#after being asked to share the ball. Franklin
gme-news · 2 years
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Mr. and Mx. Mystery
S1E2 - The Legend of the Gobblewonker
In the kitchen was Mabel, Dipper and Y/N. The twins were at the table eating pancakes, really it was Mabel who touched the pancakes you made them, as you were at the stove making more for you and Stan. You finished and placed your share on a plate. Deciding to watch the twins have their fun, you leaned against the counter, plate in hand. You watch as the twins sat in their chairs, maple syrup bottles in hand.
"Are you ready for the ultimate challenge?" Mabel exclaimed holding a Sir Syrup bottle in her hands.  "I'm always ready!" Dipper replied with just as much enthusiasm, holding a Mountie Man bottle. "Then you know what this means!" They both turned their bottle upside down in the air, mouths open trying to see who would get their syrup to fall first. "Syrup race, ahh!" They both shouted, cheering for their respected bottles.
"Go, Sir Syrup!"
"Go, Mountie Man!"
"Go go!" They both shout as the syrup in Mabel's bottle starts coming out faster than Dipper's. She then taps the bottom of her bottle, the syrup dropping first. "Almost... almost... Yes," Mabel coughed as the syrup dropped in her mouth and placed her bottle down. "I won!"
Seeing that Mabel won, Dipper put down his bottle and picked up the newspaper he had on the the table. "Hey, Mabel, check this out." He scoots closer toward her, leaning the paper over so she can see. Mabel's eyes light up from looking at an ad in the paper. "Human-sized hamster balls? I'm human-sized!"
"No, no, Mabel. This," Dipper then points to a different ad in the paper that was advertising a photo contest. "We see weirder stuff than that every day. We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we?"
"Nope, just memories. And this beard hair." Mabel then pulls out a tuft of white hair from her sweater. Dipper looks at the hair she’s holding in disgust. "Why did you save that?" Mabel shrugged.
"Mabel drop the hair..." Y/N told her, their face also holds an expression of disgust. She lets the grip of her fingers go, laughing as the hair falls to the floor. After the twins are done talking, Stan comes into the kitchen with his own newspaper in hand. "Good morning, knuckleheads. You three know what day it is?"
"Um... Happy anniversary?" Dipper questions, when he does you put your finished plate in the sink and exclaimed. "If it is, I didn't get anything, I have enough pride to admit that." Then Mabel shouts her own guess,  "Mazel tov!” Stan then hits Dipper and Y/N on the head with his newspaper, "Ow!"
"It's family fun day, ya geniuses!" Stan walks over toward the fridge. "We're cuttin' off work and havin' one of those, ya know," Pulls out a carton of milk and takes a whiff of the inside, "Bonding-type deals." He walks over toward the table again about to take a drink of the milk, until you take it out of his hands and replaced it with the pancakes you cooked him. Dipper looked over at his Uncle and asked, "Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be anything like our last family bonding day?"
Stan and Y/N stood over the twins as the two kids were painting on counterfeit money, a bunch of finished one are hanging behind them to dry. You were guiding the twins on how to draw what was needed as Stan criticized them.
"You call that Ben Franklin? He looks like a woman!"
"I don't know, I kinda it." Once you said that, red and blue lights started flashing outside of the shank with sirens making you all turn towards the window.
Mabel shivered, "Ohh! The county jail was so cold." You walked over to where Mabel was sitting and rufffle her hair as you closed your eyes and sighed in content. "You have to admit though, being held together made us closer, sweetie."
Stan scarfed the rest of his pancakes down and placed his own plate with yours. He walks over to the table and wrapped his arms around all three of you, "All right, maybe we haven't been the best summer caretaker. But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. Now, who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?"
Everyone cheered, throwing their arms in the air until Dipper processed what Stan said, "Wait. What?"
After you and Stan put your suits on, he handed you another blindfold, you looked at it then toward his face in disbelief. You placed one of your hands on your hip and grabbed the cloth out of his hands. "When you mentioned the blindfolds I thought you only meant the kids." He chuckled, slapped both his hands on your shoulders and gave you a playful kiss on the cheek, "Trust me, you'll love it!" Y/N placed the cloth in their pocket and started heading towards the car.
The kids are already in the backseat of the car when you and Stan get there, their blindfolds on. Stan got behind the wheel and you in the passenger seat and tied your fold over your eyes.
It's only been a few minutes in the car, when Dipper feels uneasy. As he felt the pit in his stomach grow, Stan leaned over to play with the car radio, not looking at the road making the car swerve. Dipper mutters to himself. "Whoa! Whoa! Blindfolds never lead to anything good."
"Wow. I feel like all my other senses are heightened. I can see with my fingers." Mabel touches Dipper's face, he laughs as he feels her hands on his cheek until the car hits a bump in the road. "Whoa! Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold?"
Stan laughs, he leans back a little to look at the twins. "Nah, but with these cataracts I might as well be." he squints his eyes towards the front eye, hand over them, "What is that, a woodpecker?" The Twins screamed as you shouted Stan's name, all three of you feeling the car crashing through something.
"Okay, okay, open 'em up." Y/N and the twin take off their blindfolds, seeing the Gravity Falls lake in front of them. "Ta-da! It's fishin' season!"
"Fishing?" Mabel questioned as you clasped out hand together in joy walking over to stand in closer to the dock, "Fishing!" Dipper placed his hands on his hips and looked at his Grunkle in suspicion. "What are you playing at, old man?"
"You're gonna love it! The whole town's out here!" The twins looked over at the lake and low and behold it looked like half the town was enjoying a summer day on the lake. Whether it was one person or a whole family, there were multiple boats. Including Lazy Susan with a pan in his hand, asking the fish to jump in it, Toby taking a picture of a man who caught a giant fish, resulting in the man being blinded by the flash and falling in the lake and one boat had Wendy's family in it with Manly Dan grabbing the fish with his hands and punching them in the boat as his sons cheered. Stan took a deep breath as he took it all in and wrapped an arm around Y/N's waist bringing them closer, "That's some quality family bonding!"
"Uncle Stan, why do you want to bond with us all of a sudden?"
"Come on, this is gonna be great! We've never had fishin' buddies before. The guys from the lodge won't go with us. They don't like or trust us." Stan said as he made air quotations.
Y/N picked the kids up and hugged them tight, the two straining for air. "Oh, kids! This is gonna be fun! A chance to be together that isn't crime related." You then put them back on the ground walking back over to Stan, excited. Mabel turns to Dipper, "I think they actually want to fish with us." She whispered, looking over toward their great uncle and auncle. Stan walks over to the two with his hands behind his back. "Hey, I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up. Pow! Pines family fishin' hats. That's hand-stitching, ya know. It's just gonna be you, me, Y/N and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours!"
"Ten hours?!" The twins shouted as Stan then pulled out a booked titled '1001 Yuk 'Em Ups'. "I brought the joke book." Dipper grabbed his head in agony, "No. No!" Mabel then grabbed Dipper by the arms and shakes him back and forth, "There has to be a way out of this."
Runs from dock, comes Old Man McGucket, "I seen it! I seen it again! Hoo hoo hoo! The Gravity Falls gobblewonker! Come quick before he scramdoodles away! Ha ha hoo-ah!" He screamed as he crashed into things and overturned a few others. When he stops he starts doing a dance and slaps himself, laughing. The twins walk over to the commotion and as they do Mabel puts her hands together and leaned her cheek on them. "Aw. He's doing a happy jig." McGucket grabbed Mabel by her arms and shouted,  "No!!! It's a jig of grave danger!" Just as he did his son comes out from the cabin on the lake with a spray bottle. "Hey! Hey! Now, what did I tell you about scaring my customers? This is your last warning, dad." McGucket flinches from the water being sprayed at him. "But I got proof this time, by gummity!" He then motions everyone to follow him toward the end of the dock.
"Behold! It's gobbledywonker what done did it!" He exclaimed as he pointed at a boat that's been broken in half laying in the water. "It had a long neck like a gee-raffe, and wrinkly skin like like these two right here." He then points to Y/N and Stan. Stan was digging in his ear not paying attention as you looked at McGucket in angry, "I beg your pardon!"
"It chopped my boat up to smitheroons!" McGucket then points at the small island that's on the other side of the lake, "It shim-shammed over to scuttlebutt island! Ya gotta believe me!"
"Attention, all units. We got ourselves a crazy old man." Sheriff Blubs said casing everyone to laugh and Tate McGucket to shake his head and hold it down in shame. McGucket then holds his own head down as he walks away in sadness, "Aw, donkey spittle! Banjo Polish"
"Well, that happened. Now, let's untie this boat and get out on that lake!" Stan said as he walks over to his boat, Y/N following him. When you catch up to him, you see the twins talking to each other, "Stan, there's a chance the twins might want to go look for this monster..." Stan waved his hand at you, blowing a raspberry, getting in the boat. "They wouldn't want to miss this family bonding, trust me." As he said this the twins came over with smiles on their faces. Dipper wraps his arm around Stan's neck and said, "Grunkle Stan! Change of plans! We're taking that boat to scuttlebutt island, and we are gonna find that gobblewonker." The twins start to chant, Monster Hunt! Monster Hunt! Monster-" Then McGucket comes over standing behind them, "Monster Hunt! Monster-. Eh... I'll go." He says with his head down again.
"You dudes say something about a monster hunt?" Soos in his own boat pulls up on the other side of the dock. "Soos!" Mabel then walks closer to the boat to give Soos a fist bump. "What's up, hambone? Kapoosh! Pow! Explode! Dude, you could totally use my boat for your Hunt. It's got a steering wheel, chairs normal boat stuff."
"All right, let's think this through. You kids could go waste your time on some epic monster-finding adventure, or you could spend the day learning how to tie knots and skewer worms with your great uncle Stan and auncle Y/N! So, whaddya say?" As Stan is saying this, you watched the kids put on their life jackets and get on the boat with Soos without a single glance toward you or Stan. You folded your arms in front of your chest and frowned. "Stan... they left." You whispered as you watched the boat leave, turning to Stan who opened his eyes watching them go too. As Soos' boat leaves you hear twins shout, "We made the right choice!"
Stan grabs you hand, making you almost fall in the boat if you didn't catch yourself. You both sit down as Stan continued to watch the retreating boat. "Ingrates! Ah, who needs 'em? We got a whole box of creepy fishin' lures to keep us company." You both stare at the lure and shiver, Stan then slams the box shut.
~ Time Skip ~
"Traitors! We'll find my own fishin' buddies.” Stan then starts looking around the lake, a focused look on his face.
“But, what about us all bonding toget-“ Y/N didn’t finished their sentence as the boat was already speeding in some direction, Stan having found his target. "There's our new pals!"
"Now that we're alone, Rosanna, there's a burning question which my heart longs to ask of you." The man pulled out a box as the woman’s eyes began to fill with tears. “Oh, Reginald!” Before the man could continue Stan slows his boat down behind theirs and stopping.
"Hey! Wanna hear a joke?" The younger man was about to speak because Stan interrupted him, "Here goes. My ex-wife still misses me, but her aim is gettin' better! Her aim is gettin' better! Ya see, it's… it's funny because marriage is terrible.” You clapped your hands as you laughed. However the younger couple scoffed and rowed their boat far way from the Stan ‘O War.
You placed a hand on his back as you looked at the retreating boat, "Don't worry, Stan. I enjoy your jokes..."
"Look, when you're threading the line a lot of people don't know this but you want to use a barrel knot. That's a secret from one fishin' buddy to another. Heh heh!" Stan has his arm wrapped around a kid that's in a different boat, the kid looked extremely uncomfortable. "Uh I, uh who are you, exactly?" Stan then pats the kid on the head, Y/N was standing behind his confused as ever. "Just call me your Grunkle Stan!"
"Sir sir! Why are you talking to our son?! If you don't leave right now, I'm calling the police!" The mother shouts as she stands behind her son, making Stan let go of the kid. "Oh no you don't!" You pushed Stan behind you and placed your hands on your hip, leaning over towards their boat, trying to get in the woman's face. She backs up a little but still tries to stand her ground, "I will!
"Ha ha! Ya see, the thing about that is, Arrrr!" Stan starts the engine and zooms the boat in a different direction, almost making you fall.
"Go bother your own kids!"
Stan moved the boat towards the middle of the lake, looking defeated. You looked around the lake, seeing that most of the people and their boats are starting to pack up. You sighed, turning towards Stan and saw him leaning his arms on his knees, head in hands as he looked at his own reflection in the water. You moved over to sit closer to him and wrapped your arm around his shoulder. Stan looked from his reflection to yours, he sat up and wrapped his arm around your waist, the both of you now leaning on to one another. Moments of silence went by until you broke it.
"Hey honey, how you holding up?" You rubbed circles in his shoulder with your thumb, you felt his body sink more into you. He waved his hand, staring at the water.
"I just... I wanted this day to go well. I wanted us to bond with the kids, try to get them to see that we mean well, ya know. To show that I actually care for those like brats. I don't want them to think that we're just a couple of criminals." Y/N sighed and looked back into the water.
"Well, sure today didn't go the way you planned but we still have the rest of summer. So, we have time to bond with them and I don't think they see us like that all the time. Yeah, we have our moments, of course, but I don't think they see us just as that."
"Oh yeah? Ya wanna know what the first thing they did when they first got here was," he glanced over at you, raising his eyebrow. When he saw you nod your head, he removed his arm from your waist and put his head in his hands again. "They were debating on if they should turn us in to the FBI and jump out the window to escape and they asked an eight ball if they should or not... A eight ball, Y/N!"
Y/N removed their arm from Stan and folded their hands in their lap, looking down. "Oh, I didn't know... Well, even if they don't really warm up to us, we have each other still. But, I would still like to try and build some relationship with them and even after today I know you would too." Stan rolled his eyes and groaned, waving his hand at you. "Forget it, those little suckers chose to hang out with Soos instead of their own family. We don't need them," he pulled out a piece of wire and starting to try and tie it into a knot. "Like you said we have each other and fishing! Er, ugh, gah! Mollycoddling..." He complained as he failed to tie it.
"Oh, Stan..."
"Can you please tell me more funny stories, pop-pop?" You and Stan turned to see a grandfather and his two grandkids in a boat. They seem like they were having a good time together, much to Stan's and Y/N's annoyance.
"Anything for my fishin' buddies!" As the the grandfather laughs he pats his grandchildren on the head. Stan growls as he folds his arms over his chest, staring at the family. "Arghh!" Y/N gently placed their hand on Stan’s back, "Stan, just don't look at them."
"Pop-pop, I just weawized that I wuv you." Stan stands up and cups his hands around his mouth, "Aw, come on! Boo! Boo!"
The grandfather stands up in his own boat, hands on his hips. "Hey, there! What's the big idea?" The grandson then looks up at his grandfather with a pity expression and says, “Maybe they have no one who wuvs them, pop-pop."
"Yeah, well, I-I nahh! Ahhh." Before he could say anything Soos' boat speeds past the Stan 'O War soaking him and Y/N. You hold on to the boat to keep your balance as Stan throws his hat in the boat, puffing out in frustration as he sits down and sighed with his head in his hands.
~ Time Skip ~
As Y/N and Stan sat together in silence, you both hear Dipper's voice. "Hey! Over here!" The S.S Cool Dude pulls up next to the Stan 'O War and Dipper takes a picture of both Stand and you with his camera. You and Stan look at each other in surprise then back at their boat or what's left of it anyway. "What the kids? I thought you two were off playin' spin the bottle with Soos?" Stan said crossing his arms, trying to look like he wasn't happy to see them.
"Well, we spent all day trying to find a "legendary" dinosaur."Dipper began and Mabel continued. "But we realized the only dinosaurs we want to hang out with is right here."
"Save your sympathy! We been having a great time without ya, makin' friends, talkin' to our reflection-- we had a run-in with the lake police! Guess we gotta wear these ankle bracelets now, so that'll be fun." He said holding his leg up to show the bracelet. You wave your hand nonchalantly, "We'll just try and take them off later."
"So I guess there isn't room in that boat for three more?" Dipper asked.
Y/N looked over at Stan with a worried look on their face as they placed a hand on his shoulder. Stan looked at the water, then back up toward the twins, they both put on the custom fisher hats that Stan made them. Stan looked over at you, smirking, and nodded his head at the kids. Y/N laughed as they leaned over toward the kids, picking them up and placing them on their lap, both of them cheering. "You knuckleheads ever seen me thread a hook with my eyes closed?" Dipper stands up from your lap, pointing his finger at Stan, "Five bucks says you can't do it." Stan points back at him, "You're on!"
"Five more bucks says you can't do it with your eyes closed plus me singing at the top of my lungs!" Mabel exclaimed as she wrapped an arm around your shoulders and you warped your around her side, both you laughing.
"Kids, don't make a bets with an ex con-man." You chuckled as Mabel looked at you still laughing, "But that's what makes it challenging!"
"Plus, I like these odds!" Soos then in the boats, causing both you and Stan two look at him in shock, "Whoa! What happened to your shirt?" Soos puts his hand up and and shakes his head. "Long story, dude." Dipper then holds up his camera standing on one stand of the boat. "All right. Everybody get together, say fishing." the rest of you huddle together and smile and shout, "Fishing!"
"Fishing! Dude, am I in the frame?" Soos asked as the picture gets taking. You all then spend of the rest of the day enjoying each others company. Then as the sun sets you all call it a day and Stan starts to drive the boat toward the dock, all you smiling in content until the boat hits a bump in the water.
Dipper turned toward his sister and asked, "What was that?" Mabel looked at him with a smile still on her face and shrugged. "Mm-mm."
Underwater, the real Gobblewonker swims under the Stan 'O War and eats one of Dipper's cameras.
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wiretchings · 1 year
memory log #85
friday, february 14th, 2025 -- 5:42 p.m. 
today, elliot and i went to his consultation together, i held his hand as i drove the entire way there. his legs were bouncing in the passenger seat, fingers tapping against the back of my hand anxiously. when we got there, he started pacing in the waiting room, completely unaware of the two other people staring at him. i didn’t stop him, maybe he served as a distraction for them too. i just made sure that every time he looked over at me, i was there meeting his gaze, smiling at him. last night, he kept tossing and turning, eventually he sat up and looked down at me, laying next to him. 
“angel,” he whispered, “can’t you just put me on your back and fly us away from here?”
i propped myself up on my elbow, tracing his silhouette in the darkness. “what are you really scared of?” although i couldn’t see anything without my contacts in, i reached for his forearm and rubbed my thumb over the smooth skin. 
