#again I may very well be complaining about a problem that doesn't happen any more
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Okay, I'm sorry, I got myself a little too heated answering that last ask, but something that used to really bother me in the Okami fandom was when people would whole-heartedly insist that Waka is only 200 years old.
I'll admit this isn't something I've noticed in this run in the fandom, so I could very well be bitching about a problem that no longer occurs, but all we know, canonically, about Waka's age is that the Tao Troopers are 200 years old, and Waka has been their only recorded Captain.
So we know the bare minimum amount of time Waka has been on Earth. Not alive, just on Earth.
I remember being like 13 and seeing 20+ year olds claim Waka had to be only 200 because that's what they said in the game, and getting blood-red mad, 'cause no, that is not what they said in the game, and if you cleaned the dried cum out of your ears and used that singular half-dead braincell still rattling around in your skull like a DVD logo for half a second, you'd fucking know that!
Like I just think it's common sense that if he's been the Tao Trooper Captain for 200 years, then he has to be at least 100 years older than that to have already been an adult, as implied, when he gets to the Celestial Plain, and then live a bit of a life there before Orochi showed up.
#Okami#again I may very well be complaining about a problem that doesn't happen any more#but this still bothers me when I think about it#getting heated anytime I have to think about Waka's age lol
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Episode 13 was...something
I have to be real with you all: I don't think I liked this episode very much. And no, it has nothing to do with my theory. This is a lot more serious than that. But hey, we're actually moving forward with the plot, and there's a lot to discuss about this episode
Let's cover the big things in detail, shall we?
Levi the Moral Sociopath
So let's get this out of the way: yeah, I was probably wrong here. I thought maybe Arei had talked to Levi about his secret and they reached a mutual understanding, and that turns out not to have been the case. In ways that NOBODY predicted.
See, we were all under the impression that Levi had moral reasons to kill and that's why he holds "no remorse." Turns out that interpretation was meant literally; as in, Levi doesn't experience remorse. Or compassion. Or empathy.
From the way he describes it, it sounds like Levi has Antisocial Personality Disorder or something similar, something that impedes his sense of empathy. See, there's two types of empathy to consider: Cognitive Empathy and Affective Empathy.
Cognitive is where you can interpret the emotions of another, while Affective is the ability to share in emotional experiences with others. Low cognitive empathy is what autistic peeps (such as myself) experience, while low affective empathy is what one would associate with sociopaths. They recognize emotions in others and mimic them accordingly, but they're not able to share or really understand them.
Levi...seems to be lacking in both. He has trouble interpreting emotions and he admits he doesn't really feel anything when it comes to the others; their deaths might as well be the deaths of complete strangers on the other side of the world. He murdered three strangers and his own father, yet he barely remembers them because he's moved on since then.
But Levi is not an evil person. Quite to the contrary, he still believes in doing good and helping people, even if he has no emotional attachment to doing so, because it guarantees him a better and easier life than continuously being a delinquent. He may not really be able to feel compassion for others, but he'll still try and help protect them. That's such a rare presentation of a character with low empathy, especially compared to the more common stereotype that they're all serial killers, and I just think that's really neat.
Way more interesting than him being the volatile, crazed murderer so many believed he was.
2. Hu, Veronika and Nico
So while it was largely skimmed over, here's what I did get right: Hu is the one who's attempted suicide three times and Ronnie has engaged in self-harm in the past. The latter didn't share because she decided it would be more interesting to hold onto it, and also because she considers suicide a boring motivation. Concerning.
And as it turns out, we finally discussed the murder method and they managed to draw an important conclusion: Nico's attempted murder of Ace and our current murder do indeed have a connection. That entire scene wasn't just there to happen, I'm still willing to believe that it was due to David's influence and that was the first attempt.
Because, again, the last people we saw with David before the attempted murder were Nico and Hu. And then Nico tries to kill Ace. And then Arei apparently dies in the same method.
Does that mean Nico is the culprit no? No, probably not. As I've said many times, we have to consider that rule that the Blackened doesn't have to be the murderer, they have to be the "most mastermind-y." Nico also really doesn't seem to have any motivations, at least at this point in time. Levi seemed like he did, but as he explained it, it became clear he had even less reasons to do so than we thought. Nico already has very few reasons themself.
This isn't us zeroing in on the culprit, just moving the story along. And boy did we REALLY need that. Now time for the part where Mod complains.
3. The Wheel-Spinning Is Becoming A Real Problem
Now, one thing I've praised DT for in the past is how well it handles foreshadowing. Small details always come back, no matter how seemingly innocuous. It really gives the impression that everything in the story matters in some respect, which is what good stories should do.
...But we've only just NOW started discussing the murder plot, and it took only a couple minutes to say what many of us have been saying: they used the carousel the hang the victim and snap their neck using the trash and the rafters. We're on Episode 13 of this chapter. It took us 5 episodes and 17 months to get here.
That's what's made this trial and this chapter in general so frustrating to me, because most of our time hasn't been spent on what's relevant to the situation at hand. Most of it has been spent on tangents about secrets, or just pointless nonsense and comedy hijinks. And I get it, this is DR, that's to be expected. But at this point? We should have more information than we do, because we only have a handful of episodes to work with and so many things left unexplained.
I harped on the smaller details because time was devoted to them, attention was drawn to them, and I refused to believe they're going to be totally irrelevant to this chapter. Now I worry they are and I have to wonder why time was spent on them this chapter and not the one(s) where they'll actually matter.
There were so many tangents this chapter and so much time spent on discussing them, I want to believe we're building to something for the climax.
"You mean your theory, right?" You may ask.
And I have to be honest, the theory is barely on my mind at this point. My concern isn't just the many, many tangents that don't seem to add anything, but the direction DT seems to be heading.
4. What even was that scene with Arei?
I have...so many questions about David's flashback.
To immediately dispel the obvious question, no, he's not lying here. If we're allowed to see it, that means it's what actually happened. What Arei said in that scene was what really went down. And I'm not really happy about that.
Now, I'll admit, I had a very negative initial reaction to that scene. Arei confronts David about his secret, and it turns out...she's relieved that it's true. My initial reading of that scene was that she was giving up on being a good person because David being a liar has proven it's pointless. She then goes on to say that Eden's probably done something terrible as well, so there's really no such thing as a good person, and it really felt like a cynical, mean-spirited undermining to everything that came before.
But revisiting it, that's not really what happened. TA and Poi pointed out how, no, what she really seems to be saying by "there's no such thing as a good person" is there's no one who's just naturally morally upstanding. And that it's okay, because it means she's not too far gone.
What came off as her giving up really seems to be more of her deciding not to live by some arbitrary standard about who isn't and isn't a good person, because everyone's probably done something they really regret. Her saying Eden's probably done something terrible isn't dismissing all her good efforts, since she still considers her a friend. It's her accepting that labels like "good person" are meaningless, and that it shouldn't stop you from trying to be better.
And she extends a hand to David, hoping that maybe both of them can be better in the future.
And David...doesn't share a word of this with anyone, especially not Eden. That means that scene only exists for the audience's benefit. We're meant to consider what she said for whatever reason, and while my initial interpretation wasn't wrong, I do have concerns about that.
First of all, while this could still work with my theory, this is probably the biggest factor that changes things. At this point, I'm willing to accept there's an 80% chance I'm wrong. The problem is, theory or not, I worry what exactly showing us that scene is meant to suggest. Why did we as the audience need to see it for dramatic irony purposes?
There are only three interpretations that really come to mind, and I have to say, I'm not fond of two of them:
My theory is correct and this is all part of Arei's 4000 IQ play.
My theory is wrong and that scene only exists to twist the knife for our sake, especially if David is the Blackened.
My theory is wrong, David is the rival, and that scene exists to facilitate his future character development.
And that last one is fridging. Like, it's blatant fridging, where a (frankly more interesting) female character dies in order to spur development in a dude. I'm going to be genuinely pissed if that happens, because it renders her entire character arc this chapter pointless and ends it in such poor taste. It's also a very dumb course of action because why would you ever say all this to someone you know is a MANIPULATOR WHO TAKES ADVANTAGE OF PEOPLE?!
The second one is just poor writing, where it's only there to hurt the audience a little bit more. It's unnecessary and ends things on such a pointlessly bittersweet note. But I'll take that over option 3, because I genuinely don't give a shit about David and I really don't want Arei's death only happen to focus on him more. He doesn't want to change, he believes it's better to sacrifice everyone's lives for some cause he refuses to disclose.
And at this point, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. Whatever, I expected to be wrong anyway, but that's hardly my biggest concern.
My biggest concern is that DT is resorting to genuinely bad writing decisions and it's going to have a lasting negative effect on the story. I don't understand what other interpretations there could be with that scene, and I really don't like the possibilities we do have. Everything I point to as a basis for my theory could end up being completely pointless to the story, and I have to ask what the point was.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm reading all this in bad faith and something else will happen, and we'll spend the remaining episodes discussing everything I've brought up in detail. I've been burned a lot by stories I've enjoyed going in very poor directions and characters I got invested in bore the brunt of it. Regardless of my theory being true or not, I don't want the same to happen to DT.
And I can see reasons why I may be wrong here: David only really gives a damn about Xander, for instance, and we've yet to really discuss the hows and whys of the murder. And I still wonder why J has been getting so much focus when she was barely in Daily Life.
Overall, while I got really negative here, I hope next proves me wrong and things head in a new direction.
#mod talks#a student out of time#drdt#danganronpa despair time#I got really negative in this one#But I still enjoy DT#I hope you can at least understand the issues I have#And maybe this will all turn out to be nothing anyway
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Hi there, I was rereading your Maki Zenin fanfic (Tyler Durden and the Culling Game piece). I must say when I read it the first time reading it, the way you depict her mentality, emotion, and actions. It was so emotionally draining and at the same time cathartic as it reminded me of myself back then and now still (well minus mass murdering all lotta people). But also surprised me, cause I have never this depiction of her after Shibuya Incident. But over time as I look at your analysis on various characters and paid attention to her upbringing by rereading the manga chapters focused on her, I realized the way she behaves in the Culling Games after what happen to her throughout her life. She is kind of stable??? Regardless, even though she is already my all-time favorite character. Your depictions of her makes me love her character even more as I actually relate to her more and felt those similar feelings. But I'm glad she is alive and is doing ok near the end of the manga, so I wanna ask. What do you think about her character now since JJK is VERY close to its end? And how do you feel about where she is right now as of Chapter 269. Sorry for the long ramble, I might ask more lol.
Thank you so much for your ask! That reminds me I need to start updating my culling games fic again sometime soon. For anyone curious the ask is about THIS YUTAMAKI FIC HERE.
Maki's kind of a hard character to talk about because even though Maki is clearly one of my favorite characters to explore in fic, and I love to dive deep into her motivations and inner struggles in the fanfics I write every time I criticize her writing in canon a little bit her fans jump me.
So instead I'm going to share one recent Maki scene I really liked, and one little tweak I think would have made both Yuta and Maki's character endings perfect.
You're right, for a lifelong abuse victim who just murdered her family Maki seems oddly stable all throughout the culling games. I no longer think this is a Maki specific problem, but rather a Jujutsu Kaisen problem. Basically, post Shibuya most of the character conflicts in between characters are dropped so everyone can work seamlessly together as a part of one big team.
This is a storytelling choice on Gege's so he could eventually set up for the Shinjuku Showdown fight, it'd be impossible for everyone to keep jumping in and out of the fight if people kept stopping to argue and have interpersonal conflicts in the middle of it.
If your name wasn't Megumi or Yuji, then basically all your personal hangups, your self-reflection, all got dropped. Which now it kind of makes sense why the audience was yelling at Megumi for not being able to immediately get over his sister's death, like in comparison none of the other characters spend any time at all dwelling on personal issues because Gege needs them to move to the next fight.
I'm not complaining, I'm just saying this is how Gege chose to write his characters post Shibuya, most personal conflicts got dropped for story reasons.
