#aegon ii targaryen x reader hc
orboros · 1 year
Blood on Snow part 2
Warnings: Gutting a animal
I don't know how long this series will be, but this isn't the last chapter. Also, if anyone has any tips for getting better at typing, please share it :) I write it down physically, and then I type it on my phone. This is a pretty slow process, so I would appreciate any tips. Thank you, and I hope you find some enjoyment in it.
The all-encompassing blackness of night covered your body as the howling winds drowned your grunts and pants for air. The climb down the wall was far easier than the climb up, but that didn't mean it was easy. The woven rope dug into your waist as the icyness of the frozen wall soaked your gloves. You've neared the end now. With both Ygla and Vigyn safely on the ground. Your hand reached for your knife. The rusted blade cut the rope that tied you to Gurnard. You sheathed the blade before letting go of the rope. Pain shot up your feet and settled in your knees as you landed on the frost-covered grass. You ripped the worn gloves from your hand; thick Calluses were spilt angrily, and large Bullous blisters formed on the tips of your fingers. It hurt, but the cold air soothed your sweaty hands. Your hood came down soon after that, and strands of sweat-covered hair stuck out of the tight plaits you had put in your hair.
Ygla and Vigyn played with their axes and swords, respectively. They hit each other with comically loud whines and cries of pain. Anger flooded you; this wasn't some joke. Several members of your group had died, and now they screamed and Hollered like dogs. Anyone could hear you; on the ground, sound travels quickly, especially at night. You quickly marched over to them. Your Calloused hands soon clattered each of them in the back of the head.
"Be quiet," You whispered with a hiss.
"But Grunard said there were no crows here!" Vigyn said it in the whiny tone of a pubescent boy.
"Grunard said that so you wouldn't shit yourselves; we don't know for sure where the crows are." You looked at both of their fear-sticky faces with fury.
"Don't look at me like that; you wanted to come here; you wanted to raid. Don't shirk in fear just because the consequences of your actions have arrived." Your nose flared as your harsh words left your chapped lips. The guilty looks of scolded children came on each of their dates. It did not quell your anger, but they Had been told off enough for one day. More men and women rumped from the grass-woven ropes, Grunard being one of them. With everyone who had survived the wall now on southern ground, you all gathered together.
Grunard spoke with wide hand gestures and a hushed voice. The darkness of night made it hard to see him, but you understood the gist of the plan nonetheless. You would journey to Queenscrown and completely bypass Mole's Town. The crows often visited the women there to break their oh-so-sacred vows. The town was crawling with the black-hearted basterds. As you had a number of young ones, it was better to go straight to Queenscown.
The people were weak and easy to kill. Spending their days tilling the fruitful soil. As a result, the reward was low. There would be no fine silks or exotic spices, but there would be enough swords, axes, and armour to make the journey worth it.
Under the cover of night, everyone moved as one, searching for shelter to hide from the exposed nature of daylight. Luckily, the gods granted you all that mercy in the form of a cave. The other raiders poured into the dark and damp cave. Some slept alone, while others gathered in large piles to sleep. You decided on neither; you were too hungry to sleep. The pain of hunger crawled up your ribcage, sending the familiar growls into the quiet night. With a rake of arrows across your back and a bow in hand, you left the cave. The dark sky began to lighten as the first light came.
The squelch of lush, dew-covered grass and the melodic chirps of risen birds drove home how full of life the south was. Every inch of land is themed with life; back home on the frozen shore, most life existed in the turbulent sea. Here, it was everywhere. The grassy meadows soon turned to thick oak forests, and gentle rays of dawn gently touched the apples of your cheeks as they swept through the woodland. Birds flew through the canopy of leaves as rabbits swiftly leaped into underground burrows. But you were searching for something more filling. A crack of a twig altered your eager ears. Before your eyes found him, you knew what he was. The snap of the twig was heavy—too heavy to be a wolf and too light to be a boar. Your eyes whipped around to the large stag.You lowered your body as a creeping hand gripped one of your arrows. The great white stag didn't notice your soundless breathing and hungry eyes as it chewed on fresh grass. Nor did it notice the flying arrow until it pierced its chest. But by the time he realised it, it was too late. The beast fell to the ground with a thud. In your younger years, you would wait for the blood to drain from the beast, but now that you were more skilled, deer would die on impact. This one is included.
You sauntered over to the now-dead creature; killing had always been easy for you. The North was filled with it. Death surrounded anything that had the fight to survive and took anything that didn't. But here, where life came easy, the fight for survival was nonexistent.
Your Calloused hand ripped the arrow from its punctured heart. Blood gushed from the wound. Flickers of life still brimmed in his eyes, and your rusted blade that was once on your hip sliced the stag's throat in thick jagad cuts. It was a painful way to die, but you still needed to eat, and it was a better way to go than dying slowly with an arrow in your heart. With his life gone with his blood, you began to cut open the stag. Your rusted serrated knife first cut around the anus of the creature and freed its colon, so all its guts would come out in one piece. Your knife ran up along its abdomen, just cutting through its hide, lest you accidentally cut into its bladder and spill piss all over the good meat. You cut off the balls and cock of the stage and discarded it. Then you cut it into the meat of the stag. Down to the bone. Making a gateway for all the guts to come pouring out. With the ridge of the pelvis now exposed, you began to cut through the hide of the sternum to join your work lower down.
As you reached the end of its ribs, you cut slowly so as not to puncture the stomach. The white lining that encased the organ was next. Your blade popped open the next lay, and you dug your fingers into the still-warm stag. You cut the lining in between your fingers, revealing the assortment of grey and brown organs. You took your knife and began to saw through the pelvic bone. Thick clumps of white dust gathered at the sides of your knife. You ripped out the chuck of bone and tossed it into the thick forest. Your knife was set aside in favour of your hands, and with one hand set on each side, you cracked open the pelvis. The weight of your body made the bones crack and splinter beneath you. With your serrated knife in hand, you began cutting through the ribcage of the creature. No longer be careful with your hands, and cut away at anything attaching the guts to the meat. You cut out the heart and set it aside along with the liver and kidneys before you pulled them cleanly from the once great stag. With your gutted stag and your hands bloody, it was time to head back to your fellow raiders.
You packed up the edible organs into your bag before you dragged the creature out of the forest by the antler. Picking up mushrooms, herbs, and anything worth eating along the way. The sun had only risen slightly in the time you were away from camp. Still, the others seemed to wake up at the smell of blood. Several crowded around you as you neared the cave, and soon the stag was taken from you to be cooked. Grunard threw you a water-soaked rag to clean your hands; the semi-dried blood wiped away easily. Though some still cringe under your fingernails.
Soon the stag was cut further down and cooked on an open fire. The smell of seared venison battled the stench of sweat all of you carried. A large wooden bowl of stew was set in front of you, filled to the brim with meat, mushrooms, and barley. All of which you had gathered, and as a result, you got the largest portion. The meat was tender; it fell apart in strings against your teeth. With your belly now filled and furs placed down for you, you laid down and fell into a dreamless sleep.
The unnoticed blackness of sleep was eventually painted with streaks of colour. The pigments merged and separated; shades of green, white, purple, and brown swirled until the colours were pulled into an image. It was the cave you had settled in—the same damp stone walls, the same sprouts of vegetation in every corner. But the fire was out, with only smoke rising from the ashes as a marker of its existence. Your heart began to pump faster as the image became clearer; gone were the other raiders, not even furs or weapons to remember them by. Your eyes turned to look out at the entrance of the cave. The meadows and thick forests of the southern landscape were gone. Instead, the stone walls drifted like smoke into a large candlelit room. High stone ceilings and dark wood floors. Every part of the room was filled with more luxuries and crafted with more expertise than you had ever seen. Even the fanciful homes of Mole's Town didn't compare to this. An obnoxiously large bed sat against the back wall, pillows and blankets practically oozing from the bed. A woman lay on the bed, her white hair reflecting a sliver of light. She sat up slightly, her snow-like hair rising with her, and her purple eyes settled on you. In your skin and in your bones, you knew this was a dream. The hazeness of Everything proved it. Yet she was so clear, so real; this was something else, something strange. The white-haired woman sat fully up amongst her luxuries; more gold adorned her than you had seen in all of the men of the frozen shore combined. To your fellow raiders, you spoke the common tongue, but this was not your native tongue; words in your own ancient language slipped from your tongue like oil. The deep, guttural words brought fear to the hearts of southerners, but that did not hold true for her. Curious, unblinking eyes stayed in a heavy lock with your own.
"Who are you?" She asked, her voice light, airy, and in the strangest accent you had ever heard.
"The hog," You replied as your tongue slithered back into the position for common touch.
"Hog?" She questioned, her erie lavender eyes still locked with your own.
"There is not a name for it in the common tongue. It is like a You paused for a moment, trying to find the right words.
"Outside name. One you tell to strangers, ones outside kin," you said with hesitation, knowing your discomfort was clear. She was the strangest-looking and-sounding person you had ever met. Snow white hair and almost translucent lavender eyes. She was pretty, but her ghostly features and voice did nothing to sooth you. Before she could ask another question, you asked one of your own.
"What are you?" You said slowly that you didn't know if she was some vengeful spirit or a trickster here to trap you.
She seemed to think for a moment, pondering your question, unbridled with the fear you felt.
"A Targaryen, I suppose." Your face scrunched up in confusion at her answer, and words slipped from your lips freely.
"What the fuck is a Targaryen?" You said it in bewilderment. Finally, there was some emotion on her wide-eyed face. Her features scrunched up like yours had done as she thought of an answer.
"My mother says that we are the Royal House; Aemond says we are dragons; and Daeron would say we are conquerors. My father doesn't speak to me much, and when My elder brother Aegon speaks of our house, it is nothing but insults. I don't really know what makes a Targaryen—is it dragon riding, the white hair, or the violet eyes? Aemond always says Targaryens are the blood of Old Valeriya, so I would assume that's what we are."
The words dragon riding sung in your head again and again; you knew what she was. Disgust filled your heart like bile and spilled out onto your face. You had heard tales of the dragon-riding inbreeders that ruled the South. Sisters marrying brothers, uncles marrying nieces—it made you sick. Anger soon mixed with and amplified your disgust.
"I know who you are! Inbreeder!" You shouted as you ripped yourself from your furs and marched towards her. As you got to the edge of your world and the beginning of hers, you went to reach for her, but a force so potent ripped you back.
Your eyelids jumped open as you lunged yourself off the sweat-soaked furs you once slept on. Your eyes darted around the cave; the fire was still lit but had now dimmed, and your fellow raiders were still there. Just pack up to continue your journey. Your breath raged as your eyes bound from one spot to another.
"Bad dream?" Grunard said in a mocking tone.
"No, but it was a fucking strange one." You said you were too busy trying to catch your breath and calm your racing heart to joke with him.
His curiosity seemed to be Peaked as you moved out of the furs and began packing up.
Well, aren't you going to tell me what it was, Hog?" He said it with a wrinkled brow.
You looked at him, and with an unwilling frown, you spoke.
"A Targaryen, you know the inbreeders that rule the south." You said this while stuffing the furs into the woven bag. He paused for a moment as his face became more serious.
"We're in the south now, Hog; the dark magic of Old Valeriya runs rampant here. A skinchanger like you should be careful; it could swallow you whole."
Helaena awoke with a jump; sweat poured from her brow, yet goosebumps ran along her skin. Her heart beated out of her chest as her breathing was like that of a panting dog. The setting sun stung her eyes; she had only meant to sleep a little while, but the constant visions that plagued her had drained Helaena. They were getting stronger and more clear. The light of the fire was out from the cold of the woman she saw. Tall, intimidating, and calculating, she is covered in thick fur and has clammy skin tattooed with foreign symbols on her hands and up her arms. She didn't set fear into Helaena's heart at first, but when the woman came for her, well, she couldn't help but shut her eyes and cover her ears at the memory. Yet something in Helaena knew the woman had a right to be so angry; something in her told her she too should be angry. Helaena never really thought much of her family's traditions; they had infected every aspect of her life since birth, so how could she judge the only way of life she knew? But in that moment, lying in bed with the setting sun illuminating the room with streaks of pink and orange, She, too, felt disgusted.
