semisolidmind · 8 months
That anon made me think about a hypothetical scenario of Peng trying to move up on Reader, but tbh I don't think Peng would EVER stand a chance against the twice as bad AU monkey husband duo.
Azure contantly gets the L but he is nice to Reader + he's friends enough with the two warlords to not make them immediately consider killing him if he treats Reader a lil too nicely in the beginning.
He's suspicious but he's a likeable guy, so it's not too weird of him to be genuinely polite to the queen of FFM.
Peng, though? bro's getting COOKED. literally. He's not slick like Azure, if he tried anything it'd be over for him. He's a bird-shaped mean girl, so it would immediately draw suspicion on everyone if he suddenly started being super nice to Reader after being so vocal of his disapproval towards a human queen.
I bet Wukong and Macaque (especially macaque since peng likes antagonizing him so much) would love to have a reason to destroy him in a fight 💀
like, this feathery fuck could make that mental and emotional switch from "ugh, mortals" to "but this one's kinda ok/how funny would it be to steal her" and you can bet the boys (but mostly macaque) would be on them in a second. there is no way they wouldn't clock the birds' intent the minute the bastard sidles up to reader. they sorta trust azure, they're fine with yellowtusk, but the monkeys KNOW that you canNOT trust peng.
any time the bird has the chance to get reader alone, macaque makes sure to be there or at least within striking distance. he knows reader doesn't trust peng either (and why would she, after their history of shit talking and belittling her), so he's not worried about her falling for any smooth talking, but he is worried that they might cross a line.
i could see this situation coming to a head with peng making some sort of big move on reader, mac hears it and stops it, then challenges them to a fight (like a serious challenge, to the death kinda shit).
and while wukong wants to make that bird into a roast as much as his brother, he knows that it'll be important for macaque to beat the shit out of peng by himself. despite knowing how dangerous the monkey bros can be, peng continued to poke and prod and test the limits of macaque's patience. the monkey king won't deprive his brother of getting to serve some well-deserved comeuppance. in fact, he makes a sort of show of it, announcing the fight and inviting his allies to watch.
the battle is a brutal one. normally wukong is the one to fly into a jealous rage at any slight against reader, while mac is the one to keep a cool head. but this time, the shadowy simian lets aaaaall that carefully controlled anger out in a truly vicious display of power. the bird demon has a tough time keeping up with their rival's attacks. though both combatants take some heavy hits, it's clear that peng is losing.
like. macaque could beat peng to death here, and there really wouldn't be anything anyone could do. the bird broke a rule. they pissed off the wrong demon at the wrong time. given their history, nobody has any reason to stop macaque from slaughtering his rival, and it'd be within his rights to kill them for disrespecting his wife. wukong finds it all far too hilarious to do anything but laugh at peng getting their ass handed to them, and reader knows it's going too far but won't speak on peng's behalf (both because she doesn't like them and she feels like she has no right to deprive mac of his revenge).
azure would have to beg a pardon on behalf of his stupid chicken of a sworn brother before they actually die.
wukong is hesitant to grant it. azure knows what that birdbrain did. they laid hands on the monkey king's queen, and he knows wukong has killed others for far less. that miserable pile of feathers should consider themselves lucky that the monkey king hasn't joined in on their punishment. if azure didn't want his lackey to get beaten bloody, he should've kept them in check. not to mention the fact that peng has had this macaque-issued beat down coming for a loooong time.
by the end of it, peng is nothing more than a crumpled pile of bloody feathers in the dirt. azure and yellowtusk have to scrape them off the ground and portal back to camel ridge in disgrace and defeat. they don't show their faces on flower fruit mountain for a good long while.
as for macaque...despite being clawed, tired, and a little bruised, he reigns victorious. in his adrenaline induced stupor, still covered in dirt and blood, he storms right up to reader and steals a nice, long kiss. it leaves her lightheaded, his hands on her the only thing keeping her up. he huskily promises that they'll "celebrate his victory" later. reader feels a little faint.
wukong would normally protest his brother getting peaches all to himself, but after that fight? eh, he's earned it.
