#actually pyromanic
pyrocultureis · 2 months
Maybe pyromania culture is cutting off bits of your hair and throwing it into candles despite the fact it smells bad because things look so pretty burnt
Pyromania culture indeed is
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lilasboudoir · 3 months
France is very close to have a fascist as prime minister.
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Art by Léo Chérel
How so?
- Last month, we had the european parliament elections. The far right scored a crazy amount of seats. In France, the far right had the best score.
- So the pyroman that some people refer to as our president decided to dissolve our national assembly and run new elections right after the results.
- He gave the other political party not even a month to run a campain which is very anti-democratic. He hoped with so few time, the leftist wouldn't have time to unionize.
- Well, jokes on him because unionize they did. It's called the NFP for "Nouveau Front Populaire" as "New Popular Front". It's a reference to a party of 1936 created by Leon Blum, a famous socialist in France.
- But our medias are runned by crazy biollionaires like Bolloré who wants nothing more than to make the far right win. So there is a huge propaganda on our TV and radio about how the NFP is dangerous. I mean, they even argue than to protect the jews, the far right is better than the left (the far right party in France was made by some ex-Waffen-SS but never mind) and people believe it! A lot of people think NFP is antisemitic and the reason is: because they defended Palestine and called out the genocide that is actually going on (so it would mean that they're against Israel and so, against the jews. Yeah, I know). This is the level of misinformation our main medias are in.
- If the far right win this elections, the president will name a far right prime minister, because it is a tradition in France. And because Emmanuel Macron isn't the barrier against the far right that he claims to be.
Now, how are you affected by this even if you're not french?
The RN (our far right party) is pro-Israel and don't condone them for the genocide they're perpetrating. In fact, they see it as legitimate defence and they will give money and weapons to Israel so they can keep going with their atrocities.
They are close to Vladimir Poutine (do I have to say more in this context with the war going on in Ukraine?)
They plan to desobey european laws. If the Europe try to interfere too much, they will certainly plan for a Frexit.
France is a member of a lot of international organisations in which they have a lot of power. Do I have to elaborate how devastating that would be?
If you're worried for disabled people, black people, LGBTQIA+ people, women, poor people accross the world know that they will suffer a lot more if the RN gain power.
The RN don't give a flying fuck about ecology.
How can you help?
Spread the word.
If you know french people, talk to them, tell them to go vote for NFP.
If they're not convinced, tell them to watch this videos :
How to recognize a fascist
How the RN is going to screw french economy
How the RN program is unrealistic and dangerous
How our medias are corrupted by the rich to make us think the far right is a viable option with the help of the Atlas Network
Tell them to read and/or listen to independent professional medias like Mediapart, Blast, Reporterre or Basta! and to support them if they can. Those medias did a lot of work to call out corrupted politicians. They don't have an agenda, they just want to inform. They're not owned by billionaires and so, can give informations as they see fit without any risk of professional threats from their boss. They are the most reliable sources of information in France and yet, too few people get informations from them.
Tell them to go unionize in syndicates, or to engage in a party or in an association because we need to fight now and after the elections and we can't stay alone in those fights. And while you're at it, do so as well because I'm sure you will need to fight in your own country. Times are tought for everyone. - Thank you very much for your attention and for your help.
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kale-smoothies · 8 days
I actually have a headcanon where rather than fearing fire, Scourge is a pyromanic.
It could be when he first saw a big fire going on in his dimension.
He touched the smaller dying flames it was leaving behind and it burned his hands for a bit. But the way it was so bright throughout the night consuming everything in its path, the winds further pushing it around. How a weak little spark grew into a massive fiery beast. It fascinated him.
He had to keep it going.
Maybe then, his father and others would finally pay attention to something else other than themselves for once.
It’s also why he also loves flame-patterned outfits so much. To reflect the fire that grew within and cannot be tamed, or so he believes.
do you think he looked at how the weak flame became a firey inferno and thought “woah.. that could be me too.”
thank you anon for this piece of info… I’ll make this into a metaphorical art piece soon…
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some (read: a lot of) assorted phoenix & handler headcanons but ones that specifically center around their relationship and also communication 4 some reason. mild cog spoilers as per usual yk the drill
phoenix and their handler initially started off on absolutely terrible terms.
phoenix flip-flopped between a good handful of handlers really early on, all of who became too quickly fed up with their lax and occasionally blatantly disobedient behavior. it was only once they officially classified phoenix as mute that they got assigned to crane
pretty much the only reason they did get assigned to crane is because he was one of the only ones on the team fluent enough in sign language to take on a mute agent. he was not at all excited to take on an ex-convict operative, let alone an insubordinate one. his usual agents had a little class, at least...
as one can imagine, pairing up the already frustrated phoenix (out of their element, probed to communicate in a manner they weren't comfortable with, and already seen as nothing but a future fatality to most of the agency) with the jaded and distant handler (needing to replace one of their older, 'better' late operatives with this pyromanic, disobedient little freak) didn't exactly go over so well at first.
despite the fact that crane could translate and communicate back in sign, he rarely ever did. or at least, phoenix never felt as if anything they signed ever actually got through to him. most of it was brushed aside with a non-committal "yes, well, anyways-". inevitably, phoenix stopped signing entirely, unless communication was absolutely necessary. it was the start of their 'stoic silence' era, as their handler put it.
