#adam benford
alamusprime · 2 days
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Plan of action in place.
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residentevilnet · 1 year
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Requested by anonymous.
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cloakedsparrow · 1 year
“Don’t worry, you still got me. I guess nothing’s changed” & “I heard you became an agent” aka another Resident Evil headcanon/rant
Damnation is my favorite Resident Evil film. Not just because it’s awesome but also because I feel like we get the most insight into Leon as a character in it.
He’s usually ‘on’ in some way when we see him. He’s usually either protecting someone, keeping a civilian (or fake civilian) calm/safe, or with people he can’t really trust (like Benford) or doesn’t know if he can trust yet (like Helena). But his interactions with Hunnigan, JD, and Buddy/Sasha in that film are different. He’s very raw and open. And hurt. And tired. And hungry. He really lets them (and us) know how he feels about everything. It might just be the best characterization we get from any character in this franchise.
As part of this unusual expression of feelings, he makes the title quote before hanging up on Hunnigan at the end of the film. He seems upset. He starts to storm out of the hotel room he’s in before taking a breath and walking out with a little more control. Considering that he’s on furlough during that film and then part of the DSO in the next game, I always figured the ‘I guess nothing’s changed’ line meant that Benford pulled his shit again, using something to make Leon feel he had to join the DSO. Initially, I figured it was something to do with Buddy/Sasha. After all, we do see him returning to his life as a teacher at the end, despite having kidnapped and nearly murdered a US citizen during the film.
But then In RE6 we learn that Sherry Birkin is a DSO agent who answers directly to Simmons. This strikes me as weird for several reasons.
He’s her adopted father. Wouldn’t there be a conflict of interests to him being her CO?
As unlikely as it would be irl, we keep being told that the DSO answers directly to the president, so why is she an exception?
She’s a BOW who has been kept very sheltered/protected up to this point. When, where, and how was she safely trained?
Then I thought of that part of Damnation.
What if making Sherry an agent was what got Leon to sign on? As the most experienced agent with the most successful BOW related cases under his belt, Leon would be the natural choice for all the really crazy/dangerous assignments after joining the DSO. If he were to refuse to join though, then an agent with no experience but the ability to heal rapidly would probably be a top contender for such assignments. Leon taking the position would mean protecting her all over again and that’s something Benford knows works.
I’ve never subscribed to the fan-theory that Sherry is basically Leon’s daughter. I’ve always seen it as more of an unbalanced brother-sister relationship. Leon gave everything to protect her (from Umbrella, from the US government, from a life as a lab rat, from foster care) but he was nine years older than her and busy saving the world. She specifically refers to him as the person who saved her in Raccoon City rather than just someone she can trust or has known over half her life when Jake questions her about trusting Leon in RE6. She ultimately trusts him over her adopted father, so they definitely know each other still, but it doesn’t seem like they’ve spent  lot of time together.
There’s also the way he says he heard she became an agent. It’s very...stilted. Like he’s trying not to give away too much or is maybe not too happy about that but knows it’s not his place to say anything. It’s all very much like a big brother who went off to live his life when a much younger sibling was still growing up at home. There’s trust, respect, and caring there, but only one seems caught up with the other’s life.
About that ‘not giving away to much’ thought: Leon is caring and initially trusting, but he’s also smart and has seen some serious shit. He wouldn’t have signed away his freedom to guarantee Sherry’s safety without wanting some sort of evidence that she was truly being taken care of in exchange. He’s probably been given regular reports on her, both from Simmons and from Claire. He probably has files of childhood photos and drawings, copies of medical reports/report cards, and random reports on her interests going back to when she was twelve. He probably has video of her home ballet pageants or piano recitals or whatever she was into at any given point in her childhood.
But would Sherry know about any of that? She knows who Leon is, of course. She remembers him saving her in Raccoon City and has probably heard about him from Claire, just like she heard all about Chris from her. However, no one knows how Benford ‘recruited’ Leon. Would it have been more beneficial to Benford to let Leon see her or to keep them separated so his only way of learning about her was through Benford? And what about Simmons? He agreed to take responsibility for Sherry, would he have wanted Leon potentially butting in while he saw to that responsibility?
I’d like to think Leon made sure he got to see her sometimes, but it sounds like such visitations would have been rare. With Claire able to verify whatever the reports said about Sherry, would Leon feel the need to push to see her all that often? If he was given the choice of him being able to see Sherry or Claire, I would bet he’d let Claire see her.
That means Leon would have to say something like ‘I heard you became an agent’ because at this point, they don’t have time for a full explanation, assuming he’d even be comfortable giving one. Without context, it might seem odd or even creepy for her to find out just how much he’s been keeping track of her life if she doesn’t know she was basically a hostage used to guarantee his service for years.
It kind of makes me wish we’d gotten that version of RE7 with Leon and Sherry working together. Maybe they’ll use it for a future game, like a Revelations type title that takes place in-between existing games/films. It would be interesting to see what their relationship is now that Benford isn’t around anymore.
TLDR: Headcanon that Benford let Sherry apply to be an agent of the DSO in order to force Leon to join after Damnation. Simmons probably agreed under the condition that Sherry reports to him instead of Benford. Leon has been getting reports on his surrogate little sister/instrument of coercion for years but she doesn’t know that.
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renegadesstuff · 1 year
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Morgane & Adam, HPI 🥺
3x04, ~Loi de Benford~
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
ok one last post and then i’ll let it go
the whole idea that adam benford “headhunted” leon off the streets outside raccoon city makes absolutely no fucking sense, because it implies that benford somehow knew who he was already and had ascribed some sort of pre-determined value to him? and that leon wasn’t just
you know
some fucking guy bleeding out on the side of the road and just happened to be with the birkin kid.
like is the implication here that adam benford was sitting there at his big old big dick CIA desk (despite RE6 never mentioning him ever having been in the CIA) and looking at personnel files just for funsies and going “you know, this brand new recruit to the RPD, let’s go find him and see if he’s still alive somehow”?
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mychoombatheroomba · 29 days
Fade Out
Between the Bones (Leon x GN! Reader) - Chapter 53
You and Leon are questioned following the events on base.
(Cross-posted from Ao3)
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TW for angst and government manipulation but what else is new?
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You didn’t really know where you were, only that the room was familiar. A one-way mirror. A simple table. A recording device. An empty chair across from you. A little TV on the corner of the table.
You’d been in a room like it once before, when you gave your report on what happened in Finland over a year ago. 
Now, here you were, history repeating itself; returning to you in new clothes but with the same violent intentions. You’d thought you had been cresting a hill in feeling your pain ease. Now you knew that you’d just been the unknowing fool strapped to a wheel, turning up to see the sun only to get crushed against the ground once more. 
So you let yourself be pressed down by the weight, wishing you could well and truly sink into the earth. It was easy to fall into that mindset by yourself, you found. 
In the days following this newest nightmare, you and the others had been isolated. A safety precaution to prevent the spread of the virus, and to keep anyone from taking action. Now, though, you’d been escorted from your quarantine and taken to this room, where you knew questions would be waiting for you. You didn’t want to talk about what had happened now any more than you had after Finland. You didn’t want to speak into reality what was already building a cage around your mind. 
Not that you had a choice. 
The door opened without you being ready for it to. A man walked in, carrying a manila folder. Tall. Brown hair. Pale, gaunt cheeks. Another fine-pressed suit, complete with one of those stupid ties that only cowboys should wear, but assholes from old money always seemed to love. 
“Good morning, Sergeant,” he greeted, already sounding like he knew everything in the world. 
Then there’s no need to talk to me. 
You didn’t speak back as the man settled into the chair opposite you, clicked the record button on the machine in front of him, holding the folder in his lap. He spoke your rank and name into the air, alongside the word “debriefing” as if that’s what this was. “Presiding officer: Derek C. Simmons.” He fixed his gaze on you, then, and it began. 
Leon knew the man across from him. 
He knew that aged face, the hair that was already beginning to gray, the rectangular glasses. Hard to forget a person who forced you into military service. Who had weighed your life against information you possessed and deemed you the lesser of the two. 
He half expected Adam Benford to find some new, horrible way to threaten him. As the agent took a seat and started the recording, Leon kept waiting for him to bring up Sherry, or even you and the others. He waited for some terrible new hammer to fall, because that seemed to be the way of things. 
Instead, it was just questions.
Familiar questions, all revolving around one central theme: tell me what happened that night.  
So he did. He relived on tape every agonizing detail. Each moment. 
- a shriek and a cracking of bone as it connected - 
- the laces of his boot colliding with a skull -
- no time for surprise to even register on his face -
“All of that, and you weren’t infected,” Simmons mused, stroking the goatee on his chin. “Nearly everyone on base turned, and you-”
“I didn’t eat the same food as everyone else,” you said dryly, because you’d had plenty of time over the last few days to put together that much. “That’s what it was, wasn’t it?” 
