#admin abi speaks
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yourdlmatchmaker · 2 years ago
You thought I was gone again?No~ I was just finishing some things and I'd like to mention that: College is over! So~ while I find a job I'll answer some match ups!
I already went though some match ups and erased those which account were deactivated. I'll answer those that are still active!
I'll work on them today and I'll try to answer as much as I can ^^
Hope you look forward to them!!
Admin Abi
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vanilachocolate · 7 months ago
Hari ini mengundurkan diri dari lembaga pembimbing skripsi. Songong betul kan ya, nganggur tapi malah mengundurkan diri dari kerjaan sampingan. Disebabkan karena kemarin gajiku seminggu belum dibayar. Bulan lalu nunggu 3 hari. Dan ternyata ada pembimbing lain yang mengalami hal yang sama.
Padahal aku seneng jadi pembimbing skripsi. Tapi belum tentu kejadian yang sama ngga akan terulang. Daripada gondok terus berhari-hari, makanya aku memutuskan buat berhenti aja. Semoga abis ini dikasih kerjaan tetap sama Allah deh.
Terus tadi pagi beberapa pembimbing chat aku. Nanya apakah aku udah gajian, karena mereka udah. Dan mereka bilang makasih sama aku karena aku memulai kegaduhan di grup yg berisi pembimbing, yg ngegaji, admin, dan HR. Tapi sebenernya aku kasian sama adminnya. Soalnya yg bales adminnya mulu pas aku menuntut hak di grup. Abis aku berani ngomong, ada pembimbing lain juga yang ngomong juga di grup kan.
Terus pas tadi ngajuin resign aku pamit juga sama adminnya. Balesan adminnya baik banget. Bikin terharu. Makasih sama aku karena aku berani speak up masalah gaji yang tertunda-tunda. Terus beliau juga menyayangkan sistem manajemennya dan bilang kalau senang juga aku ada di tim sebelumnya. huhu, aku terharu.
Berharap abis ini aku dapet pemasukan dari sumber lain dan lebih banyak sih. Karena bekerja bikin aku waras setidaknya dan tidak cemas dan ingin menyerah dg kehidupan mulu walau sudah dikawini.
Terus tadi juga murid les-lesan aku bilang makasih juga. Hari ini dia ujian spmb buat kedokteran. Katanya belajar sama aku seru, soal-soal dari aku pada keluar juga. Semoga kamu keterima kedokteran negeri yaa, biar ibumu senang aamiin.
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english-immerse · 4 years ago
Konstrukcje gramatyczne - matura rozszerzona
zadanie online :
1.      Neither Paul nor Janek is/ (are)  honest
—  Ani Paul ani Janek nie jest uczciwy
2.      Neither of us – zwrotu tego używamy w odniesieniu do dwóch osób – żaden z dwóch
I have two brothers , neither of them is slim.
3.      None of us – zwrotu tego używamy jeżeli w zdaniu odnosimy się do grupy większej niż 2 osoby
None of us is prepared to the exam.
4.      Either …………….or ………albo, albo .
Either I will go to the sea, or I will go to the lake.
Albo pojadę nad morze, lub pojadę nad jezioro.
5.      It is no use crying – nie ma sensu płakać
It is no use complaining
W tej konstrukcji używamy czasownika z końcówką ing.
6.      There is no point in crying - nie ma sensu płakać
There is no point in breaking up
Nie ma sensu marudzić .
W tej konstrukcji używamy czasownika z końcówką ing.
7.       If only I could swim – życzenia na terażniejszość - Past Simple – Gdybym tylko umiała pływać
If only I shared the room with Robert
If only I had a laptop- gdybym tylko miała laptopa
If only I lived in France- gdybym tylko mieszkał we Francji
8.      If only I had  learnt that earlier- Gdybym tylko nauczył się tego wcześniej- żałujemy czegoś z przeszłości - Past Perfect
If only I hadn’t answered back that teacher.
Życzenia na przeszłość past perfect ( had + 3 forma lube d )
9.      I wish I had a dog     - chcałbym mieć psa= żałuję ze nie mam psa        
Jeżeli wyrażamy życzenie odnośnie sytuacji terażniejszej stosujemy  czas Past Simple
I wish I knew French      - Chcialbym znać      francuski
I wish I could sign up for/ join that gym. Żałuję, że nie mogę zapisać się na siłownię/ Chciałbym zapisać się siłownię.
10.  I wish I had bought it . – żałuję że tego nie kupiłem                  
Jeżeli, żalujemy czegoś z przeszłości stosujemy Past Perfect (had + 3 forma lub ed )
I wish I hadn’t been at the  event .
I wish I had invited Robert
!!! Jeżeli zaczynamy tłumaczenie od żałuję
To jeżeli w polskiej wersji jest przeczenie to w angiel. twierdzenie
! !She wished she learnt French – czasownik wish odmienia się przez czasy
She wishes ……………,
 Does she wish she had a laptop?- czy ona żałuje ,że nie ma laptopa
11.  I wish you would stop smoking. Wish + would – życzenie na przyszłość, jesli chcemy zmienić jakąs sytuację, kogoś zachowanie, które nas irytuje
12.  Konstrukcje strony biernej
Mówi się …………………………
It is said that he is rich = he is said to be rich – mówi się
It is believed that he is talented= he is believed  to be talented- uważa, wierzy się
They say he writes novels=it is said that he writes novels= he is said to write novels
They think he lives in Alaska= it is thought that he lives= he is thought to live
13.  Jeżeli czynność odbywa się na tej samej płaszczyżnie czasowej, np. w danym zdaniu zastosowane sa czasy Simple Present- Simple Present to używamy – to be, to do, to write , itd. Jeżeli czynność odbywa się na różnych płaszczyznach czasowych np. Simple Present- Simple Past to używamy – to have done, to have been, to have written itd.
—  They say he cheats – It is said that he cheats- he is said to cheat
Ta sama płaszczyzna czasowa - Present Simple , Present Simple = to cheat - to plus forma podstawowa czasownika
—  They say he skip classes- it is said that he skip classes= he is said to skip classes
—  They believe he escaped- it is believed that he escaped= he is believed to have escaped
Rózne zastosowanie czasów- to have + III forma lub ed
- They say he wrote – it is said that he wrote – he is said to have written
- They believe he discovered- he is believed to have discovered
- They estimated he had misused the device- It Is estimated he had misused…..He is estimated to have misused
- They said he had mistaken - He was said to have mistaken
14.  Przypuszczenie odnośnie przeszłości. Jeżeli chcemy wyrazić przypuszczenie odnośnie przeszłości, np. że coś prawdopodobnie się wydarzyło, stosujemy konstrikcję:
Modal + have + III forma lub ed
She must have forgotten – On na pewno zapomniała
She  must have lost – Ona na pewno zgubiła
She might have overslept- Ona prawdopodobnie zaspała
! Ale - She had to do it- Ona musiała to zrobić , przymus
! Ważne jest aby rozróżnić przymus od przypuszczenia
She is late. It is so like her. She must have overslept.- przypuszczenie
She had to submit the documents on Friday. It was the deadline. - przymus
She must have done  – na pewno tak
She might have done – prawdopodobnie tak
She can’t have done – na pewno nie
She might not have done – prawdopodobnie nie
She could have done - mogłabyła to zrobić
—  Czasownik should !!! I should have done it – czasownik should jeśli chodzi o formę przeszłą korzysta z konstrukcji modal have i 3 forma lub ed
I should do it now.
I should have done it a long time ago.
Różnica między : I needn't have done a I didn't need to do it.
I needn't have done it- nie musialem tego robić, ale zrobilem
I didn't need to do it- nie musialem tego robić,i nie zrobilem
I needn't have bought so much food for the party, but I did as my mum didn't tell me that she had already bought all the food.
I didn't need to write the review for yesterday as my teacher had changed the deadline.
15.  Po przysłówkach : when, as soon as (jak tylko), as long as (pod warunkiem że)  , before, if, after , until , provided that, providing that (pod warunkiem że) , in case  nie używamy czasu Future tylko Simple Present
When I finish writing it, I will watch “you can dance “
When he finishes writing it, he will watch
As long as you promise to give it back soon, I will lend you my car.
16.  Despite, in spite of + ing- pomimo
Despite being alone- pomimo
Despite + ing/ lub rzeczownik
Despite being late- pomimo, że sie spóżniłam
In spite of not liking
In spite of + ing / lub rzeczownik
In spite of not liking - mimo, że nie lubię
Although I don’t like - mimo że nie lubię
Even though I don’t like - mimo że nie lubię
Po wyrazach although, even though używamy formy czasownikowej, odmieniamy przez dany czas gramatyczny
17 Konstrukcja Kozatywna
Konstrukcji tej używamy, jeśli chcemy zlecić komuś wykonanie jakieś czynności
Have sth done/ get sth done
I had the roof mended- naprawiono mi dach - Past Simple
I will have the roof mended- naprawię dach/ naprawią mi dach - Future Simple
I have had the roof mended- naprawiono mi dach
17.  High time - Najwyższy czas- w tej konstrukcji stosujemy czas Past Simple
It is high time she went down to work
18.  Had better – lepiej- w tej konstrukcji używamy formy podstawowej czasownika
You had better work
You had better not lie - przeczenie
19.  Would rather
Jeżeli mówimy o sobie, o tym co my wolimy używamy formy podstawowej czasownika
I would rather work here than there
Jeżeli mówimy, że wolimy aby ktoś inny coś zrobił stosyjemy czas Past Simple
I would rather you worked here
20.  Ogólne upodobania – prefer ing to ing
I prefer learning English to learning German
21.  As if / as though – jakgdydby-generalnie w zastosowaniu tej konstrukcji "cofamy się o czas do tyłu"
He behaves as if he was the most important person.
Ona zachowuje sie jak gdyby była najważniejszą osobą, a nie jest
He behaves as if he had seen a ghost
On zachowuje się jakgdyby zobaczył ducha.
