#custard talks about emmet for 15 minutes without pause
subwaygirlboss · 2 years
I subscribe to the theory that Emmet’s smile is threatening. But I also think this isn’t always his intention. It definitely is sometimes, man, especially after what happened during PLA, but I have a few theories—
He seems more aware of his facial expressions than Ingo is, one of his dialogue lines for the train/battle rules (?) is ‘everybody smile’ — I could infer that it’s a rule he’s abiding by, but I think he wants everyone to have as much of a good time as him while Pokémon battling. But I also don’t think he can help it much - while he seems pretty prone to excitement, I think it’s also his default. Smiles are meant to be inviting, after all, so it’s what he chooses to do—but they’re not always appropriate. 
AND OH MAN POKEMON BATTLING. He likes winning more than anything else, I’m sure you’ve heard. I think a lot of the time, he wants to get straight to the battle, so he’s quite abrupt (and I do think he runs on a script, yes). Though I also think he’s pretty blunt in general, and like his threatening smile, I don’t think he necessarily means to hurt people’s feelings. (Again, I’m sure there are times when he does.) He’s just saying it how it is, and isn’t always perceptive of how that might impact someone. 
...but I also think he’s semi-aware of these problems, and absolutely uses them to mess with people. I’m like 70% sure he’s the more mischievous twin. 
tldr emmet is a good boy too
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