“i don’t know... of not being able to bounce back?” i could tell that his eyes were darting around the room, even if i couldn’t see it. “i’ve had my fair share of injuries and.. accidents,” elliot chuckled, “but never something permanent.” 
my fingers trailed down from his arm to his fingertips, waiting for him to continue. “it’s terrifying, dean, having the way you always saw the world flipped upside down in a moment. and at first, i dealt with it the way i deal with everything, by convincing myself that it’s temporary.” his hands were fidgeting now, cracking each individual finger then interlacing them together and pushing them outwards into the void of my bedroom. “but with each doctor’s visit... each time i go to walk down the front steps and have to catch myself on the railing... each time i go to touch your face in the morning and my fingers land on the pillow beside your head instead...” elliot trailed off, his hands clenching into fists now. 
i wrapped my hands around his balled fingers and they were shaking, he sniffled and i realized for the first time that he had been crying. i sat up quickly and moved his fists into my lap, searching for his eyes intently. elliot smiled weakly, “what if when someone comes after us again, i go to stab them and i-” he faltered. “and i miss,” he slowly exhaled a shaky breath. 
“you’ll learn how to fight with one eye, too,” i reassured him, my hands traveling once again from his hands to his shoulders. “but right now, you just need to focus on healing. i’m going to be right by your side the entire time, elli.” this close up, i could see the glint in his eyes when he finally met my gaze. “you don’t have to do this alone anymore.” 
when the nurse called out elliot adair, both of our heads snapped up in the direction of her voice, elliot pausing in the middle of the room. she was a kind woman, with warm freckled skin and long thick hair that’s been dyed red, a reassuring voice paired with kind eyes. elliot reached behind him, searching for me, i chuckled softly and firmly grasped his hand in mine. 
the doctor’s office was bare and muted, shades of beige and white and blue repeating in the walls and furniture. when the specialist entered the room, both of our bodies tensed and we glanced at each other, before directing our attention to her. dr. franklin assured elliot that, although he should have seen a doctor about his eye a little sooner, he’d been taking good care of the wound and that they should be able to perform the surgery with little to worry about. he asked her question after question and she answered thoroughly, offering details about after-care and ways to adjust to living with monocular vision. 
walking out of the office, elliot’s confidence had been returned to him, even if only by a small percentage. we finally had a date for his operation: february 28th, two weeks from today. suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and looked at me incredulously.
“what?” i asked, a small pit beginning to form in my stomach. he noticed this and laughed, hitting my arm playfully and shaking his head. 
“angel.. it’s valentine’s day!” he beamed, as if the day wasn’t half-way over and we’d completely forgotten from the stress of this appointment. “let’s go out for dinner!” 
i was hesitant, we hadn’t gone out for anything other than work or groceries since we’d been attacked and i was scared. i furrowed my brows and stared at him with my mouth open, the words unable to find their way past my lips. 
“we have to start trying to live our lives again eventually, dean.” elliot was more serious than i expected when he said this. “it’s kind of terrifying, i know, but it’s like you told me last night,” he paused. “you don’t have to do this alone.” 
i sighed, a small smile forming on my lips despite my tentativeness and he took this as a yes, because he made a victory fist in the air and began to drag me towards the car. i rolled my eyes and told myself that i would let him have this, he deserved it after the way he’s been fraying his nerves. 
here’s to hoping tonight doesn’t go terribly wrong.
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scandeniall · 4 years
love in argentina
pairing: oikawa x reader
summary/warnings: you went to study abroad in argentina, he went there to play volleyball. you meet and your love story starts in argentina./ um yeah a ton of spoilers including 402. oh and just implied sex for 2 seconds
wc: 3.2k
notes: in honor of both oikawa’s birthday and the manga officially being over. its been a ride and i’m glad hes getting the ending he truly deserves. 
You're not sure when it happened. Growing up, you never really thought too much about love. You didn’t live in this fantasy that one day you’d get your happily ever after with your prince. You just lived as usual, focusing on your own dreams and goals. Being present and if love happened then it happened.
Oikawa isn’t quite sure when it happened. Growing up it had been a battle between volleyball and his own insecurities as he was determined to be the best. Sure he dated around, but it never amounted to much. There were so many people in the world to prove wrong and love had been pushed off the agenda.
But somehow it happened. Love had found its way into both of your lives and you found it within one another. It came without warning and despite every logical thought in your brains to run you didn’t. Now as you look at your fiance enter the arena your heart is filled with joy. You got your happily ever after all thanks to your last minute decision to study abroad in Argentina. 
Another clap of thunder caused another groan to rip through your throat. Looking around your vision was minimal due to the downpour. The occasional shiver ran through your spine whenever the wind would pick up. The covering of the protruding building could only do so much, afterall.  You eyed the directions on your phone for the nth time and still came up useless. When you decided to study in Argentina you looked at the frequency of rain, pleased at its limited occurrence. It was just your luck that your first weekend there you’d gotten caught. 
A hoard of footsteps pounding against the rain soaked pavement caused you to look up from the device, and before you knew it a group of 5 men stood under the buildings canopy out of breath, soaking wet and laughing. Out of instinct you found yourself moving away from the group of strangers as you listened to them talk and laugh. You heard one of them mention the next nearest building they could run over to get towards their destination. 
You eyed the phone again trying to make sense of the tiny map when three of them had run off. Right before the remaining ones could go you found yourself speaking up. Either be lost in San Juan for who knows how long or take your chance asking strangers for help. “Excuse me, could you guys point me in the direction of the university. I’m lost and I really need to get back to campus.”
The words came out rushed and you apologized for disturbing their day when the brunette in the group just laughed. “It's no problem. I’m Tōru. Tōru Oikawa.” 
That was how you met. He’d offered to show you the way back, claiming that he knew what it was like to be new and lost in the city. He’d waved his teammate off, before telling you to keep up. In between running from building covering to building you found out he was a player on the club team originally from Japan. 
“So you went across the world for volleyball? That's kind of cool.” You huffed out as the two of you ran under another canopy. After each one you'd allow yourselves to stop for a moment to not only catch your breath but to chat. “You went across the world to study.” “Yeah, but I’m only here for a semester. It seems you plan on staying. Not nearly as cool.”
Once the two of you arrived at the campus you offered to let him come in and dry off for a bit. “It's the least I could do.” You acknowledged that he didn’t have to show me all the way here and that surely he had better things to do. After a reluctant agreement the two of you found yourselves just talking. Oikawa had given you several food recommendations even ordering the “best empanadas ever” to your place. You two just seemed to have clicked. There was a sense of familiarity just like talking to an old friend that was instant. 
“I have to get going. But it was great to meet you.” As the two of you said goodbye you contemplated for a moment about to offer your own number when he does the same. “In case you get lost again,” he insisted, handing you his phone with a laugh. “My first friend in Argentina,” you joke back. After thanking him again he bids you farewell with a light smile. “I’ll see you around.”
And the two of you saw each other again and again. In between your classes and his practices the two of you found yourselves texting quite often. In between teaching eachother new phrases in Spanish, you shared food recommendations, stories of your own childhoods within your respective countries and went on several adventures. 
“You know, I haven't actually been here,” Oikawa hummed out from beside you. You had an assignment that required you to go to the Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Franklin Rawson, the fine arts museum. It’d been nearly two months since you met Oikawa and when you'd asked him if he knew where it was located. Having no clue, he just decided to tag along with you. “Is that why you got us lost like 5 times on the way here,” you questioned before walking ahead to the next exhibit. “Hey!”
“Apparently there are 945 pieces here,” Oikawa read off as the two weaved throughout the other visitors, who were likely tourists. “Oh really? That's a lot,” you’d said mindlessly searching for a less crowded place to stand. You were vaguely aware of the hand resting on your upper back, his attempt at not allowing you two to become separated while also not pushing too far. You shot him a kind smile as he opened the door to the next exhibit. 
Throughout the museum the two of you took pictures with your favorite works, a few selfies here and there that Oikawa forced you to send to him before you’d go home and forget. He’d invited you to his next game, one you gladly accepted. You’d seen him play only twice before and were utterly mesmerized by his poise, control, and how he seemed to command the court. After the two of you left he insisted the two of you go out for a few drinks. It was a Saturday night afterall. 
You never quite made it to a bar. The two of you found yourselves just sitting on a bench downtown sipping your local drinks and just talking. “I love coming out at night, it's always so pretty,” you noted before taking another sip of your drink. The athlete only nodded in agreement. You didn’t know it then but that was the first time he’d wanted to kiss you. 
From the constant chatter of people walking he’d tuned in soleyl on your voice. The way the mixture of street and shop lights illuminated your face caught him off guard. However he pushed that feeling away just to enjoy the present. Eventually you’d go back home and he’d be wherever. Still playing and still working towards his goals. “Hey, are you ok?”
He was immediately pulled out of his thoughts, sending you a genuine smile. “Yeah, just a bit sore.” He noticed the way you frowned and immediately regretted using that lie. Especially once you questioned him about his knee, a fact he’d let slip randomly one night over a late night text session. “I’m fine, besides the club would pull me so fast if I slipped into those habits again.” He’d also told you about how his friend would always have to drag him out of late night gym sessions. “Iwa gave me the nastiest bruise one time because I was in too late. It was an accident though, he was kinda shocked at just how hard the ball hit me too,” he laughed when he told you the memory. Then proceeded how he got to guilt trip his friend everyday until it healed. You only nodded but not before scolding him that somehow you’d go all the way to California to bring his friend back to kick his ass if needed. 
“Told you it would be worth it.” The scold you had ready for Oikawa didn't make its way out as your mouth dropped. The mountains completely took your breath away. When you’d first agreed to let Oikawa take you out to see nature you didn’t anticipate the lowered temperatures nor the annoying hiking trails. When you’d seen the first steep path you looked at him in complete disbelief. “You're not serious right now. I don’t even have on the right shoes Tōru,” you complained eying the worn sneakers with very little traction. “It’ll be fine, I’ll help you. The view is worth it.” With that you reached for his outstretched hand and went with it.
“It's beautiful up here,” you said slowly taking in the view. “El Leoncito. Blanco took me here the first month I got to Argentina. It was a rough week and he said I needed to get away. Camp out for a weekend and regain my focus.” You felt yourself nodding along as he spoke. “I remember how much you complained about your last test grades and figured you could use the break too.”
You’d known Oikawa for four months now. Your first semester in Argentina was coming to an end soon, and suddenly you were glad you didn’t let homesickness take over and decided to stay for the academic year. That gave you another few months with who turned out to be your dearest friend in the country. “Thank you,” you replied softly. While he had been looking at the view you managed to sneak a few looks at his profile. He didn’t know it then but that was the first time you’d wanted to kiss him. 
The nights cooled down more than you could have imagined and you found yourself shaking despite the campfire around you. You mentally cursed Oikawa again for not informing you to be better prepared. The sound of a zipper shifted your attention as he emerged from the tent the two of you had set up earlier. “Looking a little cold over there,” he teased sitting next to you. “You suck.”
His laugh filled the air as a sudden warmth came over you. You look over to see he’d placed a pare blanket over you. You were filled with the urge to kiss him for the second time that night. “I’m not such a shitty guy now am I?” You only shook your head in amusement. “Yeah, I guess not.” 
The months came and went. The two of you grew closer as the time for you to go home neared. Neither of you remember quite when it happened. It had been spring break for you and you had been hanging around Oikawa’s place for the most part. Even while he wasn’t there, the two of you had become that comfortable in less than a year. One night he came back unusually agitated and touchy, and you found yourself walking on eggshells until he just blurted out his feelings. “I fucking like you. More than a friend and it's annoying because I kept getting distracted tonight because one of the guys pointed out that you’d be going home soon.” 
Your eyes widened as you watched him down his first shot of the night. A drink he’d insisted he needed after the night he had. After you hadn’t said anything for a few moments it seemed like his words dawned on him and his eyes widened. Before he could apologize you’d crossed the short space from his couch to the kitchen to press your lips against his. 
“It's annoying, but I like you too.”
After that the two of you essentially began dating. You’d never officially declared a title but it was clear as day that you were together. When the year ended you decided to stay in Argentina at least for the summer, moving in with him for the time. In doing so the two of you put off the impending goodbye for at least 3 months. 
That summer had flown by before either of you knew it. In between having more time to watch him play and your Argentinian adventures, they were the best months of your night. You’d spend many nights laughing and making out on the side of bar buildings on nights out. When time permitted, taking random day trips outside of San Juan and exploring together. You’d accumulated enough pictures together to fill out an entire photo album in that time alone. 
One of your favorite memories came after you’d gotten home from said day trip. During which you guys brought three different jars of dulce de leche from different shops. You two had decided to try your hand at determining which shop had the best by putting them in various deserts. 
“Wait we have to try them plain first,” you exclaimed the second the two of you had made it back. Taking the bag you made your way to the kitchen pulling out the jars. “The one I picked is going to be the best,” Oikawa assured, taking a spoon from you. “What if we fed each other and I took pictures to send to Iwa to remind him that he’s single.” You laughed before responding. “Oh please, he’s kinda hot. I doubt he's that lonely.”
“(Y/N) you can’t call him hot. I’m supposed to be the hot one,” he jokingly complained, arms coming to lock around your waist. Leaning your lips towards his, you mumbled with a lazy smile. “You are the hottest. But you’re going down, Grand King.” You pulled away laughing as his distressed look at your use of the dumb nickname. “I should've never told you about that.”
“Too late now,” you hummed opening the jars to set them out. “You wanted to make your best friend jealous right,” you questioned as he made no move toward the treat. You smiled at the sparkle in his eyes. “Hell yes.” 
After you two couldn’t come to a consensus about whose pick was the best you two stared at the ingredients you'd also purchased to use the dulce de leche with. “Now what are we going to make,” he mused, tossing his arm around your shoulder. “Lets ask the internet.” You felt his lips press against your cheek before he agreed. 
By the end of the night you’d managed to make a successful pastry, some random cake where you had to substitute a few ingredients and hope for the best, and a sorry excuse for ice cream. “I told you this was a bad idea,” you laughed as you tried to keep mixing the failure. “It’s not thickening up at all.” You moved aside as your boyfriend took the bowl from you, muttering about letting the athlete stir before adding on. “Thick like me?”
“It's as flat as you,” you deadpan. 
“It’s a liquid!” 
“Hey (Y/N). Are we going to make this work. You know when you go back home.” He’d asked you one night as you cuddled on the couch. Your time together was coming to an end and you were leaving in two days. It’d been something neither of you ever mentioned, even during the packing stage. You raised your head from his chest searching his eyes. “Do you want to?”
Another silence fell over you two as you both processed your question. Eventually he gave you a slow nod. “Yeah. I do. Do you?” At your nod Oikawa let out a breath that he didn’t even know he was holding. “Good. So it's settled yeah,” he questioned. “Yeah it is.” You smiled as you maneuvered your way onto his lap. Settling your knees on each side of him, his hand your cheek pulling your lips towards his. “Good,” he repeated right before his tongue slipped into your mouth as his hands slid lower. 
That had been 5 years ago. In that time you'd gone back home to finish your degree and he stayed in Argentina. The following year his time in Brazil coincided with a school break of your own and you were able to meet him there. You’d gotten to meet the iconic Hinata and the two of you teased your boyfriend to death with Grand King. 
The distance was never easy. There were times where you both questioned if it were worth it. Stress from both of your lives outside of one another would pile up and you had to learn to work through it. Learn to comfort despite being thousands of miles away. Reassuring you that you were indeed the smartest person he’d ever met. Reassuring him that he didn’t want to quit. He was amazing and he found volleyball fun. You’d even been the one to propose going to Brazil trying to find the fun in the game. 
When he told you he was considering the possibility of naturalising you even encouraged it. And then he proposed to you. He had a small break and had flown out to surprise you insisting that it was now or never. He wanted you forever and knew if he didn’t just do it he’d keep thinking about it forever. Of course you’d briefly discussed marriage, stating that you wouldn't mind an engagement, even if it lasted for a few years while you both got your career, living and citizenship situations settled. So when he did it you made the decision to permanently move back to Argentina. 
“Are you sure-” he’d asked you shortly after proposing. The high of you saying yes had worn off and now the realization of what this really meant settled. You’d discussed marriage prior to him starting the naturalization process. The two of you had been sitting in your yard hand in hand watching the stars. “Of course. I was looking into moving back anyways. Wanted to surprise you.”
His hand tightened in yours as he eyed your face for any semblance of a joke. “Really?” You only nodded pressing a kiss on his clothed shoulder. “Of course. It's where it all started. Besides, I have no doubt that you’ll make the olympic team. Gotta be there in person for moral support right?”
Suddenly you were tackled back onto the blanket your now fiance was hovering about you. “God, I love you.” Fingers playing with his hair you returned the sentiment. “I love you too.”
Neither of you are sure how it happened. You’d met at 19 and nearly a decade later at 27 you'd both accepted your fairytale ending. You found love in Argentina and your heart swells at the announcement of your Fiance at the Olympics. You can imagine his scowl at the mention of him never making it to high school nationals and find yourself laughing. Eying the ring on your finger you think back to the promise he made you two years ago on the night of the engagement.
“I want to marry you and I want to keep playing. So if you don’t mind, can the wedding be after the olympics.” There's not a single part of you that regretted agreeing to those terms. As you watched him continue to train your pride for him continued to grow. As he entered the arena ready to play against his home country you found yourself yelling. 
“Beat them all Oikawa!”
a/n: i hope u enjoyed this. I’ve been in a slump and on vacation past week but i am back (i think) and better than ever. I have a 10k atsumu piece coming within the next few days so i hope u stay tuned for that. Both of that and this are me tapping into my creativity and im very passionate about 10k words esp.
also; if you enjoyed this I think you’d really like my sakusa piece no limit to you. it has a similar feel and to date is my fav thing ive written (and 5k words)
lastly: did yall enjoy my google argentina research LMAO. ngl after um i kinda wanna go there tf
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thejolexgroupchat · 4 years
the one where they met in med school - part seven
Jo’s first day at Seattle Grace
Be sure to check out our Master List for parts 1-6
You guys really have no idea how much Nat, @iamtrebleclefstories​ and @doc-pickles​ love writing this story.
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(July 2007)
"You ready?" Alex asked as he looked at Jo in the passenger seat and Lexie in the back. They were sitting in the hospital parking lot, Jo and Lexie taking in the fact that today was the first day of their intern year. "You don't want to be late on your first day. Trust me, you want to hear Webber's speech. And I don't want to be late to meet my interns."
"Do you guys already know who you have?" Lexie asked. She wasn't originally supposed to come to Seattle. She had a top tier surgical residency waiting for her at Mass Gen, but when her mom died about a month ago, she got rematched at Seattle Grace to be closer to her father. On top of that, Lexie had just found out that she had an older sister who was working in this very hospital.