22. strona bierna
Konstrukcja strony biernej to : czasownik być + 3 forma lub ed
This plant is grown in this country. Present Simple
She was assessed really severely- Past Simple
She has been promoted- Present Perfect
It will be fixed soon- Future Simple
It is being considered- Present Continuous
It might be changed - czasownik modalny
She had been rejected - Past Perfect
1.      Neither Mark nor Greg ( be) .............................keen on goingon that expedition 2. There is no point in ( revise) .....................................it. 3. If only I ( can ) ..............................speak French fuently.But I can't. 4.I wish  I (can ) .............................speak Greek fluently.But I can't. 5. If I (can) .......................speak French more fluently, I (get) ..............................that job . But I can't 6. If I (can) .......................speak French more fluently, I (get) ..............................that job . But I couldn't 7. I wish  I ( be) .....................better at French but I wasn't. 8. I wish I (be) ......................better at French but I am not. 9. If only I (revise) .........................the material more thoroughly, I would have been given a better mark. 10. She is said to ( be) ..................a talented artist.She writes brilliant poetry. 11. She is said to (be) ....................a talented artist.She wrote brilliant poetry. 12. She is said to (write) ........................in several languages. In fact, she is learning a new one. 13. She is said to (write) .......................in several languages. In fact,she knew 4 of them. 14. It is said that she (leave) ...........................him without a sinle word. It was last year. 15. Where is John? He ( must forget) .......................about the meeting. I am sure. 16.  Where is John? He (might  forget) .......................about the meeting. Probably he forgot. 17. You should (visit) ...................................your aunt a long time ago. 18. It is a shame you didn't vist me.We could (have)..........................a lot of fun. 19. She is unlikely ( win) ........................the ski competition. 20. She (can ) ..............................paint when she was 8 years old. 21. She ( be ) ..............................able to extend her visa and she was so satisfied that day. 22. She ( have to) ..........................extend her visa last year. 23. I am taking my umbrella in case it (rain) ..................................... 24.But for  your (stand up) ..............................for me, I would have been beaten up by those bullies. 25. If you   ( not stand up) ............................for me, those bullies (beat ) ..............................me up. 26. If I (be) .........................bored, I  often ( read) ...............................books. 27. If I ( have) .........................more time , I ( read) .........................more books. 28. If I (have ) ...........................more time at university,  I ( read) .........................more books.But I didn't. 29. I would rather ( go) .........................alone than (ask) .....................for your favour. 30. I would rather you ( not cheat) ..........................on my tests. 32. I would rather you ( not cheat) ............................yesterday. 33. I prefer (read) .......................to (watch) .................................films. 34. Despite ( share) .........................the flat with her, I will not invite her to my party. 25. Although I (share) ....................the flat with her, I will not invite her to my party. 26. She told me (clean) ....................my room. 27. She told me ( not smoke ) ..........................in the office. 28.I want to know where you (live) ......................Can you give me your address.? 29. I want to know where and when you (buy) ..............................it 30.Rice ( grow) ....................... in China by local farmers. 31.The Witcher ( write) .............................by Sapkowski. 31. I (give)..........................a promotion and I am so excited. 32. My bathroom ( refurbish) .....................................................now. 32 a. I (refurbish) ...............................my bathroom ...........................now. 33. She behaves as if she ( know) ..........................................everything. 34. She behaves as though she ( lose) ....................................everything. I know that it was a setback for her. yet I think she exaggerates. 35. I ( not need) ................................to stand in that awful queue as my mum had already bought the food. 36. I (not need stand) .............................in that awful queue as when I reached the cash register my mum phoned me to tell me  she had already bought the food. 37. It is high time you ( move out) ..................................you dont't pay the bills. 38. You had better ( listen ) .........................to me. 39. I ( test) ..........................my blood...........................now. 40. I (test) ........................my blood............................... yesterday. 41. I refuse............................(tell) you that. 42. I admit ...................................( be) there. 43. I regret ...................................( tell) you that as you told my secret to everyone. 44. I apologise for...........................( make) that mistake. 45. By midnight I ( know) .............................the results of my exam. 46. On Monday I ( do).............................................yoga for 7 years now. 47. As soon as I (hear) ..............................the news, I broke to tears. 48. I (read) .............................Lalka for 2 weeks now. 49. I (read) ..............................the book twice. 50. When ..................you (read) ...........................the book.? 51.I will phone when I ........................(know) the results. Rozszerzoan zwroty   Match 1. owing to                                        a) pod warunkiem że
2. due to                                            b) jeśli nie
3. despite                                          c) pomimo
4. in case                                          d) gdyby nie
5. unless                                           e) jak gdyby
6. but for                                            f) przypuścmy
7. although                                       g) prawdopodobnie
8, likely                                             h) z powodu
9. as if / though                                  i) z powodu
10. provided that                                j) pomimo
11. as long as                                    k) pod warunkiem że
12. supposing                                    l) na wszelki wypadek
13. unlike                                           m) w przeciwieństwie do 14. contrary to                                   n) w przeciwieństwie do
  Wstaw powyższe zwroty do zdań. 1. She is ............................to win the race. Nobody can catch up with her.
2. You can borrow that bike.......................you give it back tomorrow.
3. She behaved ...............................she had lost all her world.
4. .............................you won a lot of money, what would you do?
5. .............................thick fog, the flights were cancelled.
6. Take your umbrella, .................................it rains.
7. .....................she gets down to work, she will fail the exams.
8. ..........................liking her, I will not invite her. 9.............................I don't like her, I share her point of view.
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dianchs · 7 years ago
one call away
Jumat, 3 November 2017
Hari ini aku dijadwalkan untuk sharing di agenda kemuslimahan FEB Unpad, temanya ngeri bray, “agar cinta tak jadi musibah”, dan kenapa aku mau-maunya menerima pinangan untuk sharing dengan tema begitu, sungguh masih jadi misteri, i really have no idea why did i say yes to them, heck no, aku ga ngerti bat, bahkan belom tentu aku sudah selesai dengan perkara hati sendiri. lol.
Jum’at pagi, aktivitas berjalan biasa. Terlalu biasa malah (padahal tau belom siapin apa-apa buat nanti). Bahkan subuhnya masih jemput orang di stasiun, abis makan bubur langganan masih sempet main ke kosan temen sampe jam 9 lewat dikit. Gila.
Umumnya, sebelum ngisi aku akan persiapkan materi menggunakan PPT, kalo lagi rajin bisa ngedesain sendiri mind mapping materi yang bakal disampaikan, biasanya juga dilengkapi video pendukung dari youtube supaya ga garing. Pun kalo tanpa PPT, notes kecil berisi kerangka yang perlu disampaikan pasti disiapkan. Biasanya juga, aku akan menyempatkan ngobrol sama orang yang bisa kasih insight: temen, teteh murabiah atau malah abi sekalian minta dongeng (kali aja ada yang nyangkut ama materi).
Ajaibnya, aku cuek padahal belum melakukan satupun dari semua hal itu. edun. Dan ini terjadi bukan karena aku santai dan merasa udah tau apa yang mau disampaikan. GAK-SAMA-SEKALI. Aku panik, tapi kayak bodoh gitu gatau mau mulai dari mana. Rasanya sharing hari ini salah alamat. Aku merutuki diri sendiri yang terlanjur bilang iya dan ga memanfaatkan waktu sepekan silam buat siap-siap, dasar deadliners.
Jam 10. Aku diminta hadir jam 11:15 waktu Jatinangor (krik). Ini artinya waktu siap-siap ga lebih dari dua jam, alamak. Belom tau mau ngomong apa, belom mandi, belom punya baju yang udah disetrika, kenapa sih pekan ini aku kayak orang ga berkehidupan, ngapain aja sih diaaan. Kesel bat rasanya.
Jalan pintas mencuat di kepala: aku minta aja orang lain gantiin aku! (wkwkwk), beberapa nama muncul tapi entah apa yang menggerakkan, aku ngechat teh juan. Biar smooth, aku ga langsung nembak, tanya-tanya dulu, sempet ngobrolin adik-adik mentor dulu, baru setelah 15 menit chating, aku minta teh juan buat ngisi NGAHAHAHA!
Guess what? Teh juan lagi di Jakarta. Potek hati adek, Bang. Jam setengah 11, aku makin panik, kayak orang ga ber-Tuhan, sembarangan pencet tombol telepon ke Teh Juan. begitu tersambung, langsung keluar semua keluh kesan aku, ricuh, ripuh.
“teh! Huhu aku ga siap banget”
“teh, kasih saran dong siapa yang bisa ya”
“yampun teh, aku ga paham lagi kenapa aku bilang iya ke mereka”
“gila teh harus ngomong apaan coba”
“teh, plis kasih tau selain yang tadi di chat, apalagi yang perlu disampaikan”
Saat aku diem dikit, Teh Juan ngomong dengan suara super lembut
“di… udah?”
“udah teh, gimana dong nih”
“sejam lagi ya?”
“iya teh” *lemes*
“udah, sekarang ambil wudhu, solat duha, abis itu baca quran ya, Di. Ngobrol sama Allah. Kalo perlu sampe nangis!”
Kenapa aku kayak orang ga ber-Tuhan sih serampangan tanya ini itu, fokus mikirin materi, justru ruhiyah (yang paling penting!) malah lupa disiapin
“hmmm iya teh, bener juga, makasih banyak ya teh.”
“di, di?”
“ya, teh?”
“everything happens for a reason. Pasti ada alasan kenapa dian bilang ‘iya’, nerima permintaan ngisi hari ini, pasti ada maksud kenapa Allah bikin aku ada di Jakarta sekarang, pasti ada alasan kenapa dian ga nyiapin apa-apa sepekan ini, Dian jadi panik dan nelfon aku kan hehe”
… bener. Aku melting ya Allah :’)
hati rasanya hangaaaat syekali. Setelah beberapa kalimat dan dadah-dadah, kami memutus percakapan dan aku melakukan sesuai saran Teh Juan.
Ajaib! Setelahnya, hati terasa lapang, waktu ga terasa sempit lagi, aku sempet mandi, sempet nyetrika, berangkat rapi, bahkan sempet nulis notes kecil di secarik kertas tentang apa yang akan disampaikan.
Begitu sampe FEB, langsung disambut panitia, “duh maafin dong, aku ga bikin PPT nih”
Tebak apa jawabannya?
“Emang biasanya ga pake PPT kok teh, kalo teteh bawa juga gabisa kita pake karena tadi ga minta ke bapak sarana-prasarana nya”
Show must go on. Dan alhamdulillaaaah, aku bisa sharing segala rupa yang aku tau. Lancar aja gitu ngomongnya :')
Malah gaibnya, kadang di tengah-tengah materi, aku dapet ilham buat nyampein sesuatu yang related. Tiba-tiba kepikiran curhatannya fulanah, tiba-tiba inget ada temen perempuan yang deket sama seorang lelaki tapi nikahnya malah sama yang lain, tiba-tiba inget materi 4 jendela yang pernah dikasih ama teteh murabiah.
ngerasa bat kalo Allah bener-bener nolongin
Begitu masuk sesi pertanyaan sempet deg-degan, bisa ga nih urang jawab, kan ga lucu ya kalo pertanyaan jadi PR semua wkwkwk, emang bener-bener cuma Allah tempat bergantung dah.
Seseorang nanya, “teh boleh ga berdoa spesifik pengen si Fulan jadi pasangan kita?”
WAW! Alhamdulillah dulu pernah jadi salah satu admin Teh Jasmine dan pertanyaan begini adalah salah satu yang paling banyak keluar. lol. Pertanyaan lain pun alhamdulillah ga sesusah yang dibayangin, somehow bisa jawab, berapi-api :’)
Itu semua bukan karena jago public speaking hasyemeleh halakadut, tapi hanya dan hanya karena kuasa Allah
Dari sini, jadi inget lagi kalo diri ini cuma remah-remah cikibol tanpa Allah. Orang masih mau deket-deket aku, masih mau dengerin aku, masih mau kenal aku, itu sungguh karena pertolongan Allah, karena Allah masih sudi nutupin aib-aibku.
Dari ngobrol sama Teh @eleanoreee , aku jadi inget lagi satu hal: Bisa dapet banyak kesempatan sharing di depan orang-orang, itu bukan karena ilmu kita lebih tinggi dari yang nonton, meh ngigo, bukan juga karena kita inspiratif brain beauty behaviour, YAELAAAH, bukan.
Tapi ini salah satu cara Allah mengkader kita. Allah pengen kita belajar, Allah pengen kita gapernah merasa cukup, dan tentu saja…
Allah pengen telinga kita jadi yang pertama mendengar segala nasihat yang keluar dari mulut sendiri.
