#again nothing against people who choose not to work to take care of their family
feral-peacock · 2 years
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amalthiaph · 5 months
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I took an interest in The Bad Batch around the tailend of S2. It's not news to Tumblr that I almost slept on this show. And I cannot thank Caleb Dume enough for being the reason why I pressed the play button for this one. While I haven't been around for most of its active run, and I wish I had been, the last year has been among the best months of my life.
This show challenged my morals, and taught me lessons that I will forever take with me.
Tech taught me to embrace and take pride in who I am. I now think that I am not something that needs to be cured. I needed to be understood and accepted. He taught me that we deserved to be loved and be allowed to live the way we want to (as long as we are not causing harm to ourselves or to others).
Hunter taught me that at the end of the day, we're all still humans. We make mistakes. We fail. But we can learn from them, and we can strive to be better. And I should also take care of my hair bec I cannot accept that a man in a galactic war have better hair than me (Okay, did you honestly think I'm gonna be serious this entire essay?)
Crosshair taught me that at the end of the day, we really are still humans. Sometimes, we make choices that not everyone will understand or agree to. Sometimes, we don't even understand our own choices. But we can learn from them, and we can strive to be better. And that I should also go to therapy bec istg my hand shakes like hell I always need to rely on a pen stabilizer when doing my artworks.
Wrecker taught me that in this world where we can be anything, always choose to be kind. He is a great man who would always be there for everyone, and I hope that one day, I can be that person too. He is afraid of heights, but he climbs and go on high places anyway. Like him, I should also start conquering my fears. Dear Wrecker, I did try conquering my fear of heights last March 9 but I can't. I will try again.
Echo taught me to always fight for the greater good. Almost two years ago, me and a group of people campaigned for a great tomorrow. With pink flags and pink balloons, we worked on our little thing I like to call our rebellion. Sadly, we lost. At times, I am thinking of just giving up bec that's democracy and I cannot go against the people's decision, but characters like Echo and the rest of Rogue One taught me that nothing should ever stop me for fighting for the people's rights and that my love for my fellow citizens should always come first before hatred.
And lastly, Omega taught me to be curious, or more likely to not be ashamed for being curious. Learn about the world. Learn about lots of things. We never know when we need it. While I could say be good at strategy and win 30 grand on card games, nahhh, I'm not that smart.
I also learned to reevalutate myself as an artist. This show taught me integrity. I had ranted about this lately but these characters challenged me in terms of art. I knew that the creators aren't best at proper representation. While I could draw them as they are in the show, I choose to stand for what is right, and represent them as properly as my skills could. In the more technical side, I became good at drawing armors. And this little Actors AU Draw Series taught me to be responsible; I tried my very best to create and post them on time. This increased my productivity.
But enough about me.
There's something I realized two nights ago; we, the fandom, are Bad Batchers ourselves. We can consider ourselves a family, but not one of us is the same and we're all interesting, and capable in our own unique ways. We can have our own opinion and stand about something and still coexist. Like our favorite charactera, we embrace and celebrate our differences.
This show may end. No more Bad Batch Eves, no more cryptic tweets that cause us to hyperventilate, no more Bad Batch Wednesdays but it will live on, through us.
I know there will be a day where we decrease in number, one by one, little by little, but still, the show will live on through our actions, our opinions, our choices we make after May 1, 2024 because I know that all of us were changed in some ways by these characters and this show.
To the crew, your cryptic tweets caused me sleepless nights, but thank you so, so much. It is through your hardwork that we had this wonderful show. Thank you for making every second of the past year so worthwhile and enjoyable for me and for everyone.
However this show will end, whether happy or sad, I am glad it happened. However short my time was with them, I am happy I had been here. However short my time with everyone in the fandom was or if some of you leave one day, still, thank you so much for being part of my life; I am so happy I met all of you.
To Clone Force 99, thank you. I've never loved anything like this before. May the Force be with you.
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For Sam x reader.
Ghostface is back and had followed the Carpenters, the twins, and Amber's older sister, Reader, to New York. No one trusting her because of the fact that her little sister was Ghostface, Reader is in disbelief, and Sam breaks up with her on the spot. Fast forward to the end, where Ghostface is dead, everyone's being treated by paramedics, Reader is seen walking away from the scene alone. Kirby asks where she is, Sam then sees her walking away, holding her broken arm to her body, and runs after her and apologies for not trusting and believing her. (Reader saying it's too late for sam to apologize. She then walks away from her friends, from Sam.)
You're Somebody Else
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Words: 1.4k
Pairing: Samantha Carpenter x Fem!Freeman!Reader
Synopsis: You were told that the biggest betrayal comes from the people you care about the most, but never did you expect it to hurt so much.
Warnings: scream vi spoilers, violence, spitting, cussing, angst, no happy ending. lmk if I missed any.
A/N: I wrote this at a coffee shop. I'm still here rn, so we'll see how many fics I can post before I go home. (This will probably be the only one)
not my gif. || masterlist || previous work
You stood before Amber’s Ghostface outfit, reaching out to touch the fabric before you remembered where you were -- who you’re with. The glares given to you by the rest of the group burned at the back of your skull. You can practically sense their judgments. Since the first Ghostface attack in New York, they pointed their fingers at you. You understood, given what you've all been through. Can't be too careful. You didn’t care that you saw the contempt on your own girlfriend’s face. You stayed by her side, understanding where she was coming from.
Being related to a previous Ghostface was something you and Sam had in common. When you are linked to a person with that track record, it sticks with you even if you are different from them. Trust becomes hard to give. And out of everyone, you figured your girlfriend is the one who understood the most about what it’s like. However, it looks like the sentiment isn’t shared.
She approaches you, getting the courage to ask, “Can we talk?”
You can tell what’s about to happen before Sam can utter what she wants to say to you.
Nothing good ever comes out of conversations like these.
“I’m sorry.” Sam stares, her gaze cold, nothing like the Sam you fell in love with. With each deafening step she takes away from you, your heart shatters just a little bit more. You are wounded by the way she’s looking at you. Any wound or injury you might sustain in the next few minutes will not compare to the poison laced in the invisible knife held against your throat by the woman you love. “I can’t take any more chances. I can’t trust you. We’re done.”
You scoff, glancing towards the group in hopes that they would back up your claim. “Sam, you know me. I would never hurt you or Tara or. . . Anika.”
Mindy flinches at the mention of her girlfriend’s name. Her stare hardens. “You have no right to say her name. We know you did it. You killed her.”
“Mindy…” Your voice breaks as your throat feels like it’s closing up. You can’t do anything to convince them, letting the stream of tears flow from your eyes. No one came to your rescue to prove your innocence. None of them trusted you. You felt pathetic, humiliated, embarrassed. Your eyes settle on Sam again. “Really? After everything we’ve been through together, you-”
Sam glowers. “It’s over, Y/n. Please, stay away from us.”
“Fuck you.” You turn your back, the hurt in your tone clear as day. “I don’t know you at all.”
“Maybe we didn’t know each other as well as we thought.”
It was one thing for you to walk away and another knowing that Sam would not be going after you.
“It was easy luring you away from the group. Guess we really can’t choose our family, huh?” Ghostface makes a tsk sound, the voice changer turned off.
He takes a step forward, but you stay positioned adjacent to the wall. That voice…
Ethan removes his mask, holding the voice changer to his lips, “Didn’t expect that?”
Of course it was him. Little by little, the pieces fall into place. The apartment attack -- that was probably Ethan. He wasn’t with the group. Not even the skeptic Mindy questioned his whereabouts. Your tears haven’t dried yet and you were as sure as hell they weren’t going to stop now. You bring your hands together in a slow clap. “Oh, wow, that’s… Fucking brilliant, actually.” Clutching your stomach, you let out what sounded like a painful cackle. “This is the part where I die.” You say. It wasn’t a question, but a statement.
“Oh no, no, no. See, that’s where you’re wrong.” Ethan smirks, gripping your left arm, applying pressure to where you had been previously injured a couple nights prior. “You are our scapegoat. I must give credit to Mindy for the idea. You have the perfect motive to be Ghostface! It was just gonna be Sam, but… The press would go crazier if it was a Bonnie & Clyde situation. Not that I care about that sorta stuff. It just works.”
You collect the saliva from your mouth, spitting in his eye. “Jokes on you ‘cause we’re not together anymore.”
“But they wouldn’t know that because by the time you get ‘caught’, all of your friends will be dead and you would look like the asshole trying to save yourself if you attempt to say the truth.”
Ethan places his free hand on your shoulder, pulling your arm with more force than necessary to guarantee that it would break. You stand there, biting your lip in order to hide the pain. If I screamed, it wouldn’t make a difference anyway, you said to yourself bitterly. There’s not a single person who’d give me the benefit of the doubt. In fact, they’d make me suffer worse, believing that Ethan did the right thing. Who knows what creative scenarios he came up with already.
The paramedics found you slumped down beside a row of chairs after Sam and the rest of the group defeated the three Ghostfaces. They wondered why you weren’t with the others, but with a quick word from Kirby, they left you alone, guiding you outside to treat your broken arm. One of the paramedics - Theo (that’s what you heard Kirby call him) asked if you wanted a ride to the hospital. You declined, insisting that you could get there yourself without anyone’s help.
You spare Sam a glance, observing her interact with Mindy, Chad, and Tara. Core Four. Good for them. Although you were glad that they are are still extant, you can’t stop the rancor that you feel as you stare at the four. You want nothing more than for this day to be over, move to someplace else, maybe change your name. Anywhere is better than here. It’s become clear to you how unwanted you are in New York. A change of scenery might do you good.
Kirby (the only person who hasn’t treated you like scum) situates herself in front of Sam, “Hey, where’s Y/n?”
Sam only notices your absence when Kirby pointed it out. “Shit. I…” She scans the area in search of your familiar eyes, guilt eating at her knowing that she accused you of being a killer. Because of that, you got hurt. She’d never forgive herself for it. “I'll be right back.”
The blonde detective nods in understanding. “I’ll stay with Tara.”
“Thank you.”
You were on your way to the hospital when a hand grasps your injured arm. Recoiling from the touch, you look back to curse the one responsible for hurting your limb only to meet Sam’s pleading gaze. “What do you want, Samantha?”
“Y/n, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for being careless, for not trusting or believing you. If I had, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.” Sam touches your good shoulder this time, expressing her genuine apology.
But no matter how many ‘I’m sorry’s’ she will direct at you, it won’t take away what’s been done. “It’s too late, Sam.”
“What? No. We can try again.” She pleads desperately.
You couldn’t bite back the words the words that are on the tip of your tongue, feeling the last ounce of self control fray away. “Try again? Do you hear how ridiculous that sounds? You broke up with me because you didn’t trust me. You didn’t even try to understand my side!” The news reporters turned their heads at your outburst. They point their cameras to you, but you don’t make an effort to cut off your ebullition short. “All of you pointed your hands at me because what? I’m the sister of a killer?! If we’re basing our suspicions of all the Ghostface’s relatives, you should’ve been on the top of the list. The only thing I asked was for you to stand by me and you failed. So, no, we can’t try again. We’ll only end up worse than where we left off.” You finish, walking away from everything (not for the first time). “I’ll get my things out of your apartment tonight. After that, you won’t have to see me again.”
Sam stays still while you leave, clutching your arm in the process. That limb will heal, but the words that Sam has spoken won’t. There will remain a constant reminder of how you were betrayed by those you would give everything for.
So much for trust.
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thedaythatwas · 5 months
I’m just thinking long and hard about the way Akiren and Akechi are written as foils for each other. Because of course, the game drives it home for us that the two are narrative foils: Akiren is the champion of free will who finds power through his friendships, Akechi represents the ways society binds us. He is chained by his desire to be wanted (importantly, by the wrong people– I’ll get to that).
At first glance, Akiren and Akechi’s point of divergence has to do with their relationships– Akiren has confidants, Akechi doesn’t, and this is the deciding factor in Akiren’s victory over Akechi on November 20th and in the engine room. Still, while this is certainly part of what makes their relationship important as a narrative device, it’s not the full picture. That, I think, has more to do with the fact that they both desperately want the very relationships that are used to foil them. They have common ground, and that’s what makes the emotional beats of their differences hit as hard as they do.
Even though Akechi doesn’t have the close bonds that Akiren does with his friends, he is defined as a character by his desire to belong. He wants to be praised and given everything he feels he was denied by Shido’s callous disregard for his mother and society’s unjust treatment of him after her death. He was a self-proclaimed “undesirable child” who spent his young adult life doing everything in his power to never feel unwanted again. He literally spells it out in his engine room monologue– “I was extremely particular about my life, my grades, my public image, so someone would want me around!”
Akiren, like Akechi, begins his character arc as a social outcast. Unlike Akechi, who appeals to systemic power to claim social clout and chase his own sense of belonging (the Shido revenge plot, which would, uhm, theoretically end with Shido acknowledging his son’s worth), Akiren finds family with other outcasts. All of the Phantom Thieves understand his struggle, and because of this they foster a sense of understanding and community that Akechi never gets to experience.
It is important to note that these bonds are deepened when Akiren helps those around him. While there’s absolutely nothing bad about doing things for the people you care about– in fact, most would argue that this is what makes a friendship a good one– we can take a reasonable guess that Akiren craves the love of those around him just a bit more than is healthy for him. He plays therapist for half of Tokyo– he stretches himself absurdly thin for the sake of his friends. That’s a bit much to ask of one person, but Akiren seems to demand it of himself. This is the nature of confidant routes as a game mechanic, of course, but hey, reading into game mechanics is important to getting a solid reading of who Akiren is behind the mask!
The crux of it is, Akiren and Akechi are both lonely characters. Their desire to be loved quite literally drives the narrative of the game, both in terms of plot and gameplay. What makes their foiling so tragic is the fact that Akechi so obviously wants what he has himself determined he can’t have. He says as much in the engine room when he questions why Akiren has things that he doesn’t, despite being (as he says) criminal trash living in an attic.
