#adhd whumpee
defire · 2 months
Back to the Dregs Masterpost
Story summary:
A young detective thought he'd left his problems in his past, but when he's kidnapped as bait for his gangster brother, he has to find a way to escape. Before they figure out his brother hates him.
Overall Content Warnings: beatings, kidnapping, gangs, on-screen rape, nonconsensual nudity, forced to watch, memories of child abuse, flogging (of sorts), escape attempts
More specific CW's are tagged in the individual posts.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
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whomeidontknowthem · 2 months
Eyes on me – an interactive whump story. Part 2.
Previous part. Masterpost. Next part.
Content warning: institutionalized slavery, imprisonment, dehumanizing language, it/its for an unhuman whumpee, pet whump.
"In folklore, any mythical, magical creature is commonly called 'fey'," they book that Lord Teelo had ordered after returning to the inn room said. "It is, of course, a wide misconception that is not accepted in any theory that has even an ounce of respect for itself. Fey is not just another way to say "magical", but a registered phenomenon different from a spirit, a magic-infused animal or a demon, and especially has nothing to do with tiny folk with wings, whose existence is widely refuted…"
It went on and on, an irritatingly salty response siting some previous debates and calling out authors the lord had never heard about. It could be entertaining in its own right – Lord Teelo was anything but impartial to loud grudges and decades old arguments – if not for his lack of experience with the topic rendering the details tedious and the fact that it wasn't idle interest that led him to seeking out the book.
The papers had been signed in half an hour, the impressive sum of money changing hands as the decision had been finalized at the spot. The arrangements had been made immediately after to transport the creature to the lord's summer house. It was to spend its last night at the auction house, and then, in the morning, they would ride – Lord Teelo in his usual carriage and his new property in an impressive cage – towards its new home.
The thrill of the purchase was sure to keep the lord awake, and he decided to spend the time on research. Learning about the kind of thing that came into his possession was paramount – after all, he didn't want it to die before its time because of his ignorance.
"Fey is defined by any reputable source as an otherworldly creature. It does not come with as many defined characteristics as an unsoundly educated person would believe: a creature from another dimension does not have to have wings and three pairs of limbs, though it is not out of the realm of possibility. A fey can look exactly as your regular cattle. The one thing that makes it fey is that it is not from the reality we live in."
The text wasn't very useful. In the two chapters Lord Teelo had managed before throwing the book into his bag and settling in bed, there was an infuriatingly little amount of actual, useful advice. The further he read, the more sure he was: he would have to figure things out by himself.
It was the thrill that came with owning the never before seen creature, one he wasn't even sure was from the same world, one, if it wasn't, that would catch the interest and desire for experiments by mages all over the world.
Now that he thought about it, maybe he should get into contact with a few. Their insight would be valuable either way – the lord was doubtful that the rainbow marks on the creature's skin could be the result of anything but magic, and magic tended to come with complications he wasn't confident he could deal with by himself.
Getting in contact with the sailors who caught the thing was a good idea, too. He'd already asked for the name of their ship and drafted a letter to a good old acquaintance in Froien. She would get the information to him in no time, even if he'll definitely have to show the creature to her afterwards. Keya, as he knew her, was curious beyond all else. Lord Teelo couldn't wait to see her face and the faces of his other acquaintances when they saw the kind of prize he'd gotten. The images of their amazement and barely hidden jealousy made him giddy with anticipation.
He wanted to make the most out of the day, and so was up and in the back garden of the auction house barely an hour after sunrise, despite the morning chill finding its way to his very bones through the layers of fabrics and furs he'd donned. A cart made into a cage with thick iron bars – provided with the purchase, of course, and with how much he'd paid Lord Teelo would be personally offended if it wasn't – was hurriedly readied and brought to the doors of the building.
The sounds of clattering and clinging and human voices burst through the open door before the creature was dragged out. It was the size of a northern wolf, bound and twisted and carried by two cautious servants. It craned its neck and bared its teeth through the muzzle, a wild animal, a scared one, and if not for the lines running down its skin and the weirdly human-like hands – with thumbs even if they were too long to actually be human – Lord Teelo would have taken it for nothing more than a dumb beast. Then it opened its mouth as wide as it could and let out a whole string of sounds – low and guttural and constantly repeating in patterns that made the lord think that it was trying – no, saying something in an unfamiliar, alien language.
He felt his pulse high in his throat, watching the creature as it was pushed inside the cage, chains around its limbs secured and the door locked behind. It kicked and threw itself against the metal only to settle back a moment later, too smart to waste energy on a fight it couldn't win.
And then, it noticed him.
Lord Teelo thought it recognized him – or maybe it was a wishful thinking fueled by the way it stilled and stared and then craned its neck to the side and forward, baring fangs in a display that was chilling even despite the binds. The unblinking yellow of its eyes pierced right through him.
