whimper under her. Your legs feel like jelly, and suddenly you’re so glad for the tree you’re relying on, and Ning’s leg between your thighs, forcing them open. “No, Y/n. You know damn well what you want. You’re just too stubborn to admit it.” Her following words are what break you. As your thumb meets your clit, she adds, “You’re as rotten as me, filthy girl. I just choose not to run from myself anymore.”
You want to deny it. There’s nothing more you want than to pull Ning back and scream at her face, talking about how insufferable she’s become and how much of an asshole she was. But your brain has long been turned into mush, focused on only one thing: gathering the crippling sensation that was forming in your lower abdomen and let it explode, turning it into a mind-blowing wave of pleasure. It’s all you’ve ever wanted: to cum. Nothing else really matters.
You don’t even recognize yourself, clinging onto Ning as if your life depended on it. Her skilled fingers don’t stop their motion on your slit as her thumb applies more pressure to your clit, circling it harshly, so fast it makes your eyes roll to the back of your skull with pleasure. It feels unlike anything you’ve ever felt before: every inch of your body boils, and you’ve never wanted so bad to just explode.
Faint screams fill the background, with Ning’s name being called repeatedly, surely from the girls looking for her. However, you don’t pay them any mind. The only sounds coming out of your mouth are loud, sinful moans — the most beautiful melody to Ning’s ears.
“N-ning…” You whine, carving your nails onto your best friend’s skin. Sweat gathers in your forehead as you feel your orgasm close, but you’re too stubborn to say anything to her.
Ning knows you well, though. Your muscles tense, and you cum as she keeps her strokes hard and fast, just what you need to explode into waves of pleasure. It hits so good you scream, legs shaking as she holds you as if you weight nothing, keeping you from falling onto the dust. White dots dance around your vision, fireworks exploding inside you as the orgasm washes through your body, in rhythmic waves of pleasure.
It was borderline addicting.
“Ningning! There you are, fucker. We’ve been looking for ages.” Karina’s body appears from the darkness, her impeccable frame easy to distinguish from anything else. You’re so fucked out it takes you a few seconds to register her presence. By then, Ning has already covered you, adjusting your dress back on with precise movements. “Don’t be irresponsible just because of some pussy! You’re up in five, come on.”
You don’t miss the way Karina’s eyes stare at your body, not an ounce of shame in her pretty face. However, you don’t feel ashamed to have her attention on you. If anything, you can feel your face blushing, your body slowly feeling hot again.
Lust is a dangerous thing, indeed.
Ning doesn’t miss Karina’s cue either, judging by the way she scoffs. Dismissing her with an annoyed tone, Ning mutters, “I said I was coming.” She gestures to the trees and the wild bushes, then. “You can lead the way.”
Karina laughs, not missing her last opportunity to address you, as she turns around and waves. “Bye, Y/n. I hope you’re around more often.”
You giggle, too, amazed by how she camouflages herself so easily, lost amidst the night and the forest.
Still, the girl in front of you captures all of your attention. Like always, she’s already staring, her brown hair messy from your making out.
“This is the real world, Y/n. I’m not going back.” She says, not leaving any space for discussion. You know that tone too well; Ning’s already made her choice, and it wasn’t the one you wanted her to pick. With big, sad eyes, she adds, “I wish you would free yourself, too.”
Her delicate tone breaks your heart. Deep down, you know she means it. Ning’s following what she believes in, and she wishes she could share her world with you, too.
She walks away without looking back, sure of who she was and what she wanted for her future.
With a heavy sigh, you follow her towards the highway once again.
You’d follow her through it all.
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raeflora · 1 year ago
Your explanation of how Chuck was initially intended to be a straight up villain rather than a very flawed antihero helps me SO much, and I can already feel myself rooting for CB with a lot less ambivalence! Thank you so very much for answering such a sensitive question - you're doing the lord's work :) Speaking of which...do you see C and B raising their children with any sort of religion or belief in a higher power?
hi!! ohh I'm so glad it helped u 💖💖 that's a really good question too 😊 so chuck says in 6x01 that he's an atheist which I think is expected for someone like him, and blair's relationship with religion is up and down based on what she's going through. I would say she's more religious in general than he is, but she's not really a devoutly religious person overall. she definitely has a belief in God but she wouldn't necessarily go to church unless she felt she had to, like in 1x08 and during s5. in the 2021 gg it's suggested that eleanor may be converting to Judaism, or is at least learning Yiddish, so bc of cyrus there's probably a flavour of Judaism within the waldorf family beliefs somewhere. so onto ur actual question sksfjdk I think they would let henry and his sibling(s) choose their beliefs as they got older. I think they would raise them with the knowledge and understanding of all the faiths within their family and let them see what they feel more of a connection to, or if they don't like chuck. blair would probably be more likely to infuse belief into things while chuck would let them know it's ok not to believe too, but overall they would know it's down to their beliefs not what they put onto them
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rosemariiaa · 3 months ago
02 sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇs, ғɪʀsᴛ ᴄʀᴜsʜᴇs
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𐙚—pairing: Paige x Azzi
𐙚—rosie’s note:i have nothing to say but enjoy this long and sad ass flashback and yeah..pls don’t humor me! live reacts are very much wanted and needed!! also wanted to say tysmmm for 700+ followers, i love evb soo much and ty for being here! happy reading lovelies 💌
𐙚—links: rosie’s bookshelf, series masterlist , prologue
𐙚—themes: au (time travel), angst, fluff (if you squint), hurt/comfort, mentions of depression
𐙚—taglist: @thaatdigitaldiary @ohbueckers @makethemhoesmad @imaginespazzi @sierrale8ne @bueckersbitch @xxloveralways14 @kmoneymartini @lupinqs @pboogerswbb @pbaz7 @guesswhoitsn @patri-ots87 @ashortyluvsports @absolutelydreadful @pazzilover101
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Storrs, Connecticut 2021
It started a few weeks after Azzi and Paige made their “agreement”. That’s what Azzi called it in her head—a way to convince herself it was something mutual, something they both wanted. In reality, it was her idea. She was the one who said, “We can’t keep doing this,” and Paige had gone along with it, like she always did.
Azzi thought it would be better this way, safer. If they stayed just friends, they couldn’t hurt each other. But watching Paige move on, watching her live out this version of their lives that Azzi thought she wanted—God, it was killing her.
The first time Paige mentioned Leana, Azzi didn’t think much of it. Paige always had a way of making friends quickly, effortlessly. But then Leana started showing up, a lot. At the end of practice. At team dinners. At their apartment.
Paige introduced her to the team a few days after their conversation, her arm slung around Leana’s shoulders like it was nothing. Like it wasn’t the same way she used to hold Azzi. And Leana? She was perfect. Nice. Pretty. Confident in a way that made Azzi’s stomach churn with jealousy? No, Azzi never really got jealous when Paige would be with other girls. Especially because they would only last a day or a few hours, but Leana would not stop showing up.
So, it was definitely not jealousy. Hatred.
Azzi hated her. She hated how she laughed at Paige’s jokes, how she touched Paige’s arm all the time like it was it was gonna grow legs and run away if she didn’t, how Paige seemed to shine a little brighter whenever Leana was around.
She hated how much she wanted Leana to be awful. Selfish. Mean. Anything that would give Paige a reason to leave her, to come back to Azzi. So Azzi could hold her and comfort her, the way she always used to. But that wasn’t going to happen. Leana wasn’t a bad person, and Paige didn’t need Azzi anymore.
