#advanced skin care \
bycharnuk · 2 years
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automatonknight · 1 year
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id: a digital drawing of a blue engineer and walenty-an original character. walenty is pale, has long, black hair with horns, a tail and claws. he's wearing square glasses, fingerless gloves, a green, floral shirt over a black tank top and black shorts and shoes. kit is holding a fishing rod in kits right hand. engineer is wearing his hardhat and goggles, a blue shirt, dark blue overalls and brown boots. he also has a fishing rod swung over his shoulder. he and walenty are walking next to eachother, with walenty on the left and engie on the right. the background shows a pine forest. end id
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timdrake-yumm · 1 year
Dick: what are you talking about?! I have therapy like every day! You might even call it advanced therapy!
Tim: for the last time! Your lotion isn’t real therapy!
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sebbyisland · 2 years
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All of this sickening hurting, come have a taste you deserve it
[Image ID: Full body digital illustration of Dabi from My Hero Academia. Dabi strikes a pose with one foot forward, his left hand out stretched in front of him and his right hand carding through his white hair, covering his eyes. He leans his head back, grinning. Dabi is illuminated by a large cyan blue fire behind him. In the top left corner, white bold text in all caps reads “COME DANCE WITH YOUR SON IN HELL.” /End ID]
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Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum
Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum promises a youthful, radiant complexion. Packed with ingredients like retinol and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), it targets wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation. After trying it for several weeks, here's a breakdown of my experience.
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Promising Ingredients and Potential Benefits
The star ingredient of Derma ProGenix is retinol, a proven powerhouse for reducing wrinkles and stimulating collagen production. AHAs, like lactic acid and citric acid, gently exfoliate dead skin cells, promoting brighter and smoother skin. Vitamin C and E, also included, are antioxidants that fight free radical damage, another contributor to aging skin.
On paper, this combination of ingredients tackles various signs of aging. Retinol smooths wrinkles, AHAs brighten and even skin tone, and antioxidants protect from further damage. These ingredients are widely used in anti-aging products for a reason – they have the potential to deliver real results.
Application and Initial Impressions
The serum comes in a pump bottle, making application mess-free. It has a light, pleasant scent and absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving a greasy residue. After using it for a few days, I noticed my skin felt softer and smoother.
However, it's important to note that consistency is key with anti-aging products. It can take several weeks to see noticeable improvements.
Long-Term Effects and Individual Results
After using Derma ProGenix for about six weeks, I did see a slight reduction in the appearance of fine lines around my eyes. My skin tone also appeared more even, with some hyperpigmentation fading. However, deeper wrinkles weren't dramatically reduced.
It's important to remember that individual results can vary. Factors like age, skin type, and genetics all play a role in how a product affects your skin. What works wonders for one person might have subtler effects for another.
Potential Drawbacks and Cautions
While Derma ProGenix is gentle enough for most skin types, it's still important to do a patch test before applying it to your entire face. Retinol can cause dryness and irritation, especially when first starting out. It's also crucial to wear sunscreen daily when using retinol, as it increases sun sensitivity.
Another potential drawback is the lack of readily available information about the brand and the product itself. There's not much transparency regarding the complete ingredient list or scientific studies behind its claims.
Final Verdict: A Cautious Recommendation
Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum contains promising ingredients that may reduce wrinkles, brighten skin tone, and offer some anti-oxidant benefits. I experienced smoother skin and a slightly more even complexion. However, the effects weren't dramatic, and some may find it causes dryness or irritation.
If you're considering Derma ProGenix, be sure to patch test and prioritize sun protection. Additionally, due to the lack of transparency about the brand and product, you might want to consider exploring options from more established skincare companies with readily available ingredient lists and clinical studies.
Buy Now
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thedragonagelesbian · 10 months
lame or not lame to steal a fic title from the title of a medical journal paper...
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dogmatik · 1 year
Three Seconds.
