#african grey parrot feathers
tiktokparrot · 2 years
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deesstimstock · 1 month
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🩶´ˎ˗ Cressi the african gray parrot petting and flight
ㅤ╰➝ By BirdTricks on youtube
ㅤ╰➝ Please credit if using!
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coffeenuts · 2 years
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Gray parrot by Palms59 https://flic.kr/p/2nVxGmk
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New feather art babyyyy
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Citron (left) and Inverse (right)
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the-loon-attic · 7 months
Cosmo the African Grey trolls her mummy
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subbalakshmisastry · 2 years
Extraordinary Talking Parrots , African Grey Parrot , Mimics Human Voice...
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confetti-critter · 2 years
There's some times when I want to make Posts but have literally nothing to say I just have an urge to go "hnnnnrghhhhh bogos binted. Bingus b. Th" then hit post
So anyway
hnnnnrghhhhh bogos binted. Bingus b. Th
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murfeelee · 3 months
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Birds Steal Their Look Pt1a: African Birds
I was inspired by this thread started by tenderanarchist here to turn my TS3 sims into avian fashionistas.
African Birds: African Grey Parrot, Bee-Eater, Blackbird, Guinea Fowl, Knob-Billed Duck, Knysna Turaco.
I combed through the entire thread and Google, looking for more examples; and when I ran out I picked extra birds to keep going.
Next up: Australian Birds!
- (GENERAL): Avatar eyes & dots @csitaly, Indogene skin @niobecremisi, Mermaid & Sea Skins @niobecremisi, Nose masks (X X X X X X) | Feather patterns in beta by me
- African Grey Parrot: Hat by EA, Top at the Store (X), Pants & shoes by EA
- Bee-Eater: Sherlock Outfit by Misty (SFS backup), Eyeshadows at Mamyrocker & TSR | BG3 hair in gamma by me
- Blackbird: Hat from IP EP, Blouse by Blinksims, Pants & shoes by EA, Shades at TSR
- Guinea Fowl: Hair by Kitty, Dress by Meronin at TSR, Boots by Simannova (SFS backup) | jacket ACC in gamma by me
- Knob-Billed Duck: Hair, Duck bill ACC by M1ssduo, Reindeer nose ACC by Yuu, Freckles (X X), Dress at the Store (X), Shoes by EA | shawl in beta by me
- Knysna Turaco: Eyelashes at TSR, Eyeliner (SFS backup), Costume Makeup ITF EP, Hair at the Store (X), Top by EA (IDER), Pants by EA (IDER), Boots at the Store (X)
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fuckyeahpunkflower · 1 year
Guys guys guys its AU time! With older Miles(18) and older Hobie (20). (Also no spider man powers, normal times)
Miles is attending a prestigious University in Northern New York after years of studying and applying for scholarships at Visions. Rio and Jefferson are super proud of him although a bit sadden that their baby boy is now a young man leaving the house.
On the plus side, Miles is SUPER stoke to finally FINALLY have his very own dorm ALL TO HIMSELF! no more cramped spaces, uncomfortable bunk beds or missing shoes (that somehow always made an appearance again when Ganke returned to the room) Miles admits he will miss Ganke but they'll definitely catch up over some games on the PS4 and summer breaks.
But the best part about this university in Mile's opinion is the fact they allow pets on campus and in dorms. Which means he can live his dream of owning a dog. He's always wanted a dog since he was a kid but his parents never thought he was responsible enough to take care of it ( but mainly because Rio and Jefferson didn't want to deal with a toddler and training a puppy at the same time) Now that Miles is grown he's decided its time to make his own decisions. And that decision was to get a dog the moment he moves into his dorm. It took him 2 weeks to get settled in with his belongings and getting familiar with his classes around campus but after that he was heading towards the nearest pet shelter he could find.
And here we enter Hobie Brown! He works at the local pet shelter which houses all sorts of abandoned and neglected pets. From your typical cats and dogs to reptiles, birds, and even fishes, Hobie is there to take care of them all! And on the weekends he playing with his band mates.