An uneasy feeling settled in Helaena as the sun set and the night began. She never really spoke to her husband or her brother. He had only visited her a few times in the night. He was always drunk beyond belief, and he cried. He always cried when they were forced to lay together. Thankfully for both of them, the visits have now ceased. Aegon rarely spoke to her, instead running off to the streets of silk and drinking anything that would dull his mind. She never understood why he did that, but now she does. It was to drown out the shivers of disgust that ran along his skin. She pulled the duvet from her and walked along the wooden floors towards Aegon's rooms. He would most likely be gone, already trying to escape reality.
As her fingers pushed open Aegon's door with a creak, her eyes Peaked in. He sat hunched over at the edge of his bed, rubbing his eyes and groaning. Helaena pushed open the door fully and stepped through. Aegon's tired eyes looked up at her with a grimace.
"What is it?" He said it with annoyance.
"What they did to us was bad, wasn't it?"
Her words caught Aegon off guard, and he looked at her fully and with interest. Helaena paused, her lip twitching.
"It was cruel," She said with a crack in her voice.
Aegon took a moment to speak, and when he did, tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
"It was"
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annwrites · 14 days
being aegon ii targaryen's personal chambermaid (which he falls in love with) would include:
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a/n: i am not anti-helaena. she's one of my favorite characters. but i found, in the show, how quickly they had her get over "the boy's" (gods-forbid she call him his damn name) death, to be really distasteful & disrespectful to her book counterpart, so, reader is gonna be aegon's babies' loving step-mommy now. ♡
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he would be wary of you at first.
he'd be acting under the assumption that you're dyana's replacement which has been hand-chosen by his mother to spy on him. especially since you are assigned to him & him alone, he later comes to discover when you tell him.
"Who are you?" "Your new chambermaid, My Prince," you reply with a polite curtsy, folding your hands in front of you while keeping your eyes downcast. "Dyana's replacement. Y/N, if it pleases you." He hums in feigned interest for a moment. "Did my mother send you, then?" You waver. "She did. I was hand-selected by her—" "To spy on me?" He interrupts, crossing his arms. Your brows furrow and you hesitantly meet his eyes. "No, My Prince." He rolls his eyes. "No, of course not. She sent you to what, then? Change my sheets and bathe my children?" "She...assigned me solely to you, My Prince. It was requested the maid be young and modest. Devoted wholly to you and your needs." He raises a brow. "Devoted? My needs?" He takes a step closer. "And did she disclose to you, what, precisely, 'my needs' are to be defined as?" You blink at him. "I assume tending to your chambers, My Prince. Cleaning and organizing them. Fetching your meals, and hot water for your baths. Tending to your clothing when necessary. Building the fire within your hearth and so on." His violet eyes trail along you while he chews the inside of his cheek. "Are you, then? Devoted to me?" He asks with a sarcastic snort. You nod slowly. There is no other acceptable way to reply than with agreement. "Of course, My Prince." He huffs, stepping away, pouring himself a glass of wine. "I shall leave you to it, then." You step over to his bed and begin stripping it of last night's linens—his gaze remaining upon you all the while.
he would act quite indifferent to you, initially. nevertheless, he watches your every move as you flit about his room, tidying & cleaning.
it takes awhile before he bothers with attempting conversation with you.
and when he does, it's 'innocent' enough in nature. he's always careful of keeping in-mind, that, when he speaks to you, he may very-well be speaking—by proxy—to his queen mother.
"You're very pretty," he remarks, feet propped up atop his dining table while he sits near a window, sipping idly on sweet wine. You slowly turn round to him from the mantle you'd been dusting. "M-me, My Prince?" He gestures toward the vacant room. "Who else might I be speaking to?" You nervously wring the small towel you hold between your hands, your cheeks warming, which causes him to smile slightly. "Thank you, My Prince." He takes a sip from his chalice. "Aegon," he offers. "No need for all this ridiculous formality when we spend near-every waking moment together now." You nod, unsure that it's appropriate to begin addressing him by his given name, but the two of you are alone. And you're meant to obey him. To please him. "Aegon," you reply with a nod, and a sweet smile. He raises his cup. "Better."
unable to help himself, the vow he made, internally, to keep his distance & make minimal conversation with you, falls to the wayside in his unhappy loneliness.
he, in time, will send for you for you when it is late and everything is too quiet because—oh, would you look at that?—the tunic he'd intended to don tomorrow needs a button replaced.
or—he's hungry and wishes for something sweet from the kitchens. he needs you fetch it for him.
but, before you can leave, he offers you some wine, or merely to share in his meal. all an excuse to keep you longer, you both know, but neither of you acknowledge it aloud.
eventually, he begins following you around his chambers while you're cleaning—so close that when you turn with arms full of sheets, you slam right into his chest.
he'll briefly apologize, tucking some hair behind your ear, before continuing on with his babbling.
"I went up on Sunfyre just this morn with Jaehaerys—it will be some years yet before he is able to ride his own, Shrykos, by himself. He laughed, though, the whole while. Helaena hardly bothers with ever leaving this damn place. Someone has to take the boy outside. She's so fucking dull. I wish mother had let Aemond have her, but I'm instead stuck—bound to her in matrimony," he states with a mocking lilt to his voice. He follows you over to his wardrobe while you hang up his freshly-washed tunics, trousers, and cloaks. "I mean, she talks in riddles when you do try conversing with her, so what's the point in even attempting? Do you want to know what she told me the other day?" You glance to him, then back to your current task. "She said that I will 'take up objects like a king of old' and 'so, too, shall Rhaenys come again'. What in Seven Hells does that even mean? Objects? What bloody objects? And we have a Rhaenys now. Is she planning a visit?" He grips your hip, so you turn to him. "Do you've any idea what she's on about in her madness?" You close the doors to his wardrobe, leaning back against it. "Maybe—" He cuts you off short, waving his hand, taking your own within it, walking you over to his dining table so you can tend to it next. "She's simple, is what she is. I pray our children turn out far different. Jaehaerys seems, already, to take more after me. Jaehaera looks more like her, but it's just as well: she's her mother." You begin gathering plates from when he broke his fast. "Have you ever been near a dragon?" He asks. You look up at him. "I've not." His lip twitches. "Do you wish to ride one?" "I'm not su—" "There is always the option of riding one without wings," he states with a wink, walking across the room, throwing the curtains to his balcony open, looking at you over his shoulder. "Fine day for it." You smile nervously, returning to your chores.
the day aegon introduces you to sunfyre, you're terrified, until he takes your hand in his, pressing it to the golden dragon's neck, and he practically purrs in contentment.
and then he has the two of you climb atop him, and you are given the honor—a singular experience—of riding through the clouds on a dragon.
aegon holds you close with a wide smile upon his lips whole he laughs contently with you in his arms.
the longer you're in his company, the more flirtatious he grows toward you. and, quite shockingly—even to him—loyal as well.
he ceases late-night trips to the street of silk, instead wanting for you to remain by his side late into the evening, until he manages to finally get you to stay long enough that you fall asleep in his bed while the two of you are conversing.
he'd honestly planned for you to stay so late that it's where you end up sleeping, but the thought of asking you to stay the night makes him feel even mildly pathetic. so, waiting until you were so exhausted that you merely passed out had seemed the next best option.
he still has yet to receive any sort of sign or confirmation that you feel similarly toward him as he does toward you: affection and fancying and all.
so, the next morning, right after you've woken is when he asks it.
"Do you like me?" You blink open bleary eyes which quickly widen when you realize you'd spent the night in the prince's bed. You shoot up—your hair a wild mess as you stare at him. "W-What?" "Do you like me?" He repeats, gently tucking tangled locks behind your ear with a shaking hand. "Yes, of course I do," you say, leaning the least bit toward him. He frowns slightly. "It is your job to say yes. Of course you would." He makes to get out of bed, until you grab his hand. He instantly turns back to you with a hopeful look in his eyes, much like a puppy might do its beloved owner. You scoot toward him, gently cupping his cheek. "I like you a great deal, Aegon. It surprises me, with all the time we spend together, you need me confirm it." He shrugs, lacing his fingers between yours. "It is your duty to be loyal to me. Kind and...what-not. It can be difficult to dissuade where that duty ends and true friendship—or otherwise—begins." Slowly, you slide a hand up his warm, bare arm, smiling softly. "All I do now, I do out of devotion which comes from me and me alone." He blinks at you, his face growing warm. "Devotion, hm?" You nod. He glances down to your hands—considering—remaining silent for a considerable amount of time whilst his heart pounds in his chest at the mere thought of asking his next question. But he does it anyway, despite his nerves, because he needs hear the answer. He has wondered for weeks. At the very least, has wished to hear it for that long. He's wished to for far longer, in truth, from anyone. But none utter it. Not his mother, or father, or siblings. Mayhaps...you will. "Do you...love me?" He asks, glancing to you from under silver lashes, wanting to crawl out of his skin, or take to the skies upon Sunfyre and disappear above the clouds for a few hours to escape this Gods-awful embarrassment. You smile widely, which he quickly matches—heart leaping and bounding in his chest at the hopeful sight. And then, most unexpectedly, you crawl into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. "What gave it away?" He crushes his lips to yours in elation.
He deigns you are to spend all your time at his side from that moment forward.
you are to eat together, sleep together, take walks together. he wishes deeply to take things in a more intimate direction, but doesn't want to scare you off when he's only just earned your love.
nevertheless, he's a young man & can't help himself. he wants what he wants & what he wants is to be buried inside of you as much as possible.
"Have you ever...known a man?" He asks with a raised brow of interest. You still—your hand hovering over the game of Cyvasse you are currently winning—as per usual. "Do you mean—" "Are you still a maiden?" He quickly asks, thus elaborating. You settle your hands into your lap, heart fluttering at the knowledge he's after. "I am." He grins. "That pleases me greatly to hear, Y/N." You flush, growing warm between your thighs. "It...does?" He nods, resting his arm atop the table. Slowly, he begins to slide it to the left, knocking everything off the surface and onto the floor—game pieces, tiny elephants and dragons and trebuchets tumbling across marble. He stands then, as do you, and he leans over, grabbing your face in his hands, and he begins to kiss you passionately. And then he breaks the intimate embrace for only a moment. "May I have you?" He whispers, cock straining against his trousers. You smile lovingly. "You already have all of me, Aegon. I would deny you nothing when it comes to myself. Including this. I am, as ever, wholly yours. In every way." He grins widely before walking around the table, scooping you into his arms, and carrying you over to your now-shared bed.
aegon is painstakingly gentle with you in bed.
very slowly, he rocks his hips against yours, gazing down upon your face all the while.
he loves seeing the expressions you make—the flush across your cheeks and naked skin.
it makes him impossibly harder when you whine and whimper and moan and sigh.
gets him ever-closer when you call his name while he's deep inside you.
he tells you how much he adores you. how he loves and cares for you. that he'd do anything to make you happy.
He never bothers with asking you to drink moontea after he's spilled his seed inside of you.
You're the one, instead, who procures it for yourself, even if he actually—secretly—wants to get you with child.
He loves the three little ones he already has, so he'd very much like a fourth. Maybe a fifth, and so on. And the thought of it being with you? It fills him with inexplicable joy.
especially since the children he has now already enjoy your company just as much as he. and he knows you adore them in return.