Rick runs his tongue across his teeth, finds a split above his left canine sluggishly oozing blood. He presses into it, the wound covering his soft pallet with liquid-iron. He used to love the taste of blood, it was exciting, made him see red. That was a long time ago, back when he was with the flesh curtains, doing mostly earth coke in the galactic equivalent of shitty truck stops. Now the taste just pisses him off, reminds him that some nameless waste of carbon actually got a hit in. He can feel a drop of spit and blood plop onto his thigh. He spits and the blood splatters a lurid pink against the concrete floor. He'd wipe his face, but his hands are tied around his back, zip ties of all things dig irritating impressions into the thin skin against his wrist. His knees ache where they're pressed against the floor below him, the cold seeping in through his pant legs and promising a good week of creaking pain if he manages to make it out of this shit hole alive. Fuck, he's too old for this shit.
Rick is pulled very sharply from his thoughts when he hears the door open behind him, followed by strong, steady foot falls and much lighter shuffling ones. He recognizes the later, and his guess is confirmed when Morty stumbles into his line of sight. He doesn't look hurt, his clothes are dirty and there's dust sticking to the tear tracks along his cheeks, but no pain graces his features. Just fear. If it weren't for Morty he'd already be out of here, fucking plastic zip ties were the last thing that would stop The Rick Sanchez. His captor knew that though, and they both knew that the ties were really more of a formality anyway. So yeah, he could've left an hour ago, but with the couple of blows to the side of his head knocking loose his augmentation controls he wasn't convinced he'd find Morty wherever they were keeping him on their ramshackle compound before they decided to take him out back and put the sorry little bastard down.
Speaking of, there's a laser gun pressed snug against the base of Morty's skull. Their kidnapper is a Melvonian, bipedal and mostly humanoid apart from their second set of arms, eyes and various other appendages. Wink. This one is male, about middle aged for his species, his skin tone an admittedly pretty shade of mauve. It's a shame, the guys hot, too bad as soon as he lets his guard down he'll be dead. "Morning Sanchez, I've brought your little buddy. Say Hi little buddy." The man grins, shaking Morty by the bruising grip on his bicep. "Ow, H-hi, grandpa Rick." he winces. "So here's the deal. We've got a really important fight coming up, and that portal tech of yours sure would come in handy." "I don't get involved in interstellar politics, and neither does my badass tech. Bite me." The guy shoves the gun harder against Morty's head, eliciting a squeak of fear and causing his knees to wobble like a new born calf. "Don't interrupt me." Rick rolls his eyes, but stays quiet. For Now.
Rick can see the twitch in one of the mans four eyes, he's still smiling, but he looks angry, a little crazed. Damn, it really is a shame this dude's gotta die. Forgive him for thinking with his dick here, but crazy is pretty much the only type that can keep up with Rick for too long, and the guys got two sets of pecs. Drool. "As I was saying, your tech would help us a lot. Someone from my group has tried and failed to get the machine from you peacefully. Clearly peaceful is not a approach you sway to. Now it's my turn. So here is my ultimatum: Give us a working portal gun and blueprints to build more, or I send a laser through your grandson's head. Simple, no?" He cocks his head to the side, tone light, like he's discussing which restaurant he wants to go to and he's not the perpetrator of a goddamn hostage situation. Morty has been so quiet, eyes trained on Rick. It unnerves him, the genuine panic on his grandson's face. He needs to focus.
Rick's been doing some mental math, trying to figure out how to get through the zip ties and the gun out of this big idiots hand before he pulls the trigger. He can see the safety is on, but he'd recognize a Fentel 16 anywhere, and you can bypass the safety by pressing down the trigger and holding for three seconds. Kinda always struck Rick as defeating the purpose of the safety, but the Fentel series is pretty much exclusively used by criminals, so the company only put a safety on the thing in the first place to get past Galactic Federation manufacturing guidelines. He's not sure he can get to Morty in 3 seconds from here. He needs to think of something, fast. "Listen muscle man, I'm telling you I'm not giving you or your little gang my portal tech. I don't care how righteous you think your cause is, there's a billion other warmongering douchebags in this star system alone who think the exact same thing. I'm not contributing to that." The guys fucking built. Rick isn't short by any means, a cool 6'4" un-slouched, but this guy has at least a foot or so on him. Plus he's pretty sure the dudes forearm is at least the size of his thigh; side note again: Drool. Anyway, he's not sure he can take him in a wrestling match for that gun, especially considering the two extra arms. If Morty reacted quick enough maybe, but the kids little wrists are bound like Ricks are, and he looks scared enough to be nauseous. Rick can't count on him on this one.
