#adding retro effects was the most fun part of this
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sunsketch · 2 years ago
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a little Sailor Ladybug ✨🐞🌠
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c7thetumbler · 1 year ago
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Quick Game reviews: 2023 (Part 1!)
Hey everyone! Apologies for the screenshots stolen from google; at the point I compiled most of this I deleted my Xitter account and didn't have the screenshots I typically share from there.
Additionally, since Tumblr has a 30 image limit this is going to be split into 2 parts! How exciting.
Let's get it goin
This group of 8 games were beat in the first week of 2023! Do not set such goals; games are made to be fun on your own time and turning it into a job is a lot like seeing how the sausage is made. But I digress;
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Tinykin (Steam)
A very fun 3D puzzle-platformer collectathon. It has many pikmin-like elements in that you control a bunch of little guys to carry, push, or interact with various objects in fun ways, but I would hesitate to call it a full Pikmin like game because they really serve as collectibles which when you have enough of let you access certain areas. There's really not strategy element to it. But, it's still a fun 3D platformer, and I recommend it
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Super Kiwi 64 (Steam)
This is a weird one. Another 3D platformer that will last you at most 1 hour, Super Kiwi 64 is an unsettling but intriguing little experience where you navigate a number of levels with challenges and items to collect. I say unsettling because the music has a very mysterious vibe, and the environments go from the bright forest above to some almost liminal, dark areas devoid of interactable characters and littered with strange skeletons and glyphs. It was interesting; I would say pick it up on sale if you're looking for a chill hour of playtime, but it's also only $3, so you do you
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Toree 2 (Steam)
Another retro 3D platformer that's more like the PS1 era, Toree 2 is focused on quick, optimizable movements and levels design to be speedrun and 100%'d. This one is also only an hour, but also only a buck to play! Keeping with the unsettling theme, it's levels are nostalgic and bright, but the main antagonist seems to be drawing on some glitchy, bizarre power that causes some strange effects to happen in levels. It's a small but fun nostalgic experience that it's difficult and a well done series of levels
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Toree 3D (Steam)
Same review as above, the sequel! Sure, the 3D may lead you to believe it's different mechanically, but it was already 3D so it's really just more of the same.
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Dead Estate: Bombs Away Update (Steam)
This update added a new character, some new enemies, and some alternate rooms. Again, my Dead Estate recommendation is high for those who are into the rogue-like, top down arcade shooters, and this free update was more goodness to complete, though BOSS can very easily be broken with a number of explosion-based items.
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Mechanibot (Steam)
Is this auto chess? I don't know what auto chess is as a genre. kids these days
Mechnibot is a top down tower defense like game with rogue-like elements. You start off as mechanibot, a tiny robot who has been tasked to fix the sun and has a number of robots to choose from. Robots act as "towers" that grant certain effects depending on their type and description, and can even have multiple types and effects. Your job is to keep these robots alive and attacking by frantically running around and placing them in and out of danger. You get money for each wave, which can be spent on given options at the end of each wave to upgrade robots, get new ones, and some upgrades for yourself as well. It's a lot of fun, a good 8 hours of content and replayable. Try out the demo and see if it's for you
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Minit Fun Racer (Steam)
Another short game! This is a spin-off from Minit, and is much more arcade like. You start off on your little bike and have to avoid all the obstacles and collect coins to get to the end. You won't be able to progress very far for a while, so you get upgrade to last longer and get some upgrades for your scooter until you eventually can. Took me about an hour and a half to get all the achievements, but there was surprisingly a lot of cute hidden stuff along the way. Again, a fun arcadey experience with lots of charm for almost nothing.
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Chico and the Magic Orchards DX (Steam)
This one was fun! I was on a big GameBoy kick this year, and the DX for this actually came out I was playing it. It was a little aggravating with some of the boss fights, but overall I had a fun time playing it! Recommended for a nice little nostalgic GBC puzzle game, would definitely be best on a portable console.
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A Little to the Left (Switch DL)
I wanted to play more simple games, and this one seemed like a lot of fun as a recommendation from a friend. It's a little short, but it speaks to me as someone who hops between obsessing over doing things perfectly and finding it difficult todo anything at all. I especially like the way there are multiple solutions for several puzzles, which when compared with another player let you understand the different ways people can "organize" the same thing. A casual puzzle game that's worth a try, though don't expect hours and hours of entertainment from it
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Game & Watch Gallery 3 (Switch NSO: Game Boy Color)
I owned Game & Watch Gallery 2 as a young'un, and remember playing it endlessly so it was nice to give this one a go when the GB/C update for Nintendo Switch Online Dropped. As the third entry, it contains a lot less common Game & Watch games, but the modern spin on them using Mario characters gives it a lot of personality. Honestly, I'm surprised we don't see more of these games remade in recent Mario Parties as homages or just high score games you can do.
If you've never played a Game & Watch Gallery, I'd give this one a try as its fun, addicting little bites of gameplay are very enjoyable and there's loads of unlockable bonuses to keep your attention, but if you find you don't like a game or two in it it can be a slog to get the 1000 points to finish the whole game.
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Wario Land 3 (Switch NSO: Game Boy Color)
For those unfamiliar with the Wario Land series (and yet somehow found me?), it's a very fun series of platformers which focus more on puzzle solving/execution than your typical Mario platformer. Wario Land 3 specifically took Wario Land 2's "Impossible to get a game over" formula and ran with it, also making this a fun little Metroidvania in the process. It's definitely among my favorite in the sereis, though it's held back by an obsession with its own mini-golf game which it has you play one every level (every level has 4 exits). Overall it's a great entry in Mario spinoffs and a very fun time, but be prepared to be frustrated by some pretty annoying jumps and a silly mini game
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Super Mario Land 2: The 6 Golden Coins (Switch NSO: Game Boy)
I have a love-hate relationship with this one. I never got to play it fully when I was a kid, but returning back to it I loved it. But it's way, waaaaaay too short. With 6 worlds with 2-3 levels tops, and with a frustratingly focused screen due to the resolution of the original Screen, it's not got a lot of staying power. Would love to see it as a pallette in Super Mario Maker 3 though.
It's fun, but short. Don't expect to spend a lot of time with this, but hey; you're probably playing this as NSO sub or for free online so no loss with this classic
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WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ (Switch NSO: Game Boy Advance)
The original WarioWare! It's fun, but again pretty short. Worthj a play if you've never tried out a WW game before, but the best WarioWare portable experience is Going to be WarioWare Gold on the 3DS and the more recent switch escapades. Additionally, this doesn't have the Wario World functionality, which obviously it can't but that was part of the reason I played it back in the day. Good for some random fun, doesn't stand out as an experience vs the more recent WarioWares
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Dead Estate: Heaven & Hell update
This is the update the game needed; it drastically improved the floor spawning algorithm, added a lot more interesting playstyles for each character, and added more enemies and gimmicks to keep you replaying over and over again. There are more updates past this that improve the game further, but with this I can whole-heartedly recommend this as a very fun and addictive rogue-like.
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The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (Steam)
What a wonderful April Fools game. My favorite game dev pranks are the one where they just silently drop a whole-ass spinoff.
A wonderful jaunt in the Sonic Universe! It's no secret that I love Sonic, and I've been keeping up with the IDW comic series (it's very good) since it started releasing a few years back and it's a wonderful fleshing out of characters and side-stories that main Sonic games will never address. This murder-mystery + special stage minigame was written and produced by the same writes on the IDW comics, and it's a very fun experience to see them get to make an interactive game with some humor while still getting to keep and flesh out the characters we never really get to see in Sonic Games. I highly recommend this for any Sonic fan, and hope this means we'll be seeing more in the way of sonic spin-offs in the future.
Also the IDW comic series is great! It takes a little to start with the first arc, but after that it's all I want out of a Sonic Comic. Tangle and Whisper are also cool as hell.
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Lunistice (Steam)
This was a fun albeit short3D platformer, also looking like a PS1 original. I unfortunately didn't 100% it so I didn't finish the story and get the nuances of it, but as a platformer it was a fun romp. I'd recommend it as a fun labor of love, but not as something you can really dig your teeth into
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Pizza Tower (Steam)
This game is really good! Feels great, first time in a while I've been like "Oh this is fun but really hard, I don't think I'll get good enough to 100% it" and then slowly but surely decided to. The only issue is some kinda old racist tropes being used in the western world which they really didn't need, but gameplay, visually, and musically this is a masterpiece. An essential part of any platformer fan's collection to have tried.
... If only they hadn't added more achievements I'd still have it 100%'d on Steam
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Super Mario Bros. Peach's Adventure (SNES Classic romhack)
I saw this in a bit on Vinny's fullsauce channel about weird Mario hacks, and the only premise for this being weird was that Peach's design is nonstandard. It became apparent when he started playing that actually a ton of work and love went into it, so for the sake of the bit he moved on. I Proceeded to hack my SNES Classic so I could play this and boy was it worth it.
This romhack is adorable! IT's full of collectible's, has really fun levels, tons of references for any longtime Mario fan, and carries a nice aesthetic of the original SMB but with SMW's features so it's looks like a really amazing Mario Maker game. I loved it!
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Across-Stitch (Itch.io)
It's Picross, but with colors! I'm a big running fan of Nintendo Picross games, and this came up on my recommended on itch so I decided to give it a try. Very fun, has a lot of puzzles, and is just a fun time waster. I got it on itch (linked), but honestly it'd be perfect for my phone had I done that
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So this one's kinda weird; Pac-man CE was one of my favorite games on the 360 (I didn't have many), and I thought the sequel would be it but just better since they'd solve the scoring problems. It was actually just like more of the same but with some different styles of play, and I found myself getting tired of it pretty fast. I have nostalgic memories of 1 so I'm probably looking at it with rose-tinted goggles, but this is a very passable arcade experience.
STEREOGRAM (itch.io)
I cannot in good conscience recommend you play this game, as looking at both screen this closely to do the stereogram and crossing your eyes for extended periods of time can cause permanent damage to your eyesight.
... But as a concept it was really neat! I did beat it with frequtn 5 minute breaks, and it only took a couple hours. Very basic metroidvania with fixed rooms to make the effect work.
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Charm Studies (itch.io)
A very cute mixed visual novel and picross game! I like picross and this caught my eye, so I gave it a shot. Fun, but a bit short. But also free! Maybe try it out if you're not sure about picross yourself
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Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Longtime C7 fans will know I like Shantae quite a lot. And have an unhealthy amount of Shantae Merch. So when my Sister was visiting and I was feeling particularly self-conscious about playing games over the mic with friends, I decided to whip out this classic and finally 100% it. Shantae holds a special place in my heart for me, because I grew up an incredible prude with absolutely no interest in the kind of scandalous things that friends were starting to bring up. Whenever they tried to get me to watch Anime and watch stuff that had some fanservice, I felt wildly uncomfortable just because I didn't know how to process what I was seeing (and had undiagnosed anxiety and ADHD issues).
Shantae was the first time I saw something "suggestive" (read: cute girls in light outfits) tied with a style of gameplay I liked, and allowed me to kind of stop hating myself whenever these things came up. With this being a DSi game, meaning I could download it with nobody knowing I did, and the rave reviews it was getting by being one of the first DSi games available, I finally decided to purchase it. I loved the series ever since!
