#actually. feels more like marlana.
cannibalovers · 6 months
i was obsessed with the handmaiden (still am, at the back of my head), i should not he surprised that i ended up obsessed with hannibal
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its-the-ratdawg · 1 year
The fic should be up either the 25th or 26th (I think I’ll have it finished by then. I HOPE). Whichever one of those days my ao3 account gets verified, I really don’t want my writing attached to me since I have mutuals on tumblr so I created another account.I am having fun with this fic, this isn’t even the fic that started me out wanting to write. But now I have like 16 ideas in my Google docs, some Hannigram and some Marlana, and some Spacedogs.
I am sad about the lack of Marlana fics. It is very weird writing for an escargot. Happy to add more content for the two girlies though. :)
And don’t worry about how long you think your Hrab x Wobster fic is taking. Take your time!
It's so cool that you've got so many ideas going!! I don't even know exactly HOW many WIPs i have right now, I should try to count that up. and it's totally understandable to keep your writing seperate from your main account. it's nice to have privacy and anonymity in the areas you want to!! sometimes it just feels a little more free.
And yeah I BET it's weird writing for an escargot... it's weird writing for CRUSTACEANS, but they at least have actual limbs. That's gonna take some serious artistic exploration and i'm so excited to see how it comes together!!
I'm trying not to rush myself with Wobster, I want it to go the way it needs to and that may take some time. I wouldn't want to Stephanie Meyers it and RUSH to get it published before the Hrab/Wobster craze "blows over," thereby making a mess of the whole thing, lol
(actually i have mixed feelings about Twilight) (just for the record) (but we don't need to go there rn)
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marley-manson · 2 years
Hannibal (the show) for 1!
Thank you very much!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Hannibal! Love that stupidly in love cannibal.
Least Favorite character:
Honestly, and this is probably a very unpopular opinion, but I think I might have to say Abigail. Like first of all I love every single character on this show so I do still like her, but I'm not into the murder family dynamic, and I was never all that invested in her as anything more than a plot device. She served the story best by dying imo.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
hannigram, marlana, freddie/wendy (freddie's gf in the book) lol, uhhh price/zeller... chiyoh/bedelia.
Character I find most attractive:
Chiyoh probably. Maybe Margot. Tough call.
Character I would marry:
I'd say Margot for the fortune but there are so many hoops to jump through before I could marry her what with murdering Mason and all. Maybe I'll say Molly since she seems cool and down to earth and possibly makes a lot of money since it didn't seem like Will had much of a job while he was with her.
Character I would be best friends with:
Bev. There are so few characters in this show I could handle even having a conversation with lol, but Bev's one of them.
a random thought:
I like the "music" on the show lol, I think it works. Actually in general I love everything about the tone.
An unpopular opinion:
Will's personality doesn't change when he interacts with people bc of his super empathy or mirror neurons or whatever. That was an early character concept that got dropped (thank god tbh), and something Hannibal says to Jack while specifically trying to frame him and convince Jack he became a murderer by getting into the heads of murderers (he didn't).
My Canon OTP:
My Non-canon OTP:
Idk lol, this is a show where I can somewhat ship almost any two randos and find something interesting about it, but I'm only invested in Hannigram. I'm gonna say Freddie/Wendy because I really wanted Freddie to get a girlfriend and so did the actress.
Most Badass Character:
Bedelia. Yeah Hannibal murders a bunch of people and has a couple cool fight scenes, Will manipulates Hannibal and is cool about it and also fights Dolarhyde with him, Jack kicks Hannibal's ass that one awesome time, Chiyoh is like a cool sniper, etc etc, but Bedelia telling Hannibal his crush on Will is stupid and manipulating him into trying to kill Will because she's sick of his pining and then waltzing off to get a book deal out of it and then charging Will to tell him his crush on Hannibal is stupid? That fucking incredible scene in Dolce where she get high and lies her ass off and it works? Amazing
Most Epic Villain:
yk season 1/first half of season 2 Hannibal was pretty epic. Even moreso bc it's not so much intricate schemes, aside from his back-up emergency Chilton frame up he'd clearly been planning for a couple years lol, it's mostly improvisation and dicking around to see what happens without getting caught.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Any alternative to Hannigram. Not interested in shipping either of them with anyone else.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Noooone of them. If anything each character just got better and better and better as the show went on imo, like Chilton lol. Well, Bev's death did suck a little, I think that could've been done better, so let's go with her.
Favourite Friendship:
Cheap answer here lol but Hannibal and Will specifically in Sorbet. Hannibal being paralleled to Franklyn, Hannibal pining to sad Mozart when Will misses his appointment, Hannibal clearly a little drunk when Will comes for his session and trying to confirm his friendship with him after Bedelia refused to call them friends during their earlier appointment... just wall to wall delightful commentary on Hannibal wanting a friend. Incredible episode.
Character I most identify with:
Literally no one on this show is relatable at all imo.
Character I wish I could be:
Hannibal. Dude was living the fucking life and I sure wouldn't throw it all away over some guy who smells like wet dog. I wish I had a tenth of his joie de vivre.
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k-s-morgan · 4 years
I am sure that this was said before but Alana/Margot is not in any way healthier than Hannigram, that Alana is as dark and as much of a monster as Hannibal and Will, and had a 'becoming' like Will has. Like, what she did to Hannibal, that's illegal isn't it? And she has shown that she is willing to suspend whatever her morals are whenever, and has adopted the ends justify the means idea? It's why want to see Hannibal go after her, because they became equal. In my opinion.
And then there is Margot, who had a traumatic childhood like Hannibal has and is a counterpart to Will and what she is capable of to get what she wants, in her case there is no moral boundaries. It's really interesting to me how Alana/Margot and Hannigram mirror each other? And it's interesting to me that there are people who thing that Alana/Margot is the sane, healthy ship of the two?
That’s a very interesting ask, I’ve actually never heard of this perspective! I can’t say I agree, though - except for the bit about Margot and Alana’s relationship being unhealthy. This one is up to interpretation, so let’s start with it.
On the one hand, it’s possible to think that they found each other, fell in love, and have an absolutely happy family. I like this idea and I prefer to stick to it - and I imagine Bryan has this image in mind as well since this is how he describes them. But still, another view is possible because Marlana has zero development. What we know of them is that they met, flirted, became lovers, plotted against Mason, and then had a child together. We see the end-result but not what happens between these stages. Are they together because they want to be or because they’re settling? They were forced to undergo trauma on their way to justice, and for a while, they were the only allies for each other. It’s bound to create a feeling of closeness, not necessarily strong or long-lasting one. Maybe Margot is still with Alana because Alana now holds her fortune - the child and the money are technically hers. Maybe they both feel trapped and worried about the other spilling the truth about Mason’s murder, so they hold each other hostages. There are lots of options and possibilities that fanfiction and the show could explore. 
But in terms of them as separate characters, I’d have to disagree. Yes, Margot and Alana aren’t the representatives of healthiest of people, but it’s their painful past that twisted them. Margot was born in a fucked up family and had to survive the horrors because she felt too vulnerable without Mason, both emotionally and financially. Alana first stood in Hannibal’s way, and then she wanted justice and was prepared to make sacrifices to achieve it. Alana can’t have a Becoming because she’s already her true self - she hardened on her way to S3, became colder and bitterer, but that was all the result of the circumstances she was subjected to. She wasn’t hiding her darker nature - Alana is a nice, caring person who grew to be a cynic. Her core has always been the same and she didn’t wear any masks.
What she did to Hannibal was as legal as she could realistically get. Yes, she worked with Mason to find him and she knew he would be tortured, but while she thought he deserved it, this wasn’t her goal. She knew it’s the only chance to arrest Hannibal and Mason both - for that, she needed Mason’s limitless resources to locate Hannibal, which is why she played along. Afterward, she had a deal with Jack: as soon as Mason catches Hannibal, the FBI will come and arrest them both. It was the plan with the absolute minimal damage inflicted, but things went wrong and Alana was forced to adapt, like Will urged her to. So she became more hardened, but she was still trying to do a good thing with minimal losses. 
Margot has a similar situation: she actually isn’t capable of doing what she wants regardless of the consequences. She couldn’t force herself to really kill Mason - like Hannibal said, she still loved him. She worked with Alana to get justice instead of taking the matters in her own hands. Yes, she was willing to let Hannibal be tortured to death by Mason when the initial plan failed, but it pained her, and her decision was understandable - she had to choose between her long-awaited child and a serial killer who contributed to her pain. Of course she’d choose the former. Like she wistfully says to Hannibal, “I could never trust you.” Not again.
