#after an incident of wolf link saving a child
kiwis-ocs-sideblog · 2 years
Meet The OC!
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Name: Link Lupus Lorule
Height: 6’ / 183cm
Long black hair, often in a low braid or ponytail. Hair is fairly straight
Age: 20
Occupation: bookstore owner, adventurer (Hero)
Weapon of choice: sword, but he is excellent at the bow as well
Scar on his cheek is from a silly and embarrassing accident when he was a teenager
Notable abilities: can turn into a wolf, can turn others into an animal, can manipulate shadows (exactly how and how much to be determined)
Notes: everyone is scared of him due to his height and resting face. His demeanor doesn’t help with this, as he is shy and quiet. No one realizes he owns the bookstore, he always makes sure the friendly looking employees are running things.
He can often be found organizing the shelves or reading in the corner. No one has the courage to ask what he’s reading (its usually fantasy, particularly those with a romance involved). (His small handful of employees are not scared of him anymore, and are all quite fond of him. But that was a long process to get to that point.)
On occasion, Link likes to travel. He always helps anyone he passes who may be in danger, as much as that may freak out the one in need of help. Usually, the entire exchange is quick and wordless on his end. He has a bit of a reputation amongst travelers as ‘the black knight’ or ‘that scary guy who’s really helpful but still terrifying.’
When trouble brews, Link ends up half-reluctantly becoming the Hero, wielding the triforce of courage and vanquishing evil alongside the princess, Zelda.
Bonus picrew:
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(Zelda teaches him how to look Less Scary to others)
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emsgwenstan · 1 year
death under moonlight
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Summary: Character is a teacher at nevermore who saves the lives of the students, confesses love to Larissa, hardly any y/n background story, if you don't know what a clairvoyant is probably best to research first, character dies in the end. Happy ending for everyone else tho.
Warnings: blood, death, hurt.
Words: about 3.5-4K I’d say? Sorry about editing!
It’s just become the norm now, event after event, death after death, it’s inevitable. But this, this is by far the most damaging. After the following incident with laurel gates there was no stopping what else was to come. More murders, disappearances and odd mishaps that didn’t add up.
Somehow the most unlikely of us outcasts had formed together in groups, protecting each other of some sort, no segregation between the werewolf’s, vampires, siren’s, gorgons and other species of students, the teachers would lunch with some groups and become a chosen family. The fear keeping everyone from stepping out of line, no detentions, suspensions or yelling to keep in check. It was horrible, not right. Every child was always with another even on occasion, the dormitory supervisors would let children room in others dorms to have an extra sense of safety. The teachers would often do the same, some would huddle in the teachers lounge with blankets and pillows all mingled together in hopes of a restful sleep.
Larissa though was forever restless never at ease, she would spend hours peering out her office window into the dead of the night just to be sure no one harms her children. She has been more recluse and closed of, but the second she steps out of the doors to her office, she only wishes to hug-and in a way mother every child she comes into contact with and mutter sweet nothings to ensure there safe and nothing will hurt them. However she feels so much guilt that she can’t keep that promise, she would rather do everything in her power than make a promise she isn’t sure she can keep.
You are very much the same, closed off and scared. More often than not you would wake from a monotonous sleep and wander the halls in a robe, usually you would run into Larissa herself and walk in tandem with arms linked doing a non obligatory night watch in silence, you could go round and round with out uttering a word, just a ‘you know the drill let’s go’ nod when you bump into one another.
Some nights you would pace the hallways of all the dormitories and pop into some when you heard someone possibly having nightmares or uneasy sleep. One time you heard growling and realised it was coming from Enid and Wednesdays room. You opened the door leaving Larissa leant up on a beam in the hallway, you walked over the sleeping children on the floor and made you way over to Enid, gently stirring her awake. “Hey, hey it’s ok.” Enid pried open her eyes and instantly tried to slow her breathing. You opened the bottle of water she kept on her bedside and handed it to her. “Thank you… sorry.” She said softly. “Another nightmare?” You asked. “Yeah.” she rasped. You took back the bottle and put the lid on resting it back on her table. You looked a the other end of the bed seeing Wednesday dead asleep, looking as if she had been placed in a casket. You smiled at the thought of her wrapped in colourful blankets.
Enid laid back down her eyes fluttering, you caught her looking behind you, turning to see Larissa in the door way giving a sympathetic smile for Enid, she's already asleep when you resume to gaze at the young wolf. Feeling a hand on your shoulder, Larissa took to bending down and giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Love you mom.” Enid said while slightly readjusting herself. You smiled at Larissa and her sad but proud smile as she was staring at her with love and adoration. She pulled back and without question slid her hand from you shoulder to your own, tugging you to stand. She took the lead carefully stepping over Ajax and Xavier and you over Kent and Eugene. Making it to the door with out any disturbance you both took a last look at them, the boys on the floor sprawled out and the girls on the beds, Wednesday and Enid on one and yoko, divina and Bianca, piled on the other. Larissa doesn’t mind that the boys and girls are in the same rooms she trusts them enough to behave with no funny business.
Exiting the wing of the building arm in arm with Larissa you guided her to her quarters. “Do you want to stay with me, I know you probably don’t but the offer stands… if you do ever need or not want to be alone.” She whispered. “Sure. I don’t particularly want to be alone.” She led you in and threw back the covers of her bed, you hoped in next to her and turned off one of the lamps, as did she whilst eyeing the small clock on her table that read 3:22am.
Both on you backs tossing and turning, after about and hour or so you spoke. “This is awful.” She was silent waiting for you to continue. “I can’t believe how much fear we are living in… or existing in I suppose, no one’s really living at this point are they?” You ended. She was still quiet before saying. “It’s absolutely fucked.” She enunciated, You were surprised but you could tell she didn’t have the energy to keep her strong facade. “It’s all fucked.” You said blatantly. That was the end of it, no more words needed to be exchanged for you both knew what each other meant.
She rolled over to face you, out of instinct you moved up and put your arm around her and she rested her head on you forearm, you took her wrist and moved it to wrap around your waist and held her close to you. With your cheek resting on her forehead you said. “We’ll get through it, we always do, everything’s going to be ok. Your going to be ok.” She tightened her hold and sniffed. Larissa hasn’t the strength to properly cry, but you both being exhausted fell asleep eventually.
Only a couple hours later she woke and so did you. Now sitting by the fire, with a hot tea each just staring at the flames, adorning a blanket over you laps, cuddling close. You felt a little better that you weren’t lonely, but ultimately because she wasn’t either.
over the next couple of months it became routine to walk now hand in hand with Larissa around the school and finish the night in her room. Tonight she let you brush out her hair and put it in a loose braid, it was soft and smelled amazing, every so often you would look in the mirror at her peaceful face and smile a little wider at the fact that your offering her just a little peace of calmness and stress relief just by doing a small kind gesture. You get into bed, hold her close and have only a few hours sleep. Routine.
Today though was different, off. The gut feeling when somethings just not right. Being a clairvoyant with heightened senses can lead to over analysing visions or feelings that come to you although you knew for certain that something terrible was coming. It was about 5:30am when you left Larissa to go find Wednesday. Arriving at their room you snuck in to find most of the kids asleep apart from Yoko and Wednesday, both sitting in verbal silence, the only sounds were the occasional video from Yoko's phone and pencils to paper from Wednesday at her desk. They both turned to look at you. “Miss y/l/n?” They said in unison. “Hey, wens can I talk to you for a moment… outside?”
Leaving her desk but taking the paper with her, she looked at you expectingly, waiting for you to speak. “Do you feel it to?” You asked. “I had a vision last night, something is going to happen but I can’t be sure as to what. I felt something dark before it, what I did see was a funeral I don’t know who’s or when but the whole school was there.” You furrowed your brows and leaned into put ur hands on her shoulders bending down eye level with her. “If you get anymore you need to come find me ok.” She nodded curtly as you let her go. “This is what I can make out of it.” Wednesday held up the paper for you to see. It was a drawing of what seemed to be the cemetery and other details that doesn’t make sense. “Ok I’ll try figure it out.” You spoke and waited until she returned into her room before you left.
Hours later you were in your own room getting changed when it all started, the loudest bang and blood curdling screams. The sheer amount of devastation when you ripped open your balcony door to be met with one of the towers crumbling and children scattering away from the rubble, and many, many people you have never seen before. All dressed in cloaks as if it were a cult or organisation, all seemingly outcast themselves using telekinesis or elemental magic. Your eye’s search for Larissa’s balcony.
You found her, hand’s clamped to the rail she found you to, as if you could telepathically speak Larissa and yourself immediately fled your rooms running past masses of children running to there assigned safety places for if or when the time came. Larissa called for you “Y/N!” Running to her you snatched her hand and bolted down the stairs. Proud of all the kids and teachers for making a b-line to their places. Running out into the woods to Xavier’s shed, meeting the group of Ophelia hall.
Making your arrival, every one of them looked terrified. All close together apart from Wednesday. Larissa strides over to them and knelt down on the floor trying her best to comfort the children. You could hear there whispers and asks of what’s going to happen, Larissa just hushed them. “I had another vision miss y/l/n.” Wednesday spoke solemnly. Your eye sight was set on the wall in front of you, suddenly everything fell into place. What was about to happen. Wednesday knew it to. Turning to look at her you gave an acknowledging nod understanding what she saw.
There was a reason why the vision showed a funeral. There was a reason why you weren’t standing in the crowd. There was a reason why you were supposed to be sacrificed.
To save your family.
Wednesday caught on to your knowing glance to not mention it. “wens can u pass me some paper and a pencil or pen.” You asked she did so and you got to work with writing a few things down. “I’m going to check up on everyone.” You said. “You can’t leave, it’s to dangerous and the sun is about to set your not going out in the dark.” Larissa tried to reason. “I’ll be fine you need to stay here.” After writing the letter and giving it to Wednesday to hold onto you trailed over to where Larissa was, taking her hand and pulling her to stand. You went to the door and led her out side ensuring no one was around first.
“You need to stay here and keep them safe, I’ll be back soon, but first I need to tell you something… I love you. I’ve always loved you. I knew when I first met you, I knew when I was by your side at that god forsaken hospital when you were in that coma and I know now. I'm not sure how you feel about me and I know its terrible timing but it’s the only time I can tell you.” You said in a rushed whisper. Larissa was shocked, her eyes pooling with unshed tears, she leaned in and without hesitation gripped the back of your neck and kissed you breathless.
Pulling away with streams of liquid down both of you cheeks for different reasons, she told you she loved you to and embraced you tightly. “I love you so much y/n, I wouldn’t be here without you.” Placing another kiss to your forehead. Your smile faded knowing that that statement should be said after doing what your about to do. Leading her back inside, you crouched down to all the kids giving them a hug and with out noticing giving them small pieces of you, necklaces, earrings, rings and other small trinkets that you usually carry on you. Larissa was last and you slipped your phone into her pocket, with a little note with the passcode. Even Wednesday let you hug her.
Back at the door, taking a final look at your family, you leave with a watery grin. “I love you all.” Then closing the door behind you. “Why does it feel like she saying goodbye?” Ajax wondered, asking the question everyone was thinking. Wednesday was unusually quiet.
You made you way sneaking around the school to the places the kids were hiding, after ensuring there safety, it was time. Jogging through the woods to get back to the school grounds, you slowed your pace catching your breath to muster as much air as your lungs could capacitate to whistle with you thumb and pointer finger as loud as possible to draw attention to yourself, continuing to run further into the vast, wide spread of the nevermore's entrance.
"do you think this will be over by the morning?" Eugene asked Larissa. "I'm not sure sweetheart, you will all be sent home when its safe enough, as of today the school is officially on full lockdown. I'm afraid this may be the end of nevermore." she said solemnly almost breaking down at her words, but remains strong willed for her children.
"y/n should have been back by now shouldn't she?" Bianca said. all in unison turned to Wednesday, who was standing by a boarded window. "what aren't you telling us Wens?" Enid asked cautiously. "she asked me not to say." she answered. "where is she?" Larissa was quick to ask, her heart doubled in pace. nothing but a blank stare came from the girl. "Wednesday... where. is. y/n?" Larissa gritted in annoyance but doesn't know if she actually wants the answer. Wednesday took a deep breath for what she was about to say.
Finally making your way thought the gates, you whistled one last time. "hey! I'm over here come get me!" you yelled and just like that hoards of people came rushing. Dodging the large bits of rubble and fire thrown at you out in the open buying time until you knew all of them were there.
Larissa shot up off the floor "why didn't you say something!" she said frantically at Wednesday, Larissa kicked off her heals and pushed past the now standing kids to get to the door. "wait you cant leave you need to say here!" Divina and Kent said simultaneously, each grabbing an arm. "what I need is for y/n to come back, alive!" she shouted ripping her arms from there grasp. "this is reckless Weems." Wednesday stated. Larissa took a moment to collect herself and give them all a pleading, apologetic look, before turning back to the door jerking it open, "stay here and be safe." she commanded before slamming it shut.
Everyone that you previously saw was accounted for and you were ready, hardly getting to the center of the courtyard you stood, your head back harnessing power from the moon letting it fill your veins, the white glow traveling from your hands into your arms and up your neck, reaching just over your jaw spilling into your face. Your eyes turned completely white as well as your hair.
Larissa was sprinting barefoot through the forest to get you. “Y/N!” she was screaming, whipping thought the trees, wincing at the twigs that dug into the soles of her feet, the adrenaline keeping her from stopping. Noticing the light beaming from the sky, she was hell bent on getting to it having a feeling you had something to do with it.
"screw this we cant just stay here." Xavier said. "yeah lets go." Enid agreed. The whole group fled the shed looking to the sky bolting toward it.
Larissa made it to the iron gates, watching the scene unfold before her, the look of horror displayed on her face from observing you, she had never seen you or another being like that, now floating about eight feet off the ground. "Y/N." she screamed again. You hear her and glace to the direction of her voice. your first thought was to put a barrier, forcefield of a sort to protect her.
All the kids caught up to Larissa. "oh my god!" most of them said in shock. Larissa went to run towards you but was stopped by the barrier, leaving her and the kids banging on the invisible wall, yelling your name to stop your actions.
"now remember y/n, you cannot access this power, ever. if you do you will die, you will be sacrificing your life the second you tap into it your fate is sealed. us clairvoyants can only capacitate visions, extra sense ability and small intervenes with paranormal activity." your grandmother said while cupping you ten year old self's little cheeks. "and what do you do to access that power nana?" you asked with your legs crossed on the bench, playing with the dry lavender hanging from the celling beam in the kitchen. "well...we channel from the moon, some say that the event in which one uses the magic some of there features turn white but I'm not entirely sure about that little one, I have not seen it happen with my own eyes, I'm certain that you really need to want it for the power to work, unlike witches we don't need spells." she ended. "and how do-." you were cut of before you could ask the question. "that's enough questions for one day little one." she said, pulling you of the bench.
That one memories been a repetitive dream as of late and has proved helpful in this time, only now do you relies it was your subconscious preparing you. Sensing yourself draining of life and your body cold as ice feeling sore, so very sore, you couldn't help the tears streaming down your pale face, watching the sight of Larissa through foggy eyes trying with all she had to get to you, but you knew it was no use. the kids were no different struggling to push though the unpushable. In that moment you don't know how your able to control something you've never done before but it just goes to show what your kind can do in cases of protection.
summoning all your energy and will power, letting your tired eyes close, your whole being becomes illuminated, brighter and brighter until Larissa and all the children had to cover there eyes from the blinding light. Your out stretched arms start to tremble as you let out a shuddering bolt of energy with in the confines of the barrier.
'this is it' you thought.
Once the white glare subsided slowly, the first thing visible was the dead bodies of all the opposing outcasts, hundreds of mirror image, masked people scattered across the ground. Larissa reached her hand out to find the obstruction gone, not a second went by for Larissa to bolt to where you were last seen. The children stayed planted on the spot surrounded by deafening silence apart from the the quick footsteps of Larissa's feet against the gravel.
She came to a slow, absentmindedly using her hands to clear the fog, looking up a little she found you still floating in the air unconscious with blood tricking out of your nose a little further away from her before you suddenly fell. Larissa dropped to her knees, trying to break your fall whilst bloodying herself against the gravel. She held you in her lap, gently removing the hair that's fallen over your face. "y/n?" she whispered, lightly shaking you, her eyebrows furrowed and breathing rigged.
Your eyes snapped open as you gasped for air. A wash of relief filtered over Larissa when she let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "Y/n." she said as a reassurance for herself. Your hazy eyes meet hers and all the white fades from your features, the rest of your non existent energy was spent of your last actions.
Raising your hand to her kind eyes you trace her facial characteristics, from her hairline to her brows, over her eyelids and down her nose to the outline of her lips, you muster a weak smile and stare into her eyes. "I'm sorry darling...but, it was always going to end like this. I- I...love you. I love all of you." you tried to breathe at a loss of air, pleading with your body to just stay for a moment longer. "Your my family Larissa,,,,, those kids are my family. I always wanted children... and you gave me a home with them even if they aren't mine." you said with a fatigued chuckle. "do you forgive me?" it came out croaky and broken.
Your question lingered, Larissa was trying to make sense of your words. "of course i forgive you sweetheart, but you going to be ok... right? your going to be fine." she said questionably, encouraging herself. "oh honey." you breathed. "you will be ok, I promise." your eyelids are getting heavy and your breathing slows. Miming the words 'I love you' to Larissa and letting yourself succumb to the comforting embrace of her hold. Your body finally went limp.
Tears welled in her eyes as she realized you were gone. "no." she demanded. "no. no. no. no. no. no." she repeated. "Y/N!" she was shaking your lifeless body. "y/n wake up! open your eyes. y/n open your eyes darling." her distress was breaking through. "y/n don't you dare, don't you dare leave me here, get up please!" Larissa was crying, find it difficult to breath. "don't do this to me I'm begging you." Larissa's yelling caught the attention of the kids, making there way over to you both.
Small, little gasps and 'oh no's ' were heard over Larissa's sobs, gasping for air, she let out the most deafening scream that wreaked her whole body as agony overtook her entire being. Everyone quiet, not willing to make a single sound, huddled and curling into one another silently crying at the scene Infront of them. Enid was the first to take hesitant steps toward the broken woman, pacing to Larissa and sitting on her legs wrapping an arm around the principle in an attempt to give a little support, she also took ahold of your cold hand noticing the light blue that had formed at your fingertips as well as your lips.
more and more of the surrounding students gathered around Larissa and tried there best to hold back sobs of their own. As time went by the sun started to rise once again for the first time with out you since the day you were born. A warm golden glow of the rays cast over your body giving the illusion of basking in the sunlight on a wonderful day, but that's what it was an illusion, for it was not you happy, bathing in the sunlight nor was it a wonderful day.
Without a word being exchanged, Larissa rose on shaky legs, her disheveled frame wobbling and lifted you off the ground cradling you to her chest, the children stood also and knew what she was doing, taking you to the mortuary. Following Larissa to the school van and helping her lift you into the back seat, she turned to them asking to alert the other students and teachers its over and to relocate back to school grounds, with a monotone expression.
Four days later was your funeral, Larissa managed to keep the students at the school until the day was over to attend, all the students had forgone there uniforms and dressed in their finest black clothes, each and every one adorned a pin holding a sprig of baby's breath and a simple white rose. Not a single biological family member of yours showed up.
As your coffin was laid on the lowering belt hundreds of people gathered to show remorse and empathy, some giving speeches and some sending prayers, Larissa couldn't find the strength to speak, but opted for laying the most expensive bouquet she could find on top of your coffin. behind the large rimmed sunglasses were red raw eyes that couldn't hold the amount of tears. "i love you." she said loud enough for the closest people to hear, saying it for the last time made her feel like she had just died, words she never had the chance to say over and over and over. An empty. cold. broken woman, is how she felt.
The rest of the day went as well as it could, Larissa distracted herself with attending to students, especially Enid, but she was lucky enough to have Wednesday by her side comforting her in her own way, whilst also fidgeting with all of the flowers and and catering to make sure everything was perfect, Larissa tried her best not to break down and make a inappropriate scene.
A few weeks after your death, Larissa drowned herself in work, pulling every string humanly possible to keep the school afloat, that she did, barely, but she did. Not letting herself be berried in grief, she kept on top of everything until she found herself for the first time in her life out of things to do, she was lonely and tired and so, so exhaused.
