#aengel's diary
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
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monoreadsold · 6 years ago
the library: from other sites
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T U M B L R . C O M
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LINK — the library: a guide
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A S I A N F A N F I C S . C O M
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oc — original character
f — fluff
h — humor
a — angst
t — trigger
i — implied
s — smut
ac — action
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For Better or For Worse by kristinxm — oc . ac . a . f . t 
The Great Reclamation by Koni_Fox [ yg + oc | ac a f t i ] 
The Art of Blushing by Millies — oc . f . i
My Kitten Taehyung by wolken [ th + oc | f s i a ] 
Bite Your Tongue by SleepingPrincess — s
Messed Up Shirt by momokhat — f . s
Under Arrest by momokhat — s
VULTURE: SIRED by Caylaleroux — oc . s . a . ac . t
The Fat Girl by KookieCrumbies [ jk + oc | t a f i h ]
Until the Last One Falls by Laulau95 [ jk + oc | f a s ]
The Way They Were by aperfectworld [ jk + oc | f h ]
The Breaking by -Tigress- [ jk | a ac t ]
Blame the Windows by momokhat [ jk | s ] 
Killer by Smilecake [ jk + oc | ac a t ]
Take the Advice by momokhat [ jk | s a ]
Play Your Ace by Laulau95 [ jk | a ac s t ]
Frosted by momokat [ jk | s f ]
Entity by nutmeggu [ jk + oc | ac a t f ]
To Have And To Hold by kristinxm [ jk + oc | a f ac s t ]
STAINS by kjbold [ jk + oc | a i f t ]
The Mismatch by missannthropii [ jk + oc | s f h a ]
The Definition of Jungkook by mistressdean [ jk + oc | a f ]
Flatmates and Fridgenotes by momokhat [ jk + oc | s a ] 
Movie Night by karamatiguo(??) [ jk + oc | a f s ] 
Scandal by aengelic [ jk + oc | f a ] 
Between Friends by __ [ jk & th & jm | s i a f ] 
Flaws of a Perfection by TeaMinT [ jk & yg & th + oc | f a h ] 
My Small World by emmetropia [ jk & th + oc | f a ] 
Awkward Hybrid of Travel, Boys & Double Eyelids by momokhat [ jk & th + oc | s a f h ] 
Of Peaches and Blues by Hyeonhee — yg x jm . a . f 
Cigarettes, Liquor, Sweet As Sugar by SongMaelin — yg x jk . a . i . t
Human by neptunescar — jk x th . f . a . ac . t
Rebels by O-tto-kakakaji [ jk x th | s a ]
Desires of the Past by O-tto-kakakaji [ jk x th | a s ]
Serve and Protect by neptunescar [ jk x th | ac t a s f ]
Strawberry Lube by minyoongz [ jm x yg | s a f ]
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The Pact by exoism [ lh + oc | a f ] 
Thug Wife by exoism [ lh + oc | s ac t f ] 
When Night And Day Become One by iHeart-u [ lh + oc | f a ] 
Summer Vacation with a Jerk I & II [ luhan | f a ] 
EXO SERIES: I'm Byun Baekhyun's Traitor [PLEASE DO NOT TRANSLATE/PLAGIARIZE] by kyuhyunwifey [ bh + oc | f h a ] 
Fearless by Emilieee [ bh + oc | f a ]
Attayear by Korekrypta [ bh + oc | f ac a t ]
King of My World by RealisticOptimist [ bh + oc | f h ac ] 
Lie For Two by shainiak [ bh + oc | f a ] 
Don’t Fall In Love With Me by rollingbaek [ bh + oc | f a ] 
Loathsome Kisses by earmoles [ bh + oc | t a s ]
The Contract by kfanfiction [ bh + oc | f a ]
Except You by myeonwonu [ bh + oc | f a ] 
Darkest Hour by Emilieee [ bh + oc | ac f a ] 
Mr. Byun Baekhyun: Untamed by __ [ bh + oc | s a f ]
The Aporia of Life by shainiak [ bh + oc | ac t a ]
Make Me Regret by shainiak [ bh + oc | f a ] 
TEACH ME SEX by ___ [ bh + oc | f s a ]
The Married Life of Mr. Byun by sundaysundaes [ bh | f i a ] 
The Seventh Demon [ bh | a f ] 
Petrichor: Rainy With A Chance of Park Chanyeol by thenamelesshero [ cy + oc | a f ] 
The Royal Sons by Laydeen [ bh & cy + oc | a s ]
Black Pearl by EXO-Dreamer [ bh & ks + oc | ac a t f s ]
El Dorado by EXO-Dreamer [ bh & ks + oc | ac a t f s ]
Rules & Regulations by vanillasushi [ bh & sh + oc | s f a i ] 
Foul for You by bohemianrhapsody [ bh & cy + oc | f a ] 
A Dead Man’s Diary by exoism [ bh & cy + oc | f a ] 
You’re Next My Love by KaSo-sso [ exo + oc | t a ac ] 
How I Met Byun Baekhyun by boogerbrain95 [ exo + oc | f h a ] 
Royally Screwed by mistressdean [ bh & jn + oc | f a ] 
Oh, Rati by annafeu [ lh x sh | s t ac ]
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A R C H I V E S O F O U R O W N . C O M
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oc — original character
f — fluff
h — humor
a — angst
t — trigger
i — implied
s — smut
ac — action
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Love At First Touch by bagelwrites [ jm | f a ]
Hiraeth by faryn_rose [ jk | f s ]
Pancakes? by yoongis_ass [ jk | f ]
Jungkook next door by Forfirith [ jk | f ]