However, there was one moment that made me really get on board with Maki's writing again, and it was a... you guessed it moment of personal conflict.
This moment where Yuta is bringing up the idea of body swapping with Gojo before the group, and Maki despite being firmly against it is unable to do or say anything substantive to stop Yuta.
It's the first time I've seen that yeah, Maki is still in fact reeling from the loss of Mai. It doesn't really show most of the time on the surface, but Maki's always been like that - like an island able to stand strong without the support of anyone else. It is her strength, and also her greatest weakness.
Remember, the last time someone she loved walked away from her and decided to sacrifice their body and autonomy so they could become a weapon for the greater good Maki wasn't able to say or do anything to convince Mai to stay with her and stay by her side too.
There's the parallel with Maki and Sukuna, that Sukuna chose to devour his own twin in the womb in order to survive and therefore gained a body perfect for sorcerery. When Mai died, Maki gained a body just like Toji's.
Maki carved everything away in order to become a true void, but unlike Sukuna she didn't do it by choice.
We know she wouldn't willingly sacrifice Mai. She begged Mai to stay. Yet, she kind of did choose to sacrifice Mai with every choice she made before that. Maki chose being a Jujutsu Sorcerer over Mai every single time, to the point where when it counted she couldn't do anything to convince Mai to stay.
Maki consumed her twin and became a monster like Sukuna, a true void. She didn't choose to do it per se, but every choice she made leading up to that point indicated to Mai that Maki would rather be strong on her own then weak together with Mai. That Maki is someone like Gojo, and like Sukuna meant to stand strong all alone. Maki is an island and that is her greatest strength and her greatest flaw.
As when it happens again and someone she loves is about to become a monster, she can't find the words to convince Yuta to stay with her on the beach instead of walking into the ocean the same way she couldn't find the words to stop Mai. After all, Maki is someone who chose to become a monster like Toji after losing everything else, what right does she have to stop Yuta from becoming a monster too?
How could she possibly stop him from walking the path she walked? I think it's telling to thde depths of her love that Maki who values being a sorcerer above everything else, would have rather had both Mai and Yuta stay human and stay with her, but also telling of her complete inability to express that love.
It's "You're too important to us" because the words "You're too important to me," doesn't occur to Maki in both cases with Yuta and Mai, because Maki is an island. She can keep going on even after Mai and Yuta are gone even if she doesn't want to.
So here is the one change I would make the Maki's endgame to make her and Yuta's character arcs perfect. I would just have Yuta not be able to come back from Gojo's body. Otherwise, Yuta being magically fixed after the fact makes that whole plot twist kind of inconsequential and as much as I love Yuta in Gojo's body it kind of just seems to exist for shock-value now considering how easily it was resolved.
Yuta not coming back would provide a consequence for Yuta defiling Gojo's body, and also in general give the perfect bittersweet ending to both him and Maki's arcs. They both chose to become monsters in the end to defeat Sukuna, and as a result Maki is standing alone at the strongest. It would also provide the perfect parallel to this scene with Geto and Gojo. You could even have Maki musing on how she was left behind again. There's a pretty big parallel to Maki and Gojo both being people who seemingly don't need anyone because they're so strong and self-sufficient and yet they crumble at the idea of the one person they've always been relying on walking away from them.
It would also parallel Megumi and Itadori as well, because the reason that itadori is eventually able to reach Megumi is specifically because unlike everyone else he refused to give up his humanity to defeat Sukuna.
You could have a really heartbreaking parallel of three generations of friendships broken apart by the Jujutsu World. Satosugu, and YutaMaki aren't able to reach each other and stay together, but finally by never giving up on reaching out towards one another Megumi and Itadori are both able to find each other again after the world and Sukuna pulled them apart.
I do enjoy this scene a lot - especially the parts where Maki seems borderline arrogant by insisting she could have done things all on her own and if they went with her plan instead of Yuta's then they would have suffered far less losses. Especially since Maki's not genuinely trying to chew Yuta out here, she just knows no other way to express her worry over him besides being hyper aggressive and confrontational.
It still shows that Maki's personality problems are all still there, she loves people a lot but she loves people from afar and can't admit to needing them but like I'm just saying we could have had THE UTLIMATE DOOMED LOVERS ending for YutaMaki.
#metasks#maki zenin#i'm not criticizing maki at all please don't jump me#yutamaki#maki and gojo are some of my favorite characters i s2g#and yet i get a reputation for being a hater#i thought we were supposed to torment the characters we loved#isn't that what all fanfic writers do?#yuta okkotsu#nobody dies au
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👉👈 can I get some head-cannons on how 1987 and 2003 Casey would act as dads to his and the readers kid…….i have to imagine ‘87 Casey would be an interesting parental figure……not a bad one just very…..very interesting
Very interesting indeed...
03' & 87' Casey Jones x reader
Warnings none:
2003 Casey:
Will cal the child squirt, tiny, chump, and/or kiddo
It all just depends on his mood.
If the kid is a girl he'll definitely call her princess or little darling and if they're a boy he'll call him little man, or buff little man.
He will love the crap out of your kids, dude is honestly so happy to be a dad.
When he first married you he wanted kids but he was also pretty scared and wasn't sure he was ready.
When it finally happened though?
He was so happy.
Just picture this man laying in the bed with your new born in his hands while they moved their little hands around without any real reason.
He would have literal stars in his eyes.
Dude would probably start taking his baseball bat with him every time he left the house.
Ain't no way he's going out with his kids without proper protection in New York of all places.
He would have a blast teaching the kids about hockey and if they were genuinely interested hockey games would become their biggest bonding moments.
Bro is honestly just a really fun dad.
Any game the kids play with him he will be 100% into it.
Doesn't matter what role he's playing he will literally destroy your house if your kids say it's what his character would do.
In short you had to tell the kids (and your fully grown adult husband) that real weapons were not, infact, toys and to stop stabbing your furniture.
You almost blew a gasket when you walked in the room to see Casey rip one of your couch pillows in half.
He won't be doing that again.
Also, ice cream trips are a staple in your house.
the kids want iced cream?? Why not!
Honestly he wants ice cream just as much as them.
If you say no he will join in with the kids and either try to get you to say yes or just try and convince you with puppy dog eyes.
when you kids hit the rebellious teen phase he will wil feel so much internal conflict.
On the one hand what they are doing is extremely dangerous, irresponsible, and/or disrespectful and it's infuriating.
But on the other... He also did those things at their age.
BUT HE WASN'T AS BAD (this is true. He was worse)
He is still happy with their teenage stage though.
The proud dad moments will be golden.
I feel like your guys kids would gravitate towards certain turtle uncles.
They would just click more with one than the other and he's happy to see his kids still having a connection with his old friends.
Mikey will complain to him often though if none of your kids pick him as their favorite uncle.
Overall, Casey is a top tier dad.
1987 Casey:
This dude is an entire basket case.
Not to say he isn't a good dad! He is.
You just have to thoroughly explain child safety and proper emotional reactions.
Examples would be, "You can't let our kid beat up their teacher for giving them an unfair grade" or "you can't hand a toddler a golf club to swing around the house" or "Sticking a fork in an electrical outlet will electrocute them"
Once you show him how to legally and safely go about certain situations, there actually aren't many problems!
He is very strict on what he believes to be right and wrong.
While his methods may be a tad counterproductive he means well and he will do everything in his power to mold your kids into well mannered law abiding citizens.
And in case you were wondering, he sees the whole beating up the teacher thing as the teacher lying on an official government document sooooooo.
In any case he's doing his best.
Casey doesn't really spend much time around the turtles in this version so their less like uncles to your kids and more just, "People dad knows".
If your kids show an interest in the turtles though, he will make a point to hang around more often.
When it comes to his mask Casey likes to leave it on.
It makes him feel prepared for any potential danger and he honestly doesn't feel fully dressed without it.
9 times out of 10 though, if your kids ask him to take it off he will.
He just loves them so much, and as paranoid as he can be he still wants his kids to know their fathers real face.
When it comes to raising your kids he is usually the one dishing out punishments. Not because you don't, he's just quicker at it.
He understands your kids are learning the ins and outs of life and he wants to make sure they know the consequences of their actions so they're prepared when they go out into the real world.
That being said he is also very fair.
If your kid didn't know something was wrong he won't punish them.
He'll just tell them why it was wrong and not to do it again. If they do it after that? Then they get time-out.
Like 2003 Casey, he is also very playful and loves playing games with the kids.
He will run with them around the house, dress up in costumes, do weird voices and all that jazz.
It's so cute honestly. This big buff dude in a hockey mask who prides himself in his strength and ruthless attitude towards "evil doers" will also have the most legitimate tea party while your kids call him Mrs. Whittlebottom.
With the way you both go about raising your kids it seems unlikely, to me, that they would become rebellious teens.
However if that were to happen Casey would be at a complete loss.
Casey has never felt tied down by the rules or "the man" as long as they kept the peoples best interest at heart.
Don't steal things, don't break others property, don't sell harmful substances.
It all made perfect sense to him.
When people follow the rules they are happy and safe and peaceful.
People don't get hurt and they are able to do what they love.
So when your children express feeling trapped by the rules of the house or call the punishment they get by breaking them "unfair" he is straight up confused.
Like, what do you mean its unfair that your growned for seeking out?! You know it's against the rules and you could have gotten hurt! WTF???
This could potentially cause a lot of tension between Casey and your kids but at the end of the day they still love each other.
It just might take some time for them to properly understand the other.
For everyone's sake though, let's not bet on your kids hitting the rebellious phase.
Also, your kids may or may not pick up some of his weird mannerisms such as calling criminals "evil doers" or hunting down literally anyone in the name of justice.
Yeah, it really doesn't help he raises them on super hero shows.
All in all, very dedicated husband and father. Will literally die for his family.
#tmnt 87#tmnt 1987#teenage mutant ninja turtles#teenage mutant ninja turtle 1987#1987 casey#2003 casey jones x reader#casey jones x reader#casey x reader#2003 casey jones#1987 Casey Jones#87 Casey x reader
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Showing affection headcanons 2
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
✧ Clingy with the need of attention - this is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about him.
✧ He has a tendency to act like a child. He is everywhere and needs attention.
Have you seen what is happening in the market? No? You both have to go there now!
Were you watching me doing that trick? Well, see it now!
Are you listening to me at all? That day...
If he has your attention, he feels loved. Therefore, he gets jealous. More for show than for real but guys around you should be aware because he'll give stare at them or he'll just grab your hand and take you away without explanation.
✧ Venti likes to use the wind to pick you up. He'll make your hair look bad in a funny way or lift your skirt for if you wear it (within the limits of decency of course, almost...).
✧ He will sing for you any time of the day or night. Whether it's a private concert or a drunken shanty at Angel's Share, he'll take out his lyre and charm you and others present with his voice.
✧ He often takes you to the big tree in Windrise. Then he gets more serious and instead of quick kisses, before you expect it, he lays his head on your shoulder, reminiscing about older times. Then he also honestly talks about how much he appreciates you and what you have changed in his life.
✧ Master of remembering details. The little things you shared with him, even long ago, turn into something special. Whether it's a gift or a place you wanted to see.
✧ His way of showing affection is to support and care for you. If you're having a bad day at a restaurant, he'll always gently ask how you're feeling. If you want to tell him, he'll listen, if not, he's got plenty of stories to distract you from your problems. Traditionally, he will make tea and then cover you with a blanket and you will sit together.
✧ Zhongli is a person who is used to showing affection more in private than in public but if you like walking around the city hand in hand, he doesn't mind.
✧ He loves to cuddle. You always feel safe in his arms.
✧ When you offered to comb his hair, he agreed and he must admit that he liked it a lot more than he thought. Now he often lets you do it or braid it.
✧ If he's happy, his tail starts wagging. This is especially common with you. You can easily tell his emotions by his ears. Ever since a rumor spread among his people that his ears were lucky, you started petting them for fun. Embarrassed, he admitted that he liked it very much.
