#adding numbers in columns; place value
talonabraxas · 2 months
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Magic Square of Mars 18 Ce British Grimoire magic square and seal For war magic.
Associated Numbers
The numbers associated with Mars are 5, 25, 65, and 325. This is because:
Each row and column of the magic square contains five numbers.
The square contains 25 numbers total, ranging from 1 to 25.
Each row, column and diagonal adds up to 65.
All of the numbers in the square add up to 325.
Divine Names
The divine names associated with Mars all have numerological values of 5 or 65. The names of the intelligence of Mars and the spirit of Mars have a value of 325. These values are calculated by writing out the names in Hebrew and then adding up the value of each included letter, as each Hebrew letter can represent both a sound and a numerical value.
Construction of The Square
The square is constructed by arranging the numbers consecutively in a pre-arranged pattern. In general, numbering moves down and to the right. Hence, 2 is down and to the right of 1. When the down and right motion would take you off the edge of the square, it wraps around. Thus, since 2 is on the bottom edge, 3 is still to the right of 2, but it's at the top of the square instead of the bottom.
When this pattern runs up against numbers already placed, the pattern shifts two rows down. Thus, 4 is on the left, 5 is one down and one to the right of 4, and if that motion were to be repeated, it would collide with the already placed 1. Instead, 6 appears two rows down from 5, and the pattern continues.
Construction of The Seal
The seal of Mars is constructed by drawing lines that intersect every number within the magic square.
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santoschristos · 1 month
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Magic Square of Mars
18 Ce British Grimoire
magic square and seal
For war magic.
Associated Numbers
The numbers associated with Mars are 5, 25, 65, and 325. This is because:
Each row and column of the magic square contains five numbers.
The square contains 25 numbers total, ranging from 1 to 25.
Each row, column and diagonal adds up to 65.
All of the numbers in the square add up to 325.
Divine Names
The divine names associated with Mars all have numerological values of 5 or 65. The names of the intelligence of Mars and the spirit of Mars have a value of 325. These values are calculated by writing out the names in Hebrew and then adding up the value of each included letter, as each Hebrew letter can represent both a sound and a numerical value.
Construction of The Square
The square is constructed by arranging the numbers consecutively in a pre-arranged pattern. In general, numbering moves down and to the right. Hence, 2 is down and to the right of 1. When the down and right motion would take you off the edge of the square, it wraps around. Thus, since 2 is on the bottom edge, 3 is still to the right of 2, but it's at the top of the square instead of the bottom.
When this pattern runs up against numbers already placed, the pattern shifts two rows down. Thus, 4 is on the left, 5 is one down and one to the right of 4, and if that motion were to be repeated, it would collide with the already placed 1. Instead, 6 appears two rows down from 5, and the pattern continues.
Construction of The Seal
The seal of Mars is constructed by drawing lines that intersect every number within the magic square.
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seedlinggames · 9 months
Here's the full blog post, including an off topic rant about people arguing about types of games online too much:
Story game pick lists and OSR spark tables
I am, against my will, mostly writing things these days that are largely categorized as OSR, so this is kind of aimed mainly at an audience of people in a similar situation.
The difference between a random table and a pick list is that the random table has a second column for numbers, in case you want to choose things randomly. For instance, Blades in the Dark has a list of appropriate names for the setting, and Cairn also has a list of appropriate names for the setting with numbers beside them.
On Discord, the subject of whether pick lists can teach us something about OSR tables came up. One person had a pretty cool idea which I won't share because it's their idea, you'll just have to join the NSR discord to find out. This had me think about a cool thing I'd seen in some pick lists. For instance, Wanderhome has character generation picklists that ask questions like, "choose two you still are and two you arent' any more" or "choose two you are and two you refuse to be." I think this is good inspiration for random tables. Let's imagine this in an OSR table.
Pick one that this dungeon room has and one that it clearly used to have:
A pit trap
A slumbering monster
A chest of gold
A water fountain
A holy altar
A passageway leading down
A valuable relic
Strange writing on the wall
Example 1. Let's say it has a chest of gold but clearly is missing a valuable relic. Well, that poses a mystery. Why is the gold undisturbed? Is it trapped or cursed? Or did the one who stole the relic not value gold the way you might? Or perhaps they're wounded and still around here - they had the strength to carry the relic but had to leave the gold.
Example 2. There is a holy altar but it's missing strange writing on the wall. Maybe the writing was defaced? Maybe this was once an altar to some other god whose very name was erased - perhaps some danger related to that old god still lurks? Or maybe the power of the altar can only be unlocked if the writing can be restored.
This is basically the most cliche spark table I can come up with, but adding the "clearly used to have" makes it a little more interesting.
Also I cheated and added some numbers. I'm indecisive.
This is basically the most cliche spark table I can come up with, but adding the "clearly used to have" makes it a little more interesting.
Also I cheated and added some numbers. I'm indecisive.
Pick one the town provides and one the town would pay good money for
A healer
Plentiful food
Military might
Skilled craftspeople
Political legitimacy
Protection from supernatural dangers
I threw this together in about a minute, but I think it might work as a simple faction system. I'll take it out for a quick spin.
Town A: Has political legitimacy, needs protection from supernatural dangers
Town B: Has military might, lacks food
Town C: Has food, is in desperate need of a healer
There's obvious conflict between B and C here, and a real potential for it to break out into open violence. If C needs a healer, maybe there's some kind of plague spreading? C is especially vulnerable but also the plague could spread to B if they proceed with their plans. Meanwhile, A is above the fray - maybe they're the capital, but why aren't they getting involved? Maybe the ruling family has been taken over by some hidden supernatural forces.
Recently, I was playing around with Mythic Bastionland's faction generation system, and while theirs is a lot better thought out and tested and so on, I think with some work my approach here would not be totally out of place in that kind of game.
I'm not sure that something like this hasn't been done within OSR, but I personally heard about this way of structuring spark tables, sorry, pick lists, from story games. In fact, they now seem so obviously similar that I am now second-guessing myself - do people really consider these two approaches to be so fundamentally different? And yet there are probably a lot of cool ideas we're missing out on, by isolating ourselves in these two camps.
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unothief · 4 months
How to Play Caravan in Fallout New Vegas
I promised a guide on how to play Caravan a bit ago so here it is
Getting a Deck and Finding a Player
Step 1: you'll need Ringo's spare deck, you've probably picked it up at least once while talking to him about Caravan as he'll just hand it to you, as far as i know it's impossible to play without getting this deck in some fashion but I'm fairly sure you can loot it off him if you plan to just kill him on sight for one reason or another
Step 2: you'll need an NPC to play caravan with, there are only a few of them but you'll run across while playing the game if you look through their dialogue, Ringo is the earliest one you'll run across but some other ones of note are Cliff Briscoe, No-Bark Noonan, and Johnson Nash.