All the kids eventually returned to the school resuming as normal and Larissa paced the hallways to find the students that were with her that night to collect them and bring the kids back to her office for a conversation she knew was needed.
Finding them all and entering the principles office, she asked them to take a seat. "I just wanted to say, I'm so proud of you all and I hope your holding up ok, I'm sorry you were exposed to things that I'm sure you will never forget and I hope you feel comfortable enough to talk about them if you need to, I'm always here to talk, or offer support, even if you just need a hug." she said timidly.
The girls looked among themselves affirming something incoherent. "Wednesday has something to show you." Bianca spoke, confusing Larissa. Wednesday stood and reached into her bag and pulled out your letter and started to read it.
To my dearest family, I understand you will all be hurting at this time and for that i will be eternally sorry, I need each and every one of you to know how much I care and love you. starting with Eugene, you are so brave and talented little man, never be afraid to be yourself or put yourself out there. ajax, don't let your species define who you are, go and do what ever it is you want to do and don't not try because you think there's no point. Xavier, at the moment your dream is to be an artist, be bold in your work have fun and channel every feeling you have into all pieces you do, keep up with the way your going and you will get very far in an incredible career if that's what you chose. Kent and Divina, don't give up on each other, ever, your bonded for life and even if you piss each other off never drift apart your family is a foundation whether its a chosen one or blood related. Bianca, your worry in what people think of your intentions is your downfall be free to be who you are, the ones who you surround yourself with that love you for how you are and don't question your truth are who you need most and remember your mother doesn't dictate your life. Yoko, your a badass young lady who has a fire in you that burns brightly, never let anyone put it out, keep it smoldering for as long as you can and use it to seir the ones who think they've put the flame out. Wednesday, keep your sharp mind and detective abilities, but open yourself up a little more to the ones you love and the ones who love you and maybe, just maybe don't try to make things so difficult for principle Weems. Enid, your kindness is among the most I've ever seen in one person, always fight for your voice and stand up to what you think is right no matter the consequences, your love and wit are your strongest attributes, use them always it will get you far. And lastly Larissa, my sweet darling Larissa, for you I am the most sorry, but don't stop living your life because I'm gone, you are charming and strong, important and smart and so incredibly beautiful. I wish we had more time but it was never in out favor. we will meet again, that I guarantee so really its only a temporary goodbye keep in mind you were my last love and it will forever be that way and I'm so lucky for that, I however will not be yours, go and get out find someone who makes you happy and supports you don't be tied down or feel guilty because of me, and don't think for even a moment dearest that you aren't enough because you are and always will be, do a favor for me and keep the kids together, they need you just as much as you need them, family remember. As for now I love and cherish every single time we've all had together, I've left you all a small piece of me in the pockets of your clothes, wear them don't wear them its your choice, boys I gave you and a pair of earrings each that you could have mad into cuff links if you'd like or not it doesn't worry me pawn it in and get cash if that's what you rather. Girls i gave you my necklaces and rings you can exchange with each other and Yoko my fav pair of shades. Larissa i gave you my phone and all access to my photos of me and some of the kids and you when you weren't looking as weird as it may seem. just know im watching over each one of you and will be right by your side every step of the way.
sincerly yours y/n xxx.
And for the 7th time that week Larissa cried as she sat on the top of her desk. After a minute of processing the words, she remembered the phone and ran into her private quarters to fetch the coat she had been wearing that night, frantically searching for the pocket. The screen lit up as she turned it on. Leaving the room again, returning back into her office she looked at the lock screen displaying a selfie you took of Larissa tucked into your neck asleep and you with your nose nuzzling in her hair, eyes closed and a little smile spread across your face.
Larissa for the first time since your death smiled at the photo. "what is it?" Enid wondered. Larissa showed her the photo. "you really loved her didn't you?" Enid asked. "yes darling, i really did... And I still do." She ended, the glimmering chain around her neck caught the attention of Larissa and she placed her finger tips on along the metal, grazing Enid's collar bones she stared at it with admiration also realizing all the girls had jewellery of yours on to.
"I think we have been through enough for it to be fitting to call me Larissa in private from now on, if your comfortable with that I don't mind." She said. So many things have gone unsaid, but did they really need to be spoken if everyone understands the thoughts and feeling, actions and motives of each other? Obviously not. Your death may have been heart breaking but your are the one thing that brought all of them together. All together the children walked towards Larissa and had a big group hug, among the first but not even close to the last.
13 years have passed and its the time of year again when the 9 now adults come back for an early thanksgiving dinner with Larissa and her wife, the school hall is warm with light and laughter, although many years have passed, age never ceased to stop the unconventional family from being them selves. A chair always reserved for you at the table in a reminder your the reason they're all together, everyone of them upholding the promise of always staying bound, never straying away from each other.
Larissa found love again and her wife always respected the love she holds for you, every couple of months she walks with Larissa to visit your grave and helps with upkeep of the little flowers she planted there for you. sometimes she's stopped by old colleagues or people of the town who ask questions of that night, she simply says you saved everyone's lives and will be infinitely grateful. How lucky she was to have found you in her lifetime.
You watch your family in complete joy from your seat at the table. Always there and never forgotten, you know they will all be ok, your family will be just fine.
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sharplikenedge · 11 months
name:  Orion Yeager
AGE: 35
OCCUPATION: exorcist/ priest/ part time SA.
SPECIES: Angel (forgets they are one. Due to lost memory)
HEIGHT: 5′0″  
They/Them Nonbinary
When you take a first glance at Orion everyone can smell booze and cigarettes, as if it is their own body odor. Orion is an odd Person. There is no fear among them as if death is only their friend, and knowing what they can do, Orion isn’t afraid to be adventurous. Unlike most priests, Orion is the opposite, they're rather devious, childlike personality that doesn’t clash well with other individuals around them. Being a lone wolf they are, Orion is quite known for their snarky remarks and sassy attitude.
Having depression makes them drink and smoke a lot, too much in fact it is just the way they are. Orion doesn’t get along with authorities and is rude to the bunch. While they are considered a drunk hobo, Orion is very considerate, looking out for folks and trying to save them to the best of their abilities, and willing to save someone’s life in a trade with their own.
Having no fear of the unknown, Orion tends to end up sleeping outside or on a bench, even during meeting sessions. The priest themself is quite talkative and foul-mouthed, which gets them in trouble more way than one. Orion is also a forward speaker, and won’t sugar code their voice just to be nice to someone, whether it be a child or an elderly. Orion, despite everything, is one of the smartest individual, and learns things pretty easily while it take others many years; Orion knows five different languages: (German, Japanese, Latin, English, and Spanish) And reads scripts and chants for exorcism is like eating cake.
When Orion was first born they said they were glowing with bright light, almost blinding the doctors in the hospital, and growing up, they'll never know of their own origin and even till this day. Orion lived with their mother before she was killed by a demon and they were almost killed during the process, yet, Orion was saved (by an exorcist) and ended up becoming an orphan. It turns out, that beings like them seem to attract demons and evil alike, causing them to have bad luck all around.
The Priest knew of Orion's origin well enough, but having such a kind heart and taking pity on the child, couldn’t even harm Orion.
Orion was sent to the Orphanage, during those times they were living a relatively normal life, although, once they did hit 12 another incident happened where the orphanage was caught on fire. Yet, even if it did happen, Orion was the only individual who survived the fire, every other individual was killed in the process.
Happening twice already, Orion was now sent to learn in a church community, to learn to become a priest instead, seeing how no one wanted them in their orphanage due to their link to being a bad luck.
The Vatican took this opportunity, having an individual with strange power, to work for them as a tool of God. That is when they decided to let them in. The child was to be a weapon to save humanity.
Orion attended school much like normal students would, and after graduating, they were sent to training. Now, the training is only for elite exorcists; training itself was brutal and Orion experienced firsthand just how many bones and bruises they had to endure to live, to survive their training into becoming a living weapon for the Vatican. It took Orion five years to learn thoroughly before being sent out into the fields. they were usually the ones they’d send when the situation got hairy...
Fire manipulation
(Regeneration is the only thing that works around the clock, the others Orion doesn’t even know how to use it, they are mostly sealed away and used only when they're in a death situation. Usually, when using the others they're knocked out.)
Hand to hand combats.
Weapon expert.  
Hidden dagger.
Hidden gun.
shoes knife. 
2 notes · View notes
bioocs · 2 years
name:  Orion Yeager
AGE: 35
OCCUPATION: exorcist/ priest/ part time SA.
SPECIES: nephilim  
HEIGHT: 5′5″  
When you take a first glance at Orion everyone can smell booze and cigarette, like if it his own body odor. he is an odd fellow. There is no fear among the man as if dead is only his friend, and knowing what he can do, he isn’t afraid to be adventurous. Unlike most priests, orion is the opposite, he is rather devilous, childlike personality that doesn’t clash well with other individuals around him. Being a lone wolf he is, he is quite known for his snarky remarks, and sassy attitudes.
Having depression that makes him drink and smoke a lot, too much in fact it is just the way he is. Orion doesn’t get along with authorities and is a rude of the bunch. While he is consider as a drunk hobo, he is very considerate, looking out for folks and trying to save them as best of his abilities and willingness to save someone’s life in a trade with his own.
Having no fear of the unknown, Orion tends to end up sleeping outside or on a bench, even during meeting sessions. The priest himself is quite talkative and  foul-mouthed, which gets him in trouble more way then one. He is also a forward speaker, and won’t sugar code his voice just to be nice to someone, either would it be a child or elderly. Orion, despite everything is one of the smartest individual, and learns things pretty easily while it take other’s many years; he knows five different languages: (German, Japanese, Latin, English, and Spanish) And reading scripts and chants for exorcism is like eating cake.
When Orion was first born they said he was glowing with bright light, almost blinding the doctors in the hospital and growing up, he’ll never know of his own origin and even till this day. He lived with his mother, before she was killed by a demon and he was almost killed during the process, yet, he was saved (by an exorcist) and ended up becoming an orphan. It turns out, beings like him seems to attract demons and evil alike, causing him to have bad lucks all around.
The Priest knew of his origin well enough, but having such a kind heart and took pity on the child, couldn’t even harm orion.
Orion was sent to the Orphanage, during those times he was living relatively normal life, although, once he did hit 12 another incident happens where the orphanage was caught on fire. Yet, even if it did happened, he was the only individual who survived the fire, every other individual was killed in the process.
Happening twice already, he was now sent to learn in a church community, to learn to become a priest instead, seeing how no one wanted him in their orphanage due to his link to being a bad luck.
The Vatican took this opportunity, having a fallen angel and human hybrid, who doesn’t have memory of himself, to work for them as a tool of God. That is when they decided to let him in. The child were to be a weapon to save humanity.
He attended school much like normal students would, and after graduating, he is sent to training. Now, the training is only elite exorcists; training itself was brutal and orion experienced first hand just how much bones and bruises he had to endure to live, to survive his training into becoming a living weapon for the Vatican. It took him five years to learn thoroughly before being sent out into the fields. He is usually the one they’ll send when the situation gets hairy..
Fire manipulation
(Regeneration is the only thing that works around the clock, the other’s he doesn’t even know how to use, they are mostly sealed away and used only when he is in a death situation. Usually when using the others he is knocked out.)
Hand to hand combats.
Weapon expert.  
Hidden dagger.
Hidden gun.
shoes knife.  
1 note · View note
captainkappa · 3 years
Fanfic:: What the Water Gave Us
Din can tell something is wrong the minute he walks off the ship. Luke and Grogu meet him on the landing pad as always, but there’s something in the way Luke holds himself, the simple way he says “Hey.”
Din doesn’t run down the gangway, but it’s a near thing. “What’s wrong?”
In which Din and Luke deal with some of Grogu’s more recent trauma, Din gets wet, ripcords are abused, and both of them are trans.
So this was supposed to go up for dinluke week day 6... and then day 7... and now it’s now ^^; BUT I’m still really excited for it and I hope yall are too!
Title inspired by Florence + The Machine’s What the Water Gave Me
AO3 Link
Din can tell something is wrong the minute he walks off the ship. Luke and Grogu meet him on the landing pad as always, but there’s something in the way Luke holds himself, the simple way he says “Hey.”
Din doesn’t run down the gangway, but it’s a near thing. “What’s wrong?”
“I-” Luke sighs. “Nothing’s wrong, I’ll tell you later.”
“Tell me now.”
Luke doesn’t say anything as he passes Grogu to Din, letting Grogu get settled in his arms before continuing, “Grogu is fine, there was just… an incident. He fell into the lake and got… really scared.”
“Oh.” And Din immediately realizes the reason for that. When he had first gotten his quest, his focus had been on finding Grogu a teacher and he hadn’t considered the long-term effects of the events of Trask. Whenever he wakes up from dreams of water pooling up under his helmet, he considers it a good night and waits for sleep to claim him. He hadn’t considered…
But Luke is still talking.
“…so, I feel the easiest way to help him would be to teach him to swim but…” and now Luke looks embarrassed. “I can barely tread water and Grogu is so scared so… would you be able to help?”
“I think you being there to show the water is safe would do a lot. Plus, if you knew how to actually swim, that would just seal the deal.”
“I… don’t.” And there are a lot of reasons for that. The main one being the Creed. All those years ago, Xi’an had made a quip about beskar bikinis and… yeah, the crew wrote a lot of terrible jokes. The second reason is that buying specific swimwear for him was never a priority. They had felt like a frivolous expense in the face of the Covert’s financial situation. As the covert’s bounty hunter and main source of income, he had limited all expenses on himself.
“But,” he continues before Luke’s expression can crumble further, “I want to help.”
“Okay that… that’s good. You’re not afraid of water, are you?”
He shakes his head. “I’ll be good.”
“I don’t think it’ll take that much to help him. We could try tomorrow? Forecast says it’ll be hot, we could go to the lake after lessons?”
Din nods. “Sounds like a plan.”
He smiles like the sun. “Great, let me show you to your room.”
Din knows where his room is, he’s been here a couple of times, but he doesn’t comment as he follows the Jedi.
As he gets ready on the next day, for the first time in maybe ever, Din thinks about what he’s going to wear, which is a futile effort. He doesn’t exactly have… clothes, just beskar and flight suits. He leaves the armor in his room save the helmet. He’s been slowly trying out not wearing his helmet in front of people, but he only lasts maybe a half hour around people and situations he knows, so the helmet stays on.
Midway through zipping up the flight suit, he pauses, considering his compression top. Wearing it wet is never fun, but he also doesn’t need to disappear in his head when he’s trying to help Grogu. He keeps it on, figuring he’ll just endeavor to stay dry above the waist. Most of his weapons he leaves behind as well, except one blaster and a knife. Weapons are still his religion, even if he’s spending most of the day at a lake.
The sounds of Luke and Grogu leaving the Temple filter past his window. It’s a normal routine; Luke and Grogu doing their lessons, leaving Din to putter about for the day, and then they rejoin for the evening. He and Luke agreed he could come for some lessons, but Grogu should learn to control his powers independently of Din being there.
Thankfully, there was enough broken in the temple to leave Din’s hands busy. By the time he’s gotten the basement lights to stop flickering, Luke has lunch packed and Grogu in a sling at his side.
“I figured we could end lessons early to go to the lake,” he explains. Din nods, trying to take in the words and not be distracted by how Luke looks in a birikad.
It’s a longer walk than Din expected to the lake. It’s less than an hour away from the school, but between maneuvering the wild forest and the sun beating down, he’s actually looking forward to going for a dip. He guesses it wouldn’t make sense to have a large body of water near little kids.
When they arrive, Din can’t help but take a moment to admire it. The lake is a dark blue color, nearing green by the rocky shore’s edge, but the sun still makes it sparkle. Low hanging branches edge over the lake, casting shadows in the water. There are some large rocks to the far side as well as other clear pieces of shore.
They settle on a dry part of the shore, putting both picnic basket and Grogu down. The child immediately toddles towards Din, one hand gripping his flight suit, looking warily out at the water. Din leans down to scoop him up.
“It’ll be okay, ad’ika,” he says, “The water can’t hurt you.”
Luke chimes in, “Your dad’s right.”
Grogu doesn’t seem convinced yet.
With lunch set away, Luke pulls off his robes and then his tunic and oh- Din hadn’t been expecting that.
The other man looks up at him, suddenly sheepish. “Sorry, I hope you don’t mind? I’m baking under all those layers.”
Din stumbles through telling him it’s fine, hoping Luke doesn’t realize his gaze is at the twin incision scars on his chest, somehow drawing his eye more than the fractal scars that span the rest of his chest. It’s not a rarity to find others like Din in this wide galaxy, but it’s an unexpected familiarity, especially to find with his son’s teacher.
Luke pauses, still holding his tunic. “Are you okay? I don’t want you getting heatstroke either.”
“I-I’m fine!” he stammers out. Maker, he’s met other trans people before, why does it feel so different with Luke?
“Well, don’t feel obligated to take anything off,” Luke says, folding his robes. He pauses to look Din up and down. “Well, maybe your shoes if you plan on going in.”
Din takes the opportunity to set Grogu back down on the rocks, forcing himself to tear his gaze away. He kneels down to fumble his way through untying his laces.
“So, what is the plan?” he asks, gaze firmly on his boots.
There’s a thump of fabric. “I figured we could start by just getting the two of us in the water, show him it’s safe. Then we’ll just… play it by ear?”
Din looks up once he has his boots off and flight suit pulled up to his knees. Luke looks… nervous? That’s not the word, but there’s something in the expression that Din recognizes as Luke picks up Grogu, speaking softly to him and pointing across the way at the lake. He wants to get this right.
Grogu is still looking at the water hesitantly, big brown eyes threatening to wobble, ears pressed tight against his head. Din walks up and strokes one of them.
“Grogu,” his son picks up his head to look at him, something Din doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of. “I’m going to go in the water, but I’ll be fine, okay? You can just watch.”
He tilts his head, considering him for a moment and when there’s no resistance, Din walks into the water.
He bites down on the curse threatening to escape when his bare feet touch water. It’s cold, despite the sun beating down. He looks behind to see Grogu staring at him wide eyed.
“I’m fine, ad’ika. See?” He waves his hands in what he hopes is reassuring.
He walks deeper into the lake, water halfway up to his calves before he hears Grogu’s whimpers. He turns, but his foot catches on a rock and suddenly the ground isn’t firm beneath his feet. The world goes sideways as he loses his balance and cold water is pouring through his helmet.
He scrambles up into a seated position, thankful beskar doesn’t rust. His chest feels tight with the compression top soaked though, which he files away to take care of later. He lifts the helmet just enough to spit out the water, to catch his breath. It’s only then does he hear the kid’s cries, Luke’s attempts to settle him.
“Grogu, Grogu, I’m okay, see?” But something tells him Grogu doesn’t care about his words right now. He sighs, soft enough for it not to be picked up by the voice modulator, and gets out of the water. He slogs through the water, happy that his son doesn’t seem to be reacting in any more dramatic way beside crying.
That is, until he reaches shore and the tide comes in with him. He sits none too gently besides Luke and his son. Grogu immediately holds his arms out to him.
Din takes him, only considering for a second before taking off his helmet. His son touches his face none too gently, grabbing and pinching with those tiny nails of his.
“Yes, I’m fine. I’m safe, Grogu,” he says, softly.
He doesn’t rush Grogu, letting him touch his face, feel the breath escaping his lips, touch the wet flight suit. He doesn’t think about Luke being right there, able to see this moment between them, able to see his face.
Grogu settles in his arms, head tucked between his shoulder and chin. Din turns just enough to catch Luke’s eye
“Call it a day?” Din asks, not being able to calm the annoyed feeling in his heart.
Luke shrugs. “We still have lunch.”
They do, so they settle a couple feet farther from the shoreline, Luke offering his robes by way of a blanket. He hands out the food he made for them. Grogu still seems scared for a couple of minutes, but then he’s wolfed down his food and found an insect to follow in and amongst the trees. Din knows he should stop him from then trying to eat the creature, but he doesn’t have the heart. Neither, it seems, does Luke.
The two of them eat in silence, eyes on the still lake or Grogu running around. Din can’t help but berate himself for such a simple slip-up.
He sighs, no longer hungry, as the question that had been on his mind since yesterday bubbles over.
“Did Grogu show… Did you see…?” He doesn’t understand the Force enough to begin to ask the question, but Luke, whether because he’s a Jedi Master or just a good person, seems to understand.