"No, we find out when you do," Alex shared. "Are you sure you don't want me to talk to Meredith? She's a good person. A bit emotionally stunted, but she's a good friend."
"No, Alex it's fine," Lexie shook her head. "I think she should hear it from me."
"Okay. I'm going to go inside. I'll see you guys later. Maybe if you're lucky you'll be on my service," he leaned over to the passenger seat and gave Jo a peck on the lips before getting out of the car. "Don't forget to lock the door."
About an hour later, Jo and Lexie were in the locker room, waiting for Webber to share which resident they would be working under. He went through the list of residents and called out interns.
“Alright everyone listen up. I am going to assign you to a resident. When I call your name, you will go find your resident in the hallway and await instructions. Trimble, Franklin, Morales, and Bozniack you’re with Stevens. Harrison, Allen, O’Malley, Johnson, and Phillips with Grey. Lawrence, Crowley, Vega, Brown, and Grey you’re with Yang. Last but not least, Hernandez, Jenkins, Davis, and Wilson, you’re with Karev.”
Jo and Lexie exchanged a glance. Jo knew that being on Alex’s service was always a possibility, however, she never thought it would actually happen. That would make things much more difficult than she’d anticipated. Prior to starting, Jo and Alex had agreed to keep their relationship private. Aside from Lexie, no one would know that the two of them were together, so that if Jo got to scrub in on a surgery or was handed a case, it was because she was good and not because she was dating a resident. But what was once a possibility, quickly became a reality, and they were going to have to learn how to deal with this situation if they wanted to keep their relationship private.
Soon after Webber assigned the interns to their residents, they all left the room, leaving only Jo and the other three residents there.
Jo was organizing her locker when she heard the others gossiping about Alex.
“Ughh, what was I even expecting from this? I have the worst luck ever. Of course I was going to end up with the douchiest resident. You guys heard about him, right?” Jenkins complained, Jo’s eyes glued to the objects in front of her.
“Yeah. His reputation around this place is not the best. I heard he is really good, though. Not everything is lost yet. Let’s wait and see,” Hernandez tried to be positive.
“I heard that too. Looks like he is really talented and hardworking, but I heard that if you’re not one of them, he will treat you like trash no matter what. One of the residents in his class, that is,” Davis added, making Jo’s heart sink a little.
If only they knew a bit more about him, they wouldn’t be so quick to judge. She knew that her boyfriend wasn’t the easiest person to deal with and he still had a lot of growing and learning to do, but he had the biggest heart. Hearing the other residents talk about him made Jo sigh.
“What about you, Wilson? Things aren’t looking good for him already. Dude is already late. First thing he does is make us wait for him. Ever heard anything about the guy?” Jenkins asked Jo, forcing her to pull her head out of the locker and interact with them.
“Not really, to be honest. Maybe he’s not that bad. I’m not the biggest fan of judging people before actually knowing them. Maybe the three of you can give it a shot? Soothes the soul a bit,” Jo gave them a sarcastic smile after closing the locker aggressively. She knew she shouldn’t be doing that. Getting into arguments with the people she was going to spend the next five years of her life glued to. Especially not that early into the thing, but she wasn’t about to let them say bad things about her boyfriend without giving him a chance. And she wasn’t wrong. They really shouldn’t judge him before knowing nothing but his name.
“You find him hot, don’t you?” Hernandez smiled at her. "You saw him earlier when Webber was giving us the tour and you thought he was hot."
Jo didn’t want to blatantly lie to them, so she was more than thankful for the moment Alex interrupted and entered the room.
“Hernandez, Wilson, Jenkins and Davis, come,” he ushered them to get ready.
Alex guided the four interns to the hall before glancing at his girlfriend, who was supporting a poker face like he had never seen before. Still, he could see through it with ease. His face twitched into a crooked half-smile, causing Jo to roll her eyes ever so slightly.
Although he couldn’t pretend he wasn’t excited about having her closer to him, he was worried that their original plan was going to be even harder than they had thought it would be. Knowing that she was going to be so close in proximity to him after a year of being an entire country apart, was going to severely push his restraint.
“So, I’m Dr. Alex Karev and I’ll be your resident. I have five rules, and you’ll have to use your underdeveloped brains to memorize them,” he started walking after noticing Jo was trying hard not to laugh at the things he was saying, but still keeping a straight face.
“Rule number one: don’t even think about kissing my ass. It won’t work. I already hate you, and that’s not gonna change. Rule number two: run! Trauma protocol, phone list, pagers, nurses will page you. You will answer every single page at a run. Your first shift starts now. I have no idea how long it will last. It’s not my problem. You should know that. You’re interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work until you drop and don’t complain. I am not going to raise whiny babies,” he stopped in front of a door and eyed the four people in front of him before opening it and walking inside the room. “On call rooms. Attendings hog them to sleep or do other things. You will sleep when you can, where you can, and I don’t want to have to
find any of you doing the nasty anywhere, understand? Rule number three: if I’m sleeping, do not wake me, unless the patient is dying. Four: the dying patient better not be dead when I get there.”
Jo’s eyes shined teasingly as she raised her hand, “You said five rules. That was only four.”
Alex tried not to smirk as his pager went off, “Rule number five: when I move, you move. Let’s go.”
Jo’s first shift ended after thirty-six hours. She was completely and utterly exhausted, every muscle in her body protesting as she walked the two blocks from the hospital to her apartment. When she finally made it in the house, Alex was waiting for her with a beer and pizza in hand. He guided her to the couch and helped her sit down.
Jo groaned as her body sank down into the cushions, “I feel like I want to just curl up into a ball on this couch and sleep forever.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Alex chuckled. “I know you’re exhausted, but I need you to eat before you pass out, so take the pizza and beer.”
“I thought you said you hate your interns and that’s not gonna change,” Jo raised her eyebrows. “You’re being awfully nice to me, Dr. Karev. I hope you don’t think that this means I’ll sleep with you. Because even if I wanted to, I think I’m too tired to do anything.”
“Shut up,” Alex rolled his eyes. He looked at her suggestively. “And, you know I don’t mind doing all the work. It might be good for you, ya know? Like a stress reliever. All it will cost you is making sure you get some food in your system.”
“Are you offering to service me?” Jo laughed. This was reason one hundred fifty-seven of why she loved this man. “Is this something you do for all your interns, Dr. Karev?”
“Only the ones I’m in love with,” Alex leaned across the couch for a kiss. “Trust me when I say, I am very eager to please you.”
“You’re so dirty!” Jo giggled and pushed his shoulder lightly. “But, I may have to take you up on that offer.”
The pair talked and laughed while they shared their meal. It was nice being able to spend time together again and finally be on the same page. Agreeing to finish their food, they sat there in silence for a while before Jo spoke up again, “Are you sure this isn’t a conflict of interest? Me being your intern?”
“It might be,” Alex sighed. “I have a hard time telling you no, or when to stop because I respect you and I love you. But I also know that going easy on you would only be a disservice to your career, so I’m going to do my best to let you know when you’re in need of improvement.”
“Thank you,” Jo brought her hand up to his face. “I’m really happy that I’m here.”
“So am I,” Alex grinned. “So, what do you say we go to the room and I’ll… help you relax.”
“Three and a half years in and you still have a one track mind,” Jo shook her head, an amused look on her face.
“What can I say?” Alex shrugged. “I have a super hot girlfriend and can’t get enough of her.”
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chaoticcraftybee · 4 years
History class
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Steve Rogers x reader
Word count; 4000   oops...
The only thing Steve hates more than bad language is Bullies. What will he do when he finds out that a student in his girlfriends history class has been giving her a hard time?  
Warnings: Only a little self doubt.
A/N: HI everyone, I hope you enjoy this, it took way longer than it should have. I'm sorry if you don't like history, I hated it as well, but trust me, the end is kind of sweet, and there is also a little of 'protective Steve' I understand that some of the 'facts' in some parts are obviously wrong, but please don't worry, there is a reason for this.  
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Steve was sat in the corner booth of the restaurant, patiently waiting for his date. Glancing over his shoulder at the watch hanging above the bar he noticed that Y/n was late. This was unlike her, but just as he held his phone to his ear to call her, he saw her climbing out of the cab outside. His calm smile jumping to his lips when seeing his girlfriend.
Y/n tried to hurry up, knowing that Steve wouldn't mind too much, yet she does not consider it as an excuse. She followed the walkway to the restaurant where Steve was waiting inside.
Steve's face lit up when Y/n walked in. He stood as he smiled at her, taking her hand and pressing his lips to her cheek briefly “I am so, so sorry I am late.” Y/n said softly after a moment. Steve wondered if everything was doing okay, this simple gesture seemed to be more appreciated than normal. He simply smiled sweetly at her. “You look stunning” he tells her, obviously not paying attention to her apology since it didn't matter to him.
His effort worked since it made her blush and smile widely. Letting go of her hands he walked over to the table where he was waiting and pulled out a chair for her. His gentleman manners always made Y/n's day better.
Y/n and Steve had both had a long day, but for most of Steve's, he had to do mission rapports. It is definitely the part of the job that he hated the most. The man is a super soldier, not a desk worker, but yet paperwork is an important part of the job as well. While Steve was telling Y/n about his day, her normal, kind smile returned. Holding her glass of wine, she was hanging on each of his words, clearly enjoying the story he was telling her about a mission he wrote the report of today. For whatever reason this particular mission was ridiculous, and after the both were laughing about the end. Steve took a sip of wine. “Okay, Okay, tell me doll. How was your day?”
She shook her head. Firstly not wanting to talk about it, but started anyway. “My day.... it was crazy.” He smiled “Again?” she nodded “Today I seemed to have forgotten things I thought were common knowledge.” he raised a brow. “Things like?” setting the glass down, she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, preparing to start to talk about her frustrations. “Well... things like the year The Golden Gate Bridge opened or how many terms president Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected for or even about The Titanic.” leaning forward she holds her face in her hands with her elbows on the table with a sigh.
Steve's eyes soften at her frustration. “Oh sweetie.” he starts, trying to find a way to comfort her. “Maybe you are overworked? You have been staying up longer lately. You could just be needing a break.” taking another sip of her wine she shakes her head. “That is exactly why. I've been doing so more and more, and it's embarrassing, my students have no trouble pointing it out.” With another sigh she looks back up at him. “I's sorry, I might just be going insane.” her voice soft as she sets the glass down. After barely doing so Steve reaches across the table, taking both her hands in his. His hands are warm and his touch calms her instantly, returning her smile to her lips.
The date goes on perfectly, after dinner and them sharing a slice of chocolate cake they walked to Steve's car. Just as they left the restaurant Y/n stood still for a moment as she pulled on her jacket. But of course this caught Steve's attention and he offered to help. She handed him the jacket and turned around. He held it up, letting her slip her arms in the sleeves.
As he flattened the collar something hard brushed against his hand. He froze for a moment, picking it off the back of her jacket and letting it roll to the palm of his hand. “What is this?” he questioned, already knowing the answer. Y/n turned around and looked at his hand. “What?” she asked, a little confused. He narrowed his eyes “This.” he lowered his hand so she could see the misshaped ball. Taking her gently by the arm, he pulls her to the side, away from the entrance pf the restaurant so they could speak.
“Is that a spitball?” he asked in disbelief, Y/n stares at his hand for a moment, “I thought I got everything off.” She tells him speaking softly. He frowns “What? Y/n where did it come from?” clearly confused as to what she is talking about. “I... Um, I wore this jacket to work, my um... student's must have shot me with it.” Speaking in a low tone she looks down embarrassed. After throwing the ball into plant pot behind her he sighs. “Y/n. Are your students maybe misbehaving?” looking down at her he understands that it could be embarrassing so her bends his knees so he could catch her eyes. “You can tell me.” he whispers when she hadn't answer him.
“They Um. They might be. I'm not really sure” Steve sighs. “How can you not be sure?” her hands move to the buttons of her jacket. “I don't know Steve. I feel like they might be up to something, but I can't figure it out. That is part of why I'm having trouble at school, Well, I think that is why.” Reading her body language he could tell she was feeling unsure of herself. Without thinking, he pulls her into a hug, his arms wrapping around her he holds her tightly “It's okay, don't worry about it Y/n.” She rested her head on his shoulder, breathing in deeply.
A while later Steve drove Y/n home. No matter how long they were dating, Y/n still felt butterflies in her stomach whenever they walked up to her front door for a goodnight kiss and the date ended.
The next day, Y/n went to work as usual, as far as she could tell, everything was going well. It was just after her lunch break when she was running a bit late to her class. When she walked in, her students quieted down. She started as planned “Good afternoon class, Today we will be continuing Major Events of The 19...” looking at the board “...30s” Trying to sound more optimistic around this class in particular. “Let's start with The Great Depression.”  
As she went on as planned, she noticed a couple of students glancing at each other every now and then. But still, she couldn't really do anything about it, since they weren't doing anything wrong. Writing on the chalkboard, a balled up piece of paper hit the board beside her hand. Spinning around she looked at the students, but not one of them seemed to have threw it. Her eyes shot straight to the boy in the back of the class, Jeffery Kens. “Jeffery...” She spoke in a stern voice. Smiling he raised his hands “Honestly, that one wasn't me” she looks to the other kids in the classroom. “Come on guys, give me a break.” turning around she went on “As I was about to ask, who can tell me who or what ended The Great Depression?” writing what she said to the class, another paper ball hit her. This time it landed on the back of her head, hurting more than it should. The class giggled for a second but when she turned they all looked to their books.
Y/n spun around “Seriously, next time one of you do something, pop quiz for everyone. And yes, those points will count in the final exam.” slamming the book she had in her hand on the table, yet, none of her students seemed to remember how tough she used to be. Their amused faces made Y/n wonder for a moment if that was what they wanted. So she decided to give them what they wanted. “Fine, have it your way.” she walked around her desk to the aisles slowly walking.
Holding her arms behind her back she spoke to the class. “I will be asking you all questions, then I call upon someone. Each answer wrong will earn you a punishment. So let's begin.” She hides a smile when the students all sank in their seats. “No way out of this. In what year were women granted the right to Vote? Susan, answer this for me.” the girl with a pink bow in her hair looked over her shoulder “In August 18th 1920.” Y/n nodded
“That is correct, next question, a earthquake hits San Francisco, leaving 500 dead or missing, what year did this happen? Henry, you take this one.” A boy who was riding on his chair looked at Y/n “In 1908.” Y/n shook her head. “That is wrong. It was in 1906.” the kid sitting in front of him raised his hand. “Actually Miss, you are wrong, it says it here in the school book it was 1908.” Y/n wanted to roll her eyes, but instead stopped at the student's desk, reading what he was pointing at. She soon realized that it was in fact 1908. blinking twice she stood up in disbelief. “Oh, I'm sorry Henry, you were right.” speaking softly she brushed it off. “Okay Lizzy, Charles Lindbergh was a famous aviator, what year did he across the Atlantic Ocean?” the girl didn't even bother to think “1926” she said loudly. And Y/n sighed, a little disappointed “I'm afraid you are a little early. It was in 1927.” Jeffrey shook his head. “Wrong again Miss, this is what the book says.” She shot him a look, walking over to Lizzy, she picked up her book, it already being open on the right page, she paused for a moment while she read. She frowned. “You seem to be right Lizzy. I'm sorry honey.”
Y/n went over to her desk, opening her bottle of water and taking a sip. She wonders if she might be forgetting more things then she should. Turning to her class she tries to go on, finding that making a mistake a second time in a row might not me good for her class after hearing their giggles, she decides to ask more obvious questions. “Jeffrey, what year was pearl harbor.” feeling more comfortable with this question. “December 1939.” he answered proudly as Y/n sighed. “That is wrong. It was in 1941” walking to the front of the class “Actually, according to the school book it was....” Y/n snapped and cut him off “...I don't care what the book says, it happened in 1941, you cannot change that fact no matter what curriculum.” She yells from across the room to him, instantly regretting it, covering her forehead with her hand out of frustration as her class looks at her with wide eyes.
While this was happening, Steve had just arrived, he had nothing else do for the rest of the day. For some reason he kept on thinking about how upset Y/n was the last night about her class, so he decided to stop by and see if her day was going better. Still wearing his Captain America suit he approached the doors of the school. As if the woman was sent the Principal just happened to be at those doors. The woman couldn't believe who she was seeing. “Captain Rogers, what a pleasant surprise.” She smiled widely, holding her hand out to him. “My name is Principal Judy Gray.” “Ah” Steve smiles, taking her hand and shaking it gently. “To what do we owe the pleasure Captain?” He looks toward the hallway “I was hoping to stop by and see my Girl, Miss Y/L/N, if that would be alright.” She laughs. “Oh, I had no idea the two of you were seeing each other, but of course captain go right ahead.” crossing her hands in front of her she smiles widely. “Where would I find her?” He asked politely. Judy pointed down the large hall. “If you go down the hall, turn right, it's the last door on the left.” Looking toward the hall he nods, “Thank you Ma'am.” “Oh, and Captain Rogers.” she stops him for a moment. “Please, do feel free to do as you wish, I give you full authority of my students, especially when they are up to no good.” The slight laughter in her voice lets him smile as he starts walking. “Thank you Principal Gray.”
Y/n took a deep breath, thinking about dismissing the class so she could get her facts straight. She started second guessing what she actually knows. Just as she went for another drink of water, she freezes when seeing Steve looking through the window by the door, his happy genuine smile makes her feel calmer already. It felt as if he has been sent to her for some reason. Opening the door, he hoped to enter the class without being noticed, but the expression on her face caused the entire class turn to look at the door.
She ignored the looks she got from her students and walked straight to him. Lowering her head when hugging him, he flashes a smile to the class as the whispers begun, but looked down to Y/n “What are you doing here?” she asked , her face pressed against his suit. “I was in the area, just thought I should stop by. You okay there doll?” He smiled kindly at her, already knowing the answer. Shaking her head slightly she took his hand when stepping back. “You actually came at a bad time.” her voice low, trying to keep her thoughts together. Steve raises a brow. “Everything alright?” he matches her volume. “You know, it's fine.” smiling up at him she squeezes his hand “Well, mind if I stick around for a while, I'll be right outside?” “Not at all.” feeling that his presence near by would either help her, or it could make everything even worse.
Reluctantly letting go of her hand he nods to the class before leaving, closing the door behind him but still standing within earshot. Y/n turns to her students and picks up where they left off speaking loudly as she did before. “What year did President Harding pass away? Jonah, this one is on you.” there is a pause in the classroom, as if everyone was holding their breaths for some reason. “In 1927.” he responds. “That is incorrect.” she tells him, not having a doubt in her mind. “But the school...” Y/n stops Lindsey before she could finish. “That does not matter. He died in 1923. You are wrong Jonah, and so are you Lindsey” Jeffery sat back in his seat. “So you are expecting us to know that you think you know and not what the books are leaning us? And when we get it wrong, we get punished? You are being very unfair Y/n.” She hadn't even noticed the use of her first name, but Steve, who was listening outside, did.