Fuck. What did I do?
Azzi tried to convince herself she was fine. That she didn’t care. That this was what she wanted. Right?
But then, tonight, she saw them in the dining hall. Paige was leaning against the table, laughing at something Leana had said, her head tilted back, blonde waves brushing her back. She looked happy. Free.
And then Paige’s hand went to the small of Leana’s back.
Azzi froze.
Her breath caught in her chest, her heart pounding in her ears. That was her spot. Paige used to do that to her all the time—those small, familiar touches that felt like secrets only they shared. And now Paige was doing it to someone else.
She would never do that to Azzi again.
The realization hit her like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, she thought she might be sick. She thought her heart had already broken, but somehow, it found a new way to break.
Because even though Azzi was the one who asked for this—even though she was the one who insisted they be just friends—watching Paige with someone else made her realize just how wrong she’d been.
She turned away before they could see her, her fists clenched at her sides as she hurried out of the dining hall. Her vision blurred, hot tears slipping down her cheeks before she could stop them.
This was what she wanted.
This was what she’d asked for.
So why did it feel like this?
Azzi wiped at her face, angry at herself for crying. She couldn’t help but think about the agreement again, how it all started.
She could still see Paige’s expression that night, the way her brows furrowed, her lips pulling into a small frown as she listened to Azzi stumble through her words.
few weeks earlier..
Paige sat down beside her, resting her elbows on her knees. “We need to talk.”
Azzi’s shoulders tensed, but she closed her laptop and turned to face Paige. “About what?”
“About why you’ve been avoiding me,” Paige said bluntly.
Azzi’s lips parted, but she hesitated. “I haven’t been avoiding you.”
“Az,” Paige said softly, giving her a pointed look.
Azzi sighed, leaning back against the couch. “I just… I needed space. To figure things out.”
“Figure what out?” Paige asked, her voice steady but laced with concern.
Azzi stared at her hands, fidgeting with the hem of her sweatshirt. “Paige, I can’t keep doing this. We said we’d be friends, and then I end up in your room, in your bed… It’s confusing.”
Paige leaned closer, her brows furrowed. “You just wanted to sleep and it’s not confusing to me. I know how I feel about you, Az.”
Azzi shook her head quickly, cutting her off. “That’s the problem. I don’t think I know how to stop letting this happen. And I don’t trust myself not to hurt you or get hurt again.”
Paige’s jaw tightened, her voice dropping. “So, what? You’re scared, so you’re just gonna shut me out? We’ve been through too much for that.”
“I’m not shutting you out,” Azzi said, her voice rising slightly. “I’m trying to protect us. You and me. If we keep crossing these lines, it’s only gonna end the same way it did before.”
Paige exhaled sharply, dragging a hand down her face. “You’re making this harder than it has to be. I get it, Az. I do. But I’m not gonna sit here and pretend I don’t want more.”
Azzi’s eyes softened, but she looked away. “And what happens when it gets messy again, Paige? What happens when we mess this up? I can’t lose you completely.”
Paige’s voice was quiet but firm. “You’re not gonna lose me.”
Azzi didn’t respond, her silence weighing heavy in the room.
Paige hesitated before speaking again. “So, what does this mean? Do I still get my goodnight kiss, or is that part of the deal over too?”
Azzi’s eyes shot to Paige, her cheeks flushing. “Paige…”
“What?” Paige said, trying to keep her tone light despite the tension. “I’m just asking.”
Azzi sighed, her lips curving into a reluctant smile. “Yes, you still get your goodnight kiss. But just… don’t make it a thing, okay?”
Paige grinned. “No promises.”
Azzi rolled her eyes, but her smile lingered as she stood up. “I’m going to bed.”
“Hold up,” Paige said, standing too. She leaned down slightly, her voice soft. “Goodnight, Az.”
Azzi hesitated, then stepped closer, pressing a quick kiss to both of Paige’s cheeks. “Goodnight, Paige.”
As she walked away, Paige watched her go, her heart heavy but hopeful. This wasn’t what she wanted, not entirely. But it was something. And for now, that was enough.
present day
Azzi knew she was fucked the moment she made the decision. She knew she was fucked when Paige agreed. She knew she was fucked when she realized Paige could talk to, kiss, and hold any girl she wanted now.
Because they were just friends.
And Azzi was completely, utterly fucked.
The past weeks have been hell. It was like she was going through the stages of “grief” or whatever. That’s how Azzi thought of it, at least. How else could she explain the sinking pit in her chest every time Paige and Leana walked into a room together? Or the way her throat tightened when she saw Paige’s hand on Leana’s ass or her arm thrown over Leana’s shoulder, her smile too wide, her laugh too loud? Seems fake to me. She thought.
The team noticed it, of course. How could they not?
Azzi’s energy had shifted. She was way quieter, more withdrawn during practice. When Leana was around, her answers became clipped, her eyes glued to the floor like she couldn’t bear to look at anyone. It didn’t help that Leana fit in so well. The team adored her.
KK had asked her once, “Az, you good?” when they were running laps.
“I’m fine,” she’d lied, her voice sharp enough to end the conversation. But KK’s look lingered, filled with concern Azzi refused to acknowledge.
She wasn’t fine. Not even close.
First stage: Denial
Azzi told herself this was temporary. It had to be.
Paige didn’t really like Leana, not like that. It was just something new, something casual to pass the time. Paige didn’t do relationships, not seriously, and this one wouldn’t last either.
Azzi clung to that thought like a lifeline.
But then Paige started bringing Leana to team dinners. She started showing up with her at practice, standing too close, laughing too hard. And when Azzi saw them together, her chest tightened like someone was physically squeezing the air out of her lungs.
One night, she sat on the couch in Caroline’s apartment, her hands gripping a throw pillow as if she could crush the ache out of her chest.
“I keep telling myself it’s nothing,” she admitted, her voice trembling. “That she’ll get bored and come back. But what if she doesn’t, Carol? What if—” Her voice cracked, and the words wouldn’t come.
Caroline pulled her into a hug, her voice soft and steady. “I’m sorry, Az. I know this sucks. But you can’t keep doing this to yourself.”
Azzi didn’t reply. Because what was she supposed to say? That she didn’t know how to stop?
Second stage: Anger
The denial didn’t last. It couldn’t—not when Paige started bringing Leana to their apartment.
Azzi walked in one day after practice to find Leana sitting on the couch, Paige sprawled next to her, both of them laughing at something on Leana’s phone. Paige looked up, her face lighting up when she saw Azzi.
“Oh hey, Az. You hungry? We’re ordering sushi.”
We. Azzi hated the word.
She dropped her bag by the door, her jaw tight as she muttered, “I’m good,” before disappearing into her room.
That night, she slammed her bedroom door harder than necessary, her chest heaving with an anger she couldn’t contain.
Paige was supposed to be hers. She didn’t care how selfish it sounded—she didn’t want to share Paige with anyone else. Especially not Leana.
Third stage: Bargaining
Azzi started picking apart every moment she’d shared with Paige, searching for something she could’ve done differently.
Maybe if she hadn’t been so stubborn about staying “just friends.” Maybe if she’d let herself fall the way she wanted to—completely, unapologetically. Maybe Paige would’ve stayed.
She confided in Caroline again one night, her voice barely above a whisper as she lay curled up on the couch.
“What if I just tell her?” she asked, her hands twisting the hem of her hoodie. “What if I tell her I messed up, that I want her back?”