You hold Jaehaera in your lap while Aegon plays with his boys across the room—Maelor slamming wooden blocks together and Jaehaerys giggling as his father makes a wooden dragon soar over his head, breathing fictional dragonfire. You read quietly to the little girl as she sucks on her thumb, staring at the illustrated pages before her with wide, violet eyes that much resemble her father's. Maelor stands, walking over to you, and then he gently tugs on your skirts. You smile down at him while he raises his arms, wanting you to pick him up. You set the book down, shifting Jaehaera to your other knee, and just as you make to retrieve the little boy, he utters it. "Mama." Your head immediately jerks in Aegon's direction, and his in yours. You remain still, staring at him with unsure eyes, unknowing of what to do—what he must be thinking. And then Aegon smiles, and he calls the little boy's name. Maelor turns back to him, and Aegon's eyes flit to you for a moment as he nods in your direction. "Say it again, my boy." You open your mouth to tell him he should not be encouraging it—he already has a mother—but are interrupted. "Mama." You lift him into your lap, pressing a kiss to his forehead. You look back to Aegon and he beams at you in return.
unknown to you, aegon has been encouraging his children in secret to begin calling you as much.
helaena seems, at times, grossly indifferent to them—more interested in her bugs and riddles than anything else.
whereas you've always been attentive.
he knows you would make a wonderful mother to fruit of your own womb.
it is something he very much desires, so he begins hinting at it eventually.
"Is it not distasteful?" You raise a brow, dabbing at your lips with a cloth after having finished a small mug of moontea. "Hm?" He nods to the cup you hold. You shrug slightly, settling it atop the dining table. "It's a necessity." A muscle in his jaw feathers nervously as he comes closer to you, threading his fingers in your hair. "What if it wasn't?" Your eyes flit between his own. "I don't underst—" He rests his free palm against your belly, his eyes studying it for a moment before meeting your own once again. "What if it wasn't?" He repeats. A small smile crawls across your lips.
when you finally conceive, the two of you keep it a secret between you for as long as you can manage, until alicent one day catches the two of you in a private hallway.
aegon is smiling, caressing your stomach, telling you how the two of you should begin discussing names soon.
filled with fury, she returns to her chambers, then summons him to them to confront him on what he's done.
"With child, Aegon?! As if you have not sullied your great house's name enough—have not dishonored your father and I enough, as well as yourself time and again—you get a serving girl with child?" She shouts, her voice echoing across her chambers. Aegon sits silently upon a plush green lounge, his sweating palms tightly gripping his knees while he keeps his head slightly bowed, not wishing to meet her disapproving eyes. "Have you nothing to say for yourself?" She asks in exasperation. "I love her," he states quietly. She mumbles something incoherent, pinching the bridge of her nose, wrapping her other arm around herself—her opposite hand coiled into a fist. "You've a wife—it is shameful I need keep reminding you! How could you've let this happen again, you fool? What of Helaena, or your children—" "Children she barely acknowledges?" He asks, interrupting. His eyes meet hers then, continuing on. "Y/N acts far more a mother to them than she does. She acts wife to me in all but name as well—gives me the love my own never has. That you never have." Alicent remains silent. "I know you are disappointed in me. Perhaps you've always been. I'm not what... Whatever you'd envisioned for yourself for your first-born son. I'm not like Aemond. And naming me after a Conqueror was never going to make me one, mother. My children, Sunfyre, and she are all that bring me joy. I won't let you take her from me." Alicent throws her hands up in exasperation, resting them on her hips. "What do you think to do, Aegon? Take her as your official mistress? It will humiliate all of us." He shakes his head, face screwing in confusion and irritation. "You chose her for me!" "To be your chambermaid, not your whore!" He stands then, fuming, hands bunched into fists as his sides. "Mayhaps you should've been more specific in your commands when you assigned her to me, then. 'Devoted wholly to my needs'? You mean to pretend you never intended this? For me to—to take her solely to bed so I'd stop visiting the Street of Silk, so I'd stop flirtations with random serving wenches? I give you what you want, and still I am punished for it! We are devoted to one another. Just leave us be!" Alicent seats herself, resting her face in her hands for a moment. "I will make arrangements. She and the child will be well-cared for. But this stain must be hidden. If not wholly washed from history altogether. No one can know. I won't allow it." Her eyes meets his then, which are filled with tears. "Please," he pleads as they begin to slip down his cheeks. "I don't want to live without her." Alicent stands, clasping her hands before her in finality. "It is done. I will give you an evening to say your goodbyes. Come the morn, she will be sent away to a location undisclosed to you." He roars in anger, throwing a wine glass against the wall, staring at her with a look of utter loathing before stalking out, slamming the door behind him.
come the next morn, however, alicent's plans never come to fruition when viserys is found dead in his bed.
aegon begs his mother not to make him do it—he does not wish to be king—but his wishes, are, as ever, not considered.
he keeps you close to him all through the day for comfort and reassurance, even if you yourself are frightened.
he will not allow alicent so much as near you.
he tells her that she gave him a conqueror's name, he lives in his home, has bestowed upon him his sword, coronated him with his crown, will be given his armor, and will sit his throne, so he—just like his forebear—will take a second wife for love.
"I know what my first measure shall be once I am crowned king," he whispers, his forehead pressed to your own, his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he holds your face in his hands. You rest your hands against his chest. "What might that be, my love?" He leans back, gazing into your eyes with a look of certainty unlike you have ever seen—utter seriosity. "I mean to take a second wife."
and so, not but a couple days after he is crowned, the two of you are joined as one in the sept, much to his mother's dismay.
and so begins his employment as king of the realm, even if he is scared out of his wits and wants naught to do with it initially.
the clear disregard his small council has for his opinions becomes quickly apparent.
so he confides in the only person he knows actually respects him: you.
and you council him from the position of someone who is a commoner, trying to guide him toward mercy. not that he does not wish that for himself.
he just...wants his people to love him.
he wants to be a benevolent king.
but then aemond kills luke.
and then they come for his own children.
and he loses his little boy. his jaehaerys.
and he goes mad with grief.
you are heartbroken yourself—so distressed you fear losing the babe you carry inside of you—but you know you must calm your husband, even if you are frightened of him in this moment as he screams for war, and fire, and blood as he destroys his father's life's work.
"My love, please!" You cry through blinding tears, clutching at your pregnant belly, your little one stirring madly within your womb, as if it can sense your and its father's shared agony. And then Aegon holds Blackfyre in your direction—his eyes wild—and he presses the tip to your stomach. "My Jaehaerys is dead! That fucking whore took my boy! And you wish for me to what? Quell my rage?! You common whore! I see it now! I see what you are!" You back away slowly, terror filling you at his words—his unspoken threat toward your and your child's life. You shake your head, cradling your belly, your tears near to drowning you as you choke on them, unable to so much as speak in reply. "Get out!" He cries, reigning down on white stone spires. "Get out! I cannot look at you! Out! Out!" Ser Arryk grabs you by the arm, wrenching you away, toward safety. He spirits you away to vacant chambers, where he stands watch for your protection. And so you sit and wait—trembling in fear, terrified of what may happen to you now. He'd...he'd turned on you so easily. Had called you...what he did. Has he always seen you in such a manner? You try not to think on it too long. Tonight is not about you and your feelings. Jaehaerys is dead. He has been brutally murdered. And you want Rhaenyra to pay. Dearly. What happened to Lucerys had naught to do with Aegon. If she wished to punish, why had she not, instead, targeted Aemond? That little boy... Your little boy—for you have come to regard him as such. You will never hold him again. Will never sing or read to him again. Will never watch Aegon play knights and dragons with him again. You cradle your head in your hands, and weep. You've nearly cried yourself to sleep when Ser Arryk enters, telling you that His Grace is asking after you. And so you follow silently behind him, holding your belly, your chin wobbling in fear of what's to happen to you. You've never feared Aegon before. Never. But tonight...you fear for your very life. You enter his chambers, the doors shutting softly behind you, and you glance to them over your shoulder, wishing a guard had stayed. Mayhaps he ordered them out for what is to occur. You steel yourself, padding closer, tears slipping down your cheeks as you keep your eyes focused on Aegon who sits before the room's hearth, trembling and quietly sobbing. His head shoots up and you still. He stands and you clutch your belly impossibly tighter. He comes toward you and your heart hammers between your breasts. And then he falls to his knees, clutching at your skirts as he howls in agony. "Forgive me! Forgive me, please! I'm so fucking sorry! I'm so sorry! My boy! They killed my boy! You have to forgive me!" He suddenly stands then, taking your face roughly between his hands, his eyes flitting rapidly between your own. "Y-You have to forgive me. You have to! You're—You're my wife—Queen. You have—You can't leave me!" Gingerly, you wrap your arms around him and the two of you sink to the floor while you gently rock him. "My boy!" He hollers, echoing through the halls and into the night. It's some time later before you manage to coax him into bed. And once the two of you have lied down, dawn has just begun to grace the horizon. He wraps himself around you like a child would its mother for comfort, whimpering and sniffling and shaking in fear. So you sing to him the Song of the Seven. And he falls asleep in your arms, begging for Jaehaerys to come back to him.
aegon is very, understandably, sullen after jaehaerys' death.
he returns to keeping you at his side at all times—even during small council meetings—so you can soothe him.
and then otto suggests a procession where his baby's body will be put on display for the people.
and you watch the distraught look on your husband's face grow with fervor as the people in that room talk about his little boy like a prop to bastardize rhaenyra.
so you hold your husband, cradling his head as he cries against your breast, glaring at any who dare glance in your direction with questioning looks.
"You would dare use the corpse of your King's son for political benefit? Have you no decency? No honor? Have none of you children yourself, or is it hearts you do not possess?" Otto stands tall when he replies simply. "Your presence here is a mere courtesy to His Grace in his hour of need. You hold no seat at this table." "Your Grace," you hiss. "I am your Queen. You should remember that next time you mean to address me, along with whom is whom's better. The roles are now reversed, ser. And my position comes with a great many benefits. Including utilization of obtaining justice. In various forms." The King's Justice is the unspoken threat that hangs in the silent, taught air. None speak in his defense—including the King—leaving him suddenly without allies as you wield the metaphorical sword that is your tongue. He knows naught that you have done so before within this room—your husband serving as proxy as you gave him council on how to handle the very vipers which have made their nests all around you. He should have cut them off at the head. Then again, there is always time. Otto bows his head. "Your Grace."
read my post here on reader counseling aegon on what to do after alicent tells him to do nothing, in regards to politics, bc he is an "inferior king", essentially (it doesn't entirely match up with this post, bc when i wrote it, i hadn't entirely fleshed out my idea of aegon's & reader's relationship (as in: she becomes pregnant & subsequently, his queen).
after rook's rest, you remain vigilant by aegon's bedside, watching over him, doing whatever you can to help, or to soothe his pain.
he tells you he is a hideous beast now.
you assure him otherwise. that he is & will always be beautiful to you. inside & out. that he holds your heart entirely until it stops beating.
he "jokes" that he is fortunate he "got you with child before he lost his manhood".
he tells you he will never be able to pleasure you again. that you should abandon him and start your life anew with a new man. a man in general.
you assure him—as you trail your fingertips lightly along his body—that there are other ways you may pleasure each other. many things which you one day may explore together in intimate moments.
he begins to weep at your undying love for him.
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a/n: more to be added, perhaps, when we get the next season. i'm not going to follow the events of fire & blood with this post since the show has stopped doing as much itself, which this post is based off of.
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Name Day Gifts - Team Green
prompt: my friend's birthday as coming up and she asked if I would do some headcanons for what the Team Green boys would get their partner for their birthday/name day.💚 --------------------------------------------
As the King, Aegon had the right call any number of feasts & tourneys to order, for whatever reason he chooses. What better reason than your Name Day? He would be extremely involved in the planning. From the music, to the entertainment, to even having your favorite foods catered for the event. He even has a dress made, embroidered with his own personal dragon sigil, as a gift for the party. All of this is for you, and he is happy to see you enjoying yourself. But there is a part of Aegon, later in the evening and after too much wine, that he is jealous over all the attention you are giving others. The needy King will eventually spirit you away all for himself.
