#adolf hilter
maaarine · 3 months
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Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial 1x02
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yezzyyae · 2 months
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This is insanity! So this just shows how Jewish is a religion & not a race! This white woman with blonde hair & blue eyes played in the Olympics because she had blonde hair & blue eyes & she could pass as “Aryan” whatever Hilter weird a** named white people who was Catholic or Christian *rolling my eyes*! And her doing the Nazi salute could not have saved her “family in the camps” smh going to an Olympics game was not worth that disgusting salute & disrespect to the Jews who was in labor camps even back in 1936. Ugh but this shows that being Jewish is a religion & you can be Jewish anywhere it’s not a race. But the people in Palestine is Palestinian & they cannot be Palestinians anywhere else but Palestine.
Jewish is a religion not a RACE! I am tired of this narrative that’s been in the world for years! It’s sad that the Jews in Israel just think they can take land from people because America & Britain said “okay take this piece of land the Muslims don’t matter there” and the Palestinians fought in WWII on Hilter said because they was upset of the British taking over their land after WWI! Smh the world politics is a mess!
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By Thom Hartmann
As we remember and honor the sacrifice of American GIs who died at Normandy in the battle against fascism, it’s vital to realize that the struggle against that evil form of government is once again before us.
From November 2020 until last week we lived in the era of Trump Big Lie 1.0, his assertion that he’d won an election he actually lost by over 7 million votes. It was a bold, audacious move, something no American politician had ever had the fundamental lack of integrity, decency, or shame to try.
While some of the most spineless, craven, and sold-out Republicans were quick to take his side with Big Lie 1.0 (139 of them in the House of Representatives and eight in the Senate)—even in the face of his throwing a deadly mob against the U.S. Capitol that tried to hang his vice president and murder the speaker of the house—there were still some who held to principle and didn’t vote to overthrow the election.
Those Republicans are now mostly all gone, purged from the party or cowed into silence by fear of violence against their families or the end of their political careers.
And now, as of last week, we live in the era of Trump Big Lie 2.0: that Trump is the victim of a political prosecution.
It’s completely changed the political landscape. Trump and his spokesmen are now openly calling for the imprisonment and even the death of members of law enforcement, the FBI, and the judiciary. We’ve moved from the Beer Hall Putsch to the Night of the Long Knives.
Ironically, many of the Republicans who now compete to most fulsomely kiss Trump’s ass in public were the very same ones who, in 2015, first warned us against him. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, and Lindsey Graham, for example, all once referenced his long history of criminal and immoral behavior, unbefitting a politician of any party.
This was, after all, the man who before he ran for the GOP nomination in 2015:
• Screwed his casino workers out of $2 million in retirement funds as he drained them of millions in cash;
• Admitted in a settlement with the IRS that his casinos had engaged in years of violations of money-laundering laws and “willful and repeated” violations of the Banking Secrecy Act (many on behalf of Russian oligarchs);
• Targeted and then defrauded veterans and veterans’ widows for a $35,000 “tuition” to a fake university that then gave them mostly publicly available books and materials that Trump neither wrote nor approved;
• Stole over $400,000 intended for a children’s cancer charity in cahoots with his son Eric;
• Raised $2.8 million “for veterans” that he diverted to his own purposes;
• Pushed the blatantly racist trope that President Barack Obama couldn’t possibly have been a “real American,” demanding to see his “long-form” birth certificate;
• Was credibly accused of rape or sexual assault by more than 20 women, including one who was 13 years old at the time;
• Refused to pay at least 60 workers who filed lawsuits against him and fought over 3,000 lawsuits for similar behavior;
• Hired undocumented Polish workers and then screwed them out of their pay, leading to a $1.4 million judgment against him;
• Had multiple documented associations with New York area mobsters that he then lied about;
• Got multiple deferments to dodge the draft for the Vietnam War by purchasing a X-ray of somebody else’s bone spurs from a corrupt doctor; and
• Stole millions from his siblings and relatives and then pissed it all away as an incompetent playboy businessman, having to declare bankruptcy six times.
Nonetheless, when Trump won the Republican primary most of his opponents fell in line. Those who didn’t go along were systematically purged from the party.
In the years between then and now, Trump has been:
• Found by a jury of his peers to have committed rape (“as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape’” according to the judge);
• Adjudicated liable for a massive, multi-year tax and insurance fraud, and forbidden from doing business in New York state for three years;
• Outed by his former defense secretary for ridiculing American veterans who died at Normandy as “suckers” and “losers;”
• Held responsible for 19 violations of nonprofit law by his foundation, which was then shut down, with the state requiring his children to take classes on how to not steal from charities, after paying back $2 million to eight charitable organizations they’d defrauded;
• Collaborated with Russian President Vladimir Putin to get elected and, when the FBI tried to investigate it, engaged in at least 10 documented felony obstructions of justice;
• Indicted for trying to overthrow the 2020 election and criminally hang onto power;
• Charged with stealing national security documents and storing them in a room with a functioning high-speed copier accessible for over a year to multiple known spies for Russia, China, and other countries; and, among other things
• Found guilty of 34 felonies relating to stealing the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton by paying off a porn star and a Playboy bunny.