Caroline gave her a look that was equal parts sympathy and concern. “Az, you’re the one who pushed her away. Do you think telling her now is going to change anything? She’s with Leana.”
Azzi’s stomach sank at the words, but she couldn’t let go of the thought. What if Paige still loved her? What if there was a chance, no matter how small?
When Caroline finally left, Azzi retreated to her bedroom, unable to escape the weight of her emotions. Her eyes landed on the photo frame on her nightstand—the picture of her and Paige after their U16 gold medal win. Paige’s smile in the photo was the kind that made Azzi’s chest ache, bright and unguarded, as if she’d never known heartbreak.
It had become a nightly ritual, one that Azzi couldn’t bring herself to stop. She picked up the frame, her fingers trembling as she brushed over the glass. “I’m sorry, P,” she whispered, her voice cracking. “I shouldn’t have pushed you away.”
She pressed her lips to the corner of Paige’s smile in the photo, just like she used to do before bed. It was their tradition—their goodnight kiss. Only now, it was one-sided. A ghost of a memory that haunted her.
“Goodnight,” she murmured, her lips still resting against the glass. “Sweet dreams, P.”
Azzi set the frame back down and collapsed onto her bed, clutching the pillow to her chest. Maybe if I hadn’t been scared. Maybe if I just told her now…
Her mind raced with impossible scenarios, rewinding and replaying their history, searching for the moment she could fix, the word she could take back, the step she could retrace.
But in the end, she was left clutching nothing but a pillow and a memory, her tears soaking into the fabric.
Fourth stage: Depression
The hope didn’t last.
It was gone the night Azzi walked into the gym to find Paige and Leana standing by the bleachers. Paige’s hand was on Leana’s waist, positioning her towards the basket, Azzi felt her heart crack open all over again.
She barely made it through practice, her movements sluggish, her mind a blur. By the time she got home, she was shaking, tears streaming down her face as she stumbled into her bedroom.
Caroline found her an hour later, curled up on the floor, her chest heaving with silent sobs.
“I can’t do this,” Azzi whispered, her voice broken. “I can’t—she’s everywhere, Care. And I can’t—” She gasped for air, her words dissolving into another sob.
Caroline sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Az, you don’t have to go through this alone. I’m here, okay? Whatever you need.”
Azzi nodded, but the ache in her chest didn’t fade.
She thought about their first kiss. On the dock, at the lake house of Azzi’s grandparents, the way Paige’s lips had been so soft, so sure.
Would Paige still think about it?
Would she remember the way they’d laughed afterward, giddy and breathless, as if the world had suddenly cracked open and spilled all its light into their lives?
Azzi closed her eyes, tears slipping down her cheeks.
Will I still cross your mind in a year, Paige? she wondered, her heart aching. Will you miss us, even for a second?
Because Azzi did. She missed Paige every day, every second of every day. She missed the way they fit together, like two halves of a whole, and the way Paige used to make her feel seen, like she was the only person in the world who mattered.
I miss you, she thought, her chest heaving with the weight of it. I miss us.
But Paige was with Leana now, and Azzi was just a ghost in her life—a shadow of what they used to be.
And no matter how much she wanted to believe otherwise, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Paige had already moved on.
Stage 5: Acceptance? No. The lack of Acceptance
No matter how hard she tried, Azzi couldn’t let go.
She couldn’t stop thinking about the way Paige used to look at her, like she was the only person in the room. She couldn’t stop replaying their last kiss in her mind—the warmth of Paige’s lips, the way she’d whispered, “Just friends,” like it was a promise they could keep.
But they couldn’t.
And Azzi couldn’t accept it. She couldn’t accept that Paige was gone, that she’d moved on, that the life they’d imagined together was slipping further out of reach with every passing day.
She wanted to scream, to cry, to do anything that might ease the crushing weight on her chest. But all she could do was sit in her room, staring at the wall, as the realization settled in:
She wasn’t grieving Paige. She was grieving herself—the part of her that had believed in them, the part of her that had loved Paige so fiercely it burned.
And now, all she had left were the ashes.
Paige didn’t like Leana.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She liked her well enough to talk to her, to hang out with her when the apartment felt too quiet, too empty, too suffocating without Azzi. But when it came to everything else—when it came to the little things—Paige didn’t like her at all.
She didn’t like that Leana couldn’t cook. It wasn’t like Azzi was an all-star chef or anything—Azzi could barely cook either—but it was different. It was Azzi. At least Azzi could make scrambled eggs. And those nasty green smoothies she used to force Paige to drink after workouts? Yeah, Paige hated them, but she never really hated them because they were from Azzi.
Leana couldn’t even make toast without burning it.
Paige didn’t like how Leana was so touchy-feely all the time. It was suffocating. She hated how Leana’s hands always found her waist or her shoulders, how her arms would wrap around Paige’s neck, clinging like a vine. Paige was supposed to be the clingy one. She was the one who used to jump into Azzi’s arms after practice, planting kisses all over her face or pulling her into hugs just because she felt like it.
And Azzi? She didn’t need to be all over Paige all the time. Sometimes, Azzi would just sit next to her, quiet and comfortable, letting Paige know she was there without saying a word. Paige loved that. She loved being in Azzi’s presence. It was Azzi, after all. Who wouldn’t want to just exist beside her?
But with Leana? God, sometimes Paige wanted to yell, “Can you just get the fuck away from me already?”
Leana’s hair? Always slick, stick-straight, and perfect. Paige hated it. She missed Azzi’s hair—how she’d wear it in curls or braids, switching it up depending on her mood. Paige loved running her hands through Azzi’s curls, loved how soft they felt and how they smelled like flowers.
Leana always smelled like strawberries. Safe to say Paige never had an appetite for them anymore.
She didn’t like the way Leana chewed her food, loud and careless, or the way she slurped her drinks like she grew up with no one teaching her manners. Azzi chewed her food so pretty—if chewing could even be called pretty—with that bright, wide smile she always had when Paige surprised her with ice cream sundaes every Friday night.
Leana always wanted to eat out, and not even at good places. She was obsessed with Jimmy John’s. Paige was too, but only when she went with Azzi every other week after games. Paige couldn’t stand it. She missed how Azzi would insist they eat at home, complaining about how Paige didn’t eat healthy enough.
And God, Paige hated the way Leana fucked. She hated the way her tongue moved on her breasts, her stomach, and just her body. The way her small, slender fingers never hit the right spot, the way her kisses felt too wet, too desperate, too wrong. Leana always tasted like candy, but Paige didn’t even like that anymore. She liked when Azzi tasted like candy.
Because it was Azzi.
Leana was all wrong—her touch, her smell, her laugh, her everything. Paige didn’t like anything about her, not really. And the more she tried to forget Azzi with Leana, the more it became painfully clear.
She didn’t want Leana. She never did.
She wanted Azzi.
But Azzi didn’t want her, not like that. Not anymore. And Paige couldn’t admit it out loud, but she knew the truth.
She was in a tangled mess she doesn’t think she can cut herself out of.
The worst part was Paige only really showed Leana affection when other people were around—when the team was watching, or worse, when Paige knew Azzi was somewhere nearby. It was all for show. A charade. She wanted to convince everyone, herself included, that she was fine. That she didn’t think about Azzi day and night. That she didn’t spend every waking moment wishing things were different.
She faked a laugh at Leana’s terrible jokes, forcing herself to look interested, to act like she wasn’t distracted by the mere thought of Azzi. But she was. She always was.
