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dinastiatargaryen · 1 year ago
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saltywinteradult · 6 months ago
jon*rys shippers be like ”you hate jon*rys for being incest but then you ship jonsa!!! hypocrite!!!” actually i hate jon*rys because dany is abusive to jon and a tyrant in the making. hope that helps
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worthyheir · 8 months ago
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Have we got the challenge for you?
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sherlokiness · 7 months ago
let's say jonsa was really GRRM's ace,then what's up with jonerys in the show? Most people consider them the endgame romance with the bittersweet end which for the life of me cannot see where was the sweetness unless it was that boatsex.
How can jon dany ship exists with jonsa? How do you think it will go down in the books if jonerys was inevitable?
Hi, anon! Thanks for the ask.
Ref: This post.
Aegony is compatible with jonsa bc there is politicalJon. We just have to tweak some things but what we can be sure about 100% in the books is that Jon will betray Dany.
Why will jd break up in the books? Well, for sure it's not bc Jon is repulsed by incest with his aunt. There is no reason in Planetos for Jon to break up with Dany if he loved her bc of "incest" bc it's not really incest. See:Jonnel/Sansa. Aegony is not a forbidden romance!!!! They weren't raised together as a brother/sister for Jon to possibly get an ick.
Why not a love triangle? Jon is ice and fire so his lady loves are also ice and fire. Also if we count J and S, R and L, who have had secret weddings, there was always a scorned woman in the equation. Baela, Elia, and then Dany. The pattern will hold true for Jon and Sansa as well. JD never got married in the show bc there will be no reason for it to happen in the books. When will hell break loose? The rlj reveal. Dany who claims to be the righful heir of the 7k will never let Rhaegar's trueborn son go. She would want to marry him if silencing him doesn't work but Jon would refuse bc he secretly loves another.
She lights KL on fire. Jon kills her. It's good that Dany burns KL imo bc then Jon would have the moral high ground in getting rid of a tyrant. He gets "rewarded" by King Bran for his deed with Sansa's hand in marriage. Alas, it turns out that tyrant coincidentally was in the way of true love. I'm *sure* Jon will betray his auntie/lover bc of her threat to Sansa. Dany's last treason is FOR LOVE. If it's really for love of family like in the show, wouldn't the last treason be more accurate as FOR BLOOD? Jon's cousins are of his blood.
Jon will be a hero(righteous cause) and also get the girl. He gets to have his cake and eat it too. A bittersweet cake where the bitter part comes from Dany and the sweet part, well... In conclusion, Jon will have a justification for betraying D but his motivation would be questioned by the readers bc of the prophecy.
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starsandstars · 9 months ago
Aegon? More like aegony, fuck
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dinastiatargaryen · 7 months ago
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sherlokiness · 5 months ago
Jon wasn't able to give Ygritte the "steel kiss", post resurrection Jon would be able to.
ppl who genuinely think that jon should just be a king-consort who doesnt interfere with politics and just lets his wife do all the dirty work should consider themselves opps bc were not reading the same books im sorry to say. ppl r so obsessed with making jon out to be some ambitionless wifeguy and a lapdog and thats literally so annoying bc thats a completely different guy!!! ur making up a guy in ur brain!!!! he joins the nights watch bc hes ambitious bc thats the one place where bastards may rise high hes daydreamed and pretended to be the lord of winterfell as a child hes been groomed by joer mormont FOR leadership and IS a leader now and when stannis offers jon winterfell and val he WANTS it he wants it so bad but refuses it to lead the nights watch. if u dont want that then u dont want jon idk what to tell u
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sailorshadzter · 2 years ago
https://www.tumblr.com/jonnelsansa/722513942441754624/imagine-if-instead-of-aegonys-pathetic-sex-scene?source=share here is my prompt <3
i realize only now that ive kind of fucked up the timelines???
so uh.... lets pretend i didnt lol
also its softer than you might have intended it to be. but i enjoyed this prompt a lot!!! so thank you!!! <3
send me prompts
He’s falling, faster and faster, into a dream of the past. 
Memories all around him, ones that do not belong to him, but ones which paint a picture for him that he should have seen coming all along. 
In another room, she stands just before him, just out of reach, yet somehow just within. “Sansa…” Her name on his lips, it sends chills down her spine. He wonders just how many times they would be in this same place before it became something it always should have been, something they both wanted, but something they could never have. He’s been away all these long weeks and he’s thought of little else beyond her- every waking thought, every dream, always full of her. She smiles, head tilting, red hair a waterfall across a shoulder; she’s beyond perfect, beyond anything he’s ever wanted, ever deserved. 
“... one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever…” There are no cheers as the silver-haired groom leans in to tenderly kiss the woman he stands before, a woman who he recognizes even though they’ve never before met. He sees in her the sisters he loves- Arya, in color and spirit, Sansa in grace and build. It’s his aunt Lyanna, the beloved sister of his father, the one who died far too young. She’s smiling as she draws back, the man’s hands cupping her cheeks as they stare into one another’s eyes, as if there wasn’t another soul around them.
If the silvery hair wasn’t enough of a giveaway, it’s the colors of his clothing that tell him all he needs to know. This man was Rhaegar Targaryen and this was not a kidnapping, but rather, a marriage of love. True love. 
Every moment without him… It’s been a long and lonely road, his absence forever in the back of her mind. Everything was a reminder of him- the desk where he’d sit on the edge, leaning in to talk with her. The soft furs of his bed, somehow far more comforting than hers ever could be. The warmth of his touch when she’s had another nightmare… She takes a single step closer to where he stands, the gap between them all but a hairsbreadth. “Jon…” His name is soft upon her lips, the sweetest sound he’s ever heard. They’ve been here before, of course, time and time again. She can’t help but to wonder which time will be the last. 
He’s the first one to reach out, all so his fingertips can trace the soft curve of her cheek, ivory skin warm beneath his touch. All he wants is to take this a step further, to take her into his arms and hold her- not as a bastard brother might hold his sister, but as a man holds the woman he loves. Jon knows it’s wrong, was he no better than Lannister scum? But… He cannot help it, cannot stop it. The feelings course through him each and every day, the warmth of her presence, it all brings him a sense of peace he can never put to words. A sense of peace he never wants to lose, never wants to let go of, no matter what the world around them might say. 
