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szalacsi · 2 years ago
afrikat? mert nem lehet.
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heyitsmadzia-blog · 6 years ago
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Vacay nails💅🏼🌴🌊
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444names · 3 years ago
american forenames + brythonic deities + dragons + roman emperor forenames + the entire bee movie script
Adealle Adius Adronus Affick Afrikat Albal Albell Aling Allic Allistendra Amerlow Anchry Andrius Annannees Antorlazzy Appee Arers Arlishureah Asoniregint Auglence Aunget Autoude Avinthele Avinus Avius Awartles Awyeader Babloo Baler Baliust Baregin Barshine Basdo Beakloacum Bealmel Beettly Belaw Belusted Bereth Bericky Bette Bettimming Bettio Biliasguy Bireney Biros Bitang Bleasy Bleestrion Bleney Blory Blyda Bolagen Bormamerets Bornius Borvinsees Bothillegal Bourianie Bralearc Brantins Braque Brehey Brison Bures Burthon Cabley Calpil Cameloot Canna Caricide Carmadragor Carvinge Cashad Caspielia Catteremer Cemyralf Cennie Chaing Channerma Che's Chrou Chumble Ciantemiley Cinustrack Claste Clatem Clessus Clifellan Cling Clistend Colen Coletchindy Comax Comed Comene Comuspil Corrickil Courealina Courta Cousth Cremyretwe Crumely Dainten Damagroy Darreneste Daybelmon Dayintros Deastit Dertailly Discian Distice Dormle Drallyine Drefern Drillou Durrobeed Earanda Eirger Elaching Ellisups Emonie Enese Entucily Ersesill Ertio Euntenne Evegang Evendel Eventy Everld Exams Exany Expeging Facaniner Faell's Famelinus Fancianny Fartheah Fellin Ferry Fichate Fichent Fircecin Firth Fitimple Fliusinther Flooll Flute Folinklie Forchorty Forimmell Forise Forred Freary Frempatt Friandoesse Fulings Funcinks Gance Gasoub Gesta Gictir Girtlerth Givinat Glatherie Glossefca Gloured Goestang Golle Goofill Gorjumblet Gothy Graceffel Grairlault Gramoked Greds Groonat Guissefin Haelaidecst Halianned Handely Hanshond Haray Haskie Hathean Havider Hazend Helut Henctous Heraff Heyce Histbugus Holegs Holls Honthee Hythan I'ven Ideave Idn't Ifing Imblenus Immul Ingulauddic Itius Jacts Jahationis Jannetimpsy Jassusper Javinat's Jeassille Jecitis Jelar Jerce Joanclort Johnorting Jultaid Jumps Jurips Karry Karth Katevene Katuckicore Kelamie Kenery Kermul Kiess Kill's Kin's Kinget Klinge Knesseona Knose Krichelista Lacilly Lands Lanny Lauttis Lavenus Learst Lenrition Lents Lerry Lette Lettivird Leveney Liesa Lipena Listamad Livoing Lizartre Lorlon Lorwateris Loyse Lually Lucholetirl Lucista Lumne Magran Mardome Margar Marric Marrontly Martiand Mathavane Melydr Micing Micusted Miling Milte Mines Minges Modocks Moginsta Mosasn't Mospiniso Murjosie Musus Myruslang Mysta Nassir Neccas Nercia Nical Nicks Nisseuguess Nistaut Nistinian Niustios Nommenitel Notta Ohand Parow Pathanice Patrionicks Paurt Paustathing Pausth Penesustern Pents Phinie Phivichum Piting Plassy Pleop Porry Prave Printsyce Proning Proold Puppenus Quisting Rappity Ratiling Reggire Regin Relvia Remilie Rephochot Ressionge Restria Roorotted Rosalphing Roscootemot Rosearvia Rubyrtuna Ruing Rumne Salle Sammake Samovels Sandasid Sappone Saver Savers Scisillelie Scrob Secidever Sepine Settiolow Shany Shaula Shesse Shinks Shume Shunust Sibius Sinchark Skelving Slorys Smetaim Solds Solettir Sonat Sonespic Sousity Specill Spomes Sposie Stakoonly Stermace Stesty Sticoran's Stind Stinfleme Stiniens Stionda Stiosea Strate Strese Sulivey's Sumbie Sumete Sunsed Surea Suria Susint Tactol Tanyoupper Telothous Terefooks Terhatills Thaney's Thelianted Theropicece Theturtio Thonie Thured Tiblord Timie Tione Todned Tomoss Tonste Toress Traugun Treas Trioun Trius Tudidet Tufanian Tures Turich Typhockpic Usiantie Vackintiold Velmaregai Venating Versidery Viank Vinte Viressized Volatinat Wangus Warearumnah Warry Wavivirtle Waylew Weet's Welora Weremilly Whaing Whanks Wheon Wheoproatt Whikerick Wille Wincell Winders Wiperearess Wiple Witharettly Wooliperst Woomet Worax Worieventy Worprot Worri Wouledrell Wrect Wromes Yogetion Youlay Yount Youped
