#actually no it's my fault I only just started drawing again after a 2+ year break from drawing my bad
justarandomlambblog · 6 months
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5 bishops, their god, and their favorite mortal
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this family has captivated me with their drama and potential for healing (they're all horrible people and murderers (but at least they can be murderers together))
this was supposed to be a silly doodle (thus why the line quality/consistency is way off) and it quickly got out of hand thanks I love them sm
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doxolove · 3 hours
(tw: mental health, trauma)
I started using the Internet at a young age to cure the loneliness around me. My parents were absent, I was incessantly bullied from second to sixth grade in elementary school. Being part of the county's first Spanish immersion program meant my bullies continued to be in my class every year.
The only thing they couldn't bully me over was art. They were nice to me when they wanted a power ranger or a Pokemon drawing– so it became a valuable tool for me to use.
I've used fandom and art most of my life to heal my own volatile attachment wounding. In conjunction to that, I developed severe codependency of anyone who gave me any time of day… It wasn't until I found myself again and again that being a ‘doormat’ for other people was/is exhausting. It wasn't until my best friend at the time said they used that to their advantage on purpose, that I started to feel disgusted at all.
Even after realizing this, I was still suffering from unchecked mental pain and trauma that I wasn't specially aware of. I let myself get into situations where this pain clashed severely against others around me. My pain in turn made me an ugly person.
I started to get help. I finally was diagnosed with depression and type 2 diabetes. The overwhelming exhaustion clouding me all hours of the day wasn't just my own apathy, it was an a1c of eleven, the cusp of a diabetic coma. This shook me to my core. With regular doctor visits and psychiatric evaluation, I finally have been able to regulate my blood sugar and non existent serotonin levels. Doing so shook me out of other things I was still doing. Things that still hurt me and those around me.
Not being aware of how bad I was at coping with my own traumas was a reality hard learned. I've lost so many friends from this negligence… But also? Lost more ‘friends’ when the free ride of using me as a doormat was over. That persons will try to punish you for setting boundaries. That it's your fault they can't cope with their own trauma a more healthy way.
That's fucking bullshit.
Everyone is exhausting. Dealing with yourself and your own traumas? Exhausting. But what came down as a more harsh reality, is that empathy for this doesn't exist in most people. That empathy itself, is something most will never achieve. I've always wondered why not very many want to understand why conflict actually exists, what two sides of an argument look like. What acknowledgement of miscommunication actually is. It's really sad. When things like purity policing, smear campaigning and becoming a flying monkey still exist? Nobody has actually grown out of bullying being a normal fucked up thing humans do to each other instead of communicating properly.
So it's come full circle– but I at least know why it's happening now. Strangers will find any excuse to push their own unchecked pain onto someone else, instead of resolving a core issue. There are people in this world who will never realize their pain will never be relieved from the unhealthy dismissal of responsibility for their own health and how they treat others.
Do I use the Internet to cure my loneliness still? Hell no. Does a vast majority still do? Yes. You can still meet genuine people through it, through community and play– but it's still your responsibility to make sure the way you cope with your own traumas doesn't become someone else's problem.
I no longer use my art to cure loneliness either– probably for the first time since I was very young. I'm unsure if I still want to put additional thoughts out in the open after being bullied off a platform– but I've always put them here. So this will probably be the last time I post them in the void.
I treasure everyone who's taken time to cure my loneliness for any brief moment of time, I still hold that close to my heart. I apologize for the pain miscommunication has caused between some of us, even if it's not my apology to give. So many met me while I was suffering and in a lot of pain… Your kindness gave me hope I'd find means to it's end. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to cope with my own traumas then.
I'm in a far better place now. I'm happy to exist along side people who genuinely love me. People who have proven communication can solve everything and not being afraid to be real and vulnerable. I am so very happy to be alive with them.
I have found value in myself, I've worked so very hard to understand my own traumas and shortcomings. Loving people in my life have taught me much better ways to cope. I'm still growing and learning, that will never stop.
Will I still share art online? Maybe. There's not a big desire to, nor will the urge to join communities ever surface again– generation gaps time and time again have proven so dangerous and disappointing. If I share art it's for the sake of sharing what gives me joy, there's no ulterior purpose anymore.
I would hope everyone will come this far and find healthy ways to cope and be happy, I know we all can do it if we believe we can.
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married-2-the-music · 10 months
K-pop Discography Deep Dives: WJSN
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A Disclaimer: I was planning, when I first started Tumblr, to be a lurker, but then I began an office job and needed something to listen to to keep myself occupied. And then, I started going through entire K-pop groups’ repertoires, album by album, and jotting down my thoughts. And then, I stumbled into K-pop tumblr and decided, you know what, there’s at least four people on this hell site who would read in depth rants about these discographies and at least five who wouldn’t read it and then get mad because it’s kind of our job as K-pop fans. My lukewarm takes should be taken with an entire silo of salt and the knowledge that this is completely for fun and occupying my very bored, very neurodivergent brain. All this to say, for the love of god, I’m a sleep-deprived student and I don’t have time for internet hate, so don’t kill me. With that being said, enjoy!
Here are my credentials: unusually, for a girl group, I have very few. I’ve listened to WJSN before, and I know a decent amount of title tracks and a couple b-sides. I would say I know them best from my half-watch of Queendom 2 (I’m a fan of Loona and Gfriend, so I was more focused on them), which WJSN did win. I was impressed with them there, and I decided that I wanted to learn more about them.
WJSN was formed in late 2015 as a Korean-Chinese collaborative between Starship Entertainment and Yuehua Entertainment. The members are divided into four units, one for each letter. First is Wonder, with Cheng Xiao, Bona, and Dayoung. Second is Joy, with Xuanyi, Eunseo, and Yeoreum. Third is Sweet, with Seola, Exy, and Soobin. And fourth is Natural, with Meiqi, Luda, and Dawon. After these units were formed, a 13th member, Yeonjung, was added as well. After being on hiatus since 2018, the three Chinese members, Xuanyi, Cheng Xiao, and Meiqi officially left the group in early 2023. Sorry, that was a lot of names, so deep breaths and let’s do this.
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They officially debuted in 2016 with MoMoMo, which is one of the most bubblegum-y bubblegum songs I’ve seen in a while. It’s basically a k-pop stereotype at this point: lots of aegyo, completely coordinated school girl clothes, short skirts, childish love, and very poppy beats. I associate WJSN with more ethereal pop, so this was a (somewhat unwelcome) surprise for me. As often happens to me in k-pop, while I did appreciate its comic book style animation and humor, the excessive aegyo made me uncomfortable (see my review of TXT’s Cat and Dog or LOONA’s Hi High). This isn’t the song’s fault; it’s exactly what it’s supposed to be, but it does mean I won’t be listening to it again.
I’m unsure if Catch Me is also a single or just an opportunity for a dance practice, but it embraces the other side of k-pop stereotypes: a sort-of anti-drop, girl-crush, uncomfortably-sexualized…thing? that tries a bit too hard to be cool. WJSN’s talent elevates it, but even they can only do so much with a song that doesn’t have any character.
The 1st EP, Would You Like?, starts with an intro, Space Cowgirl, that I actually liked more than MoMoMo, and I wish more of its self-assured, smooth synths carried into the song. I liked parts of some of the songs, like the twinkling piano and extended bridge in Tick Tock, but most of them sounded very similar to other songs I’ve heard, and so didn’t stick out to me all that much. I could name at least five exactly like Take My Breath.
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Secret begins the sound that I know from WJSN, still drawing on the poppiness, cutesiness, and high vocals of MoMoMo, but pairing it with more toned-on synths, more pointed voices, and more poised dancing, a combination that would become their staple in the next few years. It’s quite interesting to see it here feeling a little less polished. I totally get why they gained the nickname “Cosmic Girls” now, with all the space inspiration here, and while the song itself is nothing groundbreaking, I really liked that lead-in to the last chorus.
The Secret, the EP, has a couple songs I liked. BeBe leans a bit too far into aegyo for me personally, but I enjoy its boundless energy and catchiness. Also, that harmonizing in the last chorus? Sign me up. I also enjoyed the frizzy electronic background of Robot, which reminded me a bit of an f(x) song, although it felt more restrained than one of theirs.
I Wish has a slightly more funk-inspired opening than Secret, and while it still has the roots of aegyo, I’d say it follows the pattern of their songs slowly getting more mature. Still got the schoolgirl outfits, though. The chorus and its “tell me why” is pretty catchy, I will say, and I appreciated a lot of the MV’s visuals in the social media posts, floating lanterns, and emojis.
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From. WJSN’s Say Yes caught my attention with its finger-snapping background and slightly Latin-pop-esque warm acoustic guitar. I thought it provided a good contrast to their very electronic synth-heavy music, and made me appreciate their vocals a lot more, especially Yeonjung and Dayoung. The “juseyo, juseyo” is stuck in my head now, and I’m not mad about it. It makes a great addition to my sleep playlist.
Kiss Me’s intro had me intrigued right off the bat, with its fun surf guitar background, and its continuing through the song made this one stand out. I also liked the harsher hand-clapping percussion mixed with the pop, and that the chorus felt like a much more natural progression of the verses and pre-chorus. Still not a fan of the rapping, which comes out of nowhere, but overall this was a great summer track and it got stuck in my head.
Happy is a return to the bubbly, kind-of sporty concept of MoMoMo that was so popular in mid-3rd gen (Red Velvet’s Happiness, TWICE’s Cheer Up, or Fromis_9’s FUN, for example), and I’d be lying if I said I was as happy to see it as the song wants me to be. I definitely liked the humor and the ultra-saturation of the music video, and ended up laughing a good few times. But overall, I’m not a fan of this concept or this type of song, and this song does nothing to change my mind. Also, I feel like the chorus, though it’s pretty good, doesn’t fit in with the rest of the song. I think it’s the sudden tempo change.
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Happy Moment is a full album, so there’s a lot to talk about. I liked the bubbly distortion in Miracle, (honestly I wonder why it wasn’t a single, because it really feels like one), the vocalizing in Mr. BadBoy’s choruses, the minimalistic background of Babyface’s verses, the roller skating rush of Geeminy, and especially the lovely musical catharsis of Closer To You (damn, Yeonjung, what a note to end on!). Again, though, what I really liked were parts and besides Closer To You, I didn’t like any song enough to consider it a hidden gem. I know that Happy leans very much into aegyo, but the names of a lot of these songs felt a bit too babyish even for that, and I don’t think that the album needed to be so long, because so many of its tracks felt like filler. I would rather have a five or six track, great-all-the-way-through EP like, say Sunmi’s Warning or SEVENTEEN’s Haeng-Geurae, than a half-as-good album twice that long.
Dreams Come True, I’m happy to say, builds on the good that both Kiss Me and I Wish started, working in more interesting percussion and more ethereal synths. Funnily enough, it goes so far into understated that I didn’t realize the chorus had started until it was almost over, and while it’s got a good base, I think that it needs a stronger, more obvious hook to turn into a classic. I did really like that delicate bridge, though.
Dream Your Dream, the EP, starts strong with Love O’Clock, which doesn’t bother with a drawn out build-up, instead rushing forward right from the first moment. I liked the harmonizing, the strong drumbeat, and the catchiness. I also enjoyed Renaissance’s swirling and soaring vocals (another b-side that could’ve been a single) and Thawing, despite its odder sound effects, charmed me with its earnestness.
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Save Me, Save You was the first WJSN song I heard, and is probably the one that best sums up their style. It starts soft, almost not there in the first verse, then tiptoes its way through the pre-chorus, and with a couple drum beats, that magical chorus takes over and suddenly you’re floating. As mentioned, their songs are often a bit too bubbly or understated for me, but I can acknowledge when a song does its style well, and this one absolutely does. I didn’t even mind the rap! I like the setting of the magic school and the incredibly fast shifting in the eyes between the bridge and the last chorus, but I wish it drew itself out more, to make the best use of that excellent vocalizing.
From WJ Please?, the EP, I really had a good time nodding my head to You, You, You, especially during its bridge and last chorus and I added it to my roller skating playlist. I also enjoyed the hints of flamenco and layered strings in the background of I-Yah, a surprisingly lovely sound for the title. It really reminded me of I Knew It by Sonamoo, one of my favorite Latin-pop inspired K-pop tracks. Masquerade also has a great use of strings, this time combined with a gentle piano, and Hurry Up uses a brightly jazzy beat to add some contrast. These four together absolutely make this my favorite EP so far, which is pretty funny, as all these songs are better than the title.
La La Love’s Carnival setting is interesting, and is the decision to have a pre-chorus that leans into sing-talk. The choice mostly works and doesn’t interrupt the good flow that the song has, and I like the high vocalizing that twinkles around the chorus. On the whole, the song is pretty enjoyable and gentle, but, like I usually do, I wish it had more of a hook that would make it stick in my head. Completely different from the last EP, I didn’t have a hidden gem for this one, though I thought 12 O’Clock was nice.
