ofemeraldstars · 1 month
@adsagsona asked: “im NOT jealous ” Gann
Thinya glared at Gann after he said that. He had just spoiled a potential date with a man by appearing out of nowhere, like a knight in shinning armour saving a damsel in distress. "Then why did you do this if you are NOT jealous?" She fired back. After this whole mess, Thinya decided to confront her friends in the streets of New York, seeking for an answer to his behaviour. Why was he acting this way? They were only sex friends, nothing more. If she wanted to date men, she was allowed to wasn't she?
"Tell me, Gann." Thinya said in a cold tone. "What is the matter with you? Why can't I have a date with a man without having you interrupting us and acting as if you were a jealous boyfriend? Have you heard what he said? He looked at me with so much disappointment in the eyes and told me he didn't know I was in a relationship!" She shouted. "Now people think I am an adulterous bitch!" Her green hues showed pain as she then added: "So tell me for once and for all, what do YOU want Gann? Be honest."
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He won’t ever be used of being a slave. Here, or there, in this house or another… It has been a few years, and still, his freedom felt like it was just right in front of him. Behind those walls and those streets. Just a few steps away. And yet here he was, sold again a few weeks ago, following his new dominus wherever he goes, coming back with him to his ludus, bringing the wine in his arms to the kitchen. Then, his duty would bring him to assist Doctore, taking care of the equipment, assuring the water whenever it was needed.
The men were training, gladiators and recruits. Kade observed them carefully. A part of him – only a part – envied them. Training to fight, to become stronger… If he could forget about the arena for a moment, he could remember how were his mentor’s lessons.
I am a feather in the eagle’s wing. A living dagger, plunged from the sky into the heart of chaos. I am a truth unknown, a scabbard unfilled, a son of the Nile, and a defender of the people. You cannot kill me, for I walk among the dead. Come forth by day, and I will guide you home.
He was repeating those words every day, once each morning, fearing to forget them if he ever skips them. A teaching he wouldn’t hear in this place where the gladiators fought for the glory, the rewards. “Wine and women” as they say, laughing. And nobody was laughing louder than Gannicus.
Kade looked at him, of course he knew his name. The favorite gladiator of House Batiatus. The man was a legend here. And he was fighting and fighting, two swords, no shield, like he always does. He was better than his opponent: stronger, faster, more agile… it was like watching a cat playing with his food.
Doctore gave an order, and Kade obeyed. He brought water in the courtyard; in a few seconds the men will be allowed a break.
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huntresscaraquinn · 3 months
Continued from here:
Time travel wasn’t spoke of often, but she knew it was possible in the supernatural world, had heard the stories of those who had gone through it and - obviously - returned. Still, none of the cases she’d worked lately were even remotely related to it, which led her to believe this was tied to one of the many supernatural creatures she’d pissed off in her time as a hunter. Or it could somehow be connected to Analiese; she always did love to play the long game - even more so if that game involved some sort of new pain or torture. Regardless, one moment she’d been fighting off a number of men in her motel room (it had to be men to break through all of her signs and sigils and salt lines), and the next she was unconscious. When she came to... At first she thought she’d just been dumped somewhere, but it wasn’t taking her long to put the pieces together. “What’s the difference between wandering them alone and getting on a horse with a man that I don’t know?” The answer to that was the sound of gunshot piercing the air. In an instant, the man was sending his horse away while bidding her to come with him. And with little choice in the matter - considering she couldn’t pull any of her own guns - she followed after him.
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kit-just-kit · 5 months
*(Closed starter for @adsagsona - Conwoman verse)*
While his back was turned, she hoisted herself up on the barstool, took a fifty from her purse and laid it out on the bartop, then fixed on a beaming smile. He might not be that happy to see her, but the money would help make him amenable to her proposition.
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"Hello Gann, it's been a while" Kit greeted, sliding the bill nearer. "I'll take a Grey Goose, double, on the rocks please?".
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the-life-we-fear · 1 year
Blood dripped down Liana's arm. Her skin burned as she ran through the forest, branches snapping back at her as she ran past creating more scratches along her skin, tearing more of the fabric of her dress. But she didn't stop. She needed to get away fast. She couldn't hear them anymore, but the beating of her heart against her ribs could have been drowning them out. She kept moving.