Anyway Cue Miles entering the pet shelter and he's immediately greeted with the site of Hobie. They make brief eye contact and Miles freezes in place lost in thought *Damn, I was not expecting to see someone so fucking cool and hot today oh my gosh get it together you're here for a dog you're here for a dog you're here for a-*
"You know usually people tend to rush straight to the pups and ignore me but with the way your staring at me right now I can't say I'm complaining. your face is the same shade as the pups little red rockets back there" Hobie snickers
"Bro WHAT!?" Miles yelled in utter shock. He was NOT prepared for any amount of what was said to him in that moment. "What- I mean- like man- that was the wildest response I've ever-" He stops rambling to gain his composure back. "Look man, I came in here hoping to adopt a dog, can you help me or what?"
Hobie looks at Miles with amusement in his eyes "Sure thing love, straight to the back we go!"
And that was Hobies and Miles first interaction at the pet shelter.
Back to the p o i n t!!!
This is basically a college Miles and pet shop worker Hobie (except its a shelter) AU merged into one. Basically Miles visits the shelter every week looking for a dog to adopt and Hobie shows him around. With each visit Miles begins to learn more about Hobie and his relationship with the animals at the shelter. Like how Hobie absolutely adores this grey African parrot that was left in the cage on the street. Its feathers are sparse and sheds but it loves to mimic Hobies Cockney accent.
Eventually Miles adopts a cute senior black Labrador named Orca due to the white and gray furs around her eyes. Even after getting his dog he still visits the shelter between classes to talk to Hobie.
So like yeah in order to keep this short before I literally write the first fucking chapter of this AU on here.
Miles is in college and develops feelings for Hobie while he helps him adopt a dog. They hang out sometime later and Eventually BOOM they're boyfriends :D
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fanby-fckry · 4 months
If Alastor had bird traits, what would bird species would they be?
Ooh, this is a good question. Very much in the spirit of random anons. (This is a compliment, I promise.)
My first thought was that it’d have to be something intelligent, something capable of mimicking human speech. Alastor’s voice is very important to him, so I think if he had traits from an animal in a class where some are extremely good at mimicking human speech and some aren’t, he’d be one of the talking ones.
That narrows it down to mostly parrots and corvids, but I’m willing to throw in Australian Magpies (not corvids, despite the name) because they’re such menaces, and I think swooping season is a fun parallel to the fanon idea of Alastor going through rut.
I like the idea that rut isn’t necessarily sexual for Alastor, that he just gets extra combattive and irritable. It’d be similar for swooping. He wouldn’t be protecting offspring or a mate, he’d just get extra territorial about his radio tower for no apparent reason, snatching up any demons who get too close.
Now, back to corvids and parrots.
For parrots, I narrowed it down to two species based on intelligence and speech, as well as the additional criteria of having some red on them, somewhere. This leaves us with African Grey Parrots (red tail feathers) and Scarlet Macaws (mostly red).
But deer aren’t exactly red, so I don’t think that should exclude our next contestants, the American Crow, the Fish Crow and the Chihuahuan Raven.
One of my favorite things about Alastor being a deer is that the particular species I believe him to be (a White Tailed Deer) is native to Louisiana. Now, you’re not exactly going to find Australian Magpies, African Greys, or Scarlet Macaws flying around in Louisiana unless somebody’s pet got loose.
Meanwhile, American Crows, Fish Crows (the two species of crows most often observed mimicking human speech) and Chihuahuan Ravens are all birds that Alastor would’ve been fairly likely to encounter during his lifetime.
And then, after all that research, I remembered the existence of the shrike…
The Loggerhead Shrike fits none of my original criteria, but is native to Louisiana and is famous for hunting prey that is sometimes as large or larger than they are and impaling them on sticks.
You see this bird?
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This bird is a serial killer.
Ok, so that’s anthropomorphizing a bird that’s really just hunting to eat, like most carnivores do, but like. If you know this bird, you know I’m not wrong.
They’re nicknamed the butcherbird, and they’ve fucking earned it.
Bonus points for two of their common prey items being spiders and snakes, for all your RadioDust, RadioApple, and RadioSnake needs, platonic or otherwise.
I have some choice sections from their wikipedia page that I’d like to include, but I’m putting them below the cut in case anyone’s squeamish about details of animal death in a predator-prey context.
Loggerhead shrikes have been repeatedly observed killing prey larger than themselves by spearing the neck or head of the animal and twisting. The speed at which this occurs causes a whiplash injury to the animal. The neck strength of the shrikes compensates, making their talon weakness inconsequential.