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ka-steve · 4 years ago
Az van, hogy néha még én is azt hiszem, hogy kicsit túlkarikaturisztikus az, amilyen gonosznak az olaj- és műanyagcégeket elképzeljük, de közben rendszeresen kiderül, hogy tényleg annyira groteszkül szándékosan kártékonyak, mintha egy kommunista pamfletből léptek volna elő.
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chuckyeager · 5 years ago
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
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Vernon: Oof...well that's a whole complicated mess right there. I mean, there's just so much to tell...
Dawn: Well, if were being honest Paige's birth isn't exactly responsible for all of it...she was just part of the one two punch of the Queen Blackwool discovery.
Vernon: Yeah, that caused a lot of...chaos in its own right. But then Dawn turnin' up pregnant so close to that just...I mean I don't know how it woulda' gone over if there had been a year er' so between 'em, but...the whole thing sent some religious and national leaders into hysterics.
Dawn: We've probably talked about the whole...Scottram-Norwulff tensions since the Ulric incident. Norwulff's leaders chose to go forward with releasing everything they had in regards to Moira, Erik and...little Keld.
Vernon: The lost heir.
Dawn: Apparently that was a breach of a long standing agreement with the Schottramish royal family. They also accused the Norwulff government of stealing Moira's missing diaries.
Vernon: But accordin' to documentation released along with said diaries, Moira's diaries were given to King Magnus during her stay to oversee Erik's funeral in order to prevent them from being destroyed by those in her royal house that feared such knowledge coming out would destroy everything they had worked for. And while King Roderick had apparently been the one to draft the secretive agreement to hold the couples tryst as a joint national secret, the current royal family in Norwulff saw little purpose in keeping the agreement since a third party had come in as exposed it to the world.
Dawn: Since then, they've gotten as close to a cold war as two nations can get without threatening war with one another. There are even those in the Schottish Parliament now actually trying to argue that any mammal holding dual citizenship between the two nations, something that has been sanctioned since Moira's time, needs to make a choice and abdicate citizenship from the other.
Vernon: Next thing you know they'll be shippin' wolf and wolf sympathetic mammals to Norwulff against thier will.
Dawn: i'm sure the Roaropean Union would step in before that would happen...then again...
Vernon: They have their own messes to deal with?
Dawn: Indeed. Roarope is more old world in terms of religious beliefs, and many of them have a strict 'no inter-species or pred/prey couplings' as part of their core tenets. Needless to say, my book drew a lot of ire from those groups, and there were significantly more protests in Roarope than over on this side of the pond. Which... only worsened when the news about Paige spread out across Animalia.
Vernon: Yuri may joke about lil' Paige bein' a monster er' demon' considerin' when she was born and what not. But I know a few groups out there that really see her as the 'Herald of the end times' er' Scar Reincarnate.
Dawn: Granted it's still not so bad that things have destabilized or anything. No one is stopping mammals of differing species from dating, even if they are complaining about it and preaching against it. Aside from going to Norwulff...
Vernon: Because Ulric got us all banned, not because we'd be in danger.
Dawn: We'd be safe to visit Roarope, albeit with a little security in tow.
Vernon: But places in Afrikat and the Purrabian Peninsula started puttin' a hard paw down in regards to hybrids and inter-species relationships startin' with bannin' Dawn's book.