In the end, Margot and Alana are a more or less righteous couple - they try to stick to the law and they fight against evil. They had to murder Mason, who was trying to kill them, but they didn’t enjoy it - they were desperate and terrified, and based on how Alana keeps Hannibal in luxury, she feels guilty and ashamed of what happened. They had to do it, they had no other choice. Will and Hannibal, in turn, are both dark. They enjoy murder and delight in darkness. In Will’s case, he actually seems to get high on it. They don’t care who suffers because of them, and overall justice is the last thing on their mind - they not just kill, they want to kill and they like it. 
Marlana and Hannigram are relatively equal in the sense that Will and Hannibal are going to be hunting together, just the two of them, while Margot and Alana will surround themselves with bodyguards. It will be a challenge for them to locate each other. But when it comes to actual darkness and willingness to kill, Will and Hannibal triumph all the way. 
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channieswife21 · 5 years
The Greatest Game
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Yandere Chanyeol Imagine
“I need you to pay close attention right now (Y/N)” Baek said to me, I wrapped my arms around my body in the cold Seoul winter wind. I'd heard this spill 25 times on the way to the train station. I was exhausted emotionally and physically and the way that Baek was focused on me only made me want to curl in on myself. I only glanced away before turning my eyes to the concrete below my feet, giving a miniscule nod.
“A nod is not good enough, love. I need you to repeat the plan back to me. ”
He didn’t have to look out for me, a person he had only known for a couple of months from uni. I couldn't help that my mind started to wander...If only things had been different.
“I board the train out of Seoul and head towards Daegu. From Daegu, I will take the plane waiting for me to Barcelona.” I stop when I realize I've forgotten what happens when I get there. Xiumin chimed in patiently. “Then from Barcelona you meet Marlana and she takes you to the airport and you fly to LA.”
The journey across the world sounded excessive, but in reality, it might not be enough.
“And you don’t stop until you’ve gotten to LA. Meet my sister at UCLA” I turn to look at Sehun who was speaking who no doubt feels guilty for all this. He was the one that set us up after all but he couldn't have known this would happen.
“Where's your phone?” Jumyeon asks. “He's a computer science major sweetheart. I'm sure he could track you, don't make it too easy for him that isn't like you.” I ignore the fact that he just insinuated that I'm difficult and handed him my phone.
He was right Chanyeol would never stop looking for me once he got home and realized I was gone. He's always been the right kind of possessive...until now.
“Jesus H. Christ (Y/N)” I look up at myeon with a confused face. “You have 30 missed calls and 60 messages, guess he's back home now which means we're running out of time.” I checked the last message.
“I just know there's a reason my peaches isn't here now. I know there's a reason your shit is gone isn't there? I thought we discussed why you need not run from me, peaches.”  
Looking at the scared look on my face Xiumin takes my phone and puts it in the trash. Kyungsoo looks up and grabs my arm tightly. “We have to go before he gets real smart real quick and finds where we are.”
I didn't always feel like this about Chanyeol, scared and distant, I used to feel the cliche butterflies in my stomach as I looked at his smile and the way he would look at me.
Now I just feel numb.
I met Chanyeol on a blind date Sehun had set us up on. He said he had a friend that needed someone to bring him out of his loner type life. I was that someone, focused on my studies so much that I had forgotten to have a social life, we were the perfect match, he gave me a life and I gave him purpose. I helped him focus on his studies at Yonsei and even helped him discover his love for computer science and technology in general and he had a real gift for it. He would take me on dates to places I had no idea existed. The most beautiful places in Seoul and even Jeju island. Going to parties and public places was a bit of a hassle with him sometimes. He would always get into arguments with other men because they got too close or because they would simply look my way. Once at a bar this man turned and bumped into me on accident and as he turned to apologize Chanyeol decked him right in the face and we were thrown out. I simply took it as him being a little more possessive than others..oh how i was wrong. Sehun had warned me of Chanyeol's possessiveness but none of us could have known the extent it would go.
When I came home late from my shift at the hospital I found Chanyeol asleep on the couch in front of his laptop. I smiled thinking he had fallen asleep waiting on me again. As I went to wake him I glanced at his laptop and saw the familiar hallways of the hospital I had just been relieved from. Confused and but not yet scared I look closer and see one camera focused on the desk area I reside at and the patient rooms I had been servicing. I gasped slightly. Was he spying on me? I had gasped a little too loudly because he woke up with panicked eyes and started gathering his laptop and had the nerve to start questioning me as if I was the one that had something to explain. “Why are you meddling in my things while i'm sleeping!” “ME? You were the one spying on ME!” “I wasn't spying, I was trying to make sure you were ok! It's passed the time you're usually home.” so he felt that he had a right to hack into the cameras at my job? We talked it out but I was still uneasy.
He had a knack for tying me up during sex.
I had been tied to a chair in our room after him not seeing me for a week because of our finals and work. “Oh my god, I missed this,” I gasped, his mouth closing around my nipple and his teeth tugging softly on it. I could feel him smile against me. “Who do you belong to?” 
“You daddy only you.” “That's a good girl.” he unties me and throws me onto the bed and crawls up towards me. His tongue darted down to lick me in my entirety before circling my clit again. I managed to grip the top of his head through the blankets and press him closer. He worked on me and added fingers to help stimulation. He bites the inside of my thigh and leaves marks all over my lower body. He liked to leave marks on me. Whenever some would fade away he would just add more. He was rough holding my thighs tightly and biting every so often. But he never failed to make me feel good. I whined in pleasure as my release finally came, his hands held me down with force as my hips started to buck. “Fucking shit,” I panted, as I felt my body relax. His lips kissed a trail up my pelvis, my abdomen, his head finally revealing itself again as he pressed a kiss to my lips with the sheet framing his euphoric face.
What was the last straw was 4 weeks ago. I had gone out with friends yet I kept feeling a pair of eyes on me. I brushed it off and kept enjoying my night. I started dancing with my friends and this guy came up behind me and started dancing on me. I turned around and politely let him know I had a boyfriend and he left me alone. As we were on our way out we heard yelling and turned around to see a man on the ground with another man punching him repeatedly till he was bloody in the face. I noticed the man as the one that tried to dance with me and….Chanyeol?!?!?!? What the actual hell. “CHANYEOL!!” When he sees me I notice, his eyes go from fiery to soft. “Oh peaches..”
When we got home he slammed the door and turned to me “What have I told you about going out with other people? You're mine! No one is allowed to be that close to you.” “Chanyeol, you cannot stalk me!!” “you're mine peaches, i'll do as I please and you do well to remember that!!”
“Myeon I can't do this alone I can't be alone.” For some reason I still loved him. I didn't wanna leave but it was for my own safety. “He’s never gonna leave you alone if you're still here.”
“Um we have a problem.” “What Jongin?”
“He’s here.”
We all turn around and see him brooding towards us.
All aboard!
“Go, i'll go hold him off” Thank the lord for jongdae. I board the train with my head down and find a seat furthest away from the door. I look straight out of the window and lock eyes with Chanyeol and can't help but freeze. Our relationship flashes before my eyes and I start to think about how maybe the good outweighed the bad and I should stay. Then I remember 
“You'll never escape me.” 
I know I have to get out of here. He looked so heartbroken and defeated as he whispered “peaches…” and I feel a heart string pull at the fond nickname. Then that side comes out and he mouths….
“You're mine. I'll find you. I promise.”
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margotverger · 4 years
top 5 best hannibal takes and worst hannibal takes. go
okay i’m going to do this generally on what other people’s takes (that i’ve seen or read somewhere) are because none of my hannibal takes are bad. 
top 5 best:
that margot should have been butch in the tv show and that the margot/alana romance could have been developed a little more, i’ll elaborate more on the butch angle in top 5 worst, but i think while i enjoy marlana in s3 (who doesn’t) i do think that there could have been a Little More to it, especially since there was admittedly a lot of gratuitous metaphorical work on a visual or verbal level in early s3 that didn’t... really do much after the first few, and that i think bryan fuller definitely got a bit self-indulgent. while i love s3 i think it was weaker because it got quite ensnared in feeling like it had to explain everyone’s individual recovery (not a bad thing necessarily and the looping narrative definitely had this feeling of “time has been changed, mutilated, adjusted after mizumono”, but on a narrative level it could have probably still been achieved but left more room for things to. Happen) and i think that some of the excess could have been trimmed to allow for more margot-alana development beyond simply talking about taking revenge, i would have loved to see some genuine conversation that only affected both of them that made us realise just why alana would raise the child with her, why they would get marriedーalana having very little dating life and presumably trauma around relationships since her immediate ex tried to murder her and is also a serial killer, and margot having been traumatised repeatedly due to being a lesbian in a very homophobic family, they deserved some space in order to explore why exactly they mean a lot to each other. even a singular scene that didn’t depend on taking vengeance on the men who hurt them would have given us enough i think. 