Although loggerhead shrikes are passerines, they are a predatory species that hunt during the day. They primarily eat insects, but also consume arachnids, reptiles, amphibians, rodents, bats and small birds. They have even eaten venomous snakes such as the water adder. The size of prey ranges from 0.001 g (3.5×10−5 oz) insects to 25 g (0.88 oz) mice or reptiles.
They are not true birds of prey, as they lack the large, strong talons used to catch and kill prey. Instead, they are sit-and-wait hunters that stalk prey by hawking and diving from elevated perches.
Due to the shrike's small size in proportion to the size of its prey, it must rely on specialized adaptations to facilitate its hunting. The powerful, hooked beak of the loggerhead shrike allows it to sever the neck of a small vertebrate. Larger prey are subjected to impaling, in which they are pushed down into a sharp projection, such as a thorn or barbed wire. The bird can then tear off flesh by using the projection as an anchor. The shrike may also use the thorn to fasten and store its food to return to at a later time.
The motion of impalement appears to be instinctive, as parent shrikes do not demonstrate the behavior to their nestlings.
Yeah, I think we have a winner here, folks.
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 10 months
I present yet ANOTHER atsv au:
the bird companion au
in which at the age of 10, every person is given a bird companion that signifies their purpose, character, and destiny by the Canon itself in a large ceremony.
Miles Morales was given the companion of a cockatiel, Gwen Stacy was given the companion of a swan, Pavitr Prabhakar was given the companion of a bluebird, and Hobie Brown was given the companion of a cockatoo.
Miguel O’Hara was given the companion of an African Grey Parrot, Jessica Drew was given the companion of a bald eagle, and Peter B. Parker was given the companion of a pigeon (hear me out here).
All of these symbolize their character and even their role in the multiverse. Cockatiels (Miles’s bird) symbolize the important of socialization and creating bonds with others, as well as holding your loved ones dear to your heart. Swans (Gwen’s bird) symbolizes grace and beauty. The swan is also seen in the famous ballet Swan Lake and it deals with the character of Odette being cursed, which is similar to Gwen Stacy and her curse of dying in every other universe.
Bluebirds (Pavitr’s bird) represent joy, happiness, and harmony, which is similar to how in the face of disaster and dangerous threats, Pavitr is still able to shine through with unwavering optimism that doesn’t feel faked in the slightest. Cockatoos (Hobie’s bird) don’t have one definite symbolism, but they are known for their seed dispersal to help regenerate the forest, and are often seen as “pests” to most farms. This can reflect on how Hobie gives to the community while screwing over the authority that wants to keep all resources to themselves.
African Grey Parrots (Miguel’s bird) are regarded as one of the smartest birds in the world, being the smartest parrot in the world as well. This, along with them symbolizing royalty through its tail feathers, emphasizes on the isolation Miguel goes through with his unique knowledge on the multiverse and the consequences of meddling with the Canon, as well as the grief and guilt that comes with knowing what will happen in the future.
Bald eagles (Jess’s bird) are seen as symbols of bravery and strength, which Jess perfectly represents. She works in one of the most elite and strict societies with prestige and a sense of professionalism that no one can deny is present. Yes, while this bird is also seen as specifically a symbol for the United States of America, this is what they symbolize on a broader level.
Now you may think I did Peter dirty by giving him a freaking PIGEON but the symbolism behind this particular bird fits his character arc a lot. Pigeons are seen as symbols of peace, love, and tranquility (calmness). His arc of learning to being love (MJ) back into his life again and a sense of peace with his new family emulates this bird perfectly. Also, I just see him with a pigeon especially with his attire, okay?
Here’s one more snippet for my OC Mariano O’Hara from the Mariano O’Hara au hehe
Mariano O’Hara, if he were in this au as well, would be given the companion of a mockingbird. Mockingbirds, especially in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, are symbols of innocence. To kill a mockingbird then, is to destroy innocence. Mariano, while he does have some of the qualities of getting a cockatiel, bluebird, and even a pigeon, he gets a mockingbird because his innocence of the world highlights everything else in his personality. His abundant kindness and love for the world is a direct result of being kept away from it by Miguel, who is extremely adamant on making sure he doesn’t face the horrors of society that are unfortunately present. They parallel each other in a way: Miguel’s bird represents the burden of having the most knowledge and intelligence out of anyone and Mariano’s bird shows both the ups and downs of being completely innocent, by being both ignorant of everything bad, but also vulnerable to those evil forces.