And yet, Akechi’s isolation is frankly the result of his own decisions. He is the one who chooses to work for Shido. He is the one who acts on a worldview that requires he keep his cards close to his chest to win— against Shido and against the world that wronged him— and to be considered desirable (even despite the fact that this mindset obviously works against satiating his hunger to be loved. He really needs to go to therapy, but I digress).
I don’t think Akechi even knows how to go about claiming what Akiren managed to. Akechi has agency in the actions he takes, absolutely– he would be furious about any suggestion to the contrary– but in many ways, the choices he feels himself able to make are constrained by his circumstances and the lessons imparted to him by his past.
All this to say, Akechi and Akiren aren’t different because Akechi doesn’t want teammates, or even friends. He sincerely wants everything Akiren has. He tells us this in the engine room. He shoots himself in the foot by prioritizing approval from society and love from Shido above other relationships. But thinking from inside his shoes, what else was he going to do? Where else would he have thought to turn to find what he wanted? He was dealt a horrible hand and he played his cards according to the rule book he was given. If the world were just, Akiren and Akechi wouldn’t be foils. It’s the injustice implicit in that that really drives home the point I think P5 is trying to make when it foils Akiren and Akechi in the first place. It also, personally, has been making me want to scream all day.
On a related note, this is also the exact reason that Akechi being the one to bring up that things might have been different if only he met Akiren a few years sooner makes me want to throw things, but this post is long enough. I’ll save all that for later!
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
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What Deku doesn't understand is that the “League of Villains” encapsulates exactly who Tenko - the Crying Child Deku was so adamant about saving - is. He thinks reaching out a hand, smashing that hatred, and saving Tenko means getting Tenko to abandon the League. He is completely wrong - and he would've realized this if he just talked to Shigaraki in all the time he fought against Shigaraki. And listened to what Tenko said in Chapter 418.
The League of Villains is the group Shigaraki Tomura created in order to wreck shit and kill All Might and bring down Hero Society. Shigaraki picked the name and picked the purpose and picked its members and he leads them towards the apocalypse—
—and this is also the group of outcasts that are his comrades and friends; that he gathered and created a place for, where they can be themselves in a society that ruthlessly denied them that. He accepted Twice without care for his insanity and inability to use his quirk, never pushed Twice to do more than he was able to. He accepted Spinner despite being a Stain fanboy and having a weak, nearly useless quirk, and promised him the destruction of the world that hurt him; for all of League. When Toga was pushed by the other members to choose a Villain name despite wanting to live as herself, as Toga Himiko, Shigaraki spoke up in indirect defense of her choice, providing himself as an example of someone who didn't use a Villain name, and who can override the boss' words? Dabi was allowed to come and go as he pleased, and although he was the most aloof member, by the end, he was declaring the world burn for "our" sake - plural; the League's. Mr. Compress believed in Shigaraki enough to entrust an ancestor's dream and family legacy to him; when surrounded by Heroes at Jaku, he was willing to die to save Shigaraki, to let him escape.
The League is a collection of people that Shigaraki cares for - that he saved. That was always the surest sign that ‘Tenko’, sweet and kind and hero-aspiring boy, was alive inside.
Without the League, without having seen the time Shigaraki spent with the League, a reader can just write off Shigaraki and say there’s nothing left in there worth saving. The League is literally the evidence for Tenko have still existed and that Shigaraki was "worth" saving, long before we ever saw ‘Inner Tenko’.
But Deku doesn't understand that.
To go further: outside of the League, Shigaraki still had his distorted but undeniable kindness and fairness. I've spoke about it before, and sorry for repeating myself, but even towards his Villain enemies, he gives them consideration: Shigaraki left Overhaul crippled, but 100 chapters later, he's still continuing Overhaul's work - the quirk erasing bullets - and even laments that Overhaul would be disappointed when Shigaraki sees some of the bullets destroyed. All For One at Jaku tries to take over his body, at the time seemingly only a phantom voice in his head, but Shigaraki still acknowledges that he's grateful AFO took him in. It's only when AFO oversteps that again and again, taking possession of his body, that Shigaraki would tear the AFO vestige from inside out and mock him when the opportunity arises.
And there's ReDestro, and the importance of the ending of MVA. RD and his army picks a fight with Shigaraki - something that Shigaraki explicitly points out; the blame for what happened to Deika is on largely them. RD challenged Shigaraki and the League; blackmailed them, kidnapped their broker, and attacked their pitiful 6-member team with a town-sized militia; insulted Shigaraki, destroyed The Hands, tried to kill him. Shigaraki had every reason to just dust RD while the man was sitting there bleeding out with his legs cut off. Just finish him off without even giving the guy last words. It was more than fair.
But Shigaraki didn't. He went and talked to RD. To mock him for picking this fight, but it was still a talk. And when RD acknowledge his defeat and kowtowed, Shigaraki let him live. Took over his army and resources, but RD was still alive and even made lieutenant.
Without this - if Shigaraki had just dusted RD after defeating him - we would have only seen Shigaraki as a conquerer and not someone who can be reasoned with. He would just be AFO with different minions. And Shigaraki wasn't.
He can be brutal, and he seems like he's destroying for evil fun; but Shigaraki has his compassion and justice. A Villainous Hero for the Villains. It's why he destroys; it's why he doesn't regret his actions, why he wishes good luck to Deku to continue it, even after Deku smashed his core of anger and hatred. Shigaraki saved his League, and he refuses to disavow doing so. Because he shouldn't.
And Deku just doesn't understand that.
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junosmindpalace · 6 months
i find discourse around the rdr women so...fascinating and infuriating at the same time. because a lot of the time it doesn't seem like rdr fans want to apply the same level of complex analysis to the women like they do for the men, but when they do, it still doesnt seem all that well-intentioned or that it does right by their characters.
this is a very long analysis/spam/defense so be warned :,)
even though the majority of sadie's character revolves around the fact she not only lost her home and her husband and was thrust into a new life of crime, but was actively struggling with robberies BEFORE the events of the game, people instead choose to focus on whether or not she had feelings for arthur or whether he actions in the game were actually impactful. she helped saved abigail and john when no else would, she fought alongside the men against the army, she helped john set up a stable life, she helped rob the payroll train, helped ensure colm’s death, she fought alongside arthur TIME AGAIN and took over in a leadership role when half the gang was absent in the guarma chapter. to say that she did nothing more except “be badass” undermines all of these contributions to the story that she was either at the forefront of or helped bring to fruition.
in my opinion, abigail is the EASIEST character to defend out of any of the women, and yet somehow she receives the most backlash from dudebros. I lose ten braincells every time i have to read a theory post over whether or not she slept with other camp members besides john, whether or not she was a rat, and about how much shes a nag. the woman has not known a moment's rest in her entire life. by the age of eight she was working in a cathouse. she was a child prior to then scrapping whatever money she could earn at her young age in saloons and dive bars as a woman and child just to survive as a orphan. jack's birth was clearly not planned, and she has voiced multiple times her grievances at the circumstances of his upbringing. everything she does is for a better life for her son: a life she never had. her constant nagging to get john to man up and be a father is for her son's benefit, not her own. she even says so herself when she tells him that she doesn't mind if a relationship between them doesn't work out, but to at least try being there for jack. she can't work a job because she is a mother living a life of crime and danger; she can't afford to leave the camp and her son unsupervised. she still does her share around camp. why would anyone blame her for not wanting to return to a life that has made her miserable, especially now that she has a child who she wants to model a good life for? many people seem to somehow also forget that she herself was a child when she gave birth to jack; only 17-18. she is 22 in the game in a bad situation with the father of her child and financially. she is doing her best to raise her son when she is not fully equipped to do so. how can anyone even blame her for being skeptical of john when hes affectionate in the epilogue when for so long hes been distant? she does not even ask much of john--just to be there for him sometimes, and to live honestly. she is also incredibly kindhearted. comforting other women in the camp, offering a listening ear, taking care of john when hes injured. she puts in her share of effort when it comes to finding a job in the epilogue and maintaining beechers hope.
molly is a young woman who is presumably incredibly far from her home where her family is, and trying to navigate a way of life completely unfamiliar to her. her stuck up nature comes not only from the way she was raised, but also dutch's uplifting affection and presumed lovebombing in the early stages of their relationship. shes even been suggested to be somewhat sociable until dutch and her became somewhat of an official item, in which she grew somewhat of a bigger ego with a mentality that she was his right hand. she deeply depended on dutch for her stability in every way, and its evident in her eventual spiral. she hated being seen as weak and pitiful as somewhat of an outsider among outsiders. she seemed to be close to no one besides dutch, who repeatedly cut her off when she attempted to talk to him about her growing feelings of anxiety, paranoia and sadness. the loss of the one thing that had built her up, coupled with immense tragedy she just wasnt used to, and desperate for a semblance of respect and dignity that she had presumably been all too accustomed to, of course she was going to come off brash and confront dutch about his distant, high and mighty attitude. it's why by the end, she doesnt care if she is killed: there is nothing left for her. karen's comment about her pretending to rat them out for the sake of attention is also interesting in terms of their relationship and parallels, which i dont see ANYONE talk about.
karen very clearly struggles with...a lot. she has even said so herself when talking with molly. she struggles to accept help, evident in pieces of dialogue where she brushes off concerned gang members about her drinking (mary-beth, arthur, javier), and when she seems somewhat ashamed and embarrassed having to have been rescued by arthur in the valentine mission (SAYING EXPLICITLY "i dont much like being saved"). she struggles with believing people have good intentions/feelings toward her, illustrated in the way she's constantly rejecting sean, yet seemingly disappeared further down the bottle after his death, and her conversation with mary beth and tilly about the world having no equal and fair place for women. her negative experiences in the world as a woman could also influence her view of the world, perhaps being why she finds herself somewhat hostile toward feminist mindsets and why she, for a while, enjoyed the outlaw lifestyle: it was her little slice of freedom. her hatred for the rich can also be because she has experiences as a poor woman, perhaps some direct experiences in which rich people have negatively impacted her life. though molly and karen don't get along through most of the game, karen actually tries to step in and help her near the end, and its this action + defending her after her death that shows she was sympathetic toward her situation and on some level able to relate to it, both craving some kind of love beyond superficial things.
@/cryptidcr3ature said it very well in a post i reblogged recently: mary is essentially "her brother's keeper and her father's caretaker". she herself lives somewhere middle class with traditional notions of the time impacting her views on arthur's lifestyle and anything below those middle class standards being deemed as socially unacceptable (which is evident from the very first letter mary sends to arthur, in which she seems confused on what a polite term would be to refer to prostitutes, who were obviously thought very lowly of in the time). i also don't think its fair to criticise her condemnation of arthur's lifestyle when pretty much all audiences, contemporary and not, including members of the gang, acknowledge that it isnt anything pretty. killing is not fun. running from the law is not fun. mary was not only influenced by her father's views of arthur (a person that, despite being horrible, she still deeply loves), but looking after her own family, herself, and arthur's wellbeing when she ended their relationship + suggested they run away. she had given him an opportunity at compromise. perhaps the first time, scared and unfamiliar with his lifestyle, she had offered arthur an ultimatum: her or his outlaw life, but later was willing to also leave behind her brother and father, two figures that tie her down and make her life more miserable than need be despite loving them very much, in order to settle somewhere with arthur and start over. her asking for arthur's help comes from a place of desperation and excuse to allow herself some semblance of stability when she hadn't had it; at least not since her mother and husband passed. if arthur refuses to help her, she is incredibly understanding and sympathetic. she does not lash out. if arthur does help, she is immensely grateful, and even tries to bond with him despite their years apart.
this post isnt to excuse some of their more negative behaviours and aspects of their characters'-- but im saying that they deserve to be fairly treated and analyzed just like any of the rdr men. many of them are young. many of them have unique challenges as women. that isn’t to say the men have it easier, but their struggles and less prettier aspects of their characters are always met with more sympathy than the women. why do arthur and john get passes as reformed absent fathers and criminals? why does sean receive sympathy when karen rejects his pushy advances? why does hosea get a pass at being better than dutch when he still groomed younger members of the gang for a life of crime alongside dutch? why does dutch get a pass by having his downfall be justified by tough circumstances? lets just be fair
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antianakin · 8 months
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I think my personal view on Padme is that she was introduced as a really interesting character who then sort-of got swallowed by the romance and Anakin's story taking more and more precedence over her own development. Lucas said a few times that TPM is, in many ways, Padme's story more than anybody else's. Which is cool, but it means that when she sort-of disappears into being nothing more than a catalyst for Anakin's fall and Luke/Leia's incubator, it feels a little strange and jarring. The Padme of ROTS no longer feels like the interesting character we had in TPM. Even in AOTC, most of her interesting character development scenes (like meeting her family, her speech about the war, even just the extended arrival on Naboo where she talks about how she set aside her dreams of a family to continue a career of service) got cut in favor of (presumably) focusing more on the romance and how that affects Anakin.
Padme is someone who got introduced in TPM as a person who wanted to avoid violence as much as possible, she tends to play things safe because she believes it's the better political choice to make, but by the end of the movie she's learned that sometimes she just has to trust her instincts and do what she believes is right (this is the whole point of her being on Tatooine with Qui-Gon and seeing him insist on continuing with the podrace idea and the way this works out for him leading to Padme then choosing to approach the Gungans for aid in taking her planet back by force, a plan NOBODY ELSE believes in but her). So they take Padme on this journey where she becomes someone who trust herself and her instincts above anyone else, but who also deeply cares about doing the right thing to help the most people which is why she's in politics at all.
When we get to AOTC, she's continued that into her senator years and apparently only gotten even more reckless with age. But when her feelings for Anakin come into conflict with what she knows to be her duty, she has to make a choice. Does she "follow her instincts" and do what she wants, or does she continue to make that sacrifice because it's the right thing to do? And in the end, she makes the selfish choice.