It wasn't until a couple of hours of running did she finally stop. Her dress torn to shreds. She pressed her back against the trunk of a bending tree, it's bark digging into her back as she slowly slid down it, pulling her knees to her chest. Her eyes darted around the forest around her. It wasn't until a branch snapped somewhere in the dark beyond the trees did she stand back up. "Please, I beg of you.' She dug her nails into the tree behind her. "Just don't-don't hurt me.'
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lostxndbroken · 8 months
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Lennox had been working on the security system for a nice and luxe club, there had been hiccups, but generally, it went well. It was a bit overwhelming sometimes as the club was often busy and Len would be working on it before opening, during and sometimes after.
From the first day, someone caught his eye, a handsome barman and if he wasn’t serving, he was undoing his clothes as a show. Yup, there was little left to imagination, still some, but he surely knew how his chest looked like, his ass and legs.
They got to know each other a little, a bit of flirting here and there, each day a bit bolder than the day before. An hour or so after closing time, Lennox was finally done for the day, a few more things but not this night. There was only one man left and he had his full attention.
Lennox closed his laptop and covered up his tablet before he swung the bag over his shoulder and headed to the bar where Gann was. “You are hanging around a bit longer than the rest, making sure I’m doing my job?” Len said with a little tease in his voice. Hanging on the bar a little, looking over at the other.
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storyofwhoiam · 2 months
@adsagsona continued from here
Allie watched Mitchell, her eyes softening as she took in his conflicted expression. With a gentle smile, Allie slid into the chair next to him, reaching out to touch his arm, her fingers brushing lightly against his skin as she leaned in closer.
“Well,” she began softly, her voice a soothing murmur, “you’re welcome to feed here, if you want to. But you don’t have to; there are plenty of other ways I can make you feel good.” She let her hand linger on his arm, “Whatever you need, whatever you want.”
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paganpillar · 7 months
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Adsaxsona: "Weaver of Spells" and Gaulish goddess of the Underworld, witches, revenge, justice, and magick.
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inhumanhacker · 2 months
~I Can Help~
That's what Skye's website said. Because that's what she did, people hit by fraudsters, stalkers, people who had suffered some kind of injustice. She used her hacking skills to do what she could to help.
But she knew not everyone was ready to ask for help or knew how to ask for help. So when she heard about Ross Poldark and the hand he had been dealt, she knew she wanted to try and help him.
Arriving at the place he was staying, Skye often found this the hard part, getting them to trust that she genuinely wanted to help. She knocked and waited for someone to answer.
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brimfire-and-hellstone · 10 months
This was a bad idea, this was such a fucking bad idea! What the fuck is wrong with me? The thoughts bombarded Nancy and she had to hide her face in her hands so no one-not that there was anyone in her home anymore-would see her. No one knew what she was doing, calling for company-that was her grandmother speaking-was an incriminating act but it was not bad. Not technically. " No it's not bad, right? No it's not-I'm fucking heart-" Nancy lifted her head when she heard the knock.
They were here. At her home. And she needed to answer the door. The lawyer slipped away from the island in her kitchen and approached the door cautiously, part of her considering not answering and the other part of her reminding that her car was in the driveway and could be clearly seen. It was then that Nancy felt that burst of courage due to how badly she nagged and criticized herself no matter what she did.
But when she opened the door, her mouth fell open. " Oh...Oh my god."
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goneawandering · 3 months
Ross had felt Regan tossing and turning for most of the night and that of course made sure that he wasn't getting much sleep either. He turned around to take her into his arms and snuggle against her. "Hm, I know... it is a lot sometimes. But not sleeping isn't going to make it any better. We'll be meeting with the bank tomorrow and after that we'll probably be ok. And if not... we'll find a way too. It's us, it just has to work out." While Ross didn't feel so confident himself, he tried not to show it to Regan.
Despite being exhausted, sleep wasn't coming to her as easy as she had hoped. Every thought opened a proverbial box that led to more and more questions and worries. This had become their home and she was terrified that it may all just...disappear like this.
While she had tried not to wake Ross, she couldn't get comfortable either. It wasn't home, which didn't help any, and when he pulled her to him, she immediately felt bad for keeping him up. "I'm sorry I woke you," she murmured, sighed.
"I know it does. I just....am struggling." But, maybe if she just listened to his breathing, let herself relax as much as possible, sleep would grab hold for at least a few hours.
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ofemeraldstars · 1 month
@adsagsona asked: “ they were flirting with you ” Charles
"Were they really?" Thinya asked, unimpressed by the information. Whoever tried to flirt with her was definitely wasting their time. Her heart belonged to Charles and only Charles. Her green hues watched her husband's as she caressed his face tenderly. "My love, I never intended to have anyone else than you to flirt with me. I do hope that you have still noted that I wasn't flirting back."
