#admin nico
Look, if you know you know.
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cabinofimagines · 5 months
Sibling Nico HCs
I didn't really know what to say for this one, but an attempt was made! Pairing: Sibling PLATONIC Nico di Angelo x gn!reader Request: Can I ask for headcanons on what it would be like to be Nico's younger sibling? Like how they met, when they first started bonding, their dynamic. Sorry if this doesn't make sense.  Word count: 0.7k Warnings: mention of injury! -Asnyox
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To be honest, you probably only met Nico after the second war. Of course, he built the Hades Cabin after the first great war, but he never stayed around for long enough to get to know him. You arrived at camp sometime before the Argo II left, and was one of the few who did still get claimed even as the gods were split between their two parts. Perhaps Hades had a moment of clarity just enough to peek through and claim you. 
Either way, while Nico was on the Argo II he had heard about you in passing, according to Leo you’re “less scary, more energetic,” and Jason had voiced his surprise at the cold shoulder Nico gave him. They had both agreed though that both of you had been the same amount of awkward socially, although you dealt with it differently. Nico wasn’t sure what to make of the hypothetical new sibling- was he scared? Excited? Did he fear for your fate?
Anyways, the first meeting would be after the fight, Nico going to his cabin ready to collapse. You had already gone back to your cabin and were currently sitting on your bed, trying to comprehend what had happened, what you had seen in the day. It had been a horrific day, and in your silent contemplation you hadn’t noticed Nico coming in. Nico, in his tiredness, only noticed you after a moment and with a small yell he tried to grab his sword, which he currently wasn’t carrying. 
You shot up hearing the yell and scrambled backwards, getting your feet underneath you and standing on the bed. You had been ready to sleep, but now adrenaline was once again in your limbs as you stared at the stranger. But as you stared at the pale stranger, realization dawned on you. “Nico di Angelo?” your tone was questioning, and Nico nodded slowly, still staring at you. His gaze was intense, although you didn’t know that Nico didn’t mean to be intense. You slowly get off your bed, and hesitatingly hold out your hand. “I’m (Y/n) (L/n), nice to uh, meet you?” 
At first your relationship was hardly there- Nico had his own shit to deal with mentally, and he genuinely thought that you didn’t need him. You had friends from different cabins, and Nico thought that associating with you might get you judged. However he always kept an eye on you. 
One day, while he was helping rebuild the infirmary with Will, you got carried in by Paolo. There was a huge gash in your lack, and Nico felt a protective surge in his chest. “What did this?” he asked, as he moved next to you. He didn’t know how to heal, but Will was on it. “There were some monsters at the border,” you shrugged, “They almost got to Paolo. Are you angry at me?” your voice got quiet near the end, and Nico looked questioningly at Will, who had looked up from bandaging your leg. “No.” Nico stared at you. “You look angry.” You said, looking at your half-brother. Nico felt his heart drop a bit at your innocent face. He was angry at the monsters- but he also realized that he might care for you. 
Since then Nico seemed to seek you out. It started with training together, then talking about the underworld, learning about the dangers and perks of summoning the undead and shadow travel. Nico learned that although he had to figure it all out himself, you wouldn’t have to if he taught you. 
He even took it upon himself to teach you about the different myths using Mythomagic, and it warmed his heart to see you enjoy yourself. Nico’s life had been hard but he didn’t want that for you- he secretly promised himself to make sure your life would be better. 
As for your dynamic, it’s much like Nico and Hazel. You care for one another, and are very close. In the beginning it was simply that, protecting each other and just being kind. Over time, as Nico got more mentally healthy, he started being a bit more cheeky and made (lovingly) fun of you, just as you did in return.
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sleepretreat · 2 months
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hischughes1386 · 8 months
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NJD admin is just like me fr!!!
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imperatorrrrr · 1 month
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Nico Hischier in The Athletic’s NHL European Tour Highlights
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blorbocedes · 1 year
https://x.com/MercedesAMGF1/status/1712472853151666446?s=20 the first photo on this tweet literally crops him out he's standing on lewis's right in the full version... at this point do you think they have some agreement (with lewis?) that they're not supposed to mention him?
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you see lewis won 2014 constructors all by himself there was no other mercedes driver who won 317 points to lewis' 384. Mercedes' 700 points in constructors? who knows where it came from.......