He knocked on the door softly, just so Y/n could hear him. When turning to him, so did the class, and they started shooting worried glances to each other “Yes Captain, do you need something?” her voice soft, holding in her thoughts as she smiled at him. Knowing his girlfriend well enough, he knew how she was feeling, and entered the room, closing the classroom door. He walked up to her whispering in her ear. “I think you are right. Something is wrong.” She looked up at him, confused. “But I feel fine.” She whispers back. “Not with you.” Taking a step back he stands in the middle of the chalkboard, looking at the students staring at him. Before he spoke, I turned to Y/n, then reaching to her desk, the took a tissue from the box then turned back to her. Carefully he picked something out of her hair with the tissue, it looked to her like a fresh spitball. The expression on his face was not as kind as it was just a second ago. Seeing him toss the ball in the trash, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. That is when Steve whispered. “May I take over for a moment?” to which she nodded, sitting down at her desk.
He took his place again in front of the chalkboard, hand behind his back. “What year did the U.S. become part of World War II?” He simply asked, the students in front of him look at each other with wide eyes. The tone of his voice made it clear that he wasn't to be messed with. The class was quiet longer than Steve felt they should be. “I asked a question, you...” pointing to the boy seated closest to Y/n “...Answer the question.” and after a pause he shook his head. “I don't know.” Steve glanced at Y/n, before choosing another student. “Fine. You...” Looking to the girl behind him “....What year?” she looks over her shoulder, then says “Um, 1946. Sir.” He shook his head. “I'm afraid not. It happened in 19...” Jeffery who had a smile on his lips interrupted him “...That is not what the books said.” a hint of pride in his voice. Y/n wanted to silence the boy but saw the look on Steve's face and just sat back, still as confused as she was before.
Steve walked up to Jeffery's table. “What was that?” his words cold. Yet it didn't stop him. “The school books says it 1946. It's not my fault.” Pointing to the book in front of him. Steve leaned forward, finding that the book did say so. Y/n noticed that he was looking longer at the book then was necessary. That was when she saw a slight smile after he shook his head. He placed his hand on Jeffery's desk and looked the boy in the eyes. “Listen son, I went under the ice in 1945. The war was already taking place. It definitely started in 41. Besides, this is wrong because...” he lifted the page of the book, revealing that the page he was referring to was loose in the book. “...This is fake.” The boy in front of him sunk in his seat.
Y/n sat up in her seat, not believing what Steve found. He turned around, holding the page in the air. “Does anyone else know about this?” nobody made a sound. “Shut up.” Jeffery said through his teeth to the other kids. Which hit one of Steve's nerves. “Stand up!” he almost yelled at him. Jeffery did as he asked, but took his time. “Now, drop and give me 5 push-ups.” Jeffrey rolled his eyes “You can't tell me what to do.” Steve took a step closer, almost standing in the boy's face. “Your Principal cane me full authority to do as I pleas. DO NOT test me. Now, drop and give me 10.” He could see that Steve wasn't messing around. “Fine.” then he drop to the floor. “That is 'Yes Sir' to you”
Steve picked up the page and turned to the rest of the students. “I'm not asking again. Who else knew about this?” slowly making his way to Y/n, Lizzy spoke up. “He made us all part of this.” Steve glanced back to Jeffery, before asking her “Why?” She looked up at him “To make Miss Y/L/N look bad.” “And to get out of work so that it looked like our books are written wrong.” Another boy said. “Hey” Jeffery started. “You all agreed to make her look bad. Don't pin this all on me.” Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing, Steve saw it on her face. “Jeffery, get up.” He ordered the boy. As he got back on his feet Steve crossed his arms, standing close again. “Listen to me now, because I will not repeat myself. From the moment you leave this classroom, you will be Miss Y/n's personal assistant, and you will not be receiving extra credit.” The boy had a completely different attitude about it, but still wanted to fight against it. “My father will hear about this.” he spoke in a low voice, so Steve bent down to his level. “Go ahead. You seem like the kind that will run to your father.” he matches his tone, his words impacting him more than a punch to the gut would have. “Do you think that he would approve of your actions? Either way, you will do as Miss Y/n says, no matter the time of night or the day in the week. And if you don't...” He looks to Y/n, knowing that she wouldn't do anything too harsh to the boy. “...well, let's just say that I will be hearing about it.”
Looking back at the boy , he seems to understand Steve completely. “If there is one thing I hate, it would be bullies.” He tuns his back to him and walks back to Y/n. “As for the rest of you.” he spins around to look at all the students. “Since you all were in on it, you...” He looks out the window to the football field just outside. Pointing to the other side “...will run to the other side of that field, and back twice.” Everyone sighs, sinking in their seats and moan. “And after that, each one of you will be given a brush and bucket and WILL clean up the graffiti on the walls. Wherever it is. Now, GET UP.” He yells, they do as he says, quickly this time. “Start running. I will be watching from inside and when you are done, I will personally see that the rest will be done. GO!” he tells them and they scatter out of the building.
When the room was empty Steve looked to Y/n, who was sitting back in her seat. “You okay?” his words soft as she looks up at him. “How?” she shook her head, his smile returning to his lips. “The page numbers.” He starts, leaning against the desk beside her as he smiles down at her. “The numbering was wrong, left was 36, the right was 59.” It was quiet for a while when Y/n placed her hand over her one eye, feeling silly. “I thought I was going crazy, forgetting important things.” Steve shook his head, reaching out and taking her hand. “No no no. It wasn't you.” speaking softly to her she relaxes in his touch, looking down. “I was really staring to doubt myself.” “Oh Honey.” he raises her hand to his lips, holding onto her arm gently as he pressed his lips to the back of her hand. “You shouldn't do that.” Y/n stood up, standing in front of him and hugs him. Only when he wrapped his arms around her he realized how bad she was feeling. Breathing in deeply on his shoulder, taking in his scent she smiles slightly. “And yet, you came in and saved the day.” Gently holding her head with one hand behind her head he kissed her forehead. “It's no big deal.” He whispers.
They stood like this for a while when Y/n looked over his shoulder and out the window. “I think you have students to attend to.” smiling as they watched the kids almost rolling on the grass on their way back. “They seem to be dying.” Y/n laughed. “Yeah, I should put them to work.” Steve spoke softly since he was holding Y/n so close. She took a step back, letting Steve stand up straight. “Are you sure you are going to be okay?” he asks when opening the classroom door. Y/n smiles up at him, it being as bright as it was the previous night. “I am now. Thank you for asking. Besides, I have a assistant now.” Steve leans against the door frame “Good. Just checking. We still have that date tonight?” Sitting back down she nods “Yes, movie night at my house.” Steve laughs “That's right. Okay, have a nice day. I'll see you tonight.” She blows him a kiss before he closes the door and leaves
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holy-anxiety-batman · 4 years
You know what.
*Un-magicals your girl*
*long rant under the cut that is completely unrelated*
I went on basically the same rant on my tiktok but here I’m not restricted to a minute so here comes ari’s rage!!!
Guess what! The UK had to shut down theatre again! And I’m pissed! 
And then some FUCKERS decided to have some PARTIES.
This being AFTER the UK government told actors and other arts workers to RETRAIN for OTHER JOBS because the arts are NO LONGER VIABLE.
Hi, I’m Ari, your local goth bi blogger. You may know me from such hits as: that one post about a guy spinning me in the rain, or: consistently geeking out about Sanders Sides. 
What you may not know about me (because I share very little identifying information on this site) is that I am actively planning to move to London and attend drama school! And then perform on the West End! That’s right, batman is a musical theatre actor!
So you might be able to imagine how unspeakably heartbreaking and demoralizing it is to see the residents of the country I plan on living in treat the industry and lifestyle I love with such disrespect.
You might be able to grasp even the tiniest bit how terrifying it is to watch the government that I will be asking for citizenship repeatedly slap the words Non Viable in my face while I chase my dreams. I have nightmares about being stuck in an office. Days where I can barely keep tears hidden because I’ve seen another show has to close, another actor is evicted because they can’t pay rent, another politician say “I’m sorry, but the arts just aren’t necessary/sustainable/useful/viable”.
If you had any clue just how much the arts contribute I swear to all things holy you would take that back in a heartbeat. Not necessary? I’m sorry, what do you do when you’re sad? You read a book? You rewatch your favorite movie? You listen to some sad music and pretend you’re a protagonist? Guess what, those are art. Don’t sit there and pretend like you didn’t take your wife to see a show for your anniversary. Like your son doesn’t sit in his room sketching. Like your sibling didn’t risk everything to move to LA and get their record deal. 15% of all tourists in London go to at least one show. That is 2,863,500 people. That is tourism alone, millions of dollars to your economy, not including the millions of theatre-goers who aren’t tourists. Look me in my eyes and tell me you would still be alive if the arts never existed.
What, Mr. Johnson, you think you weren’t fucking conceived to the sounds of Aretha Franklin or Led Zeppelin? You’re lying to yourself. You never had a single breakdown in secondary school, crying to your Beatles record? You’re lying to yourself. You never went to a show with your parents? Never danced to music at a school function? Fuck off and come back to me when you’re ready to treat the arts with the respect they deserve, and have been so viciously denied.
I’ll be here, getting my degree, being a young queer radical, throwing balled up sheet music at you on the tv. And I will outlive you. And my name will be in books read more frequently than yours, read by people who are interested in the subject matter, not middle schoolers falling asleep in class. And I will touch people and change their lives for the better. Because the arts are more than viable. And the reason I still exist is to prove that.
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justjessame · 4 years
Double Shot Chapter 17
Jensen came in with his laptop and a tad bit more confidence than usual.  Keli looked like she was itching to help him lose it, so I stepped in front of her to act as interference.  
“Hey,” I offered with a bright smile.  “From the look on your face, I think you heard about the bread delivery from Carrie.”  His smile matched mine and Keli hip checked me to hand Jensen his coffee.  
“Yeah,” he moved out of the way, since another regular had stepped up behind him and Keli was looking impatient.  I walked with him to his ‘usual table’.  “Clay mentioned something about take-out.” 
I had a slip of paper with Carrie’s cell number on it, which I’d called to make sure I could give to him.  I could have sworn that I heard her eyes roll when I asked, and she basically threatened my fucking life if I didn’t pass it along.  Apparently she’d written it on the bread bag, but I missed it.  
“Here,” I handed it to him and watched as his eyes widened.  “Carrie would murder me if I don’t pass that along.  She’ll also maim me if you don’t use it.”  I warned, but my smile lessened the effect.  “She’s known me forever, she knew that you and I weren’t-”
“Clay would have killed ME,” he replied, tucking the paper into his pocket.  I raised an eyebrow, since Clay and I had barely spoken before Jensen and I went out to dinner.  “We’ve been travelling together for long enough I could tell.”  I bit my lip.  “Trust me, Charlotte, Clay is-” he stopped talking and buried his head in his laptop.  “Can you stay there, unless you think the twins would come speak to you, then could you-”  
I hadn’t heard the bell warning that anyone new had come in, but I knew that they must be close.  “I hope you enjoy your coffee,” I said, and in a breath and told him to add his hoodie to his ball cap and maybe lose his glasses.
I’d turned away, and was speaking to a few of the other regulars who were sprinkled among the tables, taking note that Jensen’s table was tucked away with plenty of cover.  Good.  The bell dingled and I turned to offer my usual greeting, wanting to smack the Xavier twin who entered with my father.  
Black glove, that was Alex.  “Welcome to the Little Drip,” I managed through sheer force of will to not sound like I was contemplating throwing bags of beans at their fucking heads.  “Alex.” I tilted my head and ignored the sperm donor who provided part of my genetic make-up.  “Did you decide to take me up on my offer of a cup of coffee and a pastry?”
Alex’s smile was slimy and reptilian, which was strange since I was fairly certain no one else saw it.  “Actually, Walter and I were coming by to see how the removal of the rubble that constitutes my former property was going.”  I waited, since I had no fucking dog in that particular fight, or at least I was pretending I didn’t.  “It’s almost cleared.”
“Not sure what the proper salutation is for that,” giving a look that I hoped mimicked me trying to find it, I sighed.  “Congratulations?”  
“I think you could do better than that,” Walter offered, and I continued to ignore him.  “Charlotte.”  Silence.  “You’re being childish.”  
“Mr. Xavier,” I offered, smiling in what I hoped was a loaded look of contempt for the both of them.  “I am incredibly sorry for you loss.  A building of that distinction,” read ugly, “and whatever was inside of it,” seriously, what the fuck did you have there, “the loss of such a magnitude must be devastating.  For that, you have my sympathies.  Since you are not interested in a beverage or a pastry, I don’t quite know what else I could possibly offer at this point, so if you don’t mind-”  
“Franklin Clay,” Walter muttered, and I didn’t flinch.  “That’s who I saw outside your office, isn’t it, Charlotte?” 
“Who?” I asked, glancing at my father.  “You saw a customer who had a question, Walter, I’m fairly certain I don’t know what his name was, but if you insist-”
“So he wasn’t going into your apartment last night?”  Fuck me running with a rusty fucking pitchfork.  “And then leaving through that door-” he pointed at the entrance of the shop, “this morning?”  Damn it all to fucking hell.
“People who come and go from MY business is really none of YOURS,” I was looking at Alex, since he seemed to have all the intel on the comings and goings.  “Whomever this Franklin Clay person is, I’m not sure why it matters.”  
“He’s a,” I could see a vein emerge in Alex’s head and started praying of an aneurysm.  “He’s cost me a great deal of problems, Charlotte.”  
“Then again, I’ll offer you my thoughts and prayers,” I turned my back to the two of them, giving a parting shot as I went.  “I have a feeling you’ll be needing them.”
They left, not buying anything, not speaking to me again and I felt like I might have actually fucking managed to NOT blow anything.  Keli made me have doubts when she handed me a bottle of my favorite juice and told me I should take a break and do some paperwork.  Confused, but thinking that I probably had gone pale, I took her advice.
When I got inside my office, I nearly jumped out of my fucking skin.  Clay was perched on my desk, and he smiled while I got my heartbeat and pulse under control.  
“Fuck,” I breathed, leaning against the closed door.  “I have so many fucking questions that I don’t know where to start.”  
“So one half of MAX made me,” he offered, making my eyebrows raise.  “Jensen has an earbud.  I don’t let my men out without the ability to keep in touch.  Especially,” he stood and closed the distance between us to pull me into his arms.  “When it puts you in the middle.”  His breath was fanning my topknot.  “I should keep my distance, MAX is-”
“Dangerous?”  I tilted my head back to look up at him.  “I never liked the twins, and it has nothing to do with them being my biological sperm donor’s best friends.  There’s something not quite-” I stopped and shook my head.  “Alex came in to let me know that he knew, and because he knows about you and me, he knew I’d find a way to tell you.”  I could tell that Clay had gotten there already.  “You’re all in danger.”  I didn’t want to even think about what kind of danger, not after what he’d told me about their past.  “Do you honestly think I’d be safer if you weren’t with me?”  
“No,” he sighed, and touched my cheek.  “No, I don’t think you’d be safer.  They’d use you as bait.”  I could tell that he thought that was a best case scenario and I felt a tug of fear.  “I’ll have to regroup with the others.”  Another sigh, this time shared.  “I’ll see you later, Char.”  He pulled back reluctantly, and then reconsidered and kissed me breathless.  “You’ll be fine.”  I couldn’t tell if he was trying to convince me or himself.
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not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Tragic Fate pt. 4 (Tony Stark x Reader)
Summary: Saying you and Tony Stark had a tumultuous relationship was the understatement of the Century, but no one can discount the love you shared and the good you provided to each others lives.
A/N: This features a young Tony Stark, before his parent’s death, and WELL before the avengers. Here is what I think is going to be the last installment. If anyone wants to request a scene between Tony and the reader let me know tho, I’m always open to suggestions!
Word Count: 3,860
Warnings: mild cursing...alcohol use
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
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The sun had long set, and you tiptoed back to your desk desperate to avoid your associate Mark. It was already well past midnight, and all you wanted was to be curled in bed. Investment banking was exactly as you imagined it would be, boring and time consuming. 
“Y/N!” Mark’s door was closed, but his shout always managed to find you. 
In an attempt to quell your annoyance you take a deep breathe before pushing your head through the door. The city lights poured in through the window behind his desk practically blinding you. Mark was a large man only 2 years your senior, but the rigors of the job were already taking there toll on him. His hooded eyes remained fixed on the papers before him even after you had fully entered the room. 
Desperate to end the encounter as soon as possible you let out a meager cough. “Hi, I heard you call me?” 
“Yes, I want Ryan to sit in on the pitch tomorrow, so leave the Mitsui files on his desk before you leave.” He flipped through the papers still not looking up. 
Ryan was a little Mark in the making always sucking up and undermining your work. “Oh,” you paused to debate the risk of arguing, “I was hoping to sit in on the pitch…seeing as I’ve been the lead analyst on it since the beginning—.”
Mark’s eyes narrowed as he looked up. “Ryan has been here longer,” waving you from the room, “I’ve made up my mind.” 
“Sir, if I may—,” you began. 
“No, you may not.” His deep voice filled the office and with a huff he turned his focus back to the papers before him. 
You had already committed to fighting for the case, so you stood your ground. With a deep breathe in you rolled your shoulders back. “Ryan and I actually started on the same day, so if your decision is going to be based on seniority then I would like to remind you that I am senior to him on the Mitsui case.” Your voice matched the ferocity that Mark’s had. 
Mark’s hands folded and he leaned onto his elbows. His bloodshot eyes inspecting you, and his mouth twisted into a tight smirk before addressing you. “Well, I need you working on the Franklin report.” He leaned back in his chair laughing lowly. “If you can manage to finish it prior to the meeting, then I’ll consider allowing you in on the pitch.” He emphasized. 
The Franklin project had only been announced this morning, meaning it would take months of collaboration before it could be drafted. “Mark, you know that’s impossible.” 
“Well I guess you should cancel your plans tonight then.” His smirk was sinister, and you knew he was giving you an impossible task to keep you from the Mitsui meeting.
Turning on your heels, you swallowed your discontent and left the office before you could say something vulgar. Knowing your half mug of coffee wouldn’t be enough, you made your way back to the break room. Two other analysts stood blocking the cherished coffee machine gaping at the news. Not having time for pleasantries, you tried to nudge your way between them. 
“It’s crazy right,” one of them directed at you. 