(they also stopped acting like anything that left their handler's mouth made it to their ears. they wouldn't nod when he spoke or anything, really. their version of the 'silent treatment'.)
the most crane would get was an occasional "psst." into the earpiece when phoenix needed some help with something. the handler didn't really mind that, though. even if phoenix did speak, it would probably be something impertinent anyways.
... but deep dive was where phoenix finally hit their boiling point. their handler's snippy little "i told you so" nearly sent them flying off the handle. and while it certainly didn't help crane's impression of them by any means, it… planted a little seed in his mind all the same
neither of them could consider their relationship a close one until some time after Death Engine. but post deep dive, crane made an effort to… lay off of phoenix a little bit (… and it actually surprised him how quickly that made a difference in their synergy)
as much as phoenix could get on his nerves, he couldn't deny that they were a pretty good agent, for the circumstances. by all accounts they should have been dead twelve times over by now. he gave them little snippets of praise every now and again- no different than the unthinking commentary he'd give any other agent… but phoenix seemed to value it like gold.
(he… didn't really know how to think about that. how quickly his agent took to his praise, as hollow as it felt for him to say it. in some regard, it felt almost sad- the pathetic kind of sad. he wasn't ever gonna say that to his agent's face though)
as their handler started getting a little looser with phoenix, they opened up a bit more in turn. admittedly, that mostly boiled down to nodding when spoken to and obeying when their handler asked them to stop propping their feet on their desk. but it was as good a start as any.
post Death Engine and onward, phoenix got way more 'chatty' as their relationship with their handler developed. they still would "psst". into the earpiece when they need help, but they'd also hum, click, snap, and even whistle on rare occasion. (actually 'translating' those noises is a completely situational affair, mind you. but crane's grown to admire the little language he and his agent have developed over time.)
assorted thoughts that i can't fit up there but that are important to me anyways so. youre still getting them:
the handler is… bad at apologizing. thankfully, he knows this full well, but unfortunately for him, that only makes it harder for him to swallow his pride and actually do it. so when he first apologized to phoenix- right after he pushed the agent to their boiling point, right after deep dive... he did it in sign.
really, his thought process was that it'd be easier to sign the words than to say them… but phoenix took it a little differently. it was the first time he'd signed to them at all (honestly, they were starting to think the Agency was lying to them when they said their handler knew anything about sign).
they didn't really believe crane was all that sorry, mind you. but the act... touched them- and their handler was the last person they ever thought would affect them like that... so instead of outright saying that they didn't believe him, they just shrugged, and signed 'ok'. and the rest of the flight home was in complete silence.
it... was the first time either of them had a proper 'conversation' since they'd met.
to this day, whenever they're occupying the same space and the handler needs to apologize about something, they tend to do it in sign. phoenix chooses to read it as his way of trying to appear more genuine towards the agent specifically (even though they do think he should learn to actually force the words out of his mouth every now and again) ~~~~
hearing crane's little "i couldn't get rid of you if i wanted to! ... and believe me, i don't" just about snapped phoenix right in half. it touched a spot that they didn't even know they had.
in hindsight, they feel really bad for the fact that they couldn't even conjure something to 'say' in response. a warm hum, or a glissando whistle, or something to convey the fact that they reciprocated. but they were too stunned to think about that at the time...
they hope that their handler knows that anyways, though, even without them actually 'saying' it. ~~~~
crane was always fond of cracking the occasional joke or witty comment on the job. usually, phoenix would roll their eyes, or simply snort sarcastically, but nothing ever seemed to tickle them the same way it tickled him.
but then one day, the handler said... something. if he was honest, it slipped off his tongue so mindlessly he doesn't even remember what it was anymore. but phoenix absolutely barked when they heard it. they broke into an absolutely ecstatic cackle- the kind that trails off into giggle fits for up to a minute afterward.
it was the longest stretch of time he'd ever heard his agent's voice... even if it wasn't in the typical sense of them using it to speak.
the rate of his playful commentary increased since that particular day. he's never gotten a reaction quite like that out of phoenix again, but a part of him always hopes he can, bless his heart
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ro-botany · 6 months
What was Freddie's reaction to finding out Robin and Grima was the same? Did he feel he was paid enough for everything? How much did he want to say, "I told you so" to Chrom?