Aemond is not one for celebrating Name Days. Any idiot can be born. It is true achievement that should be praised. But, he is neither cold hearted enough nor foolish enough to realize not everyone feels this way. He would give you your gift in private. Handing it to you like any other prize, with no more flourish than “for another year older”. He would have the royal jeweler craft a sapphire pendant for you, suspended on a white gold chain, with facets as intricate as a dragon’s egg. “To act as my eye when I am not around.” He would tell you. To watch over you. To protect you. The promise is the real gift, the necklace is just flare.
Gwayne is terrible at picking gifts. Completely hopeless, if one were being honest. His heart is in the right place, as he often gets things based on some innate fact of trivia his partner has given him. Example? You once mentioned you liked persimmons, so he procured a whole crate for you, by which you could never finish them all before they rot. He leans on his sister for advice, which are all practical and traditional gifts for a Name Day. In the end, however, he gets them a horse. As Alicent mentioned something they could do together and he thought ‘I like riding’, so Gwayne presented them with the most beautiful white mare he could find so they could go riding together.
He of course cannot let their relationship be known, due to his oath, but he remembers all the same. With the power of his position, Criston would sneak into your chambers and leave a small parcel on your bed or dresser for you to find. A small trinket of a golden spear cloak pin. Seemingly innocent, but the meaning is clean. Gold for his cloak. A spear as the symbol of his Dornish heritage. And finally, a cloak pin so you can wear it over your heart. Though he can never say it, Criston swells with pride every time he sees you wear it; which is almost daily after your Name Day.
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
I NEED more of the aegon x older sister AU!
Like what if Otto tried to send reader on a betrothal tour like Rhaenyra did? Or what if at a Tourney another knight asked for readers favor? Otto would be doing everything he possibly can to contain Aegon lol
Would Aegon still become the type of person he was in the show/books? Or would he try and become the best version of himself to impress reader?
What if, to try and separate Aegon and reader, Viserys sent reader to live with Daemon in Essos? Or sent to ward somewhere else? I bet once Aemond had Vhagar Otto would try to use him to keep Aegon from flying to reader.
This somehow took a wholesome turn???
The beautiful unwed Targaryen princess??? you best believe noblemen and knights alike are lining up and down the block just to get a glimpse. Yours is always the first favour to be asked for. I'd imagine there would be people willing to move down in the lists for the opportunity to get to you first.
Aegon goes fucking feral every single time and it's getting harder and harder to keep him on a leash. He is practically sitting on top of you at this point. No matter how hard Otto or Viserys try Aegon will never accept any seat other than the one next to yours. Fingers entwined with yours, head resting on your shoulder- breathing in the oils you'd been bathed in.
He has no shame, the moment you sit back down after offering a favour or even speaking to another man he's either pulling you back down into his lap, or leaning in to place kisses against your face, neck, hands anything he can reach. All the while glaring murder at whoever had the audacity to even look at you.
Gods forbid Otto ships you off to be a ward somewhere or even worse on a tour like Rhaenyra's. He's been plied up with wine so he doesn't notice your departure until you have long since been shipped off.
It's a miracle that King's Landing doesn't burn that day.
Aegon's screams echo through the keep and anything that he can get his hands on is destroyed. rip Otto's belongings.
In the dragon pit Sunfyre is having his own fit. He eats three people and burns a lot more and for once your dragon isn't interested in stopping him.
The second he figures out where you are he is making a break for the dragon pit and it takes a surprising amount of the King's guard to prevent it. He has to be locked in his own chambers which amounts to days of screaming and a completely trashed room.
Luckily Aemond is all too happy to offer his assistance. He’s grown up seeing how you are with Aegon and even to a lesser extent him and Helaena and he thinks it normal. So he’s also quite upset big sis got sent away.
The arrival of Vhagar at whatever poor Lord's keep you've found yourself in is enough to deter many of the more cowardly lords. Aemond is also smart enough to play up his time with you and is content to sit in your lap like a baby instead of the 13-year-old he is.
Being the dutiful princess you are, you finish the tour. Though it quickly becomes more of a strained formality as Aemond has become your personal glaring necklace and Vhagar looms threateningly.
As for the kind of person Aegon is. You would never allow your beloved baby brother to fall into the pit he has in the show. You keep him away from wine and ale, he is not even allowed to drink a few glasses until he is past 16.
He has no desire to indulge in whores, that just means more time spent away from you after all. But I do imagine him getting frustrated/wanting to know how to bets please you and as such will pay a few visits to the streets of silk. He'll never finish inside any of them though. You are the only person that will ever bear his children.
With your constant stream of adoration and reassurance he is nowhere near as bad mentally as he is in the books/show.
You are just as scary as Aegon and the first time you catch Alicent yelling or laying hands on him he is still young and after you threaten grievous harm to her person she will never do such again.
You also aren't above whispering into your father's ears. Turning him and your younger siblings against Alicent and Otto. It takes you a while but you get Otto sacked and by some miracle you get Corlys to replace him.
Your close relationship with your younger siblings has given Rhaenyra a lot of forced exposure to them too. And though she is concerned about Aegon's possessiveness she understands how he feels.
She comes to adore Helaena and Jace being the sweet boy he is does too. so that's two pairs of children enamoured with each other and I think this is when Alicent starts to break free from Otto's brainwashing.
Everyone always hcs Aemond and Daemon as becoming close in these kinds of aus but I'm gonna say it. Aemond and Rhaenyra are a top tier pair. He loves his mother, but her love has still always been somewhat conditional and now he has this mother figure that simply loves him for being him and he can't get enough of it.
Rhaenyra and Alicent reconnect thanks to your machinations and now Aemond's like sweet, two mums!
But now there's just this whole clan of overly freakish possessive Targaryen's that you have accidentally allowed to reign free. Daemon comes back and is pissed, this is kind of all he's ever wanted and his family has just done it without him???
don't usually tag on these kinds of posts but cause this is so long:
@etherily @psychwardsiren @mihrimahsultan03 @bbyaemond @krispold @hyperfixated-freak @eudximoniakr @deadstarkblacksoul @thelittleswanao3
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puppyxaegon · 2 years
Hi legend I saw you were taking requests and also enjoy subby Aegon; excited to see your work✨
Mayhaps a request for a blurb/hcs on Aegon getting riled up in public??? His lady just teasing and rubbing him under the table or alcove bj in the red keep. Poor baby egg can’t keep quiet either. IF YOU SO DESIRE- soft mean dom just loving every second of it. Both of them definitely about to go feral at the idea of being caught 😈😈😈
Love love LOVE this request and apologies for just now getting to it!! Very glad to be posting more subby Aegon and I promisee something more is coming soon for him I'm very excited to share it. Here's a few blurbs on these concepts for your viewing pleasure, please let me know your thoughts! Btw we have a wife reader here ofc but I'm open to writing any gender and requests are open!!
She Says
Sub!Aegon ii Targarygen x Wife!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: public setting, OC, openish relationship, a little fluff I suppose? They're whores but they love each other.
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Aegon is definitely a sucker for public stuff, and there are few greater pleasures on earth than watching him squirm and bite his lip trying to keep quiet.
I mean, he loves what you do to him and he hates attending to his responsibilities so interrupting an uninteresting meeting or tournament with a bit of discreet fun seems like a win win.
Whenever you attend events together, you're steadfast by your husband's side, and it's something you enjoy taking advantage of.
Sometimes it starts when you're both bored or just in that particular mood or one reason or another.
Like at the jousting tourney when you'd noticed him almost nodding off, more than likely nursing a hangover from the previous night. Objectively, this was an embarrassment. The two of you sat in the very front row of the upper observation gallery behind the barrier, so although you were only visible from the chest up, anyone who glanced over could see the next in line to the throne struggling to keep his eyes open. It should have been an embarrassment, but you often found it was difficult to see Aegon's behavior as anything but endearing.
When it was time for the two of you to give your favor to one of the knights, you had to nudge him and he'd startled awake, clearing his throat and quickly taking your hand. The two of you stood to look over the edge of the balcony, where four knights sat atop their horses all in a line with their lances held high in waiting.
You could feel Aegon squeeze your hand and when you glanced up to him you noticed that he was locked in a stare with Ser Corryn, the young handsome knight who he'd first pointed out to you just about two months ago.
At another equally dull tournament, Aegon's attention had been caught on the man, and he told you offhandedly later that day how he wished so desperately that those knights weren't sworn to celibacy. You were sure to take note of that, and a few weeks later you surprised your husband with that very knight in your shared bed.
You'd run your fingers through Aegon's hair and kissed his forehead as he laid back in your lap, all while Ser Corryn fucked him senseless. As you listened to his gasps and moans while he squirmed against your body, you knew this was a gift he would truly appreciate. You'd seen him cum three times that night, and you cherished the taste of the tears you kissed away from his cheeks as he cried from the overstimulation.
Now almost two weeks later, Aegon blushed and gave a coy smile as he threw the floral wreath onto the knights lance. He looked between the two of you, smirking playfully before blowing a kiss and trotting away to begin the game.
Aegon was certainly awake now, nearly leaning out of his seat with his elbows propped up on the barrier to follow Ser Corryn with his eyes.
You placed a hand high on his thigh and squeezed, leaning in. " Be careful Egg, if you can't even meet the man's eyes without giggling like a maiden you may raise suspicions."
He shot you a look of faux irritation, rolling his eyes dramatically before sinking back into his seat again. his eyes wandered the space absently, but you noticed how his knees fell open a bit wider as he relaxed into the chair, granting you access.
You continued rubbing small circles into his inner thigh, pretending not to notice how he tried to suppress the twitch of his mouth as he shifted in his seat to and his breath began to hitch in his throat.
You kept your eyes forward as you ever so slowly slid your hand the rest of the way up his leg, over his stomach and down the front of his trousers and finally wrapped your flingers around his leaking cock.
Out of the corner of your eye, could see his jaw tense as he clenched his hands around the arms of this chair, nails digging in.
Poor baby, that probably hurt :(
It's a wonder that the crowd was so lively, otherwise someone would surely have heard Aegon's poorly concealed whimpers and moans.
You'd managed to string him along for the entire remaining length of the match, which had to be close to an hour. By the end, you watched him bite the inside of his cheek as he bucked his hips up into your hand and made a mess beneath the layers of clothing that concealed the two of you.
At other times, your fun was more of a tool to keep your husband in line.
You had been at a grand feast, part of some festival honoring one god or ancient hero or another. You hadn't yet gotten quite familiar the never ending fanfare and pageantry that the Westerosi clung to.
Though as the eldest son he probably should have been seated toward the middle of the long table, Aegon occupied the chair at the far left end of the setting. He always wanted a clear escape route at these things, and you of course found your space directly next to him.
This position also effectively cut him off from the rest of the table; and this combined with the heavy cloth which draped all the way to the floor made it an incredibly opportune position to stroke your husband beneath the table until he begged and whispered curses under his breath.
Aegon stared straight down at his plate, trying to keep his hands from shaking as he rolled his hips back and forth, cock rock hard and slick with sweat and precum and it slid against your hand. Suddenly you withdrew, pulling back quickly and wiping your hand discreetly on the napkin beside you.
"Be a good boy and go wait for me in the hall."
He'd looked to you with wide, disbelieving eyes. "Like this??" He hissed back, shifting in his seat and glancing down toward his lap.
You tilted your head and gave a mock sad expression, poking out your bottom lip. "Oh pity, is my boy so bashful now?" You leaned in a bit closer, assuring that he would feel your breath ghost over his ear. "You might have thought about that before contradicting me in front of your sister, love. You know how important it is that your family respects me and accepts my place here."