Getting back to this play-session, I decided to revisit this classic (my first experience with the series) and play it 100% with all the bells and whistles, including speedrun achievements. I got them all! For people who know what Shantae is, this is an essential entry into the series and a contender for top 3. If you've not played a Shantae game but like Metroidvania's, this or the recently released Seven Sirens are the best starting points
And yes, just to brag, that screenshot of the steam stats does mean I got the worst ending last and optimized my playtime.
My personal Shantae tier list, best to worst
Seven Sirens
Risky's Revenge tied with Pirate's Curse
Half-Genie Hero
Shantae GBC
Risky's Revolution, an unfinished GBA game in the series, was also announced to be resurrected and releasing next year, which is rad!
.. Anyway, onto another topic
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TUNIC (Steam, played over steam link on the TV with a Controller away from the internet)
This was a hard one to get into, but a very fun one once I got the difficulty barrier and begun understanding the games' mechanics. I did end up getting the best ending, but not 100% all the achievements since that would've required more playthroughs, and the magic of figuring out the world would've been gone.
The use of the manuals, sudden realizations of mechanics, and really fun moments with some beautiful areas and items to figure out make this a wonderful game. Some of the bossess are.. not great, but on the whole I highly recommend this experience to people who want to feel what it was like in pre-internet days, having to solve a game's puzzles by charting out the world and coming to a deep understanding of its mechanics to find all the secrets. If you're easily frustrated or aren't a fan of 2D Zelda though, this is a pass
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Cult of the Lamb (Steam)
This was one I was not expecting to get into. I saw it and thought "Hmm, I like games with a base-building aspect to them sometimes but a lot of the time that really gets in the way of the actual game." And to be honest, there were a few moments where juggling the two kinda did. Additionally, and this is a personal taste thing, the visuals of Don't Starve kinda don't appeal to me, so seeing a more cutesy version of that wasn't something I thought I'd love
... But this game is phenomenal! An incredibly fun rogue-lite game that mixes with base and resource management in a way that doesn't actually exclude someone who would like one over the other!
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This was another one I 100% after a LOT of playtime and attempts at damageless bosses, but it was very worth it.
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LEGO Builder's Journey (Steam)
I've been on Lego for the past few years, and this seemed like a fun little game that wasn't tied to any existing franchise so I gave it a go. It's an environmental puzzle game, where each micro-level has its own little puzzle where you need to figure out which pieces interact to (most of the time) get your little 1x1x2 lego guy to the other end of the stage.
It's very cute, and while a bit short ended up being the perfect length for this kinda game. The only thing I'd put against it is my computer had a rough time running it because they really wanted all the shaders and reflections to look great, so keep that in mind.
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The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (Switch Online)
This is a weird one. I could've sworn I loved this game as a kid, and in fact this is what got me into 2D Zelda's because it was so much fun! Revisiting it though, I find it's one of the weaker entries in the series. The visuals look great, the story is as charming as you'd expect, and as someone who was really into windwaker and picked this up I was hooked, however it is by far one of the most tedious Zelda's I've played. The Dungeons are all relatively straightforward; while some offer an interesting mechanic from being small and making you think how larger objects affect the world, they still felt very linear.
Additionally, I had no idea just how grindy this game was at the time in comparison! Tons of the sidequests and rewards are visible fomr your first pass in an area, so as a result every time you get a new item you're tempted to go back and see if helps. The NPCs often block places as an obstacle that just move after a while (or a result of kinstone fusing), which made the game a lot more frustrating to remember things by. Kinstones themselves are annoying to find and even worse to use, as NPCs will randomly decide if they want to fuse or not. So to get everything you need to frequently visit and revisit the same places and NPCs over and over again, with no way of knowing if that random person has something you need to fuse with or is actually just a random person.
Additionally the figure collection, something I adored in WindWaker despite it being ridiculously grindy there too, has been reduced to a Gacha machine. A heart piece is locked behind collecting them all, which means for 100% completion you have to collect ALL the figurines, including ones only available after you clear your file, making the final heart piece effectively useless. Worse, the act of collecting them is a gargantuan time sink; it takes loads of time to go through dialog, even more to collect the rupees you need, and the "chance" system doesn't quite work how you'd expect. With me cheating to get 999 rupees in gambling all the time and going through all the prompts to get all these, it took me 3 hours. That's quadrupled at least if you play the game properly.
Never 100% this game, but as far as 2D zelda's go this is definitely not a terrible entry; just a bit uninspired. I'd recommend ALTTP, ALBW, or Link's Awakening over this myself.
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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Switch)
I would have some fun screenshots but deleted my twitter so they're gone now, oh well.
I'm not gonna go too far in depth on this one; It's breath of the Wild but >2x larger with some wild building mechanics and a really good story. A fantastic game that may see age as the open-world genre gets saturated, but quite frankly one of the best games you'll ever see on the switch.
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Annalynn (Switch)
I followed the artist on Twitter (when I still had one) and really liked the retro feel of it. It's a fun classic arcade game, however like some of those classic arcade games I found myself frustrated by its difficulty while still not grasping the hardest nuances of its mechanics enough to get good at it. It's fun, but I'd see if it's for you by watching the videos first.
Part 2 coming later today!
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mental-mario · 1 year ago
My WONDERFUL Diagnoses
Hey friends! I hope you enjoyed reading about my experience in the mental hospital. Next time I will have to get myself thrown into solitary so I can recount what that's like as well! I went for a follow-up with psych the other day, and he threw a couple more diagnoses in my hat. I thought it would be fun, if you humor me for a moment, for me to list my ongoing disorders in alphabetical order!
Feel free to sing along and list yours in the comments!
Antisocial Personality Disorder (except for you fine folks!)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Binge Eating Disorder
Bipolar II ("can't rule out")
Borderline Personality Disorder
Cannabis Use Disorder (not a disorder!)
Major Depressive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Substance Abuse Disorder
So looks like we're up to 10 and counting! I'm sorry if there's any of you I'm forgetting. I'll be sure to give you a shout out as well!
Now, onto my uber mega important review of SMB Wonder! It's late, but that is because it's far more prestigious than any of these so-called "professional" outfits!
I'm reminded of the phrase "an elephant never forgets," and Elephant Mario (or character of your choice) does indeed make for an unforgettable experience! Yes, this is another positive review, and if you happen to think the game sucks, you're wrong.
I don't think I have heard or seen a negative comment about this game, aside of some complaints about the frequency of the talking flower, but Nintendo did give the option to shut the voice off. For me, it isn't a big deal, and I actually enjoy it for the most part.
It really can't be said enough just how beautiful and vibrant this game is. The art is gorgeous, and the animation blows me away! I particularly love the different animations for entering/exiting the warp pipes, and I also love the attention to small details, such as the use of both hands alternating when throwing fireballs. The various facial expressions throughout the game also really help bring it to life.
If I had to provide any critiques, it would really be nitpicking. I guess maybe if Prince Florian could remind us about 100 more times that we can change badges by pressing R, maybe then I would remember...seriously though, I wouldn't mind having up to 6 players for co-op, some of the Wonder scenes are a bit repetitive, showing practically the same theme of effects in different courses. I might've liked more variety of power-ups, but again, nitpicking. I would also love to change the entire button mapping to suit playing with other controllers, but that's a complaint I have with many Switch games. I mean, why sell the retro controllers and make it so I can't use them?!
I love that the game moves so fluidly, even in multiplayer. I like that the game doesn't hiccup when a player dies, gets hit, or gets a power-up. I love that the game has accessibly easy courses for my kids to play along, but also some legit challenging 4 and 5 star courses for more experienced old grizzled vets like myself (not to mention the secret exits and courses). I also like the star rating system for each course's difficulty. It is also rather funny, and my family and I were hysterical plenty of times throughout the campaign. I think the piranha plant parade deserves its own spin-off!
Finally, I absolutely love the online mode. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about it, but it really works. It can be toggled on/off with a quick pause of the game, and I think having shadows of other players only added to my experience. I would've liked to see some more emojis to communicate a bit more with others, but I am happy to see that I didn't experience any latency or slow-down with the online play. The heart point system for reviving players, sharing a saved power-up, and reaching the goal concurrently also makes for some nice feels, especially when playing solo late at night and feeling lonely while smashing a full family sized box of Pop Tarts. I regret nothing! I recall having one spot in particular where I was stumped and threw the question mark above my head, and someone else immediately ran over and mimed what I should do. It worked, and that was an awesome feeling! That and having someone else share a power-up with me made me feel like somebody cares and that I'm not alone, and I've actually been able to friend a lot of the players I've encountered!
In conclusion, you couldn't wipe the smile off my face while playing, especially in that first hour that I was playing it for the first time when it dropped at midnight, and putting that smile on faces is exactly what SMB is about. I've heard a lot of comparisons to Mario World. I don't know if I would go that far, but I do recommend playing the game with the SNES controller if you have it. That controller is still the best of all time, but that's for another post!
Please tip your blogger. My psychiatrist is worried about me, and I could use the help! Besides, I have to buy the family a new box of Pop Tarts! And be sure to friend me on Switch so we can play some online races and campaign together as well! I'd love to get a whole party going online. Then I can feel like I've got real friends while also being able to cater to my introverted ways and bounce if I need to! I'll try not to do that to you, though! It would be nice to play with each other for once, instead of the usual playing with myself...
Friend code is: SW - 4419 - 5159 - 3401
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hustling-starley · 2 months ago
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You know, part of her thinks she could make a good earning being a full-time editor.
Granted, the work of sifting through hours of footage, figuring out what to cut and where it happens, adding sound effects and music, and even small visual gags did have its fair share of tedium, but it could be a lot worse. Better than having to put on the customer service voice, and then down some lemon tea later to soothe her throat. Only problem is, she's not nearly popular enough nor have the connections necessary to convince anyone to hire her as their video editor. Maybe she would have to actually start caring about PR, to some extent…
Nah, that's the quickest way to make herself miserable. And she fully intends on keeping most, if not all, of her whimsy in tact regardless of how she ages, like the sweetest wine that still tastes rich after decades of rest.
While she's sorting through some of her past streams, she's reminded of why she'd be the worst at PR. The familiar ping of a superchat would normally be music to her ears, if it weren't for its contents. ★ "stupid whore"
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"Woow, super original. Where'd you get that, the 2 chan forums? You haven't touched a woman in your life, have you? Well, besides your mother, but I touched her better than you ever could last night. Hahahaa!!"
She chuckles to herself, knowing her habit of practicing potential comebacks and smug monologues had paid off. If she'd fumbled her words there, she doesn't think her pride would ever recover.
Yeah, it's way too much fun being an asshole. No greater freedom than knowing full well how terrible you are, and embracing it whole-heartedly. Or, so she would think. ★ "Been here since your Wii retro gameplays, super proud to see you grow!"
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"D'awww, shucks! You'll make me blush! No but really, Kirby's Dreamland 3 is still one of my favorite playthroughs from back then. Real trip down memory lane, and it wouldn't have been a blast without all of you!"
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She can't help the small smile that tugs at her cheeks. Everything's better with good company.
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marvelitech · 2 months ago
Exploring the World of Toy Slot Machines
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What Are Toy Slot Machines?
Toy slot machines are miniature replicas of real casino slot machines designed for entertainment purposes. They mimic the thrill of gambling without real money, making them perfect for family-friendly fun.