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prowlingthunder · 2 years
WIP Title Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS*.
Got tagged by @ann-i-inthestars
*yeah okay that’s not happening.
A Child of Blood
Birds of a Feather
[sybil and athena]
A Mother’s Love
Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon
Minor Troubles
Roses in Stained Glass
The Ripple Effect
Des and Noct swap places
Dragon’s Breath
[Eddie Finch]
[Jake Finch]
[Killing Stalking/Fallout3]
In a God’s Bedroom
Brothers And Sisters
[CSI NY Lupercalia]
[Dark Matter sequel to Pack and Pups]
Hell Hath No Fury
The Devil’s Luck
(Best Laid Plans)
Big Town Blues
Line-dried Laundry
(Porns Start Like This)
[Inside Pandora’s Box]
[Pandora’s Divide]
Russian Roulette
[Silquinn scarmarks soulmate kidfic]
Snow Angels
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Winter Animals
All The Things I Didn’t Say
[silquinn daemonfic]
Justice for All scriptflip
Ascendent Ab Infernis
to abstain from doing harm
A General Gift
Cathedral of You fanfic
The Feral Coeurl of Galahd
Cor/Ariel Sealion dress fic
[legion beaucoup] sequal
Terrible Things
[modern ardyn/ravus au]
Cor/Ariel Sealion dance fic
[transplant fics]
Vipers Victim
Caleb first heat in insomnia
give a brother wings
Clonebaby genderbender au
Zag/Achilles/Pat afterbattle comfort
Caran Dagra
Starlight, Starbright
Blood and Water
Black Cats and Broken Mirrors
Step Two
[Bioshock ABO]
[Heron/Seraphim fix-it]
(This is what it’s like)
(wolf fur and dragon teeth)
All The Little Children
Puppy At Heart
Brad Wayne
[Genji Lives]
[Yuuma Op]
Nest of Vipers
[Genji Lives Path]
[McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans]
Taijo Aitai fanfic
Kagome, Kagome
Coal Dust
Blood and Ashes
The Chosen Ones
What Happened To Gavin
[RPF: PT meets lR]
Son of Sands
[Jeeri Stormwitch thing]
Monsters in the Dark
A Pocket Ful of Sand
[tcw/ep7 timetravel]
Sempiternal Energy
The Prophecy
Abo gullet fic
broke down my walls because of you
so I'm just a dead man crawling
Safe sex
Shmijango slave au
Everybody wingfic
[cohabitation fic]
Bad Plan
Marching Band
What Big Sisters Are For
[Arrow/RW Multiverse]
Empty Letters for the Yiling Patriarch
Little shadows far reaching
[keith and marie]
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renyen808 · 1 year
Fire Emblem Engage: Is It Good?
Hey everyone! Anyone that knows me knows how obsessed I am with the Fire Emblem franchise. 
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(Credit: Nintendo)
I loved every game in this new era that it is in, from Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses all building off of one another and creating amazing and engaging (hah) stories that make me want to play over and over again. Here, unfortunately, is not the case. SPOILER ALERT on the game in general along with any other one in the franchise, I am probably going to spoil it. 
Fire Emblem Engage is the latest installment in the franchise and it was…okay. 
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(Credit: Nintendo of America YouTube Video)
I mean, it wasn’t bad, but it fell flat compared to its predecessors. You play as Alear, a male/female protagonist known as the Divine Dragon who was asleep for a thousand years. They have lost their memory during their slumber, and must navigate their foggy memories while fighting in a war against the Kingdom of Elusia.