Now that our criminal justice system has tried to hold him accountable for a small fraction of the crimes we’ve all watched him commit, he’s claiming that he’s the victim of political persecution. In response, he and his spokesmen are promising that if he again becomes president they will arrest and imprison those who tried to hold him to account, including judges, jurors, prosecutors, and even members of the media.
During his presidency, Trump tried to convince Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, and White House attorney Don McGann to initiate prosecutions of Hillary Clinton. Each deferred, telling him it wasn’t possible.
That won’t happen with Big Lie 2.0; Trump has learned his lesson.
If reelected, he will be entirely unconstrained and has, in the past four years, surrounded himself with open fascists who are eager to create a “Unified Reich” right here in the United States. And, so long as his white followers believe the victims of his pogroms will be limited to Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, and Democrats, millions are openly eager for the “fun” to begin.
Hitler had two big lies: that Jews had stabbed Germany in the back in World War I, and that he had been imprisoned for his politics. Now Trump has his own two big lies: that the election was stolen and he’s the victim of political prosecution.
Where will this lead?
All we need do is look at how this same script played out in Germany in the 1930s.
The Night of a Long Knives, as Hitler was reinventing his chancellorship and consolidating his power. The middle-of-the-night arrests, detention camps, show trials, and mass deportations. The confinements and executions that extended to average citizens who dared speak out or were suspected of not being sufficiently white. The eventual wars to distract people from protests against domestic repression. The end of democracy.
It’s not too late to stop this madness, although that task is being made harder every day as gutless Republicans, a spineless national media, and collaborating billionaire donors fall into line either for political expediency, profits, or the promise of more tax cuts.
We are the last barrier to America being overwhelmed by this fascist tide that threatens to force upon the world the need for a repeat of D-Day. You, me, and average people like us. Nobody else is coming to our nation’s rescue.
Double check your voter registration, particularly if you live in a Red state. This may be our last chance.
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spghtrbry · 8 months
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kaiser wilhelm 2 in exile singing “i know him” from hamilton.. about hitler.
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myfictionaldreams · 11 months
Day 26: Overstimulation - Steve Rogers
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Summary: It's the 1940's, and you're a dancer on the infamous USO tour showcasing Captain America. You're due on stage in 5 minutes, but Steve's too busy with his face between your legs.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, begging, exhaustion, innocent!Steve (kinda)
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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“We’re on in 5 minutes! I repeat, 5 minutes. Did you hear Mr Rogers?”
“Hmm? Yeah, 5 minutes, I heard!” Steve’s head perked up from between your legs, wetness coating his lips and chin as he shouted through the door to the stage hand.
Your body collapsed onto the desk, completely worn out. Eyes heavy, struggling to stay open, and lungs burning with how out of breath you were. “Please, I need to go and get ready; the girls will wonder where I am”.
Steve licked his lips and began to spread your thighs again, his hold hard enough to leave bruises behind as you sighed heavily, head falling back against the mirror. “Just one more; I know you can do it, then you’ll feel much better when you’re dancing baby”. His face descended to your cunt, tongue lapping at your already sensitive hole, his nose pushing and stroking against your engorged clit.
Steve had been at it for what felt like hours. You were one of the dancers on his USO tour across America, dancing and singing every night in a new city to sold-out crowds. You watched as the infamous Steve Rogers sold the bonds and punched fake Adolf Hilter in the face for the crowd's entertainment.
The tour had been going on for weeks as the war ravaged worldwide. Steve had kept to himself, appearing to be scared of any female that walked past him, let alone any of the dancers or singers on stage, even though he had hundreds of women ready to throw themselves at him.
You felt bad for him, the big superstar who sat lonely in his room every night, so you worked up the nerve to speak to him one day. He was sweet, attentive, and very innocent, and you quickly drew him out of his comfort zone. A few kisses and cuddles turned into more risque. He was a virgin when you first met him, and you were completely respectful of that, but after a few awkward fumbling, you decided to take charge and show him how to move, touch and feel, pleasuring both him and you.
The first time Steve made you cum, it was like a light bulb switched in his brain. He was obsessed. The more you taught him about your body, the more he would want to hear your sweet melodic sighs of euphoria, to the point that it was starting to interfere with your work.
Which brings you to today. You’d visited him in his little dressing room at the back of the theatre, intending to get his lunch and ended with your panties on the floor and skirt bunched around the waist and legs over his shoulders as he ate you out to perfection. Every suck and lick had your back bowing and fingers trembling to cover your mouth to stop those outside the door from hearing your multiple orgasms.
Your entire body felt like it was burning from the inside out. You were stuck between being wholly exhausted and wanting the moment never to end. Due to past experiences, you knew that Steve’s stamina was devastatingly good due to the super serum. Once, you’d fucked all night, and you couldn’t walk the following day and had to call in sick to the show, which Steve was pink-cheeked and apologetic for, forgetting just how fragile you were compared to him.