A Brief History of Slot Machines
The first slot machines appeared in the late 19th century. Toy versions soon followed, providing a fun and harmless way to enjoy the excitement of pulling a lever and hoping for a jackpot.
Why Toy Slot Machines Are Popular
Fun and Entertainment for All Ages
From kids to adults, toy slot machines offer an engaging way to pass the time. They’re especially great for parties or casual gatherings.
Nostalgia Meets Modern Play
For adults, toy slot machines evoke memories of vintage casinos, while kids enjoy their interactive and colorful designs.
Types of Toy Slot Machines
Classic Mechanical Toy Slot Machines
Features and Functionality
Classic models operate with a simple lever mechanism, spinning reels, and fun sound effects. They often include coin slots and a working jackpot feature.
Electronic Toy Slot Machines
Advanced Features for Enhanced Play
Electronic versions come with LED lights, digital sound effects, and sometimes even pre-programmed games to make the experience more immersive.
Miniature Collectible Slot Machines
Perfect for Display and Gifting
These small-scale models are designed for collectors and often feature intricate details. They make excellent gifts for enthusiasts of casino-themed decor.
How to Choose the Best Toy Slot Machine
Factors to Consider
Age Appropriateness
Always check the recommended age range. Some toy slot machines include small parts that may not be safe for younger children.
Build Quality and Durability
Opt for well-constructed machines made of sturdy materials to ensure they last for years.
Popular Brands of Toy Slot Machines
Schylling offers a range of durable, retro-inspired toy slot machines with authentic designs.
Trademark Games
This brand specializes in electronic models with modern features, perfect for tech-savvy users.
Setting Up and Using Your Toy Slot Machine
Getting Started
Unboxing and Initial Setup
Follow the instructions to assemble any detachable parts. Test the machine to ensure it functions properly before diving into play.
Fun Ways to Play
Creative Games and Challenges
Invent fun challenges, such as racing to reach a specific jackpot or combining the toy slot machine with other party games for added excitement.
Benefits of Toy Slot Machines
Educational Value
Developing Counting and Strategy Skills
Kids can practice counting coins or planning strategies for maximum winnings, turning playtime into a learning experience.
Social Interaction
Bonding Through Group Play
Toy slot machines encourage group participation, making them a great way to bond with family and friends.
Maintaining and Storing Your Toy Slot Machine
Cleaning Tips
Wipe down the surface regularly with a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage the machine’s finish.
Proper Storage to Prolong Lifespan
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading or warping.
Toy slot machines combine fun, nostalgia, and creativity in a compact package. Whether you’re a collector, a parent, or simply someone who loves games, a toy slot machine can be a delightful addition to your entertainment collection.
What are toy slot machines made of?They are typically made of plastic, metal, or a combination of both, depending on the model and brand.
Are toy slot machines safe for kids?Yes, most are designed with safety in mind, but always check the age recommendations.
Can you customize toy slot machines?Some models allow customization, such as adding stickers or creating your own reels.
How do electronic toy slot machines work?They are powered by batteries and feature electronic circuits to simulate the slot machine experience.
What is the average cost of a toy slot machine? Prices range from $20 to $50, depending on the brand and features.
0 notes
retrogamingloft · 6 months ago
Revenge of the 'Gator is a pinball video game developed and published by HAL Laboratory, released exclusively for the Nintendo Game Boy in 1989 in Japan and 1990 in North America and Europe. As one of the earlier pinball titles for the Game Boy, it stands out for its charming graphics, engaging gameplay, and distinctive alligator theme.
The gameplay mirrors traditional pinball, where the objective is to score as many points as possible by hitting various targets with a metal ball using flippers. The game features a series of interconnected pinball tables, all with a consistent alligator theme. Players control the flippers to keep the ball in play, avoiding pitfalls that would cause them to lose a ball, and aiming to hit specific targets to rack up points.
Set across several different screens, each part of the pinball table presents unique challenges such as bumpers, targets, and ramps. One of the game's most memorable elements is the lowest part of the table, designed like the mouth of a giant alligator that "eats" the ball if it falls too far, resulting in the loss of a life. Additionally, the game includes bonus stages that offer different pinball challenges, accessed by achieving certain conditions during gameplay. These stages add variety and provide opportunities for players to significantly increase their scores.
What makes this title particularly special to me is its ability to deliver a simple yet addictive experience. The gameplay is easy to pick up but challenging enough to keep you coming back for more. The variety in the pinball tables and the inclusion of bonus stages add depth and replayability, making it a game that doesn’t easily wear out its welcome.
The graphics are surprisingly crisp and cute, especially considering the Game Boy's hardware limitations. The sprites are well-designed, and the game makes excellent use of the limited color palette, with clear and distinct visuals that are easy to follow during play. The alligator theme, which runs throughout the game, adds a playful and unique character, enhancing the overall charm.
The sound design, featuring catchy tunes and fitting sound effects, complements the gameplay perfectly. It might not be groundbreaking, but it fits the portable gaming experience well, adding to the atmosphere without becoming overwhelming.
Though it may not have achieved the same level of fame as some other HAL Laboratory titles, Revenge of the Gator remains a beloved classic among retro gaming enthusiasts. It has a loyal fan base and is often recommended to fans of both pinball games and classic handheld gaming. Its solid design, fun gameplay, and nostalgic appeal make it a standout title in the Game Boy's library.
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How to Create a Luxurious Bathroom
Creating a luxurious bathroom can be a fun and exciting experience. You’ll want to have all the best amenities and features, from a designer vanity to a clawfoot tub. You’ll also want to add some style and flair, with a tile or terrazzo floor and glass or skylights. You’ll also want to think about a freestanding modern towel rail.
Designer vanity
Whether you’re looking for a new vanity for your luxury bathroom or simply want to give your existing one a makeover, there’s plenty of ways to spruce up your bathroom. A designer vanity can add some real wow factor to any bathroom. Whether you choose a traditional style or a contemporary one, there are plenty of options to suit your style and needs.
The trick to designing a successful bathroom is to make it functional and comfortable for you and your family. The bathroom is one of the most often used rooms in the home and the fixtures and fittings are important for ensuring you’re able to get the most out of the space.
Freestanding modern towel rail
Whether you have a modern or traditional bathroom, the addition of a Freestanding modern towel rail is a perfect way to add a touch of luxury. They are designed to save floor space while keeping towels neat and tidy.
Towel racks are available in a variety of styles and colors. Some are dual fuel and can be used with either an electric or plumbed water supply. They are also available in a variety of shapes and sizes.
The CB2 towel rack is a stylish and sturdy piece that can easily fit into any bathroom. The curved design of the towel bar creates an elegant look. The dark satin lacquer finish makes it resistant to water and helps protect it from stains.
Clawfoot tub
Whether you’re looking for a retro look or modern aesthetic, a clawfoot tub will enhance your bathroom’s aesthetic. They are also great for comfort. In addition to providing an opulent place to bathe, clawfoot tubs are also known for their powerful bathing benefits.
These tubs come in many different finishes, including chrome, antique bronze, and brushed nickel. You can also choose to have your clawfoot tub painted in any color. It’s also possible to customize your tub with shower enclosures, faucets, and other accessories.
A classic clawfoot tub is often made from cast iron. However, a newer design, such as the Pegasus model, is made of lighter materials and has no cast iron feet. This makes it a good option for tinier bathrooms.
Adding a skylight to a luxurious bathroom is a perfect way to enhance the design of your room. These lighted windows bring in natural light and offer breathtaking views of the stars at night. They also increase ventilation and improve the comfort of your bathroom during the day.
Many luxury homes feature bathrooms with skylights. This is a great way to add a unique touch to your bathroom without losing your privacy. These windows can be a show stopper, but they are also practical. They help the hanging chandeliers in your bathroom to brighten the room. They also help you avoid using a bathroom fan.
Using high-quality tile and hardware can add a touch of luxury to any bathroom. Using bold patterns and colors is also a great way to add interest to your bathroom.
The bathtub is the focal point of the bathroom. It is placed beside a large window, which overlooks the sea. The bathroom is designed with a traditional Georgian style influence. The bathroom is decorated with a textured coffee color on the walls.
The bathroom also has a solid white countertop that holds two sinks. The wall-hung vanity is a great example of a simplistic design. The bathroom also uses a white marble stone for the flooring.
Adding a splash of Terrazzo to your bathroom can transform a plain room into a spectacular space. Known for its colourful, textural effect, this design aesthetic can be used on almost any part of your bathroom.
Originally a cheap flooring option, Terrazzo has recently taken center stage in the interior design world. It’s a versatile material that can be used on walls, flooring, or furniture. You can even use it in your shower, creating a fun and unique update to your master bathroom scheme.
It’s been used in traditional Italian homes for centuries. But it wasn’t until the Renaissance-era Venetians that they used marble bits in their pavement instead of mosaics.
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Whether planning a bathroom renovation or simply looking to update your existing space, Vancouver Kitchen Renovation is the place to turn. We’re Vancouver’s premier bathroom design and renovation specialists, and we pride ourselves on being able to create spaces that fit perfectly within your budget. Whether you’re renovating a small guest room or transforming a whole house, we’ll guide you through each step so you can enjoy your finished product for years to come. As a locally owned and operated business, we know what it takes to build lasting relationships with our clients. We’re committed to providing quality products and services and strive to exceed expectations every time.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some things to consider before you start planning a bathroom renovation.
When planning your bathroom renovation, there are many factors to consider. The most important thing is to create a budget and make sure that you stick to it. This will help to ensure that the whole process is smooth and without unexpected costs.
Now that you have set your budget, it’s time to begin thinking about the design of your bathroom. Do you prefer something more traditional or modern? What space do you have? These are the most important questions you need to ask before you begin any renovation.
How do you update a bathroom on a tight budget?
Take stock of everything that you have. This could include toilets as well as mirrors, sinks and mirrors.
Once you’ve completed this list, you need to determine whether any items are salvageable or not. If they aren’t salvageable, they must be repaired.
Next, you’ll need to decide how much money you want to spend on each item. Once you know how much money you are willing to spend on these items, then you can start searching for replacement parts online.
After you have purchased your new bathroom parts, you can make your bathroom more modern. You may want to paint your walls, tile the floors or replace the old fixtures. No matter which route you choose, make sure you stick to your budget and don’t spend more than what you originally planned.
How can you make small bathrooms seem bigger?
There are a few ways to make a tiny bathroom feel bigger. The first is to use lighter colours on the walls and floors. Mirrors can be used to reflect light and create a feeling of greater space. Glass shower door enclosures also help open the space. Floating shelves and cabinets can also be used to create the illusion of more space.
What bathroom sinks look trendy in 2023
A variety of bathroom sink styles will be very popular in 2023. These are some of the most sought-after styles:
The Vessel Sink – This sink is extremely popular in bathrooms. These sinks can be a bold statement in your bathroom with their unique style.
The Undermount Sink, also known for its popularity in bathrooms. They offer a sleek and modern look that can update the look of your bathroom.
The pedestal is another popular option for a bathroom sink. They offer a timeless look that can be elegant and functional in your bathroom.
Integrated sink and countertop. This trend is newer and has seen a lot of popularity. This option gives your bathroom a seamless look. There is no gap between sink and countertop because the sink is integrated in the countertop. This can give your bathroom an elegant and modern look.