You could see him clench and unclench his jaw, he'd probably forgotten all about the little incident but you'd warned him about mouthing off in the company or others a hundred times. This was his punishment, and as he sighed and rubbed the crease forming between his eyebrows you could see that he understood.
"Right." You said flatly. "Now run along husband. Be careful not to embarrass yourself in front of all the guests." You ran a hand down his cheek before placing a chaste kiss there and giving him another soft smile.
He looked worried, but you could see him swallow the emotion as he reached down again to adjust himself. Just as he'd begin to push back his chair and leave the table you stopped him gently, placing a hand on his arm.
"Oh, and Aegon?" He looked to you nervously, blinking fast. "No touching until I get there."
With that you gave his arm a squeeze and turned your attention back to your wine and the chattering crowd before you. Soon enough you could see Aegon weaving his way through that crowd, eyes cast down and hands dutifully clasped in front of his body to conceal any evidence of your activities. You watched with amusement as he gradually sped up as he walked, nearly breaking into a run as he approached the door.
Not long after you saw Lady Baela break away from the crowd and approach, giving you a small bow. You'd intended to take your leave fairly quickly, not to be too hard on your boy but it looked now like he might have to be a bit more patient. "May I sit my Lady?", she asked, gesturing Aegon's empty seat, and you gave her a polite nod.
"I do hope you're enjoying the party, we're all so happy to have you at court." "Is your husband feeling well? I saw him rushing out of the room a few moments ago."
"Oh yes, he's fine just a bit tired" you lowered your voice and whispered playfully "and you know him, possibly a few too many plates of food and a few too many cups of wine". Baela giggled, nodding "Yes, to be quite honest I was a bit worried he might be sick there on the dance floor. I'm thankful you keep such a caring watch over him."
You gave her a small thank you and smile, but when she shifted slightly closer and placed a hand over your own, her face was just that more serious.
"I truly mean it, my Lady. If you don't mind my saying, my cousin was in a bad way before he had you. I'm sure you must know that, but we all saw him straying down a dark path. Now that you're here it's.." she paused, searching for the words. "He's a better man, we can leave it at that. That means something to us, our families won't forget this."
You smiled brightly and gave her hand a squeeze. "Well I'm sure you know Baela, some men just need the right lady to whip them into shape.", you remarked, winking.
That earned a heartier laugh from the silver haired woman, and you felt a glow of pride in your chest as the threw her head back and swatted at your arm.
You joined her in idle gossip for a bit longer before deciding it was time to go attend to your prince.
"If you don't mind my Lady, I think I'll go and check in on him now."
When you escaped the overwhelming chatter and footsteps which filled the ballroom, it wasn't hard to follow the echoed heavy breathing that travelled through the silent stone halls.
You made sure your footsteps clicked slowly and loudly against the floor as you approached, and you couldn't say you were surprised to find him tucked into a windowsill, eyes closed and mouth hanging open as he rubbed at the bulge in the front of his trousers. He always was a glutton for punishment
"Oh dear Aegon..." you pouted crossing your arms and shaking your head slowly. "It looks like someone still hasn't learned to follow instructions as they're given. What will we do now?"
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fandomsoverlife · 1 year
Modern!Aemond bringing his s/o over to him and his siblings apartment when they’re both home so they can finally meet, being absolutely flabbergasted that they get along so well with Aegon AND Helaena but in such different ways.
Aegon has a new dirt bag bff and Helaena has a new sweet baby bff
He catches Aegon and his s/o in the kitchen one night when they couldn’t sleep trying to fit as many pieces of candy in their mouths as possible (he heard choking & laughter just before he walked in the room), when just a few hours ago Helaena was teaching his s/o how to knit
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wrenwrongs · 8 months
Food for thought: modern!au perv!Aegon and perv!Reader being nasty with each other
cw: dubcon, free use, cnc, somno, free use, cumplay
- Is it wrong for you to watch neighbor!Aegon masturbate through his window? maybe. In your defense, he’s the one jerking off directly in front of it. Maybe you should start leaving your own window open more often…
- could you blame him for staring at ur tits on days you don’t wear a bra if you do the same when he wears sweatpants?
- Sure roommate!Aegon is a creep for stealing your panties, but based on the way you hump his pillow when he’s not home, you’re no better
- When he offers a taste of what he’s making in the kitchen, it’s totally not weird that you suck it off his fingers, it’s not like both of you are imagining your lips around his cock.
- Neither of you ever remember to bring a towel into the bathroom to shower, but it’s okay because the other is more than willing to bring one over. No, you don’t hide behind the door. What are you, a prude?
- You’re on a camping trip together and it’s cold, of course you cuddle for warmth. He was totally asleep when his hand grabbed your tit. And you were totally asleep when you started grinding your ass against him.
- If you truly cared about him looking up your skirt when you bent over you would probably stop wearing such short skirts, or at least wearing something underneath them (ignoring the fact the most of them have gone missing since you moved in)
- At what point do you both realise what’s going on? When you finally do, you both only get worse.
- Doors are almost never closed, let alone locked. The chances of coming home to the other person getting themselves off with the door wide open are very high
- Noise complaints. So many noise complaints. Aegon frames them and hangs them on the wall.
- You never willing leave the house without a load in your panties, you just want to keep him with you all day. If he has to leave before you, he will ‘season’ a pair for you to wear
- Yeah, he wishes you produced breast milk he could use it in his tea. But at least his fantasy is about milk. Not like yours with his cum in your coffee, weirdo
- Pray you don’t get a phone call during sex, bc he will make you answer it
- Free use that goes both ways
- Waking each other up with oral, waking up to the other touching you, waking up with his cock in your mouth
- Riding him while he plays video games
- You take alternate who cooks dinner and who bends the cook over the counter
- The same is true for who does the dishes and who distracts the person from doing dishes
- watching tv on the couch? good luck focusing on the show with him railing you
- Your morning yoga sessions almost never go uninterrupted, Forego wearing yoga pants if you don’t want Aegon to rip a hole in them
- That window has never seen so much action
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its-halleys-comet · 2 years
Thought of a hotd fanfic where Aegon bumps into a commoner girl while on his way to the streets of silk. They meet during Aegon’s first time sneaking out of the castle, she actually helped him around the town cause she didn’t recognize the prince and just thought that it’s just some random pervy teen that wants to sneak into a brothel.
Throughout their younger years Aegon thought nothing of the commoner girl as she’s often seen dressed in ill fitting, dirty, and worn out boys clothing and she kept her hair short and unruly.. As they get older, Aegon begins to take more notice of his friend. But try to deny his feelings for her as he was scared of ruining the one good relationship he had in his life.
What Aegon didn’t know was that the commoner girl was actually Rhaenera and Harwin’s first born daughter. At a couple months old, their daughter would be kidnapped under the order of Otto Hightower and Larys Strong, who had blackmailed one of the maids to do their bidding.
(( I was thinking like somehow they create a plan to make Rhaenera super distraught about her child therefore Viserys would have to reconsider keeping her as the heir or something. Like Otto and Larys would order one of the maids or a knight to drown the baby but they secretly leave the child at a random doorstep at king’s landing where the girl would be raised by someone else.))
I imagine this to be romance with smut, drama, and angst. Anyways, thank you for reading my ramblings and if any wonderful writers could write a fanfic about this then that would be absolutely great 🥹❤️
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youraverageaemondsimp · 8 months
DILF!Aemond Targaryern, DILF!Aegon ii Targaryen x Reader (Separate) // HEADCANONS/DRABBLE.
WARNINGS: slight smut, mdni, afab!reader, age gap, breeding kink (aemond), p in v sex (aemond), unprotected sex (aemond), cunnilingus (aegon), oral f receiving (aegon), + not proof read.
(this is technically not a full blown hcs but neither is it a full drabble, so that's why I added both in the title)
WC: 1.3k total (aemond + aegon parts)
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Aemond Targaryen !!
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You knew that you definitely needed an older guy after your immature and toxic break up with the guy around your age, who treated you with almost no value.
But what you didn't expect was to catch the eye of your dad's boss during an event you had attended with him, he was in his early thirties with 2 children with his former divorced wife, Floris Baratheon.
Your relationship began quite formally at first, with him being a complete gentleman, asking you about your educational background, what job you were doing and he had asked for your number ‘just in case’ you need a job if you lose the current one, it felt more like a job offer than a normal conversation.
Until he began to text you good mornings, ask you about your day — at first he would do just that, and leave a smiley emoji after your response, but as time passed on, and you felt more comfortable around each other, he began to share a few personal things.
He had opened up about his divorce with his wife, how it affected him and the kids, — oh the kids, he would share pictures of them when he would be the one spending time with him, he had told you that he was fighting for full custody since Floris was basically neglecting them when they're spending time with her, and you wished him luck.
Soon you both begin to meet up, go on dates, he was stoic, with no expression on his face so it was hard to read through him, but eventually you'd learn to decipher his micro expressions.
You couldn't ignore the way he made you feel anymore, and you made it official, your dad was shocked and angry thinking Aemond had abused his power to get to you but once you explained everything, he calmed down.
You moved out of your apartment into his house, he had given you heads up about the kids that they're hard to handle and dont welcome strangers that easily, but you had told him that you'll manage everything.
And eventually you got along with the kids, and everything in life seemed to be moving fast from there onwards, Aemond got full custody of the kids after proving the neglect they were facing from the mother's side. Which you congratulate him about.
He would often stare at you when you'd play with the kids, he couldn't help but have the thought of your stomach swollen with his child, he'd eventually confess to you about it during your intimate moments.
“Oh fuck— yes right there!” You throw your head back against the pillows as Aemond thrusts into at full force, his desperate hands grabbing any flesh he could find, giving it a tight squeeze. You moaned as you peaked, as his tip repeatedly hit your sweet spot.
“I'm coming.” He grunts, “Jeez— I want to finish inside you so bad, watch you grow round with my child– fuck— I can only imagine the sight.” His words made you feel warm on the inside, and when he went to pull out, you locked your legs around his waist, to which he was surprised by, “Do it inside me then.” You say seductively and he immediately begins to thrust rapidly, he finishes inside you with a moan, painting your walls white before he pulls out, watching intently as his seed drips out of your cunt.
“Mhm, I think Aerys and Rhaegal would love to have a little sister.” He says as he plops down next to you, pulling you into his arms, “I think they would.” You reaffirm, rubbing your thighs together, feeling even more turned on as his seed sticks to your thighs.
“We should definitely make sure it takes.” You tell him, implying at a second round and he smirks knowingly.
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Aegon ii Targaryen !!
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You met him in a club you went to when you tried to destress because of your exams. He immediately took a liking to you, at first you had guessed that he'd be around your age, so imagine your surprise when you found out that he was in his mid thirties.
He laughed when you told him about it, he was extremely outgoing, in fact, too outgoing and so much of an extrovert.
You both immediately clicked, enjoying each other's company and finally exchanged numbers. He had drunk too much and eventually overshared everything about how his wife passed away in childbirth, leaving him with a child who he is working hard to raise.
“I try my best to raise him, but it gets too tiring. You know, I had hired a nanny, but I wish I could just quit my job and spend more time with him.” He shares, “Where do you work?” You ask curiously, “Hightower Co.” and your eyes widen at that, “Isn't that a really difficult place to get into? Their employee selection rate is super low, and I heard their manager is quite picky.” you shrug and he chuckles, “Well I guess I am indeed picky sometimes.”
You apologised immediately after feeling embarrassed, he had revealed that his grandfather owns the company and basically wants his family members to run and manage it, though it screams nepotism, most of the hightowers and their extended family are extremely good at their ages, there were only a few select non-family members that were able to make to a non-basic worker status.
Things ended awkwardly after that, but nonetheless, you both communicated with each other from time to time, he would send you cute pictures and videos of himself and his son doing random stuff, or just bonding which warmed your heart.