He felt goosebumps creeping up his arms but refused to acknowledge it. He was safe, he reminded himself. It was tied up and helpless. No matter how it bared its teeth and tried to look scary, he was the master.
He stepped forward, lifting a hand up to place at the edge of the cart. The creature glanced at it, then continued staring. The lord smiled, "Hello there."
The creature growled and then said something. Lord Teelo continued soothingly, "No need to be so tense. We'll get to know each other -- you'll get used to me in no time."
In the light of the starting day, its skin didn't look like that startling black he saw in the dim cell. It was more grayish – still dark, though, and still unnatural. The pattern of colorful lines didn't look any less striking. His fingers ached to touch it, to feel if its skin was rough under his touch or as human-like as some of its features were. As the black short fur framing its face and ending in the middle of its back in a sort of haircut. Fey, Lord Teelo thought fervently. It had to be one. It was too strange in some ways and too familiar in others. It had to be a creature from another world. What other explanation could there be?
"Lord Teelo?" A voice came from his side and soon he was regrettably distracted, finishing the transaction and discussing the details. Servants pulled a thick piece of fabric covering the cage from view. Lord Teelo dismissed the pang of regret at their actions, reminding that he was going to have months worth of time to play around with the new toy.
He wondered what it'd be like. How it'd act. Would it be able to learn the human tongue, or prove to be too dumb for it?
He wondered where it would live. And – ah, this was an urgent question, was it not? He should send a letter to make sure it was all taken care of by the time he arrived.
Updates every 7-10 days (depending on how much time I have and how obvious the poll result is)
@isikedmyself878, @fraugustends, @otterfrost, @fuchstastisch, @3-2-whump, @the-lone-youth
Tell me to be tagged in the new parts!
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bilightningwhumper · 4 months
Working on what I'm going to do after Mangst 2024 finishes up, mostly because as I do these, I'm developing the world for The New Eden Institution more. Poll first, context underneath.
(Okay to reblog to increase voting pool)
Basically, I'm trying to figure out more male whumpees for the New Eden Institution series. Most fairy tales have female MCs, at least the well-known ones. I considered adding Snow White to this list, but I have a mild plan with a female whumpee there, so I'll keep it that way.
While looking at these, I found others that I may keep male or change to female, but curious on this for now.
Current potentials for these:
Goldilocks- orphan who ends up turned in by one of the families they break into the home of; they're just going after homes where the families are supposed to be on vacation to have a decent place to sleep for the night; turned into the Institution
Bluebeard- buyer of omegas who's abusive and kills them when he's bored of them; MC ends up contacted by the investigation shutting down the New Eden system (they were also bought from the Institution)
Maid Maleen- similar to the Swan Lake and Rapunzel stories I have, though their 100%* isolation is because their parent is trying to protect them and their sibling (adopted, step, half, or full); ends up failing and Maleen character in Institution while sibling is bought (ends up being a mix-up; soulmate thought sibling was Maleen because it was a soulmark purchase; whumper thought Maleen was sibling and kept them on purpose)
Thousandfurs- whumpee nearly abused by father; runs away and ends up kidnapped from the streets and put into the Institution; one of Robin's escapees maybe
Sleeping Beauty- whumpee has Sleeping Beauty syndrome and their whumper takes advantage of that
Again, just potentials. But I'm curious what people think, mostly to gain more ideas if nothing comes of these at all.
A lot of what I'm coming up with for the whumpees that are bought or just plain kidnapped is very much influenced by BBU stories I've read in the whump community.
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bunnyyu · 2 months
Health anxiety is so fucking ridiculous. I swear, my period is due in nine days and I’m like “ why boob hurt :( “ when this straight up happens every damn time of the month. Pms exists. Fuck.
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Hey all! So on my other side-blog, @bilightningwhumper, I had some polls and posts about the Sapphic Romeo and Juliet-inspired Angels/Demons story (other inspo fandoms in the tags of this post). I'm moving it over here since it's not going to be as whumpy as I originally planned. Not to worry, it will have some, but I'm going to focus more on the romance and drama aspect than the whump.
So if you're interested, follow over here! No pressure, though. And if you're interested in art of the two main characters (Morrigon/Morgan- Demon/Romeo; Evangeline- Angel/Juliet), I have them in my header now. I'll have some writing tidbits for it soon.
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whump-queen · 2 years
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alright that’s enough of that. you’re destroying my door jams.
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Umm... hi! ?
I've been lurking around here for almost a year aand I've finally built up the courage to make my own blog?? Idek? oh wow never expected that tbh I'm surprised of myself
Name: My name is Em, Ems or Wrath, pick your poison lol
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Umm old enough but also young??