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With how much I liked their last summer comeback, I was excited for Boogie Up. The song is pretty upbeat and on the whole, reminds me of a much more bubbly version of Red Flavor by Red Velvet. It’s catchy, but it has a bit too empty of a chorus for me, and doesn’t innovate on a pretty tried-and-true pop formula enough to stand out. I do like the fun instrumental and the bridge, though. Their bridges are almost always pretty great.
From the EP For The Summer, I honestly really liked the song For The Summer with its bright and flouncy energy (though as I often do, I thought the rap was unnecessary), and the horns were a nice touch. Let’s Dance follows in the stead of WJ Please’s great, Latin-pop inspired b-sides, though I don’t think it’s quite as unique as those.
As You Wish has a very bouncy beat from the beginning, and its excellent electronic sound draws from disco. Its pre-chorus build is great as well, and the chorus delivers, making it both one of my favorite titles so far and what I’m sure will become a fixture on my roller-skating playlists. Its last chorus is delightfully bright, but my favorite part is absolutely that outro, which brings together the vocals and the instrumentals perfectly and should’ve been so much longer. From the EP, also titled As You Wish, I liked the vocal showcase and twinkling piano in Lights Up, and the drumline beat of Don’t Touch.
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Butterfly is another song I already knew by WJSN, and its bubbly energy works surprisingly well for me. I think this is the first of their title tracks that has a deeper meaning than an average love song, and I’m very happy to see it. There’s never enough songs about freedom and being yourself, in my opinion. The last chorus’ vocalizations, as often in WJSN’s singles, elevates the song greatly, and its fizzy instrumental brings everything together. The visuals of flowing white dresses and puffy clouds are a great addition too.
From Neverland, while I enjoyed the back and forth, rushing energy of Hola and the string-led instrumentation of Where You Are, my hidden gem was absolutely Pantomime. I first heard it while watching Queendom, and though I do definitely prefer the more 20’s jazz-inspired, more theatrical version from their stage there, there’s still a lot to love here. I especially enjoy how clipped and off-beat it is, setting it apart from WJSN other’s b-sides.
Unnatural is a bit of a darker counterpart to Butterfly, also about not quite fitting into normalcy (hence the title). I really liked the rap in this one, and how well it fit into the tempo. Also, the way the pre-chorus pulls back and then rushes forward is great. I like the more minimalistic instrumentals and how they let the vocals flow and speak for themselves. Overall, I think it’s one of their strongest outings. From Unnatural, the EP, I really liked the mix between WJSN’s high voices and the self-assured tone and beat in Last Dance, though I wish the instrumental was more distinctive.
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Last Sequence is, at time of writing, WJSN’s most recent comeback, from a year ago. It also falls into the more minimalistic electro-pop synth style of their last few singles, which of course I’m in favor of. I do feel like the chorus needed more of a lead-in than it has, but besides that, I do really like this one. As always, its bridge is great and so is the lead-in to the last chorus (the yeongwohni, yeongwohni, yeongwohni is stuck in my head now). I didn’t have a hidden gem for this comeback, as it’s only a 3-song single.
I’m glad I did this! Like I said, I didn’t know much about WJSN before this review. But, I’ve learned that they were an important part in making what I now consider a very classic 3rd generation K-pop sound, and their music became the blueprint for many groups afterward. I’ve watched some interviews and had some good laughs, and even seen a couple compilations of their best performances on Queendom. I definitely liked their later music more than their earlier, though, and after hearing their work, I’m sad that they don’t come back nearly as often as they used to.
My Top 5 songs are Butterfly, Last Sequence, Kiss Me, I-Yah, and Hurry Up, with Pantomime as an honorable mention . WJSN gets an 8.25 out of 10 from me. I think that on the whole, their songs are pretty good and there were very few I actively disliked. The biggest issue I face is that I listen to and analyze So. Much. K-pop. (probably thousands of songs by now) and because of that, only the groups that do something unique or innovative, have incredible voices, self-produce, or consistently discuss important subjects in their work really stick with me. WJSN is very talented, but while they have a niche, they don’t really add anything new to what’s been done time and time again.
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Next time, I have a very special soloist review coming up, that’s going to come out on December 18th (a day late). If you know your k-pop and my blog, you can probably guess what it is. It’ll be a bit different from a usual review, but I felt like it was time. Tschüss!
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jade-of-mourning · 5 months
hiiii lychee :))
as you can see I have too much free time on my hands. but I have a decent amount to say today, so prepare yourself
I’m gonna try and keep this organized and maybe short so 1: do you have any more thoughts on the avatar mako au to share because it’s been rolling around in my brain a lot and I want to know what you have to say about it bcs the way your brain works is so. hajdhskapxn/pos
2: mako learning to draw by engraving his parents’ faces in the dirt of an alleyway over and over and over for years even as he starts to forget their faces. mako who wishes he could’ve afforded paper and charcoal at eight to put down something permanent, something accurate. mako getting their family photo from yin and giving her the scarf, redrawing the picture on the nicest paper he can find to give to her as well. artist mako,, save me artist mako,,,
3: more fem mako thoughts but makorrasami love triangle/eventual polycule(?) except they’re all girls. I just feel like the pining after your team captain who you now do know is gay except it’s because she’s dating a rich girl who’s also very hot is just a whole lot more fun than what they had going on in canon because. girls but sports au. sooo in love w that. also I don’t think makorra would get together in b1 like canon did for a couple reasons. for one, the girl trauma in addition to general trauma of being a homeless orphan. touch and gestures of affection from a person she doesn’t know well yet would probably be a no-no, and korra seems like a very touchy person, just in the natural way that her space is yours and your space is hers. also her energy? like obviously mako would come around but korra in b1 is so much more excited about the world than mako and I think that would kind of, like, intimidate her. (<-also reasons makorra could’ve worked later on but not when they happened) but as the series progresses, korra mellows and mako gets used to her. it works.
but then how does masami happen so early? because asami is the moon to korra’s sun. she’s calm and a careful thinker and after korra’s exuberance breaks down mako’s walls a little bit, asami would be able to slip in being everything mako imagines herself wanting. also more than financially stable. so masami becomes a thing, and korra is jealous, but she’s not sure of who which I personally think is so funny
but yeah that’s basically it. I always love how you take my silly little commentary and give actual thoughtful replies, it makes my day 😭
with love
snailon! good to see you here haha i totally didn't die for like two weeks what fjsgjhjkgfhs (i'm so sorry i took so long that you thought you imagined this ask hhh)
okay i actually have not thought about it for a hot minute but get this… i get like 40 hours a week back because no more percussion! so i have so much time!!! dude i'm going to rewatch lok AGAIN and then brainrot some more. avatar mako's love hate relationship with the entire fucking world is the only thing about it in my head. i'm sorry i don't have a lot to say about this au right now :(( it'll happen,,, one day,,,,
oh! (sobbing!) personally i am a fan of aspiring writer mako but also artist mako is extremely valid and i love the hc's you've built around it :)
girl for girl for girl makorrasami is really the best version of it tbh! love all your thoughts and actually that's a hilarious angle of korra getting the Sapphic Confirmation but it's not a good thing bc the love interest is actually dating a girl who is NOT korra except oh shit this girl is also super hot and attractive. what the fuck is this. korra my favorite girl in the world ever you're allowed to like all the girls in the world if you want and no one has the right to fault you for it.
anyway thank YOU for always sharing your thoughts with me!! i love to hear it and i'm sorry there was such a delay bhjfjgfh i'll get to your other ask soon promise. my commentary is a little bit dead today but i wanted to get this out instead of leaving it rotting in my inbox forever because i promise i have been turning it over in my head for a minute now :P have a good day snailon!
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humanmorph · 1 year
C/W (01-05) thoughts
Finished the first C/W arc + first faction game (which really took me a while. I'm blaming PALISADE and also the bad weather and ALSO getting obsessed with finishing a bigass drawing in 2 weeks)!
I've said this in a different post already when I had just started listening, but I had like, way lower expectations on this, which seems silly in hindsight. I think I just have a tougher time relistening to podcasts (it's not an issue with rereading books or rewatching movies, really), and often stop about halfway... But it's just really fun to look at C/W again having listened to the rest of the Divine Cycle (and also the other seasons, because it's fun to look at the different player characters throughout). And like. They've gotten better at this over the years so by comparison C/W is 'worse' but it's still fucking good. When it hits it hits, and it honestly hasn't even really started hitting yet (though there's some good moments already for sure. Mako buying a bunch of robots was exactly as funny as I remembered it being)! I'm pretty much just excited for everything, but the Kingdom Game expecially. Something else I'm enjoying (and he'll always continue to do this, but it's so Present in C/W) is how Austin describes scenes. He uses film making language SO much (Counter/WEIGHT is an anime, right)! It's good stuff. I'm trying to not get too used to the system because I know they'll switch. I know WHY they switched and stuff & agree with that decision but I still think it's a cool system & am enjoying the time with it, even if some scenes do drag on quite a bit (which isn't only because of the system, but it also isn't helping).
Some character stuff, I guess: AuDy: They were my favourite at the start last time I listened and I think that pretty much holds up. They're just good. They don't even do that much in this first arc (although dropping from the ceiling as a distraction is pretty fucking great), & I think most of the really good AuDy moments are still coming up, so it speaks to the fact that it's just a good concept for a character that I immediately enjoy. I'm pretty sure they continued to be my favourite pretty much until September? I guess l'll can talk more on it when I get there, though.
Mako: I'm gonna be honest I remembered Mako as way more annoying than he is. At least in this beginning arc. He's literally fine. His whole fogging robots deal is kind of weird to listen to now, since it's something they'd either not do now or actively adress in the story since it's a kind of way to take away agency that's pretty uncomfortable when you look at it longer. I wonder if there's a way that'll come up in the first Chime mission mini-arc? Their hands are a bit tied there since it's a prequel I guess, but there's probably a way to do it. Anyways, Mako ends up as my favourite by the end of the season, and I actually don't quite remember how he got there? But same with AuDy, I'll talk more on it when I get to September (it's possible it was the clone reveal. I love those).
Cass & Aria: They have to share a paragraph because I don't have an extremely strong opinion on them either from my last listen at this point in the story, nor do I now. I'm excited for Aria stuff expecially though. I've mentioned this before, but I'm definitly better at listening and actually processing information now, and it's extremely possible that I just missed things about both Aria and Cass that were just kind of mentioned in a sentence but are actually very important to their characters. (Looking back, I listened to C/W right after I had covid, so some sort of brainfog might also be at fault.) Expecially because Ali isn't very. I can't think of the right word now. But she's just quieter in play (not audio! that's Art.). It's nice seeing everyone get better at this, but for Ali expecially I'm super excited to see her go back to Aria for that mini-arc.
Re: the faction game - it's really good that I know that they cut back on factions later / consolidate them because it is. Not overwhelming necessarily but it's easy to get confused? I feel like I need to take notes on what factions do or like, also have a list of all of them to check to keep track. It's probably a good idea to check out the summaries on the wiki after I listen to these & see if I missed anything. (I keep zoning out because I'm thinking about different, later Counter/WEIGHT stuff, usually related to something they just mentioned.)
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All that aside: with the scenes and also just ideas generally they are pretty much immediately crushing it. Like oh my god that first Snowtrak scene just rules so much. That's critical worldbuilding, smart characterization, and fun interaction between good friends right there.