After a month of talking, you both decide to get into a relationship, you knew it was quick, but you couldn't help it when you got along so well, he would often bring his child on the dates with you, which you didn't mind, but rather had more fun cause this would allow you to go non-romantic dates which are rather comforting.
If there was one thing which you didn't expect of Aegon ; was his sexual appetite, which he had a lot of, you were surprised by how much stamina he has, and how he's willing to go more than 3 rounds at a time, it sometimes exhausted you because you'd be too overstimulated to even continue.
You still remember how he had fingered you whilst at the family dinner under the table while maintaining a conversation with his grandfather, you tried so hard to not make a noise. He eventually finished what he started in his bedroom.
His favourite thing to do is eat you out, he loves the expressions and noises you make and how messy it would be afterwards.
“Aegon— ahh— hmm pls–” You blabber out incoherent noises whilst you grip his hair, pushing his face further into your cunt which he takes in obediently, lapping his tongue up and down and suckling on your clit as if his life depended on it.
The whimpers and noises you let out only motivated him further to continue his ministrations, he dipped down further while his tongue pushes past the folds of your cunt before entering it, the angle caused his nose to be pressed into your clit, nudging against it while Aegon greedily ate you out.
He pushed his tongue in and out before he licked a long strip up to your clit and once again, latched himself onto it, you moaned when you felt his teeth slightly graze against it.
He sucked on your clit which caused you to peak while holding his face tightly against your cunt, your vision went white at the intensity of the orgasm and your body trembled as you calmed down.
Yet Aegon did not stop, you pulled his hair in an effort to pull away, but he grabbed your hand and held it away while he continued to devour you, you whimpered as the overstimulation hit you, trying to wriggle away from his face yet he still didn't budge and continued sucking, nibbling and biting your clit.
After all, he had no intentions of stopping until you were a mess.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
I was thinking of requesting small headcanons of what the marriage of baby reader and alicent's children would be like (separately), if you can't it's fine, honey
❝🐉 — lady l: you asked for it and here it is!! I hope you like it and forgive me any mistakes. In this au, Baby!Reader (aka bby!reader) is the child of Rhaenyra and Criston. Daeron was not mentioned for the following reasons: Rhaenyra would never let her bby marry Daeron, because he lives in Oldtown, however, if you want, I can make a separate hc of how bby!reader's marriage to Daeron would be. Enjoyy! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, unhealthy romantic relationships, slight mention of murder and jealousy.
❝🐉pairing: yandere!aegon ii targaryen x gn!reader, yandere!helaena targaryen x gn!reader and yandere!aemond targaryen x gn!reader
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Aegon II Targaryen
Aegon will make a good husband for Baby!Reader, unbelievable as that is. He would be completely loyal to his darling, not only because he is in love with them, but he is deeply obsessed from a young age and now that he has them, Aegon will not let anything spoil their marriage. Nothing matters more to him than his sweetheart, and now that he finally has them, Aegon will do anything to make them happy and content by his side. It's you against the world.
Aegon is extremely clingy to his darling's affection and will become very sullen if he doesn't get the attention and affection he craves. He is completely emotionally dependent on Baby!Reader and doesn't even try to hide it. If anyone has all the influence and control over the Green King, it's you. Aegon will do anything for you, anything at all. You deserve the world and Aegon will give it to you. The only thing he wants in return it's your unconditional love.
Definitely a possessive and jealous husband, but not for less. Aegon has spent years pining for your love and he won't let anyone spoil that. You are his and his alone. He will make you and the others understand that they shouldn't try to steal you from him if they don't want to be fed to Sunfyre. Aegon gets jealous very easily and it's up to Baby!Reader to reassure him, to show him all the love Aegon is so desperate for. Definitely very jealous sex as he is absolutely crazy about you and jealous. It's not pretty to see him jealous and it always ends up in someone's death and an angry Aegon at Baby!Reader, though he will never hurt you or lift a finger at you.
Aegon is affectionate and kind to you, but a big pervert too. It's impossible to count how many times you and he have been caught in intimate moments because you can't control each other. He can be smooth as a beast in bed, it all depends on how you're feeling. Definitely very sticky and loves aftercare. He will lie on your chest and fall asleep right there, naked under you. You are everything to him.
How much this man loves Baby!Reader isn't said enough. Aegon will do everything in his power to make them happy, he's not the type to bring you flowers unless you ask him to, but Aegon has his own way of showing how much he loves you. You will be pampered immensely by him, he wants you to know that you deserve everything and he will do just that. Aegon only wants your happiness and he wants her reason, you should be happy with him and only him. You're the only person he listens to and says he's right, you have all the power and he couldn't be happier about it. Aegon is his and will always be yours alone.
''We could run away and leave all this behind. We can start over, just you and me.
Helaena Targaryen
Helaena is, without a doubt, the best wife anyone could imagine, although this is not shown. She is so kind and passionate about her sweetheart and is always thinking about them. She's so devoted to them that it's adorable and disturbing at the same time, Helaena loves everything about Baby!Reader and was ecstatic to find out that she was going to marry them, it's been her dream for as long as she's known herself in person. There is no doubting Helaena's loyalty to her darling and she will be very happy to have children with them, to have a family with Baby!Reader.
Helaena is not usually possessive of her darling's attention, she understands that she can't always be attached to her spouse, but she can't help but want that. Their presence is comforting and much appreciated by the princess and Helaena will make the most of you. She enjoys spending time with her bugs when Baby!Reader isn't around, but prefers to stay with them. She is understanding and so loving, it is very common to see her smiling from ear-to-ear when she is with her darling, when she is with the person she loves more than anything.
It's very rare for her to be jealous of someone, she knows her spouse loves her and has nothing to worry about, but she can't help but feel insecure when she sees them around people who could have married them. Helaena is shy and will keep quiet about it, but inside she will be seething with jealousy and wishing someone dead. She will be upset and hurt and it will take Baby!Reader to understand her insecurities in order to reassure her of their love, usually with gentle kisses and soft caresses, plus a few gifts that please her.
Helaena loves being gently and affectionately touched by her spouse, not always in a sexual context, lying in Baby!Reader's arms is heaven according to her and she will be more than satisfied with passionate hugs and kisses, which can take something else or not. She is very affectionate and soft when touching her darling, with hesitant and passionate touches, with some incense present in the room to make everything more romantic. Helaena prefers to take care of her spouse but doesn't mind being pampered and would love it if they did.
It's no secret how in love Helaena is about Baby!Reader, as she always has been and seems to follow him with her eyes everywhere, yearning for them all the time. Definitely the type to send them gifts, not always fancy jewelry but self-made gifts like embroidery and handmade stuff. She is extremely devoted and passionate about them and knowing that they feel the same way about her makes Helaena more than happy. She loves and is loved back so intensely that she feels she could die of happiness. You are everything to her and Helaena will do anything in her power to make you happy.
''Our love shall be eternal. And it will be.''
Aemond Targaryen
Aemond is the best husband Baby!Reader could ask for under the right circumstances. He always considered himself the best option for them and was pleased when others realized the same. He makes a great husband, is kind and protective of his sweetheart, and is deeply in love with them. Aemond worship the floor Baby!Reader walks and will do anything you ask, your one and only loyal protector for the rest of your married life. Although Aemond can be difficult to deal with at times, you are the only important person in his life and nothing and no one will take you away from him. You are his and he is yours.
Aemond isn't usually clingy and it's rare to see him demanding your attention, but that doesn't mean you can give it to other people. He will almost always be hanging around Baby!Reader and coldly staring anyone who gets too close, especially if they are people who are of the same family as him.
To say that Aemond is possessive is an understatement, no, this man is made of jealousy. He will be seething with jealousy of everyone who approaches his darling, who looks and even breathes in their direction. An jealous Aemond is extremely more violent and furious than normal, he will challenge anyone to a fight, telling Baby!Reader to note how he is worthy of them and no one else. He will be clingy in cases of extreme jealousy and will not leave his sweetheart's side, making it very clear who they belong to.
Aemond is delicate and kind to you, his soft touches and callused fingers will touch you however you like, the way you like. He can be as affectionate and gentle as he is strong and furious, it all depends on what you want and your mood. Aemond likes to be touched by you, whether it's sexual or not, he likes to be hugged or just holding your hand affectionately. It makes him feel safe, secure that his darling loves him just as much as he does love them. He'll never admit it, but Aemond can feel particularly needy and have self-esteem issues in his relationship with Baby!Reader, so every now and then he needs to be sure that his darling will never leave him.
A marriage to Aemond Targaryen may have challenges along the way, but he loves his darling and will do anything to make it work. He has and must make it work. Though he has his issues, Aemond proves to be a suitable and loving husband for Baby!Readr, always looking out for them and loving them the way it should be done. A lot of pampering is expected from him and he will be more than happy if his spouse does the same for him. Flights into Vhagar are included if you so desire. You are Aemond's life and he wants you to be happy with him, for him.
''You are my life and I will love you until my last breath.''
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feyhunter78 · 2 months
HOTD Masterlist
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Aemond Targaryen:
OC fics: Poisoned Tears and Scorched Tongues Series ⇾ Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, read the rest of the chapters here!! Look of Love 💕 Reader Inserts: But Darling (I'd Still Die For You) The Prince and His Musician 💕 Tourney Injuries and a Proposal Study Sessions You Know Other Men??🔥 💕 Fantasies and Restraint🔥 Spy!Aemond Headcanons The Despair of a Dragon's Wife💕 Liquid Lust🔥 Sub!Aemond🔥 Y/N's Birthday🔥 The Prince's Chambers🔥 Think I'm Gonna Call it Off ⇾ Cregan Stark X Reader X Aemond When the Night Turns From Dragon Shores🔥 Multichapter: The Scar on Your Palm (and the One on Mine)💕 Pt 2💕 The Innocent's Folly Masterlist (Finished!) The Trial of Tributes Masterlist (Finished/find on AO3)
Helaena and Jacaerys:
Moonflowers Series💕 ⇾ Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, read the rest here! Soulmate AU ⇾ Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7 (Finished!)
Jacaerys Velaryon:
Reader Inserts:
The Servant who would be Queen 💕
Aegon II Targaryen:
Hold My Heart (Between Your Teeth) ⇾ Masterlist (on hiatus)
Reader Inserts:
Perils of Kindness and Lust🔥 Pt 2🔥 The Maester's Assistant 💕 Angel in the Marketplace 🔥💕 A Maid's Obsession 🔥
Multi Characters:
Apprentice!reader ⇾ Masterlist Bowling with the Modern!Targs HC Arcade Games with the Modern!Targ boys HC Sex Pollen with the Targ Boys🔥 Turn of the Tide, Call of the Sea ⇾ Masterlist (on hiatus)
Long Fics:
Targaryen Inc, Modern Au💕 ⇾ Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, read the other chapters here!!!
The Dowager Queen ⇾ Preview, series masterlist💕 Orange Blossoms (Alicent x Criston) Ch 2, Ch 3 (find more on my AO3) Vervain and Wolfsbane - Vamp AU ⇾ Ch 1, Ch 2 (find more on my AO3)
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Can you write some hcs modern!chubby Aegon headcanons pls?
From you know who
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I combined these two asks because I can :) BUT PLEASE I THINK I MIGHT KNOW WHO YOU ARE NONNIE, but I am very much a dumb bitch. hope you enjoy this, because I sure as hell did writing it 💗 + @godrakin (thank you lele for the mental image) 🥲
Strangers to Lovers.
PAIRING: Modern!Chubby!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 2,870.
WARNINGS: NSFW, size kink, breeding kink, praise kink, slight degradation kink, p in v sex, female receiving, Daddy kink, lactation kink, dom!Aegon, slight reference to fatphobia, short time jump (****). DNI !!!!
A/N - I am craving for this man, you guys must be SICK OF ME!!! but this was meant to be the short fucking hell...