lara jean chorostecki’s hot take (implied) that freddie would have a wife. groundbreaking. love that. regardless of bryan fuller i am assuming with full confidence that freddie lounds has a wife after the timeskip
autistic will graham. enough said. hugh dancy’s only stupid thing was saying will isn’t autistic. that was a sin. will graham is autistic
lesbian abigail hobbs. lesbian abigail hobbs!
the hot take that hannibal doesn’t do its women characters justice, this isn’t just about deaths (i do agree that for the gothic horror narrative characters are doomed to some extent, and i don’t overly grieve over deaths that came too early, so i’m not too fussed) but on a writing level, bryan fuller definitely tries to portray himself as a very woman-positive author who introduces feminine energy - and he does! but at the same time there is a lack in developing relationships between women, and for a story to truly give space to be a genuinely woman-positive story there needs to be strong relationships between women that don’t depend on men; obviously since hannibal’s presence is insidious and infects everything, as is his luciferian ways, and will’s often the binding agent, this can’t be entirely avoided but regardless of hannibal they can exist, on some small level, individually. we saw that a lot in s1! between abigail and freddie and alana and abigail mostly, plus there was a small glimpse at it in season 3 with bedelia and chiyoh (underrated imo i would love to see further into why bedelia has her views of chiyoh and what that means ... i hope they interact again if hannibal s4 comes to pass!). so it proves there is room for it. it doesn’t need to be every episode or even have a huge arc but seeing hannibal pass the bechdel test more than like. twice a season would be nice!
top 5 worst takes:
that bedannibal is more romantic than hannigram (lol)... i love bedelia and bedannibal a lot but that’s just. hm. incorrect
that hannibal has never loved anybody except will. i’ve wrote about this before but i think that’s a deliberate misunderstanding of the character hannibal. what is unique about hannibal and will’s relationship is not the presence of love but the presence of being changed by that love; transformation is at its core, the openness to being adjusted or altered... recognition, seeing, understanding, and that allowing compassion not only for the other (in hannibal’s case) but for the self (in will’s case). hannibal loves a lot, but his love is not separate from crueltyーi think this is where people misunderstand. just because he is willing to hurt or harm people isn’t, in the narrative (not in real life), because he doesn’t love them. his cruelty is because he loves people enough he wants to bring them to the height of their being, in extremis. he loved alana, which is why he showed her a chance at mercy. he loved bedelia. he loved jack. he loved abigail! he loved bella especially, and he genuinely mourned. these went beyond fascinations; these were genuine expressions of affection, love, whether they be platonic or romantic or familial. hannibal’s flaw is not that he is incapable of love. and personally i think to disrespect his relationships with other characters (who are all women, black or both lol) in order to further isolate the white m/m relationship is... not ideal. not a sign that someone is wholly prejudiced but i think it’s something we should be critical about, especially when hannibal through word of god is confirmed to love other people. 
bryan fuller’s own take that margot being femme is somehow less prejudiced or problematic than if she was butch. i haven’t read the book yet but i already know that margot’s portrayal as a butch lesbian was problematic but thomas harris is . undoubtedly prejudiced in many ways and that’s a fault of him, not a fault of the existence of being butchーbeing butch isn’t just a “stereotype” it’s a genuine mode of existence, it’s an intricate relationship with gender, sexuality and love, and butchness deserves to be represented as something beautiful, desirable and complex... instead of just deciding she should be conventionally feminine because that’s somehow more progressive. but then again he also made her have sex with a man so you know. lol
ANY take that involves over-analysing who is a top or who is a bottom and then rendering the characters into homophobic/fetishistic stereotypes. it’s ugly! it’s weird! keep that shit away from me. also any take involving “dark!will”. again that just does the character of will disrespect lol. the whole point of will is that he is morally complex and perhaps beyond the human scopeーhe is not just an echo of hannibal... i’ve seen one too many fics where will just becomes a savage brutal unfeeling murderer who only cares about hannibal after s3. like please watch the show
that hannibal is a narcissist/sociopath... or any other ableist interpretations. not every villain is a narcissistic (a genuine disorder) sociopath (just another word associated with npd etc) just because they do bad things. they’re very real disorders that people deal with and are infinitely more complex than just a character having a god complex and killing people. the whole point about hannibal is that he exceeds what is considered neurodivergent and while i don’t mind if people with similar disorders relate to him (much like how i relate to will’s autistic traits) i think a lot of bad comes from people throwing the label sociopath around because it becomes dehumanising and leads to further stigma against truly vulnerable people. 
basically any trope that just does a character a disservice or neglects the actual story in further of fetishistic thinking, prejudiced thinking, ableist thinking... will graham can be autistic because of his empathy (i’ve seen it implied that he can’t be because of it when, as a very empathetic autistic person, hyper-empathy is a very common if not universal symptom, it just appears differently) and hannibal is not a sociopath just because he kills and eats people. and we should all have a little sip of critical thinking juice
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cordofcommunion · 4 years
hannibal related questions
thanks @acheforyou​ for tagging me! here is amie’s post if you would like to read, she has great answers. 
favorite episode and why:  at the risk of sounding like everyone ever, i have to go with mizumono. as much as i love so many others (twotl, controno for the jack/hannibal rematch, dolce, digestivo, suzakana, tome wan, naka choko to name a few!) the impact of mizumono stayed with me, touched me on another level, it lives in my brain rent free and i think abt it daily. for so many reasons but a few would be the almost hard to look at heartbreak on hannibal’s face before he guts will, the way will accepts this as penance, these lines of dialogue:
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(the rest is under the cut for length’s sake) 
the build up from the beginning to the final moment of the episode felt like a tumble into an abyss, i regard it as one of my favorite episodes of tv ever. i’m so glad i got to binge the show in totality bc if i had to wait a year to see who survived/what happened after mizumono i would’ve gone apeshit.
least favorite episode and why: hm. i think s1 is the weakest of the three, not to say that i didn’t enjoy it but having the story as a completed whole i can see where s1 is the prototype for the complexity to come. it’s hard to choose one for this as i’ve found something to enjoy in each ep, no matter how weak!
favorite main character: definitely will graham. i’m ill for him endlessly and the fact that he probably uses stinky 3 in 1 body and hair soap makes me love him more. 
if you could bring back one character who died, who would it be? bev and abigail equally, you can’t make me choose. 
dish prepared in the show that you would like to try eating/making: sanguinaccio dolce, i’m not a huge meat eater so nothing else has rly appealed to me that much but i am very curious abt this dessert. 
which side character would you kill off: this question made me realize that every character i wanted to die in hannibal did die (and ones i didn’t want to die, horribly) so i will have to agree with amie here and say mason verger deserves another death, just as a treat.
was there any scene that you didn’t like to watch? hmm… any scene with mason and alana interacting bc he was always so disgusting to her it made my skin crawl. for a show that arguably lacks sexually-driven violence towards women, having mason say anything ever felt much more infuriating and i think that’s the point. any scene with dolarhyde and reba made me uncomfy as hell, which i also thought was the point but just seeing how sweet reba was and knowing what kind of person dolarhyde rly was! the sex scene with them? i could not. shutting my eyes. honestly francis in general was hard to watch, i was just feeling very tense whenever he was onscreen, so kudos to richard armitage for playing that role so well.
biggest ship: i’m basic, the murder husbands have my ass but i’ve been thinking a lot abt bedelia/chiyoh! and marlana ofc. 
why did you start watching hannibal? i was aware of the show when it was airing bc i was on tumblr, i think it’s hard not to be aware of hannibal on here. i knew i would become obsessed with it but i didn’t have cable tv and i didn’t want to stream it illegally, plus i was in my senior year of high school and was trying to focus on college applications at the time so i postponed the hyper-fixation i knew i was in for a while. i forgot about it, saw it on netflix, binged it immediately and now i’m here, thinking of nothing but this show all day every day. 
favorite hannibal fic if you’ve read any? i’m new to hannibal fic so i actually am in the middle of my first post-fall longfic atm, i’ll have to get back to you on this one bc i haven’t read anything else to definitively make a statement on a fave. 
have you watched any of the hannibal films? when i was younger like 6 or 7 i watched the silence of the lambs, it was part of the handful of movies that got me into horror when i definitely shouldn’t have been watching stuff like that but i was a precocious child, what can i say, and then a few years later i watched the hannibal rising film with gaspard ulliel during a brief stint as a fan of his. that’s all, but i would like to rewatch/watch all of them someday. 
have you read the thomas harris books? i recently picked them up so i could do so, but knowing they’re homophobic and transphobic has set my excitement off a bit. i would still like to get thru them if not just to know the source text, i just struggle reading things that make me angry like that, but horror is horror so i know i’ll survive. not a thomas harris book but i’m in the middle of an essay collection on nbc hannibal right now and enjoying it immensely, it’s called becoming: genre, queerness, and transformation in nbc’s hannibal. i would highly recommend! 
favorite murder tableau: i have to agree with amie again and go with the angel maker! if not that, i thought the “secondo” firefly will made was beautiful.
favorite blood spill: the absolute carnage that is the finale’s red dragon showdown. the transformation by blood ritual of it all, oof. 
what’re some of your headcanons? to refrain from writing any more of a novel than i already have, i will just say that bev is a lesbian. thank you for coming to my ted talk. 
if anyone hasn’t been tagged and wants to do this, feel free and pls tag me so i can read! @knifehorror​, @bedeliasbird​ & @nonbinarywillgraham​ perhaps? only if you want to, of course. 