NPCs which aren't merchants have somewhat fixed cap counts they're willing to bet on a game, with No-Bark being the highest (he often will put up to 1000 caps down on his first game), playing subsequent games with an NPC will result in them putting less and less down for each time they lose
NPCs which act as merchants will pull a percentage of their store's cap inventory, including the value of any Legion Coin or NCR dollar they have. This makes it possible to buy a ton of stuff from a merchants and then beat them in a game of caravan with a high bet to return most of the caps spent or even more than you spent to begin with, however you can only ever play a total of 5 games with a single merchant per save
Building a Deck
Now that you've found a player you'll be placed into the game's screen when you select the dialogue option to start a game.
You'll be presented with all the cards you have in your inventory, Caravan is not played with a standard deck of cards and can be played with any almost any assortment of loose cards, this screen (shown in the attached image) is where you select what cards you want to have in play when the game starts
the only rule you'll need to worry about when building a deck is you must have at least 30 cards in play, you can have more if you think it's a good idea
the top row is where you'll see the cards you have in play and the bottom row is the cards you have on you but not in play, use the arrow keys to navigate this screen, if you don't want to build a deck for one reason or another hitting S will randomize the cards you have into a playable deck.
more cards can be found to be added to your deck throughout the game, normally as items on merchants that sell for a few caps each, when bought these won't show in your inventory but will be added to your deck.
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The Game
Once a deck is confirmed you will move onto the actual game, you'll draw a handful of cards from your deck and your opponent will make their first move
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Three columns exist on the board "Boneyard-Dayglow" (Left), "Redding-New Reno" (Middle), and "Shady Sands-The Hub" (Right)
your "caravans" are the stacks of cards that we will build on your side of the board (Dayglow, New Reno, and The Hub), they compete with your opponents caravans placed in the same column (Boneyard, Redding, and New Reno)
a Caravan can be in one of three states: unsold, sold, or overstacked, the state it is in depends on the value of the numbered cards within the stack
A sold caravan is anywhere from 21-26 in value, anything over 26 is overstacked and anything under 21 is unsold. If both of the caravans in a column are within the sold range the Caravan with the higher value sells and the lower value caravan acts as though it were unsold if both are the same value neither will be sold
the game ends when one caravan in all three columns is sold and the winner is determined by which player has sold at least two in their favor.
during the first 6 moves of the game (including your opponents moves) only number cards and aces can be playe, one card must be placed in each column before any other cards can be played
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The value of a card is simply the number assigned to it, aces act as ones for this purpose so a caravan with a 10 and an ace is worth 11
as you play cards you'll draw more from your deck into your hand, note cards removed from the board do not return to your deck
a deck has an "order" based on ascending or descending value this order is defined when you place the second card on a caravan, example the Dayglow caravan (see the below image) is in a descending order, numbered cards of a value higher than the top numbered card can't be played normally on a descending deck, the inverse is true for a deck which is ascending there are two ways to bypass caravan order
you can either play a matching suit at which point the order rule can be ignored, example a three of clovers is a valid card for the dayglow caravan this would also change the order to ascending for future cards OR a queen can be played which leads us into face cards
Face cards each have a unique function and can be placed not only on your caravans but also on your opponents caravans
Queens will invert the order of a deck but provide no extra value on their own (placing a queen on dayglow in the below image would make it ascending but it's value would remain at 12)
Kings will double the value of the card they're placed on, these can be placed on any numbed card in a caravan not just the top most card (example placing a king on the 10 in dayglow would double it to be worth 20, which would make the overall value caravan value 22)
Jacks will remove the card they're placed on and any face cards which have been attached to it from the board like kings these can be placed anywhere on the deck (placing a jack on the 9 in boneyard would remove the 9 AND King attached to it from the board)
Jokers when placed on numbered cards will remove all cards of that number from the board, not including the card it's been placed on, when placed on an ace it'll remove all of the ace's suit from the board (a Joker on a 9 of spades will remove all 9s from the board, while a joker on an Ace of Spades will remove all Spades from the Board)
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An Overview of The Nihilist Cipher
Hello! If you're someone interested in ciphers, read ahead to learn a little about one of my long time favorite ciphers, the Nihilist Cipher.
The Nihilist cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher, which basically means it relies on multiple shift ciphers applied to different letters in the text being encoded. If you're familiar with the Vigenère Cipher, Nihilist is pretty similar in a lot of ways.
I'll go through some history of the cipher, how to encode/decode using it, and how to conduct a known plaintext attack on it. I'll also go over how you might approach attacking it without a known plaintext (mainly because I think it's cool), but it won't be the main focus.
The Nihilist Cipher was first used by Russian nihilists against Russia's tsarist regime in the late 19th century. It's since been used as a basis for several ciphers with improved security used in WWII, notably the VIC cipher which is essentially an extremely complex hand-encoded cipher that's part of the Nihilist family.
"If [the VIC] cipher were to be given a technical name, it would be known as a 'straddling bipartite monoalphabetic substitution superenciphered by modified double transposition.'" David Kahn, Number One From Moscow
Encoding a message requires two things: A key and a Polybius square, known by you and the person you're communicating with. A Polybius square is one of these guys:
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To use the cipher, you must first convert the plaintext into a numeric representation by mapping each letter to a number using the square. The mapping follows a (row, column) scheme, so the letter 'T' in the above square would become '45'. You'll notice that the square is 5x5, meaning there is 1 less square than there are letters in the English alphabet! This is typically solved by either choosing a square to represent 2 letters, differentiated using context by the receiver, or by simply leaving off an unused/infrequently used letter (often Q). It's also common to place a word at the start of the Polybius square, in this case "EXAMPLE" to offset the alphabet and avoid the mappings becoming trivial and obvious to attackers.
After we convert the plaintext to it's numeric representation, that's when the key becomes important. We first encode the key we picked using the Polybius square (i.e. the key MATH would become 14 13 45 32). Then, we repeat the key along the plaintext, and add each plaintext value to the key value to get the ciphertext!
To decode, the receiver must simply repeat the encryption process in reverse: repeating the key across the ciphertext, subtracting the key values, and translating the numeric plaintext back into English text. Because the encryption and decryption processes use the same key, the Nihilist Cipher is considered symmetric.