No matter which style you choose to fit your bathroom, it is important that it complements the overall look and feel of the space. You want your bathroom to be where you love and feel comfortable. A sink that supports this goal is the best choice.
How Can I Make My Bathroom Safer?
To make your bathroom safer, you must first understand what safety entails. Safety is about protecting yourself from harm. It also involves protecting others around you. It is important to consider how you could help protect people around you from injury, if they fall into a bathtub. This would include removing objects such as bathtubs or slippery floors that may lead to falls.
To prevent falls, grab bars could be installed in the bathroom. These devices are designed to hold someone who is standing on them. They’re great because they keep people from falling over while showering or taking baths.
To make your bathroom safer, you can place mats outside the tub. These will keep people from slipping and falling while they’re bathing. A little extra lighting could be helpful to better see what you are doing. While these measures won’t reduce the chance of accidents, they will make it less likely.
Can I Install A Bidet In A Small Bathroom?
It is possible for a bathroom to have a bidet, but you must be careful. The first thing to consider is the placement of the bidet. The bidet should be located near the toilet but not too close. Second, the size and type of bidet you choose must be appropriate for the size of your bathroom. A bidet can be installed in your bathroom plumbing if it is possible. It is always best not to try to install a bidet inside a small bathroom without consulting a professional.
2023 bathroom design trends: Bathroom faucet designs reflected wellness concerns, with 61% choosing accessible lever handles, 48% choosing motion and 36% going for the touch or tap options. (https://nkba.org)
Glass tile is one of the greenest bathroom flooring options because it can be 100% recycled. (caddetailsblog.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Chromotherapy, which uses coloured lights to stimulate relaxation, was chosen by 25%. Preset lighting schemes for different times during the day were favoured by 29%. (https://nkba.org)
Outdoor showers can dramatically increase the value of your home—according to a 2018 report from Realtor.com, homes with outdoor showers tend to list for nearly double the asking price of other homes! (housebeautiful.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed revealed bathrooms are now designed for two-person use. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tile (59%) was the most popular material for tub and shower surrounds. Slab surfaces (40%) were the next most popular (https://nkba.org)
According to the EPA, a conventional toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush, but that old pink one could use between 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush. (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Windows above tubs were favoured by 51% of those surveyed. Skylights were selected by 37% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
NKBA estimates that broken down, most of this cost comes from fixtures and plumbing (about 29 percent), followed by counters and surfaces (21 percent), labour (20 percent), and cabinetry and hardware (16 percent). (remodelista.com)
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone call and say they have an existing old tub (which, 99% of the time, is 60” wide once they’re pulled out) and want to convert the bathtub to a shower. (blog.innovatebuildingsolutions.com)
According to a 2019 remodelling report from the National Association of Realtors, 70 percent of consumers “have a greater desire to be home” after a bathroom renovation, so read on and soak up the secrets. (housebeautiful.com)
This article will reveal more about AntiBac surfaces and how Villeroy and Boch products have 99.9% fewer bacteria. (superbath.co.uk)
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How to Paint Bathroom Cabinets for an Easy Vanity Upgrade
How To
How to Design a Beautiful Bathroom by You
Select a color scheme that works with your home Before choosing a color scheme, make sure you consider how it will complement the rest. Consider the age of your house and avoid bright colors such as yellow, orange, or green. Instead, opt for softer shades like blue, gray, white, and cream.
You have more options when it comes to bathroom colors if you live in a newly constructed home. While you have the option to choose brighter shades, it is best to use them sparingly. One accent wall or a brightly-coloured towel rack might be all you need to add some personality to your space.
You need to ensure there are plenty of storage spaces
You should ensure that your bathroom has ample storage. You should have enough space for hand soap, towels, makeup brushes, and any other items you keep in your bathroom.
A floating shelf or medicine cabinet can be an option if space is limited. These will add storage space to your home without taking up much space.
Add mirrors to your home
Mirrors are a great addition in any bathroom. They allow you to view yourself without leaving the powder room. Mirrors come in different sizes and shapes. There are many shapes and sizes of mirrors. Mirrors can be shaped like animals and flowers.
Get the best lighting
Lighting is vital and should be treated with care. There are many factors you should consider when lighting your bathroom.
The first thing to think about when choosing the type of light bulb you will use. There are many options available, including fluorescent, halogen and LED.
Next, choose where you want your light fixtures to be placed. You can put them on the ceiling, on the walls.It would be best if you also considered your natural lighting. Make sure that your bathroom has enough windows to let in natural light. If not, you may want to consider adding a skylight.
Your personal preferences will determine the type of lighting that you choose. Be sure to check that the lighting fixtures you choose are safe for use in a bathroom. This will ensure they can withstand humidity and moisture.
Choose the right flooring
Choose slip-resistant and easy-to-clean flooring. Porcelain tiles, natural stone, and luxury vinyl are all good choices for bathroom flooring.
Avoid dark-coloured floors in small bathrooms. It will make your bathroom appear smaller and less spacious. Instead, opt for lighter colours such as white, cream, or beige.
Be Careful in Your Layout
The layout of your bathroom is as important than the choice of fixtures and colours. When planning your layout, consider how you will use the space.
A small bathroom might be an example of this. This will free up some extra space to move around more easily.
In a larger bathroom, you might want to install a second sink. This will provide more counter space and make it easier on two people to do their own things simultaneously.
Once you know how you intend to use the space, it is time to plan your layout. Take a tape measurement to measure the space. Then, sketch out a few different layout options on graph paper.
After you have tried a few layouts out, choose the one that best suits your space.
Do not forget about ventilation
Bathrooms need proper ventilation to prevent mould and mildew from growing. This is particularly important if you live near a humid climate.
Before you begin installing your fan, read through the instructions from the manufacturer. You will want to make sure that the fan has adequate ventilation to your outside.
Use High Quality Materials
You should choose high quality materials for your bathroom remodel. The durability and resistance to damage of high-quality materials is better. While they may cost more initially, these materials will be cheaper in the long-term.
Professional Help
Remodeling your bathroom does not have to be difficult. It is possible to hire professional contractors to handle the job. Contractors are skilled in handling different aspects of building projects. They can install heating/cooling systems and plumbing wiring. You will save time and avoid headaches by hiring professionals. Additionally, they are experts at each stage of the project.
Enjoy Your New bathroom
After all the planning and hard work, it’s time to enjoy your new bathroom. A plant, fluffy towels, and some scented candles are just a few of the final touches you can add to your bathroom. These little details will make your bathrooms feel more like home.
Now that you have a basic understanding of how to remodel a bathroom, it is time to get started. These tips will help you create the bathroom of dreams.
The post How to Create a Luxurious Bathroom first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/how-to-create-a-luxurious-bathroom/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-create-a-luxurious-bathroom
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ashmcfarlane · 2 years ago
Jumping man
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Composite image creation task. We have been tasked to edit an image of a jumping man. First we had to select the man to be seperate from the background, which was a similar process to what we learned last week using the layer masking tool. Firstly I used the object slection tool, but it is not the most precise and it ended up cropping an arm off and attached some of the background to the man. Had to fix it up a fair bit in the masking to get the man selected.
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Cutting him out of the background was a massive struggle considering the shapes complexity, but once I got into the groove of it, it became quite easy. To cut him out (using the layer mask filter) I used a mix of the pen tool, polyagonal lasso, and brush - To either mask or unmask parts of the original image. I definitely could have put more time into the cutting to make it cleaner.
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For outlining hair I had to use a mix of oppacities to make it look natural, since a lot of the hair isnt a solid colour/shape as it thins out into the background.
After he was fully selected (took a very long time) we then exported and linked the selection to illustrator and drew a backwards 'S' shape over the man. Then once we saved the file in illustrator it would then update the file in photoshop (linked), meaning we could see the edits done from illustrator, in photoshop.
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The shape was infront of him, but I wanted the effect of it wrapping around him. So o then selectected the part of the 'S' that overlaps his waist and then masked it. I pushed the original shape under the 'jumping man' layer. This made the area infront of his waist visible with the other two over lapping segments behind him. so it looked like the shape is wrapping around him. He was inbetween two layers, the part that overlaps his waist (top) and the rest of the 'S' (bottom).
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I then begain editing the 'S' in illustrator, it was originally a path with a stroke, but i decided to be different and swap the stroke with the fill to give it a more abstract 'S' shape. I decided to go for pink and blue for a more retro colour pallette. Once I'd save the file in illustrator, it would then update it back in photoshop.
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I added a gradient on part of the shape to act as a hole/shadow for where the mans leg is sticking out. Played around the the colour intensities and layout of the shapes (circles and lines) to have it be more balanced.
I then added a hyperspace backdrop to show the messy chaotic abstract theme of the piece. Blends futuristic and avant-garde elements together.
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Also did the same layer mask effect to cut out the cats, as the task said I had to add two other images to the project. (cats were a good choice)
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Used the objects selection on the first cat, the edited and cleaned it up under layer mask.
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Used good colour correction to fix up the edges of the cat, like I learned in last weeks class. I used a low opacity brush using the average colour of the orange cat to cover up the harsh, dark brown edging of the cat that occured from the object selection. Also used the polyagonal lasso tool to select the cats whiskers. Not the most realistic but the cats aren't the focal point of the image.
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I moved the cats to wear I think is fitting and then used the smudge tool over the cats to make it looks as if they are getting sucked into hyperspace.
Had a lot of fun creating this, learned heaps. I had no clue you could link layers from illlustrator to photoshop. Also the simplicity of overlapping shapes to complicated images is very good to know. This style can come in very handy for creating bold posters or graphics. I'm happy with the outcome. This man is going on a spiritual journey like no other.
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lokiondisneyplus · 4 years ago
Loki is the latest Marvel Studios TV series in the long-running franchise and it’s currently ongoing with five episodes so far available to stream on Disney+ Hotstar Malaysia. For previous breakdowns of Loki episodes, check out Episode 1 here, Episode 2 here, Episode 3 here, Episode 4 here and Episode 5 here.
If you want a non-spoiler guide to Loki, you can head on over here.
Courtesy of Disney+ Hotstar Malaysia, we were lucky enough to be the only Malaysian media to participate in a roundtable interview with Loki Costume Designer Christine Wada and Loki Production Designer Kasra Farahani.
This interview with Loki Production Designer Kasra Farahani has been edited for clarity.
Keep in mind that we’ll be discussing some elements from all five episodes of Loki so far, so there will be spoilers below:
Q: You’ve previously worked on Black Panther and other MCU movies. How different was the experience of working on a TV set instead of a movie’s? Were there limitations?
Yes, I’ve worked on several Marvel projects. For me, this is the most fun one, maybe because I’m in a different position than I was on the other ones. But also, just because this project is unique in a couple of ways.
Number one; it’s literally in its own timeline from the rest of the MCU. It’s separate from the stories we’ve all enjoyed and seen in the MCU so far. The other thing that this one has that’s really great is the amount of visual and narrative variety. We have this kind of base in the TVA that we spend a lot of time in but also we have all these exciting different places in the world that the story takes us to. These were great worlds to design and to imagine.
In our case, there was no difference. The thing about the Marvel series is that it’s pretty much like Marvel movies; in terms of their creative ambition, in terms of the way they’re scheduled, the fact that we have one director.