(Hi, this is Robot from the future after writing the post. This is a long and unorganized stream of conscious disaster. Please bear with me. I promise I have an actual point to make lol.)
In my mind that was a pretty complicated moment for Frederick. In part because the reveal of Robin's nature happens very late in the story, long after Frederick has become friends with Robin and come to trust them as a commander... and in part because depending on which shipping AU I'm in, Robin is likely to be Chrom's partner in marriage, by that point.
Frederick is responsible for the safety of Chrom and Lissa. Whoever those two marry becomes a part of Ylisse's royal family, and thus, Frederick's duty to safeguard the royalty extends to them. If Robin is exalt-consort of the realm, then Frederick is going to protect them. Perhaps not as fervently as he does Chrom and Lissa, given that he hasn't known them since childhood, but it's Frederick, so you know he's putting his full effort into it. The man does nothing by halves.
What happens if the exalt-consort of Ylisse is also the fell dragon? What do you do, what do you even think, when your dear friend's partner, your own close friend, the commander you've trusted your life with for years, the royal you're duty-bound to guard the life and health of... is bringer of the apocalypse?
Oh, he's certainly vindicated in his initial mistrust of Robin, but it's a bitter victory.
And it's made yet more bitter by the fact that Robin was as unaware of it as the rest of them, and as horrified. It wasn't even a betrayal on their part; he can't even direct his anger their way.
I think that at first, and similarly to Chrom, Frederick probably took it at face value that Robin and Grima must be separate entities. From the way Validar talks about it, from the ravine of difference between the Robin he knows and the monstrous fell dragon, it doesn't make sense for them to be the same.
But by the time the Shepherds reach Naga, I think he's clued in to the fact that Grima and Robin are the same person on different paths. He's seen Robin's work firsthand, worked under them for years. He remembers how they defeated the Valmese fleet. He's seeing how they're changing as a person as the battle with their other self draws nearer. He heard Robin exclaim that they are the fell dragon -- not its vessel, but it in its entirety -- and heard the other Robin confirm that. He's the one who calls out the concept of defeating Grima with his own power as suicide, too.
Whenever I think about this I keep coming back to Frederick's pyromanic tendencies, and the fact that he has them so effectively controlled that he can be trusted to set up all the campfires for the Shepherds early in the mornings. Clearly being the reincarnation of the fell dragon god Grima is at a COMPLETELY different scale of severity from his issues... But I think he can relate, to some degree, to having some inherent destructiveness in you, inextricable from you, and how scary it is to face the severe and immediate risk that you may hurt or even kill people you care about, and not necessarily be able to control those terrible actions. He's come to terms with and leashed his demons. But he can also see the world where he failed to.
...I guess to answer your first question, about what Fred's reaction would be... Ime Frederick's in a better position than most of the cast to understand the conflict of self Robin is dealing with, and he has a lot of reasons to worry about their fate and to work towards reaching that understanding of them. The initial shock might lead to him trying to soften the reality to preserve his opinion of his friend, but I think he would come around to genuine understanding of their nature faster than many. And that he would ultimately want them to get out of this alive. The reveal of this aspect of their nature doesn't change the fact that they've fought long and hard for what's right.
He would absolutely think "i told you so", but with the amount of trauma the whole plot point deals to the gang, and especially to Chrom, I don't think he would ever seriously consider saying it. Just silently soak in the irony. Stare into the camera like he's on the office.
He absolutely does not get paid enough for this and he knows it. Obviously he cares too much to sit any of this out but gods above, when he signed up to be a knight he didn't think he would be fighting a whole ass deity by the time he was 30.
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lack-a-lenierka · 9 months
I know you’re asleep right now but for when you wake up/when you get the chance, do you have any advice for drawing?
Good morning! Well afternoon where i am now-
I had whole paragraphs of replies originally written down. But then read those and realized “wait this is pretentious not helpful” so in the trash it goes and actual advice in 3 2 1:
-Draw the same thing differently. An example is how i learned (still am learning) to draw rocky, turn his head in different direction and angles and draw it to learn facial structure, expression and shape language. References are KING and if u need to take a selfie first of you doing the expression or set in the angle then do it! Infact i encourage everyone to always use references! Especially as a learning tool.
Dont know how to draw hands? Take a picture of your own hand in different positions and replicate that!
“I did that but it doesn’t look right and feels flat or wrong”
-shape language, repeats that 50 times over
Everything in art started out as a simple shapes and grew more complex overtime. Honestly tracy butler said it best in her tutorials!
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Credit ofc goes to @lackadaisycats
Respective links: Bleep and bloop
These tips apply to everything, and the best part about learning is that you can stop at any point, as long as u feel u did something new today. No need to draw everyday, no need to grind out a 100 10sec drawings on a single page. Those are learning tools too! But they can be very intimidating and demotivating to someone not used to drawing a lot.