This was where she’s longed to be all this time, all these weeks without him. Now that he’s returned, she’s not certain she can ever let him go again. “Don’t go…” She whispers and he lets out the breath he didn’t realize he’s even been holding in. That’s when he opens his arms and she sinks into his touch, knowing there was nowhere else she wanted to stay.
The dream changes again and he knows he stands in Dorne. 
There is his father, younger than Robb or Jon, rushing up the stairs of the stone tower, following after the screams from within. When he follows after, he comes into a blood soaked room, the only inhabitants his father, a maid, and a woman he once again recognizes as the aunt lost to death. “Ned… Is that you…?” Her weakened voice breaks the silence as Ned Stark sinks to the floor beside her bed, uncaring of the blood that stains his knees and hands. “It’s not a dream?” Lyanna asks tearfully, her quivering lips curving with a smile at the sight of her big brother. 
“It’s not a dream, I’m here,” his father’s voice is not as he will come to know, but young, full of worry. 
Their exchange is heartfelt and sorrowful, their pain palpable. Bran watches from where he stands as the single maid brings the baby close, offering him to Ned without a single word. Somehow, someway, Bran knows what’s happening before Lyanna speaks again. “His name… Is Aegon Targaryen.” She cries softly, looking into the face of the son she will never get to know. “Protect him Ned, please… Robert will kill him if he finds out…” She whispers, weakening, tears wetting her cheeks. “Promise me, Ned…” It’s all she can say now, over and over again as she sinks further and further into darkness. “Promise me…” 
Ned nods, a single tear escaping; it would be his greatest promise of them all. 
He knows they cannot do this.
“Sansa… I…” He murmurs into her hair, breathing in her ever familiar scent, finding comfort in it, even now. Somehow, she knows, she understands, as she always does, for she’s the one who pulls away, knowing perhaps as well as he did what would certainly follow if she didn’t. It was all he wanted, but he knows that it can never be, will never be. Only in the sweetest dream could she be his as he wished. 
“The first meeting is early tomorrow,” she reminds him softly and he blinks, but smiles, a chuckle escaping as he gives a single nod. Tomorrow, everything they’ve worked for, everything that Jon has fought for, would finally begin to pan out. The alliance he’s sought, the fruit of his labor, will all come to a head tomorrow with the first meeting between Winterfell and the dragon queen. “You should sleep,” she goes on, thinking of the many sleepless nights he’s surely endured over these last few weeks, for had she not experienced them herself?
Jon nods, but even when he turns to go, he hesitates. 
Somehow, despite it all, he cannot bring himself to go. “Good night,” she whispers, stronger than he ever could be, and he knows… He has to go. And so he leans in, tenderly brushing a kiss against the top of her head, wishing with all of his heart that it might be her lips. And then… He’s gone, leaving her to sink into the nearest chair, her sorrow falling from her eyes faster than she can wipe them away.
Outside her door, Jon curses, wishing it didn’t have to be this way.
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sherlokiness · 6 months ago
I'm sorry if this sound dumb but I don't get how Jon/Dany aren't considered incest when compared to jonsa? I'm confused.
Hi, nonny. Thanks for the ask.
Reference: This post.
What I mean is in the world of Westeros, Jon/Dany aren't considered incest.
1) Aunt/Nephew isn't incestous like brother/sister is and had precedent in the Stark side too. It's rare but not considered a taboo.
2) There is no emotional incest Jon could feel for Dany because they didn't grow up together. They will meet as strangers and even if Jon knew Dany was his aunt, Jon won't consider it incestous bc of reason 1.
3) Nobody in Planetos would calculate their exact blood purity and say they can't be together bc of such purity thus call their relationship incestous.
Only us modern readers would label JD as incest and rightly so.
As for jonsa, cousin marriage is technically not incest but there might be emotional incest. They grew up as brother/sister in WF. But imo, this is kinda weak. Both Jon and Sansa have always treated the other not as a "true" sibling. They love each other as part of the pack, part of the family, you know...like a cousin.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ It's just that it's controversial when I say Jon and Sansa have always loved each other as close cousins.There's Jon "was she ever my sister" Snow and Sansa "he's my half-brother" Stark. Jumping the incest hurdle won't be terribly hard for them.
Let's put on our tinfoil. Why did D&D never had JD marry even though they could have had? Bc somehow they know JD never will in the books. Dany will never be Jon's bride. They'll never marry for love. D&D had Jon pull the incest card to avoid marrying Dany. But as I've stated before, this will never happen in the books bc of the above reasons. Jon getting the incest ick is a shoe horned reason. How can he get the ick when the most popular theory is of him marrying his aunt for love? No matter how you slice it, the math is not mathing.
D&D PULLED THE WRONG INCEST CARD! Jon will refuse to marry Dany because he loves his sister. I firmly believe D&D never had all the cards and Jonsa is GRRM's last and that's why some things didn't make sense.
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sherlokiness · 2 years ago
Jonsa was so hated that every leak was deemed credible/plausible only if they were made by a non-Jonsa. Every theory by a Jonsa was automatically disqualified.
Villain Dany? That's only your theory bc you're a Jonsa. Jon betrays Dany? Again. That's cause you're a Jonsa. Jon choose Sansa over Dany? Jonsa. Queen Sansa? Jonsa.
It's so ridiculous that like those plot points were theorized by Jonsas yet the ship we were so sure about didn't happen. Curios though why our endgame ship is almost perfectly compatible with such endings. Like can you blame us? 🤡🤡🤡
How does the fact that Jonsa is widely considered a crackship and vehemently disliked by the majority of fandom (including fellow Sansa fans) affect Jonsa shippers? It’s a genuine question. Because I think Jonsas make a few points but when fandom is so overwhelmingly united either in favor of or against something, I do believe there’s reason for that
I wasn't around back when the Huge Backlash against jonsa shippers became a thing, so I can't speak authentically about the experience.