“He… showed me what happened. He was unharmed, but I think he was just… scared.”
“I should have realized he would remember that.”
“You had – have a lot on your plate.”
“But he’s my kid.”
“And I’ve met plenty worse fathers than you,” Luke says with an easy smile that betrays the weight of his words. “But really, you were trying to get him to safety. If we’re going to play a game of what ifs, then I should have gotten to the cruiser faster.”
“You got to us just in time,” Din says, the hint of a question in his tone.
Luke shrugs, “I was too far away. If I was closer, I could have stopped him from experiencing all of that fear and anger.”
Din’s heart clenches, remembering those few days between losing Grogu and getting him back, those sleepless nights, unable to think of anything but the worst possible scenarios.
“Maybe we should stop asking these questions.”
“I agree.”
The conversation dies down after that.
With his heart marginally calmer, Din finds himself better able to appreciate the space around him. The sun’s rays feel like a physical thing against his face. Has he ever had a moment like this? Was this what he was missing when he never took off his helmet. Can he say he missed it when this is the first time that he’s experienced it?
Grogu walks back a little later, dirty with an insect leg poking out between his teeth. Din and Luke share a look before they start packing up.
When they get back to the temple, Din is suddenly made more aware of his wet compression top, clinging to his skin like a vice. He also suddenly doesn’t feel like wearing his flight suit, like a too-small second skin.
Luke seems to notice some of this, because when they get back to the temple, he scuffs his foot on the cobble and asks, “Do you need a change of clothes? We’re not exactly the same… build, but I should have something that fits.”
Din thinks about how long it would take to dry out his clothing, whether he’s even done the laundry yet.
He shrugs. “Sure.”
Luke nods, beckoning him forward to a set of rooms he hasn’t been to before. They’re no bigger than the rest of the temple’s rooms, they honestly might be smaller, but that might be the clutter of droid parts scattered around the floor with every flat surface available covered in objects of strange shapes and yellowing books. It’s not at all what Din expected, but that seems to sum up his entire experience with Luke.
He stands there as Luke pushes aside machinery to open a set of closet doors. He roots around in there before pulling out a couple of black garments.
“These will probably do fine! Just let me know if they don’t.”
Din takes them and thanks him, but he stays where he is, a battle warring in his throat. He’s hyperaware of his chest and while he knows the robes will probably flow well enough to hide, he still feels the need to say something. He knows he doesn’t owe Luke or anyone an explanation, be he wants to.
“I… Back at the lake, I wasn’t staring at you… I mean… I’m trans too.”
“Oh, okay,” his smile is bright enough to fill his chest. “Will you be fine while Grogu and I finish up his lessons?”
Din nods and his heart feels a little more at peace.
The robes are indeed too short, leaving his wrists and ankles completely exposed. He’s not used to the extra layers, how it flows behind him, but the layers help hide his chest, so he’s able to get through the rest of the day.
Any initial discomfort is worth seeing Luke’s face when he comes back in from afternoon lessons. He tries to hide it, but Din spots how he pauses in the doorway, looking straight at Din as he cleans his armor. It only lasts a second before Luke is distracted by Grogu again, so Din files it away for later and goes back to rubbing out the lake smell from his helmet.
It’s the day before he has to go, but Din feels more restless than normal. Every day since they went to the lake, it’s rained, a downpour that soaked them to the bone if they had to leave the temple for anything.
Din turns to watch Luke and Grogu out the window, meditating in the rain, twin domed force shields above their heads to stay dry. His HUD lights the two of them up in bright reds and yellows as compared to the calm blue of everything else.
He turns back to the lamp he’s been trying to fix for the past hour. He just can’t stop thinking about that day on Trask, how he hadn’t seen the obvious trap, how he’d been unable to rescue his son, how his son still remembers that.
He has to make it right.
When the two come back inside to start their lessons, Din unceremoniously takes Luke by the elbow and brings him into the kitchen. Starts thank Luke, he doesn’t question the sudden detour and just stands there, waiting for Din to put his thoughts into words.
“Can… I borrow Grogu?”
Luke gives him a look. “Of course? He still has time between lessons so, yes?”
“No, I-” Din sighs, “I need both of you… for something.”
Luke tilts his head to the side and Din explains, haltingly, not knowing if this is the right course of action, but it feels necessary. Luke just smiles.
“I think it’s a great idea, and I’d be honored to help.”
They wait until after dinner, when they’ve cleaned up. Grogu just looks at them as the tree of then sit on the couch in the common area. Din’s heart has been jackrabbiting since he and Luke agreed to this, most of his afternoon taken up by what exactly he was going to say, what would happen if it went poorly.
He takes off his helmet, setting it on a side table. Grogu looks up at the movement and is already reaching for him. He can’t help the smile as he lifts him up. He glances over to Luke, who gives him an encouraging nod.
He looks into his eyes at that and Din feels his heart break a little more.
“I… I don’t want you to feel bad for being afraid of water. It’s understandable considering… everything. Luke and I will help you be less afraid if… if you want. I should never have put you in danger like that on Trask. I will always prioritize your safety. Ni ceta. Can you forgive me?”
Grogu stares at him with those big brown eyes before reaching for his face. Luke’s ungloved hand comes up and touches his son on the back.
Luke opens his eyes and gives him a smile.
“You were already forgiven.”
Din pulls his son in for a tight hug. If tears form at the corner of his eyes as he thanks Luke for his help, Luke doesn’t say anything.
The next day was supposed to be Din’s last day, but early that morning, when he wakes up and sees the rain has stopped, he calls Bo-Katan. What he wants to say is that he can come here to collect the damn darksaber because there’s nothing more he wants to do than stay here. He doesn’t say that, but he does tell her he’s staying a few days more. He hangs up on her before she can reach a fever pitch.
At breakfast, he just tells Luke he can stay longer. Then he recommends they try going to the lake again.
The walk to the lake isn’t any more tense, but he can feel Grogu curl up tighter against his chest as trees give way to the lake. The lake is bigger than last time, much of the coast now disappeared under the water.
“Why don’t you go in this time?” Din offers.
Luke smirks at him, “Now are you afraid of water, Mando?”
On instinct, forgetting he’s at a bright lakeside and thinking he’s in the sewers of Nevarro, he punches Luke’s shoulder like he would’ve Paz’s. Luke goes careening to the side, only barely keeping himself on two feet. His expression is shocked and there’s an apology on Din’s tongue until Luke bursts out laughing.
“Maker, if you wanted me in the water that badly, you only had to ask!” Luke says, punching Din back. The flight suit lessens the blow, but Din still feels as knocked over as Luke was.
“S-Sorry,” he manages to get out.
Luke waves him off, still smiling. “If I couldn’t take a punch like that, I’d never survive being Han’s friend. You just surprised me.”
He removes his robes again and Din is thankful he thinks to avert his gaze beforehand.
Luke walks in, hissing at the chill. He only goes up to his ankles, before kneeling down, black pants growing darker by the second as water laps around him.
“See, Grogu? The water’s fine.” Luke splashes his hands gently in the water, creating little ripples.
Din looks down at Grogu, still in his arms. His head is ducked into Din’s shoulder.
Din kneels down so they’re more at eye level.
“Grogu? Look, what’s Master Luke doing?”
The child turns and watches. Luke has the same kind smile on his face the whole time. Grogu watches, ears twitching the whole time.
And then a different expression comes over Luke’s face. He shifts his position, now sitting with legs crossed, his hands held out above the water and eyes closed. Din is just about to ask what he’s doing when the water around him moves and rises.
Individual balls of water lift into the air, surrounding Luke. A couple are as big as Grogu’s head, some are as small as a pebble, a multitude of sizes. Sunlight reflects off their surface so that it looks like crystals. Then they move, gently circling around Luke.
Luke cracks open an eye before smiling. “See, Grogu? Water can be scary, but it can also be beautiful.”
Din can’t get his mouth to work, still trying to put these two images together, of a man with a bright laugh and a decent punch, and this ethereal wonder.
He manages to break his gaze and look at Grogu, who for the first time this whole visit, looks at the lake with awe instead of fear.
The next time Din is able to make it to Yavin IV, after a long quest to retake a minor city in Mandalore, he’s met with smiling faces at the end of the ramp.
“C’mon!” Luke says with no preamble. “We have something to show you!”
It’s not the first time Luke has led with that. Grogu likes showing his progress and Din is the best audience, being impressed with whatever Grogu has to show.
Instead of the Temple or the usual outside training ground, Luke heads straight for the lake. As he follows, Din can’t help but spot how there’s more of a path worn in through the grass and plants. He can even see straight to the dirt in some areas.
The lake looks the same as ever, clear water, low hanging trees, a rocky coast.
Luke doesn’t bother shucking off his robes, just walks in the water with Grogu still in his arms and kneels down. Luke lowers Grogu down into the water and Din is glad his helmet doesn’t pick up his gasp when Grogu doesn’t fuss. He just stands there, waist deep, looking up to his teacher.
“C’mon, Grogu,” Luke says, smiling, “like we practiced.”
Grogu nods before taking a deep breath and blowing out air before slowing lowering his head into the water. Small bubbles escape the water where his mouth is. It feels like Din’s heart has grown in his chest.
“Good job, Grogu!” Luke exclaims as Grogu stands up straight.
Din rips off his boots before joining the two in the water. Luke picks Grogu back up so he’s not overwhelmed by the waves Din makes. He settles in beside Luke, sides brushing as he takes a knee.
“That was really good, kid!” Din exclaims, picking up his son and holding him tight.
Grogu burbles happily. Luke catches Din’s eye and he can’t help but smile more.
Trips to the lake become a regular occurrence when Din visits. Yavin IV is temperate, so if the sky is clear and the day warm, the three head out to the edge of the lake. Grogu is happy to chase frogs near the edge, less scared of falling in now, especially with more lessons in blowing bubbles and painstaking lessons in floating.
Din has since picked up swimwear of his own, after he couldn’t get the lake smell out of one of his flight suits. It’s a tank top that still functions as a compression top and board shorts. He still brings his helmet with him, but he finds himself wearing it less and less by the lake, especially when he gets in the water.
It’s… nice. It’s one of the nicest things Din has had in a while. It’s a sanctuary from the stresses and pain of life in the galaxy, something for just the three of them, even if three sometimes becomes four when Artoo gets bored, and sometimes four becomes seven or eight when Luke’s friends make supply runs and then linger after. Even still, Din thinks of that spot as “theirs;” him, Luke, and Grogu.
The thought frightens him sometimes.
What also frightens him his how his heart rate continues to skyrocket when Luke takes off his robes to bask in the sun, this time not because of that twinge of familiarity at seeing the incision scars. His heart also can’t calm down on the day when Luke explains how he feels more attune to the Force when he feels the sun beat down on his bare skin, how it almost feels like home.
Din doesn’t know how to respond, especially when he realizes in some way, he understands, so he can only nod.
Late one day, when Din is underneath his ship, tightening up a part that got loose the last time he jumped through hyperspace, he hears the familiar pat of feet against the launchpad.
“I was out by the lake late at night,” Luke says.
Din grunts in response.
“It was really beautiful. Felt like there were thousands of lightning bugs out there.”
“I bet it was.”
“I’d like to show it to you… tonight… alone.”
That gets Din to roll out from under the Crest.
“What about Grogu?”
“The Temple has a state-of-the-art security system and Artoo can keep watch.”
“Yeah, once it gets dark enough.”
And suddenly anticipation fills Din’s stomach for the rest of the evening. He doesn’t know what “dark enough” means, the sun’s barely set by the time he’s done with the Crest and he can see two lighting bugs blinking by the Temple Garden. Luke waits until after dinner and after Grogu is fast asleep to walk Din out, gloved hand in gloved hand, even though they both know the way there. Neither of them makes a move to disentangle themselves.
The lake is both gorgeous and terrifying at night. There are just as many lightning bugs as Luke promised, lighting up the area. Even still, the water is as dark as space, and looks just as infinite.
Din is thankful he kept his helmet on. He’s glad Luke doesn’t comment on it. In fact, Luke doesn’t seem to mind at all.
They only go up to their knees in the dark water, looking out at the dancing light show and just talking. Their hands keep finding each other, after taking off their shoes, after releasing a lighting bug that’s landed on one of them, after righting oneself after nearly slipping.
Din tries not to think about how perfect this feels.
It’s a couple of days later that they are able to go back to the lake. It’s another washout, but none of them particularly mind. Din finds himself bumping into Luke more and more, the physical contact a welcome novelty.
Neither of them talks about the night at the lake. They don’t have to.
Once the rain stops, they wait a couple of days for the waterline to recede before going back to the lake.
And he has to assume it was because of being cooped up in the temple for a couple of days that causes Luke to ask him, “Have you used some of those tools for… non-bounty hunting purposes?”
Din tilts his head in Luke’s direction and takes longer than necessary to respond. He knows its rude to watch Luke squirm under his gaze, but after a question like that, he has to.
“What do you mean?”
“I just… see that tree branch?”
Din looks in the direction where Luke is pointing and spots a tree hanging over the lake. He nods.
“I bet you could use your ripcord and swing into the lake.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Seems fun, I assume kids who grew up around water would do that. Seems like the kind of thing.”
It does, like when he and the other foundlings would climb the pipes in Nevarro before an adult found them out.
“I don’t want to be a bad influence.”
Luke gives him a look. “Grogu has seen you fly out of the mouth of a greater krayt dragon, which I still need more details on.”
Din snorts, before considering it. All of these days by the lake means he actually is a somewhat passable swimmer. He can’t swim fast, but he can hold his breath and maneuver pretty well.
Plus, the more he thinks about it, the more it does sound like fun.
“I’ll do it.”
“I mean… don’t feel pressured.”
“Nope, I have to now.”
Luke looks at him before cracking into a smile. Din just shakes his head as he divests himself of unnecessary gear. He takes only the gauntlet that contains his ripcord, leaving his helmet and everything else safely on the coast before walking in the direction of the tree.
He climbs through the thrush, glancing over to make sure Luke is still looking at him. Why does he care that Luke’s looking at him?
He has to circle back to find the tree Luke had spotted. He steps around roots poking out through the soil and into a flat rock. The tree itself bends over him, a couple of lower branches nearly skimming the water. He jumps up and grabs into the tree, making sure it can hold his weight and won’t snap when he’s airborne.
It feels solid enough, but he pulls on a few branches before spotting what looks to be the best for the job. He lets out the ripcord, tugging on the branch before disengaging the chord from the spinning mechanism.
He glances to the shore, where Luke and Grogu are watching him. Din shakes his head, why does he feel so nervous for something like this? Then he gives it a test swing, gripping the rope and running to the edge of the stone before jumping off.
He doesn’t let go just let, more focused on making sure the branch doesn’t snap as he swings back and forth. He lands back on the rock, firm ground beneath him.
He looks at the window of clear blue surrounded by leaves and trees. Something flies through his heart like hope, like joy, and he doesn’t think anymore. He grabs the rope, runs forward, swings out and lets go.
A whoop comes unbidden from his chest and soon he’s flying, but unlike those precious moments where he had the jetpack, he can feel the wind flow around all of him. He crests in the air and the weightless feeling lingers for a moment longer before he’s being pulled back down to the lake and is suddenly plunged into cold.
He takes a moment just to let the cold settle over him before searching out the light of the sun and kicking off a rock to shoot upward toward the surface.
He breeches the surface to twinned cheers and rapid beeping. He shakes the water from his eyes, peeling curling hair out of his eyes to see Luke cheering, with Grogu clapping on top of Artoo’s head. He waves, the grin on his face threatening to break.
Maker, he wants to do that again.
But with the buzzing on insects, the gentle lapping of the water around him, and the sun beating down above him, he can’t help but roll onto his back and float, his eyes sliding shut as the sun lands on him with warm pressure.
It only feels like a few seconds have passed when a loud and clear voice rings out tough the clearing.
“Look out below!”
Din opens his eyes and sees Luke, mid arc. He’s stripped off to his basics and he is soaring, arms spread wide, whooping and hollering as he flies.
He crashes into the water mere feet from Din, the waves he creates overturning Din. He tumbles briefly in the water before he’s able to resurface, coughing out a small mouthful of water.
Luke is beside him, golden hair clinging to his forehead, chest glistening, and absolutely beaming.
“Having fun?” Din asks, voice rough from the water swallowed.
“We have to do that again.”
“Where’s Grogu?”
“On the shore, being watched by Artoo.”
Din looks and sure enough, Grogu has attached himself to one of the droid’s legs.
“Race you back?” Luke asks, already turning in the direction of the rock.
Luke turns back, an eyebrow raised.
Din pushes himself to close the small distance between them. “Can I kiss you?”
Luke smiles. “Yes.”
Din could count on one hand the number of kisses he’s had, and he’s definitely never been kissed while treading water. Their legs bump against each other and Luke has to steady himself on Din’s shoulders. Both of them taste of lake water and it’s hard to get a grip on Luke’s torso, but when Din lets himself forget about how they’re probably sinking a little, and just enjoy the press of their bodies, the glide of their lips, it’s everything he didn’t know he needed.
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gaeilgeoirgay · 3 years
SpideyTorch Week Day Three Alternate Universe
For Day Three, I chose an alternate universe in which our favourite couple are the villains! This one is a bit darker than usual, and there’s a mild instance of torture, that isn’t explicitly described near the end, so do watch out for that
Ao3 Link 
 they don’t question our violence
“Hello, Spidey. Nice of you to swing by.” Comes a mocking voice from behind him. Peter almost swears, his Spidey Sense hadn’t even warned him, the traitor! Clearly it doesn’t think of Morning Star as a threat despite the fact Johnny has tried to kill him on several occasions. Maybe. To be fair, the Dock Incident was Peter’s fault and Morning Star hasn’t attempted murder in ten months, coinciding with the new depths of their relationship.
And it’s not like Peter is a complete angel either. The Wolf Spider is a name synonymous with death and blood- at least Morning Star tends to stick with arson. Peter is a mercenary, it’s not like he can judge his pyromaniac boyfriend.
“Hi, starlight. I have a job for us, and we get to explode the place afterwards.” Peter says, turning around to smile at Johnny, who perks up at the idea. He lets his flames fizzle out and lands next to Peter, who gratefully accepts the kiss he’s given. It’s freezing right now, and even the slightest bit of warmth makes a difference to Peter’s non-regulating self. There’s also the fact he’s kissing Johnny. That’s a big factor.
He turns fully around to kiss Johnny properly, taking care with his fangs so his venom doesn’t enter Johnny’s bloodstream. He rather likes his boyfriend and he doesn’t want to kill him. Johnny eventually pulls back to smile brightly at Peter.
“What’s the job, Fangs? I like the sound of it already.” He says. Peter beckons him up onto the vent protruding from the building they’re on, hopping up himself to swing his legs childishly. Johnny joins him, feet tapping impatiently.
“I met Remy Le Beau downtown a few days ago. He mentioned that there’ve been a few disappearances lately, mainly mutant children living on the streets that don’t appear on official records. I did some digging and it turns out there’s a lab set up in the Bronx that’s been experimenting on mutant kids.” Peter explains, scowling now. “Officially, it’s a gene lab where volunteers donate samples to be studied for cures to various diseases. There’s about twenty kids there now from what I can tell. Remy can’t blow it to hell himself without attracting attention to Xavier but if we free the kids and then happen to torch it, people won’t question our violence.” He finishes.
Johnny is frowning now too. “What excuse are we giving for the attack though?” He asks and Peter laughs. “That’s the best bit. We’re not giving an excuse, we’re telling everyone they were experimenting on children. Their encryptions are ridiculously bad and there’s already been a call for an inquiry into them by S.I. They’re subsidised by Oscorp and it’ll damage their stocks once it gets out that not only did they block the investigation, they funded the lab too.” He explains and Johnny grins.
“Two birds with one stone. Save the kids and piss off Green Goblin. I’m down.” He says and Peter stands. Johnny does too and Peter challenges him to a race across the city. They may be supervillains but they can still have fun.
The building is near deserted when they get there, other than a few dedicated workers and the overnight security guards. The employees aren’t aware of where their samples come from, only the top scientists know about the mutants and the security guards were never told they were guarding people instead of chemicals so they’ve agreed to leave them mostly alone.
Johnny silently melts a window on the top floor and they sneak into the building, avoiding the admittedly meagre defences.