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a-lilacsong · 4 years
a-Lilacsng’s Live text reaction: Elena's day off
I Drive up to you in my sports Corvette and take off my sunglasses. “Hey so I heard Ixlan’s in this episode, and I want in.” 
((I know I haven't done one of these in forever, but I knew I had to do one for this episode. Spoilers under the cut.)
Sneak 1000 Only 3 days?! Dang. Well it sounds like she's going to invite King Hector, “Definitely can't put him with Abigail” It can't be anyone else 🎵 Who knew they owned 1,000 salad plates 🎵 Oh and there's a cello, Hello cello This is why she needs more secretaries and planners “And we have I don't know how many bad guys out there, building an invasion Squad!” Even Elena's Gene Savvy enough to know that they will crash her party She's been standing behind the plates all day waiting for her cue Doña Isn't even trying to be subtle at this point Oh that's so cute, Mini Royal chairs Put Hector next to Alonso, at least it would be entertaining to everyone else at the party And they all just magically stick to the table I love it, she's actually making a battle strategy, finally! “I made their figures look like Stone because that's the form they're going to be taking at the end of the final battle Hahaha.” Isabel is very disturbed by it as well Holy moly it's like know your friends but know your enemies even better She was probably just using farsight to like see all their features and carefully carve them out And there's no mini Stone Chatana!  But I get it though, wings are hard. Naomi is completely right, you have staff so let them do their jobs!!! She keeps telling Isa to rely on her team and Trust in her team, Because deep down she knows that she's exactly like her. Elena's finally cracking I love the mini Jaquin on the chocolate fountain At this point I'd say put that Fountain out of its misery, you really just don't need it He just cringes at the mention of fireworks, I wonder what happened with that … That ladder is not securely put up,I just feel like she'll end up falling off if it's like that… But wait, don't you already know Elena? They lured her out now quick, Tire her down and force her to relax! Elena, this is an intervention Doña just looks so smug and happy to be the party planner now and you know what, at this point she deserves it. it wouldn't hurt for Elena to just make some battle strategies but I guess if they've been training for a while... And Julio is wearing his fancy vest! Hello darkness my old friend And Francisco's using the gavel now! “-a relaxing stress-free Girl's Day!”  I have Never seen a greater look of concern than the one on Ixlan’s face At this point Isabel can't help but laugh at the irony of it all The jokes in this episode though I see that Sleeping Beauty reference Ixlan is not amused by the silly hats I'm surprised she knows that much about Alonzo (I can just hear the fanfiction being written) Just punch it! Although it's probably an illegal move… It's like they need to carefully quarantine Hector from everyone else, Ixlan picked her up! She can ride a horse! Jaquin water skiing is best sport Beach outfits! Also it's really nice to see Dulce, Migs and the kids again Whoa, she's doing a sacred Meruvian thing No Isabel. You're going to snap her out of the Peace! Well I mean she does seem the super flexible she probably would beat you at any pose Yep, she wins I wonder if the Meruvians did had wars and conquered people, I mean there probably weren't only monsters to conquer That's interesting in the second episode they were trying to emulate that culture, and now she's worried about being culturally offensive  Mingo you're just too Precious That's good, if you bury her in mud she can't escape and grab the sceptre That mud has the consistency and sound effects of jam. “What is wrong with me?” “ I have been compiling a list” Naomi and Isabel are the true villains of this episode They have no sense of Gene savviness whatsoever The ultimate chase scene! Oh no emotion Magic! Ixlan just has the best lines ever Also that's a major fallacy not telling one of your main allies about the whole dress emotions thing, maybe they haven't trained enough. Elena Hated ballet as a kid... let me just write that down for fanfiction purposes... It's just like when everything glitches out in g-mod! Mingo being adorable Everyone gets dropped down gently except for Ixlan “I am adding this to my list of things that are wrong with you!” And everything goes to chaos Then again that's what happens when you make a cake 3 days before the actual coronation, It would probably have gone hard by the day And of course all the decorations have to fall down, of course!!! Poor Octavio, He didn't deserve this He's holding a torch for no other reason other than for things to get lit on fire You don't jump up when there's going to be an explosion you get on the ground! Oh boy they're lucky the bridge didn't blow up Spoke too soon about the bridge Isn’t Someone going to comfort the princess? Good Naomi good Fix the bridge with magic Wait no Octavio could come and save the day! Just fill the bridge with broken fountains! Or just use the crystals, that works too Eek! Doña and Julio Are finally working together! Well that's one way to pave a road Armando and Marlana! It looks like Octavio stayed on after all, now that is true dedication IXLAN PICKED UP DONA! She definitely wins, Without a doubt. Oh Julio
That was a pretty great episode. It was hilarious, We got to see a bunch of characters we haven't seen in awhile and it was nice to see them again! And Ixlan Is officially the best. And of course I've learned as an audience member not to get worried about the party the characters are planning when I'm watching the show because I know ultimately it's all going to be fine. Yes it will all be fine I keep telling myself. It. Will. Be. Fine.
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hannibalcreative · 7 years
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Here’s the Fic Roundup of our first even of 2018! We want to thank everyone for participating, and specially @reapersun for the amazing banner.
Second Star to the Right by 11Mydesign11, Destinyawakened and Identically_Different
Summary: A Peter Pan AU. In Neverland you never grow older, grow up, or present. Will befriends Hannibal and Mischa and brings them to Neverland to escape their awful Uncle. But Neverland isn’t right for everyone.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Bedelia du Maurier, Mason Verger, Mischa Lecter, Matthew Brown, Tobias Budge, Franklyn Froideveaux, Molly Graham, Dr. Frederick Chilton
Merge Conflicts by ivnwrites
Summary: Recruiting someone out of the matrix was supposed to be easy. He was supposed to be able to explain the simulation and watch their eyes light up at the chance to finally see what was outside the world they had known. They weren’t supposed to turn his offer down.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Will Graham, Matthew Brown
Brownham (Will Graham/Matthew Brown)
Site B by murdergatsby
Summary: Will Graham’s boat washes ashore Isla Sorna, a human-scarce island off the coast of Costa Rica with an unnatural history. He immediately finds himself thrown into dangers he’s never experienced, and certainly wasn’t prepared for.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Mason Verger, Freddie Lounds, Cordell Doemling
Learning Love by FrostyLee
Summary: The Moulin Rouge will always teach about the greatest thing you’ll ever learn.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Elias, Lee Fallon
Eleeas (Lee/Elias)
The Shape of Murder by sonderland
Summary: Will Graham is working as a repairman at The Baltimore State Hospital when they acquire an unusual asset.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Bedelia du Maurier, Beverly Katz, Wendigo, Jack Crawford, Frederick Chilton.
Draco’s Ladder  (also avaliable in French) by PersephoneSiren
Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Adam Towers, Draco
FlowerBear (Adam Towers/Draco)
Killing Must Feel Good to Gods, Too. by Housefrau
Summary: Will Graham and Shadow Moon find themselves in a very similar situation. After being unable to save her life on his own, Will begs the Goblin King to heal Abigail Hobbs. The Goblin King agrees to help, but will not give her back unless Will comes to retrieve her himself. After a heated argument with Shadow, Laura Moon wishes herself away. Much to Shadow’s surprise, the Goblin King actually takes her. Will and Shadow ask for Abigail and Laura to be returned, but now must complete the labyrinth within thirteen hours in order to get them back. If they fail, the Goblin King will either have new goblins to do his bidding… or dinner. After all, Hannibal Lecter is the Goblin King. He finds that following through with wishes to take humans away is the easiest way to get fresh meat for his infamous dinner parties.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Alana Bloom, Elias, Lee Fallon, Wendigo, Molly Foster, Shadow Moon, Laura Moon, Mad Sweeney, Zorya Vechernyaya, Zorya Utrennyaya, Zorya Polunochnaya, Technical Boy, Media, Salim, The Jinn, Bilquis, Mr. World.