My problem with what happens in AOTC is two fold. For one, I don't think it does NEARLY enough to convince me about why Padme likes Anakin enough to throw away her morals for him. The overall journey Padme is taking in this film I think is fine, but I don't think the chemistry between them works and I think the romance has aged like milk, which leaves me just kind-of wondering why Padme would risk SO MUCH for... a dude who can't even be considerate enough to respect her boundaries and who she believes makes jokes about fascism and dictatorships (or more accurately, who she has to CONVINCE HERSELF would make jokes about fascism and dictatorship so that she doesn't have to come up against the much more uncomfortable truth that it's not a joke to him at all). Anakin is creepy, insensitive, and sometimes almost unkind to Padme all throughout AOTC, when I THINK he's intended to come off as awkward but charming, enough to make Padme feel sort-of "young again" (I know she's only 24 in this movie, but she hasn't allowed herself to really ACT young for probably about 10 years) in a way that sweeps her off her feet a little. The romance doesn't work, it just doesn't, and I think a LOT of people would agree with me that it doesn't work even if we might not all agree on why that is. The editing isn't good, the dialogue is clunky, the chemistry is practically nonexistent. So when Padme makes her big declaration about how she loves him so much and then marries him, I find it hard to believe, and that is a problem for the rest of the narrative of the Prequel Trilogy.
The other problem I have with AOTC is that Padme is told to us to be a very MORAL person, someone who believes very deeply in doing the right thing and gets righteously upset at people being mistreated. She's someone who ends up seeing Jar Jar more kindly than almost anyone else and is capable of extending that experience with him to the rest of his people enough that she goes to make a deal with them that allows the Gungans better representation and treatment. She gets upset when she realizes slavery still exists on Tatooine and always treats Anakin and Shmi very kindly. She is incredibly upset by the possibility that her people on Naboo could be suffering and dying at the hands of the Trade Federation, enough that she ultimately decides to leave the Senate behind and find her own solution. She barely is willing to leave Coruscant in AOTC for her own protection because she doesn't want to leave before the big vote about whether they're going to go to war against the Separatists or not. And so I have a hard time reconciling that person with the person in AOTC who hears Anakin advocate for a dictatorship and chooses to laugh it off, or the person who hears Anakin say he murdered an entire village of Tuskens and not only chooses to COMFORT HIM about it, but basically CONDONES what he's done by saying it's only human, and then MARRIES HIM. The moral Padme who cares deeply about people seems incongruous with the one who falls in love with and marries Anakin. Fewer people might agree with me on this one since it requires being critical of Anakin, but I think there'd still be a solid group of people who'd agree that this just doesn't seem to match up.
So by the time those two things come together, that interesting journey of this person who wanted to avoid violence as much as possible but had to learn to follow her instincts if she wanted to get anything done starting to give in to selfish desires because she's sacrificed most of her life to serving her people kind-of... disappears. Because I don't understand why she even HAS desires for Anakin, selfish or otherwise, and loving Anakin by the end of AOTC requires her to be so immoral that it feels out of character for her. I don't think the romance INHERENTLY ruined Padme's character at all, but I do think it was mishandled and ended up causing some unfortunate implications about her with the contradictions that exist due to it being a badly written romance.
I like that Padme is, in some ways, almost equally as selfish as Anakin is. She's giving up her morals to marry him just like she is, her job makes this relationship just as forbidden as his does (more so almost, since the Jedi clearly KNOW about the relationship to some degree and don't do anything to actually break them up until Clovis happens and Obi-Wan feels the need to step in a little more and even with THAT they clearly are still aware of the relationship having continued and don't do anything about it, while Padme believes that if the Queen found out about her pregnancy in ROTS that she wouldn't be allowed to serve on the Senate). I like the idea of Padme paralleling Anakin in this, that she starts off such a moral person and that it isn't Anakin himself who causes her to start veering towards selfishness, but the invasion of Naboo and the corruption of the Senate leaving her feeling like she has no choice but to do what SHE believes to be right. And she IS right in that instance, but the implication we get in AOTC is that she's kind-of gotten... worse since then. She follows her instincts no matter what and it leads her to reckless places, up to and including a marriage to a Jedi that is forbidden to her. I even like that Padme is SO selfishly invested in this relationship that she's willing to lie to Obi-Wan to protect Anakin from committing a genocide and then begging him to run away with her so he can escape justice rather than facing the possibility that this is WHO HE IS and she's just been able to ignore it up until now.
I actually like that and think that that's interesting as a character, this... devolution that she has throughout the trilogy in parallel to Anakin and the Senate themselves. She's an immensely flawed person and her connections to the other narratives about how good things go bad can't be a coincidence.
But what sucks is that, over time, Padme has kind-of ended up getting interpreted as this person who was above those kinds of flaws, who wasn't selfish, who WOULD put her duty over her desires. People see Padme as this person who did everything RIGHT and just ended up an unfortunate tragic victim of it like the Jedi when that just... isn't true. And I think it's a reaction to how contradictory Padme's actions (especially in AOTC) seem to be to her character from TPM to just defend her as being RIGHT to be in a relationship with the person she loved despite the reasons for it being forbidden, as being RIGHT to defend Anakin against Obi-Wan's accusations in ROTS, as being RIGHT to prioritize Anakin's comfort instead of condemning what he did to the Tuskens in AOTC. But it misses that Padme isn't just the catalyst for Anakin's choices, she's not just this perfect thing he couldn't live without, she's someone who ENABLED those choices by being selfish herself. She's ALSO someone who started off with such good intentions, such lofty ideals, and was brought low by greed and selfishness and an unwillingness to be mindful about herself and her own desires. Padme might not have ultimately caused a genocide as a result of her selfishness, but it doesn't mean she WASN'T selfish in her choices and that her selfishness helped lead Anakin down a bad path just as much as Palpatine's machinations did. Anakin's choices are obviously still his own and not Padme's FAULT, but I find it frustrating when people try to exonerate Padme of all responsibility for what ultimately happened and pretend like she never did anything wrong in this story, that her love was pure and selfless and free of any attachment.
So on paper, I LIKE Padme's arc and I find it fascinating and the romance is necessary for that arc, but I do think the romance part of it was mishandled badly to the point that it makes Padme feel contradictory and incomplete and underdeveloped. Like if I'm supposed to believe Padme is willing to set aside jokes about dictatorship and the massacre of an entire village of Tuskens when I've been repeatedly told that she's a moral person who cares about humanitarian issues above anything else, I need more than just "this pretty boy is kinda dorky and sweet sometimes." I need know what would DRIVE her to pursue a relationship she knows is forbidden for a reason with a man who is pretty clearly unstable and almost dangerously obsessed with her. What insecurity is making a relationship with Anakin seem so immensely compelling to her, let alone a MARRIAGE.
So either I think the romance needed to be a little more... romantic and eliminate the things like the jokes about dictatorships and the Tusken massacre so Padme doesn't seem like a complete idiot who believes it's okay to murder people so long as those people are Tuskens, or Padme needed to be more explicitly someone who was a little corrupt herself so that Padme being okay with murdering Tuskens and jokes about dictatorship doesn't feel so out of character for her. Or both, maybe a little of both. She's corrupt enough to enter into a relationship with someone she knows she shouldn't without giving up her position as a senator because it's what gives her power, but she's not SO corrupt that murder of an entire village down to the last child is okay so perhaps leave that bit out.
Padme is a character I REALLY loved as a kid when I first watched the Prequels (which were the first Star Wars films I EVER saw) and so I still really like her generally due to pure nostalgia, but my feelings on her have gotten far more complex as I think about her and her narrative more critically.
Ahsoka I think works fine right up until you get to the Ahsoka show where she's just blatantly and wildly out of character and completely flat at the same time. There's things I wish were done a little differently in TCW for my own personal taste, but I think that generally the idea of Ahsoka as someone who only really knew Anakin through the context of war and as a child actually does work. Some of his more violent outbursts can be more easily explained away through the context of the situation as well as a child's sort-of more naive outlook on the adults around them. Ahsoka also never sees him do anything as heinous as the Tusken massacre or make jokes about dictatorships (at least none that I can remember), so unlike Padme, she's not ever blatantly ignoring anything that should be a massive fucking red flag. Well, there's the abusive training from TOTJ, if we choose to consider that canon, which I think Filoni was technically on the fence about. But even that is something that seems to not cause any long-term damage and that Anakin tells her is for her own protection, so it's easier to set aside perhaps than the massacre of an entire village down to the last child.
What makes the Ahsoka show frustrating is that it doesn't ALLOW HER to have an adult perspective on it where she looks back and sees all of the things her child self wouldn't have been able to notice. She never looks back and sees the outbursts of violence or some of his more unorthodox comments about the Jedi as the warning signals that they were. She elects instead to IGNORE everything that he's done in order to double down on the opinion she'd held as a child (and that she'd been able to KEEP up until Malachor) that Anakin was a genuinely good person overall rather than acknowledging that while Anakin had good MOMENTS, he was in fact a bad person and a bad teacher, and she can only move forward if she LETS HIM GO. Ahsoka deserved that and now she'll never get it and it sucks.
Obi-Wan I sort-of disagree with you on in that I don't think Obi-Wan's ever BLIND to his faults. I think this is part of a major misconception of his character that a lot of people seem to share. But Obi-Wan spends like all of AOTC being VERY aware of Anakin's faults and has to figure out how to let go of his worries in order to have faith that Anakin has learned enough to fix and learn from his own mistakes. So by ROTS, it's not that he's blind to Anakin's faults at all, he's just chosen to have faith that even when Anakin stumbles, he'll always pick himself back up again. We see this most evidently in his reaction to Anakin's temper tantrum in the Council chambers about not being made a master where he's clearly disappointed in Anakin's behavior, but he later tells Anakin that despite that, he's still ON HIS SIDE and tries to give Anakin guidance on the situation. He takes Anakin's apology later as a sign that Anakin is sort-of figuring things out a little more, but he is uh. Wrong. Anakin's apology is sort-of half-assed AT BEST, but I can see where Obi-Wan would at least see it as good first step in the right direction. But I don't see Obi-Wan's faith in this film (or in TCW) as a flaw or a blindness because he cares too much about Anakin. It's his STRENGTH. Much like the Jedi themselves, just because his faith was betrayed and misplaced doesn't mean that he was wrong to decide to have faith in the first place. It was STILL the right, healthy choice to make.
The guilt we see him have in the Kenobi show is more a product of the uncertainty surrounding why Anakin did what he did than it is about Obi-Wan caring too much about Anakin to handle what he did. I think if Obi-Wan had KNOWN about Palpatine, and Padme, and the visions, and how all of those things came together, he might've had an easier time of it. But he knows VERY VERY LITTLE about why Anakin is making the choices he's making, and in that uncertainty, the easiest thing to do is blame HIMSELF. Especially since, at the beginning of the show, he believes Anakin to be dead. In some ways, it might feel easier to blame himself than it is to blame Anakin or even Palpatine. And this ISN'T healthy, but I don't think it's necessarily a problem because he blinds himself to Anakin's faults. His journey at the end is about accepting that he may NEVER know why Anakin did what he did, that there might not have BEEN anything he could've done differently or better to cause a different outcome, and that there is likely nothing he CAN DO to keep Luke and Leia from going down the same path. All he can do is have faith again, faith that he did the right thing by giving Luke and Leia to the Larses and Organas, faith that the Larses and Organas will raise Luke and Leia well, faith that Luke and Leia will not be like Anakin and repeat his mistakes.
Rex is definitely just a product of not knowing the truth. I imagine he'd have a LOT less positive gushy things to say about Anakin if he knew Anakin was the one who betrayed them all and became Darth Vader. I'm STILL waiting for someone to show us Rex's reaction to that because I would maybe DIE to see Rex react to finally discovering that particular truth. With what we do have though, I think Rex is mostly come to peace with what's happened to him. I don't think it's that he's choosing to ignore the things that hurt so much as that he's gotten himself to a place where he CAN just... let himself remember good moments with people he'd cared about. The end of it sucked and there were moments in the middle that sucked, too, but there are still a lot of good memories acquired during the war, good people he'd met, good lessons learned. Rex seems like he's in a pretty healthy place by Rebels, having had to live with the truth about the chips for a while and do what he can to live his life as happily as possible with what's left of his family. He can't do anything to change what happened, so he's let it go. He obviously does still have some PTSD from the war, that's always going to be true, but he genuinely seems like one of the most healthy characters in Rebels despite how shit his life has been.
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doudouneverte · 3 months
A family of three...and more
a/n: where are the Maya Lopez fics?
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Maya Lopez x Fem!reader
Summary: you propose to your girlfriend with something on your mind
Type: Fluff
warning: nothing
word count: 2551
note: bold=ASL, this take place before Hawkeye
Maya put her phone back in her pocket while she was looking for cheese. A few minutes later, she was on her way to the cashier when two people blocked her way. They were visibly arguing, but she didn't have time for that. She just wanted to walk away, but one of them was blocking the way through the cashier.
Maya: I'm at the grocery store do you want anything?
You: just some cheese. i want to make pizza tonight
Maya: 👍
You: love you, i have to go now but i'll be home around 7pm
You: and please be careful on the road
Maya: like usual 🙄
Any other person would choose another cashier, but for her, it was not an option. Not for Maya, at least. It was the only member of staff who knew ASL and cared to communicate with her.
She sighed and decided to make another lap in the grocery store while the people finished what they were doing. Only two minutes later, she finally made her way to the cashier.
'Hello, Maya.' Sophie, the cashier said signed. Earning a smile from the other woman.
'Hello' Maya signed back. They 'talked' for a moment before your girlfriend needed to leave.
Maya took a detour home before she had to return to work. At work, things seemed better than at the grocery store, but even there, people seemed to argue about something she didn't care about. But even like that, two of her men caught her attention. The way their hands were moving made her look at them, even if she knew that neither of them used ASL.
It's something she has developed since she started falling for you. Every time you were rambling (even if you knew she couldn't hear you), your hands moved frenetically. At first, Maya found it disturbing because she really wanted to understand what you were signing, but your movements were incoherent. But as time passed, she started to like it because it was like your body was trying to tell her a story that you were completely unaware of.
"Guys, what are you doing here?" Kazi asked, making the two men stop.
"We were trying to know what we should order between sushi and tacos." One of them said making the man roll his eyes.
"And we thought that we should ask the boss because she's responsible here." the other man said.
"Does it seem that she's listening to you?" Kazi asked, and the three looked to Maya, who was smiling on her phone.