"I've been following you a long time, I can tell when you're stalling." Rick can talk a fish out of water on good days, but revolutionary types are a notoriously stubborn breed. He'd know, he was one. Still is, though its been a while since he's been in a fight over anything but his own self-interest. That thought stings just a little. Don't have time for that one, Back in the vault it goes. Rick can see Morty trembling, and can see his chest stuttering when he holds his breath to stop the shakes. It makes Rick's chest hurt a little, like something in there was knocked loose the same time his augmentations were. Rick stops looking at him. "Morty's a shit bargaining chip by the way, Broh. I've got a coupon for a new one from the citadel in my back pocket right now." Rick bares his teeth, smells his own blood on his breath. "Besides, I've been to your pitiful little planet shit for brains, I know your species has a thing about killing kids. You're all too sentimental." Their captor laughs, two of his four eyes squeezed shut in mirth, the other two still diligently trained on Rick "For The Rick Sanchez? I'm willing to make an exception." He grins, double canines glittering blue-white as he switches the safety off and the gun comes alive with a mechanical hum, neon purple lights flicking on incrementally, indicating the charge.
Fuck, there go his three seconds.
#tadaaa#rick and morty#fanfiction#rick and morty fanfiction#r&m#writing#Melvonians#alien species i made up for this fic. theyve got four arms. four eyes. a set of human-ish genitalia. skin tones range from blue to red.#will probably build a little more for them? their planet is called Milvos. theyre decently technologically advanced.#theyre under galactic federation jurisdiction obvi. but at the time of this writing theyre in the midst of a civil war abt planetary border#basically theres rlly only a few habitable portions of their planet. and theres government bodies controlling those portions. they require#certain prereqs for individuals to gain access to those places. theres a sizable group(that this guy is apart of) who believe these borders#shouldnt exist and cause unnecessary and avoidable harm.#thats why the want the portal gun tech. to infiltrate these gorvernment bodies and either demand change or execute dissenters.#the fentel series of lazer guns r manufactured by tentellis corp. mainly a weapons manufacturer#but they do some defense/security stuff too. mostly lasers tbh.#the fentel series is one of like 7 or 8 gun series theyve made. fentel series are hand-guns#theyre on of the better mid-priced hand guns. so theyre very common#anyway no one cares abt my pretend guns#G-126#dats this rick and mortys designation btw#g-126 morty is much less competent/confident then c-137#hes skittish but much more sincere and empathetic. this in part bc g-126 rick is a comparetively tender guy#like theyre still assholes dont get me wrong. but g-126 takes shit way mire seriously. he makes it clear he cares about his family.#that gives morty the room to b vulnerable more often. which in turn helps him retain at least Some of his childlike traits#uh idk i might write more about this dimension. diane didnt get like. blown up they just divorced LOL#bc rick is still rick and he was kinda too young when he got diane preggers#also rick is autistic and so is morty because i said so#they bond over it. although rick is an asshole abt it. but he does let morty info dump on him abt shit he already knows so.#uh wow writing a novel in the tags sorry
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promainstitute · 2 years
Makeup Artist Courses in Delhi By Proma Institute
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Join the best Makeup Academy in Delhi to become a skilled makeup professional. We offer beginner to advanced courses to meet your career aspirations.
Unleash Your Creativity and Turn Your Passion for Makeup into a Professional Career with the Best Makeup Academy in Delhi NCR. Proma Institute of Cosmetology offers makeup, hair, and beauty courses to help individuals uncover their hidden talent and become skilled makeup, professionals.
This academy is renowned for its innovative curriculum and state-of-the-art facilities, but what truly sets it apart is its emphasis on fostering excellence, creativity, and innovation.
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hairnskintips · 21 days
Guide to Finding the Best Skin Specialist in Pune for Your Skin Needs
Healthy skin not only boosts confidence but also reflects your overall well-being. With increasing pollution, stress, and lifestyle changes, skin issues have become common for many people. Whether it's acne, pigmentation, aging, or other skin concerns, seeking professional help from a skin specialist in Pune can be your first step toward healthier skin.
