#adventure with king and mom
sleepyking · 1 day
“Ministry of Magic: Authorized Muggle Vehicle” license plate
CLEARLY they’re witches/wizards because they were going WAAAAAY over the speed limit and didn’t know basic road laws
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Me and my mom followed them for like FIVE MINUTES and I COULDNT GET A GOOD PICTURE I SWEAR IM NOT CRAZY
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aria-greenhoodie · 10 months
Ok so my friend said that Ice King is basically an anime girl (huge ass, keeps getting in situations where his muumuu gets blown to reveal said huge ass, has a gay little run, etc.) And I um. My hand slipped. 😇
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Click for Quality!
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sleepyminty · 1 year
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No wonder Marshall Lee and Fionna is so close like family, had Marceline and Fionna met they would definitely sister
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chickenbutts-posts · 1 year
I could write a book on just this scene.
"Why are you crying?"
My brain 24/7:
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Don't get me started on Simon.
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iamtrashboatsworld · 1 year
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Wet cat wet cat wet cat
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Omg i keep forgetting i put 'Fries' from Adventure Time on Percy's playlist and the Ice King remix on Hazel's,that was so fucking foul but also real because she absolutely would💀
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hycinthrt · 2 months
i think one of the most romantic things ive heard my dad tell my mom was after he and i came back from seeing les mis. he went with me to the theater just so i had someone to go with, but when he returned home after having the absolute time of his life and he was telling my mom about it he said “if i had known what i was going to see i would have made sure you saw it as well”
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half-a-stache · 6 months
Question: what does Finn and Marceline do for their birthdays?
People either celebrate their birthdays differently or not at all.
For Finn in his early ones, since he and Marceline lived alone and was homeschooled. So, they celebrated alone, playing some party games. Content and simple.
After BMO came along, there were more party games... and video games.
In his teens after Jake had been reformed, there was that certain birthday with a certain train. Events played out the same except the three bailed before the train flew off the rails and crashed. (Don't worry, no one got hurt) Then, they were all in an agreement that Marceline should plan her son's birthdays instead of Jake.
Finn's birthday after that was a party outside the Treefort. People having fun as normal as any outdoor party could be. Even Ice King was invited.
On his 17th birthday, Finn's party would be peaceful with Gumbald without a champion. Ice King still pops out of the cake.
For Marceline, she didn't really celebrate hers due to living over 1000 years. Even though she didn't, that didn't stop Finn from planning one for his mom.
With help and months of planning, Finn had Bonnie hang out with her as a distraction while Jake and Ice King went off to get decorations as Finn got cake. Though he got a strange look from the baker after he called Jake and said he got the red cake, but Finn shrugged it off.
When Marcy came back, she got quite the surprise when she opened to see the party in the house. After Jake told her Finn planned all this for her, she was touched, happy with tears that her son did all that for her.
They were having a great time, except for the part with LSP crashing the party, trying to make it all about her before Finn got angry and kicked her out.
She was given new clothes and some basses as presents.
When Finn brought out the cake, Marceline reminded Finn that she can only eat red. Finn insisted that it was red, but everyone else said otherwise, revealing that it was actually green, finding out Finn was colorblind.
Finn was emotionally beating himself up for his mistake and apologized, but Marceline hugged him saying it was okay, it was the thought that counted and that she was touched for everything he did for her.
Finally, she told her son that she loves him as he said it back, sharing a wholesome moment.
After 1000 years, it was the best birthday she ever had.
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blackhakumen · 10 months
Mini Fanfic #1155: Welcome to New Donk City!!☆ (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
5:12 p.m. in New Donk City......
Pit/Sora: (Walks Out of the Bus Together Along with Everyone Else in the Smash Family with Awe Struck Looks on Both Their Faces as They Start Looking Around the City in Front of Them) Woooooooah........
Sora: So this is New Donk City? It looks even more bigger than I imagined.....
Pit: Right? It's been one of top two places I've always wanted go to for the longest time now.....
Sora: (Turns to Pit) What's the second place?
Pit: The Polar Express.
Sora: Awesome.......
Pit: (Let's Out a Very Loud Gasps Before Moving Sora's Face to What he is Now Pointing at) Sora, look!!
Sora: ('GASPS') The Christmas Tree.......The Declarations.......Christmas Chrouses!
Christmas Chrous: (Happily Swinging Their Heads From Side to Side While Singing in the Public Eye in a Near Perfect Harmony) We wish you a Merry Christmas~ We wish you a Merry Christmas~ We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year~
Viridi: (Walks Out of the Bus Along with Kairi and Riku) First day of December and they already got everything prepared for the holidays.
Pit: (Already in Tears of Joy along with Sora) I know, right? ('Sniff') It's so wonderful......
Sora: Amazing.....('Sniff') Sight to behold for- (Eyes Suddenly Starts Widening) suuuuuuoh my God! (Moves Pit's Face To Where's Pointing At) Pit, look!!
Pit: (Gasps Loudly Again as He Sees a Group a Man Out Walking Oit of a Building One By One, Wearing White Beards and Red Wintery Like Attires) SANTAAAAAS!~
Sora: There's so many of them!~
Kairi: You....guys do know that we've already met the real Santa in the past, right?
Viridi: Yeah, what make any of those fake ones any different?
Pit: (Turns to the Girls with a Very Excite Smile on his Face) They're the very first Mall Santas we've see in the long time that aren't Uncle Dedede for once!
Sora: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I wonder if they accept photo requests....
Viridi: (Shrugs) If money's involved maybe.
Kairi: ('Sigh') I just hope they don't charge us too much.....
Riku: Let's worry about all of that after we settled ourselves in for. (Starts Yawning a Bit) That plane ride got me more sleepy than usual.....
Dedede: (Scoffs While Walking Out of the Bus Alomg with Cloud and Tifa Behind Him) Bunch of posers. What kind of Mall Santa would charge someone to take one picture with them?
Tifa: There are few other malls I can think of, that actually does that kind of thing actually.
Cloud: I'm surprised you never thought about doing it as well, De.
Dedede: Why would I? It's the holiday! I ain't never gonna be the one to try and crush people's dreams of wanting to meet St. Nick for few a dough, especially since OUR mall starting to up charge the prices. (Turns to the Couple) Did y'all know they charge nutcrackers sixty dollars now?