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Aegon is OBSESSED with you [as cliche as it sounds] since the moment he laid his lilac, doe eyes on you. It should have frightened you how infatuated he would eventually become: although you knew deep down that his affections were well-intentioned and sincere.
He is just incredibly smitten of you. If he was being brutally honest with himself, he never thought a guy like him would ever have the chance nor end up landing an utter and complete babe like you.
You see, Aegon leans a tad bit more towards the chunkier side, when it comes to his physique. Just above the average male height [taller than you], he maintains some muscle from participating in college football in his previous years, however he rarely continues now nor did he pursue pro. Much in his prime in college [during his initial years] his hobbies were much rather indulgent; often found in campus parties, drinking, feasting and fucking [repeat].
However, as his weight swelled over the coming semesters and seasons, he became slightly more reclusive. Still sociable when wandering campus and in classes, he maintained his notorious reputation amongst his peers.
However, he was first introduced to you in the library: caught in your own dreamy world and incomprehensible thoughts... You were stunning.
Something about how isolated, yet serene you appeared in your own company, reading through the dense pages, as you concentrated in jotting down words and sentences, was somewhat comforting for him.
He sat a few tables in front of you, the perfect view [so long as no one dared to interfere], having already forgotten the reason for his visit to the library in the first place.
He'd attempt to act busy and mindful, sneaking a few fleeting glimpses, often struggling to stop himself from capturing long, devious glances [spotting your cleavage from the tight, low-cut sweater you wore, each time you lean in a little closer to the pages, he caught a sneaky peek, making him smile].
Aegon made this a fixed habit, often finding you in the same 'hidden', corner. For the next few days, which ultimately became weeks, he'd find you in the quiet of the library, taking the precious time out of his day to simply observe you: absorbing your entire, delicate being.
The first time you'd actually spotted him in the distance, you'd managed to catch each other's attention, exchanging a faint, half-hearted smile [bashful you seemed], before resuming your focus back onto your books at hand.
Aegon felt himself growing flustered and hard, simultaneously.
You rarely socialised to anyone else, at times listening to music as you studied, although on this occasion, you were not alone...
A male [with a more leaner, toned physique, not that it mattered although Aegon did not dismiss it] had keenly approached you, and despite abruptly disturbing you, you remained polite [from the looks of it, unable to hear nor decipher what was being said] it seemed pleasantries were solely exchanged.
Aegon felt his blood begin to boil in a few mere seconds, the rage coursing through his body like never before. He was LIVID.
He refused to look away although would often remind himself to look down, fists and jaw firmly clenched. It was obvious the guy had his own intentions, although he'd come to the conclusion that you were either naive or simply gratifying. [He definitely believed the latter option].
Nothing escalated, although he was now determined to actually approach you the following day, he swore to himself that he would.
Aegon was quite experienced with the ladies, however, it had been a hot minute since he was in an exclusive relationship. Just occasionally did he fill the empty void that was his bed, with the company of some, desperate girl [however it had been over a month now since he had actually slept with someone, more so aligned to when he had met you].
He definitely would masturbate to you though in his own privacy, just vividly envisioning you, forcing a mental image of you completely bare and naked, aching and begging for him [a whimpering, wet mess].
When he finally heard the soft, tenderness of your sweet voice, he finally had a tone to match the mental image.
"Aegon, please-Big boy, I need you."
It wasn't the confidence in himself that made him finally seek you out directly, it was the rage from the previous day and the daunting thought, that another man would snatch you from him.
Aegon had come to realise, you made him a jealous man. Having contemplated in his delusions and fantasies of you, the possibility that you may have already a partner at hand that he knew nothing of their existence frustrated him. His dilemma of whether he'd continue to pursue you, or let you be, agonised him.
Although, he was more convinced he'd be incredibly regretful if he did not try...
"I-I'm Aegon, Aegon Targaryen-I have seen you around, seems like you live in the library-"
"I could say the same about you," You wittingly tease, a sly smirk streaked across your familiar face: seeing you so up-close and personal, your details prominent to his naked eyes, you were even more gorgeous.
Although, it seemed much to his amusement, you had noticed him too, despite his efforts of being incognito [he should've known better with his mass and size that he'd be impossible to miss].
"I'm Y/N by the way, pleasure to finally meet you."
Since that surreal moment, Aegon was determined to keep you in his hold. And much to his sheer luck, he'd initially befriend you, coming to find the truth that you were single, did his affections only begin to grow stronger.
However he feared that his attraction to you was simply that, a mere crush and nothing more. And yet, he wanted to know everything and anything about you, willingly devoting most of his spare time if he was not in class nor gaming or forced to attend some frat party, was he found in your presence.
The longer you remained exposed to Aegon though, his insecurities began to seep through the cracks of his false facade. The main self-doubts he had cemented in himself, were often surrounding his:
Weight: Aegon supported a subtle baby face, his jawline bedded beneath a decent layer of fat, with a double chin, his waist was quite round and fleshy, often swoll after eating a meal, his biceps were quite stocky and his thighs were thick. You absolutely adored his appearance, the though that he could easily overpower you, drove you wild.
Or that you would be the one to simply lose interest, finding a more attractively equivalent partner to your tastes and degree. How could he stop you from leaving? It was his worst fear, the risk of abandonment... Or perhaps, you'd grow disgusted by him overtime, becoming more familiar to his "slob" livelihood, how could you stand for it?
Much to Aegon's relief, you were just as keen and determined to stay: committed in your chances and efforts of creating a viable, loving relationship.
Although, he was intent on changing his risqué ways, for the betterment of you.
Aegon LOVED to spoil you: provided he was from a wealthy family [you'd come to realise], he enjoyed showering you with lavish, costly gift, even in the early stages of the relationship, from designer clothes/bags/shoes to opulent jewels. He wouldn't even require a designated occasion, when he felt like it [which was more often than not] he would surprise you.
In return you tried to shower Aegon with gifts, although ones with more sentimental value then one of cost. However, he begged for you not to, as he knew you were working to support yourself [which he often insisted you stop, reasoning that he would provide for you].
He was hesitant to introduce you to his friends, for he knew what most of them were heinously like. Although, he made certain they wouldn't dare to act carelessly nor snobbishly around you nor in your proximity. If anything, you rarely met with them, for Aegon now had differing interests and priorities to them.
The person Aegon often met and hung with were his brothers, cousins and nephews: Baela and Jace, you'd met and acquainted with in previous classes, whereas Aemond, you also shared a few classes with, however you each minding your own business.
One, particular thing you'd come to realise, Aegon was keen for physical touch as signs of affection. He often displayed his love towards you naturally, kissing you, hugging you, keeping you in as close as possible proximity, and in his firm embrace at all times, even if it was a simple hand over your waist/hip.
He loved to grab your ass, the more relaxed you were around him.
God forbid, if he saw you fashioning a well-fitted, summer dress during the warmer climates, his pudgy hand would graze over your thighs, as he'd occasionally squeeze your sensitive, tender flesh, earning a faint whimper from you. If given the chance, he'd fuck you then and there: "easy access" he'd reason.
He never pestered nor coerced you into the act of sex itself, not wanting to frighten you off, nor endorse you to regret the first intimate moment you'd share with him.
Although, the need to wait was new for him, and he found it challenging, as his crotch would often, helplessly itch for your cunt, desperate to bury himself deep inside your core.
The first time you'd be together intimately though, would be unexpected and more so in the 'heat of the moment' although, it was worth the wait.
Aegon initially was hesitant [although eager for you], "let's keep the lights low", "I'll keep my shirt on": you had to spare a few, important minutes reassuring him that he had nothing to be ashamed of. You [in fact], found him to be rather desirable.
His cock is THICK as hell, you grow worrisome over how he'll fit but he reassures you with such suave "I'll make it fit, baby...It'll only hurt for a little while."
Overtime, the more exposed and familiar you'd both became with each other's bodies, the confidence grew, especially with Aegon.
The way he'd use his larger, stockier mass to pin you down, as he fucked you senseless, was unlike anything else.
You'd often be the one reminding him to use protection [on top of your own contraceptive methods] for the last thing you needed in college, was a baby.
And often you'd have to remind him to be gentle, he easily lost his way mentally, the only thing on his mind was to selfishly sate his gluttonous self...
Aegon had a deep, dark lust to breed you. This was a first for him, thoughts of you carrying and swelling with his child, walking aimlessly around campus/town, as everyone laid eyes on the evidence of his undoing, provoked something carnal and raw inside of him. He'd surmised it was his own, methodical way of keeping you strapped to him, although he respected your autonomy, and knew that when the time was right, it would eventually be inevitable. You wouldn't be able to deny him any longer...
You both shared a major size kink difference: this was your first, for you had never truly been with someone of Aegon's size, and yet, something about how effortlessly and somewhat aggressively he could man-handle you. Lifting and guiding your body according to his motions and positions, as he eased himself inside of you. Often and unintentionally he'd leave marks and handprints all along your gentle skin that eventually would bruise, to which he'd later feel incredibly guilty for, only to be comforted by you that he meant no harm. If he was in control, he'd often use his body weight against you, pinning you down as he thrust his thick cock inside, painfully stretching your throbbing walls from within, as he forcefully parted your legs as wide enough to fit him through.
He loved eating you out: an insatiable hunger for your cunt and the wetness that oozed was delectable, his tongue always making you cum.
He loved to praise you in bed, how much of a good, little girl you were, taking him in extremely well.
"My precious baby, I know it hurts but look at me- You are doing so, so fucking good. You feel so good and tight for me, baby."
"Keep going princess, making me feel so good, letting me ruin you like this, fuck."
Although occasionally he'd tease and degrade you with some sharp name-calling: referring to you as his "whore" and "slut" which surprisingly, you vividly enjoyed.
chubby!Aegon is dom, even from below.
Aegon was an aftercare KING! Although he rarely did much for his previous companions, he actually took the time and effort to research what needed to be done.
He knew how painful sex could be with him, considering how he'd handled you and his overall larger size, he felt obliged to nurture you.
In the late hours of the night, he'd open up about his childhood, his parents and how neglectful and disappointed they often were with him. Vice versa, you would naturally open up too.
It saddened you deeply that he endured through such traumatic matters, that consequentially led to his poor, disorderly behaviour: the drinking, the smoking, the promiscuity. After outgrowing his habits, he explained that he sought comfort in food, and gaming, leading a sedentary lifestyle. The pace had caught up with his figure [alongside the stresses of college and scrutiny of his family].
"I'm proud of you, Aeg. I mean it, as should you be."
Aegon would be the first to ask and insist if you'd be happy to meet his family. Having never been in a relationship quite like this and for this lengthy amount of time, he had no doubt things were getting serious: he at least wanted to give you the courtesy of meeting his family, and them, you.
You were actually ecstatic that he felt you were right enough to meet his family, agreeing to his offer. Efficiently he arranged a time and day for a family dinner. Aegon was more nervous than yourself, although much to his relief, his family were quite fond of you, his mother, Alicent, especially.
She was more than aware of Aegon's internal self-conflict and could see the noticeable joy you brought into his life: that she could not deny her eldest.
In the coming year, Aegon offered you a decadent, lush promise ring, that you hastily accepted out of sheer excitement.
"If I intend to live this life, I only intend to live it with you. I don't ever wish to part with you, Y/N. That I can promise you."
Fastrack a few longing, years ahead, Aegon aiding in his family's law firm, and yourself now successfully graduated and living together cosily.
Aegon struggled in his final year, often losing hope in his degree and grades, yet you helped him to persevere [Alicent was thankful for that].
A few months after college, Aegon was too eager to marry you, he could no longer wait to deem you his wife, binding you to him for eternity in this lifetime: his family financed the entire wedding much to their pleasure, the night was one to remember: an intimate, yet opulent ceremony...
And as Aegon was deeply optimistic for, you had given birth to a healthy, thriving son in the year to follow.