 They soon find a bright red door labelled DANGER and according to the blueprints that Peter acquired, the kids should be behind it.
They crumple easily under Peter’s enhanced strength and Johnny groans at the display. “I love it when you break metal with your bare hands.” He whispers and Peter smothers a laugh. They step over the ruined doors to find the kids in chains.
“Oh I can’t wait to set this place on fire.” Johnny growls harshly and Peter shushes him. There’s a computer terminal by the door so he plugs in a device he built himself that will copy the information on the mainframe to his personal store while deleting every other existing copy. He’ll probably delete his own copy once he goes through it, but he’d prefer to know if some sort of power-killing virus was made before he gets hit with it. Probably by Ross, may he die in agony.
The two of them set to work on the chains, Peter snapping them and Johnny turning them to molten slag. The kids are utterly silent, even when the two villains are reassuring them softly and Peter vows to hunt down every last disgrace to science that was involved in the lab.
Finally, the last chain clatters to the floor and all the kids are free. Remy had promised them assistance from two X-men who would be able to get the kids out of the lab so Peter and Johnny could get to burning it down.
They herd the kids to the window they broke in through and are met by the dark form of Archangel. The mutant’s normally pure white wings are covered in dark metal to blend in with the night but he’s still gentle with the children and they seem a bit less scared to see someone who’s so obviously like them.
Peter watches one little girl with red, scaly wings looking in awe between herself and the hero and smiles. He glances at Johnny and a thought comes to him. He wants that. Him and Johnny, with a kid each, maybe one girl and one boy or two of the same gender.
Hmm. That’s something to consider later. For now, he watches Archangel fly the kids one-by-one to a nearby safehouse where Nightcrawler is waiting to bring the kids to Xavier’s mansion the next morning. They deserve a good nights rest before moving somewhere completely different to everything they’ve ever known.
Archangel returns after the last child has been delivered to Nightcrawler and perches on the windowsill, regarding Peter and Johnny with a slight measure of respect.
“I met Nightcrawler in a mutant fighting ring. Neither of us wanted to be there but we never got the chance to escape. I got hurt and Mystique spirited him away but we never knew what happened to the ring. These kids though, they’re not gonna have that.” He plucks a metal feather from the edge of his wings, the edges razor sharp.
“Hurt those monsters and hurt them well. Maybe some of the more sheltered mutants at home won’t understand but I do. Slit their throats with that and leave them to choke. It’s more than they deserve.” Archangel says solemnly, rage glinting in his eyes. Peter exchanges looks with Johnny and then grins.
“Maybe heroes can’t be caught torturing people but there’s a reason I walk the other side of the line. We won’t make it quick.” Peter promises and Archangel returns the smile. Peter has no doubt that any scientists he and Johnny fail to find will turn up with mysterious wounds soon enough.
Archangel flies off to join Nightcrawler and Wolf Spider and Morning Star stalk back into the labs. The head scientists have been staying in a penthouse apartment above the labs while they run their tests and that’s their destination.
The elevator lets them up after a few key strokes from the Spider and they emerge into a wide-open space, the complete opposite of the small room the kids had been chained in. There are doors off of the main room and the Spider quickly matches them up with what he found in their database.
The third door to the right should belong to Henry Lawson, the torturer in chief. Morning Star melts the lock and they slip into his room silently. The bastard is sleeping peacefully in his bed but it won’t be long before that changes.
Morning Star fingers the metal feather Archangel gave them and slowly starts to heat it up. It’s made of strong stuff and even though the metal is glowing red it’s not metal. It serves as a rude wake-up call when it’s pressed to Lawson’s jaw.
He squeals like a stuck pig and the Spider thanks God for soundproofing. They’re nowhere near done with Lawson just yet.
An hour later, Lawson is thoroughly deceased and they move onto their next target. All six die painfully and Wolf Spider takes a twisted pleasure in it. Still, they have a job to do and they can’t spend as much time on their other targets as they did on Lawson.
Johnny plants his favourite explosives and Peter carelessly pulls the fire alarm. They find a good vantage point on the building across from the lab and wait until the last heat signature leaves the building and emergency services are seconds from the scene to trigger the bombs.
Johnny floats in front of the lab for a few seconds before he unleashes a torrent of flames into the already-blazing building. It only feeds the raging fire and Peter knows it will take quite some time to put it out, Not his problem. He’s too busy planning their next hits on the scientists that hadn’t lived above the lab.
Johnny lands on the roof next to him with a sharp exhale and Peter drapes himself over his back. “Twelve people left on the list, starlight. I vote we eat, have a fantastic night in bed and then brutally murder them all. Their dirty secrets are set to be released to the public in four and a half hours, just in time for the news cycle.” Peter says, tracing letters on Johnny’s back.
“You give the best presents, my Spider. I can’t wait to hunt.” Morning Star replies.
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random-fandom-fics · 3 years
The Way Out (Is Right In Front of Me)
Both Nazuna and Michiru are Kidnapped after transforming into Beastmen, but have since been seperated. Michuru is now locked in the Anima City Medical Center, but when someone bombs the place she meets someone who may be able to help her.
Read on Ao3 (Link)
An explosion rocked the hospital building many floors below her, causing the electricity in her room to go out. She stood from the sterile bed and made her way to the door that normally kept her locked inside until the scientist needed to take her for another test. She’d attempted to escape the room many times since being transferred to Anima City, but her door had an alarm system that alerted her capture to her escape and the cameras made it easy to track her down.
It only took a split second for her to make her decision. She opened the door slowly, and transformed her ears into a rabbit’s to see if she could hear the slight beeps that indicated the alarm being triggered. When all she heard was silence, she changed into a chameleon and used her camouflage to glance around the hallway, changing her eyes into a vampire bat’s to check for Dr. Mimura, thanking the fact that Nazuna had convinced her to wait until the scientists had finished testing their transformation abilities and training them how to use them before that first escape attempt.
When she didn’t see anyone in the hall she stepped out of the room completely and closed the door behind her, and quickly realized a problem, she had no idea where she was. Her room had been different every time she attempted escaping, and to ensure that it would be harder for her to leave, she was always blind-folded her before they moved her anywhere.
Knowing she had to move before Yaba and Mimura inevitably came to check on her, she picked a random direction and started looking for the stairs. She shifted her eyes back to their normal Tanuki form to look around in the darkness. She quickly found a stairwell and a sign that told her the floor number she was on. 156 great. She was about to manifest her wings to fly to the ground floor when two scientists came up the stairs with clipboards, grumbling about how the elevator was useless after floor 100.
Fear seized her heart as she realized that without elevator access in most of the building the stairwell would be filled with scientists, most of which would either haul her back to her room or assume she was an intruder and take her to Yaba. She had to stay camouflaged if she wanted this escape to be a success.
She took a deep breath and started making her way down to sneak onto a working elevator and finally leave this awful place. As soon as she made it to the 100th floor she booked it as fast as a chameleon could go the nearest elevator until she ran into a man in a white trench coat.
The shock startled her back to her tanuki form as she fell onto her but in front of someone who was not a scientist. He glanced down at her then back the way she came. He closed his eyes and transformed into his beastmen form, a white wolf. When his eyes opened he glanced down at her curiously. “How long have you been here?”
She was taken off guard by the question, “Six months,” more out of surprise at being directly spoken to without anger than wanting to tell him.
He glanced around “Your scent is all around this place, some of it is old, and in places that are highly classified, and yet, you can’t be a scientist,” he looked at her again. “Who are you, and why are you here.”
“Why should I tell you?” She snapped, guard up, ready to transform at a moment’s notice.
He raised an eyebrow, and, to her surprise actually answered, “I’m Shiro Ogami, I’m investigating the bomb incident, and you are a child in a classified lab building.”
“I can give you a little more to investigate then,” She responded making a quick decision, “I’m Michiru Kagemori, and I’ve been a living experiment for almost a year now.”
Shiro only nodded and pulled her along, “I have evidence that Yaba is behind the bombing, I need you to stay with me while I confront him, so I can keep an eye on you.”
“Are you crazy?” she demanded, yanking her arm out of his grasp “I told you that he was the one who’s doing the experiments! He’ll take me the first chance he gets.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
“And why not? Why would you protect me, I’m just a random girl who you happened to run into!”
“You are a beastman, I protect all bestman.”
She looked away, the knowledge that she wasn’t really a beastman ringing in her mind… but Shiro had no way to know that. “Do you promise?” It came out as a quiet whisper, a shred of hope when for so long all she could do was dream.
Maybe it was because for so long she had nothing and no one else to believe in besides herself, but she trusted him.
Never in her life had Michiru been as scared as she was now, half hidden behind a man she didn’t know, facing the man who had been torturing her for almost half a year. She wasn’t paying attention to their conversation, just gripping the man’s shirt like a lifeline and attempting to keep her breathing in check. At some point the police force had joined them, a precaution so Yaba wouldn’t escape during questioning.
“And in addition to that, I also have evidence that you’ve been doing experiments on beastmen.” She snapped to attention, they were talking about her.
She glanced up, accidentally meeting Yaba’s eyes, he laughed. “You mean that freak? She ain’t a beastman,” This was it, she released Shiro’s coat and backed up, prepared to run. “But if that's how you want to play it, NOW MIMURA.”
Several things happened at once, Yaba transformed and attacked Shiro, Mimura’s tail wrapped around her neck at the same time he stuck a syringe in her arm, forcing her into her human form.
Michiru wasn’t sure what happened next between attempting to breathe and how quick it all happened, but the next thing she knew they were on the roof of the medical tower and she was being dangled off the edge. They were surrounded by police, attempting to negotiate with Mimira, she suddenly realized that she was being held hostage. She was the reason that they weren’t able to arrest him right here and now. If Mimura walked free it would be her fault. She had to remove herself from the situation somehow. She-she had to make him drop her.
She steeled her resolve and, using all the strength she had, forced his tail up and into her mouth and bit down as hard as she could. The effect was immediate, he unraveled his tail and she fell.
It only took three seconds of free falling for it to hit her, she couldn’t transform right now, she wouldn’t for at least a few hours, she was going to die. It was better than letting the bastard run free, but she didn’t want to die. She had to find Nazuna, she had to find a way to turn them both human, she had to see her family again…. She would never see her family again. She screamed on her way down, I don’t want to die, she thought desperately, I don’t want to die, please I don’t want to-
Her thoughts stuttered to a halt as large arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a chest. She suddenly found herself flipped as she heard glass shattering and felt something cut into her arms. They continued to fall, landing on harsh solid things that even her human ears could hear the cracking of bones on.
The landing was both a blessing and a curse, she was physically fine, no broken bones like her saviour undoubtedly had, and she was still alive. Then she glanced up at - Shiro. Shiro who tried to save her from the lab, Shiro who let her grip him to ground herself, Shiro who saved her, Shiro who was probably dead or dyin-
“Could you please get off of me?” Michiru jumped back startled.
“You’re alive!”
“Yeah,” He said, attempting to stand. Michiru put herself under his arm to help support him the same way her and Nazuna did for each other after particularly hard “training”.
“We need to get you help,” Why was she not watching, if they hadn’t injected her she could be flying him to a hospital, this was all her fault.
“I’m fine,” he stood straight up as if nothing had ever happened, as if she hadn’t heard his bones crack. “I need to report this to the mayor,” he glanced down at Michiru, “ I need to tell her about you, you coming?”
He was- he was asking her? She nodded and started to follow.
“I’m sorry.” she whispered to him.
He glanced at her, “You didn’t do anything.”
That was the problem.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
The Witcher’s Companion pt. 6/6
Main Summary: Geralt is summoned to Lettenhove to deal with a fiend when Jaskier is eight. Young Julian promptly decides he will do anything for the chance to travel with Geralt and have adventures outside of his stuffy castle life. (Also on AO3/my pinned masterlist)
Jaskier lunged at Ciri with his sword. The girl laughed and spun away in a pirouette before counter attacking. He parried her attack and flicked her sword from her hand. She yelled in frustration and stamped her foot.
“Ahh. Stop doing that!” She growled.
Jaskier let his sword dance in the air as he picked her sword up. “Well, hold your sword properly and you wouldn’t drop it so often.” He teased.
Geralt chuckled as he came up behind them. Jaskier sheathed his sword and flung his arms around his witcher’s neck. “Geralt! You’ve come to join us at last, Vesemir finally let you down from the roof.”
“Hmm.” Geralt buried his nose in Jaskier’s neck, a habit he’d picked up after the incident with the djinn that Jaskier had never built up the confidence to ask him about. “You used to hold your sword wrong too.”
“Ha!” Ciri pointed her sword and the pair of them but Geralt used Quen to shield them from her attack.
Jaskier stuck his tongue out from behind the glowing bubble. Ciri smirked and threw her hands forward. They were knocked over like dolls.
“Aunt Yennefer says your witcher signs are child’s play!” She giggled. “And I am a sorceress!”
Jaskier groaned as he pulled himself up off the floor. “Why did we let Yennefer near Ciri again?” He asked weakly.
“Because she needed a magic teacher and Yennefer is the best.” Geralt hummed.
Ciri smirked and threw herself at Jaskier with her sword. He swore and rolled out the way. He just managed to draw his blade to block her next attack. “Monsters don’t wait for you to be ready!” Ciri shouted.
Geralt laughed as Jaskier defended the onslaught of her attacks. “Princesses do!” He argued.
“I’m not a princess!” She ducked under his sword and swiped her blade at his feet.
He jumped over the attack and spun round, pulling his dagger from his boots. Over the years he’d decided he enjoyed the dance of having weapons in both hands. Geralt had bought him a shorter and lighter main sword to allow for the development in his style, and he often fought with a dagger in his second hand.
He swiped at Ciri’s side with the dagger and her armour tore open, a red ribbon fell from the gap. It had been Yennefer’s idea. She’d been concerned about their training and general lack of concern for personal safety so she’d enchanted their training armour to mimic injuries whilst not allowing any harm to come to them, as long as their weapons were similarly enchanted at the time.
“Haha!” He grinned.
“Fuck!” She leapt back.
“Ciri!” Geralt warned. “Don’t swear.”
Ciri growled and spun round to attack Geralt instead. Jaskier rolled his eyes but allowed the young witcher girl to swap sparring partners. Yennefer had almost bitten their heads off when she’d seen them ganging up on the girl last week, even though she’d insisted. He sheathed his weapons and pulled himself up to sit on the wall.
Geralt used a combinations of signs and melee attacks. It was Ciri’s second winter with the witchers and she was lethal on the training ground now. There was no holding back anymore.
Jaskier watched the pair of them spar. He couldn’t take his eyes off Geralt. He never could, not when Geralt didn’t know he was watching him. They’d been travelling together now for twenty-two years. He’d known the witcher for thirty-four years and yet Geralt never ceased to enchant him. Sure he’d had his own adventures without Geralt, particularly in his twenties but none of them held a candle to the ones where Geralt had been by his side.
Geralt was quite simply the most interesting man that he’d ever known. He was Jaskier’s best friend and their companionship was something no one else ever seemed to understand. Of course, to other people Jaskier played the foolish bard. It was easier to be underestimated and it had gotten them both out of trouble plenty of times when their enemies had focussed on Geralt entirely, not realising until their throats had been slit, that Jaskier was also armed and highly dangerous in his own right. Of course Jaskier’s indignant nature meant that he often got them into just as much trouble. He’d lost track of how many times Geralt had pulled him from a tavern or manor after he’d tried to start a fight when someone had insulted Geralt or witchers in general.
Jaskier liked that he was useful to Geralt. It was one of the things he prided himself on. He’d done what he’d set out to do. He’d become a perfect travel companion to a witcher, and now he had a family in the witchers, in Ciri, even in Yennefer.
She was sort of that sister that you really hated but would kill anyone else who tried to hurt her, and he was pretty sure the feeling was mutual.  
Ciri screamed and Geralt fell backwards across the courtyard.
“Oh shit!” He hopped off the wall and ran to the witcher. “Geralt!”
“I didn’t mean to!” Ciri cried.
Jaskier cupped Geralt’s face in his hands. There was blood staining his silver hair and running from him nose. “Come on, dear heart. Wakey wakey!” He cooed.
Geralt groaned. “Fuck.”
“Ah there we go. See, princess, no harm done.” Jaskier winked at the young girl. “It takes a lot more than that to take down the White Wolf.”
“Jask?” Geralt slurred.
“Yes darling?” He touched the cut on Geralt’s head lightly, pulling the hair apart. It wasn’t deep and wouldn’t need stitches. Geralt’s witcher healing would be enough.
“Your turn.” He mumbled and passed out.
Geralt woke up with a splitting headache and a dry throat.
He grunted and tried to sit up but Jaskier pushed him back down.
“Oh no. Stay down, my dear.” The bard sang. “You just got blasted by a fourteen year old girl.”
“I am so sorry!” Ciri cried. “I just panicked!”
“I told her you’ll be fine.” Jaskier smiled brightly with a tilt of his head. “But I must say I am glad to see those beautiful eyes again, dear heart.”
Geralt grunted and sat up, pushing the bard away from him. “I’m fine, Jaskier.”
Ciri was staring at him with wide green eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Just a headache.” He pulled the young girl into a hug. “I’m sure Yen and the others will delight in this.”
Jaskier laughed melodically and lured Geralt into smiling back at him. “Oh yes, and naturally I already have two verses of a new song written.”
Geralt growled and knocked his friend off the bed.
“Oi! Hey that’s not fair!” Jaskier pouted.
Ciri was laughing now too, all fears forgotten.
He hummed and smiled at the pair of them, his family.
“Oh, Yennefer’s calling me.” Ciri said with a tilt of her head. “I’ll you at dinner, Geralt.”
Geralt nodded. Once she was gone he helped Jaskier up off the floor. The bard fell onto the bed and against Geralt’s chest. “Two verses?” He asked with a low chuckle. “You’re getting slow in your old age, Jask. I would have expected three by now.”
“Old age?!” Jaskier cried and scowled up at Geralt. “I am forty-two! That’s hardly old, witcher.”
Geralt scoffed. “Forty-two and still trailing round the continent after a witcher. Not bored yet?”
Jaskier pouted. “Of you? Geralt, never.”
The bard hummed under his breath as he curled up against Geralt’s chest. It wasn’t unusual. After so many years of travelling together, sharing beds when money was low or when it got cold at night, they’d become used to a lack of personal boundaries.
How many years did humans live for anyway?
“Jask?” Geralt hummed as he threaded his fingers through the soft chestnut hair.
“What will you do when you get too old to travel?” He asked.
Jaskier snorted. “I will get a cane, the type with a sword in, and you’ll have to carry me when I get tired.”
Geralt frowned. “I’m serious.”
“So am I!” Jaskier sniffed and raised his head to look up at Geralt.
“Don’t you want to retire?” He asked, remembering what Jaskier had asked him all those years ago before the fated banquet.
“Witchers don’t retire so neither will I.” Jaskier insisted with a smirk. “What’s gotten into you?”
Geralt hummed. “I hadn’t realised you were so old.”
Jaskier laughed. “Ah yes, well. I do look pretty good for my age.”
“You have me to thank for that.” Yennefer said from the doorway. She was smirking at them. “Took you long enough to notice.”
“Yen? What?” Geralt growled.
“Oh no. What did you do to me, witch?” Jaskier snapped, sitting up and peering at the sorceress suspiciously.
“I did what I was asked to do. I saved your life.” She raised an eyebrow. “Permanently.”
“The fuck?” Geralt asked.
Yennefer shrugged. “Your witcher seemed desperate, bard. I was feeling generous. I was wondering how long it would take you to realise though. Honestly, I thought you’d worked it out years ago. Unfortunately that does mean Geralt won’t be carrying you anywhere any time soon.”
Geralt stared between the sorceress and the bard in shock. “Hmm.”
Jaskier seemed equally flummoxed for once in his life. “I’m… immortal?”
“Of sorts.” Yennefer smirked. “As long as you don’t get killed. It’s an old spell, found in an old witchers’ keep. Witchers used to have companions, back before humans turned on them. The companions were meant to make the witchers seem more… approachable, less like the monsters people think they are. A witcher and their companion were linked by magic, prolonging the companion’s life to match their witcher.”
“So what, you just… linked me and Geralt?” Jaskier gaped.