Tifa: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Sixty dollars?
Cloud: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) For a nutcracker?
Dedede: Yeah, sounds stupid, doesn't? It ain't even that special looking either! We have people working hard on their grind to try and buy games, gift, subscription cards, and rare looking action figures that cost just as much and then some, and y'all expecting people to pay that much for a regular looking ass nut cracker? Hell Nah!
Daisy: (Gently Grabbing onto Luigi's Hand Walking Next to Them Out of the Bus) I'm telling you, babe, you have nothing to worry about here. You folks seems like nice people from what you told me about me.
Luigi: ('Sigh') Yeah, but they can be a headache sometimes. Uncle Arthur and Tony especially. I can't TELL you how many times they kept pestering me about not having a girlfriend and boyfriend......
Daisy: (Forms a Confident Smirk on her Face While Hugging on her Boyfriend Arm) Well, luckily, you got yourself a kick ass girlfriend who's more than willing to stand by your side throughout all of it. I could even brag a little if you want.
Luigi: If it helps get those two to back off a bit, then I say go for it.
DK: (Walks Out of the Bus Along with Diddy While Sigh) I don't know, Diddy. Are you sure Pauline's not gonna be mad me for what happened?
Diddy: (Gives DK a Reassuring Smile on his Face) That was a long time ago, big guy. She don't seem like the kind of lady who hold grudges from what I heard.
DK: ('Sigh') I guess. (Smiles a Bit) It's cool have an entire city named after me at least.
The duo then starts noticing a few city folks glaring harshly at the big ape in question, causing him to swallow his confidence down with one gulp.
DK: Even if everyone here does hates my guts.....
Diddy: (Pulls the Front of his Shirt to the Side in Awkwardness) Sheesh.....
Peach: (Struck in Awe at the City in Front of Her) So this is New Donk City.......It's so.....big, vibrant....(See a Few Cars Driving By with the Multi Sounds of Horns Starts Ringing her Eardrums) A lot more busy than Smash Town even.
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly as He Walk Up Next to Peach) That's the city life for you. It used to look a lot different when Lu and I were raised here, but it still feels as homey and recognizable as it always been. Pauline did a really good job taking care of this place.
Peach: Yeah. That's.....(Frowns a Bit) Great.......
Mario: (Turns to Peach with a Bit of a Worried Look on his Face) Is everything okay, Peach? You're not having tummy ache again, are you?
Peach: (Giggles Softly) No baby~ I'm find. Really. I just got myself lost in my own thoughts again is all.
Mario: (Stares at Peach for a Brief Second Before Sighing) If you say so. (Points at Himself with a Grin on his Face) Just know I'm always here if you wanna talk and vent, okay? I'm serious.
Peach: (Playfully Rolls her Eyes) Yes, Mr. Mario, I hear you loud 'n clear~
Mario: (Playfully Cringes a Bit) ('Ugh') Please. Mr. Mario is my father's name thank you very much.
Peach: Then what do you want me to call then?~ Honey? My Knight and Shining Armor? (Leams Closer to Mario with a Somewhat Seductive Look on her Face) My one and only Teddy Bear?~
Mario: (Shrugs) Whatever makes you happy, dear. Just....don't give Ma any ideas on the nicknaming department. She goes overboard with it real quick.
Peach: (Giggles Softly) I try!~
?????: Mario!~
The couple turns to see the Mayor of New Donk City, Pauline, walking over and happily waving at them.
Mario: (Smiles Brightly at his Old Friend) Pauline, hello! (Walks Over to Pauline and Gives her a Hug) It's so good to see you.
Pauline: (Hugs Mario Back) Likewise!~ (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) I see you're looking a like a pipsqueak as you've always been.
Mario: (Smirks Back at Pauline) Hey, I've grown a least a few inches in the last few months or so!
Pauline: Really?~ Then how come I see still see the top of your head after all these years, hm?~
Mario: Hey, we can't all have crazy growth spourt like you do, Mayor Paulidonna~
Pauline: I thought I told you never to call me that.
Mario: (Playfully Shrugs) Ooops~
The duo turns to see Peach staring at the both of them before quickly putting on a sheepish, awkward smile on her face.
Peach: S-Sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt the reunion, but my name is-
Pauline: (Smiles Brightly at the Princess as Gives her Welcoming Handshake) Princess Peach!~ Mario told me so much about you in the past. It's truly an honor to finally meet you in person.
Peach: Yes, likewise~
Samus: (Watches the Trio in the Distance While Sighing) Oh boy. There's that look again......
Rosalina: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion While Standing Next to her Along with the Other Certified Mom Members) What look?
Samus: The jealous kind.
Bayonetta: Seems like our pink princess is slowly starting to succumb to the jealousy side.
Palutena: Not too surprising. We all been down that road at least once before.
Lea: I don't think ever have a hint of jealousy in my system.
Aqua: Neither do I now that I think about it.
Palutena: (Turns to the Keyblade Warriors) Give it some time. It'll come around eventually.
Samus: Let's just hope this doesn't go haywire in the long run.
Moms: ('Sigh') Yeah........
Christmas Journey Continued.......
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 11 months
No actually it would be funny and also thematically appropriate if fionna and simon started dating. This is so fucking funny to me
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rhmis-user-2020 · 1 year
The fandom of TTS be like
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Varian fans:
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The name's Fate!
Young Adult, he/it/she/they <3
I am a genderqueer polyamorous lesbian-
I have a taglist form if you're interested!
If you know me from my main, hi! Don't tell anyone please.
Dipping my toes into the self-ship community, might not post a whole lot. Not gonna share my main blog on here just yet. If you know me on my main/figure out my main (or any of my sides), please leave it over there. Fuck it. My main/fandom blog is @mb-blue-roses, and i interact from @arty-girl-asks. I'll probably focus more on my familial self-ships than my romantic ones, though I have some of both.
I don't mind people sharing f/os with me, romantic or platonic! (the only exception are my OCs, unless you ask permission first)
In fact, I love to interact w/ people who share my f/os! Whether it be in the same way or differently, we can share our love for them.