There was not much about it (Loki) that resembled an episodic project, except for the fact that it was six hours of content that we were trying to make, so it’s a very long project.
In terms of resources, I didn’t ever feel that we were unduly stretched. Always, when you get a creative brief like this, there’s always a period at the beginning of every project where you’re reconciling the creative brief and the resources that you have. That has been the case for every project that I’ve ever worked on regardless of the size. There’s this beginning phase where that’s the case and oftentimes, it’s in that process where you come up with some very great creative solutions that are a direct result of some of the limitations, actually.
Yeah, I wouldn’t say that we had some extraordinary limitations in this case (for Loki), but that’s generally true for all projects, in my experience.
Q: What were you inspired by when making designing the sets of the TVA with its retro-futuristic and anachronistic aesthetics?
In the source material, the TVA had a lot of different things going on, but one of the strong themes also was this armada of desks, which is kind of typical of a post-war era bureaucracy look. There was a grain of that in the source material but a lot of it also came from the show’s creator and writer, Michael Waldron, who described in the original document I read before interviewing for this job.
He described the TVA as a kind of mix of Mad Men meets Blade Runner. Part of these two strong visual references for us. On top of that, me and director Kate Herron, even before we met and spoken to each other, were inspired by Terry Gilliam’s Brazil also as a strong influence because of the anachronisms that that story had and also because of the clear presence of this strong monolithic bureaucracy, which is something that we have in the TVA also.
For the TVA, we were looking a lot at wanting to create a world that had a paradoxical feeling, being an imposing monolithic architectural space that has brutalist elements in them and had almost Soviet modernist elements to them. The colour palette and the materials and the whimsical patterning were much more like American style modernism.
The result was hopefully when you’re in an environment like this, you don’t know whether to feel terrified or invited. Hopefully, it creates that feeling in both the characters and the audience; this kind of cognitive dissonance in not knowing whether they can trust the TVA or not. That’s the narrative objective.
The writers came up with these ideas and the idea with that was to kind of create the bubble gum wrapper in the Renaissance era (Loki Episode 2) and the futuristic shovel in the early 20th-century farm field (Loki Episode 1). These ideas were placed there to create a trail of clues for the TVA to follow before they have clarity on Sylvie’s identity. But for the anachronisms generally, that was something we tried to do throughout the TVA to have all kinds of strange things from different timelines and different worlds popping up in terms of props, like the Infinity Stones in the mail cart and stuff like that.
Q: What was it like working with Tom Hiddleston, who is a producer on Loki?
It was very exciting to have this opportunity to take the character and his storyline in a different direction. It became all the more exciting when I read the scripts and I saw the type of journey they were going to take the character on.
Tom is a professor of Loki, basically. After all, ten years or so of playing the character; he knows it better than anybody and he has an in-depth understanding of the character and his backstory; the character’s family relationships and he was really helpful in giving a little talk to all the department heads about the background of his character, which was very informative.
Q: Recently, Loki series director Kate Herron said that 90 percent of production sets were physical. Does this include the world of The Void, and can you tell us more about how you brought it to life?
That’s true. That was what was unique about this show, because of my own design approach, and my goal in creating this large monolithic brutalist environment, I felt strongly that the sets needed to be built kinda wholly and that they needed to have the ceilings in-tact. This was also supported by Loki cinematographer Autumn, in that the way of her own style of photography is very wide and low-angled photography, which is why for both of our creative goals, it made a lot of sense to build these sets like completed and 360-degree environments.
For the TVA, that was almost always the case, with the exception of when you saw outside a window. With the Void (in Loki Episode 5), a lot of that was built practically as well. What I can tell you is that we build a large piece of this landscape on a soundstage, which was about 150 feet by 200 feet of undulating wilderness terrain. In that, we would bring in these different scenery elements on different days to make it feel like different places within the Void.
For example, one day there was the bus stop terrain where we meet Loki. One day it was the giant head. One day it was the drive-in movie theatre where we find Sylvie. All of these things were brought in and we shot there over the course of seven days. The terrain was designed in such a way that depending on what angle you shot, it felt like a very different place. Backgrounds were put in during post-production in visual effects. The Loki palace, where the Loki variants kind of hang out, the bowling alley, all of that was also a 360-degree built set as well.
Q: What was the most challenging set of the entire Loki series that you had to work on?
We had a lot of very ambitious sets but I think the city of Sharoo at the end of Loki Episode 3: Lamentis was a very technical set. The goal was to create this virtual one-in, that appears as a single shot. This was a very involved and elaborate process of choreography, basically.
All the different departments were involved to make this happen because as we watch the sequence, we see tons of actors running around, there are explosions happening, the camera’s panning up to see the planet above crumbling and asteroids pelting the surface.
There was a lot of planning that went through at the very beginning. We brought the paper models of this to Autumn, our cinematographer and creative director, to use to plan some of their shots. One day, we had some more information that fed back to the art department where we developed more involved and elaborate drawings and models which again, fed back to them. In this way, we had kind of an iterative conversation to arrive at what the design was.
So, as we start to build the set, many of the department heads came to visit and check the progress. We rehearsed what the shot was going to be, so we could exactly fine-tune the set to meet the needs of this shot and see where the edits needed to be. In order to do this, we needed to adjust the exact width of the roads or move a piece of scenery here and then figure out exactly, okay, there’s going to be an explosion coming out of the ground here and another explosion coming out of the building here and this is when the camera looks up to the sky and sees the planet explode. This is where the window breaks and this is where the guy jumps out and grabs him and there’s a fight.
There are many, many people involved; Monique Garderton, our stunt coordinator, Kate Herron, the director, and also the special effects team, and of course, visual effects, deeply involved, and Richard Graves, who is kind of our AD (Assistant Director), the circus leader of all of it, organizing everybody to kind of work on this thing altogether. It’s the sort of thing that involves so many different departments that it can only really be discovered when working in a big group together.
I would say that was maybe the most challenging technically because there were so many logistical parameters and so many moving parts.
Q: What are your thoughts on diversity in the production of the creative industry?
I think that it is critically important. As somebody who is myself an immigrant, I was born in Iran and my family moved here when I was quite young. I’m super happy to see the direction that the industry is going in. I think Marvel has been particularly excellent in providing leadership in this way and I honestly have to give a lot of credit to Kate Herron, our director.
Almost more than any other project I’ve been on, she prioritised inclusivity and diversity. I mean, lots of people, don’t get me wrong, it’s on every project and on everyone’s mind, but I think Kate went above and beyond because it’s so fundamental to her worldview and she’s such a sensitive soul in this way. One of the many ways in that it was such a joy to work with Kate and I’m very proud of the many different ethnicities we’re representing, and how many women we’ve had. In our art department, we had close to fifty men and women.
It’s important and leads to better creative results that are more fully realized and more representative of what the fans really want.
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another-dr-another · 4 years ago
insert those coins babey! no point in holding onto them if they aren't used !
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A set of canned and vacuum-sealed foodstuffs. The taste isn't bad, and a certain snake that wants to play hide-and-go-seek is just crazy abou- wait, what?
005 - Ramune
A sweet, lemon-flavored carbonated drink. A marble plugs the opening of the uniquely designed bottle. The bottle can also be reused if you bring it to the ramune store.
010 - Ship In a Bottle
A intricate creation, a model ship within a bottle. Made with time, love and care.
012 - Envy-Enducing Envy CD
A CD of songs by Japanese band Envy. Full of unreleased tracks/first recordings.
014 - Children's Book
A children's book about family and forgiveness! The plot is about a sister who can't get along with her younger brother, but they find common ground and bond over causing trouble for their parents.
016 - Sour Soda (x2)
No flavor is listed on the bottle other than sour, which may just be a flavor in and of itself. It's a near black shade of blue... I think.
017 - Gentleman's Guide
A book that's meant to help shape you into the perfect gentleman. However, it's rather demeaning towards the reader, which doesn't feel very gentleman-ly.
018 - Masculine Cologne
Very masculine, can only be used by masculine people. No weaklings allowed, or people with the common sense to smell it before purchasing, and realize it smells really bad.
019 - Fancy Sword
True to it’s name, it looks very fancy, and very intimidating. However, it's only for show, and rather blunt- perhaps inexpensive?
022 - ??? Alcohol
It's something alcoholic. This is a school, it should be confiscated, and you won't be receiving any more information.
024 - Hair Cutting Scissors
Snip snip snip, meant for hair-cutting at home, as these aren’t professional grade. Still though, try and make it even, okay?
025 - Purple Hair Dye
Pretty purple hair dye guaranteed to not come out of hair for weeks! More of a pinkish-purple than the box advertised, but still pretty.
028 - Constellation Skirt
With patterns matching actual real constellations. Despite matching the night sky, it almost seems sun-rise themed, with its pink background and pale gold stars.
030 - Bottled Tea
When heated up, it's meant to help soothe upset stomachs, and muscle aches. Popular among student athletes.
031 - Alarm Clock
It's a digital alarm clock. One of the few normal and functional things here, and it's the thing that screams at you to wake up every morning.
032 - Broken Stopwatch (x2)
It won't stop running, no pausing or restarting. You can however make it record different laps.
034 - Baseball Cap
Perfect for keeping the sun out of your face! This one is all black though, so it'll retain a lot of heat.
038 - Card Game (x3)
One easy to play, and popular among kids. The front side of the package shows a family of four playing.
039 - Reminder Booklet
A small pamphlet that gives reminders for daily things, such as eating, drinking, taking meds, etc. Also has room for you to add in unique personalized reminders.
041 - Tiovita
A Japanese energy drink sold at most convenience stores. Pretty inexpensive, and with a nice fruity flavor- but hey, only one per day!
044 - Lie Detector (x2)
Fun for the whole family! Though not incredibly accurate... wait, how do you know that?
045 - Evidence Encylopedia
A book focusing on evidence found in crime scenes. From most overlooked to most common, this book talks about it all.
049 - Track Award
A award from a middle school track and field award. The recipient of the trophy seems to have come in second in two events, and first in one.
050 - Plane Tickets (x2)
Anywhere, anytime, round trip tickets. Probably given as some sort of thank you for volunteering to get off of a accidentally over-booked flight.
051 - Therapy Advertisement (x2)
Some therapist endorsing themselves. Upon looking at the services they offer, I don't feel very inspired to go there.
056 - Soulmate Sweatshirt
A sweatshirt that supposedly brings the most comfort not when you wear it, but when holding someone wearing it. Currently smells strongly of... lavender?
057 - Scrap Metal x3
Seems to be broken bits and pieces of some sort of engine. Could be repurposed, or simply a cool trinket.
059 - Old Journal
It seems to be from the late 80s, and kept being written in up to the early 90s. There's a entry on the last page, synopsizing the birth of the owners son, and how proud the owner is of his now five year old.
060 - Paper Boat
A piece of paper that's been folded into a boat. Apparently you can fold and tear it as you tell a story to provide a visual aid for the story, but no one here knows how.
061 - Calendar
It's got pictures of internationally famous towns on it! This particular one has been written on with a note on almost every day.
064 - Face-paint Kit.
A professional face-painting kit. However, it’s missing it’s red, yellow, blue and white paint- those colors have been all used up.