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(Credit: Fire Emblem Wikia/Fire Emblem Wikipedia)
Robin was essentially a standin for us, the player, since we could customize their appearance and have meaningful relationships with the other NPCs. Alear, however, has no way of changing their appearance, thanks to their hair and eye color being important to the story, and only has a fraction of the meaningful interactions that Awakening did. Robin’s memory loss was from them almost becoming a vessel for Grima, shattering their mind, while Alear was attacked by Sombron in a last stitch effort in killing them before dying himself. I feel that Robin’s memory loss plays better in the Awakening story rather than Alear’s memory loss in Engage. I know it is because they tried to strike magic twice with the memory loss, but Alear fell flat compared to Robin, Corrin, and Byleth.
The story is also not that great. Fates and Three Houses really stepped up their game from Awakening by having multiple storylines and alternate endings to have replayability, choosing a different path each time you play. Engage, however, takes a step back, and has one linear storyline, which is a huge bummer for me. I wasn’t a fan at first of the multiple stories, but I found myself entertained by them. Awakening is still my favorite in the franchise, and that is a linear story, but it is one that was told perfectly, didn’t feel cliche, and made me actually feel for the characters. Here, I just don’t care about what happens. I don’t care because I know what is going to happen in the end. 
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(Credit: Gamespot)
The gameplay mechanics are an improvement for the series. Once you select the character you wish to move, they will follow wherever the joystick leads them, and will stop when you press an option that is available, whether that is just stopping and ending your turn, engaging with the Emblem you have equipped, using an item in your inventory, or attacking an enemy adjacent to your spot. You can be in your engaged form for only three turns, but it will charge over the course of the battle, allowing you to engage more than once during combat. There are different objectives that you have to reach depending on the chapter, such as ‘Rout the Enemy’ which just means eliminate every enemy unit, or sometimes it will be just a ‘Defeat the Bosses’ one where all you have to do is defeat the named enemies.
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(Credit: RPGamer)
 Once the objective is reached, the chapter will conclude and you will have some dialogue before the afterbattle walkaround, something new added in Engage. After the battle, you are able to walk around the area and talk to all of your allies, regardless if you deployed them or not. You can also find ingredients, items, and animals, I’ll explain those later. Afterwards, you can leave the area and return to the World Map (in the beginning of the game) or the Somniel.
Along with that, the characters are not as memorable as in previous installments. I can name pretty much every character in Awakening, some from Fates and Three Houses, but not that much from Engage. I only remember Alear, but no other names off the top of my head. Also, the character relationships don’t play a big role here, so I do not feel the need to push relationships together. I loved choosing different relationships between my units, but ever since Three Houses, only the Avatar can obtain an ‘S’ rating, with characters having high relationship points going into relationships afterwards. As far as I know currently, the only ones who can be in relationship is Alear and whomever Alear chooses, but the conversations are not memorable and are mediocre at best. 
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(Credit: Gamer Guides)
So, I bring up the conversations because these are the most memorable aspects of Fire Emblem. The conversations this time around are not as memorable as they were back in the day, where instead of Robin and Chrom embarrassing each other with bathroom run ins, we get Alear blankly talking to one of their allies. I haven’t played Engage in weeks and I cannot recall one conversation that has been memorable. 
The Somniel is basically your base, kinda like the school in Fire Emblem Three Houses. You can do different things here, such as cooking for yourself and two of your allies, working out, and training. These are just…okay. I wish it was more like Three Houses, where it seemed exciting to do each time, but for Engage, I kind of just felt like going onto the next chapter and getting it over with. The only part I found exciting, unbelievably, was the ring cleaning section. It is exactly how it sounds. You clean rings…and that was the most fun. 
Overall, Fire Emblem Engage is okay, an underwhelming sequel to the amazing Three Houses. It is a vital game to the series as a whole, improving on gameplay, but fails to capture what the previous games did so perfectly. I did enjoy playing it, but at the moment, have no desire to pick it up and play it again. I am more of the story based player, and the tactical stuff second, so with the story being as weak as it is, I cannot just look over it and say it is a good game where it could be improved. All in all, I say you should play it for yourself and figure out for yourself if the game is for you. 