About me: Ummm- I'm in multiple fandoms (like A TON), average whump enjoyer (maybe a bit more than that but shh), I like writing (duh), I do fencing?? (Whumpy sport??? I mean I get to stab people with swords-), I've got adhd and way too much free time! Chronically online. Book & fanfic addict
Whump: I've always enjoyed whump since I was a little kid but I was always veery much embarassed because I thought it was wrong ("Oh yes let's play doctor but you're actually an evil psycho who wants to do experiments on me" "..........." "WHAT THE-"). Then I found that there's people like me in here! Love me some whumper friends.
Lady whump
Used as a bait
Pet whump
Lab rat whump
Magic whump
Betrayal whump
MAGIC!! Eg. Supernatural whumpees/whumpers etc.
Probably a ton more but those are the most important ones?
Blogs: So, my fav blogs are @painsandconfusion @whumpninja @whumblr @whump-is-love-whump-is-life @whumpshaped @whumperofworlds @jump-in-the-whump @jordanstrophe aand many other ones though--
Might make a post about my whumpees/whumpers/caretakers and WIPS later?
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whumpinthepot · 14 days
Whumpee who is unable to take their medication (anxiety, anti psychotic, depression, adhd meds, harder substances they’re addicted to, what have you,) goes through withdrawal sickness. Shaking, nausea, brain zaps, mood swings, sweats, disorientation, body pains, headaches, plus their symptoms coming back full throttle.
This could happen for a number of reasons. Kidnapping, apocalypse, lost in the woods, or even not being able to afford a refill. Any of these reasons would wildly change the outcome too. Especially if it’s cold turkey and not tapered down.
Are they being tortured while experiencing the withdrawals? Are they trying to run from zombies but they’re out of breath and shaking so hard they don’t think they’ll make it? Lost in the woods with double vision, and their symptoms crashing down on them while they stumble around trying to find a way out? Or are they safe at home able to lay under soft blankets while caretaker makes them a cup of tea and puts on a comfort movie?
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defire · 2 months
Back to the Dregs Part 7
Part 1 Next
Content: nonsexual noncon touch, captivity, fear of sexual assault, memories of child abuse, manhandling, caretaker turned whumper, ptsd being triggered
Michael inspected the cuff he was wearing, especially the weld where the chain met the cuff. He ran his tongue over his teeth, hating that he was going through this stupid decision again.
Break out somehow and risk getting caught and beaten within an inch of his life–maybe having the soles of his feet burned again–or sit here and get beaten a little less, maybe.
Looking back at the other times he'd berated himself over choosing to stay, or failing to escape, he felt his mind changing a bit.
"I mean, what the fuck was I supposed to do?" He muttered, twisting the chain gently till it locked up.
The manacle itself was padlocked shut, so that wasn't going to be its weak point.
The door opened and Michael recoiled from his study, putting his hands in his lap and going pale.
It was Chris, with his soft dark hair framing his pocked face with an unpleasant contrast.
"So, how does a bag of cereal with a cup of milk sound?" Chris said.
Michael was a bit too nervous to answer, finding his teeth clenched tightly as he wondered if Chris had seen what he was doing.
Chris set the bag of cereal on the bed next to Michael's feet and sat down, offering the plastic cup.
Michael stared at it, then raised his eyes to Chris. Around him, he felt a bit more comfortable being honest about how he was doing.
"I'm not really hungry."
"How bad did you get it?" Chris narrowed his eyes. "Can I see?"
"No!" Michael grabbed the edge of his shirt, leaning back. "Why does everyone--everyone want to see my stomach or something?"
"Sooner or later you're gona have to take it off." Chris said gently.
"You can tear it off my cold dead body." Michael snarled.
"What are you so sensitive about?" Chris said, a flicker of suspicion crossing his face. "Hm? I won't tell anybody."
"Chris, what the fuck kind of fool do you take me for?" Michael said. "I've been kidnapped and now I'm being asked to strip. The answer is a resounding hell no."
Chris huffed, took a sip of the milk and raised his eyebrows at the flavor.
"Look Michael, that's not what this is." He said, way too calmly.
"Then what is it about?!" Michael demanded, jerking his bruised wrist at the heavy chain.
Chris frowned, finishing the milk and tossing the cup to the ground.
Then he stood up and walked toward Michael, who scooted away to the furthest corner of the bed. The movement tensed the muscles around his ribs, making him grimace as he pulled his legs up as far as they'd go toward his chest.
"Michael," Chris said in a warning tone. "It's me or them. You want Jordie doing it?"
"Off my dead body." Michael spat.
Chris suddenly moved at him and Michael cringed hard under his arm and hissed, expecting immediate pain. The big man's hands landed on his arms, though, fingers closing around them.
