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neopronouns · 3 months ago
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flag id: five flags with 6 stripes. the top flag's stripes are dark brown, medium brown, cream, pale purple, faded indigo, and dark brown. the middle left flag's stripes are light teal, very light teal, bluish-white, pale warm purple, soft indigo, and medium silver. the middle right flag's stripes are caramel brown, bluish-white, light warm purple, purple, medium dark indigo, and dark indigo. the bottom left flag's stripes are purple, soft indigo, light teal, light brown, medium brown, and brown. the bottom right flag's stripes are light silver, very light silver, light teal, medium light turquoise, soft blue, and indigo.
each flag has a symbol in its top left corner. the top flag has a symbol of an open book with sparkles above its pages, which is dark brown with a cream outline. the middle left flag has a symbol of a crystal ball on a stand, which is silver with a bluish-white outline. the middle right flag has a symbol of a corked potion bottle, which is dark indigo with a bluish-white outline. the bottom left flag has a symbol of a wand with a star-shaped tip, which is brown with a light teal outline. the bottom right flag has a symbol of a necklace with a large crystal pendant, which is indigo with a very light silver outline. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
spellbook crystal | potion wand | amulet
spellbook: one who presents in an aurethine way
crystal: one who presents in an aurethine and feminine way or whose presentation is feminine in an aurethine way
potion: one who presents in an aurethine and masculine way or whose presentation is masculine in an aurethine way
wand: one who presents in an aurethine and neutral way or whose presentation is neutral in an aurethine way
amulet: one who presents in an aurethine and gender nonconforming way or whose presentation is gender nonconforming in an aurethine way
[pt: spellbook: one who presents in an aurethine way
crystal: one who presents in an aurethine and feminine way or whose presentation is feminine in an aurethine way
potion: one who presents in an aurethine and masculine way or whose presentation is masculine in an aurethine way
wand: one who presents in an aurethine and neutral way or whose presentation is neutral in an aurethine way
amulet: one who presents in an aurethine and gender nonconforming way or whose presentation is gender nonconforming in an aurethine way. end pt]
aurethesia presentation terms in the style of various other neogender umbrella presentation terms (ex: these techrobai presentations, these kenochoric presentations)!
i based the terms on various magical items. here are the symbol sources: spellbook, crystal, potion, wand, amulet!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @p-rtyboy, @pawsibell, @dragonpride17, @en8y, @presentationflag-archive
dni link
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mythsoil · 9 months ago
comic with oc lore, and the poem written by @not-the-cheese
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qerberus · 8 months ago
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Ultimagethe | Demuranethe | Accessoriterm
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Ultimagethe: An AEIN term related to Ultimate Madoka from Madoka Magica. This can be in relation to gender, alterhumanity, orientation, etc., however the user sees fit.
Demuranethe: A TENIN term related to 'Devil Homura' from Madoka Magica. This can be in relation to gender, alterhumanity, orientation, etc., however the user sees fit.
Accessoriterm: A CTIN term connected to accessories utilized as symbols of one's orientation. (IE: black ring on the right middle finger = ace, white ring on left middle finger = aro, handkerchief code, carabiners, etc.) Intended to be used as a presentation term, but does not have to be.
10/10 for @neopronouns' event! The prompts are 'aurethesia', 'tenethesia', and 'comuniterm.' Thank you Dexter for the event and happy birthday! Had a ton of fun. c(^w^ )o🎉
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acronym-chaos · 1 year ago
[PT: Vamptesia].
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom are: velvet maroon, cabernet sauvignon, burnt pink, night black, burnt pink, cabernet sauvignon, velvet maroon. Emerging from the bottom and top stripes respectively and ending just over two-thirds of the way up and down the height of the flag respectively, are 'swooping’ shapes that gradiate into byzantium color. In the center of the flag is a cavern pink symbol resembling a magic wand with a straight line, a crescent moon, and small bird wing shapes. The symbol is tilted to the right. End ID]
Vamptesia: a teneth gender related to vampires and vampire aesthetic.
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[ID: A thin line divider. On either end there is a sun symbol. At the center, the divider is cut off by text reading "Team Sun". All of the image is in yellow outlined with bright orange, then copper brown. End ID].
2023CoinFight Attack on @neopronouns! Worth 5 points!
@kiruliom @radiomogai
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tellofunni · 1 year ago
[jester that just got kicked in the crotch] ah! my jesticles!