You were getting close to that point again, attempting to push against his shoulders weakly, knowing you should stop but not wanting him to because you were so close to your next orgasm. You weren’t sure how many you’d had; all you were aware of was that your pussy was plump from all the stimulation, your clit was throbbing to the point that Steve could feel your heartbeat against his tongue, and your hole ached from the number of times it had clenched and tightened.
“Just one more”, Steve had repeated so many times that you could hear him saying it in your lucid mind. Slumping back against the mirror, the pleasure built, his tongue lapping your juices and stroking your clit, plunging and twitching in your pussy as he held you down on his desk.
The waves of the orgasms throbbed through your entire body, your hands pulling at his hair to move him away from your pussy as you sat up, losing control for a second as your body tried to process the euphoria.
“You’re so beautiful, Doll. You’ve done so well for me”, Steve encouraged, his hands massaging your aching thighs as you tried to catch your breath. As the pulses in your cunt calmed, you leaned forward until your head rested against his shoulder, his arms moving around your hips as he cradled you close.
“I might need to cancel the show”, you say, trying to wiggle your toes but finding your limbs were slow in response.
Steve moved back slightly to look at your flushed face, “You know you can’t do that, Baby. You’re on your last warning. Sorry, I’ll try to stop doing this before shows; sometimes I just can’t help myself.”. He pecks your lips softly, and you lean into the touch and try to slow your breathing to calm your body.
A knock at the door disrupts the embrace, “We need you at the stage door in 1 minute!” The stagehand shouts through the door, and you refrain from groaning.
“Could you help me get dressed, please?”
“Of course!” Steve was as sweet as ever, finding your panties and shorts for your costume and helping to pull them back onto your trembling legs. When you tried to stand and straighten your skirt and top, your knees buckled, but thankfully, he caught you, holding you for a couple of seconds until you found your strength.
Looking in the mirror, you tried not to cringe at the streaks you’d left behind on the surface, and then there was your appearance, completely glazed-over expression, and hair a mess, but you didn’t have time to sort either. Rushing to the door, you cringed internally and how sensitive you felt between your legs and how uncomfortable it was to walk with your pussy slightly swollen.
Steve was behind you, opening the door to allow you to step out and rush to the curtain. Making sure no one else was around, you turned and leaned up to kiss him sweetly, “Break a leg.” you wished him luck before running to join the others, who all gave you exacerbated looks for nearly being late.
The show was nearly a disaster; your legs became heavy halfway through from exhaustion, but thankfully, Steve caught you, somehow managing to play it off as part of the play, catching the damsel before continuing with the show.
Your entire body was warm to the touch, and the bright overhead lights only worsened it. As you danced across the stage, you became increasingly more aware that your panties were drenched, your pussy still flowing with juices, to the point that you were worried it had leaked through your shorts for the audience to see.
By the end, your cheeks ached from fake smiling, and the muscles in your legs were burning to the point that you collapsed on the stairs as you exited the stage. You were exhausted, eyes hardly open as one of the girls asked if you were okay.
“Sweetheart? Are you coming down with something?” the show manager asked, but you waved everyone away.
“I’m fine; I just need to sleep”, you explained whilst thanking one of the other girls who had returned with a glass of water.
“What’s going on? Hey, are you okay?” Steve asked, pushing his way through the crowd. Your body heated even more as Steve’s eyes widened briefly before he tried to mask his reaction. It was evident in your contract that you were not allowed to form intimate relationships with the show's star, which of course was Steve, so whatever it was that you had with Steve had to stay hidden, even though you were sure everyone suspected it.
“Everything’s fine, Mr Rogers, she’s just cooling off”, the manager attempted to move his prize possession away, not wanting him to worry about any of the girls and push him back to his awaiting taxi.
“She doesn’t look fine; why don’t I take her to a doctor?” Steve suggested, lowering himself so that you were both eye to eye.
“She doesn’t need a doctor; she’s fine, aren’t you, sweetheart?” the manager tried to reassure, but you were too tired even to respond.
“Ok, let me rephrase this, I’m going to take her to a Doctor, now move out of my way”, Steve demanded, actually standing up to the manager for once as he slid one arm under your knee and the other supporting your back as he lifted you, your head rolling onto his shoulder.
You relaxed into the hold, the sway of it helping to lull you into a half-asleep state. Only when the two of you were alone in the taxi did you decide to speak finally. “I don’t need a doctor, I just need to sleep”.
“I know, baby. I just wanted to get you away from everyone. I’m sorry for going so hard earlier, and I’ll try and calm it down from now on”, Steve apologised, holding your body close to his as the taxi began to move towards the motel you were all staying at.
You grinned, tilting your face towards his, “I didn’t say you had to stop, Steve”.
His eyes flicked between your lips and eyes, a small smile forming on his handsome face. Giving you a quick kiss on your temple, the two of you relaxed into the embrace as you quietly fell asleep.
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joesalw · 5 months
Since the album has released a lot of her fans are bringing out the washed up narrative of how antis sound obsessed with her, like you know the whole "Ya'll listen to her album and take time out to hate on her".