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Pune is home to several dermatologists and skin care clinics, but it’s important to find the right one who can cater to your specific needs. Skin specialists, or dermatologists, are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of skin conditions, from common problems like acne and eczema to more complex skin diseases.
Why Visit a Skin Specialist?
Visiting a skin specialist in Pune can help address various concerns, including acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, and even chronic skin diseases like psoriasis or dermatitis. Rather than relying on over-the-counter products or home remedies, which may not always be effective, a dermatologist provides personalized treatments based on your skin type and condition.
Dermatologists also stay updated with the latest advancements in skincare technology, including laser treatments, chemical peels, and microneedling, which can deliver better results for skin rejuvenation and acne scar reduction. So, if you are struggling with post-acne marks, considering an Acne scars treatment in Pune could be a game-changer for your skincare routine.
How to Choose the Best Dermatologist in Pune?
Choosing the best dermatologist in Pune can be daunting with so many options available. Here are a few factors to consider while selecting a specialist:
Qualifications and Experience: A well-trained and experienced dermatologist is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Look for a specialist with certifications and years of practice in dermatology.
Specialization: If you have a specific skin issue like acne scars, pigmentation, or hair loss, opt for a dermatologist who specializes in that area. For example, those seeking effective Acne scars treatment in Pune should visit a dermatologist with expertise in scar reduction techniques like laser therapy, chemical peels, or microneedling.
Treatment Options: Check whether the dermatologist offers advanced treatments such as laser therapy, botox, fillers, and skin tightening procedures. These options ensure that you have access to a broad range of solutions tailored to your skin’s needs.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Always go through reviews and patient testimonials to understand their experience with the dermatologist. Positive reviews reflect a trustworthy and reliable skin specialist.
Common Treatments Offered by Skin Specialists
A skin specialist in Pune offers various treatments for skin health, some of which include:
Acne Treatment: This includes topical treatments, oral medications, chemical peels, or laser therapy to control acne outbreaks and minimize scarring.
Anti-Aging Solutions: Specialists provide options like botox, dermal fillers, and laser resurfacing to reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.
Scar Treatment: For those looking for Acne scars treatment in Pune, dermatologists use techniques like chemical peels, microneedling, and laser resurfacing to diminish scars and even out the skin’s texture.
Pigmentation Correction: Uneven skin tone or hyperpigmentation can be corrected with treatments like chemical peels or laser toning.
Importance of Consulting a Skin Specialist
Skin problems are often complex, and self-treatment without proper diagnosis can worsen the issue. A qualified skin specialist in Pune will evaluate your skin condition, understand your lifestyle and habits, and suggest personalized treatments that can deliver long-lasting results. Additionally, visiting a dermatologist regularly can help prevent future skin problems, and you’ll be able to maintain healthier skin in the long run.
In conclusion, whether you're dealing with acne, aging skin, or pigmentation issues, finding the best dermatologist in Pune is crucial for effective and safe treatment. Don't hesitate to reach out to a specialist for comprehensive skin care, as it’s always better to get professional guidance than experiment with unverified methods.
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mdilip948 · 21 days
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Aesthetic Courses School | Laser Aesthetics | Skin Courses Join skin courses at VLCC Institute, one of the leading beauty training institutes. Make a career in skincare with VLCC Institute top online courses in skin.AESTHETICS & SKIN Aesthetics course is an integral part of Cosmetology and is a booming assiduity in Beauty and Wellness. Career OpportunityOn the successful completion of course in Aesthtics, good campaigners are supported for placement to work as Ray Aestheticians under Dermatologists or in Medispa or Laser Conventions.At VLCC Institute, aspiring Hairstylists can enroll into different Aesthetic Courses as per their conditions. It offers Advance Diploma in Aesthetics and Advance Diploma in Laser Aesthetics – where pupil experience the rearmost technology and assiduity norms.The courses are designed by rehearsing Dermatologists of VLCC and trainings are conducted and supervised by educated Croakers and Trained Aestheticians. Scholars at VLCC Institute are given knowledge about Basics of Skin to Ray Treatments so that they're ready to work in the assiduity post completion of their course.