The man gave you a look that might have been approval, even if it was still filtered through a discerning veneer. “It was. And how convenient that you happened to avoid it. Just as you managed to avoid being infected during the incident at Dorne Base.” 
Anger. It lanced through you as soon as Simmons spoke. “If you’re looking to make accusations, don’t waste your time. Did you find Reed’s body with the others?” You didn’t even need Simmons to confirm it, you were so dead set in your belief. You were certain beyond any shadow of a doubt. 
Benford shook his head, and Leon knew you’d been right. He could feel it, even if your explanation had been rushed and delivered in near mania back on the base. How could it not have been? You’d watched another home fall in the same brutal way. You’d endured your nightmare a second time. 
Another horror for you to relive.
Another horror for Leon, because every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was a smoking rifle barrel and that look of emptiness on your face-
“How did this happen?” Leon asked, because when he wasn’t thinking of the blood and fires, he was thinking of that one question. “How did you let this happen again?” 
The wrinkles already present on Benford’s face deepened as he frowned. There was more guilt there than Leon would have expected. “We put our trust in the wrong person,” he answered, and Leon couldn’t have scoffed more at the understatement. 
The wrong person. A man who’d had his run of the base. The authority to do as he pleased. 
“Reed was in charge of handling all incoming and outgoing mail. It’s fair to say that’s how he got the virus samples. It would have gone through him first,” Benford admitted, and again Leon was floored by how easy it had been, in hindsight. All Reed had to do was wait until Krauser and Hellman were away . . . “What we don’t know for certain,” the agent went on, “is whether Reed acted alone.” 
Leon had been exhausted for days. Sleep evaded him, no matter what he tried. His mind was addled with the fresh poison of memory and nightmare. Even so, even with the stupor he was in, he felt his hackles raise as soon as Benford spoke the words. 
“You think someone on base helped him?” 
“It’s not out of the realm of possibility.” Some terrible feeling in his gut told Leon who they suspected even before your name was spoken into the air. “You’re quite close with the Sergeant, aren’t you?”
“You can’t be serious.” What other response was he supposed to have? “Are you just throwing accusations around for the hell of it? Or have you found any evidence?” 
“No, we haven’t,” Simmons surprised you by answering honestly, but his intake of breath told you that he wasn’t done. That much was proven further when he lifted the folder he held, and a jolt of adrenaline shot through you. “We did find these, though, hidden under the mattress of your bunk.” 
Fuck . . .
He flipped the folder open, and you immediately recognized the printed words on the first page. 
Leon looked down at the pictures of the reports and felt a new pit open in his stomach. He recognized them. He’d spent a fair amount of time reading through them, under your supervision, after all. 
“These same reports were missing from Major Krauser’s office,” Benford began, and Leon didn’t know what to do. 
What to say. Telling the truth would implicate not only you, but-
“The Major was adamant that he gave the reports to the Sergeant,” Benford explained, and Leon felt his heart sink. “He asked that punishment be his alone to bear. Claimed that he was the only one responsible for this breach of intelligence.”
“He lied.” It wasn’t your best performance, but you had to try. Had to do something, or Krauser would take the fall for your curiosity. Another casualty that you could have prevented if you’d been smarter. If you’d just put the fucking reports back when you were done reading through them in the first place. Now, all you could do was pray that your bluff would work. “I took them from his office the night before the attack. Check the camera footage, I was in the officer’s barracks. He’s just trying to cover for me.”
Simmons, for his part, just seemed intrigued by your words. “Really?” he said, raising a brow. “And what reason would he have to do that?” 
Leon knew the reason. He had been ignoring it for long enough, but he knew now. The Major’s service was everything to him, his life in the military all that he had. Still, he’d risked it for you. It all became unavoidable, then; why Krauser had been so harsh with Leon after Fort Benning. Why he’d been taking such an interest in your training. Why he’d given you classified information. Him keeping your secret, his late nights with you, all of it. 
Krauser cared for you. More than he should have.
And Leon knew. 
If he said as much, if he spoke that truth, Jack Krauser’s career would be over. 
Krauser’s feelings for you were a breach of the balance of power. Leon knew that. He would be justified in reporting it . . . but Krauser had never acted on those feelings. At least as far as Leon knew. He cared for you, that much was obvious, but he’d never acted on it. And Leon knew he wouldn’t. For all the harsh training, for every bruising lesson, Krauser was a good man.
A man that Leon, despite himself, cared for.
A man who just wanted the best for those under his command.
Still, a choice had to be made.
Leon wasn’t a liar. He had never been good at it. He’d always spoken the truth, when he could help it. 
But more than that, he’d always defended those he cared for. 
“He’s loyal to his men,” Leon answered, his voice smaller than he would like. It was true, he supposed. Even if loyalty may not have been all the Major felt towards you. “He would lie to keep them protected in a heartbeat.” 
“And you are loyal to him, it seems.” 
You knew where this was going, because Reed had made the exact same implication the other night. It made you want to scream. This whole ordeal did, because it was what little remained of your world being torn apart once more. The dogs and carrion birds had come to tear at the remains of you. It left you on your back heels, trying desperately to defend yourself and your Major both. “I’m loyal to everyone I serve with.” 
“Not to your country?” 
“To the government that signed off on a deal with Birkin?” you hissed, shaking your head. “That let an Umbrella agent slip under its nose? How can I trust that country when anyone could be working for the enemy? How the fuck can I even know that you’re not with Umbrella? Another asshole on its payroll?” You were seething, now. Swinging blindly at an enemy you couldn’t see, hoping to land any blow. 
Simmons regarded you, then, his eyes calculating. 
Up until now, everything felt scripted. Like he had been given a loose list of questions to ask you.
In that moment, you felt him break from it. 
“I understand what the Sergeant has gone through,” Benford said, his tone more sympathetic than Leon had ever heard it. “I know that what you both endured might have brought you . . . closer. I know that you likely trust the Sergeant. I’m trying to determine if we can.” 
Leon’s jaw clenched. “You’re crazy if you think that anyone who watched their entire base be destroyed, who lost the people most important in their life, who nearly died because of Umbrella, would ever work for those bastards.” Because you wouldn’t. You would never have done this. He didn’t understand why they would even think-
“You were close with Lieutenant Logan Alenko, were you not?” 
Benford’s question eviscerated Leon. Dug in before the younger man could even prepare himself. 
“Yes,” he answered, numb. “I was.” 
“And the Sergeant was too, am I correct?” 
Leon winced, the memory of your smiles and wry humor clashing brutally with that newest memory of you. The one that Leon could never and would never forget. 
“But you reported that the Sergeant killed him anyway.”
“He . . . was infected.” 
“Infected but not turned, correct?” 
“. . . Yes.” 
Benford nodded, thinking for a moment. “You may speak freely, Leon,” he said, the eyes framed by glasses piercing but sincere. “Do you think you can trust an individual like that? One who is comfortable committing treason and executing allies?” 
Leon knew what answer was expected of him.
“I suppose you can’t,” Simmons admitted, seeming to mull something over. In the end, he looked towards the one-way glass, towards where other agents and officers were no doubt watching the debriefing, then back to you. “So allow me to be transparent with you.” He leaned forward, his hands clasping together and his elbows resting on the table. “Many of these reports that you’ve read crossed my desk. I was aware of the dealings being made with William Birkin. I was aware that Agent Reed was facilitating that communication.” You didn’t get any satisfaction from that confirmation. Not as Simmons continued. “I oversaw the operation to obtain virus samples when Birkin went silent, and when the situation in Raccoon City became uncontainable, I counseled its destruction.” 
You didn’t even have time to process the information. One hundred thousand deaths, deaths that bore down on Leon’s conscious, on your own, in a way . . . lives snuffed out in an instant, all because of this man. Some asshole in a suit. What truly made you feel empty, though, was what Simmons said next. 
“And I think you understand why I did it,” he said, and you wanted to look anywhere but his eyes. It felt impossible, though, as he peered at you from over his clasped hands. “You killed Lieutenant Alenko for the same reason.” 
You nearly flew across the table at him. Nearly tore his throat out. “It is not the same-”
You’d done it because you had to. Because Alenko would have turned if you hadn’t. You’d done it, Leon knew, to spare him. It wasn’t heartless of you . . .
“Oh, but it was,” Simmons shook his head. “It was ugly, but necessary. You kill a friend to keep him from turning into a monster. I destroy a city to keep a nation sleeping peacefully at night. I think you would have done the same thing, in my place. And I think you and I share a similar resentment for the organization that forced our hands.” 
The only thing that stayed your rage was hearing it mirrored in Simmons’ voice. 
You did what you had to do.