You raised your eyebrows in hopes that your absence of a response would speed up the conversation. 
Josh, at least thats what you think his name is, motioned to the T.V. “The Starks…they’re dead.” 
Burning coffee caught in your throat, causing you to spit it all over your mouth. “What?” You coughed now fully focused on the breaking news before you. 
The newscaster was somber; your mind blurred, and you begged yourself to focus on the words coming out of her mouth. But you couldn’t pull your focus from the firefighter shuffling around a smoking car in the distance. Soon the camera panned from the police shuffling under the caution tape to the coroners van replacing the ambulance. When it cut back to the young reporter you finally made out her words. “At this time we can confirm that Howard and Maria Stark have died as the result of a tragic—.” 
Shaking your head back to your now empty mug you told yourself. The coffee pot shook in your hand as you refilled your mug unable to shake the reoccurring what if scenarios flashing through your mind.
“Are you ok?” The analyst asked motioning towards your shaking hand. 
“Um yea,” you chuckled awkwardly, “I must’ve had one too many cups.”
He nodded before turning back to the news. You took that as your opening to escape, and rushed back to your desk. Deep breathes you reminded yourself shakily. But your hands wouldn’t stop shaking making it near impossible to start the Franklin report. Trying to rub the pain from your face with clammy hands you thought back to the last time you had seen Tony. It had been a little over a year.
Your eyes searched the crowd before you. Felix was throwing an end of the semester bash and you desperately wanted to thank him for the free booze. Being with Tony had taught you how to get along with the 1%, and much to Jennifer’s delight you and Felix had finally grown close. It also helped that Felix was often in Jennifer’s room every time you found yourself there crying over your now ex. Plus, being in an arguable unhealthy relationship had opened your eyes to how amazing Felix was for your best friend. So when you finally spotted him in the sweaty room you were quick to run into his open arms.
“Felix!” You shouted into his shoulder over the thumping music. 
Your feet lifted from the ground as he shook you side to side. “Ravishing as always!” He shouted back. “Where is my love?” He exaggerated placing you back on the ground.
“Jenny!” You squealed with wide eyes. 
“Oh this just won’t work.” He tsked looking around. 
Your eyes met as the lightbulb when off in your head, “shoulders!” 
“Genius!” Felix shouted while kneeling down dramatically. It must’ve been a sight, you were both absolutely trashed, but somehow you managed to make it on his shoulders without falling. Felix pushed his way through the crowd as the two of you shouted your friends name. 
Yet to recognize anyone in the crowd, you soon realized how dangerously close your head was to the swinging chandelier. The heads were all one mass blur, and you lifted your hands and vigorously rubbed your eyes to try and focus. Felix stopped abruptly causing you to sway backwards and without your hands bracing on his shoulders there was a split second where you believed that you were going down. But Felix was one step ahead and had already begun to drop to a knee so you could slip off safely. Before you could look past to see why your quest had stopped abruptly, Felix moved to block your path. Your nose crashed into his broad shoulders and you cursed at the stinging pain.
“Felix,” You drawled trying to get his attention, but it was clear that he did not want you to see who he was talking too.
Despite his complaints, a hand managed to shove him aside, and suddenly you were face to face with the devil himself. He eyes were glossed over, and he ran a sweaty hand through his damp hair.
“Isn’t this a treat!” His eyes glistened with mischief as he tried to get you to smirk back. 
Protectively, Felix’s arm snaked around your shoulder. “I’m gonna find Jenny-fur—,” he slurred trying to offer you an out. 
You nodded approvingly and moved so that his arm fell from his shoulders. You weren’t going to let your history ruin your night of fun. 
 “Just shout if you need me.” Felix’s eyes threatening Tony before finally heading out. 
Tony’s hands managed to find your own, and your heart fluttered at the simple touch. The dance floor, Felix’s living room, was packed with sweaty bodies and you were slowly pushed together. Breathless, you leaned into his chest. Finals were over might as well allow yourself a little treat. And you danced. After that, the night became a blur. Tony bullied his way to the pong table. Your combined enthusiasm making up for your combined lack of skill. Soon he was cheering drink in your ear and you obliged chugging the sour beer down before slamming the cup onto the table. 
 You smacked the ball back into his hand. “It’s fine, we got this!” You cheered.
Neither of you had successfully landed a shot, and you went first hoping to break the streak. The ball slipped easily from your fingers before soaring into the air. Tony grabbed your arm, but the ball bounced off of a rim before landing on the ground. Your opponent laughed, and waited for Tony to miss as well. However, with a stroke of luck, Tony’s ball managed to find the target and plinked softly into the warm beer. Throwing your hands into the air, you jumped on Tony’s back hooting and hollering. That was the only success you had, and the game finished quickly but you were officially smashed. Suddenly the song switched, and Tony’s eyes lit up.  
His hands shook your shoulders. “You hear this shit!” 
With that, you both made your way to the dance floor. Together you jumped in the air and screamed the lyrics back and forth. The majority of the dance floor was drunk friends half crying half dancing, and the other half was comprised of couples eating each others faces. Meanwhile, Tony and you were busy making fools of yourselves and having a blast. When the song switched to another one you were equally as fond of, you grabbed Tony’s hand and tugged him with you towards the speaker.
“Lift me up!” You begged. 
His eyes twinkled and he grabbed your waist, hoisting you above his head. While you were in the air, your foot got tangled around something, but you were too busy laughing to notice. That is until Tony placed you on the ground and the music was cut. Looking down at the cord now tangled around your foot your eyes widened. With a hand covering your mouth your cheeks flushed red. Luckily this was common, so your penance was already on its way. Felix charged through the crowd bottle in hand — it was a crude mixture of punch and various types of alcohol. Around you everyone was chanting “redeem yourself”. 
Felix’s gaze was of devilish delight, and he thrust the bottle into your outstretched hands. The crowd silenced at the raise of his hand. “Y/N Y/L/N! You have committed the greatest sin, do you wish to redeem yourself?” Felix boomed through the now silent house. 
This was the first time you were the one in need of redemption, and you tried to swallow your laughter knowing Felix took redemption seriously. Instead you nodded vigorously before bending to one knee. The drink smelled foul, but it was already emptying into your stomach.  Around you everyone was hooting still chanting “redeem yourself,” and you couldn’t let them down. So you chugged desperately trying to empty the bottle in record time. Felix pulled you to your feet as you finished the last drop. 
He turned towards the crowd. “Do the people find this display sufficient?” He boomed. The partygoers hollered in response; satisfied, Felix fixed the speaker. The sound nearly blew out your eardrums, for you had forgotten how close you were to them. Standing in front of you, Felix looked at Tony’s arm around your shoulder and raised his brows. 
“I’m going to join Jennifer in the basement if you want to join.” He was sweet to offer you an out. 
“Oh Felix, thank you soooo much.” Your pulled him into a tight hug again. “I’m having a blast though, so I’ll find y’all later tonight ok.”
Felix winked before turning back from where he came. The basement was usually where the rich kids did their drugs, and you didn’t have a rich relative to bail you out so you were quick to avoid it. 
Tony’s arm snaked around your waist and pulled you close to his side. “Can we go somewhere else?” His lips dangerously close to your ear. 
Feeling his breathe on your ear, you leaned your back into his chest and nodded silently. His hands shifted to give your shoulders a light squeeze. Slowly, you turned to him and realized just how close you had become. The taste left in your mouth from the drink was foul, and too subconscious of your breath you just smiled up at the boy in front of you. Smiling, Tony tapped your nose playfully before interlocking your hands together. He was quick to pull you out of the sweaty room and towards the back door. 
“Tony,” you complained, “it’s December…and I’m drunk…and I don’t have my coat…and it’s cold.” You pouted planting your feet and pulling back on his arm. 
Tony spun on his heels; wordlessly, he pulled you in the other direction. It wasn’t until you were half way up the stairs that you realized where he was taking you. The hallway was empty, and the party roared below you. Soon enough, Tony was pushing his head into a bedroom. 
“All clear,” he whispered pushing his way in. 
Soon enough you were both laying side by side on the bed moving no further. His hand was intertwined with yours and your shoulders just barely brushed. Neither of you dared to speak, both staring absentmindedly at the ceiling. You had spent the night successfully ignoring the hurt pulling at your chest, but now it had returned. You tried to focus on the low thump of the music downstairs, hoping it would sober you up. The rising tempo matched that of your beating heart. The rational part of your brain begged you to stand and walk out on Tony. This was your chance to close the door on that chapter of your life and leave him questioning everything. Your brain replayed every photo of Tony’s hands on other women. However, your heart would take control and replace those with the memories of his hands on you, cherishing your body, worshiping your folds, and pressing his lips against every inch of you. You squeezed your eyes shut, wanting to shut it all off for a moment.
As if Tony could sense your qualms he interrupted your thoughts, “have you decided where you’re going to law school?”
Your eyes opened and you let out a deep sigh, “I’m not applying. I think I’m going to take a gap year or two.” 
You felt Tony shift beside you. Suddenly, you cursed yourself for not lying, but this was your Tony—he would’ve known. 
“Hey,” he whispered reaching over to stroke your cheek. It was a soft gesture and he turned to his side to better look at you. 
Turning to face him, you tried to ignore the way your heart swelled.
His eyes searched yours. “If it’s about money I can help.” He whispered. 
Your heart broke at the offer, “Tony I can’t take anymore of your money—.”
“Yes you can.” He rubbed his thumb across your cheek. “Please…let me.” His voice was desperate. The money his way of keeping you in his life. Now unable to meet his eyes, you looked down at your hands. They laid awkwardly between your chest and his. “It’s not even about money.” You whisper was uncertain. 
His eyes explored your face pausing for you to explain. 
When you realized he wouldn’t move on without one you sighed. “I’ve already been offered a job.” 
His face scrunched, “doing what?” His thumb still stroked your cheek. 
“Investment banking.” As soon as you said your new reality you couldn’t help but laugh. “God, I’m going to turn into those people I hate.” 
“Well that depends,” he smiled, “what company are you selling your soul too?” 
“Goldman Sachs,” you both laughed in response before growing quiet His fingers slowly brushed down your shoulder and down your arm leaving goosebumps behind. When he finally had your hand wrapped in his own, warmth spread through your body. His heartbroken eyes were downcast, staring at your intertwined hands. Maybe it was the questionable amount of alcohol in your system, but you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning closer. Your chest pressed softly against his, and your lips met the corner of his mouth leaving the vague memory of a kiss. Your eyes searched for his, and when they met his begged you to initiate contact. So you did—you ignored everything in your brain screaming stop. Running your fingers through his hair, you pulled him in. The kiss was slow, and your lips were a whisper of secrets against his. Neither of you tried to deepen it and make it something that it wasn’t. Soon enough, you pulled away wanting to cry, wishing you could let it all out, but there was nothing left. Tony’s eyes were understanding, and you couldn’t dare to meet them. So you rested your head against his rising chest letting his arms pull you close.
“Thank you…for helping with tuition—one day I’ll pay you back,” you whispered. 
“You already have.” His lips brushed against your forehead.
Before you knew it, the two of you had drifted into sleep.
Sunlight poured into the room, and your head bounded aggressively making it impossible to open your eyes fully. The bed was still warm beside you, but Tony was long gone. You knew it was for the best, last night had been your last hurrah with him. You wanted to remember it like—blissful. If it weren’t for the hangover brewing in your body, you would have felt completely content in that moment.
The smell of coffee filled your nose, and lulled you from your hazy sleep. After rubbing the tired from your eyes, you took in your surroundings. The lumpy surface leaving knots in your back was far from your comfortable bed, and the room was far too florescent to be your bedroom. The sound of the coffee maker in the corner meant you had fallen asleep in the break room again. Your dear roommate and friend Felix hovered above you with a steaming mug of coffee. His eyes were playful waiting for you to make space for him.
“Long night,” he joked gesturing to your coffee stained blouse. 
Seeing the large stain officially brought you back to reality. “Shit!” Your eyes widened as you frantically jumped up. “What time is it?” 
“I think it’s almost 7:30,” he threw himself beside you on the couch. 
You grabbed his wrist to look at his watch. “Shit shit shit. Do you think I have time to run home and change before 8?” Your voice was frantic.
“Mmm, I thought you’d say that. Soooo…” He smirked while reaching down to grab a plastic bag.
Your hands grabbed it, and peering in you saw it had a fresh set of clothes. “Thank you so much Felix!” You jumped up from the couch clutching the bag desperate to change out of yesterdays outfit. But you needed caffeine first. 
“So do you want to talk about it?” He called from the couch. 
Peering up from behind your fresh cup of coffee, “about?” You questioned innocently. 
Silently, he placed his mug on the table before him. Crossing his legs, he gave you time to rethink your answer. “Have you seen the news at all? Or did you really just cram over reports all night.” 
“Oh the news,” you took a long sip of coffee, “yea I saw it break last night.”
“And?” He waited. 
“And what?”
“Are you ok?” 
You rolled your eyes, “I mean yes it’s sad.” 
Felix just raised his brows. “You dated their son for almost three years.”
“That’s a stretch,” you coughed, “I would argue we only actually dated for like a week max.”
“Y/N stop deflecting.” He looked like a worried mother, and if you weren’t trying to avoid the conversation you would have taken the time to make fun of him.
Instead, you finished your coffee and turned quickly towards the door. “Thanks for the clothes, wish me luck.” You shouted running out of the break room before he could say more.
Once in the bathroom you hurried to make yourself presentable. Happy enough, you walked out hoping that Felix had gone back to his desk so you could sip one more cup of coffee in peace before the big pitch. However, once the door closed behind you Felix emerged. He shoved the break room phone into your hands and whispered Tony’s name before making his way to the coffee maker. Your eyes shot daggers at him, and you vowed to get him back. Luckily, he didn’t pick up, and you were able to get by with leaving a voicemail. After smacking Felix’s arm and taking his coffee, you made your way to Mark’s office.
Typically, after spending the night on the break room couch you would have dreaded the buzz of your day. But today you were grateful for the busy day, and the look of shock on Mark’s face when you handed him the finished Franklin report provided you more adrenaline than coffee ever could. You rode that wave right into the pitch, and when Mark let you speak you didn’t let him down. The meeting went until lunch, which normally you would have hated because you now were behind on your other reports, but you were still buzzing. 
The last person finally left the conference room, and you quickly made a beeline towards your desk. Of course, Mark had to stop you. His hand wrapped around your arm, and you tried not to spit on him as you turned around. “Good work in there.” His hand fell back to his side. “If you keep it up, I might just recommend you for the promotion to the new Japan office.” His smile was huge, this successful pitch helped his career more than yours. 
Your heart swelled. “Really? Thank you Mark!” That promotion was huge—even though you didn’t particularly like Investment Banking—it meant a higher paycheck and almost guaranteed you’d make associate in one year instead of two. 
With a smile and a nod, he dismissed you from the room. Your practically danced towards your desk thinking about where you could drag Felix for lunch to celebrate. Quickly, you grabbed your bag and waved to the secretary making your way towards the elevator where Felix waited. 
“Ms. Y/L/N!” The secretary called after you. 
You turned and smiled, she was a small polite woman. Normally, the secretary would wait until after your lunch to relay any news, but she was new, so you made your way over to her desk.
“You have a phone call.” She paused, uncertain, and looked down at her notepad. “A…um…Mr. Stark.” Her eyes widened in realization. 
Well, there goes your peaceful lunch.
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alitheamateur · 5 years
The Grind- Chapter 24
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“Stop givin’ her your back, baby. You know betta, damn it!” Colton beat the cold canvas of the ring in constructive dissatisfaction, unintentionally distracting me from Tia’s chokehold attempt.
We were doing daily training now, with the match only two weeks away. Ryan, wasn’t exactly giddy towards accepting this challenge and jumping on this particular horse, the undoubted distraction it would from my column at the Pilot. I swore, and sensibly assured him I could juggle both hefty responsibilities, but the extreme lack of sleep on my calendar these days was proving an obstacle. 
Cardio and weights with Colton routinely every morning in the basement of his place at 4:30 a.m., showered and off to work by 8, then grappling and fight training every evening with my trio. Cal would often sideline for emotional support, too. The fact that Mr. Ritter and I now shared a bed each night, his & her vanity’s in his newly remodeled bathroom thankfully equipped with a bathtub large enough for the both of us, and breakfast in his nook every morning made alone time easy, thankfully. I moved in swiftly after the details of my match with Katrina Bexley from Franklin Park were on paper, accepting Colt’s offer to share a home with him happily.
The contents of my place were relocated to our home within a couple of days, before the cool of Pittsburgh autumn disembarked. He let me sprinkle a feminine touch here and there without dispute, and even bought me my very own pink punching bag for the basement as a housewarming welcome.
“Livvy, c’mon! Take her down, you’ve got it!” My boyfriend turned trainer encouraged.
His part in my preparation had been a surprising positive for our relationship. I could tell, despite how frightened he was for my welfare, that the common ground of fighting we now shared was one he appreciated. He kept up my diet plan with me, avoiding to dare come home with pizza, beer, or burgers, and most nights we’d watch his old fight films, or any other female matches he could dig up online. He’d rest his back on the arm of the plush sectional I’d brought from my old apartment, I’d settle between his legs resting my head on the muscled pillow of his core, and he’d talk me through each move listing the do’s and don’ts.
I carefully counted the seconds, waiting for the exact moment to pummel Tia to the mat, fearing I would misstep. Then, like I’d been doing it my entire life, I locked her into a double leg takedown, and she grunted in discomfort when her head bounced like a ball off the canvas.
“Touché, LC! That was excellent. I’ll bust your nose if you do it again, but it was perfect,” Tia pulled the slimy mouthguard from her teeth as she stood to her feet.
The ring at the Temple had become as much my home as the one I was creating with Colton these days. I often showered in the locker room there at night after sessions, allowing me to crawl directly in bed after the short drive home if need be.
“Hit the sauna with me before you head out?” I asked Tia, hopefully.
We were on much sturdier ground now, and she’d even spent a handful of nights at our house for dinner. Colton and she were teetering a little on the line beyond civil, giving me hopes of a friendship for the two of them in the works.
She came out of her latest match victoriously, and Colt & I were there to support on the front row. However, her eye had suffered quite the beating in the bloody battle, so she was out of commission to compete for at least 6 weeks recommended by her surgeon.
“I’d love to. God knows I need it. But I have an early shift in the morning at the boutique, so I’m gonna head out.”
Colton snuck up my back stealthily during our conversation, wrapping his arms around my neck to kiss my cheek, and the sweat soaked hair stuck to it.
“I think I may know somebody else who has a few extra minutes to occupy the sauna with ya’, 2-1.”