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babblingpipit · 7 years ago
Masyarakat Tertutup
I have been waiting to write about this for a long while. Why waiting? Karena keyboard laptopku rusak abis ketumpahan air sehingga harus pake on screen keyboard untuk mengoperasikannya. Kenapa ga dibenerin? Karena Darren (supervisorku) bilang udah mesenin a brand-new-shiny laptop (he literally use these words) dari kampus yang ternyata gatau akan dateng kapan (been a month dari terakhir doi bilang mesenin laptop). Jadi sekarang numblr pake komputer desktop di kampus karena kebetulan hari ini (dalam sebulan mulai PhD) adalah hari pertama beneran gabut di kampus haff. Kepanjangan ga introductionnya?
Semua berawal dengan adit (hey I just realized that I really often mentioned him, no?) yang belakangan ngasih pertanyaan-pertanyaan basic kewanitaan seperti: cewek tuh shaving ga sih pit? atau: kalo lagi dapet, darahnya keluarnya kayak lagi pipis gitu pit? My first reaction would be: dit, kamu belajar biologi ga sih? Menurut kamu ngapain aku pake softex kalo keluarnya bisa diatur-atur kaya pipis? And: emang cewek ga punya bulu apa dasar gila. But when I think about it, it hits me on how it actually shows how sealed the society in Indonesia is. We have too many unnecessary taboo that will lead to a formation of a-eum-what closeminded way of thinking (?)
Disclaimer, this Aditia that we’re talking about is an embodiment of a “good guy” defined by Indonesia society. He is polite, well-mannered, ga banyak tingkah, used to be a conservative, rajin belajar, rajin menabung, pokonya ga aneh-aneh deh. The more I think about it, the more it bother me. Are you really want to create this kind of person, society? The person who is afraid of asking questions just because it is taboo and no one will answer it anyway. The person who worried to speak up his/her mind because people would find it offensive or disturbing (this one is me. I often edit my caption on instagram or delete my tweets not because I think it is wrong. More often I am not prepared for netizen reaction).
Di banyak tempat di Indonesia, anak-anak tidak diajarkan untuk menilai sendiri benar dan salah. Banyak orang tua atau guru yang tidak membiasakan anak berpikir panjang mengenai alasan dan motivasi dalam berbuat sesuatu sehingga ukuran benar salah itu sendiri tidak didasarkan pada nilai yang tertanam kuat di pribadi individu melainkan pada pendapat mayoritas. Ketika anak berusia 13 tahun tertangkap merokok, hal yang ditanyakan orangtuanya bukan “kenapa kamu merokok? kamu tau dampak yang disebabkan oleh rokok?” melainkan “siapa yang ngajarin merokok? temennya ya? kamu jangan temenan sama dia lagi”. Get my point? Orang tua tidak berusaha mengerti mengapa anaknya mencoba merokok dan menjelaskan secara prinsip mengapa merokok adalah hal yang tidak mereka setujui. Ada asumsi bahwa semua orang harusnya tau bahwa merokok itu berbahaya dan membuang-buang uang. This. Assumption. Is. Dangerous. Anak akan tau darimana coba? Dikasih bacaan ngga, diajarin baik-baik ngga. Hal inilah yang membuat Aditia, 24 tahun, lulusan ITB, melontarkan pertanyaan “kalo cewek butuh cukuran ga sih?” Karena sedari dia kecil, masyarakat di lingkungan dia mengasumsikan bahwa semua orang harusnya sudah tau tentang hal itu.
I won’t even started with sex education. No I won’t go that far. What I am trying to say is. Masyarakat kita terbiasa memberi perintah dan larangan tanpa prinsip yang jelas dan konsisten. Kita maunya anak yang nurut, yang ga banyak nanya dan ga aneh-aneh. Kita terlalu malas untuk berpikir dalam-dalam dan mempunyai opini sendiri. Hasilnya adalah, manusia-manusia yang mempunyai standar benar salah berdasarkan konsensus mayoritas. Dan pribadi yang takut untuk dianggap menyimpang karena mempertahankan prinsip pribadinya.
Maraknya cyber-bullying di media sosial menurutku adalah satu dampak buruk dari hal ini. Di salah satu akun lawak di instagram, admin mengejek sebuah komentar yang menggunakan bahasa inggris namun sepertinya merupakan hasil terjemahan google sehingga strukturnya acakadut. Komentar lain tentu saja mendukung admin dan beramai-ramai membully komentar tersebut dengan ejekan-ejekan kreatif (surprising how creative we are in finding words to mock people, eh?). Seorang wanita stand up dan menyatakan bahwa menurut dia hal tersebut tidak salah karena bahasa inggris bukanlah bahasa ibu kita. Ia juga dengan halus berpendapat bahwa ada baiknya orang yang sedang belajar disemangati. Untuk aku, komentar ibu ini sangat baik dan tidak menyinggung siapapun. Justru merupakan opini yang konstruktif dan disampaikan dengan sangat santun. Tapi tebak reaksi netizen? Ada puluhan balasan terhadap komen ini (termasuk balasan dari admin) yang intinya adalah: ini kan akun bercandaan, jangan serius-serius amatlah. Puluhan balasan tersebut mengatakan hal ini dengan cara berbeda, banyak yang dengan kasar dan sepertinya sangat terganggu, banyak yang menggunakan cara “bercanda” tapi sesungguhnya, who they are kidding with?
Cyber-bullying menunjukkan betapa kita terbiasa ikut-ikutan tanpa banyak berpikir. Mudahnya menulis di kolom komentar membuat kita tak ingin berpikir terlalu panjang mengenai kata-kata yang kita lontarkan di sosial media. Ketika banyak orang yang memuja suatu akun, kita ikut kagum. Ketika banyak komentar merendahkan sesuatu, menurut kita adalah hal yang wajar untuk ikut merendahkan. Batas baik buruk tak lagi berada pada apa yang benar dan salah menurut prinsip pribadi, melainkan pada rasio celaan dan dukungan di kolom komentar media sosial. Tekanan sosial di Indonesia, sesungguhnya merupakan hal yang paling saya benci. Betapa hal ini banyak mempengaruhi keputusan-keputusan penting individu yang sebenarnya tidak ada hubungannya dengan nilai sosial. Memilih jurusan kuliah, kapan harus menikah, dan jenjang karir impian adalah beberapa contoh yang seharusnya merupakan keputusan unik masing-masing pribadi yang tidak berpengaruh dan dipengaruhi oleh tekanan sosial. Namun kenyataannya? Silakan nilai sendiri berdasarkan pengalaman masing-masing :) I plan to stop this writing on the paragraph above (so it would be cool since it has an open question ending) but I don’t want to be judged as a person who speaks up the problem without suggesting solution(s) (see how matter your judgement is for me? A typical Indonesian at best). The solution is simple. Think. Think before you act. Think before you speak. Why should you say that? Why would you do that? Apakah ada yang diuntungkan atau dirugikan? Apakah hal tersebut benar atau salah menurut prinsip yang kamu pegang?
P.S. This video is one that inspired me and is super relatable: https://youtu.be/e7hBCoOTjJQ
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evanvanness · 5 years ago
Annotated edition of May 17 Week in Ethereum News
As noted last week, I’ve started to think of this as the “Eth holder, but doesn’t work in the industry” edition, so we kick it off with the high-level things I’d read beyond just what you can read.  So, for example, Gnosis/OpenEthereum is picking up the Parity client, but you can see that without me highlighting it.
So here’s my highlight of high-level things for Eth holders.
Some interesting findings in ConsenSys’s eth2 staking survey
Visa patent shows they are building on Ethereum
Building on ethtrader’s DONUT, Reddit unveils community points for r/fortniteBR and r/cryptocurrency subreddits. At the moment, 9000 wallets created for fortnite and just 2100 for r/cryptocurrency. Currently on Rinkeby testnet with plans to move to mainnet.
JPMorganChase decides to bank Coinbase and Gemini
ErisX launches ETH futures, physically delivered, monthly and quarterly contracts
dydx’s BTC/USDC perpetual with 10x leverage is open to the public
This BTC/USDC perpetual matters because the crypto market has been overtaken by YOLO gambling on centralized exchanges that probably trade against you as they know liquidation points and no one else does.   Not a surprise, dydx’s founder says this is already the #1 most traded DeFi.   Centralized exchanges get hacked all the time - not your keys not your crypto.  DeFi is an improvement.
We finally have Eth futures!  And they’re physically delivered, which is good.  Though physical delivery requirements can lead to strange consequences (eg,negative price of oil last month!), it keeps traders honest and moors the price to the actual asset.
JPMorganChase finally banking some crypto clients is an important step for the space.
Reddit is testing letting subreddits govern themselves and pay for things using an Eth token.  Very cool
Visa patented their method of digitizing dollars on Eth at the same time that their chairman said at a conference that “digital currencies could be additive to the payments ecosystem” and that they “supported” them.
In September 2018, the same Visa chairman said that “[blockchain] isn’t really at its core, for us, a good technology.”
It’s interesting that even as the crypto market continued to wane, Visa realized they needed to try to get ahead of the curve.   Crypto isn’t dead.
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Geth v1.9.14 – unindex and save disk space
OpenEthereum v3. Formerly the Parity client. Support for eth/64, breaking database changes to save disk space. Deprecating light client, auto updater, and private transactions
cross-client consensus tests v7
Latest core devs call. Beiko’s notes from the call, largely around EIPs for next hard fork, eg: 2315 (evm subroutines), 2537 (precompile for curve in eth2), 2046 (reduce gas for static calls to precompiles) and 2565 (repricing the 198 precompile)
EVM+384 bit arithmetic as an alternative to EIP2537’s precompile
Discussion of a second method for resource accounting alongside gas: oil from Suhabe Bugrara, separately formulated as karma from Martin Swende. Or a counterproposal from Vitalik: per account gas limits
The case for Eth-collateralized tokenized gas at the protocol level
So the first real release of the fka Parity client.  Very cool, client diversity is important and to my knowledge there are no large scale miners running anything but the Go and Rust clients, so this is important.
What’s up with the “second method of resource accounting alongside gas?”  The idea is that stateless Eth will need a substantially different gas schedule for block witnesses, yet we don’t want to break existing contracts.  We want backward compatibility without overly complicating the dev experience.  Not an easy problem, hence the debate about the best way to do it.
Meanwhile there’s a bit of a debate about some of what goes into the next hard fork.  Relatively normal stuff, some folks think we should stop doing all these precompiles (eg, bit arithmetic proposal), others think we should only do the general precompile EIP
Latest what’s new in eth2, featuring Ben’s thoughts on timelines
Latest eth2 implementer call. Notes from Ben and Mamy, targeting June for the multi-client testnet
Schlesi testnet: Teku is fully participating and Nimbus is almost fully syncing, though there was a chain split this weekend
Proof of custody through occasional checks and slashing
Stethoscope: networking test suite
Idea from Justin Drake on putting price feed oracles in eth2 via validators, and a counter-proposal from Vitalik Buterin
The Schlesi testnet went down, but overall it has been quite stable.  Nothing terribly unexpected for a testnet, and Lodestar will soon be the 5th client to join up.  Slow and steady progress.