Known Plaintext Attack
Now we get into the fun part: How can we decode Nihilist encoded text without knowing the key? We will assume we know some ciphertext and the plaintext associated with it. Therefore, our goal is to use what we know to reveal the key, and use the key to decrypt the rest of the cipher. For example, assume we know that the first line of the Bee Movie script, "According to all known laws of aviation", results in the ciphertext "37 66 67 64 35 68 48 53 75 66 57 66 56 84 84 32 57 95 25 84 66 73 36 86 45 65 94 55 37 88 48 85 54".
Since the ciphertext is simply the result of adding the key to the plaintext, to find the key we only need to do the reverse and subtract the plaintext from the ciphertext!
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Even with only this short segment, we can see the repeating key is "14 42 43 21 14 43". Now we can repeat this key across the whole message and decrypt the Bee Movie script into numeric encoded plaintext.
At this point, you might be realizing where the next challenge lies. Unless you happen to be in a situation where you don't know the key yet somehow do know the Polybius square, this alone doesn't tell us very much! Since we've essentially converted our original problem into a simple substitution cipher, this is where we employ frequency analysis to figure out which number maps to which letter in the Polybius square. If you're up for a challenge you can do this manually, or use an online tool to analyze the frequency of each number and compare it to how often each letter of the English alphabet appears in typical text. Eventually, you'll be able to decode the Polybius square as the square below.
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Ironically, the first snippet of The Bee Movie which we knew the plaintext of includes no 'E's, which are the most frequent letter in the English language, but letter frequencies of the full text would end up being much closer to the expected letter proportions.
Congratulations! You've now completed a plaintext attack on the Nihilist cipher and can sit down with a cup of tea for a bit of light reading .
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Ciphertext-Only Attack
Now maybe that was too easy for you. Maybe you're a pro cipher-cracker, and you want to decode the Nihilist cipher without some "plaintext crutch". Here's how you can try to approach it! This method will need a large amount of ciphertext available, and relies on statistical analysis, plus some exploitation of the cipher's design to crack it.
The majority of this attack follows the same approach as a statistical attack on the Vigenère cipher. First you determine the key length by testing various key lengths, splitting the text up into groups that would be encoded with the same key, and computing the index of coincidence, which will be high (close to 0.068, the index of coincidence of English text) when the guessed key length is correct.
At this point, if this were the Vigenère cipher, we would have to go on to analyze the mutual index of coincidence between groups of ciphertext characters with the same key shifted by various amounts, but flaws in the Nihilist encoding system mean there's a good chance we can identify the key without this step!
Because of the way the Polybius square is set up, and the lack of modular arithmetic in the encoding method, every key letter value has exactly 25 possible ciphertext numbers that can result from that key. By comparing the ciphertext values encoded with the same shift, we can quickly identify or at least significantly narrow down the shift used to obtain those values! There are even a few cipher text values that immediately reveal what key was used to generate that cipher text (For example, a cipher text value of 30 can only be obtained using key=15). For a full list of possible ciphertext values generated by each key, check out this document I put together.
And that's it!
You are now a certified expert in all things Nihilist cipher. Go forth and use your new skill responsibly, leaving behind cryptic messages everywhere you go.
Happy decoding!
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https://www.cia.gov/resources/csi/static/Number-One-From-Moscow.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VIC_cipher
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warrenwoodhouse · 9 months
Caravan Card Game from Fallout: New Vegas - Card Games
What is Caravan
Caravan was designed by Obsidian Entertainment as a fictitious card game played in New Vegas within their video game called Fallout: New Vegas.
Kyle Mifflin’s version simulates as closely as possible the the way that Caravan is played in the video game of Fallout: New Vegas. The only differences are:
That instead of custom decks, each player receives the same deck to make the game as fair as possible (custom decks are allowed as a variant).
That the bug that allows you to discard during the opening round has been removed as an option.
Players and Cards
Caravan is a two-player game using two standard Anglo-American decks of 52 cards plus 2 jokers, one deck of 54 cards for each player.
Player A
Player B
Number cards are placed in an overlapping column within each caravan and each number card may be modified by picture cards placed overlapping to the side.
Throughout the game, Player A's Caravan One will be directly competing against Player B's Caravan One. The same goes for Caravans Two and Three. In addition, each player has a face-down deck from which they draw cards and some cards in their hand, and there is a face-up discard pile.
Each caravan has a numerical value based on the total value of the number cards in it, possibly modified by Kings. A caravan is 'for sale' when it's value is in the range 21 to 26. A caravan with a value of less than 21 or more than 26 is not for sale. Cards may be added to a caravan that is already for sale to change its value.
The object is to sell at least two of your three caravans. If both competing caravans in a position are for sale, only the higher valued caravan is sold. No sale takes place until there is at least one caravan for sale in each of the three positions at the same time.
Opening Round
To start, each player shuffles their deck, stacks it face down and draws the top eight cards from it to form their initial hand. The opening round in its entirety consists of three turns for each player, playing alternately. Each turn must be used to place one card face up to start off each of their three caravans. During this opening round only number cards (A, 2-10) can be placed. If a player does not have three number cards or aces to play, then they must show their hand, reshuffle their deck and draw eight new cards. No cards can be discarded or re-drawn during the opening round. Therefore at the end of this round when each player has had three turns, they will each have a hand of five cards and one card in each caravan.
Game Play
After the opening round play continues with players taking alternate turns. On each turn, you must do one of the following:
Play a card from your hand on a caravan, then draw a new card from your deck and add it to your hand.
Discard a card from your hand, then draw a new card from the deck to replace it.
Disband one of your caravans. Take all the cards from this caravan and place them on your discard pile.
Note that after the opening round, if any of your caravans is empty of cards you are not required to play on the empty caravan in your next turn: it can be left empty. Technically, you could win the game with only two caravans if you could sell both of them while your opponent sold the third. Any card that is discarded or removed from play is added to the discard pile. These cards can't be recovered.
Playing Number Cards
(A=1, 2-10)
Number cards in each caravan are played in a column. Each new card is added to the bottom of the column overlapping the previous number card. Number cards can only be placed on your own caravans. On an empty caravan, any number card can be played. On a caravan with one card, you may play any number that is not equal to the first card. On a caravan with two cards, the bottom two cards indicate its numerical direction - ascending if the bottom card is higher, descending if it is lower. You may play any card that preserves the direction or any card matches the suit of the bottom card. Example: if the last two cards of a caravan are 3, 7 the direction is ascending. On this caravan you may play any 8, 9 or 10 to continue the ascending direction, or the A, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of hearts changing the direction to descending.
Note that cards following numerical direction do not need to be adjacent in value. For example you can go up from a three to a seven, or down from a seven to a three. Under no circumstances are you allowed to place a number card on an equal number card (e.g. a 10 on a 10).