I definitly didn't draw fanart when I was listening in 2020, and I don't know if I will now, but I'm at least in more of a mindset to even want to do it. (& actually, there is ONE scene I was extremely wanting to draw even back then, I just thought I couldn't do it. I do think I can do it now! And I will at the very least try.) But speaking of art, here's a Hudson Thorne for your troubles if you read to the end:
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
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@marscats37 - re: this [which is re: this]
1. Yeah I make that face anytime I wrITE ABT ANY OF THIS??? Just wait til I finally finally FINALLY get around to drawing specific beats from that Thanatos court scene like I’ve been meaning to all the past year dfgkfk I s2g I’ll get there and we’re all going to die about it AHH
2. OH BOY IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED ME THIS! I’m about to make everything worse!
For a very long time Nyx for some goddamn reason considered Thanatos one of her favorite golden children, so perfect and respectful 🥺 and she without fail all the time believed all of his sweet little lies and - even when time and time and time again he was caught bullying Hypnos/his siblings, surely it wasn’t ALL THE WAY his fault and she. was able to make excuses for him which of course Thanatos manipulated the hell of. Also I think she was mildly afraid of him subconsciously?? Nyx, like Seph, is absolutely delusional and just wishes all her kids would get along, nevermind the fact that some of them are trying to maul the others
Nyx isn’t malicious she’s just REALLY that dumb :(
She grew out of this eventually but like only within modern canon aaughgh..,,, like many years after Maci, Thanatos would pray on Eury, who was horrified to discover (via Epi) that Nyx knew full well what Thanatos was capable of and was turning a blind eye to it all in the hopes that maybe he’d just stop or maybe it wasn’t as bad as Maci had made it seem after all or.,, hhhhh well
Anyway though in ye olde ancient canon as detailed abridged (LOL) within that post, there’s a couple things I cut out to keep it all concise (LOOOOOOOL). One of which was that during that trial conference, after Maci pissed off her cruelly petty father enough for him to decide to utterly abandon her, and when he called everyone back into the throne room - Seph, Thanatos, Nyx, and Hypnos -
before he could even start to speak, Nyx had actually interrupted him first and. had the absolute audacity to address them and plead for mercy for her son - just the one, ignoring the other who had suffered at his hand who was RIGHT. FUCKING. THERE. His own twin brother. and you know what for that matter AND Maci, who’d essentially spent half her childhood and teenage years seeking refuge in Nyx’s house and THIS is how Nyx stands up for her??? By saying fuck the both of you I choose my piece of shit son?!?!?! after listening to HOURS of Maci and Hypnos painstakingly describe everything Thanatos had done AND WHILE THEY WERE BOTH ACTIVELY BLEEDING ON THE FLOOR THIS ENTIRE TIME FROM WHEN THANATOS HAD TRIED TO MAUL THEM AND GOTTEN CAUGHT EARLIER IN THE DAY??????
soooo fun for Hypnos to know that out of all the kids his mother couldn’t care less about the one she’d decide to stick up for would be Thanatos, once again very cool and fun
This is truly indefensible but I’m obligated to say in Nyx’s defense that yes Thanatos was manipulating her too, the second Hades and Maci had left them alone he’d turned to her like 🥺Mama help this all got so out of hand🥺; and that Nyx for the longest time thought this was being fair to ALL her children, how could she turn her back on any of them even if he’d done bad things?? It took a long time for her to realize that making excuses for Thanatos was the equivalent to turning her back on ALL of them. Once again she’s not malicious she’s just dumb and trusting (DOESNT MAKE IT MUCH BETTER)
Many years later she was finally the one who ratted out Thanatos to Maci and Tory when Thanatos gloated to her that he was toting around new secret weapon Chal, and that’s literaly how everyone found out about her but I digress….
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window-301 · 1 year
It's been years I've been checking my astral transits and just like my tarot at some point I've stopped doubting it and just accepted everything as true, whether I like the results or not... And just as I moved a new astral transit appeared, called "rebirth". It's Pluto conjunct Ascendant, and it means that I'll pretty much lose everything that I'm attached to. It tells me to let go of everything, create a very solid base with myself and most of the times I'll be on my own.
This transit is very scary so despite I actually lost everything I had, I'm happy I didn't lose it by any disaster, death, etc. The thing is, the transits I live on usually take 1 to 2 years. This one will take me 4. Four years, being on my own and learning to not get attached to anything. I do believe that even the new things I'm working here will at some point be taken away, sooner or later.
It's a transit where only the most raw things of me will remain. So I'll start to write again, and I'll start to draw again, because I need to create my own safe space from now on. Literally everyone I used to shape my life with is far from me, and I'm thankful they are safe and stable in this sick world. I'm thankful I can talk to them due technology, I'm thankful I can say I love them despite being so far. It's time to be the me that was denied to be due life events.
I'm having a bit of a identity crisis. Who am I without the career that was imposed to me by circumstances? Without my daughter, that made me conform with my gender identity when I became a mom? Without my mom, that made me become her husband because I was so afraid to lose her for suicide when my own dad was abusive and she had no one to come back to? For so long I've accepted and even dominated some of these roles with an abnormal strength, even if it took so much of me, even if it took it all from me. Without these roles, these people, what's left of me? Who am I? Who was I supposed to be before all the traumas, all the setbacks? Who am I going to become after healing when most of my identity came from my wounds?
This is so scary, but like my roles, I have to go through this. I have to accept even though it hurts so much, and whatever I'll become now... It's my own responsebility, my own fault. It's on me now.
And... Yeah. This is it. I'll be more active here since this silly Tumblr is one of the raw things of me that I kept.
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enfrigginfuego · 2 years
2022 Fic in Review
I found this while I was looking for something else and decided to revive it for this year!
Tagging: @maryellencarter, @ysalamiri-queen, @called-kept, @tabbiewolfreblogs, @mistr3ssquickly, @dukeswonderousmenagerie, and @sempaiko! (Hi, SW friends, this is still @hixystix/@x-wing-junkie!)
So, for 2022, I have:
Total Number of Fics: 10 posted, 1 that will be posted, 1 I plan to write, 1 that might not get posted until the new year.
Total Wordcount: 158,099 (so far)
Fandoms: Lupin III & Star Wars: Rebels
Most Popular Fic (by bookmarks): At Sea (41 bookmarks)
Most Popular Fic (by kudos): Also At Sea (170 kudos)
Favourite Fic: Little Thefts, published 11/09
And below the cut, a month-by-month recap!
Nothing this month!
Morning Coffee: a short little Kalluzeb office AU ficlet! Pretty cute and fun to write, it was inspired by some @sempaiko art.
Ties That Bind: my first foray into multichapter Lupin fic, this is a soulmate fic that tries not to be a typical soulmate fic. After all, just cause you have a bond doesn't mean you don't have to work on your relationships, right?
Gimme Shelter: This was supposed to end up being LuZeni porn but just became a sorta sweet, sorta silly survival fic. Got to draw on my Wilderness EMT training, so that was fun.
The Last Prince: Part of my SPN/Rebels fusion series I wrote with Sempaiko! I wrote plot, she wrote porn, it worked well. :D
At Sea: Started in March, completed in May. This was my follow-up to Gimme Shelter and turned out to be a hell of a lot of fun to write. Because of course Lupin would tag along on Zenigata's vacation!
Resistance: So this wasn't intended to serve as a goodbye to the Rebels fandom, but it kind of did that anyway. I still love it, but I burned out a bit after 2 years, 58 stories, and almost a million words.
May & June
I was in a medicinal haze these months and got NO writing done. I was just glad I finished At Sea in time.
Smother Your Sorrows: This one is ALL @maryellencarter's fault for giving me an angsty prompt. It was an adventure to write because I was both thrilled to be writing again and challenged with characterizations and emotions I hadn't written before. Pretty proud of this one.
August, September, & October
I was working on Smother all these months!
Little Thefts: written for my friend @lots-o-doodles, who wanted something JigLup involving Jigen's purple shirt. It went more places than that, but it's cute and it's sweet and I have fun re-reading it!
Thief of Time: Still in progress! I actually wrote the first three chapters of this back in Jan/Feb, but it took me until November to figure out how to continue. If I can pull off this next chapter, I'll be as proud as I am of Smother.
Birthday Presents: Dashed off in a couple days for Jigen's birthday, this actually was the only smut I wrote so far this year!
Still to come: my Lupin holiday exchange fic, a LuZeni smut fic for Christmas (hopefully) and hopefully the end of Thief of Time!
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azureaqua · 2 years
Also; storytime:
So, a couple of weeks ago I had to reboot my phone fully because of some technical mishap that I COMPLETELY caused for myself. ;)
I have this current phone for about two years now and the second I got it, I was excited for the fingerprint sensor in it. But to actively use that, I had to set up a general pin/password/or one of those drawing codes? Idk how to explain it properly but when you have 9 dots and you have to draw a (simple) symbol to unlock your phone. Ya, that one. And I had this type, besides the fingerprint sensor, because it was necessary. (Big brain!)
I usually unlocked my phone by my fingerprint but occasionally - like weekly or something - my phone would also ask for this other password of mine, this symbol drawing thing, probably so that I don't forget it eventually. And I have been using the exact same, pretty minimalistic code for years. But just recently I had this idea to change it up because why the heck not. And you know, I was trying new ones, but not in the settings or maybe on a separate sheet of paper - the actual way smart people would do it -, NO, I was trying my new code at the home page or smth, when unlocking my phone. And, well, one time it obviously kicked me out for 30 seconds, because I tried the wrong password so many times. And I was just vibing and all but when the 30 seconds ended and I was free to try again — suddenly my brain just had a shortcut, and suddenly I wasn't sure if I remember my original password. So yeah. Fast forward after an identity crisis, a lot of cursing and internally screaming I came to a conclusion and rather; the only solution that in order to unlock my phone again, I have to wipe all data, which includes the symbolic password that I've had to set up, in order to use the fingerprint sensor. Which is okay. I wasn't that hesitant because I knew I had my cloud and I could get my stuff back from there... But I wasn't sure when was the last time I saved my apps and my informations. But I really had no other choice because I was trying to crack MY OWN code for almost 2 hours and clearly there was no use. And by that time I was just hella tired internally and even physically. I swear I've never experienced such sweating, not even in P.E class.
So all in all, I did the deleting thing, rebooted my phone, did all the necessary beginning stuff - which was also a pain in the ass with either my Google or Mi/Xiaomi account -, and then came the other crucial part; to download the things from my cloud. My phone immediately found my latest cloud savings and I was pretty happy, because it seemed fresh, but when I tried to download it, it requested my symbolic password. I almost did a backflip, I was so annoyed lol.
In the end I still couldn't figure out my password, so I actually deleted that saving and went for an older one. I was really frustrated and angry at myself, because obviously it was all my fault in the end, but looking back, I actually didn't lost THAT much of my stuff. Yeah, I had to redownload a lot of apps, then log in into each of them, but they weren't lost, thanks mostly to my Google account haha. Only thing that got completely wiped was all of my downloaded music, but honestly that didn't even affect me that much. (Like, I would have been legit crying if I lose all my notes and pictures.) After that I just spent my entire weekend on trying to redownload the same songs. And I - weirdly enough - kind of succeeded, so even that wasn't a big problem.
But why am I telling this, other than to prevent others from being this stupid? Well, I had to redownload Ikesen as well. Aaaand guess who lost all of their progress? OOF. Yeah, data transfer, I know, and I wanted to do it back then, but I was always putting it off for some reason, like "It's not like I need it rn". If only I would have known, man.
Basically now, I did the basics, ACTUALLY SET UP THE DATA TRANSFER and started Keiji's route. I was in the middle of Hideyoshi's route before, but I don't really mind that lol, because I can always play whichever I want. But I do feel bad about my gold, grace and wardrobe, because damn, I had some really cool clothing pieces that I've gathered throughout the years... But I deserve it, I guess XD. (I've yet to try and see Ikevamp and Ikepri? Although I think I'm good with Ikevamp, but I'm not sure about Ikepri lol)
So, please, in conclusion, be smarter than I was. Just don't give yourself a headache and a stroke mixed with identity crisis, over something like this. Pls think twice before doing these and be cautious with these things!!
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starlitangels · 2 years
Pulling Away - Part 2
@zozo-01​ This is all your fault 2.9k words (Part 1)(This got long because I didn’t know how to end it XD)
“Oh my God, they’re back,” Milo whispered as we ducked into the security office for the pack meeting. Milo halted in his tracks completely and stared across the conference room.
Tanker was sitting in a chair against the wall, arms folded and legs spread out before them. Not meeting anyone’s eyes, scowling at the carpet like it had done something to offend them. Scars I didn’t remember glittered on exposed skin in the fluorescent lights. The tank top, torn jeans, and scuffed combat boots were pretty standard for how I remembered them, though.
Milo let go of my hand and ran across the conference room, bending down and wrapping his arms around them. I followed after him, clocking the looks a few of the older wolves threw my mate’s way. I kept my boiling blood to myself. “—and since when did you get back in town, huh?” Milo was demanding as I caught up.
“Couple months ago,” Tank muttered, not meeting his eyes nor mine.
“Months?” Milo demanded. “And you didn’t tell me that why?”
Tank didn’t reply. Still didn’t meet his eyes. Their sour expression held none of the softness it used to when they used to look at Milo.
I’d been an Investigator plenty long enough to know without even a guess that something was up.
They shrugged.
“A shrug?” Milo snapped. “That’s all I get? I don’t see or hear from you in a year and a half and the only response I get for askin’ why ya didn’t tell me you were back soona is a shrug?”
“Well, what do you want, Milo?” Tank snapped back.
“I dunno—some actual words, maybe? You’re a grown-ass adult—talk like one!”
Tank scoffed. “When have I ever been good at that?”
“Baby,” I warned Milo softly. “Maybe now’s not the time to push.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but now is exactly the time to push—b’cause if I don’t this hard-ass won’t talk to anyone. Let alone their—best—friend.” Milo jaw clenched around the last two words as he glared at Tank. Who continued to have a staring contest with the carpet.
I was spared from any more arguing by David knocking on the whiteboard at one end of the room to draw everyone’s attention. “Alright, everybody,” he said. “Settle in.” He cleared his throat as Milo took my hand again and dragged us to our normal seats. “To address the elephant in the room,” David continued, “yes: Tank is back from Washington. That’s why this meeting was meant for the entire pack. We’ll get to that in a minute. For now, we have a few things to go over.”