Yennefer nodded. “I didn’t think it would work. The spell was only supposed to work if the pair already had a deep emotional connection, which as I am sure you both know, is supposedly not easy for witchers due to the mutations. It’s why the companions ceased to exist and the spell was lost. An old friend of mine found it in the ruin years ago. I never thought I would have the chance to use it, and then you walked in dragging a bloody bard behind you.”
“Hang on!” Jaskier waved his hands. “A deep emotional connection?”
“That’s what the book said.” Yennefer nodded.
“But Geralt barely acknowledges that we’re friends!” Jaskier pouted.
Geralt groaned and pulled his pillow over his face.
“Oh, Jaskier.” Yennefer sighed. “I can read minds. You have no idea!”
“Get out!” Geralt threw the pillow at Yennefer. She waved her hands and the pillow turned to dust.
“Fine!” She grinned. “I was leaving anyway. Ciri is waiting for me.” She strode from the room, leaving Geralt to deal with the mess she’d created.
“Geralt?” Jaskier asked quietly. “Umm… is this alright? I know you didn’t ask for this. You probably thought you’d be shot of me in a few years.”
Geralt nodded and tilted his head. “It’s fine. Are you ok?”
Jaskier hummed. “Yes. Sort of. It’s a lot to take in, the whole immortality thing.” He said with a wave of his hands. “But with you? I suppose it could be alright. Just another adventure really, isn’t it?” Jaskier’s smile shone brighter than the sun, lighting up the entire room and warming Geralt’s heart.
Geralt nodded and Jaskier fell back against his chest with a contented sigh. Geralt felt himself smile.
Jaskier, the witcher’s companion.
Taglist: @alwenarin @slythnerd @davidtennan-t @flippinfricks @awitchersbard @genkitaco @innocentcinnamonpun @marvagon @elliestormfound @geraskier-trashh @panerato
47 notes · View notes
heartxclouds · 4 years
Diabolik Lovers: Wrong Blood-Prisonned Bridal;;Part 1
[C]♡. Hello! Welcome to this blog..
This is my first try on writting my DL AU, which is called Wrong Blood-Prisonned Bridal if you are new to it! I think that I am experienced enough in writting so this is why I took the courage to write it! I do hope that you enjoy and follow the instructions clearly because yes, I have a rules in here- It isn't forced but you still need to view the rules. 📄
Rules;; {+ Instructions}
If you click on a OST link, you can hear the music ^^
When something is written in italic, it means that it's a wisper.
I would appreciate it if you have enjoyed the story, that you comment or like! Like that it makes me want to continue! If you need to give me constructive critism please send me a PM (Private Message).
In here there will be some spooky things so if you dislike that a lot, please proceed with caution. PS: Niko is a gypsy, that isn't meant as a slur. Niko is a girl that travels, does fortune telling and dances. So don't worry. I'm not here to offend.
If you see a edit with subtitles, read the subtitles! And if you can't see a image clear? Click on it!
Some edits are old or come from friends! I will credit them don't worry, they will be credited in the section 'Information'. And for the old edits, I'll put old in the end of the post in section 'Iformation'.
Thank you for reading the rules! I hope you enjoy this now. 🎃🍂
It was afternoon, at this time.. Many kids were playing. Screams of joy because of hide and seek, sometimes pain because they fell and even tears or joy because they were laughing so much. But there was one little girl that wasn't in the mood for playing. She would rather read books at this time of the day, she had secretly picked out some books out of the small library of her mother. Vampires..What were they? Monsters- Bloodsuckers- Creatures of the night... The little gypsy girl was amazed by these stories but also terrified. Welcome to the world of the small Niko Riverdale.
Winter.. It was cold but fun, Niko turned six years old not long ago. She felt like she could be a adult any second. Niko loved to play as the little adult.. But to be honest, it was scary. People always had some type of disgusted look when they spotted a gypsy, and it was like this everywhere. But on the possitieve side.. Some people could be nice and accept them, even enjoy they're dances. A gypsy was never meant to have a bad view.. Being a gypsy was seen as some kind of culture too. The priest always said that God hates gypsy's.. That if you were one, that a spirit will haunt you.. Kill you.. Destroy you. All kids from Niko's age knew the dark reality already, God? Hah.. When did God help? That's what they were thinking.. But Niko thought otherwise, she believes that God is good.
-"Mom.. Why do people hate us?"
Niko was holding the hand of her mother while they were walking back home. Reading hour was finished and Niko had hidden those vampire themed books in her bag before her mother got to see it.
-"Ah.. Don't worry about that honey.. You know.. In this world there are people that can hate you without a good reason.. That is why we need to be strong."
Her mother had felt some un-easy feeling.. Excactly, why did people hate them? She didn't know the answer herself... She held the hand of her daughter slightly tighter, they would go to the cathedral before getting back home. She entered the building and went to the small praying spot that was there. She looked at her daughter, she would need to pick a different one.. Niko went to the Maria statue that wasn't too far away from her mother.
-"My God.. I'm here to ask you questions.. I hope that I don't bother you at this moment but..Do you hate me? Or my mom..? My gypsy people..? You know.. Today some kids didn't want to play with me.. They're parents didn't want that.. Even if it was my birtday.. Hmph.. And God, I'm 6 years old now.. That's a lot, right? Hehe.. Will you please answer me..? I now pray this in the name of our saviour. Amen.."
Niko did the quick cross sign before walking back to her mother, that seemed to have finished her praying. Niko held the hand of her mother.. Did God hear her? Will she get the message..? Who knows.. Maybe God, had a surprise.
After getting home, having dinner and having a bath.. Niko was relaxed and ready to read some more about the nocturnal horror creatures.. Curiousity really killed the cat.. And Niko was clearly the cat in this example. The moon was up.. The beautifull blue moon that shinned in Niko's room, Niko could observe those beautifull night skies forever.. She didn't realise that is was already 2 AM, Niko would be in trouble if her parents found out that she was still up.
But strangely a sound ruined the silence.. Crying.. Rather disturbing. A fenale voice? Calling out for help but it all sounded like a echo. For a kid this could be creepy looking, but for Niko.. She was worried.. Not about that sudden visit in her house of a crying voice but she was actually concerned about the feelings of the person.. Did they need to escape? Was there a killer outside? No.. Not at all. Niko got out her room and walked down the hallway.. The wood plancs made a creak sound. The more Niko approached.. The more the crying became louder. She could see now.
A woman with pretty long white hair was sitting on her knees on the floor. Her clothing was white too- She also had some kind of long blue see-through scarf, she also had white gloves, pretty ones that people always wore when they were from a rich family.. Her skin was pale, as pale as porcelin.
-"Umm.. Miss..? What's wrong? What is happening..? Are you hurt..?"
Niko was a child with good manners but it was kinda weird.. How did that woman come in? The door was locked, the windows too.. Who was this woman? Or what is she? The crying didn't stop but when Niko placed her hand on the shoulder of the beauty, then she turned around and held Niko's shoulders tightly.
Niko felt paralyzed.. A random woman just came here and was finding her child.. Her child is broken? He needs to be fixed? That woman didn't look normal at all either.. She was way too pale for a human being.. It was dead skin colour.. She had long fangs too.. And also you could see through her..? A ghost-? A spirit?! Niko's eyes were tearing up- God, can God explain?! Why don't Niko's parents hear this?! Was she crazy?! Niko just got out the grip and ran to her room and locked it, she got on her bed and hid under the covers.
-"God please.. Make it stop.. Make it stop.. I'm scared.. Don't give me to Satan.. Not the devil, I beg you.. Do you hate me? Is this my curse now?"
This was a bad experience for a child, it could be traumatizing.. Niko was praying for this to stop, but then she heard the loud banging against her door- She was screamed.. The woman was still crying and screaming.
Niko hugged her knees, she was way too scared to say anything or open the door. Niko cried in her sleep.. In the background she could still hear the crying.. The crying of a female vampire ghost..
It was night time, a few nights have passed since that incident and that woman always kept her awake- Screaming and crying.. Niko was hidding under the covers- Hoping that it would stop soon. She held her bunny plush close, it was a white bunny with red buttons as eyes.. It clearly was a old design, but she loves it. The banging on the door soon stopped.. But it replaced with a wisper. Was Niko getting crazy? Hearing wispers in her head.. That made Niko just hug her plush tighter.
-"Go to the forest.. In the forest you'll find a mansion.. I need you to fix him.. Please"
Niko looked down- She letted out a sigh.. Even if her parents forbid her to go out at night- She would do it- Like that the nights without sleep will stop..Maybe. Niko puts on her small brown boots and then got out the house after grabbing her plushie and wearing a yellow jacket, it matched her eyes perfectly. Now, Niko got in the dark forest.. Why did she forget the flashlight?? She hugged her plush tighter.
-"It's you and me mister carrots.. We will finish this.."
You could hear in Niko's voice that she was scared- She planned to get back home and get the flashlight.. But it already was too late- Her house wasn't visible anymore. Was she lost-? Niko started to tear up, she felt stressed and she could sense that there was danger close by. Niko didn't trust the sound of breaking twigs and leafes that were being crushed.. Without further hesitation, she started to run- She didn't care that she could see nothing- Her mind told her to run. And she was lucky that she started running now, because the hungry wolves were out now, howling and groaning, they wanted the eady prey that was there now.. And the prey was Niko. A girl her size and her age was as easy as catching a mouse.
{ [Wolf howling|https://youtu.be/66HKBdZe_WA]}
Niko was screaming while running- But nobody was there to save her- But God must have heard her wish.. The mansion- It was there- Right infront of her! Niko quickly openned the door and got in. She heard the wolves outside, they were howling and sniffing where she was hidding. There was a moment of silence soon.. Were they gone? Niko peeked through the window to see if those carnivores were still there and it seemed that they dessapeared.
-"Hehe!! No dinner for you guys!"
Niko giggled happily, she was happy to stay alive- But soon after her short victory dance, she felt something.. No.. Someone behind her- She gulped and then slowly turned her head to see a tall man.. His eyes were some type of dark pink and his hair was purple- He also was wearing glasses. Niko stepped back as her eyes were wide from how scared she was- Will he hurt her..?
-"Entering the house of someone like that is really dissrespectfull. You need to learn some manners."
The male was getting straight to the point- His expression was serious and he clearly wasn't happy with Niko's action from before. Niko quickly openned the door and ran out- This was unexpected. She never knew that someone lived there.. No wonder that it looked so clean.
The man with glasses sighed as he watched a albino with the corner ofhis eye.
-"Oh.. So you did decide to come for dinner. I am waiting for your apologize. The dinner is cold and everyone is back to their rooms."
The purple haired man walked away, slightly annoyed. He puts his gloves on in a more comfortable manner as he was walking. The albino narrowed his eyebrows as he gave off a 'tch' noise, he just got back from the garden not long ago. Who was that girl though? How did she find this hidden mansion? He wondered.. But he won't think about it too much. He went to the dinning room.
Meanwhile, Niko had ran away from the mansion.. Fear was described in her eyes. But then- Her house, she saw it.. And yet, she didn't run far away from the mansion. Magic? How? She turned around.. Only trees were seen. How in the world? The small brunnette ran quickly to her home and her parents waited for her.. Crying tears of relief and ordering her to never ever do that again but.. Will she keep that promise-?
✧.*ೃ༄9 Years later...
The sound of the flutes and tambourines filled the streets, the gypsy's were there.. And it seemed that Niko and her sisters were the ones to dance. The same thing happened once again, for some the disgusted look and for some others there was the look of enjoyement. The gypsies how flexible and gracious moves- They always had a beautifull performance in mind. After the dance performance, niko and her sisters earned some money.. They will use this for food and clothing... And for Niko's mother, Rei. She was doing fortune telling to get money for the small house that they have.
The golden eyes of the brunnette spotted a animal..A cat..A white one to be specefic. She stared at it for quite a while- The cat looked at Niko and purred before walking away. Niko sighed a bit as she furrowed her eyebrows. Then Niko realised that her siblings were already going back home- She better quickly catch up with them.. Niko openned the door of the house and watched her father, he was laying on his usual dark blue couch.. She sighed and went to him, seeing that he was sleeping for bow. Niko smiled softly and puts a blanket over her father.. You could sleep better if you were cozy and warm. Niko remembered that she needed to handle something quick- She went to the door and openned it.
-"Where are you going?"
Her big brother John saw that she was planning to leave..Even if it was almost dinner time. He placed the wood in the fire, it was spring and yet it felt like it was still winter.
-"I'm going to the church.. I'll be back home soon though, see ya..!"
Niko got out once more and step by step made her way to the holy building..To be honest, the church was scary.. All dark colours and paintings of suffering- Even some god statues were scary. But Niko always felt much calmer when she saw the Maria statue. She closed her eyes and held her hands together.
-"God.. It is already nine years and three months that this ghost is haunting me.. The cries, they scare. Please help me..Give me a sign to freedom. In the name of our saviour. Amen.."
Niko could not live forever with this kind of ghost that visits her each night. Each time begging to save her child more specefictly her son.. What was this all about? She letted out a sigh- A sad one.. A concerned one. Was this all in her head? Was Niko getting crazy? Her parents and siblings didn't realky believe her.. Her mother did but she didn't know what to do. She rubbed her forehead and just went back home after doing the little cross sign. Niko really believed that god exists.. That someone is watching you.. Sins, Actions, Desires..Wishes. It was scary and yet so releaving in her opinion. After having dinner and a family talk, it was time to prepare for bed. Niko took a shower to refresh herself, she brushed her teeth, got in a fresh nightgown and then finnaly got in bed.
{ [OST|https://youtu.be/aG-39UWA4u0]}
Niko knew what will be going on tonight, she just hoped that it will stop. Each time, she repeats that hope. 12 pm.. It's almost time, Niko's eyes stayed open- She probably won't be able to sleep this night again. This was a punishement.. Was it really though? Niko didn't know but it was horrible to go through.
-"Go..Go.. Go back to the mansion.. He needs you.. You need to make him happy. Please. That's my only wish.."
-"W-Why can't you just leave me alone?"
-"Go..Go.. Go back to the mansion.. He needs you.. You need to make him happy. Please. That's my only wish.."
This repeated over and over again. Niko tried to get a other answer but it still was the same the "Go..Go.. Go back to the mansion.. He needs you.. You need to make him happy. Please. That's my only wish.." was always repeating. Niko had enough, she will go back there, early in the morning to not get wolves or other wild animals after her.
And she really did this plan. In the morning, around 5 am, she got up and got in her red gypsy dress and she wrapped a yellow scarf around her waist, she also puts on her yellow bandana after that she had brushed her long brown hair. She took a quick toast from the kitchen and frowned. She will return back home like last time, she was sure that it would happen as planned.
-"Let's get done with this"
Niko mumbled after getting out and going to the forest. Niko could see now where she was going. It wasn't dark, it was sunny already. The brunnette tried to find the mansion, but it was nowhere to be seen. It really annoyed her, she wanted to not be haunted by that woman anymore, she didn't want to struggle anymore with it. This was going to be the end. Did she really need to wish for the mansion to appear out of nowhere??
Niko ran through the bushes but that caused her to trip, she shook her head and got up after wiping some of the dirt away. But then.. When she lifted her eyes back up to normal. It was there- The mansion that she searched for for hours long. Niko stepped towards the gates-
Niko gulped when the gates went open on it's own. This was..Magic? No way. She must be dreaming. Niko slapped her cheeks with her hands.
-"Gah.. Niko-chan.. Wake uppppp..! Owie-"
Niko stopped slapping her cheeks and took a big inhale before taking the courage to enter the territory of the mansion. A certain stress overwhelmed Niko, it was uncomfortable... As if she was going in some type of haunted mansion. The crows were watching Niko, some letting out their loud bird noises.. These type of birds were mostly around graveryards. Which made this give more of a creepy atmosphere. Niko knocked on the door and waited- She learned last time that shouldn't just enter a house/mansion out of nowhere.. But hey she had no other choice. Niko saw that the door openned.. But weirdly nobody was behind it. Anyone would be running away from this already..No? Niko would have loved to do that but she really wanted to get the spirit away from her. So- Niko got in and looked around..
-"Helloo?? Someone here..? Uh.."
Niko wanted to check first of course. And yet, there was no reply.. Maybe they weren't home? The brunnette wanted to know what the woman meant. 'Make him happy' 'Fix him' 'He needs you', her only wish. The spirit meant a person? Of course- Niko facepalmed. The brunnette still felt that same uncomfortable feeling, that feeling of being watched. This place wasn't safe.. It wasn't safe at all!! Niko had shivers running down her spine. Blood.. Blood running down the walls, Niko's visions made her think that.. This mansion.. It had bad secrets.. Secrets that nobody should ever know about.
Niko's mind kept telling her to run. Run for your life. Run for you freedom before-
Niko had ran back to the front door, it won't open?! No no- This wasn't the plan. God, what did Niko end up into?! Tears ran down her cheeks as fear took her over once more, was she trapped? Was this a prank??
Niko felt a hand on her shoulder.. She hesitated to look behind, but after some seconds she did. A albino man, right there..Glaring down at her with his intimidating look. Niko could not take it anymore.. She fainted. The man catched her in time and groaned.
Run for your freedom before it's too late..
It's too late...
He snarled when he saw her exposed neck with her black chocker necklace. He seemed to hold back something- He seemed to control it for now. The man openned his lips to speak out his words;
End of episode 1... 🍂
Information section:
Time taken: Started on 6 oct 2020- Finished on 14 oct 2020.
Credits;; Story (@me); Edits (@Me) Niko at the gates (Old edit)
I hope that you enjoyed! And I also hope that you would like to follow my journey of Wrong Blood!
See you soon... 🎃
I had posted this long ago but I wanted to share it here too♡
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hamliet · 4 years
I can’t believe you’re reading 2ha too now! I started following u way back when you were posting tg and snk meta and it’s so weird in an amazing way how you started posting mdzs meta at the same time I started reading it! I’d like to ask you for your thoughts on 2ha so far? (Maybe on Nangong Si and Ye Wangxi’s relationship?) Thank you :)
Ahhhh hi Anon!!! Thank you for sticking with me through all my fandom phases! And hooray, my first 2ha ask!! My general thoughts on the story are that it is a highly enjoyable story with fantastic, compelling characters and genuine emotional beats, though it also was thematically contradictory. That said, I really enjoyed it, and I’m eagerly looking forward to the live action even if it’s going to be heavily censored! I love it and want to make more content for it.
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But onto the meat of your ask: Ye Wangxi and Nangong Si, the ship that tears our hearts out. *art is from the audio drama* So 2ha's cultivation world is, like the worlds in MXTX’s novels, utterly hypocritical, corrupt, and filled with people desperate for a justice that does not exist; it's also much more cynical than MXTX's novels in its view of humanity. Nangong Si's and Ye Wangxi's arcs are wrapped up in this view of the world, in concepts such as corruption and justice and the like, so I'm going to open by talking a bit about this before delving into their arcs, and keep in mind I will have discuss spoilers from the manual translation.  
I don't think there's a better summary of what 2ha thinks about justice than what Xue Zhengyong says in this scene when a horribly abused child is on trial for terrible things the child, now grown, went on to do: 
Some people were born rich. 
It's not fair.
When fate had poured injustice on those at the bottom, a mere price adjustment order could take the lives of the loved ones around them.
Where is justice?
They were all living people. How could they not hate him? How could they feel relieved?
Even if this child had missed it, even if he was not his blood kin, even if his fate played with him … Thinking of this, his heart still ached.
Xue raised his face and watched the clouds drift by."Okay, now that his sin has been repaid, he should at least repay the debt he owes this world." 
The wind was blowing .Xue Zheng Yong suddenly choked with sobs.
"But this world owes him … Did someone give it back to him... Has anyone returned it to him … " 
What about the crimes done to this person to make them that way? Does punishing this person bring any justice? How do we live in a world that is--perhaps irretrievably--broken? Every character explores this idea, and Ye Wangxi and Nangong Si are no exception. 
Nangong Si and Ye Wangxi are both obvious foils: they're children used by their parents, tools more than people. They also both--but especially Nangong Si--foil Shi Mei and Mo Ran in this, in terms of something horrible happening to their mother, something that scarred them for the rest of their lives. For example, Nangong Si's last words to his mother were: 
"I don't understand, I don't want to understand, I …I …” Nangong Si raised his tearful eyes and cried out to his mother, who was outside the forbidden spell, "I hate you! I don't have a mother like you! "
Mo Ran’s mother died and he had to drag her rotting corpse for two weeks to get to a place where he could bury her; Shi Mei’s mother was brutally eaten alive for her power. From these incidents, all three boys learn that the world is cruel in a distinct flavor that will influence everything they do from then on: Mo Ran learns no one will help him even if he begs for it, leading to him being both extremely clingy and extremely mistrustful; Nangong Si learns fate can be cruel and that he, too, can be cruel; Shi Mei learns that he can’t protect everyone and that his heritage puts him and his loved ones, all his people really, in huge danger--and that people will do evil things for power. Guess what he ends up doing. 