Nothing NSFW in the inbox though, I'm ace & don't want that. Also, proship DNI! Please don't call me "honey", it makes me deeply uncomfortable!
All original posts will be tagged #💛❤️💜 brought together by fate 💜❤️💛
All reblogs will be tagged as #💛❤️💜 fate's reblogs 💜❤️💛
18+ posts will be very rare - but on the occasion I do, they'll be tagged with #fatefully spicy
Please don't talk to me about the following ships (I don't care if you ship them, I just don't wanna hear about it): Itt.orou (Genshin), Kaz.orou (Genshin), Cyn.ari (Genshin), Jean.luc (Genshin), Robin.hill (Honkai), Rib.bun (TADC), Korsi.mint (Hi-Fi RUSH)
I have a separate selfship blog dedicated to my ships from a game with more NSFW character designs, as I don't feel comfortable posting them on here (even though none of the characters with those designs are actually f/os)
If you want the link/blog name, send an ask (off-anon, so I can answer privately) or DM me!!
Note: I will NOT be giving the link to anyone under 18 years of age
Since I self-ship partially as a coping mechanism, I will probably post some more serious posts with them from time to time. I will make sure to tag all posts appropriately.
Tags I will use will be #serious post, #trigger tw (ex: #disordered eating tw), and sometimes (if I'm not sure exactly what tags to use) #ask to tag.
Self-insert info can be found here!
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Non-exhaustive list of some of my f/os (organized by relationship) (complete with pronouns - some are headcanon) under the cut!
Main F/Os
(i don't love them any more than any other f/os, i just think about them all the time)
- Phone Gal/Sunni (Five Nights at Freddy's) (❤️) (Wife) (iffy sharing, please ask)
Pronouns: she/he (transfeminine lesbian)
Tag: 📞🌒 the voice on night watch | phone gal
Ship Name: Nighttime Loving
- Arthur Hastings (We Happy Few) (💛) (Platonic Soulmate/Best Friend Ever)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 💊📰 take my hand and we'll dance though the heart of the storm | arthur hastings
- Kai (Dark Parables) (🩵)
Pronouns: he/him (transmasculine, still woman-aligned)
Tag: 🌲📖 botanical warden | kai
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Botany and Baking
- Constantin D'Orsay (GreedFall) (Cousin)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪙💰 the governor of new sérène | constantin d'orsay
- Bennett (Genshin Impact) (💜 - Youngest Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥⚔️ a blazing adventure | bennett
- Lynette (Genshin Impact) (❤️💞 - with Hina) (Wife)
Pronouns: any, she/her preferred (transfeminine lesbian)
Tag: 🫖🎩 you're my cup of tea | lynette
Ship Name: Aslynette
- Hina (Genshin Impact) (❤️💞 - with Lynette) (Fiancée) (iffy sharing, please ask)
Pronouns: she/her (transfeminine lesbian)
Tag: 🐶🏳️‍⚧️ canine general of watatsumi | hina
Ship Name: A Canine and her Leporine
(Lynette x Hina Name: Hinette)
Joint Ship Name: I want something just like this (also called Ashinette but more rarely)
- Welt Yang (Honkai: Star Rail) (💜) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🖋🎞 our dear elder | welt yang
❤️ ~ Romantic ~ ❤️
(💞 = Polyamorous Ship)
- Yasmina Taylor (Detectives United OC) (💞 - with Althena Rivera) (Girlfriend) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔥👑 the scarlet princess | yasmina taylor
Ship Name: Yasline
- Althena Rivera (Detectives United OC) (💞 - with Yasmina Taylor) (Girlfriend) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: any (agender)
Tag: 🪪💅 a shifting form | althena rivera
Ship Name: Celthena
(Yasmina x Althena Name: Almina)
Joint Ship Name: spirit shapeshifter princess
- Gerda (Dark Parables) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💛🪙 hair of gold heart of gold | gerda
Ship Name: 'cause i'm gonna make this place your home
- Síora (GreedFall) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌿💐 mundeinhanem | síora
Ship Name: De Síora
- Cassandra De Rolo (TLoVM) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 👸🩸 the ruler of whitestone | cassandra de rolo
Ship Name: Casseas
- Mellori (Wizard101) (💞 - with Layle Dusklaw) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: they/she (demigirl)
Tag: 🍃🪄 daughter of the raven | mellori
Ship Name: Viclori
- Layle Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (💞 - with Mellori) (Girlfriend) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/they (nonbinary)
Tag: 💀🪦 angel in the graveyard | layle dusklaw
Ship Name: Layloria
(Mellori x Layle Name: Melle)
Joint Ship Name: Is how I need you / And how you needed me too
- Cassie 'Clip' Lipman (Fortnite: Save the World) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/fae (transfeminine demigirl)
Tag: 🔩🔧 gunsmithing wonder | cassie 'clip' lipman
Ship Name: Rose Clippings
- Amber (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Eula) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐰🪽 outrider of mondstat | amber
Ship Name: Amlia
- Eula Lawrence (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Amber) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they (genderqueer)
Tag: 🏔💫 social etiquette training | eula lawrence
Ship Name: Eulia
(Amber x Eula Name: Eulamber)
Joint Ship Name: Eulamlia
- Lumine (Genshin Impact) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/it (agender)
Tag: 🗺🌟 love across the stars | lumine
Ship Name: Aslumine
- Chevreuse (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Chiori) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: they/she (nonbinary)
Tag: 💥🍟 musket-wielding dame | chevreuse
Ship Name: Shot through the heart and you're to blame
- Chiori (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Chevreuse) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her (transfeminine)
Tag: 🪡🧵 boutique angel | chiori
Ship Name: But I see your true colors shining through
(Chevreuse x Chiori Name: Cheviori)
Joint Ship Name: Muskets clothes and sweets
- La Signora (Genshin Impact) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🦋🔥 fair lady of flames | rosalyne/la signora
Ship Name: It's win or it's lose and i don't want to lose you
- Asta (Honkai: Star Rail) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🛰️🌠 every star is a miracle | asta
Ship Name: the stars will always remember us
- Robin (Honkai: Star Rail) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🕊🎼 hope is the thing with feathers | robin
Ship Name: let me start by saying i love you
- Charlie (Don't Starve) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/it
Tag: 🌹🪄 no damsel in distress don't need to save me | charlie
Ship Name: Lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose
- Rory Williams (Doctor Who) (💞 - with Amy) (Partner)
Pronouns: he/she (bigender)
Tag: ⚔️🩺 centurion nurse | rory williams
Ship Name: Jory
- Amy Pond (Doctor Who) (💞 - with Rory) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌐💒 more important than the universe | amy pond
Ship Name: Jomy
(Rory x Amy Name: Roramy)
Joint Ship Name: the feather-pond-williams family
- Peppermint Vandelay (Hi-Fi Rush) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her (transfeminine)