It's mostly the abject absurdity of how vehemently dismissive and insulting "enemies" of the theory of jonsa (not merely the ship) treated jonsas, though, that I see remembered and reflected in this corner of the fandom.
Simple disagreement isn't the issue. The abject hate is. Though the refusal to even consider a number of the theories on their actual merit within the fandom is pretty ridiculous. The hints jonsas consider credible follow the same pattern of foreshadowing as, say, RLJ, but somehow very few people doubt that theory. Or get rape threats over it. So the effect is mostly that there's less interactions with hostile factions of the fandom?
Which is sad for them because jonsas have a lot to offer.
In spite of how united the fandom is in dismissing Jonsa theories, they were mostly proven right by the show. Villain Dany? Sansa as an important character in a final leadership position? Girl in Grey? Sansa being instrumental in regaining Winterfell? Sansa and Jon forming a close bond? Sansa reconciling with Arya and forming a strong team? Northern independence?
It's disingenuious to claim Jonsas have no business making predictions because they must be wrong, because they are supposedly incapable of correctly interpreting the hints in the text or in the show. They were not. They were usually right. That's what convinced me of the theory. The evidence.
They weren't even wrong about Jonsa being an option in the show, considering the numerous intentional visual parallels created between Jon and Sansa and canon romantic couples (as opposed to the parallels created between Dany and canon villains), and the weird chemistry between "brother and sister" noted by a number of reviewers. The show ended up going in a different direction in a very erratically constructed final season that most would agree didn't bear the hallmarks of consistent storytelling. So the one thing jonsas got wrong was jonsa itself. In the show, anyway. ("Show, derogatory.")
Still a good average, no?
So maybe the idea that the fandom being united against the theory of jonsa does have a reason. Maybe it's that they hate that it contradicts many other theories that have been popular for a very long time. And that have been proven wrong.
I have nothing against people who don't ship jonsa. I have nothing against people who have given the theory thought but have plausible reasons to disregard it. I have nothing against people who don't care about it at all. But I do absolutely laugh at people who call it a crackship and then support theories with far far far less collective evidence behind it.
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dinastiatargaryen · 2 years ago
"Um rei nunca deve se sentar à vontade, dissera Aegon, o Conquistador, quando ordenara aos armeiros que forjassem um grande trono a partir das espadas depostas pelos seus inimigos." - A Guerra dos Tronos // Eddard
"Irri buscou sua coroa, feita na forma do dragão de três cabeças de sua Casa. As caudas eram feitas de ouro, as asas de prata e as três cabeças de marfim, ônix e jade. Os ombros e pescoço de Dany estariam duros e doloridos pelo peso antes que o dia terminasse. Uma coroa não deve assentar fácil na cabeça. Um de seus antepassados reais havia dito isso certa vez." - A Dança dos Dragões // Daenerys I
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Ilustração Aegon: Jota Saraiva
Ilustração Daenerys: Aleksander Karcz
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une-nuit-pour-se-souvenir · 4 years ago
Jon Snow = Rhaegal
This is a sibling post to this. It works precisely in the same way.
When she opened it, she found piles of the finest velvets and damasks   the Free Cities could produce … and resting on top, nestled in the soft cloth, three huge eggs.  (...) One egg was a deep green, with burnished bronze flecks that came and went depending on how Dany turned it.
Hypothesis: Jon Snow = Rhaegal
If Aegon = Viserys, then Jon = Rhaegal.
Other thing to note is the bronze is a metal important in the north, for example the crown of the kings of winter was made of bronze. The egg has a duplicitious nature, things appear and disappear depending on how Danerys looks at it.
The green one shall be Rhaegal, for my valiant brother who died on the green banks of the Trident.
Like Aegon = Viserion post, what Rhaegar die for exactly? Robert’s Rebellion was fuelled by Aerys being a crazy loon, but in specific Rhaegar’s death came at Robert’s hands, who killed him for “kidnapping” Lyanna Stark.
"The Others take your honor!" Robert swore. "What did any Targaryen ever know of honor? Go down into your crypt and ask Lyanna about the dragon's honor!"
"You avenged Lyanna at the Trident," Ned said, halting beside the king. Promise me, Ned, she had whispered.
"That did not bring her back." Robert looked away, off into the grey distance. "The gods be damned. It was a hollow victory they gave me. A crown … it was the girl I prayed them for. Your sister, safe … and mine again, as she was meant to be. I ask you, Ned, what good is it to wear a crown? The gods mock the prayers of kings and cowherds alike."
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(his face... HIS FACE...)
Like Aegon = Viserion post, all these aspects are also present in House of Undying visions.
three fires must you light . . . one for life and one for death and one to love (...) Viserys screamed as the molten gold ran down his cheeks and filled his mouth. A tall lord with copper skin and silver-gold hair stood beneath the banner of a fiery stallion, a burning city behind him. Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman's name. . . three treasons will you know . . . once for blood and once for gold and once for love . . .(...) Her silver was trotting through the grass, to a darkling stream beneath a sea of stars. A corpse stood at the prow of a ship,  eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly. A blue flower  grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness. .  . . mother of dragons, bride of fire . . .
There’s the love of a woman, since Rhaegar dies whispering a woman’s name, then there’s the result of that love, Jon represented as a blue flower (Lyanna’s favourite) on the Wall (where he spends most of the narrative. Fits.
Considering the trichotomy Rhaegar / Rhaegal / Jon applies to the third stanza of the first and the third groups, it’s natural to apply it to the second stanza, so somehow must fit, so in the end we have. “three fires must you light . . . (...) one to love (...) Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman's name. . . “ and “three mounts must you ride (...) one to love (...) From a smoking tower, a great stone beast took wing, breathing shadow fire. . . (...) and “three treasons will you know . . . once for gold (...) A blue flower  grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness. . ."
Applying the same logic to the trichotomy Viserys / Viserion / Aegon, we then have. “three fires must you light . . . (...) one for death (...) A tall lord with copper skin and silver-gold hair stood beneath the banner of a fiery stallion, a burning city behind him.“ and “three mounts must you ride (...) one to dread (...) A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd. (...) and “three treasons will you know . . . once for gold (...) A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly."