Hannigram, Alana Bloom/Will Graham, Molly Graham/Will Graham, Will Graham/Wendigo, Laura Moon/Shadow Moon, Shadow Moon/Audrey Burton, Shadow Moon/Mad Sweeney, The Jinn | Ifrit/Salim
Mystery of Love by 11Mydesign11, You_Are_As_Alone_As_I_Am
Summary: When his father’s handsome friend – a young graduate student – comes to stay with Aiden and his family for the summer, he quickly becomes the boy’s obsession. Is it an unrequited crush, or a deeper love roiling beneath the surface begging to claw it’s way out? A sensual, beautiful love story wrought with denial, teenage angst and passion blossoms in this Hannigram AU, inspired by the Oscar nominated film, Call Me By Your Name.
Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Aiden (Blood and Chocolate), Vivian Gandillon
Aiden (Blood and Chocolate)/Hannibal Lecter
Alien: Genesis by treebarkings
Summary: Adam apprehends a criminal war machine and tries to bring him to justice. Nigel, said criminal, just kidnapped an officer on top of his military desertion. The two board the Genesis for entirely different reasons. A disturbing plot of genetic experimentation, human rights, and Aliens ostensibly keep them together.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Adam Raki, Nigel
Evil is here, volatile as smoke by Cinnamaldeide
Summary: Something not very nice happened in the room over Hannibal’s meat pie shop, many years ago, but a purposeful stranger is eager to rent it nonetheless; fortuitously Hannibal had his ways to feed another mouth.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Bedelia du Maurier, Jack Crawford, Abel Gideon, Freddie Lounds,
Synchronicity by fizumono
Summary: Jaeger pilot Will Graham’s unique drift compatibility with Hannibal Lecter is perhaps the missing link needed to save the world from Kaiju invasion and cancel the apocalypse.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Adam Towers, Adam Raki, Elias, Nigel
Hannigram, Basic Chickens, Spacedogs
Today 4 U by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Lee knows Nigel, his solemn downstairs neighbor, from their HIV support group. He didn’t expect to come home from his shift at the Cat Scratch Club to a distraught Nigel at his door, candle in hand, ready to relapse. There’s no way Lee’s leaving him alone, not tonight. It’s December 25th, two AM, Eastern Standard Time. From here on in, they live without a script.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lee Fallon, Nigel
BearDogs (Nigel/Lee)
Whisper Through the Chrysalis by beforethedawn, ConstructFairytales and Destinyawakened
Summary: Will Graham’s been reassigned, again, to a new Master–This one is slightly less ethical than the others.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Jack Crawford, Frederick Chilton
Maneater: The Survivor by RedFive
Summary: When work brings Chief Brody up to Baltimore for a weekend, she checks in on her good friend Will Graham, and although Will seems physically recovered from the events that occurred last spring, something is troubling him. Worried for her friend, she turns to Doctor Lecter for advice unaware of the danger she’s in as the FBI closes in on their own maneater. One or all will be caught in their fishing nets, and not everyone will make it out alive.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Chocolat by ElectraRhodes
Summary: this is a Hannibal/Chocolat crossover, dealing with all kinds of delicious guilty indulgences; borrowing from Catholic theology and liturgy; Hannibal’s own special kinds of therapy; gratuitous use of rural France.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Le Chevaliers des Fleurs by vix_spes
Summary: Adam Towers, le Chevaliers des Fleurs, was one of the most famous demimondaine in Paris, always flitting from lover to lover. And then he met Draco, the young Vicomte d'Argive.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Adam Towers, Draco
FlowerBear (Adam Towers/Draco)
Strength and Honour by ElectraRhodes
Summary: “My name is Maximus Hannibal Barca. Leader of the armies of the north, brother to a murdered child, son to murdered parents. And I will have my revenge. In this life. Or the next.”
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Alana Bloom, Bedelia du Maurier, Brian Zeller, Jimmy Price, Jack Crawford, Tobias Budge, Francis Dolarhyde, Reba McClane, Beverly Katz
when you say nothing at all by grahamirror
Summary: Bookstore owner Will Graham, Hollywood star Hannibal Lecter and a moonlit garden.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Unicorn by Llewcie
Summary: Will Graham is a bounty hunter– his job is to ‘retire’ replicants who have gone rogue. Hannibal Lecter is his latest target, a prototype with an unlimited clock and a thirst for learning, among other things. Tracking him is easy– it’s almost like Lecter wants to be found. Retiring him might be a little more complicated.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Mulholland Drive by folieadeux-carolinedhavernas
Summary: Mulholland Drive with Katharine Isabelle as Betty Elms/Margot Verger and Caroline Dhavernas as Rita/Alana Bloom- based on one of the movie posters.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Margot Verger
Hannibloom, Marlana
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The M/M Shipping Thing: Misogyny, the Male Gaze, and Feminist and Queer Representation
Follow up post to this one, here. Read this to see my thoughts on the importance of allowing women to see men through a lens where male sexuality is something to be celebrated, not feared. Seems like a lot of people can relate to this, and I just love talking about it so have some more of my thoughts.
First of all, it’s a numbers game…
Going off of this point by @colt-kun which I’ve copied and pasted here. This gives a great overview of a purely statistical analysis of why m/m ships are more common.  
“There’s also the sheer numbers to take into account.
Take the first Avengers movie as an example (because frankly its one of the few recent blockbusters with two female speaking roles). Two females, Black Widow and Maria. Then eight males, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, Hulk, Loki, Fury, Coulson.
Not counting polyships/selfships for ease of math, and using the characters cisgender identities bc that is what they are largely seen as (no disrespect meant to any trans/nb interpretations)
Possible f/m ships: 16 (35.5%) Possible f/f ships: 1 (2.2%) Possible m/m ships: 28 (62.2%)
That’s not even accounting for screentime, character chemistry, interaction times, etc. thats just the NUMBERS.
When there’s a large disparity in character gender then yeah, you’re going to see a heavy inclination to m/m ships because that’s really ALL THATS POSSIBLE. The fans have a natural desire for more story and romances, they want to world build and AU. We’ve done that since stories were first told.
So of COURSE you’re going to see a lot of women - of all sexual orientations - leaning towards m/m pairings because when there’s only potatoes at the buffet… you eat the potatoes. Think of all the shows an movies with only one female character in a cast of men. Is it really difficult to see WHY there’s a lot of m/m ships there?”
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Mainstream media is male-centered and male-dominated.
Going beyond just the numbers the fact is that in the majority of popular films and TV shows many of the female characters aren’t well-rounded or on screen as much as most of the men. There is a tendency for women to be the secondary characters or maybe to have one main female character. This makes it hard to really relate to and invest in a lot of the female characters out there. Not that people don’t, but it’s not going to attract a huge following.
Take Supernatural (low hanging fruit I know) where even if there are a large number of women that appear throughout the series, there aren’t many that stick around(and let’s not even go there with all of the deaths and how sexist that is right now ha)or interact with each other in a way that would lead to a lot of shipping. Even in my lovely Hannibal fandom, the Marlana ship which people love and people write for just isn’t going to have as much of a following just based on the fact that they aren’t the main characters. And Marlana is a good example of a w/w ship where they aren’t objectified, don’t die, and still it’s a secondary focus. There obviously are some exceptions, but they are few and far between.
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The Male Gaze:
Also, women (and any gender that isn’t cismale) are trained to see film through the male perspective. Film and TV is usually shot with the male gaze, so women learn to see through this lens. We grow up learning to empathize and put ourselves in the shoes of male protagonists because otherwise we would have very little media to enjoy. I think this is part of why it’s natural for women to ship m/m ships. I also think that shipping men and sexualizing them can be a subversion of the male gaze and is an empowering way to flip that script for many women.
We could go into a whole other discussion on internalized misogyny and patriarchal culture and why there are some not so great reasons women might gravitate towards m/m ships, but I think it’s important to see all the reasons why this is and to not demonize women for doing something that makes sense both statistically, sociologically, and psychologically, etc.
Men rarely have to put themselves in the shoes of women in film. So, I do feel like there is a difference between straight dudes watching lesbian porn and women who thoughtfully engage in a m/m ship. You can’t ignore the gender politics at play and how these factors interact. In an ideal world, people of all genders and sexualities could enjoy bodies without all the baggage of sexism and homophobia, but sadly that’s not our world.
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This famous, awesome thread really sums it up:
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I do think there are women who fetishize and act awful when it comes to m/m ships. (I also realize there are lots of other intersections at work in film such as race and class that I’m not really addressing.) Especially those who don’t do any of the emotional or intellectual work around the history of the queer community and who don’t engage in activism of that sort. Plus, if you are a straight woman who loves and supports gay male ships but you’re grossed out by queer women or you’re objectifying actual queer men in your life, it’s time to check yourself and stop that.