Dawn: Then passing hard laws about inter-species dating all together when Paige was born.
Vernon: Naturally this has lead to protests, and both Roarope and The South Afrikat Pridelands to help try and keep peace accordingly, not to mention take on hundreds of refugee couples.
Dawn: Japanda, Panda, Sibearia, and most of northern Ursa have taken to Paige's existence maybe a little better than Roarope as the pervading Polar based religions don't have any cross species tenets in them. So most of the noise has come from smaller sects of religions transplanted from other areas. Then there's the areas in and around Bharat....which are in as about as bad shape over this as some of the nations in Afrikat.
Vernon: Austalia, like Great Kitten is largely acceptin' of us, and hybrids and the like, and they've moved to put a lot of protections in place fer interspecies couples since Dawn's book and Paige.
Dawn: Which is pretty much what North Mammalia and Zootopia has done. So barring a few crazy zealots or pred and prey supremacists, Zootopia and North Mammalia seemed to have remained as safe as they ever were...At least for now.
Vernon: And just to finish out little trip around Animalia, South Mammalia already had trouble with pred and prey integration in society. So this whole mess has only made things worse...and checked purty much everything south of Mexicat under the list of countries we can never step foot in fer our own safety.
Dawn: We have received threats of course...threats on our lives. Our Pups lives, and Paige's...
Vernon: Some particularly colorful language in them letter's threatenin' Paige. Language so colorful it makes me wanna track them folks down and...well...you can imagine...
Dawn: But our house is very secure, and we have the ZPD looking out for us, as well as a number of mammals in administration positions to assure that we, and our pups can live as normal lives as possible.
Vernon: As normal as a family with a half sheep, half wolf hybrid in it. *Chuckles*
(I do really need to draw an Animalia World Map at some point. I don’t exactly want it to be perfectly one to one with our world, but have enough room for the key nations)
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mcwolfy · 6 years ago
Tegnap egy gugli manager volt a soforom
A csoka csak par honap mulva fog kezdeni, korbemotorozta europat es fel afrikat, megunta, aztan keresett maganak addig is valami elfoglaltsagot.
Csodalkoztam is, hogy miert all be valaki ilyen autoval taxify sofornek.
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algebraicvarietyshow · 3 years ago
voltak valamikor tavaly telen azok a cikkek, hogy mi alapjan kerul el a covid bizonyos orszagokat, mikozben pusztit nagyon masokban. es voltak evidens szempontok (eghajlati sajatossagok, "civilizacios" viszonyok hogy mennyi idot toltenek el az emberek zart terben, demografiai okok, es persze az is felmerult, hogy csak nem latjuk-e a jarvanyt, mert ahol eleve nincs mukodokepes egeszsegugy, ott nincs minek osszedolnie), de ezek azert korlatozottan bizonyultak ervenyesnek. pl india volt az egyik pelda arra, ahol a varakozasok szerint minden adott lett volna egy nagy jarvanyhullamra, es megse valosult meg... amig nem jott persze a delta, es indiat is telibe kapta a virus. (persze az indiai nagyvarosokra pont allhat ugyanaz a middle income dolog, amit irsz.) szoval szerintem ovatosnak kell lenni, es csak mert eddig afrikat (del-afrika kivetelevel) amennyire latjuk (es ez eros megszoritas) nem pusztitotta a virus, nem biztos, hogy igy marad - foleg a jelenlegi oltottsagi egyenlotlenseg mellett. de amugy osszessegeben szerintem a jarvany mindenhol az ossztarsadalmi sebezhetoseget mutatta meg, pl a gazdag, de erosen egyenlotlen orszagokban is. es emellett pedig mindenki a sajat korulmenyeihez kepest donthet jol-rosszul, svedorszag szamai pl osszesitve tenyleg nem olyan borzalmasak es nem omlott ossze az egeszsegugy nagyobb lazasagtol sem, de skandinav viszonylatban osszehasonlitva valoszinuleg rengeteg elet megmentheto lett volna.