Playing Picture Cards (J, Q, K, Joker)
Picture cards all have special effects. Unlike number cards which are placed in a column overlapping each other, a picture card is placed to the side of and overlapping the card it is played on. A picture card can be played on a number card in any caravan, no matter whether it belongs to you or your opponent. Jacks, Kings and Jokers can be played on any number card; a Queen can only be played on the bottom card of a caravan's column. The special effects are as follows:
Removes the card the Jack is played on as well as any face cards attached to it, and place them on the discard pile.
This may only be played on the last card of a caravan's column. It reverses the current numerical direction of the caravan and changes the suit of the caravan to that of the Queen. Example: if the last two cards of a caravan are 3, 7 and the Q is played on the 7 the numerical direction is changed to descending and the suit to diamonds - so the next card played on this caravan can be any A, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 or the 8, 9 or 10 of diamonds. Multiple Queens can be played on the same card.
Doubles the value of the card the King is played on. Multiple Kings can be used on the same card (for example a 9 with a King on it is worth 18, a 9 with two Kings on it is worth 36).
If a Joker is played on an Ace it removes all other number cards (including Aces) from both player's caravans that are the same suit as the Ace on which the Joker was played, along with any picture cards attached to those cards. Picture cards that are the same suit as the Ace are not affected (unless they are attached to a number card removed by the Joker). Number cards and Aces with Queens attached to them count as belonging to their printed suit: the suit of the attached Queens is ignored.
If a Joker is played on a number card from 2-10 it removes all other printed number cards of the same value from both player's caravans, along with any picture cards attached to those cards.
In all cases the card on which the Joker is played and any pictures attached to it are spared. A played Joker only affects cards that have been played before it, not cards played subsequently. All removed cards are added to the discard pile.
Picture cards can be played on number cards which already have one or two other picture cards attached to them. However, no more than three picture cards can be attached to a single number card at one time. Therefore a picture card cannot be played on a number card that already has three picture cards attached to it, and the only way to remove such a card is by the use of a Joker on another card, or by disbanding the caravan. In particular a Jack cannot be used to remove a number card that already has three face cards or Jokers attached to it.
If in the event that a Jack or Joker removes a card leaving a caravan ending with two equal numbered cards, then the numerical direction remains as it was before the card was removed (Example. If a Jack is played on the 7 in this caravan: 6-7Q-6, leaving just 6-6, the direction is descending, since before the Jack was played there was a downward sequence of 7 to 6). This only applies in situations where the removal leaves equal cards following each other. (Example: If a Jack or Joker removes the 6 in this caravan: 2-6-4, then the sequence is now ascending [2-4] and it doesn't matter that beforehand the sequence was descending.)
To score a caravan you simply add the total sum of a caravan's number cards (as modified by Kings) to determine the caravan's value. When at least one caravan is for sale from each of the three positions the game is over, and the player with two or more of the higher sales wins the game. However, in the event that one of three caravan values is tied between players, the game continues until all three caravans have sold. In this case, if a player has three caravans for sale with two being higher bids and the other being a tie, if it's that player's turn he can simply disband the tied caravan to win the game.
If you run out of cards to play before meeting the criteria of winning, then your opponent automatically wins.
Optionally, you may play with one Joker each or no Jokers. Optionally, each player may customize their own deck provided that it consists of at least 30 cards (selected from standard 52-card decks with jokers), and doesn't contain any two cards that are precisely the same. The maximum number of cards to be used should be agreed upon before the game. It is recommended that no more than four decks (216 cards) be used to make a player's deck, as there are only four different decks that can be used in the New Vegas version of the game.
Bugs and Discrepancies
Here is Kyle Mifflin's summary of some issues with the original New Vegas game and how these are addressed in his interpretation.
Deck Construction
The actual game of Caravan as found in New Vegas is played with custom decks. You must have a minimum of 30 cards to play with in your deck - the rules do not mention a maximum number of cards allowed in your deck. You may use more than one set of traditional playing cards, and have any number of cards of any type provided they don't include any two cards that are precisely the same (face and back). In practice, deck construction doesn't matter. So long as you're playing with at least 30 cards and don't have two of the same card from identical decks, then you are playing by the rules. A full 54-card deck with Jokers for each player is ideal for even, fair game play. Both players have the same cards and the same advantage. 54 cards is also enough for what could be a battle, should the game go on for that long.
Running Out of Cards
In New Vegas the in-game rules for Caravan do not mention what happens when a player completely runs out of cards to play. However, when this happens in New Vegas the opposing player automatically wins. It's pretty clear that this is supposed to happen since it's been coded into the game.
End of Game Mechanics
This isn't a discrepancy or a bug, but it's something I want to discuss. A lot of people online think that the end-game mechanics of Caravan in New Vegas is bugged. I just want to clarify that having all three of your caravans sold - two at a higher bid and one tied - does not, and is not supposed to end the game. The rules state that the game continues if one of the sold caravan tracks is at a tie. However, I get that it makes sense to end the game when all three tracks are sold and a player has sold two at higher bids. Just note, that while one player just needs to disband their tied track to win the game, if it's the other player's turn then they have a chance to tie another caravan track or to sabotage their opponent's caravan, thus continuing the game indefinitely.
Start of Game Mechanics
The in-game rules in New Vegas state that you are not allowed to discard cards during the opening round of setting up your caravans. However, the in-game coding allows you to do this anyway. It can be accurately surmised that the developers allowed this possibility to avoid dealing with what would happen in you didn't have three number cards to play during the opening round. In any case, this is a confirmed bug. Since the only thing we have to go by when playing in real-life is that you are not allowed to discard during the opening round, if you do not have three number cards to play simply show your opponent your hand, and reshuffle the deck drawing eight new cards. This is my recommended simple solution to a problem which in practice rarely occurs.
Kyle Mifflin’s Version of Caravan - Fallout: New Vegas’ Caravan - Invented - Pagat
Fallout: New Vegas Official Website
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theconcealedweapon · 2 years
There's no objective answer to whether the old way of doing math or the new way is better.
Different people can prefer different methods.
For example, some people prefer the old school way of multiplying without the diagram showing each place value separately because they consider the old school way to be more straight forward. Some people prefer the diagram because it makes mistakes easier to spot.
Some people prefer addition by adding each column and carrying. For example, when solving 37+65, they'll add 7+5 to get 12, write the 2 in the answer and carry the 1, then add 3+6 plus the carried 1 to get 10, then get the final answer of 102. Some people prefer changing the numbers so one of them is divisible by 10, such as 40+62.