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Homoerotic Subtext:
Also, women, and queer people across the board, have been trained to read subtextual clues like pros. Women are especially adept at reading into stories since they are so rarely represented in positive ways. Queer people do this, too. It makes sense that women, especially queer women, would pick up on interactions that have homoerotic subtext easily. And, since film is male dominated, it is much more likely the subtext will be between two men. Also, let’s just face it, the history of film is male centered and homo eroticism is a big part of it, and it’s usually about good looking white dudes. The LGBT community itself still has a long way to go in portraying and magnifying people of all genders and sexualities more equally.
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The weight of the male gaze on queer women.
There’s also the problem of objectification. I like to write, read, and see fan art about w/w ships, but there’s always that weight of feeling like you’re objectifying women all over again and feeling unsure about it. Honestly, I think that many of us in fandom should probably do what we can to write more femslash and write original queer female characters, but there are a lot of reasons why these ships aren’t as popular as m/m ships. There’s a lot of baggage around portraying women and female sexuality. And lesbian sex is so objectified that it can be a minefield to navigate even when(once in a blue moon) a good f/f ship opportunity comes along. But, even with that, there are some thriving ships such as Korrasami and Clexa(oh look another queer woman is dead. This is why we can’t have nice things). Queer women do celebrate and create fandom around good w/w ships when we get the chance. 
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Misogyny and Mocking Fandom:
Lastly, and I’ve read lots on this before so this is just my take, people tend to demonize fandom and m/m shipping because it is something that is driven by women, mainly made by women, and made mostly for other women (and nonbinary folks, too).
Even in the LGBT+ community, there is a lot of misogyny. Cis gay white men are the face of that movement, and they often don’t realize the sexism that is still alive and well in the community. It’s easy for people to laugh at, mock, and critique shipping because it is very much a space not created by men. I also think it’s easy for some privileged gay men to point out perceived injustice but not realize the sexism inherent in what they are saying.
Fandom is very much a place where women explore their sexuality and can enjoy seeing men being acted upon, not just being the actors. It’s no surprise that women are intrigued by the sexual politics of queer men given the messages about being penetrated and being acted on that women get all the time. Analyzing sexual dynamics through a m/m relationship makes a lot of sense psychologically as it isn’t tied to a male/female gender dynamic in the same way. I think it’s a very natural way for women to see sexuality , and things like dominance and submission, as a personal preference and the beauty and excitement of different ways of expressing sexuality.
People like to enjoy women’s work while also mocking it.
Also, I know many queer men who enjoy m/m smut, fan art, etc. from fandoms where I’m sure that 90 percent of the work is being produced by people who aren’t cisgay men, and are very likely people who identify as women. So, while I know that some queer men are cool with it and some aren’t cool with it, I think it’s important to keep in mind that many of them are benefiting and enjoying from the work that female driven fandom is creating.
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In conclusion:
Once again, it’s important to not be a homophobic, fetishizing, clueless person. I see instances of problematic behavior and thinking among women who ship men together often, and it’s a problem and needs to be called out when it happens. But, for all that is holy, stop acting like all of these women are gross, homophobic fetishizers and look at all the reasons why m/m shipping is such a phenomenon. I always think being self-critical and analytical is important. It’s also good to listen to different perspectives because these are intersectional issues with valid discussions to be had.
Sorry this was so long. I really could go on and on, and this is what happens when I miss writing feminist/queer theory papers. ;)
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Hannibal S4 Dreams, XX
Here’s more of our S4 dreams for Hannibal:
Will being himself to the fullest. No limits. Empathy, dark, light, and all.
Dinner at Bedelia's.
Hannibal and will have both survived the fall 🙏
Will and Hannibal stay together
Clarice Starling
Just a murder husbands kiss
everything getting even weirder.
Maximum possible hannigram
Constance Wu as Clarice; more Alana.
Buffalo bill and clarice
I hope for Hannigram.
will and hannibal to have deep conversations and express their feelings for eachother <3
Jack to try hunt down the murder husbands and silence of the lamb story
Bryan to get the rights to use Clarice Starling as a character
Hannibal totally failing to control Will's dog hoarding.
More Chillton and intricate and creative death scenes, like the human cello.
A continuation or Will and Hanibal's relationship, keep audience wondering about that. Also, introducing a buffalo bills or using Silence of the lambs film would be breathtaking, pretty obvious for such a successful movie. Frankly, fans would be happy with a return of Hannibal in general, the fact it got discontinued for petty , was just trivial. Let's get a season 4 please for the true fans who actually know what Hannibal is truly about.
Hannibal & Will living a new life together
Murder Husbands
Gay Cuban husbands
I hope for the same gore and murder as usual,  that we all love, and of ourselves, the murder husbands together, committing the crime. I also hope for focus on Will and Hannibal's relationship. And of course them solving some crime together, meeting other mentally ill criminals. I actually learn a lot from the show, all the psychological terms, as I am a psychology and criminology student, and more psychology terms and concepts brought into the show would be nice. As well as Hannibal practicing psychiatry, it is always interesting to observe how he does it. Hannibal is, believe it or not, actually a inspiration for me starting with criminology.  Anyway, thank you for the opportunity for being able to win a hannidoll.
Anything, I just want a Season 4 lmao
More Hanni-puns.
Hannibal & Will being alive and together
Hannigram together + Marlana happy and alive
I want a lot of love and murder in season 4 :))))
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aparticularbandit · 5 years
J, L, Y?
Fandom-Related Questions
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
Uh.  Just one?  I think the primary clear non-biased by other influences fandom would be Gentleman Jack.  It was all over my dash and I didn’t even think Sophie was pretty BECAUSE I WAS DUMB I HAVE LEARNED THE ERROR OF MY WAYS but like...lesbians? that kind of overrode the Bandit is not a fan of historical period shows and I gave it a shot.  And fell in love.  Because it’s Gentleman Jack.  And I want to buy it.  And it was exactly what people said it was.  But yes.  That one.(Hannibal gets complicated by the rp community I was part of at the time - which is arguably still on Tumblr - and then JTV gets complicated by a tumblr friend telling me I should see it back when she was writing Petra...and then I didn’t until there was a bunch of Roisa stuff all over my dash.  So those both still count but there’s a lot of bits and pieces to them as opposed to Gentleman Jack which was purely hey, historical lesbians all over my dash, I should look into this.)
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
Hm.  Depends on fanartist vs. fanauthor.
If it’s fanartist, I’d ask for something from Luisa and the Fox.  I’d ask for fox!Rose with Luisa.  Because that’s adorable and cute and adorable and I love them?  Maybe that first kiss scene - Luisa with her hands in the fox’s fur and pressing a kiss to her forehead and the fox pressing her cold nose at that spot where Luisa’s jaw meets her neck - or the scene with baby!Luisa trying to catch the fox’s tail and the fox playing with her and them cuddling up together because that is probably the most adorable scene I’ve written and it still just gets me choked up because how cute sorry baby!Luisa and the fox is adorable and it’s one of the few things that stays adorable to me.  But?  Generally speaking, fanart of Luisa and the Fox would probably be my request.Fanauthor requests are harder because most of the ideas I have are ones I...would probably write myself, unless I thought it was outside of my personal writing strengths or I thought the other person would write it better (and even then, not necessarily, because my writing it would be a growth opportunity, so...yeah).  So then it’s like...which of my ideas would I want to abandon?...Moulin Rouge! Roisa.  Just because I did so much Moulin Rouge! like stuff with Jess and dealing with that general subject material that as much as I would like to maybe read something like that (Rose is Satine and Luisa is Christian, if you want to go the easy route, OR YOU CAN GO THE HARD ROUTE and have Luisa as Satine and Rose as Christian, which I think might be ooc unless you use Clara base for Christian, in which case it does kind of work - and in hard route, Emilio actually works better as Zigler and Rafael can be the Narcoleptic and Jane the asshole who tells ...why can’t I remember his name that Luisa is totally in love with Rose and said asshole can be...Allison is probably a better fit here than Juicy is but if you want to go for super creepy you could make it Elena and make it less about wanting Luisa and more about wanting the Moulin Rouge, which should really be the Marbella in this situation, etc. GO THE HARD ROUTE).--or someone take my mess of a fic of how many timelines is it for Puella Magi Madoka Magica and show point-by-point what Homura tries and how each of those little things have different effects on what happens in each timeline but also how they don’t really work - and actually, come to think of it, this one might be better split among a lot of writers, one for each timeline - that should really be a colab project.--or the Noir-Timeless fusion fic, but I actually want to write that one.So probably the Moulin Rouge! Roisa fic.