Every time Leana touched her, Paige’s mind wandered to Azzi’s touch instead. Every time Leana spoke, Paige thought about Azzi’s voice, the way it softened whenever she called Paige’s name. Every time Leana kissed her, Paige found herself comparing it to Azzi’s kisses—how they tasted sweeter, felt deeper, left her breathless in ways Leana never could.
It didn’t matter how much Paige pretended. She wasn’t fooling anyone. Certainly not Azzi. Certainly not herself.
She was a fucked fool.
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Present day (au)
The night was colder than Paige expected. The sharp winter air bit at her cheeks as she adjusted the duffel bag slung over her shoulder, glancing over at Azzi walking beside her. Her girlfriend’s hands were stuffed deep into her coat pockets, her brow furrowed in curiosity.
“You really aren’t gonna tell me where we’re going?” Azzi asked, her voice soft but laced with amusement.
Paige smirked, shaking her head. “Nope. You gotta trust me, princess.”
Azzi rolled her eyes, though the nickname softened her expression. “Last time you said that, we ended up at that hole-in-the-wall pizza spot where you made me eat that ‘experimental’ pineapple jalapeño pizza.”
Paige held her hand to her chest, feigning offense. “Okay, first of all, that pizza was fire, and you know it.”
Azzi gave her a side-eye, her lips twitching upward despite herself. “It made me throw up on your shoes but okay! Just hurry it’s cold.”
Paige rolled her eyes and grinned, nodding toward the gym as it came into view. Its towering doors stood shut, the building silent under the faint glow of campus lights.
Azzi frowned, glancing between Paige and the gym. “Uh, you do know the gym is closed, right?”
Paige pulled a key from her pocket, holding it up with a mischievous grin. “Not for me, it’s not. Perks of being a super senior and coach’s favorite.”
Azzi followed her inside, the smell of the gym familiar but the sight in front of her unexpected. The center court lights glowed softly, illuminating a small setup Paige had prepared: a picnic blanket, a thermos of hot cocoa, a container of chocolate-covered strawberries, and a jar of Nutella sitting neatly on top.
Azzi’s jaw dropped slightly. “Wait—is that Nutella and strawberries? Wow Paige, you really thought this through.”
Paige shrugged, trying to play it cool but clearly pleased with herself. “You’re the one who put me onto it. Said they’re ‘life-changing’ or whatever. Figured I’d return the favor.”
Azzi laughed, kneeling down on the blanket and picking up the jar of Nutella. “I didn’t just say they’re life-changing. I said they’re essential. There’s a difference.”
Paige chuckled, setting her duffel bag near the bleachers before grabbing a basketball. “Yeah, yeah. Now let’s see if you still got that jumper.”
For the next hour, they played like they were kids again—shooting around, teasing each other, laughing until their stomachs hurt. Paige couldn’t help but steal glances at Azzi, marveling at how at ease she looked, her usual focus replaced with unfiltered joy.
When they finally settled back on the blanket, Azzi leaned into Paige’s side, her head resting on her shoulder. She dipped a strawberry into the Nutella and popped it into her mouth, sighing contentedly.
“This is perfect,” Azzi said softly.
Paige smiled, her fingers tracing small circles on Azzi’s thigh. “Yeah. I figured we could use something like this. It’s been…a lot lately.”
Azzi tilted her head to look up at Paige, her brow creasing slightly. “What do you mean? You’ve been killing it this year, P.”
Paige hesitated, her fingers stilling. “Yeah, but…it’s weird, you know? Knowing this is my last year here. I’m really gonna miss this place.”
Azzi’s smile faltered, and she sat up a little straighter. “You don’t have to think about that yet, though.”
Paige raised an eyebrow, her lips quirking. “What about you? You’ve been quiet about what you’re gonna do. Are you staying another year or declaring?”
Azzi blinked, caught off guard. “I—” She stopped, her gaze dropping to the blanket. “I haven’t decided yet.”“I don’t know. It’s a big decision, and I don’t want to rush it. But…sometimes I think staying wouldn’t be so bad.”
Paige reached out, gently turning Azzi’s face toward her. “Hey,” she said softly. “We’ll figure it out, no matter what. You staying or going doesn’t change us, Az.”
Azzi’s throat bobbed as she swallowed, her eyes shining with uncertainty. “It’s just…a lot to think about.”
Paige’s expression softened, and she leaned in to press a kiss to Azzi’s temple. “I get it. Take your time. You don’t have to decide tonight.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the gym’s stillness wrapping around them like a blanket. Finally, Paige broke the quiet, a playful grin tugging at her lips.
“So,” she said, glancing down at Azzi. “Am I still get my goodnight kiss tonight, or what?”
Azzi laughed, rolling her eyes. “You’re ridiculous, you ask this everytime” she teased, but her cheeks flushed pink.
Paige tilted her head, her grin widening. “That’s not a no.”
Azzi sighed dramatically, leaning forward to press a soft, lingering kiss to Paige’s lips. When she pulled back, Paige was grinning like she’d won a championship.
“See?” Paige said, leaning back against the blanket. “This is why I’m gonna miss UConn. Nobody does goodnight kisses like you.”
Azzi laughed, shaking her head. “You’re lucky you’re cute, because you’re so corny.”
Paige chuckled, pulling Azzi closer. For the first time in a while, she let herself just be present—with Azzi, with this moment, with this version of her senior year.
The gym was almost empty now, the faint echo of their laughter still hanging in the air. Paige knelt beside her duffel bag, tossing in her shoes and a few loose pieces of tape she’d peeled off her wrists. Azzi was a few feet away, waiting patiently for paige to finish.
The night had been everything Paige hoped for—light, easy, and full of the kind of love that made her forget, even for a moment, about everything weighing her down.
Azzi turned to Paige, her brown eyes sparkling even under the harsh fluorescent lights. “You okay?” she asked, tilting her head.
Paige zipped up her bag and stood, throwing it over her shoulder. “Yeah, I’m good,” she said with a small smile.
Azzi didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t push. Instead, she nodded toward the doors. “Come on, let’s get home, KK is blowing up my phone.”
They walked side by side, their footsteps echoing off the walls as they made their way to the exit. Paige glanced over at Azzi, watching the way her ponytail swayed with each step, the way she hummed softly under her breath. She was so beautiful, so effortlessly radiant, and Paige felt her chest tighten at the thought of everything she was keeping from her.
As they stepped outside, the cold air hit them immediately, their breath visible in the chilly night. Paige unlocked the car with a press of a button, and Azzi walked ahead, tossing her bag into the backseat before climbing in. Paige lingered for a moment, staring up at the stars as if they might hold the answers she was looking for.
“Paige?” Azzi called softly from inside the car.
Paige snapped out of her thoughts and climbed in, shutting the door behind her. The heater kicked on as she started the engine, and for a moment, they just sat there, the quiet hum of the car filling the space between them.
Paige had one hand on the wheel, the other resting casually on her thigh. Azzi sat in the passenger seat, her head turned slightly toward Paige as if she was studying her. The hum of the engine and the faint sound of the radio filled the space between them, but Paige’s thoughts were so loud they might as well have been screaming.
She’d done her best to stay in the moment tonight—to soak in Azzi’s laugh, her smile, the way her nose scrunched whenever Paige teased her. But as they neared campus, the weight in Paige’s chest grew heavier.
It wasn’t just about what she’d gotten a second chance at; it was what she’d lost the first time around.
Azzi broke the silence first. “Hey, you wanna just crash in my room tonight?” Her voice was soft, almost hypnotizing.