Much to your admiration, Aegon was officially a certified DILF, still supporting his larger physique, as he'd cradle the newborn babe in his arms, the sight was touching. The babe looked incredibly feeble yet protected in his father's strong arms.
He is a family man through and through: despite being anxious of fatherhood since his own experience with his father, he was driven to being the best: present in his child's life.
He'd grown super protective of you during the pregnancy, attending your appointments and scans with you always. He refused to let you go alone.
Pregnancy sex, because he is horny all the time. However it was a challenge getting used to, working around both your swollen bodies, yet he was determined [reverse cowgirl is now his favourite position].
Aegon definitely develops a Daddy kink, after you accidentally moan the word, as he's on the verge of fucking you to a climax. An instinct kicks in, and the lustful appetite stirring in his eyes is unlike anything you'd seen before in your husband.
Always having a thing for your tits, as he latched himself on only to be met with the creamy coating and sweet aftertaste of your milk since the birth, it became an obsession for Aegon. Often late hours in the night, he'd crave for your milk: now you had to ration between the baby and the bigger baby.
Eventually, Aegon discusses his intent on expanding his little family with you [eager to start right away].
"Y/N please, one more little bub surely wouldn't hurt right now...We could easily handle it."
"One more will lead to two more, Aeg, you think I don't know you?"
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missglaskin · 10 months
For Individual characters;
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Daemon Targaryen x darling!wife would include
Aemond Targaryen with wife darling would include 
Aegon II Targaryen (romantic) would include 
Yan!Aemond Targaryen (NSFW) Would include: 
Otto Hightower General (Romantic) hcs
W/ Multple characters;
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Perv!Aegon, Perv!Aemond, Perv!Jacaerys Headcanons (Separate) 
Yan!Hotd men (Jacaerys, Aemond, Daemon, Aegon II) with a perv!reader 
Targ men (hotd men + Maegor, Aegon I, Viserys III, Baelon, Rhaegar) with sister!darling 
Perv!yan targ w sister!darling (Hotd men+ jaehaerys, baelon, viserys, rhaegar, young griff) 
Targ men (Jace, Maegor, Aegon II, Daemon Blackfyre, Viserys III) with servant!darling  
Aemond targaryen and Aegon II targaryen with aunt hightower!darling 
Modern au Aegon, Jace, Aemond as your toxic boyfriends would include 
General Yandere (Romantic) Harwin, Jacaerys, Criston (Separate)
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Alicent and Rhaenyra sharing a darling would include:
Corlys and Rhaenys sharing a darling hcs
Daemon and Rhaenyra sharing a darling (Planning on rewriting it)
Family Houses
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Yandere Targaryen hcs platonic (Aerys, Rhaella, Rhaegar + Viserys)
Targaryen family (Jaehaerys reign) platonic hcs 
Yandere Lannister family (platonic) would include 
Martell Family Yandere Platonic hcs
House Stark Platonic yandere hcs
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
What if Aegon saw someone (maybe Otto, or Alicent, or one of reader’s septa’s) being cruel to reader? Like insulting her, belittling her, maybe even slapping her? Mans would be out for BLOOD
Also, i feel like Aegon would feel conflicted about having children with reader. Like on one hand he would absolutely LOVE to see her all preggo (and he’d love her breast milk even more, we all know that lol), but he would HATE that the child would take readers attention away from him
Na if Aegon ever saw or even heard about Otto laying his hands on or making you cry it’s over for grandsire. There is no plan, only rage and Aegon kills the man himself wherever he finds him.
If it's Alicent that's the issue he's still a ball of rage but he's more discreet. He'll go straight to Rhaenyra and Viserys, he tells his siblings, who tell the servants and soon enough the whole of King's Landing is demanding the Queen be punished for her crimes against reader.
I’ve been waiting for the children ask TURN IT UP 🗣️ (lets ignore the fact that I hate children and being pregnant is like my worst fear)
Love that we’ve all agreed Aegon has a breeding/pregnancy/mummy kink btw 🤝
Sweeter/less psycho Aegon is far more amenable to the idea of the actual children. Though he fears being a terrible parent like his were to him so he requires constant assurance from wifey that he won’t be like Viserys or Alicent.
He’s terrified. Of being a shitty father and of losing you.
Lots of tears, especially when he feels them kick for the time. He hovers, he's worried about losing you, missing potential milestones. Also he's a big fan of the way your body is changing. Aegon is a tits man (unfortunately for me and my flat ass) and he is more than happy to help you relieve any pain in any way possible.
He's not a fan however, of the way other people are admiring your body, nor of the fact he'll soon have to share you with baby.
When baby comes he's absolutely enchanted. Everybody's always like girldad Daemon and Aemond but come on guys, girldad Aegon. Baby girl has him wrapped around her finger just as much as you do.
Now a darker more possessive Aegon? yeah fuck them kids. He doesn't want any. Has never really wanted kids before and now that he actually has you there's no fuckin way he wants to have to share you with even more people. Especially something as needy as a baby.
Though you'd get pregnant pretty quickly with how often y'all fuck. Unfortunately for Aegon he is OBSESSED with pregnant you, He even tolerates all the mood swings, angry you is sexy. Crying you goes to him for comfort so that's a big win.
He's a little less tolerant of the ridiculous cravings at ridiculous times but that's why you've got a servant on hand to tend to your every whim.
Aegon doesn't really have much to do with baby until it's a little older. It's not like the kids gonna remember that its father wasn't there for it, and neither were you really with Aegon monopolising your time.
He'll never love any children anywhere near the way he loves you, but as they get older Aegon comes to see the benefits. His children adore you just as much as he does and as such it's bonus protectors for you. He likes to leverage his affection on them keeping their mum away from other people, on reporting her actions and spying on the court members for him.
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puppyxaegon · 2 years
Modern Aegon texting HCs
Aegon ii Targaryen x Reader fun little texting things. Sfw
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Will not text you in full sentences like ever
Lots of one word answers and frequent use of 'k' without any passive aggressive intentions, he's just like that
He doesn't completely understand the whole texting etiquette thing so sometimes his tone is a little off even when he's not being a dick intentionally.
'heyy are we still on for later? <3' 'yeah.'
Pretty much never uses emojis, but a VERY frequent user of ' :) ' and ' :( ' when he's being snarky or sarcastic
And he loves to be snarky and sarcastic ESPECIALLY over text
'Awww did that hurt your feelings :(( I'm sorry baby'
On that note he's just generally kind of rude and makes a lot of off color jokes that he'll usually half apologize for if you're really upset
'Well you should know that's not what I mean but I'm sorry you took it that way. Love u."
Ik I said he doesn't text in full sentences but if he's irritated with you, he definitely does that thing men do when they start typing like a goddamn thesaurus to seem smart and level headed during an argument
Spam texts you when you don't respond and he wants attention
'Hi' 'wyd' 'hey' ''helllooo' ?¿' 'are u ignoring me??'
The absolute CEO of drunk/high texting
Either incoherent messages that could have been sent by mistake, long rambling professions of love and gratitude, rants about how much he feels rejected by hates his family, or blurry selfies
Also the CEO of a 2am booty call
'come over?' '...' 'plssss :((('
Generally not the best communicator over text, would rather just come see you in person
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screamverse-shawty · 2 years
(NSFW) Subby Aegon ii ficlet because I said so
Sub!King Aegon ii x gn consort!reader. This started off as hcs but I couldn't stop writing, sooo here we are. I've never actually posted anything like this like...ever so I hope someone likes it!! I had a lot of fun writing this and I'm open to requests for more of this Aegon or some other characters/fandoms if anyone has them.
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Aegon has always gotten what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted it for the majority of his life
Whether he was fucking the whores of the street of silk or the serving girls of kings landing he was the one in charge because well, that's just how it's supposed to be
Admittedly though, Aegon did find the responsibility sometimes to be a bit dull
Especially now that he was king and had responsibilities further than they eye could see
Not to mention when he was too drunk to string together a sentence, the apprehension and blank bovine stares from his exploits would be almost too much to bear, and he wished desperately to the seven that some of them would just do something on their own
Enter: you, his consort
It starts small, maybe a firm hand gripping his throat as you ride his cock, or a slight tug of his hair as he eats you out, but it isn't long before things begin to...expand
You'd assumed when you married a King, no less the likes of Aegon ii Targaryen, you would have to leave your dominant side behind, but as you read his body language though begin to figure out that he actually likes when you push him a bit, you waste no time in seeing just how far he will bend.
One day, you're straddling his lap in his chambers as the two of you kiss hotly. You can taste the wine on his tongue as he runs his hands along your sides, lapping and panting heavily into your mouth, squeezing into your ribs roughly. Too roughly, considering you've told him numerous times about that riding accident which left them permanently sore
"Aegon, stop tha-" and you're cut off by him pulling you into another messy kiss, not seeming to hear you at all over the sound of the blood rushing down to his own cock, which you can feel pressing firmly against your core.
You repeat yourself, to no avail, and your attempts to move his hands yourself are met only with irritated grunts as he continues to grind into you. It's like you aren't even there.
Without thinking, you slap him hard across the face, hearing him gasp audibly as his head snaps to the side. "I said stop."
Time seems to freeze for a moment, and you stare as the man sits oddly still, silvery hair obscuring his expression. You see his hands flex and then form fists, gripping the bedsheets tight as you can see blue-green veins shift underneath his skin, stark through his pale skin.
All at once you fear that your judgement was all wrong, that he'll be furious, have you punished by the Kingsgaurd, maybe even beat you to a pulp himself. But Aegon shifts his face to you, an unreadable look now settled across it, and amazingly, apologizes.
You blink at him for a moment, almost stunned to silence, but you won't allow this opportunity to slip away from you.
"When I say stop," you pause, watching the rise and fall of his chest as a blush blooms on his cheeks and down his neck, "you stop. Understood?"
Aegon swallows thickly, and nods, fingers twitching as he grips the sheets beside him. He looks...terrified, and something else you don't recognize.
You lean back into him for another kiss, this time taking the lead yourself and pushing your tongue into his mouth, drawing out an unintentional moan from him as his arms stay frozen and taut at his sides.
That night, you tease the man for over an hour, and by the time he's finally allowed to cum, tears run down his face and he makes a noise you're sure must have been heard by half the castle.
From there, you're off the the races
After the interaction, the two of you seem to form an almost unspoken understanding of what you wanted from eachother. You easily fell into your roles, and for all the bratty King is made out to be, he's never put up much of a fight as far as you were concerned.
In allowing himself to let go and give himself and his pleasure over to you, Aegon finds a bliss more complete than anything he's ever known.
Aegon finds himself desperate to please you any way he can, and in the security he feels being held by you everything else falls away, even if just for a moment.
Aegon loves to be praised while he's pleasing you, called a good boy and have you massage your fingers along his scalp as he works his tongue against you, his cock straining against his breeches, and knowing he's not allowed to touch it until you say so.
He loves when you edge and tease him, driving him half mad with feather light touches on his painfully hard cock as he squirms against restraints, tottering on the brink of orgasm for what feels like a thousand years.
Despite how much he wants to please you, his quick temper and sharp tongue often betray him, resulting in no shortage of punishments.
Like the time you took him over your knee after speaking over you in court, having him painstakingly count each impact and pretending you don't notice the way he ruts against your thighs after each slap.
Afterwards, as he kneels at your feet and hugs your legs, he looks up at you with tear stained eyes, full of adoration and wonders how he got so lucky.
(mommy? Sorry-)
Aegon is shameless and doesn't care to abate his hungry stares or fawning over you, and others take notice.
You definitely get some foul looks when you walk the castle halls, with or without him trailing behind you like a lost puppy
Regardless of what they think though, nobody can deny that you've inexplicably whipped the problem child into shape, something that had long since seemed completely impossible.
Aegon would do anything for you. He finds himself driven mad by you in every way imaginable and you both know that he would kneel to kiss your feet before the whole of court if you so commanded
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