Like Aegon = Viserion post, I said the conclusion of all that Viserys being crowned with a “golden crown” by Drogo, Viserion named after him, and Aegon echoing in that specific’s dragon subtext was Danerys feels betrayed by Aegon crowning himself king of the Iron Throne, then she burns King’s Landing as a response.
Similarly, the conclusion for all this Rhaegar dying for the woman he loved, Rhaegal being named after him, and Jon echoing in that specific’s dragon subtext is Danerys is betrayed by Jon loving another. In the show, Jon Snow loved his sisters, that’s why he betrayed her and killed her. So... it fits, though the types of love aren’t the same. *shifts eyes*
It’s worth noting that applying this logic to the first stanza of the three groups, we get Danerys / Drogon. Three heads has the dragon.
What else? All of Rhaegal’s mentions are listed below... and some of them fit what we saw in the show.
The green one shall be Rhaegal, for my valiant brother who died on the green banks of the Trident. 
We all know Rhaegar’s story. In broad strokes, he was “born in grief” while others died around him, something happened as a young child which made him decide to become a warrior despite not being fit for it, he’s melancholy by nature and goes to Harrenhal to brood, is fond of wearing black to battle, he’s in love with a Stark (in Jon’s case, only platonically, *suuure... rolls eyes*) and let hundreds die for her sake, etc etc. Like Viserys isn’t Aegon, Rhaegar isn’t Jon... but you know..
"Your hair is coming back, Khaleesi," Jhiqui said as she scraped sand off her back.(...) Dothraki men wore their hair in long oiled braids, and cut them only when defeated. Perhaps I should do the same, she thought, to remind them that Drogo's strength lives within me now. Khal Drogo had died with his hair uncut, a boast few men could make.
Across the tent, Rhaegal unfolded green wings to flap and flutter a half foot before thumping to the carpet. When he landed, his tail lashed back and forth in fury, and he raised his head and screamed. If I had wings, I would want to fly too, Dany thought. The Targaryens of old had ridden upon dragonback when they went to war. (ACOK ~ Danerys I)
Danerys thinking of her defeated hair and of Drogo’s undefeated hair, followed by Rhaegal screaming and Targaryens fighting in wars, suggests Danerys will be defeated by Jon but not in battle. This is what happened in the show, Jon defeated Danerys but not in battle. Some thing between Rhaegal and a braid had already been alluded to in AGOT (see at the very end of this post).
"Then I grieve for you, Dragonmother, and for bleeding Westeros, bereft of its rightful king."
Beneath Dany's gentle fingers, green Rhaegal stared at the stranger with eyes of molten gold. When his mouth opened, his teeth gleamed like black needles. (ACOK ~ Danerys II)
The (ship!) captain laments Viserys’ death, who was the rightful king of Westeros, then Rhaegal basically bares his teeth like a dog or... a wolf.. ready to attack. I once thought this was just a pun on Jon being the rightful king of Westeros, but it might be the case that Danerys kills Aegon, who’s the rightful king of Westeros, with Jon taking offence on his behalf.
It’s also worth noting Danerys is being “nice” to Rhaegal as she’s touching him with “gentle fingers”, while he’s the one being aggressive and baring his teeth. We’ll see this pattern of her being nice and soft with him (except for ONE notable occasion), but he’s always a bitch to her, many times.
"A dream delayed, no more." Dany's tight silver collar was chafing against her throat. She unfastened it and flung it aside. The collar was set with an enchanted amethyst that Xaro swore would ward her against all poisons. The Pureborn were notorious for offering poisoned wine to those they thought dangerous, but they had not given Dany so much as a cup of water. They never saw me for a queen, she thought bitterly. I was only an afternoon's amusement, a horse girl with a curious pet.
Rhaegal hissed and dug sharp black claws into her bare shoulder as Dany stretched out a hand for the wine. Wincing, she shifted him to her other shoulder, where he could claw her gown instead of her skin. She was garbed after the Qartheen fashion. Xaro had warned her that the Enthroned would never listen to a Dothraki, so she had taken care to go before them in flowing green samite with one breast bared, silvered sandals on her feet, with a belt of black-and-white pearls about her waist. For all the help they offered, I could have gone naked. Perhaps I should have. She drank deep. (ACOK ~ Danerys III)
Like in Aegon = Viserys, where the talk of poison was mentioned, here it shows up once more (it will appear one more time). I do think this is plenty of suggestion that someone from #TeamAegon is most likely going to attempt to poison Danerys, just like Varys tried in the show.
Danerys realises they never saw her as queen, just an amusement with a curious pet, which is followed by Rhaegal hurting her by sinking his claws into her skin. The subtext is interesting, because the former is what political!Jon was based on (Jon never seeing Danerys as worthy of being queen, but using her for the dragons), while the latter is basically what happened in the show (Jon killed Danerys with a knife). Some malicious stabbing is definetly occuring, whether she dies or not... maybe. I’m still holding on to my girl Arya to come through.
Also worth noting, there’s a whole description of Qartheen fashion of one bared breast, but she thinks she might have gone naked instead. In the show, Danerys is delusional enough to try to rekindle her relationship with Jon after blowing up KL and he entertained it to distract her, before stabbing her. Then I remember Littlefinger’s quote "When you find yourself in bed with an ugly woman, the best thing to do is close your eyes and get on with it. (...) Waiting won't make the maid any prettier. Kiss her and be done with it. (...) A steel kiss." I didn’t think that Danita begging for her nephew’s cock while he kills her couldn’t be topped, but doing it while thinking they’ll do the nasty...
I have become the most splendid beggar in the world, but a beggar all the same. She hated it, as her brother must have. (....) I have something Viserys never had. I have the dragons. The dragons are all the difference.
She stroked Rhaegal. The green dragon closed his teeth around the meat of her hand and nipped hard. (...) Aggo guarded on her other side, while Rakharo rode behind the procession, watching the faces in the crowd for any sign of danger. Ser Jorah she had left behind today, to guard her other dragons; the exile knight had been opposed to this folly from the start. He distrusts everyone, she reflected, and perhaps for good reason.
