#again I say this with love- Mabel did nothing wrong
banjopolishh · 3 days
Creatures in Heaven
“Ah, Fidds, could you turn that thing off!? I’m trying to sleep…” a gruff, sleep-deprived voice grumbled from across the dorm room.
“Oh my stars! I’m sorry, Ford!” Fiddleford exclaimed, rushing to the alarm clock and smacking it until it finally fell silent.
“Augh... It’s alright, sweetheart. Just had a long night with exams. How did you sleep?” Ford groaned as he slipped out of bed, clad only in boxers.
“I slept well, hun! Ohhh, look at you,” Fiddleford chuckled, “Looking good, Ford!” He crossed the room to his lover, pressing a kiss to Ford’s cheek and handing him a steaming cup of coffee.
“Oh, quiet, you.” Ford smirked, shaking his head as he took the cup. “Always flirting with me, hm?”
“I just love you, silly goose! Can’t help it that my boyfriend is the handsomest man in the galaxy!” Fiddleford beamed, turning to grab some fresh clothes. Stanford wrapped his arms around him from behind, pulling him into a warm embrace. “You don’t get to flatter me and then run off! Come here, you!” The two laughed as Ford spun Fiddleford around.
“Let me go! I have to get dressed, Ford!” Fiddleford laughed, wriggling to escape Stanford’s hold. “Alright, alright. Go ahead, honey. You’re free!” Ford released him, letting Fiddleford make a beeline for his closet.
“You just wanted me to stay half-naked, didn’t you?” Fiddleford joked, winking at the dark brunette. Ford rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide his smile.
The couple was deeply in love, having been together for about six months at the time, existing in perfect harmony.
That was 30 years ago. After college, Fiddleford’s family forced him to marry a woman, and they broke up.
Years later, Ford needed Fiddleford’s expertise to help with a portal he was building. Unfortunately, something went wrong with the portal, and Fiddleford was thrown into it, witnessing unspeakable horrors on the other side. Fiddleford begged Stanford to shut it down, but Stanford refused. Fiddleford abandoned the project, leaving Stanford and disappearing into obscurity.
As the years went by, Ford was haunted by regret. How could he have lost his first love?
As Fiddleford vanished, so did Ford, traveling across dimensions and realms. During his travels, he sought out alternate versions of Fiddleford, apologizing and expressing his love, but none were the Fiddleford he had lost.
“I’m sorry, but I ain’t your Fiddleford, Mister. I don’t understand why you did what you did, but I feel mighty sorry for him,” one alternate had told him, deepening Ford’s guilt.
One day, the portal was operational again, and Ford found himself back home. He began mending his relationship with his family, especially his brother, Stanley.
His great niece and nephew shared their paranormal adventures with him, and he listened intently, smiling as Dipper discussed his theories of the unknown.
To Ford’s surprise, Fiddleford’s name came up. The twins mentioned the robotic gobblewonker he had built earlier that summer.
“Excuse me, what did you just say?” Ford asked, his six fingers nervously tapping the table. “Fiddleford? Gobblewonker? You’ll need to be more specific, here” Mabel said, her face had confusion written all over it.
“Where is he?” Ford’s voice grew stern, laced with concern. The twins exchanged intrigued glances.
“Gravity Falls dump. Why?” Dipper asked, narrowing his eyes. “That’s not relevant… How is he?”
“Well, he’s kinda gone kookoo crazy! But Dipper and I helped him recover his memories after he lost them from getting a bit too trigger-happy with a memory gun!”
“I…” Ford’s voice faltered, “I need to be alone for a while. If you’ll excuse me.”
Ford headed downstairs to his lab, his mind racing. Fiddleford was alive, and he was at the dump. Ford had ruined this man’s life, and there was nothing he could do to make amends. He had to see him again, but when? He needed time to think and prepare.
Weeks later, a catastrophic event known as “Weirdmageddon” turned Gravity Falls into a nightmarish landscape.
Amidst the chaos, Ford decided it was time to visit Fiddleford in the dump.
Ford walked towards the dump, his heart racing with every step he took closer to his destination. Upon entering, he scanned the area, searching for Fiddleford’s makeshift “home.” “
Fiddleford?” he called out. “Fidd’s? Are you here?”
Suddenly, a loud rustling came from a small, broken shed constructed from discarded materials.
“Hm? Who’s there!? You’ll never take me alive, demons!” an elderly Fiddleford emerged from the clutter and rushed towards Stanford. He paused, eyes widening in disbelief. “H-Huh? Ford? What… what are you doing here?.. Have I finally gone mad?”
Both men’s eyes welled up with tears. The sight of his former lover, now frail and disheveled, broke Ford’s heart. “I’m here for you, Fidds. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to find you. You must hate me.” Ford began scanning the other man’s face, looking for any remnants of the once witty man.
Fiddleford tried to suppress his emotions, a bittersweet smile gracing his lips. “I’ve tried to forget, I really have. But I don’t think I realized just how much I miss you sometimes.” He chuckled softly, glancing down at the dirt beneath them. Ford’s heart ached as he saw the toll time had taken on the man he once loved.
“Oh! Sorry, got lost in thought!” Fiddleford said, breaking the heavy silence. “Come on in, have a seat! We’ve got a lot to talk about.”
Ford nodded and followed the now diminutive Fiddleford inside. As he did, he took in the horrid state of Fiddleford’s living conditions.
Fiddleford gestured for Ford to sit next to the fire. “So, what brings you to my neck of the woods, hm?” he asked with a smile, though his eyes betrayed a deep reservoir of emotion from the years they had been apart.
“I needed to see you. I’ve been thinking about you since the day you left,” Ford confessed with a sigh. “I tried to find you in everything I did and everywhere I went.”
Fiddleford’s eyes softened as he felt the same aching love he had in college. “I’ve wanted to apologize for so long, to reconnect…”
Fiddleford placed his hand over Ford’s, gently rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of Ford’s hand. “I forgive you, Stanford. You don’t need to worry,” he said, his voice tender and soothing. “I still love you. I’ve always loved you.”
Ford let out a muffled sob, grasping his lovers hand tightly, “I don’t understand why, I don’t.. I ruined your life, I destroyed everything you’ve ever worked for! I made your life an unending hell, and for that, I can’t ever be forgiven.” Ford looked into Fidd’s eyes, “I hurt the only one I’ve ever loved, I’m a monster, Fiddleford..”
“No you ain’t, darlin’. Ya made some terrible decisions in yer life..but you feel remorse. You’re here now apologizin’, bein’ honest with me..” Fidds wrapped Ford in a tight embrace, “That’s more than some folks do..I forgive ya, honey.”
Ford had never held Fiddleford so closely, so tightly, in his entire life. He finally had his soulmate back, and that’s all he could have ever hoped for.
The two later moved back in together after the events of weirdmageddon, and after Ford was done traveling the world with Stanley.
Their wedding is in 2 weeks.
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Creatures in Heaven received the most votes! So, here’s a FIC!!! it’s definitely my most lengthy one! I’m going to also be creating an ao3 tonight and going to upload some of my fics there as well! (I will be going under banjopolishh still!!)
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I think a really underrated character duo in gravity falls is Dipper and Stan. Like one, I think they are way more similar than people give them credit for. Like Dipper is definitely the one who feels like the ‘inferior’ twin (internally on his part), something reflected in Stan. Also Dipper is generally pretty cunning and willing to throw punches in a Stan-way, you can see Stan rubbing off on him as the show progresses. Dipper in the Stan costume, and that one scene where Stan and Dipper both cross their fingers at the same time for the same promise, both live in my head rent free. In my heart of hearts I think Dipper picks up a bit of Stans con-man tricks in the future (and Mabel goes on some bonding missions w/ Ford, but this post isn’t abt them). Also I just want to say I bet Dipper reminded Stan of a young Ford and that informed some of their early dynamic. Anyway bye just needed this brainworm out
#gravity falls#dipper pines#Stan pines#stanley pines#That one scene in Dreascapers where Stan talks abt how he sees himself in Dipper and that’s why he’s hard on him?#yeah#look the twins can obviously be put into their easy Mabel-Stan Dipper-Ford parallels#BUT I think it’s interesting to do it teh other way too#because Mabel and Ford are the weird twins of their pairs!!! they’re the outcasts who get picked on for being strange!#Also while I don’t think Mabel is Selfish (I love Mabel) she can be a little self-centered which is a good parallel to Ford who#is also kinda self centered#again I say this with love- Mabel did nothing wrong#similarly- Dipper can be mapped to the ‘Screw up twin’ (in his mind) the way Stan can#Dipper is a nerd but he’s not a super-genius like Ford was- so next to mabel he feels inferior#(I feel like he said something like this somewhere? the journal?)#anyway Stan is the same way#Also the way Dipper would fuck anyone up for hurting his family- even going as far to THREATEN bill in BOB#Tbf mabel does this too but it’s way less serious#anyway have this#gravity falls dipper#gravity falls stanley#wait I’m not over this actually#Mabel getting tricked by Bill pretending to be someone she trusted can be a Ford paralell actually#you know how bill sees himself in Ford despite the fact he’s WAYYY more like Stan??? that but mabel the opposite way. do you see the vision?#also the fact the two pines bill hates are Dipper and Stan. I win again#THE BILL-MABEL-FORD PARALELLE BUBBLE MIGHT NEED ITS OWN POST BC I HAVE THOUGHTS
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caruliaa · 1 year
omitb spoilerss but before the season 3 finale i want to say and get out there tht i think tobert is involved in the murder some way, i do think tht donna(or maybe cliff) was involved but i also think tobert is part of it either the murder itself or covering it up
#omtib spoilers#ALSO WHEN IT COMES OUT DONT TELL ME WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS UNTIL I WATCH ITT UHH#but i mean okay like unless im remebering wrong the biggest suspect he pointed out was jonathan which did end up#being a red herring in some way and like i mean like. he is suspicious !!#ik he said he doesnt want to do that again but i cant stop thinking abt the elephant thing. like he said himself tht like.#a documentry on it wld be huge. but idk maybe thats too close to what happened last season#but i feel like hes invloved somehow even if it was the producers roping him into covering up what happened#idk. the main reason ill be hoenst abt is that i dont rly like him. but like the thing is also tht i have kinda nothing to worry abt#bc every love interest theyve given mabel so far has been gone tht next season#which is good news for me bc it means regardless tobert will hopefully be gone lmao#tbh in terms of potential love interests she def has a lot of chemistry with theo tho i also if shes gonna get another love interest#i do want it to be another woman sorry . but i also like. the thing w theo is thts hes a recuring character#so a romance wld be something focused on more by the shows than the romances shown os far and i kinda dont want tht#idk if they cld keep the relationship low key enough to not overshadow like. the friendship thts the actual core of the show#anyway im so of track. r we even gonna get a season 4 god i hope we do#can the hollywood execs get over themselves nd meet SAG -AFTRAs demands before it leads to good shows like this one getting cancelled pleas#idek how likely tht is to happen i just looked it up and theres things saying the show might be delayed by the strikes but not cancelled#but im still worried for some reason lol. also abt abbot elementry. tht show deserves to go on a little bit too long#like every other sitcom out there okay !! not actually but i mean like. if it ends now ill be fucking pissed !!#anyway what as i saying. i think he did it but i just cant prove it.......#flappy rambles#omitb
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floppnopikka · 14 days
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He would call you nicknames like 'sweet cheeks' 'sugar pie' 'honey crackers' 'hot stuff'
When you ever feel like you're in your lowest moments this man doesn't know what to do to comfort you BUT he will try his very best to cheer you up. In the Book of Bill, his life has been in his lowest moments and there was no one to comfort him except for his mom, Jimmy Snakes (probably) and Stanford. Taking you to dinner (his treat ofc but only because he hates seeing you all depressed) go fishing and getting a free souvenir from his Mystery Shack.
This man is STRONG, never doubt his strength, he can punch, kick, and punch again. All his fats are his muscles so if you ever have anything heavy to carry just let him do it or if you got a sprained ankle because of your clumsiness, expect this man to insult you first before carrying you like you weigh nothing, ok he might struggle BUT JUST FOR A LITTLE BIT.
Needs constant reassurance, this man has always been looked down and stepped on in his whole life only for himself to stand up again without anyone's help. If you happen to get in a relationship with him, he will ask and look at you for support and words for him to keep going. He can get a bit dependent on you but not always, he knows how to stand up for himself after decades of insults from others and your praise may seem skeptical for him but knew better than to trust your words.
This man cannot read without his glasses, if you see him without his glasses and he's trying to read something on his news paper or watching TV, you can see him squinting his eyes in a verge of closing them.
If someone harasses you or talks bad about you, this man will definitely talk shit to someone and punch them so hard they will end up in the hospital.
He's prideful and won't back down to any teasing you call him (in a playful manner) but when it's serious moments, he'll have a hard time expressing his feelings because it always turns to anger or walking out but when he does something wrong, it'll take him a few minutes to apologize because he was never one to apologize or people would just ignore his apology.
Stanley isn't a fan of those cheesy romantic things like, giving flowers, chocolates, writing poems and stuff like that. Unless it's valentine's day or your birthday, he'll ask Mabel and Dipper for help on how to greet you, set you up with him. Just because he's not that type of man doesn't mean he's not showing his love and affection for you.
When you're not around, he would fr brag you to anyone 'Have you seen Y/N? well, bad luck for you buddy, you literally missed a sight for sore eyes. Which happens to be my significant other!' and then he would laugh at the child or 'Look here buddy, Y/N is someone who's very passionate on anything they do, I mean look at them! don't you feel the raging flames of passion they're putting there?' he pointed the direction where you stood and then it's just you arguing with a karen in the grocery store while he grins lazily as he sips his soda 'Yup, very passionate'
When you two got into an argument and didn't end well, he would stay up all night thinking about it, tossing and turning on the bed with a groan. He will apologize but it's messy because he doesn't know how or it's too hard for him to do say it. "Look, I made a mistake and I... I know what I did was wrong and I just wanna say..." long pause "...m'sorry..." in the most quiet yet audible apology you'll ever hear but if that didn't budge you he'll try even more "Ok! ok! I really... am! I'm sorry, ok? what I did to you was wrong, I'll give you space if you need it and... I'm sorry, again, really" but you can't stay mad at him for long so you forgive him in an instant.