Tag: 🍬📱 brains and beauty | peppermint vandelay
Ship Name: If only you saw what I can see you'll understand why I want you so desperately
- Lucille (A Monster in Paris) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪽🎵 a musical angel | lucille
Ship Name: just a little kiss from you
- Breanna Casey (Leverage: Redemption)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💻🏳️‍🌈 lesbian in stem | breanna casey
Ship Name: the maker and the baker
- Amira Rashid (Monster Prom) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔥❤️‍🔥 burning in my heart | amira rashid
Ship Name: Highschool Sweethearts
- Sunny (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (💞 - with Stryder) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 👽🎸 we'll get out of here | sunny
Ship Name: Alien and her lover
- Stryder (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (💞 - with Sunny) (Partner)
Pronouns: she/he (bigender)
Tag: ✌️💻 peace syndicate queen | stryder
Ship Name: Space Strider
(Sunny x Stryder Name: Sun Strider)
Joint Ship Name: Alien Sun Strider
- Holly (Monster Rancher) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🏡🦖 together raise monsters | holly
Ship Name: The Holly and The Ivy
- Gangle (The Amazing Digital Circus) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🎭🎀 take off your mask with me | gangle
Ship Name: Ribbon Rabbit
❣️ ~ Crushes ~ ❣️
(Characters I love but am too anxious/uncertain to officially add) (* = Comes from a media I already ship with)
Pronouns: it/she
Tag: ⚙️📓 (unless I decide to officially add it)
Pronouns: she/they
Pronouns: she/her
Pronouns: they/he
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🥊🏆 (unless I decide to officially add her)
Tashigi (One Piece)
Pronouns: she/her
🐟🪖 - polyam w/ below
Pronouns: she/her
🦎⚗️ - polyam w/ above
Pronouns: she/her
Pronouns: she/her
💜 ~ Fankids ~ 💜
- Devin, Clarissa, and Asher Roseman (with Phone Gal)
- Aspen and Luna (with Lynette)
- Varian (with Hina)
- Julius de Rolo (with Cassandra de Rolo)
- Dewy (with Amber)
🩵 ~ Queerplatonic ~ 🩵
- Elwin (OC - multiple versions - Dark Parables & Honkai: Star Rail) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: they/them (agender)
Tag: TBA
Queerplatonic Ship Names: TBA (Dark Parables), A Brand New Memory (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Page Jimmy (Wizard101) (💛/🩵 - undecided) (putting him here until i fully decide)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Calamity Thunderwing (Wizard101 OC) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her (transfeminine)
Tag: TBA
- Caiden Goldenfeather (Wizard101 OC) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: he/him (transmasculine)
Tag: TBA
- Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they/she (genderfluid)
Tag: 🌳🍄 one with the forest | tighnari
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Aslari
- Oz (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: he/they (nonbinary demiboy)
Tag: 🖤🌠 not afraid with you | oz
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Highschool Darlings
💜 ~ Familial ~ 💜
- Coppelia (Five Nights at Freddy's: The Week Before) (Step-daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Ollie (Poppy Playtime) (Son)
Pronouns: it/he
Tag: 📼🧸 beloved toy beloved boy | ollie
- Nicky Roth (Hello Neighbor) (Son)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🥽🏀 hello my son | nicky roth
- Tabby (HOUSE) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Melody (HOUSE) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Fran Bow (Fran Bow) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Dorian Brown (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Father)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: 🫥🕵‍♂️ the invisible detective | dorian brown
- Mortimer Brown (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/they/she
Tag: 🫥🥀 blue rose in bloom | mortimer brown
- James Blackthorne (Haunted Hotel/Detectives United) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 👻🏨 the man who talks to ghosts | james blackthorne
- Jessica Blackthorne (Haunted Hotel) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Jaylene Blackthorne (Haunted Hotel OC) (Cousin)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Anna Gray (Grim Tales/Detectives United) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🕰🪞 step into a memory | anna gray
- Dorian Gray (Grim Tales) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/ae
Tag: 🖼🎨 painting of the self | dorian gray
Richard Gray (Grim Tales/Detectives United) (Grandfather)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 💀⌛️ a spirit tethered to earth | richard gray
- Alice Gray (Grim Tales) (Cousin)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: ⌚️🏞 another time another place | alice gray
- Amber Edevane (Mystery Trackers) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐶🕵‍♀️ full time detective part time dog mom | amber edevane
- Shade (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/it/they
Tag: 📜📞 limitless information | shade
- Jasmine Rivera (Detectives United OC) (Sibling-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🪪🫰 this mortal form | jasmine rivera
- Noah (Dark Parables) (Father-in-Law(ish))
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪓🪵 woodcutting guide | noah
- Hansel (Dark Parables) (Unspecified Elder-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌕✨️ golden moon | hansel
- Red Riding Hood Sisters - Ruth, Jessica, & Briar Rose (Dark Parables) (Elder Sister Figures)
Pronouns: she/her (all)
Collective Sisters Tag: 🏕🐺 woodland family | red riding hood sisters
- Mev (GreedFall) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪻🌟 sisters in battle | mev
- Petrus (GreedFall) (Uncle Figure)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌟🌫 believer in enlightenment | petrus
- Percy De Rolo (TLoVM) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🔫✴️ the gunsling king | percy de rolo
- Bat (Wizard101) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/he
Tag: 🦇🌒 son of the spider | the bat
- Arthur Wethersfield (Wizard101) (Father)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🎩☕️ well balanced guidance | arthur wethersfield
- Flint Anvilbreaker (Wizard101 OC) (Brother) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: he/wiz
Tag: 🔮🐉 friend turned brother | flint anvilbreaker
- Megan Bluebreeze (Wizard101 OC) (Sister) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/hir
Tag: 🪶🌩 maiden of the storm | megan bluebreeze
- Bentley Daysong (Wizard101) (Younger Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥🪔 tender inferno | bentley daysong
- Sophie Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (Sister-in-Law) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍾🧿 queen of three | sophie dusklaw
- Oliver Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (Brother-in-Law) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪴💚 garden's heartbeat | oliver dusklaw
- Dennis (Fortnite: Save the World) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: 🍔🫡 hamburger helper | dennis