Bite the bullet and kill Luisa off.
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Define fandom you’re in.
The only fandom I feel like I’m actually active in is JTV at the moment, although I’ve been in other fandoms.  I think maybe the closest you’ll get from this is Hannibal - and while I plan to use Marlana in Falling and while I have written other ships in the rpc (and there’s that Roisa as Hannigram fusion fic I’ve been brainstorming off and on), when it comes to canon?  I don’t really actively ship ... well, okay, wait, there’s Jack and Bella.  Dangit.
This is hard.
I’m not really in a lot of fandoms.  Frozen had Elsanna (but not canon because ew incest no, but give me an au setting where they aren’t related and have at), OUAT is OUAT, Hannibal is covered above, WFRR is a REALLY BIG DEAL TO ME DON’T JUDGE ME (Bandit why do you keep putting Jess in stuff BECAUSE I LOVE HER OKAY), The X-Files is so ripe for shipping it’s not even funny, maybe Timeless?  I don’t like Lyatt because I don’t like Wyatt (I don’t dislike him; I just dislike love triangles) but then you have Riya and, UH.  Gentleman Jack definitely has shipping.  Noir has that...huge love triangle fic I wrote and haven’t posted that wasn’t about the love triangle but ugh.This is ending up being a lot of fandoms where I have ships instead of a fandom where I don’t.
The Haunting of Hill House?  Maybe?  I don’t actively ship -- well, I crossover ship Theo with Susanna but only in the context of that one fic.Um.OH.  HARRY POTTER.  THOSE SHIPS EXIST BUT I DON’T ACTIVELY SHIP THEM AND DON’T ACTUALLY ACTIVELY REALLY CARE ABOUT THEM.  I may defend Severus Snape and his love of Lily Evans but I like it how it is in canon and idk if I’d say I ship it.  I don’t ship Lily with James, but while I can ship it from Snape’s side, I don’t have enough of a full story there to get me actively involved in--Ugh.  Maybe I ship that, too.
I don’t know.  This is hard.  It’s hard to say that there are fandoms where I don’t ship anything because my pool of actual active fandoms is small and I have a tendency to go with canon ships or ...what is the word not actively ship, like I do with Roisa and TNT and Kyomami but still kind of yeah, okay, I can see this and it works okay and just side ship it without actively shipping it, so it’s hard to find something that I don’t have any of that side shipping with because in most cases, there’s something that I just yeah, okay and go along with even though I’m not actively pursuing content or actually caring much about it.I don’t consider myself a shipper, but it’s hard to find a fandom where I don’t at least in some small part ship something, even if I don’t care much about the shipping aspect of things.
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knifelesbianjo · 5 years
every third question, starting with number 3! for the hannibal question meme ♥️
thank you so much honey! ♡♡
3- least favorite character?
Mason for obvious reasons
 6- favorite ship and why?
Hannigram, there are a millionreasons why i ship them but I guess that the biggest reason is that they feelreal, because they are friends and they really like each other and it shows
 9- describe the show in three words
A fucking masterpiece
12- if you could spend a day with any character, who wouldit be?
This is difficult but I’d sayWill because one, dogs and two, I think he is the one I would get along thebest with, you know, we could talk about dogs
15- favorite scene?
This is really difficult butprobably the last scene, everything about it is perfect, I just die every time Iwatch it
18- if the show gets saved, how would you want it to end?
The same way it has, I mean,not with hannigram falling off a cliff again, but yes with them running awaytogether to live their life and everyone else being alive. And this is probablywhy I’m not a 100% sure that I want more season, because the show is perfectand the ending is beautiful and I’m afraid that if it continues it minght endawfully.
That said, I need season 4right now
 21- which character would you revive?
Abigail, I mean, I would loveto bring back Beverly too, but if I can only choose one that is Abigail, I loveher so much and she deserved so much better
24- what would you change about the show if you could?
Almost nothing, I mean, thedeaths hurt but that make sense for the story so I wouldn’t change them andthat can be said about everything else, this show is so well written that I don’tfeel like I want to change it. Yet, I’ll add one thing, more marlana, I feelthat their relationship was underdeveloped and that really angries me becausethey could have been so interesting and if I had to watch so many hours of theboring heterosexual drama of jack crawford I deserved more lesbian romance
27- Bedelia’s therapy sessions with Hannibal or Bedelia’stherapy sessions with Will?
With Will, obviously, I neverreally liked Bedelia’s and Hannibal interactions, call me weird but I don’t seeany chemistry between them (I don’t mean only romantic but of any kind), I meantheir conversations were interesting because they said a lot about Hannibal,but I didn’t really liked theirscenes. But I loved hers with Will, they’re both so bitchy, I love it!
30- s1&2 Alana or s3 Alana? 
Season 3 without any doubt, I lovesweet Alana of the first two seasons but she’s so hot in season 3 and I’m verygay
33- what’s one (1) question you wish you could ask Bryan?
“Where’s season 4???”
Okno, probably to explain tome what is happening in that weird fivesome of season 2 with the wendigo, topwtf moment for me
36- what do you think Hannibal’s and Will’s reactionswould be post-fall?
I really don’t know, i have alot of theories, my personal favorite is Hannibal almost dying and so Will realizesthat he can’t live without him and doing anything to keep him alive. So itwould be kind of the opposite to previous season, with Will being the onetaking care of Hannibal, while Hannibal learns to trust him again because he isafraid that none of this is real that one day Will will leave him and so refusingto actually being intimate with Will (not only sexually but emotionally too)but it happening anyway because he can’t help it, it just comes natural to them.
You are all lucky I don’t knowhow to write in English because you would have to suffer through an at least100k words long post-twotl fic exploring the slow progress of their relationship
39- least favorite season?
Can’t choose a whole season,so first half of season 2, I mean it is great, but not as great as the rest ofthe show
42- least favorite thing about the show?
That it got cancelled
45- if you could write one (1) scene for the show (eitherfor a past episode or post-twotl) what would it be? 
There are a few I would liketo write but the one I want to most is the last time Will and Hannibal saw eachother in hannibal’s trial, that must have been painful and I would love toexplore all Will is feeling in that moment
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k-s-morgan · 4 years
I just recently finished Hannibal and I’ve been loving your meta posts. Being a newbie, I’m actually quite surprised that there’re a lot of upset fans after the reunion. Maybe my understanding of Hannigram or Bryan’s take isn’t thorough enough, but to me, it seems like they actually shares one body and soul and the depth of their “bond” i’d say is undermined when it’s confined to the mold of sexuality. Ig this is rather an unwelcome opinion but i don’t feel the need to label Hannigram.
Thank you! It’s always great to see our fandom growing like this)) 
From the perspective of an old fan, I understand people’s frustration - I’m actually frustrated myself. If you don’t mind rants, here it is. 
I love the positive things that have been said, but I feel like the years keep passing yet nothing changes. I agree with you that Hannigram is beyond categorization - most of us do, which is why it’s strange that Bryan himself is making such a big deal out of the sexual side of this relationship. It’s just one aspect that could logically happen - Will and Hannibal’s bond is so diverse, sex is just another small thing they could include into their relationship. But Bryan’s insistence of calling Will “straight but fluid” (which means bisexual), his excuses as to why he might not make it sexual... why are they needed? That’s what I find strange. It sounds ridiculous when he tries to say how he should stay true to the books in this particular respect when we know he never bothered with it before. He himself introduced sexual subtext into the show and kept drawing attention to it. If he just said from the start, “I don’t think the relationship is sexual,” people wouldn’t have any expectations. But he keeps being contradictory and ambiguous, and it is very tiresome.
Another thing that I and some other old fans find annoying is how in all these talks, Hannigram is basically presented as a small element of the show. They might call it its core - and it is its core, but their discussions don’t reflect it. There is no focus on it, no thoughtful commentary on the evolution and progression of Hannigram from deeper angles - all we keep getting is how they love each other and their bond can or cannot be sexual. Marlana gets more attention than this, and Bryan acts like he’s more proud of it than of Hannigram, even though the latter is a central story line. Him acting like he’s “entertained” by fans sexualizing Hannigram is pretty insulting, considering he was the one to do that on a constant basis. There is nothing funny about people thinking that two non-asexual men who are in love will have sex.
The last frustrating aspect is his ambiguity about S4 plot. As someone who listened and read to everything he said over this time, it doesn’t feel like Bryan knows what he wants to do. He keeps introducing strange ideas to the point where they become disjoined and incompatible. People still don’t get what he thinks of Will’s darkness because he says different things and never sticks to actual facts. 