“Umbrella has upset the balance of our entire world. We did the same thing once before, developing the atomic bomb. We changed war forever. Now, it will be changed again. As much as we have tried - as I have tried - to keep the knowledge of what Umbrella has developed from the rest of the world, I know that news is already spreading. Our enemies are clamoring for their share of a weapon that can destroy a military base, a city. We will need individuals who can do what must be done,” he said, and you felt the chains clicking into place as he looked at you. “We need individuals like you.”
“I thought I might be responsible for all this?” Bitterness flavored your words because hadn’t he just suggested that you were the plant? That you were working for Umbrella?  
Simmons nodded, pensive as he lowered his hands. “I was asked to interrogate you on your potential involvement in this most recent attack, that is true. But you’re right. I think it’s a waste of time. You’re loyal to the men and women you serve with, I believe you when you say that. Unfortunately-” he drummed his fingers against the reports- “you have put me in a difficult situation.” 
Because even if you hadn’t been involved in the attack, you had absolutely done something wrong besides. You knew too much. Just as Leon knew too much, when he’d been tracked down after Raccoon City. 
They’d threatened a child to force his loyalty. Told him not so subtly that he and Sherry would die if he didn’t agree to give his life in service. 
What would they do to you?
“If you’re not with Umbrella,” you began, “then you don’t have anything to worry about from me.” 
You would never hurt anyone unless you had a good reason. Leon knew that truth in his heart. 
“I believe you,” Simmons said again, “but unfortunately, my superiors feel otherwise.”
“I’m offering you my cooperation-”
“And you’re being forgiven for committing treason,” Simmons pointed out. “You’ll forgive them for being cautious.” 
“Oh I will?” 
“You will,” Simmons nodded. “Because your Major admitted to committing that same treason on record. A record that I can strike or can act on. Just as I can ignore your fraternization, or act on it.” 
“I’m not fraternizing with the Major-”
“I wasn’t referring to him. Well, perhaps not only to him.”
You’d been through this enough times by now that it was no longer a shock; that realization that you hadn’t, in fact, been careful. That despite your best efforts, there were precious few ways to hide from eyes that were everywhere. 
So, as Simmons reached towards the little TV on the corner of the table and turned it on, it wasn’t shock that overtook you, this time. It was a dark acceptance. 
You looked at the screen, seeing the image come to life, low-quality, but unmistakable. Leon’s hair - that fucking ridiculous hair that he refused to cut - made it impossible to think it was anyone else. The shape of you was just as clear as you watched a familiar scene. You knew exactly what day it was. In your gut, you knew. The day you and Leon had faced Krauser together in sparring, right before the final test. The day you’d lamented that you wished to be going into service with Leon. You schooled your expression as best you could as you watched the recording, seeing you both walking back to the barracks, stopping, and then Leon folding his arms around you in a comforting embrace. 
He loved you. However much horror you’d endured, he loved you. 
You watched as, after a moment, your own arms came up to hold him in return. 
When you were with him like that, it was easy to forget the passage of time. Comfort had that effect, you supposed. Now, though, each second that embrace lasted on screen seemed to be a lifetime long. 
It was always going to turn out like this. You’d known that going in, hadn’t you? 
“Is this supposed to be a threat?” you asked, your voice becoming hollow once more. 
Simmons shook his head. “It’s an observation. You and Kennedy care for each other. The Major claimed to have no knowledge of anything between the two of you, but Hellman and Reed’s reports both surmise that you two are close.” He tilted his head, opening his hands in a questioning motion. “Just how close are you?”
“He asked me to teach him how to fight,” you said, holding Simmons’ gaze. “We’ve trained together. We’re friends. Nothing more.” 
“Really? No deeper feelings at all?”
He loved you.
“There’s nothing.” 
Simmons didn’t believe you. You could see that much written plainly across his face. Still, he nodded. “Good. I’m sure you’re aware of the importance of Leon’s continued service. I wouldn’t want anything to jeopardize that.” The threat was plain. Barely disguised. 
“Nothing will.” 
Because if Leon wasn’t in STRATCOM, if he wasn’t an agent for the government, he would be a liability. A man who knew too much.
That much was spelled out for you now, clear as day. If he was thrown from service, his life was forfeit. 
Krauser’s career, Leon’s life . . . all riding on you not misbehaving. 
The shackles were in place, your path forward clear. They were your weaknesses – the gaps in your armor. Simmons had found them without trouble. He would use them against you, if you gave him cause to.
So long as you were all entangled together, they would be in danger.
In the recording, you and Leon finally stepped away from each other. You watched out of the corner of your eye, numb. 
He hated what you’d done, but he loved you. 
“You want someone who will do whatever it takes? Who will bury Umbrella in the ground? You’ve got them.” If that was what you were put on this Earth to do, then so be it. 
You could be their weapon. That was what you’d been training for.
“Leon,” Benford spoke again, and Leon just wanted the nightmare to stop. He wanted it all to stop, even if just for a moment. “Do you honestly think we can trust a person like that?” 
The question wouldn’t have fazed him a week ago. It would have been ridiculous. Insane. 
Even now, it wasn’t that he didn’t trust you. He did. He always would. 
That didn’t change the fact that he had hesitated in his answer. Something had held his tongue, even if only for a moment. Something he never, ever wanted to associate with you, but he found it there all the same. He found it in the memory of your hollow expression, your blank stare as you lowered the rifle. 
He’d been afraid of you, in that moment. 
Or, perhaps, he’d been afraid for you. 
“It had to be done.” Leon was trying to convince the man across from him as much as himself. 
So yes. He trusted you. 
Even if he would never forget what you’d done.
Hearing those words, Simmons smiled. “I’m glad we understand each other.” With that, it was done. The agent stood and left, and a few seconds later, soldiers came in to lead you out of the room.
You passed him in the hallway as you were escorted back to your room. 
The universe loved its shitty timing, didn’t it? 
Leon’s eyes widened just a touch as he saw you. Blue framed in bruising. Still beautiful, just as he had been when you’d seen him across the mess hall. Just as when that bruising had been dealt by your hand and not just a lack of sleep. Maybe that lack of sleep was your fault, too. 
You hoped it was.
You hoped he hated you for what you’d done. You certainly did. 
It wasn’t hatred that you saw in that gaze, though. 
No. Instead, you glimpsed uncertainty. Concern. 
And what did you give back? What did you spare the man you loved? The man who had saved you the night of the attack and long before then? 
Absolutely nothing. 
You kept walking, your eyes focused forward as you passed him. 
You didn’t even blink. Not until you were back in your appointed cell, finding your belongings there. Fatigues, rucksack . . . and a radio that you shouldn’t have had. One stolen in an act of petty retribution. One that had been your companion as you watched others training for a war that was yours. 
Only yours. 
It should have only been yours. 
You took the radio in your hands. Flipped it on. 
A guitar. Drums. A voice that seemed to strain against the very words it sang. 
Cracked eggs, dead birds,
Scream as they fight for life
You’d known. You’d known from the start it couldn’t end any other way. 
I can feel death, can see its beady eyes
If things could be different . . . if you were anyone, anywhere else . . . but you weren’t. Wishing didn’t matter, not when you were faced with the reality before you. Leon could have your love, or he could have his life. You knew which one he would choose. So you wouldn’t give him the choice.
All these things into position,
All these things we’ll one day swallow whole
Your hands tightened around the radio, your eyes stinging.
And fade out again . . .
Your teeth clenched so hard you thought they might break, just as the plastic on the radio began to groan under your constricting fingers. 
And fade out-
Plastic and wiring splintered against the wall. The radio kept playing, even as you dashed it against the concrete. So, you brought your heel up. You knew how to silence something that wouldn’t die. You knew better than anyone. 
You brought your boot down and there was a crunch, a warping of voice.
Then, finally, silence. 
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biohazard-4ever · 3 months
Leon is a SURVIVOR, and that has not changed through the franchise
What does it mean?
Since his first appearence in RESIDENT EVIL 2, Leon was that one character who was put in situations he was not prepared for.
In everyone's first appearence (Rebecca in RE0, Chris and Jill in RE1, and Claire in RE2), they all were survivors. 'Random' people, completely unaware of the horrors they were going to face when they woke up that morning, thrown in a mansion/city filled with Zombies and other creatures.
The difference between Leon and all these others (Jill, Claire, Chris), is that those never changed for him. Up to this day, in every Resident Evil game Leon has been into -, it is him falling in the middle of a chaos he didn't even know it was there.
In RE4 -, Leon's mission was to go after the president's missing daughter. Didn't even cross his head he was going to face yet another experience with B.O.Ws
In RE6, and Leon's last appearence in a game (chronologically speaking) -, Leon was there to show his friend, Adam Benford, his support
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He never, even for a moment, thought that he was going to witness (cause??) his friend's death.
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Leon is that unluck bastard who continues to constantly fall into Death's trap and get his life played with by the hands of fate.