My process:
Honestly it’s as simple as, thats a funny cat picture, im drawing my favorite pyromanic cat as this now. Honestly i don’t draw cats or anthro stuff usually so just having fun with this new learning process is the greatest advice i can offer!
In short, youtube tutorials are the grestest gift to free recources online and looking up “how to draw xyz” has never been easiet thanks to it!
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pyrocultureis · 12 days
Pyromania culture is candles. Lots of candles.
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minusgangtime · 2 months
(TGT Gang facts- Woohoo :v
This version of the gang are trolls, creatures who play pranks and pick on people for fun-
They're literally the definition of "a menance to society" lol
MB is a huge pyromanic who committed lots of arson- Not even the actual MB is this unhinged °w°"
Blue has a chainsaw and a "screw you" tank top because he thinks it's funny
Half of Pico's body is burnt off by Bowser like in the mod, but unlike canon, he's somehow alive??
Nothing much changed for Beta and Girlfriend, except for the fact they're sassy and mischevious-
Skid and Pump are basically if they and the Hatzgang swapped roles)
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chodzacaparodia · 3 months
OC meme tag game!
Thank you for the tag @witch-from-a-block-of-flats <3 Honestly, my OCs are usually supporting characters in my fics. For the tag I'll use one OC from my Haikyuu!! fic "Akaashi and Sakusa's non guide to surviving university", because I actually really liked this guy.
Tagging: anyone who wants to! (if you don't have an OC feel free to use it for yourself or for a character from a niche media you wish more people knew about)
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(OC made in this picrew; in appearance he is somewhat similar to his cousin, Kuroo Tetsuro, but only a little - he has much softer features. And his messy hair is a bit neater than Kuroo's. He should have darker hair 😭. But with my lack of ability, this is the closest to how I imagine him)
Kuroo Norima
The creator of Fucker (by Sakusa and Akaashi)
A Pyroman (mainly by Akaashi)
An Alcohol Dealer (mainly by Sakusa and Akaashi, but also by his dorm clients)
A Legend (by some dorm residents)
Fucker (by his friends and Kuroo)
Pronouns: he/him.
Star sign: I immediately thought he was an Aquarius.
Height: he is tall but shorter than Kuroo, so 182 cm (~6')
Orientation: aromantic pansexual. He definitely thought Sakusa was hot the first time they met. But relationships aren't his thing, he didn't even think he was capable of it. He prefers to focus on his alcohol business.
Race: Asian
Romancing: experiments lmao. His true love is science.
Favourite fruit: grapes because he makes wine from them.
Favourite season: autumn. He believes that this season creates the best climate for experimenting. Moreover, it is the time of grape harvest.
Favourite flower: lilacs. He thought for a long time about making lilac-flavored wine.
Favourite scent: wood-burning smoke.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee. He drinks way too much of it.
Average sleep hours: 5. But he still has a lot of energy. Maybe it's the coffee he drinks.
Dogs or cats: cats. But they are not his fan. He was delighted with his favorite customer's cat (he visited Sakusa a few times with Fucker when Akaashi was away; Akaashi constantly wondered where Kiyoomi got his new bottles of Fucker), but Gerard preferred to stay away from him. But he doesn't feel discouraged by it.
Amount of blankets: two. He needs one for the legs and one for the torso.
Random fact: He was inspired to create alcohol by a conversation between drunk students in the dormitory corridor who wanted to continue drinking, but could only afford cheap beer, although they had a great desire for wine. And when he came across articles about students making hooch in the dorms, he was completely interested in the idea.
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murder-iplier · 1 year
Random little details/headcanons I thought of while scrolling through tik tok. Theses just random lil sillys.
His car is abit untidy, along with like afew small scratches.
there's a couple notebooks filled with info of plans scattered in the back seat.
He always keeps a single pocket knife in his glove department.
His one of Keychains ⬇️
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Will ramble about poisonous flowers, crows and ravens for hours.
Doesn't know how to react to more cutesy soft names, Doesn't necessarily fluster him, small chance of so. He just doesn't know How to react.
He actually can't stand the taste of coffee and only drinks it if has to.
Abit of a pyromanic.
Has a whole shelf of old horror movies in his room with horror books as well.
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Answering (by far too many) questions about Phoenix to get a better feel for their character. There's no spoilers for 3 in this, either 💕 So the only thing there is to worry about is how comically long it is
Does your muse make decisions with their head or their heart? Perhaps a bit of both?