✧ Since the war in Inazuma ended, you have more time for each other. He especially appreciates being with you. Even if it's just paperwork, he doesn't mind. However, he especially encourages you to climb with him. He will always check the equipment several times and whether you are well fastened. He wants to be sure of your safety.
✧ He often brings you small gifts. Especially shells from the beach or pearls from Watatsumi. At some point it occurred to him that you probably had many of them before, after all, you lived on this island since childhood. He flattened his ears and started promising bringing something else but you assured him that the presents were beautiful and made a necklace out of them. Several people have complained that it looks childish but you don't care.
✧ You are a hero in his eyes since you learned how to cleverly save him from Yae Miko's clutches. The first time he yelled that you were so gorgeous he could kiss you. When you said you may do it, he got so embarrassed that you didn't bring it up again. He's not ready for it yet.
Barbara Pegg
✧ If there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that Barbara will let you know that she loves you. Even if she gets embarrassed sometimes, she is so open that the words I love you are not a problem for her.
✧ Dressing your wounds is also an expression of affection for her. She will always help you when you have an accident or monsters attack you around Mondstadt. Barbara likes to apply bandages and tie mini bows on them. She also used to draw hearts on your cast.
✧ She loves to give you goodbye kisses on the cheek. You, on the other hand, love kissing her forehead. She considers it a very tender and caring gesture.
✧ She composed some love songs for you. You happened to find them by accident in her things. She's only sung one for you so far because she says the rest aren't finished. You have to wait until your birthday.
✧ Whether or not you believe in Barbatos she prays to him for your health and prosperity in all matters.
#genshin impact x reader#venti x reader#zhongli x reader#headcanons#gorou x reader#barbara x reader#x reader#genshin impact#venti#zhongli#gorou#barbarra pegg#over teyvat
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🍀Justice For Lake!🍀 - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 2 Episode 6 “Broke & Back Mountain”
Anyway, we're back. I know it's been awhile. I've been busy doing other things.
But don't worry. We're back now. We're cool. I didn't die.
At least I can watch this show more peacefully, so I'm not bombarded with bigotry every minute! I can hear my conscience again!
Because yeah, last episode's elimination, subverted my expectations in a way that pleased me.
I'm very interested in what's gonna happen next, considering Yul is out now. I mean, slayed or not, James is still an antagonistic character, so I'm ASSUMING he's taking the mantle as villain.
That and we have Krystal as a villain already.
So let's get into this episode:
Oh, no recap this time? We're just gonna...
Aw, I wanted to watch Yul die again :(
Awwwwww, Aiden and his bear, that's so cute ❤️
Why you sleeping with earrings?
Uuuuuuhhhh... why are you two sleeping together? What is going on here?
I guess you guys figured things out.
Riya has my exact reaction XD
"What in Bollywood's name did I witness last night?!"
"I told them not to bring it up until the game was over."
Wait, so why were y'all in the same bed?
That's not a 'friends' thing to do.
So Hunter still hasn't come out yet.
"Fortunately, Yul had to leave the game due to a medical emergency."
I love that nobody misses him at all.
"Eh, you know, we don't know if he made it or not, but he was kind of a douche, so I should be worried, but I'm just not, you know...?"
"Well, I hope he doesn't get well soon."
Idk how many Yul stans there are. All the Yul stans probably blocked me.
"I never liked Yul. His personality and way of expressing himself were horrible."
Why didn't you vote him out then? When you had the chance.
You could've allied with Kai or Connor, and not much about your gameplay changes.
"But all the hate he caused kept me and the girls safe. It was good strategy."
THAT'S your justification?
You and your girls weren't in ANY danger. And Kai would be easy to persuade for a fourth vote. You have majority.
We're only at Episode 6. GODDAMN.
Total Drama 2024 was out for BLOOD trying to beat this.
"PreMerge speedrun! How quickly can we merge our characters?"
"As you may have noticed, we are in the middle of nowhere."
"Excuse me?!"
What's wrong with supplies?
"Aiden and James are going together."
Oh goddammit. AGAIN?!
I mean yeah James didn't kill Aiden, but THAT'S THE BAR.
I would've loved to see Aiden and Lake pair up tbh.
As friends, obviously.
"Is there a problem with the signal here?"
I'm glad I have subtitles on so I know he said signal.
I heard 'SIGH-NAL'
Idk, I'm not gonna question it in case this is an accent thing.
"You are in the middle of forest. There is no Internet here."
I thought that'd be obvious. XD
Oh he's gonna LOSE IT
"What?! What year are we in?!"
The year of HELL.
Except I'm in the future. So...
Still hell.
"You seem to know a lot about survival."
"No big deal, I just read it in a book."
Sounds like everyone.
"Uh... I read a book once. Ten years ago. So yeah, I'm an expert. I know everything there is to know about surviving-OH, HEALTHY BERRIES-*GAGS*"
"Nope. Not another one. Please no."
"Can you believe it?! What kind of low budget show leaves its participants without Internet access?!"
I'm surprised you even HAVE wifi at camp.
James is just gonna be complaining the whole time.
"We're in the middle of the woods, James. What did you expect?"
Yeah, exactly. Even the other characters are calling this out.
"Look, the faster we get to camp, the faster you can get back online."
Aiden's like, "So PLEASE, shut your mouth and stop staring at me with predatory eyes. Then maybe I'll get you your precious wifi back. If I don't smash the phone first-"
"I had some differences with James, but what he did for me in the previous ceremony makes me believe that, deep down inside, he's not that bad."
"I mean, HE KILLED YUL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. How can I NOT respect the hell out of him?!"
"Now that the teams are dissolved, I guess you'll go back to your alliance with Lake and I'll be alone again."
Awww, Riya, honey, no...
"If I make an alliance with Lake, you will be also part of it."
Alliance of all the best girls?
"We can dominate the game together and you can beat the shit out of us in the semi-final."
Oh so you WANT to lose to Riya?
Heyo, don't tempt her to slay, Rosa. SHE'LL DO IT.
"Huh, now that you're encouraging me to slay, I think maybe I should slay, you know? Helps with my broke-ass career. People LOVE IT when people SLAY."
Why is Rosa so good with everyone?
"Maybe I should go higher."
"Don't do it. You could fall and hurt yourself."
"Do you care about me?"
Oh... oh that's deep actually... shit...
"Well sure. You are my friend."
"Even though you threaten my senpai's attention away from me."
"Who's your senpai?"
"Good question..."
*Bi Crisis*
"I thought you were just pretending to be nice to me."
"What? Of course not! I really like you!"
"Don't take that in wrong context! Please, no! I'm not bi! I'm just making a point!"😳
"I admit, at first I pretended to be Tess's friend a bit so Hunter wouldn't feel bad."
Oh, so...
This and the children rage thing. I question your morality a bit Allyson.
Poor Tess.
"This is the last time you take part in a challenge!"
What are you mad at him for?! Ensuring your camper's safety?
...actually that checks out.
"People want to see people suffer and fight for their lives, to see them get hurt and go through the worst of embarrassments! This is what the show is about!"
You sound like a Chris McLean child.
You sound like Chris McLean right now XD
God that's a good line though.
Has someone working at OddNations seen my Total Drama posts where I discussed this exact topic, and said "We should make THAT a major theming of our show!"
"That's why this show went so many years without being broadcast!"
What is the time gap between Season 1 and 2? Exactly?
I THOUGHT it was just one year, but apparently not. It's been several years?
I mean I know the past hosts were criminals, but the show was still aired, right? Or was it not??
I'm confused now.
"I'm saying Lake was right. You ARE worse than Mr McLean!"
Oh wait cause her name is CHRIS-tal-
I'm an idiot.
I am a fucking idiot.
I bet y'all are laughing so hard at my mental breakdown right now cause you figured this out on day one.
Alright I'm calming down. I'm calming down.
So... let me get this straight, if I am TRYING to understand the lore here:
Total Drama is CANON to this universe. That's what they're implying. Unless this is an AU.
I THINK when Oliver said "This Show" he meant that SURVIVOR, the show Total Drama is based on, doesn't exist in THEIR universe, and Total Drama IS the equivalent of Survivor in THEIR universe.
Total Drama took place in the years they were airing in real life. So TDI took place in 2007 for example. And the last season, before the reboot anyway, was Pahketiew Island. AKA, the worst TD Season EVER. That aired in...
*looks it up*
So if this same logic applies here, then this show takes place in...
So after Total Drama got cancelled for Chris McLean's island scheme, before the show was revived in 2023, Disventure Camp Season 1 would take place in 2021.
And the original Disventure Camp, the season ran by Derek and Trevor, was aired as a shady site due to their crimes. Which is why they got people messed up in the head and/or desperate for money, to do the show. THEN when they got caught, a year later, the rights of the show went to Krystal, someone of much higher power and Chris McLean's daughter, and she kept the show alive and aired this season.
So it's basically:
TDI-TDA - 2007
TDWT - 2008
TDROTI - 2012
TDAS - TDPI - 2014
DC1 - 2021
DC2 - 2022
TD2023 - 2023
TD2024 - 2024
And if we're sticking with the year gaps, then DC3 is in 2023 in their time.
Idk, I feel like this could be wrong. I'm trying to understand the lore here.
"I'd rather sleep on the street than keep working on this damn show!"
That's every Gen Z employee now.
Y'all have no idea of the mistreatment we suffer...
Like, old folks, we will be overworking our asses off just to get impossible standards to even get HIRED in the first place. No matter the degree. No matter the experience.
And we will STILL not be able to afford rent.
And WE'RE the problem?!
Ummmmm... hi?
"Lake, get in the helicopter."
What? NO. WHY?
"You're out of the game."
Is this because she read you for filth?!
Are you eliminating Lake out of SPITE?
"Your father called. He wants you to come home immediately."
Oh so that's why?!
Lake, you don't have to go sweetie! STAND YOUR GROUND AND SAY NO.
"NO, Krystal. I am NOT going anywhere!"
"Unless I get voted off. THEN I'll leave. But not because of my shit father!"
"I could, but your father offered me a generous payment for him to skip certain deals."
Uh, yeah, no.
Lake, you don't have to do this.
"Also, if I remember correctly, you said some nasty things about me in the last challenge."
"I don't agree with Lake's situation but I admit I feel a little relieved now that I'm on my own."
I'm so mad...
"Do you have any idea how much content you could be uploading to TikTok right now?"
And Tumblr.
"Don't tell me, thunder scares you."
It's actually worse cause they're in a tent.
"And to think I could upload how cute you are when you're terrified! Look at my BABY everyone! Hashtag LOVE!!"
HOW HARD IS IT TO ASK: "Hey, do you want me to cuddle you? It might help your fears."
"I can't replace your teddy bear. But I can try it."
...I mean it's a sweet gesture at least...
Half the time I can't tell if Aiden is blushing out of crush or DISCOMFORT.
James, I appreciate the effort, but you're still a creep.
Oh god it's HELL...
How is there a fire in the rain?
"It's the boys! Great! Now that I'm an intern, we can be friends again!"
What boys?
Trevor and Derek? They escaped?
"Kai and I have been living in the forest."
You're completely okay with this? WHY?
"A dance to bring rain!"
These two have been trying to become the GODS and take over the universe. Holy shit...
Why is Kai jacked? I just noticed that...
Why am I asking this when I have A MILLION other questions.
"Look for the wise man who drinks from the turtle's neck."
"I'm going to find some wood to make a fire."
Girl, IT'S RAINING. It won't work.
...what's wrong with Tess? You're fine.
"I need... I want all this to go away..."
Wait what she's going through? Is she panicking?
"I do not want to be here."
Does she have some trauma with the cave space?
"No! You do not understand anything! Nobody understands why I came to this place!"
Okay, explain then. I want answers.
Honey's going through it right now.
"I told you not to worry, I don't need you."
Tess, come on...
"Is there a reason father wants me to come back?"
"It's because of the kisses, right?"