Overall, a patient and understanding partner is what he needs perhaps someone who has the same ego as him would be fun, an adventurous partner would be his cup of coffee since he is the most wanted criminal in America, you two would be partners in crime >:)
A/N: hope y'all like it, might be ooc of Stanley Pines
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melrodrigo · 8 months
Pain Relief - Mabel
Mabel Black Label x Reader
Summary: Mabel gets back from an intense day at work, and seeks comfort from her girlfriend.
Word Count: 800+
A/N: I’m back babies
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Look, dating someone in the Boston crime gang was never on your bucket list. Sure, you’ve read your fair share of enemies to lovers mafia fan fiction, but you’d never expect it to actually happen.
You were always a good kid, steered away from drugs and sketchy stoners. But Mabel, Mabel.
She was the most beautiful girl you’d ever laid eyes on. Tan skin and messy hair, it was never an option not to fall in love with her.
But in your defense, Mabel was nothing like the rest of them. She was kind, the most thoughtful soul you know, and inspiring in all aspects of her life.
She was put in a tricky situation since childhood, but she always made the most out of it and always strived to get out.
You knew she could be cold. Some of her friends referred to her as “Mabel Black Label”, but her cut-throat personality disappeared whenever she was with you. It was like she turned into this nicer, more exciting, wondrous person. Or at least, that’s how she felt.
So, when she didn’t come to see you as she’d promised, you knew something was wrong.
She had mentioned earlier that she was doing a big deal that night, and that she was going to come get you for your date right after.
By the time she called you, a little after midnight that exact night, you’d practically jumped up at the sight of her name across your phone.
Anxiety stirred deep within you.
You bit your nail as you answered the phone.
“Hey babe…” Her voice exhaled, shaky like she’d just run a mile and immediately called you.
“Baby? Where have you been? Are you alright?” You breathed, question after question tumbling out before she even had the chance to answer.
“Don’t be mad…I’m at your house now.” She says, slurring her words slightly.
You’re up and striding toward your door before she can even finish her sentence, heart racing a hundred miles a minute.
“Why would I be mad? God, Mabel, I swear you had me-“ You stop abruptly, taking in the sight before you.
She’s standing somewhat bashfully, rocking on her heels, the right side of her face facing away from you. You furrow your eyebrows, sensing immediately that something’s terribly wrong.
You reach out to tilt her face so you can see all of it, and your mouth falls open at the sight. Her face is beaten. Spilt lip and everything, the bruises that look like they’ve just been formed are already turning a different color. You grab her by the wrist and immediately drag her into your home. Your annoyance disappears instantaneously as you take her in again.
It’s so purple, you can’t help but reach out to graze your fingertips against it as she winces quietly.
“Oh, baby.” You sigh, hooking a finger under her chin so she looks into your eyes. She can’t meet your gaze, eyes flitting between your couch and the lamp, things she suddenly finds very interesting.
You get up and feel her hold on your wrist tighten, signaling to not go. You reassure her you’re only going to get the first aid kit, and you’ll be back in a minute.
Mabel begrudgingly lets you go, looking so small and fragile sitting there.
“Look at me.” You tell her, sternly, when you get back. You take the cotton bud and apply some alcohol, gently dabbing it against a cut on her lip.
She hisses, unable to keep the pain at bay. You tut, telling her you’re almost done. You know she needs some tough love in moments like these- she was never the best at receiving affirmations.
“Whatever happened…” You start, biting your lip, trying to grasp the right words. Mabel looks at you intently.
“I’m sure you did your best. And it definitely wasn’t your fault.” You know the way she works, better than you know yourself, and she blames herself for this. If anything didn’t go her way, she’d always get like this. You’s always loved the perfectionist type, after all.
Mabel opens her mouth to speak for the first time in what feels like eternities.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t- couldn’t get here on time for the date.” She blubbers, tears spilling out of her eyes.
You hold her for a while before you chuckle lightly, and watch as she looks up in surprise, eyebrows raised.
“I could care less about our date. What I care about is that you’re alive.” You tell her, cupping the side of her face that isn’t bruised. Your other hand pressed against her chest, right where her heart is.
Her eyes soften, turning into those big brown puppy-like eyes you love so much. And you can feel it before she says it.
“I love you.” She says as she takes your lips in a fierce kiss, surprising but not at all unwelcome. You happily lean in, kissing her like she might disappear tomorrow.
You lose yourself in the moment, push against her a little too hard, and she winces.
“Shit, sorry.” You mumble sheepishly. She pecks you on the lips again before whispering huskily.
“You know…I heard kisses help with pain. I think you should help me out over here.” She points to her split lip, eyes suddenly twinkling.
The twinkle in your eye doesn’t fail to match hers.
“I suppose I could help out someone unwell…it’s the right thing to do anyway.” You say with a little nod, though neither of you is listening to what you’re saying at this point.
“Right.” She grins, grabbing you by the nape of your neck and into her arms.
Even like this, bruised and bloody, you’re proud to say, that Mabel Black Label, your girlfriend, never fails to charm the pants off of you.
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honorarysimp · 2 months
Chapter 1: Bite Me
series masterlist
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Mabel really, really, doesn’t want to be doing this right now.
There’s at least five other things she could be doing right now, but no, she’s doing the one thing she swore she’d never do again.
Is this rock bottom? It has to be.
Charlie, who’s sat in the passenger, has been prodding her with question after question since she told him she knows someone who might be able to help them.
It’s not that she’s dodging his questions per se, but she isn’t entirely sure how to answer them either.
They’re in deep shit right now, no thanks to her, and the predicament reminds Mabel just why she doesn’t stick her neck out for strangers anymore. Not that Charlie is exactly a stranger, she is sort of sleeping with him, and he is sort of her boyfriend.
But this? This is a bit much, even for her, which is why it puts a bitter taste in Mabel’s mouth knowing who she’s having to turn to for help.
In their defense, it’s not like the guys signed up to get a hundred thousand grand worth of heroin stolen from them. Tom had accused her of being the one who ratted them out, which wasn’t true, so she had to act fast.
Being a snitch around here can get you killed, rumors can get you killed.
There’s only one person who stood any chance to helping her put out this dumpster fire.
And when she pulls up in front of a house on the more secluded side of town, Mabel feels the ache in her chest at the familiar porch steps. That swing, the unkept bushes out front, even from where she’s parked the car on the road she can spot a few beer cans littering the wooden rail.
Seems like nothing has changed at all.
Her eyes snap to Charlie, who’s already looking at her, he’s probably been saying her name for a good minute now based on the confused and worried expression on his face.
He let his brother trash on her at the bar, even when he said he believed her, Mabel was righteously pissed at him for not standing up for her. But, that aside, she agree to let him come with her for this.
Charlie is a good guy, a great guy even. There’s something there without a doubt, and Mabel is fairly sure she could grow to be in love with him. She could be happy even, considering all the opportunity having him around will bring.
Is it wrong? Maybe. But Mabel promised herself she’d get out of this goddamn town, away from everything tainted and poisoned.
And for what it’s worth, she actually does like Charlie.
First, unfortunately for her, she’ll have to figure out how to get them out of something that was suppose to help them.
A hand on hers makes her snap out of her thoughts again, Charlie says her name again, softly. But she instinctively pulls away, because she can’t, not when that house sits just over his shoulder out the window behind him.
“Sorry, just uh… it’s a lot” is what she says, and he nods, trying to reassure her with his softly spoken words, but Mabel tunes them out.
She can’t help it, not when her eyes keep getting drawn to that paint chipped black door, and the familiar car parked in the open garage to the left of it.
Has it really been a year?
“Let’s just get this over with” Mabel mutters, cutting the engine and pushing the drivers side door open far too aggressively.
All she can hear as she walks along the path and up the porch steps is her own heartbeat slowly increasing, fidgeting with her fingers at her sides.
She doesn’t knock, she never did before and she won’t start now. Charlie splutters behind her, glancing around with wide eyes as if expecting law enforcement to roll up, Mabel doesn’t wait for him as she makes her way through the threshold.
It almost relieves her when she doesn’t smell that distinct linger of Mary Jane in the air, but Mabel steels herself, reminds herself what happens here isn’t her problem anymore.
Finally she pushes herself forward, wooden floorboards creaking under her boots as she makes her way deeper into the house that was once the closest thing to home Mabel ever had.
It hurts, how much she misses it here. The worn leather couch, the framed movie posters lining the walls, the tv stand she knows has drawers full of CD’s with a variety of film genres. A line of conch shells along the windowsill, those same windows that always stay cracked open to allow in the sound of ocean off in the distance.
And then she reaches the study.
There you are, back to her as you seem to be reorganizing the books on the shelf you face, even then Mabel knows you heard her walk in.
You don’t turn until she wraps her knuckle against the doorframe, hesitantly stepping into the study, it’s only then when she realizes Charlie had followed her inside. Stepping up next to her, his eyes on you with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.
When you do face her, it takes everything in her not to buckle, those eyes never fail to make her chest ache.
She fucking hates it.
“Hey sunshine” you say softly, as if you cherish the long lost nickname rolling off your tongue after so long.
“Lucky” Mabel says flatly, bitterly.
You smile, widely, almost charmingly. Mabel glares, unrelenting and jaw muscle twitching as she clenches her teeth.
Your gaze then goes to Charlie, but rather than any emotion Mabel assumes you’d express, you only look amused.
“Looks like you took my advice” you say as you look back to Mabel, who only feels bile start to work its way up her throat.
“That’s not funny, nor anywhere near true” Mabel deadpans, which makes you shrug, smile only growing as you slide the book in your hand back on to the shelf before turning to face them fully.
Charlie looks between you two, once and then again, “you two close?” he tries to gauge the dynamic as he shifts his weight from one foot to the next.
Mabel’s head tilts just slightly, rolling her eyes as her thumb comes up to scratch the space between her eyebrows.
“Use to be” you answer since she doesn’t, tucking your hands into your jean pockets “back in the day”.
Mabel is silent, jaw slightly offset as she runs her tongue along her teeth in her mouth, “Charlie can you give us a minute?” she says as her gaze lingers on you before dropping to the floor. Watching him from her peripheral over her shoulder.
Charlie laughs humorlessly, mouth quirking up only to fall the moment she turns her head to shoot him a look. He looks ready to protest, eyes flickering between the two of you before deflating slightly, sneakers squeaking against the wood as he begins to walk backwards.
The moment he’s out of the room, you trail after him, pausing at the door and then slowly pushing it until only a slight crack remains between it and the frame.
“What’ve you got yourself into now?” You ask as you turn to head back across the room, your shoulder brushing against hers as you pass.
On purpose? Absolutely.
“Now’s not the time to be grilling me” Mabel says flatly, crossing her arms as you move to sit back against the desk behind you, a sight that once use make her knees weak.
You hum, fingers curled around the edge of the desk as you lean your weight back against your palms “you wouldn’t have come here otherwise, am I wrong?”
“God, you really haven’t changed at all, still thinking that you know everything”.
“I think you forget just how well I do know you”.
“You don’t know me anymore-“
“And yet here you are” you say lowly, one corner of your mouth tugging up slightly as you add “it’s good to see you”.
Those words are like blowing dust off an old record, sat on a turntable, needle being rested down as the familiar melody begins to repeat itself again. A song Mabel has tried to forget the tune to, but with you, it’s her guilty pleasure.
A lapse of silence falls between the two of you, and as much as the words taste like battery acid coming out of her mouth, Mabel says them anyways.
You are, after all, the only person she fully trusts in a hundred mile radius. Even after everything.
“I need your help”.
You tense slightly, because of course you wouldn’t tease her for this, why would you? Mabel asking for help is the equivalent of watching pigs fly.
“Fuck Mabel, what’ve you gotten yourself into?”
Mabel clenches her jaw, looking away from you, wondering exactly how she was going to not only break this to you. But also how she was going to convince you to help once you knew the extent of the current predicament.
“Listen, I was just trying to help the guys and I understand being desperate for cash, and Charlie thought-“
You push off the desk, standing up straight which has Mabel’s eyes going back to you. You’re looking at her like you already know, and she’d be more surprised if you didn’t.
“It’s Weeks” she whispers, shifting her weight nervously before forcing her head up high, feigning a collected aura.
“We owe him a hundred thousand for losing a delivery”.
And then there it is, that familiar look of irritation, “goddamn it Mabel- it’s like what I did meant nothing to you? Unfuckingbelivable-“
You walk right past her, ripping the door to your study open, wood groaning under your quick steps.
Mabel is right behind you, not even sparing Charlie a glance as you both pass where he’s stood in the living room, pretending to keep himself busy until the loud burst of voices pulls his attention.
“Don’t you fucking start with me, I never asked you to do that, and the fact you still hold it against me-“
“-that isn’t what I hold against you and you know it-“
“-you shouldn’t hold anything against me considering the bullshit YOU pulled-“
The screen door cracks against the frame as you shove through the front door of the house, Mabel catches it mid bounce and slips through after you. It smacks the frame again, Charlie not being as smooth as he tries to keep up with you both.
“For the millionth time, I was honest with you from the start, are we seriously going to have this fucking conversation now-“
“-you’re the one who caught a goddamn attitude with me, when I was trying to be reasonable-“
You laugh humorlessly, shooting her a look of disbelief over your shoulder as you opt out the stairs of the porch, slipping over the railing off to the side instead. “You? Reasonable? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.”
Mabel is quick to go around, catching up with you just as you reach the garage, rounding the vehicle just as you tug the passenger side door open “you keep fucking talk to me like that I’ll shove my foot so far up your ass-“
“Yo! Where are we going?” Charlie calls as he finally catches up, rounding the house and standing at the open of the garage, hands cupped around his mouth to get both your attention.
“Not you pretty boy-“ you point a finger at him, your other hand still gripping the top of the door of the vehicle, Mabel scoffs and smacks your arm hard before digging into her jacket pocket for her keys.
“Go to home, I’ll have Lucky drop me off after” Mabel says as she tosses the keys to Charlie, he fumbles them slightly, looking between them in his hand and the two of you just as Mabel slips into the car.
“Not. You. Go home” you say warningly, a look in your eyes that leaves no room for argument as you give the passenger door a shove to shut it behind her.
He steps in front of you as you round the hood, eyes hard and chest puffed, he’s got a good foot on you but even then you just gaze up at him with a subtle smug expression.
“I’m not a child, and that’s my girlfriend you’re taking off with, I’m coming-“
“Your girlfriend?” You say with a laugh, which only makes the muscle in his jaw twitch as he clenches his teeth. You look through the windshield at Mabel who’s actively trying to act like she can’t see this confrontation happening.