065 - Life Quote Sign (x3)
A sign with some stereotypical life quote written on it in flowery lettering. Most likely to be seen hanging in a kitchen.
066 - Throwing Rings (x2)
Meant for fair games. If you have good enough aim, maybe you'll win a prize!
067 - Pleasant Savior
Seemingly a CD filled with various performances by the same person. I haven't played the CD, so I don't know what kind of performances he does though, and the name is off-putting.
069 - “Fresh” Bouquet (x3)
Somehow still smells sweet with flowers that look flawless. It's comprised of roses that have been dyed rainbow, all of them.
070 - Hair Ribbons (x3)
They come in a variety of colors, but the Monomono Machine only dispenses yellow. Guaranteed to make the wearer feel a certain sense of self-satisfaction.
071 - Girls Profile
A student profile from a all-girls academy. The paper is water-stained and some of the ink has run, so it's hard to make out what's on the paper.
073 - Baby Doll
It seems to be from around the 90s and... not quite well-loved, but well-played-with. Doesn't come with the original clothes... or hair.
075 - Dream Catcher
Made by a past SHSL. It's actually been pretty effective, and is part of the reason they got scouted.
080 - Retro Game
It's handheld, old, and extremely broken. The screen has been shattered so it displays wrong, all cracked and distorted.
081 - Blackout Curtains (x2)
Completely block out any and all light. Strong enough to plunge a room into darkness.
084 - Noise-cancelling Headphones
They completely block out all sound! Also come with the ability to adjust the size of the band, and will stay on your ears even if you pull the band down to your neck.
086 - Wall Decals
Stickers you can put on your wall. They do a decent job of covering up holes in said walls.
087 - Antique Stuffed Animal (x2)
It seems to be bunny themed, and dressed in clothes you'd see on babies in the 1930s. It's in pretty good shape, other than a few tears where the lace trim at the end has had it’s stitches removed.
088 - Embroidery Kit
Or rather, a needle and thread to be used for embroidery. There's only one needle, and one spool of thread, but hey, it’s something.
090 - Scented Markers (x2)
A full rainbow set, all with their own unique smell! Be careful though - it's hard to get these out of clothes.
092 - Fake Christmas Tree (x2)
Too plastic to be a real tree. It's also incredibly small, but real trees can be small too, so that doesn’t really mess with the realism.
093 - Hair Gel
Top of the line hair gel, and completely unopened! Helps you style your hair and keep it in place, but doesn’t give it the nicest texture.
095 - Instant Noodles
Just add water to get something hot, salty, and/or spicy! A nice meal if you're looking for something that's quick and easy, you can dress it up some too.
097 - Drink Mix
A powder used for ??? warm drink, made with milk, tastes like... something? You try it and tell me, but it smells good at the least.
099 - The DSM-I
Self-explanatory, it's the original version of the DSM, from 1952. Index cards have been slipped in-between most of the pages, talking about what happened with the information listed there.
100 - Collection Of Old Ads
Dating back to the 1920s. A magazine full of ads from a different time, it’s somewhat of a miracle the paper held up while the ideas in it didn’t.
101 - Wooden Ruler
It's a wooden ruler. Used for measuring things, nothing else- why do you ask?
102 - Building Blocks (x3)
Stacking and stacking, and sending it all crumbling down. And then you rinse and repeat.
104 - Cutesy Hair Clips
Snap clips in pastel colors and covered in designs. Oddly enough, there isn't any non-pastels, unless you count the few white clips.
106 - Newspaper Collage
Seems to be a collection of snippets from newspaper articles. There must be hundreds in here... it's a big collage.
107 - Cropped Sweatshirt
Cropped specifically due to a parent saying not to. The sweatshirt seems to be related to some organization, with the big fancy emblem on it.
109 - Pins And Patches
A mix-and-match bag full of enamel pins, buttons, and iron-on patches. Good luck finding something to do with them all.
110 - Origami Paper (x2)
Simple origami paper, in a variety of colors and patterns! Comes easy to tear out of a book, which includes instructions on basic origami types.
112 - Colorful Band-Aids.
They come in many colors, designs, even different sizes. Some seem to be made to cover up paper cuts, others meant to help skinned knees and scraped elbows.
Thank you for visiting the Monomono Machine!
Maeda, narrating - And I thought the coins were kinda heavy...
Maeda - What now?
[Free Time Event - Uehara]
{Head to Your Room}
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detectivehole · 4 years ago
besides all the glitches and bugs, are the games any fun? are the stories any good if they are non canon stories? are the voices and designs good?
this should be a basic question, but its actually weirdly not when considering frogwares games (i should state i havent played all of them ftr so take this all with a grain of salt)
first off, you really cant forget the bugs and glitches- they can make the games either so frustrating that it doesnt matter if the rest of it is good, or they can make them legitimately unplayable. however, there is apparently a patch (released YEARS late! but whatever!) on the way to make the older games fully compatible with modern pcs! so, lets pretend you can actually ignore the errors;
the stories are... good. just good, i think- maybe pretty good sometimes- and certainly entertaining, which is all they need to be for a video game. they range from original to highly canon-influenced, depending on the game. (ive been avoiding one of them for its story but thats just because ive got Opinions on part of it)
cosmetically, like character, set, and voice design, it really depends what youre playing. the older games have very generic character and set design, and the voice work is completely understandable, but charmingly bad; like its kinda shit, but in a tolerable and funny way, and after a while you just get used to it and hardly notice. newer games have va work that's just completely unremarkable, if not a little awkward- you really wont take note of it, likely, which isn't a bad thing. newer game’s set design is actually very nice, i think, all things considered. not super remarkable but not at all bad to look at- they can even be beautiful, from time to time. character design in crime and punishment was good actually- it felt like hd versions of the older games, and that was just fine- however, it seems that after that things have/are going down hill, eh? not sure what the hell is up with devils daughter and... “sherry” and “jon,” but... technically thats all superficial. theyre not bad to look at after all, just... well.
in terms of game design quality (mechanics, options. blah blah), i really cant describe it. i think from the most general view, usually its fine, if not plain good; game’s puzzles and mysteries are not too hard imo, but also not uninteresting or downright simple (well, some are, but “some” is not a crime). exploration is functional and mostly interesting, and for the most part you are given clear direction when playing, so time wasting is minimal. certain mechanics (which are not present in all games, but showed up slowly as the studio seemed to be figuring out what exactly they could do) like deductions can and conclusions can be a lot of fun. i think if youre looking for something stellar you should curb your enthusiasm, but if you just want simple fun some of these game will actually really suck you in- i played crime and punishment for... some hours straight. specifics not necessary, just know it held my attention.
other aspects are just lazy; many of the games lack many otherwise standard game and setting manipulation options, like any video manipulation for some, difficult settings, etc. all do let you manipulate volume, though, and captions are always on (you also have a dialogue log to reference), so at least there's that. additionally, for some puzzles, for some of the games, they dont offer any instructions of any kind- i assume this is to pad difficulty curves, and to an extent you could argue that “well, real life wouldn't have instructions,” but its not real life. its a game. they should have added at least a toggleable blurb. theres other issues with the game’s construction at times, but honestly i cant think of them off the top of my head with any coherence. i dont leave much weight to steam reviews, but i think if you want a better understanding of whats wrong with some of these games id read the reviews or the discussion pages. overall, the default settings and the construction of the game should be playable for most people and on most machines- they're not particularly demanding or visually/auditorily complex games, and the puzzles are not too hard to figure out, even without instructions. (WARNING: there IS a glitch in crime and punishment that can effect some people that makes lighting fuck up on many objects, and it may not be friendly to more photosensitive people, though it also doesn't seem like something that would be downright dangerous, and as someone without any photosensitive issues i was not bothered by it.)
lastly, some of the games are dated, or jokes are in poor taste, or they present something or some attitude historically accurate, and their content shows this. it is not common or consuming, and you should be able to move past it with just a bitter taste in your mouth and nothing more, but its worth it to mention. its nothing someone used to consuming retro or janky media would be unfamiliar with, but i certainly didn't enjoy it- i cant imagine anyone sane would.
i am full of complaints. i have written goddamn dissertations to my long suffering friends. BUT..... i have had a lot of fun, honestly. ive got the patience to deal with the glitches, and the disposition to reap simple fun out of broken and awkward content, simple puzzles, and the story lines presented to me, however silly they may or may not be. i would recommend it, personally.
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moonanagames · 5 years ago
June Devlog: Gameplay details for Keylocker
This gonna be big, I spent too much time living as a hermit, hiding all of this, I’m bursting. Also, monthly devlogs will be a thing from now onwards.
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So guys, this game is fully done in pixel art! Portraits and menus are also in pixel art and everything is the same pixel size. This was a step up for us since doing the portraits is now 10 times faster, and it'll allow for us to do palette swaps on everything. Big step up for consistency as well! We also added a slight chromatic aberration effect for a more retro/80s general vibe, as I was graphically inspired by PC Engine titles and 80s anime for this game. You can take the effect off if it bothers you, though! Now, check this very attractive menu palette swap:
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Now, for the fun part: Combat!
The first major difference from Virgo is the absense of Purity.
In this world, Music produces Electricity.
This means you'll have to use your personal Electricity Points (EP) in battle as well as your overall health represented by Life Points (LP). By itself, Electricity doesn't do much, but is your base fuel for your LIFE moves. You can generate more EP by playing music with ELECTRIC moves.
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In battle, you'll juggle between Life Attack, Life Defense, Electric Attack and Electric Defense. Each with a different purpose. Each of these slots can be customized with several types of equippable items, but in general, you'll equip weapons to LIFE slots and musical instruments to ELECTRIC slots.
With Electric Attacks you'll use your instrument to attack the enemy and steal their Electricity, dealing Life damage if their EP bar is empty. Like so:
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With Electric Defenses, you'll generate Electricity after playing music with a rhythm-inspired timed-hit, but that also causes enemies who hit you to damage your EP instead of Life.
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After you have built some EP, holding the attack button will begin charging your Life Attack, adding your EP into your next Life Attack damage, equal to EP spent, like so:
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With this you can control how much damage you deal to an enemy. This is why draining enemy EP will be so important to stay alive, as it's a constant potential damage bonus.
Holding the defense button will though add EP into a third bar, which functions like proto-purity; deflecting the next hit you take into a counter-attack, which will function differently per equipment you use. Like so:
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About Equipment
Most equipment pieces will be equippable on more than one slot.
For example, the KATANA can be assigned to Life Attack or Life Defense depending on your preferences, but a GUN BASS can be either Electric Attack or Life Attack. Depending on the slot you put an equipment in, their animations and effects will be different. Some other items may be more specialized into a single function.
HOWEVER, equipment won't feature a Skill anymore, as the effects of skills will be acquired from the Talent Tree (more info on that on a future post) and will apply to any equipment you have. We don't have the Tree implemented yet, but we have an idea of how it is and plan on working on it soon.
This doesn't mean equipment variation will be just cosmetic!
Apart from different timed-hits, equipment will define skill speed (faster speed = more turns you'll have, with Ben's new speed calculations!), targetting (if the attack is melee, ranged, area, etc) and if it's on the Life Defense slot, also define how the Counter will play out.
Equipment will still have stat ups and downs, but unlike in Virgo, it's going to be 1 up, 1 down, because Power and the baseline ATK stats have been synthethized into Minimum and Maximum damage.