As Dany lifted her goblet to drink, Rhaegal sniffed at the wine and drew his head back, hissing. "Your dragon has a good nose." Xaro wiped his lips. "The wine is ordinary. It is said that across the Jade Sea they make a golden vintage so fine that one sip makes all other wines taste like vinegar. Let us take my pleasure barge and go in search of it, you and I.”
"The Arbor makes the best wine in the world," Dany declared. Lord Redwyne had fought for her father against the Usurper, she remembered, one of the few to remain true to the last. Will he fight for me as well?  (...) I mean to sail to Westeros, and drink the wine of vengeance from the skull of the Usurper." She scratched Rhaegal under one eye, and his jade-green wings unfolded for a moment, stirring the still air in the palanquin.
A single perfect tear ran down the cheek of Xaro Xhoan Daxos. "Will nothing turn you from this madness?"
Danerys thinks of how she’s superior to Viserys, she has dragons while he has not, followed by Rhaegal attacking her. It happens once more a few paragraphs down. Danerys says she will kill the usurper and Rhaegal is basically raising his hackles. Again, the subtext of Danerys killing Aegon because she doesn’t think he’s a real dragon like she is, but then Jon taking offence on his behalf and attacking her shows up.
Interestingly, in the same segment Danerys thinks how Viserys was known as the beggar king, but as we also know from the Aegon = Viserion post, Viserion does what Viserys could not, Viserys begged (even though he said the dragon doesn’t beg) while Aegon refuses to beg for Danerys’ help (” Why should I go running to my aunt as if I were a beggar?”) and goes on his own.
Also interestingly, after Rhaegal attacks Danerys, she looks outside to watch her bloodriders protecting her and thinking Jorah distrusts everyone with good reason. But Rhaegal is inside of her palanquin with her, the bloodriders won’t protect her against the dragon. In the show, Jon was allowed inside the Red Keep past her Unsullied / Dothraki guards, then attacked her.
There’s also yet another mentioned of foul wine. Danerys’ was almost killed in AGOT with poisoned wine. In the show, Varys tried to kill her with poisoned wine (which was one of his suggestions when Robert was brainstorming how to get rid of her). She mentions the Redwynes and what loyalty they have. At this point, Redwynes are Tyrell loyal.
In the show, Varys backs Danerys (instead of Aegon) and Oleanna (who is a Redwyne!) allies with Danerys to get revenge on Cersei (in theory, she has Aegon’s role). Whatever conodrum D&D made to compensate for Aegon being slashed off, we have elements in common here. Varys (#TeamAegon) and poison as well as wine and the Redwynes (in specific, Oleanna).
Drogon was curled up beneath her arm, as hot as a stone that has soaked all day in the blazing sun. Rhaegal and Viserion were fighting over a scrap of meat,  buffeting each other with their wings as smoke hissed from their  nostrils. (ACOK ~ Danerys III)  
Like said in Aegon = Viserion post, Aegon and Jon, fighting over something (most likely north versus south). This happens while Drogon (Danerys) soaks beneath the sun (Slaver’s  Bay, Volantis, you know beyond the narrow sea). Speculation for book only, most likely Jon and Aegon will naturally clash in TWOW / ADOS, while Danerys is terrorising elsewhere.
Viserion's scales were the color of fresh cream, his horns, wing bones, and spinal crest a dark gold that flashed bright as metal in the sun. Rhaegal was made of the green of summer and the bronze of fall. They soared above the ships in wide circles, higher and higher, each trying to climb above the other.
Dragons always preferred to attack from above, Dany had learned. Should either get between the other and the sun, he would fold his wings and dive screaming, and they would tumble from the sky locked together in a tangled scaly ball, jaws snapping and tails lashing. The first time they had done it, she feared that they meant to kill each other, but it was only sport. No sooner would they splash into the sea than they would break apart and rise again, shrieking and hissing, the salt water steaming off them as their wings clawed at the air. Drogon was aloft as well, though not in sight; he would be miles ahead, or miles behind, hunting. (ASOS ~ Danerys I)
Same sentiment as above. Aegon and Jon fight each other, with the added bonus that it isn’t very serious (or not “permanent” enemies), while Danerys is doing something else elsewhere.
Rhaegal and Viserion were the size of small dogs, Drogon only a  little larger, and any dog would have out-weighed them; they were all  wings and neck and tail, lighter than they looked. And so Daenerys  Targaryen must rely on wood and wind and canvas to bear her home. (ASOS ~ Danerys I)
Like said in Aegon = Viserion post, most likely, just flavour test. Could indicate Danerys’ forces will outmatch Jon and Aegon separately though. In the show, this fit for #TeamJon. And now that I think of it, also fit #TeamCersei (who’s filling for Aegon’s role).
She took a chunk of salt pork out of the bowl in her lap and held it up for her dragons to see. All three of them eyed it hungrily. Rhaegal spread green wings and stirred the air, and Viserion's neck swayed back and forth like a long pale snake's as he followed the movement of her hand. "Drogon," Dany said softly, "dracarys." And she tossed the pork in the air.
Drogon moved quicker than a striking cobra. Flame roared from his mouth, orange and scarlet and black, searing the meat before it began to fall. As his sharp black teeth snapped shut around it, Rhaegal's head darted close, as if to steal the prize from his brother's jaws, but Drogon swallowed and screamed, and the smaller green dragon could only hiss in frustration.
"Stop that, Rhaegal," Dany said in annoyance, giving his head a swat. "You had the last one. I'll have no greedy dragons." She smiled at Ser Jorah. "I won't need to char their meat over a brazier any longer."    
"So I see. Dracarys?"