I mean why would I wanna hate half-assed, like I would read works written by Adolf Hilter in order to criticise it and pull it apart and hate on it properly, if I don't have enough reading or in this case listening about thing I hate I won't be able to criticise it properly
And I or any other anti doesn't spend their entire day and existence hating on TS, unlike her fans who have made it their entire personality to worship a white racist and an insensitive woman who barely does performative activism.
It takes barely 5 mins out of my day to write a post about her, at least I am not sitting down with a dictionary "decoding" her new problematic lore.
They are so delusional it makes me wanna pity them.
For me i only cared about her music as long as it was setting a narrative about Joe. Now that it's over and Joe is finally free from any future narrative by her and those fans, I'm not gonna waste any time caring about anything she does. Swifties got their answers. Joe's fatal flaw was being depressed and not wanting to marry her. I got my answers that she's a horrible human being. That's it. I hope there's no deliberate picking up on him in the future by liking shady posts, or releasing another song's recording date, because that would be very intolerable
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jolikmc-thoughts · 6 months
Tagged as "Mature" just in case someone whines to "Papa Tumblr".
So, I watched the "infamous" episode of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, "Quest of The Red Skull". I'm not exactly sure why Disney+ doesn't have this episode listed. Even after I watched it from start to finish, the worst thing I saw, in my ignorant opinion, was a stereotyping of Native American heritage (chanting, "me talk like this", spirit abilities, et cetera) but in a positive way (the character was one of the "good guys"). Maybe I'm dumb. Or maybe the world is just overly sensitive about certain topics.
… such as Nazis.
As I said, I watched the episode. I even kept a list of the things that I saw which might "offend" someone. The list is as follows:
Native American stereotypes (mentioned)
Nazi / Adolf Hitler worship
Some Nazi swastikas
One call of "Heil, Hitler!", two calls of "Heil, Red Skull!"
A brief history on Adolf Hitler and his ambitions during World War II
Talk of starting World War III and controlling the entire world
I have to legitimate ask, not as a "dumb kid", but as a confused adult, what's so objectionable about any of this? Why remove the episode entirely? Why not just slap one of those frilly little "it was wrong then and it's wrong now" warnings on it and call it good? Oh. Right. Hitler.
You know, this "Hitler embargo" thing reminds me a lot of the whole "Voldemort" thing from the Harry Potter series. "We must not mention his name". Well, why not? He was a part of that world's history and the true embodiment of evil, but it's not like saying his name would will him back into existence.
Similarly, saying "Adolf Hitler" or showing his twisted legacy isn't going to suddenly bring about World War III. And if a piece of old media portrays Hilter and his followers as they were, as opposed to trying to "glorify" the horrors that happened, then why try and bury it?
There have been good people in history and there have been bad. That's life. Hiding the dredges of humanity doesn't magically make them disappear. Simple as that.
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creatorofstarrealm · 10 months
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Lucifer Misconception 
So a few days I had a self imposing question. Why would I a christian create a good character whose name is Lucifer Hades? Considering if some people would think I am turning the big bad evil personified into a hero, which is a big no no. So I did a little research. So today I am telling you guys about some misconceptions about Lucifer. I will also be showing you the difference between the two lucifers. 
First off the reason as to why one of my original characters is named “Lucifer Hades” is because in Mk deception Lucifer’s name was mentioned and it has been confirmed he was netherrealm’s protector god.  Although many people will have their own interpretation of Mk Lucifer, my lucifer is more based on Greek Hades (who just happened to be named Lucifer) Hints the last name.  In Greek mythology Hades was a neutral character who happens to be demonized by the media for sharing some similarity with Satan. 
The last name also refers to him being ruler of the netherrealm with the dead at his domains. Since he was born a God. My interpretation of Mk Lucifer is that he is an ally and a friend of earthrealm and is considered one of the good guys. He is kind, humble, loyal, generous and respectful. Which can't say the same about biblical satan. 
Now let's talk about the misconception. Lucifer is not a Hebrew word, instead Lucifer is the Latin word for “Light-bringer” “morningstar”, or "Helel" Lucifer is only mentioned once (Isaiah 14:12) in the bible, while every other time God calls him by Satan, devil, serpent or dragon. On top of that you have to remember that Lucifer wasn’t always an evil person. He was an angel created by God who had a purpose. He was beautiful, musical and shine like a star. At the time the name meant something beautiful. Until he fell. After that his original name was never mentioned again. (With the exception of Isaiah) 
With that being said it looks like Lucifer is a name that should no longer be associated with Satan since that name has been renounced from him. And yet the name has been associated with Satan thanks to theorists, media and cultus. If you're not convinced, I will provide an example. Hitler was a German surname.  But the name is associated with nazism and Adolf Hitler. Because of that the name Hilter has a bad reputation and nobody speaks nor uses the name in a positive light. The same is said for the name/word Lucifer. 
So in conclusion my Mk lucifer has no association with biblical satan since mk lucifer is basically hades with a slab of “name sake” paint and at the end of the day I can call one of ocs by that name because it is a name that existed prior to fall. But let face it he is just going to be referred to by his last name for most of the time. On the plus this could provide with some interesting funny future jokes. Lucifer meets some heroes and those heroes wonder if he had bad father given his unfortunate name.