I sat there, up against the wall, and took everything my pack threw at me. The way I always had. I was used to their words by now. Headstrong. Selfish. Stubborn. Reckless. Self-destructive. Plenty of others. Hurled my way like knives.
I let David explain my story, only quietly supplying corrections where they were needed.
And I let the pack yell at me. Scream. Shout about the dangers I was bringing upon them. I didn’t bother defending myself. The other wolves wouldn’t listen. They never had before. Why start now?
It didn’t matter to them that I kept my vengeance hunt a secret from them in an attempt to protect them.
Selfish. Wayward. Reckless.
In the years since I’d joined the pack, I’d lost track of how many times I’d been read every riot act under the sun.
To his credit, David did his best to keep the temper flare-ups contained. Never let anyone yell at me for long. He was still pissed at me, of course, but he had the decency to fulfill his role as the alpha and keep the pack in line. A job I’d always given him a hell of a time trying to complete when it came to me.
David had been adamant that I show up to this meeting. He hadn’t said anything about lingering afterward.
The second it was over, I’d circled the conference room and stormed out. I slammed open the door to the security office. It was on a “soft close” system so I couldn’t hurl it shut behind me, so once it was open I just let it drift as I stalked over to my motorcycle.
I could ignore the hurt. I had for years. Somehow, it still stung when the pack screamed at me, and all I could do was take it. Because giving it right back would just prove their points about me. Violent. Dangerous. Headstrong.
If they thought I was stubborn, then every other wolf in the damn pack needed to check a mirror for once.
I reached my motorcycle, snatching my helmet off the handlebar where I’d hung it. I jammed it on my head and swung my leg over the bike, hitting the kickstand and balancing it underneath me.
The door to the office building crashed open. “Tank!” a familiar voice shouted.
I peeked a glance to the left to see Milo rushing after me.
“Not tonight, Milo,” I said loudly.
I didn’t hear his response as my bike’s engine roared to life, but I saw his mouth moving. He threw up his hands in exasperation—probably saying something snarky about how I was using my motorcycle’s loud engine to drown out my problems.
I flipped the bike into gear and gunned it out of the parking lot. In my small rearview mirror, I didn’t miss Milo flipping me off.
I managed not to cry until I got home. Back to my small, bare apartment.
Sam—Sam... I wanted Sam. A steady presence. A calm one. A caring one. One who had never done anything to hurt me.
I dug my phone out of my motorcycle jacket and was just scrolling through my contacts list when the tears broke.
I dropped my phone. It hit the vinyl floor on the rubber corner of the protective case and clattered down. I sank to my knees after it, doubling over and holding my torso as sobs wracked through me. Not now... I thought. Sam couldn’t see me like this. I wouldn’t reach out to him now. I’d reach out when I got myself under control. I wouldn’t let Sam see me cry. Milo had never seen me cry.
Crying was for when I was alone. When no one could see that the Big Bad Wolf attitude was a wall I kept constructed to protect my heart from hurt.
I stayed like that, in the fetal position on my knees between my living room and kitchen, for a long time. I sobbed and cried until my eyes burned and I had no more tears left. My throat felt thick and parched and I could barely breathe properly with how my lungs were behaving.
When I had no tears left to cry, I pushed myself to my feet, snatching up my phone in the process. I went to the bathroom and started to scrub the tear tracks off my face with a holey washcloth.
Not a knock. A pounding on the door. “Tank!” Milo’s voice shouted. “I know you’re in there! Talk to me!”
I stalked out of my bathroom and over to the front door. Snapping the deadbolt out of the way, I yanked it open. “What do you want, Greer?” I demanded. “To keep yelling at me for not telling you I was back? To berate me for being stupid for falling in with a bastard vampire who used and abused me for six months? To ask what the hell I was thinking, coming back and hunting him down alone? I heard it all tonight from the pack, and David this afternoon when he came by. I don’t need it from you.”
I moved to slam the door, but Milo put a hand out. I felt a burst of magic. He’d always known more than the rest of us—except his mom. The Psychokinesis held the door in place. “Dontchu even think about slammin’ that door on me, Tanka,” he spat. “You know me betta than that.”
I clenched my jaw. “So what do you want?” I ground out.
“Ya gonna invite me in? Or are we gonna be breakin’ covert?”
Growling—animalistic and low—I opened the door wider and stepped to the side. Milo crossed the threshold and I managed not to slam the door behind him.
“Okay. You’re in here. What do you want?” I demanded.
Milo was frozen where he stood, eyes flicking around. “You always lived like this?”
“What does it matter?”
“Get to the point, Greer. You wanted in. You’re in. What are you doing here?”
Milo took a deep breath. “Okay. If that’s how you wanna play this game,” he muttered. He met my gaze. His eyes were sharp grey and never missed a trick. He swallowed. “Why didn’t you say anythin’?”
“Why didn’t I tell you I came back to Dahlia?”
“That too. But... Tank, wh... why him?”
Milo didn’t need to say Quinn’s name for me to know who he was referring to. I shrugged.
“No. Don’t you give me that shrug again,” Milo snapped, a muscle in his jaw tensing. “Talk to me.”
“Why?” I crossed my arms in front of me. Closed off, as always.
“Because I’m your best friend.”
“Were,” I snapped. I threw the word in his face to see his reaction. He flinched. Good. “I don’t have a best friend anymore. I don’t have friends. The Department took away all memories of me and magic from my friend that Quinn attacked and God knows you and the pack don’t care about me.”
“That’s not true—”
I burst out laughing, throwing my head back. “Alright. You wanna know why I fell in with him? You wanna know why I let him get away with being a monster for as long as I did? You want to know why I reached out to the Department to report him rather than asking for help from the pack?” I snarled. “Here it is:
“You left me. You were my best friend. There wasn’t a lot of competition for the position, I’ll give you that, but you kept me part of the pack. You understood me in a way no one else ever even bothered to try.
“I don’t let people in easily, Milo. I don’t trust lightly or make friends well. It’s kept me safe.
“But I let you in. You became my best friend fast. I accepted you into my heart as family, and I thought that would be something that would last. That, for once, I could be close to someone.
“I was wrong.” I cleared my throat and looked out the window as tears stung my eyes again. I was surprised I still had any. “Don’t get me wrong. I am so, so damn happy for you. I’m delighted you found a mate who loves and adores you so much. I couldn’t ask for better for you.
“But it came at the cost of our friendship. And I wasn’t surprised. Who wouldn’t leave me behind in favor of their mate? The headstrong packmate who brought nothing but trouble—there’s no choice to be made. You would have rather spent your time with your mate than hanging out with me. What pisses me off the most is that I don’t blame you. I never did. I never could. Look at me!” I gestured to the patchwork of scars over my skin. “I’m a mess. A mess not worth knowing.
“And I tried, Milo. I tried not to lose you. I texted you all the time, trying to meet up or maintain some level of connection. And you turned me down. Again and again. For a year. It was exhausting.”
Milo had started crying somewhere in my passionate rant, but I wasn’t looking at him directly. “Why him, Tank?” he whispered.
“Why do you think?” I shot back. “I was in a self-destructive spiral. Mourning the loss of the only human connection I maintained to my pack. And Quinn was just there. He acted like he understood me. Like he saw me and liked what he saw. And the part of me that longed for literally any form of companionship latched onto him.
“I know you didn’t mean to drift away from me. I know our lack of hang-outs was born from the well-intentioned desire not to turn me into the awkward third wheel. And I appreciate the sentiment. But, God, it hurt. The only person in my pack who didn’t back away from me for being the way I am pulled away, and like hell would the rest of the pack reach out to help me.”
“David—” Milo began.
I scoffed so hard I hurt my throat—it was still raw from my sobbing anyway. “David didn’t notice when I didn’t reach out to the pack group chat for months. No one noticed when no one had heard from me in weeks or months. Not my alpha, beta, best friend, parents—no one.
“You might be dating the Stealth, but I might as well be the invisible one to this pack. David can preach to me all he wants that they see me as family but the fact of the matter remains that family can suck sometimes. Just because they see me as family doesn’t mean they really care. I’m used to being shunted to the side. But it was different when it was you.
“And I can’t even be mad at you for it! Because you meant well! You didn’t want me to be the awkward third wheel. And that’s not a bad thing. But I distanced myself from the pack and fell in with a sadistic monster because no one saw me anymore.” I gestured vaguely with both hands. “And tonight I took the verbal beating for it—because the consequences of my actions actually affect the pack this time, rather than just me. I took it sitting down and didn’t even bother fighting back. And then you had the audacity to come storming over here and act like you were owed an explanation. Like you had any right to my business.”
Milo blinked at me. Tears still shone on his face. I was so worked up that I wanted to tell him to get out. But I wanted to be petty—I wanted to keep lashing out at him. Make him hurt the way I’d been hurting. I was so, so tired of being the bigger person.
Milo didn’t deserve it, but I wanted him to understand the pain he’d put me through—intentionally or not—by blowing me off a year-and-a-half ago.
I ground my teeth and shook my head. “Go home, Milo. Go back to that funny cat of yours and the mate who loves you. Stop wasting your time with me.”
“Tank...” He reached out as though to set a hand on my shoulder. I flinched away from him. More out of habit than anything else. He froze again, hand still extended. His eyes took in the bare walls of my apartment again. The threadbare sofa, loveseat, and armchair. The dinged up old coffee table and small TV I never used.
I rolled my eyes and turned to storm into my bedroom.
His other arm whipped out and grabbed my shoulder. “Things will get betta,” he promised. “We can—”
“There’s no point, Milo. Everyone leaves me eventually. Go home to your mate. I’m sure they’re waiting for you.”
I wrenched out from under his hand and stomped into my bedroom, shutting the door hard.
I leaned against it and waited. Listening. Half expecting to feel him pounding on the door behind me. Half expecting to hear my front door open and slam behind him.
Silence. For a while. I could practically hear the gears in his brain turning, trying to decide what to do. I blinked a pair of tears out of my eyes and wiped them roughly on my arm.
Nearly five minutes passed before I heard my front door creak open and slam.
I slipped out of my bedroom.
A note was sitting on my kitchen counter island. Milo’s sharp penmanship sat bold on the page.
You’re still my best friend, Tank. Take the time you need to work through whatever you’re working through. I’ll still be here for you when you’re ready. -Milo
I tucked the note into a drawer and pulled out my phone.
Compose New Message To: Sam Collins Hey, it’s me. Can you make it over here tonight?
I downed a glass of water by the time my phone buzzed.
Sam Collins: I’ll be over in a few minutes.
I set my phone down.
Slow improvements. Milo was a better person than I’d ever be. I didn’t deserve his kindness or understanding. But I was grateful he was willing to give it to me.
And... with my deepening feelings for Sam... maybe it would get easier for me to understand what it felt like to have a mate. Maybe it would be easier to understand why I’d been left behind.
Maybe I didn’t have to be left behind anymore. Maybe it was time to start reaching out again.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
(Shipping bingo) Catrapta?
it's--- it's not a shipping bingo, flare xD
nonetheless i will answer for both characters individually
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I really do think Catra's an amazing protagonist/antagonist. One of the best written villains, period. And I love drawing her!!! I've put a lot of thoughts into Catra. I think she's very emotionally intelligent and tender.
However I feel alone in how I approach this show sometimes, and it's because the big thing that draws me to she-ra isn't one or two characters, it's the wider ensemble. Specifically the dynamics of Best Friend Squad, Super Pal Trio, Entrapta and Hordak, the Horde Trio, Catra and Glimmer....
When it comes to She-ra, 95% of fans focus on Catra and Adora's relationships to each other, and that's it. But they spent SO MUCH of the show apart. Catra has relationships with so many other people, and one of the points of the series is showing just how unhealthily fixated on just having that One Person she was, to the point she pushed out all other possible connections when she lost Adora. There's also complicated dynamics like Catra and Hordak which undergo a huge power shift. And you all know how much I love Super Pal Trio, with all their unhealthiness, and how at the end of the show they actually start becoming friends for real.
So it impacts not just how important other characters are in fan works, it also impacts Catra's own growth. I think her relationship to Glimmer is for example one with enormous raw chemistry. I do think part of this is the show's fault - towards the end of season 5 it fixated on the Catradora relationship but didn't give the time of day to any of these characters' OTHER dynamics. Adora didn't get scenes with Razz, Mara, or even Glimmer and Bow by the end of the season. Catra lost out on Scorpia, big oopsie, she didn't talk to Hordak again, her interactions with Entrapta were present but minimal, and she only got maybe 2 scenes with Glimmer after Corridors. So it's not a surprise that fans ALSO ignore all those other relationships, but it's still sad.
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I don't think Entrapta has much wasted potential, the only problem I can think of is she never got a reunion with Scorpia. That would've been great, but during the only s5 ep where they interact, it's way after that and things are a lot more tense.