"No, please," Michael struggled and yanked at them, tears springing to his eyes. "Don't do it."
"Don't do what?" Chris grunted in the effort it took to restrain him, now roughly patting down his free arm. "What are you hiding, Michael?"
"Nothing!" Michael shrieked, and began crying as Chris frisked both his arms very thoroughly, checking his hands between each finger, then his armpits, then the nape of his neck under the ponytail.
"Don't!" Michael shrieked hoarsely, ineffectually jerking at his arms and trying to kick him. "Fuck, please, don't."
Chris's fingers traced over his neck again. He was frowning.
At that moment, the door opened again, letting in Pete and several others crowding in behind.
"What is going on in here?" Pete shouted.
Chris let Michael go and got off the bed. Michael sobbed and sniffled under his arm, trying to stop. All he could feel and think was his foster father's fingers digging into his neck as he slammed his forehead into the glass, and the burning points all down his arms. "I don't want you to ever feel like you don't have a family, son." He couldn't let himself think about that. He couldn't let anyone see his arms.
Michael shuddered, instinctively tightening his ponytail before he dried his eyes on his pj shoulder, head down in shame.
"Chris?" Pete raised his eyebrows. "Really?"
"Didn't mean to sir." Chris said, eyes down. "I thought he had a weapon."
"Well thank you Chris," Pete said dryly. "Looks like you've moved up our schedule."
"He doesn't want his shirt off for some goddamn reason." Chris said a little resentfully.
"Unchain him, Jordie." Pete said. "Michael? You going to behave?"
"Sure, if I'm not going to get fucking molested."
"No promises." Gabe jeered.
Michael winced at the hands on his arms as he stood up from the bed.
"Turn around, face the wall." Pete said.
Michael gritted his teeth and did. Turning his back to them was like baring your neck to a wolf--terrifying. It was a familiar feeling that pricked at his eyes. At least they weren't taking off his shirt, he thought, as the zip tie tightened painfully around his bruised wrists.
"Come on Jordie--ah!" He hissed as it sank into the bruises. "Come on man, it doesn't need to be that tight!"
"Too late." Jordie slapped his head.
"Come on." Pete said, and Jordie gave him a little push toward the door.
Michael fell into an uneasy silence as he was walked back to the halfway-room created by the crates.
Light from the big window at the end--which turned out to be a loading door--flooded the entire space, blending the smells of warm wood and gasoline with golden sunlight and machinery downstairs.
Michael noted the evidence of maybe fifty workers' labor overnight. Crate had been loaded in by the hundreds, and he'd been too fast asleep to be woken up by any of it. This time, there was a chair and a tripod set up in front of the crates, with a full on camera attached to a laptop, angled a little away from the chair.
Jordie shoved him down into it with a painful jolt. Michael's hair was already getting rustled up by the manhandling.
He had a knot of dread in his stomach when he looked up into that camera and saw his face in the screen to the right. Half of his face was looking pretty battered, which wasn't surprising, since it felt like he was wearing playdough on his eye. A swollen, split cheek and a black eye made him look... like a kid again, he thought instinctively.
He looked away in distress, set his jaw and focused his gaze on Jordie, reminding himself that he wasn't a little kid, and he could've taken that guy if his hands weren't bound.
Pete stood behind the camera, watching the little monitor.
"Alright guys," He said. "It's go time."
@fleur-a-whump @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @whumped-by-glitter @whump-writings @mimostic @tildeathiwillwrite
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oxfordthyme · 1 month
Intro / My Story
Hello, I'm Thyme and I only recently realized that whump was a thing!
Putting the TL;DR up top: I'm a (mostly NSFW & non con) writer new to the whump community, & very interested to see what's shaking here! Would ultimately love to find some new, like-minded readers to enjoy my fics and offer their thoughts.
(Also please forgive my lack of aesthetic, Tumblr has changed a lot and I'm still figuring things out)
Here's the longer story: I've written whump from the shadows for going on 20 years; no one had ever seen it until I made an AO3 account earlier this year.
In the shadows there is no community and no audience, so I had no clue other people enjoyed hurting their favorite characters as much as I did and always had weird shame about it.
Shame is a huge part of the way I grew up and has hindered my quality of life at every turn. I'm only just taking steps to shed it, and it's a process. I wish I had started it long ago, but better late than never, I guess.
The first part of my "fuck shame" journey was to try writing smut. I'd always just implied it in my fics—because shame—which is so crazy because again, I wasn't even showing these to anyone!!!
I don't even read much smut either so I did some *ahem* research and added some smutty scenes to what would become my first published fic. (It's a Baldur's Gate story reimagining, if Cazador bit a female elf bard instead of Astarion, and that bard embarks on the BG3 storyline with this new version of Astarion.)