Thanks for listening to my ted talk if you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
you: estrogen in food? lol
twitter user: oh like HILTER adolf HILTER???
^ why twitter shouldn't be listened to.
ANYWAYS what should I write about Duskie after I post this one fanfic
Literally the way that they acted like it was Weird I didn't know such an obscure bit of history + them getting annoyed when I was confused about the ask was the strangest part of the whole ordeal.
As for Duskie HRRMMMMM!!! how about...lil goober...goes to the Beach and has a fun time!!
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catierambles · 1 year
So my roommate and I had a conversation about how Nazis don't exist anymore.
Before you get your torches and pitchforks and start typing angry anons, hear me out
The word "Nazi" is an acronym, it stands for "National Socialist German Workers' Party" (in english). Has it been used to describe people who conform to that party's ideations? Yes. But, traditionally, if you were a Nazi, you were a member of that party.
That party doesn't exist anymore. It was dissolved October 10th 1945. Nazis don't exist anymore because the political party doesn't exist anymore.
What exists now? What do you call people who conform to that party's stance and ideations?
Hitler Fan Boys (and Girls)
White Supremacists
But mostly just call them Hilter Fan Boys, which takes away their self-appointed identity and makes them look pathetic because Hilter was a drug-addicted little bitch :D
My mom's side of the family has a history with the Nazi party (no, they weren't members, my great-grandfather backhanded Hitler because he got uppity). We don't call him Hitler, we call him Adolf. Why? Because Hitler has become a title of sorts, makes him seem more than, and he wasn't. He was a drug-addicted little bitch of a man. He did horrible things and authorized horrible things. I'm not saying he didn't and I'm not diminishing what he did. But the man was a little bitch. Pedestals can be a bad thing too, let's knock him down, shall we?
So yeah, Nazis don't exist anymore
Hitler Fan Boys do.
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yezzyyae · 27 days
I can’t take life serious anymore. This lady who is a Jew who survived the camps said “her sister had blonde hair & blue eyes so people never believed she was a Jew” 😒😩what the hell smh Jews are of the Caucasian race they are majority WHITE! I wish Jews stop trying to make themselves a race & if you have dark hair & a long nose you are really a Jew smh THAT IS NOT TRUE!
BEING JEWISH IS NOT A RACE! BEING A JEW IS NOT A RACE! Adolf Hilter killed them because of their religion & blamed them for Jesus’ death but that’s not dramatic enough for the Jews they made themselves a race & the rest of the world just became brainwashed & you know why??? BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE PEOPLE TELLING US WHAT WAS “TRUTH”! I can’t believe Jews literally believe this lie they been spreading smh they are not a RACE! And many Jews pretended they were Catholic once the Nazis took over that’s how many survived but they never tell their stories because they want US to believe Jews are a race & they was discrimination just on looks alone!
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lamkieu112 · 3 days
Rate: 8.5/10.
Tóm tắt nội dung:
Câu chuyện kể về nhà vật lý học thiên tài - Albert Einstein sinh ra trong một gia đình gốc Do Thái ở Đức vào năm 1879. Nhà vật lý Albert Einstein nổi tiếng vì đã tìm ra phương trình E=mc2. Về bản chất, ông phát hiện ra rằng năng lượng và khối lượng có thể hoán đổi cho nhau, tạo tiền đề cho năng lượng hạt nhân và vũ khí hạt nhân. Nhưng lý thuyết của ông bị Hội bảo vệ Khoa học thuần túy bác bỏ, chỉ trích thậm tệ vào thời điểm lúc bấy giờ. Cho đến năm 1933, Adolf Hitler lên nắm quyền sau khi thắng phiếu bầu cử, Hitler đã ra lệnh thảm sát các học giả người Do Thái sinh sống ở Đức, đốt toàn bộ công trình nghiên cứu bao gồm sách, ẩn phấm của người Do Thái và bắt dân thường vào khu tự trị (có thể tham khảo phim "Pianist" để biết thêm chi tiết). Vào tháng 2/1933, khi đang thăm Mỹ, Einstein quyết định không trở về Đức vì đảng Quốc xã do Hilter lãnh đạo lên nắm quyền. Ông tạm trú tại một số quốc gia trước khi nhập tịch Mỹ năm 1940.
Năm 1939, những nhà vật lý tị nạn ở Mỹ đã bày tỏ nỗi lo lắng rằng: rất có thể Đức Quốc Xã đang chế tạo ra bom nguyên tử đầu tiên trên thế giới. Nhà vật lý Hungary - Szilard đã thuyết phục Einstein ký vào bức thư cảnh báo rồi gửi cho tổng thống Mỹ lúc bấy giờ (tức ông Roosevelt). Bức thư cảnh báo Đức có thể cố gắng thu thập đủ uranium để tạo ra một quả bom đủ sức phá hủy cả một cảng biển. Einstein đã gửi thư thông qua một người trung gian vào tháng 8/1939 và tới tháng 10 năm đó, thư tới tay tổng thống Mỹ. Thời điểm đó, Adolf Hitler đã xâm chiếm Ba Lan và Thế chiến II đã bắt đầu. Dù Mỹ chưa tham chiến, thư của Einstein khiến tổng thống Roosevelt triệu tập Ủy ban Cố vấn về Uranium ngay trong tháng 10/1939.
