dinastiatargaryen · 8 months
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saltywinteradult · 9 days
jon*rys shippers be like ”you hate jon*rys for being incest but then you ship jonsa!!! hypocrite!!!” actually i hate jon*rys because dany is abusive to jon and a tyrant in the making. hope that helps
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worthyheir · 2 months
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Have we got the challenge for you?
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sherlokiness · 1 month
let's say jonsa was really GRRM's ace,then what's up with jonerys in the show? Most people consider them the endgame romance with the bittersweet end which for the life of me cannot see where was the sweetness unless it was that boatsex.
How can jon dany ship exists with jonsa? How do you think it will go down in the books if jonerys was inevitable?
Hi, anon! Thanks for the ask.
Ref: This post.
Aegony is compatible with jonsa bc there is politicalJon. We just have to tweak some things but what we can be sure about 100% in the books is that Jon will betray Dany.
Why will jd break up in the books? Well, for sure it's not bc Jon is repulsed by incest with his aunt. There is no reason in Planetos for Jon to break up with Dany if he loved her bc of "incest" bc it's not really incest. See:Jonnel/Sansa. Aegony is not a forbidden romance!!!! They weren't raised together as a brother/sister for Jon to possibly get an ick.
Why not a love triangle? Jon is ice and fire so his lady loves are also ice and fire. Also if we count J and S, R and L, who have had secret weddings, there was always a scorned woman in the equation. Baela, Elia, and then Dany. The pattern will hold true for Jon and Sansa as well. JD never got married in the show bc there will be no reason for it to happen in the books. When will hell break loose? The rlj reveal. Dany who claims to be the righful heir of the 7k will never let Rhaegar's trueborn son go. She would want to marry him if silencing him doesn't work but Jon would refuse bc he secretly loves another.
She lights KL on fire. Jon kills her. It's good that Dany burns KL imo bc then Jon would have the moral high ground in getting rid of a tyrant. He gets "rewarded" by King Bran for his deed with Sansa's hand in marriage. Alas, it turns out that tyrant coincidentally was in the way of true love. I'm *sure* Jon will betray his auntie/lover bc of her threat to Sansa. Dany's last treason is FOR LOVE. If it's really for love of family like in the show, wouldn't the last treason be more accurate as FOR BLOOD? Jon's cousins are of his blood.
Jon will be a hero(righteous cause) and also get the girl. He gets to have his cake and eat it too. A bittersweet cake where the bitter part comes from Dany and the sweet part, well... In conclusion, Jon will have a justification for betraying D but his motivation would be questioned by the readers bc of the prophecy.
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sunfyredarchive · 2 months
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starsandstars · 3 months
Aegon? More like aegony, fuck
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acewithapencil · 2 years
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“‘Are you skilled in the use of those handsome blades?’ Dany asked him.
‘Prendahl and Sallor would tell you so, if dead men could talk. I count no day as lived unless I have loved a woman, slain a foeman, and eaten a fine meal . . . and the days that I have lived are as numberless as the stars in the sky. I make of slaughter a thing of beauty, and many a tumbler and fire dancer has wept to the gods that they might be half so quick, a quarter so graceful. I would tell you the names of all the men I have slain, but before I could finish your dragons would grow large as castles, the walls of Yunkai would crumble into yellow dust, and winter would come and go and come again.’
Dany laughed. She liked the swagger she saw in this Daario Naharis.” -Daenerys IV, ASOS
Dany and Daario for @aegony-targaryen! I got really into this one, since Dany and Daario have such great designs ❤️
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sailorshadzter · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/jonnelsansa/722513942441754624/imagine-if-instead-of-aegonys-pathetic-sex-scene?source=share here is my prompt <3
i realize only now that ive kind of fucked up the timelines???
so uh.... lets pretend i didnt lol
also its softer than you might have intended it to be. but i enjoyed this prompt a lot!!! so thank you!!! <3
send me prompts
He’s falling, faster and faster, into a dream of the past. 
Memories all around him, ones that do not belong to him, but ones which paint a picture for him that he should have seen coming all along. 
In another room, she stands just before him, just out of reach, yet somehow just within. “Sansa…” Her name on his lips, it sends chills down her spine. He wonders just how many times they would be in this same place before it became something it always should have been, something they both wanted, but something they could never have. He’s been away all these long weeks and he’s thought of little else beyond her- every waking thought, every dream, always full of her. She smiles, head tilting, red hair a waterfall across a shoulder; she’s beyond perfect, beyond anything he’s ever wanted, ever deserved. 