“She’s came to me, so I can help you clean up your fucking mess, do me a favor and don’t make this worse than you already have” you say as you casually reach forward to give his chest a firm pat, pushing him out of your way as you head for the driver side door.
“Which you’re welcome for, by the way. Don’t worry yourself too much, I’ll have her home by her curfew” you say as you shoot him a wink, tugging the door open and dropping into the driver seat.
He takes a few steps back and out of the way as you start up the engine, the rumble coming from it loud from the confined space of the garage.
Mabel keeps her eyes out the passenger window, looking at nothing specific, arms crossed and stubborn grimace etched into her sharp features.
“Do you want him to come?”
A pause of silence, her shoulders tensing just slightly, “just go”.
You don’t offer another word, shifting the car into gear and slamming the gas. The tires screech as you cut the steering, pulling on to the road and fishtailing the back wheels as you speed down the road.
It’s quiet for a solid three minutes, it’s a bit strange, the both of you being back here. Where it all started.
“Fill me in so I know what I’m working with” you say as you slowly release your death grip on the wheel, the white in your knuckles easing as you flex your fingers.
Mabel takes a deep breath in, propping her elbow up on the car door and pinching the bridge of her nose.
But she does fill you in, briefly explaining to you how she’d met Charlie and then found out they needed quick cash to get their fishing vessel ‘Finestkind’ back from the coast guard, fishing illegally in Canadian waters or something.
They needed money, she put them in contact with Weeks and he gave them a job, a job that was a bust. Considering they got jumped and robbed of all the product.
“I’m surprised he didn’t tell you” Mabel says after a lapse of silence, you hum and chew the inside of your cheek.
“Yeah, well, he knows better by now not to mention anything to me involving you” you say bluntly, twisting your neck side to side and easing at the satisfying pops.
That makes her scoff, keeping her gaze out the window “committing arson to get laid definitely wasn’t your best moment”.
“Says a lot more about you for sleeping with me than it says about my pyromaniac tendencies” you say pointedly, which begins to pull a genuine laugh out of Mabel. But she’s quick to cover it, opting to shoot you a glare and swinging her arm out to hit your chest.
You bat her hand away, and then your eyes lock, the both of you clearly fighting back a smile.
“Please fucking pay attention to the road, before you get us killed” Mabel deadpans, looking between you and the windshield as she gestures towards it.
You roll your eyes, shaking your head but doing as she asks as, muttering a “bite me” under your breath.
“I can’t guarantee he’ll listen”.
You push the passenger door shut as she slips out of it, both of your gazes on the familiar building ahead.
“No, but you’re the only person he’ll hear out”.
The Supreme Donut shop, for reasons you still don’t know, is his stomping ground. The donuts aren’t even that good, but who are you to speak on it.
As the two of you approach, you open the door for her and follow her in. The donut shop is a cliché, but it’s nice. Red booth chairs and white tables, wide windows for all the natural light you could ever need, tile floors and the smell of freshly brewed coffee lingering in the air. You step around Mabel just as you spot Marky and Weeks sitting across from each other eating. Their usual table, you aren’t surprised. Talking quietly to one another, but when they see you they regard you with familiarity.
“We’ve been trying to call you, where you been?” Weeks begins, but when he spots Mabel as she steps around from behind you, the sight of you two side by side pulls a laugh of disbelief from him.
“Did hell freeze over? Or did Marky slip something into my coffee” Weeks jokes, dusting the crumbs off his hands as he glances to his older brother, who’s quiet but has a gleam of amusement in his eyes.
“We came to talk to you about the shipment her people went out to grab” you say smoothly, tucking your hands into your jean pockets as you roll back on to your heels.
His eyes go from you to Mabel, a hum of acknowledgement as he leans back into his seat, rubbing the gruff of his chin before pointing at her “we was about to come have a nice chat with you, your ears must’ve been burning”.
“The crew got robbed by fake cops, Tom got his ass kicked by these guys” Mabel starts to explain, “all I’m asking is you hear them out before doing anything that could get someone hurt-“
“Of course I’ll take your word for it. After being such a help for me? But that doesn’t exempt the guys from being reckless with my product” Weeks says as he weaves his fingers together and rests him on his stomach, eyes lacking remorse as he props his feet up in the chair in front of him.
“C’mon Weeks, be fucking for real for a second” you say as you pull the chair out from under his feet, his eyes snap to you as you sit down in it.
“You of all people understand needing money to take care of your people, we all do, they can’t help it they got mugged. Give them a chance to work the shit out before you go killing people” you say quietly, holding his gaze with your own serious yet convincing one.
He stares unwaveringly at first, he and Marky exchanging a look before he takes a deep breath, chest deflating as his eyes return to yours.
“Alright, but if these jokers fuck me over, it’s your head on a platter” Weeks says as he locks his eyes with yours, without looking away he gestures to Mabel behind you.
“Hers too, and this time there is no forgiving or forgetting, no matter who you are to me or what all you’ve done for me”.
You hold your ground, neither of you looking away from each other. But then Mabel is muttering your name under her breath behind you, and your clenched jaw relaxes slightly.
“Thanks for your cooperation” you say as you give his leg a sharp pat, standing and beginning to walk away.
“I think I miss you two being together, you were always so much more tolerable when your bitch had you on a leash”.
It should’ve been expected, he always enjoys getting a rile out of you, which is why he doesn’t flinch when you spin on your heel to face him again.
“Don’t push it, Lucky”, but then Mabel is in front of you, hands on your chest and pushing you towards the door.
“Go. OUT”.
You hold his malicious gaze until she’s got you out the door, swatting her hands away as you beeline for your car.
“Hey, hey! Stop!”
“You got what you want, alright?! So don’t try and act like you give a shit” you snap as you wheel on her, but as always she’s matching you with an unwavering intensity.
Mabel steps forward, her gaze locked to yours, her entire body is tense and her face stoic.
“Stop acting so cold to me.”
“You’re one to talk” you hiss through your teeth, your gaze going back to the building you’d just walked out of, heart pounding unnecessarily fast in your chest. Not out of anger towards her, but out of something you won’t name: fear.
Mabel lets out a frustrated sigh, her shoulders visibly rising and falling, something is different about her reaction to your harsh demeanor. She’s normally snarky and cold right back but now she just seems… conflicted.
“It’s different with you and you know it, don’t try and pull that bullshit on me.”
You clench your teeth, still glaring at the building as if you have a personal vendetta with those walls rather than the individuals within you’d both just confronted.
“You don’t have the right to say that anymore” you mutter under your breath, forcing your eyes to hers, the unspoken year apart between you suddenly becomes loud.
Mabel’s body tenses once more, her jaw set and her eyes are a mixture of hurt and anger. Everything changes in the tone of her voice, going from snappy and annoyed to tired.
“Don’t make this about that. That- that was months ago.” Her voice is shaky but stern, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides.
It’s not a wonder why this conversation is suddenly diverting towards digging up the past, every single one you two have always seems to lead to it.
Probably because so much of it was left unanswered and unfinished.
You cover the emotions her words bring with a hard expression, eyes sharp as you turn away from her to walk towards the car again.
“Then you’ll be fine when I drop you off at your new pretty and rich boyfriend’s place”.
Mabel’s expression falters further at your words, her body tensing even more, face falling as you turn your back to her and start walking.
“He’s not my boyfri-“ Mabel can’t even finish that sentence as she begins to speed walk next to you, trying to get you to stop as a mixture of anger and… something else start to bubble deep in her chest.
“He’s under the impression he is” you say as you grab the car door, unlocking it and pulling it open, refusing to look at her.
Mabel follows you to the car but she doesn’t get inside, she grabs the window frame to block you from doing so, trying to get you to look at her “stop acting like you care who I’m dating.”
“You know damn fucking well I do” you hiss, shoving the car door shut, yanking it free from her grasp in effect as you fully turn to face her, “and don’t pull that bullshit on me considering you came to me for help”.
“You say that but then you give me the silent treatment every time you see me around town, it’s childish” Mabel retorts, getting in your face, her breath coming out as shaky, and her teeth clenched.
“And don’t even try to pull that bullshit card. You know I couldn’t have not come to you for help”.
“Well you’re clear now, have your boy to get his fucking shit together because Weeks won’t give him weeks to make up for what he lost” you tell her sternly, chest rising and falling from your short cut breaths.
Mabel rolls her eyes, feeling like this conversation is clearly going nowhere. She steps closer, leaning into your personal space, her hands curling into tight fists at her sides.
“Stop being a prick and stop acting like you know what’s good for me. I asked for your help, what I didn’t ask for was your input on my relationship”.
“I do know what’s good for you, that’s exactly why I told you months ago that you needed a rich daddy’s boy since I’m clearly only what you need when you need it” you say lowly, eyes hard and full of unspoken emotion.
Tension fills the little space between the two of you, a chemistry you both use to bask in, but now it’s only suffocating.
Your words sting with a truth that Mabel can’t deny. And it only makes the mixture of anger and sadness bubbling in her chest all the more intense. She feels like drowning, a feeling that’s only reserved for you, or maybe she never got over it. Mabel’s jaw clenches once more and her eyes are full of fire as she stares back at you.
“You always have something to say, don’t you? You don’t get to just give me fucking financial advice and then judge my goddamn relationship months after we broke up”.
“So you are only dating him for what he’s offering” you laugh, shaking your head as you round the car, heading for the passenger side.
Mabel’s face falls, and a pang of guilt runs through her. Why is that your first thought?
Mabel scoffs, following behind you.
“No! It’s not like that, it’s more complicated than that.”
You say nothing, holding her gaze as you open the passenger door for her. So many unspoken things linger in the air, you both know each other far too well, two sides of a coin you use to say.
Too similar, too different, too hot-headed, too compatible.
Your eyes cut to the car, then back to her, indicating she get in.
Mabel stays quiet and just stares back at you for moment. She can practically see the thoughts working through your head. You two always have been a mirrored image, and Mabel hates it because it makes it easy for you both to read one another.
It’s why you worked, and why you didn’t.
Mabel wants to say something, but a voice in the back of her head tells her to just get in the car, this is a fight she won’t win today.
Not that she can blame you, it’s not like you know the full extent of the truth behind what happened back then.
For now at least, considering how bad things are looking right now, it may only be a matter of time. You are helping her after all, she isn’t sure if you’ll hate her more or less if you were to find out the truth.
Mabel finally relents, getting into the passenger seat of the car, and as always you close the door behind her.
You truly shouldn’t be doing this for her, Mabel should’ve just dealt with the consequences, this is her mess.
Somewhere, deep within the confines of her chest cavity where her heart beats under the cage of bones surrounding it, she knows the truth.
To her you were a compass, a guide and martyr, her salvation that kept her grounded.
But Jesus fucking Christ, now you’re the biggest pain in her ass.
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lucisfavoritedemon · 15 days
Straight to the Heart
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Summary: What if Mabel put the Love potion on the wrong fries, leading her and Wendy on a quest to find Love God after the festival, some bonding between Dipper and Stan, and an unexpected love story.
Loosely based on this request from @thebestusernamepossible: Mabel adventure, with anyone, I just like Mabel and think she deserves to star in a mission. Maybe some Stan and Dipper bonding, they are my fave underrated duo.
Warnings: Fluff, unexpected romance, self-conscious thoughts, mild angst.
A/N: This took me a while to figure out what to write about, then I watched the Love God Episode and I couldn’t resist. Also this is the first time I’ve attempted writing something like this. So, I hope you enjoy 🙂
Mabel didn’t mean for it to happen, caught in the moment of trying to set up Robbie and Tambry; she didn’t pay attention to whose fries she sprinkled the love potion over. It wasn’t until the cook bagged up the order and walked over and handed them to none other than Y/n. Mabel ran to try to stop her, but Y/n was insistent that she get back to the shack.
Mabel rushed out and followed her. Mabel only hoped those fries were just for Y/n and she could keep her in her room until the potion wears off. Mabel watched from outside the window hoping and waiting.
“Stan! I’m back with your lunch!” Y/n yelled, setting the bag on the counter.
This was Mabel’s chance, but before she could try to climb through the window, Stan walked in and took the fries out of the bag, and opened them, “Ugh, did you let Mabel touch my food again?” Stan groaned out.
“Of course not, why do you ask?” Y/n walked back in after she had put her stuff away.
“My fries have glitter on them.”
“You want me to take them back?”
“No, no, it’s fine.” Stan stated and ate a fry. 
He looked at Y/n and suddenly felt something new, new and exciting. She suddenly looked so beautiful, more beautiful than he already thought she was. She started working for him many years ago when she moved to Gravity Falls after dropping out of college. He thought she was the perfect business partner, but nothing further developed between them. Stan secretly always had feelings for her, but not to this extent. He didn’t know how long he had been staring, but he soon realized she was giving him a concerned look.
“Everything okay Stan? Do the fries not taste good?” Y/n voice sounded worried and concerned. He wanted to say they were delicious, but her just standing there took every word from his brain from coming out in words.
“Perfect. I go now.” Was all he could get out as he took the rest of his food and bolted to the TV room. He thought he was safe to process what was going on.
Mabel, having watched this whole scene unfold, knew she had to undo what she did. She liked the fact that her Grunkle Stan was finally acting vulnerable, but this isn’t how she wanted him to confess his feelings for Y/n. She took off and went to find Wendy to help her find Love God and get the reversal potion.
Meanwhile, as Stan sits at the Game table in the TV room, Dipper walks in hearing his Grunkle talking to himself.
“Stan, you okay?”
“Dipper!” Stan sounded caught off guard, but also relieved, “you gotta help me!”
“Woah Grunkle Stan, what’s going on?”
“Something is happening to me. I was sitting in the kitchen eating the lunch I asked Y/n to get me, and suddenly, I took a bite, and looked at her, and she was standing there looking so beautiful. You’ve been in love with someone unattainable, right? You gotta know how to help me!”
Dipper rolled his eyes at Stan’s last comment, “look Grunkle Stan, maybe you finally realized that you have feelings for Y/N? It can come on suddenly.”
“Look, okay, I have sort of always had a thing for her, but I don’t what about today made her look so different.”
“Maybe your brain is telling you that maybe it’s time for you to tell her how you feel?”
“I-I don’t know. She’s just so…perfect. There is no way someone like her could be into a guy like me.”
“You never know. Why don’t I help you? I can help you come up with a romantic way to ask her on a date.”
“Y-you’d really do that for me kiddo?”
Dipper smiles and nods. Stan smiles back ready for whatever Dipper may have in store.