Price feed oracles got quite a bit of pushback, I think some of this is because stablecoins are having their second renaissance - something I’ll touch on later.
Proof of custody (ie, that you as a validator hold the data you say you do) through a Truebit-like game: to prevent lazy attestations, the protocol will guarantee false things, and if validators don’t point it out, then they get slashed.  
What are the true finality guarantees of state channels? Depends on liveness of layer 1 chain
We often say that state channels offer “instant finality” but this is a bit of a shorthand to say that it offers “instant finality” assuming that the underlying basechain has “liveness” (which is just blockchain-speak for “is producing blocks”)
This newsletter is made possible by Trail of Bits!
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Trail of Bits recently reported and fixed 12 security issues in projects across Ethereum, some of them critical. Read more about what they were and how they found them in Bug Hunting with Crytic.
Stuff for developers
Solidity v0.6.8, some important bugfixes
Using immutables in Solidity v0.6.xx
Austin Griffith tutorial: build smart contract wallet with social recovery using React
If you haven’t watched Austin’s wtf is eth.build video, you should. It’s under 3 minutes, funny, and informative.
Running the Incubed light client with Python
OpenZeppelin Contracts v3, but modified to be safe for upgrades
Mainnet testing with your own node using Brownie
headlong: ABI v2 and RLP for the JVM
EthPM v3 – spec for v3 of Eth package manager is in last call
12 bugs found by Trail of Bits’ Crytic tool using 90+ detectors
Verifiable randomness on-chain using the Chainlink VRF
Austin’s eth.build explainer vid is great.  Truly recommended - as a community we should be trying to get this in front of many devs as possible.   
How long until someone wins a hackathon with eth.build + oneclickdapp or dapphero?   Seems possible.
Chainlink VRF seems quite cool; PoolTogether is already integrating it.
Tornado.cash finished the largest trusted setup ceremony to date, operator soon to be set to null
Some interesting findings in ConsenSys’s eth2 staking survey
A guide to building with MACI – an anti-collusion demo using SNARKs
And Tornado did burn the admin keys between then and now.
Visa patent shows they are building on Ethereum
Where to use the Baseline protocol: sharing business process automation with counterparties
Brave releases Mjolnir tool for easy deploying and benchmarking permissioned Eth chains
Brave is going to move their token to a separate chain, presumably with a bridge.  Doesn’t seem like terrible news to me, if you have a small amount of BAT, you don’t need a strong censorship-resistance guarantee.
Application layer
Building on ethtrader’s DONUT, Reddit unveils community points for r/fortniteBR and r/cryptocurrency subreddits. At the moment, 9000 wallets created for fortnite and just 2100 for r/cryptocurrency. Currently on Rinkeby testnet with plans to move to mainnet.
Dfinity’s first Swiss employee Robert Lauko now working on Liquity stablecoin, low collateralization with algorithmic liquidation via stability pool
“Augur v2 core contracts are finalized and in a code-freeze state, and the trading UI is undergoing performance testing”
Aave changes its interest rate model. Inflection point in the curve now 8% and 90% usage.
Kyber hit 1 billion USD worth of trades
Brave at 14m MAU/5m DAU
Sai successfully shut down on May 12 and now is redeemable for ETH
Hasu: the future of cryptomoney is central banking. An analysis of Maker’s options and decisions
Utah County (Provo) in Utah offering marriage licenses certified with the hash on Eth mainnet
dydx’s BTC/USDC perpetual with 10x leverage is open to the public, and compares centralized and decentralized perpetual markets
Lots of cool stuff, some of which touched on above.   Utah County is not the first local government to do something like this, but as far as I could tell, it was new.   That must have been a hard sale with the crypto hope at a relative nadir.   Amusingly their site was not https (not that I should judge, I’ve been lazy about that myself, usually do to my cheapness in finding hosts...ahem Tumblr)
Brave growth keeps going.  It really is a superior product, it always surprises me that there are some in crypto who doesn’t use it.
One interesting trend is that we’re having a bit of a renaissance in projects trying to compete with Maker.  Of course Synthetix has had quite a bit of success, though previous rounds contained some laughable attempts (Basecoin).   Stablecoins have a large design space with lots of risks to tradeoff.  I think the new wave of stablecoin designs has some interesting ideas.  I think there’s plenty of space for more people to be successful, though I think plenty of folks are underrrating how hard it will be to compete with Maker.
Overall this felt like a good week for the app layer section, and my usual arbitrary “how much is DeFi? metric comes in at 6/10
ErisX launches ETH futures, physically delivered, monthly and quarterly contracts
Now ~2300 WBTC on Eth versus 900 BTC on Lightning
RAC’s $TAPE launched on Zora and went from $20 to $1000. $TAPE is a token redeemable for a special edition cassette of RAC’s latest album. Interesting new model for artists to capture value
I guess “days, not weeks” dies as an Ethereum meme?   Or maybe it’s like wooks and TwoWeeks, and it will live forever.
(if you don’t catch the reference, there before Eth shipped in july 2015, there was 18 months of Bitcoiners claiming that it was vaporware that was impossible and would never ship, and the eternal answer was always that the ship date was “two weeks” away....which became “two wooks” because the internet is wonderfully weird).
Meanwhile BTC keeps migrating to ETH, as the Bitcoin chain is too limited and fundamentally unsustainable so if you want to do anything with your orange memecoin, then you have to use Ethereum.
Loved seeing RAC’s $TAPE do well.  While critics say this is gimmicky and perhaps not replicable, I actually tend to think the opposite.  Many artists have huge fans who would pay insane amounts - artists have never done a great job at giving their fans new experiences and capturing value.  
JPMorganChase decides to bank Coinbase and Gemini
Wired’s story on MalwareTech/Marcus Hutchins, from stopping WannaCry to FBI arrest
the main idea in HALO snark construction
Open cryptography problems: improving stealth addresses and ideal vector commitment
I love how the general section is such a mismash of the deepest crypto things and then human interest stories like about Marcus Hutchins.  The Wired writer bought his story - I tend to think it’s probably slightly more complicated
I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with the calendar.  I’m not excited about virtual conferences and VR.  But maybe some of you are?
That’s all for this week in the annotated edition.  If you made it this far, would you tweet about it or RT this?   https://www.evanvanness.com/post/618575234233204736/annotated-edition-of-may-17-week-in-ethereum-news
Follow me on Twitter @evan_van_ness to get the annotated edition of this newsletter, usually forthcoming in a day or so, as well as a real-time source of Eth news.
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Permalink: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-may-17-2020/
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
May 18 – Book of Swarm launch
May 22-31 – Ethereum Madrid public health virtual hackathon
May 26 – last day to apply for Ethereum India fellowship
May 29-June 16 – SOSHackathon
June 17 – EthBarcelona R&D workshop
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lolaetfox · 7 years ago
word vomit nov 22nd
-Yesterday I talked to Mba Marina,she give me advice on eaying vegetarian, how full you are, & not ever say bingung. All start in mind *pointing to the head* positive & bold, kamu ga bingung. Kamu ngerti, kamu capable.
-i want to be more beredar, go everywhere.
-Many people have resigned, from agng, ayi, dodi, surya, angga, collin, even bu wayan is gonna go after koming give birth.  Tasha& febby gonna ho too, plus 2 of interns iyo& radic. Of course I feel sad, in the beginning I spent most of my time at the bar, I got comfortable, although I lost *cough*myself on some nights*cough*, my old iphone, wallets, I still comfortable staying at the bar. being given tons of free drinks, maybe I'm addicted to their flirtyness or kindness? i love that i can be myself in here, starting over  from zero, i build my image. Speaking of tonality I almost never used my serious tonality here, always be childish & manja tonalities.
-Today at meeting my boss show everyone the new organizational structure, guess who got a promotion? me. At some point I think it`s good, I want to rebranding myself again, be more respected, push my leadership. I still dont want mas angga to go too soon because I gave a beerfest event coming & not feeling it. Well only in 3 months I have been moved from marketing and event officer to sales marketing and service officer, then given a try on becoming servers supervisor & partnership sales thing, basically handling floor & f&b all along while still doing events and its administration & managing social media of our company &  strategies for sales.
-Overwhelm? hahaha
too blessed to complain. I know my God is good God & he always provide provision where He send us.
-Mount agung has erupted, not feeling any earthquake.
-I will move to my kost in Tukad badung xi gang rama dewa to across Danau Poso. My lease supposed to end at 21st but I will stay until 3rd of december with 1 milion payment :( sucks, fyi 1 month with cleaning service & security cost me 1,2 mio. By the way I have *a lot* of memoriues in this bed I`m sitting on, hmmmm. I`m trying to remind myself about everything that had happened here.  Mulai dari pergi ber4 sm A, a, a & they stay here, pergi kedua sm A&A maksa minta bawain makanan, dibeliin nasi bungkus, trs naik gocar, dianterin ke kos pas udah elek abis satu krat bir diabisin dan disimpen di kos, dianter kesekian kali sm A,A,A  makan mcd mabok2,lol, pulang paling seru sama 5 org temennya ag, dan yg terbaru adalah anter plg dari ai, yg terus lelah, & I got a *going away present*.
-Because the new kost is cheaper & don`t have AC I hope I can still feel comfortable. Cheaper because I don`t have to pay for gojek fee everyday, but not sure about the freedom to bring everyone, doing anything, anytime. I like the sticker on the wall, I like how big and low the bed, it can fit 3-4 persons (guaranteed lol), big-ass tile, which can make me sit and feeling like it`s clean &proper.
-My eyelash extension feels itchy May will be back to denata to buy green jeans jacket 110k, but I ordered 4 pcs of concealer today from jkt.
-Understand many new knowledge about pregnancy from Koming, she is 19 but already married & now is pregnant. She`s awesome, she shared with me many new knowledge about how to do anything, how to manage money, how to positive thinking & give trust to guys. Her husband is security & sshes an admin with 1,3 mio salary, it`s amazed me how awesome she can lived with that.