Entrapta is a paradox in terms of her handling of the show. From one point of view, she's an incredibly strong character, very relatable autistic representation, who retains relevance from start to finish - the ace card, the chess piece that sways the direction of the game - and she makes tons of friends along the way. Instead of being heartless she's proven to being very sensitive and emotionally mature. From another point of view, she's a caricature of autistic people who is consistently dehumanized by characters who are supposed to be her friends, with the biggest offender being how she was thrown on an actual fucking leash, and this ableism was never properly addressed or even recognised by the people who wrote it in, who assumed we'd side with the good guys because... i dont know. were the writers really that allistic???
I think she can be both things at the same time, yeah? you can have a character who is amazing in some ways and painful in others. and that is my experience with entrapta, but frankly, because the show's crew evidently loved her a lot, i find it easier to embrace the positive aspects. also she's just so much fun. how can i not? she just has her own energy that pushes out of the show she's trapped in. never change, entrapta.
You want to know my opinions on them as a ship...?
My favourite ship in She-ra is Glitra. I like Catradora too. I don't have any other gravitations to actual ships. I love drawing Catra and Entrapta as a duo and @phosphoricbomb is constantly egging me to draw them together, which is adorable. But they don't have any romantic chemistry in the show (much like how Entrapta doesn't have much romantic chemistry with ANYONE) outside of one or two interactions where Catra flirts with her to mess with her or with Adora.
I think they are one of the FUNNIEST pairings, however. Can you fucking imagine if Catra and Entrapta had started dating and Scorpia found out? Also there's no way they'd realise straight away they were dating. They'd just be hanging out a lot and get really affectionate until one day someone asks "are you two dating?" and theyre like "what? no. wait. wait, are we dating?" "we cuddled this morning and you kissed me on the head" "oh shit well that probably means something" +
But in terms of canon compliance, Entrapta is very much an "older sister" character to the best friend squad in the final season. Like. Sometimes she's the one looked after, and sometimes she's looking after them. And Catra falls into that equation. What's unique about their dynamic is they fall into a position where they have the potential to understand each other in a way the others will never get, because they've fucked up the world together, hacking the black garnet, building portals, and now they're facing the music together and making up for it by helping their friends. Catra can see how far Entrapta's grown, she might be the only person who knows her well enough to see since Hordak hasn't got the same perspective, and Entrapta is now starting to truly understand Catra for the first time, helping her out of a panic attack and even making her a new outfit and space suit because she's excited to be friends.
That's at the heart of their potential dynamic, I feel. Two people who are learning and growing at the same time, Catra's certainly the "smart one" but she does look up to Entrapta from time to time like Stevenson said.
Oh, also, theyre both autistic, and cats. 
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katsubiatch · 3 years
Distant Shores-2
Summary: The heathens came to raid every year, stealing treasures and killing along the way. Your father was the King of Wessex and wanted to strike a deal with the heathens. The heathens and their ruthless numbers in exchange for some lands to farm, riches... and you. You are the Christian princess that is now to marry the Heathen King, a man that you're sure would rather kill you than marry you. This is going to be a miserable marriage.
A Viking!BakugouxReader fic.
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The boat ride back to where the Vikings lived was a long one. As exciting as being on the open water was, to see so much open space it got old quickly. The water would spray at you, soaking you to your bones and causing you to shiver. There also wasn’t much to look at other than the deep blue of the ocean, white fluffy clouds in the sky, the other Viking ships floating nearby. 
You also couldn’t really speak to anyone, you did not know their language at all nor they yours. The only one who seemed to know anything was the man that was to be your husband, however he didn’t seem interested in talking. At least not to you. From what you could tell he was grumpy, rude, unpredictable and overall unpleasant. You wondered why these people followed him, weather or not they had a choice in the matter or not. Back home no matter what anyone thought of your father they had to follow, he was King after all. You weren’t quite sure how it worked here but you couldn’t ask either. 
You huffed, drawing the fur closer around your body, the same one that had been placed on you near the start of your journey. He had to have a nice bone somewhere in his body, right? If he gave you this fur, then again maybe he just hadn’t wanted to hear you complain. It felt like you had been on the sea forever, and there was a constant chill to you that you couldn’t shake. You had no idea how some of these men were shirtless, though you supposed it would be easy to work up a sweat rowing as they did. You hadn’t ever thought of that, that there were people who did such a job. You hadn’t been on one of your fathers ships and even if you had you wouldn’t have seen the men working so hard to row.  One of the men must have noticed your staring because he gestured to you and then to the oar that he was holding, laughing and joking with the men beside him. However you stood up, giving the man a smile. At this point you’d do anything to warm up and help. You felt useless this entire time, the only person who hadn’t taken a turn to row. The man looked shocked at you as you stood up, gently touching the oar. You weren’t quite sure how to do this, that much was obvious but the man did his best to instruct you without actually speaking. You figured you got the gist of it and it only took you a minute or so to get in sync with the other men rowing. You laughed softly to yourself before starting to feel the burn in your arms. This was a workout, but judging by the men near you and their large arms this was something they were used to. A few of the men near you let out little snickers and chuckles, shaking their heads. They hadn’t expected such a prim and proper lady to do such a thing. You on the other hand, found things like this interesting and wanted to try it all. 
It did not last long however until you felt a strong hand wrapping around your upper arm and dragging you up, causing you to drop the oar and gasp slightly. Bakugou was barking angrily at the man that had gotten up from his position while gripping tightly on your arm. You couldn’t understand what he was saying but he sounded angry and you instantly regretted your decision. “It is my fault.. not his.” You managed to get out, your own hand touching Bakugou’s arm.  “Quiet you, you are meant to sit here until we get back.” Bakugou growled as he looked down at you, almost snarling as he deposited you back to where you had originally been seated. You grumbled for a few moments, looking up at Bakugou with narrowed eyes, obviously upset that he had pulled you away from your task. 
The two of you were sharing a very long, intense stare. A few of the men around you admired your braveness and said as much, not that you could understand what they were saying to begin with. Soon a spray of ocean water broke your gaze as it came crashing right next to you and you had to move to get out of it’s way. “You sit here, and do not say anything the rest of the way.” Bakugou grumbled as he moved you to a spot where there wasn’t too much spray and threw another fur over you. 
His mood was hard to understand, he could be somewhat kind as you’d witnessed before, but he was also surly and rude. To be married to someone like that for the rest of your life, always having to guess at what emotion he had and walking on eggshells. That was not something that you wanted to deal with, however you didn’t have much choice in the matter. Running away? Well you were in the middle of the ocean and once you got back to land your odds weren’t much better. In a foreign land where you didn’t speak the language? Yeah that wouldn’t be good. So at this point you were stuck, with no much choice other than to marry a man you didn’t know or love. 
It was a day or so later that seagulls were seen flying above and you saw the men getting excited, so you figured that you must be getting closer to home. Well their home, your new prison. Moments later a small town came into view, huts and longhouses, docks and a beautiful beach. You stayed put where you were however, instead of going to get a closer look. You really didn’t want to anger your future any further. 
Soon the men were docking, women waiting with children at the docks smiling happily and waving at what you presumed were their husbands. They were all so happy to see their families some jumped off the boats before they were properly docked and unloaded. You wondered what it was like, to have such a family. You figured you’d never know. Your parents weren’t exactly the loving type, always more concerned with their country and duty. You smiled at watching them reunite, happy for them. Children climbed on their fathers shoulders, heavily pregnant women eagerly hugged their husbands. 
You were roughly pulled from your seated position, a calloused hand gripping your upper arm tightly and hauling you towards the docks. You did your best to fall into step beside him, tripping over your own feet as his pace was quick. “Keep up.” He grumbled as he looked back angerly at you before stopping once they had got to the red head you often saw Bakugou hanging around with. He was huddled close to a beautiful, bubbly woman holding a a newborn baby wrapped in furs. The two were cooing over the little thing before Bakugou walked over to them.  “Look at how beautiful she is, you really outdid yourself Mina.” 
“Well you had a hand in it as well you know.”  You heard the woman giggle but you had no idea what they were saying so you just stayed put, catching your breath from that walk. Bakugou stayed put, looking down at the baby and you could have sworn you saw a light smile gracing his lips. However whatever was there was gone just as quick.  “She is beautiful.” Bakugou agreed and looked at the two. “Congratulations. A new child is a wonderful thing.” “Who is she?” Mina asked, peeking around Kirishima to get a better look at the woman Bakugou was holding onto so tightly.  “Oh don’t worry about her, I’ll explain later.” Kirishima whispered to her before Bakugou drug her along and she stumbled to keep up. You didn’t dare speak up, not wanting to be embarrassed in front of people you didn’t know. It took a bit but soon you made it to a very big long house where many people seemed to be convening and all were smiling at Bakugou, saying words that you didn’t understand and clapping him on the back. You were sure they were all congratulating and thanking him for a raid well done. You got many curious looks as well, however Bakugou didn’t divulge that information to anyway.  There was a large feast prepared, everyone sat in the great hall laughing and feasting. You were set next to Bakugou, picking at your food because you were just too nervous to do much else. Of course you felt out of place, you didn’t understand any of the conversations going on and the only person who you could speak to seemed much more interested in other things. However a bit after this feast started Bakugou stood up and everyone silenced, even the children were quiet in the presence of their earl.  “We are gathered here to celebrate our great raid!” Bakugou yelled out into the crowd, even if it was quiet he felt the need for such celebration. Everyone yelled out, taking drinks and laughing amongst themselves. “We had a very succesful raid and we shall make it through the winter, if not longer! We did strike a deal with the King of Wessexs. He offered us riches and land in exchange for our army should he need it. We also have his daughter, who I am to marry.” He didn’t say the last part quite happily but it was what it was. He was to marry this girl and that was that. “Now weather or not we uphold our part of the deal is to remain seen. After all if he is going to drag us into a lengthy and pointless war we will not participate, and deal with those repercussions later.” At that the men laughed. “Now eat, drink, celebrate our return and our new riches!” 
You hadn’t understood anything that he’d said but you assumed that it had something to do with being back and some kind of pep talk you were sure. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. Although while the men and women drank, celebrated and got a touch too feely with each other than you were used to you awkwardly sat and watched the festivities. Children running and playing, wives draping themselves over their husbands and some doing everything they could to welcome them back, men sitting around and talking with each other. Your husband to be was doing just that, drinking and talking with a few of the other men you’d seen him around often. 
You felt out of place some eyes staring at you and definitely giving you the cold shoulder. You were an outsider, a stranger to their otherwise seemingly close knit unit. Even those who seemed to be servants ignored and moved around you. It had been a very long journey and an even longer night. You felt yourself falling asleep sitting up, while you had no idea where you are supposed to sleep. “Get up.” A gruff voice next to you grumbled and gripped your arm, hauling you up from your seated position. Your eyes opened as you stood and looked up at Bakugou. “You can’t fall asleep at the table. Come.” He commanded as he made his way towards a curtained off area. Once you got past the curtains there was an area with a bed, trunks, spare furs and treasures you hadn’t ever seen before. “You’ll stay here with me, in the bed.” Your eyes went wide at that, having never shared a bed with a man before. However you supposed that this man was going to be your husband.  You nodded before looking around the room and noticing that your one trunk wasn’t here, “Your things are not here... you can sleep in this.” Bakugou threw one of his tunics at you, and while it would be big on you it certainly wasn’t what you were used to and you’d be showing more than you were comfortable with. “I’ll turn around.” He rolled his eyes, grumbling and turning around. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, although you knew that he would see it all soon enough you were grateful that he would at least give you this until that day came. 
Days came and went, and most of them would have been spent alone had Bakugou not been so generous as to allow one of his men to escourt you around, it helped that he was also fluent in your language. He had joined the Vikings on one of their raids last summer and while some of the men still didn’t trust him he was loyal to them. His name was Shoto Todoroki and he was quiet but kind. He would translate conversations for you, although most of them held no interest for you however some did involve you and most of the women around were upset that you were taking Bakugou. However you weren’t exactly taking him, you’d been forced into this marriage just as much as he had. You also didn’t think that he’d been too interested in the women either. 
No one wanted to speak to you, and it was lonely although you did have Shoto but there were times that he had other things to do and you didn’t want him to have to hang out with you all day. He was sweet and kind however and much more of a conversationalist than Bakugou. You would get occasional grunts and commands when you were together but that wasn’t often. He was always busy and kept you under watch whenever he was gone. 
A week had gone by since you’d been in the Viking lands and it was time for your wedding. It had been planned quickly and all the traditions were so different from your own. The wedding was on a Friday, because it was Friggas day and she was the Goddess of marriage, love and fertility according to Shoto. You’d bathed in a bath house with Bakugous mother, Mitsuki, to wash away your status as a Maidan. It was usually done with married women of your family however none of your family was here so different arrangements were made. You quite liked Bakugous mother, she was not quite as brash and rude as her son but you saw where he got his personality from. 
After your bath your hair was braided and ornaments were placed in it, another tradition you were not familiar with. You were dressed in a blue gown that had been made specifically for this wedding, it was simple as you’d been told your hair was more important than the actual dress. You’d picked up on a few words here and there, as well as Shoto had been teaching you some things. Especially what to say during the wedding, which was something you’d been nervous of. 