Ye Wangxi is also a Mo Ran foil: adopting a false persona and different role to please the people who took them in and were kind to them. Mo Ran pretends to be Xue Zhengyong and Madame Wang's nephew, when he really isn't; Ye Wangxi pretends to be a man to please the father who adopted her. That father is gray; I mean, technically he's morally repulsive, but he did genuinely care for Ye Wangxi. However, Ye Wangxi's willingness to sacrifice her life is not entirely a positive thing: clearly, Nangong Si will do whatever he has to in order to protect her, even marry Song Qiutong; his sacrifice there, likewise, leads to unhappiness for them both. 
Ye Wangxi and Song Qiutong are definitively foiled, and I'm going to sound as if I'm saying Ye Wangxi=good and Song Qiutong=bad, when, while that may be how the novel frames it, is certainly not what the novel actually says (it's an objective contradiction) nor is it what I interpreted. But they are distinct foils, which is why they are the two characters romantically linked to Nangong Si, representing to him the two paths he could choose to go down. Ye Wangxi will sacrifice herself to protect others, as seen in the sacrifice of her love for Nangong Si and her sacrifice of her identity and willingness to sacrifice her life.  
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In contrast, Song Qiutong will throw others under the bus to save herself. For example, when she is accused of cheating on Nangong Si, she does not trust people to defend her and falsely accuses Ye Wangxi of rape--even though Ye Wangxi had previously risked her safety to save Song Qiutong from an auction. Now, I've an issue with how the novel frames Song Qiutong for this: I don't understand why Song Qiutong is condemned when (as far as we and Mo Ran himself know at the time) Mo Ran is himself a rapist and when she was entrapped into the situation (i.e. if many characters hadn't been put in certain situations, they wouldn't have done terrible things), especially given her past (constantly living under the threat of being killed or raped--let's be honest, if she was deemed at fault, do you really think they'd just let a Butterfly Bone Beauty go?) and given story otherwise stating that people shouldn't be faulted for wanting to live. Who has repaid her for the wrongs done for her? 
I digress. Still, the tl;dr is that Song Qiutong's way of surviving involves hurting others. Song Qiutong also directly foils Nangong Si. Nangong Si starts out as... well, also as a very self-centered person who didn’t care that Song Qiutong was about to meet a fate worse than death in the light of the inconvenience Ye Wangxi saving her caused him. Additionally, he takes his frustrations out on those around him:
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However, even after his father is revealed to be like, the literal worst, Nangong Si cannot condemn his father. He could easily abandon him: in fact, in this cruel world, it might be perceived as more righteous for him to do so, but he doesn't. He gives his father a chance, and when they need a sacrifice and the most logical one is his mentally de-aged father: Nangong Si faces a choice: does he want to be like Song Qiutong? Or does he want to be like Ye Wangxi? He chooses to be like Ye Wangxi. This is not, however, a solely beautiful choice, because remember 2ha's world sucks and its suckery infects everything. The world itself is wrong, and so righteousness--true righteousness--is utterly impossible. Nangong Si sacrifices his life to save them all, but that leaves Ye Wangxi alone and many characters (and readers) grieving. It also could be read as highlighting, for Mo Ran at least, where he has yet to go: a few chapters earlier he almost sacrificed his reputation to warn everyone, but panicked and did not in the end. Mo Ran, of course, is related to Nangong Si by blood and could have sacrificed himself (I'm not saying he should have; the circumstances suck), so I suppose you could view it as Mo Ran still slowly developing (and his callous treatment of Rong Jiu and then entrapment of Song Qiutong as him slowly learning, but if so I wish it had been called out as a "well, I handled that hypocritically" moment later on). Or maybe that's reaching on my part. *shrugs* Ye Wangxi is a moral character, perhaps the most righteous in the story. She is the only one who stands by Mo Ran when he's put on trial to be tortured, declaring confidently:
Ye Wangxi fed him some warm water.
Mo Ran said in a low voice, "Why …."
"You helped A-Si." Ye Wangxi did not raise her head. "You helped me too."
"... On Mount Flood Dragon, if I was the one to die, Nangong will …" Ye Wangxi's hand paused slightly. She was trembling, but she still said in the end, "Everyone wants to live. I won't blame you just because you want to live."
"Drink it." She said, .”..you've been helping me and A-Si by risking our lives. Now, even if no one is willing to help you, I will still help you." Her expression was still dull, but it was firm. “I'm here." As she said 'here', she was indeed standing by the side of Mo Ran.
It's fitting, then, that Ye Wangxi's ending contrasts her with Shi Mei. She rescues refugees before the final battle and then travels the world with Nangong Si's wolf, because she will never forget the one she loves, and to presumably act justly and do righteousness, sow kindness into a world, rescue people despite how rescuing Song Qiutong actually endangered both her and Nangong Si. 
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Shi Mei wanted to change the world, quite literally rewriting time, but only made it worse in the end. Ye Wangxi's way of change might be slower, might be less fantastical, but it's not going to hurt people in the meantime. (Side note: I wish the novel would have been more optimistic and come up with some kind of justice for the Butterfly Bone Beauty people, but it really doesn't as far as I understood (this may be wrong; the MTL of the last twenty or so chapters are confusing!))
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changeling-rin · 5 years
It's fairly easy to tell with most of the guys, but I've been wondering: what kinds of things are Lore afraid of? How does he react when he's forced to face those things?
Oh!  @ask-the-dimensional-links did a thing on this!  Give me a minute, I’ll go and dig up that post- 
Click Here To Read It
Also, I went back through my message history and found the original thoughts I sent them regarding that Ask in the first place.  However, it is long, and I have recently figured out how to stop spamming people with novel-length posts, so!  The LONG answer shall be under the cut ;)
(But if you don’t want to read the whole thing I’ll put Lore’s in bold so you can just skip to it)
((For greatest fears… well, honestly I’ve only addressed this a couple times, because most of my interpretation of being the Holder of Courage means that said Holder isn’t afraid of a ton of stuff. That said, I have tried to give each Link something that they ARE afraid of, if only because Courage also means overcoming your fear and doing the thing anyway. I probably haven’t mentioned them all in-story because not all of them came up through natural events or dialogue, but hey, now I can!  Gen is afraid of spiders. I did this because, in his game, they’re freaking enormous and have a nasty habit of dropping out of absolutely flipping nowhere, landing on his head, and proceeding to try and eat him then and there. Granted, the spiders in Twilight Princess can be equally large, but you can usually see them coming. Plus, Dusk has very sharp teeth and that quick-time event thing with Midna and her magic, so he’s much better equipped to take them out swiftly whereas Gen has to stab the thing and usually get spider guts on himself too.Speck worries about getting stepped on. One of the very first things he learned about being small is that almost nobody pays attention to you, and they certainly don’t pay attention to where they’re walking. Most of the time he uses this to his advantage, like his fighting style. But he always makes sure to keep to corners and to walk in places where he can’t easily be spotted, because getting crushed to death by an unobservant human sounds absolutely terrifying.The Four don’t like being alone. It’s something that’s developed more in relation to the more time they spend together; there’s something really intimate about sharing thoughts the way they do, and they’re a little bit worried about how they’re going to handle it all when they have to put the Four Sword back. To them, noise means people and people mean life and warmth and laughter and a bunch of other good stuff. Their hive-mind means that they’ve always got each other, but especially now that they’ve gotten used to having ten-plus siblings around, being alone just sounds so… lonely.Ocarina is scared that he can’t measure up. It’s a lot of pressure, to take a nine-year-old boy and tell him, “Hey, you gotta save the world.” Now, though, he’s in a body that he’s still getting used to (he never had the opportunity to grow into it, after all), and there’s a future version of himself hanging around who’s confident and cocky and everything Ocarina’s not. He’s afraid that Mask might look at him one day and say, ‘You’ll never be me. You’re not enough.’ Common sense, of course, tells him that this is obviously never going to happen, because otherwise that would be a massive paradox and plus Mask just isn’t that kind of person, but fear isn’t exactly rational.Mask got over that whole inferiority thing a looooong time ago, but now he’s got a new issue: he can’t stand being left behind. Not in the kind of ‘You’re too slow’ way, but in the 'people move on without him’ way. It started when Princess Zelda sent him back to his child years (without actually consulting him on it, might I add), and suddenly here he is with all these memories surrounded by all these people who have no idea what he’s been through. Mask would have much rather continued as he was, with the people who shared the experience with him. Then Navi left, for reasons he’s still trying to figure out, and he literally left the country and went to a new one searching for her. This is part of the reason why he resonates with the Skull Kid; they’ve both got the same fear.Neither of them are very fond of Dead Hands, though.  Dusk doesn’t like losing people - at all. He’s so protective that the idea of one of the people he values getting hurt terrifies him. After all, what did he do when his adoptive brother got kidnapped? (That’s Colin, by the way.) And what did he do when Colin nearly got tossed off a bridge by King Bulblin? He went nuts on the guy. Same thing when Speck almost got crushed. He’s a wolf, and the pack means everything to him. He’s going to fight until he literally can’t anymore to keep anything from happening to his family.Vio, Blue, Red, and Green each have a diluted version of Link’s original fear, because they’re one personality split across four bodies. Basically, Link hates being the person who screwed up. The reason that Vaati is free in the first place was because he drew the Four Sword, breaking the seal and letting the sorcerer loose. (If you’d like, the Blue in him outweighed the Vio and instead of thinking of other ways to rescue the Princess, he went for the immediate option.) In a roundabout way, the whole mess is his fault (or at least he thinks it’s his fault), and he’ll do anything to make sure it doesn’t happen again. For his four split selves, this manifests into a general desire to not be the person in the group to botch the timing on a combat plan and to have their teamwork, at least, be smoothly-running.Lore, for a while, didn’t think he had a fear. Then he met the group and he abruptly realized, that, yes, he actually does. Lore’s afraid of rejection, that one day these people that he’d come to regard as family will say 'That’s it, we’re done, you’re too weird and we can’t cope with it.’ He actually reigned himself in, at first, just a little bit, because he liked these people and he wanted to stick around and for some reason, the idea of them looking at him in apprehension and confusion the way most other people did bothered him. He’s let loose by now, obviously, because he knows that none of them are going anywhere and neither is he, but it’s just one of those things that comes up in a bad dream every once in a while and always ends with him spending the rest of the night awake.Sketch has a straight-up phobia of water. I’ve covered this one fairly in-depth in the story, I believe, so I won’t reiterate it too much. But Sketch is always going to look at the ocean differently than the rest of the group will, because The Rain Incident is never too far in his mind.Realm is secretly afraid that one day, he’s going to get lost on his way to save somebody and by the time he finally gets there it’ll be too late. Or, that he’ll lose his sword and be unable to fend off an attack, or lose his shield and be unable to defend someone. This is why he never stops trying to find whichever item he misplaced or whichever location he lost track of this time. He’s going to get there whether it takes him two weeks or not, because the alternative isn’t an option. He’s better nowadays, because somehow hanging with the group cuts his travel time by about eighty percent and he still can’t believe that it’s normal for people to get where they’re going in less than a week, but it’s awesome and he’s not complaining one bit.Wind is afraid to lose. Not exactly in the traditional sense, but more like he’s terrified of what will happen if he fails. What would have happened to Aryll if he’d failed to save her after she’d gotten kidnapped? What would have happened to Tetra if he’d failed to get her out of Ganondorf’s hands? What would happen to her now if he fails to find Bellum? And, the current one, what will happen to existence if they fail to stop Demise? (I guess he’s afraid of the Game Over scenario, heh.)Steam never says anything about it, but he sometimes sees things that nobody else does and they freak the living daylights out of him. He’s started suspecting that there’s some form of spirit world sharing the space with their physical one. He’s learned to ignore it, for the most part, although being able to see it did come in really handy when Zelda lost her body. Unfortunately, that led him to think that he’s seeing the afterlife, and that was just uncomfortable.
Shadow likes to pretend that he doesn’t have a fear and he gets away with it too, because what he’s actually afraid of never actually occurred to anybody else. Which is funny, because he’s actually really obvious about it. He doesn’t like sunlight. Kinda like Sketch and his water phobia, Shadow’s afraid of sunlight because it hurts. He’s never tempted fate to see what would happen, but judging by the smoke that starts coming off his hair he doesn’t think he wants to find out. Hence the cloak he wears, and why he’s always under a shady tree somewhere.Oni dislikes the idea of losing his legacy. He’s the very first Hero, after all, he’s gotta protect his kids. Plus, if they’re gone, who’s gonna beat up the evil that pops up all the time? He’s like the formal older brother/father who’s actually an enraged momma bear if you manage to trigger his fear.))
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afandomroom · 4 years
Sage Storyline + Fact File
Note- This file contains her canon, RP, and future story information. I will mostly be talking about her canon storyline, however anything that differs in the rp storyline I will be writing at the end of the file. 
Warning- Brief mentions of parent death, abandonment, and bullying. Nothing descriptive or angsty, this isn’t a story just a fact file, but I’m adding warnings anyway. Also, it's really long
Full Name- Sage Celia Brooks Birthday- August 15th Age: Canon- 18 Search History (rp) - 21 Future- 26 Hometown- Eyton, Northern Ninjago (Blood) Family- Aster Brooks (deceased), Lily Brooks (deceased) (Found) Family- Asher Woodman (older brother figure), Marion Nettle (younger brother figure) (Future) Family- Willow Woodman (Niece), Cedar Woodman (Niece), Katlyn Woodman (Sister in law) Hair- Black, down her back, ponytail braid or side braid Eyes- Silver Height- 5’3
Canon Story- Sage grew up in a village known as Eyton. It’s a very traditional and old fashioned village, and they aren't fond of outsiders, typically viewing them as trouble unless they were invited by a higher member of the village. The Brooks had moved there a year before Sage was born. They, of course, had permission from the village leader to live in Eyton. However, most of the village still stuck up their noses. While Lily and Aster were aware of the village 's bias, things didn't go down hill until someone died on a fishing boat Aster was working on. A couple of weeks later, someone almost died from an allergic reaction to one of Lily's pastries. 
Rumors started spiraling that the Brooks were omens of death, and  bad luck.  When Sage was 7, an illness ran through the town, killing many. The Brooks were the last family to catch it, Sage was the only family member to survive. The village had a new leader by then,and he decided that the village needn't waste resources on the child of two "bad/death omens". So she was cast out of the village. She spent years blaming every bad thing that happened around her on herself, because as a child she was told she was bad luck.  After two years of wandering, she came to a village with a stone wolf statue in the center. A group of town kids cornered her, and were pushing her around. At least until a white haired boy stepped in, fighting off the bullies. He didn’t turn to check on Sage or introduce himself, he just walked off. Sage didn’t think she would see him again. That night, a skeleton horde attacked the village. Hiding under an elevated porch, Sage spotted the white haired boy from earlier getting chased by some skeletons. Thinking quickly, she yanked him under the porch before the Skeletons could find him again. He introduced himself as Asher, and they both spent the night under that porch, hiding from the horde. The next day, Asher offered to teach Sage how to live on the streets. They would be partners, relying on each other to survive. They traveled from village to village; pick pocketing and stealing from stall owners. When Sage was 11, Asher got them a job. A thief named Ronin was willing to hire them for their help on a job (Note: not rp canon). Sage was reluctant at first, but didn’t want Asher to be alone on the job. So, she agreed to take the job. This started Sage’s long life of crime. Ronin (Not rp canon) hired them for a couple more jobs and passed their name onto some clients and fellow thieves. They made quite the name for themselves, well known in the underground as the “Partners in Crime”. Kind of cheesy and cliché, but eh, what you going to do. Years later, at age 16(around 19 in rp universe), Sage decided to turn a bit of a new leaf. A temporary turn around. She helped defend citizens against the SOG, even helping some of Ultra Violet’s targets get to hiding. This of course placed her on UV’s wanted list. During one of her rescues, Sage encountered Mr. E (not rp canon). Remarkably, she managed to escape, and it didn’t seem like the incident was ever reported. One day, Sage was wandering along some rooftops when she spotted a group of SOG members bothering an older woman. She was preparing to fire a few arrows at the members, when a kid threw rotting tomatoes at them, taunting them. The members gave chase, running after the kid until they had him cornered in an alley. Sage shot the members down and brought the kid to the apartment she shared with Asher. The kid introduced himself as Marion, and unbeknownst to him, he was an EM. In the years that followed, Sage did her best to help Marion master his abilities. She wasn’t able to help him that much, but the fact that she believed in him gave Marion a boost in confidence. (This next part isn’t Rp canon) Three years later, Sage ended up helping a young man with a green hair streak hide from a group of muggers. She invited him to hide at their home for a while, and he ended up joining the group. He introduced himself as Morro. Morro never took on any thieving jobs, choosing to freelance with lifting and loading jobs instead. He also helped mentor Marion on his element and taught him to be a ninja. Sage’s future- When she turns 23, Sage officially leaves the crime life. Her parents taught her good morals and she honestly couldn’t handle the guilt of everything she had done. However, she didn’t turn herself into the cops because she didn’t want to leave her brothers. Instead, she helps run a branch location of a tea shop some close friends ran. She continues to be a supportive figure for her brothers. She often provides advice and a listening ear for Marion’s trainees, Calvin’s niece and nephews, and Asher’s daughters.
Rp storyline changes: - Ronin isn’t the thief that introduces Sage and Asher to the life of crime. A thief named Seth did. - Sage leaves the life of crime at the age of 21 to provide Marion with a more normal life. There was also some encouragement from Lloyd. - Sage has yet to meet Morro and he does not join the Partners in Crime - Sage did not face Mr. E during the SOG takeover - This hasn’t been brought up yet, but she and Asher did not help kidnap Zane in rp universe - The SOG never attempted to hire them in RP universe - They never stole Borg tech in the RP universe - I…think that’s it?
Season by Season: Season 1- Sage meets Asher
- Sage and Asher were in a village that was attacked by the Skeleton Horde - She was in Jamanakai with Asher when Lloyd first attempted to raid the place for candy. - She was going to offer to help him snag some candy, but got scared off when the ninja arrived.
 Season 2- Sage and Asher continue their partnership, their loyalty and trust has grown quite a bit.
Season 3- Sage and Asher begin their lives in crime
-One of the jobs Ronin hired them for was keeping an eye out while he grabbed Zane. Season 4- Somewhere between 3 and 4, Ronin recommended Sage and Asher to Chen
- Clouse was the one who offered the job to the partners. - Sage convinced Asher to not take the job - Later, they were in one of the towns ransacked by the cultists Season 5- Sage and Asher begin to consider themselves siblings
- They were in Styx when the ninja attempted to steal from Ronin. Sage saw them leaping across the roofs. Season 6- With the ninja’s rise in fame, stealing becomes both harder and easier. On one hand, they’re too busy to come after them. On the other, cops were alerting them to every crime. Sage and Asher end up laying low.
Season 7- When Borg disappears; Sage and Asher are given the job of stealing his tech.
Season 8- The SOG gives Sage and Asher a job offer. Steal an Oni mask. 
- Sage talks Asher out of it - The SOG doesn’t like them 
Season 9 – Sage starts fighting off the SOG
- She never joins the resistance…..haven’t figured out why yet - Sage was targeted by UV and placed on the wanted list - Sage fights Mr. E - Sage saves Marion and brings him to her place - Spotted Lloyd and his resistance multiple times Season 10- Sage, Asher, and Marion hide in an underground bunker during the oni attack
Season 11- Sage, Asher, and Marion were not in the city during Aspheera’s attack. Rather, they were trying to remove Marion’s vengestone cuffs. They spent the rest of the season try to help Marion with his abilities. 