Mabel and Wendy meet at Wendy’s house to try to come up with a plan to find the Love God and reverse the spell.
“Look Mabel, is it really such a bad thing that Stan and Y/n become a thing?” Wendy asked.
“No, but I had a whole plan for that. They both have true feelings about each other. This throws off my whole plan. We have to reverse it. That and Stan was the only one that got the love potion.”
“Okay, so what’s the plan?”
“We have to find Love God, get the reversal and give it to Stan before something bad happens.”
“What could possibly happen?”
“She doesn’t return his feelings, he doesn’t eat, he doesn’t sleep. A lot of things Wendy!” Mabel yelled in panic.
“Woah, woah, it’s okay. We’ll figure it out. Don’t worry.” Wendy stated putting her hand on Mabel’s shoulder.
They devised a plan on how to get backstage to find Love God and to get his anti-love potion. Some of it fighting/punching Love God in the face knocking him unconscious, that bit being Wendy’s plan, but mostly sneaking around, and staying hidden to sneak the anti-love potion away from Love God.
“Okay Grunkle Stan, since you and Soos already planned on being at the Woodstick Festival, maybe you should ask her to go with you?” Dipper spoke to Stan as he got him changed into a nice new suit and tie.
“I-I don’t know kid. How do you know she is even interested?” Stan questioned.
“Just trust me Grunkle Stan. I’ll be there the whole time to help you if you need it. I promise.”
Stan let out a sigh and nodded, “okay kiddo, I’ll ask her, as long as you promise to step in and help me if my brain starts to do the thing it does where I just say whatever comes to it. Unless it’s a nice thing that is.”
“I promise. Now get out there and ask her on a date.” Dipper smiles and shoves his uncle out of the room to go find Y/n.
“H-hey Y/n…” Stan speaks up once he finds you in the living room watching TV.
She smiles at him, “oh hey Stan, you look nice today.” Her eyes check out his new suit and tie.
“Th-thank you. It’s new. Dipper picked it out for me,” Stan spoke nervously.
“It looks good. Kid did a very nice job. It suits you well.”
“Y/n, y-you know I was wondering if…I don’t know if you had plans tonight, but…um Soos and I are going to the Woodstick Festival…if you wanted to come with.”
She smiles fondly at him, “absolutely. I’d love to. Though, I didn’t think you liked the Woodstick Festival?”
“I don’t. Soos suggested I try to appeal to the young generation, saying I’m chasing away potential customers.”
“That’s a very good point.”
“So, you’re going with me?” Stan sort of smiled.
She smiled and nodded, “absolutely.”
“It’s a date then.” Stan chuckled then stopped once he realized what he said.
“It’s a date.” She smiled back.
After a few hours of getting ready for her date with Stan, they head off to the festival. Stan leaves Soos and Dipper to sew up the hot air balloon Stan planned, while he takes Y/n to a spot on the hill to watch the concert. He set up a little picnic for themselves and laid down a blanket. The night was looking perfect.
“I’m really happy you said yes to letting me take you on a date.” Stan stated as they sat down.
“Thank you for asking me to come. I always sort of liked you, Stan Pines. I was starting to wonder if you felt the same way about me.”
“I always have, but I never knew how to ask you. This afternoon though, it was like it was the easiest thing to realise and admit how I felt about you. Easier than anything I have ever done before.” Stan admitted.
Y/n smiles at him happily, “I’m glad it was.”
Stan smiled and pulled her close as they sat and watched the crowd below. Neither really paying attention to the music, but more paying attention to each other and the calm silence that fell between them. It was the easiest thing they had ever done was being here in the moment with one another. It was hard to focus on anything else.
Mabel and Wendy snuck into the festival. They had managed to get backstage and waited for the perfect moment to strike to steal the potion from Love God.
“Sound Check for Love God.” A stage manager came out and yelled at the van that he was in.
Love God came out and had his groupies mess his hair up before they all went backstage for the sound check. Mabel found her chance to hop in the back of the van where Love God left his belt of love potions laying around.
“Let’s see, summer love, puppy love, interspecies love, love of country music, ew. Ah ha! Anti-love, just spray on your victims and watch their heart die on the inside.” Mabel exclaimed in joy.
“Awesome, let's go find Y/n and Stan and spray them!” Wendy smiled from the side.
“Not so fast! So, you’re the person who has been stealing my potions,” Love God appeared out of nowhere, “I warned you kid, but you didn’t listen. Hey where you’d go.” He looked and realized Mabel and Wendy were running away from him.
He chased after them trying to get the potion back from them. They weaved in and out of the crowds. Love God even flew above them to try to catch them off guard, but with no luck. He finally had to do something that may throw one of them off guard, and that was visions of heartbreaks past. This affected Mabel more than Wendy, causing Mabel to give up the potion and it landing back in Love God’s hands.
“I’ll be right back toots, I’m gonna check on Soos and Dipper to see how the balloon is coming.” Stan smiled as he stood up.
Stan walked over to Soos and who were on the other side of the fence and asked how everything was going. He critiqued them on a few things, but the balloon was ready to lift into the air. Unfortunately, as the balloon lifted into the air, two letters ripped from the balloon, making the horrifying Stan balloon say ‘I EAT KIDS’ instead of ‘I HEART KIDS’.
Crowds were running and screaming from the monstrous balloon that now had caught fire. Stan, Soos, and Dipper ran off to follow where it was going. Y/n got up and ran after them, running at their heels. The balloon then settled down right on top of Love God, making him let go of the Anti-Love potion which he had finally let go of.
Once the excitement of the event settled, and the fire was put out, everyone turned and saw Stan and ran screaming and yelling, “he’s gonna eat us!” Y/n giggled at the remarks from everyone. After all the years of running away and secluding the business that could come from the festival, Stan was probably better off than trying to please the younger generation.
“Being loved by the youth is overrated, being feared, no that’s priceless.” Stan stated wrapping an arm around Y/n and patting Soos’s shoulder.
“I couldn’t agree more. You were probably better off steering clear rather than appeasing the youth anyways, but it made a pretty good first date story.” Y/n giggled, teasing him.
“F-first date? M-meaning you want more? With me?” Stan asked her in shock.
“Yeah, I’d love to go on another date with you, many more dates actually.” She smiled.
Stan couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with happiness, he had no idea how it came to be, or what possessed him to even talk to Dipper about it, and get encouraged to ask her on a date, but he was happy he did.
“Y-you know, I wanted to ask you out for a while now, but I know the chaos of everything and running the shack with me, no time was really a good time, plus I never really knew how to tell you till today. I don’t know what you did to my fries, but whatever it was,” he grabbed Y/n by the hands, “I’m glad you did it because I would never have never gained enough courage to ask you out myself.”
Y/n smiles and kisses his cheek, “whatever stars aligned in our favor today Stan, I’m glad they did. You’ve always made me feel so special, but tonight has topped everything.”
Mabel watched their exchange unfold, and looked at the bottle. She couldn’t bring herself to spray them. They were happy and that’s all that mattered. Her Grunkle Stan finally had someone who could make him happy, and she was happy that person was Y/n. She did a lot for her uncle, and couldn’t ask for him to fall in love with anyone else.
“Having second thoughts there bud?” Wendy knelt down and whispered.
“They seem so happy, yeah it didn’t happen in the way I had planned, but maybe Grukle Stan is right, he would have never gotten the courage to ask her alone. Maybe he did need a push in the right direction. I can’t mess with the fate of their love Wendy.”
Wendy nods in response.
Stan turns to Dipper, “hey kiddo, thanks for the help. Without you, I may not have gotten that extra umph I needed to really ask Y/n out. You really helped me kiddo. You’re a true man Dipper.”
Dipper smiled at his uncle's praise, “thanks Grunkle Stan.”
The rest of the night the six of them sat and watched the concert happily as can be. It was the happiest any of them had been in a long time, and they all hoped that it would last a lifetime.
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inamindfarfaraway · 11 months
The Morality of Mabel and Dipper Pines
Warning: Dipper Levels of Overanalysis Ahead
I’d like to make it clear at the start that I love both of these characters equally and they’re both good people, just in different ways. But I’ve seen a lot of criticism of Mabel’s flaws and less of Dipper’s, so I’d like to contribute to the discussion of their respective characters by exploring a divide between them I haven’t seen talked about much.
Mabel really wants to be a moral person. She places a lot of intrinsic worth in the concepts of ethics, like kindness and fairness and the wellbeing of others. Being a bad person could be considered her worst fear. It’s definitely up there with her other greatest fears of losing her relationship with Dipper and the inevitability of change, and those fears developed later largely in response to Ford and the baggage he brought with him.
Dipper just doesn’t care about that as much. That isn’t to say he’s a bad person! He's compassionate, selfless, brave and unquestionably heroic by the end of the show. They both are. But it sticks out to me how differently they think about ethics. For example, Dipper literally kills Wax Sherlock Holmes, while Mabel is so averse to hurting someone’s feelings that she can’t bear to break out of a false, one-sided relationship with Gideon until Dipper's life is at stake. You see what I’m getting at here? But I have more evidence! Buckle up, this is gonna get long.
Compare how they treat their rivals, Pacifica and Robbie. These are ordinary humans with no real authority over them who, age and class gaps aside, they're basically on even footing with in confrontations, so this is a good metric for how aggressive they are when upset and how much they hold grudges in mundane situations.
In “Irrational Treasure”, Mabel is deeply hurt by Pacifica’s mockery to the point of giving up her silly identity, and sets out to prove her wrong that she can be competent. But at the end, when presented with the opportunity to destroy the Northwest family’s fake prestigious legacy that they use to justify putting others down, she declares, “I’ve got nothing to prove” and lets it go. She’s secure in herself. Her motivation is satisfied. Why bother putting more pain and strife into the world? It’s Dipper, who has been only been hurt by proximity to Mabel, who insists on exposing the truth specifically to spite Pacifica and takes away that “Man, revenge is underrated. That felt awesome!” Revenge is arguably a form of justice, especially in this sense of revealing an unfair lie, but still, he takes great pleasure in bringing an enemy down for the sake of it, not to fix the damage they did.
In “Fight Fighters”, Dipper’s vindictive streak returns. He manipulates the ridiculously powerful Rumble McSkirmish into brutally beating up Robbie on the fraudulent charge of murder, threatening Robbie’s life. He didn’t realize Rumble would try to kill Robbie, but he was fine with him severely injuring him. Rumble is a fighting game character, a superpowered master martial artist. Robbie is a normal fifteen-year-old. This is not a sportsmanlike matchup. By the end Dipper learns his lesson and takes responsibility, but so does Mabel about hurting people to try to have a perfect life and people still complain about that!
In “The Golf War”, Mabel is again the twin with a bone to pick with Pacifica, but Dipper takes her rivalry more seriously than her and is more willing to be mean about it. He encourages her to cheat when she doesn’t want to, justifying it because Pacifica is “cheating at life”. Understandable, but still underhanded. While Mabel bonds and buries the hatchet with her rival by the end, outright declaring their rivalry to be stupid, Dipper holds onto it, refusing to forgive Pacifica at all. He disapproves of Mabel's offer to give her a ride home afterward, despite the pouring rain and her absent parents. He still wholeheartedly considers her “the worst” and tells her so to her face at the beginning of “Northwest Mansion Mystery”, even though he saw her and Mabel help each other in their fight against the Lilliputtians and Pacifica thank Mabel and accept her apology.
In “The Love God”, Mabel’s compassion is on full display. She makes it apparent that she wants everyone she knows to be happy, to the point of making a chart to show her friends’ feelings with stickers, and goes out of her way to help Robbie just because she doesn’t think any human being should be so lonely and sad. Dipper initially has no sympathy for Robbie’s misery and sees the twins and his old friends leaving him to rot as a good thing.
Dipper is more emotionally invested in hating people and willing to play dirty. Mabel prefers to see the best in people, forgive, deescalate conflict and turn enemies into friends whenever possible, and has more respect for honour and sportsmanship.
Compare the insecurities they highlight in "Society of the Blind Eye". These could have been their last words spoken with their memories of the summer, so they are fully candid and vulnerable.
Mabel confesses, “I only love some of my stuffed animals and the guilt is killing me!” She reprimands herself for not having sincere affection for all the people in her life… who are inanimate objects, hence this being a joke about how immature and overly sentimental she is. But she’s telling the truth! Not being honest about your feelings toward someone who loves you (as toys are assumed to love their kids) is wrong. It’s something a bad, or at least flawed, person would do. We also know that it’s something Mabel can do with real consequences - she loves Dipper unconditionally, but her frequent teasing of him instead of letting this on damages his self-esteem more than she intends and often realizes - and when she does realize as in “Little Dipper”, she’s ashamed of herself. Her guilt is that she’s failing morally, that she hurts the people around her despite her good intentions.
Dipper admits, “Sometimes I use big words and don’t actually know what they mean. I mean, I’m supposed to be the smart guy! If I’m not the smart guy, then who am I?” He primarily thinks of his worth in terms of competence. Dipper is generally not that confident, at this point in time. He has an intense drive to prove his worth. He is acutely aware of his physical and social shortcomings. But the one thing he knows that he does well is analytical, deductive and strategic thinking, and so to always have value he’s built his entire identity around being particularly intelligent. He’s the planner, the mastermind, the guy with the specialized knowledge and important big words who people have no choice but to respect and listen to, because a lifetime of loneliness besides Mabel has taught him that given a choice, they probably won’t. Except just like Mabel’s all-loving attitude, there’s an element of performance. He doesn’t know everything; he’s inherently irrational to a degree like everyone else. So he tries to seem smarter than he is. His guilt is that he’s failing intellectually and practically, that he isn’t contributing enough to be worth something.
This is where Dipper diverges. He wants to be ethically good less than he wants to be good AT things, and respected for it. But they both beat themselves up when they don’t live up to their self-assigned archetypes of All-Loving Hero and The Smart Guy, when they aren’t good enough by their own unreasonably high standards.
"The Last Mabelcorn" deconstructs Mabel’s fixation on her moral perfection. Celestabellabethabelle, who I will henceforth call C-Beth for short, manipulates it to keep her out of the unicorns’ way. She makes manifest Mabel’s fear that she isn’t good enough no matter what she does. We see Mabel push herself further and further to try to prove herself, much like Dipper in episodes like “Dipper vs Manliness”, and emotionally unravel until she’s miserable, self-loathing and openly listing her vices in a way never seen before. But this isn’t productive! Wallowing in shame doesn’t motivate her to be better! She needs to learn that although she isn’t perfect, the virtues she has are good enough to work with to both get out and kick C-Beth out of her head. She decides to stop worrying about meeting an impossible ideal of goodness and just focus on doing good, by using efficient (if violent, and therefore immoral under certain paradigms) methods to protect her family. Her plot in this episode has its detractors and I understand the criticisms that the message wasn’t handled as well as it could have been. But I think it does okay. Mabel definitely reevaluates her need to feel like a good person here. She switches from prioritizing what’s important to her, the validation of being "pure of heart", to what’s important to others and in the bigger picture, simply getting the unicorn hair to keep Bill out of the Mystery Shack.