Paige glanced at her briefly before returning her eyes to the road. “Yeah,” she said, her voice just as quiet. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Azzi smiled, reaching out to give Paige’s arm a squeeze before settling back into her seat.
For the rest of the drive, Paige’s thoughts spiraled.
What if she could fix things?
The question had been haunting her since the moment she woke up in this second chance of a life. She could do so much—change so much—but every action had consequences. Good ones, bad ones. Ones she couldn’t even begin to predict.
Her grip on the steering wheel tightened.
And then there was the truth. The one thing she knew she could never fix, never change. The one thing that had already shattered Azzi once before.
Paige swallowed hard, her jaw clenching. She couldn’t think about that now. Not tonight. She needed to focus on the present—on Azzi, on the way her voice softened whenever she said Paige’s name, on the way her fingers always found Paige’s whenever they were walking side by side. Just focus on Azzi, just focus on pretending.
But was she really pretending? No. No, she wasn’t.
Paige knew she loved Azzi. Everyone did. She loved her so much it felt like it was tearing her apart from the inside out. She loved her enough to want to protect her, even if it meant keeping this secret. She loved her enough to die for her.
But loving her didn’t make what she was doing any less wrong.
By the time they reached Azzi’s dorm, Paige felt like she could barely breathe. Azzi didn’t seem to notice; she was already climbing out of the car, waiting for Paige to grab her things before leading the way inside.
When they reached Azzi’s room, Paige hesitated in the doorway, her duffel bag slung over her shoulder. Azzi turned to her, frowning slightly.
“You good?” she asked.
Paige forced a smile and nodded. “Yeah. Just tired, that’s all.”
Azzi’s frown deepened, but she didn’t press. Instead, she grabbed Paige’s hand and pulled her inside.
They moved through their usual routine with ease—Azzi handing Paige a pair of sweats, Paige tossing her hoodie onto the back of a chair, both of them brushing their teeth side by side in the small bathroom. But as they finally settled into Azzi’s bed, the silence between them felt heavier than before.
Paige lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling while Azzi curled up beside her, her head resting on Paige’s shoulder.
“You’ve been quiet,” Azzi murmured, her voice barely audible in the darkness.
Paige exhaled slowly, her fingers brushing through Azzi’s hair. “Just…thinking.”
“About what?”
Paige hesitated. She could feel the words bubbling up in her throat, threatening to spill out. But she couldn’t say them. Not now. Maybe not ever.
“Everything,” she said instead.
Azzi shifted, propping herself up on one elbow to look at Paige. “Hey,” she said softly, her fingers brushing against Paige’s cheek. “Whatever it is, you can talk to me. You know that, right?”
Paige closed her eyes, the weight in her chest almost unbearable. “I know,” she whispered.
Azzi’s thumb traced slow circles on Paige’s cheek. “You’re scaring me, P. What’s going on?”
Paige opened her eyes, her gaze locking with Azzi’s. And for a moment, she thought about telling her—about laying it all out there, no matter the consequences. But the thought of the look on Azzi’s face, the hurt in her eyes, stopped her cold.
“I’m just…I’m scared too,” Paige admitted, her voice trembling.
Azzi frowned, leaning closer. “Scared of what?”
Paige swallowed hard, her fingers tightening in Azzi’s hair. “Of losing this. Of messing it all up again.”
Azzi’s expression softened, and she leaned down to press a gentle kiss to Paige’s forehead. “You’re not gonna lose me, Paige. Not now, not ever.”
Paige closed her eyes, a single tear slipping down her cheek. “I hope you’re right,” she whispered. Oh, hope, hope was a beautiful thing.
Azzi pulled her closer, wrapping her arms around Paige as if she could hold her together. Paige buried her face in Azzi’s neck, her heart pounding in her chest.
She wanted to believe her. God, she wanted to believe her.
But deep down, she knew that as long as she kept this secret, the clock was ticking.
And she was terrified of what would happen when it finally ran out.
𐙚— rosie’s note: so how do we feel? do we love rosie ?? 😊
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fairy-writes · 4 months ago
Hello- umm I'm new here and I saw your request was open..I was wondering if it's ok for me to request maybe some parent headcanons for Soshiro Hoshina,like imagine him and his s/o (the reader) having twin sons that are literal prodigy and just a overall very talented kids.I just wanna see their dynamic as a family,Like badass husband and their badass wife/husband/partner and their literal gifted prodigy twins- YOU CAN FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THIS BTW NO PRESSURE THANK YOUUU🏃🏻‍♀️💨
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Kaiju No. 8
Pairing(s): Hoshina Soshiro x Reader
Word Count: 0.8k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Headcanons, Original Child Characters, 
Notes: The names I picked and their meanings are as follows (pls lmk if I got any meanings wrong, I’m using a website to translate said names)
Katsuo: Victory and/or hero
Osamu: discipline/study
Okay, so at this point, you and Soshiro have likely retired from the Defense Force. Like, yes, you love your job and can go for several more years, but once you decide to have kids, he wants to be there for them and raise them properly. You do, too. 
Whether you guys decide adoption, pregnancy, or surrogacy is right for you, it doesn't matter. He’s there for it all. 
You both end up with twin boys! Katsuo is the younger twin, and Osamu is the elder twin by seven minutes.
When the boys are six years old, Soshiro decides to start teaching them the ways of the sword. 
And you really shouldn’t have been surprised to see that they are prodigies. 
Like, it takes some time for their skills to show, but when they do, they’re top of the class. 
They spar with Soshiro to practice, and of course, he goes easy on them for the first little (long) while. 
While both of them are prodigies, they excel in different ways. Osamu in the offensive, Katsuo in the defensive. 
But that doesn’t mean that they don’t feel inadequate at times…
Osamu and Soshiro came in from practicing for the day while you were busy filling out the last of the paperwork from your new desk job. It was more so to keep you from getting bored than anything else. The Defense Force paid you a hefty pension for serving for so long in their ranks. 
“Where’s Katsuo?” You lean back in your desk chair and ask your beloved husband and elder son as Osamu skips in to ask what’s for dinner. 
“He isn’t with you?” Soshiro asks as he toes off his shoes by the front door. 
At this, you frown. “No? I thought he was with you.” 
“He said he didn’t wanna practice today.” Osamu chirps as he comes out of the kitchen with an apple stuffed in his mouth. 
Katsuo didn’t want to practice? That was odd…
“Go check out back again. I’ll check his bedroom.” You eventually say to Soshiro, who nods and takes your elder son with him. 
You find Katsuo in his bedroom.
He’s curled under his alien-themed blankets, and you can faintly hear sniffling from your spot by the door. 
“Hey, kiddo.” You whisper into the silence, and he jolts in surprise. He peeks his head out from under the blankets to look at you with red-rimmed eyes. 
“What do you want?” He mumbles, and your eyebrow arches at the ten-year-old’s cold response. 
“To check on you. What’s going on?” You say, but don’t move from your spot by the door until he gives you the go-ahead. 
Once you’re seated beside your younger son, he bursts into tears. 
“I’m not good enough!” He blubbers, and your frown deepens. 
“What do you mean? Of course, you are!” He flinches away from your comforting hand and shakes his head. 
“Not as good as ‘samu! He’s loads better than me! He beat me four times yesterday, and I only beat him once!” He snaps, and you sigh. 
You should’ve known this was going to happen. 
“You’re too much like me, I fear.” You eventually say, and he looks at you in confusion. 