Maya was pouting before Kazi caught her attention. 'Are you okay?' she nodded. 'Do you want sushi or tacos?'
You: i'm bored right now
Maya: and what should i do?
You: i don't know i just want to be with you right now
You: do you think about me?
Maya: i always think about you 🙄
You: ther's a customer i need go
Maya: okay i love you
You: me too 😍
'Whatever' she brushed it off.
The rest of her day was like usual, except that you didn't text her frequently. Back at home, the boss of the tracksuit mafia was trying to distract herself while she was waiting for you. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait too long before the front door opened.
You: I'm home
Sensing her phone vibrating next to her, she looked at the text before rushing to the front door. You were getting rid of your shoes when you felt two arms wrap around you. Maya pushed her head on your shoulder, and you could feel her smile. She didn't waste time before spinning you and landing small pecks on your face.
'I missed you' You rolled your eyes at your girlfriend but smiled again.
Maya always acted differently when you were home, she switched from her bossy personality to a more bubbly one (even if she didn't like when you told her that the first time). She was a little clingy, but always there to help you with anything.
'How was your day?' She followed you into the kitchen.
'Cool' she nodded and laid against the counter while you were starting to make dinner. Maya stayed there on her phone, checking that everything was okay, before you caught her attention.
Your hands were shaking a little, and your throat was a little sore, but you gathered your courage and started to sign.
'You. Me. Marriage? Her eyes get wide open, and her mouth opened and closed a few times without sound. She was visibly stunned.
"I know that we didn't talk about it, but I thought about it, and also today at work, I…" You were rambling and started to pace in front of your girlfriend while your hands were trying to translate everything.
After a few seconds and with your lungs almost totally empty, you looked at Maya, who was lost in her thoughts. Her eyes were on you like usual, but you knew that she was not there.
"Maya?" You signed while you shot her name. She didn't respond, so you placed your hand on her cheek, drifting her back into reality. 'Are you okay?'
'Wait.' She laid a hand on your shoulder and looked at you. 'Can you repeat, please?'
'I want to marry you' It was not the first time you talked about marriage and stuff, but now it was different. She could feel that. Your eyes were not leaving hers; you were shy but fully determined, and despite your scared/stressed expression, she could see the little spark in your eyes and the anticipation in your gaze.
'Are you proposing?'
'Well. Yes, but I don't have a ring. At least not yet.'
'Then find one and I'll give you my answer.' she replied with a cocky smile.
Later that night, you were lying on your bed watching a movie (with subtitles) when Maya thought about something. She slapped your arm a few times to gain your attention, making you look at her a little confused.
'Can I ask you why you proposed? I love you, and you love me, but we both know that's not the only reason.' You sighed and took a moment to decide if you should tell her the truth, but you really want to marry her, and you don't want to start your new life on a lie.
'Okay, it's a little long. Let me write it to you.'
The previous week
It was a Tuesday like any other; you were at work in your library. It was the moment of your week when you would close earlier because you made a deal with an orphanage in the city, which made you spend an afternoon reading books to the children.
However, this day you noticed a new addition in the little orphan's library. A baby girl, she was only two months old, and she focused her attention on the children and the people who were surrounding her.
When you started to read, her eyes almost immediately searched for the origin of the new voice, and she giggled a little when she saw you. Hearing that, you raised your eyes to the infant to see her beaming a toothless smile at you.
It was not a surprise that you wanted kids at some point in your life, and Maya was aware of that. You talked a lot about that, even though you knew she was a little unsure if she was able to raise a child properly.
Your wish for a kid was one of the reasons that you spent every Tuesday afternoon reading books to those children. The other one, was that you were also an orphan after losing your parents when the Avengers fought Ultron in Sokovia.
Before leaving, you asked for more information about the baby. You learned that her name was Zoe. Her mother died in a car accident, and her father gave up every rights on her a week after his wife's death.
You came back on Saturday to spend more time with the children while your girlfriend was doing her usual missions. Then you asked if there was a chance for you to adopt Zoe. Nina, a woman working there, told you that she would need to talk to the caregiver about that, and she would organize a meet-up with them for your next visit.
Earlier that day.
After reading the last book of the day, you had your meeting with the caregiver. You prepared a solid file over the weekend and were a little nervous when they consulted it.
After they rode that, they told you that every member of the orphanage talked good about you and about how your reading time was the favorite moment of the kids in the week. The only thing that they were a little reserved about was your situation.
"Listen, Ms. Y/l/n, I'm sure that you would be one of the best people to adopt the little Zoe; you seem to be a really good person, and I'm sure you will be a good mother. But unfortunately, I'm not the one who can approve that alone. We will need to send your request to the children's court. They will examine your files again, and if anything seems alright, that will send a representative to check everything." You nodded while mentally noting every piece of information.
"And I don't think it will change a thing, but I know that they usually tend to be more relaxed when it's a married couple who makes the request." They explained.
"Well, you mean that there is a chance that they won't validate my request if I'm not married?"
"Honestly, there is a chance that they will refuse your request even if you're married, but I know that it helped some people. But of course I don't want to force anything."
"No it's okay. Thank you for letting me know. I'll try my best to make them accept that. See you next week." You said before leaving the office.
'I see' Maya signed before opening her arms to give you a hug.
'But you don't have to accept if you don't want to have a child.' You said after you pulled away.
'No, I want that. Yes, I found it a little surprising to potentially be mom right now, but yeah, I want that with you.' Her statement eased your mind, but it also reminded you of the little age gap between you. Of course, it's not a big one, but it's just enough to have different visions of things sometimes. 'Do you think we have time to organize everything before they actually send your file? Because I want to marry you before that.'
You gave a big smile and crashed your lips against hers. The rest of the night was filled with…intimate moments, and Maya definitely deserved that.
After a talk with your friends and the tracksuit mafia, you decided to get married only two months later, so you could have time to organize everything. Much to your surprise, Maya was very implied in that. It was not uncommon for you to come back with a sleepy Maya on some wedding dress catalogs.
The D-day was perfect. Not having a lot of family members you were close with made this more 'easier'. Your best friend Julia was the one who escorted you to the altar, while Maya was escorted by Wilson Fisk. With Kazi as a priest (which, by the way, doesn't really fit him very well), things couldn't be better. You exchanged vows, you kissed, and you cried, which made your newlywed wife cry too.
Two weeks later, you were back from your honeymoon, and you brought Maya with you to the orphanage the next Tuesday afternoon. The boss of the mafia spent all her time with Zoe after she met her. Something that didn't go unnoticed by the director.
After a moment, they invited you two into their office to announce to you that the judge had accepted your request, and now the next step was to prove to whoever they'd send to you that you could be the best parents for her.
The date was given a few days later; you'd meet them in the next two weeks, which gave you just enough time to finish the nursery room with the help of Maya and the whole tracksuit. Some of them gave you some furniture their kids didn't use anymore; some even gave you a book about 'how to raise a child for the noobs' that made you laugh, but not your wife.
With the time this group became a second family to you, they always had your wife back and made sure that she didn't overwork and always came back safe in your arms. You liked them, and it was reciprocal; they called you the boss' wife, or Mrs. Lopez, even before you and May talked about plans for the future.
So when they learned that you were about to potentially become a mom, they helped you move all the stuff for the nursery and hide almost all the guns in the process.
When Maria, who worked for the child protection services, finally met you and Maya, it was like everything finally became real.
It took three visits from Maria and almost six months before you reached your last steps. A trial with the judge.
Of course, being the man he is, Wilson tried to pay the judge, but you convinced him to give up. If you couldn't convince them to let you two adopt Zoe, then maybe you didn't deserve to be a mom.
It's needless to say that the D-day you were more than stressed. You had this bad feeling in your stomach—a feeling that you tried to push away by making out with Maya in the car before steeping in the court. Despite her surprise, your wife didn't push you and complied with the kisses until you were ready.
The whole trial was like a big mission for Maya, a mission that she knew she couldn't miss because it was for your both happiness. But you were not alone there. There was the gang, Wilson, the kids, and the staff of the orphanage. Everyone was there to support you, which helped ease your mind.
Five hours. It took you five hours before the judge could give you their verdict. And the entire court exploded with cheer when they announced that they had accepted your request and that you would finally be officially the little Zoe's parents.
Back at home with your now-eighty-month-old daughter, nothing could match the joy and excitement you both felt.
'It's finally over' Maya signed before crashing on the couch.
"Yeah, finally," you repeated. You watched as Zoe yawned, visibly tired of the previous. Seeing this, your wife took her from your hand and headed to the nursery, but before she could let her on the crib, you grabbed the end of her shirt, making her look at you a little confused.
'Let her sleep in the bed with us just today.' You signed and pouted to try to convict her.
Maya just smiled and nodded.
You ended up taking a nap with your new daughter between you and Maya. You both had a wide smile, and you preyed that thing could stay like that forever.
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as-told-by-fangirls · 1 month
Hands to Myself || Part 1
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Plot: After being introduced to Harrison by your best friend, Tom Holland, the two of you form a practically inseparable bond that quickly goes from friendship to an unexpected one-night-stand. You both choose to keep it a secret, but you sure as hell won’t be keeping your hands off of each other anytime soon.
Pairing: Reader x Harrison Osterfield
Warnings: smut, swearing
* * * * *
Imagine this. You wake up in your best friend’s bed with no clothes on and 30 texts on your phone from your other friends asking where you went during the party, concerned that something might have happened to you.
Well, that’s how this story started. I was working as a sound and light technician on a film in London when I met Tom Holland. We became good friends. He then introduced me to Zendaya, who was more of a sister to me now. Much later on in the friendship he told me he wanted me to meet his best friend. That’s how I met Harrison.
It was an almost instant connection. We liked all the same things and had the same sense of humor. Within hours, I felt like I had known him for years. Our friendship only grew over the coming months. Texting late into the night and spending days together in our free time became the norm for us. It was nice to have someone I could be myself around, my whole self.
My friends and co-workers began to take notice of how much time I spent with him, questioning what was going on between us. I told them that although I found him extremely attractive, we were just friends, nothing more between us. It was completely platonic and that wasn’t a lie. But things quickly changed.
On the night of the movie premiere the cast, the crew, fellow celebrities and influencers, and their friends and family, met at the local club for a huge party to celebrate the premiere. We spent the night dancing and having the time of our lives. I don’t partake in alcohol, I don’t need it to have fun. Surprisingly, most of us weren’t drinking that much that night anyway. Some people were tipsy but not drunk.
During one point in the night, I had been dancing with Tom, Zendaya, and Harrison. Tom and Zendaya took a break to get a snack, leaving just me and Harrison together. We continued dancing together, sandwiched inside the huge crowd. I soon realized how close we had gotten to each other and got a shiver up my spine when I felt his hand on the small of my back to pull me closer. The back of my dress was cut super low in the back, so he was just touching my skin.
I didn’t exactly know what was happening between us in the moment but I didn’t put too much thought into it since I was hypnotized by his bright blue eyes and the way his body felt swaying against mine. The tension in the air between us was thick, so thick in fact that I wondered if the people around us could feel it too, but nobody really seemed to notice. At one point he leaned down and whispered in my ear asking if I wanted to leave early with him and with the way he was making me feel I sure as hell wasn’t say no.
We snuck out quickly before anyone could see and got a cab back to the hotel. As soon as we got into the elevator and those doors closed, his lips were on mine. It was addicting, he was like a drug I didn’t know I needed. It would sound crazy to most people that someone who claims their relationship is strictly platonic would be furiously locking lips with their supposed best friend in an elevator, on the way to hook up in a hotel room when they should be at a party, but at the time I don’t think either of us cared.
When the doors opened, we had to force ourselves to pull away. We walked down the hallway to his room, quickly unlocking the door with the key-card, and stumbling into the room as I pressed my lips to his again. The door slammed behind us and after that….well…..you can probably guess what happened next.
When we woke up the next morning I had tons of texts from concerned friends asking where I was and why I wasn’t answering. I simply lied and said I was so tired that I left the party early and promptly went to bed as soon as I got to the hotel. They didn’t have to know that it was Harrison’s bed and that we didn’t actually sleep. At that moment, Harrison and I agreed to keep the whole thing our own dirty little secret.
• • • • •
It’s been a few months since then and not much has changed, other than the fact that it’s hard to keep our hands off each other. I spend most weekends at Harrison’s flat, sometimes even during the week.
This morning I woke up to remember that last night was one of those nights. I had met Harrison and a few friends for dinner and after our meal we couldn’t help ourselves. It was like some kind of magnetic pull towards each other. It wasn’t toxic, it wasn’t manipulative. In no way was it unhealthy, we were just kind of addicted to each other in the healthiest way possible.
I rolled over, hitching my leg up over his hip and resting my head on his bare chest.
“Morning baby girl” I heard him say in his raspy morning voice.
I smiled up at him “morning”
“You want some breakfast?”
I looked at him raising an eyebrow “do you even need to ask me that?”
He chuckled and sat up in bed, knowing damn well I’d be hungry. He pulled on his jeans and tossed me his tshirt to wear. I pulled on my panties and his shirt then followed him down to the kitchen.
It had become a routine that every time I spent the night he’d make pancakes in the morning. I sat on the counter and watched him prepare breakfast, my eyes glued to his toned back muscles on full display since he hadn’t put a shirt on.
Over the past few months I had been feeling different about him, and I knew he felt the same for me since we had talked about it several times. We really liked each other, but decided to keep the affair a secret until we decided whether or not to make it official. For now it was basically a friends-with-benefits, for lack of a better term. The only difference is that we actually had feelings that went way deeper than just lust.
We never showed it in public or around friends, but when we were alone there was that burning desire to be close to each other. I often had to fight the urge to touch him when it wasn’t just the two of us, and dammit was it hard to do. I was even struggling to do that while watching him make breakfast. The only thing holding me back was the fact that I was starving and I knew if I touched him now we’d end up back in the bedroom instead of eating.
Eventually we sat down at the table to eat and put the dishes in the dishwasher afterwards. No sooner did I start the wash cycle and Harrison had lifted me up onto the counter, his lips trailing kisses up and down both sides of my neck.
“Mmm” was the only thing that came out of my mouth in a pleasured hum.
