#adhd and dopamine
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months ago
ADHD & Dopamine Seeking
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Future ADHD
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tumbler-polls · 27 days ago
Give this brain rot game a try 🧠🔫
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raineofthedragons · 1 month ago
Maturing is understanding the dozen or so reasons as to why Mulan (1998) spoke to you on a spiritual level despite being a five year old
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wren-loves-plants · 6 months ago
rocking forward and backward in the fetal position because I will never find half as much dopamine in real life as I do from my eldritch horror podcasts.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years ago
When the hyperfocus hits...
ID: a video of a lined journal with numerous silver hearts spaced out across several of the lines. When the page is turned, it reveals a large spike in the number of visible stickers on the page, including some pink and red ones. The lower half of the page is covered in stickers.
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turns-out-its-adhd · 2 years ago
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Artist : Sarah Anderson
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ashs-nerd-den · 8 months ago
An ADHD saviour
You gain points for finishing tasks and building habits.
You can get eggs and potions to hatch pets and earn food to grow your pets.
You can enter challenges to get gems to join special challenges
You can join parties to work together on quests and have group accountability
You can log achievements and convince yourself to do the things you need to do (this is also great for spoonies, without it I would just never get out of bed with exhaustion)
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herbgerblin · 2 years ago
//Adhd posting once more
A while back I told my sister how nice it was to sync my schedule with my cat’s because when I feed him, I remember to eat, and when he wants to play, it gives me a reason to get up from my desk and stretch.
She said that I shouldn’t have to rely on a pet to do all those things, I should just do them. Which I pointed out was an ableist way to think and she took a pause. But I could see why she said that, because she’d witnessed me be self-sufficient for years without a pet (oldest daughter syndrome lol.)
I reminded her that the year prior, I had a system of hourly alarms that would go off throughout the day, and it would aggravate her because she noticed them before I did. Now I don’t have to reset the alarms as often or hunt down my phone every time I misplace it. I can use that freed up brain space to focus on other things.
Plus Kravitz Jr. notifies me in a more natural, less-stress inducing way (except when he tries to claw my feet through the covers when I refuse to get out bed.) Over the past few months, my sister has taken to calling him “therapy cat.” The second she gets off of work, she makes a beeline to wherever he is and vents all of her gripes while petting him. She gets it now.
Obligatory cat pic:
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ID: Photo of a black cat sleeping on a desk. His head is resting on a fuzzy swiffer mop pad. OP’s hand is resting beside him to rub his forehead with her finger. End ID.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 years ago
How to Create Your Own Dopamine
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Future ADHD
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starwrighter · 2 years ago
Dude, get a restraining order
(Prompt) (Ao3 link)
(The results from the poll have arrived!! You have chosen unintentional Yandere Damian! )
Danny had a feeling the next several months were going to suck. Out of everyone in his school, he'd been the one picked for the whole "Transfer student," nonsense. With his reputation, you'd think he'd be the last person you'd want to show off out of state.
Regardless, Danny was chosen, and now he was on a plane headed to New Jersey Gotham. "The City of Crime" sounds like a blast and a half. All the rouges and criminals that wouldn't be his problem to deal with. It seemed like heaven in theory, but Danny knew with his luck he'd be getting mugged left, right, and center.
Pressing his face against the window, Danny allowed his mind to wander. To the portal, the friends who wouldn't be here to support him, to the ghosts who didn't want to kill him. Dani and Val were going to pick up the slack back home but that wouldn't help with the rumors no doubt going around about Phantom's disappearance. He could only hope he still had a secret identity when he got home.
Maybe if he did crime against the local vigilantes he'd get sent home early...
No, the rouges and local criminals did that on a daily basis they wouldn't crack from a little trolling. Or maybe they would? Then again, Red Hood used guns and the current Robin ran around with a real ass god-damn sword so trolling was a bad idea.
In all honesty, Robin was intimidating even with the little information he had about him. All he had were blurry, articles from various news outlets and attempted interviews with some ridiculously persistent reporter. Robin sounded more cryptic than he was! The entire concept of a teenager his age manifesting out of the shadows and chasing him with a katana would forever be his biggest concern during his stay in Gotham.
When the plane touched down Danny was left in a busy airport terminal. Vague instructions from his teachers and chatter from the employees trying to get him out onto the street as soon as possible were all he had to go off right now. Also, a brochure that he was 90% sure was all bullshit.
Gotham's air felt closer to smoke than it was anything breathable. Burning his nostrils, a scent of gas and cigarette smoke pretty much engulfed the city. It was so bad the second he took a breath, his core jolted, snapping into gear, not allowing anything to enter his lungs before it filtered. He'd never been so glad about dying until now, and never had he ever been as impressed in a population as he was now.
Danny had only been here for ten minutes or so but he'd already come to the conclusion that Gothamites were as metal as amity parkers. Wandering through the city, Danny tried to keep his face neutral. Not a smile or the slightest tell that he wasn't from here. He'd rather not get mugged before he reached his apartment. Though, maybe a fatal injury would get him sent home early.
Looking down at the map on his phone, Danny drew closer to the apartment building he'd been assigned to stay at. Supposedly, it was closer to the rich kid school he'd be temporarily attending. Why they decided it was okay for a teenager to live by himself in Gotham was a complete and total mystery. He could only hope he wouldn't die a second time during his stay.