- Ray (Fortnite: Save the World) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔋📷 mission control | ray vinderman
- Sarah (Fortnite: Save the World) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: [emojis TBA] sister's leap of faith | sarah
Dennis Jr. (Fortnite: Save the World) (Nephew)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag : 🧸🕗 time after time | dennis jr
Lok (Fortnite: Save the World) (Nephew)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 📨📲 learning ai | lok
- Bianca (Genshin Impact OC) (Younger Sister) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍀🌑 a lucky adventure | bianca
- Kaeya Alberich (Genshin Impact) (Older Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ❄️🌨 frosty family | kaeya alberich
- Diluc Ragnvindr (Genshin Impact) (Oldest Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍷🌋 family keeps you warm | diluc ragnvindr
- Aether (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: 🧭🌟 family across the stars | aether
- Jean Gunnhildr (Genshin Impact) (Older Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌬🏵 dandelion girl | jean gunnhildr
- Barbara Pegg (Genshin Impact) (Younger Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌊🎶 an idol's song | barbara pegg
- Chongyun (Genshin Impact) (Younger Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍧🧊 popsicle boy | chongyun
- Ga Ming (Genshin Impact) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🦁🎇 lion guard | ga ming
- Kaedehara Kazuha (Genshin Impact) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍁☁️ one with which to wander | kaedehara kazuha
- Diona Kätzlein (Genshin Impact) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐱🏹 the young hunter | diona kätzlein
- Chouji (Genshin Impact) (Son)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🦴⛏️ three thousand miles | chouji
- Sayu (Genshin Impact) (Daughter) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 😴🌱 the sleepiest ninja | sayu
- Beidou (Genshin Impact) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: ⚓️♟️ my family lies over the ocean | beidou
- Ningguang (Genshin Impact) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💸♟️ rags to riches story | ningguang
- Zhongli (Genshin Impact) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: ☄️⏳️ an unspoken contract | zhongli
- Lyney (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥🎩 master of the stage | lyney
- Freminet (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/he
Tag: ⛲️🫧 life beneath the waves | freminet
- Arlecchino (Genshin Impact) (Mother-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/he, she preferred
Tag: 🏠✨️ home is where the hearth is | arlecchino
- Branch Master Cyrus (Genshin Impact) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧭🌍 a branch of adventure | branch master cyrus
- Marjorie (Genshin Impact) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💵💎 with wind comes glory | marjorie
- Adventure Guild Dads (Genshin Impact) (Fathers) (catch-all)
Pronouns: he/him (all)
Tag: 🧭🫂 the adventure that is family | adventure guild dads
- March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 📸🌨 say cheese! | march 7th
- Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ���🌬 gazing toward the future | dan heng
- Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail) (Sister)
Pronouns: ze/she
Tab: 🗑️🔗 birds of a feather | stelle
- Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: it/they/he
Tag: 💠🔗 birds of a feather | caelus
- Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌹💄 elegant rose of flame | himeko
- Pom-Pom (Honkai: Star Rail) (Undefined Familial)
Pronouns: any, they/them preferred
Tag: 🐇⭐️ our loyal conductor | pom-pom
Collective AEC Tag: 🌌🚅 a trailblazing family | astral express crew
- Arlan (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ⚡🩹 lightning in the dark | arlan
- Yanqing (Honkai: Star Rail) (Little Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Misha (Honkai: Star Rail) (Little Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🗝️🧳 reverie of the stars | misha
- Gallagher (Honkai: Star Rail) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- The Cultist (Enter the Gungeon) (Child)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Lock, Shock, and Barrel (The Nightmare Before Christmas) (Children)
Pronouns: he/him (Lock and Barrel), she/her (Shock)
Collective Tag: TBA
- Alec Hardison (Leverage) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Trespasser Defector/Tav (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (Undefined but definitely familial)
Pronouns: he/she/they
Tag: 🌌🌏 space above and earth below | trespasser defector
- Wilson P. Higgsbury (Don't Starve) (Brother-ish)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧪🥼 the gentleman scientist | wilson p higgsbury
💛 ~ Platonic ~ 💛
- Gwyn (Dark Parables)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🏹🦅 his frosty highness | gwyn
- Pinocchio (Dark Parables)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🤎🫶 be you wood or flesh | pinocchio
- Vasco (GreedFall)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌊⚓️ sailing the mighty seas | vasco
- Kurt (GreedFall)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ⚔️🛡 guarding my back | kurt
- Aphra (GreedFall)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💣🔬 science & guns & bombs | aphra
- Fiona Mythsinger (Wizard101 OC) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧿🌏 forbidden mythos | fiona mythsinger
- Carpe Diem Society (Kestrel Blackstorm, Taylor Froghead, Declan Wyrmdust, Carson Spritethief, & Quinn Legendbreaker) (Wizard101)
Pronouns: she/her (K), she/they (T), he/him (D), he/they (C), & it/she (Q)
Collective Tag: 🫂☀️ seize the day | carpe diem society
- Dyvim Whitehart (Wizard101)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🗡🐀 for bastion!! | dyvim whitehart
- Obsidian O'Leary (Wizard101 OC) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- A.C. (Fortnite: Save the World)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Willow (Fortnite: Save the World)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Larry Butz (Ace Attorney)
Pronouns: he/they(/sometimes she)
Tag: 🖌🫀 a woman's kinda man | larry butz
- Paimon (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: ✨️🥘 an otherworldly guide | paimon
- Sangonomiya Kokomi
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪼🪸 together we are stronger | sangonomiya kokomi
- Razor (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Fischl (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: TBA
- Venti (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they/it
Tag: 🎼🕊 feathers on the wind | venti
- Mika Schmidt (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🏔🗺 icy reconnaissance | mika schmidt
- Lisa Minci (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 📖⚡️ lightning librarian | lisa minci
- Albedo (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: Any, no preference
Tag: 🗻🖌 chalk amongst the snow | albedo