Phoenix doesn’t get much room to think with anything beyond their head on the job. And more often than not, they are on the job- or at least, they’re stuck in a similar headspace… That being said, during what little time they spend beyond their occupation, that completely flips. In the rare instances they’re allowed to be lax, they’ll be far more likely to let their emotional state guide their behaviors.
Would you say your muse lives up to their potential? Are they trying to, or could they care less?
They’ve surpassed their initial potential, really. They would never say it out loud, but Phoenix absolutely thinks that it’s only downhill from this point onwards. Sure, they survived a hell of a lot, but that doesn’t mean they know how they did it. They sure as hell would like to keep the reputation they’ve gained, but they don’t feel like they’ve earned it themselves. More like fate just tacked it onto them against their will.
Is your muse protective of those they care for? If so, how do they show it?
It’s been a while since Phoenix has even had someone that they’ve cared for. If you were to have asked them before they joined the Agency, they probably would have responded with a shrug. Nowadays though, the bond they’ve developed with their handler is probably the strongest one they’ve ever had. Taking a bullet for him is the least of what Phoenix would do for that man. Thankfully (for now, anyways), he hasn’t found himself in any sort of situation that would require Phoenix doing that.
Does your muse tend to judge others, or are they more open-minded?
No, Phoenix is absolutely a bit of a judger. Just about anyone who they meet for the first time, they’ve got some internal commentary stirring up in their head the second they lay eyes on them. It happens a lot with Zoraxis operatives especially. Normally it boils down to “ohhh, this guy’s weird”, while actively ignoring the fact that they, too, are very weird. They’re not above being a hypocrite in that regard.
Does your muse have any strange interests? do they keep these interests to themselves, or are they comfortable sharing them with others?
Straying from the somewhat obvious answer of their pyromanic tendencies, Phoenix has a habit of… ‘finding’ stuff out in the field and taking it back with them. It absolutely boggled the Agency the first few times they did it, but nobody stopped them while they had the chance, and they quickly made a habit of it. Sans the handler, they don’t really have great connections with most people in the office, so it isn’t something that comes up a lot. If someone asked them about it, they’d be happy to explain it, but more often than not they’d prefer it if people they didn’t know stayed away from their stuff. After SatL, Phoenix was devastated to learn that all of the souvenirs they collected were removed from the van- probably discarded somewhere by other faculty. Their handler was equally upset about it, though at the time that he learned what the Agency had done, he was still under the impression Phoenix was dead, so.
Has your muse ever been arrested? If so, what for?
Before embracing the life of an agent, Phoenix had gotten themself caught up in a criminal lifestyle far bigger than they were. They were on the hook for a lot of things, really. Trespassing, grand theft, breaking and entering, second degree murder, and, of course, arson, among a few other things. … It was actually the Agency who intercepted their arrest… Read over their files, saw their talent, and didn’t figure them enough of a threat to be against ‘hiring’ them for an agent position. Or maybe they were just looking for some cannon fodder who wouldn’t be missed. Phoenix didn’t really know. But between being an agent or going to jail, it was an easy answer.
Does your muse consider themselves a good person? Why or why not?
… It’s a question Phoenix thinks about a lot. They don’t really have an answer- though if they had to choose, they’d lean towards ‘no’. Their past certainly doesn’t help them think very highly of themself and their morality. They’ve left it behind, but that doesn’t mean they don’t think about it… They wouldn’t even be an agent without all the skills they honed during that time of their life. It’s inseparable from who they are now, whether they like it or not. Phoenix didn’t join the Agency willingly… Not really. Sure, they got used to it- maybe even grown to like it, in a strange sort of way, but they have coworkers who trained and dedicated their lives to their job because they wanted to help people. Because they wanted to save the world- protect the innocent. Phoenix didn’t have a choice. Do they want to help people…? Do they want to protect the innocent? They think they do- they’re pretty sure any rational person would. But they wouldn’t be here if the Agency didn’t snatch them up… Would they even care, if it wasn’t for them? It’s hard to consider being a good person when the good things you do, ultimately, stem from the debt that you owe.
How important is family to your muse?
Not very. They never really knew their mother, didn’t have a great relationship with their father, and keeping contact with him post joining the Agency wasn’t a very high priority for them. Add being an only child to the mix, and that doesn’t really leave much left.
Does your muse tend to blame themselves or others?
It depends, but normally it's much easier for the blame to fall on Phoenix if something goes wrong in the field. Originally, this was because when something went wrong, it usually was their fault- they touched something too quickly, or threw away something they actually needed, or accidentally gripped something too tightly with the telekinesis they were still adjusting to. Though they’ve gotten better at making less mistakes in the field, it's hard to shake the habit of blaming themself whenever things start to go awry.
What decisions have your muse made that they regret?