In Resident Evil 3 -, Jill went back to RC willingly and already imagining the horrors she would face (With Nemesis being a very unpleasant surprise) already knowing about everything, and how to deal with it. She was prepared to face it.
In RE5, Chris was in Africa BECAUSE of reports about a potential B.O.W outbreak.
In RE6, Chris is again diving in head first in it completely aware of what is happening and having a complete vision of the situation.
In RE7, Chris, again, going to a place BECAUSE it is a mess. He KNOWS what is happening and that they're talking about a viral outbreak.
In RE8, Chris... Again... He knows.
In RE:Veronica, Claire breaks in an Umbrella facility and you can BET your sweet ass she went prepared to possibly face more of those BOWs freaks.
Leon is just the guy to be in the wrong place, wrong time. Basically, someone who would also very much welcome a rescue workers to protect his sore ass off
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Leon is constantly a SURVIVOR. And that is why he is an AWESOME character and AMAZING Agent. He is never trully prepared to what he will face, but he always ends up on the top. Against all odds
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vitospaghetta · 6 months
Leon's flirting in Infinite Darkness pt 2: A Deeper Dive
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After this post managed to gain a teeny bit of traction on here, I wanted to talk about this a bit more for clarification, and to further explore how this ties into the overall narrative and Leon's characterization throughout the franchise.
I'd like to make it clear right off the bat that I am not claiming that Leon is (and, for the record, I hate this word) a womanizer either. It was disappointing to see that that's what some people took away from my previous post. It's also worth noting that I don't think Leon's actions in the scene with Shen Mei come at the cost of his morality. Just as the erasure of negative qualities doesn't lessen the impact one character can have on others. Life isn't that simple.
The Gist
The interpretation that I have for the scene with Shen Mei is not one that claims that Leon is some selfish home-wrecker on the day to day. However, it is an exploration of the extent of his loneliness and how, even the most morally upstanding characters such as Leon, have traumas and emotional burdens that can make them behave in ways that are questionable at best. It was an analysis of how, in that moment, he inadvertently displayed a deeply vulnerable part of himself that does extend beyond that scene.
The man desperately yearns for affection and romantic connection with women while living a life that does not allow for him to do so in a way where longevity makes sense. Because of Leon's compassionate nature, he will not allow himself the indulgence of a long-term relationship in order to spare others the pain of being dragged into his life. Though short-term hook ups are something he is willing to pursue because then there's no risk of disappointing anyone. No missed anniversaries, birthdays, or holidays. No receiving a sudden call to fly out to god-knows-where immediately and being unable to say where he's going.
His innate human need for connection in the absence of normalcy lead to desperation. Desperation leads to impulsivity, and this impulsivity is what leads him to disregard a person's relationship status with a half-hopeful "soooo...?" In that moment, his desperation got the better of him.
The point of my previous post was to explore how a scene as brief as that one manages to peel back some of his layers to emphasize the extent of Leon's isolation imposed by his service to the government. How his inability to allow himself meaningful romantic connection ties into his most tragic flaws, consistent throughout the franchise.
Compassion Comes At A Cost
Leon has always been the type of character who will willingly throw himself under the bus in order to spare those he cares about from any unnecessary suffering. Choosing to work for the government to save Sherry's life, not turning Helena in to the authorities to clear his name in RE6 after the assassination of Adam Benford, his full willingness to sabotage his relationship with Claire at the end of Infinite Darkness in order to prevent the government from going after her. If there's one thing to know about Leon, it's that he will always put himself last.
He is not above sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of someone else's, but he would never expect anyone to do the same for him.
Given how okay he was with Shen Mei's rejection, I don't doubt in the slightest that he was almost expecting her to say no. Just like Hunnigan in RE4. Just like how he loves Ada, a woman who will never love him the way he loves her.
The scene in Damnation comes to mind, where Ada asks him about "that night," where it's heavily implied that they hooked up at some point between RE4 and the events of the film. Unsurprisingly, the implication was reiterated/confirmed by the writer of the film himself. He also says that "[Leon] shows his real self when he gets in touch with a woman," which I think is a very apt statement.
She says that Leon's angry with her, presumably for cutting their romantic endeavor short, and yet he still can't be done with her. He chooses to latch on to a woman he can never get close to.
It took him until RE6 to finally let Ada go, and I'd like to think that ties very nicely into the character arc we see from Vendetta to Death Island, where both movies explore Leon's transition from choosing to suffer alone to learning to find comfort in camaraderie.
This all ties in with each other. Leon's isolation, even outside of romantic endeavors, has always been at least a little self-imposed. His service to the government lays the foundation, and Leon does the rest himself because of the circumstances of his life. There's a tragic cyclical nature to it.
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This is the face of a man who willingly sets himself up for failure. It calls back to his "story of my life" line in RE4. He isn't hurt by these rejections because he doesn't expect much to come out of his attempts at flirting. He's throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Maybe it'll work out and he'll get lucky, though odds are it won't. Even he he does luck out, there's not much chance of a formal relationship coming out of it. Low risk, high reward.
Even Stephanie Panisello who voices Shen Mei jokingly said "Why do ya have to keep choosing these women that don't really love ya?!" in a Death Island interview while talking about how she feels about Leon.
When he asks Shen Mei out, he's asking for the hell of it — at least then he's trying to fill the void — but he's simultaneously keeping women at arm's length in an attempt to spare them. Maybe, given his history with Ada, he's trying to spare himself some pain, too.
Not Exactly OOC Behavior
Speaking of Ada, it's also not entirely unlike Leon to pursue someone who's already in an established relationship.
Infinite Darkness takes place in the original RE timeline* — the remakes are not canonical to these events.
(*The remakes do not supersede the events of the original games. They simply created a separate timeline where the games' narratives are approached from a different perspective — a chance to make the narratives more cohesive and modernized. Quite literally a "do-over," but not a replacement. Both the remakes and the original games are canon simultaneously, however all CGI media exists within the continuity of the original timeline. This is because they're all part of a pre-existing narrative, contiguous of each other.)
In OG RE2, Leon hears that Ada has a boyfriend and still develops feelings for her, and goes as far as kissing her in one of the endings, even though he found out earlier that her boyfriend supposedly died. Was John real? Probably not, but Leon didn't know that.
Though I also understand that the circumstances of these scenes are different — Leon, having developed genuine feelings for Ada, kisses her as he knows she's going to die, and after she admits that she loves him, too. It's a goodbye kiss of sorts. This isn't the tone being portrayed in the scene with Shen Mei, but it's noteworthy regardless. Just because someone has a boyfriend doesn't mean Leon's not gonna get the hots for them.
Moving Forward
Leon's longing for physical and emotional connection with others definitely highlights some of the more tragic aspects of his character. However, I think that the way we see his flirtatious behavior taper off over time is equally interesting. It's an indicator of his mental health (its decline leading up to Vendetta), as well as it is a testament of his maturity. When you consider his lack of flirtatiousness in Damnation/RE6/Vendetta/Death Island, you can see how he's matured emotionally. Though you can also see how he has truly succumbed to his isolation. The extent of his self-imposed burden, the extent of his hopelessness. A grim acceptance of loneliness, of impracticality, of his life being what it is, and having no idea of how to fix it.
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drenix004 · 1 year
𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 ━━━ 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐒. 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃𝐘 ~chapter 0~
𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍︙❝Leon never believed in the tale of soul mates, not until he met the woman who is now his wife… now, they were a lethal couple completing secret missions after what happened in Raccoon City.❞
❛We know each other so well that even when we improvise we get things right.❜
warnings: mention of alcohol, drugs, death, obsession, among others, if you are not comfortable, don't read it !
rating: 18+
pairings: Leon S. Kennedy x female Oc
¡English is not my first language, so there may be mistakes, don’t hesitate to correct me.!
======== • ✠ • ========
Exhaustion hit his body hard, feeling every muscle tense. Even breathing was painful.
But the deepest pain came from the sight of his wife, laid out and secured to a stretcher for safety.
Both he and she, along with Sherry, had been quarantined by government agents after being found on the outskirts of what was once Raccoon City.
A truly unusual way to start his career as a rookie officer: zombies everywhere, a virus conceived by a pharmaceutical company, and his wife tied up like an animal.
Although it was said to be precautionary, he couldn't quite understand it; his wife and Sherry had already injected themselves with the cure.
He let out a sigh as he lightly squeezed the woman's wrist, which remained bound.
-You'll be fine, we will," he comforted himself.
The last few hours had left him mentally exhausted. He had experienced a kind of emotional shock that he had not yet had time to process because of the situation.
Even at this moment, he felt overwhelmed. The questions that had been thrown at him during the eight, almost nine, hours of interrogation were unanswerable, at least until his wife regained consciousness.
-What were you doing there? -he looked at her.
That question had been repeated to him many times, but he lacked an answer. He himself had been stunned to find her there. Supposedly, she was supposed to be in another city doing police work due to reports of people who, up to that point, were believed to be involved in cannibalism.