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bycharnuk · 1 year
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glowingskindiaries · 1 month
The Future of Beauty: Upcoming Innovations
The beauty industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovations emerging to enhance our skincare and aesthetic routines. The future of beauty promises even more advanced treatments and products designed to deliver better results with greater efficiency and precision. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most exciting upcoming innovations in the beauty industry, the…
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prakashskinclinic · 2 months
When it comes to your skin, you deserve nothing but the best care and treatment. At Prakashskinclinic, we pride ourselves on being the leading dermatology clinic in Ranchi, providing top-notch services to address all your skin concerns. With a team of highly qualified dermatologists and advanced treatment options, we ensure that you receive the best care for your skin health.
Why Choose Prakashskinclinic?
Expert Dermatologists: Our clinic is home to some of the best dermatologists in Ranchi. Led by Dr. Prakash, a renowned expert with years of experience in dermatology, our team is dedicated to diagnosing and treating a wide range of skin conditions. From common issues like acne and eczema to complex skin disorders, we have the expertise to provide effective solutions.
Comprehensive Skin Care Services: At Prakashskinclinic, we offer a comprehensive range of dermatological services to cater to all your skin needs. Our services include:
Acne Treatment: Say goodbye to stubborn acne with our customized treatment plans that target the root cause of your breakouts.
Anti-Aging Solutions: Combat signs of aging with our advanced anti-aging treatments, including Botox, fillers, and chemical peels.
Skin Allergy Management: Our dermatologists specialize in diagnosing and treating various skin allergies, providing relief and improving your skin’s health.
Psoriasis and Eczema Care: Get specialized care for chronic skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema with our tailored treatment plans.
Skin Cancer Screening: Early detection is crucial for effective treatment. We offer thorough skin cancer screenings to ensure your skin’s health.
Advanced Technology: We believe in staying at the forefront of dermatological advancements. Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern equipment to provide you with the best possible care. From laser treatments for skin rejuvenation and hair removal to advanced diagnostic tools, we ensure precision and effectiveness in every treatment.
Personalized Care: At Prakashskinclinic, we understand that every patient’s skin is unique. That’s why we offer personalized care tailored to your specific needs. Our dermatologists take the time to understand your concerns, conduct thorough examinations, and create customized treatment plans that deliver optimal results.
Patient-Centric Approach: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We strive to create a welcoming and comfortable environment where you feel cared for and valued. Our friendly staff is always ready to assist you, ensuring a seamless and pleasant experience from consultation to treatment.
Visit Prakashskinclinic Today
Don’t let skin problems affect your confidence and well-being. Trust the best dermatologist in Ranchi at Prakashskinclinic to provide you with the highest standard of skin care. Whether you’re dealing with a specific skin condition or seeking preventive care, we are here to help you achieve healthy, glowing skin.
Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, more radiant complexion. Contact Prakashskinclinic at [phone number] or visit our website [website URL] to learn more about our services and book your consultation.
Experience the difference at Prakashskinclinic – where your skin’s health and beauty are our top priorities.
READ MORE.....Best Dermatologist in Ranchi Skin Doctor in Ranchi Prakash Skin Clinic
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health-in-day · 2 months
Say goodbye to your wrinkles!
Make you look 10 years younger The serum helps to eliminate wrinkles and feel much younger and increases self-esteem and self-confidence!
You can also achieve this effect on your skin
👉👉👉👉Take a look at the (OFFICIAL SITE)
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kbkhospitals · 2 months
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Pressure Ulcers https://kbkhospitals.com/non-healing-wounds-best-treatments.php
Bedsores, pressure sores, non-healing pressure ulcers, ulcer management, pressure ulcer treatment, preventing pressure ulcers, chronic wound care, wound care therapy, skin ulcers, advanced wound care, wound healing techniques, ulcer prevention, wound care specialists
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gencbeauty · 3 months
Innovative Skincare Solutions: Advanced Clinical Product Overview
Discover Advanced Clinicals, where skincare meets innovation.  From collagen-boosting serums to hydrating oils infused with botanical extracts and vitamins C & E, each product is designed to enhance skin elasticity, promote radiance, and combat signs of aging. Visit Gen C Beauty
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