Regret is… a strange concept for Phoenix. Oddly, one they get particularly thoughtful about. Of course, they regret a lot of the actions in their past, but without it, they wouldn’t be where they are today… They’ve got a place to live they can call their own, an office full of people who… tolerate them, free lunch every day, and a friend they wouldn’t trade for the world. Not to mention all they’ve done since becoming an agent… They certainly don’t regret any of that. Ultimately, Phoenix tries not to dwell on things like regret to begin with. If they don’t think about the past too hard- if they enjoy the present for what it is, and leave everything else behind- then it can’t hurt them as much. Right?
What haunts your muse? Is there any event in your muse’s past that they can’t move past?
A lot… But to narrow it to just one, Rising Phoenix clings to them like a dead weight. Not because of the mission itself… Not because of Juniper, or the missile, or Zor (well, okay, maybe Zor a little bit)... But they can’t shake the memory of their handler crying out to them when the elevator cables finally snapped. With the earpiece tucked directly behind… you know, their ear, it felt as if the sound was echoing around in their skull. They could have died, then. And that wasn’t new, obviously- they nearly died just about every day that week… But having it sink in that even their handler didn’t trust their odds… It was a lot to think about all at once. That they might die. That someone else might care if they die. That his voice shouting their ‘name’ could be the last thing they ever hear him say… The last thing they ever hear period. Revelation after revelation hit in rapid succession, and plummeting to their would-be-death in an elevator certainly hadn’t helped matters much.
Does your muse favor nonviolence? Will they be violent if needed? Do they revel in violence?
Generally, if Phoenix can handle a situation without killing somebody, they will. Physical harm that doesn’t lead to murder is a completely different story, though. They’ll generally do just about anything short of murder to get someone off their back. Phoenix is a pretty big advocate for improvised weaponry, and partnering that up with their telekinesis is quite the dangerous combination. If it’s not bolted to the wall, you’re likely to get hit by it. Hope you have a particularly sturdy skull.
Does your muse prefer to keep the peace or rock the boat? Are they a mediator, or do they tend to make others upset?
Over the years of working for the Agency, they’ve certainly gotten better, but Phoenix has always been a bit of an instigator. It’s a habit they never quite broke. You give them five minutes and they can turn just about anything into an argument. It made them pretty unpopular during their first few months in the office. Nowadays, they’re a lot more playful about it, and they’ve gotten better about learning the limits of those around them (and they’ll only pass those limits if they’re a Zoraxis operative).
Does your muse have any specific fears? Is there a reason why they fear these things?
Phoenix has had a pretty bad case of paranoia even before they joined the Agency. Of course, turning to a life of secrecy pretty much only made that worse. They feel more comfortable meandering through the hallways of an Agency facility than they do walking down the street. They feel safer spending a late night at their office than they do in their own home. There’s a sense of security that comes from being surrounded by their peers that they only really notice once it’s gone… It’s one of the main reasons they’ve stopped asking for vacation days. Not like they’d be very relaxing anyways…
Is your muse happy with their job or career path? Why or why not?
When they started, they couldn’t have cared less about what it ‘meant’ to be a secret agent. They were onboarded to be a dispensable asset, and they knew that full well. Over the years, though, they’ve come around to it… They’re certainly proud of the work they have done (even if they barely know how they even did it), and the sense of community could be a hell of a lot worse. Not needing to fear for their life every time they wake up in the morning would be nice, but you’ve gotta take what you can get, you know.
Does your muse like to travel? have they traveled in the past? Where would they like to go?
Quite obviously, Phoenix travels for work a lot. Before that, though, they never really went too far from their hometown. The concept of traveling for leisure wasn’t really at the forefront of their mind at the time. They can’t deny, though, being an agent has sent them to quite a few gorgeous locations… Though they have no desire to recreationally travel as of currently, they can certainly understand the appeal.
Does your muse believe in an afterlife? If so, what do they believe the afterlife would look like?
They… try not to think about that. If there’s nothing left for them after they die… If everything just cuts to black, and they disappear into the thoughtless ether… Well, there’s plenty of worse things to wake up to, that’s for certain.
Is your muse cowardly, or courageous? what would it take for them to act heroically or selflessly?
It’s a complicated question. If you were to ask Phoenix themself, they certainly wouldn’t consider themself courageous, even despite all they’ve done. Just about every incredibly selfless thing they’ve done- the Death Engine, the stunt in Rising Phoenix, and everything else… Well, they were just about scared shitless the whole goddamned time. Some people would consider it brave to find something heart stoppingly terrifying and still be able to do it anyways. But Phoenix just considers it embarrassing. They don’t really… talk to other agents very much (they aren’t exactly the most popular operative, even despite their accomplishments). With their limited worldview, it’s kind of hard for the imposter syndrome not to creep in. Other agents would have probably done the same things they did, had they gotten the opportunity. And they probably would have done it faster. Probably wouldn’t have hesitated as much.