I don't think the team have any explicit agreement with lewis, but rather they just want to make it seem like their current driver is the only one who took that team to greatness all by himself
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sammydem0n64 · 6 months
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toffoliravioli · 8 months
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mistressemmedi · 8 months
I think they forgot to update all of their social media channels 😂
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hischierschain · 6 months
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cabinofimagines · 6 months
Better Times p. 1
As I have noticed people on this blog often don't read the longer works I split this one up. Happy birthday to me, y'all are getting hurt >;-) Pairing: Poly!Solangelo x gn!reader, Will Solace x reader x Nico di Angelo Request: halli hallo~ ^^ i wanted to ask if i could request something for solangelo x reader? i'm not sure if your requests are open, i couldn't find anything that said otherwise, maybe i read over it, or forgot a page? if that is the case i apologize! but if they are open, then i was thinking that the reader is just having an off week in general, things are just not going their way, and worst of all, their boyfriends are busy TwT then when the week is over, one of them senses that there's something wrong with the reader, but as soon as they get asked what's wrong, they just start full on sobbing- cuddling ensues? TwT solangelo is my biggest source of comfort right now, and the posts of them from this blog are always so cute and fluffy ^^ Word count: 1.8k Warnings: bad feelings, sad feelings, hurt (not yet comfort). -Asnyox Part 2
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You would think that living at camp wouldn’t necessarily be more stressful than going out in the ‘real’ world. However, the distinction between chores and free time was non-existent. Therefore, you weren’t sure whether you were supposed to be working, taking time off and most of all forcing your boyfriends to take a break with you. It was impossible to convince them, because either of them had good reasons that what they were doing wasn’t too exerting of them, or should be put off until after you hung out. For Nico and Will finishing their duties meant free time, and the problem here was that it felt as if they were never finished with their duties, and neither were you. 
In short, you would have loved to spend some time with your boyfriends. Yet, Nico was busy relocating the troglodytes after their old home got destroyed, and Will was busy restocking the infirmary before summer. You were busy, being alone. You didn’t blame your boyfriends, of course they were allowed their own lives and tasks, and you respected that they were capable of doing their own tasks. You would just have liked to be able to relax with them for a bit, just a hug perhaps. 
It came to the point where Nico even paused your morning sword training sessions (did those count as a free time activity?), and Sherman stepped up to the game. You tried to kindly decline, but he didn’t take no for an answer. After your initial problems when training with Sherman, he seemed to have calmed down and gotten to a more ‘teaching’ approach. However, this did not mean that he would be pulling punches, or slashes in the case of sword fighting. 
That was how you ended up in the infirmary, under the worried gaze of your lover. Will carefully stitched the slash on your arm as you tried to stay silent. This was the most one-on-one attention you had gotten from Will in what felt like weeks, and you wanted it to not be a worrying experience for Will. Who were you kidding though, you were hurt so of course Will was worried. 
“Here, eat this,” Will softly held some ambrosia to your mouth. You carefully put your lips around it, grazing Will’s fingers in a soft kiss. Will used his other hand to grab your jaw, his thumb slowly moving over your cheek. You wished Will would kiss your wounds better, but he didn’t seem to get the hint. 
“Thanks,” you breathed and Will’s worried eyes softened. “Maybe you should wait with training until Nico gets back,” Will looked at you intensely, “You know, he might get jealous if you keep training with Sherman?” you laughed, although you wished Nico was there to get jealous, and take you away, and spend time with you. You hoped it didn’t show on your face. “Well I need to keep up,” you tried to push away the flutter in your chest, “You never know when a Sherman shaped monster tries to get me,” then you sighed, “I wish Nico was here more, but I know he’s busy.” Will hummed, as he turned to put away some of the supplies he used. 
“We can maybe plan a date soon.” Will suggested, “We all have been busy for a while now, it would be nice to just have some time with the three of us.” You nodded in agreement, starting to stand up. “Do you have anything planned outside of your infirmary shifts?” Will asked as he looked at you. “Training with Sherman, mostly. Everything else I can probably move.” you said and Will nodded. “Cool, me too. Whoever sees Nico first plans the date then?” he asked and you nodded again. But as you left the infirmary you already missed the shine of Will’s smile, and you sighed as you felt an unexplainable sadness in your chest. You considered turning back for a moment, before you noticed hurt campers coming your way. Right, Will was working and did not need a distraction. You moved out of the way, not sure where you were going. 