Once the actual wedding started you were feeling nervous, walking down that long way towards Bakugous back, seeing him wearing his best furs and clothes. During the ceremony you did your best to pay attention, although you didn’t understand everything and just went along with what was happening. Exchanging rings, swords-which was strange for you-and a very chaste, first, kiss. Bakugou looked indifferent the entire time, and you felt much the same. You hadn’t gotten to know him since you’d been here, he was always off working with his people or solving their problems. 
There was a large feast held afterwards with plenty of mead flowing and while you hadn’t ever tried the stuff before you decided why not, after all you had no idea what was to become of your wedding night but you had a feeling Bakugou was going to expect something. Where you came from no one spoke of it, however a few cheeky maids had let you in on the secret of losing your maidenhood. You were nervous but figured some liquid courage could help. You sputtered and choked at first, to which your now husband laughed at you for. “Didn’t expect you to want to drink.” He laughed, the mead loosening his tongue a bit. It was the most that he’d spoken to you in days.  “If I am supposed to be your wife maybe I should act like a Viking.” That got another laugh out of your husband who shook his head. This feast was quite a bit like allthe others every night but this one was bigger than the rest and there was much more alcohol flowing through it. 
The night dragged on and soon enough you found yourself in Bakugous large bed, naked and surrounded by furs. He could tell you were nervous and so he took his time. Working you up, only to have you crashing down with such a force that you couldn’t explain. The maids might have told you about losing your maidenhood however they hadn’t spoke to it feeling like this. Just when you thought you couldn’t take anymore he proved you wrong. You didn’t think that it could feel like this, nor did you think Bakugou could be so gentle and nice. At the end of it you could hardly keep your eyes open and Bakugou cleaned you up and dressed you, covering you up with furs. He might not have wanted this marriage but he wasn’t going to be the biggest asshole in the world. At least not tonight. 
A/N: I did my best to add in viking wedding traditions although it was a little hard because a lot of them involved thins with family and obviously reader does not have family here! Yes I decided to put Kirishima and Mina together, idk why it just seems like a good pairing to me and I’ve seen it in quite a few fics as well! Mina is also a warrior but she stayed behind because she was still pregnant at the time of the raid starting. Also when things are in italics that is when they are speaking the Viking language. Also I am not adding smut in because I can’t control if a minor is going to read this or not plus I am not good at writing it anyway haha. This got a little dry and boring in the middle, I apologize but The next part will start to get a little more angsty and juicy so I hope you’re ready!!
naiomiwinchester  wannabe99now  @whore-for-anime  moshi-moshi-angie015  ojfugk  angie-1306
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mrskurono · 3 years
Schweiden Sex Education: Intercourse || Wakatoshi Ushijima x Fem!Reader
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Tags: mention of insecurities, vaginal penetration, slight size kink, soft sex, creampie, sex bruh
Character(s): Wakatoshi Ushijima (hq)
Word Count: 2.2k
a/n: this will be the final installment of this mini series, ngl it ended up more popular and more touchy feely than I thought it would. thank you everyone for reading <3
part (1) (2)
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inter·course /ˈin(t)ərˌkôrs/
noun; sexual contact between individuals involving penetration
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“Do you hate her?”
Ushijima blinked a handful of times at the voice going unregistered to him. Korai of course had to repeat himself.
“Do you hate our manager or something?” The second to newest Schweiden member craned his neck around to look at the same lady talking with the captain, “I mean...even since I started last season it seems like it but I dunno, do you just hate her or something?”
No longer the new guys, Ushijima still felt confused on what his teammate meant, “Why would you say that? I’ve never said that.”
Korai shrugged. White haired man taking the ball from his bigger mates grasp and chucking the volleyball at the real newbie coming into the gym when Tobio arrived. Korai gut laughed when the dark haired man didn’t catch it and only wasted a little more time before wiping at his eyes to look back at Ushijima with what he’d just said, “You spend so much time staring at her. Thought maybe you hated it her since never talked to her.”
Ushijima’s brows pinched in the middle with the deepest furrow, “I never said I hated anyone.”
Once more with a shrug Korai figured he’d drop it, “Well man, if you don’t hate her. You must have one hell of a crush on her then.”
The word rung in his head when you said it.
You were naked under him. Rightfully so after his first attempt to bring you, or any woman, to an orgasm. He should feel proud if not a little smug. All he felt was nervous. 
“Ok....sex,” You inhaled deeply now that most of your senses was collected. The real thing felt a lot different than your own hand and the same scenario being lit up on the tiny screen of your phone. Slight tingle from that orgasm you were wondering if you had been that hard up for a hook up. Dashing that from your mind you refocus on the Schweiden player before you, “I mean...I guess there’s not a lot to say about it. I’m sure you’ve seen porn or Korai I’m pretty sure played something off of Pornhub in the locker room at least once.”
That light anecdote didn’t seem to tear the man’s concentration away from you. Leaving you to wiggle a bit and get higher up on the bed. Thinking maybe he was going to follow. Ushijima remained staring at you with that all too familiar look on his face. A look you recall years worth of seeing from across the gyms at practice.
Without warning it dawns on you, maybe he doesn’t actually want to have sex with you. A feeling nothing short of claustrophobic when it hits you. The tingle you’ve felt since the locker room fizzles out with vigor. You’re exposed. Silly. Regretful. Suddenly to recount your words.
“I mean-” You stumble over words falling from your lips while looking up at him and trying to cover some part of you, “We don’t have to- Um Ushiwa- Uh Ushijima- I uh it’s fine if you don’t want to we can just forget this-”
“I don’t hate you.”
The slur of words from your mouth catch. His surprising you more. You stop trying to cover yourself with what little blanket you can up root. Instead your brows furrow uncharacteristically at him at the foot of the bed.
Olive eyes dropping from you it’s the first time since he joined three years ago that you saw him actually break eye contact first. You’re nothing short of surprised when Ushijima, still naked, sits back on the edge of the bed. Easing up on the need to cover yourself. You realize he’s talking about something entirely different.
Brows pinched together you ask again what he meant. Crawling towards him now. Kneeling beside him unsure if you should lay a hand on him or something. His face seems complacent like normal but with the way he sounded. It just didn’t sound right to you.
Ushijima lifts his gaze to meet your naked body right next to his. Of course he couldn’t tear them away from your form before him. All those times he’d stared at you over the years. Only now realizing he’d been trying to think what you looked like in this exact light.
“...I...Korai thought I hated you,” He confesses in the weirdest manner. Finding the one thing he couldn’t take his eyes off of wasn’t your naked body. But your face, “I don’t....I never did. I just- I think I love you and it might have been my fault if I-”
Cut off directly by the feeling of your lips against his. There’s a spilt second the man doesn’t know what to do with his hands. Only to be thankful when he felt your hands gently take his and place them on your sides. Getting the gesture Ushijima curled his broad arms around your bare waist just as you curled your own arms around his neck. Delaying the need for a breath in the passionate kiss until finally neither of you could hold out.
“Lets make love instead,” You mutter against his lips. Feeling for the first time Ushijima trying to push back into the kiss like he wasn’t ready for it to end just yet. Drawing your fingers down from the nape of his neck. Small circles over his collar bone to dip down between his well defined chest, you look up at him and smile, “...because I think I might be in love with you.”
Nothing short of a glimmer in the otherwise deadpan expression. Ushijima for the first time since the locker roomer took a kiss from you. Not just taking it. He downright kissed you back into the middle of the bed. Lips never leaving yours it was barely any fumbling as he scooped his big hands under your bottom and pulled you into his hips. Leaving you to hold onto his shoulders as the urgency of the kiss translated over to your movements together.
Sooner than later you felt his cock rub against your inner thigh. Only breaking the kiss enough as you kissed his cheek and the corner of his mouth with a breathy whisper, “Put it in...please, I want you to do it.”
Nodding there wasn’t a question to be asked. Ushijima understood more than anything where he wanted his cock to go. You telling him only sealed the fact he craved no one else.
Gripping his cock there’s a second when you adjust your hips and allow his length to slip up between your soaked folds. Earning a pleasant moan to bubble up between your lips. Any other time you might have been worried to take someone so big. But that was the last thing in your mind right now. Consumed with need all you could think of was the stretch of his cock inside you.
Rewarded with the real thing faster than anything else. You gasp. Making him stop half way to which you panic and tell him through a loud moan to keep going. Ushijima can’t stop but sink his thick cock down to the base in your sopping wet cunt. Nothing he could even imagine prepared him for this.
“W-Warm-” The low rumble of a moan echoed in his chest. Ushijima unsure what to do pushed his lips back onto yours. Just the way your walls clenched around him and you engulfed his senses was ethereal to him.
“Move....how you wanna,” You whisper against his lips, “I want you to fuck me like you’ve been wanting to all these years.”
There was hesitation. You were right he had seen porn and what they did. But none of that seemed desirable. Right now all he wanted to do was feel you. Consume you. Make every fiber of his being tingle with your body.
Slow to start Ushijima began rocking his hips into yours. Each movement earning more than just a lowly moan from you. Assured that it was wonderful by your praise and touching all over him. Soon it became a need for him to snap his hips into yours. Watch you squirm under him, mouth agape and eyes locked onto him. Everything intoxicating to every single sense the man had.
“ ‘gonna cum-” You bite back a moan as your hips bounce with each forceful thrust, “I- I think I’m gonna cum-”
“Please-” Ushijima buried his face into the crook of your neck, panting, thrusts hard and deep as he felt himself approaching a familiar feeling, “Please cum- I want you-”
Tongue gliding over your parted lips and swallowing the knot in your throat. It’s nothing like the knot growing in your stomach. Boxed in completely by the enormous man above you. It’s hardly possible to snake your hand down to your clit. But when you do your free hand gripes the back of his neck as your fingers dance around your already sensitive bud, “I- It’s too much- Fuck-”
For a split second he wonders what is too much but that is dashed when the shudder in your body starts at your toes and every inch of you twitches under him. Sealing the deal for Ushijima when he feels nothing short of heaven when your cunt tightens around him in a way no mouth or hand could ever mimic. All that stamina in the world for nothing when he pushes his hips into yours. Desperate to follow your lead.
Rutting into you as deep as he can until the warm gush of cum overflows into your cunt. You’d never felt anything so intimate yet even as his lips found yours to kiss you. The twitch of Ushijima’s cock with each spurt of cum had you moaning into the kiss like a virgin all over again. 
Both of you breathing harder than expected into the kiss. Finally came down from the high. His cock still buried in you and most of your body limp under him. You take a moment to swallow as you look up at the man before you. This time he was staring but you didn’t feel the need to turn away. Instead you smiled at him with a little giggle. And for the first time in nearly four years, Ushijima smiled back at you.
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Minor Epilogue ;|
“Where’s Ushiwaka?” Korai dribbled the volleyball as he looked back towards the locker room.
Tobio looked up from his bottle after fiddling with the lid, “Hirugami didn’t say anything?”
White brows pinched together Korai bounced the ball as high as he could manage and huffed, “This is day three! He’s late and we get to wait for him!”
“You could just practice with Romeo and Sokolov before he comes.” Tobio offered without much concern as he grabbed the volleyball before Korai could catch it.
“Don’t break the lights Hoshiumi!” Hirugami shouted across the gym as he caught sight of one of the second youngest Schweiden harassing the volleyballs.
Grumbling to himself Korai snatched the ball back from Tobio, “Of course Hirugami-san!” Content with dribbling the ball at a much more manageable height, Korai looked around for a short stint at attendance, “You notice our manager has been late recently too?”
“And?” Tobio shouldered his duffel bag without a chance of even feigning interest in his teammates rant.
Brows still pinched Korai glared out at the double doors of the Schweiden’s gym, “I bet they’re hooking up. I bet- Look!” Korai skidded to a stop mid sentence when through the double doors it was the late Schweiden in question. Undoubtedly with their manager at his side. Like a detective Korai pounced on the chance to interrogate them but that was lost among the chaos when all of the Scweiden team witnessed Ushijima lean down and give their ever so wonderful team manager a kiss on the lips.
That’s when all insanity broke loose. 
Korai was on them like stink on shit. Tobio and Toshiro ready to intercept Korai before his rabid-ness scared the new love birds away. Tatsuto wanting a better look at the drama amongst the crew. Leaving Fukuro and Nicollas to exchange glances at each other as they hoisted up the volleyball net.
“Is that Ushijima and y/n?” Nicollas peered over to the bustling drama at the front of the gym.
Fukuro, minding his own business, nodded, “Think they’ve been going out for a while now.”
Smiling as Ushijima’s face seemed stone serious as ever and y/n’s face flush red as the white haired Schweiden had some serious question, Nicollas laughed as remembered that feeling, “Ah young love....wish there was an educational course one could take when learning the affairs of the heart.”