Her smile grew fonder as she noticed the men who talked to her right before. Both of them were staring at her. Thinya smiled and cupped Charles face in her hand before lifting herself on her toes and planting a deep, passionate kiss on his lips. One kiss that would dissuade every single man in this room to approach and flirt with her. Her lips gently broke apart but remained close to his as she whispered. "Remember this: I love you. And only you. Although I must say that you being jealous is turning me on..."
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birdonawiresara · 10 months
Closed starter for @adsagsona
Ever since Sara had been reensouled, she had been bouncing around from one place to the next, living out of an old go bag that had somehow made the move to the bunker. She’d stayed with her sister - who Thea was now apparently living with - and spent time sleeping and stealing food. But mostly sleeping. Then she’d went and stayed with her dad for a few days, reminiscing a bit, which helped. Her memory was still touch and go, with memories being fuzzy, or combined with other memories, or missing altogether, so talking helped. She’d even gone to Central City to visit her mom. However, now she just wanted a place to lay low for a little while. To recover while also pushing herself to be field-ready again. And she loved her family more than anything, but they would hover - not that she could blame them. Still she’d intended on going back to some of her old safehouses, or setting up new ones, when Oliver offered to let her stay at his place. Oliver who knew when to hover and when to back off, when she should talk regardless of how she felt and when she needed silence. So she agreed, bag in hand as he opened the door to the loft he was currently living in, letting out a low whistle, “Wow. I mean, I know you’re used to fully-staffed mansions, but I was planning on sleeping in an abandoned building tonight, so...”
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huntresscaraquinn · 1 year
Continued from here:
Cara had been a city girl through and through, making the farmland very foreign to her at first. However, it hadn’t taken long for her to fall in love with the quiet lands. The fresh air. The nearby water. Nampara had quickly become home, and as for farming, she was good at following instructions. She was good at seeing something demonstrated in front of her, and then being able to take up the task herself. So anytime she wasn’t on a job, she was working hard to pull her weight around her new home. However, when an animal - it took her a beat to realize it was a cat - poked its head out while she was working in the garden... She squeaked as she dropped her tools, didn’t she? Yes, she definitely squeaked, very embarrassing. But she didn’t know what to do, it didn’t look right. Thankfully, Ross was nearby, and she gestured to the animal, who he believed hurt one of its paws. “...What - what do we do? Do we - is there a vet nearby? Or do you know how to... because we weren’t allowed to have pets growing up, and...” She was terrified of touching the animal, of hurting it more in some way.
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musemuseum · 10 months
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@adsagsona | for Finan and/or Tristan muse: Alaina Pendragon verse: lady pendragon
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It had been a hard adjustment ── she was from the future, a place so different from the world she was stuck in. But she had met her long since dead relative ── learning that the myths and legends she had heard about King Arthur were, in fact, real. It was wild, but even wilder was the fact that she was the English King's many times great granddaughter. She had to wonder if anyone in her family had known about this fascinating tidbid.
But the King had been quite welcoming, and a great help in settling into this new life of hers ── declaring her a long lost relative who was to be treated with the same respects that were afforded to him. And while she was struggling to acclimate to this new way of living, the longer she spent among the people, the easier it was becoming.
There were two individuals that were making the transition much more interesting. Ser Tristan, and Ser Finan. She had found herself drawn to both men early on ── unsure if it was the rarity of 'knights' in the future, or if it was something completely different that had drawn her to them.
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Alaina had insisted on participating in the festival that night ── Arthur insisting that if she intended to attend, she would need protection. She had suggested that Ser Tristan and Ser Finan be the ones to accompany her. All of this was different, and she would need someone she felt comfortable with.
From across the square, Alaina spotted her companions ── lifting the mask that adorned her face so that she could see them better. She offered them a smile before wandering over to them. Removing the mask completely when she drew closer, she played with it, keeping her hands busy as she spoke.
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"Would either of you be interested in dancing with me?"
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bloodyxballet · 16 days
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@adsagsona asked "I'm beginning to think that I don't understand women at all." From Gann
Dylan laughs brightly at him and nods his head "i don't thin that any man you meet knows anything about understanding women. i sometimes wonder if women even understand themselves because i sure don't." He looks at the other with a cocked eyebrow "i don't care how drunk you get me i still won't understand them and that's fine with me. i'm a man who likes a little mystery."
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