Just suck it up, you thought. You did not need to add to their list of chores. You were going to be fine. 
But, as you were laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling of your cabin, you realized something. You were tired, wanted to cry, and still had tasks to do. So, you decided to make a deal with yourself. If you finished your tasks, you could skip the campfire and indulge in some healthy letting-your-emotions-out time, on your own. Sighing you sat up, took a breath, and went to face the world. 
Maybe you wanted to share some parts, but that would once again make it about you. If you could simply make today a good day then it will start getting better right, slowly? Just one good day, filled with love, spent with your boyfriends. 
Will was the one to catch Nico, and informed you that all three of you had time for a date a few days later. You hadn’t looked forward to the wait, but a few days was at least a set time instead of wallowing in the impossibility of seeing your lovers ever. Yet, as you met up with them, Nico didn’t seem too happy to see you. He wasn’t smiling, instead he stared at you intently. 
“(Y/n), love, are you okay?” he asked when you were within earshot. Will was next to Nico, already holding his hand. Nico wasn’t sure how to breach the topic, but Will and him had talked for a moment already and Will had voiced his worry about you not sharing your troubles. Nico saw what he meant, you looked restless and tired at the same time and there must have been something going on. 
“I’ve been,” you hesitated, “... tired.” Was this really the moment to admit it? You had been so strong for the week, and you just wanted some chill, fun time with your boyfriends. So, even if you felt like if you closed your eyes you might either sleep or cry, perhaps both, you didn’t want to talk about your emotions. Talking about them meant feeling them, and feeling was an activity you weren’t affording yourself right now. You want to feel fine, perhaps get a kiss, and move on so you could get these emotions out in a way that wouldn’t upset your boyfriends. 
Not that they would ever be upset about you having feelings, no, you didn’t want them to spend the day meant for fun times feeling bad about the fact that you perhaps had missed them, had felt a bit neglected in the past week. You knew they would feel guilty about not noticing your mental state deteriorate in the past week, or that you hadn’t told them about your breakdowns at night, or that you had not considered asking for as much as a hug in the past week because if you were to be safely in the arms of one of your lovers, you knew you would not be able to hold in the tears and hold up the walls that barely contained your emotions. These walls would need to keep standing until after you forcefully had fun with your boyfriends on a cute date with no emotional baggage shared. You wanted to be happy today. But-
“Are you sure that’s all?” Nico’s voice broke your thoughts. “Yes!” you answered a little too quickly, “Let’s get going, okay? We can talk more when we’ve put out everything for the picnic. Would hate to have our date cut short by the dinner bell, right?” Your boyfriends exchanged a look. “Are you sure, love?” Will grabbed your hand, “we can always hold the picnic in Nico’s cabin, have a bit more comfort.” You sighed, before softly grabbing Will’s face, and pressing a kiss on his lips. “All I am sure of is that I just want the comfort of my boyfriends during a picnic,” you smiled softly, feeling slightly undone by the kiss you just instigated. Oh, how you had longed for that, “Okay?” 
So, you went out together. The sun shined on you and you could feel how it was energizing you. The blanket was laid down, the food spread out, and most importantly, you were sitting between your boyfriends for the first time in a long while. 
Between the strawberries, hand holding and cuddles you finally felt at ease. You were glad that neither of your boyfriends pressed the matter of your well-being, even if you found them staring at you a little more than usual. But it was nice, conversation flowed freely. 
“How have the troglodytes been?” you asked, and Nico perked up. “They’re adjusting really well!” Nico probably was unaware that he was smiling. He tended to look younger when he got excited, and he truly did love the troglodytes, “They had been sad about losing some of the hats but have found ways that even I don’t know yet to get new hats.” “That’s cute.” Will said, although you knew he had had some reservations considering the troglodyte business- mostly because he didn’t like how Nico somehow always seemed paler whenever he came back from visiting them, as if Nico didn’t take good care of himself when he went to them. “It truly is,” Nico hummed, “maybe we could visit them someday.” you could see that he was excited for the prospect. “Maybe,” Will said and you hit him lightly on his arm. “I would love to, Nico.” you told him, and Nico nodded, a little less excited at Will’s answer. 