Season 12- The minute Sage hears about the video game linked disappearances, she drags the boys away from the city and to a rural village. Girl isn’t taking any chances. Later that year, Sage meets Morro
Facts: - Her father taught her the archery basics; she taught herself how to shoot years later from these teachings. - She taught Marion, Calvin’s niece and Nephews, Asher’s daughters, and the trainees how to shoot a bow. - She makes her own arrows - Can throw knives like a boss. - She does know a few things about fighting, but it’s not her strong suit and she prefers long range and dodging to melee and hand to hand combat. - Her favorite tea is Passion flower, and her favorite food is puffy pot stickers(or just pot stickers in general) - Her kill count is 24…..she doesn’t like talking about it - She can pick locks, including handcuff locks and jail cell locks - Has never been in a jail, interrogation room, or holding cell for more than an hour (*cough* she breaks out *cough*) - Every year since she was 14, she visits Eyton to update her parents on her life and apologize for the life she is living. - Learned to drive a car and ride a motorcycle at 15. A fellow thief for hire taught Asher and Sage. - Uses fake names on jobs, gives cops fake names, and goes under a fake name for things like her driver’s license, id, and other such things. Currently her “name” is Mei Baker. - “Mei Baker” has a completely clean slate and no jail records. - Built/repurposed her motorcycle, Asher’s motorcycle, and their pickup by herself. - Her motorcycle is her baby and if you break it she will break you. Taught herself mechanics and medical stuff - Got all of her education from libraries, everything she knows about math, history, etc. is self taught - Loves Harry Potter books: She’s a Gryffindor if you must know - She was 17 when she got her tattoos. - The chain tattoo represents how she feels trapped by her past and regrets - The raven tattoo represents a death omen, the hyacinth the raven is carrying represents an apology 
- She picked up roof running to help with jobs, it became a hobby later on
- ……She used to pretend she was a ninja while roof running. It was a small phase when she was a kid, lasted half a month. She’s very embarrassed by it. -Tried to teach herself guitar, but they moved around too much for her to focus on it. - Ill end this here its getting waaayyyy to long lol
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[05 - The Birth of the Space-Time Traveler]
“I won’t tell you anything!” Strikedramon shouted “My brother and I won’t talk to any of you humans!”
“Don’t test me, or else…”
“Or else what, punk?”
Stingmon cracked his knuckles, giving a death glare at the Strikedramon duo who gulped quietly.
“Sir, we will t-talk!” the second Strikedramon babbled “We’re part of a gang called Roar of Freedom, and they’re planning to separate humankind from the digimon.”
“Y-Yea, and our leader is a big bad wolf named Lupin--”
“Don’t say that name idiot! Don’t you know he can hear you!?”
“... R-right, the troop might be around.”
“Don’t worry” Ken said with a serious tone “We will do our best to keep you two safe. But please cooperate with us” they he smiled.
“Wow, Ken’s really good at dealing with criminals” Agumon whispered to Taichi.
“Indeed” and he answered with a quiet voice.
“Okay, we will talk about it” the first Strikedramon nodded, “His name is Lupinmon and he has ordered us to invade the human world and get rid of the DigiWorld’s ambassadors.”
“He also has loyalty of two dangerous digimon” the second Strikedramon added “One is his most powerful soldier, and the other is his assassin.”
Ken recorded those on his phone and mind, while Taichi was learning against the wall and watching the interrogation.
“Thank you for cooperating with us” Ken said with a soft tone “As my promise, we will keep you two safe from them. I will call the assistance for you now.”
The gate opened next to the Motomiya-Inoue’s residence, where Kiyoko, Taisuke and Eiji were taking a break and eating some snacks. 
“You brought us to my house…?” Daichi blinked “Wait, we need to help mr. Yagami--”
“Taichi’s old but not weak” Natsu said “Don’t forget, he was the leader of his group, the same group your parents were part of. And Daisuke also was like, the third in command, Yamato was the second.”
“Uh, guys” Ulforce interrupted them “I think there’s someone at home. It’s not a good idea go there”
“It must be Kiyoko” Daichi mused “I hope she’s okay… Wait I will call her.”
Natsu and Ulforce looked at each other while the kid took his phone from his pocket and dialed up his house’s phone. As he assumed, his little sister answered the call.
“Hello, Kiyoko? Are you and the guys ok? I was going to the theater when heard the news. Wait, you three left before it happened!? Ok, ok… Glad you’re fine. Anyway, I’ve met my friends and I will be a bit late today. Tell mom to not let her worried with me again. Thank you, sis” he hung up the phone and put it back on his pocket.
“So… you lied to her.”
“Not totally” he smirked “After all you two are my friends. Anyway, let’s go. I’m partnered with Ulforce now.”
“Wait, you want to go after your father right now!?” she gasped “No, no. Daichi, listen. Your father does not remember of you or him being human! He was brainwashed to think he’s a digimon!”
“He… he remembered of my name. I’m sure he’s still there. But i meant… Travel back to the time he was captured, before that and warn him!”
“Um… you want to do a minor change on the past?”
“That doesn’t seem a bad idea” Ulforce shrugged “It wouldn’t erase this world right?”
“Hm… I think not” she answered “How about we ask Skuld’s opinion? She seems to know more about space-time.”
“You trust on that woman-like Digital World’s agent, digi-girl!?”
“She seems nice” Natsu shrugged.
“... Let’s ask her, please” Daichi nodded “Take us there again Natsu.”
“OK! I think I figured it out, it’s connected to…” from behind her scarf, she took a pendant on her necklace. It seemed an octagon-shaped crystal, with some pink sand inside “... this little thingy I have here!”
Natsu took the pendant and pointed it from an empty place. In the next seconds, a flash came from the crystal, opening a gate in front of them.
  “Daichi called and said he was inside when the theater got attacked” Kiyoko told Taisuke and Eiji, and they could notice her panic “But he said he’s fine. Do you think… No, the adults are adults and know how to handle things.”
“So you were concerned about my father huh” Taisuke didn’t know how to avoid bitterness but it was too late. Kiyoko frowned at him, and Eiji put a hand on Taisuke’s shoulder.
“I’m sure my dad will be called and he will protect uncle Taichi.”
“Huh, you really think that ol’ man is unable to protect himself!? Nothing to worry about!”
“You admit it. You’re worried about him,” she said with a deadpan face.
“What!? I don’t!?”
“It’s okay” Eiji laughed nervously “I think Kiyoko just misinterpreted your commentaries.”
“... I just want him to go home” Taisuke whispered “and safe.”
The gate opened in front a mysterious armored angel digimon, it seemed like part of the Angemon species branch, but nothing like anything Daichi had seen before. Its armor was white, and the chest plate had a keyhole on it. The angel was also holding a big key… That made the young kid think of an old game he had seen his best friend talking about once.
“Who’s there?”
“Uh, it’s me. I’m back” Daichi announced, and once everyone was on the mysterious dimension palace, the gate behind them closed.
“You…” the digimon approached from the boy “Ah yes, you. The child from the other day.”
“Excuse me, but I don’t remember of knowing you before…”
“Pardon, I’m Clavis Angemon and I protect this place.”
“Oh…! I’m Daichi, these are Natsu and Ulforce. Do you know where Skuld is, mr. Clavis Angemon?”
“She was waiting for your return, space-time traveler. Please come with me you three” and the angel digimon gracefully led the trio to a part of that emptiness place where was filled with doors, all of them of the same size and design. They had rustic wood, but the doorknob was completely made of gold.
“Mrs. Skuld” Daichi called her once they found the mysterious woman reading a holo-screen “I’m came back. I’ve decided what I want to do.”
“You did?” She moved her hands, and the screen disappeared “Say my child, what’s your decision.”
“I want to use the space-time power to prevent Motomiya Daisuke to be captured.”
There was a serious tone on Daichi’s voice. Very determined, somehow reminding of his father. Skuld smiled, then she responded to his bravery with a nod.
“Very well. You found an objective to be achieved. However, rules are important my young traveler.”
“Rules…? Like, not let anyone know I’m from the future?”
“Yes. And you cannot let any of your parents and their acquaintances to know about your true identity.”
“Fair. I won’t mess with more than warning the Chosen Children about the enemy.”
“But Daichi” Natsu interrupted him “You don’t know what kind of enemy is!”
“Heh, we will see” Ulforce nodded “It can’t be THAT bad!!”
“... Considering Daisuke got BEATEN and CAPTURED” she replied with a very angry tone “Oh yes, it might not be a real deal huh?”
“M-maybe he miscalculated!?”
“You’re saying that Daisuke messed things up and that’s the result of his own mistake!?”
“Stop fighting, please” Daichi interrupted them “My dad isn’t that smart nor that dumb, but he can commit a lot of mistakes in a row.”
“I’m so offended right now!” Natsu crossed her arms.
“Anyway, we can do that right Skuld?” Daichi glanced at the mysterious woman “Warn the Chosen Children that someone is after one of them.”
“I don’t see any problem” she answered “As long you don’t get your true identity be revealed, you’re free to do anything harmless.”
“Ok,” he looked back at the other two digimon “Natsu, Ulforce let’s roll.”
“You’re channeling into your mother right now” Natsu sighed, but nodded.
“Wait, his mother had some kind of catchphrase??” Ulforce blinked.
“She was the cheer of the group” the digi-girl explained “Used to say ‘Digital Gate open! Chosen Children let’s roll!' every single time they went to the Digital World.”
Daichi blushed, “L-let’s stop talking about my mom and let's go save my dad please.”
“Mom, I’m home”
Taisuke closed the door after arriving at home, but the lights were off in the living room. He walked in, then something caught his attention: He heard his mother’s voice talking on the phone and hid in the corridor to hear a bit of the conversation.
“I see, you’re investigating those incidents…Should I tell Yamato and Koushiro?”
Seemed it was his father the one on the other side of the line.
“Are you OK though? I heard the premiere event had been attacked. Oh thank goodness you’re fine…! Are you… Coming home? Huh? You will be late again?”
“Tsk, just like the usual” Taisuke muttered.
“I… I understand. Do you need my help? No? Oh okay I will keep an eye on Taisuke then, don’t worry. The mom Sora is still in shape to protect those she loves!”
“Me? Protect me ?!” he thought and clenched his fist “I do not need to be protected! I can do anything by myself! I… I’m strong, stronger than you and mom!”
The rage Taisuke felt had been there for a long time ago. Mostly after Taichi had become an ambassador for the Digital World, working day and night to keep both parties safe. Sora is a Japanese fashion designer, but tries to find time for her only son, Taisuke.
It does not help that the young child despises how busy Taichi had became. Especially now with this new enemy reveal. However, Taisuke does not know about that. He does not know that both parents are linked to the old stories he heard from his aunt Hikari.
And deep down, he wanted to do something big enough to make his father look at him. Something…
“Oh, Taisuke you’re home??” once Sora had hung up the phone, she noticed him there eavesdropping, but pretended he wasn’t listening to her and Taichi at all “Did you eat something?”
“Uh I… I had. I was with Kiyoko and Eiji” he replied “I’m going to sleep. Good night, mom. Night, Piyo” and he went to his room.
“Is he okay?” Piyomon tilted her head.
“... I think he heard me” Sora frowned “He’s missing Taichi because lately...”
Piyomon got a bit concerned about that scene, but wasn’t able to cheer Sora up or give any kind of advice like she had used to in the past.
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mr-rockadopolis · 7 years
Matsumoto’s Oni
It seems more like a dream, now more than ever. Thinking back on it, I can’t help but laugh at the weary fleet footed times we returned back to headquarters limping, covered in blood, or without someone from the team. To be apart of the Oni within Matsumoto’s Syndicate seemed more like a curse than an honor. I created the Unseen to be similar to them, in all ways but one-- No more aimless causes.
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It’s when I went to pull the drawer that the memory of my first mission as Matsumoto’s Oni that it all came flooding back. That demonic mask practically roared at me as it was freed from the very prison I put it in. 
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(RP Music atmosphere)
The wagon that carried us couldn’t have been in a worst condition;on it’s last legs for more than a few more weeks. It creaked and wobbled about while we made our way within the city unseen. We paid an old farmer to smuggle us within the city of Kugane. Back then, it was still under control by Garleans and we needed to move quickly without being seen as a disturbance. There were four of us, if I recall-- no, five. It was four after the mission was over. 
Part I. Smuggling Oni
I remember bending the knee before Matsumoto as I was just donned my Oni mask. There were many options for what name I would be using for the Oni. I chose the code name Akuma for the group, a White Mask with horns and a beastly maw covered my face. None of the other Oni knew the other’s name, except for the Oni code name they were given. Obake was our leader. He was strong, fierce and displayed an incredible amount of skill with his blade. The Red Mask attributed to the courage and fearless nature that was his person, the mask shaped a dragon.
Kappa always scared me. Unhinged and mad with blood lust, he wore a Blue Mask. I never really put much thought into but remembering that his mask was in the shape of the snake, it began to make sense. Kappa often joked about killing Matsumoto and taking over the Syndicate. 
Yurei looked towards everyone with a strange amusement. She was small, but her skills were perhaps second only to Obake, or even mine. Like the color of her prey’s eyes, she donned the Black Mask. She used to tease and call me little brother, her wolf shaped mask made her rather alluring, that sensual voice beckoning men like flies to a poisonous spider’s web. 
Kintaro always made me curious. He was perhaps the most timid out of all us, far too kind to be ever thought to be in a Rakuza syndicate. Especially Matsumoto’s. Though, from what I saw, and the stories people have told me before we embarked on any mission, he was the most composed and kept the mission a priority above all other things. The Golden Mask was most appropriate, a young chubby boy’s face eerily crept over his face with the image that plastered his mask. 
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The wagon that carried the five oni was leaking from the heavy rain outside. The eerie masks all differed to one another, each Au Ra assassin was quiet as their bodies shook from the cold, bodies swaying to the wagon’s wheels trudging through the rocky, muddy road. Finally, our leading Oni speaks up.  “Alright, tonight we got our newest rank among us.” Spoke Obake, his masking facing me. Though I never saw it, I could tell the expression behind it was most displeased.  “So here’s the plan. We’re sneaking into Idyllshire. We’ll be keeping low for the night only, rookie. So don’t go off exploring like some stupid goddamn tourist.” Kappa laughed, patting my back. “Lay off the kid, Obake. He knows what we’re gonna do.” Kintaro interjects, “Quite so, but if I may...” He cleared his throat, bowing his head as if to ask permission to speak. “I believe Commander Obake cares for the boy. He simply wants this mission to go without any misdemeanors or quarrels. The more we go over it, the better we’ll all be prepared. I don’t have to remind you all what happened to our last Akuma.” The Oni within the wagon went silent for a bit.  “Don’t get too worried, sugar.” Yurei placed her hand over my lap. I was actually foolish to believe she ever cared for me. “I’ll watch your back.” She giggled before going silent once again. Kintaro cleared his throat. “Well, I believe I’ll continue to do another briefing. Our mission is to obtain a ride in Idyllshire that Matsumoto has connected us with. From there, we’ll ride an airship to Kugane and avoid both the Garleans and the Allied forces.” To this day, I can still hear his voice in that usual professional and calm tone.  Our chauffeur was just a simple farmer we paid a fortune of gil too get us smuggled pass the Idyllshire gates. He did his job, didn’t make an conspicuous presence. After all, he just wanted to get his gil and leave the world of the Rakuza he barely peeked into when our paths crossed. Once inside, we sneaked our way into an Inn through an open window where we would all be staying the night. The room was suppose to be empty, and I’ll always regret the day of letting Kappa to scout it’s vacancy. I could have easily volunteered and the incident would have never happened. 
Obake pressed two fingers to the side of his horn, communicating through the Link Pearl earrings that connected us. “Kappa, report! Is the room secured?” It took a moment for him to respond, but the link pearl channeled from his end opened up, we hear some disgruntled sigh. 
“Yea, yea..it’s open.” Another sigh escaped him, as he cursed under his breath. “Aye, commander..you’re gonna want to come in here.” After the rest of us entered the room, we saw Kappa cleaning his katana of blood, an old Hyur woman with her throat sliced open laying on the bed. It doesn’t matter how often we saw a bloody sight, the image was never an easy one to swallow. Obake growled, Yurei shook her head with a scoff. “Nice goin’, sugar.” she went towards the washroom, I think she was going to throw up. She often did that when she saw women were sliced up. Kintaro took out his notebook, writing a report of what happened, causing Kappa to fold his arms. 
“Gonna tell Boss Matsumoto about this, huh?” Kappa sheathed his blade, sighing out once more. “Look, it wasn’t my fault. I came in here, thought the place was empty and turned on a candle to see this broad sleeping. Her eyes opened up, and I she was about to scream. I-I had no choice!” Obake barked out. “You should know better to carelessly scan a room without knowing if someone is DIRECTLY on the bed!” He stomped towards the woman, quickly covering her in blankets. “We’re dumping the body.” The sound of each of groaning like it was a house chore still amused me. “NOW.” he commanded. Sneaking out of the city wasn’t such a grand feat, but knowing that we had to sneak ourselves in again was another annoyance all together. We went out to the cliff sides, just a few miles out of the city gates where we would toss her body over to never be seen again. 
“There!” Grunted Kappa. Since he was the one that killed her, we all decided he should be the one to sling her over his shoulder, and carry her all the way towards the cliff. His mask quickly lifted up to wipe the sweat from his brow as he turned around. Obake didn’t need to tell me. I already knew why we were really here. “Kappa..” uttered our commander. “You’ve messed up for the last time.” He unsheathed his katana, prompting the rest of us to do so. 
“W-wait, c’mon! You’re really gonna do this because I killed some old hag?!” Unfortunately for him, Yurei volunteered to take his katana so he could carry the old woman without a problem. There was no way for him to defend our attacks if we so chose to attack. All he could do was backpedal against the peek of the cliff, “P-please, I’m sorry!” Yurei walked towards him, giggling as she normally did. “You’re forgiven!” Her hands lunged out, pushing him over the cliff. What distrubed me most was that he never screamed. His soul accepted his fate and I’d never see him again. 
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Part II. Kugane 
The last time I was in Kugane, it was with my mother and Sensei. We were here to get supplies, seemingly more like a small little vacation than a sort of supply run. Either way, it was a beautiful city that seemed to hide away an ugly truth. During that trip, it was the first time I saw a Rakuza member. For lack of a better words, my child eyes could only see him and think one indisputable word-- ‘cool’. I never knew if that is what prompted me to follow this kind of life, but looking back now, maybe I should have stuck to being a blacksmith. 
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Once we made our way into Kugane, we made our way through the roofs during a dark night to keep the sekiseigumi from being none the wiser. As Kintaro repeatedly stated, our mission was to enter Kugane, find Lord Hanzo, and kill him. Matsumoto never told mus much about our target, save for the fact that they often needed to die. We usually expect a few guards to be surrounding them, or maybe locked away in some fortress. However, Lord Hanzo was renowned around the criminal underground. He led a vast empire of Narcotics across the land, and was the leader of the Black Scale Syndicate. They were mostly quiet, kept to themselves, but Matsumoto wasn’t him and his competition eliminated once and for all. 
Luckily for us, he was here on a summit with some other Kugane political figures. No body too big, but enough to stir some attention. They were going to have a formal dinner within The Savory Sea Clam resort. There, we positioned around as he took a seat in a grand table, long enough to fit a small rural village if it so wished, and enough food to feed a modest village. 
There wasn’t any time for them to prepare for such an unanticipated attack. No, Lord Hanzo wasn’t an idiot to believe that there might be a risk of an attack, but we were the Oni. Matsumoto’s most elite, fiercest assassin. We did what no one else would do, and kept all the darkest secrets of the organization. Once we came crashing through the window, the geisha escorts and political figures screamed out. Not all there were apart of the criminal world, some just wanting a taste of the profit through Lord Hanzo. 
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Yurei rolled onto the floor, as she came crashing through the gathering and threw out a few daggers towards some necks before hopping onto her feet to deflect an oncoming blade from one of the sekiseigumi guards hired to protect them. I was able to land onto the middle of the table, spinning my body to decapitated a few heads, while simultaneously plunging my tale through a guar’ds mouth and puncture his throat. Though there was much chaos, his blood gurgling wheezing still remained the loudest song for me. 
Kintara simply began to take proper form, deflecting blades and sliding through openings to dispose the guards trying to subdue him. Obake was perhaps the most intriguing to watch, as he charged like an enraged bull, using his Au Ra horns to toss and impale guards, his method of killing and only using the sword as a defense mechanism. Lord Hanzo was cowering in a corner before the whole room was massacred. 