"I haven't exactly come out of the closet, you know?"
"Because of that and because you burned your books, didn't turn in your essays, they found out you hid photos of them and now everyone knows you're bald for being stressed."
Oh. We FINALLY get an answer for that.
I heard that was a real thing that could happen. When people lose their hair out of intense stress. And... yeah.
That says a lot about Lake's character and what she goes through.
Also Krystal FORCED her to do all these things, so why isn't her dad taking it out on Krystal?
"I'm done. I'm sure he'll send me straight to boarding school and I'll have to spend my youth surrounded by cranky nuns."
You're just giving up? GIRL.
"Your parents seem tough, huh?"
"They're the worst."
Yeah. Took you awhile to realize that.
"Since I was born, they have controlled every aspect of my life. From the clothes I should wear, to the tone my skin should have..."
"Well, at least your parents were with you."
Oh, is Chris...
"When I was a child, I could only see my dad on television."
"And he was torturing teenagers. Now you know where I get it from?"
"What abut your mother?"
"I don't know. Dad never talks about her."
I'm confused on if it was a fling situation or if Chris is married... idk, I don't remember if Chris mentioned having a wife or not.
This could just be a fling he had and whoops, the woman got pregnant.
"James and Aiden found a bike that Oliver hid, Rosa and Riya put together a raft and are about to arrive as well."
Oh cool. Glad we saw that on screen. /s
"Third place? But Lake is here."
"Where's Hunter?"
"Oh, he died."
"Is that true, Lake? Are you going home?"
"Unfortunately, yes."
I hate this so much.
This sucks.
This is a SHIT elimination for Lake.
"But there was a change of plans. She stays here and she'll just leave this camp, voted out or with a million bucks."
Also the dad sounds like he's been kidnapped and gagged.
I wish Lake was the one who stood up to him. But SHE STAYS!!!
"That's right, father, mother, I'm not going anywhere. I will eat as many calories as I want, I will not marry anyone for your selfish interests, and I will not go to that boarding school! Whether I win the million or not, I will never let them control my life again!"
Okay, NOW I get why y'all like her so much.
"There will be no eliminations today!"
Oh cool!
"Don't you want to catch up with your followers?"
"Nah. I'll do it later."
James development too? Hello?
They didn't invite Tess, Allyson, and Hunter?
Oh there they are.
"Hey Ally, what I told you... what I said about pretending to be my friend, well I..."
"Tess. It's okay."
Allyson has a tattoo?
That actually looks kinda sick.
"Will Tess open up her heart to Ally?"
I feel like they can hear me teasing them.
Thing is I can't tell if they have better chemistry with each other than they do with Hunter, cause they'd had good Hunter interactions too...
But I think Hunter is aromantic, so...
And that was Episode 6.
No eliminations today. But I'm fine with it.
This was a pretty good character episode.
It's almost like now that a certain someone is out of the picture, I FEEL LIKE I CAN BREATHE. I CAN ENJOY THINGS AGAIN. I CAN BE INVESTED IN CHARACTER BITS MORE.
Instead of bitching about this one guy.
Like, NOW I see why y'all like her.
I liked her at the start too, but not to the point where I was like "LOVE YA GIRLIEPOP, MUST PROTECT."
I am SO GLAD that was a fakeout elimination. Because if that was real, I WOULD'VE BEEN PISSED. Because that would've butchered all her character development, made it all pointless, and plus that's just such a cheap and rigged way to eliminate a character.
That's why Leshawna's TDI Elimination is THE worst elimination of all of these shows. AND I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS.
Do I think she's winning? Eh...? Idk. I don't know if a million dollars really suits her character and what they're doing with her, ya know?
If you're asking me who I think is winning: Rosa or Aiden.
Aiden has just been "The Innocent Boy" The entire time, and his association with the SNAKE of the cast is building up to something for sure.
I LOVE that James killed Yul. But in terms of being around Aiden, I'm not won over YET.
I still can't ignore the uh... CONSENTUAL ISSUES between them.
Like, come on, how hard is it to ASK before you snuggle up to someone? Especially if they're NOT your significant other.
And I just love Rosa. And I honestly see no scenario where she could be eliminated.
She's a lot like Owen and Wayne in that sense. Where her whole strategy is just being the nicest person around, and thus nobody wants to vote her off or hurt her.
Plus she actually DOES have some strategic moments with her girls alliance, and she knows morals and stands for them. So, yeah, I'm routing for Rosa.
She can use the money to raise her child. It would be so sweet!
She's a Paddington. That's all I'll say. She is a Paddington and a beacon of light in such a CRUEL, MISERABLE environment where there's so much deception and hate going around. And not only does she refuse to get pushed, but she also says that sweetheart. I SALUTE HER.
I also hope we get to know more about Tess. Idk. MAYBE I was stupid and didn't understand what was going on in that scene. Mostly because they don't explain it.
Like, I get that maybe you don't want an info dump. But I, the audience, needs to understand what's going on. I'm not in the writer's head! I don't know this character! I need to be explained what's going on!
I know she's an orphan. I know she's depressed. I THINK that scene was hinting towards a trauma trigger from either caves or the dark? But I don't know??? I don't know what they were saying there.
Maybe I'm stupid. If someone can explain that scene better, PLEASE. I want to understand this.
But, uh, here's a criticism for Disventure Camp:
There's several times in these episodes where they cut away before things can be explained. And several times it cuts away before I feel like the scene is properly done. It's weird pacing, and it's also depriving the audience of information we SHOULD have.
Like, Hunter says he'll talk to them about the love triangle situation. THEN IT CUTS AWAY. And next time we see them they're in the same bed and a confessional tells us what they talked about.
Like, you don't need a confessional there. You could've just, idk, SHOWN ME the scene where he talks about this to them. Then when we start this episode and they're all in the same bed, I wouldn't be scratching my head, I would be flattered because then I'd know what the conversation was and why they were doing that.
That's just an example. There's multiple others I could use.
Even in Season 1, even if it's not AS bad there, it's still there. Like when it cut away before Jake could tell Ellie his situation. Though, I can excuse THAT, because we the audience already knew of the situation and those aspects of Jake's backstory, so we didn't need to hear it again.
But everything else, idk, I feel like I should know more than I know.
This is like... just an example, The Amazing Digital Circus, only when they're in hell, we DON'T get Pomni breaking down and crying or Kinger's speech about love and memory. After Pomni gets saved from possession, we just go straight to them figuring out how to get past the damned soul corridor.
No, there's not a lot of action of them sitting there, so it's not the most fun scene to make, but it's NECESSARY, and helps you FEEL the characters and understand in full what's going through their heads.
You NEEDED that heart to heart. You NEEDED Pomni to cry. You NEEDED Kinger to explain his dementia. Otherwise you'd just be scratching your head on what the character's context is, because it's context you don't have.
This isn't a mystery show. So I think this criticism is valid.
It's a pacing issue. It's not a criticism I give out of spite. I'm just saying a flaw I have picked up on.
And I do hope they do better with this going forward and we get some really good character moments in the future.
And before you say "Runtime". This isn't Total Drama. This is an indie show that can do whatever they want and run these episodes as long as they want. So they ABSOLUTELY can make episodes 5-10 minutes longer to accompany some backstory and character building.
I know they can't do flashbacks or anything like that in this format, but idk, you could do some visual stuff with the setting to tell the story or something.
(I'm, at this point, asking to be hired as a writer.)
Good episode.
#disventure camp#total drama#reactions#reaction#disventure camp riya#disventure camp aiden#disventure camp ally#disventure camp hunter#disventure camp james#disventure camp kristal#disventure camp nina#disventure camp lake#disventure camp tess#disventure camp marcus#disventure camp rosa maria
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thoughts on bridgerton season 3 part 2
MASSIVE spoilers ahead, i'm really annoyed so this is going to come out very salty!
TLDR: this season was largely a disappointment. part 1 is better than part 2.
-i've said it before and i'll say it again: this is an ensemble show that ultimately suffers for how large its cast is, how short each season is, how cheap netflix is, and how poor the writing is. the actors are great and do well with what they're given. the stories in and of themselves are largely compelling. but they need space and time to be told properly. eight episodes between 10+ characters is not enough.
-unhinged/in love colin from the books was sorely missed. the book is problematic yadda yadda but i prefer it at this point. instead for pretty much three out of four episodes in part two, he was just angry or sad and that was it. he felt so flat.
-i find it hilarious that debling just fucked off after rejecting penelope. he didn't even stick around to try and court cressida, who was clearly more than willing to take penelope's place?? he literally could have solved all her problems and that could have saved an incredible amount of screen time that should have gone to Colin/Penelope.
-i love the way they bridged portia and penelope's relationship. also to a lesser degree, her sisters. prudence not being so cunty anymore was nice but felt a little off, i think she needed more screentime with pen to show that she finally realizes what a bad sister she was and that she's genuinely sorry. one quick little comment "i was being honest" (or whatever it was) to me, didn't feel like enough. but i'm still glad they came around.
-violet/marcus and by extension, agatha. i'm glad violet and agatha finally had a heart to heart/ conversation that was about them and not the young people. when they affirmed that they were there for each other no matter what and used each other's given names? precious. i teared up. i love their friendship. (also don't come at me for what may have happened during Queen Charlotte bc i never finished it lol)
-the queen is probably my least favorite character. she used to have funny/kind moments but now it feels like she is just rude and dismissive and mean towards everyone. i can't even like her in a GirlBoss way because all we see from season to season is how other people manipulate her. Agatha manipulates her. Grimsby manipulates her. Lady Whistledown manipulates her. she was kind for francesca for a couple of days and then went sour when she realized francesca chose someone else. i get that she's jaded from season 2 but idk i don't enjoy her scenes at all anymore. she crashes the wedding breakfast to accuse the bridgertons, belittles the Mondriches ball at the start, complains/belittles all the debutants trying to impress her, doesn't care about the events being hosted in her honor. i loved her in seasons 1-2 but now she's just boring and one note.
-eloise finally admitted she was reckless/in the wrong about the Theo situation. that was nice. and she finally admitted befriending cressida was a poor choice. do i sense character growth at last?? but i'm still a little unhappy about how rudely she ditched Cressida once she and Penelope made up. Hey, this new friend of yours is distraught because of her shit home life and is about to be married off to some old, austere codger and you literally don't care? i genuinely felt so bad for cressida. she is a creature pushed into a corner lashing out for any way to escape and nobody (understandably, bc she makes bad choices) wants to help her. but eloise keeps saying that cress surprised her with how she was the only one to show her kindness when she was a social outcast and now the same is happening to Cressida and yet instead of repaying the favor, Eloise abandons her.
Eloise even goes so far to say that Cressida used her. Did she not also use Cressida? She admitted she befriended her to be petty towards Penelope. And she clearly stuck with Cressida out of boredom/reluctance to mingle with the other ladies their age because she found them beneath her. Eloise is still a hypocrite. I thought she'd taken a step forward but she's in the same place.
did cressida deserve help? not particularly considering the blackmail/fake identity, history of bullying. but does she also deserve to be married off like that and cut off like that by her asshole dad? also no.
with all that talk about running away i genuinely was rooting for C to run away, but i'm disappointed it didn't happen. i guess it makes sense within her character--she's always been a caged creature--i don't think running away ever came to mind, even if she didn't want to be shipped off to Wales with her aunt. she's strong but doesn't (yet) have the resolve/ferocity of someone like marina who was willing to run away with colin to elope in gretna green.
frankly i found cressida's story the most compelling in season 3 so far.