The second part of the journey was to step out of the shadows (sort of) and post the fic. So I did that and expected no interaction. But when I started getting kudos and comments... man, I never realized what a dopamine junkie I am because that positive feedback was like a drug. I have never written so much nor so consistently in my life. I've published over 200,000 words since the end of April. Apparently ADHD is no match for my feral dopamine hunger and pathological people pleasing tendencies!
The third part of the journey was to find a community! I joined a whump discord server and now I'm back on Tumblr for the first time in like, twelve years?? I've been lurking in the whump tag and it's so heartwarming to see so many creative people finding community with each other. We don't have to feel like freaks anymore. 🥹
The Baldur's Gate hyperfixation is on the shelf at the moment, and I'm in the middle of a very dark Stranger Things non-con centered longfic in which an 18-year-old Max Mayfield is the whumpee. Three guesses as to who the whumper is 🙄
Anyway, excited to see what's up around here!
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jennyyy007 · 3 months
Hii!! My name is Jenny and I am very happy you found your way to my blog. I’m pretty new to whump and I love writing stories. I am also very adhd and if I’m not hyperfocusing on writing it can get a bit slow so please be patient xd
But if you have any questions, suggestions or requests feel free to DM me!!
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Story lines:
Plaything 🗝️
Simple concept, about a whumpee who gets kidnapped by a whumper and basically used as a human punching bag
Family 🍼
About a whumper who kidnaps triplets and forces them to live with him as his children
Rat 💉
Follows the story of an immortal whumpee, trapped in a laboratory
Short stories:
sacrifice - zombie apocalypse whump
Little lamb - vampire whump
Abyssal eternity - siren whump
Monster - military whump
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bilightningwhumper · 28 days
Had a dream and thought up a new story idea. Whoops, lol. Poll at the end if you're interested.
Basically, it's a thought for an original story inspired by haunted houses/mansions. The mother of a family received the deed/ownership to an old mansion. In the process, she becomes possessed by the spirits of the house and ends up killing most of her family.
Jump to the present, one daughter and one son are left. The daughter has no memory of what happened, but the son remembers it all. [Edit: They reunite right after college for the start of this instead of high school ending.] However, throughout their school years, any friends they've grown close to and any bullies they've had both disappear. Everyone else has them erased from their memories, except for the boy's. He can't convince anyone to remember, so eventually gives up, making private notes in journals to keep the memories of the lost at least acknowledged.
They go on one last road trip with two of their mutual friends left and end up stumbling across the mansion, overgrown in the middle of nowhere. Lured into the mansion, all of them end up separated.
Not sure how to explain the rest without giving away the whole idea, but basically the story is told from the PoVs of the brother and sister. Non-human whumpees as well as human ones. Though it is also some experimentation whump mixed with supernatural whump, so humans turned into animal/human hybrids kind of thing. Like, a whumper moved into the mansion secretly and has been contributing/taking advantage of the disappearing characters. It was a very detailed dream for one night, lol. Of course, lgbt and neurodivergent MCs, as well as the side characters, too.
I'm still working on the October writing events stuff first. Basically this whole ramble was to keep the idea from disappearing in my head, plus what I'm writing on some scrap paper. Everything else I've shared so far for ideas has been re-tellings or fanfics, but I've noticed a lot I've read for the whump community and enjoyed has been folks orgiginal works a whole lot more. And I'm working on not being so paranoid and cagy about writing origninal stuff myself and sharing it with more than just a few choice friends. So I'm nervous to share this idea, but excited to see if anyone would actually want to read it.
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whumptober · 1 year
Meet The New Mods
Thank you very much for the warm welcome! To begin we’d like to say a very big thank you to mods Pan and Claire, as well as Jo, Marie and Kat, for their hard work in creating and continuing the event for six years — especially with how big the community has become! We have a momentous job ahead of us when it comes to modding the community and running the event as well as they did, but we are determined and up for the challenge.
So perhaps it’s time to introduce ourselves:
gunshou tumblr | discord | ao3
fandom old (she/her)
I’ve participated in Whumptober for a few years, although I never finished. I’m a writer who can’t write fluff to save my life; if a character isn’t going through some kind of trauma in canon I’ll make it happen in fanfic. I live with an old blind mini poodle and intense imposter syndrome. I used to mod communities on Livejournal (fandom OLD) and I’m really excited to be a part of the new mod team. Please feel free to follow and interact with me!
Surro | 21 | he/him | @promptsforyourwhumpfic
AO3: SurroWhump
Discord: surro_
🎵 - I’m Not Okay (Chris Catalyst) and Will of the People (Muse)
I've been lurking in the whump community since 2017, and have been a whump enthusiast for as long as I can remember (seriously, all of my original characters have to had some sort of whumpy backstory). I’ve been a loyal Whumptober completionist since 2018, and have written my fair share of angst for a variety of whumpees and OCs.This is my first time being a part of a mod team, and I am really thrilled to be a part of such a big event! I look forward to working on this project and interacting with the wider community.