-Still want to learn to cook like kitchen people cooked homeyfood, soto telur daging ayam, ikan sambel, ayam suir, babi kecap, lawar, etc
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healerobin-blog · 8 years ago
this message is mainly aimed at the main but also to all of the other members of this wonderful group<3
hey gang. so as we all know our beautiful admins have decided to close down malum. i am understandably upset, but i’m in NO WAY angry or resentful towards these people who have helped me through possibly the most difficult periods mentally and for that i am so, so grateful.                                       prepare urself for a whole lotta cheddar cheese :’)
as writers ( or at least for me ) we know that the characters we play or portray whether that be in books or in roleplay hold a little piece of us inside them --- either what we want to be, hope to be, used to be, could have been, or perhaps even fear to be. under the cut i sorted my babies into these categories because i just really want to express how much these characters mean to me<3 and without malum and the amazing work of laura, mar jane and joce, this wouldn’t have been possible. also if you scroll past my character ranting to the bottom, there’s a lil message aimed to all you beautiful people<3                           also i’m sorry i’m so extra i just have ?? a lotta ?? feelings ??
alexander robins: someone i hope to be -- i love him. i love him so, so much. alex is like a child to me and it pains me to have to leave him despite my high muse for him. alex was -- more like is -- someone i HOPE to be. in fact me and alex hold the same caring, sarcastic characteristics, and we both share the unfortunate experience of having anxiety, but at the same time just really really want to do the best for other people. i think our only main difference is that alex has more drive than i do ( plus muggle!alex probably likes science and i’ve always been more artistically driven ) plus he also has this knack in knowing how to transfer his pain into passion and determination -- something i haven’t quite got the hang of yet. i hope to carry his muse ( with the admins permission ) into perhaps independent roleplaying.
abigail harris: someone i used to be -- when i was younger i had a form of an severe anxiety disorder called selective mutism. even after moving schools when i was seven in attempt to encourage me to speak again ( it was mildly successful ), it took me roughly nine years to recover from the blunt and withdrawn characteristics i had inherited from it. although abi is certainly not me, i can’t deny that i adapted those particular features of mine into her personality. if anything it helped me characterise her social anxiety and awkwardness more accurately. her hobby of fixing things and in doing so, isolating herself, was drawn from what i used to do with writing ( short stories, poems and diary entries were my chosen coping mechanisms ). i regret not paying as much attention to her character compared to alex, and if i were to do this all over again i would make sure to do that because she deserves so much love<3
silvanus kettleburn: someone i could have been -- i’m a sucker for the confident characters as social anxiety had always had me kinda deficit in that area. i am most certainly hyper, a lot like him, but i feel like the anxiety stunted that side of me. playing him gave me that opportunity to tend to that hyper happy-go-lucky aspect of myself that i have a tendency to keep hidden in real life. like alex, silvanus also took his pain and used it as fuel to do well in something he loved, although unlike alex ( and more like me ), silv only really focused on the one subject while alex pretty much did well in everything ( the nerd ).
tiberius mclaggen: someone i fear to be -- i love tiberius A LOT and although i didn’t get to play him for very long, i’m so glad i still had to opportunity to write a character who i knew in the end didn’t get his happy ending. i loved the fact that he wasn’t morally ambiguous or inherently ‘evil’, he was really just a pawn playing the wrong game and i knew that the concept i had created -- in terms of his character dilemma -- was something that drew me into applying for him in the first place. he’s something that i fear to be as like tib, i too have a tendency to be indecisive and easily swayed. my worst nightmare is to be pushed into something i don’t want to do and knowing exactly how tiberius’s story ends just breaks my goddamn heart i tell you.                                     get ready for more cheddar i havent finished yet : )
i just. i just love my babies, but i love what malum has given me the opportunity to do most of all. to the admins and to the rest of the muns, i cannot say how fucking much i’ve appreciated what you’ve done for me and for each other, and the community we’ve created. you’re all a bunch of nerds of whom i love and will NEVER FORGET. please please message me for contact details (snapchat, instagram, facebook) because i honestly want to keep in contact with ALL OF YOU amazing muffins just ugh. i love you i love you i love you. my personal tumblr is: ofbcwtruckle -- follow me and plz stay in touch<3333333
--- mim the meme :’)
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sortedgotmesorted · 6 years ago
Exactly a year ago today, I was promoted as an Operations Supervisor, or most commonly known in the BPO industry as a Team Leader. As I mentioned in one of my blog entries, you have to have acquired at least three to five years of experience before you get to be in my post. In my case, it only took me less than two years. I’m not flexing my ego here and saying how good I am – it’s just one of those ‘when luck and preparation meets opportunity’ moments.
Leading a team for the first time can be daunting. To add to that, I was part of the team of 1-manager-and-6-leaders who launched the brand-spankin’ new line of business in the company. To be honest, I had no idea how my heart was able to take it all in. There’s no bedrock of personal experience to build on.
“If you’re a first-time team leader then you’re probably either relishing the challenge or considering running for the door—or a bit of both.” – Liquid Planner
Here are the things I have learned during my first year in the role – the good, the bad, and the ugly. I hope these can help you establish and maintain a productive team while developing your leadership skills along the way. I, myself, still have a LOT to learn… so let’s journey through this together!
1. Completely embody the role.
As a team leader you need to be visible to the team and available to support them. Yes, we have our fair share of admin tasks and then there is the real-time schedule adherence and conformance that we need to monitor which require us to be in front of our computers all the time. But to be an effective team leader, you need to invest in the role – engage with your team members, walk the floor and help them out.
2. Get to know your team members.
Yes, get to know your team members individually. Find out what makes them tick. Ask them about their short term and long term goals. Ask them about their families, their pets, even their commute to work that day. Getting to know who you’re working with is the first all-important step to bonding with the team and establishing their respect and trust. The old adage of listening twice as much as you speak still holds true.
3. Communicate with everyone.
a. Communicate with your team. Once your team is up and running, it’s imperative to keep the communication going to build relationships, assess progress, and identify risks and issues. Plus, you’ll get more engagement from team members if they see you investing time in them and showing interest in their activities. Make expectations and responsibilities clear so that everyone knows who’s doing what, why and by when. This seems obvious but don’t assume everyone has your detailed understanding of the project at hand. Encourage and embrace new ideas.
b. Communicate with your manager. Your manager is your mentor. Especially for a newbie, you have to imagine yourself like a piece of sponge soaking up all the ideas and tips that your manager is bringing to the table. Schedule and one-on-one session, may it be about your numbers or may it be just to run an idea by them. Book a coaching triad session so your manager can give you direct and real-time feedback on how you’re doing and give you tips on how to improve.
c. Communicate with your co-leaders. Most of the time, you’re working with people leaders who have years and years of experience. Ask them for tips; give them hypothetical scenarios and ask their opinion about them. Observe how they coach their team members, observe how they engage with them and observe how their team members perceive them, too.
d. Communicate with HR. You have to make sure that whatever you do and whatever your team members do, you abide by and comply to the company policies. Your HR partners will be able to guide you accordingly.
4. Be the role model.
As a team leader, you have to lead by example. May it be as simple as dressing appropriately and not slouching at your desk to a more tedious task, like taking in phone calls as a frontliner to show them that you’re executing your action plan for the week. Think about the behaviors you want and expect from your team members and be sure to exhibit those traits yourself. You’re the role model, so what you say and do will impact the team’s daily work habits and attitudes.
5. Give direction then let go.
Once you get to know your team members individually, you’ll be able to gage them on their strengths and weaknesses and know what communication style works best for them. You have to be crystal clear about your goals and let every single one of them scratch and claw to reach those goals in their own way. Make everyone accountable and don’t forget to give credit to the team once the goals have been met and exceeded.
6. Reprimand in private; Reward in public.
Be quick to recognize a good performance and reward it where appropriate. A little bit of verbal praise goes a long way in showing your team you are both aware of and appreciative of their achievements. It also doesn’t hurt to give them gifts straight out of your pocket sometimes – movie tickets for two, gift certificates, snack packs, etc.
Be equally as timely in tackling poor performance issues. The longer you leave them, the tougher they’ll be to fix. Look for the best in people and understand that mistakes will happen. Behavioral issues sometimes need to be tackled elsewhere – step out of the building where your team member doesn’t feel intimidated by the office set up and talk to them, peer-to-peer.
    7. Be proactive; Ask questions.
Just because your new does not mean you do not have anything to bring to the table. You’ll be surprised to know that there are things that the tenured leaders can pick up from you. Don’t hesitate to share what you know. That said, don’t be afraid of seeking help (it’s a sign of strength, not weakness). Team management is an ongoing learning process and you will never have all the answers.
8. You will make mistakes.
You will struggle in time management. You will forget to upload your coaching logs in the portal on time, not just once but twice. You’ll miss a lot of deadline. You’ll work extra unpaid hours to compensate on that. But I promise you, you will learn from it.
9. Firing someone for the first time.
Nothing puts a knot in my stomach like having to fire someone. Even when the employee deserves it, taking someone’s job away is among the hardest tasks any leader has to do. If you’re not comfortable in doing it on your own, ask your manager to come sit with you and help you out. I had a one-on-one talk with my manager prior to me delivering the termination paper to one of my team members. I told him what I was planning to say, he just smoothed it out around the edges and we’re good to go. He sat with me through the whole ordeal and did not leave my side until the employee was escorted out of the building.
10. Just have fun!
Team leadership is often challenging but also rewarding. You have your own little family in the workplace. Once you’re invested in them, you’ll definitely gain their trust and loyalty in return. They will always have your back. Leading up a team that’s working well and delivering results is a great feeling, so go and strive for it! I do so everyday.
    I’d like to take this opportunity to dedicate this entry to the following people: Paulo Gatapia • Shai Roxas • Abi Cruz • Joker Espiritu • Cesar Balmaceda • Armie Tolentino • Francis Bueno • Kevin Rivera • Chiqui Sayson • Noah Acosta • Chuma Musokotwane • Naryan Wong • Ivy Canlas • Heidi Manrique • John Valencia • Jaymie Basbas • Noni Celis • Paolo Monzon • Ada Aguirre • Glenn Baggao • Gracie Roon • Hazel Godeloson • Maureen Laoan • Team Raine 2017 • Team Raine 2018 • Familia Gatapia
Round-Up: 10 Things a Rookie Leader Should Do and Expect Exactly a year ago today, I was promoted as an Operations Supervisor, or most commonly known in the BPO industry as a Team Leader.
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yourdlmatchmaker · 6 years ago
Hello there…I’m back ^^'
First of all: I’m very sorry for the long wait. As many of you may know (if you’ve been around for a while now) that I entered college. I had a VERY DIFFICULT time adapting to college and that’s why this blog seemed really dead. Some of you kept checking on me and some were very understanding and kind to still be around! I’m finally free from classes as well as my summer course I took, so I’ll start working on the match ups I’m still missing! ALSO! I forgot that this blog turned 2 years a few days ago!! YEY!
Admin Abi
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williamemcknight · 7 years ago
SureSet Approved Installer networking event 2018
On 16 April, 2018 SureSet hosted their second Approved Installer networking event with the support from Long Rake Spar. This year the event was opened to all our Approved Installers who were invited to join SureSet for the day at the National Self Building and Renovating Centre (NSBRC) where SureSet have a permanent exhibition stand.
Our Approved Installer Network are chosen for their passion for landscaping and understanding of how the SureSet product perfectly complements their other services, high standard of skill, and technical knowledge that is unrivalled within the sector. This helps us all to mutually benefit as a network, and to spread the word about the unique properties of resin bound paving within the permeable, and hard landscaping family.
SureSet Hover Trowel
The event was planned to be informative, by providing speakers from within the industry as well as a live demonstration of the Hover Trowel, which SureSet, strongly believe is the future for resin bound installations.
Our network of Approved Installers, laid a record amount of material last year, up nearly 20% from the previous year, which points to SureSet’s continued investment in marketing, and our networks efforts on the front line, we value the relationships we make, as they often prove to be formed on strong common ground, which in turn makes it mutually beneficial for years to come!
Commercial Director Ben Shave and Head of Marketing Yvonne Holloway welcomed our installers with an important announcement of the SureSet Guarantee being increased on 1 May to 21 years to celebrate our 22nd year of successful trading, followed by our first guest speak, Lee Cockerill from Barbour ABI. Lee gave a presentation on the Barbour ABI lead source system and was happy to answer questions from our UK and Global installers about the benefits of Barbour ABI to their businesses.