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sunoo-bby · 1 year ago
hi kya~ how have you been lately?
hiiii lovely <3 ive been okay at best ,, a lot going on yk but how are you ?
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glosschi · 1 year ago
There’s not a soul in this world who loves you more than I do.
Love Shuttle
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full-sunnies · 2 years ago
mel and aein :(( 🫂
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cathyun · 2 years ago
hi rin 🤍 i started following you recently but i’ve been too shy to talk. would you like to be friends?
(it’s okay if your answer is no. if it is, you can just delete this ask)
i hope you have a great day <3
but yes ofc i'd love to be friends!! i'm really shy too and i'm glad you reached out <3
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neopronouns · 5 months ago
more referential terms for my neogender umbrellas!
before i start, i want to say that 'younger' and 'older' in these definitions are intentionally vague! just as a twenty-something may call themselves a boy/girl, a parent may call their minor child a young man/woman, an adult may refer to their friends as 'the boys/girls', etc., these terms are not strictly intended to refer to minors and legal adults.
the general term, coined in the original aurethesia post, is reth, and the plural is rethi. reth is simply a shortening of aurethesia.
the word for a younger reth is roa, which is derived from the word 'aurora'. the plural is roae.
the word for an older reth is eoan, a word meaning 'of the dawn', which was derived from the name of the greek goddess of the dawn, eos (her roman counterpart is aurora). the plural is eoans.
the general term, coined in the original tenethesia post, is teth, and the plural is tethi. teth is simply a shortening of tenethesia.
the word for a younger teth is tae, which is derived from latin 'tenebrae', meaning 'darkness'. the plural is taen.
the word for an older teth is stro, which is derived from 'astro', which itself is derived from 'aster', which astraeus, the name of the greek god of dusk, is also derived from. plural is stroes.
once i realized that aurora, roman goddess of the dawn, had a greek counterpart, eos, who had a husband who was the god of the dusk, i decided to use eos and astraeus as inspiration for the older aurethesia and tenethesia terms. i feel like they fit together nicely!
the general term, coined in the original comuniterm post, is niol, and the plural is niolae. it comes from 'neolabel' and 'liom'.
the word for a younger niol is rai, which comes from 'resident' and 'mogai'. the plural is raien.
the word for an older niol is hom, which comes from 'inhabitant' and 'liom'/'mogai'). the plural is homs.
i used 'resident' and 'inhabitant' as inspiration for rai and hom since there's not really an english word that specifically means 'member of a community', but terms for those who live in an area are close enough in my mind!
the general term, coined in the original wevaranet post, is rane, and the plural is ranae. it comes from 'araneae', the order of spiders.
the word for a younger rane is ret, which comes from 'spideret', a young spider. 'et' also gives similarity to 'marionette'. the plural is rets.
the word for an older rane is pule, from 'manipule', the old french root of the word 'manipulate'. the plural is pulae.
the general term, coined in the original sylvaencan post, is sylv, and the plural is sylven. it comes from latin 'silva'/'sylva', meaning 'forest'.
the word for a younger sylv is aun, from middle english 'enchaunten', meaning 'enchant'. the plural is aunae.
the word for an older sylv is nem, from latin 'nemus', meaning 'grove'. the plural is nemi.