His wife was also a police officer, but she was not a rookie. She had graduated two years before him, and yes, she was two years older, which made her more experienced.
An experience she had demonstrated by cold-bloodedly shooting both the undead and those infected with the virus, which had caused an internal conflict within him.
Leon Kennedy was kind hearted and, although he found it hard to accept, somewhat naive. This combination had left him ill-prepared for the harsh reality that had been presented to them. That reality had led him to morally question the decisions he had made in those moments of chaos and death.
In short, he felt dejected and only wished for a brief moment of rest.
The sound of the monitor brought him out of his maelstrom of thoughts. The door to the room opened and several agents entered.
-Kennedy, outside.
The sound of the monitor echoed again; she would soon awaken. He tried to protest, but was forcibly removed.
His training differed from that of the agents, which allowed them to subdue him easily. They took him back to the interrogation room.
He sat down, staring at the mirror in front of him. He knew that behind the glass they were watching him, analyzing him.
Another cycle of bloody questions was about to begin.
======== - ✠ - ========
Adam Benford had been a senior government official for a while now, his eyes could recognize when someone had potential.
And these two officers had it and plenty of it, they just needed the little push to hone their skills. Especially the woman's.
He could see them talking behind the glass, they were not only communicating with words, he could also see a certain pattern in their body gestures and looks they gave each other. It was fascinating to see that kind of communication, but it was even more fascinating that they had escaped that hell.
The president and the senate committee gave the green light for the sterilization operation, or CODE: XX, to be performed to eradicate any trace of the T-virus. But, Benford knew that it was not only for that, it was also to eliminate the trace of the negligence of the government itself and those involved to avoid scandals, he knew that the woman was aware of it.
Another point for which the government could not let her go free, at least not alive. What they could do was to offer an option that would partly help them, but would keep them tied up.
Another glance between the officers was enough for me to make a decision.
-I'll talk to them, alone.
Those present next to him looked at him quizzically, but one look was enough for them to come out and shut everything down.
Adam came out after them, only he did enter the room of the two survivors.
-I know they're exhausted-he looked at Leon, who unconsciously pulled his wife closer to him, and then looked at her; she looked pale, and slightly sickly looking. -I will be brief. The government has a proposal for the two of you, they want you to join specialized training to become secret agents.
-Sherry, what about her? -The man looked at the woman.
-She knows too much.
-She is innocent,- grunted Leon. -Leave her alone.
-Look, I can get you to keep custody of her if you accept the offer. Otherwise they'll have to kill you and sherry-Benford looked directly at Kennedy-while Nefer-he looked at her-well, they'll make inquiries about her.
The pair connected glances before looking back at Benford.
-In other words, I'll become an object in research with no rights," she said as an unfunny laugh escaped her lips.
-Technically, yes. It's a good deal, think about it.-The room was plunged into an intense silence that became suffocating as the minutes passed until Nefer sighed and placed her other hand on top of her husband's, that was the definitive signal for her decision.
Leon placed his wife's head on his shoulder before speaking.
-We accept.
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 years
hey Sid! any thoughts on the “jill physically ages slower because of her t virus infection” stunt that capcom has decided to pull?
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Angels, the lot of you <3
Yes the most recent stunt with Jill is infuriating, we all agree with this. The reason for it, at least in my opinion, is that this is a mix of several individually infuriating things culminating in a mistreatment of one of Capcom’s most popular characters for, conceivably, no reason
Reason number 1 why it sucks: It’s laziness. Instead of modeling a new version of Jill from a face model or even from her preexisting design, they decided to use the Jill that was made for r3make. Timeline-wise, they are using a version of Jill Valentine from 17 years ago. Jill is 41 now. She would not look identical to her 24 year old self. But because the people making this movie didn’t feel like putting in the effort for a new design, they decided to reuse this asset and call it a day
However this isn’t the first time Capcom (and its associates since apparently people get mad when I say “Capcom” as if this project is completely separate from the company that the IP belongs to) has reused assets in a lazy way. I have bitched about it a lot, and I will continue to, but the heavily anticipated DLC to Resident Evil: Village is 90% premade assets. Two, maybe three enemies are original? All sets and character models and outfits and props and weapons are things that have been in other games (mostly Village) though. So is this behavior of reusing models and that being deemed a job well done disappointing? Yes. But it isn’t surprising.
Reason number 2 why it sucks: The nonchalant excuse as to why Jill does not age shows a lack of care for canon on the part of whoever decided this lore addition was in any way appropriate, consistent, or hell even coherent in any way. The explanation goes “Jill has always harbored a sense of justice and responsibility, but when she was captured by an enemy during the incident at the Spencer residence, she was subjected to T-virus infection and mind control, causing her to instead aide in the act of bioterrorism. Even after Jill was rescued by Chris, the viral side effects lingered, affecting her body's cell division, and while this suppressed her aging, she also had to contend with the mental after-effects.” Which is fucking bullshit. The T-virus has no side effects that would lead to anything like this. The purpose of the T-virus is to be infectious and to give its host extreme durability and strength. None of that correlates to the physical halt of aging. Not only that, but Jill wasn’t even subjected to T-virus infection WHEN Wesker kidnapped her. She was subjected to a mind control drug. The T-virus was dormant in her system since her infection and curing in Raccoon City in 1998
However once again this is nothing new. Rewriting canon/not understanding canon is something RE has done before. I could go into depth about ALLLLL the things Shadows of Rose did that contradicted a lot of pre-established ideas (rapid fire: HWS still operating under the same name 16 years later, Chris legit asking a teenager to be part of a military group, an infected individual getting to attend public school, none of these line up with the already established world we know) but I’ll be more lenient and talk about RE6. Leon calls the President in that game, Adam Benford, his “friend.” However Leon also states that Benford was the one who recruited Leon into US-STRATCOM which, if you’ll recall, is something Leon was blackmailed into when Sherry’s life was threatened. If Benford was the one to do that, how would Leon consider him a friend? How does his blackmail regarding Sherry never come up despite them both being in this game?
Reason number 3 why it’s sucks, and the biggest one: Women aren’t allowed to age. Plain and simple. Men are, women aren’t. Women are supposed to be young, always, and we’re just supposed to accept that.
Okay okay I’ll elaborate. With a list of RE women and how I think literally every single one falls victim to this
Rebecca is the youngest member of S.T.A.R.S. when we first meet her, in fact she’s so young she just became a legal adult (which makes 26 year old Billy hitting on her 100x creepier) and before Vendetta, 0 and 1 were her only appearances, this kid-aged girl. I won’t get into how misogynistic her treatment in Vendetta is btw but that’s also there
Claire Redfield is a staple of this series but she does not age much. We see her last (in game form not manga form although the manga made Claire look stupidly young there too) in Revelations 2 where she seems to have grown up, but with 2, CV, Degeneration, and ID, she’s always got a very youthful appearance and almost always a red jacket because y’know this is that young girl from the first game. The cool, hot red jacket and her high ponytail (that’s kind of a “young” look imo) is frustrating
Sherry Birkin stopped aging at 20 for no reason other than to look young and hot yet still at a legal age for all male players playing this game (and possibly so she looks Jake’s age? Which makes no sense because they could’ve made Jake any age but w/e)
Sheva Alomar, Chris’ partner in 5, is Sherry’s age. Even when this woman is meant to be Chris’ equal, she’s still young and attractive
Helena is even younger than Sherry, by I believe 5 years, and she’s Leon’s partner for 6.
Mia Winters is a beautiful young woman who’s being contrasted against the horrors of RE7 and gets a cute domestic housewife role in RE8, where she is shoved aside, given blue eyes (to make her look prettier I assume since her eyes were brown before) and quietly never mentioned again after the ending despite her daughter being a protagonist for the DLC
Oh yeah and Rose Winters is 16 when she goes on her journey because yeah women have to be young this is the standard.
Even as much as I hate the Lords in RE8, Miranda is still a woman over 200 years old who is youthful and beautiful, along with Lady D despite presumably also being very old.
The only “old” women in this series who actually appear that way that I could think of off the top of my head were “the hag” from 8, who is supposed to be unsettling, and Marguerite Baker from 7 (Eveline’s “grandma” form doesn’t count) who again is supposed to freak you out in her appearance and demeanor.
Jill fucking Valentine is now the latest in this list of character assassinations. My biggest, and I really mean biggest this time, problem is that all of this is fine. Capcom signs off on these lore-breaking explanations and half-assed projects because it doesn’t matter to them. Because they know we’re gonna check this out no matter what. It’s Resident Evil! It’s really big stuff for this series! Why wouldn’t you watch it? You can overlook something as simple as Jill’s appearance, right?
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alamusprime · 23 days
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Adam and Hunnigan on the case.