“Ahhhh, fuckin’ hell, you sleeze. I’m out on that note,” Tia made a gagging reference then grabbed her bag to retreat.
 Colton sat aside me on the oak bench of the spacious sauna, with my feet swung over his toweled groin so he could massage the aching, knotted muscles of my calves. It was quiet the first several minutes, so I took the peaceful silence as an opportunity to close my eyes for some long overdue rest. The two of us had already “christened” the very room a few weeks ago, so I knew that nagging plea from Colton had been satisfied and he wouldn’t be begging me. For at least another few days.
“Have you talked to your parents lately? Since you told them about the fight?” He asked, his words breaking through the thick, white steam of the sauna.
He had yet to meet my parents in person, but I settled for a Skype introduction before I moved in. Something felt eerily unsettling about moving with a man when my parents didn’t even know his hair color. My mother, however old, but very clearly not dead, almost yelped when Colton’s fetching smile came into view of the camera, and even dad complimented his “impeccable politeness.”
“Yeah. Dad texted the other day to ask if it would be streaming online so they could watch. I’m sorta shocked at how excited he is. I didn’t think he’d be over the moon about the idea of his daughter getting her face beat in.” I jerked when my personal, irresistible masseuse worked over a deep dwelling tender spot in my leg.
“I think you should have them out here, babe. He’s excited that your competing in somethin’ again, I betcha. They could stay in the guest room at the house,” he calmly, yet very suggestively stated.
Dad being proud of me again, and the thought of hearing his cheers from the stands, was a fond idea, no doubt. But, the possibility of having him come so far, only to get my sorry butt handed to me, and disappoint him once again, wasn’t keen to me.
“I love you, Colt, but we’re gonna have to agree to disagree here. I think having them here, to watch the fight, would just create way too many unnecessary nerves for me, ya’ know?”
He never said another word that night in the aspect of my mom and dad, and we made the journey home.
 Later in the same week, Colton took me to a sweet spot in his precious ‘Burgh to help me check fight night attire off my checklist. He knew what I liked, and more importantly, what I needed to avoid feeling too constricted, and asked if he could call in a favor so the seamstress could have it made up when we arrived. The Pilot was sponsoring me, along with Temple Fitness, and Andrew tossed his hat in for The Grind, as well. I was grateful they’d been so generous with sponsorship donations, and considered it an honor to wear their banners.
The address Colton drove us to was a hole in the wall, and I would’ve considered it abandoned and drove on by had I passed the place myself. But he heeded the tailor was a gem, and one of the finest ladies he’d ever met. When we entered, a teeny bell atop the door jingled, and a teenage girl staring into a book at the counter raised a smile to greet us.
“Hey there, Tessa. How ya’ doin’?” Colton acknowledged the girl by her first name, clearly proving he frequented the place often.
She beamed a candy apple blush at Colton’s ‘hello’, her no older than 16-year-old heart skipping a beat. I didn’t blame her. When I was her age, Nathan Rogers made me quiver that very same way. Was there a single, heterosexual female within 5,000 thousand miles that didn’t want to lick my boyfriend like a melting popsicle?
“I think ya’ grandmother has something ready for me to pick up.” Colt leaned upon the counter, as if feeding into the poor girls drooling response. Much like my own reaction the very first time I laid eyes on him.
“She said you’d be by today. Let me grab it for you!” Tessa jumped from her seat to answer her favorite customers beckoning call.
“That poor girl almost tripped over her own tongue when you walked in here, Ritter. Don’t smile at her like that too much. Give the female population at break, damn it.” I nudged him once the girl disappeared behind the stock room door.
“You gave them a break when ya’ took me off the market and claimed me, baby,” he stuck his tongue out playfully and winked. Of course.
“Oh, what I service I did for my fellow man, huh?” I countered his cheekiness with my own gentle pinch to his toned rear end.  
When the young clerk emerged, she unfolded a black pair of elastic, compression shorts trimmed in pink. The letters of my name printed boldly across the waistband, the young lady observed Colton and I, hoping to gauge any reaction of satisfaction to the product.
“I thought about having Sally put ‘Luscious Liv’ on ‘em, just to stick you with a shit ring name like the one I got.” Colton snidely declared.
“Thank God, you have a heart and decided against that one. For your sake, smartass,” I grabbed him by the face to shake him flippantly. “I love them though, Colt. And, I just might love you, too.”
“Appreciate it as always, Tess!”
Tags: @torialeysha @eap1935 @littleluna98 @mollybegger-blog
A/N: Apologies for the brief chapter, my angels. I’ll make it up to you! I’ve got lots I need to be writing, but it seems my brain is on vacation. Doing the best I can for you all, and hopefully you’ll hang in there with me!
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huff-le-and-puff · 5 years
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Template by: @hogwartsmysterystory
I saw this post done by other people and it inspired me to make my own.
Hogwarts Mystery Character Profile- Alexa Clark
General Information
Name: Alexa Marie Clark
Age: 15 (start of 5th year)
Gender: Female
Nicknames: Pip (by Jacob), Lex (by close friends), My Bow(trickle) (by Barnaby)
Date of Birth: 26 August 1973
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Irish
Species: Wizard, Animagus
Blood Status: Half-blood
Father: Richard James Clark
Owns his own restaurant
177 cm and of average weight, light brown hair with a reddish tint, his face is always slightly red
Despite marrying a witch and having magical children, he still refuses to believe the wizarding world exists (he believes he is sending his children to a very exclusive private school)
Makes the best Shepherd's Pie
Has family in America
Mother: Madeleine Marie Clark (nee Rosier)
Sorted into Gryffindor, despite coming from a line of Slytherins
When she married Richard, she was banished from her family (who thought highly of blood status).
Became a potioneer (Richard thought she was just a chemist) until Jacob's disappearance. She became so embarrassed from her son's actions that she quit her job and completely disappeared from the wizarding world and helped her husband run his restuarant.
Petite and forgetful (constantly left potion ingredients around the house for her children to accidentally get their hands onto)
Since Jacob's disappearance, she began to blame herself for not seeing Jacob resort to her blood family's ways and completely isolated herself from the wizarding world and her daughter.
Brother: Jacob Edward Clark
Born in 1964 (nine years older than Alexa)
Sorted into Hufflepuff due to his loyalty and patience towards his sister
After learning about the Cursed Vaults, he knew he had to get the treasure to support his family, and to give his sister some more excitement in her life. He was so determined that he forgot to take a step back to see the damage that he has done along the way.
Magical Characteristics:
Boggart: A Snake (Alexa fears the unlikely, for snakes in Ireland? Highly unlikely. She fears that something that is highly unlikely is going to happen, such as running into already prevented danger. Plus she also has a giant phobia of snakes due to the rumors about the Chamber of Secrets.)
Mirror of Erised: Alexa surrounded by her family and Barnaby all smiling happily without the weight of war and curses on their shoulders.
First Wand:
Dragon Heartstring
11 inches
Remy (A rat she found her first year that has stuck with her since the very first day)
Franklin (Toad)
Jonas (Cat)
Patronus: Cheetah
Patronus Memory: Jacob coming home from his third year at Hogwarts with a stolen Confusion Concoction he made in class. They used the potion to confuse their father while at their cousin's birthday party the week after Jacob got back from school.
Animagus: Cat
What she smells- Fresh laundry, sandalwood, cinnamon
What she smells to others- parchment, lavender, fire
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Tanned skin, just like her mother, with freckles sprinkled all over her face
Has eczema all down her right arm. She likes to tell others that it is a burn from fighting dragons when she was a small child. No one ever believes her.
Hair Color/Style:
Medium-length dark brown hair; tends to turn reddish when she spends too much time in the sun
Extremely frizzy so Alexa tends to constantly pull it back into a low ponytail to keep it under control and out of her face
Eye Color: Brown
Hogwarts Information:
Worse Class(es):
Flying: Although Alexa isnt the worst at flying, she prefers to be on the ground. She hates going too fast, causing her to fall a little behind during class.
History of Magic: No matter how hard she tries, Alexa can never remember years and what events happened at what time. Her concept of time goes over her head, never knowing what happened when.
Best Class(es):
Potions: Although Snape is super strict and is constantly putting Alexa down for her work, she is really good with potions due to her mother. She was always on top of her studies for potions came natural for her.
Charms: Alexa is one of the top in her year with Charms (running head and head with Ben Copper). During her free time, she tutors first-year students and is constantly practicing new charms in the Charms Classroom.
Least Favorite Teacher:
Rakepick: From the very beginning, Alexa refused to trust her. Alexa has always gotten an eerie vibe from her and refuses to get too close to her (both physically and mentally).
Favorite Teacher:
Professor McGonagall: Alexa looks up to Professor McGonagall as a mentor. Even though they are from different houses, McGonagall is always there to steer Alexa in the right direction and Alexa appreciates all of the extra help she does to keep her in the right path in life.
Closest HPHM Friends:
Rowan Khanna:
From the moment they met each other, they both knew they would be friends for the rest of their life. Together they would study for upcoming tests and prepare for the Cursed Vaults. However, as time went on they began to drift apart. But once a month they both stay up all night and catch each other up on the drama in their lives as they share Chocolate Frogs and other sweets with each other.
Penny Haywood:
The two girls bond over their enjoyment of potion making together. They constantly gives each other tips about various things without no explanation or reasoning at all. Penny is the girl that Alexa can go to whenever she has a problem. Penny always knows what to say and always calms down Alexa's nerves.
Bill Weasley:
Bill is like the replacement brother for Alexa. Ever since Jacob ran away, she has been lost without any guidance or protection. But when she met Bill, she knew she had someone to call family if she ever needs it. Bill is always there for Alexa, adopting her as his own sister. They have a close sibling relationship that has bonded them forever.
Barnaby Lee:
Alexa and Barnaby was an instant pair as soon as they laid eyes on each other. Although they did not recognize their feelings right away, the two bonded immediately. It wasn't until the Celestial Ball their 4th year that Alexa had the guts to ask Barnaby out. Even then, they were not officially dating until a week before the end of the year when they went on their first official date. Alexa has always been patient with Barnaby's slowness but it was always worth it when he would surprise her with cute sketches of bowtrickles (Alexa's favorite creature) in her textbooks and notes.
Favorite Spell(s):
Episkey- She is always injured or hurt
Accio- Lazy af
Alohomora- She is forgetful like her mother and always forgets to bring keys with her
Depulso- Alexa's go-to dueling spell
Trivia/Random Facts:
Despite having fun being a Curse Breaker, Alexa also enjoys helping and curing others. After Hogwarts she becomes a Healer at St Mungo's until right after the second wizarding war when she takes a 4 year break to help Bill Weasley with the surplus of cursed items from the war.
She marries Barnaby Lee 2 years after graduating from Hogwarts. They have a small wedding with all of their friends from Hogwarts.
Her favorite ways to pastimes include: visiting the magical creatures she has adopted, playing Wizard Chess, and going to Three Broomsticks to have a butterbeer with her friends.
Barnaby and Alexa snuck out of their houses during the summer before their 5th year (during the week of Alexas birthday) and camped out in the woods, enjoying nature and the creatures they found (both magical and non magical)
Alexa has a Weasley sweater that Molly knitted for her. Instead of the sweater having a giant A on the front, Bill told his mum (on purpose) to put a W on it (making Alexa an unofficial official Weasley)
Her favorite bands include: Weird Sisters, Journey, and Blondie
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blackrosesfanfic · 5 years
Chapter 196
Next day
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I cried in the shower this morning. I cried changing Caden's diaper. I cried after crying because I couldn't believe I was crying. It's crazy even to me. Now I'm thinking about it and feeling like I'm going to cry.
"Jay, did you pack?" Trey asks. I sniff. "Jayla, come on, Love. You said you could do this. Why you making it hard?"
"I sorta think you don't have an attachment to our son."
He rolls his eyes. "We both know why it's easy for me and not easy for you. Has nothing to do with how much we love our son. Jayla it's not even that long. They only have enough breast milk for 48 hours. So it’s impossible for you to stay away for more than a day."
"48 is 2 days."
"They need extra in case of an emergency or theyre wasteful. So really about 30."
I sigh. "I can't be you."
He picks up a bag. "You don't have a dick, you short, and you cry too fucking much. You sure as hell can't be me. Are these your clothes?"
"I figured if it's a day, I won't need clothes."
"Jayla." he says sternly. "We are leaving in 2 hours."
I fall on the bed. "April is not even here."
"Rollie is taking them to April. You know that."
"I think my baby's first plane ride should be done with me."
"Exactly why we are leaving in 2 hours instead of at the end of the day. Cammie, you acting like a brat. We went over all of this. Were you crying too hard?"
I stand up and go get my bag out of the closet. "Maybe. I need some reason to say no."
"Camille! We are going..."
"Tremaine stop yelling." I snap.
He blows. "Im headed to the airport."
I come out the closet. "Already?"
"I can't be here with you going through... Whatever this is. What are you carrying?"
"My clothes." I say dropping the bag then kicking it. "Enough for 2 days."
"You have clothes in VA. 3 days."
I swat him off. "I can wear the same outfit."
He gets really mad. "No, the fuck you can't. What the fuck?"
"I... Whoa now. What is your problem?"
"You not married to no fucking clown. Ain't no way the wife of Trey Songz is going to be seen anywhere with an outfit she fucking wore two days before. What the fuck are you trying to do? Give the fucking blogs some A1 shit to fucking talk about? Fuck no. You put 4 fucking outfits in that bitch after talking like that."
I sit on the bed and cross my arms. "I don't want to go anymore."
"I can't believe that shit. I must be broke as fuck or fucking stingy as a bitch. Hell no."
"I have 3 outfits. Shut up." I say resting my head on the bed.
Trey grabs the bag then checks it. He goes back out of the door. I'm going to just sit here and cry again. I get out of bed to go get Caden so I can snuggle with him. I never usually bother him while he is sleeping.
"Aye, don't even try that nigga. When the last time a song of yours was played twice in the same day? Centuries ago. Back before Benjamin Franklin. He wasn't even a president."
"Why are you running your mouth in here?" I snap standing in front of Trey.
He laughs really hard then grabs my waist. "Not even. No. Aye, what's your name again?"
I push him off of me. He kisses my cheek really quick then he walks away laughing. He so fake. Ain't shit that funny on that phone. Him and his friends annoy me. They will go without talking for months then plan to do something and talk for hours in the days coming up to the event. I bet any amount of money he talking to J. Cole.
"Mommy." Lane cries.
"In there. Don't wake Caden up. Yo? Caden not big enough to talk... What?"
Lane stomps into the room. "Mommy." he says like he angry.
I turn to him. "Lane, how may I help you?"
"Nanma coming?"
"Rollie is taking you to Grandma."
He sticks as much of his head as he could into the rails of the crib. I push his face back. He could really get stuck like that. He falls out on the ground. No crying. No nothing. He just lies there. That fellow is a mess. I look at him until he looks at me. I raise my eyebrows then smile. He jerks his body away to hide his smile.
"You are so cute, Lane. I love you."
"Love you." he says.
He always forgets whatever is going on when I tell him I love him. He makes sure he tells me back. I pick Caden up out of the crib. Lane's face was right there watching. He was looking like I was doing wrong. He was waiting for Caden to cry. He was sure he would. I kiss Caden then take him to the rocking chair. Lane follows.
"Mommy, Nana coming?"
"Yes, Grandma April coming to the car to pick you and Caden up."
"Caden go to grandma house?" Lane asks worried.
I smile. "Yes."
He puts the blanket over Caden. "Caden. Caden sleep?"
I stare at him. "We not starting this. Since when do you ask Why?"
"Cause." he shrugs.
"Okay, Lane. Want to share my lap?"
He starts climbing. "Yes."
I put Caden on my shoulder and help Lane into my lap. He wanted to lay down as well. He didn't want to simply sit on my lap. I start rocking with both of them. Surprisingly, Lane lies there then he starts talking random ass talk. I don't know what he talking about. He not expecting an answer so I let him talk. Trey looks into the room then he grabs a bag by the door. I'm being a bad mom. I didn't pack nothing for either of the boys. Not one thing. Trey has done everything. I'm sure he had help from April.
"Ma, call her yourself. Why?" Trey sucks his teeth then appear back in front of the door. "Where is Caden's insurance card?"
"Why?" I snap.
He disappears. "Why? Cause what? Fuck if I know, April. Oh."
I chuckle. I know why. Just being a bitch. I don't want Caden or Lane to go. This is why it was a good thing for me to keep my baby to myself. I was worst with Lane. Hell I took my fucking infant to Europe. Who does that?
"Jay, just in case Caden needs to go to the doctor. Do we have one for Caden?"
"Is he on your insurance?"
Trey comes all the way in the room staring at me. "Jayla, stop. What do you use... Don't worry about it. I'll look online."
"It's in the baby bag already."
"I changed baby bags."
I raise my eyebrows. "Do you put the clear bag with fingernail clips and stuff back?"
"Then it's in there."
"Why the fu... You could have said that." he shakes his head walking out. "I swear. The shit I deal with."
I rock my babies.
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"I have absolutely nothing to do."
"Why did you come to Chicago then?" Chris snaps scratching his balls in the middle of the floor.
I shake my head. "You are not cute."
He smells his hand then turn up his nose. "I'm not fresh either."
"Shut up."
"Why you came to Chicago? Tell me."
I lay back on the headboard. "I had something to do. I did it duh. Plus I wanted to surprise you, dumbass."
"Your ass lying."
"Maurice Brown... Anything else your lying ass got to say?"
I laugh. "What are you talking about? I was thinking we smoke a blunt."
"What happened to you cleansing your damn body?"
"You know how hard it is to eat right and not drink or smoke?"
He shrugs then starts walking to the bathroom. "Cammie does it all."
I chuckle and cross my legs in the air. "Cammie is a perfect ass bitchy goody two shoes. I done said fuck her for a while. Anyway."
"But she does it." he snaps.
"Oh, shut up. Bitter." I say reaching to the end table where I had weed for him.
I scream. He had jumped on the bed scaring the shit out of me. I slap his side. He puts his hand over my face. I fight with him. It was hard as fuck to get his hand off of me. I scream thinking that would get him to get off me. He just laughs. I dig my nails into his side. He only moves out of the way. How the hell he can be so far away yet still touch me. I give up. He continues laughing.
"You smell my balls?"
"Awwwh." I scream fighting him again.
He laughs then moves. "You scared of a little dick and booty on your face?"
"You fucking nasty."
"Huh?" he says coming back to the bed.
I look at him then try to hide my face. It looks like this nigga wiped his hand under his stank ass balls again. He grabs my arm. I scream and kick him then jump off of the bed. He laughs really hard. He so dramatic. He holds his stomach and throws his head back. I run and jump on the bed then jump on him.