Finally, compare the twins’ disastrous errors in judgement in “Scary-Oke” and “Dipper and Mabel vs the Future”, when they both accidentally unleash terrible forces of evil upon the town and set in motion a local apocalypse.
Dipper recites an incantation from Journal 3 that causes the dead to rise as bloodthirsty zombies, desperate to prove to the government agents before they leave that the supernatural is real and warrants their help investigating, driven by both his desire for knowledge (his tool to feel secure in himself) and more immediately his fear of being dismissed as unworthy. He is emotionally vulnerable, but still creates the dangerous situation on his own initiative. Since he doesn’t need a blacklight to read the spell and the beginning of the episode established that he’s already familiar with all Journal 3’s visible entries, he knows what the spell would do. He doesn’t realize how many zombies will appear or how dangerous they’ll be. But he is aware that there are risks. Plus, the Shack is hosting a party full of innocent civilians and Mabel has explicitly asked him not to interfere with weirdness. The one thing she told him not to do that night was raise the dead! And what does he do? Raise the dead.
Mabel is actively deceived and manipulated into giving who she believes to be Blendin Blandin, an expert in time-altering technology, what she believes to be an item of such technology, with the intention of warping time to extend the summer for the town. This is a selfish choice. But on top of how emotionally compromised she is, sobbing in despair after “the worst day of [her] life”, consider her internal logic: the end of summer is going to mean the trials and tribulations of growing up for both her and Dipper, and they won’t even have each other if he gets his way; Wendy is already going through that and has told her how awful high school is; she overheard at least some of the Stans’ conversation at the end of “A Tale of Two Stans”, meaning she might know that Stan will have to give up his home and business once the summer is over; and she and Dipper both have true friends here who they will miss and be missed by, as opposed to Piedmont where we only see them supporting and comforting each other and never hear of any friends. And it isn’t like she’s the only one having fun! Stan is happier than ever, Ford is back home, Dipper’s come into his own more than she could ever have anticipated. He’ll still get to delve into the mysteries of this town that he loves so much. But she’ll be there too. If you want more Gravity Falls, you can see where she’s coming from. She genuinely thinks that “just a little more summer” would be a positive experience for everyone, with plenty of good reason. Yes, she’s recklessly messing with powerful forces that she doesn’t understand. Yes, she isn’t nearly as suspicious of this sudden miracle solution as she should be. But she has no evidence that this would harm anyone.
Their responses after making their mistake are also noteworthy. They’re both horrified and remorseful. But Dipper expresses no concern for the agents for the rest of the episode when it looks like they’ve been killed due to his actions. He even nonchalantly remarks that he thought they were dead when he sees them again. Mabel, however, reaches to stop Bill and begs him to “wait” before he knocks her unconscious. Then she’s imprisoned in Mabelland, which is designed to make her never want to leave and based on how it only occurs to her after she renounces it that the neon colours and repetitive background music are too much even for her, may additionally have a direct, though subtle, influence on her mind. So she’s a little distracted from her guilt. But by risking her life to fix the repercussions of her actions and save the town, she shows much more responsibility for the townspeople’s lives than Dipper showed for the agents he’d tried so hard to impress. He just happily went about his business for weeks believing he had two people’s deaths on his conscience. Never even looked into whether they survived.
These differences in their personal moral philosophies add another layer to the parallels between the two generations of Pines twins. Typically, Dipper parallels Ford and Mabel parallels Stan. But less so here! Like Mabel, Ford very staunchly believes in abstract moral theory, namely that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. He holds a grudge for weeks against Stan saving him from being lost in the dimensions through the portal, because it endangered the rest of the world by creating the Rift. It was a good deed with good intentions… but it didn’t only make life better for everyone. To Ford, that means it isn’t good enough. Hmm, which younger twin has a problem with judging anything short of ‘pure good’ to not be worthwhile? Also like Mabel, Ford’s self-righteousness is often hypocritical, considering his pride, selfishness and willingness to disregard the possible negative consequences of his actions, e.g. trusting Bill and building the portal in the first place.
Like Dipper, Stan is willing and ready to use underhanded methods to win against his enemies, to lie, cheat, steal and leverage assets he doesn’t really have the right to. He’s more inclined to be aggressive, spiteful and smug. As for holding grudges, even to an unreasonable extent, he personally despised a nine-year-old child even before he knew that the child was a bad person. He would absolutely summon Rumble McSkirmish to attack a rival for him. He prides himself on his cunning, another form of intelligence, and prioritises being good at what he does best over holding the moral high ground. He is shown to have lifelong insecurities about Ford being better than him in other fields (and thus explicitly valued more by their father); so his pragmatism is his way of trying to always be useful to the people he loves, and indeed a key way he shows them his love.
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lopsicle · 1 year
Day three of tickletober and I’m already burned out (‘•w•’) I’m just kidding, I’m just tired because I have Spanish homework that makes no sense :(
Mask did you know I’m the world’s biggest Mabifica shipper?
When Stars Meet In The Northwest
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Day 3: Cuddles
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Characters: Lee Pacifica, Ler Mabel.
Summary: Mabel has been begging for cuddles and Pacifica gives in, and nothing goes wrong.
Warnings: None! Though this is a tickle fic
Pacifica didn’t even glance up from her book at this point, a blank expression on her face which only shifted whenever she blinked or yawned. It wasn’t like she was annoyed or anything like that, she had just gotten used to tuning out Mabel’s loud, whiny antics in favour of getting whatever she was doing at the time finished before giving her attention to her girlfriend again.
Once she finally looked up from her book, she saw Mabel sitting by her socked feet, her eyes wide and locked on Pacifica, pure adoration resting in her pupils. Wordlessly, the brunette raised her arms and made grabby hands towards Pacifica, not always being the best at verbalising her requests, even if she had been shouting for attention for the last fifteen minutes.
Pacifica smiled a little at her, grabbing Mabel by her armpits and pulling the girl into her lap, having discarded her book to the side. Mabel smiled widely, squeaking a little from happiness as she immediately nestled herself into her girlfriend’s lap.
‘You know,’ Pacifica spoke softly, wrapping one protective arm around Mabel’s shoulders, ‘you can just use your words and ask for cuddles next time.’
Mabel shook her head, giggling playfully as she rested her head on the blonde’s shoulder, keeping her arms wrapped around her neck. ‘Nope! Bothering you is so much more fun that!’
‘Mhm,’ Pacifica rested her back against a soft, fluffy pillow , finally having stopped shuffling around enough for Mabel to get fully settled onto her girlfriend’s lap. ‘I’ll give you that, if there’s one thing your better at me at, your a really great pest.’
Mabel let out a fake gasp as Pacifica stuck out her tongue at the girl, a smirk on her lips. ‘Excuse me? Excuse you? Excuse us?! I’m your girlfriend, not a pest, I’m allowed to say that about myself, you aren’t!’
Mabel huffed, staring right up at Pacifica with a serious-unserious expression plastered onto her face. Pacifica played along with her bit, raising her hands up defensively as she giggled.
‘Alright, Iahah’m saharry, your not a pest, sweetie,’ Pacifica smiled sweetly at her, though Mabel didn’t seem fully satisfied, still feeling slightly mischievous.
‘Your not really sorry, if you were you wouldn’t be laughing! Hm, how about I give you something to laugh about then?’
Before Pacifica could even process what Mabel was saying, her girlfriend’s fingers had already plunged themselves into her armpits. The girl gaped sharply, clenching up her arms and effectively trapping Mabel’s fingers against her hollows.
‘W-waihahahat, Mahahahabel!!’
It wasn’t too uncommon that Pacifica would become the victim of her girlfriend’s tickle attacks, it was practically a given seeing how much Mabel loved to tickle people all the time and I mean all the time. The girl never, ever got tired of making some squeal and laugh at just a couple pokes or scratches, and Pacifica was no exception to this rule. In fact, ever since they started dating, Pacifica had become even more of a target for Mabel’s dexterous, tickling fingers.
‘Tickle, tickle, tickle!’
Mabel grinned as she saw how red Pacifica’s face got from that, finally making the girl raise her arms up to cover her blushing, flustered face, in turn leaving those sensitive hollows totally helpless to Mabel’s fingers.
‘Dahahahahahan’t sahahahahay thahahahat wahahahaahard!!’
The Northwest squealed and wriggled and writhed against Mabel’s hands but she couldn’t really do much to get away since her girlfriend was on top of her. And she’d rather die then pull her arms down to show off her blushing, laughing face. Mabel just giggled at her antics though, tilting her head, almost like an idea sparked in her brain,
‘Can you really not handle it when someone says tickle? Poor ticklish Pacifica, can’t handle any of the tickles on her super ticklish armp-!’
‘Stahahahaahahahap thahahahahahahat!!’
Pacifica cried out as that annoying, crimson reminder of her embarrassment had crept all the way up to her ears now, making the girl wish she could just hide her face in her llama sweater. She got a lot more squirmy at this point, eager for an escape from the tickle monster that she had decided to date, the girl’s socked heels pounded down onto the bed while her waist sharply twisted about from side to side, hoping to get away from Mabel’s hands.
But since Mabel was tickling her from both sides, she just ended up adorably flinging herself into her girlfriend’s nails each time, causing her to squeal and flinch away. Mabel just smiled fondly at the sight, it want like it was rare for Pacifica to show emotion but she looked absolutely, adorable hysterical right now in a way Mabel barely ever got to see.
And truth be told, Pacifica wasn’t hating it either. The poor blonde was just never really used to being flustered at all, much less in front of her girlfriend of all people, and because of tickling (that’s still hard for her to say) of all things. Even with that, the sensations were so pleasant and tingly, it was like a massage but the Mabel way; the way that makes you scream with laughter.
Unfortunately for Pacifica though, the girl really wasn’t able to handle that much tickling given that she hadn’t experienced much of it in her childhood. She slid her arms away from her face very slowly, showing that sweet, hysterical smile of hers that distracted Mabel momentarily as she just looked adoringly at her girlfriend, who asked through giggles,
‘Nahahaha more, pleahahase,’
Mabel’s fingers almost immediately left Pacifica’s armpits as she sat next to her and, while she was still re catching her breath, scooped her up and set her down on her lap, keeping one comforting arm wrapped around her waistline while she gently flicked and messed around with her ponytail with the other.
‘You know, for someone as..twordish as you, you handled that really well!’
Pacifica smiled at her before laying her head on Mabel’s chest, cuddling up to her.
‘I am so lucky to have you, Mabel Pines.’
I may have mentioned this before but I am the world’s leading connoisseur in Mabifica, I am Mabifica’s biggest supporter. If Mabifica has 100 fans, I’m one of them. If Mabifica has 10 fans, I’m one of them. If Mabifica has 1 fan, that’s me. If Mabifica has zero fans, I am dead. This is an amazing ship, anyway, I hoped you enjoyed that fic because I did not proofread any of that shi
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fordtato · 1 year
YES. So I'm not the only one that has MANY things to say about Return to the Bunker. I was super hyped up for this this before, but then for the whole 32 minutes of watching I was like "...are you even serious? c'mon!"
This thing felt less like a Gravity Falls episode and more like a big Ford Hate Party. Wtf?! He had a few interactions with Mabel in the series, but literally ALL of them were positive, since she never talked about her issues directly to Ford (not trying to blame her, I love Mabel with all my heart). And here Ford's straight up a huge ass to her. Not wearing a sweater in the summer (HE LITERALLY DOES?!), telling her in the face he doesn't trust her, acting like spending any time with her is wasteful and a scar on his honor (?). Dudes, did we really watch the same Gravity Falls with the same characters? Ford can (and is) be dramatic and too serious sometimes, but he's also silly, fun and adventurous! And it's SHOWN in the series! And he loves the twins more than anything!
But let's get to the thing I have the biggest problem with. The way Ford's trust issues were treated. Guy's been through hell and back. Every person in his whole life that was his close friend, ended up stabbing him in the back (from his perspective). He literally spend 30 years all by himself, FORCED to trust only himself, because trusting someone else might have ended up in him being dead. Now he's barely back home, everything is new and complicated and dangerous, there's the rift, there's Bill being a huge thread, there's his relationship with Stanley, there's his house turned into a mockery of the only thing he was ever proud of, AND this guy still stays relatively calm and collected. Now you're also expecting him to suddenly forget about 30+ years of trauma he experienced and trust people he barely knows (Soos, Wendy) with his worst fear?! And you're punishing him for being jumpy, terrified and paranoid, when he has all the reasons to act such way?! And what's with the scene when he gets on his knees and in teary tone admits that just a sad, lonely boy, but now thanks to Mabel and her friends he might change? Like, sir? Are you the Ford Pines we know? Pre-weirdmageddon afraid-to-his-death prideful and emotionally withdrawn Ford Pines? And then he "learns" absolutely nothing AND ERASES THEIR MEMORIES WITH A MEMORY GUN?? WHAT THE FUCK? I barely forced myself to watch until the very end, because I wanted to scream. You think that Ford, WHO IS A VICTIM and was against the memory gun for most of his life unless absolutely crucial, who had to erase his brother's whole personality and the only reason he remained relatively sane after that was because said brother's memories were brought back, would EVER erase memories of his own twelve year old niece and her friends, RIGHT AFTER BEING ALL OPEN HEARTED and admitting he was wrong?! I can't. I'm sorry. I got all emotional.
Mabel's not really Mabel. Ford's definitely not Ford. Stan was... well, weird, but I could maybe go with that? The B plot was better anyway. The only one that remained more or less close to their canon characterisation was Soos. Even McGucket didn't really click.
ALSO. Ford's relationship with Fiddleford in this one. Wtf. Ford, who mourned what happened between him and his former best friend for years, who had a fucking "I'm sorry Fiddleford" as one of his thoughts on mind reading machine, and who, after seeing him for the first time during Weirdmageddon was all regretful and sad, in this episode is, again, an ass to him?! And their meeting, for the first time in 30 years, is not really a big deal? Ooof.