-benedict. if i have to watch ONE more sex scene for Ben i'm going to scream. wowwee, he had another threesome! and no more queerbaiting--he finally had sex with a man! <--that part is at least noteworthy for his character--but genuinely--i don't really care when his only storyline this season is that all he does is have sex. there are far more compelling stories needing attention right now and yet we get another freaking sex barrage with benedict. Colin and Penelope were robbed here and i don't think it's unreasonable to be annoyed that a B-tier ensemble character got more sexy time than them. and for what purpose? all we get out of ben's enlightenment is that it's ok to be gay and that he's not ready for serious commitment. which is fine and dandy except that that was already drilled into our heads since season 1. i feel like my time was wasted here because i already watched him do the same damn things over and over for THREE SEASONS by now.
if they really wanted to show any sense of growth for benedict they could have had him be brutally honest to Tilley and say something like:
"I'm having fun with our arrangement. I am open to seriously committing to someone someday...but I don't think you are that person."
what a world of a difference that would make, wouldn't it? it would show he's coming closer to being ready to meet Sophie but that he's still not quite ready to give up his old ways. i truly believe his season is next and frankly it wouldn't feel so insulting to watch his repetitive storyline if they had written better dialogue in that ONE scene.
(Jess + Shonda, I'm available any time if you want to talk.)
-T.S's You Belong with Me playing during a fucking wedding scene was a choice. All the options in the world and you pick a song about high school jealousy??? Babydoll I could pick five better options off my general playlist. across all three seasons, there's been so many bad cover choices imo.
-Coldplay's Yellow being Polin's song was an actual choice I will salute. Beautiful moment.
-the whole whistledown speech at the end where pen reveals herself was extremely flat to me and left me so bloody disappointed. someone brought this up on reddit and i agree so hard it hurts--why wasn't colin up there by her side? book colin would have VAULTED up over everyone just to be there with her and protect her. instead we get mopey Colin watching her from below. i need to rewatch it again but it felt like there was hardly any reaction from the ton to her speech. it felt like they shrugged their shoulders when she was finished and resumed the ball. my mouth was agape at that--you're telling me not one of the attendees would have rushed up and said "omg it was you??" "how did you do it?" "i can't believe it!" or something to that effect. the bridgertons already had that reaction so it would've been effective for literally anyone in the ton to show some amazement.
-ngl, i also feel quite cheated that Penelope was never celebrated in the way she deserved. yes, she got her wedding and the man she always wanted--but creating/maintaining the Whistledown enterprise is a huge accomplishment. individually there was praise from those closest to her but really there was such a huge element of shame and punishment surrounding it that really bothered me. yeah, she said some mean things but she did it because she was severely neglected/ostracized from her own community. there was no acknowledgment of that at all (that i can recall. once again i should do a rewatch but whatever) and that pains/angers me. not one person beside her mother took a moment to think or say, 'i treated you badly and caused you pain. i'm sorry.' instead they just focused on making penelope apologize again and again when she had only reacted from years of pain, which nobody even deigned to acknowledge.
wasn't there a moment in the book when she gets some applause after her revelation? am i misremembering? but in the show it was like nobody gave a fuck because ooh butterflies! which was...so stupid lol. bless you though, phillippa. penelope single-handedly contributed to the entertainment of the ton for years and exposed awful people even if she made fun of others. characters frequently and often complained if her issue was one day late and debated her true identity and so when she finally reveals herself there's no applause? no true reaction? were they all asleep? what the fuck? that scene was shocking at how badly executed it was. it was rushed and it showed.
-also, WHY choose to have Colin learn Penelope is Lady Whistledown in episode six? I hate this because it crams all the drama in the last two episodes and makes everything feel rushed and frantic. he should have found out in episode three or four and i'll die on that hill. for that matter, his refusal to understand that Whistledown was Penelope's life's work and greatest achievement/power was so annoying. In the book he came around to it pretty fast and yet here it dragged on for way too long. everyone wanted her to give Whistledown up until it benefited them.
-editing to add a huge gripe i have with post-production:
for the love of god, go easy on the filters. the artificial blues and yellows are killing me. in twilight, it was camp. it was great. it does not translate well here. also, have y'all noticed how HEAVILY they blur the backgrounds??? there was one scene with colin and penelope in the garden and every time the camera focuses on one of their faces from over the other's shoulder (they were both seated) the background is blurred heavily. it looks bad!!! stop doing that!!! the backgrounds lend to the vibe! it genuinely makes the show look like crap when i notice that happening. it makes them look like they're using the green screen filter on tik tok. STOP. IT.
(seriously, imagine Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice, the scene where Elizabeth is on the rocky plains and or she and her aunt and uncle are sitting at the base of that enormous tree--all that gorgeous scenery, remember that? now slap the Bridgerton filter over it so it's all one massive ugly blur. does that mental image fill you with rage? GOOD.)
-i didn't cover this in the prev. post but in part 1, the whole runaway balloon scene was Not Good. Why a balloon? the danger that poses is not that great--why not a runaway horse? there was too much sense of danger to the actual threat posed by a freaking basket. also the way penelope acted in that scene felt very very out of character for her and i hate rewatching it, even if colin looks very dashing while holding the rope. ugh.
-polin's main sex scene was beautiful. i feel kind of disappointed that everything else we got was less than a minute long and not in a weird way. it just feels a fair amount of the promo we got from Nic and Luke was hinting at the sex scenes and yet we got very little in actuality. i keep seeing people talk about there being a minutes long montage of them and yet it got cut. but in season one we got a LOT (imo too many sex scenes between daphne and simon). there were too many side stories happening this season and i'm sure that contributed to that, but there is also a whisper in the back of my mind that tells me that maybe showrunners felt the need to overly pad this season with storylines because they either didn't feel like nicola and luke could carry it alone or because they didn't care.
-i'm really glad genevieve got more scenes here, especially with penelope. their friendship is really nice and it's sad/sweet that penelope chose to spend her last night before her wedding with her, because apparently her mother/sisters didn't plan anything for her.
-frencesca/john. i have no stake in this game since i haven't read their book yet, as i've mentioned before. they're cute together but i'm not invested. they should have gotten married way earlier imo because all the "we need to tip toe around the queen bc she hates us :( but we want to marry now" went on too long and got boring. the michaela thing doesn't bother me but i understand why fans are upset about it.
-polin felt like a side character in part 2. i feel like their scenes went by way too quickly and their screentime was so sparse to the point of legitimately becoming annoying. colin spent most of it mad and penelope spent most of it crying/trying to explain herself. they had hardly any truly happy moments together.
-kanthony was adorable.
-"i love you."
"...are you sure?"
dear reader, my heart split in two. they did a really really good job with showing penelope's self-doubt and low confidence thanks to years of neglect and ridicule and doubt from her mother. when colin stood up for her to her mother and she looked so shocked, my heart broke again for her. poor pen, i just wanted to hold her. when violet and hyacinth hugged penelope after colin announced their engagement i wanted to cry bc poor pen is so starving for positive affirmations/love that just those hugs where enough to overwhelm her.
-also lady danbury saying that she had suspected Pen was whistledown was amazing. i love that she acknowledged her and her love for the bridgertons....but i'm still really upset that they nixed her and penelope's friendship/mentorship that was in the books. she was busy with her own storyline what with violet and marcus and sure it still worked but that was a relationship i was so excited to see in the show...and they didn't even try adapting it except for like, three lines at the very end. >:( hello 911? we've been ROBBED.
(i keep editing this to add more but this is another gripe i have that will not let me rest:
i've noticed over seasons 1-2 that the main romantic couple has one dance set to the bridgerton theme song.
in season one, daphne and simon dance to the theme song in episode 2 or 3 (the one where daphne says "and we must try to look like we enjoy each other's company" and simon replies stiffly but then they giggle and laugh all through it which was so cute
in season two, kate and anthony dance to it in the second to last episode where they're dancing with the rest of the bridgertons and lady danbury at the ball they threw that nobody came to. the subtitles say it's a country rendition (whatever that means) of the theme song but they are involved in the dance so it counts.
when i noticed this i thought it was such a cute touch and was anxiously waiting for Penelope and Colin to get their moment.
...instead benedict dances to the bridgerton theme song with Lady Tilley? who he clearly isn't going to end up with? wtf?? and it doesn't even work in the context of the scene because it's a wholesome tune and yet she's dancing like she wants to eat him alive? sigh.
i'm just an old man yelling at clouds now but i wish the writing in this show was better so badly because it meets expectations but it's so frustrating because it can be so much better. let the show breathe! thin out the cast. really pick and choose who gets airtime, because it's precious and you anger your viewers when you waste it.
i will rewatch the season in full at some other point, but i'm too annoyed now. there is much more i want to talk about but this is long enough for now. i will say that at this point i'm not even sure i want to continue watching beyond this season.
(the playlist thing really got me thinking so to prove my point:)
-a world alone-lorde (the lyrics are perfect even if they wouldn't be used in an orchestral version)
-little of your love-haim ( perfect choice for the scene imo bc it's very happy and upbeat for a cute wedding dance bit)
-all this and heaven too-florence and the machine
or fuck, if you wanted to make it into a really emotional rather than joyous moment go with dog days are over and it would be a banger with the proper editing bc that song is universal and punches up the emotions any times it's used.
-burning-maggie rogers
-save a kiss--jessie ware
ORRRRR to make it a lil steamy:
-adore you--jessie ware (this would also be perfect ngl)
and i'm not even biased to any of these, i literally just scrolled down my general playlist on spotify and picked them based on the vibes.
#leigh speaks#rants is the better word here#because i have THOUGHTS#bridgerton spoilers#polin bridgerton#bridgerton season 3#spoiler talk!!!#bridgerton#apologies for typos i am very tired and crabby
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hii!! 11 + 17 for the ask game!!! :))
salty ask game
these got long so they're under the cut. thank you for the ask!!
11. is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? why?
I can't really think of any off the top of my head but two close answers:
i don't understand the hatred towards jordan todd. at all. not because i like her but because i truly can't imagine feeling that strongly about a character who was in eight episodes. i also really liked her inclusion for how it reminded the audience "hey the BAU is Not Normal. they are largely desensitized to the things they see (not that they're unaffected, not at all, but they deal). here's how a normal person would react." i'll probably write a whole thing about it when i get to her introduction but i think her character served a really good purpose
nathan harris. he's not hated or even disliked, but a lot of the fic about him has him coming back as an unsub (not that that isn't a compelling and plausible premise!) but i like to think that nathan goes on to lead a relatively normal life. a lot of the time, especially when it comes to the more sympathetic unsubs, the audience and the characters are thinking "if only someone had intervened before it got to this point..." and nathan is a little underutilized in fic as an example of that intervention succeeding, if that makes sense? i also really like his character for how he put reid into a role he doesn't get often, as the one providing guidance and support for a younger character. if nathan came back as an unsub, that would just put reid into the victim role, which he is unfortunately very familiar with. i just think his dynamic with reid as it is in the episode is far more interesting than him becoming a killer. (again: i have no problem with those fics. ive read several! im not complaining about their presence, just the lack of the opposite, if that makes sense?)
SORRY i know i didnt really answer the question :(( i didnt just want to say "no" because thats a boring answer so you get these vaguely connected ramblings instead
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
i know this is a very basic and unsurprising opinion in the cm fandom but i really wish we'd gotten a real addiction arc for reid. he just kind of...stops using offscreen? it felt a little like the writers realised they had no idea how to write a character dealing with opioid addiction and just went "nvm he's better now <3" it just felt very noncommittal and underwhelming.
this is dark, but i would especially have loved to see reid hitting rock bottom. there are only so many option for that that wouldnt make him keeping his job...highly unrealistic, but one that comes to mind is him going on a full-on bender. i think that specifically could have really worked because they would still be able to relegate most of his drug use to the implied/offscreen, both for the purpose of time (because the A-plot is always the case) and to avoid getting too graphic with it, which i think may have been a concern.
now im specifically picturing an episode starting with reid picking up the phone to hotch telling him they have a case. he doesnt look Well, and when he hangs up, we get a wide shot of where he is and it becomes obvious what happened the night/weekend before. maybe it becomes apparent he doesn't even remember most of it. i think that would really fuck with him—it would fuck with anyone, but especially reid. that would be a good opportunity for ethan, too. he implied he had a problem with alcohol in 2x18 and i would have liked to see him help as someone who Got It at least a little bit.