So you can tell I have a lil obsession hehe
lemme know what you guys think and add your own thoughts to this!!!
taglist: @adorefavv @chessbox @daydreaming-en-pointe @darksidescorner @hoe-bie @hobiebrownismygod @i-put-the-wit-in-dimwit @ace-and-sleepdeprived @jasontoddssuper @skullghoulz @sp1derw1re @spiderxpawz @thecrowandtherose @the-cat-and-the-birdie
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tiktokparrot · 5 months
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
Headcannons you say? 👀 why not how Viktor would react to reader's lotal pet bird! Especially if it cawed out his name everytime he passed?? Only if you're comfortable with this, much love <3
My cousin has an african grey parrot, whose name I have lovingly reused for this.
Viktor x fem!Reader
-He doesn’t know you have a bird until you’re comfortable enough to visit each other’s homes.
-You’ve probably brought him (and Jayce) lunch at the lab a couple times, and he seemed to enjoy the meal, so you figured it might be nice to invite him over for dinner sometime. The two of you are always running out of time during your conversations, interrupted by school or work, so an evening together sounds nice.
-The first time he walks into your home, he’s generally polite. You’re a student, so like him, you don’t have much money to spend on decor items - but he doesn’t judge. He can smell whatever you’ve been cooking, so it’s kind of the only thing on his mind.
-Until something screeches from the other room.
-He’s visibly alarmed by the noise, whereas you’re perfectly calm. You’d heard that too, right? He wonders, hoping he’s not losing his mind.
-You disappear from the room, and he can vaguely hear you speaking softly, but he’s not able to decipher what you’re saying…
-But you return moments later, with what looks like a plucked chicken standing on your shoulder.
-And he must be making some kind of expression, because you reach forward suddenly and pinch his cheek. 
- “Don’t stare at her,” you scold, without a single hint of malice in your tone. “She’s shy.”
-As if on cue, the bird twitters softly and climbs behind your neck, poking her head out slightly so she can stare at him. Viktor feels incredibly judged, despite the fact that it’s a bird and an incredibly weird one at that.
- “Her name is Peach,” you explain, settling the table while the little creature balances happily on your shoulder. “Some rich bastard kept her in a tiny cage for years - she was so stressed that she pulled all her feathers out. As soon as she wasn’t colourful, she was abandoned…”
-Viktor watches as the little bird presses her beak against your cheek and makes a dramatic kissing noise, and his heart warms. Of course you’d be the one to see some sad creature and decide to help it; you saw the value in every life you stumbled upon. Much like you had with him.
-He was no plucked parrot, mind you, but he wasn’t unaware of the fact that most of the students at the academy -if not most of the people in Piltover- looked down on him. Because of his roots, because of his disabilities.
-But not you.
-You’d stumbled into the lab one afternoon, looking for Jayce (you’d somehow ended up with some of his mail. ‘Again’, according to you) and had started up a conversation with him instead.
-You’d shown a genuine interest in what he was working on, asking how things worked, and even offering a little bit of advice on why some components may not have been functioning. He’d been a little peeved at first, because who the hell were you to walk in there and criticize his designs?
-But then your ideas had worked and he’d been a little less annoyed. And then you’d come back a week later, once again looking for Jayce, once again striking up a chat with him. You’d eventually stopped bringing mail with you, and just started showing up to loiter and talk to him.
-Soon enough, he considered you a friend.
-Soon enough, he noticed the way his heart sped up whenever you were around.
-Soon enough, you apparently trusted him enough to introduce him to your strange little bird.
-He doesn’t get along with Peach at first. He’s rightfully wary of how protective she is of you, despite her being a parrot. She’s grabbed and chewed on his fingers on multiple occasions - whenever he got too touchy with you, really.
-If it wasn’t for Peach, he would have told you how he felt by now; he would have held your hand, or kissed your cheek, or something.