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(Credit: Game Rant)
Thank you for taking the time to read my post! If you enjoyed reading it, share it with a friend who may also like it as well. Comments are always welcome, but keep it nice. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and shouldn’t be attacked because of them. If you want to hear audio versions of these articles, you can find them on my YouTube channel ‘Screen and Joystick’. I will hopefully begin recording these first two episodes in the coming days. I will be posting two articles a week, starting next week, so I am excited to begin this journey with you all! Thank you for reading! See you in the next post!
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kirasnapeaddict · 3 years
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Hogwarts is not Hogwarts without Professor Severus Snape
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rojerdr · 4 years
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I am really bored and this took over 52 hours For some reason. . . . . . . . . . . . I’m not joking this took over 51 hours . . . . . . . #gaming #regret #long #art #transformersthelastknight #spaceships #space #swords #roblox #afterbattle #days https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4AKF0pntN/?igshid=17iu5mjm0bfhx
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shuravf · 3 years
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I felt nostalgic....and I´m also weak for the “bandages” looks 
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subwaygirlboss · 2 years
I subscribe to the theory that Emmet’s smile is threatening. But I also think this isn’t always his intention. It definitely is sometimes, man, especially after what happened during PLA, but I have a few theories—
He seems more aware of his facial expressions than Ingo is, one of his dialogue lines for the train/battle rules (?) is ‘everybody smile’ — I could infer that it’s a rule he’s abiding by, but I think he wants everyone to have as much of a good time as him while Pokémon battling. But I also don’t think he can help it much - while he seems pretty prone to excitement, I think it’s also his default. Smiles are meant to be inviting, after all, so it’s what he chooses to do—but they’re not always appropriate. 
AND OH MAN POKEMON BATTLING. He likes winning more than anything else, I’m sure you’ve heard. I think a lot of the time, he wants to get straight to the battle, so he’s quite abrupt (and I do think he runs on a script, yes). Though I also think he’s pretty blunt in general, and like his threatening smile, I don’t think he necessarily means to hurt people’s feelings. (Again, I’m sure there are times when he does.) He’s just saying it how it is, and isn’t always perceptive of how that might impact someone. 
...but I also think he’s semi-aware of these problems, and absolutely uses them to mess with people. I’m like 70% sure he’s the more mischievous twin. 
tldr emmet is a good boy too
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svartabergetart · 5 years
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Norrisk bågskytt och magiker badar or Norse archer and magician bathe. #afterbattle #norse #archer #magican #bath #sorceress #darkmagician #women #sexy #sexybaby #digitalart #illustration #sketchbookpro #sketchbookapp #darkfantasy #fantasyart #svartabergetart #jonfjell #artoftheday #paintingoftheday #artistoninstagram #instaart (på/i Åsgatan 2) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0yR4O5H5TN/?igshid=ivhwaqrjs41f
0 notes
flyingsassysaddles · 5 years
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Excuse me sir that's my emotional support elf or Magic Elf AU Tibet/Mongolia
When he comes back from battle he's just so...tired. He needs hugs
APH Rare Pair Week Day 1: Magic
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juanbjuan · 8 years
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tonight #sketching #afterbattle #scene #flag #illustration #juanbjuan #survivor
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feldgraugruppe · 8 years
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Il nostro socio Friedrich Essenwald ha preso parte ad un evento rievocativo in Russia, a Dubosekovo, a 70 km da Mosca. Le seguenti foto mostrate non hanno alcune fine politico ne di esaltazione razziale One of our members, Friedrich Eßenwald,  participated in an event in Russia, in Dubosekovo, 70 km from Moscow . The following pictures shown are not for political purposes and are not exalted racial
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cinderserra · 2 years
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609 notes · View notes
prowlingthunder · 2 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it. I have been tagged by @revanchxst and congratulations I lowkey hate you this isn’t even all of them you’re a monster. I have over four hundred wips.