Sillage by deerguk [ jk | f s i a ]
The Unwanted Alpha by __ [ jk | s f a ]
The 100-Day Love Challenge by jeosheo [ jm x yg | f ]
ten things I love about you by jonghyunslisterine [ yg x jm | f ]
Abaddon’s Waltz by eclairdeluxe [ jk x th | s t a ]
Thursdays are for... by Arguileless [ jk & th | s ]
Good in Dreams, Better in Real Life by __ [ yg x jm | f ]
__ by mindheist [ jk x th | a f s i ]
House of Cards by sugamins [ jk x th x jm | s ac a t ]
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updated as of 190123
23 notes · View notes
aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
Sus ojos son tan oscuros como la noche
Su pelo es oscuro
Su aura es oscura
Todo en el es oscuridad
Pero como ilumina mi mundo entero cada vez que sonríe.
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
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we are just strangers now...
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
Ella vive encerrada en su mente, si tan solo pudieras ver todo lo que siente.
Nadie la entiende por eso miente, se hace la fuerte para que no veas que le duele. Cuando nadie la ve, ahí es cuando se rompe.
Se creen que la conocen pero no saben lo que ella esconde.
Sigue caminando aunque tenga mil cortes y este perdiendo su sangre.
The show must go on.
Se pone su armadura cuando se sube el telón, pero si eres lo suficientemente valiente para quedarte veras lo frágil que es su corazón.
Lo guarda bajo llave en un cajón para que no se lo robe ningún ladrón.
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
espero que cada vez que veas la luna te acuerdes de mi...
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
I'm all alone in my room, no lights
Just my gloom
Thinking when everything was fine
and you were nice
You can break my heart into a million of pieces, but it would still want you.
And only you
Why did you have to make me fall in love with you?
Just to runaway and leave my world in ruins
Comeback and say it to my face, say it was all a lie
Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't feel a thing
Why did you have to kiss me like if you loved me?
When you just wanted my body
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
Bedsheets, no clothes
Touch me like nobody else does
Lovely to just lay here with you
You're kinda cute and I would say all of this
But I don't wanna ruin the moment
Lovely to sit between comfort and chaos
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
" I belive I'll be over you "
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
¿Cómo podría olvidarte?
Si nuestros labios encajan perfectamente como piezas de rompecabezas.
Tus manos sobre mi cuerpo es todo lo que necesito.
Tienes algo que te vuelve adictivo.
Cuando no estas mi corazón pierde el pulso.
Te busco en los brazos de un extraño,
pero lo único en lo que pienso, es que no son los tuyos.
Dejaste una cicatriz permanente en mi.
Nunca sentí que perteneciera a ningún lugar, pero a tu lado tenía a donde ir.
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
Find who you die for
That's who you live for
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
Un poema que encontré en instagram:
" Tu compañía
fue como vivir
todos mis lugares preferidos
a la vez
Tu ausencia
me dejo sin hogar... "
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
Tus manos están grabadas por todo mi cuerpo, como si fueran un tatuaje.
Nuestro último beso, todavía puedo sentirlo en mis labios.
La última noche que te vi todavía me persigue.
Me niego a creer que un recuerdo tan lindo y especial haya sido una mentira fabricada.
Cuando me levantaste con tus brazos y me besaste en el aire ¿mentias?
Cuando me dijiste que contarias todos los lunares de mi cuerpo ¿mentias?
Cuando tratabas de cocinar pero no podías quitar tus manos de mi ¿fue parte de tu guión?
Recordar esos momentos se sienten como dagas en mi corazón.
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
my heart's beating but i'm dead
the scar you left in my chest
doesn't bleed but it won't heal
you left me to die
now I'm a living corpse
so for that I'll leave you a course
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aengel-mp3 · 1 year ago
You ripped my heart like jack at night
A killer disguised as a knight
How could I be so naive?
Before I could notice
You took my life with your knife
Now there's angels crying
My grieving soul, for all the pain that you put me through
You took everything from me
Then leave me there to bleed
Now it's hard to breathe
It's hard to live
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