El tudok kezdeni egy gondolatmenetet arról, hogy a covid a várakozásokkal ellentétben nem a szegény, hanem a közepes jövedelmű (middle income) országok betegsége lett, de nem tudom igazából hová kifuttatni.
Eleinte mindenki attól félt, hogy Afrikában hatalmas pusztítást okoz majd a járvány, később a gazdag országok, ezen belül is a gazdag nagyvárosok voltak a járvány gócai, de ahogy telik az idő, úgy válik egyre nyilvánvalóbbá, hogy az igazi vesztesek a félperiféria országaiban lesznek és azokban az országokban, amiknek a felzárkózása ugyan megkezdődött, de a városi nyomornegyedek és a falvak még semmilyen szociális védőhálót nem biztosítanak és a kormányzat se nem hatékonyan elnyomó diktatúra, sem pedig inkluzív, belső legitimitással bíró demokráciának nem mondható.
Ezek az országok Perútól Equadorig, Bulgáriától Oroszországig (Magyarországig) voltak azok, ahol a vírus a legnagyobb pusztítást végezte, egyetlen afrikai országként Dél-Afrikát is ide lehet sorolni. A lakosság általában idősebb, a fiatalok jelentős része kivándorolt, az egészségügyben nincsenek tartalékok, a lakosság pedig nem bízik az államban.
Az egyetlen kivétel, ahol ezek a feltételek mind fennállnak és mégis alacsony a többlethalálozás az Törökország és nem igazán értem, hogy miért.
Mivel a járványok arra legalább jók, hogy rámutassanak a társadalmi rendszerek sebezhetőségeire, így érdemes lenne végiggondolni, hogy mit lehetne tenni ezeknek a változtatására, de mint mondtam az elején, nem igazán tudom továbbvinni ezt a gondolatmenetet, így ez a poszt inkább csak egy feldobott téma, mint végiggondolt megmondás, amihez hátha valaki hozzá tud tenni valami okosat.
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
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Vernon: *Chuckles* Sounds like someones been watchin' too much of that Japandese television drama...what was it called? The one with the wolf and the rabbit?
Dawn: Beastars I think. Granted the whole thing is set in a 'darker' version of Animalia, as well as one where almost everything is sentient aside from insects.
Vernon: Some of them prosthetics is great though. I do like how much care they put into the make-up insteada just relyin' on CGI fer everythin'.
Dawn: *Giggles* I do appreciate that, although overall despite the 'interspecies' romance angle, it's not really my cup of tea. As for how accurately the presence of a “Black Market” for prey meat exists in Japanda, that's a big no. Although that's not to say such markets are rumored to exist in the more troubled parts of Animalia like Central Afrikat and South-East Ursa.
Vernon: Yeah, them places sufferin' from a lot of internal conflicts are rife with all sorts of immoral practices goin' on in the shadows.
Dawn: Most places that are...well...I hate to say 'civilized' but...I mean, most mammals in the first world pretty much unilaterally agree that predation is immoral. And aside from the fact that such a belief is held by most North Mammalia and Roarope hold those views, and so it's made the mammals there vigilant in terms of preventing places like that from cropping up, there are extremely strict laws in place to make doubly sure black markets that deal in such dark practices can't crop up, let alone flourish.
Vernon: I head it's there in Beastars fer symbolism er' somethin'...but that's what I've heard about most of the main characters 'hunger' allegories.
Dawn: I suppose leveling pred-prey relationships with the same dark tone carried by predation is there to make a statement out societies revulsion to pred-prey relationships.
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
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Vernon: I think we've more 'er less talked about heat 'not really' bein' a thing. At least, not like it was in the ancient times. But a lot of females, Dawn included, still go through lil' periods of heightened sexual arousal called 'remnant estrus' that kinda coincide with the ol' heat cycles. To be honest, I ain't entirely sure of the full difference between 'em, but Dawn says it's different.
Nick: The difference is that in the old days, heat was strictly the only time when mammals mated, whereas these days mammals experience sexual arousal and have sex whenever they want, it's just the desire is a little more intense during those old 'seasons'.
Vernon: Ah, alright...I guess that makes sense. That said, Dawn gives off this kinda...fruity and flowery smell when her pheromones kick into high gear. Although what fruit and flower, I couldn't hope to tell ya.