Cuộc tấn công Trân Châu Cảng ngày 7/12/1941 của Nhật Bản đã kéo Mỹ vào cuộc chiến, khiến nhiệm vụ chế tạo vũ khí hạt nhân trở nên cấp bách hơn. Một tháng sau cuộc tấn công, ông Roosevelt chính thức phê duyệt thành lập Dự án Manhattan, chương trình bí mật của Mỹ nhằm phát triển quả bom nguyên tử đầu tiên trên thế giới. Yếu tố quan trọng thúc đẩy thành lập Dự án Manhattan là nỗi sợ Đức Quốc xã tạo ra bom hạt nhân trước. Tuy nhiên, những nỗ lực của Đức về hạt nhân không thể đi xa.
Vào tháng 8/1945, sau khi Harry Truman lên chức tổng thống Mỹ, ông đã ra lệnh cho tấn công Nhật Bản bằng vũ khí mới. Hai quả bom nguyên tử được thả xuống Hiroshima và Nagasaki của Nhật Bản năm 1945, khiến khoảng 200.000 người thiệt mạng. Vài ngày sau vụ thả bom, Nhật Bản đầu hàng lực lượng Đồng minh, kết thúc Thế chiến II. Einstein coi bức thư đầu tiên mà ông gửi cho tổng thống Roosevelt là "sai lầm lớn".
Thực tế, Einstein chỉ có vai trò gián tiếp trong việc thúc đẩy chế tạo bom, ông không tham gia trực tiếp vào quá trình phát triển vũ khí. Einstein không được phép làm việc trong Dự án Manhattan vì được coi là rủi ro an ninh lớn. Tuy nhiên, tên tuổi của Einstein mãi mãi gắn liền với thứ vũ khí ra đời từ khám phá vĩ đại nhất của ông. Bị sốc bởi tin tức Mỹ thả hai quả bom hạt nhân xuống thành phố Hiroshima và Nagasaki của Nhật Bản, Einstein đã cố gắng cảnh báo thế giới về mối nguy hiểm của việc phổ biến vũ khí hạt nhân trong suốt quãng đời còn lại của mình, cùng với nỗi hối hận khi đã là người thúc đẩy nên Dự án Manhattan.
Cảm nghĩ cá nhân: Riêng mình thì không có gì để bàn thêm về bộ phim tài liệu này. Nhưng nó cũng là những thước phim quý giá về cách Mỹ đã chế tạo bom nguyên tử, cách Hitler lên nắm quyền tạo ra Thế chiến thứ 2, cũng như phim có lồng các tư liệu quý về bối cảnh người Do Thái trong lòng nước Đức lúc bấy giờ. Phim chỉ có hơn 1 tiếng, nhưng mình lụm được những câu thoại khá hay:
"Thứ đẹp đẽ nhất mà ta có thể trải nghiệm được là cái bí ẩn.”
"Quan tâm đến con người và số phận của họ phải luôn là mục tiêu chính, để những sáng tạo từ tâm trí chúng ta là phước lành chứ không phải lời nguyền với nhân loại."
"Chừng nào tôi còn có lựa chọn, tôi sẽ chỉ sống ở đất nước mà thắng lợi thuộc về tự do công dân, lòng khoan dung và bình đẳng của công dân trước pháp luật."
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faggoteur · 4 months
Al Doilea Război Mondial a fost cel mai mare și mai mortal război din istorie, implicând peste 30 de țări. Declanșat de invazia nazistă a Poloniei din 1939, războiul a durat șase ani sângerosi până când Aliații au învins puterile Axei ale Germaniei naziste, Japoniei și Italiei în 1945. Explorați bătăliile, liderii și atrocitățile din război și impactul acestuia asupra geopoliticii și omenirea.
Bătălia Atlanticului: 3 septembrie 1939 până la 8 mai 1945
Cea mai lungă campanie continuă a celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial are loc, aliații lovind o blocadă navală împotriva Germaniei și declanșează o luptă pentru controlul rutelor maritime din Oceanul Atlantic. Axa, cu sub-ambarcațiunile sale, răspunde printr-o contrablocadă care la început are succes, dar utilizarea de către Aliați a convoaielor, aeronavelor și tehnologiei schimbă în cele din urmă valul. Pe parcursul a cinci ani, mii de nave se angajează în peste 100 de bătălii în Oceanul Atlantic, cu aproximativ 100.000 de vieți pierdute. Bătălia de la Dunkerque din 26 mai până în 4 iunie 1940
O invazie germană în jurul orașului de coastă francez Dunkerque separă armatele franceză de cea britanică, părăsind forțele aliate. Dar cu Adolf Hitler oprind înaintarea Germaniei acolo, Aliații sunt capabili să efectueze o evacuare îndrăzneață – și cu succes – numită Operațiunea Dinamo. Germania revendică victoria cu capitularea trupelor aliate rămase, dar evacuarea servește la ridicarea moralului britanic, denumit în continuare „spiritul Dunkerquei”. Fotografii emblematice din Al Doilea Război Mondial
Asediul Leningradului: 8 septembrie 1941 până la 27 ianuarie 1944 Soldații germani și finlandezi încep un asediu și o blocare de aproape 900 de zile a Leningradului (acum Sankt Petersburg), al doilea oraș ca mărime sovietic și un centru important al industriei. Cu alimentarea, apa, electricitatea si transportul intrerupte, 1,3 milioane de oameni sunt evacuati. Pe măsură ce Armata Roșie începe în sfârșit să treacă prin blocada, asediul se încheie și orașul este eliberat, dar aproximativ 800.000 de civili mor, majoritatea de foame.
