#adv news
thesonicstadium · 6 months
Don't hold your breath for a re-release of #SonicTheMovie OVA - SEGA is reportedly missing key music & voice actor royalty paperwork preventing the English language dub from ever being released again. #SonicNews #SonicTheHedgehog
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danwhobrowses · 4 months
So Callowmoores am I alone in thinking it was cute that Fearne helped carry Ashton to the city? Like there's the parallel also with Ashton carrying her into the Bloody Bridge as well
#might just be that the callowmoore tag isn't showing everything it's just I didn't see it get brought up by anyone#Ashley/Fearne was well into Ash's Titan stuff too#2 points of exhaustion though is indeed rough can see why Fearne didn't wanna test everything at Mori's#Ash probably overdid it because they've been charmed/lured twice now and want to contribute positively#plus they couldn't tell Imogen to push themselves if they don't do the same#they're trying just like they promised and it needs to be shown encouragement and appreciation for it#Grog on the moon theory is at a crossroads next ep#still candela next so I gotta ration these crumbs; ironically this parallel will also carry me to the next episode#though I'd always be open to a big ol' slice of the shippy cake when time appropriate#Fearne could test her new rogue skills to mage hand pickpocket Ashton maybe? or just anything sweet and tender between them#or more sticking up for one another and endorsing each other's chaos I just need to be fed#also the New Mutants character Tal is thinking of is called Warlock btw - looks like FCG if he wore The Mask#Ashley hinted at possible 'talking and then bed' not to (totally to) insinuate#Dire Wolves also have high perception and adv on attack rolls if an ally is 5m from a creature so Fearne was thinking tactically too#maybe I talk too much on tags...#callowmoore#tag reader bonus: Fearne loves it when Ashton kisses the back of her neck - she got a tattoo of their name there to surprise them#fearne calloway#ashton greymoore#fearne x ashton#ashton x fearne#critical role#cr3#cr3e86#cr spoilers#critical role spoilers#rockwild#bells hells
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taichi-x-koushiro · 3 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KOUTAI} / {Taishiro[u]} / {TaiKou}
"In Paris I spent my first night in Montmartre. In all those nightclubs where now everyone is my friend I went from discovery to discovery. Everywhere I encountered the same warm, smiling welcome, the same excellent champagne…everywhere my cap, my light beige suit, and my suede shoes made a sensation." "Panama" Al Brown {x} {Queer History}
Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary Pop-Up Shop {x} "DIGIGIFT" Official Calender/Wallpaper {x} (Note: Full version of latter contains #TheBeginningSpoilers for Taichi's full design, and a potential aftermath or in-between for the film!)
(Anyway, I need an A.U. like this where Taichi runs into +French-speaking Koushiro in France, {in Tri: Saikai, Koushiro is canonically attempting learning some French, and as the cap above shows, takes Koushiro's parents to a fancy French restaurant - it is also heavily implied it's Koushiro paying for their meal, as well as helping them order} and Taichi's "beige suit" and shoes "make a sensation" for someone we all Know...)
Fan Edit by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Reproduce My Works Under Any Circumstances}
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dominicsorel · 8 months
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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Digimon Adventure {Franchise} + Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning {Movie} ~ 2012!TAICHI YAGAMI & (Ramen chef)!Daisuke Motomiya Serving (as Friendly)! [+bonus Vmon!] {DigiGift! (Official Art) From HERE} {"DigiGift" was a series of official revival artworks originally released one at a time on/around the 1st of every month featuring various characters from various Digimon anime!} April 2024's calender image was the very first featuring Taichi Yagami's full design from "The Beginning" film in near-full outside of being seen in initial previewed clips of the 1st minutes of the film!
Though it's not clear if this kind of scene would take place during or after the film, one can imagine where it might be placed in context with the later story! ("The Beginning" canonically takes place in 2012; Taichi's age should be around 22~ by Kizuna, and, 23-going-on-24 by "The Beginning"'s timeline!) Daisuke, who is always listed canonically as 2~ years younger exactly with no variation, should be around 21-going-on-22!)
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transpetrikov · 18 days
ok i like distant lands and some of fionna and cake but these spinoffs are starting to bother me. i feel like its just losing its identity with each thing they create. i remember the series ending being so impactful, but now, with this, it's not as much. distant lands was a nice glimpse but it really should've ended there (and had a simon special). sorry for being pessimistic ig -_-
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hikari-m · 1 month
Just Koushiro Fan Base Things
Official DigiTwit: "25th anniversary Adventure Special Vid announced!!!" Koushiro fan-base, huddling together hoping we get even literal SCRAPS of GOOD New animated Koushiro screentime:
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{By me} {DO NOT R E P O S T} (A S K to U S E)
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izzyizumi · 11 months
M E: EVERYONE SHUT UP the Digimon Adventure 02 theme song "TARGET ~AKAI SHOUGEKI~" is playing!!!!
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digitalgate02 · 3 months
Though based on previous posts i saw in the 02TB tag last year, i'm being very blunt here and i'm so sorry for it: I don't want the canon to solve Kizuna's partnership dissolution issue for us. I think it would be better leaving things up to the audience to imagine and find out the answer than having someone come in with a brand new movie related to Kizuna & 02TB with an official solution that could ruin peeps' hardwork on building up theories and answers for it.
Besides... I think it's just too boring leaving the official to do the part of giving answers for everything. We as fans can come up with interesting ideas so i think they all expect us to come up with our own interpretations and answers. I mean, i don't even need Taguchi & co. or SekiP & Kakudou confirming my own theories and headcanons to have fun 😅
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wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
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kideternity · 4 months
Hey quick question. Why does Impmon fucking sound like that
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dragongirlbunny · 1 year
man arr just. really doesnt give you a lot of time with characters huh.
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
Seeking SPN plots!!!
My style is advanced literate / novella, I tend to always exceed the Discord limit with each post. I write third person past tense.
I'm looking for someone who:
• Is 18+
• Can write for multiple characters
• Can reply a few times a day at least
• Is at least literate to advanced style
I'm not sensitive to dark and angsty plots, I actually prefer them. I'm not looking for a purely romantic story, I want drama, action, and lots going on that will keep us entertained.
I would write for Sam, though can write for others too and love to double.
I have a few ideas in minds based off storylines I enjoyed in the show.
Send me a message to discuss further!
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When will my beloved (Aponia from hi3) come back from the war (be featured in expansion supply)
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childhoodtheme · 1 year
watched the craig of the creek episode where the secret keeper admits to having a crush on george and god i still cant get over how wonderful and freeing and refreshing it is to have such unabashed queer rep in children’s animation now but as i was lamenting to my brother i cant help but lament what adventure time could have been if the same was allowed for them 😭 seeing kelsey x stacks, the witches, the honeysuckle rangers, imagining the sweetness of just how much bubbline we could have gotten ohhhhhhhhh ❤️‍🩹 i wish there could be an adventure time reboot where everything is the exact same but they’re allowed to let loose with their bubbline story building
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
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{Updated 25th A n n i v e r s a r y A R T}
+For ADVENTURE Exhibition in J A P A N!! {Aug 10th~25th 2k24!!}
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