Eventually the sun started shining a little less, and you knew the day was coming to an end, feeling dread form as you were packing up. You kissed your boyfriends, before each of you went to your respective tables at the dining hall. Nico had said he still had to fix something with the troglodytes, one of the last things he promised. Will had offered to sit together at the campfire with you today, but you truly did feel tired. You couldn’t pinpoint why, so you excused yourself quickly, brushing off Will’s worried inquiries, before going to your cabin, laying in your bed. Today was fun, and good, yet you still felt like sobbing. Tears were already forming as you simply thought about the fun times you had during the day, the soft kisses and how your boyfriends looked at you. Gods, you loved them so much, but why were you crying? If today was good, why wouldn’t it fix whatever made you feel like this? Why, why, why?
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sleepretreat · 3 months
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lipschitznotshitlips · 4 months
HI ‼️ mod question lol. I wanted to start an rp but I wanna check w/ u first
Is oc x canon ok ??? Like romantically, I have an oc (@/roxannehidgens) that I ship w/ rich(and a few other characters bc POLYAMORY BEAM!!!!) and I wanted to do that shfjakkwek it’s cool if not !! It can be queer platonic or just platonic if you want
OC x Canon is completely okay as long as our muses build chem! I’m fully down to RP any and all oc x canon ships !! (Also polyamory beam so real and SAME, Richie is polyam and also the acc as a whole is multiship!)
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Outsiders headcanon. Spoilers for the final
O!nico is an angel idc that there's no proof
O!eryns a demon (comeon)
O!nico is also younger then oeca
Nico loved to entertain people, specifically with his 2 best freinds Zoey and cash
Outside the maze nico was an athlete and was in a decent amount of tournaments but once he got to into the zone and somehow ended someone's life.
That got him put in the maze
When he got put into the maze he woke up to eryn helping him up
He couldn't remember anything, anyone or where he was
Nico looked up to eryn and wanted to impress him somehow
After awhile in the clearing they went into the maze nico got quite a few burn scars on his legs and arms after the first few times in the maze
After a few times he goes into the maze with eryn, to try and impress the only person he knew he bridged, got decently far before getting panicked as it turned to night randomly and he fell 100s of blocks down to his death. He tried to fly but his wings were far to small his halo dinted and he hit the floor
Eryn just stared down, it was to dark.
He turned as he heard a groan and bones. He quickly ran around the shifting maze, why was it changing?? It feels like something was trying to end him.
But he eventually found a chest with a netherite kantana and a flute, he was able to defend himself. He was lost he couldn't find the doors
Years later he found them, he couldn't remember, much of nico, but he still here's his voice somehow, the only voice he can hear
He finally found it after years he finds the clearing (the stream takes place)
As eryns in the dark maze the crimson Vines on his arms hurt so much, but he can't get them off. The voice of nico warning him of monsters, it was always right
He used his flute to get past the greiver hall
Found and ignored nik, he reminded him to much of nico, he didn't like it
Climbed the rope
Broke the iron door down in the story room
And got into the memory room. The Vines hurt more as he pushed the hand print
He remembered something about a red Crimson egg? And a war..
He finally got into the final room and he stepped onto.. a stage??
The watcher forgot to put chips into eryn and Nico's head
That's why they tried to kill them, there's no point, they won't earn them cash, but eryn ended up escaping somehow..
spoilers under the cut <3
Okay but you know how the Guards/Watchers/Wallmen threatened to shoot the gang when they got to the stage? Eryn takes a few steps out. There's a quiet gunshot and a thump.
Maybe an observant few noticed, but many people would never know about the sixth survivor, killed and dragged offstage for being a mistake that STARR had made.
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archivingbarca · 25 days
who do you think barca should sign for the lw? (also, marcus rashford? 😂😂)
first of all, ntm on rashford i don’t think he’s washed quite yet 😭
and as for my opinion, i’m really liking the look of barcola. it’s hard to be 100% on board because he plays in france so farmers league tax etc. BUTTT i like the look of his movement and i think he’s a decent finisher (imo we don’t need more “creators”, lamine is already an world class creator) and he has pretty good defensive contribution! which is perfect for balde who likes to go high up the pitch
it’s nico that we’ll most likely sign though, i don’t think the saga is over yet
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