Nick: Judy gives off this sort of...strangely sweet scent. It's strange cause it's got this kind of 'grass' like element to the smell, but it's not pungent or overbearing. It's really pleasant.
Wade: Giselle kind of has this...I don't know...sun baked tall grass kind of smell. Like that scent of it that calms across the wind on a cool Summer day in the North Meadowlands.
Yuri: That sounds kinda like Ada's, only her's is a bit more musky and earthy. Not that I'm complainin'. It might seem kinda speciest, but I always kinda pictured that smell is probably what an actual Afrikat savannah smells like, at least under the right conditions anyway.
Wade: What're the right conditions?
Yuri: Wet and flood-soaked. *chuckles*
Trenton: Is it weird to say she smells warm? Qali gives off this sorta warm, wooded scent. Like the smell of the actual heat around a fireplace, not the smoke. Or that whiff of a smell y'all get in fall when the leaves are thoroughly colorful and the wind bristles through 'em.
Zach: Tangy and sweet, with a hint of a sort of musky soil scent. Like jungle fruit 'er somthin'. Sends shiver's up my spine every time I smell it.
Kodi: Foresty. Like...a light foresty smell. Not musky. With a hint of something that smells kind of berry-ish. Like wild berries. Sweet, yet tart.
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
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Giselle: Honestly, when it comes to culture I think me family is fairly...North Mammalian-oized? Zootopia-oized? I don't right know what to call it. My Dad was born and raised in Kingland, and me mum was a transplant from South Afrikat who immigrated primarily because the traditions and social order was far too oppressive for her loikin', at least at the time anyway. We moved when I was fourteen because me Dad got a better payin' job over 'ear. Of course, things aren't all that much different between livin' in Liondon and livin' in Zootopia, and by the time we moved out my mum was thoroughly... naturalized! That's the word!
Wade: Your Mom maybe. Your Dad's accent is so thick I can barely understand him, and he grew up in an Animanglish speaking country.
Giselle: *Giggles* Be Noice! He had to grew up in Mamchester after all, on an estate no less,  he can't help it! All that said though, it's not like me mom doesn't have a few traditions she does actually care about, but she's never aggressively pushed them. Well...except for the neck rings. The whole point of them is to make your neck look even longer, as if we needed any help with that bein' giraffes and all. But in Afrikat giraffe culture, the longer the neck you have, the more desirable you are to potential mates. She really wanted me to start wearin' them like she does, but I'm not comfortable with stiff and compressed jewelry. Although she insists I need to at least wear a set on me wedding day. She also wants Wade to wear a Duishiki, and a few other things like that.
Wade: Of course my folks don't really mind. They've already got tithing combinations down to a science. Between Vern's caprid wedding and tithe, and Zach's Felaha and tithe, adding some bits of a Gnuabo ceremony into a tihing ceremony should be no problem at all. Although I'm telling you right now, I'll wear the Duishiki, but it ain't gonna look good at all.
Giselle: Oh I'm sure you'll look quite dapper luv, certainly better than me in a smokestack soized column o' gold rings.
Wade: That said, when it came to the gap in cultures in terms of the parents, I think the best thing you can do is just have them meet and talk things out. Granted the gully o' difference wasn't all that deep between both sets of folks on our end, and we don't know your situation, or how tense things are between your folks and this zebra gals, but I'd say the best bet is slowly and carefully exposin' them to one another, and over time that whole cultural gully will feel smaller and smaller.
Giselle: And if you and your mate are the ones feelin' the brunt of the culture shock, again, slow exposure works wonders. Everything will feel less overwhelming if you take it piece by piece.
Wade: As fer the size jokes, no...they never stop.
Giselle: Especially from family.
Wade: Especially.
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msspica · 5 years ago
afrikat nagyon szepen es gyorsan felvasaroltak. :/
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Countries which signed cooperation documents related to the Belt and Road Initiative.
Keep reading
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
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Dawn: Pride based partnership structures are very rare these days. They largely went out with the advent of Simbalogy.