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ashiemochi · 1 year
anubussy - v
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✠ Anubussy ↳ sorry, i don't want your touch ↳↳ it's not that i don't want you
➶ pairing: OC x Leon S(exy) Kennedy. ➶ genre: fluff, more angst, gore, longer smut/suggestive themes ➶ word count: no
NOTE: ✠ = time skip ✠✠ = switching povs/characters
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When I was a kid…
The morgue was always a depressing place. Whether it had bodies or not, the name was dreadful in itself. The smell of it was just a reminder of how fragile humans can really be. 
They are all born the same, if not living different lives, and they will always end up in a place like a morgue. 
I used to think about the kind of man I’d grow up to be.
Leon made his way down the long room where his fallen comrades were zipped up in a body bag. All of his men were gone, and he was their leader. Everything was going smoothly till a whistle-blower fucked their shit up. The fact he was the only one alive ruined him on the inside even more.
Usually, he’d have someone to go to for reassurance or a sense of comfort – but for almost a year and counting, he had no one. He was left to deal with this alone once again.
Leon stared solemnly at one of the body bags, not entirely zipped. It filled him with dread and self-hatred. He should’ve been in one of those bags but alas, he had no choice. He truly hated losing his squad – anyone who was ever around him would always get hurt.
Back in Raccoon City, Marvin and hundreds and thousands of people he could’ve saved but was too late.
Luis Serra, Mike, and Jack Krauser in Spain. He failed them.
JD during the Eastern Slav Republic civil war – god, he wanted to know his actual name.
President Adam Benford during the C-Virus outbreak and all the survivors always died, in the end, no matter how hard he tried to keep them alive.
An infinite amount of lives could’ve stayed if only he was fast enough. And those who lived – Buddy and her – were left mentally scarred to no end. 
A gargled snarl took his attention away from the slightly opened body bag, snapping his eyes to the writhing bag right across from him. The sound itself inclined him to pull out his gun and shoot it; an instinct at this point.
Each shot he took was precise, azure eyes sharpening down to a glare, lips forming a faint scowl.
I never thought my life would turn out this way.
Willis Tower Chicago, Illinois. Four months later.
“Have you seen the news lately?”
“All I do is watch the news, So Ah – you gotta be more specific.”
“Another terrorist attack,” So Ah elaborated, “But this time, it was targeted at a biotechnology university in Ontario.”
“Big surprise.”
The wind brushed against the huddled-up girl, making her shiver but she still wouldn’t look away from her phone.
For this chilly night of Autumn, she had gone for an off-white short-sleeved shirt and tucked it into a pair of high-waisted black shorts reaching her mid-thighs, being held up by a black-coloured belt. For warmth, she wore a dark denim button-up shirt – which she left undone – followed by an oversized knitted brown cardigan.
Lastly, black tights and a pair of black upper-knee-length high-heeled combat boots. 
Her black bomber jacket – having to buy a new one – was folded neatly aside. She’d change into it before she’d have to make the run for it to try and blend in with the crowd below.
She was by the edge of the tower, back against the wall, having gone down to a deep squat with her knees to her chest. 
“It’s like that bomb in Washington, remember?” So Ah asked, “Several weeks ago�� And those viral attacks…”
“It’s strange. There are no traces of any virus – they just… Turn.” 
“Ugh, hate it when they do that…” So Ah shivered, lips pressed into a thin line as she tried to brush off the nagging in her head. 
Knowing who they were waiting for, she was going to make the moment worth it. Their current and final target was Charles Wilson – a medic who was in his early to mid-forties. The same man who was in charge of the creation of the tracker. 
As if it knew it was being thought about, the chip let out a mild zap in an attempt to reset and work again. She winced, hand shooting to soothe the stinging sensation in the back of her neck. Piers must’ve heard her yelp.
“Is it still doing that thing?” He asked, knowing it’s been happening ever since So Ah’s first bloodshed.
“Yeah,” She answered quietly, “They’re getting desperate.”
“With their men dying out one by one, they’re bound to be a bit on edge.” Piers pointed out.
“Good.” So Ah hummed, visibly unphased by the whole thing. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the BSAA trucks and cars surrounding the Alexander Institute of Biotechnology – the university. 
“Do you think Chris knows?” She questioned, feeling her heart starting to pound at the mere thought of her captain seeing her in this state. 
A snicker came from the other end, “Most definitely. He was the one in charge of you and your family – he’d be the first to know. He probably figured it out himself too. You can’t really run away from him, So Ah.”
She bit on the inside of her bottom lip, growing nervous. The device next to her beeped, indicating her target was within range.
“He’s here.” She informed, setting her phone aside and getting into position with her perched-up sniper.
“Let’s get this show on the road. Last one, huh?” Piers spoke his thoughts.
The Han girl stayed quiet and focused, watching Charles move through the opposite building. He was in the hallway, quite possibly heading to his office which, luckily for her, had a window facing her. It’d be an easy kill with no suspect or witnesses.
“We could try and interrogate him to find out why he planned the tracker in the first place, you know?” Piers said, subtly trying to get her to put down the gun, “He’s one of the big guys at the BSAA. Maybe he knows something useful. Like how to take the chip out.”
He wasn’t entirely wrong – but how could So Ah be sure that he would even cooperate? What if he rats them out? It was a risk she was not willing to take.
“If you’re so against what I do, why are you still helping me?” So Ah shot back, eyebrow twitching at the faint footsteps reaching her ears.
Piers seemed a bit taken aback by her tone, mimicking her sharp voice, “Because if it weren’t for me, you would’ve been caught long ago. Not to toot my horn or anything.”
A quiet shuffle made her turn her head around to peer behind her but nothing. She could feel someone was around or watching her. Might be God finally noticing her but either way; the idea of someone else being up here with her was gut-churning.
“Consider your horn tooted.” So Ah mumbled, returning her attention to Charles, magnifying the scope closer with her finger close to the trigger.
“So Ah, reconsider this.” Piers pressed on, “It won’t bring you satisfaction.”
Another sound perked her up and she straightened up, brows furrowing deeply, “Shh.”
“Did you just shush me?”
“Someone’s here.” She whispered back in a hushed tone, keeping her eyes on the spacious roof behind her. 
She hastily reached into her bag and pulled out her tactical combat dagger. The handle felt cold under her grip despite wearing her leather gloves. Slowly, she pulled herself up to her feet, opting for a silent spar, as she carefully walked forward. Her knife was up in an alarmed fashion, letting her eyes dart around for anyone.
The massive and tall white antennas made it a bit difficult to navigate around the roof. She stopped, looking over at the door leading down the stairs. It was closed and she blinked; was her mind playing tricks?
Her fear of heights was probably getting the best of her again – not to mention, tens upon tens of lives on her shoulder, she was bound to start growing a little paranoid. 
In an instant, she threw the knife to her left. It hit and got stuck in the exterior of one of the antennas – right next to Chris’ face.
Her eyes widened, dryness taking over her throat. He hadn’t changed one bit – if anything, his eyes had grown gentler. Whether it was because it was his first time seeing her in a little less than a year or whatever, So Ah could tell he was concerned.
And quite possibly mad as fuck.
He was in his tactical suit, short-sleeved, but no gun was in sight. Okay, he wasn’t here to take her down. 
“Nice throw,” Chris mused, yanking the dagger out, “You’ve improved a lot.”
Even his voice was filled with such worry – and pure and utter ‘what the fuck are you doing with yourself’. It wasn’t easy to differentiate between them.
So Ah stayed quiet, growing anxious as she tried to think of a way to turn this around. Her weapons were on the opposite side of the roof – behind him. 
Chris followed her eyes to the perched-up sniper, giving her a look, “May I?”
It wasn’t even a question because he just went ahead to inspect her little hideout up close, kneeling. So Ah followed him but kept her distance, watching him toss her dagger onto her jacket and pick her sniper up to peek at who she was aiming at. A hum emitted from him, setting down the weapon.
“I see you’ve been busy.”
“How did you find me?” 
Chris looked up at her, “How do you think?”
He pulled his device from his pocket, showing Piers’ face – a video call. The soldier gave her an apologetic look with a smile.
“Sorry, So Ah – no hard feelings, right?”
The girl’s wide eyes twitched, understandably feeling a bit betrayed but also a little stupid – no one would ever be on her side when it came to killing people. If there was a way where she could go back and take it all back, she would. 
If she could change her future at the Green Life facility and had succeeded in sacrificing herself to take down Frederic and George, she would – but someone saved her back then.
He kept her alive.
“I’m not here to take you in, So Ah.” Chris reassured as he stood up, setting his phone back into his pocket, “You can relax.”
“Kind of hard to do so,” She retorted, her body all tense, looking around her for a moment, “Not after everything I’ve done.”
Chris gave her a firm look, “I came alone – I just wanna talk.”