SureSet’s Key Account Manager, John Fletcher, gave a recap of our 2017 Elite Approved Installer Award Winners, who were announce towards the end of last year.
Perma Stone Paving won the Outstanding Customer Service Award for their incredible 80% return of customer questionnaires, with over 90% of these offering nothing less than full marks.
Project of the Year Award went to David Crowder Landscapes Ltd for a driveway project they completed which required a fair amount of regulating prior to the resin bound paving being installed, the result was as close to perfection as you would expect from one of our Elite Installers.
The main Approved Installer of the Year Award went to Gibson Gardens Ltd which was based on sales and conversions, customer feedback, timely finance and admin. Gibson Gardens completed some of our favourite projects from last year and also some of our most popular projects with customer enquiries.
The final award was the SureSet Spotlight Award which was won by Lockwood Landscapes for a long sweeping residential driveway. A stand out feature from the project was an area to the front of the property, which instead of installing a step to the front door the resin bound materials were regulated to form a gentle rise to the doorstep and thus not breaking up the seamless, smooth and sweeping lines of the driveway.
Dural were in attendance too and spoke with our installers about their high-end edging systems and flooring solutions. This then followed neatly into a live demo of some new products SureSet have been trialling with fantastic results. Firstly, was a new ‘hover trowel’ product we have introduced that is designed to be run over hand floated surfaces to remove any imperfections and trowelling marks and improve the finished product. All our Approved Installers were keen to see the tool in action and were all impressed with the results.
The second new product SureSet wanted to show was their resin batching van. As well as eliminating plastic buckets from the installation process it has also improved the efficiency and speed of the installations. Our team have perceived the new machine in a positive light and expressed how helpful it has proven to be.
Once the Approved Installers had a chance to see both innovative installation tools in action and any questions were answered the second half of our event resumed with a presentation from Giant Peach Digital’s James Read, Founder of Giant Peach, discussed content creation, digital branding, website design, strategy and digital marketing.
The final guest speaker of the day was the owner and creator of PavingExpert.com, Tony McCormack. Tony has over 60 years of experience in the paving industry and every person in the room would have taken something away from his talk on sub bases, bases, edging restraints and drainage. His knowledge of all things paving is second to none and anyone who is seeking impartial advice on any paving related question should make pavingexpert.com their first port of call.
The overall feedback received about the event, was the presentations were beneficial to our installers, the demonstration of our two innovative tools were insightful and everyone left the event feeling they had learned something new.
The post SureSet Approved Installer networking event 2018 appeared first on Pro Landscaper - The industry's number 1 news source.
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ditanyakkk · 7 years ago
What’s Next: Episode Kampung Inggris
Then what’s next?
After pull of myself from my previuos job, then I manage to have ‘leha-leha’ time. Go back to Dumai and have a quality time with my parents and of course, the little angel: my sister, Dek Na.
In fact, I certainly got that point. But really don’t wanna stop right there. I have to think even two times harder to carry out my life.
 Setelah ngobrol ngalor-ngidul sama temen saya, lebih tua sih :p, namanya Mbak Dhian, yang nyeritain adek iparnya manfaatin gap year high school-college dengan ambil kursus Bahasa Inggris di Kampung Inggris. Terbersit di pikiran ini buat ambil langkah yang sama (((terbersit)))
Mayan biar otak gak kosong-kosong amat. Lagian bagi saya, belajar sendiri ada kalanya kurang asik karena gak ada yang bantuin review hasil belajar dan gak ada yang ‘maksa’ belajar dengan ritme yang sama gitu. Bahasa kerennya ‘tandem’. Ngehehehe
 Setelah beberapa tahun lalu, temen saya Sabrina cerita pengalamannya ambil program di salah satu tempat kursus di Jalan Brawijaya No. 92 A Pare (biar penasaran dikit nama tempat kursusnya), akhirnya saya pun mendaftar ke lembaga tersebut.
I will tell you several informations about Kampung Inggris below, but since I only joined with two courses institute, so maybe you can find the rest informations about others from another sources. Okesip.
First and foremost *azeg..., saya kasih tahu sekilas tentang Kampung Inggris. Letaknya di Desa Tulung Rejo, Kecamatan Pare, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur. Gampangnya, 120 km dan ditempuh +/- 2,5 jam dari Bandara di Surabaya (Juanda International Airport). Pare nih daerah seluas kira-kira 47,21 km2 yang (asumsi saya) dihidupkan dengan keberadaan aktivitas berbagai lembaga kursus bahasa di sini. Gak cuma Bahasa Inggris (walaupun mendominasi), ada juga bahasa Arab dan bahasa kalbu.
 Jadi di salah satu ruas jalannya nih, kamu bakal nemuin satu jalan lurus panjang dengan beragam tempat belajar kursus di kanan-kirinya. Udah kayak mini market yang dua itu tuh, dampingan. Satu lembaga kursus, trus sampingnya warung makan, abis tu lembaga kursus laen lagi, abis tu sebelahnya tempat potokopian, sebelahnya lembaga kursus lain lagi. Gitu terus sampe deket Gumul x))).
 Saking ramenya, dengan atmosfer belajar non formal (tapi serius bahkan pakai kurikulum), maka disebutlah daerah ini Kampung Inggris. Awal berdirinya Kampung Inggris bisa kamu lihat di sini
Siswa yang belajar ke sini berasal dari berbagai daerah (termasuk Kediri-born-kid juga sih). Bahkan beberapa juga dari luar negeri. Bukan, bukan dari Bekasi. Tapi dari luar negeri beneran, negeri tetangga lah kayak Malaysia, Thailand gitu.
 Mereka yang milih belajar di sini datang karena beberapa pertimbangan, di antaranya biaya yang relatif lebih murah dibandingin lembaga kursus di ibu kota, juga alasan ‘atmosfer’ mendukung. Iya pake tanda kutip karena bukan bahas atmosfer berkaitan dengan suhu. Panas dan debu siang hari di sini mayan bikin subscribe (baca: langganan) penyakit pernafasan kalo gak biasa dan gak dijaga. Maksud di sini, atmosfer sosialnya. Yaaa buat yang berencana melanjutkan studi, berkumpul dengan orang-orang yang tujuannya sama dengan ritme belajar yang sama, rata-rata pada milih belajar ke sini. Informasi jadi relatif lebih mudah didapat karena sharing sesama pemburu beasiswa gitu. Selain itu, atmosfer lifestyle. Di sini gak ada mall, gak ada bioskop, gak ada Timezone, gak ada resto fast food. Means, yang biasa entertain-nya ke tempat begituan, ya agak berganti sebentar lah. Tapi justru ada yang maksud menghindari demikian, makanya milih kemari. Ngakunya sih biar lebih fokus.
 Tenang...di sini tetep ada kok supermarket, toko buku, bank, car free day, Go-Jek, laundry, sewa sepeda / motor buat sehari-hari. Intinya kebutuhan dasar sih terpenuhi lah. DAN yang gak kalah penting buat kamu tahu adalah: KAMU TIDAK HARUS BERKOMUNIKASI DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK MEMBELI/ MENGAKSES ITU SEMUA. Masyarakat lokal juga ngomongnya Bahasa Indonesia kok, bahkan ada yang pakai Bahasa Jawa. Tapi jangan heran kalo pas beli jajanan, kamu yang cewek dipanggil ‘Miss” sama pedagangnya, atau “Mister’ buat yang lelaki.
 Ada lagi yang memang merasa practice kemampuan Bahasa Inggrisnya bakal lebih mantap (jiwa) dengan belajar di sini. “Kalo di sana (daerah asal), di lingkungan temen-temen biasa gitu, kita ngomong pake Bahasa Inggris, kan suka diledekin gitu ‘blagu atau apalah’. Nah kalo di sini, kita kan sama-sama belajar. Jadinya cuap-cuap nge-Inggris, salah sekalipun, ok aja,” komen salah satu temen saya di lembaga kursus pertama.
 Alesan lainnya, nampaknya ada yang ngejer bisa travelling outdoor ke tempat wisata sekitar situsih hahaha yup! Bahkan ada beberapa kursus yang nawarin biaya program include paket wisata ke Gunung Bromo, Batu (Malang), Kawah Ijen, Gumul, Raja Ampat, Azerbaijan, Maldives.
*Tiga terakhir bo’ong deng
 Ok. Sampe situ dulu ya perkenalan daerahnya.
Kita masuk ke program belajarnya.
 Saya memilih lembaga TEST.
Test apa?
Nama lembaganya TEST.
Lengkapnya TEST English School (TEST-ES)
Setelah cari-cari info di web, saya milih komunikasi lewat LINE @infopare
Ntar admin-nya bakal kasih info ke kamu tentang tepat kursus dan prentilan programnya. Tapi kita ditanyai dulu beberapa pertanyaan kayak gini:
1.      Mau ambil program apa? (Speaking, Writing, IELTS preparation, TOEFL preparation, etc)
2.      Mau berapa lama? (2 minggu, 1 bulan, 2 bulan, 7 bulan, selama kamu saling percaya)
3.      Rencana lembaga dituju (ini optional. Artinya kalo kita belum punya referensi, boleh nanya aja). Kalo saya, kemarin langsung pilih TEST.
4.      Sudah pernah tes TOEFL/IELTS? Berapa skornya (Terketiklah jawaban Pernah Test TOEFL, skor 513)
Setelah melengkapi data, dia kasih rekomen data info di atas termasuk biaya. Waktu itu biayanya Rp 1.200.000 untuk IELTS camp 1 bulan termasuk tempat menginap/dorm (semacam asrama/kos-kosan). Saya langsung ok-in dan harus transfer biaya ke rekening mereka. Deadlin transfer biasanya 3 hari sebelum mulai program. Saya tambahin bayar Rp 110.000 buat ongkos mobil penjemputan Juanda-TEST dari Eureka Tour. Infonya include dari chatting dengan @infopare kok. Jam penjemputan dari Juanda, terakhir jam 8 malem ya, paling pagi jam 7. Silakan sesuaikan dengan jam flight kamu kalo gak mau berakhir nginep di bandara kayak saya karena ambil flight jam 6 sore dari Medan dan nyampenya jam 9 malem, di tanggal 8 September. Waktu itu mbak admin-nya bilang, jam penjemputan menyesuaikan aja dengan flight kita. Namun nyatanya tidak demikian. Jadi saya harus nunggu keberangkatan tanggal 9 pagi. Untung petugas bandaranya baek-baek dan ada temen nunggu juga.
Jadi alhamdulillah aman.
Walopun pegel.
 Oh ya, FYI, program di Kamp ING dimulainya tanggal 10 dan 25 tiap bulannya. Tapi gak semua program sih. Kayak IELTS camp di TEST-ES, cuma ada di tanggal 10. Kalo kita mau nyampe di Pare 2 hari (atau lebih) sebelum mulai program, kita belum boleh masuk dorm. So, silakan cari kos-kosan laen. Salah satunya, kalo di sekitar TEST, ada Rumah Kost Al-Azhar buat cewek. Biaya Rp 125.000 per minggu, Rp 200.000/2 minggu, Rp 300.000/bulan, untuk sekamar ber2-4 ya. Fasilitas kamar bersih, kasur, lemari cabinet, kipas angin, kamar mandi di luar, include free wi-fi, air dan listrik.