Vernon: After all, Simba only had 'one' wife...even though it's implied Mufasa-
Dawn: We probably shouldn't get into religious stuff. We don't want to get any mammals dander up over it.
Vernon: Oh and Kovu! I mean the original texts say that he was Scar's son, so that means the fact that he mated with Simba's daughter...yeesh...
Dawn: Vernon!
Vernon: Alright...alright...
Dawn: Ahem. So as I was saying, Pride partnership culture is extremely rare these days. You mostly see it in some of the more rural nations of Afrikat. Although it's supposedly starting to become a bit of a thing again among some modern lions in Roarope and North Mammalia. Well...sort of...
Vernon: The modern version that's gettin' popular is just another word fer 'playin' the field', and it's really just male lions stringin' along a bunch of females at once. And that's usually until them females find out about the others.
Dawn: Yeah, you can imagine the male's defense of 'living in the spirit of a true lion' holds up really well against an angry mob of seven to eight female lions looking for blood.
Vernon: I can see yer old boss bein' like that. Then again I can see him bein' a lot of scummy things.
Dawn: As far as I know, Lionheart has been single since a year before my little...indiscretion. But even then who had the good sense of only dating one female at a time. But even they couldn't put up with his personality for more than a few months, well...aside from maybe Vera.
Vernon: Vera?
Dawn: Vera Panthera, she was the cities Chief Prosecutor. Still is I think? She was dating Lionheart while we ran for office, and well, that was the one who was with him up to a year before the Night Howler scandal.
Vernon: Why'd she put up with him fer so long?
Dawn: Maybe because they made a good power couple? Or maybe she was hoping to change him? I'm not really sure...I mean, she seemed like a nice lioness. She certainly treated her secretary with much more respect than Lionheart gave me. It made me envy the ram whenever I saw them interact. Hmm...
Vernon: What?
Dawn: I wonder how they're doing these days? I mean I'm sure she's still Cheif Prosecutor, but I wonder if Barry is still her secretary?
Vernon: Oh, Barry huh? Y'all remember his name?
Dawn: *Giggles* Down Puppy. He was nice, but he wasn't my type.
Vernon: *Chuckles* And what is yer type anyway?
Dawn: Tall, Fuzzy...with a charming, wolfish grin.
Vernon: What a coincidence, I know a fella like that who likes his females short, wooly and adorable...
Dawn: *Giggles* Puppy...
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
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Dorian: 'Sides from gettin' our family basically banned from both places...
Audrey: Well, Norwulff said they'd let us come back in eventually, mostly thanks to Dawn tryin' to clear things up...
Dorian: But Ully's gotten himself permanently banned regardless. Hell, the boy's gonna be grounded from international travel fer upwards of two years fer it.
Audrey: At least he can still travel by plane as long as it's strictly limited to North Mammalia and Zootopia.
Dorian: Family problems aside, things between Scottram and Norwulff have sort of...gone cold war. I mean, not in a sense they're ready to go to war or nothin', but the goodwill between both nations has soured significantly.
Audrey: Probably cause the Norwulff government decided to come clean right away about the whole thing...
Dorian: I can only assume the royal family was tired of sittin' on it fer so long, Or maybe cooler heads didn't prevail what with Ully's video all out there fer the public to see, complete with the royal guard and local police finally bustin' their way into the crypt to try and stop 'em.
Audrey: There was really no way fer 'em to cover it up, and denyin' it would have made 'em look as foolish as them Scottram officials.
Dorian: Yeah, Scottram denied it fer a solid week. Stickin' to the 'official' story and callin' it a hoax all the while increasing security around Moira's official 'crypt' and government offices. But eventually, they were forced to cave and admit what really happened.
Audrey: Mostly cause the Norwulff Duclaw's released official records of signed agreements between the two countries to continue to keep it all hush hush like.
Dorian: Along with both Moira and Erik's missing diaries...
Audrey: It's been an international embarrassment to both nations, but especially Scottram, and it's sent a lot of caprid folks into a tizzy sayin' that 'The Queen's legacy' ain't nothin' but a lie. Citizens in Scottram have been doin' everythin' from burning stuff with her image on it, to callin' fer the ol' peace treaty to be completely revoked over the revelation.
