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eich-amps · 5 years ago
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Adamovic Basses on Dutch TV How it's Done. Daniel van der Molen is also in it, next to the workbench a 112XS cab with T-1000 amp. Watch the interview with Nikola on our facebook page! If you ever tried to speak dutch or understand it, now is your time ;)) #adamovicbasses #adamovic #danielvandermolen #eichamps #112XS #T1000 #haarlem #madeinholland #adamovicbass #eichamps #bass #soul #endorser #artist #bassplayer #bassplayersunited #rigshare #bassfeatured #baixonatural #bassplayeruniverse #musicianlife @danielvdmolenofficial @adamovicbasses @eichamps (at Haarlem, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8YTPR5n-ck/?igshid=18rsd4zeja6d3
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
Yes, #wehadablast. #CreativeJazzTrio #LiveMusic #adamovic #adamovicbasses #6stringbass #6string #contemporaryjazz #pianotrio #jazzpianotrio #jazztrio #creativejazz (at Absolute Blue)
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cocosbassment · 6 years ago
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Great hanging with these numbskulls over the week. @acguitars.co.uk @adamovicbasses @danielvdmolen13 Great laugh #idiotsofnamm #namm2019 #nammshow2019 #nammshow #bassesofnamm #bassplayers #adamovic #danielvandermolen #acguitars #bassbuilders #bassplayer #bassplayersunited #bassguitar https://www.instagram.com/p/BtMDflJHDIW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l8x2wx6lyob9
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
There's so much to learn from #HadrienFeraud . I've been practicing one of his #transcription last couple days & still can't nail it 100% (if you listen this on headphone, it's so obvious I'm cheating lol). So much information in less than a minute. #bass #electricbass #bassguitar #jazz #jazzmusic #jazzpractice #jazzsolo #basssolo #jazztranscription #jazzimprovisation #melodicminor #adamovic #adamovicbass #adamovicbasses #instajazz #jazzgram #notreble #bassforward #bassuniversity #bassplayersunited #weplaybass
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
Hard to decide if I should play fretless on this tune or not. #Ravel #MauriceRavel #LeTombeauDeCouperin #prelude #ラヴェル #クープランの墓 #プレリュード #bass #electricbass #bassguitar #AdamovicBasses #adamovic #fretless #fretlessbass #6string #6stringbass #6stringfretless #classic #classical #classicalmusic #impressionism
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
Excerpt from two weeks ago with #FalkBonitzTrio . This tune was recorded in the studio last week & we'll make a #MV soon! Full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/U6mqhWJ93Gc #LyricLatinJazz #JSBach #classical #jazz #jazzmusic #contemporaryjazz #jazztrio #jazzpianotrio #basssolo #jazzimprovisation #jazzsolo #adamovic #adamovicbasses (at Café-wunder-bar)
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
This is what I played in the end. I still have played a few funny notes, but it wasn't too bad in the end. #jazz #jazzsolo #jazztrio #jazzmusic #gig #concert #basssolo #jazzimprovisation #pianotrio #jazzpianotrio #oddmeter #adamovic #AdamovicBasses (at 神保町 楽屋)
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
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New Experimental Electric Bass Duo "Wurstkäse" We just made our FB fun page! Like us on FB & get our latest information. Stay tuned!! ;) **************** New Experimental Electric Bass Duo "Wurstkäse" Wir haben gerade unsere neue FB-Seite geöffnet. "Like" uns auf Facebook & ihr könnt unsere aktuelle Info kriegen. Stay tuned!! ;-) https://www.facebook.com/bassduowurstkase/ #bass #electricbass #bassguitar #bassplayersunited #bassplayermag #weplaybass #bassuniversity #bassforward #notreble #AdamovicBasses #adamovic #bassduo #jazzmusic #contemporaryjazz #wurstkäse
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
#BlastFromThePast #FalkBonitzTrio #LichtUndSchatten #LyricLatinJazz #PianoTrio #JazzPianoTrio #BassSolo #AdamovicBasses (at Jazzclub Schlot)
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
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Just watched the whole program on #TRTMüzik & I'm so glad they broadcasted every tunes including #FalkBonitzTrio 's repertoire! I'm also happy they didn't cut the #DuoMoment with Rachelle & me. teşekkür ederim TRT Müzik team! #JazzFestival #AlanyaJazzDays #TVappearance #RachelleJeanty #NoriakiHosoya #AdamovicBasses #TouringMusician (at Alanya)
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
A blues solo transcription from #HadrienFeraud . It's really interesting if you compare this one to the one from #CharlieParker . Great mix of traditional phrase and contemporary vibe. Btw, the original solo would be something like ten times faster than this! LOL #practice #practicemakesperfect #solo #transcription #SoloTranscription #JazzTranscription #JazzSolo #JazzImprovisation #bassolo #bassgram #instabass #6stringbass #6string #adamovic #adamovicbass #adamovicbasses #weplaybass #bassuniversity #notreble #bassforward #inspirebass #bassplayersunited
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
Shedding one of my #Ballad with my #Adamovic #FretlessBass. #bass #electricbass #bassguitar #adamovicbass #adamovicbasses #ECM #contemporaryjazz #jazzgram #instajazz #jazz #6string #6stringbass #blacknylonstrings #notreble #bassforward #inspirebass #bassuniversity #bassplayersunited #weplaybass #practice #jazzpractice
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
I still have a #BassDuo #recording on this coming Tuesday & busy practicing. As it's a duo, I need to prepare not only bass lines, but also #melody and #chords . It's really fun way to play & I hope I can nail this at the studio! This tune is my original composition (C)2012 Stiller Hügel music all rights reserved. #solobass #instabass #bassgram #adamovic #adamovicbass #adamovicbasses #practice #practicemakesperfect #6string #6stringbass #hollowbody #semihollowbass #weplaybass #bassplayersunited #bassforward #notreble #bassuniversity #composition #jazz #instajazz #jazzgram #contemporaryjazz #ECM
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noriakihosoya · 8 years ago
Oops, sorry this would be the better video than the last one! A little flash from #AlanyaJazzDays in October 2016. It was such a fun #JazzFestival with Rachelle Ebony Jeanty & the #AfroJazz experience. #bassplayer #bassist #bass #jazzmusic #afromusic #musicfestival #alanya #turkey #adamovic #adamovicbass #adamovicbasses #jazzfest #alanyajazzfestival2016 #alanyajazzgünleri #hadablast #flash #momentum #jumptoit #touringmusician #NoriakiHosoya (at Alanya)
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noriakihosoya · 9 years ago
#practicing and #reviewing a #BassSolo from #Jaco on Havona by #WeatherReport. After having such a nice gig last night, I can't stop practicing! #JacoPastorius #jazz #modernjazz #contemporaryjazz #jazzpractice #solotranscription #bass #electricbass #bassguitar #Havona #fretless #fretlessbass #adamovic #adamovicbass #adamovicbasses #6string #bassplayersunited #weplaybass #bassuniversity #notreble #bassforward
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noriakihosoya · 9 years ago
Do not underrate to practice from slower tempo & divide 16ths unison to smaller parts. This way of practice is much effective & efficient that you think, and you will be able to control "time" of phrase. #NeverStopPracticing #practice #jazzpractice #practicmakesperfect #instajazz #jazzgram #blues #minorblues #adamovic #adamovicbass #adamovicbasses #bass #electricbass #bassguitar #bassist #bassplayer #bassuniversity #bassplayersunited #notreble #weplaybass #instabass #bassgram
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