All three dragons turned their heads at the sound of that word, and Viserion  let loose with a blast of pale gold flame that made Ser Jorah take a  hasty step backward. Dany giggled. "Be careful with that word, ser, or  they're like to singe your beard off. It means 'dragonfire' in High  Valyrian. I wanted to choose a command that no one was like to utter by  chance." (ASOS ~ Danerys I)  
All three dragons are eager to fight. “three heads has the dragon”. The Dance of Dragons II. Other things to note. Danerys hits Rhaegal for being greedy. I cannot believe she hit him. Like... he’s just a baby. :(
"The warlocks in Qarth told you that you would be betrayed three times,"  the exile knight reminded her, as Viserion and Rhaegal began to snap  and claw at each other.   (ASOS ~ Danerys I)    
Like said in the Aegon = Viserion post, Aegon and Jon, fighting over something. It’s likely they’ll fight as a north  faction versus south faction. Either against each other for the land, or against Danerys to defend each of their factions. Either way, these must be the root of their betrayals. This is speculation for book only, for TWOW / ADOS.
Dany had commanded that the top be removed, so her three dragons might be chained to the platform. Irri and Jhiqui rode with them, to try and keep them calm. Yet Viserion's tail lashed back and forth, and smoke rose angry from his nostrils. Rhaegal could sense something wrong as well. Thrice he tried to take wing, only to be pulled down by the heavy chain in Jhiqui's hand. Drogon coiled into a ball, wings and tail tucked tight. Only his eyes remained to tell that he was not asleep. (ASOS ~ Danerys III)    
Viserion and Rhaegal (Aegon and Jon) know something is wrong. Drogon (Danerys) doesn’t give a shit. This is the same chapter Danerys burns Astapor sooo... not a good look for Daniella.
Drogon flew almost lazily at Kraznys, black wings beating. As he gave  the slaver another taste of fire, Irri and Jhiqui unchained Viserion  and Rhaegal, and suddenly there were three dragons in the air. (ASOS ~ Danerys III)    
Like said in the Aegon = Viserion post, a three way battle  “the dragon has three heads”. The Dance of Dragons II.
(there’s a bunch of Rhaegal references already covered in Aegon = Viserion post, fast-forward to the next not covered one).
Daario is right, I shouldn't have banished him. I should have kept him, or I should have killed him. She played at being a queen, yet sometimes she still felt like a scared little girl. Viserys always said what a dolt I was. Was he truly mad? She closed the book. She could still recall Ser Jorah, if she wished. Or send Daario to kill him.
Dany fled from the choice, out onto the terrace. She found Rhaegal asleep beside the pool, a green and bronze coil basking in the sun. Drogon was perched up atop the pyramid, in the place where the huge bronze harpy had stood before she had commanded it to be pulled down. He spread his wings and roared when he spied her. There was no sign of Viserion, but when she went to the parapet and scanned the horizon she saw pale wings in the far distance, sweeping above the river. He is hunting. They grow bolder every day. Yet it still made her anxious when they flew too far away. One day one of them may not return, she thought.
This one was actually covered before, one of many Viserion turns away from Danerys, paralleling Aegon’s choice of not going to Danerys and invading Westeros on his own. However, what I didn’t notice the first time because this isn’t a proper meta, just dumping thoughts, This is the narrative block of Danerys finding out of Jorah’s betrayal (what she thinks is one anyway). Twice poignant!
Rhaegal is asleep beside a pool, Drogon is atop a pyramid where a harpy once stood, and Viserion is hunting in the distance. Obviously, distance doesn’t matter. These are stand-ins for Jon and Winterfell (the godswood pool... that’s an interesting place for the betrayal for platonic love to be in :)...) and Aegon attacking Westerons, while Danerys is still beyond the narrow sea. If this lecture is correct, she’s reaaally coming very late to Westeros.
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Almost the whole shtick was already covered in the Aegon = Viserion post. Things to note: Rhaegal is aggressive towards Danerys and towards those that hurt his brother.
Once, not long ago, he had ridden on her shoulder, his tail coiled round her arm. Once she had fed him morsels of charred meat from her own hand. He had been the first chained up. Daenerys had led him to the pit herself and shut him up inside with several oxen. Once he had gorged himself he grew drowsy. They had chained him whilst he slept.
Rhaegal had been harder. Perhaps he could hear his brother raging in the pit, despite the walls of brick and stone between them. In the end, they had to cover him with a net of heavy iron chain as he basked on her terrace, and he fought so fiercely that it had taken three days to carry him down the servants' steps, twisting and snapping. Six men had been burned in the struggle. (ADWD ~ Danerys II)
Jonnathan Snowflake died went to the gym and flexes hard. I’m kidding.
The subtext suggests it’s more difficult to subdue Jon than Aegon. Or better, it suggests Danerys actually tricked Aegon into submission with some kind of tempting offer, while Jon had to submitted by force. For example, it would make sense if Danerys offered an alliance to Aegon and he accepted but then never followed through (like Astapor or Yunkai). While Jon wouldn’t be swayed, so he was forced to do it. Not quite it went in the show, when Cersei (Aegon) was the one that refused to yeld, while Jon... well that trainwreck. It could be that Jon was also playing some of Aegon’s (maculine) role.
The rain had drowned the worst of the fires, but wisps of smoke still rose from the smoldering ruin that had been the pyramid of Hazkar, and the great black pyramid of Yherizan where Rhaegal had made his lair hulked in the gloom like a fat woman bedecked with glowing orange jewels. (...) The only Meereenese the dragons had slain since Harghaz the Hero had been the slavers foolish enough to object when Rhaegal attempted to make his lair atop the pyramid of Hazkar. (...)  He wondered where Rhaegal was. Thus far the green dragon had shown himself to be more dangerous than the white.     (ADWD ~ The Queen’s Hand)
A dragon on top of a pyramid = king. It could be Winterfell / North sure, but this came AFTER Rhaegal killed Quentyn on Viserion’s behalf. Such it could be King’s Landing. I’d always though Jon would very briefly be king at the end, until he abdicated in favour of Bran to avoid another war, as nobody wanted those Targs on the throne. Doesn’t fit with the punish part though.
It’s also worth noting that once again, the subtext plants the idea that Jon is more dangerous than Aegon. As a final note, Rhaegal making his lair hulked in the gloom like “a fat woman bedecked in flowing orange jewels” is very Smaug of him. <3
Now, for bonus, the eggs proper. Not Rhaegal, but his green egg features in an important scene, just after Danerys hits Viserys for the first time.