So Ah pursed her lips into a thin line, eyes narrowing at him. She still held such huge respect for him – but she was so close to taking revenge on the same man who killed her the moment he implanted that chip. Then she’d be back home, safe and sound. 
Everything would be fine.
“About what?” So Ah asked; if anything, she’d try and make the run for it through the doors. If he comes close, then she’d have to put her training to good use.
Chris exhaled for a second and he started, “Why are you doing this?”
“Didn’t your little spy report everything to you?” She couldn’t help the poison in her words and Piers’ voice came through the earpiece.
“Still here, sunshine.”
“He told me enough,” Chris said, eyeing her for her side of the story.
“Then there you go.” She deflected, returning the stare but defiantly.
Not just the chip and vengeance – but what pushed her to commit bloodshed? 
There was something deep lying beneath that chip excuse and he wanted to know. He will know.
“So Ah–”
“No, Chris.” She shook her head, somehow knowing what he wanted, “I’m not going to do this right now.”
“So, when do you want to do this, huh?” Chris shot back, shoulders squaring as he glared at her, “After you kill another man? Two or three more? Or when you’d be behind bars for life? Would you want to do this then?”
So Ah slammed her mouth shut, eyebrows curling in the middle for a split second. Her tough demeanour was faltering under his eyes. Every reason within her was fighting to come out and spill everything.
Like a cat spitting out a hairball – weird analogy but it’ll do.
So Ah’s voice came out faint, avoiding his eyes as she took a small step back, “You wouldn’t understand…”
“Then help me understand!” Chris demanded in a gentle tone, trying to coax the truth out of her, “Talk to me, So Ah.”
Tears stung her cinnamons, making them seem shinier under the pale lights of the city below and the tower. She took in a shaky breath, the need to have someone to talk to was immense. 
Chris was her captain anyway. He was one of the few people who deserved to know.
“I…” She swallowed before looking at him, “You don’t know what it feels like having every step you take observed like some sort of a lab rat. Every visit to the BSAA was getting worse and worse to no end.” 
“They’d lie and say they’re checking on the status of the virus but they weren’t.” She stopped for a moment, feigning a strong facade, “They wanted to create a virus out of my own blood… They took everything from me – so I took everything from them.”
Chris remained stern, “What about their families back home? Do you think they deserve it? Does your family?” He noticed her tense up at the mention of her parents, “There isn’t a day where they don’t call to ask for updates on you.”
Her eyes widened, shoulders deflating and she whispered, “You… You told them?”
“No, they still think you’re missing.” Chris replied, ticking his head to the side once, “It’s not my job to speak for others.”
He noticed the way she let out a faint sound, relieved that they didn’t know. She was most likely afraid to see their reactions – after all, she was on a killing spree. She yearned to see them again, but at what cost?
“It’s for the best.”
His eyes hardened at this, “You and I know that’s bullshit. So Ah, you abandoned your family–”
“It’s for the goddamn best.” So Ah snapped sharply, mimicking the anger in his eyes, “I broke them the moment I failed my mission back in China. They say it isn’t my fault but I know they’re lying to keep me safe.” 
Growing visibly upset, a snarl formed on her lips as she took one step forward to enunciate her point, “Maybe it slipped your mind but I was tagged like a dog for years. I couldn’t tell anyone because they would’ve killed me – or even worse, killed my own family.”
“Why didn’t you say anything before?!” Chris scolded, “I was and still am in charge of protecting you and your family!”
“Yeah, protecting,” She spat in disbelief, making him blink at her tone as she approached him, “There’s nothing you could’ve done. The government has you on a high pedestal. They expect the best from you.”
She went to move past him, sneering in her mother tongue, “Just a golden dog to them.”
Chris went quiet, watching her kneel down in front of her laid-out devices. She was shoving everything into her bag, not paying attention to her special dagger clanking on the ground.
She was understandably upset – and Chris felt like he failed the Han family. It wasn’t necessarily his fault either. The BSAA hid things from him to the point he was about to charge into HQ and demand to know the truth about everything. 
But he also knew about So Ah’s honesty – she’d never lie about something as big as this.
Not to mention, having spent enough time around the South Korean family and flying to Seoul, Chris had no choice but to pick up a few words. 
“So, what’s your plan?” Chris indulged her, gesturing around him with his arms, “Take the lives of those men and then what? You can’t go back home, So Ah. You won’t be able to see your parents and your brother. Not anymore.”
He needed her to see the consequences of her actions before they take her by full force. So Ah was strong and would do anything for the safety of her family and friends – but how far was she willing to go before she falls?
He couldn’t see So Ah’s disheartened face as she attempted to seem unphased, but the girl was aching beyond belief. Her hands were slowing down their ministrations on the duffle bag and the devices.
“Nothing is meant to last forever.” She muttered lowly, but loud enough for him to hear her.
“Nothing?” Chris repeated, incredulous at her dismissive behaviour, “You’re really throwing away Minji’s death like it’s nothing?”
Every control in her self-being snapped at the mention of her name. It shot her up to her feet and she faced him with a look of anger creeping up her features. 
“Who are you to dictate how to depict her death?!” So Ah yelled, her hands clenching hard enough to turn her knuckles white, as she accused, “Your men failed to keep her safe! And it’s my fault for ever trusting your agency to keep shit in order!”
“My men may have failed but they tried!” Chris shouted back, “They really tri–”
But he found himself interrupted by the uncharacteristic tone.
“I TRIED, CHRIS! I. TRIED!” So Ah barked loudly, roughly gesturing to herself, “I was there! You promised to keep her safe! You promised to keep my family safe!” She pointed at him, never relenting but then heaved for air, a hiccup hitching up in her throat.
A sob threatened to leave her lips, “You promise to keep me safe…”
Chris stared speechlessly at her outburst, lips parting but nothing came out. Her body was shaking all over and he could see that same girl back in the facility of Green Life during the H-Outbreak.
An axe in hand with a look of helplessness as she’d run almost aimlessly – anything to find her parents. She never wanted any of this yet, she chose to stay on this side of the world for the sake of keeping her family safe from the grief of all the lives they had indirectly caused.
So Ah was back to being lost – again.
“So Ah…” Chris stepped forward, voice dropping a tone, “I’m–”
“Forget it. I’m not coming with you.” So Ah gulped as she sniffled, wiping away her tears quickly and she turned around to finish packing, voice croaking, “Not this time. Not ever.”
Her shaking hand picked up her dagger, finding memories oozing from it. The BSAA operator watched her hesitate, midnight eyes dropping down to her blade. 
“What about Leon?” 
She froze at the sound of his name and a bingo went off in Chris’s head. 
“He’s still searching for you.” He continued, “He doesn’t give a damn about anything else but to have you back home… And he’s a goddamn mess.”
So Ah looked at him over her shoulder. There was wariness moulded with softness in her doe eyes, her heart already skipping beats. Her ring made its presence more apparent on her skin and her curiosity got the best of her.
“What… What do you mean?”
Chris sighed, folding his arms against his chest, “That viral attack at the academy? It was orchestrated by Glenn Arias – I’ve been tracking him down for four months now.”
“... Glenn Arias?” Her eyes visibly widened and she stood up to face him, dagger in hand, “... He’s–”
“I know. Piers told me.” Chris assured, aware of the H-Virus, “We figured that the strain has similar qualities to that of the Plaga in Los Illuminados.”
“Leon got intel about it that we need. I’m assuming he told you about his mission in Spain to save the president’s daughter?” He received a nod and he ended, “I want you to join me.”
“I don’t see why I’m needed.” So Ah said, confused. 
“If he’ll listen to anyone, it’s you.” Chris revealed.
Nervousness filled her veins at the mere thought of seeing him for the first time – letting him see her. She left without any note but that last call before it dropped. A bullet had hit her phone, taking her only form of communication. 
She could only imagine the emotional turmoil she left on him. Each night was a constant fight to not call him, severely anxious that her call might get traced. Seeing him would be too risky and she’d spend nights sobbing into her pillow, muffling her crying out his name.
If anyone could die of heartbreak, it’d be her.
“... After what I’ve done?” She whispered guiltily, “To him?”
Chris nodded, “You’d be surprised.”
She was unsure, her eyes set on the dagger in her hands, fingertips brushing the curvature of the polished marble. To see him or even just hear his honeyed voice, it was a dream. 
But this wasn't the reunion she dreamt of. Arias was out there attacking universities or something – she didn’t know the full story yet. This was to save people.
Chris could tell she was close to being convinced, taking a step towards her with a tender voice. 
“So Ah, I’m not asking you as your captain. I’m asking you as your friend.” He said lowly, “If we don’t do anything, Arias’ plan would wipe out millions of lives.”
So Ah trailed her eyes up to him and then over her shoulders to where Charles was. After close to a year of killing and interrogating for information, she was torn about whether to drop her mission and go be the DSO agent the people wanted her to be or cross that last name on the list.