“... one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever…” There are no cheers as the silver-haired groom leans in to tenderly kiss the woman he stands before, a woman who he recognizes even though they’ve never before met. He sees in her the sisters he loves- Arya, in color and spirit, Sansa in grace and build. It’s his aunt Lyanna, the beloved sister of his father, the one who died far too young. She’s smiling as she draws back, the man’s hands cupping her cheeks as they stare into one another’s eyes, as if there wasn’t another soul around them.
If the silvery hair wasn’t enough of a giveaway, it’s the colors of his clothing that tell him all he needs to know. This man was Rhaegar Targaryen and this was not a kidnapping, but rather, a marriage of love. True love. 
Every moment without him… It’s been a long and lonely road, his absence forever in the back of her mind. Everything was a reminder of him- the desk where he’d sit on the edge, leaning in to talk with her. The soft furs of his bed, somehow far more comforting than hers ever could be. The warmth of his touch when she’s had another nightmare… She takes a single step closer to where he stands, the gap between them all but a hairsbreadth. “Jon…” His name is soft upon her lips, the sweetest sound he’s ever heard. They’ve been here before, of course, time and time again. She can’t help but to wonder which time will be the last. 
He’s the first one to reach out, all so his fingertips can trace the soft curve of her cheek, ivory skin warm beneath his touch. All he wants is to take this a step further, to take her into his arms and hold her- not as a bastard brother might hold his sister, but as a man holds the woman he loves. Jon knows it’s wrong, was he no better than Lannister scum? But… He cannot help it, cannot stop it. The feelings course through him each and every day, the warmth of her presence, it all brings him a sense of peace he can never put to words. A sense of peace he never wants to lose, never wants to let go of, no matter what the world around them might say. 
This was where she’s longed to be all this time, all these weeks without him. Now that he’s returned, she’s not certain she can ever let him go again. “Don’t go…” She whispers and he lets out the breath he didn’t realize he’s even been holding in. That’s when he opens his arms and she sinks into his touch, knowing there was nowhere else she wanted to stay.
The dream changes again and he knows he stands in Dorne. 
There is his father, younger than Robb or Jon, rushing up the stairs of the stone tower, following after the screams from within. When he follows after, he comes into a blood soaked room, the only inhabitants his father, a maid, and a woman he once again recognizes as the aunt lost to death. “Ned… Is that you…?” Her weakened voice breaks the silence as Ned Stark sinks to the floor beside her bed, uncaring of the blood that stains his knees and hands. “It’s not a dream?” Lyanna asks tearfully, her quivering lips curving with a smile at the sight of her big brother. 
“It’s not a dream, I’m here,” his father’s voice is not as he will come to know, but young, full of worry. 
Their exchange is heartfelt and sorrowful, their pain palpable. Bran watches from where he stands as the single maid brings the baby close, offering him to Ned without a single word. Somehow, someway, Bran knows what’s happening before Lyanna speaks again. “His name… Is Aegon Targaryen.” She cries softly, looking into the face of the son she will never get to know. “Protect him Ned, please… Robert will kill him if he finds out…” She whispers, weakening, tears wetting her cheeks. “Promise me, Ned…” It’s all she can say now, over and over again as she sinks further and further into darkness. “Promise me…” 
Ned nods, a single tear escaping; it would be his greatest promise of them all. 
He knows they cannot do this.
“Sansa… I…” He murmurs into her hair, breathing in her ever familiar scent, finding comfort in it, even now. Somehow, she knows, she understands, as she always does, for she’s the one who pulls away, knowing perhaps as well as he did what would certainly follow if she didn’t. It was all he wanted, but he knows that it can never be, will never be. Only in the sweetest dream could she be his as he wished. 
“The first meeting is early tomorrow,” she reminds him softly and he blinks, but smiles, a chuckle escaping as he gives a single nod. Tomorrow, everything they’ve worked for, everything that Jon has fought for, would finally begin to pan out. The alliance he’s sought, the fruit of his labor, will all come to a head tomorrow with the first meeting between Winterfell and the dragon queen. “You should sleep,” she goes on, thinking of the many sleepless nights he’s surely endured over these last few weeks, for had she not experienced them herself?
Jon nods, but even when he turns to go, he hesitates. 
Somehow, despite it all, he cannot bring himself to go. “Good night,” she whispers, stronger than he ever could be, and he knows… He has to go. And so he leans in, tenderly brushing a kiss against the top of her head, wishing with all of his heart that it might be her lips. And then… He’s gone, leaving her to sink into the nearest chair, her sorrow falling from her eyes faster than she can wipe them away.
Outside her door, Jon curses, wishing it didn’t have to be this way.
