soolegal · 7 months
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In India, various laws are intended to achieve a social purpose and to provide a quick, affordable and rapid mechanism for providing support and maintenance to children.
Link: https://bit.ly/3eTJHF9
To know more, Contact SoOLEGAL.
Contact Details: 📞 +91 98109 29455 📧 [email protected]
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20westlegal · 8 months
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When a child turns 18, it's a legal game changer. Suddenly, you're no longer in charge of their decisions.
It's a worrying thought – if an emergency occurs, you could be left powerless. Our latest article breaks down the essentials.
Read more and step confidently into this new chapter with your child. https://bit.ly/mychildturns18
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nightengale82 · 10 months
Healing Messy Mommy #11
I forgive myself
for not knowing what to do
when you left.
I forgive myself for being in such
and denial
that I didn’t allow myself to cry for the next 30 years.
I forgive myself
for blaming me,
I forgive myself for turning my
grief and despair
anger and self harm.
I forgive myself for spending
the best years of my life
wanting to die.
I forgive myself for thinking that I had to be perfect in order to be loved.
I forgive myself for making everyone around me suffer.
I forgive myself
for constantly choosing to put myself in danger, poverty, torment and abuse,
because it felt familiar.
I forgive myself for never having any confidence in myself,
I was just trying to survive.
I forgive myself for being conditioned,
not to DARE
for anything good in my life.
I forgive myself for never believing in myself enough:
to take chances,
to be vulnerable,
to take risks…
Or to let anyone really see me
Or who I really am…
Because then,
they might leave too.
I forgive myself for repeating all the harmful, toxic behaviors
I learned from you,
with children of my own.
I forgive myself for hating myself
for not knowing how to live,
how to take care of myself,
When no one
taught me how.
I forgive myself
for not knowing
to forgive you.
I meet myself
In the space of forgiveness
that as I
And as I let
fill the hollow space
inside my bones
One day
I will learn:
how to forgive
you, too.
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onion-mp3 · 1 year
adultchild - oh happy day
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artist: adultchild | 어른아이
title: oh happy day
album: merry lonely christmas and happy new year
official release: yes
release date: 2010-12-09
file format: mp3
kbit/s: 128
download: mega | mediafire
the one on youtube has a slight sound error in the beginning, but this one is clean. i donwloaded it from some mp3 sharing website i can't seem to find anymore. enjoy!
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crushcardvirus · 2 years
if you held a gun to my head and made me kin a yugioh character I would probably choose pegasus
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inlifepursuit · 2 years
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Also i think i wanna adress rq regarding minority/punk/nonconformist/etc characters is that you guys Are So Fucking Annoying with the them becoming nepotism babies headcanons and jokes.I get that you guys grew up with stable and regular money but i only got privileges on special occasions and even then not on all of them so i don't get the appeal at all and you hoes sound spoiled asf to me.I made do with computer and phone games and now thanks to one of my friend's an emulator too and have never had a physical console,almost all my clothes have always been from low price stores,i was happy with normal birthday parties instead of grand extragavanzas,my cousins pets were as good my own,i've gone on fancy resort vacations exactly 3 times in all my 22 years and they were never close in date and completely payed by relatives who live several provininces away that i do not ask special gifts constantly because that's fucking weird and there's no fast food places close to my villa so those were all a few times a year thing.And now i'm learning how to make my favorite fast foods because of the boycotts and clothes i want too and even copies of merch of my favorite media but even better because i can make them look exactly how i want and i also donate money i make from helping out at my abuela's store.I do not want to be a never has to lift a finger rich adultchild with neglectful parents that i can't help but love for some reason,that sounds like a fucking nightmare
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nekomimineurosurgery · 10 months
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angel / kay, 24, dressed up adultchild (they/he)
gemini sun, aquarius moon, pisces rising
active on insta @ rainbowphilia and twt @ boyfluttershy
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*looks like* your childhood friend's bedroom, harajuku on a weekend in 2002, knock off magical girl merchandise at the flea market
*feels like* playing gameboy on a late summer night, vibrating bass at a rave, being high on lsd
*sounds like* novice happy hardcore mixes, an obscure moe anime ost, 2000s emo bands playing over an iHome
*tastes like* melon calpico, menthol cigarettes, sour gummy worms
*smells like* strawberries and cream, basement mildew, body fantasies perfumes
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☆ follow = friend ^__^ inbox and dms are always welcome !