Bătălia de la Pearl Harbor, 7 decembrie 1941
Într-un val surpriză de atacuri asupra bazei navale americane de pe insula Oahu, Pearl Harbor din Hawaii, Japonia, aliniată cu Axa, elimină flota Americii din Pacific (cele trei portavioane ale flotei nu sunt prezente în timpul atacului). Cu aproximativ 2.400 de militari americani uciși și alți 1.000 răniți, președintele Franklin D. Roosevelt o numește „o dată care va trăi în infamie” și, a doua zi, SUA intră oficial în al Doilea Război Mondial, declarând război Japoniei.
Bătălia din Normandia, 6 iunie - 30 august 1944 Trupele americane, britanice și canadiene asaltează cinci plaje din Normandia, Franța, pe 6 iunie, cunoscută drept Ziua Z, ducând una dintre cele mai mari invazii de apă din istoria militară. La Omaha Beach, peste 2.000 de victime americane sunt suferite, cu aproximativ 4.000 de morți în acea zi. Dar până pe 11 iunie, plajele sunt securizate și peste 325.000 de forțe au aterizat. Aliații își încep înaintarea prin Normandia, eliberând în cele din urmă Parisul.
Bătălia de la Berlin, 16 aprilie - 2 mai 1945
Forțele sovietice, cu sprijinul aeronavelor americane și britanice, lansează o ofensivă împotriva capitalei germane, Berlin, într-una dintre ultimele bătălii majore ale celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial. În timp ce Armata Roșie înconjoară orașul, cucerind sediul Gestapo, Hilter se sinucide pe 30 aprilie în Führerbunker și Germania se predă câteva zile mai târziu, punând în esență capăt războiului. Bătălia de la Okinawa: 1 aprilie - 22 iunie 1945
Ultima bătălie majoră a celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial - și una dintre cele mai sângeroase ale războiului - începe Duminica Paștelui, când forțele armatei și marine ale SUA invadează Okinawa, în lanțul de insule Ryukyus din sud-vestul Japoniei, cu ordin de a lua insula pentru a executa lovituri aeriene împotriva Japoniei și a crea o blocada. .
Contraatacând prin atacuri kamikaze, japonezii scufundă 26 de nave aliate și avariază încă aproape 170, provocând peste 12.000 de morți americani în timpul bătăliei de trei luni. În cele din urmă, copleșiți de americani, mulți japonezi supraviețuitori se sinucid în loc să se predea. În cele din urmă, peste 100.000 de japonezi sunt uciși, împreună cu 150.000 de civili.
Al Doilea Război Mondial s-a încheiat la șase ani și la o zi după ce invazia Germaniei în Polonia, la 1 septembrie 1939, a declanșat al doilea conflict global din secolul al XX-lea. Până la încheierea lui pe puntea unei nave de război americane, pe 2 septembrie 1945, cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial a luat viețile a aproximativ 60-80 de milioane de oameni, aproximativ 3% din populația lumii. Marea majoritate a celor care au murit în cel mai mortal război din istorie au fost civili, inclusiv 6 milioane de evrei uciși în lagărele de concentrare naziste în timpul Holocaustului.
Pictograma Verificată de Comunitate
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storiearcheostorie · 5 months
Trovati cinque scheletri sotto le rovine della “Tana del lupo”, il quartier generale di Hitler
Trovati cinque scheletri sotto le rovine della “Tana del lupo”, il quartier generale di Hitler Giallo a Kętrzyn, in Polonia. I resti erano sotto il pavimento di un edificio usato da Göring e appartengono a tre adulti, un adolescente e un neonato.
Elena Percivaldi Cinque scheletri sono riemersi dalle fondamenta di uno degli edifici della “Tana del lupo”, il quartier generale di Adolf Hilter a Rastenburg, oggi Kętrzyn in Polonia. Privi sia delle mani sia dei piedi, i resti sono stati scoperti a una profondità di dieci centimetri sotto al pavimento di uno dei bunker utilizzati da Hermann Göring, il gerarca nazista che fu vicecancelliere di…
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kagenoneko · 7 months
Some Observations
After calling out the troll in the Ace Attorney section on fanfiction.net, I have experienced a deluged of spam reviews on my fics. One of those reviews happened to be from a member of Critics United.