- Klee (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧨🔥 explosive little spark | klee
- Sucrose (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍬🧫 sweet shy scientist | sucrose
- Noelle (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧹🛡 miss maid-knight | noelle
Collective KoF tag: 🪽🗡 let the wind lead | knights of favonius
- Xingqiu (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: 📚🗡 bookworm swordsman | xingqiu
- Navia (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌹💎 the spina's demoiselle | navia
- Tartaglia/Childe (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🐋🛷 monoceros caeli | tartaglia
- Chai (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🎸🎧 the powers of rock and friendship | chai
- 808 (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: any
Tag: 🐈‍⬛🤖 emotional support feline | 808
- Macaron (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Korsica (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Francœur (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: any
Tag: TBA
- Raoul (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Emile (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Maud (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Parker (Leverage)
Pronouns: they/she
Tag: TBA
- Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Sophie Devereaux (Leverage)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Harry Wilson (Leverage: Redemption)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Vicky Schmidt (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔩⚡️ frankenstein was the monster | vicky schmidt
- Brian Yu (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧟‍♂️🧠 undead friend | brian yu
- Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Order Remnant/Ira (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: it/he/no pronouns
Tag: 🪖💭 remaining thread of imagination | order remnant
- SHADOW Enforcer/Shale (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: he/fae/they
Tag: 🕶🐈‍⬛ shadow in the light | shadow enforcer
- GHOST Enforcer/Gavin (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Svenja (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: TBA
Joint Hench Quintet Tag: TBA
- The Survivors (Don't Starve Together) (Specifics TBA - there are 16 of them)
Pronouns: TBA
Collective Tag: TBA
🐾 ~ Pets ~ 🐾
- Simon (HOUSE)
Tag: TBA
- Mr. Midnight (Fran Bow)
Tag: TBA
- Chocolate Chip the Mist Wolf (Dark Parables)
Tag: TBA
- Peppy (Honkai: Star Rail)
Tag: 🐾🌟 space station puppy | peppy
I'm pretty sure I have more than that, I'll add them to the list as I post abt them
Fictional Enemies
(I'm tucking them down here, but just know that it's on sight)
- Prince d'Orsay (GreedFall) <- (Main Enemy)
- Royce (Genshin Impact) <- (Main Enemy)
- Draff (Genshin Impact)
- Albert (Genshin Impact)
- Yae Miko (Genshin Impact)
- Herta (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
- The Clown With the Tear-Away Face (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
- Grandmother Raven (Wizard101) (it's on sight but she's also family to me - it's very complicated)
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||The cursed king doll||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here with a little funny drabble for fun. After some asks from anons about a little punishment for a certain king. However, this one is for fun so lets get into it.
||Drabble Summary||
Lets say today was Christmas finally where everyone was enjoying the holidays and taking a break. However, what would happen when Sukuna sent a gift to NYC but it went too far? Seems a certain dragon had enough and asked a special someone to aid her in a little help. The result? Read to find out.
~This is half funny/adorable type of drabble
~crying/freaking out is present in drabble
~scared but adorable Sukuna plush is present in this drabble
((Guests in this drabble))
Taz Hellion, Kinie Ger, and Kisho belong to my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths
Sukuna Ryomen, yuji itadori, nobara kugisaki, megumi fushiguro, and gojo satoru come from the anime jujutsu kaisen but their also muses I rp with.
((Grammar mistakes and errors will be seen and noticed in this but it’s written for fun. I hope you understand but with that, please enjoy <3))
Today was a jolly happy Christmas day, seeing the jujutsu high school being on break while they are spreading cheer and holiday goodness. However, for a few, that was different. Right now, Yuji and KIsho was trying to not laugh while heading to class but their was a angry growling in Yuji's bag while he was walking with him.
Megumi was already in class with Nobara, Taz, Miko, and Yuria wondering where the two boys were.
"Are you sure they are not over sleeping again? I mean, they would be here with you right?" Yuria asked and yet Megumi sighed with a shrug of his shoulders.
"They would be yes but they told me to go ahead and they will see us later when class starts." he looks to the girls but sees Taz tilt her head with Kinie on her head too.
"Maybe their just being lazy again and wasting time. I know my king would not like that." she said simply but grins. "Or maybe chasing them for a good hunt will wake them up."
"Kinie.." Taz sighed.
"Umm..w..well, I'm sure they have a reason...it shouldn't be too bad." she mutters with Gojo wondering where the two were indeed.
"Well, I'm sure they will show. Though, we can wait a bit longer before-" as Gojo said this, the door opens showing Kisho and Yuji had finally arrived.
"Oh! You guys made it!" Taz smiled to her big brother and Kisho though they close the door to walk in but they were trying not to laugh while sitting down.
"Uhhhhh, are you both alright?" Nobara asked but Kisho tries to calm down with snorts and giggles slipping out.
"M..Morning Nobara and everyone else Pfffhh.....*snickers* Were good just having a nice Christmas." he said.
"Uh huh...." Megumi said. "And you too Yuji?" he asked seeing him nod.
"Yep..all good. No worries at all!" he said smiling even if he was lowering his head snickering with Kisho still giggling. The girls blinks now confused while Gojo confused too.
"Itadori is something funny?" He asked.
"No???" the two said snickering more while snorting loudly. Yeah, something was seriously up right now. But now that makes sense, others in school were snickering or giggling about something and the teachers didn't know what was going on. It was rather strange indeed.
For a bit, the two just kept snickering and giggling before Nobara sighing. "Alright that's it. What are you two laughing about!? You been giggling non stop for a while so what is it. What is making you two so giggly?!" Nobara asked before Yuji and Kisho just look at one another before breaking out laughing falling on the ground holding their stomachs.
"Uhhhhhh..." Miko and Yuria was confused.
"Big brother?" Taz said confused and Kinie really confused.
"What the hell?! Why are you two laughing!? What is it!!" Kinie said demanding what is going on.
"Seems like it's pretty funny but were missing the joke here." Gojo said with a pout.