(That's something I really liked about how old CRPGs handled damage, with things like "Damage: 22-48" instead of an average, since I believe there's going to be some sort of min-maxing relative to EP spent, so knowing your absolute highest roll for an attack is more important than ever)
Quality of Life changes
So, now you’ll have battle loadouts, you can put a certain array of equipment in a loadout and change between them in the battles. A lot of people asked for access to equipment during battles, but that would make the difficulty gravely decrease, so we’re adding an alternative instead that can help everyone!
Palette Swaps
Not fully implemented for Bobo, her Alpaca, Rocket, or any NPC and enemy yet, BUT we can already change menu colors as you saw already. This is mind boggling to me and when Veyerals and Ben made it I wanted to cry it was a very emotional moment :( BUT in the future you’ll be able to change BOBO’s hair and jacket color on the saloon, as well as Rocket’s metal color.
Some Virgo things you can expect to return in Keylocker but will be discussed in future posts:
Battle Rows
Difficulty options
Try again
Party members
Item crafting/upgrading
Battle Items
Interaction with ALL objects
SHMUP minigame (representing the HACKING sessions, we're very inspired by Nier Automata's hacking minigame)
Big meaty choices
More posts this month to talk about the characters and any small things we do! Development posts will resume normally now, so expect me to be more active around these parts of the internet! :D
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omniversalobservations · 3 years ago
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Transformers Collaborative: X-Men x Transformers (2021)
Hasbro has finally given us a glimpse at the X-Men and the Transformers crossover figure, who is named Ultimate X-Spanse. The collaboration is bringing the X-Men: The Animated Series to life as the X-Jet joins the Transformers. The figure will feature retro packaging inspired by the classic Marvel toys released in the 90s. Ultimate X-Spanse converts from the Lockheed Martin Jet in just 37 steps, and it features a paint scheme straight from the beloved X-Men cartoon. Our guesses for some of the included accessories were mention yesterday, and we were mostly right as the Transformers mash-up figure will come with X-Men themed accessories. The figure itself will share a unique resemblance to Cyclops with his yellow/ red visor and the yellow harness around his blue painted body. He will also feature three energy style accessories that show off Wolverine's claws and energy sword similar to Psylocke. Hasbro has also included miniature figures of Sabertooth and Wolverine for that extra X-Men effect.
This Transformers and Uncanny -Men collaboration figure is definitely more than meets the eye. This will be a fun, collaborative figure for either fan of the series, from the robot's design to the added X-Men themed accessories.
Source: Bleeding Cool
The fifth figure in the Collaborative line, Ultimate X-Spanse transforms into a licensed Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird based on the X-Jet. X-Spanse reuses multiple vehicle mode parts from Studio Series Leader Class Jetfire. His design and deco is inspired by the X-Men costumes from the 1992 animated series, even featuring Rob Liefeld-esque pouches and a flip-up visor based on that of Cyclops. X-Spanse boasts an impressive range of articulation in robot mode, including a ball-jointed inner-shoulder, a double-ratcheted knee bend, and a slight ab crunch with additional side-to-side.
X-Spanse includes two figurines of Wolverine and Sabretooth, and three translucent-pink effects parts styled after the psychic powers of Psylocke: a three-pronged energy claw inspired by Wolverine's; an energy blast/blade based on Psylocke's psychic knife; and an energy aura designed to look like Psylocke's "psychic butterfly," which manifests around her eyes when she uses her powers. Oddly, this last piece cannot attach to X-Spanse's face to replicate this effect, and is instead presented by the instructions as clipping around the waist of the included mini-figurines. The blast and claw effects attach to X-Spanse's hands via 5mm ports, and can store on his landing gear or under his wings, though they lack the 3mm port usually sculpted into the 5mm peg seen on the blast effects in other contemporary Transformers toylines. X-Spanse has over twenty X's sculpted into various spots on his body.
The tolerances of X-Spanse's wing hinges are quite loose, often being unable to hold their own weight and flopping downwards. As per the box and instructions, X-Spanse's wings are intended to be forward swept, accurate to most common depictions of the X-Jet, but some stock photos feature the wing pieces erroneously swapped over, more closely resembling a real life Blackbird.
In the United States, this toy was released by Hasbro Pulse and Target on March 1, 2021. On March 4, 2021, the set was made available on Mighty Ape for New Zealand consumers. The packaging is designed to resemble 1990s ToyBiz packaging, which is awesome.
Source: Transformers Wiki
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mee-the-people · 4 years ago
SISTAR: How the Kpop Queens of Summer Stay ‘So Cool’ 4 Years After Disbandment
Summer 2021 marks another summer without a SISTAR comeback. As every SISTAR fan, (and hopefully every KPOP fan knows) SISTAR disbanded in May 2017, after releasing their final EP Lonely. I only really got into KPOP in 2018, so I discovered SISTAR much later, but when I heard their 2013 summer hit, Give It To Me, I knew I was going to be dragged into the rabbit hole that is SISTAR’s discography. I loved everything about that era… as a fashion enthusiast and someone with a background in dance, I always look at the WHOLE era, as well as the song, of course, when I’m making my assessment of a KPOP era. That’s what I did first with SISTAR’s Give It To Me.
GITM gives the audience a Moulin Rouge vibe, which I thought was so unique when I first watched the MV and stage performances. That’s one of the things I always loved about the original “summer queens” themselves, SISTAR- their summer concepts were always fresh, original, and unique. It’s easy to think that there’s only so many summer concepts/ideas a group can pull off or when people think of summer concepts, they only think of songs with beachy vibes. But SISTAR pulled off a number of (always classy) sexy, summer concepts- whether it was the flirty, retro theme that Shake It bought upon us in Summer 2015 or the mature, sophisticated theme that was presented by I Like That in Summer 2016. (One of my favorite SISTAR eras overall!)
Shake It reminds me of the “comic book aesthetic” with the bright, flashy colors and the bold-lettered art themes. There’s a minor storyline in the MV, which adds to the songs charm and definitely “feels” like a retro summer, although I couldn’t get over the fact that this song doesn’t really have a bridge or substantial verses. I think this song is simply meant to be fun and not a song where you think too deeply about the lyrics, so in that way, this song excels, because it’s incredibly catchy and whenever it comes on my playlist, its upbeat rhythms always give me a boost of happy.
Like GITM, I Like That is one of my absolute favorite SISTAR eras. The song, choreography (which seemed more complex compared to their previous era dance routines), outfits, and concept in general were unique and unlike anything they had done previously. I also really liked the lyrics in this song, because even though it’s about finding out about a cheating boyfriend, instead of just blaming the douch-y boyfriend, SISTAR blames themselves for thinking that they can “change him,” (A concept that every woman, including myself, has thought in regards to a man… moral of the story: don’t fall in love with potential! But I digress…) which is actually a self-aware twist to something that’s (unfortunately) so common in relationships.
One of the things about I Like That that I liked (😊) is how they made use of props in the most effective and efficient ways in both the MV and the stage performances. There’s something to be said about props being used properly- in my opinion, if you choose to have props in your stage performances, it kind of makes or breaks the performance, because if those props are just a waste of space, it will show. Luckily for SISTAR, they not only used props to enhance the performance, but they made sure to have control over the setting and not the other way around. I especially liked how they used their long flowing skirts as curtains, making it part of their routine, and the stage props (as well as the MV props) didn’t feel too close together or “tight,” adding to the song’s glamour.
Despite all of the good things I Like That had to offer, my only complaint is that member Bora didn’t get enough of a rap verse. With most K-pop songs, l normally don’t think the rap goes with the song, but in I Like That, I thought Bora’s verse actually went with the song, so I wish she had gotten another rap verse in place of the somewhat awkward bridge (“I’m so fine, I’m so fine…”) that seems out of place compared to the melody and rhythms of the song.
If we’re talking about “conventional summer themes,” I would say Touch My Body and Loving U would be the most “summer-y” when it comes to the traditional K-Pop summer concept, but even when they went the conventional summer route, SISTAR stayed true to their unique group flair. Even though the navy crop top and floral print shorts from the Touch My Body era is an ensemble that you could probably buy at Target, it’s still an iconic outfit and one of the stage outfits I think of when I think of SISTAR. 2012 summer splash Loving U is certainly a bop and the outfits from that era seem like laid-back and casual summer outfits that you would wear to the beach or to an amusement park. In terms of the song, it’s a good song if you’re looking for a light pop song, but it’s not on my top 5 list of favorite SISTAR songs.
By this point, I knew I was a fan, and as I was discovering more of SISTAR’s songs, I came across their debut song from 2010 called Push Push. It’s a catchy enough, electro-pop song, which is decent, but if that was the first SISTAR song I listened to and not Give It To Me, it may have taken me longer to get into SISTAR’s music. There wasn’t a discernible “concept” surrounding Push Push, so it’s hard to really place it on the same level as some of their other summer jams. I will say that one of their live performances of this song was at an amusement park (which you can easily find on YouTube), and that was a cool aesthetic and it must have been a fun experience for the girls.
A song that’s less popular, but still one of my favorite SISTAR songs is 2010’s Shady Girl. It received moderate success when it was released in August 2010, and SISTAR were still a “rookie group” at this time. (It had only been 2 months since they debuted in the industry at this point!) I thought the flight attendant theme was a little cliché, but the outfits were still on point. Most SISTAR choreography is fairly easy, and Shady Girl is no exception. This era is still one of my favorites, despite the fact that they went the conventional route and it wasn’t really the “sexy summer” theme that SISTAR are known for; however, I think because this group was still trying to find their footing in the Korean entertainment industry as rookies, this concept tended to be “safer” than some of their other concepts.
And of course, the song that put SISTAR on the map and defined their superstar status was none other than 2011’s So Cool. So Cool is a dance-pop tune that stayed in the Top 10 for 5 consecutive weeks and was the first number one single by this group. If you watch the music video and the stage performances, you’ll notice that the choreography in the music video is different from the stage performances, because of a dance move in the MV that was deemed inappropriate in South Korea’s conservative society; hence the slight choreography change for the stage performances. I like the general idea behind the lyrics of the song- that idea being the way to get revenge on a horrible ex-boyfriend is to look amazing (which they do! I love ALL of their stage outfits during this era…) and to remind yourself that you’re “too cool” to waste your time being sad over him. So, in a way, I like the sexy, empowering theme behind this song; however, while the song is catchy, it is easy to get tired of after a few listens.
Spring 2012 brought Alone upon us. Although this comeback was not during the summer (obviously), it was different than what SISTAR had previously done up until this point, and when I discovered this song, I was here for it. The black and red combo for the concept pictures really suited the vibe that the song gave. Alone is a ballad that talks about heartbreak and the feelings of loneliness that you experience afterwards, which is not only real, but it is also a universal feeling that anyone can understand and relate to. While I liked the outfits during this era, I thought they were purposely made “plainer” to emphasize the jewelry, which is a fashion statement in and of itself.