 Trus ntar kalo di TEST ada placement test-nya (FREE). Ini diadakan beberapa saat sebelum mulai program buat ngukur kita pas gak masuk di kelas yang mau kita ambil. Nah sejatinya ya, kita kudu placement test dulu baru bayar. Tapi karena waktu itu saya gak tahu ada tes ini jadilah saya bayar aja seminggu sebelum program dan setibanya di lokasi baru ikut placement test. Awalnya saya pikir, placement test gak susah-susah ama. Ternyata pas nyampe lokasi, ada temen calon student yang gagal placement test dan ga bisa ikut kelas IELTS established (nama lain IELTS Camp). Jadi alternatifnya dia tetep di TEST tapi ambil program lain sebagai persiapan ke level established, atau pilih tempat kursus lain. Doi milihnya tempat kursus laen, ya udin. Kita gak ditakdirkan bersama~~
 Dari situ saya jadi cemas. Jangan-jangan nasib saya sama. Bukan berarti program lain di TEST ga bagus, tapi saya emang ngejer paket yang cuma 1 bulan. Setau saya waktu itu cuma program ini yang sebulan buat IELTS hehehe. Akhirnya, meski letih tetap kujalani itu placement test-nya di ruangan kelas. Tesnya jam 1 siang. Keluar hasilnya sekitar jam 2. Setelah ngerjain tes tertulis, ada speaking dengan tutor, dan saya dinyatakan: SAH, eh LULUS. Asiiik.
 Mulailah belajar tanggal 11. Tanggal 10 masih perkenalan gitu, termasuk perkenalan slogan dan peraturan. #WeSpeakScholarship *asek
Trus mengenai peraturan: Di sini, kalo kamu mau pergi keluar daerah Pare, kudu pakai surat izin ditujukan ke headmaster-nya, ya sebagai bagian dari tanggung jawab mereka. Jadinya, niat jalan-jalan terbatasi, tapi saya sih fine-fine aja. Toh niat ke sini juga mau belajar kan *ziiiiyh...alesan, padahal alesan utama karena jadi menghemat kocek karena gak kemana-mana.
 Kurikulumnya, materi masing-masing subtes di IELTS. Belajar dari Senin-Sabtu, dari jam 5.30 (Iya, tengah enem pagi) sampe 17.30 (cuma minggu pertama). Mulai minggu kedua sampe selese, belajar sampe jam 21.00, ada selang waktu istirahat kok. Kita bisa makan, salat, tidur, ngerjain tugas di waktu ini. Nah IMO, salah satu enaknya di TEST, jam istirahat diorientasikan sesuai dengan waktu salat. Gak bakalan telat, bahkan disediakan sela waktu buat Dhuha.  Sedangkan kegiatan lain, gak jauh beda. Kecuali buat saya, waktu makan, istirahat dan salat jadi ada penyesuaian. Di sini aktivitas saya mostly maju 1 jam dibandingkan di Medan.
 Saya infoin dikit biaya hidup saya di sana ya kayak gini:
1.      Makan pokok: @Rp 5.000 – Rp 12.000 per hari, edisi warteg (lauk rumahan atau pecel) atau beli di tukang jualan yang lewat-lewat (biasanya bubur)
2.      Jajan pagi (susu) Rp 2.000 (ini ada nyamperin ke lokasi TEST, pagi doang)
3.      Jajan minum siang-malam hari Rp 5.000-Rp 8.000 untuk jus/coklat/kopi sachet
4.      Sewa sepeda (Rp 90.000/bulan, Rp50.000/2 minggu), motor (___) *ini harus titip KTP asli
5.      Beli buku *optional Rp5.000–Rp100.000
6.      Belanja bulanan (mandi+cuci Rp 30.000)
 Utamanya itu sih..
NB. Poin 2-5 gak tiap hari yak. Tekor aja~
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survivorwesteros · 8 years ago
Episode 10: the gag is you actually have to PLAY to succeed - Luke
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Jordan Pines is mean to me. I love Drew. I love Luke. Steffen can eat a dick. Andrew is an icon. Darian is a mess.
Who is this Nic?
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how do i feel? dead inside. i sent steffen receipts of jordan saying he wants steffen out cause........................................................................... why not i dont feel like i can trust jordan! and i still might vote steffen out cause i wanna win
I guess I've been playing like Tony? Only in the sense I'm trying to blindside people out of paranoia that theyre gonna blindside me first. 
I'm definitely not in power like Tony I'm more like... in the middle. I went from the bottom to the bottom of the middle... I'm shooting for atleast true middle.
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Welcome to today’s episode of………….. 
(fans scream as Bob Barker rises from the not-quite-dead with his long-ass stick microphone) 
As mentioned in last week’s episode (although not really because I haven’t done a confessional that wasn’t Gilmore Girls related in weeks), flipping on Jordan would be a shitty thing to do. He and I have been playing together since the very beginning, he even let me off of the Others before him, which led me to Lannister to make the new tribes and just put me in the most amazing place ever. Find Luke, work with Ashley and Darian (rip the dead), get Jordan back, never lose a challenge, the joys and thrills of pitting Darian and Luke against each other. Since merge, we’ve worked through every plan together and been right about every vote except Lily, and we got immediate and swift revenge for that. We’ve planned every step together, he’s been in the vast majority of my alliances, he’s kept a hold on working with Nic while I have with Luke, which has gotten us to the point we’re at now, the chance to walk to the end. We play the tribal phase of the game so well but we’ve never made a merge together, and this game we’ve finally gotten the chance to play a merge together and it’s gone amazingly well. Like AMAZINGLY well. We ran this game from the second we pulled all the corners together and blindsided Ashley. It would be an amazing end to the story to get to the end together and fight it out. 
I think he beats me if he gets there with me. He has two practically built-in votes of Ben and Lily in a jury of eight. That’s terrifying. And if we’re at the end with Luke, he would get Nic too. I think he’s the only one here of the six who wins if he makes it. I could potentially battle him out and get Ashley and Darian, and possibly Brian, if any of them have forgiven me, but that’s three maybes against his three sure things. He’s got a good story of not even starting in this game and working his way in twice. He’s been strong, he’s been social, he’s done an arguably better job than I have in that respect. And he only needs to convince Steffen and Andrew of that. He deserves to win. And I think he knows he has me if we go together so he wants to play it out, because going against someone like Steffen who played a completely different game is going to be scarier to him than someone who’s played similarly but on a more limited scale. 
He just messaged me about how he had a revelation. Of why everyone’s just been letting us go through the game together. He says it’s because they’re waiting for us to turn on each other. They don’t want to deal with the fallout of coming for one and having to leave the other, so they’re waiting until we pull the trigger and start the war that they think is inevitable. Because they all think we can’t want to go to the end with each other. And they’re half right. Jordan still might turn on me but I think he’s genuinely not that afraid of fighting me in the finals. It’s not inevitable to him because he could want to go to the end with me. But I don’t want to go with him. Not in this scenario, not with this jury. 
It can’t be this week, Andrew should go now. It’s too soon to make the move because I lose the strong connection to Nic and then there’s nothing stopping Steffen/Andrew/Nic from teaming up to take us down. Luke and I would still have the idol on our side but one of us would NEED to win immunity or guess correctly on the idol (only a 50/50 guess but still). But letting him stay runs the risk of him winning his third immunity, or even his third and fourth immunity, and walking to the end anyway. He’s vulnerable now, in a way that I don’t know if he ever will be again. And passing up on that chance is scary, but for the rest of the layout of the game, it has to happen, because the only other number I’m confident with is Luke, and I’m not going into F5 with only a duo. 
So the answer is yes. We do flip on Jordan. Not tonight, but hopefully soon. And hopefully it doesn’t have far-reaching consequences. But yes.
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hey confessionals......... long time no see.... 
so if this vote goes as planned i really did that i think jordans going home and tbh not to sound overconfident but its mostly from me
soooooooooo ill add that to my checklist of things i did
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Love how Jordan has played off he's been saving me this whole time and trying to work with me and keep me in the loop like. Lmao I haven't believed that shit for a second. He's strong armed me going for the longest time and he's getting what he wants tonight so. Rip me. Out of two storybook games two days in a row. Honestly, who lets Jordan Pines get his way?
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While I like to think of myself as an ok player, Ive spent the majority of this game screaming at the top of my lungs, first of all instant tribal is insane so the best thing to do is at least make sure that my ass isn’t grass, so I tried spending my time trying to get Darian out, but Jordan and Darian went to work targeting Andrew, thank god Andrew canceled every vote, thanks to the magical dragon egg that came out his ass.  So the revote comes around, Darian is after Luke and we’re like, PERFECT, but in the process of that night, Nic tells me that Jordan was targeting me, yeah thats great, wish I could fully care at this point, but seeing as I entered a truce with him, I’d hope he would keep promises this time before turning on me.  Now I’m done, you turn on me and thats your last mistake, now I’m out for blood, but I just got to push the right buttons now, so I got Andrew paranoid and I sent him on his way to talk to Nic, who magically “came up” with an idea to target Jordan, but we need Luke, and I’m here trying to make sure everyone is sane, and it turns that Jordan is after Andrew again, and it turns out Im lying to Drew again, but leaving him out of the loop may need to happen since he and Jordan are close, so we’ll see what happens, but I need betrayers gone, and if I need to betray in order to be in a favorable position, maybe thats not that bad.
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bye guys......i cant believe im getting either rocked out or getting 5th place 
luke was supposed to vote jordan but i guess he wants that 2nd place... cant blame him i guess cuz i wanted it too 
"When I asked Andrew what happened and how he got it to me you know what he said I couldn't betray Steffen and Nic was Nic so it wasn't like it was hard They don't want to allign with you They want to use you this round" - Jordan to me 
Jordan really knows how to play me!! it's thru pathos. What do i dooooo............................... YOU KNOW WHat steffen probbly knew about Andrew's advantage and voted Andrew because he knew andrew wasnt going home. Do Steffen and Andrew wanna make their final 2 any more obvious? We can name the chat topic HOUSE BOHN and he and andrew can be the admins cuz at this point.............why not anyway today has been a rough day. 
also speaking about obvious alliances let's call out lucas/drew/jordan perhaps
Guess whos back to square one? me. I have no close allies I just ruined all of them so xoxoxoxoxox............ Also all my confessionals have been so ugly and cringey its like looking back at your social media from 2011 except its a paragraph you wrote about an ORG a week ago
I'm really bored so I'll stop acting messy and compare everyone in this game to Abi gifs 
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After everything that Drew and I have done and planned in this game it could all be coming down to me potentially having to draw a rock. I can't believe that I could be WILLINGLY drawing a rock for JORDAN PINES (that's an episode title if I ever did see one tbh!).The same Jordan Pines that sent me to the wall way back when...like HOW does this happen..I'm shook. In the event that I do need to draw a rock and I do go home then I gave my idol to Drew so he's guarantee to make the final 4 because I really want him to win this game if he can't. In the event that I don't need to pull a rock and I stay then either Drew or I need to win next immunity so the idol can be played on the vulnerable person and we can make final 4. At that point it doesn't matter that our close bond would be exposed because the most that could happen at that point is a tiebreaker challenge which we could fight to win. An ideal scenario would be if it were final 2 and it was #Drewcas sat there but a final 3 with somebody like Nic or Steffen that haven't really done anything is idea so that one of us can win this game.