What are your muse’s most negative traits? How do these traits influence their lives? (ex. if a muse is aggressive, they may have trouble forming lasting friendships.)
Phoenix is an admittedly dangerous combination of standoffish and impulsive. They listen to themself, and act without thinking. Of course, they’ve been working on that a lot more after establishing a better relationship with their handler, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come back to bite them in the ass from time to time. … It’s so strange that people actually concern themselves about them now. That when Phoenix acts too irrationally, there’s punishments beyond the short term physical, or situational. They get hurt, and their handler gets… scared. They’re not used to that. Even despite their bond, they’ve gotten into a few pretty heated arguments about the matter from time to time. Phoenix still isn’t really used to their actions having consequences for people other than themself. But the world has been relying on them an awful lot, lately… It’s quite the weight on the shoulders.
Has your muse ever felt trapped? by what?
Ultimately- no matter how much they’ve grown used to them, and no matter how much they’ve adjusted to their life as an operative- the Agency is, and will always be Phoenix’s cage. They’re stuck there. They owe a debt, and they can’t really leave if they wanted to. Luckily, they don’t really want to… They’re not really sure what they’d be doing, if not for this… But like most things adjacent to their past, they try not to think too hard about the fact that they’re stuck in this particular career. 
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Mr. Goth Orange Juice Octagon Pyromanic Surgeon Child Minior Consulter Man. How much longer is Hajimemes’s nickname gonna be?
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How about just calling me by my actual name for once?
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ro-botany · 7 months
How did Freddie deal with Lissa's wedding to Henry in your head and how impressed was he that Henry WOULD take something like that seriously? I need to know from a Freddie fan--
Depends entirely on how far along Fred and Henry are in their support chain, tbh!
One of Frederick's flanderization traits is being so cautious wrt the Ylissean royals that it borders on paranoia, and Henry has a lot of things going against him at the start. For one thing he joins the Shepherds under suspicious circumstances, and we know already Fred is NOT about that. For another, Henry's glee at blood and death and the like would be concerning to anyone, but doubly so to Mister Anxiety over here, and perhaps triply so because it may hit a nerve wrt Frederick's pyromanic streak.
I think it's unlikely that Lissa and Henry get married so close to Henry's joining the Shepherds, though. In part because of how hectic shit is around then and in part just, the vibes I get idk. :P
So we have to talk about the nature of Frederick and Henry's relationship after they've had a bit of time to get to know each other. To their supports!
In Fred and Henry's support chain we get to see them... become friends, actually! The supports start with Henry ducking training sessions, and Frederick thinking his complete nonchalance about serious matters is annoying as hell. But by the end, Henry admits he actually finds training fun now that he's tried it, and Fred, now convinced of how devoted a soldier Henry is, is so overjoyed he gives Henry a big ol bear hug and lays on the praise!
How it started:
Frederick: Henry, wait! Are you going to train or not? It's a matter of life and death! Bah! What an aggravating young man!
How it's going:
Henry: H-hey, Frederick! Easy with the bear hugs! These little bones might snap like...Oh, whoa! Are you CRYING?! Frederick: Tears of joy, my young friend! For at last you are a devoted and committed soldier! Henry: I always WAS! Frederick: Continue this hard work, and you will win the respect and praise of everyone in the army. Henry: You really think people notice what I do around here? 'Cause I doubt it. I mean, what kind of things do they say about me now? Frederick: I'm sure if we were to ask Chrom, he'd say you are his most trusted lieutenant. You are the hope of the future and the greatest prospect this army has. Henry: Nya ha ha! If you lay it on any thicker, I'll be smothered to death!
Fred is almost certainly not being literal here -- he's a sarcastic little shit, he's being hyperbolic on purpose. But it speaks volumes that in the A support he's comfortable enough with Henry to be physically affectionate and tease like that. Usually if he's going to aim his wit at someone he doesn't like he's a lot meaner. This is on the same block as the kind of gentle teasing he aims at Lissa, and to a lesser degree Chrom.
So, how would he deal with Lissa and Henry's wedding? Well... He would be a worrywart, of course, because that's just who he is. His biggest concern is that Henry won't treat such an important day with the gravity and attention it deserves, because Henry tends to be very blase about, well, everything.
I can see him giving Henry a big concerned dad coded lecture about how if he's going to go through with this he'd BETTER dress appropriately and he'd BETTER be on time and if he doesn't treat milady well he'll have Fred to answer to and so on and so on. But Henry will just wave him off as casually as usual and say OF COURSE he's taking this seriously, are you kidding?? He's the one who proposed, dummy! He got her the nicest ring he could find! Don't ask where he got it! It's gonna go great!