The students shouldn't all have to use the same method. They should be able to use any method they want as long as they explain what they're doing and it works every time. Something like simplifying 26/65 by cancelling out the 6s to get 2/5 should not be accepted because even though it's correct, it's just a coincidence. But as long as the method works as a rule, it should be acceptable.
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studentbyday · 1 year
Periodic table structure
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arranging periodic table into blocks, we see that as you go left to right, top to bottom, it follows the increasing energies of subshells w/c occur due to increasing amounts of electron shielding (e.g. 4s → 3d)
n = row number
columns are grouped by l (b/c it indicates s, p, d, or f subshell)
s block elements have outermost electrons in s subshell
p block elements have outermost electrons in p subshell
d block elements have outermost electrons in d subshell
f block elements have outermost electrons in f subshell; f-block elements = lanthanides and actinides and they actually insert themselves here:
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rows aka periods = principal quantum number n
Periodic table trends = based on Coulomb's law:
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We can't calculate r exactly because of quantum mechanics, so we need to use a mean r value to calculate force of attraction between nucleus and an electron.
Core charge = change experienced by outermost electrons of an atom, assuming the inner electrons shield them 100% from the nucleus and outermost electrons don't shield each other at all.
Ignoring transition metals, core charge = group number (+1 to +8).
In reality, orbitals of outer electrons somewhat penetrate inner orbitals so effective shielding isn't 100% and electrons in the same shell can partially shield each other somewhat. So the actual amount of shielding and effective nuclear charge depends on interactions between different orbitals (e.g. s orbitals have more electron density near or on the nucleus than a p orbital with the same n, so s orbitals shield the nucleus better and is less affected by shielding from other orbitals than p). The actual amount of shielding isn't the same as the amount of shielding assumed in core charge calculations, and thus, the effective nuclear charge does not exactly equal core charge.
Atomic radii
Core charge increases as you go left to right w/c means 1 of the q's in Coulomb's law is increasing, assuming everything else is the same; core charge = one's place of group #. This means force of attraction between outer electron and nucleus increases as you go left to right because the higher the core charge, the more strongly the nucleus pulls the outer electrons towards itself. This means atomic radii decrease from left to right.
As you go down the periodic table, atomic radii increase because you increase in number of energy levels with each period (n ↑).
So largest atomic radii are at the bottom-left of the table.
Ionization energy
Ionization energy = amount of energy (ΔH) that must be absorbed to remove an electron from an atom, to turn the atom into an ion (M → M+ + e-)
We tend to measure energy in enthalpy, so energy = ΔH
The more loosely an atom holds its electrons, i.e. the more electron shielding there is, and therefore the larger the atomic radii, the lower the ionization energy because it's easier for an electron to be removed.
The more tightly an atom holds it's electrons, i.e. the less shielding their is, the smaller the atomic radii, the higher the ionization energy.
So the highest ionization energies are at the top-right of the table (except noble gases because they have full valence shells).
First ionization energy - an outermost electron is removed first
Second ionization energy - a 2nd electron is removed after the first, w/c is always higher than the first because there's greater attraction to nucleus with fewer electrons in the way
You can also have third, 4th, etc. ionization energies, it just depends how many electrons in the atom you have that you want to remove
Sometimes the difference b/t 1st and subsequent ionization energies is small, sometimes it's a really big difference. Difference is really big when you go from outer electrons to core electrons. Difference is small when you're just dealing with outer electrons
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Electron affinity
Electron affinity is the amount of energy (ΔH) released when adding an electron to an atom (M + e- → M-)
All atoms have negative electron affinity except noble gases, so they all can take more electrons except for noble gases, but elements with the highest electron affinity are in the top-right of the periodic table (they tend to form anions)
Metals tend to have low ionization energy and low electron affinity, becoming cations
Non-metals tend to have high ionization energy and high electron affinity, becoming anions
So metals + non-metals → ionic compounds
Metalloids/semimetals can act metallic or non-metallic depending what they're paired with
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Electronegativity is how likely is an atom that shares an electron pair w/ another atom going to attract that pair to itself vs attracted away from it to the other atom and where the electrons spend most of their time? When high electron affinity elements form a covalent bond, they are more likely to hog electrons aka have high electronegativity.
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group 1A / alkali metals → lose 1 electron, often form salts (react w/ halogens), reactivity increases as you go down the group
group 2A / alkali earth metals → lose 2 electrons, tends to react with atoms that gain 1 or 2 electrons
group 3A → tend to form 3+ ions except B b/c that would make it very unstable (instead, B forms covalent bonds)
group 4A → C and Si both form tetrahedral structures but Si can have more complex molecule geometries b/c it has d orbitals and tends to lose electrons like metals (hence, it's a metalloid), while C can lose or gain electrons
group 5A → N and P are non-metals forming 3- ions, As and Sb are metalloids so can go either way, Bi is a metal that tends to lose electrons b/c it's a large atom so low ionization energy
group 6A / chalcogens → O, S, and Se are non-metals that can form 2- anions, Te is a metalloid, Po is a metal that tends to lose electrons b/c it's a large atom so low ionization energy
group 7A / halogens → easily form 1- anions b/c they just need 1 more electron to fill their outer shell; F = the most electronegative and has the highest electron affinity of any atom in the table
group 8A / noble gases → least reactive b/c all their outer shells are filled
H can be classified as part of 1A or 7A because it can lose an electron → 1+ or gain an electron → 1-
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taxgstandyou · 2 months
Creating Professional Invoice Templates in Excel and Word
A) Invoice template Excel
An invoice template in excel is a document plan that assists the user in creating professional invoices with ease and in a short span of time. These often contain data about the customer, items and services, subtotal and total, taxes, and payment method. It can be formatted according to the requirements of the company with other options like conditional formatting, formulas, as well as data validation for purposes of enhancing the accuracy of the operations. In creating an invoice using Excel, you can produce several invoices in the shortest time possible and in the most efficient way; this way, there are little to no mistakes when typing the invoice number, date, product description, quantity, and price, yet the invoice reflects professionalism by incorporating the image of the company’s logo at the back of the invoice.
Elements of Invoice template Excel
1. Header:
The heading part of the invoice that contains information such as the name, logo, number, physical and email address of the business.
2. Invoice number:
A document number through which the invoice can be specifically identified may contain alphabets and/or numerals.
3. Date:
The specific point of time at which the invoice was prepared or sent by the invoicing company to the buyer.
4. Billing information:
The name of the customer as well as his or her address among the other detailed information.
5. Itemized list:
This is a record of products or services that are offered which may include:
●     Description:
A short description of the good.
●     Quantity:
The quantity of the products is the number of items that are to be bought.
●     Unit price:
The cost for each unit of the good.