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mythsoil · 7 months ago
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staff, myth
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jiminimzz · 5 months ago
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my other acc: @jimins-aein @hyeinstiers
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justablix · 1 year ago
Ist pawlak/vincent Ross eigentlich ein ao3 tag
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neonvvaves · 2 months ago
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"i  owe  you  a  hell  lot,"  haein  murmurs  between  his  breath  hitching  on  quieter  sobs.  goddamnit,  why  won't  the  tears  stop?  he  fights  the  urge  to  claw  off  his  skin  by  holding  onto  emery  tighter.  "but  i  do  worry,"  haein  insists  with  concern  welling  in  his  eyes.  there's  guilt  in  his  gaze  as  well.  he means to frown, but unknowingly pouts. "all  of  this  must've  been  hard  for  you."  haein  still  doesn't  believe  he's  an  addict.  but  he's  been  around  addicts,  and  understands  how  heartbreaking  it  can  be  to  see  people  you  care  about  be  at  the  brutal  mercy  of  substances.  instead  of  his  worry  taking  the  wheel,  and  driving  the  high-speed  car  off  a  cliff  towards  panic,  haein  calms  down  as  emery  holds  him.  he  relaxes  as  that  familiar  arm  wraps  around  his waist.  when  emery  asks  if  haein  wants  him  to  stay,  haein's  heart  yells,  yes!  but  his  fingers  curl  into  emery's  shirt  with  hesitance  while  his  mind  hisses,  don't  be  clingy.  don't  burden  him.  don't  bring  him  down.  don't-  haein  looks  at  emery,  willing  his  mind  ( or  the  fear? )  to  please  shut  the  fuck  up  for  once.  he  dares  to  ask,  "can  you  stay?  please?"  his  heart  pounds  wildly  fast  with  apprehension.  fuck.  when  did  haein  become  so  cowardly?  is  it  because  he  isn't  high  right  now?  is this what it's like to be sober . . . forever? "i  mean,  like─  if  you  don't  mind.  it's  only  if  you're  cool  with  it."  haein  laughs  reassuringly,  although  there's  some  nervousness  flickering  through.  "and  i've  still  got  some  spare  clothes  for  you  from  the  last  time  you  stayed  over."  just  to  hang  out.  enjoy  staying  up  late,  random  movies  playing  on  the  background,  talking  about  anything  and  everything.  not  like  tonight  where  it  goes  unsaid  that  haein  left  alone  might  run  away  to  the  nearest  club,  and  slam  his  head  down  on  a  mountain  of  white  powder.             
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the  damp  patch  on  his  shirt  doesn’t  bother  him,  not  even  a  little.  it’s  fine.  emery  would  rather  his best friend cry  here  like  this  than  try  to  bottle  it  up  or  run  away.  all  he  can  think  about  is  how  long  haein  must’ve  been  carrying  everything  alone  and  how  rare  it  is  to  see  him  let  any  of  it  out.  he  stays  quiet and  lets  haein  have  the  space  to  breathe  and  break  down.  his  thumb  brushes  against  the  nape  of  haein’s  neck  now,  it's  just  natural  to  want  to  give  the  other  comfort  where  he  can.  hearing  him  say  that  has  emery  a  little  taken  aback.  it’s  not  like  he’s  ever  doubted  how much haein  cares,  but  words  like  that  have  always  felt  like  something  reserved  for  better  people,  people  who  don't  have  blood  on  their  hands or a life split in two. it feels relieving yet undeserving at the same time.  “okay,”  he  murmurs,  almost  like  he’s  reassuring  himself  as  much  as  haein.  he  huffs  a  soft  laugh  at  haein’s  question.  “psh. look at you. you  shouldn’t  be  worrying  about  me  right  now, haein,”  he  says  quietly,  almost  like  it’s  meant  to  deflect.  his thumb grazes over the other's cheek again, wiping away the remnants of tears with a gentle careful touch. he  doesn’t  want  to  think  about  what’s  in  his  head  or  what  he’s  feeling.  not  right  now  when  haein  needs  him  steady.  as haein leans into him, emery’s arm circles his waist and he shifts slightly just enough to hold him closer, his fingers pressing gently into his side. “are  you  going  to  be  okay?”  he  doesn’t  look  away,  doesn’t  let  the  question  hang  too  long  before  he  adds,  “do  you  need  me  to  stay  over?  i  don't  mind.  or  i  can  just…  stick  around  until  you’re  good.”  he  means  it,  every  word.  because  if  haein  needs  him,  he’ll  do  whatever  it  takes  to  offer  him  care  and  keep  him  safe.  and  if  staying  means  haein  sleeps  a  little  easier  tonight,  there’s  nowhere  else  emery would rather  be.
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haejeans · 2 years ago
sender kisses receiver's shoulder.
Você é tão... Ah. Não sei o que fazer com você! Como consegue ser tão fofinha? Vem cá, deixa eu morder essas suas bochechinhas! Não! Quem disse que você podia correr!? Pode voltar aqui, senhorita Kou. Não adianta se esconder, consigo te ouvir sorrindo... Será que você está... Aqui! Não? Hm... Talvez, aqui? Ah, achei você! Aein, você não pode se esconder de mim, hm? Não adianta reclamar, te peguei. Não vou mais largar você.
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ddoxhan · 2 years ago
i just found your account and wanna say omg i love it already! i love how you write for girl groups bc it’s so hard to find that in fanfics <3 thanks so much for making my day! you’ve got yourself a new fan ( ◠‿◠ ) 💕
hello ! thank you for loving my account <3 glad I made your day 🤍
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