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sunsetstarrogue · 5 months
I would really like to know if there is any chance of an update to Ptolemaea or WFAAIGD this month?
and speaking of another subject now, I just read the fates will find a way and HOW CAN YOU GIVE US AEGONYS VIBRATIONS SO WELL?!?!? I know that also in Ptolemaea they practically hate each other, BUT I'm a big fan of enimies to lovers, so I can't deny that I'm rooting for them to happen, (I'M NOT TO FAULT IF YOU WRITE THEM WITH SO MUCH CHEMISTRY EVEN IN THE DISCUSSIONS) Anyway, is there any chance of the two of them getting together somehow?
Just to make it clear here that I LOVE your stories!!! mainly that you concentrate them so well on Elia and Rhaenys and also one thing that I really like in most of your fanfics is Rhaegar's preference for Rhaenys (I know he abandoned her in the canonical, but she was his favorite and nothing will get it out of my head)
I just realized that the comment was too long, I'm sorry!!!
Hey anon,
Not sure when I'll update Ptolemaea or WFAAIGD :( but im hoping i'll be able to write some more for them soon.
Ptolemaea Aegon and Rhaenys are my favorite, they're just so fun to write 😭 as for them getting together... we'll have to wait and see.
Means a lot that you like my fics! and yes I am a believer that Rhaenys was Rhaegars favorite child!
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eliamartel · 2 years
Suffering from the aegonies
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dinastiatargaryen · 1 year
"Um rei nunca deve se sentar à vontade, dissera Aegon, o Conquistador, quando ordenara aos armeiros que forjassem um grande trono a partir das espadas depostas pelos seus inimigos." - A Guerra dos Tronos // Eddard
"Irri buscou sua coroa, feita na forma do dragão de três cabeças de sua Casa. As caudas eram feitas de ouro, as asas de prata e as três cabeças de marfim, ônix e jade. Os ombros e pescoço de Dany estariam duros e doloridos pelo peso antes que o dia terminasse. Uma coroa não deve assentar fácil na cabeça. Um de seus antepassados reais havia dito isso certa vez." - A Dança dos Dragões // Daenerys I
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Ilustração Aegon: Jota Saraiva
Ilustração Daenerys: Aleksander Karcz
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naetaesarya · 1 year
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Riddle #2: Dany's love is cheap compared to her greed for the Iron Throne!!!11
...So why does Jon need to sexually use, abuse, manipulate, and fake his love for the power crazed Dany ala Pol!Jon to steal her armies and dragons if her worthless love is so cheap then...? It's not like sex is going to help out Jon's lacking martial forces much or add sense to the non-sensical Pol!Jon. Or what, does that not fulfill the Jonsa teen scene dreams of sweet sweet betrayal for thy true love Sansa?
Riddle #3:
"It's preposterous to think Jon, who has always tried to do the right thing, would betray(or even kill) his aunt just for shits and giggles."
So what is Jon, Jonsas? An uber asshole who is Sansa's personal garbage disposal? And will callously abuse, use, and manipulate a rape victim? Or does he have a conscience? Because yeah, I think the the two are mutually exclusive here. How does a decent person with a conscience (who Jon is supposed to be) do this to... anyone? Why would Jon do this to Dany? What has Dany done to warrant this? Conquer? Robb Stark, Jon's brother and best friend. Stannis Baratheon, the claimant Jon supported in ADWD. The Young Dragon, Jon's idol. How dare Dany want to take back her family's dynasty! Just like the Starks!! All the Northern houses love the Starks and want them back! (Except the ones who don't) The Skagosi too!! (Except they keep rebelling when the Starks try to force them to submit...) But seriously, since when does Jon hate Targaryen conquests? Or... Targaryens?
But I digress, let's look at Pol!Jon. In contrast, Pol!Jon hates the young conquerer Dany! How dare Dany conquest!! Pol!Jon doesn't idolize the Dorne-invading dragon-riding Young Dragon!! Eww!!! But here's the thing: nothing about Pol!Jon makes Jon the hero as this particular Jonsa likes to argue. Everything makes him the asshole -- from every angle. Jon can't be a hero performing 100% villainous, unnecessary, and stupid stupid actions all so he can dispose of one girl (Dany) so he can go ahead and marry another girl (Sansa) who looked down on him in childhood for wholly classist reasons. (No no, no misogyny here!) Everything Jon does in this scenario justifies Dany (or Dany's supporters) going to war against him -- and the North -- because it's treason. How can Jon realistically get away with that. How would GRRM let Jon realistically get away with that. For Jonsa?
It doesn't matter how much of an asshole you are dying for Dany to be, it won't make Pol!Jon any less of an asshole in his characterization or actions toward Dany.