●     Amount:
It is the total amount of money that has been spent on the item of concern, thus quantity multiplied by the unit price.
6. Subtotal:
A figure prior to Tax computation; that is a Gross figure.
7. Taxes:
The taxes that are charged on the subtotal or the total sales for instance; the sales tax, value added tax-VAT or goods and services tax-GST.
8. Total:
This is the total figure owed in sum with all the subtotals.
9. Payment terms:
Details of the acceptable modes of payment, the required amount of time for making payment, and any other point that pertains to a delayed payment.
10. Footer:
Extra information relevant to the company, for instance, the return-policies, ways which consumers can reach the company or even a simple note of thanks.
B)  Invoice Template word
An example of an invoice in Word format contains a professional heading where you may find the business logo, name, address, and phone/fax numbers/email addresses; the central region containing basic details of the sale/service, such as date, invoice number, buyer’s name and address, goods and services sold and purchased, quantities, unit prices, and totals; the last section may involve payment terms, payment options and due dates; and the footer usually consists an area to write the customer’s full name, payment receipt stamp and also for any extra remarks about the order.
Step-by-step process for creating an invoice template in Word
Step 1:  Open a new document in word.
Click on the Microsoft Word application and go to the “File” option next select “New”.
Select the templates or begin Type with a clean slate.
Name the page as landscape and most importantly arrange the margins to your desired setting.
Step 2: Company Information Booth
Include a formal table of two columns in which to place the logo and name of the company as well as the address and phone numbers.
The font style as well as the font size that one will be using should correspond to the company’s theme.
Step 3: The next step is to add Invoice Header.
To elaborate this, you need to construct a table having the columns such as invoice number, the date, and invoice details that might include Invoice, Date, Bill To, etc.
Make use of a larger font size that will be visible enough so that it can easily attract the attention of the reader.
Step 4: Get more information about the Product/Service.
To present multiple items, use a table that can help list down the products/s or services offered.
Columns can include:
Item description
Unit price
The amount arrived at after multiplications of total quantity by unit price are summed up.
It is recommended that a consistent font style and formatting has to be included in the text.
Step 5: Total and Payment Info
Deduct quantity discount if the given parameter is set and then sum up all the extended totals to get the subtotal.
Append the tax rate (if any) and sum them to obtain the collective.
These should be written in three different headings; payment terms, payments acceptable and the due date.
If there are any specifics that need to be emphasized, then it should be done in a properly sized bold font.
Step 6: Add Footer
To the right of its partner this element should be supplemented with a footer section to place the customer’s signature and payment receipt stamp
It is also possible to described here any additional notes or comments
Step 7: Save for later and Choose options
Additional or deletion of sections may be done by the user depending on his/her needs, the user may also change the templates’ fonts and its margins.
Use a different name to save the template when creating the new invoice with an example being “Invoice Template. Docx”.
Step 8: Instead of forcing such skills on learners, educationists can endeavor to use the template.
Copy and paste the contents of the template in a new sheet or if you want to start with a new fresh document.
Make adjustments to the header section for the line item, including the new invoice number, as well as the date if you have to make the changes frequently for the items listed as products and services provided to the buyer.
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personal-finance123 · 3 months
5 Types of Current Accounts You Need to Know About
When running a business, streamlining transactions and having access to sufficient cash flow is crucial. For this reason, having the right banking services is absolutely essential — one that can support the various financial transactions and operations your business undertakes. That’s why current accounts, which focus exclusively on business needs, are essential to consider.
Designed specifically to handle the extra cash flow needs of businesses, current accounts allow a higher number of transaction limits, more frequent withdrawals, deposits, and additional exclusive features. And today, banks offer different current accounts to meet preferences of different customers — from standard current accounts for quick access to funds to premium accounts with added benefits.
Given its importance for people in business, associations, professionals, societies and trusts, here are 5 different types of current account you must be aware of.
1. Standard Current Account
Also known as a basic deposit account, it is a non-interest-bearing account with minimal requirements like a specified minimum balance or monthly average balance. With features such as an overdraft, net banking, SMS banking, chequebook facility, and free inward remittances, this type of account offers all you need for your basic banking services.
2. Premium Current Account
A premium current account is particularly useful for those who make frequent and higher-value transactions. It also provides certain exclusive options that enable you, as a premium customer, to access special benefits on banking services such as dedicated relationship manager, preferential loan rates, and round-the-clock customer support service.
3. Packaged Current Account
A packaged current account provides an ideal option for those looking for value-added services in addition to the benefits offered by a standard current account. These can range from roadside assistance and medical support to travel and accidental insurance — offering convenience and security. However, it is not as comprehensive as the premium account in terms of providing tailored solutions to suit the individual customer’s needs.
4. Foreign Currency Account
A foreign currency account can be useful if you conduct a significant share of your transactions in foreign currencies. This type of current account has all the features and functionality of a regular current account, plus it offers the ability to manage multiple transactions from one place and reduced exchange fees when dealing with different currencies. However, before deciding on such an account, compare all current accounts thoroughly to ensure that it aligns with your banking needs and expectations.
5. Single Column Cash Book
Keeping a record of the daily transactions of your business is a crucial but often time-consuming task. The single column cashbook account provides an easy solution to this problem. This type of account allows you to track your current finances in one place, with short and concise entries split into separate debit and credit columns. Although it does not provide an overdraft facility, it allows you to view and track your day-to-day transactions easily.
Final words
The different types of current account offer different advantages and services. So, carefully read all the terms and conditions before finalising an account, and do your due diligence on any bank you choose. Paying attention to charges, guidelines and maintenance plans is also essential when looking for an ideal current account provider. Remember that each business is unique, so choosing a current account that best matches your allowances and objectives is important.
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kennnnle · 5 months
InDesign Introduction
InDesign is used for text-based design like web ads, books or any other digital uses.
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The rectangle shown right after we create new file represent the margin where our text should be.
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We can create a text box by press T (type tool) then click, hold and drag it. Click inside the box to start typing, to exit typing mode, simple just click outside the box.
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We should change the units in preferences setting in edit menu to millimeters as it is the main unit used for this project.
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There are some menus that are important as they are mostly used in InDesign and needed to be toggle on through Window menu such as: Control and paragraph styles.
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This tool is in the control menu on top of the screen, which is ordinarily set to one. Change the value to change amount of columns.
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When selecting a text box, we can fill them with lorem ipsum (placeholder text commonly used for previewing layouts and visual mockups) inside type menu.
Paragraph Styles
A paragraph is the text between returns.
A paragraph's style can be saved to a style, and then can be applied to any paragraph in the document. It is ideal to use paragraph styles for large documents.
