mysteryhack · 6 years
I'm hope you don't mind me brining this up, but it's about the whole ___ coded, culture debate thing. I've personally always read Nadia as a Middle Eastern woman, or perhaps an ethnically mixed Middle Eastern woman until I found out that she was supposed to based on Indian culture. I'm personally interested on your thoughts about the topic of fans assigning the characters different ethnicities.
I don’t mind at all!
so I’ll be the first to admit that I know very little about Indian culture besides the few clips from Bollywood movies I’ve seen. that’s just how Nadia’s family struck me, based on their dress and their surname (Satrinava). if you have reasons to believe that they’re actually middle eastern instead, I’d love to hear it! (bearing in mind of course that the middle east is not a hegemony and there are many different cultures within it. though I suppose the same could be said for me too, since India is such a large country.) I’ll include pictures of Nadia’s siblings so you can see what I mean.
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but there’s a difference between this and deliberately coding a character as Jewish in a setting where Judaism might not exist. another example of fandom deliberating over the ethnic coding of a character is Tali’Zorah vas Neema, from the video game series Mass Effect.
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Tali’Zorah is part of an alien race called the quarians. they were forced to leave their planet for reasons I won’t get into right now, and due to their terrible immune systems they’re forced to wear exosuits to survive on other planets and their own ships. many fans saw the headgear and thought “oh! woman in a head covering reminds me of a hijab! she’s probably coded as Muslim!”
which is innocent enough, especially since Muslim women get like no positive representation anywhere. however, there’s much more evidence that Tali (and the quarians in general) are supposed to be coded as Jewish. I go into this more here http://jewish-privilege.tumblr.com/post/138793170970/what-about-tali-is-coded-as-poc-i-never-got (I’m adhdlibrarians in this post, but I sent it from here cause the formatting got screwy on my blog theme.)
and then of course, there are fantasy cultures that are supposed to be a mish-mash of different real world cultures and there isn’t a straight answer for those. a surprising example of this is the Water Tribe in Avatar: The Last Airbender. http://taxicab-geometry.tumblr.com/post/178472953114/blackqueerblog-high-fantasy-worlds-based-on
so sometimes fandom deliberations over what race/culture a character is based on are fine, because we genuinely don’t know. and sometimes it’s supposed to represent more than one thing. but sometimes it’s very clear that one person is correct and another person is not.
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witheredtime · 8 years
adhdlibrarians replied to your photo “i have to look at some shit reagan said for speech & like i don’t know...”
nah we totally need to include Messianic Jews on this cause they're totally not christians!
my inability to like anything reagan’s ever said is pervasive and all-consuming
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vakariansmonocle · 8 years
bug type cause you need to buzz off 😎
why do u hate me
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colxcheeseburger · 8 years
adhdlibrarians replied to your post: “&&”:
Jennifer Lawrence ��
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captainlordauditor · 8 years
adhdlibrarians replied to your post:arcanistdagnarp replied to your post “anyway...
I got very confused about the parks and rec stuff in the bg I thought you were putting Leslie Knope in a corset..
lmao that would be good too
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loamsprach · 8 years
adhdlibrarians replied to your post:i would love to live in a world where i didnt even...
honestly I’ve come to terms with that the only reason why I like the game anymore is cause I project onto it. I project onto it a LOT. someday I’ll play the first two games I’m just a wuss and bad with the horror genre
i feel u like the first game makes me cry bc im a huge baby... and then i had to not play bs2 bc it made me So Angry and i got So Stressed so like. i could not
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Send 📕 for a description of your muse ( selectively accepting )
      S’chn T’gai Spock was, to put it lightly, somewhat of a mystery.
     He stands tall, with his shoulders back and his long-fingered hands clasped behind his back. It’s a firm stance, with an upturned chin and eyes that saw far too much for Jim to comfortably guess at what he was thinking — (an activity he often partook in, and he fancies himself somewhat of an expert at reading the language of the body and the expressions of man) — it would be quite a stretch to call it a proud posture. It was something of a challenge to define it, to define what stood before him, but Jim loves challenges. Embraces them, even, much to his officers' chagrin. The way in which Mr Spock carried himself could be described as a sort of pride that challenged anyone with whom he came in contact to, in turn, challenge him.
     It was, to borrow a favourite phrase of Mr Spock's: simply fascinating.
     Those eyes, to name one such contradiction that stops Jim from categorizing him as a proud man, were far too expressive for any Vulcan that followed Sarek’s ancient teachings; Jim knew, through Mr Spock’s strength of will, resolve, and the frequent admonitions of ‘illogical’ behaviour, that Mr Spock did, indeed, follow Sarek’s teachings. The eyes, then, the mirrors to the soul: Mr Spock’s were a deep brown, and reminded Jim of the warm fertile earth upon which he grew up. An odd comparison, to be sure, since the Vulcan had been raised on the arid planet of his father’s people, but there was something warmer in those eyes than one would expect from a Vulcan.
     To dive into such a psyche required a certain amount of tenacity and pre-acquired knowledge that Jim wasn’t altogether certain he possessed. Perhaps he could grow into it, in time.
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witheredtime · 8 years
adhdlibrarians replied to your post “a friend of mine just stopped me while i was walking to class, gave me...”
well you know what they say... donut look a gift horse in the mouth B)
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vakariansmonocle · 8 years
Rachel: you know how you said you're bad at drawing expressions
Rachel: you could work for bioware.
Rachel: but you're good at drawing
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hanorganaas · 8 years
@adhdlibrarians said: Han just starts panicking more and more as he realizes crap I NEVER HAD A CLUE WHAT I WAS DOING. HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN.
Han:.....I just winged it the whole time
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geneticmisfit · 8 years
adhdlibrarians replied to your post:oh my god I think I found civil war screencaps
dicks out for Civil War on bluray
Dicks out for Harambe the Civil War screencapper
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loamsprach · 8 years
adhdlibrarians replied to your post:my opinion of suicide squad thus far is...
Suicide Squad was enjoyable to me cause I projected and cause Margot Robbie is a fucking saint
i can understand that! i enjoyed most of the characters actually from what i saw. the story could have been more cohesive. i think el diablo was my fav
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grandenchanterfiona · 8 years
adhdlibrarians replied to your post: “Don’t Touch This If You’re Not Jewish”:
my city elf warden would've done the same if she ended up getting married, I'd say it's ok? but I don't intend to wear a tichel so… I dunno
If I ever get married, I probably do, TBH.
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vakariansmonocle · 8 years
My friends that are putting up with anyof my typos and shti this week are fucgin blessings
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captainlordauditor · 8 years
adhdlibrarians replied to your post “actually, let’s do a headcount here. There are ten companions in dao,...”
Isabela is actually Indian imo, since Rivain is hinted at being based off India
uh, Vivienne is also Rivaini though? As is Duncan. And if you look at ISabela in DAO she’s pretty clearly black.
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