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Inside Wolves

Hoie ^3^)つ
I always liked the villain/evil AU theme, and after reading this wonderful fic by @tashilover, I decided to put into practice an idea that was hammering in my mind for a long time!
⚠️Note: the following story will tackle some topics that may not be suitable for everyone (death, blood and such) But I promise to hold back and not leave anything too absurd. I will try
Chapter I
"Rabbits that live in burrows dug by wolves do not spend on burials"
Legend pov
"It's late. The sun sets and darkness rises, we better stop here." Mr. blue scarf speaks very politely.
Everything he does is always politey, I'm sure he's like that even when he shits.
To be fair, Mr scarf is a captain in his era. He fought in wars and led troops, so barking orders and having nice hair is his second nature...
Being a bastard is the first.
Everyone knows, he knows and seems to be proud of it, I wish hylia have mercy when that vain being starts talking about women.
"We're not going to use a bonfire tonight" he still didn't get tired of talking "Terrain is unknown, as well as the monsters here. The strong flames will attract unwanted attention, an oil lantern should be enough for us." I hate to admit it, but he's competent at what he does.
"Now that you mentioned , we've been walking through the forest all day , strange that we haven't encountered any monsters...or anything alive" Someone comments. Little guy, being observant as usual. If the trees could hear I'm sure they'd be offended by that last sentence.
Ah yes, new adventure, new faces, same name. But I already solved the last problem.
"Strange don't you think? It seems as if the forest is mourning" Cloud head agrees "It doesn't match at all what the villagers told us."
"Not only words, nothing was matching in that village."
The old man, many things with him don't match either. The tattoos that go with that pale eye emanate something ancient, dangerous, maybe divine? I don't know, I feel a strange sense of unease about them. But that doesn't matter, for now.
Everyone in that village was hiding something, far beyond secrets. I felt like I could find a corpse at any moment.
"I think we were fooled, one way or another" Looks like I'm not the only one who feels this way.
All the others fell into silence as morbid as the forest, lost in their minds as they prepared for the night. I bet that just like me, everyone is processing everything that happened these last days.
Having your butt ripped out of your house through a dark portal and thrown into a totally unknown place with 8 other incarnations of your spirit to travel aimlessly and fight demons is a really wonderful experience, I don't blame them.
May Hylia pay my therapy.
It hasn't been long since we started this journey, despite knowing that we have shared the same spirit, yet we are not the same person.
It feels like we've become more strangers than allies with each passing day. Not hating each other but not fully trusting either.
I shake my head as if to throw my thoughts away and toss my bag and boots aside. Lying down, I don't bother to take off the extra layers of my clothes. I'll likely wake up sore, but I don't care.
Behind me, the sailor brat seemed uncomfortable with the silence. Not enduring these calm seas, he decided to break the awkward silence and started talking about food, which seemed to liven up the tense atmosphere a bit. But I wasn't interested in joining, eating now seemed cloying.
Using my hands as a pillow, I gaze up at the dark starless sky. It's odd, we are in the middle of nowhere far from any dazzling light from towns or villages, I should be complaining about the brightness of the stars, not the absence.
I keep facing the darkness until an apple shakes my thoughts out of my head, again. I sit up, rubbing my aching forehead and look at the one who will wake up with a mouth full of ants.
"Stop the drama and eat. I bet the poison that comes off your tongue is more potent than anything I could put in food" Forget the ants, I'll smother him with his damn fancy scarf.
"And I bet my kick can make that butt flatter than it is" I don't normally put salt on the wound...
I use oil and set it on fire.
And it burned badly, leaving the captain's face flushed a pure red. "Why, you little s-"
"Enough" The old man intervenes with a firm voice "Veteran, eat. Hunger won't do anyone any good" I think about arguing until he gives me that look which reminds me that I have more important things to do.
Mister Blue Scarf snorts, a bit awkward after being scolded. "Your little shit" He mutters as he turns his back and stomps out, not being much polite in hiding his annoyance.
I salute the captain with my middle finger as he leaves, even I can be polite sometimes. My good manners elicit a few giggles and eye rolls.
That sharp eye was still piercing through my skull, so I decided to pick up the apple and eat it, not caring if it's really poisoned or not.
It's not like I need to have worries in the matter, the captain may be a bastard, but he has strong morals. He would never kill me like that, his death language is sword against sword, I respect that.
That damn wolf is what really worries me.
Wolfie gives me a strange feeling every time I see him, something wrong. Those eerily human eyes, the way him appears from the shadows no matter what era we're in, the beast always follows us. A wolf that herds sheep.
I remember the time the crazy cook said it was okay, he knew that wolf. Apparently, Wolfie acted as a guide on his journey, a kind of divine beast. I'd say it's about time he got some glasses, 100 years in darkness takes away anyone's eyesight.
There's nothing divine about that beast. The brutal way Wolfie shatters his victims and the pleasure he seemed to take in it was so wrong, I've seen demons be more merciful.
"Wolfieeee! You're back," the Sailor exclaims happily. Perfect, just as I was thinking about demons. I wonder if whispering his name three times will make him appear too.
I watch Wolfie approached slowly, each step calculated and deliberate. His claws dragged along the ground, producing a low, grinding sound. His tail wagged in excitement, making large arcs in the air.
Why is this so familiar? Where...when...who?
I don't know if it was because of tiredness, the low light from the lantern, or even if everyone needed glasses too.
There's no way anyone didn't notice the fresh blood that adorns the wolf's fur and stains the ground.
There's no way anyone didn't notice fangs ripping off sailor's throat.
#linked universe fanfic#lu fanfiction#lu fic#lu wolfie#lu twilight#lu legend#the others appear but they are not the main ones#linkeduniverse#linked universe#linked universe twilight#linked universe au#linked universe legend#lu fanart#linked universe fanart#wolfs#wolf art#my silly writing
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“My boss drove a luxury car everyday and it was my duty to greet him and to open the gates for him, as I worked as a watchman in his villa. But he never responded back to my greetings.
One day he saw me opening the garbage bags outside the villa in search for any leftover food. But, as usual he never even looked at me, it was like as if he never saw anything!
The very next day I saw a paper bag at the same place, but it was clean and the food inside was covered well. It was fresh and good food like someone had just brought it from the supermarket. I didn't bother as to where it came from, I just took the paper bag and I was so happy about it.
Every day I found this paper bag at the same place with fresh vegetables and all that we needed for home. This became my daily routine. I was eating and sharing this food with my wife and kids. I was wondering who this fool could be?! To forget his paper bag full of fresh food everyday.
One day there was a big problem in the villa and I was told that my boss has died. There were too many guests coming to the villa that day and I didn't get any food that day, so I thought that one of the guests must have taken it. But the same thing happened the 2nd day, the 3rd day and the 4th day.
It went on like this for a few weeks and I found it difficult to provide food for my family, so I decided to ask the wife of my boss for a raise in my salary or else I would quit my job as a watchman.
After I told her, she was shocked, and asked me, how come you never complained about your salary for the last 2 years? And why is this salary not enough for you now? I gave her so many excuses but she was never convinced!
Finally in the end, I decided to tell her the truth, I told her the entire story of the bag of groceries, and as to how it was my daily provision. She then asked me as to when this stopped? I told her after the death of her husband. And then I realized that I stopped seeing the paper bag immediately after the death of my boss. Why didn't I ever think of this before? That it was my boss who was providing this for me? I guess it was because I never thought that a person who never replied to my greetings could ever be this generous!
His wife started to cry and I told her to please stop crying and that I'm really sorry that I asked for a raise, I didn't know that it was your husband who was providing me with the meals, I’ll remain as a watchman and be happy to provide my service.
His wife told me, I'm crying because I've finally found the 7th person my husband was giving this bag full of food. I knew my husband was giving 7 people everyday, I had already found the 6 people, and all these days I was searching for the 7th person. And today I found out.
From that day onwards, I started to receive the bag full of food again, but this time his son was bringing it to my house and giving it to my hand. But whenever I thanked him, he never replied! Just like his dad!
One day, I told him THANK YOU in a very loud voice! He replied back to me to please not be offended when he doesn't reply, because he has a hearing problem, just like his dad!”
Oh! We have been wrong so many times judging others without knowing the true story behind their actions. Be kind and courteous in dealing with others, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. Be careful, not everything is about you. Before you assume, there is this thing called ASKING.
Don’t just jump to conclusion, because that is truly not an exercise, it may cause you more harm at the end of the day. Many of our problems are caused by how we process what happens around us. Don’t judge a situation you have never been in. Be humble enough to learn. You do not know it all. Lets change the way we feel about ourselves and others.
There are two sides to a story. Don’t believe everything you hear.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
===>> Johnny Gachanja <<===
God Bless y'all!!
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A reunion in the Skywatch Archipelago medical ward. Odetta checks in on Leyya after the fight is over.
"Her injuries are healing nicely, for the most part." Narcisse's voice was soft, mindful of the recovering wounded through the medical ward. "They couldn't save her eye, but she'll keep the arm. It may be a while before she's able to use it well again."
Odetta was wringing her hands together as she followed the sylvari. Since they'd been here, everything had seemed to go sideways, and everything with Leyya in Nayos had been the icing on the worst cake she'd ever seen. She hadn't even had the chance to see or speak with Zojja since they got back. It was worrying.
That, however, wasn't important at the moment. What was important was making certain Leyya was all right.
"Knowing Leyya, she'll figure it out. She's very determined."
That got a chuckle out of Narcisse, who moved aside once the pair arrived at Leyya's bedside. "I'll give you some time to speak with her, but she'll need rest."
Tipping her head forward slightly, Narcisse slipped away, leaving Odetta to sit down on the edge of the bed where the white haired asura lay quietly. She was quiet for a moment, not wanting to disturb her, but Leyya shifted slightly once she sat. "Mmh... Odetta?"
"Hey there." Odetta smiled softly, looking over the asura in the cot. Leyya looked exhausted, her pale hair mussed, thick bandages wrapped around her injured right arm and a thick patch covering her lost right eye. But she was alive, which was more than anyone could've hoped for. "How are you feeling?"
Leyya scrunched her nose up slightly before groaning softly, turning her head slightly to look up at her friend. "Sore. Tired. But I'm on this side of the topsoil, so I don't really think I can complain."
Odetta's nose scrunched up in response, reaching out to smooth the sheets covering Leyya's frame. "I suppose that's true. I'm still really sorry this happened. You could've- what if you'd lost your arm too? Or worse?"
"No use dwelling on the what-ifs." She reached out to grab Odetta's hand, pausing its movement. "I did something stupid. I could've hurt you guys. You, Zojja, Logan, Dagda, Lyhr... I wouldn't have forgiven yourself if Cepir and I had hurt any of you. We shouldn't have even tried a stunt like that."
Shaking her head, Odetta curled her fingers in the sheet. "You were trying to help. There was just... a lot going on."
Leyya offered a wan smile at that. "I don't think that quite justifies it, but it is what it is. What about you? I couldn't see much, or at least not make sense of it, but I heard shouting about Alistair...?"
Odetta hesitated, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth for a moment. "...Mr. Thackeray- Logan- killed him. I guess Isgarren saw that as a positive? Something about them not trusting him anyway. Though why you'd bring on someone you didn't trust..."
"Well, I know a thing or two about second chances." Leyya pressed back into the pillows further. "He just screwed up his." Silence fell between the two for several moments as Odetta worked her hand free, carefully adjusting pillows and blankets, anything to keep her hands busy, before Leyya spoke again. "...have you talked to Zojja?"
"...not since we got back. She said she had a lot on her mind and wanted to think. I don't know. Do you think she'll stay?"
"...if she does, I'll support her choice. I don't like it, but... that's not my business." Leyya wasn't looking at Odetta as she spoke, gazing instead with her remaining good eye up towards the ceiling. "We'll know eventually I guess."