I'm angry. I didn't like it at all and I thought I'm the only one, because all of the comments are so happy and enthusiastic. I'm glad I'm not alone. It's really not good. Well, it had good moments. I laughed REALLY hard during that dating show with the shapeshifter and a few jokes had me chuckling, and, as you said, the art is really great and you can see all the time and passion that went into it. But the plot itself... I guess it's supposed to be canon complaint. It makes it even worse. The writers really hate Ford, don't they? Eh.
Sorry for the dump. I don't know what's gotten into me. I was so excited for it, a beginner's mistake, I guess.
It felt, personally, like the writers greatly misunderstood (or did not interpret from series as I did) which qualities of Ford, Mabel, McGucket and Soos made these characters loveable and made the show work.
The script of this fan project, at times, seemed specifically antagonistic to the source material, to these characters, and to the motivations these characters held.
I am not trying to shit on something people loved, but I did not enjoy the writing at all.
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nuesae · 2 years
Maybe a Growth story or a fanfic for both Giants Dipper and Mabel sometime. Because, I would love to see them growing until they are at the 50ft height outside of the Mystery Shack.
Mainly for Giant!Dipper. He's the more shy and adorkable one to be big. Giant!Mabel works for a The Big Sister Dexter's Lab kinds growth sequence.
I'm just excited for GT Gravity Falls wholesome content. :3
I would like to start by saying I'm not a good writer, I'm just making an attempt at making something.
I also wrote most of this after midnight ruining on no sleep
TW: none!
Turn it off!
words: 1,404
“Mabel, give it back!” Dipper yells chasing his sister, as she runs off with the crystal flashlight. Dipper made it initially after Mabel started making fun of him for being shorter than her. He was now chasing her as she ran outside holding the flashlight.
“Never!” Mabel points the flashlight at him turning it on, Dipper’s body starts to grow in height dramatically, now towering over Mabel, but he doesn’t stop growing.
“Mabel! Turn it off!” he notices Mabel’s panic as she tries to turn it off. He tries to knock it out of her hand, but she jumps out of reach.
“It won’t!” Mabel yells then quickly she throws the flashlight to the ground shattering the crystal attached to it. 
“Ha-ha! Yes, no more creepy growing flashlight!” Dipper scowls, realizing he now has no way of getting back to normal.
“Mabel! How am I gonna get back to normal now?!” he yells seeing his sister cover her ears. Dipper clasps a hand over his mouth, how loud is he at this height? Mabel looks up at him a bit fearful, but she tries to hide it.
“Psh, I’m sure we can just make another one, right?” Mabel questions, Dipper reaches into his vest pulling out the journal which luckily grew with him. he flips to the page with the height-altering crystals on it. He scowls realizing he didn’t mark the location of the crystals in the forest.
“there’s nothing in here about where to find them,”
“Well then, how did you find them?” 
“I don’t know, I just wandered until I stumbled onto them. Mabel if we can’t find another crystal, I’ll be stuck this way!” Dipper yells while trying to stay quiet at the same time.
“It can’t be that bad being that size, besides I’m sure we can find another one!” Mabel says optimism laced in her voice; Dipper slaps a hand over his face before pulling it away to speak.
“Do you really expect us to wander the woods till we find it?”
“Well, if you found it that way, I’m sure we can do it again!” Mabel grabs the flashlight puts it in her sweater pocket and starts running off toward the woods. 
“Come on Dipper let’s try to find it before the sunsets!” As Mabel runs Dipper hesitates before taking a step. Mabel looks at him noticing his nervous behavior.
“Dipper, what’s wrong?” 
“Uh, I-I, don’t want to step on you, what if I hurt you?” 
“Oh, come on Dipper, I’ll be fine!”
“I don’t know, what if—” 
“Dipper, if you’re so worried about it. Why don’t I just ride on your shoulder?” Mabel says cutting him off.
“Uh, I guess that would work?” Mabel reaches her arms up gesturing for him to pick her up, he hesitates but kneels down and puts his hand on the ground palm up. Mabel climbs on and Dipper curls his finger to make sure she doesn’t fall. as Dipper stands, he feels his hands shaking, anxiety coursing through his body. Mabel notices immediately.
“You okay bro bro? you’re shaking a lot, also your hand is really sweaty,”
“I-I’m fine, here” Dipper raises his open palm to his shoulder. Mabel climbs off his palm onto his shoulder grabbing the collar of his vest to balance herself. 
“Onward Dipper! to find a creepy growing crystal!” Mabel pumps a fist in the air. Dipper tries his best to stifle a laugh to keep his shoulders from bouncing. 
 Dipper starts to walk slowly into the woods a bit shorter than the trees themselves, as he walks, he glances at Mabel to make sure she’s okay. She looks a little nervous but is holding on fine. As Dipper walks further and further into the woods he realizes, he has no idea where he’s headed. He looks around starting to realize that he’s lost, which is really bad as the sun is setting. Have they really been out that long?
“Hey Dipper, we’re not lost, are we?” 
“N-no of course not, I’m sure the crystals are just up ahead,” he takes another step when Mable pulls on the collar of his vest
“Dipper, we’re lost, I don’t even recognize this part of the woods,” Mabel says waving her free arm around. Dipper sighs knowing that she’s right.
“Look let’s just try to head back and look again tomorrow, okay?” Mabel suggests, Dipper looks down taking a deep breath.
“If we can’t find it, I’ll have to sleep outside. how will we explain this to Stan? To anyone?” 
“How about we head back, and think of something on the way?” 
“Okay, now to try and remember the direction we came from,” Dipper was lucky enough to have had at the least a compass but being lost in the woods with no map wouldn’t help. He looks at the compass for a moment trying to remember the direction they started in and the location of the Mystery Shack. 
“Alright I think I have it” he turns and starts walking. Mabel getting jostled by the sudden movement but managed to keep her footing. After about an hour they’re outside the Shack, by the tree line. They both hear Stan calling them.
“Kids! Where are you?! I need someone to clean the sink!” Dipper looks at Mabel, and she looks right back at him.
“So, do you want to tell him or…” Dipper inquires
“I don’t think it’d be easy to keep a secret this big.” Dipper glares at her for the awful pun she just giggles.
“How about we just tell him I had a growth spurt,” 
“Sounds good”
Dipper crouches down offering his palm for Mabel, she steps on and he lowers it to the ground Mabel jumps off and starts running over to Stan. Dipper follows slowly behind making sure not to get too close afraid he’ll step on her. Mabel runs up behind Stan.
“Hey Grunkle Stan!” Mabel yells Stan jumps at the sound.
“Yeesh kid, don’t scare me like that. Where’s your brother? I need him to clean the sink” Stan starts looking around not seeing Dipper yet.
“Well, Grunkle stan, we might have a small problem or a big one! Depends on how you look at it,” Mabel gestures to Dipper who is standing a bit away from the Shack. Stan looks at Dipper’s legs first, before his eyes look up until they meet Dipper’s nervous eyes. 
“Hey, uh, I had a growth spurt,” Dipper says stumbling over his words. 
“Yikes, what do you kids eat these days?” Stan grabs a rolled-up newspaper and smacks Mabel on the head. 
“Mabel, go clean the sink, Dipper you find somewhere comfortable to sleep, or something, I don’t know,” Mabel looks at Dipper before walking inside with her head down.
“But Grunkle Stan, don’t you have anything to help me?” 
“Kid I’ve seen growth spurts, but nothing this intense, just sleep, we’ll figure it out tomorrow,” Stan says rubbing his eyes with his fingers.
“No buts, now go find somewhere to sleep away from the entrance preferably, don’t want you scaring away potential customers,” Stan says before going inside and slamming the door closed. Dipper looks down, scowling at nothing. He walks away from the Shack to the back away from the front entrance. He lies down, in the grass staring at the shack. His eyes start to water, and he hugs his knees to his chest, turning away from the Shack, and starting to cry. What if we can’t get me back to normal? what if I’m gonna be stuck this way? What if, what if—
As his mind races with questions, and fears. His thoughts are cut off as he hears Mabel’s voice.
“Dipper? You okay?” He rolls back over, seeing Mabel’s worried face, she’s already in her pajamas holding a pillow and a blanket.
“Didn’t Stan tell you to clean the sink?”
“Oh, I got Soos to do it,”
“ha-ha Nice” there’s a long pause between them.
“Mabel, what happens if I can’t get back to normal? What if we can’t find that crystal?” 
“I’m sure we’ll find it; do you want me to sleep out here with you?” Dipper smiles and wipes his tears away.
“That would be nice” Mabel smiles and lays the pillow and blanket down, and then lays down facing Dipper.
“Night Mabel,”
“Goodnight, Dipper” 
Dipper lays on his back staring at the sky till he falls asleep.
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callipraxia · 2 years
@zkang288, this is what happened. This is how I spent way too much of my morning.
For everyone else: zkang288 tagged me in some thing where you stick in character names and it attaches them to random entries in a pool of random quotes. I got too enthusiastic, so this shall be split into this, the "all twelve major characters of FWJB" version (a few of these are *so* close to almost-accurate to happenings and/or relationship dynamics in Part III...and then there was the whole series of auto-generated entries which shipped Gideon and Quattro, which I include out of morbid fascination) and the "Team Camping Trip of Doom from Part II" version, which will be a second post.
Fiddleford: I lost Stan. Tate: How did you LOSE Stan?! Fiddleford: To be fair, they are very small.
Quattro : What are amphetamines? Ford: Drugs that can go on land and water. Quattro : Ohhhh.
after the Squad's plan goes horribly wrong Tracey: Now it seems we're back at square one-- finding Dipper. Quattro: For the record, I already found him. Powers: And you let him get away before we could have a meaningful conversation. Quattro: He stabbed me! Tracey: I'm surprised he waited this long, Quattro. We've all had the urge.
Fiddleford, after getting a job as a lifeguard: Hmm… I wonder what those things at the bottom of the pool are... Quattro: THOSE ARE PEOPLE DROWNING!
Wendy, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
Fiddleford: If I say I love you, will you say it back? Tracey: Yes. Fiddleford: I love you. Tracey: It back. Later Powers: Why is Fiddleford crying face-down on the floor?
Casually in the Middle of a High Stakes/Dangerous Situation Soos: How do you eat pickles? Mabel: What do you mean? Soos: I mean, there's a whole process. It's not like you can grab them from the jar with your hand, because it's cold and the juice burns if you have a cut, plus, it's pretty unsanitary. And you can't use a spoon because you'll have to scoop it out, and it'll be way too difficult to grab more than three or four without taking 10 minutes along with half the brine in the jar, even if it's one with holes. Mabel: Yeah, that's why you use a fork. Soos: Okay, sure, but what if you don't have one of the big ones clean? It's weird to use a small one. But there is always one of those smaller sharp knives clean. Mabel: But the straight edge doesn't really fit the cylindrical shape, and you have to make sure you don' t break it, it's too much work. Soos: It makes me feel like I deserve the pickles though. Like, "Yeah, I did it. That's right. Good job me." It's empowering. But even after that, it's not like you can use a bowl. Mabel: I get that, it's not ascetically pleasing. Soos: Exactly! And it looks weird if you don't entirely fill the bowl, but you also can't eat that many. My solution: Use a mug. Mabel: Nods in agreement Ford: That is all very interesting, BUT WE'RE TRYING NOT TO DIE RIGHT NOW! USE YOUR LIMITED ATTENTION SPANS AND FOCUS! Soos: Jeez, okay. Mabel: Quit yelling at us already.
Wendy: Let’s write Stan a friendly note, shall we? Dear… Incompetent… Dumbass…
Stan, holding an unconscious Tracey: Oh no. Please don’t be dead.
Dipper: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos. Fiddleford: Was that place out of chocolate-chip pancakes again?
Wendy: Social distancing says you shouldn't be within an elbow's distance of each other. later, in a barfight Wendy: Social distancing doesn't say nothing about feet! kicks opponent in the face
Stan: coughs blood Quattro: Don't die, Stan! Stan: Don't tell me what to do!
Powers: Hey, what are you reading? Gideon: This is my magic book where any ink spilled shows a scripture of the future, however it bears a curse making it broken, and as such in order to make any scripture appears, I have to do it myself. Powers: Impressive! I must have it for myself! Tracey: So it’s just a Notebook? Gideon: It’s just a Notebook.
Soos: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Tate? Tate: No. Soos: I do! Tate: I know, Soos. Soos: I’m sad. Tate: I know, Soos.
Mabel: Big day today, Tate. holds up two shirts Mustard stain or ketchup stain? Tate: Mustard– looks less like blood.
Tracey: What is it called when you kill a friend? Powers: Homicide. Mabel: Murder. Fiddleford: Homiecide.
Powers: Good night. Gideon: Sleep tight. Fiddleford: Don't let the bedbugs crawl up to your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself. Soos: Great, now Gideon's crying.
Tracey: Truth or dare? Quattro: Dare. Tracey: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room. Quattro: Hey Gideon? Gideon, blushing: Yeah? Quattro: Can you move? I'm trying to get to Soos.
Gideon: Wanna get out of here and grab a bite to eat. Quattro: I don’t usually eat with losers. Gideon: Neither do I but I asked you, didn’t I?
Quattro, looking over Fiddleford’s shoulder: You can draw? Fiddleford, stopping what they were doing: You can speak?
Tate: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything? Gideon: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital. Tate: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you. Gideon: But I heard a siren. Powers: That was Quattro. Quattro: Sorry, I got nervous.
Fiddleford: I’m a fool, not an idiot.
Gideon: We’re getting married, b*****s! Quattro: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
Gideon, putting their hands over Stan's eyes: Guess who! Stan: It's either Gideon or the cold, clammy hands of death. Gideon, putting their hands away: It's Gideon! Stan: Dammit.
Mabel: Why did you kidnap Dipper!?!?! Fiddleford: Ah- um- well- the reason for that is, uhh… Gideon: Sometimes, we must work together towards a common goal. Mabel: NOT TO KIDNAP PEOPLE!
Tate: Don’t you have any dignity, Ford? Ford: Uh, no.
Wendy: So what’s the plan? Quattro: I don’t know. You’re smart, points at Mabel she's mean, come up with something.
Fiddleford: Ford, what are you doing? Ford: Making chocolate pudding. Fiddleford: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding? Ford: Because I've lost control of my life. Ford: Here's your pudding, Powers. Powers: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
Fiddleford: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- Gideon: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Fiddleford: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- Powers, recording: This is so cute.