My opinion is that making S4 about Mind Palace and hallucinations is a big mistake. The dream-like state of S3 was brilliant, but they have actual plot on hands that requires resolution. I don’t see any point in repeating yet another conflict with Will’s ‘broken mind’. 
If Bryan stuck to something specific, understanding and relating to his words would be much easier.
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bonearenaofmyskull · 7 years
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@krey-9-jorce Well, the OP wasn’t talking in the context of Bryan receiving that award. In fact, I’d bet they don’t know about it. Regardless, their point didn’t seem to be that Hannigram shouldn’t count because it’s unhealthy, it was that it didn’t qualify as representation in spite of being hella gay. Perhaps I misunderstood, but that was what the wording suggested to me.
What I’ve read on the award Bryan is getting didn’t specifically exclude Hannibal because it isn’t “normal, healthy.” And even if they did, that would be odd because of Marlana. I suspect they’re just avoiding controversy by dodging the discussion, but I doubt they’re actually purposefully excluding Hannibal in the sentiment.
Besides that though, I just kind of reject the concept that something doesn’t qualify even if it is bad in the sense of not being normal and healthy. A person may not like the representation, but it still exists. I can’t just look at Clannibal and go, “Well, that’s not healthy, therefore a heterosexual relationship is not represented on the screen.” That would be ridiculous.
I get that the media has historically been predisposed to representing queer relationships as damaging and deviant and wrong, but that wouldn’t be a problem if these media weren’t considered representative. I mean, that is EXACTLY the problem. Ergo…still representation. I can understand the sentiment that people have to want to say, “This is not the representation that I want to see of myself, therefore I declare that this is not representative of people like me.” But I also very much feel that we deserve queer Cathys and Heathcliffs and genre shows that have a gay romance at the center of them without being a #gay show and high romantic drama and melodrama and fever dream blood operas every bit as much as a straight person deserves these things, and that it’s time to worry less about being represented as wholesome and worry more about getting so much representation out there that we can all have a veritable smorgasbord of queer relationships to gobble up, whatever tastes we have.
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mangowright · 7 years
darling, stand by me
series : nbc hannibal pairing:  Alana Bloom/Margot Verger, marlana summary: marlana + pregnancy 
a/n : apparently my first fic of this two and i dont know -- i just wanted to write them 
Clothes were never an issue in Alana’s life. Buying one, finding one—is—was fairly an easy feat. The moons pass and it completely turns the tides over, tackling her clean record of not having any complaints about it.
Pregnancy proved her that she could find and buy clothes but they will never fit the same way again. At least for a few months or so. Suits she owned were fitted to her pre-pregnancy figure so she digressed from wearing them, unfortunately.
Wrap dresses were Alana’s old friend; dresses in general as they don’t feel restricting. The weather’s too humid to walk around in a suit; one would be foolish to expect not to be a bundle of sweat at the end of the day.
The bump was showing now, she thinks, turning around in front of the large Rococo-style mirror in hers and Margot’s bedroom. Her flowy sky blue dress treaded after her. She missed her suits, which hanged dormant right besides Margot’s own collection in their closet, still open and obviously mocking her of the inability she only decided to confront today.
(No complications, yet, however there are moments of aching but they’re normal based on what she remembers from what she studied in university.)
There was an unknown rustling from behind which made her turn around almost immediately.
(Dark swarming behind my eyelids. I dream darkness comes into me. It comes and it's insidious—)
It was Margot. Her wife. Not—
Margot raised her hands in a defensive manner. “It’s just me.” She says, leaning her weight on the side of the door, now with crossed arms and enjoying the sight of tossed dresses on their bed and the open closet. “What’s with the expression?”
Alana tilted her to the side, facing the mirror—indeed she was frowning and Margot noticed it before she did—and then turned back around with face lit up into an impish smile. Her hands finding their way to her belly, rubbing gentle circles on it. Defense mechanism, now she’s making observations on herself and she doesn’t even know why.
“It’s nothing.” Alana lied. Margot lifted her weight back up and walked over to her, near the mirror.
“Bugged cause the clothes don’t fit on you anymore?” Lies had no place in the household they’re building and Margot always saw right through her girlfri—no, wife’s lies. She trailed a hand to Alana’s waist, whilst the other found itself on her shoulder, brushing off the strands of hair that got caught by the strap of the dress. Margot made a humming sound when she looked at Alana’s eyes—she knows—causing her to avert her gaze. Internally, Alana was shaking from the realization that Hannibal may suddenly be here. In their home. He’s locked in a cell somewhere, she reminds herself almost every single time she opens her eyes.
(—damp fingers prying at me...finding every way inside. Margot knows. )
“Sorry for surprising you like that, I was just—“Alana shook her head, gesturing for Margot to stop speaking and that it was fine, I know you didn’t intend to have that impression. The heiress understood; it was odd how they both barely spoke a word to each other and know a message was conveyed.
The questioning look in Margot’s eyes remained and Alana knew there’s no way to segue her way out of this and said, “Fine, I surrender…” She flutters her eyes close when Margot presses a chaste to her cheeks, her hands still on her belly whilst Margot’s on top of hers and intertwined. “Yes, bugged and...” She takes a pause, momentarily glancing at her suits. “I miss wearing my suits.” She finished with a wistful tone.
Margot chuckled. “You look equally as great and powerful whether you’re in a dress or a suit,” She smiles, leaving another peck to her wife’s cheek (she’s doing this frequently today) and pulled her closer, arms wrapped around Alana. “—or nothing at all, for that matter.”
It was Alana’s turn to chuckle. If anything, it lit up the mood and urged laughter out of her. Margot’s often the one leaving such remarks and it doesn’t surprise her anymore. Though, it does not mean that it’s not capable of rendering her speechless even for just a second and making her blush like a high school girl out with her inappropriate girlfriend.
She turns back around, facing Margot and pulled her into a kiss. The other indulged by pulling her closer but also was the one to pull away, in an apparent need for air.
“Is he giving you a hard time?” Margot asks, still heaving for oxygen.
Alana shook her head no. “Besides the small aches, which is normal—I’m fine, Margot.” They’ve been through this conversation a lot. In excessively unknown numbers since Alana told Margot she’d very much be glad to carry ‘their’ child.
(That was the first time she saw a tear fall off Margot’s eyes. In happiness. Most of the tears that fell of her eyes were of suffering, during one of Mason’s experiments—but this time she was certain it was happiness that Margot felt when she cried. And she almost tackled Alana to the ground with the weight of her embrace, if not for her cane. She dropped it to the side and let herself be enveloped in the arms of the other. Whispering Shh, I got you… and sweet-nothings to her ears, cradling her closer and pressed quick kisses to her hair until she’d overcame her happiness and retract back to reality. She locked gazes with Margot and knew she realized the weight of Alana’s words—complications. It’ll be fine; we’ll make it work out, okay? She remembered herself saying, and is still holding on to that fact. )
Her defenestration was always the first point of the subject. Whatever it left of her—broken bones that made her lay in a platform with a ship wheel-like metal rods that kept her waist in place, months in physical therapy to get back onto her normal life with the assistance of a cane. She only used the wheelchair for about 3 months, taking into consideration its limitations despite some things that make it seem it doesn’t have one, she went with the cane. Her whole life she didn’t expect to first-handedly know what it was like to have a broken pelvis, until Hannibal—an achievement that branded her with words that ached—and even more so at the moment—
(They went to multiple specialists for insight about her past injuries—due to her pelvis being fractured and some other bones nearby the area, it will present her with complications in the middle of child-bearing and perhaps after it—she made the doctor stop after that. It was her second time hearing this. But this time a hand intertwines with hers and holds it dearly. Margot’s. Her resolve is firm, she’ll go through this, because she wants to and she loves the one who is holding her hand—not because she wants to do it for Margot, as if it was some favor—it would seem like that at first but she thinks otherwise at the moment, and smiled at her loving wife.)
And here they are, in front of a mirror, like a normal domestic couple, ecstatic and expectant. Perhaps a few months or so—a rough three before her due date.
“Thank you,” Alana says, and is afraid she doesn’t say it more to Margot. “—for everything.” She buries herself by the crook of Margot’s neck, sinking into a deep embrace while she still could. It wasn’t that long before Margot actually has to settle with hugging her from behind, after all.
“No-no, not everything yet, Alana.” It sounds like a line from a soap opera but it’s the best words Margot can manage at the moment. “Thank you for everything.” Its moments like this that makes Alana wonder what she had done to be able to witness Margot’s radiating smile and then decides not to ponder on the subject further—as long as Margot’s happy.
Alana’s lips curve into a smile and pulled her into a kiss. And also the one who pulled away and grinned at her wife who seemed surprise at the abrupt pull, she was committing on it and Alana feels a bit sorry for Margot.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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