Frowning, Odetta leaned back, letting out a soft sigh. "I hadn't realized how unhappy she was."
Leyya shrugged, wincing when the movement pulled at her injured arm. "I don't know that she's been unhappy. Zojja's always been like this. She'll be so sure she has a problem handled but then it gets out of hand. She doesn't know what to do, so... she reacts. Been like that since we were kids."
Odetta lowered her head briefly, but after a moment, she smiled, tucking the sheets gently around Leyya's shoulders. Maybe it didn't reach her eyes, but she was trying. "Well, whatever happens, we'll deal with it together. We'll be okay. But for now, Narcisse said you need a lot of rest to get better. And getting better needs to be your absolute first priority."
"If you say so." Leyya did close her eyes, though, resting her head back. "We'll be okay."
"I know." Odetta went to stand up. "...I know we will be."
#bunny writing#the great soto rewrite#tagging this so we can track it#means I'll have to go back and do more tagging later but iT IS WHAT IT IS#anyway we're doin it live#infiltrator leyya#friend characters#odetta swanheart#mild spoilers
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Or, alternatively, you and Janae bonding over your crushes liking eachother. Sadge. Also very fun Maeve, Janae, Simon and You group dynamics. I'm having a lot of fun with this one. I hope you enjoy :D
All kept gender-neutral Based on the show
This party sucks. I only came along because Janae, Simon and Maeve needed a ride. We haven't even been here for more than half an hour and we've already lost Maeve and Simon. Janae just left to go look for them, I'm staying in the kitchen in case they come back. The party's host, Jake, comes in a minute or so after Janae left. "You're not going to drink anything?" He holds up a bottle of some sort of alcohol to me. "No thanks. Driver" I take a sip from the glass of water that I've barely touched all this time. "Oh. So you brought Simon." He takes a swig of his drink. I just roll my eyes at him. Luckily he's gone before I can really snap-back.
I decide to text Janae to see if she's made any progress. You find them yet? But she doesn't answer. I'm not really worried though, she's probably more focused on finding them. Which makes sense. So many people here have absolutely bombarded their social media with images, videos, and what not. Some people even complaining about Simon being here. Can't really blame them, can I?
"Can we leave?" I hear from behind me and nearly throw my phone across the room. "Jesus fucking Christ, Janae! Gave me a heart attack." I turn to her and try to catch my breath. "Sorry. Can we leave?" She asks again. "Yeah, of course. Did you find Simon and Maeve?" She just looks off to the side. "Just wanna leave" "Of course, no problem. I'll just text Simon we'll be in the car."
My car isn't parked far, but the walk is still kind of awkward since neither of us says anything. I get into the drivers seat, Janae into the passengers. I connect my phone to the aux and play some music. "So... wanna tell me what made you want to leave? I know the party sucked, but still." Janae is just sitting there, looking into the distance.
"So..." she starts. "You know I like Maeve, right?" I nod. "Yep. You two would look really cute together, if I may. Did something happen between you two?" I know Janaes had a crush on Maeve for ages, but she hasn't really done anything yet. Simon keeps trying to push her, but that'll never end well. "Well, I did find her. And Simon." "Where were they?" She's quiet again.
"Making out in one of the bedrooms." Now it's my turn to be quiet. "I just... didn't want to be there anymore." I turn my head to Jake's house. Janae turns to me after a minute of us sitting in silence. "Holy shit, you like Simon, don't you?" She asks. "And you only figured that out now." I reply, pulling my feet up on my seat and resting my head on my knees.
"Seems we both had our heats broken, huh?" She lightly pushes my shoulder. "Yeah..." Again, we sit in silence, both just processing things. Guess today is a shitty day for both of us. My phone then vibrates in my pocket. oow from Simon. "They'll be here soon." "Wish they wouldn't." Janae says as we both buckle our seatbelts and I start the car.
I can see them on their way, but they're taking their sweet time. So, I start honking. A lot. I open my window and start yelling like an angry mother. "You get in this car right this instant or I'm coming to get you myself!" Janae is dying of laughter beside me. I keep honking, and after rolling their eyes at me, they eventually hurry up.
Simon instinctively goes to the passenger door and opens it, almost not noticing Janae. "Not this time, fuckface." She proudly says with a shit-eating grin on her face. Simon stands there for a moment, offended to hell and back that he wasn't, like always, sitting passenger. "I don't fit back there, so get out." He retaliates. Janae scoffs. "You dick isn't that big, now go sit down or we're leaving without you."
He basically slams the door and reluctantly goes into the back. Maeve is just snickering from back where she's sitting behind me. He's pouting like a kid when I turn around to back out of my parking space. "Where do you wanna go now?" Maeve shrugs. "I don't really care, honestly." "And you, Simon?" I ask, but he just pouts and refuses to talk. "You're such a drama queen." I joke.
So I just drive for a bit. The entire time, nobody is saying anything. But it's not an awkward silence this time. In no time, we're at the beach. "The fuck are we at the beach for? We just came from a pool party." Simon, once again, complains. I park the car and we start to get out.
"Me and Janae planned on coming here anyways. If you don't want to be here, you can go home." I open my trunk and get out mine and Janae's stuff. "I don't have anything with me though!" He gets out of the car. "We were literally at a POOL party, Simon." "You know damn well I never planned on actually swimming." He crosses his hands infront of him.
"Sucks to suck." I smile back at him and me, Maeve and Janae go to get changed. "Even Maeve knew about this? Did you not tell me to make me look like an idiot?" "We went to a pool party, Simon, and unlike you I was actually planning on swimming atleast a little."
It only takes us a few minutes to get changed and ready. When we get back to the car, Simon is sitting on the hood, on his phone. I throw my towel at him, completely catching him off-guard. He yelps, pulls it off and looks at us.
"Since you're not joining us, could you be a sweetheart and set up our towels? We'd really appreciate it." Simon puts his phone in his pocket, stands up and walks over to me. "Now why would I do that?" "You got something better to do?" I ask back. "I do, actually." "Like what?" "It's actually none of your business, last time I checked." He smirks at me.
"Fine. We'll be in the water if you need us." Me and Janae walk away first, Maeve takes a few seconds before she follows us. For the next like 10 minutes we don't pay much attention to Simon. We just splash around, swimming, mess with eachother. Then, I get probably my best idea of the day.
I grab a bucket I brought. Yes, I brought a bucket to make sand castles, eventhough I'm in High School. Live with it. I fill it up with water and motion for Janae and Maeve to be quiet. I can see it in their faces that they know exactly what's about to happen. Luckily, we're sort of at an angle to Simon, so he doesn't notice me get closer. I do my best to step very slowly and quietly.
I get behind him. I raise the bucket. I turn it over. I do pay attention though to not get any on his phone, though I'm pretty sure it's probably waterproof. All of the water falls onto Simon. Janae and Maeve lose their minds and start laughing. They can see his face, I can only imagine his expression. He tries to shake some of the water off by flapping his arms. "What the fuck!" He curses and turns to look at me.
His eyes scream bloody murder. "I'm going to fucking kill you." He threatens. "Gotta catch me first." And right as I say that, we both start running. I, however, have an advantage. Eventhough I'm barely faster than Simon, I immediately jump into the water. Simon, stupidly, also jumps in, completely forgetting his previous statement about his clothes.
It takes him a moment to realize that now he's even more drenched. He goes quiet, just kind of staring up into the sky. "What was that about not having any stuff with you?" I ask. "I still don't." He complains and runs a hand through his hair. "Well, you got your underwear though. Unless you're commando right now." I say back.
He looks at me with anger on his face, then turns around and walks out of the water. "Oh come on, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you! You just seemed bored and..." then I notice he's getting undressed. Janae immediately turns to me. "Not a word, Matthews" I whisper to her, she raises her hands up.
Since I'm looking at Janae, I don't notice Simon running at me again, tackling me into the water. "Fuck!" I yell out as we both go underwater. "Holy shit" Janae starts laughing. As we come back up, we're both gasping for air. "Fucking warn me next time!" I complain. "You didn't warn me either!" He complains, but then also starts laughing. It's then that I'm suddenly lifted out of the water and onto Janae's shoulders. "Fight us, then!" She yells at him. "Oh you two are on!" Maeve throws back.
So, Simon picks her up and we start 'fighting'. Everything is extremely wobbly and very un-serious. We're pushing at eachother, trying to topple eachother over. Simon tries to kick at Janae, but just ends up losing his balance, causing them both to fall over. "Ha ha!" Me and Janae tryumph.
"Real smart move, Simon." Janae rolls her eyes at him. Because of the adrenaline, I only now realize that I am absolutely freezing. "Okay, you can let me down now Janae." I shiver a little. She kneels down so I can climb off, but SImon just kind of yanks me down instead. "Oh come on! It was one bucket!" I complain. "This is actually payback for, what, a year's worth of torment?" He thinks for a second, but then holds a hand out for to to help me back up.
"I think we should go. It's getting cold." Maeve says. We all agree and start walking back to my car. "Shit." We hear from Simon. "My fucking clooothes" He whines, picking up his absolutely drenched clothes. "Guess you'll have to drive home like that. You can have a towel though to dry off, first. Else you'll get sick."
It was so that Simon ended up wrapped burroto style in the passenger seat of my car, heating on full blast, mine and Janae's jackets on him too. "You really are just a toddler today, huh?" I joke. "oh shut up." He rolls his eyes, but I can see him smile out of the corner of my eye. I drop him and maeve off first, since they live across the street from eachother.
Me and Janae drive back to my place, she's staying the night anyway. The drive from their street to mine is about a ten minute one, so I put on a playlist me and Janae always listen to when it's just us two. We made it together, and called it Love Sucks. It's got all of those classic songs about unrequited love, being in love, all that stuff. "Ya know, if we're not married by 30, we should just marry eachother." I say and look over at her. Janae laughs. "That's stupid." She rolls her eyes.
"Well..." I take a pause. "With the way things are going, it seems more than likely it'll end up that way." I hate that I'm saying that and that it's actually true. "Yeah..." We fall silent.
"Love fucking sucks."
"That it does"
oh my god I love how this turned out, I did not intend for it to be so long I'm sorry about that xD 1933 total words =0.o And I got done just in time because I gotta go to bed now xD I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to send any suggestions my way for more OOUIL and Simon, Janae and Maeve content!
#oneshot#oouil#oouil tv show#one of us is lying#simon kelleher#janae matthews#maeve rojas#reader insert
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𝒦𝒶𝓀𝑜 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓋𝒶𝓇𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈
Characters: Kako Boisclair x Akito Shinonome, Tsukasa Tenma, Toya Aoyagi, Rui Kamishiro
Type: headcanons, fluff
Note: I'm only doing male characters since Kako is gay. Also Kako is not canonically shipped (by me) with anyone so take your pick! Also I don't hate any character here, I just happened to give them nicknames that were my first thought
Akito Shinonome
So since Kako is always tired, Akito would probably be the one to always complain about it and make him take care of himelf... or at least he can try... Boisclair is actually pretty stubborn if it's about falling asleep so he usually fails. But when he does, our ginger let's his soft side out and yellow eyed boy may even catch him do so sometimes but he stays quiet as he's both too tired to speak and doesn't want him to stop.
"Kako... don't tell me you're falling asleep AGAIN... at least get on couch or somewhere more comfortable than floor!"
"But... floor is comfortable..."
"Eh... hold on tight. I'll carry you there... but next time I'm just gonna leave you be. So be aware!"
"Don't worry, it won't happen again..."
It does happen again. And tsundere never really left him! Instead he always carried him somewhere comfortable. Maybe french boy is doing it all on purpose, just to get carried?
Tsukasa Tenma
Kako isn't the quiet type but he's not really talkative either... that's why Tsukasa would make a great partner for him! Plus, our future star is also pretty caring by nature, especially to the ones he love! So if both boys happen to be together, it's almost sure that mr. future star will take care of this lazy french boy. Be it by putting blanket over him, making sure he always falls asleep somewhere comfortable or even lending him a shoulder if they're in public!