“Huh?” You reach forward again, and he allows you to run your fingers through his hair. 
“You know, especially when I was your age, I always beat myself up over things I couldn’t do or couldn’t do well. Growing up with your father will do that to you. But you know what?” You poked at his side until he began to giggle and squirm away. 
“I pulled myself up and tried my best. I was good at what I did, and I knew that. I just forgot it sometimes.” 
Katsuo looked at you in what looked like awe, wiping his tears away as he crawled into your side. You wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. 
“But you’re amazing!” He whispered, and you laughed, 
“I know. But so are you, my little man.” You said, and before he could deflect, you continued. 
“I haven’t seen anyone as good with defensive footwork as you in a long time. And you should be proud of that! Sure, Osamu is good on the offensive, but when he gets backed into a corner, he doesn’t know what to do. He’ll get better, I’m sure. But so will you.” You reminded him, and he just shrugged.
“Am I interrupting?” Came your husband’s voice and you looked up to him with a smile as he approached the two of you. Katsuo scrambled from your grip and threw his scrawny arms around his father. 
“I’m sorry for missing practice today.” He mumbled into his stomach and Soshiro just chuckled and ruffled his son’s hair. 
“Don’t worry about it, buddy. There’s always tomorrow.” He said and ushered him out of the room before sitting beside you. 
“So, what was his issue today?” He asked, and you leaned your head on his shoulder. 
“He thought he wasn’t good enough. We had a little chat, and he’s feeling a bit better now.” You replied and felt him kiss your hairline. 
“You always were good with pep talks.” He teased, and you just rolled your eyes, but a smile nonetheless played at your lips. 
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to-thelakes · 3 months ago
who's been at your apartment?
pairing; carmy berzatto x reader
content warnings; MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY (pls), angst turned to smut, afab!reader, oral (r!receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, light dom/sub dynamics
summary; you and carmy had ended things a month ago but you just couldn't keep away from each other.
this has been sat in my drafts for far too long, like last month i was obsessed with 'your apartment' by wallows (i saw them on tour, hearing the song live was insane), and this was born, it's probably one of the more horny things i've released so please enjoy <3 my little end of the year treat for you all <3
also i have a whole ass playlist for this dynamic with carmy and it's eating my brain up when if i think too hard
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You and Carmy had been dancing around each other for months. Your situationship - that neither of you had ever been brave enough to call a relationship - had ended messily but mutually. It hurt you both but as you both did, you bottled it up and pretended like nothing had happened.
You were amicable with him inn person but when you got home, you cried on the phone to your best friend about how much you missed him. And then you went back around, doing it all over again the next day. 
Your best friend had tried to get you to move on, think about someone else but it never happened. Nothing seemed to distract you from him.
Carmy had similarly been struggling. Even the stress of opening The Bear hadn’t distracted him from you. Even Syd and her refusal to sign the partner contract hadn’t distracted him. Seeing you every day made him crazy and seeing you laugh and smile and seem so care-free drove him even crazier.
He didn’t understand how you weren’t falling apart at the seams. He was. Even if he hid it, he was falling apart without you. And he would lie awake at night thinking about how you were moving on and imagining all the ways you had moved on. It was his own unique form of self-harm. Or that’s what he thought because he didn’t know that you were also falling into that same pattern.
You knew that Carmy didn’t sleep around but he had gotten closer to Claire recently. He had been friends with her for as long as you had known him - so your entire lives - and that made it even worse.
Was he sleeping with her? Did she hold him like you had? Was he moving on? 
It drove you crazy.
And service at the Bear was driving you crazy. It was stressful, the new menus every day basically made it impossible to be efficient. Everything was difficult and the company was drowning and Carmy was drowning. He was stressed and you could see it but you couldn’t do anything because you were drowning too; drowning in your own feelings and your own self-inflicted mental wounds.
Service was the most stressful you’d had since Carmy had joined months ago and the intensity in the kitchen seemed to increase with every passing second.
Every second counts.
That was becoming increasingly true as you rushed your way through dinner service. When the last order went out and everyone cooled off and Carmy had stopped asking for food to be re-fired over and over and over and everyone began to clean up, you felt like your head had finally come up from under the water.
The tides were calming but then you made eye contact with Carmy and it was like you were drowning again. He was anxiously chewing on nicotine gum as he quickly averted his gaze from you. You looked away and ran your hands across your face.
“Fuck,” You mumbled to yourself before you turned away and went straight to the back door. You couldn’t exist in that kitchen, you felt like you were drowning. The night air was soothing as you dropped onto the bench next to the back door. Your hands rested in your lap as your whole body slumped back into the brick wall.
You couldn’t get the thoughts out of your head. Carmy with Claire, Carmy fucking Claire, Carmy touching Claire. It was driving you fucking insane. You let out a rough breath.
“Fuck,” You muttered again. You leant forward, elbows on your knee as you rested your head in your hands, “Fuck!” You shouted before you let out another rough breath, kicking your heel into the bench. 
It felt impossible to think. Nobody could distract you enough to keep him off your mind. Sydney, Marcus, Tina, even Ebra had tried to help but nothing. He was stuck in your head, invading every bit of free space, sinking his claws in.
The memory of him was branded into the deepest part of you. The genuine look of relaxation when he was asleep beside you was seared into your mind, his smile when you said something funny, his laugh that you rarely ever heard, the way he became pliable and obedient after a stressful service and his face when you kissed and praised him was burnt into the very deepest parts of you. The reminder of how good he felt between your legs and how easy he slipped inside you and fucked you until you couldn’t think persisted in every corner of your mind.
It was like every part of you was clawing, desperate to get back to him.
But you couldn’t talk to him, you couldn’t speak, any time you went to text him, you couldn’t do it and the words clawed at your throat, desperate to spill out but they never did. Instead, your throat was left sore.
“Yo, Chef, gonna finish cleaning your station?” Carmy asked as he appeared outside the door. His voice was a little awkward, trying to be casual but both of you could sense the tension that needed desperately to be broken.
“Yeah, uhm, give me a sec,” You said as you lifted your head out of your hands. You cleared your throat and wiped your hands down your apron - force of habit. You glanced at him, giving him a small smile. That was a mistake. He was looking at you so softly. It made your head spin and you had to look away, “I’ll be there,” You added, hoping he would take the hint and walk away.
“Yeah, take your time,” He responded. You nodded and when you didn’t hear him move, your body felt like it was burning up. This was so much. There were words on the tip of your tongue, desperate to get out but finding no way, “Everything good?” You didn’t even know how to respond to that as you stared blankly at the night sky.
“Are you fucking Claire?” The words fell from your lips before you even knew what the fuck you were saying. But they were out there. It wasn’t what you wanted to say but you needed to say it, to do something about this because fuck, you were losing it. With or without him you were losing it.
Carmy was baffled by your question, pausing and not entirely sure what you wanted to hear. He cleared his throat and glanced at the kitchen before he stepped down out of the restaurant into the back alley.
“No,” He retorted. You nodded and rested back against the wall, “Are you?” He asked. Your eyebrows furrowed.
“What? Fucking Claire?” You asked, unable to help the way you teased him as an amused smile spread over your lips.
“No, fuckin’ hell, no. I meant, fucking anyone,” He quickly corrected, stumbling over his words.
“No.” You didn’t feel the need to elaborate. Both of you knew why. It was fucking obvious to everyone.