And if Pol!Jon hates Dany so much that he's willing to abuse, use, and callously exploit a rape victim when her love for him is apparently so "cheap" (because apparently, these are your versions of them), it seems like he is doing extreme stuff for shits and giggles -- and to make the situation far far worse (handing Dany a reason to go to war against the North, intentions to start another civil war despite multiple wars going on and the North's lacking resources, making an enemy of a powerful queen and during a time of probable desperation...).
I'd call that psychotic.
(On another note, I'm a Jon stan but... uh, there are times in ASOIAF when Jon does not do quite the right thing...)
I* know Aegony has been theorized as endgame ship for a reason but imo those are the same people who have grossly mischaracterized something about Dany and Jon.*
The irony.
They are the same ones who have denied Dark Dany and insist how her greed for the IT was actually just her doing her duty as the last Targ and that Sansa was the power hungry one actually.
Hilariously, this happened in the same show Jonsa never became close to canon (not matter what Jonsa conspiracy theories say), the same show in which Sansa kept risking the life of her "beloved" brother Jon and betrayed him multiple times (funny, Dany never did that...), and the same show of which GRRM has repeatedly said his ending would be different.
Oops :)
And Jonsas wonder why the fandom has a problem with them.
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sherlokiness · 7 days
I'm sorry if this sound dumb but I don't get how Jon/Dany aren't considered incest when compared to jonsa? I'm confused.
Hi, nonny. Thanks for the ask.
Reference: This post.
What I mean is in the world of Westeros, Jon/Dany aren't considered incest.
1) Aunt/Nephew isn't incestous like brother/sister is and had precedent in the Stark side too. It's rare but not considered a taboo.
2) There is no emotional incest Jon could feel for Dany because they didn't grow up together. They will meet as strangers and even if Jon knew Dany was his aunt, Jon won't consider it incestous bc of reason 1.
3) Nobody in Planetos would calculate their exact blood purity and say they can't be together bc of such purity thus call their relationship incestous.
Only us modern readers would label JD as incest and rightly so.
As for jonsa, cousin marriage is technically not incest but there might be emotional incest. They grew up as brother/sister in WF. But imo, this is kinda weak. Both Jon and Sansa have always treated the other not as a "true" sibling. They love each other as part of the pack, part of the family, you know...like a cousin.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ It's just that it's controversial when I say Jon and Sansa have always loved each other as close cousins.There's Jon "was she ever my sister" Snow and Sansa "he's my half-brother" Stark. Jumping the incest hurdle won't be terribly hard for them.
Let's put on our tinfoil. Why did D&D never had JD marry even though they could have had? Bc somehow they know JD never will in the books. Dany will never be Jon's bride. They'll never marry for love. D&D had Jon pull the incest card to avoid marrying Dany. But as I've stated before, this will never happen in the books bc of the above reasons. Jon getting the incest ick is a shoe horned reason. How can he get the ick when the most popular theory is of him marrying his aunt for love? No matter how you slice it, the math is not mathing.
D&D PULLED THE WRONG INCEST CARD! Jon will refuse to marry Dany because he loves his sister. I firmly believe D&D never had all the cards and Jonsa is GRRM's last and that's why some things didn't make sense.
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sunfyredarchive · 2 months
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mtfjohnscp · 2 years
As you might have noticed, John just found (and adopted) an alien.
As such, I’m gonna go over all of the things I’ve got worked out for him.
First things first. His full name is Killian Theodore Okamoto. So far, his pronouns are He/Him.
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When he was first discovered by John and Jin, he looked like this. Pale blue skin, blue freckles, deep blue eyes and hair, space suit, crystal necklace, black cloak.
Now, it is worth noting that his species, Thrar'iex-Aegoni, has pseudo-shapeshifting abilities, all of which are involuntary. As a defense mechanism when around other species, he “imprints” on one or more members of this other species (John and Jin, in this case), functionally copying their DNA and recombining it. Using this, his body creates a disguise using the imprint so that he can pass as a member of their species. This becomes his default appearance around all members of that species. He has no control over this at all.
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Currently, He looks like this. His right eye and hair color come from John, while his left eye and hair length is from Jin. His skin tone is a mix of the two of them. Part of his hair doesn’t change with the rest of him.
Killian also possesses telekinesis, allowing him to lift objects around him, as well as levitate. He may have other powers, but for right now, this is all he can use. Internally, He has three hearts, with each one essentially functioning as a backup for the others.
Killian speaks with a specific text style тнαт ℓσσкѕ ℓιкє тнιѕ.
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acewithapencil · 2 years
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“This time he kissed her … once on each cheek, once on the brow, and one last one on the mouth. She was flushed and laughing by the last kiss, suddenly shy again, but it made no matter.” -Tyrion IX, ADWD
Tyrion and Penny having a sweet moment of celebration for @aegony-targaryen!
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