Kitty | she/her | @mrmustachious
AO3: TheWeatherOutside
Discord: justkitty.
Hello everyone! Those in the Whumptober discord may know me as being a mod there since last year, but if not, then hi! I have been a completionist for Whumptober every year since 2019, and it’s safe to say that the event quickly became one of my favourite times of year. I’ve been a fan of whump since well before I knew what it was, so it’s been amazing to find a community filled with so many like-minded, wonderful people creating such fantastic (and evil ;)) works. I’m so excited to be a part of the team, and I am looking forward to seeing what everyone creates this year.
Vanne | 21 | queer | she/her | @fl4tlines
AO3: savanne
Discord: v4nne
🎵: Lowlife — YUNGBLUD & Cheap Love — girli
Hiya! I’ve mainly lurked in the whump community for a while, across several different blogs. I was a Whumptober completionist in 2021 on an old blog, but I haven’t completed it since! I mainly write OC whump, with more focus on emotional suffering compared to the physical elements. Outside of whump, I volunteer and run a wildlife rehabilitation unit, work in retail and keep the ADHD goblin in my head happy by cycling through an endless list of other hobbies like graphic design, wildlife photography and traveling for gigs. I’m really looking forward to helping put together Whumptober this year and being a part of it!
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a-crumb-of-whump · 4 months
ANB #23: The Smell Of Blood
Masterlist | Read on AO3
Content: Recovery, vampire whumpee, mild injuries, fluff, blood.
Carlos was up and out of bed the moment he smelled blood. Ryker’s blood, to be more precise - the smell mingled unpleasantly with the rotten scent that came with whatever the human had been cooking for the past half an hour. It was too fresh to have been from the glass his meal had been drained into earlier that morning. Too strong to be anything good.
He was in the kitchen in a matter of seconds; several bandaids in his hand and some paper towel in the other. After having taught himself a little more about common injuries among humans, he was able to utilise some of the things from their first-aid kit now that he knew what they were for.
Much to his surprise, Ryker seemed fine upon arrival. Happy, even, as he always was when he cooked. The absentminded smile on his face only brightened when he saw the vampire standing just past the threshold to the kitchen, though it faded a little at the sight of the bandaids in his hand.
Neither of them spoke until the sound of sizzling oil eased. “Need help with a cut?” Ryker asked curiously.
“I…” It was only then that Carlos willed himself to relax enough to release the breath he’d been holding in. “I brought them for you. You’re hurt.”
There was another lengthy pause as the human brought his hands up to examine them. Carlos watched him curiously, eyes eventually landing on a cut that had appeared on his arm. Blood steadily oozed from it, slowly staining the rolled-up sleeves of the plaid flannel Ryker had put on that morning. Carlos hated that one of his first thoughts was how much he wanted the blood for himself.
Ryker made a face. “Huh.”
Carlos almost found himself laughing at the absurdity of the reaction. He took a step forward and dabbed the towel against the cut, cradling the human’s arm in his free grasp so he could do so. He was grateful that he could be so close to someone and not feel the overwhelming need for blood anymore, though there was still a noticeable clench in his jaw as he struggled to resist the temptation that was still there. He wondered if it would ever fully go away.
“How’d you know it was there?”
“The scent,” Carlos murmured, his eyebrows slightly furrowed in concentration. “Sometimes I see you getting distracted while you cook, so when I smelled the blood and how strong it was, I was worried you’d… I dunno, cut off a finger or something.”
Much to his confusion, Ryker merely smiled and extended his free hand to ruffle the vampire’s hair, only holding still again when Carlos decided it was time for the bandaid. “If I were to ever cut off a finger, I can assure you, you’d hear the result before you smelled it.”
“That’s… definitely reassuring, thank you.”
It was a delight to hear his human laugh. A true reassurance that everything was okay. Finally, after a third check to ensure that he’d applied the bandaid correctly, Carlos found himself stepping back again to place the rubbish in the bin.
“You’d be surprised at the amount of cuts and bruises I get on my body that just… don’t register to me,” Ryker commented as he turned back to the stovetop behind him. The pan still sizzled away, just quietly in the background now. “I suppose that’s what being clumsy and having ADHD will get you. Don’t even know how I got this one.”
Carlos made a small noise and swatted Ryker’s hand away from the cut the moment he went to pick at the covering. “You’ll make yourself sick if you play with it while cooking.”