The Critics United reviewer happened to have only one favorite story. That story is a word for word copy of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hilter. Doesn't seem like a story that someone from Critics United would support, especially since it is a rule violating story.
Then I decided to do a search based on some words from the review and added site: fanfiction.net to the end of the search query. I found that using DuckDuckGo resulted in me find a bunch of other reviews that use that exact same phrasing. Using google resulted in me find this blog post on on flames.
As for the other reviews that I found, some are associated with a different user. Here is an image of one of the reviews:
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And here is another example:
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And I have also found a similar review that was from a guest and then there was a story that I found that had a ton of guest reviews that had this similar kind of language. The guest reviews are under different names most of the time.
So I decided to search the user who had left the review on my fic.
That search resulted in me finding some of their comments on a forum that was not associated with Critics United. Their comment was pro-Donald Trump and implies all members of Critics United are also fans of Donald Trump.
It also seems like a Critics United member might be supportive of John Phoenix spam fest going on the Ace Attorney section.
To pull all what I found together as a TL;DR:
-Critics United members post unoriginal flame reviews
-Their members are pro-Trump and some like a story that is a copy of My Struggle by Adolf Hilter.
-Support the people who post troll content on ff.net.
So yeah, these people are horrible.
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restubumi · 9 months
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Suatu malam yang dingin di Austria, 14 januari 1907,  setelah merasakan nyeri yang luar biasa di dadanya  Klara Polzl  pergi menemui dokter langganannya, Eduard Bloch.
Pemeriksaan telah dilakukan, diagnosis telah diputuskan, untuk menjaga suasan batin Klara Polzl agar tak tertumbuk, Eduard Bloch tidak menyampaikan hasil diagnosis tersebut secara langsung kepadanya melainkan kepada anak keempatnya yang saat itu berusia 18 tahun.
Anak tersebut begitu terpukul dan terguncang mendengar vonis mengerikan dari sang Dokter : sang Ibunda tercintanya mengidap Kanker Payudara.
Tidak mau tidak, tidak bisa tidak, pengangkatan payudara adalah satu-satunya jalan keluar untuk menyambung sisa hidup yang ada. Tindakan operasi harus segera dilakukan, dan klara harus menghabiskan sisa hidupnya dengan satu payudara yang ada.
Mendung tak berdaya tertolak, kelabu terlalu pekat untuk diserbak, pengangkatan payudara itu hanyalah menjadi awal mula terbukanya gerbang pintu neraka, kanker tersebut kadung menyebar ke seluruh tubuhnya, menggerogotinya satu persatu. bagi Klara hidup menjadi pesakitan adalah sebuah kematian yang tertunda. 
Bagi anak keempatnya, nestapa seolah rutinitas, kepedihan seakan tak pernah lekang dari hidupnya, 4 tahun sebelumnya ia baru saja kehilangan ayahnya yang otoriter karena pendarahan paru-paru. pada tahun 1900 adiknya yang paling disayanginya dan menjadi teman sepermainan meninggal karena cacar dan batu nisannya dapat dipandang secara jelas dari balik jendela kamarnya. Sebelumnya 3 orang kakaknya juga pergi terlebih dahulu karena alasan kesehatan.
Saat tahu Ibunya sekarat tak berdaya, anak keempat menjadi getir bukan kepalang, terlebih lagi cita-citanya untuk masuk ke akademi seni di vienna austria menambah masygul duka yang ada. 
Pilihan terlalu sukar diperhitungkan, keputusan terlalu lara diambil. Pada suatu musim dingin, sang anak pergi untuk mengikuti ujian masuk akademisi seni di Vienna, namun riwayat selanjutnya terlalu perih untuk dilanjutnya. Sang anak gagal meneruskan cita-citanya.
Dunia terlalu jujur untuk hati kecil seorang anak yang terlalu sering didera kesedihan, ia gagal meraih kebahagiaannya. 
Hari berganti hari, waktu bergegas meninggalkan doa, kondisi klara kian mengenaskan, sang anak memilih terus melayani ibu kesayangannya, mengurus segala kebutuhan yang ada sambil terisak akan kekhawatiran-kekhawatiran yang muncul dari erangan rasa sakit. 
Hingga pada bulan Desember di malam bersalju yang dingin, pada tanggal 21 desember 1907, beberapa hari sebelum keluarga itu merayakan natal.  klara polz menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya. seluruh anggota keluarga yang ditinggalkanya menangis  kecuali anak keempatnya : ia tampak berdiam, sorot matanya membara, ia didera kemarahan yang luar biasa.
Pada Mei 1913, sang anak pindah ke munich jerman dan di tahun berikutnya mendaftar tentara jerman untuk berperang di perang dunia I yang mengakibatkan matanya buta separuh.
Setelah negaranya luluh lantah akibat kekalahan dalam perang, sang anak bergabung dengan Partai pekerja yang kelak berganti nama menjadi Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, tak butuh waktu lama, dibawah kepemimpinanya anak ini berhasil menguasai seluruh jerman.
cerita selanjutnya mengenai anak ini adalah tragedi dan petaka.
anak ini bernama adolf hilter.
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