“Oni!” Roared our commander, as we all responded with a victory cry. “To me..” he growled, walking over to the Rakuza leader. “Lord Hanzo. This is from the--” Kintara cleared his throat. “-Sir.” Obake groaned, looking over his shoulder. “What now?” 
“I don’t meant to be rude, but I think our newest recruit should do the job, hm? After all, I think it would serve as a right of passage into the Oni rank. Serving not only his further strength, but even sew a comradary between us that m-” Obake interrupted him. “Right, of course..yea whatever.” He sheated his blade and walked over a body or two, making sure they were really dead. 
“Wait, the kid’s gonna off him?” Yurei placed her hands onto her hips, “..what a drag.” She scoffed, walking to Kintara’s side. He looked over my shoulder. “Akuma. Would you do the honors?” Kintara was always a strange one, but he earned my respect. I was nervous for some reason; killed dozens before this mission, killed innocent lives, bystanders and whatnot. Why was I so nervous? This man out of many of the lives I’ve robbed deserved their fate, but he was the one that actually caused me to shake a bit. My blade unsheathed as he looked up at me with wide scared eyes, a pleading quivering lip. Obake grunted, “Go on, Akuma. We need to get out of here..”
Everyone was watching, and my katana pressed against the side of his neck. “Lord Hanzo..” I uttered with a faux command. “This is from the Matsumoto Clan.” My form wasn’t the best, and I hacked at his neck from a queer angle that didn’t instantly kill him. I had to press my foot against the side of his foot, release my blade from the spine it stuck against and once again chop down to end this man’s suffering. The Oni laughed at my sort of fumble, but Obake ended up patting me on my back. “Good work, Kid. You’ll make a fine addition to the Oni rank.”
I sit there on my desk, the mask still staring up at me as the memory remains in the deepest rooms of my mind. i wasn’t only a fine addition the to the Oni, I became it’s best. 
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mermaidinstereo · 7 years
LIST: 10 of My Favorite Dark Music Videos
What you probably couldn't tell from my ongoing Christina Aguilera project is that I love dark shit. No, you probably won't find me at the local goth club nights (in suburban Florida, we don't have those), or crying to Sisters of Mercy, or blowing an entire week's paycheck at M.A.C. just for eyeliner (because ya girl is broke). Still, I enjoy a good vampire flick (and a lot of bad ones), prefer to rock a good dark lip, and one time blew $50 at Hot Topic on a coat that makes me feel like a tragic Edgar Allan Poe heroine. I guess you could say I'm barely a low-budget goth, but that's okay. That's just my vibe, I guess.
So today, I thought I'd count down 10 of my favorite music videos, that are all at once super totally goth and not at all. In no particular order, of course. (Because of Tumblr’s rules, I can’t embed more than five videos at once. So I’ll link to the bottom five, and embed the top five.)
10. "Mine" - Kim Jae Joong If the former TVXQ member was looking to make a name for himself, other than being just a K-pop prettyboy, well, he did it right. He was already a bankable actor, racking up views on both the big and small screens. And even after departing from TVXQ, with fellow ex-members Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu, formed the group JYJ, also successful in their own right. However, Jaejoong was not content with staying the course of K-pop typicality. In response, Jaejoong tapped into his inner rocker, unleashing "Mine," off his first solo mini album I. In this video, he runs through dark forests, plays with snakes, and struggles to break free from a wall, before appearing at the end of the video as a vampire that looks straight out of a J-rock band. One can only argue that this is Jaejoong's final form. Or is it?
9. "Hyde" - VIXX While VIXX started playing with darkness in "On and On," it was "Hyde" where they really hit their stride. Telling the story of a man struggling with a Jekyll-and-Hyde-esque duality in a relationship, images of the band's six members are juxtaposed--wearing white as cute, loving, boyfriend material, and black as horrifying, nightmarish, even abusive monsters. I gotta give an award to Leo for looking a little too into it when he strangles his lovely lady, shortly before black angel wings burst from his back. Dude is scary. And so is the setting of this video! It appears to be a vaguely decrepit mansion crawling with macabre decor...and some classic creepy crawlies. It's no wonder VIXX are pegged for K-pop's go-to goths. (For more creepy craziness from VIXX, there are a lot of videos to choose from, but perhaps nothing is more terrifying than “Voodoo Doll,” a video so gory it was banned from TV! Don’t worry, though--there is a clean version.)
8. "Election Day" - Arcadia When Duran Duran temporarily split in 1985, they birthed two side projects. On one side, the pop-friendly Power Station, led by powerhouse vocalist Robert Palmer, along with drummer Tony Thompson of Chic, and Duran's own John and Andy Taylor. Then there was Arcadia, the artsier goth-influenced group, comprised of Nick Rhodes, Simon Le Bon, and for a short period, Roger Taylor. In this video, Le Bon just looks like he got a nice dark dye job, but it's Nick Rhodes who got the full goth makeover, because of course Nick Rhodes did. I'm not exactly sure what's even happening in this video--leave that to anything Simon Le Bon did in the 80s--but the image of Nick Rhodes dancing around with a candelabra is pretty goth, if I do say so myself. Also, it's just a damn good song. And album.
7. "Married to the Music" - SHINee As K-pop acts go, SHINee have not always been the group that goes with the flow. Instead of ripping off T-shirts in music videos, they play with unusual concepts, sometimes freaky ones. Among those was 2015's "Married to the Music." While not exactly elegant, "Married" boasted a quirky, camp-horror concept, inspired equally by Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Michael Jackson's "Thriller." In the video, the five members visit a wacky house party in which, throughout the night, they find themselves having various body parts removed in bizarre methods. Key gets his head hacked off while spinning on a giant roulette wheel. Taemin's eyes pop out when he gets smacked in the back of the head by a baseball bat. A phantom hand in the sink rips off Onew's nose. Jonghyun's mouth comes off after some kind of kiss of death. Then, Minho's entire body is sacrificed in a birthday cake incident gone wrong. All this culminates at the end, where our mystery woman uses the discarded parts to build the perfect FrankenSHINee. Like Mary Shelley, but with more BB cream and an Off the Wall beat.
6. "Beast and the Harlot" - Avenged Sevenfold Unlike SHINee, A7X have always toyed with the darkness, but in a similar manner, do it their own way. This cut from 2005's City of Evil is actually a track describing the fall of Babylon, in incredible detail. The video, however, tells of a Faustian tale, through a lens of rock 'n roll excess. A visually striking video, and I'm not just talking about Zacky Vengeance's eyeshadow. Careful what y'all are getting into when signing contracts, guys.
5. "Call Me When You're Sober" - Evanescence I could list nearly any Evanescence video, really. In fact, I kind of owe a lot to Evanescence, since they kind of helped me discover my artistic identity a bit. That said, I picked this cut from 2006's The Open Door. In it, Amy plays Red Riding Hood, on a pretty bad date with the Big Bad Wolf, played by dashing British actor Oliver Goodwill. He cuddles up to the plaid-clad Amy, who is clearly uncomfortable with his advances. Somewhere there is an awesome scene with Amy surrounded by black-clad dancers as they float above the ground, and this is honestly the coolest thing I've seen in an Evanescence video (though, truthfully, "Good Enough" was pretty cool, too). But nothing tops Amy walking toward her douchey wolf--across the table, as dining utensils go flying off the table. Very Once Upon a Time. Regina would be proud.
4. "Out of My Mind" - Duran Duran
This is an obscure cut from their 1997 album Medazzaland, a period in which the beloved New Romantics got suuuuuper experimental. It's hard to find this video in HD on YouTube, so you kinda take what you get. The then-trio of Rhodes/Le Bon/Warren Cuccurullo traipse around a creepy house, are sometimes ghosts haunting a library, or sometimes--in the case of Rhodes--are Rococo gothic drag queens. Also, Simon rocks a choker at some point. Totes 90s. Also, the setting and cinematography recall Marilyn Manson's "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)." Hey, wasn't that by an 80s band, too?
3. "Frozen" - Madonna
I was maybe around seven or eight when Ray of Light was released. Maybe. But I vividly remember seeing this video on VH1 when my mom left it on. I was freaked out by it at the time, but of course, I was a child, of course I would be. A solitary, black-clad Madge dances around a barren wasteland, cuddling nothing but her flowing gown as ravens surround her. I think she was playing with Indian motifs at the time, considering her hand gestures and tattoos (also, Ray of Light boasted "Shanti/Ashtangi," never forget). This was probably the beginning of the Kabbalah thing, too, but it wasn't quite as big a story as it would become years later.
2. "Within Me" - Lacuna Coil
I'd be betraying myself if I didn't include a Lacuna Coil video in all this, another group that, with Evanescence, led me down an aesthetically dark path. A mellower cut from 2006's Karmacode has vocalists Andrea Ferro and Cristina Scabbia at odds, with Andrea sitting lonely in some kind of elaborate chair or throne, as Cristina crawls the desert, producing these creepy black tendrils for some reason. It's just a pretty video and song.
1. "Sayonara Hitori" - Taemin
For his first Japanese solo single, SHINee's Taemin pulled out all the stops. None of the cutesy image that was cultivated during SHINee's early period, instead, Taemin fully embraced his darkness, portraying several different characters. The first looks like he walked out of Inuyasha, dancing around a piano (no, I don't know why either) as blue flowers grow around him. The next scene finds him clad in the edgiest black garb possible as samurai spar behind him. Perhaps the most goth thing, however, is Taemin laying in a black coffin as very fabulous mourners lay blue flowers down. Not bad for a kid who somehow loses nearly everything he touches. Gotta keep it relatable. Of course, I subscribe to the belief that Taemin couldn’t have gothed it up without Jaejoong paving the way. 
Now, a few honorable mentions. Okay, a lot of honorable mentions:
Stone Temple Pilots, "Sour Girl"
Sunmi, "Full Moon"
4Minute, "Volume Up"
XIA, "Tarantallegra"
Rihanna, "Disturbia"
Taeyang, "I'll Be There"
Depeche Mode, "Walk in My Shoes"
30 Seconds to Mars, "The Kill"
Christina Aguilera, "Fighter" (I wanted to save this for the Xtina project, whenever I manage to get to this video)
Keane, "Disconnected"
FT Island, “Pray”
2NE1, “It Hurts (Slow)”
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sarah-bae-maas · 8 years
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Another ToG fic for my overwhelmingly ACOTAR blog! 
If you'd like to see more I have a masterlist you can check out! 
She was home.
She was still broken, still fighting, but at least she was home.
As she stood on the balcony of her childhood palace in Orynth, thin sheath swirling around her in the breeze and hair loose on her face, she didn’t know whether the snow and pine she could smell was from the mountains in the distance or her mate beside her.
“Fireheart,” He said soothingly.
“I know.” She choked. “I can’t, Rowan. I can’t think. I can’t do it, I can’t punish Aedion for this. He’s hurting. He didn’t mean to. Gods, why did Chaol demand this? What right does he have-”
“He is the Hand of the King, and although I disagree with his decision to call for a punishment, it is within his right to do so. If someone attacked you like that, I would have done the same.”
Aelin cringed at his words. Rowan claimed he would do the same, but Aelin knew he would not. No, Rowan would have justly dealt with the problem there, rather than inciting the fury of those around him. Now, not only where the people scared for the war, but they were scared that the Crown was too unstable to handle the aftermath.
Her mind kept replaying the scene in her head. The bustling crowd, the sound of Dorian’s nose as Aedion broke it, the screams as people ran from the blood, Chaol bellowing that Aedion needed to be reprimanded for touching the rightful King of Adarlan.
“If it is any consolation, I don’t believe Chaol was thinking straight when he called for the council to give a formal punishment.”
“But it’s not the council who has to decide,” she sobbed.
Aelin had scarcely been home. After Rowan and the others had saved her, and subsequently defeated Maeve, she had been welcomed into Orynth. After all, she gave them their army, and they never even knew she had been gone. That was a story she would share after the defeat of Erawan – right now she needed their full trust and revealing it had been a shapeshifter in her place for so long would definitely work against her.
It was so much so quickly. Aedion was not someone she could control her emotions around, and she suspected that if her mate hadn’t gathered her in his arms after her first sob, then she would be on her knees uncontrollably upset.
She clutched at Rowan’s shirt and pressed her face into his warm chest.
“Talk to Aedion, Fireheart. I can come with you, if that’s what you want. His punishment won’t be a grave one, it can’t be even if Chaol and Dorian wanted it with all their hearts.”
Aelin sniffled and rose her head. She was hit with the full gaze of his green eyes, and his look alone gave her the strength to stand on her two feet again. “I’ll deal with Aedion.” She breathed. “You should check on Gavriel. I don’t want any slit throats over this, and I worry for anyone who threatens his son.”
Rowan’s hands were tight around his waist, and before he let her go he pulled her in closer and kissed her. It wasn’t frantic, like their kisses had been when he’d found her, but they also weren’t the kisses a content husband and wife might have. It was the grey in between. Just enough for her to be satisfied for now, but never enough for long.
 Aelin dressed in clothes more appropriate for public, and wandered down to the cells where Aedion was being mandatorily kept. It had not been her choice, she had nearly rioted when they took her cousin from her, but it was decided by the lords.
It was cold in the tunnels. The cold of the night had infiltrated the space and left it so chill that every bone in her body was rattling. Aelin hated that she was cold. Hated that she couldn’t warm their home. But her magic was depleted and healing, and Rowan assured her that these things would take time, and she needed to be at her best for when they face Erawan. She knew he was correct, the buzzard usually is, but it still cut her when she saw Aedion curled on the gritty stone floor of his cell.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’ve survived much worse.” As Aedion spoke, Aelin could see the air turn frosty from his breath.
“You shouldn’t be here in the first place. None of this should have happened.”
Aedion smirked at his cousin, and sat up. He crossed his legs and leant back on his hands. “Tell me, Aelin, and what should have happened instead? The prince was out of line-”
“King, Aedion. Dorian is a king and you should address him as so. I don’t agree with you being here, but your actions today were disrespectful and detrimental to our cause.”
“Pfft. Poor Dorian. Did he get some dirt on his precious hands? Maybe not having a hair stylist with him at all times is affecting him more than we originally thought.”
“Aedion Ashryver!”
“Don’t use that tone with me, your majesty. This is all just a ruse anyway. Do you really think I believe there will be any sort of consequences for my actions? Hurting me would affect any Terrasian more than the precious prince. I was here, Aelin, all those years caring for our country, and not a single person here doesn’t know it. The Havilliards are pure evil. What they have done to us, to our family-”
“This needs to stop! You can’t keep taking your political frustrations out on Dorian when it was his father-”
“I know Dorian a hell of a lot better than you do, Aelin.” Aedion snarled.
“That is not at all true! If I didn’t think that he was different, that he was good, do you really think I would help him regain his throne in any way?”
“You seem to forget that I knew him for years before Celaena ever did. The only time you ever knew him was when he was either using you to regain his crown or when he was trying to get you into bed.”
Aelin banged her hands on the iron bars of his cell in frustration. “I thought we were past this Aedion! I thought after I was gone-”
“Gone? Gone?! You weren’t gone Aelin, you were taken. You sacrificed yourself, and didn’t even have the decency to tell us. Don’t you think I would have liked to have known that the only family I have left was going to do that to herself? Or that the only reason the woman I love would ever touch me is because you whored her out? What about Rowan? Do you really think that he would’ve ever recovered from losing you? Have you ever thought about someone other than yourself?” Aedion jumped up and met her at the bars. His lip was pulled back and teeth bared in an animalistic show of anger.
Looking at her cousin, at his obvious pain and suffering… Aelin understood now. Understood that his anger at Dorian wasn’t anger at the king at all. Her eyes stung, and she couldn’t help the tears that fell.
She reached a hand through the bars and soothed back his hair – tucking it behind his ears. His brows furrowed at her touch, and his mouth went slack.
“I’m sorry.” Aelin whispered. “I never wanted to hurt you. I love you so much.”
With one hand Aedion held the hand on his face, linking their fingers and squeezing. With his other, he, too, reached through the bars so he could wipe away her tears.
“Please don’t cry Aelin.” Her tears were making some of his own appear.
“This is all my fault, and I know that now. But Aedion, please, you must stop taking it out on the people around us. I know I’ve hurt you in irreconcilable ways, and I will never forgive myself for the pain I’ve caused you, but this is a time when we all need to come together. I know you and Dorian have had your differences in the past, and it needs to stop. He is a changed man,” a smile appeared on her face, “he’s no longer the fine lady we knew as a child.” She laughed lightly, but it was interrupted by a sob.
Aedion pulled her forward, as much as he could with the iron between them, and gave her the closest thing to a hug he could.
“Whatever happens tomorrow, my fiery cousin, I know that you are doing it for our people, and that your punishment will be just. I love you too. Even if you are stubborn as a mule.”
Aelin stood on a podium in front of a crowd of hundreds, excluding the Bane that had also gathered. There were civilians and nobles making up the brunt of the crowd, all curious as to what the lost queen would do to Wolf of the North.
On her left was Rowan standing tall and proud. Now that she was here, actually her and not just Lysandra in her skin, they had announced their marriage properly, and much to the disdain of some of the lords of Terrasen. Aelin refused to hide her love for him, as she refused to hide her love for anybody. Not now. Not anymore. Not ever.
On her right was Dorian and Chaol. Somewhere, hidden among the crowd, Aelin was sure Manon and her Thirteen were stalking around. Where Dorian was, it seemed the witch always followed.  
Chaol had the nerve to look nervous. The night just passed Rowan had spent an hour convincing her as to why she shouldn’t be mad with him, and eventually she had let her anger at him go. Thank the Gods she had Rowan to keep her grounded.
She may not be mad at him, but she still didn’t think he had the right to be nervous about an event he orchestrated.
“After an incident yesterday involving the General and the rightful king to the throne of Adarlan, I am here to bestow his punishment.” Aelin started her speech.
The rustling crowd grew silent, all wide eyed and focused on their future queen.
“Aedion Ashryver is a hero to this country. Even in the direst of times, the darkest of our days, he did everything in his power to defend our people against the tyranny of the late king. Without his efforts in the rebellion, an unspeakable amount of lives would have been lost.”
There was confusion surrounding her speech. It did not sound like a declamation for a man who was going to be penalised.
“But.” Aelin turned towards Dorian and held out her hand. He took it unwaveringly and stepped closer to her side. “Dorian Havilliard deserves respect as much as Aedion does. His Majesty fights bravely not just for his own country but also for ours. He is not his father, and he will help us win this war.” Aelin bowed her head to Dorian and released his hand. “That is why there must be retribution for his actions.” It killed her to say it, but she also believed in her words. No more lying – not from her.
“For attacking the king of Adarlan unfairly, I hereby decree that Aedion Ashryver forfeit his landholdings in Adarlan to the king to use for whatever purposes he seems fit. That is all.”
Aelin spun on her heels, making her green dress flow around her elegantly as she strode away from the platform. Rowan was instantly at her side and offered his elbow as they went down the stairs that led to an entrance to the palace behind them.
The others quickly followed.
Once they entered the palace and no one was in hearing distance, Aedion grabbed Aelin’s elbow and spun her to look at him. “You do realise I don’t own any land in Adarlan, right?”
Aelin scoffed. “Of course I know that. Good thing is, they don’t. Problem solved.”
“Problem not solved!” Chaol shouted. He stormed up to the pair, red faced and seething. “How in any way does this fix anything? Gods Aelin!”
Before Aelin could reply, Dorian swaggered up to them with a wide smirk on his face. “I think it was quite genius.”
Chaol turned to his best friend, utter disbelief written on his face. Dorian’s smirk did not falter though. Looking at Dorian, you would never have known that the previous day he’d had his nose broken. Between Rowan’s healing magic and Dorian’s, the bone had healed and not even a bruise was left behind.
“This way the public knows that we stand as a united front, but also as people who do not see each other as being above the law. It humanises us. It also means that any internal conflicts we have with each other won’t fester as much as it would otherwise.” Dorian turned his blue gaze on Aedion. Surprisingly, the two did not glare at each other. “Past aside, you are my friend Aedion Ashryver. And I will prove to you that I’m not my father.”
Aedion hung his head and shook it. “You have. Many times over. It is I who needs to change my attitude.”
Rowan came up behind Aelin and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her head and she held onto his arms.
Progress. They would need to act as one to defeat Erawan, and it seemed they were heading in the right direction.
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