"Hey Kasa... I wanna take a nap..."
"Of course! Are lessons this tiring?"
"Kinda... my next lesson is math..."
"Oh... I see... well I'm sure you'll do good! You're not bad at it after all!"
"Thanks. I'd prefer to take a safety nap before it tho... do you want to take a nap too?"
"Not really... and someone needs to watch over you!"
Toya Aoyagi
Kako is really good at making coffee since he works at cafe so I'm just sure Toya often gets to taste the coffee he makes. This french boy might be lazy but when it comes to making the ones he love smile or making coffee, he's ready to get up for these few minutes! Plus there's nothing better than enjoying coffee with your partner~
"Kako? You're up from the very morning? Did something happened? Did you had a nigthmare?"
"Do you think a nightmare would stop me from sleeping? But no, I just happen to wake up early and decided to make us coffee!"
"Oh, thank you then. I'm happy to taste your coffee first thing in the morning~"
"No problem! And tell me if I got it right this time!"
"Yes... yes you did. Like always tho. Thank you Kako, your abilities are truly amazing."
Rui Kamishiro
Okey so sine Kako can be often almost all the time, he probably has a lot of problems with just walking straight... so when he's walking anywhere with Rui, he always has his arm wrapped around his shoulder or holding him by hand to catch him in case he falls.
But of course we cannot miss that constant teasing for our french boy from living ":3", mostly about his height... like there's around 24cm/9inches difference between them so of course he can't miss any ocassion!
"Oh? Did you not get enough sleep again?"
"I thought I did... I slept for 10 hours but it seems I might need a little nap today as well..."
"Don't worry! You can fall on me! I'm sure no one would even notice~"
"... Why? I'm the type to talk through sleep after all..."
"Oh no, I meant see, not hear! You're so short I bet no one would notice you there, cutie~!"
"I'm not that short...!"
#oc#project sekai oc#project sekai#colorful stage#project sekai colorful stage#oc x character#fluff#project sekai fluff
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Looking back to what my last post was, some aspects have gotten better, some remain the same. However, what's not exclusive to that or many posts on here is how I feel my brain is at times. Like the eggs pictured above, scrambled. All over the place. Out of order. On a good day, it's organized chaos. On a bad day, I'm unfocused and unmotivated.
A recent gathering with good company and various songs was fun. It was a good chance to express ourselves. It's the kind of days you hope for consistently so the scrambled process doesn't take place. Being between responsibilities and places in between to do various errands, usually to do even more responsibilities. Not only does this make recharge time that much more important but you may not even know what you want to do if anything at all. It's possible to burnout on empathy. You've nothing left to give. I think for quite some time, I was in that space. However, I also can never forget who I am and know I can offer to the table. People feel safe and accepted around me, even if this means I sometimes have to be honest about a tough topic. I inform, analyze, and observe any given scenario. What tends to change from day to day is how much I go into doing that process or how much I'll just go with my gut feeling. A combination of the two leads to most decisions but I'll lean more towards either feelings or logic depending on the day. The overall process however doesn't change. I try to help where I can while now also learning when to pull away and set a boundary. Takers never rest.
I'll never judge where someone is at in life progress wise. That said, it becomes a real downer if someone isn't at the same place as you in adulthood and brings up a scenario they have all the power in the world to change, but won't, and this transference of feel bad or negative energy takes place. One's inability to help their own scenario should not be something you have to directly be impacted by. It is their life. Especially if advice has been given before but ignored, and now here we are complaining? You shouldn't have to deal with that.
I have my own personal insecurities in which I know at times I'll slip on words, don't feel I look attractive, lack motivation, and so on. What I'm not gonna do is wreck someone's day because I can't keep a handle on what's good with me. My mess shouldn't become someone else's problem. My thought process is consistently scrambled or chaotic and yet, grounded and logical. It's a standard I try and maintain. Good or bad. Personal victories in overcoming this stuff may very well not get a reaction you may be looking for, but do the thing anyway. Sing that song. Write that poetry. See that person. Whatever it is, you have to take the chance. When things are hectic and all over the place, something needs to feel right. Something needs to just make sense. If it puts you in a happy place, go for it.
I picked up my physical journal again earlier this week. Will I stick with it this time? I should. Same with walking daily. Braindead routines however sometimes distract us from what we likely should be doing. We're human. There's much that won't be perfect...but raining on someone's parade because you lack something in your own personal life is not the way. Ever. If you're thoughts are all over the place, get them out there with a safe space friend and/therapist. Instead of embracing the problem, go towards the solution.
All this to come from some with high highs and lower lows. I'd say no in between, but I feel the in between us just being indifferent. It's just not in me to give someone legitimate hell for eternity because of something lacking in my life journey or some fucked up things that happened to me in the past.
Appreciated or not, I'll keep singing my song...because the path feels right. It's where I need to be.
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Ok, I think we REALLY really need to complain about GT now, because the last updates weren't that great and the current one from Korea was pretty bad.
The secondary game modes are not that good.
Colliseum: you don't even need to play to receive gem every week.
Arena is very difficult even with a good team because of that player who has a team that is 100% ranged dps and 200% additional shield
The expedition is only challenging when you play for the first time, when you get the maximum score you may never enter again.
Guild Raid is only minimally challenging when your guild has a lot of people playing, otherwise it will be just you fighting against level 60 bosses using a level 95 or 100 team, since there is no longer a growth limit according to the progress of the story mode.
Boss Rush is garbage, that's a fact, the same thing as Guild Raid but with things that could be in Guild Raid to make it a little more fun.
And now they released hell mode (a STORY mode) which is a TOWER CHALLENGE MODE, this could literally be the boss rush and it would be 100% cooler.
It could be like this: the stages of hell mode followed by a boss fight and then the next stage, using the mechanic of choosing the difficulty level and debuffs of the last boss of the boss rush, that would be cool,mas eles tinham que tapar buraco ,já que tinha um literal modo chamado inferno e eles não podiam simplesmente deletar,parece politixo em época de eleição tentando fingir que fez algo,I wrote this in Portuguese because my anger about this update is unbearable.
Now Cammie's Super Costume.
1st (not the corporation commander), this custom would make more sense to launch in the nightmare mode of world 16 which is literally THE NEXT NIGHTMARE MODE TO BE RELEASED SINCE THE ONE IN WORLD 15 WAS RELEASED IN THE LAST UPDATE
2nd- the super costume design is not that good actually (kill me if you want, but I'll keep this):
Hair color is different between sprite and illustration
The outfit doesn't suit a dark element unit, the change in attacks is very bright, and even in the theme of marriage, something that reminds us of happy and less dark things (except for those who have a father who went to buy cigarettes and never came back) and suits a basic or light unit much better;
It is physically impossible for a human being to wear that;
the clothes don't show any signs of being pretty, in fact they look like New Year's clothes (when they say that the color of your clothes is something you want for the next year, red is love, white is peace and yellow is money) that they wear, but they took a veil and a bouquet and said it was a wedding dress;
The sprite (as well as the illustration) is boring, the colors are monotonous and very repetitive thanks to the hair (yes, whenever I can I will talk about the hair) which they could have changed to make it at least a little more cheerful, this outfit looks like they took Cammie and threw a bucket of paint on her hair and another on her clothes;
The illustration was made to sell you that this costume is good, showing you her chest and back that are obviously open to get your attention, even though you never see her back in the sprite since she will probably have that hair that doesn't match covering it, but in general it is so obvious that they wanted to show her breasts, her ass and the health problems she has due to malnutrition since she is as thin as a broom handle.
3°-The story of Heavenhold that was released looks like a fan-animation of a ship from a fandom that gets 300,000 views, e a fan-comic of a ship, the difference is that more than one person was paid to do it.
4°-Now I'm going to have to listen to people saying that Knight is LP's brother in law.
5° I'm absolutely sure that you'll see another ship in this third season that will be that annoying Bellial in Priscilla's body (and that also happens in world 17 and 18), and then people will fight between Fp, Priscilla and Camilla to see who will be Knight's future wife and then someone will come and say that Knight marries everyone because he's like that guy from Isekai who has a harem.
6°If you compare Andreas' SC with this one, you will notice that in almost all the previous points that I wrote, Andreas does WELL.
(honestly I think ships like AkayukixSumire, FpxFK and AilliexCraig are canon after that, the purest conviction and I'm burning with rage because I hate them all.)
I'm not even going to edit, change the font size or see if I wrote something wrong.
In fact, there are so many things that irritate me nowadays, like the new interface, but I only talked more about Hell Mode and Cammie's SC because they were my limit.
Then you say "if all this irritates you so much then why don't you stop playing?" Then I tell you that I stopped playing thanks to this update,tchau.
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making a pinned post
this is gonna need some reworking and i need to move shit around so a lotta editing is gonna happen XP
hiii my name's kernom and i'm mostly* in charge of running this big ol collection of reblogs and ramblings :3
they/them, gender neutral
age hidden but a young adult
family inherited and school diagnosed as autistic! that may explain certain responses i may give out or say :0 (please tell me directly if i did something wrong, i'm anxious about those things… OmO)
i have a discord, roblox and youtube acc with my name on it so if you see either of those when you're in those sites hi :D
and the part we've been pacing on and off about…
we have headmates wandering around! no official diagnosis since we're just not in the right situation to do that conveniently… but if you see any posts pertaining to them or plurality in general they'll be found in the system tags!
(will be in a separate post since the tag list descriptions are already too long, keep reading down below for general tags to be aware of)
personal tags
kernom: any posts that have my* interaction
txtnom: this shows up whenever we make a post
kernart: full of our art images we made, might be part of reblogs
technically…: whenever something doesn't quite qualify for a tag but still relevant enough to warrant a tag
!!! venting: recent edition, a variant of the separate post tag but specifically for more personally cutting feelings that could get very sensitive and therefore get hidden under a read more.
other blog responses: for those times where we interact with someone on tumblr! it's a little sparse though since this is new
+ dialogue: sometimes we ramble in tags instead and we're getting problems seeing those show up whenever we need to tag a reblog, so any words there will have a + first
reblog tags
crazy shit i found: most reblogs will go here
need to know: a recent edition, psa signal boosting posts or good information to share around… may contain triggering topics like politics or genocide
⭐️ hallmark pinned: things that we found really worthwhile, it also contains previously pinned images
previous tags: will be added before op's tags get pasted onto our reblog for context
insert media here: we find whatever is cool and filter it accordingly… unfortunately since we've never properly tagged our stuff in the past, certain reblogs from years ago will not show up in tag searches and they'll only be found through the archive tags… speaking of which…
archive tags
archive 2018: baby's first 11 posts and it's about complaining about youtube failure back then XD
archive 2019: even more empty! there's only like… 6 posts back then still original ramblings
archive 2020: BEEG change of pace. one of the first things you'll see is that i was a big fan of mystery skulls animated, like there's so much stuff in there it's so absurd, you'll also recognize that there's a lot of among us as well back when it was the cool thing. there's also a bunch of kirby and (paper) mario stuff as well. some little sprinkles of ena and persona in there… maybe some hollow knight i forgot.
archive 2021: year of omori and fnf posting, i also started to reblog some madness combat because i was really getting into it. (oh yeah, off is there too, belovedly weird)
archive 2022: quiet year again! this time we got news of L is real 2401, and some mixings of post from undertale to omori, tf2 back to madcom, and my (not apparent but very there) shotgun king rbs. count around 29?
archive 2023: pizza tower with a sprinkle of hollow knight again, some posts of ultrakill and the amazing digital circus + kinger, yeah. this is also the year where i think i started my tagging crusade and had to stop because of the sheer amount of them… trying to see how much pages there are, it said there were 150 pages of them… jfc
archive 2024: IN PROGRESS
#+ INFO POST#kernom#txtnom#⭐️ hallmark pinned#archive 2018#archive 2019#archive 2020#archive 2021#archive 2022#archive 2023
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