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maysshortmoviereviews · 1 year ago
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James May: Our Man in India (2024)
James May takes on his greatest adventure yet: a 3,000 mile coast-to-coast epic across India, the most populous – and perhaps most extraordinary – country in the world.
A really enjoyable and different kind of travel show. This is the first time I have seen this series, and I loved it. I also learnt a few new things about India. My only issue is that it was a bit too short, I wish he had made more than three episodes.
If you are someone who is interested in India and likes travel shows then this is very enjoyable. It made me smile and also had me looking at flights to India.
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ivsog · 1 year ago
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therestofmyfandoms · 10 months ago
okay but brennan describing the Rat Grinders as "level 20 features, but without the builds to back them up" when, all season long, the Bad Kids have proven time and time again that what wins their fights are not the sick ass abilites that come with higher levels, but the basic, most fundamental of cantrips and first level spells. the work that Bless has done for them is so incomprehensible to the Rat Grinders. this is why they're being fucking slaughtered. they just dont understand
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goodyankeedeadyankee · 1 year ago
Amanda and Wooly as a blaxican family cheeeeck 🤟✨✨
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Usamex forever bunch of putooooosss
Ah yeah, and this is something I was talking with @agusart2blue
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Peach in these drawings has 4 years old and well, she was literally a ball like her dad HAHAHAHA and I was wondering what will happened if these two meet each other uwu
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Aaaand that’s it, nothing more to explain about (?)
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longaoi · 1 year ago
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Miyamoto Usagi space man 🧑‍🚀🐰
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rosiebunartz · 1 year ago
Valentine's art trade ! 💘
The holiday of the day of love and friendship is approaching! 🩷💕
Art trade with My bestie: @/ justkazzuu_
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dugi-love · 2 years ago
Colaboración del siglo pasado 😻💅✨✨, con mi ser querido @miaututu_nun ♥️✨
La otra parte de esta hermosa temática, no se pudo salvar por seres malignos, fuchi UnU, solo nos queda una foto de lo que alguna vez fue 😻🤙
Cómo han estado?
Años sin publicar na'a por aquí eh? Jshdjs
Pero seguimos nenes
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saiyuri-dahlia · 2 years ago
Between a new Digimon Adventure 02 film and all the promotion and fanart I've been seeing, plus the dream I had last night, I'm feeling a bit in the Kenyako mood. I'm glad the 02 kids are getting some love. It's nice to see them as older teens/adults too. Makes me want to write them more now that they're older.
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epic-advertures · 1 year ago
016 - Ruined Birthday
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princesshollyberry · 1 year ago
i could always get a set..... they're better value.... and the ones i dont like i can give to knight
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sillyfriendssharingablog · 2 years ago
I'm starting to dislike my art rn so I'm not posting it often anymore. but I still wanted to post something here so take this two fatherless individuals bcs I love them.
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snozzlesnes · 1 year ago
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Fellas, is it gay to passionately kiss another man?
This is my first time drawing people kissing, idk why I haven't done this before lmao idk what happened
Campaign: An Adventurer's Story
Bonus: They are not beating the allegations.
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goodyankeedeadyankee · 4 months ago
“Cempasúchil spouses”
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What Amanda wears is a “medal of the virgin of the sweet wait” whats represents hope in the miracle of life and confidence that both pregnancy and childbirth take place normally and is used for pregnant women, those who face difficulties conceiving and couples who want to adopt.
It was a gift from Sam before I almost kicked her out of the house for getting pregnant with a nahual hahaha :(
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msknight10 · 10 months ago
Freddie and Shaggy.
I think we should put all blond kids from all media into a fighting ring and see who comes out victorious because those bastards are all feral while still being built with a brain hyperfocused on friendship and I want to see who would make it.
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dunmeshistash · 1 month ago
Oi Cyan!! Tava pensando aqui
No Adverturer's Bible é dito que os gêmeos Floke estão atualmente estudando a língua comum. Eu me pergunto se isso significa que eles não dominam o idioma (o que poderia até explicar os dois falarem tão pouco) ou que apenas se interessam na área mesmo e querem estudar... Não lembro se os gnomos têm um idioma prório e também não sabemos se os gêmeos, antes de serem acolhidos pelos Floke, falavam uma língua diferente da comum
(translating this under the cut)
Verdade boa pergunta... (vou responder em portugues mas perdoa ai que eu as vezes boto palavra inglês no meio kk)
Eu ja tinha notado essa parte mas nunca parei pra pensar por que eles tão estudando common, sabemos que os gnomos tem ao menos escrita diferenciada que nem elfos e anões então creio que eles também tem a propria linguagem falada (aqui um post que tem exemplos)
E o Kuro também ta estudando a lingua comum para poder falar com Mickbell. Eu não acho que os gemeos tariam estudando comum academicamente ja que não é mecionado nada do tipo? Só consigo imaginar que é similar ao Kuro então.
Acho que eles deviam falar uma lingua diferente e terem aprendido gnomish em vez e common quando foram adotados? Pelos extras a gente vê que eles realmente cresceram rodeados de outros gnomos, e a Dungeon que eles tão estudando agora na ilha existe a pouco tempo, vai ver por isso estão estudando comum agora?
Aqui diz que eles começaram a acompanhar os Floke depois de adulto, que é 16 para tallmen, então como eles tem 20 aninhos devem ta acompanhando eles a só 4 anos, vai ver começaram a estudar por isso?
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Tudo especulação claro, fora essa partezinha eu não lembro de ser mencionado mais das origens deles antes da taverna
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English TLDR: Ask: Why are Kaka and Kiki studying common according to the AB? Answer: Idk, maybe they learned Gnomish after being adopted and are only learning common now like Kuro?
Actual translation under the cut:
(it's machine translated just so I don't have to rewrite the whole thing but I checked if it makes sense with what I said and adjusted a few parts)
Hi Cyan!! I was just thinking here In the Adventurer's Bible it says that the Floke twins are currently studying the common tongue. I wonder if this means that they do not master the language (which could even explain why they both speak it so little) or that they are just interested in the area and want to study... I don't remember if the gnomes have their own language and we also don't know if the twins, before being taken in by the Flokes, spoke a language other than common.
That's a good question...
I had already noticed that part, but I never stopped to think about why they're studying Common. We know that gnomes have at least a different writing style, just like elves and dwarves, so I think they also have their own language (here's a post with examples).
Kuro is also studying the Common language so he can talk to Mickbell. I don't think the twins would be studying Common academically, since nothing like that is mentioned? So I can only imagine that it's similar to Kuro. I think they must have spoken a different language, and learned Gnomish instead of Common after they were adopted?
From the extras, we can see that they really grew up surrounded by other gnomes, and the Dungeon they're studying on the island now has only been around for a short time. Maybe that's why they're studying Common now?
It says here that they started accompanying the Flokes after they became adults, which is 16yo for tall men, so since they are 20 they must have been going with them for only 4 years, maybe that's why they started studying?
All speculation, of course. Apart from that little section, I don't remember any other mentions of their origins before the tavern.
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rosiebunartz · 2 years ago
𝗣𝗮𝘁𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝘀 𝗪𝗼𝗼𝗹𝘆 🌼🎀
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