With one long, exasperated sigh, Ryker turned around to wrap his arms around the vampire’s neck before pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. The gesture caused a tightness to swell in the center of Carlos’ chest, and for a moment he could do nothing but press his face into the man’s shoulder until he eventually pulled away again. “You worry about me far too much.”
“Do I? Humans are fragile. You need to be kept safe and protected or you’ll do something silly and hurt yourself.”
“Oh, please. I thought you knew me well enough to know that nobody can stop me from doing stupid things. I can’t even stop myself sometimes.”
The vampire’s little sigh as Ryker let him go only made him laugh again. He turned away to wash his hands, leaving Carlos to lean back against the counter behind him. “Excited for me to go back to work yet?”
“Never.” He meant it, too. While he was grateful to see his friend finally over the cold that had burdened him over the past week or so, there was nothing he liked more than waking up in the morning knowing that Ryker would be there to spend the day with him. He only wished that Adam was around more, too. “The days are less lonely when you’re here.”
Ryker had a frown on his face when he turned around to look at him. "I'm sorry I can't be around more," he apologised. Then a small pause, before he hesitantly spoke up again. "You aren't feeling… neglected, are you?"
"I could never feel neglected," Carlos frowned, his own heart sinking as he examined the look of concern on Ryker's face. It horrified him to think that one of his humans could ever be under the impression that they weren't doing enough. They were everything to him. "You do so much for me. More than I deserve!"
The human's lips twitched upwards once more. "Yeah? That hardly seems possible, but I'll take it. You wanna head out before the noise starts up again?" he suggested. Carlos watched as he turned one of the dials up again, which caused the flames flickering beneath the pan to double in size. It would only be a matter of time before the oil in the pan roared to life again; a sound that caused shivers to travel down his spine and his ears to ring. "I'll call you when it's over we'll do something together."
Carlos obeyed, but not before briefly examining the reason he'd come in here one more time in case of any issues. He lit up as soon as Ryker reached out to ruffle his hair again, seemingly an automatic response to him standing so close. His hands felt nice and warm on his scalp. "Yes, sir."
@choppedflowermuffinchild @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @emcscared-whumps @espresso-depresso-system
@pigeonwhumps @pumpkin-spice-whump @roblingoblin285 @sacredwrath @some-thrilling-heroics
@stabbynunchuckss @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @trans-writes @whump-blog @whumpsday
@whumpshaped @paniatheweirdone @whumpycries @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @thekittyburger
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Introduction and masterlist
Hi! I'm Ruth, they/them pronouns, 25, and I enjoy most types of whump! I do art, graphic design and writing.
I try my best to tag, but if I miss a content warning you'd like added, please just shoot me an ask! I won't tag lady whump as a content warning, but anything else I will if you ask.
Favourite tropes:
Found family
Pet whump
Whumper pressing down on whumpee's back to keep them from getting up
Caretaker turned whumpee/whumpee turned caretaker
Hero/villain whump
Tall whumpee/small caretaker (or vice versa)
Tall whumpee/small whumper
G/t whump
Whumpee thinks caretaker is their new whumper
Incompetent/clueless caretaker (they're trying their best but they have no idea they're doing)
Non-human whumpee
Immortal whumpee
Human weapon
Major character death
Mouth whump
Pregnancy whump
Graphic tooth whump
Everything taglist: @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump
Other taglists part 1 / part 2
↓ under cut ↓
BBU masterlist
General contents: pet whump, dehumanisation, amnesia, PTSD
Sam and Lucan 'verse
In a world where non-humans are enslaved, our characters are just trying to live out their lives in peace. And failing, mostly.
General contents: non-human characters, institutionalised slavery, fantasy racism, dehumanisation, PTSD
A Death in the Family
When his estranged father dies, Tristam, against his better judgement, attends the will reading, and ends up leaving with long-term bloodbag Sunday Afolayan and Eldrida, his father's former employee (and a terribly mistreated one at that, it turns out).
Even with Aileen and Evelyn's expert advice and friendship, it's tricky to bring Sunday back from the depths of his enthrallment, and Eldrida's struggling too. Six years under the cruel fist of Barnabas Sharpe was hard to survive.
It's a difficult recovery for both of them. But surely, things can't get worse now.
Contains: vampire whumper, non-human whumpee (vampire), lady whump, conditioned whumpee, disabled characters (Tristam has ADHD, Eldrida has anophthalmia, and Sunday has joint problems, a badly-healed arm, and an absence epilepsy-like condition), recovery whump, multiple whumpees
Botanist Whumpee
When the rich and powerful Sebastian Beaumont offers Alyssa a place to stay, she doesn’t expect to become his captive for three years. And when Silver rescues her at a party… well, the only thing she’s absolutely sure is better is that they don’t have a basement. They don’t have much of anything, actually. And she doesn’t know whether she can trust them or not, but she stays anyway. With no-one left to care about her, and Beaumont using all his money and connections to search for the pair of them, where else is she supposed to go?