“Do you have plans for today?” He asked me, still kissing my neck.
“Yeah, but none of them involve leaving this flat” I said giggling softly.
He lifted me off the counter and gently pushed me against the wall kissing me hard. I wrapped my leg around his waist to pull him closer. He pressed his body against mine, holding onto my hips as our lips molded together.
Eventually he picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. He carried me back into his bedroom where he laid me down on the bed, hovering above me as he kissed me harder. He only pulled away to take off the shirt of his that I was wearing, as well as his jeans. I wasn’t wearing a bra so at the moment I only full display for him.
Before he could resume his position above me I was already pulling him down on top of me, craving his lips against mine, and the feeling of his bare skin. I could hear a soft moan emerge from his throat as I allowed my hands to roam his toned chest and abs, which only made me want him more and he knew it.
Before I could initiate anything I felt his hands trail down to my panties and pull them to the side. He started to rub my clit slowly. I started to breathe a bit heavier as he picked up the pace, eventually plunging two finger inside me. I was already dripping so his foreplay was pointless, but I enjoyed it nonetheless, well sorta, I was kinda impatient.
“Mmm, no more teasing” I said arching my back a bit.
He chuckled and pulled his fingers out. He pulled off my panties then proceeded to take his boxers off. As I watched him line himself up to me I could practically feel him in me already. But that wasn’t anything like the real thing. Finally I felt him plunge into me and let out a small moan, my moans only getting louder as he picked up the pace.
I was so focused on the feeling of him that when I heard my phone go off, I nearly jumped out of my skin. He slowed down and I looked up at him. “It might be work” I said.
He pulled out of me and I reached over to answer. It was just a friend.
“Hello……no I’m busy today…..yeah, I’m out of town, visiting my sister….I will…..okay, bye.” I said, before hanging up and looking over at Harrison. “It was just Rachel, she wanted to go shopping”
I took a deep sigh of relief. Lying to my friends about where I was and what I was doing was still so hard. I desperately wanted to tell them that Harrison and I were in an unofficial relationship, mostly just sleeping with each other, but I couldn’t. But at the same time, it was our little secret and it was exciting to be carrying that around.
I eventually pulled away from my train of thought and looked back over at Harrison. He was lounging against the bed frame so I moved over to him and straddled his lap, smirking at him. “Where were we?”
He smirked and pulled me closer to him kissing me passionately “it’s kinda hot when you lie about where you are” he said with a soft breathy moan.
I giggled “I’m glad you think so, I’d rather be here anyway” I said as I started to grind on his lap. I couldn’t wait another second so I lined his tip up with my center and slid down on him quickly. Clearly he wasn’t expecting it.
“Fuck {y/n}!” He moaned out as I started riding him quickly, bouncing hard.
“Mmm, you like that?” I moaned as I continued going. I wasn’t always very dominate over him, but when I was it drove him crazy.
I continued riding him until he couldn’t take it anymore and took control again. He flipped us over and thrusted deep into me, causing me to moan loudly “oh fuck, fuck yes!”
He pinned my hands above my head and kept going. I gripped his hands tightly, arching my back as I could feel every single thrust, every inch of him inside me. When we weren’t together, I could still feel him inside me, that’s how good the sex was, and that kept me coming back to him every time, even if I knew it was risky to continue this little affair. After all, he was my best friend and who knew how this would affect our friendship in the end. But at the moment I didn’t care, I had him right where I wanted him and he had me.
At some point during our session he bottomed out so deep inside me that we both moaned so loud we thought we’d shatter the windows. He continued to hit the same spot repeatedly and I could feel myself squeezing him tightly.
“I’m close babygirl” he moaned loudly.
“Me too! Don’t stop!” I said grinding on him as he continued.
Eventually I hit my climax and he did a moment or two later. He rode out our highs then kissed my forehead before laying down beside me so we could catch our breath.
I rolled over to cuddle up into his side as I kissed him on the cheek. I looked at the clock on the wall, it was only 9:45 am. We still had the whole day ahead of us. I had absolutely no intentions of leaving Harrison’s flat, in fact, I might even be staying another night.
* * * * *
To be continued….
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justrainandcoffee · 3 months
Against all odds (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc) Part 11
Crossover Peaky Blinders - Hunger Games
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Masterlist. Parts One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
Summary: The pregnant girl is the favourite of the Capitol but Coriolanus Snow hates her. No matter what happened with her, the districts will raise against him. That's why a year later, he makes an announcement for the Quarter Quell: "...the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors." And Rose, hearing that, just wants to die.
Warnings: Angst. || One chapter left until the end of the first part.
Words: 3.3K
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Rules were rules and if no one volunteered to take her place then, pregnant or not, the girl was part of the 74th games like all the rest of the selected kids.
That was the year of the 25 tributes. Or 24 plus one.
Contrary of what happened with the twins two years ago and the immense expectations around them, in the Capitol the opinions were divided.
On one side were those who demanded a new female tribute from district 8 and on the other side, were those who wanted to see what the pregnant girl was capable of. Ridiculous because the girl couldn’t run or move too fast.
Her name was Aurora Woods. Her mother was a teacher and her father worked in a textile factory. Her boyfriend, and father of the baby, was a boy a year older than her who worked with his uncle as a electrician. Absolutely no one of her family expected the horrible fate of Aurora.
“If we reaped another female tribute, again,” said Snow to one of his advisors, “then next year we’re going to have hundred of young ladies expecting babies because that could mean that they’re safe. And we don’t want that, do we?”
“No, we don’t, Mr. President. But do you think that people will be happy if the girl dies? The baby…”
“If that happens, we need to have a hovercraft prepared just for her with medics on it, ready to save the baby. If we are quick, we can make it. These days we need to check on her and the fetus to be sure that both are healthy. Right? Then we can return the baby to the family. As a treat.”
“People here could pay a fortune for that baby.”
“No this time, Lysander. Not this time. People in districts need to know that we are doing the right thing.”
“And if the girl survives?”
“Make sure she won’t, Lysander. The games have only one winner. Last thing we need is a symbol of hope. We already have that song…”
“I'll take care of that, then. Mr. Snow.”
“Be sure of that.”
Rose woke up that morning, screaming. Her dog, CPU, who was sleeping at her side looked at her with concern in her brown eyes.
Since her mother and youngest brother were killed, the nightmares were so frequently that she didn’t have a good night in a while. The only times she found a bit of peace were when Alfie went there once a month.
“I'm fine,” she said to the dog petting her head. But she was talking more to herself than to CPU. “Let’s have a breakfast, sweetie.”
After the last auction, when she paid for seven tributes, Lawrence accepted her idea of living in separate houses. He was still upset for that and he didn’t like CPU. And Rose under any
circumstances was going to leave her pet.
So he was living in their manor and Rose was in the house she bought next to the lake.
Something that didn’t change was that she was still working for Snow.
A part of her brain told her to act like nothing happened, Snow wanted to see with his own eyes  the damage he caused so the proud woman in her refused to show him that he, indeed, destroyed her soul. But a more reasonable side of her, accepted to show Snow how broken she was. If Snow saw her defeated then he would probably think that he won. And Rose needed urgently to divert Snow’s attention from her.
His cold eyes followed her figure across the room while Rose disposed the different suits in front of him, so he could choose his favourite. Her eyebags were noticeable and her hair looked like she just eft the bed, Which, in part, was true.
“Is everything okay, Mrs. Evert?”
“No. but maybe I just need to rest. But, unfortunately, it's something I can’t do right now. Life is unpleasant sometimes.”
“Certainly is.”
Snow knew that she knew that the one to blame for her family’s death it was him. And he also knew, that he discovered her true identity.
“I like the black  one, Mrs. Evert.”
“Great choice, Mr. President.”
Snow looked at her while she handled him the mentioned suit. “I have the one for the victory’s ceremony prepared as well. But…” Rose looked at the floor, “I want to resign.”
“That’s sad, my darling. Any reason behind your decision?”
“I just can’t keep doing this, Mr. President. It’s my decision to keep working only with district 9. I appreciate the opportunity but I'm sure there are plenty of my colleagues who can do a better job than me.”
“No, I don’t think so, Mrs. Evert. That’s why I called you first. Is this about money? I can pay you more, if you need.”
“No it’s not about money. It’s about me. I've been working a lot, I need to slow down a bit.”
“It’s your final decision, Mrs. Evert?” he asked and Rose nodded. “Okay, then. I'll talk with my assistant so she can send you a cheque for both of your last works plus an extra. If you later, change your mind, let me know.”
“I will. Thanks.”
Rose picked up her things and the suits that Snow didn’t choose and left the room. She was about to reach the door when Snow spoke again.
“May the odds be ever in your favour, Rose Coldwell.”
She freeze. Her name pronounced by his lips sent her chills through her spine. It’s not like she didn’t know by now that Snow discovered her real identity, it was the meaning behind it. For the last 18 years since she arrived to the capitol, she worked hard to be Rosebeth. Because that name provided her with the protection she needed to survive that place. Half of her life, she was two women living in one body. Her real self was safe behind Rosebeth and she was able to appear only when she was alone or with Alfie, or in recent times with other victors or Aberama Gold. But now, Rose was exposed in front of the person she wanted to hide the most.
Rose didn’t reply. She walked faster until she reached the car that was waiting for her. And it wasn’t until she could hide in her house that she allowed herself to cry. For her, for her mother and Louis, too. Alfie and Nina were on their way to the Capitol like every year, but for the first time Rose didn’t want to left the security of her house, not even for him. CPU crawled next to her and didn’t left her spot until much later when Rose finally left her bed and went to the kitchen to feed her pet.
The parade, the speech that Snow prepared for the occasion wasn’t very different from the previous ones. Snow was an expert in keep everything under control, including his nerves. He knew that the pregnant girl was a timebomb. Whatever the result was, the districts were going to see in her a symbol of hope. The pregnant girl that died. Or the pregnant girl who lived. It didn’t matter.
The 74th didn’t started yet and Snow was ready to announce the 75th hunger games. He knew exactly what to do.
Alfie was the one who told her two days later after their arrival to the Capitol about the stressful environment in the training centre. The mood of the mentors were altered at it was affecting the new tributes.
Everyone was watching Aurora sitting in the corner of the gymnasium. She was observing her future rivals training with weapons, fighting with the trainers or learning about survival skills. Alfie told Rose that Danny Owen, the male mentor of district 8, punched the male mentor from district 1. Rose knew about the mental instability of Danny Owen, also known as Danny Whizz-Bang. Everyone knew about it. The man won the games after Alfie and previous to Tommy Shelby and the friendship between the last who was well-known. But even when all of the mentors were affected by the Games, some cases were worse than the others and Danny was one of them. And probably the fact that a pregnant girl from his district, one that he needed to protect no matter what, didn’t help at all with his mental condition.
After that, the boy from district 1, fought with the boy from 7 accusing him to steal his knives, all while both mentors were still yelling at each other. Tommy grabbed Danny from his arm and both went out while Lucy stayed there with their tributes from 12. All of that could be funny if it wasn’t for the fact that 23 kids were about to die, probably one of them a pregnant girl, and that the adults there suffered from PTSD. So, no one there was laughing.
District 9 lost its tributes during the bloodbath and it wasn’t something unexpected. The careers as always took care of them. Same as they did with the ones of 10 and 7.
The careers were prepared to kill. They grew up thinking it was necessary. Even fun. They were always the favourites of the Capitol. But as the kids they still were, they weren't ready to kill a pregnant girl. And they didn't.
There was an implicit message, unconscious, because even the deadliest tributes didn't dare to touch Aurora. You just simply can't kill a pregnant woman.
So, the gamemakers killed them instead. The next week, every single one of them perished in hands of nature, gamesmakers or other strong tributes, like the boy from 11.
The boy from 2 named Cato was the last tribute alive apart from Aurora, in the dawn of the 10th day. But he was severely injured thanks to the moots. The arrogant tribute that everyone saw during the first days wasn't there anymore. Tenderly, Aurora approached him and sang to him while Cato was bleeding out.
When I was a little girl, my mama said to me "What's your favorite flower, darling? I'll get you the seed" I said "Dandelion, Dandelion," that one's so pretty.
She said, "Child, that one's not a flower, that one's just a weed"
Cato was looking at her with empty eyes, but crying, he was shaking violently so Aurora covered him with one the blankets that the sponsors sent to her. One of the many gifts she received.
"Then my fragile flower turned into a ball of grey
So I took a breath and made a wish and blew them all away."
Cato died before the song was over and the canon sounded when the girl finished to sing.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the victor from the 74th Hunger Games: Aurora Woods."
Although technically, the 74th Hunger Games had two victors. Something that never happened before.
That was the last night in the Capitol. But it felt different from the previous years. Rumours about Snow not being happy about Aurora's victory were too loud to ignore. And the new victor, probably unintentionally, said that she wanted to name her baby Desirée or Charles, depending if it was a girl or a boy, in honour of the twins from district 9, because their song about dandelions calmed the unborn baby inside her.
Tommy said to Alfie that Danny was worried about the girl. Danny was afraid of Snow pressuring the girl too much. And Aurora didn't know yet about the horrors that some victors had to live. Being the protégé of the 74th games wasn't free.
Rose had her head on Alfie's shoulder while he was caressing her hair.
"Do you think the girl is in trouble?"
"No more than us, luv," Alfie said "she's part of the flock now. Sadly, her baby too."
She look at Alfie trying to tell him that, with luck, that was going to be the last year of the games. And Aurora's baby, the Nelson's kid and all the children in Panem were going to be free. The first generation to know what freedom was about.
They couldn't talk there. Previous years maybe it was safer, but not anymore.
"Are you okay?" he asked instead.
"Let me cuddle with you and I'll be fine."
"Come here, sweetheart."
Both of them settled in bed and after giving the order, the bedroom turned out the lights. Rose heard his breathing and his quietness, told her that he was lost in his mind.
"I love you, Rosie," Alfie said after a moment.
"I love you more."
She woke up the next morning with one of Alfie's arms around her waist. Rose wasn't the best person on Earth, she knew that, but she also deserved love. Why not? Only she and her husband. Luckily, in one year, that would be true.