-It all comes to a head when he’s over at your house again, and you suddenly have to run to the kitchen to keep the stew from boiling over.
-Leaving him alone with Peach.
-Who glares at him with her beady little eyes.
-And he sighs.
-He reaches forward slowly, and offers his hand to the little bird, who surprisingly takes the invitation and steps into his palm.
- “Look,” he says quietly, bringing her up to eye level, “I know you do not like me very much. You bite me, and you hiss at me, and you steal my food. But I know you’re just protective of your mother.”
-With his other hand, he slowly strokes over the few feathers still on her head. “I know you love her dearly; I love her dearly, too. She’s kind, and caring, and smart. Perhaps, if you are amicable, we might be able to share her affection?”
-He hears a giggle from the doorway, and all at once he realizes how absurd he must look - talking to a bald parrot, professing his love, of all things.
-But instead of poking fun at him, you instead find a seat beside him on the couch, and lean over to press your lips onto his cheek a couple times. -It still takes a while after that for Peach to truly warm up to him, but eventually, whenever she hears the tap of his cane on the hardwood floors, she squawks his name and puts up a fuss until he comes over to offer her his shoulder to perch on.
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ndeep1234 · 7 days
Best Pets for Home: Top 5 Pets and How to Choose the Right One
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Finding the best pet for your home involves considering factors like space, time commitment, family dynamics, and personal preferences. Pets can bring joy, companionship, and responsibility to a household. Whether you're looking for a furry friend, a feathered companion, or a low-maintenance pet, there's something for everyone. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 pets for home and offer insights on how to choose the best one for your lifestyle.
1. Dogs
Dogs are often considered the ultimate companions for families and individuals alike. They are loyal, loving, and provide a sense of security. However, owning a dog requires time, effort, and patience.
Popular Breeds for Homes: Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Beagles, and Poodles.
Behavior: Dogs are social animals that thrive on interaction and activity. They require regular exercise, mental stimulation, and companionship.
Weight: Varies widely by breed, ranging from 5 lbs (2 kg) for small breeds like Chihuahuas to 100 lbs (45 kg) for larger breeds like Great Danes.
Food: Dogs require a balanced diet of protein, vegetables, and grains. High-quality dry dog food is a good base, but some dogs may benefit from fresh or raw food diets.
Advantages: Loyal, protective, great companions, encourage exercise.
Disadvantages: Require a lot of attention, training, and regular exercise. Some breeds are prone to health issues.
2. Cats
Cats are independent, low-maintenance pets that are perfect for smaller homes or apartments. They can be affectionate without being overly demanding and don't require the same level of attention as dogs.
Popular Breeds for Homes: British Shorthair, Siamese, Persian, and Maine Coon.
Behavior: Cats are curious, playful, and generally independent. While some cats are very affectionate, others may prefer solitude.
Weight: Typically between 8-15 lbs (3.5-7 kg).
Food: High-protein, grain-free dry or wet food is recommended. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their diet should primarily consist of meat.
Advantages: Low maintenance, independent, ideal for small spaces.
Disadvantages: Can be aloof, may scratch furniture, litter box cleaning is required.
3. Fish
For those looking for a low-maintenance and visually pleasing pet, fish are an excellent choice. A well-maintained aquarium can add beauty to any room, and fish are quiet, peaceful pets that require minimal interaction.
Popular Species for Homes: Betta Fish, Goldfish, Guppies, and Neon Tetras.
Behavior: Fish are calming to watch and can be mesmerizing with their graceful movements. However, they do not offer the same level of interaction as other pets.
Weight: Varies depending on the species, but most common household fish are small and lightweight.
Food: Specialized fish flakes, pellets, or frozen foods based on the species.
Advantages: Low maintenance, aesthetically pleasing, quiet.
Disadvantages: Require regular water changes and tank maintenance, no physical interaction.
4. Birds
Birds can be wonderful pets, especially for those who enjoy animals with personality and intelligence. Birds range from low-maintenance species like parakeets to more demanding species like parrots.
Popular Species for Homes: Budgies (Parakeets), Cockatiels, Lovebirds, and African Grey Parrots.
Behavior: Birds are social and often form strong bonds with their owners. Some species can even mimic human speech and sounds.