Getting the key from the front desk was a much easier process than he'd thought It'd be. But it could never be quick enough. His suitcases were heavy!! And he was so very very tired. When he got into his apartment he tossed his suitcases onto the floor, inspecting the place he'd be staying for the next few months. It pretty good setup, a bathroom with a combined bath and shower, a tiny kitchen for cooking, and a small bedroom with a twin XL mattress. Grey sheets that Danny didn't quite trust were clean. Danny barely had the time to settle in before he was pelted with schedules, school rules, and uniform requirements.
His uniform as supplied by the school was a navy blue blazer with the school label embroidered on the pocket. A tie striped black and blue tucked into a stuffy-looking dress shirt. Overall it felt more like he was dressing up for one of Vlad's stupid Gala's than it did school.
He wasn't given any time to unpack, not a second to relax or get used to his surroundings. Nope! He was expected to pack up his school supplies and head to school right away! Seriously, not a minute before the front office was asking where he was, as if offended he didn't teleport to school the moment he touched down.
The school itself was intimidating. Twice the size of Casper High, it looked like a private school. It also looked like a school where he'd face severe bullying. Just from looking at the entrance, he could tell this building had proper equipment down to the most obscure of clubs. Kids rushed past him some looking panicked as a school bell rang while others just seemed annoyed.
He strolled leisurely through the school hall on the way to the office. There was no rush, he didn't even want to be here. What were they going to do? Send him home? Oh no, what a tragedy! Snickering under his breath, Danny scrolled through the avalanche of texts Vlad was sending him. All of them pertaining the same message of "Get your ass to school you're making me look bad!" It almost convinced him to skip but the pissed-off edge to the office lady's voice in their last phone call was enough to goad him into creeping into the office.
A face of thinly veiled annoyance rested on the desk lady's face. He could barely get a word out before a school map and schedule were shoved into his hands. A bare-bones explanation of the school rules was given along with his school ID before he was all but shouted at to get to class.
You'd think there'd be an adjusting period where they'd walk him through everything and let him get settled in at his own pace, but nope! This is Gotham! Apparently, that's not how they roll with transfer students. It's like they wanted him back in amity as much as he did.
He wasn't sure if he liked that or not...
(I don't know who want's to be tagged for this one)
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skyeoak · 8 months ago
I’ve come up with a silly little meme headcanon I like to call:
Same John Theory
Does a piece of media have a John/Jon/Johnny/etc. in it?
Congratulations! That’s The Same John*!
Have fun!
*usually the beginning and end of this for me is a character doing something unhinged and I stop reading/listening and say aloud “it’s the same john though” and giggle about the implications for a few seconds before jumping back into the story.
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mystic-crafting · 2 years ago
Crafting is really just a series of going:
"No, you can't start a new project. You need to finish an old one first"
"But I **promise** that I'll finish this one!!"
"Okay, fine"
And then you add another unfinished project to the pile
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vero-niche · 3 months ago
"learn to be bored with ADHD" ah yes. the condition where i need to take stimulants (that prevents the boredom) to be able to function like nt people. that one. i should just learn to live with the very thing that has been hindering my life from birth until i got medicated. oh gee why didnt i think of that before
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ghost-bison · 4 months ago
something interesting about executive dysfunction that i realized yesterday is this: if you have it, and someone tries to tell you you are "lazy" and to just "get out of bed, it's not that difficult", then you should know that executive dysfunction is linked to the dopamine deficit in your brain (research that i think it's common in neurological disorders).
dopamine is responsible for your motivation, your pleasure, and overall satisfaction. meaning, if your brain doesn't produce enough of it, it can lead to intrusive thoughts, extreme perfectionism, you never finishing anything because you fear it's never good enough or because of the pressure around it (yes i am looking at you, school projects), and also anxiety, depression, simple tasks (showering, eating, chores, taking public transportation) making you feel existential dread (= you would rather decompose than do those and in fact, the prospect is becoming more and more attractive).
so yeah, conclusion: no dopamine = shit.
now, something else that's interesting is how i came to think of that: i was talking to my mum and she mentioned that her aunt died of parkinson's disease, and that nowadays they "treat" parkinson with... drum rolls... dopamine! that's right bitches, it is that deep.
i looked it up on the internet, and apparently, "parkinson's disease first induces a gradual degeneration of the dopamine neurons in the brain, dopamine being a neurotransmitter involved in the control of several functions such as voluntary movements, cognition, motivation and affects".
so if i got this right, there is literally a connection between parkinson and executive dysfunction.
so if anyone bothers you again with how "lazy" you are, try to explain this to them because you are valid, you shouldn't feel guilty about fucking things up when your brain is literally conditioned to do so. and you should know that even though it is, you are not doomed for failure, there are ways around it! crutches if not miracles, but still crutches: take your meds, talk to a therapist, don't be afraid to take advantage of the commodities that have been put there for you to use; they are there for a reason, you know?
stay safe, you are understood by more people than you think. fuck those who don't try. fuck those who don't believe you; i do.
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macbethz · 2 days ago
u guys need to stop telling people that people w adhd can’t get addicted to/high from stimulants youre gonna get someone killed
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elviraaxen · 8 months ago
I'm probably not the first to admit this but goddamn was I a narcissistic prick when I wasn't on stimulants
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