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I repeat, up ******JORDAN'S****** ASS 
Me and Luke: have been best friends since I showed up on Lannister and he complained that he had no one to work with there and I was like "Fuck, me too!" Me and Luke: talk out every move of the game together Me and Luke: pass idols back and forth for safekeeping like it's a damn game of monkey-in-the-middle (and y'all really are the monkeys) Me and Luke: call each other almost every night for hours until the sun rises in England Me @ everyone every vote: "Let me talk to Luke, I should be able to get him to vote with me." Me @ anyone who asks: "Oh my god, I love Luke, he's literally the best." Me @ Darian: "Bye I'm not voting for Luke, that kid is so important to me." Everyone else: "zOMG I'M SO CONFUSED WHO IS LUKE WITH, IT MUST BE JORDAN, THIS MAKES NO SENSE, WHY WOULD HE DO THIS, THE WORLD IS ENDING, JORDAN PINES HAS HIS PUPPET!!!!!!!!!!" Me and Luke: 
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Like BYEEEEEE the reason you didn't fight harder with me to get me to vote out Jordan is because you thought you already had majority without me, like I heard all about it, every step of the way. And now you're mad at me because I signed your death warrant??? I quite literally cried for this vote, don't put this part on me too, especially when you think you're in this shitstorm because you're reading the entire game incorrectly. Nic was the one Jordan thought he had and he lost that person, Jordan has no one now because after this vote, he doesn't have me, which means he doesn't have Luke. But I'm not gonna be the one to tell you that. Or tell Jordan that. Or anyone. Because somehow Luke and I have played this game lock-step since fucking Boat-O-Cross and no one took the time to notice. 
I don't think Steffen is actually going to take it to rocks. If Jordan was pulling one too then he might because that's the person he's really afraid of. But I don't think he'll risk a 1/3 chance of leaving himself to get a 1/3 chance of eliminating the person who Steffen thinks is Jordan's puppet, who in his eyes has already done his job of protecting Jordan when he was vulnerable.  So after ALLLLLLL the conflict of the past 18 hours, I should be getting what I want out of this tribal. The only thing that fucks me up now is if this actually goes to rocks and Luke goes home. But even then, I have his idol right now, so like....... one way or another, I'm making it to F4. Hopefully that's with Luke, Nic, and Steffen, which looks nothing like the final five I had planned so many cycles ago, but this is working out even better. If I can get rid of Jordan and make it to the end without him being too upset with me, I could very conceivably get Ben, Lily, Ashley, Darian, and Jordan to vote for me to win. Hell, Brian might too, and who knows what Andrew will do, or the other person to leave in that ideal scenario. But like I don't feel like I've burned any juror bridges. There are still two rounds left to go and a lot of shit can go down, like Jordan winning out, Luke and I guessing wrong on the idol and not making final four together, people in jury being more bitter than I'm anticipating or seeing someone differently than I'm seeing them and rewarding their game over mine, like I've seen it all before. But I feel good about this. The rest of this season? It's doable.
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Steffen is going off at me for not telling him I was voting Andrew and I'm SCREAMING. Just because he's only just decided to wake up and start playing doesn't mean the rest of us have. We've actually been playing whereas he's just been like "oh well gosh golly I sure do hope the vote isn't against little old me!" And then doing nothing about it like....the gag is you actually have to PLAY to succeed
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Drew and Luke can choke 
Luke is a patronizing asshole and I’d literally put my hand in a blender than speak to him again 
[12/10/16, 8:19:10 AM] Lucas: heY STEfFen [12/10/16, 10:39:50 AM] Steffen Bøhn: whats up [12/10/16, 10:40:46 AM] Lucas: oh nm :) you? [12/10/16, 10:41:05 AM] Steffen Bøhn: well you know got lied to so thats fun [12/10/16, 10:42:42 AM] Lucas: always fun [12/10/16, 10:43:21 AM] Steffen Bøhn: so like I was hoping you would try to explain why you were playing along with this “plan” the entire time when you could’ve just told me that you weren’t interested, I would’ve completely been ok with it, its better than this [12/10/16, 10:44:17 AM] Lucas: i mean, that's survivor. you have to play the game and you have to get information and play your cards right. it wouldn't be survivor if everybody just told the truth the entire time [12/10/16, 10:45:38 AM] Steffen Bøhn: Im sorry that came off as just patronizing if I’m being honest, like I want to hear this from your perspective cause I’m not seeing it now and I’d like to [12/10/16, 10:48:13 AM] Lucas: If I'd just been like "oh well I don't wanna vote Jordan out I'm voting Andrew out" you know damn well that you would have run straight to Nic and Andrew and been like "oh my god Luke isn't voting with us what are we going to do" and then have me be a potential target? It would have been stupid of me to have shown my cards to you at that point. Believe it or not I have been playing this game 
again rather would jump onto a bed of nails than continue this conversation
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yourdlmatchmaker · 6 years ago
Hello! I think I sent in a matchup in a while ago. This isn't a reminder for you to do it, I just don't know if it came through. Also, knowing me, I forgot to send it in 😂
Admin Abi: I checked my ask box, but I don’t have it. Unless you sent it anonymously then maybe I have it, but I don’t know if it’s yours? But don’t worry! Send it in and I’ll answer it as soon as I can!
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yourdlmatchmaker · 6 years ago
@marytheredqueen don’t worry, I have it and I’ll respect your original order! I since we talked a bit I remember when is your turn! :D
Admin Abi here! I’ll be answering match ups starting today until Sunday!
Since summer came to an end and with that my working contract, as well I’ll like to tell you I’m back to school! It was one hell of a ride this pasts months, but thank God I’m back to have a schedule and this means I’m back to have more regular activity!
So starting from Today until Sunday, I’ll be catching up with the match ups that are on my ask box. I received more over the summer and that’s great. However I want to ask for a small favor…
PLEASE SEND YOU MATCH UPS EITHER ON MY ASK BOX (if they are short or are around 2-3 asks long) OR MY SUBMISSION BUTTON (you can write it as long as you want without the lenght problem). DON’T SEND THEM THROUGH MESSAGES PLEASE!!
It’s more work for me to paste them into a new post PLUS is will be more possible for me to forget the order in which you send it. Since the ask box will tell me who came first! As you may know I respect the order of arrival!
Thank you for your attention and expect a big match up later today!!
Admin Abi~
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yourdlmatchmaker · 7 years ago
Secret match up (2)
“Matchup please? I’m 165cm and pale as a wall, people keep asking me if I’m sick. My hair are thick and messy, but at least they smell nice (like rose petals my shampoo is 👌). I mostly wear black and ripped jeans, but dress girly from time to time too. I’m distant, reserved and usually keep to myself. It’s hard to get me to open up, but when I do start to act less uptight and more playful. I have dark sense of humor. I’m sarcastic and tend to get bitter when I’m left alone for too long. I can be really stubborn sometimes. Despite being emotionally sensitive I like when people are brutally honest with me and speak their mind without beating around the bush. I won’t be embarrassed to walk around naked, but I will get by other non-sexual things. I can’t take being teased seriously and consider it to be fun. I’m gullible and easily startled. Quiet and don’t like to talk, I’m actually glad when others talk over me. Non-judgemental and loyal, people often assume I’m innocent which is not really true. Lowkey I crave adrenaline and affection. I’m touchy, but I won’t touch anyone without premission first. When I was younger I made my own research on savoir vivre, but it’s not like I’m going to act on it. I rarely get angry, but when I do I end up slaming doors or moving things forcefully along with eye-twiching. My zodiac is Gemini and I’m an ISFP. As for hobbies I like to draw (or anything creative in general), anime and cartoons and reading. I’m curious so I like to learn about other cultures and history as well. I often end up distracted by my surrounding and if you talk to me when I’m doing something I lose all my focus in 3 sec. I spend my time mostly calm and peaceful, but I’d love to go out and do something stupid/fun with others. I’m scared of hights and I suppose that’s the only phobia I have (I will climb things anyways). I dislike loud crowds, cold, and too bright places. »my english is bad i know« *puts sunglasses on* I stay anon, ty~ I’ll be waiting~”
Admin Abi: Hello~! It’s finally your turn! Your English isn’t bad! Well~ I hope you get to see it “anon-chan 3″ ;)
*finishing your match up*
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Your romantic match is…
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Such a dynamic and fun girl like you should be with an equally fun and cool guy like Ayato (It’s been long since I last paired someone with Ayato :3). Ok~ So, you two met  in school! You were in the same class, but never actually spoke. Mostly because that class was the art class. Ayato spend the class sleeping and skiping it. It was until Reiji forced Ayato so assit at least what was left of the semester. That exact day he was forced to stay in class there was a class exposition. Your art piece was the most popular of all! He saw the amount of people seeing it and went to have a look. He stayed there for a while and when you were to remove it he simply said: “Tch! That is what they call ‘cool’? Ha! I could do it better!”. You were speechless. You felt really bad, but simply told him: “Well, thanks for your opinion. I’ll take it into consideration in my next piece” and the left. He was now the one speechless! He became intrigued in you and he now “got an excuse” to attend class. He liked the fact you were “the difficult type”. As time went by you two slowly became closer, you though it was friendship, but no! It was a funny romance! Your sense of humor made him laugh and the fact that you didn’t mind being teased and in fact teased back…made him like you 100 times more! Once you “started dating” you discovered you both didn’t like to be left alone for long periods of time and stick together was funnier! You aren0t much of a talker, but it’s better when he has you as a crime partner. You sometimes spend the afternoons on his room or looking for something fun to do! One time you were having a bath and forgot your towel and went out nacked. You thought he wasn’t there, yet when he commented your state and saw no reaction from your part…he was the blushing one! (Funny thing is that you get flustered by other things he does to you…seriously? you get ashamed when he hugged you from behind? Wth?) He likes that you are pale, since that means your skin gets to keep the marks he leaves on you so everyone get to see who you belong to! He likes that you are the fun, cool beauty type! You got the funniest date imaginable (amusement parks, extrem sports…you name them!), he sometimes will make you try high attractions so he gets to see your scared face, but in the end you just need to hug “the great Ayato” to feel better! Want to touch Ayato? You can in exchange for letting him touching your body as well~Say goodbye to your quiet days and hello to your new exciting life with Ayato (of course if you need to study…you know you get to tell Reiji to lend a hand xD). But you can’t complain right?
Stay away from…
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You mentioned that you disliked loud crowds? and  bright palces? Well…guess what? If you dated Kou your life would be dealing constantly with that! Besides Kou can be pretty and excessively honest…and won’t care about your feelings at all (Ayato on the other hand will stop if he hurt you too much). Kou would do it on purpose. He would press your buttons to make you furious and he will punish you for that! He thinks you are boring and will think he’s making you “the favor” of dating you! HA?! Heeeeellllll nooooo~! He would also think you are kind of boring? and yeah…no. He won’t let you so stupid things as well since if you get involve in something…you can damage his image so it’s a deep NO!
I suggest you to think about dating Kou and better focus on Ayato :3 He’s cooler, funnier and relax~  I see balance and fun if you end up together!
Hope you liked it and sorry for the wait!
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