Tagging @mtraki, @mandakatt and @thelavenderhimbo
A Child of Blood
Birds of a Feather
A Mother’s Love
Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon
Minor Troubles
Roses in Stained Glass
The Ripple Effect
Des and Noct swap places
Dragon’s Breath
[Eddie Finch]
[Jake Finch]
[Killing Stalking/Fallout3]
In a God’s Bedroom
Brothers And Sisters
[CSI NY Lupercalia]
[Dark Matter sequel to Pack and Pups]
Hell Hath No Fury
The Devil’s Luck
(Best Laid Plans)
Big Town Blues
Line-dried Laundry
(Porns Start Like This)
[Inside Pandora’s Box]
[Pandora’s Divide]
Russian Roulette
[Silquinn scarmarks soulmate kidfic]
Snow Angels
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Winter Animals
All The Things I Didn’t Say
[silquinn daemonfic]
Ascendent Ab Infernis
to abstain from doing harm
A General Gift
Cathedral of You fanfic
The Feral Coeurl of Galahd
Cor/Ariel Sealion dress fic
[legion beaucoup] sequal
Terrible Things
[modern ardyn/ravus au]
Cor/Ariel Sealion dance fic
[transplant fics]
Vipers Victim
Caleb first heat in insomnia
give a brother wings
Zag/Achilles/Pat afterbattle comfort
Caran Dagra
Starlight, Starbright
Blood and Water
Black Cats and Broken Mirrors
Step Two
[Bioshock ABO]
[Heron/Seraphim fix-it]
(This is what it’s like)
(wolf fur and dragon teeth)
All The Little Children
Puppy At Heart
Brad Wayne
[Genji Lives]
[Yuuma Op]
Nest of Vipers
[Genji Lives Path]
[McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans]
Taijo Aitai fanfic
Kagome, Kagome
Coal Dust
Blood and Ashes
The Chosen Ones
What Happened To Gavin
[RPF: PT meets lR]
Son of Sands
[Jeeri Stormwitch thing]
Monsters in the Dark
A Pocket Ful of Sand
[tcw/ep7 timetravel]
Sempiternal Energy
The Prophecy
Abo gullet fic
Safe sex
Shmijango slave au
[cohabitation fic]
Bad Plan
Marching Band
What Big Sisters Are For
[Arrow/RW Multiverse]
Empty Letters for the Yiling Patriarch
Little shadows far reaching
[keith and marie]
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lyaholya · 4 years
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afterbattle kisses ✨
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artist-kapri · 4 years
Almost forgot about it, but those were for the @risodoppiweek2020 as well)
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Plus an afterbattle bonus:
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fascinatedhelix · 4 years
Did anyone ask you about the battle aftermaths? If not then other DJSS,who I imagine dosen’t change and stays with being blasted off like team rocket, what sort of changes happen in them, if any at all?
You mean like the afterbattle cutscenes? I’ve gone over them before when discussing the battles, I think, but here’s a general recap:
Sayu’s cutscene includes Bunny biting Mayday’s hand for seeming to reach for their caretakers, much to their embarrassment and Mayday’s pain. Bug baby teeth are sharp!
Yinu’s cutscene does include Thorn leaving their personal battle with Ghost with little more than a respectful bow, before going to Yinu’s side at her broken piano. After Yinu’s mom joins in for a bit, the camera pans to the outside of the concert hall, before she adds, “By the way, Thorn; you’re grounded.” Because, you know, they stole a fucking machete.
Neon J’s clutching Scotty at the end of his battle while he’s doing his speech. While he’s not paying attention Zuke quietly asks Scotty if they should leave, to which they gently nod, and BBJ walks away.
Riley gives Eve a little tackle hug at the end of her battle, prompting Zuke to remind her that she’s not alone. “You’ve even got your own little student who looks up to you; you’re good enough.” Unlike in canon, she actually smiles a bit at this. (Am I salty about Eve’s situation not really being resolved in the game? Maybe a little bit. You don’t just tell someone they’re not alone with no legitimate follow up; they won’t believe you.)
Sterling’s whole situation’s been explained already.
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