☆ trigger warning for posts around medical related themes, drugs, trauma, venting! nsfw is rare / tagged except on sideblog
☆ no dni i just block anybody annoying or hateful
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hardcore heaven - alice gas
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Playing Hogwarts Legacy as an adult, a different POV. (Possible SPOILERS ahead, please beware)
Okay, hear me out:
When the game was announced I was super excited about the Dark Arts path, so of course as soon as I was able to play I immediately headed for that route.
But then that scene where you have to duel Sebastian happened and I thought "damn, OC is an insane duelist!" soooo... I guess my mind kind of spiraled from there because I somehow got this headcanon that OC was actually undercover at Hogwarts.
Oddly got their letter at a later age, mad skillz™️, really polite and mature... Makes sense, right?
But I don't want to be an Auror. I want to be EVIL!
So, how about an Ashwinder? Victor Rookwood is a pretty cool villain: charismatic af, kinda good looking; I can see us chilling while watching dragons fight- no wait, I hate poachers with a passion. I love magical beasts. No way my OC would ever harm one or stand by and watch as one gets hurt.
And theeeeennnnn... I met professor Aesop Sharp. 10/10 "your daughter/son/adultchild calls me daddy too". I'd like to say it was love at first sight but it was the whole "acknowledging responsibility" speech that got me.
And before you call me weird... I'm in my twenties and as much as I love the "companions" that the game lets you have, I can't physically bring myself to ship my OC with a teenager. Big no no. Weirds me the f out.
So behold, the ultimate headcanon that has been living rent free in my head since the release:
OC is a rogue ashwinder who betrayed the - organisation? Cult? Club? Ah whatever you get it - and somehow found a way to disguise themselves as a student to avoid repercussions. After all, hogwarts is a pretty safe place. They could easily stay under the radar until things had calmed down a bit.
Unless... Unless some students decided they were tired of poachers and ashwinders and decided to take the matter into their own hands. So what was oc supposed to do? Just look the other way and hide while kids got slaughtered?
Nope. Their conscience was screaming enough as it was, they couldn't let it get any louder. So they help Poppy and Nat and try their best to keep Sebastian safe while he dabbles in the dark arts (after all, they know first hand how futile it is to try and smother that fire. You need to get burnt to learn.).
Until they go too far, they become a problem. Rookwood is pissed. Avada Kedavra pissed. Life or death. Their young and foolish friends or them.
It's an easy choice, really.
They drop the spell/potion/ancient magic/whatever that made them seem younger, so the focus is on them. Rookwood's rage is on them.
The shock, the drama.
Your trusted hogwarts companion was an Ashwinder all along. Former ashwinder, but does it really matter to a teenager who only sees the world as black and white?
Would it matter to the professor OC fell for? To the other professor, the one who guided them through the keepers' trials? Or to sweet professors Weasley and Garlick, who went above and beyond to teach them everything they knew?
Would it matter to the aurors who would eventually capture them?
Ladies, gentlemen and fine people, this is my headcanon. This would be my OC (if I was a skilled modder).
Thank you for coming to my -delirious- TED talk.
(and if you have similar or opposite headcanon, please drop them below. I would love to read them!)
Edit: I actually wrote a fic inspired by this! It's gender neutral (You POV) and I had a lot of fun with it!
Here's the link:
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reality-rogue · 12 days
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#emotional #pain #inner #strength #dysfunctional #family #recovery #scapegoat #alchoholism #adultchild
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no-where-new-hero · 7 months
✣ Blake Wrapped: Music Edition 🎵
Spotify Wrapped felt pretty inaccurate for me this year since I did a lot of listening in November after it stopped counting and also did a lot of listening during the spring on Youtube (as well as from library downloads), so I decided to make my own list of my 12 songs that defined the year.