Contains: recovery whump, captivity, lady whump, somewhat defiant whumpee, found family, intimate whumper
Cian and Row
In a world where superpowers are real, heroes and villains exist, and there's a large black market in powered people, Rowan's been enslaved for as long as they can remember. They're befriended when they're three by Cian Sinclair, a local empathic five year old, and at the age of eleven is rescued and adopted by the Sinclairs. Years later they become a supervillain, disappear for five years and reappear to reunite with their family, and attract another enemy, one far more powerful than their previous captors and obsessed with their healing powers.
Contains: slavery, PTSD, minor whump, past minor whump, immortal whumpee, discrimination, villain whump
Immortal Cannon Fodder
Phoenix, an immortal hero, joins a team that hurts them and uses them as cannon fodder. But their teammates are only doing what's necessary to help them all survive. Phoenix's regular sacrifices are necessary. And it's not like they've got anywhere else to go anyway.
It takes the arrival of Kai, a wolf-shifter and telekinetic, to help them see what's going on. But a friendship and a promised eventual transfer can't fix everything.
Contains: hero whump, abuse, past abuse, immortal whumpee
When MD-264N, the government's best weapon, runs to avoid being decommissioned and collapses on the doorstep of a small ragtag team of rebels, it's a surprise to everyone. But despite resistance, the weapon, now known as Morgan, starts to find their place, and the rebels soon find that they'll do anything to keep them free.
Out of the Frying Pan
Contains: living weapon, found family, dehumanisation/self dehumanisation, team dynamics, reluctant caretaker (not the main caretaker), recovery whump, caretaker whump, disabled caretaker (forearm amputee)
Operation Badger
In the year 2037, Earth is invaded by the Stex. 14 years later, superpowers start appearing in teenagers, and are apparently humanity's best defence against the aliens. What is Earth Security to do but train these people up as weapons?
Contains: sci-fi, living weapons, team whump, multiple whumpees, minor whump, aliens, disabled character
Five years ago Elis, former bodyguard and weapon of Lord Wulfric, was rescued from a fiery death by Col and Sæwin. He now lives in relative peace with them in Sorestan, a peace that's abruptly disrupted after an unwelcome visitor brings his past colliding with the present.
Contains: medieval whump, fantasy elements, living weapon
Out of the Water
Túathal, a merman, is captured and kept prisoner by pirates for his valuable scales. While Robyn, the youngest of the crew and not very popular, takes care of him, the others only bother with his scales (and anything that makes their extraction easier). Especially James. And once the rest of the pirates discover that Robyn and Túathal have become fond of each other, things only get worse.
Contains: merwhump, pirate whump, mutual caretaking, language barrier, outcast whumpee, defiant whumpee
Survival Skills
Whumpee is captured by a Whumper who wants to teach them survival skills. Painfully.
Contains: survival skills whump, sadistic whumper
The Greatest Show on Earth
Damon and Pythias are an unwilling two-person sideshow act in The Greatest Show on Earth, Pythias forced to kill Damon multiple times a day for the entertainment of paying circus patrons. Damon has been in captivity since birth, Pythias not quite so long (although certainly long enough), and they're both ready to get out.
But the outside world is even trickier to navigate than they imagined.
Contains: non-human whumpees, multiple whumpees, immortal whumpee, lady whump, circus whump, public whump, captivity, recovery whump, temporary character death (both implied and shown at times), guilty whumpee, whumpee as caretaker
Other writing:
Non-series whump masterlist
Miscellaneous writing, art and graphics
Fanfic/fanart (AO3)
BBC Merlin, Good Omens, Doctor Who, The Sandman, The Murderbot Diaries
Other stuff:
Whumpmas in July 2022 masterlist
Ask games
Bad Things Happen Bingo
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gh0sthands · 21 days
blog intro
hi! you can call me ghost. im 22, nonbinary, asexual, pronouns they/them
i have ADHD, GAD, and autism (though the knowledge of autism is relatively new to me), and im open to questions about any of those! whether its just curiosity, for writing, whatever, feel free to send asks :)
im mostly into whump for the hurt/comfort, and this blog is mainly to save stuff i like
stuff i like:
whumpee x caretaker
protective caretaker
neurodivergent whumpee and caretaker
fantasy settings
magic whumpee
nblw (non-binary loving women, like wlw or mlm)
non-male whumpee and caretaker
stuff that makes me uncomfortable/i avoid posts about:
whumper turned caretaker/carewhumper
whumper x whumpee
pet whump
bad caretaker (when its caretaker literally being an asshole, caretaker making mistakes and being a human doesnt count as bad caretaker to me)
will edit this post from time to time as i think of things
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