Dorian: Lesser and Greater Norwulff's population seems to be takin' it a lot better, as they already saw Moira in a good light. Sort of a patron saint. All this did was sort of endear her that much more. Within the week of Ully's little reveal wolves were coming from far and wide to hold vigils near the crypt now that they knew Moira was there, as well as her 'child'.
Audrey: As fer the rest of the world, it's sorta a double shockwave really. I mean, within the month of Dawn's pregnancy makin' waves, this came out. So a lot of countries are still reelin' over it. Especially places where pred and prey don't get along or aren't allowed to intermingle. Ya got the heads of places in Afrikat and eastern Roarope sayin' these things are a sign that judgment is comin' fer us all. And even those who ain't goin' that far are still callin' it a 'sin' against the natural order. Some places in South Mammalia have been emboldened to further segregate their populations over it, cause it's got 'em all riled and pushing for pred prey equality. To a lot of them folks they see Moira and Erik as proof that pred and prey mammals can not only co-exist, but love one another. And naturally that don't play well in governments structured around one group bein' better than the other.
Dorian: Either way...were livin' in some exictin' times. And it looks like it's only set to get more excitin' from here.
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
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Dawn: To be honest, relationships between certain countries in Animalia have been suffering since my own little indiscretion.
Vernon: I don't think it would surprise y'all to know that most of the world looks at Zootopia as the cradle of modern civilization, and tends to take its cues from it.
Dawn:'As Zootopia goes, so goes the world.' Is sort of an often bandied about quote. It may be a bit dramatic, but it isn't untrue.
Vernon: I don't really know how specific y'all can get. Animalia has a lot of countries. Afrikat alone is loaded with countless micro nations established fer specific species in certain places. So there's a lot o' governin' bodies in place to consider.
Dawn: Sufficed to say, my little power trip gave countries with already very strict predator/prey separation laws, like Gutallama and Ucrane more ammo to build on said laws. Most of them didn't back down either once I got caught. Instead, they chose to simply double down on the anti-predator rhetoric. This, of course, led to various sanctions from the United Mammalian Nations, which over time gradually forced those laws back.
Vernon: Then Aster happened.
Dawn: obviously you are aware he had mammals backing him internationally. Some of whom were government officials in first world countries. It shouldn't surprise you that several officials in Panda and Grrussia were indicted over it, and the Zootopian courts are still trying to extradite them. Naturally this strained the already tenuous relationship of both nations with North Mammalia, Roarope and Kingland. Panda's pred population has responded by forming militias to overthrow the current government, and from what I've heard, more and more of the prey population seems to be siding with them despite Panda's attempt at cracking down on dissenters. But with that said, a few Kinglish officials were also wrapped up in it all.
Vernon: Unlike Panda and Grrussia though, them Kinglish criminals were shipped over right quick.
Dawn: As for places like Guatallama and Africkat...well...it's even more of a mess.
Vernon: A lot of nations ain't got any restrictions on Night Howler, and it's workin' its way into local weaponry. So a bunch o' them Afrikat proxy wars have only gotten worse.
Dawn: if it weren't for the old Pridelands stepping in to assist where needed, I imagine it would be a complete continent wide disaster. And Guatallama's increasingly strict policies have refugees fleeing as far North as Zootopia seeking refuge.
Vernon: Oh, and Dawn's book has the distinct honor of bein' 'banned' in several o' them places fer 'promoting immoral ideas'. So if that doesn't paint a picture of the troubles beyond our more peaceful shores, I don't know what will.
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gerenyi · 6 years ago
a kilencvenes evekben minden ceges bulin a Trabantot es az Afrikat jatszottak!
nagyon sok dolog változott meg 1998 óta, de abban következetes a véleményem
a Backstreet Boys egy hallgathatatlan rakás szar
nagyjából a pokol utolsó előtti bugyra a Spice Girlsszel együtt (a legalsóba Michael Jackson és Madonna mellé azóta is csak Britney költözött le)
szerencsére azóta az például már megváltozott, hogy nem tuszkolják le a normális zenéket szerető emberek torkán az ilyeneket, úgyhogy határozottan jó irányba megy a világ, igen
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