"Not funny Gojo sensei. Guys will you say what is going on?! What is so funny!!" megumi said only for Kisho to show a letter Yuji got to have him read it.
"Huh?" Everyone looks to the letter. Here is what the following letter reads:
'Dear King of Curses, Someone told me that you have been naughty and you like curses so much that you became the King of them. Therefore, here is my gift. You are now someone to toy with and play with. Hope you enjoy the week till the New Year or the upcoming spring....who knows.... Merry Christmas Signed By - Krampus
Megumi was silent reading this as the others were wide eyed then looks at him then at the other two laughing their butts off on the floor. "Hold on....Krampus?" he mutters before something caught Miko's ears.
'Yujiyoudamnidiot! getofftheflooryourfuckingcrushingme!!' said a angry toy like voice that sounded familiar.
"Uhhhhh, guys? Did you hear something?" Miko asked as Taz, Yuria, and Nobara blinks.
"Hear something?" Nobara asked but now the girls were hearing the angry yelling but Yuji hear to sit up but still was laughing catching his breath.
"H..Hold on, hold on.." he said snickering to reach into his bag and sets it on the table but their was movement inside the bag! This made Megumi, Nobara, Taz, Yuria, and Miko tense moving away a bit to see this. What was in the bag????
Gojo blinks to look but that's when something crawls out on all fours showing some sort of doll that looked like Sukuna. "Ughhh...damn brat..." he hissed but he looks seeing he was in a room but noticed the others seeing him.
'Oh damn it..'
"........Uhhhh, is that a doll?" Nobara asked.
"...That is a doll...and it sounds familiar.." Megumi said.
"Yeah...very familiar." Yuria said with Miko agreeing.
"True..." Taz mutters and Kinie looking at it.
Seeing this, Sukuna looks at them but grumbles as he tried to look menacing but couldn't. "What? You haven't seen a stupid doll before?" he said that the other blinks to look.
Both Yuji and Kisho bursts into laughing again falling on the ground with Eito squawking around with tears in it's eyes too to fall rolling on his back too.
"Damn it you three, shut up already! It's not funny!!" he said.
"..W..wait, isn't that...." Miko started but Megumi looks to the letter then to the doll that his eyes were in shock.
"You have got to be kidding me........." he said with his eye twitching.
"Uhhh M..Mr. Sukuna? Is that you?" Taz said worried.
"....Sadly yes Pup...it's me. Damn that stupid Krampus. He'll pay for this insult!" he growls but Kinie was more shocked that she looks to her king.
"My king! What the hell happen to you!?" she said.
"..Don't look at me princess! I look ridiculous in this stupid damn stuff toy!" he said that everyone was shocked but he kept hearing the boys still laughing except for Megumi who looks seeing the girls blink to the doll.
"Honestly I...so it was true? Krampus did this to you?" Yuria said but Miko blinks worried.
"What do you think!?" he shouted.
"Now now, don't shout. That's not nice." Gojo said. "Though, you look adorable as a stuffed doll." he said poking his cheek that Sukuna growls.
"But your adorable though!" he said holding him in his hands.
"LET ME GO YOU FOOL!!" he warns but Nobara takes him.
"You know, he looks so cute like this. Really cute." she said smiling while squeezing him gently.
"Will you stop with the squeezing girl! I demand you stop that or else I'll-" But as he said this, they were not prepared for what happened. A cute like squeak came from Sukuna followed by an adorable tone playing a Christmas song. When it finished playing he said, "
"I Luw you <3"
"o.o" Megumi was silent.
"O.o" Nobara was speechless
"........" was the only thing Yuria said.
"........" Miko was silent covering her mouth.
"........" Finally Taz was quiet to blink.
The group was speechless but Nobara blinks but in a moment...
"Awwwwww!!! That was adorable!" Nobara said squeezing him again hearing the cute squeaks.
"Stop that! Stop-"
"I luw you <3"
"Stop squeezing me you damn-"
"I love huggies and cuddles..."
"Damn it you wench stop-"
"Merry Christmas I love you all.."
Nobara had hearts over her head squeezing and hugging the Sukuna Doll with a smile. "So adorable. This is too cute!!" she giggled that even Miko and Yuria was finding it cute. Even Taz too!
Kinie was in shock but she did admit he was adorable.
"Wow, this is new. I guess Krampus is punishing you for being a naughty boy this year Sukuna-"
"FUCK YOU GOJO!!" he shouted still being squeezed. "PRINCESS HELPPPPPPP!!" This snaps Kinie out of it before she quickly moves to snatch the doll away from the girls to hold the doll in her teeth.
"Enough already! I think you made your point!" Kinie said but Gojo blinks seeing Kinie being cute too. "Besides, you guys need to act like adults here!" she said but as she said this, she looks to her king.
"Are you alright my king?"
"Nooooooo..I feel so humiliated being as this stupid stuff toy." he said.
"Don't worry, we'll find a way to turn you back-"
"You can't. Seems from this letter he's stuck in that doll till new years or till spring....." Megumi said but Sukuna growls angry.
"Damn it!" he said. "Ughhhhh...I hate this." he said.
"Don't worry my king. I'll be here to protect you so don't worry." However, as Sukuna was about to speak, Gojo picks Kinie up who blinks but sees him hold her.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Kinie hisses but Gojo was having hearts over his head too while nuzzling her.
"So adorable! You look so cute too Kinie!"
"Uhhh.."Taz was not expecting that while Kinie was struggling.
"Unhand me right now you idiot teacher! I only belong to my King!" she hissed but he still finds it adorable. Before Sukuna could help her, the girls grab him now squeezing and giggling.
"But your soooo cute!" Nobara said hugging and still squeezing him hearing more squeaks.
"Yeah he's seriously cute!" Yuria said poking his cheek and Miko watching.
"Yep, so cute!" Gojo said happy.
"LET ME GO YOU DAMN TEACHER!!" Kinie hisses but bit his hand to jump down but he chases her with a smile.
"Come back! I want more cuddles!"
Megumi and Taz blinks seeing this going on but he sweatdrops to do a face palm. Still hearing Yuji, Eito, and Kisho laughing even worse.
"...Why? Just fucking why?" Megumi said with Taz sweat dropping too.