"Fuck!" he yells as we both hit the floor. "Bitch."
"Motherfucking bad ass bitch."
He tries to put his hand in my face again. I smack it out of the way. He drops it to the ground and take a deep breath. I fucking won. He puts his hand to his face then drop it again. He had put the blunt back in his mouth. I kiss his face as he lies there with the blunt between his lips. He chuckles.
"You still a bitch." he says.
"Yeah yeah."
He sits up making me back up. He falls back like he didn't have no energy. I watch him. He flicks a lighter lighting the blunt. I grind on him. He blows the smoke at me. I mean I have been not drinking and all that but I'm just not feeling it. I feel like your mind has to be fully committed to something for it to benefit you. I'm just stressing myself out trying to live life like someone else. It's just not me. It's not us. We don't do either.
"So you stop smoking and I'll get back on my cleansing."
"What's wrong with weed?"
I snatch it out his mouth. "Tobacco."
He chuckles. "Oh. Well..."
"You are not even supposed to be smoking if you detoxing from liquor anyway. That's why you can't stick to that either."
"I drink less than I used to."
I roll my eyes. "Trey does it."
He laughs. "Bullshit. Shut up. He never smoked cigarettes like I do. Fuck Trey..."
"You want to?"
"Fuck my fucking brother?"
He gets in my face. "Technically, shit. You know what I was saying any fucking way. Get your stank ass off me."
"That's how you feeling?" I laugh pushing him back.
"You know what I'm feeling?" he blows smoke in my face. I shrug. "You cool as fuck. I almost felt guilty about being selfish and making you mine. Almost. If I had a bit of that stuff that make you not selfish. I think you perfect. For someone else."
I laugh. "That almost sounded sweet."
"Let's go to Dubai. Remember what happened in Du fucking bai?"
"No." I frown snatching the blunt. "What the fuck happened in Dubai? Between us?"
He lies back. "You know."
I look at his face. "No, Chris, I do not."
"What?" he looks at me. "We fucked in Dubai. I thought you was just fucking with me cause we said we would act like it never happened."
"Chris, we did not fuck in Dubai."
He sits up. "We did. I remember."
"You weren't too drunk to fucking remember. We were on that yacht with the Olympic sized pool. In the towel room after they left us in the sauna."
I cross my arms. "You remember too many details. Were you even fucking drinking?"
He grabs my wrist and shakes my arms apart. "Come on, we barely drunk anything. We got shit faced after though."
"Christopher that was not me."
"Cammie threw up cause it was her first time on a yacht."
I hit him. "Cammie's ass threw up cause she was fucking pregnant with Lane. She been on a damn yacht with Trey's ass."
"I remember her throwing up. We didn't fuck. We were just..."
"We fucked."
I laugh. "That totally slipped my mind. In the towel room. Oh my gosh."
He chuckles laying back. "It was quick no lie."
"It was like 2 seconds of a fuck. Like a damn movie clip. Bam against the wall dramatically..." I throw my hands up. "Towels falling everywhere. One pump, two pump, three pump... Bang on the cart. Towels everywhere! Bam... Bam against the wall. Dramatic fall on top of towels... Screen cut. Sweating, panting, and dazing into the camera. Wow. Okay let's not tell anyone about. Yeah. Okay. Molly washed down with Hennessy?"
He laughs uncontrollably. "It was not a Molly."
"What the case." I throw my hands up.
"You a bitch yo. I remember it being fly."
"Christopher have you been holding on to that memory? What happened to forgetting the shit?"
He wipes his face. "I'm sitting here sweating from the thought. Forget it why?"
"Cause we agreed."
"I just thought we agreed as in don't fucking tell my fucking girlfriend who bout to come around the corner with Cammie. Best 10 minutes..."
He grabs my face. "You don't have to be so accurate. In my defense I been waiting for that for a while."
"You a bullshitting lie." I say hitting his arm.
"Sevyn... Amber, Honey, shut the fuck up. I try to treat you like an average ass hoe but you just won't let me."
I stand up. "Am I fucking average?"
"You fucking fine. Perfect."
"Perfectly above average, bitch. Still make you cum in 2 minutes."
"Three!" he spats.
I laugh. "Yeah."
He laughs until he starts coughing with his fucking fucked up lungs. He sits up holding his chest and trying not to cough.
"Breathe bitch." I say hitting his back.
That made his mean ass stop coughing but he comes for me. I hop across the bed out of his way. I slap a balloon across the bed into his face. He smacks it then coughs a little fake cough. I chuckle hitting another balloon. He grabs it.
"Can I stick my dick in this?" he says grabbing his dick and putting the balloon lips to it.
"Are we going to Dubai?"
He shrugs. "If you want. Let's go."
"It's whatever. Stop raping that balloon and come in the shower."
"Don't beg." he says busting the balloon with the blunt.
I suck my teeth. "Really, Chris!"
He shrugs. "That bitch was fake."
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The arrival of this issue of DC SPECIAL was the second part of a one-two origin punch that began with the origin of the Justice League about a month earlier in JLA 144. I loved these two comics, their sense of history, their primal secrets revealed for the first time. It doesn’t hurt that both of them are great stories, well told. The Neal Adams cover sets the mood and the tone here.
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The Origin of the Justice Society was the work of the regular ALL-STAR COMICS creative team of Paul Levitz and Joe Staton. Levitz would have a long career with the publisher, ultimately becoming DC’s President and Publisher, but that this point he was a tyro writer and editor who was just starting to get his feet under him creatively. Artist Joe Staton likewise was at the early part of his career, one that would go on to include a long stretch on GREEN LANTERN, his favorite character. His work was always a shade cartoonish, but in an appealing way. Here, inker Bob Layton helps to shift his work a bit more towards the super hero mainstream for this important story.
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It had to be a challenging story to work out, both for the size of its core cast (ten super heroes) to say nothing of the spread of their abilities. Whatever brought the Justice Society together for the first time, it needed to be a menace that would be functional for both grounded Mystery-Men heroes such as the Atom and the Sandman and also the cosmic world-beaters like Dr Fate and the Spectre. Researching the period, Levitz relates in a text feature that he came upon references to an abandoned invasion of England by Nazi Germany at around the right time frame for this story, and all of the pieces fell into place for him.
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The story opens with a prologue set in Washington DC, and a meeting between President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and an envoy from the British spy mastermind, “Intrepid”, a real historical figure. FDR is given evidence that the Nazi war machine plans an invasion of the United Kingdom that winter. And while FDR’s hands are tied–his countrymen still believe in a largely isolationist stance on America’s involvement in what would become World War II, he does suggest to the envoy that perhaps this new breed of mystery-men crimefighters might be the answer to his needs.
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So it is that, a few days later, Batman answers the Bat-Signal from Commissioner Gordon only to find two other costumed crusaders already in his office–the Flash and Green Lantern. The envoy has asked Gordon to summon them all, and after he recounts his information, the trio is swiftly on board a transport, carrying them to far-off Scotland. There, they attack a Nazi spy stronghold attempting to get more information about the upcoming invasion. (There’s a goof at this point, where Green Lantern uses his powerless-against-wood Power Ring to battering ram their way through some wooden gates–oops!) The trio is whipping the hell out of the Nazi spies until they unleash their ultimate weapon, a crude robot that turns the tables on our heroes.
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Fortunately for our heroes, as they are transported back to Berlin for trial, their plight is discovered by Doctor Fate, scanning the world with his crystal ball. Fate stops only to scoop up a very surprised Hourman before heading into enemy territory to rescue the other heroes, turning up just in time to prevent Adolf Hitler himself from unmasking the Batman. Unfortunately, while the appearance of Dr Fate would seem to have brought this story to a premature conclusion, such was not to be. For Adolf Hitler has the Spear of Destiny in his hands–a mystic artifact previously showcased in an issue of WEIRD WAR TALES that once pierced the side of Jesus Christ himself. Using the Spear, Hitler summons up a horde of Teutonic Valkyries, the sword-maidens of myth, to carry his attack to victory.
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Even Fate is hard-pressed to hold his own against the Valkyrie hordes. More urgently, the signal has been given to begin the invasion of far-off England. In desperation, Dr Fate casts a spell designed to bring other heroes into the fight. And so, back in America, the Sandman, the Atom and Hawkman find themselves snatched up by mystic tendrils and carried to the beaches of Dover,where the invasion is under way. The Hawk, Atom and Sandman give a good accounting of themselves, but it’s clear that they’re no match for the Nazi war machine and all of the troops massed for the invasion. Fortunately, though, Fate sent four summonses–and it is the all-powerful Spectre who answers the last one, arriving like the cavalry to help rout the foe.
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Back in Berlin, the beleaguered heroes get their second wind, and with Dr Fate leading the charge, begin to push the Valkyries back. Hitler cant believe what is happening here. In anger, he orders his bomber squadrons to take off, setting a course for Washington DC, to bomb the America capitol in retaliation for the attack of the mystery men heroes. It’s fortunately an experimental long-range bomber, one capable of making a flight from Germany to the United States without refueling, or once again this would be a much shorter story. The Valkyrie take up positions around the bomber, intending to shepherd it to its ultimate target.
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Back in Dover, the invasion of England has hit a permanent snag in the undead person of the Spectre, who makes short and fatal work of the invading forces.At this point, the nine heroes involved in this adventure so far gather on the beaches and make introductions, taking the first steps towards the camaraderie they will exhibit in years to come. But there’s still work to do: even with England secure, the experimental bomber is still on its way to Washington DC, guarded by a Valkyrie honor guard.
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The assembled Justice Society battles on for literally hours, but they are unable to halt the flight of the Valkyries and their deadly charge from continuing towards the USA. Eventually, the coastline appears over the horizon and all seems lost, the heroes’ spirits sag. And then, in the best stand-up-and-cheer moment in the book, Green Lantern spies a figure leaping up from the press building–it’s Superman, who destroys the bomber and catches its huge payload single-handedly.
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But even with the bomber destroyed, the Valkyrie will not relent, intending to carry out the mission given to them by Hitler–the assassination of FDR. Green Lantern is knocked unconscious, and without his Power Ring to keep them aloft, the Sandman, the Atom and Hourman plummet to the Earth. Despite being rocked by the fall, a clinging-to-consciousness Atom manages to pull himself to the Oval Office just in time to take the shot aimed at Roosevelt himself, a true act of heroism.
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 From there, it’s all clean-up, as the Valkyrie, their mission a failure, disappear. The Atom is wounded, but not fatally. A grateful FDR suggests to the assembled heroes that they remain together a s a sort of Super-Battalion–but Superman rejects the notion of them becoming a military unit, saying that they’ll only fight in the cause of justice. And so, the Justice Society of America is born. It’s a hell of a story.
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A two=page text piece in the back not only described the germination of the story I had just read, but it went through the entire roster of the Justice Society through all of the issues of the golden age ALL-STAR COMICS as a bonus. Using this text feature as eh basis of my research, I created my own illustrated guidebook to the Justice Society, showcasing drawings of all of the different members and a rundown of what stories they were active in. I can remember no doubt boring my Uncle Jerry to tears during a visit to the home he and my Aunt shared with my Grandparents as we pored over the work I had done. Sadly, that hand-made Justice Society roster book that I made has disappeared over the intervening years.
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mayardsale · 6 years
The sunshine that rested gently against the leather couch of my office signaled the halfway point of my day. April clearly intended to erase the pain and torture that January unleashed after an unrelenting November and December. Spring was in the air and my patients were clearly enjoying the season. I’d decided the previous summer that I’d give up the pace of the city that kept me awake 23 hours a day so that winter was an approval from above that I was headed in the right direction. And maybe I’d finally say yes to the not-so-subtle advances of my temptress spin-class instructor. That winter’s blanket of snow forced all of my couples to spend more time together and that made my job easier. As Erin and Jack gave me a goodbye hug, I wondered if they’d be okay without my counseling. “We owe you so much,” Erin tearfully exclaimed as she squeezed Jack’s hand. “We don’t want you to go, but I feel like you’ve taught us all that we needed to know about ourselves. We get each other now. We do.” That sentiment was repeated over and over that April. I was relieved that I could leave every relationship moving in a positive direction. My methods proved meaningful. My theories had been validated. And no couple had prospered more on that couch than my 2PM appointment, Tanya and Franklin. Honestly I didn’t have much hope for their relationship in the beginning. I wasn’t taking any new patients after my wife’s accident, but they simply wouldn’t take no for an answer. They touched a nerve with my assistant Melissa and she booked them an introductory appointment without telling me. From the outside they appeared to be a perfectly happy, normal couple, but they were complete opposites from my vantage point. And they always fought about sex. Tanya was the free spirit artist and Franklin was the bean-counting realist. Opposites attract but they have to understand their differences. Tanya and Franklin spent every minute of their relationship attempting to change themselves for each other. They had mastered this give and take so well that it took me 6 months to realize who they really were. Tanya was the manager at a bank and Franklin taught jazz piano at a prestigious university. Their previous counselors never realized who they really were because Tanya and Franklin were too busy being what the other wanted them to be. Tanya was an imposing woman at 5'10". Though she was the warm-hearted and bubbly life of the party, I was not surprised that she found herself intimidating to most people. Especially men. She totally accepted her character and flaunted her stature with fashionable heels and skirts that demanded attention. Franklin, on the other hand, had little idea that he would be considered intimidating by anyone. As a 6'1" health junky, professional athlete would be the first guess anyone would make against his chiseled physique. But once you learned that his body was the result of a battle with overeating as a youth, you could see that the book didn’t match the cover. My theories about relationships revolved around defining stereotypes and moving away from them until people understand what made them happy. Men are men and women are women. Until they’re not. Complexities in relationships occur when men and women don’t fit into neat stereotypes, outside expectations or simple biology. I landed on this simple premise when I realized that my same sex couples were used to figuring out ‘who believed what’ in the relationship. Every step of their relationship required negotiation with no default. With a man and a woman there are presumed beliefs that often go unspoken and thus unsettled. This was clearly the case with Tanya and Franklin. Their problem was that they were living the mirror of what they actually wanted. Tanya was a meticulous bean-counter in real-life, but wanted the spontaneity and whimsy that she saw in Franklin’s life. Franklin had very little guarantee that any day would ever be the same and longed for the consistency that Tanya appeared to be wrapped into at the bank. So my fix started with a simple assignment. Tanya would plan every aspect about their dates for a month except for one detail: the restaurant. Tanya would consult with her husband on every aspect along the way as she made here decisions - from what they’d wear to how they’d get there. Tanya would offer up two possible restaurants and leave it at that. Franklin’s only responsibility would be to choose which place and keep it as a surprise until they arrived. “That’s it,” Tanya complained nervously. For over six months they complained primarily about their intimacy concerns and I had them planning date nights. “My husband just told you that he’s jacking off to porn and ashamed to tell me and you want us to choose between Italian and Japanese!” “I don’t really like Japanese food,” Jack sheepishly joked. “Not the fucking point,” Tanya bit back. “Try it for a month,” I quietly prescribed as I closed my notebook. “We’ll check back in and see how it’s going.” Fuming, Tanya grabbed her bag while Franklin followed her out of my office. Melissa recognized the tension as they passed through the office to the elevator. “Date night?” she asked already knowing the answer. A month later, Tanya and Franklin returned. “So what’s up?” I eagerly questioned them once they settled onto the couch. For forty-five minutes Tanya and Franklin described their dates along with their prescribed planning. Tanya was a force of nature with respect to organization as she left no detail unresolved. From what shoes Franklin wore to where they might sit in any given restaurant. They openly discussed their likes and dislikes until the day of the date. The surprise of the restaurant or concert or event would remain until they arrived. Of their nine planned dates, two had to be postponed because of some emergency or another. On one date Franklin gave away the surprise by asking too many questions about the chef at one restaurant. But in all, the assignment proved fruitful. As they spoke I kept an overly upbeat demeanor that probably confused them. “Excellent!” I bounded after they completed their recap. “We’ve had 9 really amazing date nights,” Tanya opened, “but that’s not really why we’re here.” “Don’t get us wrong,” Franklin chimed in. “We definitely talked more and enjoyed being out, but that spark didn’t translate at home. You know. In the bedroom.” “Interesting,” I replied in confusion. “Tanya, did you enjoy planning every detail of your dates?” “Not really, but I would do anything to make this work,” Tanya answered. “Honestly, it wasn’t that big of a deal because I do it every day, all day at work.” “Was it a problem for you to not know where you’d ultimately end up?” I asked as I leaned into Tanya. “Actually, that was the exciting part,” Tanya responded with a flicker of understanding. “He even blindfolded me so I …” “Franklin,” I interrupted as Tanya trailed off, “did you like having the evening fully planned out?” “I guess,” Franklin answered as though I had asked something deeper. “As we planned each date I thought more about it before the day arrive.” “Did that anticipation make the food taste better?” I asked as I stared at my notebook. “Yes,” Franklin acknowledged. “Tanya,” I volleyed, “how was the food at the restaurant when you figured out where he was taking you 3 days before?” “It was okay,” she replied. “I didn’t love it.” “Franklin,” I jumped again, “how was your day at work after those nights when your plans were cancelled.” “Terrible!” Franklin happily exclaimed as he recognized the pattern. “So our next assignment will be …” Tanya pushed me as they clasped hands like many clients before them. “For the next month, Tanya will schedule every sexual activity that you two discuss with two potential … executions,” I offered. “The discussion, build-up and anticipation of your interaction will drive Franklin mad while the surprise of what actually happens will boil Tanya’s blood.” Tanya and Franklin sat on my couch with their mouths wide open. “Just remember,” I added as I stared deeply into Tanya’s eyes while speaking to Franklin. “Tanya needs spontaneity and surprise to make this work. You may need to bring a few unrequested surprises to the party to keep her entertained.” “And Tanya,” I continued, “you must understand that Franklin’s anticipation must ultimately be quenched or the tease will be answered with resentment instead of joy.” Tanya nodded, but I wanted to make sure she understood when I added, “Don’t leave him hanging.” As they exited my office I was satisfied with where they were headed, but they would overachieve like no other couple I’ve encountered. “We fucked on our patio this morning,” Tanya joyously exclaimed just as my office door closed. Franklin simply smiled with content. “I gave him the choice of a blowjob in the shower or fucking me on the patio two days ago. We texted about it nonstop until he simply pulled me out of bed this morning and propped me against our patio window. FUCK!!” “So all is well,” I acknowledged. For months our sessions were filled with the most explicit acts of lust that my office would ever hear. On the days when one of them would come to the office solo because the other was traveling, they would feel the need to raise their level of detail. “Anal plug or ball gag?” Franklin quizzed me on a Friday afternoon. Where most couples would have shared how things were better, Tanya and Franklin bolstered about how they were now planning sexual escapades out by months in advance. Other couples I found more challenging, but there was definitely a magnetic chemistry between these two that was blossoming now. They understood what made the other tick. Honestly, their breakthrough, along with their openness of constant stories of desire and pleasure, gave me the strength to plan my move out west. “Six months? We have to do something BIG!” Tanya exclaimed when I shared with them my plans to close my office. “You have done so much for us.” “How about Barista vs Bartender?” Franklin offered up with a devious look on his face. “Are you sure?” Tanya answered with an equal sense of menace. “Barista vs Bartender?” I asked, no longer wanting to be an outsider to the conversation. “Before we came to you,” Franklin started, “Tanya and I discussed opening up our marriage. We knew we weren’t strong enough as a couple to handle it but we were out of ideas. Now that we’ve been enjoying this magical ride we’ve been putting all sorts of crazy ideas back on the table. We’ve always had options like threesomes on the table, but they sat next to two more conservative ideas.” “That way we’d have a way out if we got cold feet,” Tanya explained. “But we’ve been dancing around the idea of Tanya giving a blowjob to either the barista near my office that flirts with her when she comes to visit me or the bartender near her office that flirts with her when I visit her,” Franklin glowingly recalled as he shifted his pants to disguise the hard-on that was growing from their description. “Quite a big step,” I commended them knowing that the anticipation was really what drove them. Should they actually act on the idea or not, their talking about it was giving both of them indescribable pleasure. “Next April. Barista vs Bartender,” Tanya and Franklin quietly spoke to each other as if I weren’t in the room. I was a little nervous that they were going to fuck right there in front of me. Wouldn’t have shocked me one bit. And then winter came and life got back to normal. All of my couples were forced to spend time together discussing their issues and enjoying solutions - dressed or naked. When the snow finally melted and spring arrived, a sense of romance captured everyone’s hearts. I was finally building up the nerve to go out with my spin-class instructor even though I’d be leaving in two months. Better late than never. Though we hadn’t discussed 'Barista vs Bartender’ in several months, the thought had always been in the background. I knew they hadn’t forgotten about it, but the topic hadn’t been raised in front of me. Until March. “I have a surprise for Tanya,” Franklin announced after Tanya detailed their plans for this summer in South America. “I asked some of my students to do some recon for me. Tanya, please check your email.” Tanya pulled out her phone and opened her personal email. She had a puzzled look on her face and then she bit her upper lip. “Oh my,” she melted. “I asked two of my attractive female students to request dic-pics from the Barista and the Bartender,” Franklin explained. “Appears that the two young men were happy to oblige. Tanya, any thoughts?” I had never felt more uncomfortable in my life. I had always heard about these conversations after the episode. Never before the act. This was definitely new territory. “Well, I have to say,” Tanya thought aloud, “I’m still not sure if I want you to watch me sucking one of these dicks or if I’d prefer to tell you about it after. Either way, I’d definitely swallow either one of them. I also don’t know if I’d make it a show - ya know, get naked, lap dance, etc - or just unzip and start squeezing.” “How about we talk about it on the ride home?” Franklin said as he saw how uncomfortable I was becoming. “We’ve got a couple of weeks to decide.” As they left my office this time, Melissa scheduled their last appointment. I definitely needed to take my spin-class that afternoon. While I did a pretty decent job keeping focus for the next couple of weeks, I must admit that the couple before Tanya and Franklin had very little of my mindspace. I was anxious to know what happened with the Barista or the Bartender or both. Had they already finished the act? Did they even go through with it? I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Then Tanya entered my office alone. “Franklin had to go to London for a week,” Tanya explained as she settled into the couch for one last session. My face must have been full of disappointment to see her solo, so she began to share more. “So, I told Franklin that I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to go through with this Barista vs Bartender thing. The anticipation was unbelievable over this last six months. But the reality of it all is a different vibe.” I nodded my head as I understood her dilemma. “He told me he wasn’t exactly certain how he felt when I dropped him off at the airport,” Tanya continued. “I feel like we discussed every possibility of this scenario and I’m not sure why we are still on the fence. I’ve dreamed of sucking off both the Bartender and the Barista. Sometimes when I’m sucking Franklin’s dick I imagine it’s either one of theirs. I just can’t decide what to do anymore,” Tanya proclaimed. “Maybe the anticipation is really all that you two needed,” I said in hopes of settling her confusion. “You two have come a long way in …” I began to explain when her phone began to vibrate. “It’s Franklin,” Tanya exhaled as she opened her text. I was trying not to be nosy but I felt like I had as much right to know as she did. The air in the room was being baked by the midafternoon sun and I began to sweat until a big smile and a sigh of relief came from Tanya. As she typed back her response, I could see her mouth the question, “Are you sure?” while she bit her upper lip. She then looked up at me in silence as she awaited his response. We smiled nervously at each other. In seconds, her phone buzzed and she sighed, “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” I offered, when I really wanted to know whether it was the Barista or the Bartender. But before I could ask, Tanya cleared her throat and said, “Franklin wants me to do it naked but with heels on while he’s in London. He wants to hear all about it when he gets home.” I then attempted to unravel here statement to decipher whether her act would involve the Barista or the Bartender. That’s when Tanya walked towards me and dropped her skirt to the floor. Her purple lace thong concealed very little as she stopped just in front of me. With little hesitation, Tanya dropped to her knees in front of my chair and released my hardening dick from my pants with her blue and white manicured nails. “Thank you for everything,” Tanya smiled up at me just before pushing my dick deep into her mouth as Melissa opened the door and watched. Surprise.