Fiddleford: Anybody got any crayons so I can color in my Ph. D.?
Soos: If I die, my funeral will be the biggest party ever and you're all invited. Quattro: "If" Powers: Great, the only party I'm ever invited to and he might not even die.
Quattro: Does anyone know how to relax? Asking for a friend.
Wendy: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight? Quattro: raises hand Powers: puts their hand down
Powers: Life could be worse, Tate. Tate: Life could be a lot better too!
Mabel: sneaking in through their window Ford: turning in their chair and flicking the light one You want to tell me where you've been all night? Mabel: I was with Powers? Powers: turning in their chair Wanna try again?
Fiddleford: Hey Quattro? Quattro: Yeah? Fiddleford: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false? Quattro: Quattro: …What.
Soos: I see the red flags, I acknowledge that they're there, and then I completely ignore them.
Dipper: Between Fiddleford, Tate, Quattro , and Tracey -- if you had to -- who would you punch? Soos: No one! They're my friends. I wouldn't punch any of them. Dipper: Quattro ? Soos: Yeah, but I don't know why.
Wendy: This is getting embarrassing. Stan: Getting? We’re already there!
Gideon: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield." Ford: Opposite over hypotenuse.
Mabel: finds a note Hmm, whats this? Fiddleford: Hey, that's mine! tries to grab it Mabel: Aww, it's a love note for Powers? Fiddleford: No- Mabel: opens it Mabel: Fiddleford: Mabel: I can't read this.
Ford: Do you love Tracey? Gideon: Yeah, I do. Ford: Soos! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks! Soos: We all love Tracey. You should've asked if they were IN love with them. Gideon: I thought that was implied. Soos: … Ford: … Gideon, looking straight at Soos: Congrats Ford, you just won 100 bucks.
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alittlerock02 · 9 months
Stevie Nicks ~ All These Years RAL Demo
This is a demo of Stevie's from Rock A Little, it was from 1984. Stevie wrote this song in honor of her best friend, Robin Anderson who died of leukemia in 1981 just as Stevie was releasing her debut album, Bella Donna. In 1983, Stevie married Robin's husband, Kim for a few months, this song also mentions Matthew, Robin and Kim's son, whom Stevie was a brief stepmother to. Rock A Little started out as a project called Mirror, Mirror. But it was scrapped. I think this song should've been on Rock A Little as it really tells a story, a very sad story. What do you guys think? I also feel this song should be released on a 24 Karat Gold Volume 2. There were also other songs from the RAL sessions that tell stories. Songs like 'Night Gallery', 'Ooh Ooh Baby', 'Chanel, Chanel', 'I Call You Missing', 'Jimmy, Come On Back', 'Running Through the Garden', 'She Loves Him Still', 'Reconsider Me', 'Mirror, Mirror', 'Love is Like A River', 'Mabel Normand', 'What Has Rock and Roll Ever Done For You?', 'Priest of Nothing', 'Are You Mine?', 'It's Not A Dream', 'Something Exquisite', 'Gypsy Beggars', 'You Like Me'. Nicks also did a cover of Olivia Newton-John's 'Tied Up (In Promises), which she demoed for Rock A Little. 'I Call You Missing' was demoed for Nicks' 1994 fifth studio album, Street Angel, but was left off the track listing. 'Running Through the Garden' was released in 2003 on Fleetwood Mac's 'Say You Will' album. 'You Like Me' was recorded by the Williams Brothers in the late 80s, they gave Stevie 'Some Become Strangers' for her Rock A Little album. The songs, Mabel Normand and She Loves Him Still were released in 2014 on Stevie's eighth studio album '24 Karat Gold: Songs From the Vault'. 'Love is Like A River' was released on Nicks' Street Angel album. 'Reconsider Me' was a duet with Don Henley. It was intended for Rock A Little, but Nicks' left it off the album, it was released in 1998 on Nicks' 3-disc boxset 'Enchanted'. Mirror, Mirror was tried out again for Nicks' 1989 fourth album 'The Other Side of the Mirror', but was left off, Nicks' recorded a final version of the song in 1992, she wanted it as the b-side to her 1994 single from Street Angel, Blue Denim, her producer accidentally grabbed the wrong master tape and ended up putting the RAL demo version of song as the b-side to Blue Denim. Another song that was demoed for Rock A Little, 'Thousand Days' ended up as the b-side to Nicks' 1994 single, Maybe Love Will Change Your Mind. 'What Has Rock and Roll Ever Done For You?' was released in 2023 as a duet with Dolly Parton on her 49th album, Rockstar. An entire album of Dolly doing rock songs. It was the ninth track on the album. So what do you think, do you think these songs need to be released on a deluxe edition of Rock A Little or a 24 Karat Gold Volume 2? I hope this song especially gets released. 'All These Years' would be a great tribute to Robin, I feel it could also serve as a tribute to Christine McVie.
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sivyera · 2 years
Could you do dipper pines fluff alphabet?
Thank you for your request, I actually thought about writing this, you sent it in the right time!
Dipper Pines│Fluff Alphabet
PAIRING: Dipper Pines x reader
WARNING: bad grammar
SONG: Marlboro Nights - Lonely God
gif is not mine
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A = Attractive. What they find attractive on their s/o?
You smile. He loves when you smile at him. There are many smiles that are just for him, like smile that tell him 'everything's gonna be alright' or lovely smile that shows him how much you love him etc.. It always melts his heart when he see you smile. Truly smile.
B = Beauty. What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your hands. I think Dipper have scraped hands because he is in woods searching for mystic creatures etc. So when you hold his hand with your soft, small hand, he feels like the most powerful man in the world. Whenever he is nervous, anxious, sad or angry - you hold his hand and every his doubts disappear.
C = Cuddle. How they cuddle with they s/o?
Dipper loves bury his head into your neck or chest.
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D = Dates. What are dates with them like?
Picnic and study dates are his favourite. First picnic dates; they are most in the woods where is privacy. You two can just stare in each other's eyes for hours, listening birds singing, do nothing. Or watch the clouds and say which cloud reminds you of which animal. Study dates; you two study his journal. Finding new hides messages or just reading about creatures you find there. Study dates are most in his bed.
E = Everything. You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
'You are my addiction.'
F = Feelings. When did they know they were falling in love?
When you comforted him after Mabel and Stan were teasing him about he's not strong and manly. Dipper isn't one of the strongest man in the world and his muscles/manliness are touchy subject for him. So when he was in his room, little sad, little upset you knock on his door and he (of course) let you in. You sat next to him, grab his hand, draw little circles with your thump on it and ask him what's wrong. He was surprised, no one truly ask him that. He was little embarrassed about telling you, but he knew you would never make fun of him.
G = Gentle. Are they gentle with their s/o?
Yess. Dipper is really gentle with you. One time when you cut your finger with a paper, Dipper ran to you with first aid kit, panicking about that you could bleed out. He is just scared he will lose you. But being gentle with you has one important advantage - if Bill ever gets into Dipper's body again, you will immediately realize that. Trust me Bill wouldn't be gentle with you, not even in Dipper's body.
H = Honesty. Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
At first he didn't tell you everything, just for your safety. But after a few months he realized you are the one he can trust the most. So after a few months he tell you everything. Slowly and patiently, and if you don't understand something he will gladly explain it to you.
I = Impression. First impression/s?
He blushed, but that's everything. You were (and still are) beautiful but he knows he can't judge people by it's cover. So you could be beautiful but you could be a horrible person. But when he get to know you, he realized you are nothing more but perfect.
J = Jealousy. Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Dipper gets jealous pretty easily but he can hide it. He mostly staring at the person who is flirting with you. He glares at the person and has a 'dangerous' look. After a while he come to you and the person who is making him jealous. Dipper will put his arm around your waist/shoulder and stare at that person. If the person still don't get it, Dipper will walk away with you under the pretext of something important. He become very clingy when he is jealous so give him attention.
K = Kiss. How do they kiss their s/o?  
Such a sweet kisser.
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L = Love Confession. How would they confess to their s/o?
He would come to you (in privacy) and just straight tell you his feeling. Mabel would find out Dipper's big fat crush on you and she would tease him about it. But one time the teasing gone too far and Dipper get angry and said 'fine I'm going to tell Y/N that I love her, happy?' He stand up and go right to you. After he told you, he gets blushed and little embarrassed.
M = Marriage. Do they want to get married? How do they propose?
At first he wasn't really sure, because people could get to him by hurting you. He really cares about you. But he wants to spend the rest of his life with you and be honest his love for you is more powerful than his doubts.
N = Nicknames. What do they call their s/o? 
'Darling, sweetheart.'
O = On Cloud Nine. What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others?
Awkward smiles, blushy cheeks, looking at you with love in his eyes, yes it's very obvious for others. Mabel is teasing him 24/7 about it. He is also very protective and he is not afraid jump headlong into danger to save you.
P = PDA. Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others?
He brags to Mabel cuz she lost a bet. She thought Dipper would never ask you out, because he is too shy and scared. Also he brags to Soos, because you know he's dating the perfect person in the world why wouldn't he brag, don't blame him. But PDA is holding hands, hug you or kiss your cheeks for him.
Q = Quirk. Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
His voice. His voice can calm you down and you can listen him for hours talking about nothing and everything. His voice is another proof that he is a real Dipper and not Bill or his clons. You know Bill have like 'squeaky' voice.
R = Romance. How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He is trying but he is more cliche. Don't blame him he never dated someone before you so he is not good with relationships. Mabel helped him lots of times because she is more creative than Dipper. But you love every little thing he do for you, even when it's just picnic or cuddles or watching TV. I can say you both enjoying the time you spend together.
S = Support. Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He believes in you more than he believes in himself. He is here for you and support you even with the smallest things. He would never make fun of you just because you are scared, because you don't believe in yourself. He is here for you waiting with love, support and patience.
T = Talking. What do they like to talk about? 
His journal. In his journal is so much interesting things and he is so excited and he can talk for hours about nothing. He often lost in his words and thoughts when he is with you. He knows you would never interrupt him or don't look annoyed when he is talking. And that's makes him happy. So happy.
U = Understanding. How good do they know their partner?
He knows you like his journal. He notices the smallest thing because he knows they are important.
V = Value. How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?  
Look, your relationship is the most intimacy thing. Someone can stole his journal or kidnap you/him, but no one and I mean NO ONE can stole his love for you. He will do anything for you and your safety. So your relationship is the most important thing to him.
W = Wild Card. A random Fluff Headcanon.
He gets very clingy when he is jealous. That means - CUDDLES. He loves having his face buried into your neck or chest, legs tangled together with yours and his arms around your waist. He sleeps on the side of the bed which is close to the door, so if anything dangerous get in he would be the first to get hurt.
X = Xylophone. What’s song describe your relationship? 
Sunflower - Post Malone, Swae Lee
Y = Yearning. How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He copy really bad. He is calling you all the time and when you can't call in the moment he is talking to Mabel telling her how amazing, strong, beautiful,... you are.
Z = Zebra. If they wanted a pet, what would they get?
A dog or a hamster.
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
hiii 47 and 7 for angst hotch
i love ur writing btw <3
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gif by hoe-tchner
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Warnings!: mentions of abuse, stalking, and death, past abusive relationships, normal criminal minds things, angst, crying, pining, but a fluffy ending
Promtps: Angst #7 "Are you drunk?", Angst #47 "You flinched"
Author's Note: Thank you so much <3, hope you enjoy reading!!
In hindsight, it probably wasn’ the best idea to get drunk at a bar. Especially alone. But you weren’t exactly thinking straight when you had stepped off the jet after a long case. And it had been a LONG case. Nearly a week of going through the same evidence over and over again scouring for a lead. Finally finding a lead, and coming to a dead end. 
The eventual lead that you did catch, led to the unsub already standing over her next victim’s body. At least you got a full confession. But you had been the one that had found the unsub. If that wasn’t enough, this case had already been hitting way too close to home. 
A woman was murdering victims of domestic abuse to “save them” because her mom was never “saved” from her father’s abuse. She had grown up watching it. Her victims had all had y/h/c hair, with y/e/c eyes. The same height as you, same style, just overall very similar. The only difference the team saw had been that you were never abused. At least that was what your file had said.
You had been able to keep it on the low for as long as you had been at the BAU. But you were terrified one of them would figure it out. That you would flinch at the wrong time, or you would do something to give it away.
You had gotten lucky and no one seemed suspicious. You ended up hiding in the back of the jet, curled up. No one bothered you. They all assumed that the case had just hit you harder. The one thing you hadn’t known though was that Hotch had been keeping a very close eye on you.
You two had become close, and would often hang out at each other's apartments. Spending tjme just talking about nothing and everything for hours. He had quickly become one of your best friends. You always went to him when you were upset.
But tonight, you just needed to get away.
Which is how you found yourself in this bar, downing your fifth drink. In the back of your mind, you knew that you wouldn't be able to drive home, or even walk without tripping over your own feet. You needed to call someone, and your drunk self called Hotch. While the phone rang you checked the time. 3 am. He was going to kill you.
“Hotchner.” You giggled drunkenly at his formal response.
“Why so serious bossman?” He recognized your voice immediately. 
“Y/n? Are you okay?” 
“M’great. Havin a blast.” You slurred.
“Are you drunk?” He asked and you giggled again.
“Mayyybe.” You slurred, concerning Hotch even more.
"Where are you?”
“Mabel's I think. But let me tell you. I think you need to come get me because there is no way m’drivin home.” He huffed as you heard noise coming from the phone.
“I'm on my way, stay there!” But you hung up. You were so excited to see him. Truth was you had definitely developed a crush for the man. Telling him that was going to be difficult, mainly because of your past, but also because he was your boss, and about 12 years older than you.
You waited for about 10 minutes before you heard the door ring as it opened and Hotch ran inside, frantically searching around. He found you and was quickly at your side.
“Y/n, are you okay?” You nodded sleepily. You always did get sleepy after your sixth drink. He gave you a concerned glance before reaching for your arm. You flinched slightly, but Hotch didn’t say anything about it. He picked you up because there was no way that you could walk, and carried you out to his car. 
“You’re staying with me tonight.” He had said once on the road. You lazily watched  out the window as buildings went by. 
“M’kay.” You mumbled. Hotch sent you another concerned glance. Something was wrong, but he couldn't quite figure out what. Usually when a case hit you hard, you would spend the night talking with him. He had been surprised when you hadn't shown up at his apartment. Even more shocked when you had called him drunk. He cared about you and it hurt him to see you like this.