This was going to be a while.....While for Sukuna, deep down he was furious.
'I'll kill that damn son of a bitch but I'll punish whoever did this to me. Ohhhh I'll make sure they regret doing this to me...but why do I get the feeling I might know who..' he thought but cute squeaks and hissing was heard in the room but again this might take a while.
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relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
Since one of my favourite things in fanfic is writing tropes that force characters to look at their own character development and how things have changed (amnesia, time travel, de-aging...) and since I shouldn't/can't/probably won't write a different thing for all my ocs (don't think I haven't thought about it, rip). Here's a little list of what kinds of things each character would experience in a story like that and what would freak them out the most about who they become:
Kitiver is really easy, since he'd be deeply horrified by his own fall. The fact that he's still recognisably anxious and still friendly to the people he trusts makes it hurt worse, really, because in his mind it drives home just how close to a fall he is. He's also very, very confused by the fact that Alliance Era him is married to some spy, like. He never really thought romance would be a thing for him and now there's future!Kit getting all touchy and soft over a dude but apparently that had nothing to do with his fall, either? Lots of panic attacks and existential crises in this hypothetical story.
If this is a story where Kaoja meets her future self, she doesn't know why future!Kaoja smiles so much. If this is one of the other options, everyone else is very uncomfortable around her because young Kaoja is so grim and controlled. By the time of the Alliance Kaoja has a husband and a daughter, and her relationship with her kid is extremely fraught for Reasons I'll save for another post, meaning young!Kaoja is walking around like "why does this child hate me???" and nobody wants to tell her because trouble with loved ones has always been the button you don't want to push with her. (Her daughter would have a whole slew of fucked up feelings about the situation, too... oh god i want to write it.)
Exchei is much the same person she was, but her surroundings/circumstance are so vastly different she would feel like she just did a bodyswap. Being on the Dark Council? absolutely insane, no way that's her. All these people who claim to like and trust and obey her? She believes them, or she wants to so badly, but the sudden influx of them makes her feel like there's some ulterior motive to all this. She resorts to seducing anyone she halfway likes the looks of, because if people think she's sexy or are trying to get something out of her that means they like her for a reason. Andronikos takes this in stride, though he proceeds to scare the shit out of her by talking about feelings while the sexytimes are happening since for him that's just normal. Talos is, understandably, deeply appalled. This confuses Exchei even more because why does he like her then
The funniest thing about Rig (funny-sad but also funny-this-is-your-own-fault) is that at first he wouldn't notice a major difference. Still working as a bounty hunter. Still alone. Now he's got clout, apparently, and his childhood best friend is a Sith Lord so good for her, but he doesn't seem to have changed much. Then people keep dancing around certain subjects when they talk to him. Then he meets people who see him and switch directions, people Exchei tells him used to be on his crew. Then someone he's never met before gets mad at him for missing a memorial to Torian, who he also doesn't know he knew, but from the sound of it that's just how this person expected him to act. He starts to see holes, the shapes of people and things he gained and then lost, and maybe if we're very lucky he actually introspects about why that might be (not fucking likely. sigh.)
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currently luz only has a handful of glyph combos—invisibility, the sleeping steam spell she did with hunter, the hover spell, and the combos she got from phillip’s journal. i guess she kind of knows phillip’s teleportation glyph? anyway i’m surprised no one has said anything about trying to make a healing glyph? even if luz doesn’t know how to make one, you’d think she’d at least consider looking into it. healing magic is like. one of the basic things plucky fantasy adventurers need and luz is trope savvy enough to know that.
also it fits with her background. her mom is a vet and literally “heals” animals for a living. growing up with a parent like that, luz would have some interest or at least knowledge in medicine that she’d reasonably connect to magic. once she found out she can make glyph combos one of her first thoughts should have been “cool wonder if i can make a healing spell with that since i keep getting myself into danger.” the healing glyph definitely would have come in handy in the most recent episode where hunter almost died lol.
anyway if they never brought it up i dont think they’ll do anything special with healing glyphs. luz can’t discover every glyph combo for every spell in existence within the show. the fact that she’s “only” learned like 7-8 combos in all of season 2 and only discovered like 3 without phillip, shows how hard it is to discover these things. even if luz is considered to be “fast” at learning glyph magic. healing spells are just such an important part of the repertoire in classical fantasy, so i’m surprised that they barely mentioned it in the show.
#toh#the owl house#luz noceda#shut up pandora#this is because i saw her shirt with the staff of asclepius on it#which is a symbol for doctors and healing#its from her moms vet clinic but it made me think of the possibility of luz as a healer of some sorts in her adventures#obviously thats not her main role but the hexsquad doesn't really have a healer#unless you count hunter supposed first aid skills from the emperors coven#what would be cool is if the rest of luz's friends help her combine glyphs and make a healing glyph#and based on how luz is doing suicidal ideation now#and judging from her shadow in the basement scene in thanks to them#and the pattern of one of luz's owl family members sacrificing themselves to save her every finale#i predict luz is gonna get marcy wu'd while trying to save king and eda or her friends#and obviously she cant die bc shes the plucky teenage protagonist of a tv y7 disney show#so her friends use the healing glyph they came up together to heal whatever fatal wound luz gets#luz is quite literally healed with the power of friendship#weve seen everyone in the hexsquad but willow use glyphs after all#speaking of which willow still needs to have a scene where she uses glyphs i know her plant magic is strong but girl needs to expand#do a little wild magic as a treat connect with the rest of her friends by using glyphs#next episode i want willow to try her hand at using some glyphs#and in episode 3 i want luz to get horribly injured in the self sacrifice she'll inevitably try to pull#and her friends will come through and save her with the magic of friendship and whatnot#idk just a cool idea
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trixstriforce · 1 year
i think four swords adventures Zelda and Link should be like, siblings separated bc of unfortunate circumstance. Like half sibs tho, different moms but same dad. Link's dad didn't want to be king bc he preferred being a knight, plus maybe it was a moment of weakness thing for them both, so Queen Zelda left him as Zelda's guardian in the will but never told anyone he was Zelda's bio dad. He knew tho and kinda pushed Zelda and Link together as kids bc of guilt and bc he kinda wanted Link to have a sibling despite it all
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