How wrong she was.
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Things started to get weird when in December Snow suspended the auction. He didn't say anything apart from his not so sincere apologies. It could be hypocritical of Rose to say she wasn't pissed off, same as the rest, because that was the only chance she had to see Alfie.
That meant that for the next months she was alone. And so was he. And Rose had no way to tell him what was happening. Seven months of total incertitude.
The day stipulated for the announcement of the Quarter Quell, was a warm sunday despite it was cloudy.
Aberama and his son were in her house. The Golds where there to ultimate details. Everything was almost ready. In only days everything was about to explode like a bomb.
Only that the first bomb was dropped by Snow himself.
"What do you think it was going to be?" Bonnie asked.
"Probably all boys," guessed his father, "or all girls, as a punishment for Aurora, but I don't know."
The television show Snow, smiling at camera. In his hands he had an envelope, probably with the announcement.
Everything started as always but this time remembering people about the importance of the Quarter Quell.
“…On the seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminderthat even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors.”
An anguish cry filled the house.
Aberama ran to hug his friend who was crying on the floor over her knees.
After those years of friendship he already knew the real relationship between the woman and Alfie Solomons from 9. Aberama didn't say anything, on the floor next to her, he just hugged her because he didn't know what to say. Rose was crying against his arm, while the Golds looked at each other.
That was Snow. Sadistic, psychopath. They knew about it, his men killed Aberama's wife in front of their little son, and god knew how many people and families he destroyed over the years.
"Rose," Aberama finally said, "Alfie needs you. Probably like never before. We're going to help you with this too. If the plan was to destroy this fucker, now we have one reason more to do it. A very solid one."
But Rose didn't hear because she wasn't in that part of Panem. Her mind and soul were with the person she loved the most. With Alfie, in district 9 where the things were much, much worse.
"…the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors."
Alfie's mind went blank. For a second he believed the heard wrong. But it was true. He was about to return to the Arena only that this time the other tributes were his friends and Nina, who was like a sister.
Alfie stood up and with his blood boiling, he smashed a mirror with his fist, cutting himself. But he didn't care. Thought the window he saw Nina running away, but he left her alone.
Negative emotions weren't enough to explain his feelings right now. Alfie sat on his couch hide his head in his hands, grabbing his hair.
"FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!" He didn't realise that the same anger was filling his eyes with tears.
"…the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors."
Those words were repeating in loop in his head. The mug where he was drinking tea was nothing but little pieces on the floor, although he didn't know when he did that.
The idea of getting back to the Arena was a living nightmare. He wasn't an agile teenager anymore but that wasn't the problem. The real issue was so dark and horrible that he couldn't say it out loud. In survival mode, unconsciously, he made a list in his head about the people he could kill and those who couldn't kill never.
And Rose?
His Rosie and her infinite love for him. Those months without her were a torture, but know he understands why. Probably Snow was behind the fact that he couldn't see her. Alfie knew that he couldn't do anything to comfort her, first because he was thousands of miles away and then because no comfort was enough. For her, he needed to survive… again. He couldn't leave her, he just couldn't.
It was dark outside, when Nina opened the door of his house without knocking. Her disheveled hair and puffy eyes said it all. Alfie pat the side of the sofa where he was sitting and she accepted the invitation.
"We're screwed up, Alfie."
"We are."
"I can't... Alfie, I can't kill you! Why did he…? Why?!"
"Because we are nothing for him. Because he wants to punish the districts about the games last year. Because he's a motherfucker."
"We need to wait for the best, don't we?"
Alfie nodded. Maybe the rebels could help them. Maybe they were going to appear before hed be force to kill again. But Alfie wasn't sure.
That night Nina fell asleep in his couch and he let her. Alfie tucked her in and then went to his own bedroom but he couldn't sleep. It was amazing how much he needed Rose's company right now.
He couldn't leave Rose. Even if that meant to kill his friends.
In the Capitol, Rose was now alone. She ripped off the suits that were going to be for the new tributes and started again but this time knowing that one of them was for Alfie. Those costumes were going to be the most spectacular things she has ever done.
She found herself crying again. Alfie, her Alfie, after the horrors he lived was forced to do it once again.
While she was sewing, the tears in her eyes prevented her to keep doing it. So she left it and let her heart speak. Her sobs broke the silence of the house. First her mother and brother and now the person that changed her life. They were only 22 when they met, when they kissed for the first time during the 60th games, her first time working as stylist. They were 37 now. 15 years years later, they were still together. An unconventional couple, she was legally married to another man but it was Alfie who she called husband. And Snow now, wanted to kill him.
Rose swore to protect him. She did everything she could to prevent that other people could hurt him again. And for what? The only person against who Rose couldn't do anything, was the one who now signed his death sentence.
She couldn't stop thinking that she failed him. She swore to protect Alfie... and she failed.
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anamericangirl · 2 years
What do you think about trump possibly getting arrested for fraud?
If he does get arrested it’s nothing more than a maliciously motivated political ploy to keep him from being voted in as the next president. If you’ve paid attention at all to anything since 2016 you will know they’ve been saying they will “get Trump” since he won the election but they never had anything to get him for.
And they still don’t. There’s no real evidence of any crimes and the case against him is so weak it can’t be anything but political. Even anti-trump prosecutors have refused to take it in the past because it’s simply too weak to prosecute. Even the illegal things he supposedly has done were so minimal that the statute of limitations has passed for even the most serious charge they could realistically put against him. Which means they would have to create a crime, read through the lines and misapply the law, all of which they are willing to do to “get Trump.”
Take 5 seconds to research DA Alvin Bragg and it’s obvious he’s doing this for political points. Look at the crime he’s been ignoring in his own district and then ask yourself why. And ask yourself why he’s ignoring those crimes but going after a decades old flimsy case against Trump that there’s next to no evidence for. Even if he gets prosecuted no reasonable jury would ever convict him on such a weak case.
Why are actual serious known crimes committed by the Biden family not being prosecuted but hypothetical crimes by Trump are?
Where is the indictment for Hillary Clinton whom there is a much stronger case against for similar and more serious crimes?
The whole Stormy Daniels case is bs and there’s nothing to prosecute there because while paying hush money is shady and less than decent it’s not illegal. It’s not a crime. Which means if they try him for anything in regards to that they will have to make up a crime and charge him for it.
And anyone who understands what is happening here, even if you hate Trump to your core, should be furious. Because even if you want Trump locked up or whatever, the way this is happening is a disgrace to our country. The way it’s supposed to work is a crime is found and then they find the person who did the crime and in this case what they are doing is finding the person they want to prosecute and then trying to find a crime. And right now people might not care because it’s Trump and Orange Man Bad but forget that it’s Trump. Maybe next time it’s you. Or your mom. Or the kid down the street. The fact that they are doing it to Trump means they are willing to do it and if they get away with it they will do it again.
Another reason this should infuriate people is because it’s an attempt to keep him from being the president. And that should upset you even if you don’t want him to be the president because what they are doing is trying to override the voice of the people. They are trying to choose the next president when it’s not up to them. It’s up to the voters. They want to keep us from being able to vote for or against Trump because they don’t want him to win. We should not allow this because this time it’s Trump but next time it won’t be. We can’t let the establishment pick the candidates and keep us from voting for people just because they don’t want them to be the president. That is not a choice they get to make. That is up to us, the voters.
This is actual election interference.
I know you might not have been looking for that much but that’s how I’m feeling about it right now.
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filmtv2022 · 1 year
“Together” Part 3 (Final Part)
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Previous Part
All Works Masterlist
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake & Y/N face her brother's funeral together. They finally realize the true depth of their feelings for one another. 
Warnings: Smut + language + part of the story takes place at a funeral reception
A/N: So first of all, I yet again apologize for the super long break between posts. Life has been pretty crazy. I'm now currently on the mend from a rough bout of covid, but thankfully I felt good enough to write today. With that being said, I'm so sorry for any editing mistakes, my brain fog is rough right now. With that being said, I hope you enjoy the final part of the "Together" mini-series!
A constant buzz of white noise filled your ears as people continued the awkward shuffle of condolences. They meant well, but what could they possibly have to say that would take the edge off the pain? The funeral had been everything your brother deserved, but that neatly folded flag could never replace him. This wasn’t how life was supposed to be. Matt was supposed to get married and start a family of his own, but now those dreams were turned to ash. Their embers burned hot against your soul as you waited for this horrific moment in time to be over. 
Unable to take any more weepy hugs, you finally excused yourself from the reception hall, choosing instead to wander quietly through the hallways. The early evening sun poured in through the stained glass that lined the space painting a wash of red and blue across the carpet. Reaching the first set of swinging doors into the nave, you pushed gently into the space, and the hinges creaked lightly with the pressure of your touch. The high vaulted ceilings fell into shadow as the lights remained off, but even in the dimness, you could see the strong frame that was seated at the front of the pews. 
Keeping silent, you made your way toward Jake, the sound of your footsteps echoed slightly as you moved. Closing the last few paces, the tension in his body was apparent in the way his dress whites pulled tightly over his back, his head in his hands as he tried to piece himself back together. Reaching the front pew, you found the spot to his right and took it, allowing yourself to lean into his side. Acknowledging your presence, Jake lifted his head from his hands, revealing the dampness that sat on his cheeks, though his eyes remained focused on the cross hanging at the front. Needing to feel you, to be closer to you, Jake weaved your fingers together before bringing them to his lips. Placing a soft kiss on the back of your hand, he exhaled deeply before gaining the courage to speak. 
“You know what he said to me the last time we saw each other?” Jake’s voice was hoarse as he broke the silence, but you were thankful for the sound of it nonetheless.
“Tell me.” Your own words were soft as they brushed along the fabric of his uniform.
“It was our last day flying together before we were reassigned to our new squadrons. We’d finished our runs and I’d been flying out of my mind, hitting maneuvers perfectly, one right after the other, but I was reckless. I was just one mistake away from ending my career or someone else’s, but I couldn’t see that, not then. But he saw it, that foolish pride… nothing ever slipped past him.” 
“Trust me, I know. I never got away with shit as a kid.” 
Jake huffed a small laugh at the shared memory of Matt’s astute gaze and superior moral compass. His wingman’s heart never faltered, even in the face of great peril, “He laid into me in front of God and everybody. I’d never seen him so angry. He told me I needed to figure out who the hell I was fighting to come home to because if I didn’t I was gonna die in that plane, all alone with no one to care when they brought my body back.”
“He said that to you? Jesus Christ, Jake. I’m sorry he-.” 
“Don’t be, he was right. He was always right. It just took me way to fucking long to figure out what the hell he was actually talking about.” Jake twisted his upper body in your direction, forcing you to lift your head from his shoulder. His strong hands found a home on your body as he anchored himself to you. The feeling of him left you breathless, your vision narrowing to only the man in front of you. 
“He was talking about you. I didn’t get it then, I was too young and stupid to realize. He saw it though, he saw us, the two of us. Together.” Jake’s breath rattled as he inhaled deeply, “I love you, I always have. I was just too big of a dumbass to figure it out sooner.”  
“Jake.” Holding fast to him, you kept your eyes fixed on his. There was such great sorrow and pain within their depths, and yet there was unmistakable hope, “You’re not the only one who can be a bit thick sometimes.” 
The two of you shared a smile at the mutual confession of your feelings and your failings. Leaning further into your space Jake captured your lips in a gentle embrace, the sensation of your uniform under his figure tips was intoxicating. Breaking the kiss, Jake rested his forehead on yours as he breathed in the scent of your sweet perfume, his own tears now flowing harder than before. Feeling his body begin to shake, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled tight. With your face tucked into his neck, you allowed yourself to fall apart together. And there you stayed, mourning the loss of a brother and wingman. 
The rest of the evening sun faded away beneath the horizon leaving the nave in murky darkness, only the light from the outer hallway added any illumination. Sensing the shift, Jake broke and stood to his full height, taking you by the hand as he moved. Holding each other close, with laced fingers the two of you made your way back to the reception in silence. There were still a fair amount of people gathered around the tables nibbling at food as they reminisced. 
Sitting around a circular white table across the room was the rest of your family. Their eyes were fixed on the steaming styrofoam cups in front of them. It took only seconds to cross the space, but it felt as though it took hours. All eyes snapped to you and Jake, your polished uniforms like a beacon of strength and sorrow. 
“Y/N, Jake.” your mother stood, pulling each of you into vigorous hugs. Her black dress seemed to hang from her slight frame as she dabbed away the tears that threatened to spill. 
“Ma’am, I’m so sorry for your loss.” 
“Thank you, but Jake… this is your loss too. Matt spoke highly of you the entire time you flew together. He… he thought the world of you.” 
Jake’s throat bobbed as he tried to find his words, but they never came. Instead, he leaned down to hold your mother. The hug lasted mere seconds, but when he moved back to wrap his arm around your waist it was as if you could see the healing begin. Wiping over his mouth with his hand, Jake leaned down and placed a kiss on your temple. 
“Why don’t the two of you take off, hm? We’re gonna be awhile and you both have done more than enough today.” 
“Are you sure, Mom?”
“Yes, I’m sure. Now go.” her warm smile failed to reach her eyes, but there was such sincerity in her words. 
Turning from you, her focus snapped to Jake once more, “You get her home safe, okay?” 
“Yes, Ma’am.” Leaning down to hug your mother one more time, you watched as she whispered something softly into his ear. A quick nod of his head accompanied the silent words. 
Back at home, the quiet was deafening. The plush carpet muffled each step as the two of you made your way downstairs to the guestroom. Frigid air filled the finished basement causing you to shiver as you began to unbutton the front of your uniform. 
“Here, let me.” 
Turning you around gently, Jake’s sure hands made quick work of the task. His lips brushed lovingly from the shell of your ear to the base of your throat as he pushed the jacket from your shoulders. Needing more, you wrapped your arms around his neck as you removed his hat before threading your fingers into his hair. Slowly, but surely, the pair of you removed the barriers between you. Hands and lips explored the freshly exposed skin. 