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silversunshine2012 · 6 years
Something to Think About
Disclaimer before we start:  I started writing this because I was bored and got inside my own head a little bit and had to get it out.  There is some talk about religion and politics in here.  Most of this is speculation and observations, but near the end it does get more heated and, depending on your pov, more patriotic.  I don’t normally talk politics, religion, etc, because I don’t want to get into an argument or offend anyone.  So I usually keep my mouth shut.   Please know that I am not trying to start a fight whatsoever.  This is just something I wanted to share that I’ve been writing for about 3-4 hours now instead of doing my school/homework in which I ask you to think.  We don’t think as much as we should and we take things that we read and hear online and on the news, etc. for granted and don’t always fact-check because we’re lazy.  I also want to ask you to think before you read this.  If you think that you will probably get offended by reading this because it has more than just your point of view in it, then please dont read it.  Please just move on with your day and don’t worry about little ole me and whatever over-thinking bs my brain comes up with.  Also, if you do choose to read it, please excuse any and all digressions.  I have a lot up here..
           You know something interesting about the Pledge of Allegiance?  We always say it the same exact way, every single time, like a kid’s song almost.  Like, okay, try something for me.  I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.  How did the voice in your head read that?  Did you hear: “I pledge allegiance..to the flag..of the United States of America..and to the republic, for which it stands..one nation..under God..indivisible..with liberty and justice for all”?  It’s like how we see the lyrics to a kid’s song we’ve heard all our lives and we inevitably hear the tune in our head too.  Like this, “I’m a little tea pot, short and stout…”  Now you’re hearing the whole rest of what you can remember of the song, right?  But if you were to listen to someone who’s never heard this before (“this” referring both to “I’m a Little Teapot” and the Pledge of Allegiance) read the words aloud, it would sound very different.  
           But the thing is, the way we’ve always said the pledge is actually how we have to do it in order to stay in sync with one another.  Whenever a large group of people are all reading the same passage together as one, they pause every few words even when, grammatically, you wouldn’t pause there in the sentence.  And they do this because it makes it ten times easier to know exactly where everyone around you is in the passage so that everyone can collectively follow along.  We say it as if it were a song with no tune and a very boring rhythm.  And with the Pledge of Allegiance especially, because we’ve said it ever since we can remember, and because we’ve always said it the exact same way every single time, we always say it the exact same way every. Single. Time.  I’m being redundant to make a point here.  We don’t just say it the way you would read it, even when we’re saying it by ourselves and there’s no one else to stay in sync with.  And because we say it the same exact way every single time, and because we’ve said it almost every single day since we can remember, the words themselves lose meaning..  
           Like, really, we’re “pledging” or promising our “allegiance” or loyal commitment to a fuckin FLAG first off, which in and of itself seems weird to promise to be loyally committed to a symbol, regardless of what it represents to begin with.  Yes, we’re also pledging our loyalty to the republic it stands for, the US democracy and the Constitution and Bill of Rights that it is both bound to and based on, but all that comes after pledging loyalty to the symbol itself.  Also, it says that the nation stood as one under God, which meant that the founding fathers were Christian to begin with, something we also see clearly in the Declaration of Independence.  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain, unalienable rights.”  Then it goes on to say that this one nation is “indivisible,” cannot be divided, which refers to the how the colonies had to unite as one against the British forces during the Revolutionary War, the very point Ben Franklin was trying to make when he said, “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately,” and the political cartoon with the snake cut into pieces that says “Join, or Die.”
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However, the way it’s worded seems to suggest that the nation can only be and remain indivisible if it is and remains under God.  Same with “with liberty and justice for all.”  The wording suggests that the nation can only have liberty and justice for all if it remains under God.  
           Something else i find interesting is that, the Bible says in Matthew 5 (I suggest starting in verse 43 if you want to fact check me on this) to “love your neighbor as yourself” and also specifically says “you must also love your enemy” because “If you only love those who love you, what reward will you get?”   Basically, it says to love everyone, because God loves everyone, because God made everyone.  And yet, many people have only experienced hate from Christians because, well first off no one is perfect, but also because there are just some people who are so stubborn and who only see rules, rule-followers, and rule-breakers, rather than people and guidelines for protection, which is what they were meant to be in the first place.  And it’s sad that there are people who use a book that is supposed to be filled with love and use it to spread hate.
           Also, going back to what I was saying before, when we repeat something over and over and over again, it loses its meaning for us.  Like all those little pearls of wisdom we’ve heard a thousand times like, “If at first you don’t succeed..” “The grass in always greener..” “Plenty more fish in the sea” “Blood is thicker than water.”  Those aren’t as meaningful and wise as some, but they were just as irritatingly familiar.  When it comes to the Pledge of Allegiance, we don’t necessarily know what we’re pledging to anymore.  The founding fathers made it so that the government would be subject to change in the future so that it could stand the test of time, and each new generation that became more aware of injustices in our country than the last would be able to speak up and change it.  The nations, groups, religions, societies, etc. that survive the longest are the ones that can adapt to each new generation that comes into it, can adapt to each new struggle it goes through as a whole, etc.
           And, again, going back to the repeating thing, it’s the same with the national anthem.  How many times have you just stood and sang the national anthem as if it was just “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”?  How many Americans don’t even know what part of the war the song is talking about? How many Americans have never even seen this video or at least heard the story about how these people died holding up the goddamn flag because they knew that if it fell, the British side would win.  How many Americans actually realize that the implications behind the Pledge of Allegiance are, at least in part, referring to this story?!  The reason we pledge LOYALTY to the flag today, is because OUR ANCESTORS pledged and either RISKED or GAVE their LIVES just protecting the FUCKING FLAG and MAKING SURE that it never FELL because THEY KNEW, if THAT flag HIT THE GROUND, it would all be over.. FREEDOM would LOSE.  DEMOCRACY would FALL.  AMERICA would DIE, before it even truly began.  If that flag fell, nothing we have here today would be the same.  
           We pledge our loyalty to that flag to honor those that died keeping it upright.  We stand for both the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem because of their sacrifice.  We do not KNEEL, because doing so would DISRESPECT and DISREGARD ALL the sacrifices made by those that would rather “die standing” than “live on [their] knees.”  We STAND up for what we believe is right and rally together as one voice to be heard so that we can make a change. 
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           BUT we also sit, and listen, and work together.  We don’t just talk, because when everyone talks, no one listens.  When no one listens, we yell louder.  The louder we yell, the more things escalate.  Peaceful protests turn into two, warring, angry mobs.  Then next thing you know someone gets in their car and plows through both mobs killing 20-some-odd people.  
           We are turning to violence.  Violence among ourselves.  More and more, we are considering ourselves white, black, hispanic, straight, lgbtq+, Christian, athiest, areligious, etc. etc.  More division.  More distancing.  More disarray.  More dehumanizing.  Just a never-ending downward spiral of hate and bickering.  
           This, however, is not new.  Like I mentioned above, the colonies had to purposefully unite as one. Before they preferred to consider themselves Virginians, Georgians, Pennsylvanians, etc.  They had to come together as AMERICANS before they had any chance of winning the war.  
           We today, must learn to do the same.  Yes, there are some shitty people out there.  Yes, there are people who have only had bad experiences with a certain group of people, and so the logical conclusion based on the data they have is that all people within that group are asshats.  However, we need to remember, there are shitheads in every category we have made up for grouping together humans we don’t know, as well as the fact that there are nice people out there in each of those categories too.
           If you did take the time to read this, thank you.  
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malcolmacheson · 3 years
Provided the best of the best of coach travel in Australia if not the world.
Provided the best of the best of coach travel in Australia if not the world. Since there wouldn be a movie without the kidnapping, onward it pushes to that end, with Creasy failing to protect Pita when it occurs. Lippincott insists the SSCA is enthusiastic about improving mass transit, but they don't trust Cap Metro's assurances that South Congress has already been eliminated from current plans for light rail, and that in any case no new rail referendum is looming this year. Oughtn’t we to light a fire? I’ll send my old woman to you. Clothing couldn't withstand the elements and vacuum cleaners sucked, so to speak. You need the ball valve to be big as well so as to not give much resistance for the air to flow. North sworn.—(Cautioned by attorney-general to avoid hearsay evidence.) Was the family physician of Mrs. La ragione? Sempre la stessa. There is a thread around here somewhere about how to do that using the city charter. Since the wildlings had burned the old common hall, the men of the Night’s Watch took their meals in the stone cellar below the armory, a cavernous space divided by two rows of square stone pillars, with barrel-vaulted ceilings and great casks of wine and ale along the walls. The Vero Beach, Fla., man died in a 2014 attack in Syria.. Somehow he could not seem to get the sword free of its scabbard.. Evangeline is an image of beauty and goodness which can never ghete galbene piele be effaced from the mind, whatever may be its prejudices. Shido gets this really huge "deer in the headlights" look and moves to back away, but can move fast enough.. The friends of the cause have not pendientes bulgari precio had patience with each other, and have not been able to treat each other’s opinions with forbearance. “‘It is well said by one of the judges of North Carolina, that the master has a right to exact the labor of his slave; that far, the rights of the slave are suspended; but this gives the master no right over the life of his slave. Price, catalog cercei aur turcia Larry W. Liked all the inflatable figures, especially a Santa Claus flying in an airplane. Such men are commonly associated in friendship and family connection with others of similar views, and are very apt to fall into the error of judging others by themselves, and thinking that a thing may do for all the world because donna di porto pim una storia riassunto it operates well in their immediate circle. We could grow vegetables even in the deep of winter. By then the Shy Maid was well downstream of the Bridge of Dream. The old man also owned a keen, bright-eyed mulatto girl; and Willey—the naughty boy!—became enamored of the poor girl. “You spoke of help. And Godry the Giantslayer said, “The old gods of the north have sent this storm upon us. The sound of it always left him with the uneasy feeling that he was the butt of some jape he did not legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát understand. He was laughing. To say, the city of Pasadena supports the sediment removal project in concept and we appreciate the open communication the county has maintained in regard to Pasadena questions and concerns, Bogaard said. Was a tsunami of people just losing their minds, she said of the second onslaught which was apparently triggered just by nerves, not more shooting. Scouting Mid Valley: The Spartans have run their way into the postseason for the first time since 2011. The most noticeable symptom is the spark knocking caused by detonation of the fuel within the combustion chamber. For 208 planes valued at $19 billion at list prices. Frog would be glad to put Astapor behind him. A: I want to have the freedom of not having to worry about how rent is getting paid. It’s in the bloody vows, I swear ’tis.”. Some time between the years 1807 and 1810, there was lying in the harbor of Charleston a ship dolce gabanna adidași bărbații commanded by a man named Slater. I feel something wrong with this Eng side as they are not the same side which beat Aus in Eng!! Anyhow this decline needed to them as they performed well only in India after that 2010/11 Ahses. An association of highwaymen seize him, bind him to a tree, and take away the whole of his worldly estate. The man, his wife, and their stock of wild, neglected children, drank whiskey, loafed and predominated over the miserable man and woman who did all the work and bore all the caprices of the whole establishment. That there may be particular oakley m frame ice iridium instances of cruelty and deliberate barbarity, where in conscience the law might properly interfere, is most probable. The bear on his surcoat, the arms on his shield, the lost lordship he had mentioned. Then it's time to move briskly to a phone bank and listen to Coke radio jingles sung by the Everly Brothers, Aretha Franklin and Roy Orbison, who sounds as if he had a shot glass lodged in his trachea at the time.. The road beneath the Wall was as dark and cold as the belly of an ice dragon and as twisty as a serpent. Busy-bodies lost no time. Military has enjoyed total mastery of the skies, the end result has repeatedly been stalemate or defeat. The steering felt a hair quicker than most trail bikes with this much travel, but front wheel didn wander or try to self correct as much on some similar models.. One of the novices had brought a robe duci alkalmi ruha for her, a soft white septa’s robe to cover her as she made her way down the tower steps and through the sept, so any worshipers they met along the way might be spared the sight of naked flesh. And the viral video of the year is . Caroline Julian storms into the lab, upset with the team's recent revelation. This document does not deal specifically with other aerosols (such as fumes and mists), with very fine particles resulting from chemical reactions in the air, or with air pollution outside the workplace. “I have noticed as a trait in the female character that if woman is in fault in any way, she will sooner smooth over her offence with a thousand caresses later on than admit her fault and ask forgiveness at the moment when she is confronted with it. They follow strength. United often aimed for Waring's height, his battles with Johnson's defenders attracting plenty of interest from ref Andy Haines oneil mellény but producing little that was effective for the Blues. He didn like that answer. Back then, they (the shoes) were not washable, and we didn't have shoe deodorizers like we do now. No, he had to tell himself, those days are gone. We are told of infants of ten months old being sold from the arms of their mothers, and of men whose habit it is to raise children to sell away from their mother as soon as they are old enough to be separated. She will share my bed and bear me many mighty sons.”. He gave me a hug goodbye. He looks so small, Bran thought, as he watched him sway.. The words matter, and so do these traditions. I tied them up and had to roll them like three or four times nike jean jacket to keep them from falling.''. “From the south. No one has come up with a complete explanation for this intriguing aspect of our perception, but the link above offers some interesting hypotheses.. Roberson, Jr. “You mean I’m simply drunk.
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