And this won't stop Fred from worrying, and being an endearing yet utterly annoying amount of worried at both the bride and the groom, but it will probably get him to back off some, because for as scatterbrained and un-serious as Henry can be, Fred knows he's not a liar. If he says he's committed to something or someone, then he is.
When Henry shows up decked out in gorgeous traditional Plegian wedding attire Fred sheds a few tears, part relief and part joy. No matter how weird Henry makes the ceremony Fred is gonna be a big blubbering mess about it.
Years down the line when they start talking about children he remembers suddenly how much Henry loves death and injuries and dark magic and immediately has a heart attack and a half, but hey, we'll get there when we get there.
Side note: can Henry's crows be part of the wedding somehow because I would love it if the crows were part of the wedding somehow
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Christmas Edition
Lienna, sneaking up behind Kit's hostage taker and hitting him over the head: Yippie kayak, other buckets!
Kit: Lienna, you did it! And you completely botched the catchphrase.
Lienna: I'm pretty sure it was right.
Kit: No, but you did great.
Zak: Let me get this straight, you actually want to celebrate Christmas?
Saber: I want to cut down a tree with a sharp object, what happens after that is your call.
Zylas, looking at Christmas ornaments: And you are certain these are not weapons?
Robin: Quite certain, yes.
Zylas: They could be used as weapons.
Robin: It's a really good thing that you can't actually watch Home Alone.
Spellbound 5:
Aaron: Hey, Ezra, you ready to go yet?
Ezra: Almost, just let me finish Point 57 on the list.
Kai: You know they won't actually make a moat, no matter how many multi-page lists you give Aaron's dad, right?
Ezra: I'll wear him down one day.
Kai: . . . Did you include, "Could be used to put out fires in the event of an Aaron-like pyromanic"?
Ezra, writing: Point 58. . .
Saber: Fun Christmas idea: Hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to fight whoever else is under it.
Kit: Mistlefoe.
Zak: Don't encourage this.
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pyrocultureis · 3 months
Pyro culture is following @burning-for-eternity and loving every post
Much fire pictures
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asktheotherfrance · 2 years
asktheotherfrance, a 10 years retrospective (aka, the fred lore)
I have created this blog ten years ago as of today, though it was actually my second 2p France ask blog.
Back in 2012, I was growing tired of all portrayals of 2p!France being this ashy blonde depressed drunkard named François Bonnefoy. Like, 2p!England’s name was not just one letter away from Arthur, back then, it was almost unanimously Oliver, and he had a unique design too ! So I decided I would create my own 2p!France, named Stéphane.
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(september 3rd 2012, this also includes my 3p France Armand, and my 4p France JB. We don’t talk about Armand.)
But back then there was actually another 2p France named Stéphane with a similar design to mine, so, on november 17th, I removed Stéphane from existance, and two days later, Christophe (who would later become Fred) was created.
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that drawing was posted exactly 10 years ago !!!!!!
Chris had many cats, many of which were references to youtubers my cringe ass 14 years old self liked, or just some french stuff. He used to have a skull necklace, based on me watching a certain minecraft youtuber’s skyrim let’s play... As well as his love for cats, and his pyromanic tendencies... 
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y’all remember dokitalia ? On january 13th, 2013, Fred/Chris stopped parting his hair on the middle.
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dark times.
These are mainly deviantart things, due to me kind of deleting many posts from the tumblr blog, Fred’s history is mainly found on dA nowadays.
Fred went through many names, Christophe Bonnefoy, Christophe Bonnardel, Eugène Terris Calendal Rossard, and currently Frédéric Calendal Rossard. I consider the first names Christophe, Eugène and Frédéric to be names Fred bore in different time periods. I gave him the middle name Calendal, because I assume that nations are too old to remember their birthdays and just later pick their national holliday out of convenience, but Fred would have been born during the calendae of july, making him a leo.
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Very early, as early of july 3rd 2013, I started shipping 2p!RusFra, I used to have a lot of rps with one 2p Russia back then. But Fred, through his blogs, has been involved with 2p England, 2p Finland and 2p Scotland as well if you look deep enough.
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fred’s last name “Rossard” (red-ish) comes from his hair being “red-ish”.
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Ahem, where was I...
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Fred has cats. Don’t ask about the yellow cat’s name. I was cringe. These are all cringe, but I do not want to aknowledge the yellow cat.
Fred has had 2 kids due to magical anons !
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The year I peaked in was 2016, where I hit 700 followers, back then, I used to post historical facts each wednesday !
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Then I went on a huge hiatus, back then, my trademark was... ask blogs without pants.
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fred’s clothes have always involved badly translated french puns, hidden references to my current fandoms, or french memes. I am very silly and quite cryptic.
Then I returned from my hiatus, and made 2p Rusfra canon on my main blog... heh.
This was a nice retrospective, hope it was not too boring !
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