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Paragraph styles can be accessed through window menu.
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We can edit a paragraph in 2 ways: select words that needed to be edited then press + button in paragraph styles menu to create a style and double click it to set the style within the menu. Or create a style first then apply it to whatever we want.
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Inside paragraph styles setting menu, we basically can adjust any aspect of the paragraph and remember to check the preview button at the bottom to be able to see changes right after any adjustment.
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For example, I created a new paragraph style and call it heading , that means I can apply it to any heading in the document. After tweaking something in paragraph styles, I made space between heading and paragraph and change the size of it a little bit.
Character Styles
Same function as paragraph styles but characte styles are for changing characters, words within a paragraph. It only affect the word we apply on but not the whole paragraph like paragraph styles.
Bullet points
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Can be assessed within paragraph styles. First, we need to put a return after each piece of text we want to be a bullet point then create a new paragraph style. Then we can make space between bullet point or paragraph with incident and spacing tool. It is better putting left indent and first line indent the same number but with first line indent is minus one to have good result.
Images in InDesign
To import an image into InDesign document, click Place inside file menu , then navigate to the image we want to put in. 
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To move it around use selection tool, to move it within its frame, click the circle appeared in the middle and drag it around.
To scale the frame that contains the image, click the image, then Hold shift while adjusting edge points of the gizmo to change proportions. Hold Option to scale from centre.
To scale the image , hold Command while adjusting the gizmo to change proportion. Hold shift while doing so can make it more even.
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To crop the image into a circle, I created a circle using ellipse tool then cut the image into that circle to crop it. Using text wrap tool ( can be opened through window menu ) to create space between the image and the paragraph.
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mykrill · 6 months
The Complete Digital Marketing Services: Released to Enhance Business Development
In the digital era, having an effective presence on the internet is a vital factor for the organizations that want to be successful in their entirety in against the competitors. Digital marketing services with digital background succeeded to be the important instruments in the hands of the companies which wish to be touching their demographic groups in an easy and effective way. Small startups to giants of business use digital marketing tactics to reach their business objectives, and that is no secret anymore.
Digital marketing is a comprehensive technical process developed to help boost the visibility of products and services on digital platforms ranging from search engines websites, to emails and social media. The digital marketing uses a segmentation technique in which the focus is overwhelmingly directed to the specific groups of people that are the most likely to resonate and take action with the message. In addition to this, this targeted strategy is a high-value area that not only helps in optimizing the marketing budget but also leads to an overall efficiency improvement in the campaigns.
In digital marketing, SEO (search engine optimisation) occupies the central place, directing the column headings of selected page of queries, and increasing the number of organic traffic. The businesses can get better ranking by eliminating the wrong site content, keywords, and metadata. This helps them to get their site more visible and hence, more traffic.
Social media marketing (SMM) is another vital kind of digital marketing services used intensively to produce engagement with audience at a personal level on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin By using succinct and appealing content, strategic ads, and interesting campaigns, businesses can communicate and build relationships with their fans and later that will make them loyal and contribute to retaining them as customers.
On the other hand, email is still a great and highly important instrument for nurturing potential clients and keeping contact with your currents customers. The use of customized emails that are adapted to the personal preferences and actions of a customer is a vital factor behind high conversion rates success and a stable repeat business.
As a digital marketing service, we provide a vast array of approaches that enable us to reach to the customer’s much quickly. Besides these primary strategies, they consist of many other techniques like PPC advertising, content marketing, influencer tie-ups, and affiliate marketing which also are included in this.
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santoschristos · 2 months
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Magic Square of Mars
18 Ce British Grimoire
magic square and seal
For war magic.
Associated Numbers
The numbers associated with Mars are 5, 25, 65, and 325. This is because:
Each row and column of the magic square contains five numbers.
The square contains 25 numbers total, ranging from 1 to 25.
Each row, column and diagonal adds up to 65.
All of the numbers in the square add up to 325.
Divine Names
The divine names associated with Mars all have numerological values of 5 or 65. The names of the intelligence of Mars and the spirit of Mars have a value of 325. These values are calculated by writing out the names in Hebrew and then adding up the value of each included letter, as each Hebrew letter can represent both a sound and a numerical value.
Construction of The Square
The square is constructed by arranging the numbers consecutively in a pre-arranged pattern. In general, numbering moves down and to the right. Hence, 2 is down and to the right of 1. When the down and right motion would take you off the edge of the square, it wraps around. Thus, since 2 is on the bottom edge, 3 is still to the right of 2, but it's at the top of the square instead of the bottom.
When this pattern runs up against numbers already placed, the pattern shifts two rows down. Thus, 4 is on the left, 5 is one down and one to the right of 4, and if that motion were to be repeated, it would collide with the already placed 1. Instead, 6 appears two rows down from 5, and the pattern continues.
Construction of The Seal
The seal of Mars is constructed by drawing lines that intersect every number within the magic square.
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donovanpolytech · 6 months
Week 4, Thu: InDesign
In today's class, we focused on designing an A5 booklet, preparing for a future assignment where we'll be designing our own.
1)How we created a A5 booklet using InDesign in class & change settings before we start designing?
First, pick A5 as your new file. After that, click on InDesign at the top left corner of your screen, and hit preference and select "Units & Increments". You should see a pop up window. Lastly, change horizontal unit and vertical unit to millimetres.
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Second, open Control window (You can see all control settings at the top bar)
Third, open Page window & create 11 new pages
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2)How to make cover page & back cover page?
Before we started, the followings are shortcuts we should remember...
t: text box toggle
w: preview mode
Command + A: select all
Command + click outside of text box + v: escape text mode
Add text to cover page & back cover page. While making our back cover, be aware of the icon underneath font size, it represents spacing between top text and bottom text, so it's really useful when we want to make the adjustments.
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3)How to make page number in A-parent?
First, you have to know where is A-parent page. The A-parent page section is right above the section where all pages are displayed. Select A-parent page & add 2 things for each page, one text box that fills the whole page & one text at the bottom of the page.
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Second, we set page number to a special character. Select the number, go to 'Type', hit Markers and select current page number. However, we don't want to see page number on cover page and back cover page...
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Drag '[None]' thumbnail to cover & back cover page !!!
It's actually extremely convenient.
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4) Extra practise !!!
Shift click both A-parent pages, go to layout. Change the value of margin and column, so the final look should look like below !
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We also put page number at the middle bottom of the page by changing align to selection to align to page, then click on align to middle icon.
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5)How we filled a page with texts and boxes?
We added texts and black boxes using techniques we learnt from last class !