By people, her squad at the agency and the agents she had befriended on the way; Sherry Birkin and Helena Harper.
Chris’s voice took her attention away from the man, “Let me do what I was assigned to do. We’ll take him into custody and provide proof of everything that he and the others have done to you.”
So Ah didn’t look at him, remorse evident in her avoiding eyes, “Am I… Am I gonna go to jail? For…”
“I’ll see to it that you don’t.” Chris reassured, urging her to look at him, “Trust me, So Ah.”
The walls she had put up crumbled. Out of all the BSAA operators she had met, Chris was one of a kind. He was willing to keep his whole team safe, treating them like family. Sure, she had been handpicked by President Benford himself to be transferred to the DSO – but he still saw her as part of his team.
And it showed.
So Ah finally did, turning her back on her own immoral mission. If Leon trusted Chris then so could she.
“Okay…” She breathed out, “I’ll come with you.”
Chris didn’t hide his relieved toothy smile as he nodded, bringing up his index and middle finger to his earpiece, “Alright. Bring it around.”
A massive aircraft flew up, bright lights flashing on our two characters. So Ah stiffened at the sight of it, hair quivering up in the air as she stumbled back at the wind caused by the propellers. 
Her anxious thoughts were quick to think this was a trap all along. She looked over at Chris, warily. 
“I thought you said you came alone!” She spoke loudly over the sound of the aircraft. 
“I did!” Chris gave her a mildly amused look, “I told them to stay put but they didn’t listen!”
A familiar voice came from within the aircraft, connecting to her earpiece, and she could just sense the cheeky grin on his face.
“We learned from the best, Mija.”
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renegadesstuff · 1 year
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Morgane & Adam, HPI 🤍
3x04, ~Loi de Benford~
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sapphire-weapon · 5 months
>open Twitter >open DMs to send a message to a buddy I haven't spoken to in a while >there's a shitton of messages that I never got notifications for that I just straight-up missed over the course of A YEAR >goddamn it Twitter >this is all Elon Musk's fault >anyway >one of them is from the Project Umbrella guys >remember the big stupid bitchfight I got into with them last year >oh Jesus what the fuck did they want back then that I missed >open DM >HE'S DEFENDING THE RE ARCHIVES >NO FUCKING WAY LOL
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And that's NOT what happens in Leon's RE3 epilogue. THIS is Leon's RE3 epilogue:
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Oh but wait!
There's more!
This guy then tries to go on to defend the "Adam Benford kidnapped Leon" argument. Let's see how well his argument holds up.
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So let's check his facts. Let's do a search for Jun Takeuchi.
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Interesting. So Takeuchi became an executive around 2017. RE6 came out in 2012. So Takeuchi wasn't an executive at the time RE6 was written or released.
In fact
looking at this
Takeuchi didn't work on Resident Evil 6 at all. So... if he didn't work on RE6, then that would make anything he writes about it... fanfiction... wouldn't it? Otherwise, what gives him word of god for RE6's story? The fact that he was employed at the company at the time? Does this mean that any random environmental artist has word of god over the story? Do the Monster Hunter guys have word of god over RE6, too?
And what about Tsukasa Takenaka? Well, he's not even a big enough name to have a Wikipedia page to begin with. In fact, looking him up, it seems like he had a minor hand in writing RE5, produced Revelations 1, and worked on RE: The Mercenaries 3D.
Okay, well what about this dude's other claims?
Adam Benford was director of the CIA in 2002 (according ONLY TO that airsoft ad written by the guy who did not work on RE6; this is NOT stated in RE6 itself), and his position in 1998 is unknown -- implying that he was not actually the director of the CIA in 1998. But Leon was kidnapped in 1998 by the CIA. So if he wasn't the director... then I guess he wasn't behind the kidnapping, was he?
Our friend from Project Umbrella then goes on to make a bunch of other claims right in a row, so let's go down them one by one.
>"Leon and Adam working together for a decade is only an approximation" Okay, but if you're approximating, the number would be closer to 15, not 10. Benford died in 2011. 2011 - 1998 = 13. So the rounded number would be 15.
>it's okay if RE6 gets the date wrong because supplementary material gets it wrong >implying that the game does not have more people working on it to ensure accuracy than random supplemental material. You're telling me that no one on the team of hundreds that worked on this game remembered that Raccoon City happened in 1998?
>RE6 is off by a year re: Chris killing Wesker
Is that true?
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No, actually. That's not true at all. RE6 says it happened in 2009. And, wouldn't you know it. RE5 takes place in 2009.
So, what do you think, Mr. Project Umbrella?
Is that enough research that I've done for you?
Maybe the next time you want to go into a woman's DMs to mansplain at her and call her hysterical, you might want to get your fucking facts right first, you self-important misogynistic piece of human fucking garbage.
In conclusion.
and talk down to women, apparently
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delphi-shield · 13 days
For your wip tag game:
I would love to know more about "Moving Forward" and "America's Suitehearts" pretty please? 🥹
OH THANK YOU FOR ASKING oh man, oh man this is exciting! i'm so sorry, i got so carried away. i had too many thoughts when i went back to skim these wips lmfao. i'm putting this under a cut that's how bad it is.
Moving Forward is a one shot and maybe the stupidest fic I've ever written. idk i like thinking about the transition periods between all the different leon's we get to see, and i was thinking about infinite darkness through re6 leon and his relationship with adam benford. i know a lot of people decry their friendship as character assassination but i genuinely have never thought that it was out of character. by re6 (and arguably infinite darkness, though he's still kinda finding his footing there) leon has resigned himself to operating in a broken, fucked-up system. he's able at this point to recognize the people around him who are trying to do good and trying to work within the same system to get shit done. leon is not and never has been a leader, he's consistently happy to hand over authority to a more established, senior power. he does not spearhead change. he'll hold his ground and speak up if something violates his personal code of ethics/morals but he is absolutely not reforming anything by himself, he is way too happy to fall in line and play good little soldier and by that point in his life he's recognized that about himself and he's playing to his strengths.
anyway only like half of that is relevant. the fic deals with leon's servitude and his attitude towards his work a little bit, but it's mostly a fluff piece in which leon takes the reader to have dinner with his friend. he neglects to inform them beforehand that his friend is president-elect adam benford. insert hi-jinks. here's where the fic gets its name!
The house is a two-story colonial, fresh paint, a manicured lawn with a BENFORD 2012 sign stuck in the front yard still.  It screams money.  “Always thought that was kinda tacky,” you tell Leon. “‘Moving Forward’ - like, yeah, I hope so. It doesn't even rhyme with Benford.” “It's a slant rhyme.” “Why do you even know what a slant rhyme is?”
America's Suitehearts on the other hand is basically me shoving all my Ashley headcanons into a fic and making everyone deal with that!! Post-re4, poly leshley/reader, extremely inaccurate portrayals of how the secret service operate with adult children of sitting US presidents because i'm struggling to research it. reader is a big lonely loser in this fic and they're really fun to write. part 1 is very office romance, slice of life-y, part 2 is established relationship, sort of navigating the awkwardness of the early stages of a relationship.
perfume and cologne also play a really big part in this fic. i think it started as a way to practice writing smells and then it very quickly just became 'okay but ashley would smell good though, she'd probably like gourmand scents'.
“I think it smells better on you,” you say, offering her a sheepish little grin over top the cubicle. You hand her the perfume back, catching the pout of her lips and the furrow of her brow when she looks up. Her fingers brush yours. Warm and soft, yet they still send a chill through your body. “That can’t be right,” she declares. She stands up, leaning over the low wall separating your desks, gesturing for your arm. You give it to her without a second thought. Her hands cradle your forearm. Her nose presses to your wrist. You’re grateful for the empty office. If she wanted to open her mouth and sink her teeth into your skin, you would let her just to feel her tongue laving at your skin, to have her teeth leave impressions in your skin like a flower pressed between pages. Jesus, what a weird thought. You’re going to have to unpack that later. Maybe find a date or something. Fuck, you’re lonely.
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biohazard-4ever · 5 months
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D.S.O is an organization for a new breed of agents who have the readiness and flexibility to protect the US from the new threat of bioterrorism. The DSO was set up in 2011 by the order os President Adam Benford The DSO is able to command elite members of various security organizations, making each directly accountable to the President. Adhering to the president's own vision of justice, and eliminating any crisis that presents a clear danger to the US, the DSO has gained the nickname of "The President's Sword" in just two years. Leon S. Kennedy is a typical DSO agent, and one of the original recruits, Sherry Birkin also belongs to DSO, but was recruited from another organization. Soon after she was transferred to DSO, Sherry is sent on a mission to protect Jake Muller under Simmons' order. It is only after this incident that Leon learns that she too is a member of DSO. The US used to have a counter-bioterrorism organization called the FBC, but this had no connection to the DSO, and had an entirely different structure.
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