Jake’s body shuddered as you nipped lightly along the broad expanse of his chest, soothing over the marks with your tongue. Caught up in the feeling of your skin on his, Jake found himself lowering to the ground before you. Mouthing at your body as he went. Paying attention to every scar and bump left behind by the grueling demands of your job, each one a sign that you were here despite the many attempts the world had taken to tear you away from him. Running his hands along the back of your thighs, he stood once more, pulling you off the ground with him. 
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you returned your attention to his lips. Pleading for more, you ran your tongue along his before taking his lower lip between your teeth. Gently, you pulled it earning a hiss and groan from him before he crashed back into the kiss. Walking you back into the door, it slammed shut with the force of his actions. The two of you lasted like this for a few minutes more, but desperation filled the air as the two of you continued to fall into the moment. 
Unable to maintain his patience, Jake fixed his grip on you before turning to find the bed. Feeling the edge of the bed against his knees, he lowered you to the mattress. Breaking apart, Jake guided you back onto the bed, the cotton of the bedspread soft beneath you. 
“Jake.” Your words failed you, but that didn’t matter because he was already there, reading your body like an open book. 
“I’m right here, sweetheart.” 
Sliding his hand along your side, he trapped your wrist above your head, leaving the other free. Chest to chest you breathed in the scent of his cologne as rolled his hips into yours. A sharp gasp fell from you, your lips grazing his as your head tipped back into the pillow. 
“I need you.” Jake rasped into your ear and she reached between you coaxing yet another moan from you as his fingers found their mark. 
“Fuck, Jake… please.” 
Your permission opened the floodgates. Dipping lower Jake coated his fingers with your slick, teasing your mercilessly until he could feel the muscles in your legs begin to tighten. Knowing you were close he removed his hands from your body, earning a pitiful whimper from you at the loss of his touch. 
“I know, baby.”  
Carefully, he leaned over the edge of the bed, fishing inside his bag for a condom. It took only a few seconds for him to locate what he needed, his eyes falling back to you as he tore it open and prepared himself. Turning back to you he placed tender kisses over your stomach and chest before returning to your lips. There was no real space left between you, but it wasn’t enough, you needed to be closer. Reaching for the hand that still rested above your head, he laced his fingers through yours as he pushed inside, removing the remaining distance between you. A deep groan fell from his lips as he relished the feeling of you wrapped around him.
Slowly, Jake began to move, his focus entirely on you. The way your breath hitched, the sound of your moans as they tumbled from your lips, the touch of your skin as your bodies moved together. Once more he felt the changes in you as he pulled you closer to the edge. Fighting for control of himself, Jake continued to focus on you, wanting nothing more than to stay like this forever, lost in this peace that he found with you. 
Time stood still as the flood of your release washed over you. Jake’s hips began to stutter, his pace faltering as he too tumbled over the edge. Totally, and completely, spent, Jake rested his weight on his forearms next to your head. Brushing the strands of hair stuck to your forehead behind your ear, his eyes fell on yours. Even in the shadowy light of the guestroom, it was easy to see the love in his eyes. The corners scrunch softly forming light lines. Those lines were a permanent reminder of the years that had passed since the two of you first met. 
“I love you, Jake.” your warm breath floated over his cheeks as the stared deep into your eyes, your soul laid bare for him and him alone. 
“I love you too, Y/N.” 
Feeling his arms grow weak from dropping adrenaline, Jake rolled onto his side taking you with him. Sure that you were safely laying on your side, he gingerly pulled himself from you. It took a few minutes for him to clean the two of you up, but Jake returned to his spot in the bed as quickly as he could. The warmth radiating from the two of you was more than enough initially to fend off the chill of the air, but as your heart rates returned to normal goosebumps began to spread across your skin. A shiver ran down your spine from the temperature change. Shifting under the covers, he drew you in close, his hand resting just under your breast as his front fell flush with your back. Inhaling deeply, your breaths began to fall in sync with one another, the two of you drifting off to sleep in the comfort of each other’s arms. This was the beginning of a whole new world, one where the pair of you would finally allow yourself to feel the happiness of time spent in one another arms. A world where you realized that you were stronger together than you ever could hope to be apart. 
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itstheghostofmypast · 2 years
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Draco malfoy x (f)Reader (Hufflepuff)
Summary: Perfection is what defined those who were above the rest- yet, she could not be part of the perfection that defined him. Defined his society and very presence- defined her own family but not her. She was the imperfection within his world of perfection, the bright sun in his cool, pale blue sky. For even if she was the warm sun, he was nothing more than the silver moon- both destined to live in the same sky but never together.
Genre: Fluff, Angst
AU: NO VOLDEMORT - Plus Cedric is vibing, I'm sorry he's too precious.
Warnings: None
Part- 2/?
Masterlist/ Next
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His words had been echoing around her all day, especially when she came for dinner, only to see he was not there once more. That's when she decided to sneak out a bit of food and see if he was at the astronomy tower. She had passed a few green little shits on the way, who seemed to be whispering at the sight of her, though she didn't care about that. Running up the stairs she opened the wooden door to be greeted by an empty cold room. Maybe...she'd see him tomorrow.
Or so she thought. For the next couple of days, she had barely seen him the only times she would see him was in class and he'd easily avoid her. To some extent, she was hurt, why was he pretending as if she was invisible...once again? No more would she see him at the astronomy tower, nor would he be early to class- often he would be surrounded by his snakes and if he were alone, he'd zip past her like she was nothing. Sure, they weren't an actual item or anything- but they were friends? Right?
That's why, a week of this weird hide and seek had forced her to go for some advice, considering every other friend she had asked had given her a sad smile and an 'It's alright Y/N, you deserve much better'- OF COURSE SHE DID. She wasn't an idiot or a sap- she knew what this meant, it was pity and she hated every drop of it. Hence, she had two options left, either go talk to Sprout in the vaguest way possible or...dare she say it, Cedric. Like any sane person, she thought asking him would be a better option, which is why, when Cedric had been busy scribbling and cramming for the upcoming exams in the library, comforted only by the pattering rain against the giant windows, the droplets encouraging him, cheering him on like the crown in a quidditch field, his moment of concentration was interrupted with a loud screech emitted by the chair next to his.
The ambiance of peace around him shattered, side-eying the intruder who smiled in return. Sitting down next to him, placing her bag on the dark oak, and taking out her books. Choosing to ignore her, he knew she was definitely up to something, he continued to scribble down whatever his brain was able to pick up from the numerous books before him. For a while, the two worked in silence, the sound of the quil tips gliding across the skin of papers was all that could be heard, minus some general whispering among other students. He had been sitting there studying -waiting for her to spill whatever had brought her here- but it seemed as though she was genuinely here to study. Of course, he had grown impatient, he was a year senior, he had noticed her the moment she had gotten up on stage, an excited little grin plastered on her face, sitting there, waiting for the hat to sort her into the house of her choice- only it never came. For as soon as the sorting hat declared its decision, she sat there motionless, as if dead- sure, not a lot of people felt the pride and joy of being sorted into Hufflepuff, which is why he wasn't surprised, but as soon as he noticed how all the Headmaster's had gasped as well, he knew there was something off about the whole situation. He was not even a prefect back then, but Professor Sprout had called him into her office the next morning, claiming that she had a special job for him.
"This is Y/N L/N" she had said, standing next to the same girl from yesterday, who seemed to be lost in thought- completely disassociated with the world around her. "Y/N, darling, this is Cedric, he's only a year older than you, but he's been our pride and joy, he's a wonderful boy too-"
"I don't care." She spat, cutting her off, pulling away from her as she turned to glare at Cedric, "I don't even belong in this rubbish house-"
"What was that?" He countered, only to stop when the Headmaster gestured for him to stop, continuing instead of him. She got down on her knees, and the chubby woman pulled the girl close, letting her resist and put up a fight, but she had engulfed her in a hug, a tight one too. To someone else, it would seem as though the older woman was crushing the child, but for the year he had already spent at Hogwarts, he knew she was nothing but an empath- she was going to drain out all the negativity from the little girl if she had to. After a few minutes of the girl squirming and cursing at her- even calling her a fat old hag- she slowed down, resorting to little whines, which morphed into whimpers. It was only at that point had he realized that she was crying, clinging onto the professor for her dear life as she sobbed into her shoulder, dampening the material. His eyes met the Headmaster's who looked at him with a tinge of guilt in her eyes and at that moment he knew why she had called him in. For the little girl letting out muffled, "It's not fair...I didn't even get to choose " and "Why do they hate me for something I didn't decide", was going to become his responsibility. 
The young boy had no idea why he was being given a spoiled brat to take care of, for in a few days of having her in their house he had realised what a pain she actually was. For the past whole week she had been nothing but rude to everyone in her house, she'd hiss at them like a feral cat, locking herself up in her room- yes, apparently she was rich enough to get herself a solo room- only coming out to go to class or eat, usually, she wouldn't even come to eat, just go to her room directly, or some other unknown location. He was yet to figure out how or what Sprout even wanted him to do, she was doing just fine if you'd ask him.
That is until he fatalfound her one night crying in the washrooms where weeping Mertal resided. Yes, it was technically his fault, he was supposed to make sure all the first years were in bed, but perhaps he didn't care where she was. Frankly speaking, Sprout had lost her mind, '
'Didn't I tell you to treat her like your little sister, Cedric? She isn't a bad nut, just... One that was toasted for too long, you know? Shell's all hardened up, but the slightest crack may be fatal'.
No, professor, I have no idea what in Merlin's name that means- is what he wanted to say, but she didn't let him argue, only pushed him out of the common room, telling him to go look for his 'little sister'. Hence, after searching the entire castle- and showing the note she had written for every professor that had caught him outside after hours, he had finally made his way up here, slowly opening the door of the abandoned girl's washroom. Coming face to face with the infamous, noisy ghost,
"There's a BOY here- " she gasped, "Are you here to throw mud on her too~ she's been crying for almost the whole day~"
"Thank you Mertal." That is all he said as he walked past her, ignoring her usual whines. He was tired, he wanted to be wrapped up in his warm comforters, yet here he was. Slamming open the last hall door he froze, staring at the girl sitting on the lid of the toilet- covered in mud and leaves from head to toe. Her uniform was crinkled, filthy, and crippled by the huge splotches of mud, clinging onto each thread of the material, specs of mud splattered across her cheeks as she rubbed her eyes furiously. 
"Who did this?" He spat, moving closer as he pulled her hands away, gripping onto her wrists, not letting her pull back. 
"N-no one."
"Y/N" he kneeled in front of her, wiping her ears with the back of his sleeve. Yes, whatever image of this monstrosity that existed in his mind had shattered, of course, the sight of anyone like this would have his heart aching. "Who did this? You're not alone anymore okay I- I'm sorry I didn't come looking for you and I should have." he apologised, inspecting her face for anything other than mud. 
He was unsure of whether it was the apology or the fact that he had told her that she was no longer alone, but as soon as his eyes met her glassy orbs, she narrated the entire incident in tears- how she was cornered by a few children from other houses, nobles and that this was some kind of sick prank. he felt worse when she told him that this had been happening for over a month. For this very reason, she would avoid everyone and choose to stay in her room most of the time. How was he supposed to be upset with her after that? 
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want them to hurt anyone else."
"You are a Hufflepuff, no one would suffer through this alone if they weren't as strong as us badgers, I want you to remember, this house is your pride, the yellow and black we wear is our armor, we wear it with pride and protect it with a pure heart."
"....let's get you cleaned up..." 
It was safe to say that the next day, all those who were involved in this act were sent to Professor Dumbledore's office and didn't bother her again. In his personal opinion, things had started to get a bit better after that, he had seen her intermingling with her year, making friends, and doing well in class. Laughing around with the rest of the lot. He had nodded how she'd avoid a lot of people- prominent faces- though he never said anything to that. As long as she wasn't causing trouble. A meek and mellow child she was, he says because as soon as she hit third year she DEMANDED to be put on the Quidditch team. It was at that moment he realized these spoiled brats could never be polite.
"Quidditch, Cedric- you know, flying on a broom and-"
"They don't just put you on the team."
"Okay, you ask them then."
"....I will repeat myself only once more-"
"Just tell me what I gotta do to become a keeper?"
"May I ask what has forced little old Y/N to barge into the boy dorms at midnight and demand such things?"
"Okay, first of all, you're the only one here. Everyone is out because it's new year's eve and you just stick around the school for me, which is very creepy. Do you not have a life?"
"I did ask you to come with me, my family wouldn't mind-"
"I have enough siblings, thank you."
"My god-"
"AND secondly, did you watch last season's match??? We lost to Slytherin AGAIN- WE LOST TO ALL THREE HOUSES!"
Wincing at the loudness, he shushed her, staring at her, sitting at the footstool below the window, facing him, wearing her expensive-looking pajamas. It was amusing how even though she was no longer in contact with her family, they would often send her expensive things- he believed they still cared for her but she brushed it off with an 'it's a take care of your pet while it's alive right now.' Nonetheless, he never brought it up afterward but had developed a more protective sibling-like bond with her- all because of Sprout.
"And you want to join because?"
"Because you said to accept the imperfections within the perfect- we need to become imperfectly perfect at the game."
"That makes no sense."
"Your words, not mine."
"...tryouts will be held next session, just ...apply okay?"
"You mean apply and get my uniform too? Understood."
He didn't argue with her, not because he believed in her, but because he was aware that he could not convince her otherwise. Once she had set her mind on something, she would be determined enough to get it- and just like that, the girl made the team's keeper and then the vice-captain. So, yes, he knew what she wanted this time, rather than whom she wanted, but he was not keen on her meddling with such affairs. Especially not Malfoy- it could've been anyone, ANYONE, and she had to reach for the forbidden green apple. Now, he had heard about her little adventures with the blonde, Sprout had explained how Malfoy had defended her, but Cedric had known people like Malfoy, he knew how easily they turned. How they could crush a little innocent puff's heart without a second thought. As much as he wanted to believe the Headmaster, he was somewhat sure that this was mere entertainment for the Slytherin Prince. Often boys play around with toys that are new and rare- she was no toy. She was rare as diamond and as precious as the pollen on the petals of sunflowers, but she was no toy to be thrown out once bored. If she was going to ask him for help-
"What?" She asked, staring at him utterly confused.