One of the things about SISTAR that I find so admirable is that they were able to hold their own against artists from the “Big 3 Companies.” Any K-Pop fan knows that if a group hails from SM, JYP, or YG, that group is almost guaranteed to be successful in the K-Pop industry, because of the resources, connections, budget, and experience that the CEOs of these Big 3 Companies have managing (successful) artists in the industry. It is a well-known fact that SISTAR is not from one of the Big 3 Companies- they were managed by a smaller company called Starship Entertainment. Even despite the fact that their success wasn’t guaranteed when they first started, they were still able to “sell the concepts” for every one of the songs that Starship churned out when comeback season came.
A girl group from a smaller company was able to, not only compete with girl groups from Big 3 Companies, they were also able to become the most streamed girl group EVER with over 1 billion streams in their 7-year career together! And not only that, they have THE MOST consecutive #1 singles by a K-Pop girl group EVER with 9 singles under their belt. Not bad for a girl group that came from a smaller entertainment company. I think it is human nature to root for the underdog, so it really speak volumes about how hard SISTAR had to have worked to compete with girl groups from the Big 3 Companies, which makes me even prouder for them when they achieved their success together.
Most K-pop fans know that summer isn’t the same without SISTAR, but going back and listening to their comebacks certainly feels like summer...
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marvelitech · 2 months ago
Exploring the World of Toy Slot Machines
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What Are Toy Slot Machines?
Toy slot machines are miniature replicas of real casino slot machines designed for entertainment purposes. They mimic the thrill of gambling without real money, making them perfect for family-friendly fun.
A Brief History of Slot Machines
The first slot machines appeared in the late 19th century. Toy versions soon followed, providing a fun and harmless way to enjoy the excitement of pulling a lever and hoping for a jackpot.
Why Toy Slot Machines Are Popular
Fun and Entertainment for All Ages
From kids to adults, toy slot machines offer an engaging way to pass the time. They’re especially great for parties or casual gatherings.
Nostalgia Meets Modern Play
For adults, toy slot machines evoke memories of vintage casinos, while kids enjoy their interactive and colorful designs.
Types of Toy Slot Machines
Classic Mechanical Toy Slot Machines
Features and Functionality
Classic models operate with a simple lever mechanism, spinning reels, and fun sound effects. They often include coin slots and a working jackpot feature.
Electronic Toy Slot Machines
Advanced Features for Enhanced Play
Electronic versions come with LED lights, digital sound effects, and sometimes even pre-programmed games to make the experience more immersive.
Miniature Collectible Slot Machines
Perfect for Display and Gifting
These small-scale models are designed for collectors and often feature intricate details. They make excellent gifts for enthusiasts of casino-themed decor.
How to Choose the Best Toy Slot Machine
Factors to Consider
Age Appropriateness
Always check the recommended age range. Some toy slot machines include small parts that may not be safe for younger children.
Build Quality and Durability
Opt for well-constructed machines made of sturdy materials to ensure they last for years.
Popular Brands of Toy Slot Machines
Schylling offers a range of durable, retro-inspired toy slot machines with authentic designs.
Trademark Games
This brand specializes in electronic models with modern features, perfect for tech-savvy users.
Setting Up and Using Your Toy Slot Machine
Getting Started
Unboxing and Initial Setup
Follow the instructions to assemble any detachable parts. Test the machine to ensure it functions properly before diving into play.
Fun Ways to Play
Creative Games and Challenges
Invent fun challenges, such as racing to reach a specific jackpot or combining the toy slot machine with other party games for added excitement.
Benefits of Toy Slot Machines
Educational Value
Developing Counting and Strategy Skills
Kids can practice counting coins or planning strategies for maximum winnings, turning playtime into a learning experience.
Social Interaction
Bonding Through Group Play
Toy slot machines encourage group participation, making them a great way to bond with family and friends.
Maintaining and Storing Your Toy Slot Machine
Cleaning Tips
Wipe down the surface regularly with a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage the machine’s finish.
Proper Storage to Prolong Lifespan
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading or warping.
Toy slot machines combine fun, nostalgia, and creativity in a compact package. Whether you’re a collector, a parent, or simply someone who loves games, a toy slot machine can be a delightful addition to your entertainment collection.
What are toy slot machines made of?They are typically made of plastic, metal, or a combination of both, depending on the model and brand.
Are toy slot machines safe for kids?Yes, most are designed with safety in mind, but always check the age recommendations.
Can you customize toy slot machines?Some models allow customization, such as adding stickers or creating your own reels.
How do electronic toy slot machines work?They are powered by batteries and feature electronic circuits to simulate the slot machine experience.
What is the average cost of a toy slot machine?Prices range from $20 to $50, depending on the brand and features.
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tomorrow-human · 4 years ago
So I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME have just released RAZZMATAZZ today and heres what I think...
A bombastic opening track. Was released in the beginning of August...? Probably? This song just SCREAMS at you with retro futuristic funkiness. It has 8-bity flourishes in the instrumentation and seems to be maybe talking to the same person as Choke (from 1981 E.P.) and the title track Razzmatazz have been (or maybe a separate entity as suggested by the vinyl booklet and Indoctoration?).
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Anyway, fantastic track, great opener, and nice mood-setter.
It's... eerie. It's not a song in the same sense as Leave Me Alone, despite having a wobbly backing track. It's a spoken interlude that seems to be initiating you into Tellex maybe? It yet again mentions the White Shadows that will be overseeing your progress with Tellex. It seems oddly nostalgic for some reason. That's strange. Overall, solid little piece of lore building that really reinforces the concept aspects.
It's the first song from this album that wasn't released as a single and it made my jaw literally drop. It has a similar lyrical and vocal structure to the opener and New Invention, but what I like is how much they were able to do with it, though it makes you wonder about how far apart these songs were written; but In the context of the albums concept and the Tellex stuff however, it could be interpreted as a corporate decision, this repetition. The minimal instrumentation in the verses with Ryan's sturdy drumming and Dallon's bassline makes me go fucking bananas. It's so fucking great and full of this punchy energy. And the HARMONIES. YES. "Voluntary victim~" "I'm burning~ in your mad IQs" SIR STOP BEING SO VOCALLY TALENTED. Also I think i heard him shriek right before the bridge which? Snazzy. So Mad IQs, energetic track, filled with more of iDKHOWs signature darkness.
Ah yes, Opening Band. Ironic considering how often iDKHOW are the opening band, but I'm sure that's obvious, seeing how they usually sing this one at the start of their gigs. It was actually (I think) the first or second song I didn't know how but found through youtube so I might be pretty biased here. It's a sweet sounding change of pace with the instrumentation being made up of only the piano and tambourine that tells of a typical opening band, that no ones ever heard before and likely will never hear again, via a sympathetic narrator with a hint of the typical iDKHOW teasing. In all honesty, it would've worked better as the album opener, which then could've been followed by Leave Me Alone, but it's a nice change of pace overall.
I already reviewed this song on my other blog right here so imma keep this brief. It shares similar aspects to Leave Me Alone, with the music video concept and song structure, but It manages to darken the narrative, and the choir-esq harmonies sound like ultra bright neon lights that only push this mood further. It still is a magnificent song and by far one of my favourites in the album.
MASSIVE SHIFT IN STYLE HOLY FUCKOLY-. The track opens with a very cutesy old timey little piano intro and starts the verse with a little funny beat. If you don't listen to the lyrics, it sounds like a silly little oldie song. But as we all know, iDKHOW doesn't do silly. The lines "For you, I'd die▪︎Or kill myself▪︎which ever makes you smile," From just the first verse are a prime example of this. The narrators murderous and suicidal intentions have clouded the romantic attraction into obsession- And I kinda like that, in a poetic way. The chorus is a standout, with the calm start to the explosion in the line "I'd swing from the gallows and wave" that just swings at you with a baseball bat to the chest. Oh, and the sax solo? Magnificent. This whole song is a chefs kiss from me.
I love the lyrics of this song the most of it all. It sounds like a rebellious teenager wrote it after thinking about how shit their hometown is and wanting to get out. It also incorporates how much the narrator would want to do all this with their crush, adding that slightly goofy and pretend-aloof chorus of "only if you'd like me to I could fall in love with you" as if they weren't already in love or at least that's how I see it. The vibe of this song is more pop-y than the rest of the album, but that's more likely because it was repurposed for Razzmatazz after being originally written for The Brobecks, their older band. It's a nice little tune :).
This. Will. Get. Stuck. In. Your. Head- and. You. Will. Like. It. Basically, just seems like a song about drugs that, for some reason, reminds me of Gorillaz (who I dont even listen to). But the BASSLINE AGAIN- Jesus help me live. It has more of that energy we saw with the first few tracks and adds even more electronic elements. It's probably my second favourite song from this album that's not a single because of how fun the chorus sounds. What else can I say? I can just imagine myself bopping to this in the car screaming 'SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR PILLS' On a hot day.
It's so sweet 🥺. It's one of those songs I could imagine a character in a movie singing to someone from a stage. If you want pretty song vibes just listen to it. Because it is a pretty song. And that's all I have to say on it. Now allow me to take a moment and shove it into my pretty song playlist that acts like my personal lullaby machine.
Yes. F u n k y. Give me that sweet sweet disco energy, thank you. It's just filled with all these *☆~blingy and sparkly~☆* effects, and, combined with the drumming, the result is just glorious. The best part of this song is in my opinion the bridge where it goes darker lyrically and in sound that just naturally slides into another funky-ass sax solo. I can definitely see myself dancing to this at a party and then in later years growing nostalgic for those days.
It's supposed to be happy in tone and hopeful slightly but it just makes me sad. It's a song about how, because Dallon has to tour because it's his job, he has to be away from his family often. And he had nO RIGHT ADDING HIS DAUGHTERS VOCALS AND RECORDINGS INTO THE MIX ITS LIKE HE WANTS US TO CRY. It's not my favourite of the album, not going to lie here, but it's also such a sweet song with nice instrumentals and vibe 🥺 so that's all I'll say.
It seems like this one was written around the time sad ukulele music was really at its peak but am I complaining? Fuck no because this song is great. It just gives it to you straight, that if the narrator ever does anything that the recipient doesn't like, they can always cut them out of their life. It's nice in that regard- you don't usually get songs that don't try to deflect the pain or gain pity. We need more of these kinds of songs. The shortness of it really adds to the effect of this being more like a regularly said thing, even though I'm always a bit sad that it ends so fast. It does, however, nicely close the near end of the album before Razzmatazz.
Creepy Tellex thank-you note. You're welcome..? I want no part in your conspiracy tho. Go away weird American corporate man voice.
And there it is. The title track. Like new inventions, I have already reviewed it here on that same blog so this will be brief also and more just thoughts. It's a great closer and is more old timey than most of the songs here as well. And with the last instrumental and sax solo, we come to the albums inevitable end... until next time.
Overall, this was a fantastic little debut for iDKHOW and I loved it. So worth the pre-order. The songs were great and the lyrics were just excellent. My only real criticism is that the song order on Side A was a bit strange. I feel a way to fix this would be to throw Nobody Likes The Opening Band into the beginning, then have Leave Me Alone as a second track, and maybe even switch one of the songs on this side with one from Side B (either Mad IQs or New Invention with something else but then that would be kind of stretching it). Or maybe even switching Clusterhug with Mad IQs or New Invention could work. So in general? Razzmatazz good album. Next question.
Thank you for reading, anyone who happens to see this and have read this. Hope you've enjoyed some of my thoughts on the debut and agreed with at least 2 points I made. See y'all on another review (or shitpost)!
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