"I am the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, not some grass-stained savage with bells in his hair," Viserys spat back at her. (...) His fingers dug into her arm painfully and for an instant Dany felt like a child again, quailing in the face of his rage. She reached out with her other hand and grabbed the first thing she touched, the belt she'd hoped to give him, a heavy chain of ornate bronze medallions. She swung it with all her strength.
It caught him full in the face. Viserys let go of her. Blood ran down his cheek where the edge of one of the medallions had sliced it open. "You are the one who forgets himself," Dany said to him. "Didn't you learn anything that day in the grass? Leave me now, before I summon my khas to drag you out. And pray that Khal Drogo does not hear of this, or he will cut open your belly and feed you your own entrails." (...) Drops of his blood had spattered the beautiful sandsilk cloak.  (...) "Please, bring me one of the dragon's eggs."
Irri fetched the egg with the deep green shell, bronze flecks shining amid its scales as she turned it in her small hands. Dany curled up on her side, pulling the sandsilk cloak across her and cradling the egg in the hollow between her swollen belly and small, tender breasts. (...) She was lying there, holding the egg, when she felt the child move within her … as if he were reaching out, brother to brother, blood to blood. "You are the dragon," Dany whispered to him, "the true dragon. I know it. I know it." And she smiled, and went to sleep dreaming of home. (AGOT ~ Danerys IV)
Like in Aegon = Viserys post, I said that there is evidence for Jon taking offence over Danerys trying to usurp his brother Aegon. We can see that reflected in this scene. I once thought the whole thing was about Danerys’ trying to usurp Jon (I thought the visions were more complex than what they were), but right now I’m thinking that is about Danerys’ usurping Aegon (and / or his cousins) and Jon taking offence over it.
In this case, Danerys gets Viserys some clothing offers. Viserys doesn’t take her offer well and rages against it, saying he’s the king. The two fight and Danerys reaches for the belt and uses it like a whip, drawing blood from his cheek and staining the cloak. Danerys then covers herself and the green egg with the bloodstained cloak and saying that Viserys isn’t the dragon, Rhaego (Drogon) is, and dreams of home.
Let’s recap how Viserion is taken prisoner, which is basically the same steps as the Danerys and Viserys fight above. Danerys tricks Viserion by baiting him with a meaty offer, then he rages on the pit when he realises the truth. Much later, Quentyn tries to subdue Viserion with a whip and someone draws blood from his neck. Moving forward, Danerys says unborn Rhaego is the true dragon, which implies she believes that Viserys isn’t. You know, the reason why Danerys says once Viserys is murdered by Drogo. So, this all fits with the subtext of Danerys killing Aegon because he was crowned king.
Then Danerys covers herself and the green egg with the sandsilk cloak, but note that this cloak is stained with Viserys’ blood. Then she dreams of home, which in Danerys’ chapters ALWAYS means Danerys burning King’s Landing (I made a post about this before, it’s somewhere). All it was missing from the Danerys and Viserys fight versus Viserion taken prisoner is Rhaegal killing Quentyn for the affront against his brother. However, Rhaegal is in this scene too, inside his egg beneath the bloodied cloak. It’s “missing” Viserion though... or is it?
Dany gave the silver over to the slaves for grooming and entered her tent. It was cool and dim beneath the silk. As she let the door flap close behind her, Dany saw a finger of dusty red light reach out to touch her dragon's eggs across the tent. For an instant a thousand droplets of scarlet flame swam before her eyes. (AGOT ~ Danerys III)
The Usurper has woken the dragon now, she told herself … and her eyes went to the dragon's eggs resting in their nest of dark velvet. The shifting lamplight limned their stony scales, and shimmering motes of jade and scarlet and gold swam in the air around them, like courtiers around a king. (...) Cradling the egg with both hands, she carried it to the fire and pushed it down amongst the burning coals. The black scales seemed to glow as they drank the heat. Flames licked against the stone with small red tongues. Dany placed the other two eggs beside the black one in the fire. As she stepped back from the brazier, the breath trembled in her throat. She watched until the coals had turned to ashes. (AGOT ~ Danerys VI)   
The Dance of Dragons between the three Targaryens might feature in the three egg mentions described above. It’s worth noting the first features Danerys returning home (”entered her tent”) and a red door (”the door flap close behind her, a finger of dusty red light”). In Danerys’ chapters, either always means burning King’s Landing (”a thousand droplets of scarlet flame swam before her eyes”).
"Yes?" the maegi asked. "What is it you wish, Khaleesi?"
"Bring me … egg … dragon's egg … please …" Her lashes turned to lead, and she was too weary to hold them up.
When she woke the third time, a shaft of golden sunlight was pouring through the smoke hole of the tent, and her arms were wrapped around a dragon's egg. It was the pale one, its scales the color of butter cream, veined with whorls of gold and bronze, and Dany could feel the heat of it. Beneath her bedsilks, a fine sheen of perspiration covered her bare skin. Dragondew, she thought. Her fingers trailed lightly across the surface of the shell, tracing the wisps of gold, and deep in the stone she felt something twist and stretch in response. (AGOT ~ Danerys IX)
Danerys doesn’t want her child or Drogo, her first thoughts are the eggs. This is quite telling where her priorities lie. Regardless, Danerys just miscarried Rhaego and the egg chosen ot be there is... Viserion’s. There’s Rhaego in the sandsilk sequence after all and this link between Rhaego and Viserion is suggest a third time in...
She climbed the pyre herself to place the eggs around her sun-and-stars. The black beside his heart, under his arm. The green beside his head, his braid coiled around it. The cream-and-gold down between his legs.(AGOT ~ Danerys X)
Danerys’ places Egg!Drogon besides Drogo’s heart and the dragon was named after the man, so Drogo’s blood sacrifice awakened Drogon. Danerys’ places Egg!Viserion at Drogo’s loins, who produced... that’s right, Rhaego, so Rhaego’s blood sacrifice awakened Viserion. Danerys’ thought Rhaego was “the true dragon”, not Viserys... and that’s how she justified killing him. But Rhaego’s blood sacrifice awakened Viserion, the dragon that is symbolic of Aegon, whom she’ll kill for not believing he’s a true dragon.