Fukuro snort laughed and tightened the bindings on the net they’d be using for practice if they ever stopped their gawking, “Yeah, we call that sex ed here.”
Nicollas chuckled when he saw their lovely manager punch Korai in the side. Revealing the oddest sight of Ushijima smiling ever so slightly on his stoic features while the rest of the Scweiden’s rallied around the new couple as the two seniors could only stand back and laugh, “Sex and love education....I think we could all use that.”
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a/n: The end is finally here! Honestly I can’t believe I’ve actually finished a series in the first place! To everyone who’s read and supported it thank you from the bottom of my heart. This was too much fun to write and I won’t lie I might have a little soft spot in my heart for Ushijima now <3
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hobbitsnapes · 3 years
Corpse x MGK!sister reader
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(Found this image on Pinterest so all credit goes to artist, if you know who it is please comment below so I can credit them)
A/N: this was requested by @heyitssab
Tree is tall of sex in this, but it’s more in a joking matter, plus corpse has stated he doesn’t mind as long as you are not a minor or send or tag him. I’m literally 2 years younger than him, and have no intentions of ever tagging him or sending him any of my work XD
Summary: how many idiots does it take to tell the brother and friend they’re dating? Apparently takes 2 very forgetful people, who kept their relationship secret without knowing it.
It had just been by chance, a small chance that he had been scrolling through his tags. liking and reposting art, when he saw a tag from someone he followed. He wrecked his brain for when he had followed her, coming up empty. She was cute, no denying the beauty she had as she laughed in the video. It was a clip from a stream that he didn’t know she had, as he couldn’t even remember her name, wearing his merch as it fit her snug. It fit her perfectly in fact, the large hood covering her face, hiding the flush to her face from her rather large chuckles that left her body. He couldn’t help but like the photo, and he couldn’t help but to press message either.
It was first only small likes to posts, an Occasional message, and a view on their livestreams, but that all changed when he spoke of the song he was working on with her older brother.
It all started that night, when both lay in their beds as they talked, laughed, and felt their hearts flutter each time they heard one another speak.
Her phone rang violently in her bag, nearly making her drop the to go bag all over the ground as she walked. “Hello?” She asked, as she held both bags with her hands as her shoulder gripped the phone as if it’d fall down a cliff. “Hey bug!” He exclaimed, making her chuckle as she heard the booming sound of his voice. She had always detested the nickname, as he gave it to her as kids due to her horrendous fear of the creatures. But, it brought more joy to her, as it reminded her of their youth. Having been adults for years, it was fun to hear such a childish name that’s stuck.
“Hey mopey.” She chuckled, as that was the name she gave him when he was in his emo phase that he never outgrew.
Both talked as she walked towards the elevator, mainly about how his day had gone as she silently listened.
She had always been this way, always the shyer of the two, the one to listen to others first before she said a word. He had teased her for it most of their childhood and teen life, but he had grown to love it, as he could let loose or rant to her about anything, and he knew she’d be there just to listen to him.
“So what’re you doing right now?” He asked, as she got into the elevator. “Just grabbed some dinner a few minutes before you called and nearly made me shit.” A smile painted on her face at his boisterous laughter.
“Are you at home?” He asked, as he heard the sound of the elevator beeping in the background. “No, I’m spending the night with my boyfriend.”
She had mentioned about a month prior that she was seeing someone, the joy it brought him to hear the excitement and joy in her tone as she gushed about their first date.
If this was 7 or 8 years prior, he would be bombarding her with questions about the man, who he was, where he lived, where he could meet him to find his intentions with his baby sister. But, in the last few years, he found himself feeling calmer whenever she’d mentioned her love life. He knew she was smart, and would never date a man who treated her poorly. The few breakups she had, they always ended amicably, her head still high as she told him. So, he never asked her any questions about the man, as he could tell from the few times she mentioned him, he could feel the love this man had for her, and Vice versa.
The strong barreling of her phone alerted them awake, both groaning out as she reached for her phone without lifting her head from his shoulder. “Hello?” She mumbled, voice slurred as the saliva was thick in her mouth, barely awake as she fought to listen in on who dares to wake them up.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, making her equally exhausted lover groan. She shifted off of him, laying on her back as he turned away from her, as to hopefully shut his eyes and fall back asleep. She was used to her brother's large voice, as it hardly phased her after growing up with him. “Colson, why are you calling me this ungodly hour?” “Oh come on, it’s not that early.” “Col its-“ She pulled her phone from her ear, eyes shutting violently as the bright light blinded her “5 o’clock in the morning. So again, I’m going to ask you, why did you call me at the asscrack of dawn?” “You don’t remember?” He asked, making her irritation grow. “No, that’s why I’m asking.” She says, as she rubbed her sleep crusted eyes. “You were coming up today to hang out with casie, remember?” Her hand stopped rubbing her face, as she felt her heart stop momentarily. “Wait, you mean today? I thought I was coming Friday?” “No, both of you settled on today, remember I told you that’s perfect because I have a day off?” She felt her heart pain as she heard the sadness in his tone, knowing he’s expecting her to bail. “Yeah sorry, I thought you meant Friday so I mixed it up, let me get ready and I’ll be out the door okay? Love you” she said, as she hung up the line.
Before she could even move, she felt his arm wrap around her body. A tired groan leaving his lips. “Nooo stayyyy.” He groaned, pulling her body to his. She smiled as she looked down at him, wrapping her arm on his chest and the other behind his neck. “I wish I could live, but I can’t.” Planting a soft kiss against his lips. “Stay in bed for a few more hours, please?” Her heart pulled at his tone, hearing just how tired he was. “I can’t, casies wanted me to come up for weeks now. And it takes a good 3 hours to get there. I wanna spend as much time as I can with them before it gets dark so I can get back safely.” He groaned at this, wrapping his arms around her. “Yeah but it’s only 5, it wouldn’t be safe to drive since we went to bed like, 2 hours ago.” “Yeah, and whos fault was that mister?” She teased, “hmm, sorry but I just couldn’t keep my hands to myself after not seeing you for a few days.” He mused, pulling her body closer to his, planting his lips against hers. A small hum left her lips as he pulled her thigh over his, grabbing the flesh harshly as their lips cascaded together. “Mm, no no no, you’re not gonna convince me to stay here just to go another round.” She said, as she got off from his warm body, throwing his large hoodie over her bare body. “Oh come on babe, are you sure about that?” He said, making her turn around to him. A small gasp left her lips as her eyes took in his milky white complexion. His honey brown eyes looking back at her with a small smile etched onto his face. His hair a tousled mess that resembled a bird's nest, some pieces falling onto his face. “Honey, I’ve been wanting to see my family for weeks now, I see you almost everyday and practically live here. I’ll be back tomorrow so I can grab more clothes from my place okay?” She placed a kiss to his lips, both holding one another in their arms. “I don’t know why you don’t just say fuck that place and just move in.” He mumbled, making her chuckle and heart warm. “Don't you think it’s a little soon though? I mean we’ve only been together a few months love.” “Yeah, but you’ve practically lived here since we got together, you literally just go there to get more clothes that you end up leaving here.” She looked into his eyes as she thought about his words. “Hm, I’ll think about it today okay?” She mused, planting a kiss to his lips. A soft okay leaving him as she got up.
“And babe, remember if you live here, we can have all the sex we want and not have to worry about driving to get one another.” He exclaimed, laughing at the loud honey she screamed from the bathroom.
She couldn’t help but laugh out as she watched, as her niece tried her hardest to braid her fathers grown out hair. It was near impossible not to, as pieces would fall out, resulting in her pulling them harsher, nearly pulling his eyelids back due to the tension from his temples. “Okay okay you’re gonna fuckin scalp me.” He chuckled , as all three bursted out in large laughter.
“So how’s school going this year?” She asked her, as she delicately painted her nails. Both of the girls had found themselves on the floor in front of the nice coffee table, as colson sat and chatted with them. “It’s going really well.” “Oh yeah? Make any new friends?” She teased. “I mean, kinda.” She couldn’t help but hear the wavering in her tone, spotting the faint blush dusting her skin. “Ohh, so there’s a someone eh?” She teased to her, making the preteen hide her face as to conceal the flush. “His names Garrett, and we both take social studies together. He always sits next to me at lunch, and we’ll draw on my notebook.” She gushed, making her smile. “Soo, do you think he likes you?” “I mean, that’s what everyone keeps saying.” “Yeah well don’t worry about it to much cas, you’re not dating anyone for many more years. You’re still a kid.” Her das said, making the young girls face fall.
Y/N knew he was only saying this to protect her, as he said the same thing to her growing up. “Hey, don’t be bummed out about it. He is right, you both are only 12 and should focus on school. But don’t worry, he’ll come around. He was just like that with me up until my current boyfriend.” She whispered, making the young girl chuckle.
“Speaking of which, how are you guys doing?” He asked, as she hadn’t mentioned hun to her in a while. He didn’t think it’d hurt to ask. “Great actually, we’re thinking of moving in together actually.” “That’s great! I’m really happy that y’all met.” “Yeah, I am too.” She hummed, a flush dusting her cheeks.
Both men laughed as they chatted on the phone, talking about anything that would come to mind. What was once only a collaboration for a song, turned into an amazing friendship that caused both of them to call at late hours just to shoot the shit.
A yawn left his lips, as he listened to colson ramble on about another song he was making. “Woah, you tired man?” Colson asked, shocked to hear the sound. “Yeah sorry, was up most of the night last night.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Were you feeling alright?” He asked, worry laced in his tone. He knew all about his friends illnesses, even once being on the other end of the phone during a bad spell one day.” “Oh yeah yeah yeah, was just, up with the misses last night.” He chuckled, a flush blooming on his cheeks. “Ohhh yeah? And how was it?” This shocked him, nearly feeling his heart stop. Like, does he usually know about his sisters sex life? He didn’t think much of it, as he knew just how close both were. “It was absolutely fucking amazing. Like I thought we’d be done for the night, fully tapped out but after like 5 minutes she’d be right back on me for another round.” He chuckled, his flush even worse than before. “Ayyyeee good for you corpse, glad to hear that puss is bussin.” He laughed at this, throwing his head back. “Yeah, it’s bussin bussin.”
Both men talk as they read from their phones, eyes wide in absolute awe of the love they received from the song. They had just dropped it a few days prior, not expecting the cry of joy from both fan bases.
He didn’t even look up from it when she walked in, until she bent down to plant a kiss to his forehead. “Sorry I had completely forgot about the tea I made you an hour ago, but I put it back on the stove to heat it up so if it’s twisting funky just tell me okay?” Before he could even thank her, both their heads whipped towards the loudness from the other line. “Y/N? Is that you? What in the hell are you doing there with corpse!” He didn’t sound angry, more shocked than anything, both of them looking at the phone in confusion. “I, I love here? Remember I told you like a month ago I was moving in with him?” “WHAT!” Both jumped at the loud scream. “Wait so you guys are dating!?” Both we’re even more perplexed, until it dawned on both of them. Their eyes wide as they turned their heads to one another slowly. “Wait you didn’t tell him?” “No? He’s one of your best friends so I thought you did!” “He’s your brother! So I thought you did!” Both whisper, until all three lay silent. That was until, the large cry of laughter that leaves the two, leaving colson even more confused. He wasn’t mad, not at all actually. More shocked and confused than anything. Until he started thinking, it does make sense, all the times they spoke about one another without him knowing, all the times they mentioned-“OH GOD!” He yelled, gagging violently, making them stop their laughing fit. “What's wrong? Why are you yelling?” She asks “like a month ago corpse was talking about how he was tired cause he was up all night having sex AND I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU! OH GOD WAS THAT WHY YOU WERE LIMPING THAT DAY WITH CAS AND I!” Both laugh even harder, as they listen to his ever growing gags.
“So yeah,. That’s literally how we had no idea we were keeping the relationship secret from her brother.” He laughed, as he red the comments and listened to his friends' laughter. She sat beside him, head laying on his shoulder as he told the story. She couldn’t help but to look back up into his eyes, as he glanced down at her, planting a soft kiss to her lips. “Keep it pg guys.” Colson said from the other line, making them chuckle.
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animeomegas · 4 years
Infertlie!Omega!Neji manages to become pregnant
Hello! Do you have any hc’s for what would happen if by some miracle Neji WAS able to become pregnant? Love ur stuff!! ❤️
(Hello! Ahh, I’m flattered! Hmm, if Neji was able to become pregnant… I have a few ideas. Enjoy~)
Warnings: miscarriage mention, suppressant abuse. 
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Finding out:
He’s been taking a pregnancy test every month for 18 months by this point, and nothing.
You have been telling him that he may have to start thinking about what he wants to do if he can’t have pups.
Neji knows whose fault it is that he can’t conceive.
He struggles to walk through the Hyuuga compound sometimes, knowing it’s their fault that he’s like this. That he’s broken.
You deny any such things, but he knows he is. And he’s very bitter and upset about it.
But he won’t give up yet.