You both fell silent and a soft breath escaped your lips, somewhere between relief and annoyance. You felt like you were being tortured by this, by him. It wasn’t exactly all his fault but you fucking needed him. You wanted him so badly and you had no idea how to tell him, how to do it.
“Want me to help with your station?” He asked after a beat. You nodded and he nodded back in response. You then got up from the bench and the two of you headed into the kitchen. The silence that lingered between the two of you was somehow comfortable as you cleaned. You worked in tandem, together, perfect and in rhythm. It was easy. 
The two of you had always been easy, well, until it wasn’t but it had been mistake to quit just because it wasn’t fucking easy anymore. You felt so stupid.
Once you were done with your station, you took the trash out together. You were both deep in thought, not needing to speak to understand what was going on here. Carmy held the bin open as you chucked the black bags inside. 
Your mind was running around in circles. You felt like you were going crazy and every time you looked at him, you wanted to scream and cry and kiss him all in the same instant. It was mind-numbing and dizzying and you didn’t know what to think. And his hand was on your back when you stood on your tiptoes, supporting you as you threw the bags into the trash. 
His hand was on you, his eyes never left you. It was making your head spin and he wasn’t saying anything. 
Granted, neither were you, but he wasn’t saying anything. You didn’t know what to do. You wanted to kiss him and when you made eye contact, you caught the way his eyes briefly glanced to your lips. 
You were halfway picking up a trash bag when you let out a ragged sigh.
“Fuck this,” You stated. Carmy’s eyebrows furrowed and you dropped the bag. You were done, done with this fucking back and forth bullshit. You turned to him and kissed him.. He let out a sigh of relief into your mouth as he kissed you back. His hand kept the bin lid up, frozen and yet relieved all in the same instant. After a moment, you pulled back, “My apartment or yours?” You asked bluntly.
You threw the last few bags out, washed your hands, grabbed your shit from the locker and got into Carmy’s car - heading straight to his apartment.
The tension was only growing and neither of you really speaking as he drove.
“You really haven’t been fucking Claire?” You asked as you stared out the window.
“No, not fucking Claire,” He retorted. You nodded and let out a breath of relief.
“So I was the last one to touch you?” You questioned as you turned to look at him. He nodded, glancing at you from the driver’s seat. You nodded, letting your hand slip over the console to rest over his thigh. His head snapped to you again, taking in your face.
Your mind was screaming good, good, I’m the only one who should touch you but you kept those thoughts to yourself as he continued to drive.
The second Carmy had the apartment door closed, your hands were on his face, pulling him in. You were kissing him, arms wrapped around his neck as you tugged at the curls at the nape of his neck. He gasped and you used it as an excuse to lick into his mouth, pulling him towards the couch. You didn’t care about getting to the bedroom, you just needed him, right fucking now.
You pushed him until he was sitting on the sofa and he groaned into your mouth as his hands roamed up your sides. His hands slipped under your t-shirt, his cold fingers slipped over your warm skin. It made you shiver as you whined softly into his mouth. He smirked against your lips and tugged you down so you could feel how hard he was.
You whined just a little louder, grinding down against him but his hands snapped to your hips, keeping you still.
“No,” He panted against your mouth as he gently began to kiss across your cheek and jaw. His nose nudged your jaw up as he sucked and nipped and kissed at the skin of your neck. His arms wrapped around you, keeping you pressed against him as you let out breathy whines, “Good girl,” He praised softly when you threw your head back so he had better access to your neck.
You were needy and compliant in his arms as he flipped you both over so you were lying across the couch beneath him. He used his knees to nudge your thighs open. His hands slipped over your crotch and he could feel the heat, glancing up at you. A shit-eating grin was spreading across his face.
“Really fucking needed this, huh?” He asked. You whined, using your heels to wrap around him and tug him closer. He quickly grabbed your calves, holding you back as he looked at you, “Words, baby,” He reminded.
“Take them off, please,” You begged as you wiggled in his lap, desperately trying to get something from him. You needed him. It had been too long.
He needed it too which is why he was quick to strip your jeans off.
“Fuck,” You said softly as he threw your pants to one side. He moved so fluidly and the look in his eyes, the desperation was making your head spin. 
His thumbs then hooked under your panties and he glanced at you, seeking permission again. You nodded your head, “Yes, please,” You reaffirmed, desperate and needy. He pulled them off and threw them in the direction of your pants before his head was between your thighs. His tongue was licking up across your inner thighs, kissing and biting and nipping at the skin as you whined and squirmed under his ministrations. Your fingers were quick to bury into his hair, gently tugging them closer to where you desperately needed him as you squirmed.
“Please,” You begged softly. Carmy hummed, smirking against your thigh as he pressed kisses along the skin. Whenever a little whine escaped you, he took his time to bite and nip at the spot.
“Carmy,” You were fucking breathless and needy, unable to think straight and he had given you nothing. “Stop- stop teasing,” You whined, just as he pulled your thighs a little wider. His hands moved to your pussy, using his thumbs to gently push your folds open. He leant forward and used the flat of his tongue to lick from your opening all the way up to your clit. The feeling made you grip his hair even tighter, a needy whine escaping your lips. Tears formed in your eyes, desperate and so beyond needy.
“Forgot how good you tasted,” He murmured against your pussy before he began to lap at your opening like a man starved. The mix of his saliva and your wetness coated his face as he reacquainted his tongue with every part of you. His tongue then moved to your clit. He gently sucked it into his mouth and your back arched off the couch.
All that fell from your lips were whines of his name as he sucked and lapped at your clit. He used his hands to pin your hips down to the couch, not giving you even a moment of reprieve. You couldn’t decide whether to watch him or stare at the ceiling or close your eyes. The pleasure was so overwhelming; you didn’t know how to think. One hand gripped his hair, nails digging into his scalp while the other gripped the couch cushions for dear life.
He gave a particularly harsh suck to your clit before he began to lap across your cunt again. His tongue licked across your entrance before he traced it all the way up again. His fingers replaced his tongue at your entrance, one finger gently nudging past your walls. It took him with ease, greedily sucking him in. You whined softly.
“Oh, Carm,” You let out as your head fell to the side. The feeling of having someone else inside of you - even just his fingers - was a new kind of euphoria. You let out a soft whimper when he began to curl his finger, pulling in and out.
“Such a pretty pussy,” He murmured as he pulled away to watch his finger sink in and out of you. Once he was sure you were ready, he added a second one and glanced up to see the way your face contorted. You were squirming, desperately shoving yourself further into his fingers, “So fucking desperate.” You looked down at him, using your hand to tug him towards your mouth.
He swallowed your moans as he kissed you, his fingers starting their brutal pace inside you. Every time he thrusted them in and out, he crooked them at just the right angle to make you see stars. You could barely think straight, let alone kiss him. Carmy swallowed every moan as he licked into your mouth. Your eyes closed, head thrown back as he pulled you closer and closer to orgasm, just from his fingers.
“Baby,” He whispered against your skin as he trailed his kisses across your face and towards your ear, “Feel good?” He whispered directly against your ear. Your loud moan as he crooked his finger at just the right angle was the only way you could respond as your thighs began to shake. 
“Please, please, please,” You begged as you gripped his hair, pulling him into your neck as your back arched. You could feel the coil tightening and then you were hit with a blinding orgasm. You were panting and whining and moaning as you released around him, walls throbbing around his fingers. He gently coaxed you through before pulling his fingers out. Your grip on his hair had loosened almost completely as he sat up, taking his fingers into his mouth.