Also, Danerys’ places Egg!Rhaegal next to Drogo’s head with his braid around it, the symbol of his undefeated status (congruent with ACOK mentioned somewhere above), so Mirri Maz Duur’s sacrifice awakened Rhaegal. Danerys’ thought she was using Mirri Maz Duur, teaching her a lesson... but the dragon the maegi’s blood awakened, is also the dragon that is symbolic of the man that kills Danerys.
Narrative vengence served (very) cold.
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hellsbellschime · 4 years ago
How can anyone ship Jon and Daenerys after season 8? He literally assassinated her. He walked up to her and stabbed her. If they love Dany so much they go to great lengths to white wash all her sins, why on earth do they still want a Jon/Dany romance? I'm sorry but what is wrong with people? This is not romance people, this is not a healthy relationship, this is not even what you do to someone when you just basically like them! Why is most ASOIAF shipping culture obsessed with unhealthy ships?
I mean I really don’t care what people ship or why, I don’t think that anyone needs to excuse what they ship or why so long as they’re not delusional about it being fucked up and they’re not aggro towards other people for pointing out that it’s fucked up or not shipping it too.
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kadarakey · 2 years ago
That’s the thing, Jon and Sansa’s relationship already has a foundation (shared memories, love, trust, common desire to keep Winterfell safe, they even unknowingly agree on a name theme for their future children). We know they are each other’s type looks-wise. And that’s without Jon’s possible pre-GOT crush on Sansa. When they meet in TWOW, the chemistry will be new but believable.
In contrast, Jon and auntie have one book, at best, to meet, form any sort of believable connection and get accustomed to each other’s cultures and world views (which are… different). “I cannot stand seeing people burnt alive.” “Too bad, it’s one of my hobbies.”
Jon and auntie are doomed by Jon’s parentage reveal, Jon and Sansa are blessed by it ✨
Do you think Jon will love Sansa or D in the books?
I think Jon already loves Sansa as part of his family, even if they weren't as close as he was with the other Starklings. I think they will be the first Starklings to meet again, and that fact will be important to deepen the bond between them that already exists and even evolve into something different, like romantic love.
About his aunt, unlike a big part of the fandom, I never saw the "hints" and "parallels" (more like antiparallels) and "foreshadowing" of their romance in the books. That blue flower in D's visions is more about Jon and his true parentage (and even any daughter of Winterfell), than true everlasting love between Jon and aunty. I don't even know if they will meet in TWOW. According to the author, D and Tyrion will meet in the last part of TWOW and they both are in Essos. So I suppose Jon will meet his aunt in ADOS and I don't know if there's enough time to develop deep feelings between them, no matter the nature of those feelings.
The show did two things that aren't good for their predicted "true love/romance/affair:" 1) enemies to lovers trope, that the author doesn't like very much; and, 2) a repetition of Jon's involvement with Ygritte, that we already know that it did not end very well after the 8 chapters they shared . . . .
It is possible that D will be attracted to Jon, before or after his true parentage revelation, because, after all, Targs usually marry each other, but the fact that Jon's claim to the IT could be stronger than hers can make them enemies more than lovers.
Kit Harington was asked if he believes Jon will be able to love again after D and he said: "I hope so," and he is the one that is pushing for a sequel about Jon Snow; so, I doubt that D will be his one true love or something like the shippers believe.
Thanks for your message :)
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sherlokiness · 14 days ago
I also saw your poljon posts. I just cannot for the life of me see Jon falling in love with Dany knowing her ending or maybe Im just wearing my jonsa colored glasses?
Hi,anon. Thanks for the ask.
Yes, a Jon genuinely falling for a villain ending Daenerys doesn't make sense. It's not just jonsa glasses. There is no way GRRM would let Dany have no signs of tyranny. (There are already some but stans would say they're not indicative of future behavior and are just drivel from slavery apologists) Sansa and Arya clocked Dany for what she was- in the show so they never liked her.
If we are getting heroic Dany in the books then I guess there will be no problem since what's there not to love about the Dragon Queen? Go for it Jonny!!! So for Jon to sincerely fall in love with a Dark Dany, GRRM would have to turn him into AGoT Sansa who was in love with Joffrey. Jon would have to ignore Dany's cruel lapses bc he had some "nice" moments with her and even saved him like how Sansa ignored Joffrey's red flags every time she was with him. He'd have to be blinded by love for Dany. Maybe this is where all the one eye Jon clues amount to? I am banking on PolJon with Jon to willingly "blind" himself bc that's the only way he could look at Dany and work with her.
He was so gallant, she thought. The way he had rescued her from Ser Ilyn and the Hound, why, it was almost like the songs, like the time Serwyn of the Mirror Shield saved the Princess Daeryssa from the giants, or Prince Aemon the Dragonknight championing Queen Naerys's honor against evil Ser Morgil's slanders.
Imagine Jon monologue like this about Dany. The way she had rescued him from the NightKing. 🤢🤢🤢The problem with the Sansa=Jon and Dany=Joffrey is that Sansa was only 11 and Jon? What the fuck will be his excuse post resurrection?
"Dany will help the North." You mean self proclaimed Protector of the Realms doing the job she signed herself up for? Let's be real, Dany will not help the North for free. The "sacrifices" she has made was always in line with her ambition for the throne and if she gets some cookie points for it the better! This was the case when she "freed" the Unsullied. It's bad PR for Westeros and she couldn't afford them anyways! Free them! Oh good Drogon is back to her. Staying in Mereen for the slaves? She's using it as training ground for when she reaches Westeros (yk where her real people are) and ofc after she's weighed the benefits of staying.
Dany really does have compassion for the poor but when weighed against the IT? She always chose power. Like how she was sad by the suffering of the slaves but justified it as "the price of the Iron Throne."Once she doesn't get what she thinks is her "due" for helping, we will see the farce break. I mean in the show, she's only helping bc of Jon's dick. She called it Jon's war as if it's totally unrelated to her.
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alsharira · 6 years ago
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it’s like music to my ears
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