Soon he found himself pulling into his driveway. He parked and quickly ran to your side of the car to help you out. He opened your door, and reached his hand over to unbuckle you when suddenly you shifted back. Your arms came up as if to block a blow and a whimper escaped your lips. 
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I promise!” You let out, sounding much more sober now. Hotch stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. 
“Y/n, it’s me, can you hear me, its Aaron?” You moved your arms from your face, peeking out wide eyed. You pulled your arms the rest of the way down. 
“Sorry Hotch. That was just, um, that w-was-” But he cut you off.
“You flinched.” He paused looking at the tears in your eyes, realizing that he needed to get you inside before you broke down in the car. “C’mon, let's go inside.” You bowed your head and nodded. 
“Okay.” You said softly. He helped you out of his car slowly, and walked you up to his apartment. Once there, you plopped on his couch, sobering up for the conversation you knew was going to happen. He walked in the room, a glass of water in hand. He handed it to you, sitting next to you. he waited a few moments before beginning the inevitable conversation.
“Y/n, why did you flinch?” He asked hesitantly. He didn't want to push you, but he was concerned and he wanted to know. So you told him. Every detail, every heartbreaking moment. The bruises, the scars, the hospital trips. Everything. The reports, the disbelief, the arrest, the divorce. Then the even worse parts. The escape, the stalking, the attack, the death. Every little thing. You could feel the tears falling down your face as you spoke about your ex-husband. 
Hotch sat as he watched the beautiful woman sitting in front of him break down. He didn't know any of this, none of it was in your file. He knew that Strauss had to know though, because you never would have been accepted without background checks and psych evals. 
His heart broke a little more every time you shared another detail. On one side it felt so nice to get it off your chest. On the other hand, it was weird opening up to Hotch like this. He was seeing so much more of you than you had ever allowed anyone since your husband. He sat in silence once you finished speaking. 
“Y/n. I'm so sorry. You never should have had to go through that.” And the tears came even faster, until they were silent sobs. Hotch, well he was more Aaron in that moment, brought you into his arms holding you tight, bringing you a comfort you hadn’t felt in a long time. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. I’m right here. It’s okay to cry.”He silently whispered into your hair. You looked up at him then, sighing softly at the beautiful man before you. 
“Thank you Aaron.” He loved the way his name sounded coming from your lips. But before he could tell you, he looked down to find you asleep in his arms. And that's how he stayed until morning. 
                       * * *
The next morning you awoke to a strange bed, with strange sheets, in a strange room. But one sniff and all you could smell was Hotch’s cologne. You soon recognized that there was a warm body behind your own, an arm wrapped around your middle. 
You almost didn't remember what happened last night, but once you did, you began to panic. What if he hated you? What if he was disgusted by you? He probably had just pitied you.  
He must have felt you shift, because he was waking up. His arm tightened around you, and he leaned up looking you in the eyes. He saw your panic and was alert rather quickly for someone who had just woken up. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked quickly, eyes scanning you frantically. 
“You must be disgusted with me.” You paused taking a deep breath. “I'm sorry Hotch. I ruined your night and then cried all over you with my pathetic life story. And you probably just pitied me. I'm sorry.” He shook his head. 
“Y/n, look at me.” You looked into his eyes. “I am and never will be disgusted by you. I am amazed by you. You are so strong and beautiful and you never deserved a thing that disgusting man did to you. I don’t pity you, not at all. All of this has just made me fall more in love with you than I already was.” You looked at him wide eyed.
“You love me?” He leaned a little closer.
“Of course I do. It's impossible not to.” You dared closer still as he moved a piece of hair from your face. The loving gesture warming your heart. 
“Thank you. For everything. I love you too Aaron.” And he sealed your lips. It was intimate and explosive at the same time. And in the most cliche way, fireworks exploded as you kissed him. 
You moved together passionately. Your noses bumped ever so slightly as he kissed you deeper than you had ever been kissed. He was an amazing kisser, to say the least. He broke away a moment later, smiling down at you. 
“Give me a chance to show you what real love is, what it's supposed to be.” You nodded.
“Of course Aaron.” And you kissed him again, sliding your hands around his neck into his hair. It was the happiest you had been in a very long time. 
So in hindsight, maybe getting drunk wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! If i don't get to yours, I'm sorry!! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.2
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
The BEAUTIFUL art pieces were done by @clownwry and @elishevart ! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭❤️💋
ch.1 - ch.3
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Ford was way more nervous than he was letting on.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
Ford would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy Mabel’s company, but she was practically a stranger, and keeping a random girl in his house that was located in the middle of the woods was fishy and Ford couldn’t help but feel like it was illegal. But he couldn’t leave her out in the snow and send her on her way to find her home and family, so he decided to keep her warm or healthy, simply because it was the right thing to do.
But then she said she had no parents to call. Only a brother, who was lost, too. Ford can remember the old rule: If you’re lost, stay where you are until you are found. So he then decided that she could stay here until her brother found her, which should be by morning at the latest.
Still, he felt uneasy, so once Mabel was settled in front of the TV, Ford excused himself and went into the kitchen to make a phone call. There was only one man who would have better judgement in this situation than him.
The phone rang a few times. Ford checked his watch to make sure it was a reasonable time to call. It wasn’t Sunday, was it? But then the ringing stopped. “Howdy! This here Fiddleford McGucket.”
“Hey there, buddy.” Ford smiled to himself at hearing that cheerful voice. “How have you been?”
“Stanford Pines! Good t’hear from ya!” Fiddleford cheered. “M’just fine, just fine! How are ya?! Ya haven’t gotten eaten by monsters yet, have ya?” He laughed, making his old friend chuckle along.
“No no, I’m alright.” Ford almost brought up the reason he called, but then he remembered something very important to Fiddleford. “How are Emma-May and Tater?”
“OH! They’re doin’ great! We’re all very happy n’ doin’ well! Ya won’t believe how big Tate’s gotten since ya last saw him! He’s already crawlin’!”
“Wow, that's great to hear.” Ford sat in a chair at the kitchen table. “Has he said his first words yet?”
“No, not quite. Actually, he’s extremely quiet. Not a lot of baby-babble.” Fiddleford chuckled. “The doctor says that’s perfectly normal. Tate’s so smart, he’s reachin’ for specific colors n’ such, n’ ya can tell he’s thinkin’ a lot n’ knows what’s goin’ on, he just got nothin’ t’say.”
“I was very shy when I was young.” Ford commented casually. He didn't feel like mentioning why. “If Tate is anything like either of his parents he’s very intelligent.”
“Oh, he’s so much like both of us it’s scary. Ya know Emma-May, so clever n’ quiet n’ such. Tate’s got all that. But he already looks so much like me! But he’s got his mama’s hair! N’ Santy Claus brought ‘im this fun little fishin’ game where ya fish for plastic fish with a pole with a magnet on it, n’ he loves it! I can’t wait to take ‘im fishin’ when he’s big enough! Ya really outta give yourself a break n’ come down for a visit, he’d move to see his Uncle Ford again.”
Ford’s face felt hot. “Perhaps. Spring is when a lot of anomalies are active and breeding, so i would prefer not to miss that, but maybe I could visit for a weekend before that…”
“Well, no pressure, I won’t assume anythang until ya tell me to, just know there’s always a bed for ya here.”
“Thank you, Fiddleford. The same for you and your family. The clean air will do everyone some good.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” Fiddleford sighed happily and perked up. “So! Whatcha callin’ for? Not that I’m not happy just t’chat, but ya never call.”
Ford laughed and shrugged to himself. “I suppose I don’t. I’m sorry.”
“No need t’be sorry, Stanford, just wanna know what’s up.”
“Well, I was hoping to get your advice on something.”
“Um… well…” Ford rubbed the back of his neck, unsure how to tell him this. “I heard some unusual sounds outside today…”
“What kind of unusual sounds?”
“Cracks, like lightning. And some faint yelling.” Ford answered. “I thought it might be a tree branch or a new anomaly to catalogue, but when I opened the door a young girl was standing there in the snow with no coat.”
“Heavens! Is she alright?!”
“She’s okay, no frostbite. She was cold, but after sitting by the fire, drinking some hot chocolate, and changing into some dry clothes, she’s okay now.”
“Well, good.”
“So of course I brought her in. I tried to call her parents, she probably got lost playing…”
“... but she says she doesn’t have any parents.”
“Oh.” Fiddleford sighed. “Oh. Now, wait, are ya sure she didn’t just say that so ya wouldn’t call?”
Ford chuckled and said, “I first thought that too, but she looked too sad to be lying.”
“Okay, I see. Does she got somebody ya can call?”
“She says she has a brother, but he was out there, too. So he is probably out there looking for her and therefore nowhere near a phone.”
“Fair enough, okay. So, I reckon y’all are waitin’ for him t’come ‘round.”
“Well sounds to me like you’ve handled this all pretty well.” Fiddleford said confidently.
“You think so?” Ford asked. “I can’t help but feel like I’m doing something wrong. Like I’m missing something. Am I doing something wrong?”
“Nonsense, buddy, you’re doin’ great.” Fiddleford assured. “Look here, ya can’t just leave a young gurl out in the snow t’try t’find her way home...”
“I agree.”
“... so ya really got one option n’ that’s t’keep an eye on her n’ let her in as a guest. N’ ya tried t’call, but nothin’. The best thang ya can do right now is be there for this lil’lady n’ just be kind t’her. N’ if nobody comes for her by mornin’, why don’t ya go into town n’ see if anybody knows her, then they can help y’all out.”
Ford nodded, then remembered that his best friend couldn’t see it, so he said, “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“You’re welcome. N’ hey, are ya okay?” He asked seriously.
“Yes, yes I’m okay. I just want to make sure I do this right.”
“O’course. I understand. Ya want me t’come down there n’ give a hand?”
“No, that’s not necessary. I’m sure Mabel will find her brother in the morning.”
“Mabel, huh? Well, if y’all don’t, please call me. N’ even if ya do find her brother, call me. Keep me updated.”
“I will. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“Anytime, Stanford.”
When Mr. Ford gave Mabel the remote for the old TV and went into the kitchen, she decided to use her awesome detective skills to figure out what year it was. If it was before Grunkle Stan lived here and opened the Mystery Shack, she must be pretty far back in time. But she had no way of knowing if it was 1999 or 2005 or the 50s.
The TV was old, but so was Grunkle Stan’s in her time. So Mr. Ford could have had this TV for a long time and didn’t want to replace it. 
Okay, so when was the TV made? Mabel didn’t know. Dipper would have known.
Okay, Grunkle Stan mentioned watching TV when he was a kid once or twice. So at least Mabel was when Stan was a kid, okay. 
Mabel turned the TV on and it was in color. Okay, so she wasn’t too far back in time. But the TV was playing a commercial for clear skin. The picture was gritty and all the people in it had puffy hair and long socks and oh my god was that woman wearing legwarmers?! Mabel grinned at seeing her favorite fashion on TV, but then her face dropped. When was she?
She tapped her chin and tried to think of how to know the date without being suspicious. She could ask Mr. Ford, but that might be suspicious. Mabel decided to start flicking through channels to try to guess what year she was in based on what was airing. A lot of shows were about cowboys, space, or game shows. Huh. Okay.
All the TV shows were definitely older. Nothing her dad would watch from when he was a kid, so if Mabel had to guess by everyone’s crazy air, the cheesy TV shows, and the music occasionally playing, she was in the 70s.
Huh. Okay. But she needed an exact year. So Mabel turned off the TV, saw an old radio on a desk, and turned it on to listen.
“... cuz it’s cold doesn’t mean you can't boogie, folks! So grab someone you wanna get warm with, turn up the music, and get your bodies warm in the coolest way possible! Here’s Night Fever, by the Bee Gees!”
Mabel grinned at the disco music. Her personal favorite song from these guys was More Than a Woman, but Night Fever would do. For a moment Mabel forgot her mission, jumped off the couch and left the blanket behind, and in the over-sized gray t-shirt Mr. Ford gave her while her clothes were drying, she danced along to the music, singing the chorus since those were the only words she knew.
“When you reach out for me. Yeah, and the feelin' is right,
Then I get night fever, night fever. We know how to do it! Gimme that night fever, night fever. We know how to show it!”
Mabel laughed at herself as she spun around in her socks and tried to do the point-and-hype dance she didn’t know the name to, but everyone did it when a disco song played.
Little did she know that Ford had returned to check on her, and was smiling at her as she shook her hips and waved her hair around and had fun. He leaned against the doorway and planned to let her dance in peace, but when she did a spin and saw him, she grinned and took his hand. “C’mon, Mr. Ford, come dance with me!”
Ford chuckled and shook his head. “No, no! I can’t dance!”
“You got two legs that aren’t broken?”
“Then you can dance! C’mon!” Mabel encouraged, let him go when they were both in the middle of the room, and she started to dance again. “Don’t make me dance alone!” She even pulled an evil move and gave him puppy eyes. Rude.
Ford smiled slyly at her and hesitantly copied her boogie moves. It was true that Ford never liked to dance, but there was no one around but Mabel, and though he had only known her for an hour or more, he was sure she would never make fun of him.
And he was right.
“Wow! Look at you, Mr. I-Can’t-Dance! Yeah!” Mabel hopped on the couch, standing, and took Ford’s hand. “Here, I’ll spin you!”
Ford laughed and allowed it, doing a single spin, but then scooping her in his arms to dip her and then let her down, making her laugh as they continued to dance. 
“Alright alright, you crazy cats, that was Night Fever by the Bee Gees! It's a snowy day here in the heart of Oregon, with snow flurries coming in harder all night, but it should clear up by morning and be a fun day to go out and play! The date is January 26th, 1978 in case you gotta write a check or mail a thank you note to a friend or family member. I’m still writing letters for Christmas! We’ll be right back with some of your favorites after a word or two from our sponsors, so don’t go anywhere!”
Mabel stared at the radio. “Wow, 1978.” She breathed. Her parents were only kids right now, maybe only six or seven-years-old. Wow.
Ford chuckled. “I know, I’m still in the bad habit of writing ‘77.”
Mabel realized her mistake, but was grateful her host misunderstood her. “Me too.”
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for dinner. How about some ramen noodles?”
“Yes, please! Can we play a game after we eat?”
“Sure. I don’t have many board games, but I do have a deck of cards.”
“Do you know any card tricks?!”
“A few.” Ford admitted, wiggling his fingers. “There are some advantages to having more fingers than average.”
Mabel grinned up at him and followed him to the kitchen for dinner.
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