Han Suji—Winter is coming (Goblin OST) This one haunts me. it’s sad and hopeful and sweeping and bittersweet and makes me feel like a hole is being carved out of my heart (in a good way).
Key—Killer Key is known as a member of Shinee but I think he really makes a mark as a soloist. His past two albums were incredible.
Florence and the Machine—What Kind of Man @blackcatwalking got me into this album over the summer, and sometimes you just need to listen to Florence yelling in a song to feel better about life
Phoebe Bridgers—Waiting Room Every so often this song becomes relevant in my life again, and each time it continues to hit the same way.
The National—Once Upon a Poolside I know there is a canon explanation for this song. I have my own explanation for what it means (gay yearning) and it is Correct.
Sufjan Stevens—So You Are Tired I like the whole Javelin album but this one has stuck with me most.
Hozier—Abstract (Psychopomp) I guess this one had to be here since it was my Spotify #1!
Adultchild—Sad Thing THE song of the Coffee Prince soundtrack—it has the soul of the drama for me.
Lennon Stella—Golf on TV I listened to a song off this album when it came out and, after digging it out of an old playlist, discovered the whole album really slaps.
TXT—Chasing That Feeling This is the epitome of Kpop for me—upbeat, simultaneously vintage and futuristic, catchy song, pretty visuals, the works. I’ve missed enjoying a song this instantly.
WayV—Poppin' Love I’m really proud of WayV for this comeback after all they suffered these past two years and just happy they still make great music.
Taemin—Guilty The Catholic Twink really said I’m religious and gay in this song, and I’m living for it (wish the MV showed it a bit more though. Give me that medieval blood and gold :( )
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soolegal · 2 years
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In India, various laws are intended to achieve a social purpose and to provide a quick, affordable and rapid mechanism for providing support and maintenance to children. Link: https://bit.ly/3eTJHF9 To know more, Contact @SoOLEGAL. Contact Details: 📞 +91 98109 29455   📧 [email protected] 🌎 https://lnkd.in/dfXhXaHc
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thermesiini · 8 months
started watching psych but i cant stand that fucking brand of 2006 adultchild white boy character
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lavander-yarn · 2 years
For the music ask : 1,2,5,7,10,15 ^^ 🦋
1. What is/are your top album(s) this year? Fazerdaze's Break! I'm loving the EP (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)
2. Name some of your top songs from this year.
Come apart - fazerdaze 🤭
Boa - Sam Gendel and Sam Wilkes
Star - adultchild 🥺
Underwater - Sun's signature
Frío - Agris
5. Name some bands you wish you had seen before they broke up. The original pumpkins 🎃
7. What is the worst show you ever saw? um it was at highschool ten years ago, some amateur kids played don't speak by no doubt ashfhfbf
10. What music keeps your warm during the winter? This CD! (Not my picture)
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And also visions by grimes lol... Guilty pleasure
15. Name an artist you used to like but don't anymore. Um grimes hahaha, Billy Corgan, sonic youth. I have a love-hate relationship with all of them
Thank you dear Chuck 🦋 i send you a hug and a cup of coffee ☕✨
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4thmagicwielder · 2 months
There's so many porn artists on twitter that are lame as fuck for several reasons, and one of the notable reasons is them thinking that sexually harrassing people for arguing something they're politically against is funny or socially acceptable. Basically sometimes you'll have someone say to not do something horny, or that something sexual is problematic, or that porn is political, a variety of things really regardless of the quality of said arguments and whether they're right or wrong, and the porn artist in question will comment or quote tweet the person with pornography they know they wouldn't want or be against. It's literally pissfit, adultchild ass sexual harrassment from lame ass niggas that can't take criticism from someone that ain't said nothing directly to them and whose first impulse is to sexually harrass the person they disagree with for having a political take they disagree with. Big fuckheaded loser garbage ass behaviour from people you probably wouldn't want to be around or associated with given their impulse to sexually harrass people.
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filmaticbby · 3 months
Found out about Adultchild through your twin peaks inspired spotify playlist ages ago and actually can't thank you enough like OMG! Can't help you with finding out anything about them though feel like you need to know korean 😢
need a korean friend pls
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