"No, I will not help you with Malfoy."
"I...I asked if you could pass me the ink pot."
"Oh." He gasped, cheeks burning at the thought of embarrassing himself. He had exposed himself and shown her his cards and he knew what was coming next.
"But speaking of" she placed the ink pot next to her papers, dipping the quill and leaving it there, "Malfoy~ I need to ask you something."
"So, he's been avoiding me for a while-"
"You mean ignoring you." He sighed, closing his book and looking at her, "I told you -"
"No. Avoiding. Like ....he's scared and...look I don't want to force anyone, but...I don't want to be left in the dark anymore Cedric. I'm tired of people deciding FOR ME." She pointed at herself rather than at him, "You and Sprout and the rest of the house mean more than anything to me but...I- with him, I mean- you guys, you guys are my home, my family, people who accept me for me-"
"And he does too?" Snapping at her he began to stuff his things in his bag, leaving her wondering why he was so upset, it's not like Malfoy was going to eat her- she just wanted to know the truth, why could no one understand that? So yes, she was going to confront Malfoy, whether Cedric would help her out or not.
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A/N: DO not fret, there will be more. Also, I've tagged everyone I could with this poor internet connection, if anyone is left, please tell me. I hope you all like it, thank you for taking out the time to read my mediocre stuff.
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highlordofkrypton · 5 months
courting the apocalypse // acotar x pacrim - chapter 3
Read on AO3.
chapter 3 - pan-pacific dead corpse program
Everything the PPDC touches dies.
Whether it’s their beloved rangers or the continents they’re sworn to guard, it’s only a matter of time—it’s only a matter of how. Either you die on the ground, crushed, burned or a thousand other helpless ways (and none of them of your choosing), or you die in Jaeger pretending that you had a semblance of control.
Feyre wants nothing to do with them, so she struggles against her bonds the entire way. She glares at her captors, debating how severe her punishment will be if she spat on one of them. She starts to hack up some spittle, glaring at that shining PPDC badge. It’s her target and she rarely misses.
The truck pulls to a halt before she can do anything, and she’s herded out of it with a graceless shove.
“Don’t touch me!” She snarls, but the soldiers are larger than she is, and she needs to tip her head upwards to meet his eyes. Not very effective when it comes to making an impact.
“Move,” the man counters.
“Hey! Hey, cool it, Okoro,” another PPDC officer holds his hand out to calm her guard. Feyre recognizes his clothes as a pilot’s jumpsuit. His silver hair is tied behind his head in a messy bun, half-squished from a helmet’s embrace. “She’s with me. Can you get the zipties off her? C’mon, those suck.”
When she’s freed, he seems to forget about the others and focuses on her.
“My name’s Andras. Please don’t run, all my friends are watching,” he pleads, apparently trying to make a joke. He holds his hand out to her, and Feyre stares at it. She has no interest in making friends with a PPDC crony.
“This looks a lot worse than it is. You’re really talented, and well, we need your help.”
“Too bad. How the hell do I get out of here?” Feyre has no interest in the kind facade. Anything to get her ass in a Jaeger, right?
Her answer comes in the form of large hanger doors thundering open. A small company approaches her, each person in uniform. On their shoulders and their lapels, a littring of badges gleam at her. Beside the obvious Vice-Marshall, Feyre’s gaze lands on a familiar face, and she openly rolls her eyes.
Great, just great.
“Miss Feyre Archeron,” greets Vice-Marshall Eris Vanserra. His smile is far too cunning and conniving for a government peon. He’d look better off as a Kaiju profiteer, the kind who uses real gold to furnish his Kaiju bunker. Then again, that’s the name of this game isn’t? The Pan-Pacific Defense Corps gives anyone a chance to be a hero, as long as they can pilot a jaeger.
Feyre says nothing, glaring at the woman beside him.
“Hello, sister. It’s about time you came around,” Nesta Archeron smiles at her youngest sister. It has been years since the two of them last saw one another; she’s a spitting image of Feyre, but the features of her face more refined and mature. Prettier, too, but in a severe way.
Feyre has always thought of herself as the ugly duckling in the family.
“Fuck you,” she snarls, but it does nothing to deter her sister or the Vice-Marshall. The red-haired commander simply cocks a slender brow in her direction.
What is up with these people, Feyre remarks bitterly. They look more like models than they do soldiers.
“As you know, it’s illegal to commandeer a Jaeger against PPDC sanction. I’ll save you the details of the law,” Vice-Marshall Vanserra waves his hand, uninterested in his own duty. “You have two options. You can serve your sentence at the wall—”
“The wall isn’t going to work.” It escapes her before she can help herself. Feyre has lived by the wall at her father’s decree. He thought it would be safe, but they couldn’t afford to live inland. The two of them have been struggling near the shore, where animals no longer tread, and where the Wall has yet to be completed. The safest places are the most expensive. With just the two of them, and his injury, Feyre has no choice but to take care of them. She refuses to spend the rest of her life fighting for a lost cause.
Vanserra laughs. “Or your can join our Academy. We need more rangers every day, and as you know, not anyone is deserving of the role. Major Archeron has created an expedited curriculum for you.”
“You left,” Feyre accuses. A lot of information is being thrown in her direction, so she latches onto the loudest thoughts in her mind, and the strongest emotions.
“What did you want me to do? Mother died. I wasn’t going to wait around for my turn.” So, she chose to fight.
“You abandoned us.”
“No, father did and you could have followed once you came of age, but you chose to stay. Actions and consequences,” she says smoothly.
Nesta’s unbothered expression makes Feyre angrier. It’s like she didn’t matter to her sister, as if she didn’t care what happened to her or their father—whether they starved or died, it’s no matter to Nesta because she got out.
“Feyre will be joining the PPDC program,” the Major tells her Vice-Marshall.
“The hell I am!”
“You’d rather the wall? Come on, Feyre. I saw the footage. You really don’t want to do that again? It’s in your blood. Nothing else will give you a high like that. Being in a Jaeger is standing on top of the world.” Nesta hands her a manila folder. “Obviously, you could use some improvement. Here are my notes. I can turn you into the best Jaeger pilot that’s come out of the Academy since the program’s inception.” The confidence radiating from her is palpable.
Nesta glances at Vice-Marshall Vanserra, catching the look he gives her.
“You don’t have much of a choice, Feyre. Come on, I’ll give you a tour. If you still hate it, you’re free to leave.” Nesta waits for no one, turning on her heel, and the small crowd of officers parts for her.
It takes a long moment to decide, but in the end, Feyre decides to take a chance on this insane idea. She jogs after Nesta through the massive hangar doors, and the first thing she notices are the hundreds of eyes on her.
I’ve made a mistake.
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Helluva hotel fanfic(what do you think I take constructive critisims)
Chapter 1:closing
Blitzo picks up the horse standee covered in gems that he had bought a while back and placed it atop a box with other things. Papers filled to the brim with really nothing of importance, mainly random horse drawings and the “research” he managed to recollect after it flew out the window. Millie.moxxie. And Stolas also helped him pack.
”Are you sure you want to give up on this?” Stolas asked. Moxie and Millie looked at blitz with sadness and grief in their eyes. While they hadn't been successful blitz had made a name for himself. They still lived in the low-class. Millie had to lie to her parents about how well freelance was going but nonetheless they enjoyed the adventures they had.
“I really appreciate you all helping, as much as I kid around about you being my family here, I mean it. I mean you all are the closest thing to a family I have so I really hope we all stay in touch. I also want to thank you Stolas especially since you don't really work at IMP unless you count supplying access” Blitz responds.
With happy tears in his eyes as Stolas gives a slight smile the 666 news channel comes on the tv with Charlie and Lucifer replacing the spaces and pushing away Katie killjoy and tom trench as they yell at them.
Charlie whispers a quick “sorry” before looking back at her dad. Lucifer begins hitting a stack of papers against the table while squinting through his glasses, mumbling trying to make out his chicken-scratch handwriting.
Charlie rips the papers out of his hand and throws them back. “ Me and my father have been talking and he originally wanted to force everyone-” Charlie says with a hint of anger and attitude.
Lucifer cuts her off and says “ But we decided that we won't force anyone, although I offered to do it as a form of punishment-”
“ Because we can't force people to redeem themselves they have to choose to and the hotel is to help not punish people, although he did pitch it to me like a parole office or being sentenced to rehab like on earth sense we don't have jail in hell”. Charlie looks at her father knowing he's probably about to cut her off again mainly because he gets too excited and blurts stuff out but he notices the look and keeps quiet while looking at his daughter. “ Anyway we’re getting off track. The main point is that white we are not forcing anyone to come, we highly encourage everyone to give redemption a shot and try to better themselves”.
“Isn't this basically free therapy?” Tom asked from the background right before the broadcast closed.
“Dang it, they're probably the reason we had to close, also why'd that woman sound so much like me?” Blitz asked.
Moxie replied “ Why are you blaming the business’s downfall on the princess again?”
“Because with all the sinners going there I bet no one cares about getting revenge on those who wronged them in the living world, they're too busy worrying about getting he redeemed” Blitz says in his usual all-caps screaming tone.
Stolas pointed a finger up and responded “ Uhmm I actually think her business isn't doing much better than yours although I don't think they actually charge people to stay there so if they're not even trying to profit I’m not sure if it’s still considered a business, it's been quite the topic of discussion recently”.
Blitz trying to find something to pin the blame of the businesses downfall on says “ I don't believe it! I sure they had something to do with us closing, were gonna go there and find out for ourselves”
“If that’s what you want, boss, we'd be happy to come along” Millie says.
“Millie can I talk to you for a moment, ya know in private” Moxie responds. Moxie and Millie head out to right outside the door. Blitz was listening in head against the wall, usually moxie would check but today everything was too hectic to do so.
“ We’re finally able to get away from Blitz, we can finally be alone. I think if we do this one thing with him we'd be stuck with him forever. Him constantly trying to get in on what we're doing” he told Millie. Blitz pupils became almost nothing in his eyes as they shrunk from listening in to what Moxxie had said.
“I love you Mox but, do you remember when we first met? The only thing you could think to talk about was yer best friend, blitz. I honestly thought you and him might have had something going on at first” Millie responded.
“I love you so much too Millie , you're what's important. I only thought he was meaningful in my life because I met him when I was in a tough spot but now that I know you I can see that he's not really of anything of importance” Moxie responded. Moxie then went back into the room with the rest of them. Millie although still seeming not Completely satisfied with the result of their conversation entered with him. Blitz backed away from the door right before they came through and continued packing up as though he heard nothing. Blitz pretended to be fine as he always did. Stolas couldn't hear what was going on I the other room however he could tell blitz wasn't taking it lightly. He wanted to comfort blitz but wasn't sure how especially after all that's happened. He nervously put his hand over blitz's hand trying to console him.
Blitz looked up at stolas smiling “ do you maybe want a hug?” stolas asked.
Blitz looked at his face and was riddled With guilt he immediately teared his hand away and held both of his own hands together nervously “ sorry I…”. Stolas interrupts “ no, no sorry I overstepped…again”. Blitz wanted to say something like “it's okay” but he wasn't sure the exact words. He couldn't hand the guilt. Him and stolas hadn't even talked after what happened. He didn't even know how stolas knew about them closing. He felt bad that even though he had gotten him hurt and then ghosted him he still showed up to help with such a simple task. Moxxie and millie saw them but didn't assume what was going om had anything to do with they Were talking about just another day them.
“Do you still want to go check out the hotel blitz?” Stolas asked.
“YEPPPP” blitz responds sounding super exited to cover up their previous conversation.
Millie with slight anger in her voice Said “I'm going with blitz and stolas you can come if you want moxxie”. Moxxie looks co fused with the sudden attitude but follows anyway
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jiminy-crickets · 3 months
Ok first I started watching an anime called simoun which is about these “priestesses” (aka war pilots) who are fighting against people who are trying to invade their country, and their aircraft (which are called simoun hense the name of the anime) is believed to be holy because they’re motors were dug up from the earth and no one really knows how the work and they’re super strong.
World building: everyone is born female and this lady (who I can’t remember the name of but is basically god) decreed that half the population must be male and half must be female (I’m not so sure they care about the exact percentage I doubt it’ll come up again), so everyone at age 17 must go to this lake where she lives and choose which gender they will be (I haven’t gotten that far but I’ve been told that other countries have to go through surgeries because they don’t have access to the lake so yeah). But there is an exception for priestesses who don’t have to choose until the decide to stop fighting in the war. So we’re primarily focusing on a queer cast that doesn’t what to be permanently a man or woman.
And in like episode three or something one of the priestesses decides to leave (possibly because of one of their comrades dying) and says something along the lines of I know I’m supposed to the male of female but what if I think both (ergo the lady in the lake chooses instead) and when they leave the lake he tells his friend that it will take time for their body to change and that basically nothing has changed and then they drop to their knees and screamed and it was devastating. If I was good at technology I would record a clip and post it here but then I’d also need the wherewithal to deal with terfs if it broke containment because I know some people would ignore that it’s about forcing queer people into a gender binary (which from my understanding is what this whole show is kind of about. I had to download it from someone because it’s not available anywhere)
okay that sounds AMAZING, the war machines that are otherworldly reminds me of Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (which was inspired by a diffent anime, but it is about mecha war machines piloted by boy/girl pairs, a male pilot, and a female concubine, and its dark as fuck, like Zetian becomes a concubine to avenge her sister who was killed by her pilot outside of battle so her (extremely poor) family didnt get compensation for her death. its a fucking amazing book, Zetian gets a reformed (ish) murderer boyfriend AND a twink scholar boyfriend, AND its full triangle poly, and Yizhi and Shimin are ADORABLE together and theres this scene where they are cooking and Yizhi and Shimin kiss and Zetian is just sitting in her wheelchair in the doorway like "🫵 cute boyfriends 🥰" i make it seem like a cute poly romance.... its NOT, its very much a killing people who cross you war book with a side of romance, and an A plot of overthrowing the corrupt government and making yourself the dictator.
BUT YES, omg im obsessed with this lake lady?!?!?!
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