Weight: Varies by species; small birds like budgies weigh around 1 oz (28 g), while larger parrots can weigh up to 3.5 lbs (1.5 kg).
Food: A balanced diet of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and specialized pellets is necessary to keep birds healthy.
Advantages: Intelligent, interactive, can be trained to talk or perform tricks.
Disadvantages: Can be noisy, require social interaction, and may become destructive if bored.
5. Rabbits
Rabbits are great pets for families or individuals who want a soft, furry friend that is relatively low maintenance. They are quiet, social animals that can be litter-trained and kept indoors or outdoors.
Popular Breeds for Homes: Holland Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Lionhead, and Flemish Giant.
Behavior: Rabbits are social animals that enjoy being around people. They can be litter-trained and love to hop around in open spaces.
Weight: Depending on the breed, rabbits can weigh anywhere from 2 lbs (1 kg) to 15 lbs (7 kg).
Food: A diet consisting mainly of hay, fresh vegetables, and rabbit pellets.
Advantages: Quiet, can be litter-trained, good for small spaces.
Disadvantages: Require regular grooming, need space to roam, can chew on furniture.
How to Choose the Best Pet for Your Home
Choosing the best pet depends on several factors:
Time Commitment: Some pets, like dogs, require a significant amount of time for training, exercise, and attention. If you have a busy schedule, consider low-maintenance pets like fish or cats.
Living Space: Consider how much space you have. Larger animals like dogs and rabbits need more space to move around, while fish and small birds can thrive in smaller areas.
Allergies: If you or a family member has allergies, hypoallergenic pets such as certain dog breeds (like poodles) or hairless cats may be a better option.
Family Dynamics: Pets like dogs can be great companions for children, while smaller pets like fish or birds may be more suited to families with older children who understand how to handle animals gently.
Budget: Some pets require more financial investment than others, not only in terms of initial costs but also in terms of ongoing care, food, and veterinary expenses.
Experience: First-time pet owners may find it easier to start with low-maintenance pets like fish or small birds, while more experienced owners may opt for dogs or rabbits.
Final Thoughts
Owning a pet is a rewarding experience that comes with responsibilities. Whether you choose a loyal dog, an independent cat, a peaceful fish, a chatty bird, or a soft rabbit, ensure that you are prepared to meet their physical and emotional needs. Researching the specific requirements of each species and breed will help you make the best decision for your home and lifestyle.
What is the best pet for first-time owners? Cats and fish are excellent choices for first-time owners due to their relatively low maintenance needs compared to dogs.
Are rabbits good pets for small apartments? Yes, rabbits can be kept in small apartments as long as they have space to hop around and plenty of enrichment to prevent boredom.
What is the most low-maintenance pet? Fish are considered one of the most low-maintenance pets, as they require little interaction and only need regular tank cleaning and feeding.
Do birds require a lot of attention? Some species of birds, like parrots, require a significant amount of social interaction and attention, while smaller birds like budgies are more independent.
Can dogs be left alone during the day? Some dog breeds can be left alone for a few hours, but most dogs require companionship and exercise throughout the day. Consider hiring a dog walker if you have a busy schedule.
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flock-talk · 2 years
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For sure! @aradow
Garuda aviary mentions the concept here (where I was first introduced to the concept, they are mostly theorizing based on what we know of chick development and observed feather destruction between wild and captive birds.)
this article covers how the parent bird plays a crucial role in how the chicks are able to respond to stressors (study on chickens not parrots)
The Manual of parrot behaviour has a chapter on the influences of hand rearing on feather picking behaviours, the whole book is a pretty informative read
comparison of wild caught, parent reared, and hand reared African grey behaviour
comparing feather picking with corticosterone excretion (and mentions how endorphins help to cope with increased corticosterone)
General overview of plucking influences and social, developmental factors
Concludes that feather plucking behaviours are commonly sourced back to the imprinting periods prior to fledging among other influential factors
and if anyone wants to do further digging the "sciency" term for feather plucking is "pterotillomania" which helps a lot in finding good sources
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freyanistics · 2 years
To add onto this
Now that I’m thinking about it I think Donna would have a parrot, specifically an African grey parrot.
I can see the feathered fiend chilling on Donna’s shoulders while she work and talking in Italian (since they probably heard her)
Angie would teach them cuss words though
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