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Second, we learnt how to place overflow text...There is normally a tiny button at the right bottom corner of the text boxes that has overflow texts. Then, go to the area where you want to paste the text, drag out a text box.
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Third, we filled up our 2nd page. We also applied text wrap to it.
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6) How do we add white page numbers when the whole page is in dark colour?
First, we opened a new Layer window. Then we went back to parent pages and select those page numbers boxes In layers drag them up to a new layer, drag the blue dot at the right hand side up one layer.
Second, we duplicated the A parent. The new parent page is called B parent. And changed the colour of page number to white, chuck B parent onto dark pages.
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krcdgamedev · 9 months
Menus are one of those things where there's probably a proper way to do it built into the Godot engine, but I don't know what it is, so I'm just doing whatever this is. Except it really isn't, because every time I try to look up how to make HBox and VBox containers properly align items added in script rather than leaving them all in a sad little puddle in the corner the answer is just (shrug emoji)
With the menus I have in the current version of the game there's a lot of reused code, so I intend to make some basic menu code that some other basic menu types inherit from.
This lil fella here, decked out in beautiful programmer art, is an optbase, an option base object.
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You spawn a bunch of these and line them up to make a menu. It has some base code to hold meta data, a sprite to show the cursor's on it, and the ability to be "deactivated" to show you can't select it.
The game I have so far as basically two types of menus, single column:
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and dual column, potentially with offset:
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This is largely visual but also affects how the cursor should move, eg when using the left/right keys. But what happens when you press the enter key, or whatever key selects your selected menu item, should be the same. So we're going to end up with something like:
The base menu script holds variables, like the array of instantiated optbases and the preloaded optbase; the next level of menu- single column or dual column for now- holds the code that places the items and moves the cursor from item to item- at the moment I prefer to keep the process code that takes all the input stuff in one place, so this'll be a function that takes an input representing the direction pressed and acts based on that; the final layer will be the unique menu, where the optbases are instantiated as whatever that menu needs. Eg, you open the party menu in-battle to maybe switch mons, the list is populated with the mons in your party and empty slots are deactivated (fainted mons would still be selectable to check summary or use revive items on, and so on).
The execute-selected-cursor-item function is odd in that it needs to exist in every menu but will likely be defined at the highest level, since every menu will have a different purpose... an option I've enjoyed using is to declare a "menuhead" variable in the base script then have the individual menu just go "menuhead = self" in ready. So a lower level that needs to call a higher level's function or use its variables can just call menuhead.whatever(). I feel like that's not the best way to do that, but oh well!
One of the things that needs to be specified because it's handled manually (like I said HBox/VBox don't play nice the way I'm trying to do things) is the pixel offset to move each menu item to… what's the most schizo way to do this, I wonder? Maybe have a base offset stored in optbase, then further layers of menu have adjustment offsets that would be added or subtracted so that a specific menu can be more or less visually compact. The optional offset for dual-column menus would be handled at this level, so eg the party menu would have a value for that.
At the moment cursor movement for dual column menus isn't coded right. So, like, when you move the cursor up and down you expect it to move within that column, and if you move left or right you expect to move within that row. So like this:
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Buuuut right now it's like this
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Also I have not decided what to do if a 2-column menu has an odd number of entries:
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So right now it just increments/decrements by one if left-right is pressed and by 2 if up/down is pressed. It's not that there's a bug, it's just... poorly designed. But it works!
But hey, now we have a basic menu type that can just be instantiated whenever, like if a yes/no prompt or the like shows up during dialogue, and it could also be used for shop menus and basically anything else.
In addition to fixing up that cursor movement thing, later improvements would include more ability to customize the optbase per menu, or to switch it out with a different one. Also, the .gd and .tscn files are scattered across a couple different folders and I should probably do something about that.
0 notes
dostudio · 9 months
How do I track CPA affiliate campaigns in Google Ads?
Tracking CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) affiliate campaigns in Google Ads involves setting up conversion tracking to measure the actions or conversions you want users to take on your website. Here's a step-by-step guide to track CPA affiliate campaigns:
1. Define Conversions:
Determine what actions on your website represent a conversion. For CPA affiliate campaigns, conversions might include sales, lead sign-ups, or any other desired action.
2. Create a Conversion Action:
In your Google Ads account, go to "Tools & Settings" and select "Conversions."
Click the "+" button to create a new conversion action.
Choose the appropriate conversion action type based on your campaign goal (e.g., Purchase, Sign-up, Lead, etc.).
Fill in the required information, such as conversion name, value (if applicable), and the source of the conversion (e.g., website).
Set the counting method based on your preferences (e.g., one conversion per click or many conversions per click).
Click "Create" to save your conversion action.
3. Get the Conversion Tracking Code:
After creating the conversion action, you'll be provided with a conversion tracking code snippet. Copy this code.
4. Implement the Tracking Code:
Paste the conversion tracking code between the <head> and </head> tags on the specific page of your website where the conversion action occurs. For example, if it's a purchase, place the code on the order confirmation page.
5. Check the Installation:
Verify that the conversion tracking code is correctly installed on your website. You can use the "Tag Assistant" Chrome extension to check if the code is firing correctly.
6. Associate Conversion with Affiliate Campaign:
If you want to track conversions at the campaign or ad group level, associate the conversion action with the specific campaigns or ad groups. In your Google Ads account, go to "Settings" for the relevant campaign or ad group and select "Conversions."
Choose the conversion action you created for your CPA affiliate campaign.
7. Test Conversions:
Conduct a test conversion to ensure that the tracking is working correctly. Complete the desired action on your website, such as making a purchase or signing up, and check if the conversion is recorded in your Google Ads account.
8. Monitor Performance:
Regularly monitor the performance of your CPA affiliate campaigns in Google Ads. Use the "Conversions" column to view the number of conversions and cost-per-conversion metrics.
9. Optimize Based on Data:
Analyze the data to optimize your CPA affiliate campaigns. Identify which keywords, ads, or placements are driving the most valuable conversions. Adjust bids, refine targeting, and make strategic decisions based on the insights gained.
10. Use Conversion Tracking for Attribution Models:
vbnetCopy code- Consider using attribution models to understand the different touchpoints that contribute to conversions. Google Ads offers various attribution models that you can apply to your conversion data. 
By implementing conversion tracking, you gain valuable insights into the performance of your CPA affiliate campaigns. It helps you measure the return on investment (ROI) and make data-driven decisions to optimize your advertising efforts.DO Studio : Best Marketing Agency In CalicutDo Studio is the Best Marketing agency in Calicut. We do Digital Marketing, Branding, Web Design, Web Developement, Package Design & Print Designhttps://dostudio.co.in/
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