You watched with wide eyes as he slowly licked up your wetness from his fingers. You had forgotten how dirty Carmy could be and watching him had your head spinning.
“You look so pretty, baby,” He praised as he trailed his saliva-slick fingers across your thighs. Your cunt was throbbing and he watched with a smirk on his face, admiring how wet you were. It was all just for him.
“Carmy,” You let out, whimpering as you gently reached out for his arm. He looked up at you and you gently pressed a kiss to his fingertips, kissing up to his tattooed knuckles. The action made his heart melt and then you placed his hand on the hem of your shirt, silently begging him to strip it off. He did, without hesitation. He was quick to trail kisses along your stomach, taking in every inch of the exposed skin. He breathed heavily, transfixed by the taste and smell of having you this close. His tongue slowly licked up and across the skin of your stomach before he nuzzled his face back into your cunt. His nose pressed up against your clit which made your hips instinctively hump against it. The feeling made you breathlessly and Carmy chuckle against you.
“Needy,” He said as he pressed a kiss against you before licking his tongue all the way up to your clit.
“You’re the one who told me to leave, haven’t been able to fuck anyone else,” You murmured back. The smirk that spread across his face was dangerous and you felt the way his licks and kisses became more confident. His fingers held your thighs apart as he began to eat you out like a man starved.
“Fuck, Carmy,” You moaned out, not expecting the sudden stimulation. Your back arched as he sucked on your clit, his tongue flicking back and forth across the sensitive bud. Your eyes rolling back at the stimulation before his mouth moved down. His tongue nudged past your entrance, licking into you while his nose continued to press against your clit. The double stimulation was driving you wild, desperation clinging onto every whine and praise that fell from your lips;
“So good, Carmy, make me feel so good.”
“Tongue feels so good, keep doing that, please, please,”
“No-one else can fuck me like this, no-one makes me feel this good”
“Don’t want anyone but you.”
You felt like you were losing your mind as Carmy used his tongue and nose to slowly break you apart. You didn’t expect the orgasm until it was cresting over you. Your back was arched, pushing your cunt into his face, your hands gripping his hair, thighs wrapped around his head as you moaned out his name like a prayer.
Your thighs loosened around his head as he licked up the slick and cum that leaked out, cleaning you up before he sat up. He looked pleasure-drunk as he used the back of his hand to wipe the slick from his chin. You were staring, watching the way his mouth turned to a smirk. His hands slipped over your thighs, tugging you towards him.
“You okay, baby?” He asked softly. You nodded, following his lead. You dropped into his lap without a second thought and wasted no time, grabbing his face and kissing him. Carmy was a little breathless still but would never deny the kisses as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You kissed him over and over again before he tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss.
You groaned out in satisfaction as you wrapped your arms around his neck, lifting yourself up to get a better angle on the kiss. You gently licked across his bottom lip, begging for permission. He opened his mouth, letting you lick your tongue into his mouth. It was hot and heavy and you felt dizzy from kissing him but this was all you had wanted.
For weeks, this is what you had craved. Your hands slipped down to the hem of his white t-shirt and you slowly began to tug it up, desperate to get it off him. Your hands clawing for any touch of skin. You broke the kiss, only for a moment, before your hands were wrapped around him again. The shirt was discarded somewhere with the rest of your clothes and your hands roamed his chest.
The strong muscles made you feel somehow even wetter and all you wanted to do was kiss and lick your way down his chest. But another part of you desperately needed him to fill you up, you needed him to fuck you like he always did.
You broke the kiss, whimpering his name. Carmy opened his eyes, pressing kisses here and there as he asked what was wrong.
“Need your dick,” You admitted shamelessly. Carmy let out a soft ‘mhm’, his hands moved down to your waist.
“Yeah?” He asked as he pressed kisses over your face. You whined, wiggling in his lap and pressing your still wet cunt against the fabric of his jeans. The grunt he let out was music to your ears.
“Let me take them off, please,” You begged softly as your hands trailed down to the waistband of his jeans.
“Okay, baby,” He responded. You smiled happily, dumb on pleasure and desperate for his cock. You unbuttoned the jeans and tugged them down, standing up off the couch to finish pulling them off his legs. Once they were gone, you could see just how hard he was.
The tent in his boxers was hard to miss and it made you smirk.
“Did I make you this hard, Bear?” You cooed, teasing him. Carmy looked up at you and he tugged you back into his lap.
“Don’t be rude or you won’t get this cock at all,” He snapped back, his voice right in your ear. The dominant way he spoke quickly put you right and you nodded, swallowing thickly. He cupped your face with his hand and gently but slowly kissed your lips. It was the kind of kiss that made your head spin which is why you didn’t notice Carmy nudge his boxers down or flick the tip over your cunt until he was pulling your hips down to sink into him. 
You let out a stuttering whine as you sank down onto him. You weren’t used to taking him so Carmy took to slowly pushing in but it wasn’t long before he had bottomed out. You felt so full, your forehead pressed against his as you panted, breathless. You felt so fucking full.
“Carmy,” You whined his name, high-pitched and needy as you buried your face into his neck. It felt so good.
“Good girl,” He praised, his fingers running through your hair. You whimpered at his words, slowly lifting off him. You followed his movements, letting him guide you up and down. You slowly got used to the movements, eyes rolling back, mind going blank as you felt him fill you over and over again.
“You take me so well.”
“I’m so proud of you, baby, look at you.”
He let out soft words of encouragement as he guided you. It was soft and slow, every thrust hit the spot that made you see stars. Your fingers dug into his hair and when the pace became too soft, you slowly began to speed up. Carmy smirked against your hair, your head still buried in his neck.
But your thighs were exhausted and he could tell from the needy whines you were letting out that you wouldn’t be able to keep this pace up for much longer. 
So, Carmy grabbed your hips and pulled you all the way down onto his cock before flipping you both so you were lying on the couch again. His arms caged you in as he began to fuck you. Every movement of his hip was quick and sharp as you threw your head back. His cock made you see stars as you grappled for anything to hold onto. His thrusts were speeding up, taking you quicker as he felt your walls throb around him. Part of him was chasing his own orgasm, desperate to cum in you.
“That feel good?” He asked as he pressed kisses along your chest and shoulders and neck, his teeth nipping at the skin as he fucked into you. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you gripped his shoulders, legs wrapped around him as you moaned and whimpered his name like a prayer.
You nodded, unable to let out anything coherent especially when he added a finger to your clit. The quick circles he ran over the sensitive bud made your walls throb around him. You were both desperately chasing your orgasm as you moaned his name and begged for him to take you, to cum inside you. You needed it.
And then you both fell apart.
Your legs were shaking, head thrown back, chest pushed up as you let out a loud moan of his name, devolving into heavy panting as Carmy filled you up. He worked himself through the orgasm, painting your walls white with his cum before he pulled out completely. A soft whimper fell from his lips and your eyes opened to take him in. He was panting as he watched a mixture of yours and his cum leak out of you.
Some carnal part of him wanted to scoop it up and push it back in but he held himself back. He watched it slowly leak out over your couch cushions as he panted, desperate to get his breath back.
“Carmy,” You said softly, grappling for his attention. His head snapped up as you looked at him, “Come ‘ere, please,” You begged softly. He followed your hand and then you tugged him down onto your chest, allowing you to move him however you wanted. Once you had settled him, you buried your face in his hair, “Missed you,” You muttered softly. Carmy nodded his head, pressing a soft kiss to your skin.
“Missed you too.”
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