2 years. That was the time frame he had given himself. If he couldn’t conceive within two years, then… Well, he didn’t want to think about that.
One morning when he doesn’t have a mission, he gets up and heads to the bathroom, taking the test automatically.
The feelings of hope and anxiety have long since faded after too many disappointments.
So, he grabs the test, gives it a cursory glance and goes to throw it in the bin before he realises what the test says.
He lifts the test back up, hand shaking. He doesn’t want to get his hopes up, but he could have sworn it said…
He’s holding a positive pregnancy test.
His heart is beating very fast now. Neji just stands there for a few moments, unsure what to do.
He ends up taking all the pregnancy tests in the bathroom, seven in total.
And all of them are positive.
He won’t ever admit it, but he did cry a little (a lot).
But quickly the joy begins to fade, and fear sets in.
He needs to be so careful.
He can’t lose this baby, he just can’t.
He needs to stop taking missions, he needs to eat better, he needs to go to the hospital-
He works himself into a little panic, and then panics more because he is so scared the stress will make his lose his baby.
At this point, he’s been in the bathroom for like half an hour, so you tentatively knock and ask if he’s okay.
Neji was clutching the sink in the bathroom, staring at his reflection in the mirror and desperately trying to calm down. He needed to calm down, but he just couldn’t. He distantly realised that he was letting out quiet panicked whines, calling for you to help him automatically.
And then he heard a knock on the door, you were here. He let out a louder whine to try and signal to you that he needed you there with him.
“Neji?” your voice was a little alarmed, you must have heard his whining. “Neji, what’s wrong? Can I come in?”
He heard the door handle shake as you tried to open it against the lock.
“Neji, please, open the door.”
“I’m pregnant.” He blurted.
The door handle stopped moving. He waited anxiously for you to say something, still struggling under the weight of the anxiety clawing at his chest.
“…Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” he swallowed heavily. “I took all the tests.”
“Let me in please, my love.”
This time, Neji follows your request automatically. The lock clicks open, and you immediately step in. Neji can feel your eyes scanning him before they flit over to the abundance of pregnancy tests lying innocently in the sink.
A smile slowly creeps its way onto your face.
“Oh, baby boy, come here,” you opened you arms for him and he immediately stepped into the embrace. His heart was finally starting to calm down, as he took deep breaths of your scent. He was safe, he didn’t have to worry, you would be here to make sure everything was alright.
“We’ll go down to the hospital tomorrow, alright? Get everything checked out, but I don’t…” you hesitated.
“You don’t what?” He knew what you were going to say. ‘I don’t want you to get your hopes up.’
You shook your head. “Nevermind, let’s just book the appointment. Would you rather go to the hospital or see one of the clan medics?”
Neji grimaced. “Hospital. I know it’s weird, but… I don’t want them to know yet.”
You rubbed a hand on his lower back. “We won’t tell anyone until you’re ready, I promise.”
The hospital visit went as well as you could have hoped.
Neji was indeed pregnant, and everything was progressing well for the moment.
But, of course, there were some concerns.
Neji was given a gentle reminder that he was at a high risk for a miscarriage.
He was also told that a traditional birth would be too risky for him, and that he would have to have a c-section.
And, while the mednin couldn’t be sure yet, it was unlikely that he would be able to breastfeed.
Neji took all the information with a detached nod, acknowledging what was being said, but not reacting to it.
As a Hyuuga, he kept his emotions firmly pressed down in public. His scent and face were completely normal. Few would have been able to tell that something was wrong.
But the second he stepped into your house, he just sagged.
He claimed to be tired and went to lay down upstairs. You let him go, knowing that he wanted his own space to process,
But it was hard to smell his sour scent and not come running.
Things got better, however.
Once he was past three months, the chances of a miscarriage reduced hugely, and Neji was much happier.
He threw everything he could into looking after himself and preparing for the pup.
He stopped taking missions as soon as he found out he was pregnant and started to babyproof the house and make the nursery.
The nursery was very traditional. A rocking chair, a wooden crib, handmade blankets and toys.
It was beautiful and Neji was very protective of it. He wanted it to be perfect.
He was protective over the pup in general, as well.
He didn’t let anyone other than you put their hands on his tummy.
As far as the physical pregnancy, Neji had some troubles, but he pushed his way through them with no complaints.
He was most infuriated by his constant need to go to the toilet.
Pain he could deal with, but the constant inconvenience started to grind on his nerves.
He was also a little restless when he was left by himself. Without missions or training he didn’t know what to do with himself a lot of the time.
When you were home with him, he was fine, but he got bored by himself.
You sighed, “Again? We’ve been shopping for hours, Neji.”
“Do you want to buy poor-quality blankets for our pup?” he huffed, placing another rejected blanket onto the shelf.
“What about this one?” you suggested, holding up a lovely, soft blanket.
Neji squinted at him, pulling the tag towards him to read. He pulled a face a dropped the blanket.
“What’s wrong this time?”
“It’s part polyester. I don’t want polyester in the blankets and toys, I already told you this. Let’s try the next shop.”
You grimaced, feet already sore from all the walking. “Why don’t we just get some blankets and toys commissioned? We can afford it, and then they would be exactly what you want.”
Neji stopped, contemplative. “That’s… actually a good idea.”
“Well, you don’t have to sound so shocked.”
Yes,” Neji smiled, ignoring your complaints. “I want to do that. Let’s head to the stationary shop so I can get some materials to draw up some sketches.”
“The stationary shop?” you whined. “Can’t we just go home for today?”
“No, if I’m pregnant and I can do it, so can you.”
With a pre-planned c-section, Neji knew in advance when he would be going to the hospital for the procedure.
He had packed and re-packed his bag four times, just to be sure that he had everything he needed.
Neji was very calm, but it seemed to be because of the shock more than anything else.
He was escorted in, and prepared for the procedure, and exactly on time, he went in for his c-section.
You sat with him, only able to see him head as the rest of him was sectioned off with a screen. You were told not to stand until you had the signal.
You gently stroked Neji’s hair away from his face as the mednin worked. He was drowsy and disoriented. He blinked at you slowly.
“Is… everything going okay?” he whispered to you.
“I think so, baby. How are you feeling?”
“I feel strange…”
“I bet you do,” you laughed gently, pressing a kiss to his head. “Just try to relax, okay? I’m right here with you.”
The operation was exhausting, and Neji ended up being unable to do much for two months while he recovered, but the pup was healthy and Neji couldn’t be happier.
He spent hours every day in the rocking chair in the nursery cradling his pup.
Neji didn’t let anyone outside of you and some mednin meet the pup until she was three months old because he was so protective.
Neji would never be so tacky as to refer to his child as a ‘miracle child’, but sometimes, he can’t help but think it.
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kkusuka · 4 years
We all know how looks can be deceiving right? I’d love to request head cannons of Kuroo, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Konoha, Terushima, and Atsumu with a gf that’s gifted with that super-soaker, wet-wet pussy, a pro at riding that dick, and has the gwak gwak thotty throat slobber 9000 but she is so shy, cute, and innocent at first glance. She looks like the soft-spoken librarian but when they get down and dirty, she puts her body to work and these bois just don’t know how to act from how amazing she is. Let’s say they teased her too much, so she revoked their sex privileges for a few days (not knowing how addicted these guys are on her body). Desperate bois are best bois 😈
i’m shell shocked anon, you’ve blown my mind
Cw: hair pulling, super WAP, kinda fem dom but not really, severe pussy-whipped men  
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firstly, he thought you were the innocent type up until you sucked him off for the first time
Honestly, he thought you were a total virgin prude
It wasn't really his fault, you two had met as lab partners for an AP chemistry class
You know, a class full of nerds and people he just assumed would get a job and married when they were thirty
Looking back he should have caught on after seeing you unconsciously jerking of a test tube
But, contrary to popular belief, kuroo is not the social cue master
After a few months of dating, you guys were just a horny time-bomb
Ahh~ the first blow-job, one for the books
He should have known it was going to be good just from the way you were unzipping his jeans, was it normal to almost cum just for your girlfriend palming you?
When you did get his dick out and had it all the way down your throat within the minute, he really did think you were a godsend
He didn't even know what you were doing with his balls, but whatever it was it was working
You didn’t gag or cough, even when he grabbed that back of your head and practically face-fucking you
(the real kicker was when you licked your lips after he came  and gave him that small fucking smirk, mans was done for and he knew it)
Even with all that, nothing, and I mean nothing compares to the first time you guys went at it
when I say that you guy made out for five minutes when he went under your panties and felt the pacific ocean in your panties
He was about to propose right there (and about to cum in his pants for the thousandth time)
He didn't need to but he still rubbed a few circles around your clit, but apparently, you were ready enough
Considering you grabbed his dick and fully sunk onto him in one motion
Poor baby didn't know what hit him
You had to have done this before, and if he hadn't met you in class he would have been sure you slept around and learned everything in the book
You would clench every time your sims met and- AND THAT THINGS WITH HIS BALLS AGAIN
His mind was bungled, especially after you had both come and you fell onto his chest going back to the shy and sweet version he knew you as.
What the hell was that????
Was he fucking you or were you fucking him?? Because at this point he didn't even care
After that experience, you fucked like bunnies, all the time, even in school more than a few times.  
And we all know kuroo can't shut his mouth
And he always teases you about how cute and mouse like you are outside the bedroom and how it's like he’s dating two different girls
....that hit a nerve...
Two different girls??? Well he’ll just have to endure one girl until he realizes what a blessing you are
5 days, 120 hours, 7,200 minutes, and 432,000 seconds, that's how long he lasted
He was going insane, and so he explained that he didn't mean it in a bad way and that he loved how you acted
Forgiving him you rewarded the poor cat boy, 5 rounds for five days
(he didn't want to admit it but he’s pretty sure his dick would have fallen off if you didn't relent when you did)
(he just didn't want to admit that he was pussy-whipped)
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You actually had met at a library
One of his teachers wanted him to get a bit of extra tutoring and volunteered you for the job.
You had hit it off great! Personality-wise
(you’ll never tell him but it was frustrating that he clearly didn't understand anything you were telling him)
And you were so sweet and cute, and such a good teacher
He would know that if he wasn't too busy just staring at you and thinking about you and thinking about what you like and what you wear outside of school
(or how good your lips look, or how your thighs look so soft, or that when you get up he can see under your skirt.)
Your guy’s first time was an experience
(bokuto is the cunny easting master, don't call me out)
More cunny juice = more food for owl man
He was excited, somewhere in his mind he knew that it was gonna get better from then on
He wasn't wrong either, although he didn't let your mouth near his dick just yet, he knew that would be good considering the ‘art’ you've created on his neck
The true fuckary started with him on top, but the second he was in you he...froze
Poor baby was shell shocked, you felt better than he had thought, and he just slumped over, you thought he came but he wasn’t ready for it to end so soon
He just sat there for a few minutes, fucked out, before you just decided to flip you both over
That was more his speed at the moment
So he grabbed onto your hips for dear life and you got working
Within two minutes the two of you had created a pool of juices on his bed (bokuto had a lot of precum ok), not that he really cared
You were not competing with anyone but he already had you 2 to 0
(point 1 for the meal and point 2 for being an Olympic dick-rider)
I am also a firm believer that bokuto thrusts up, he just can't help it
You are too addictive, or the way you ground onto him in between every bounce was addictive
I also don't believe that you could even truly deny bokuto sex, he was good at guilt-tripping and he was soooooo adorable
(not to mention the puppy dog eyes  he does that could convince good to do his will)
So I’m sure the only way he wouldn't get sex would be no nut November.
(aka the devil's month of torture, actually not month, week give or take)
This year it just happens that he set a new record, 8 days
He went a whole 8 days without trying for sex
Truly he went about 10 days before he stopped begging and just took matters into his own hands
(under enough pressure Bokuto become a hard dom and no one can say otherwise)
The entire time he was telling you how pretty you were and how well your pussy takes him and that you had no ‘right’ to tell him he couldn’t have sex
He even gained a new phrase “this pussy belongs to me”
You were going to have to set some things straight once he was done ;)
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You were on the student council, it felt sacrilegious to think anything but pure thoughts about anyone on the council
(that didn't really stop him)
honestly, from the moment his crush festered he wanted to ruin your little innocent vibe  
You always smiled so sweetly at everyone, and just seemed like a true goody two shoes.
And that point seemed to have been correct when you began to date
Until! The fateful day where his perceived innocent girlfriend pulled a full 180 on him!
Firstly, you had offered, out of the blue, to suck him off in the middle of the movie you were watching.
Second, he asked if you knew how, and you giggled at him with that smile he loved so much
Thirdly, when you did get his dick out, you swirled some of the pre-cum on his tip with your thumb, he started getting a bit suspicious
Lastly, you completely swallowed him down, face pressing on his hip, cheeks hollowed.
That’s when he realized that you did know what you were doing
(that also arouse the thought that you had been with someone else, which was counteracted with the fact that you knew how to suck dick by practicing on hair brushed and popsicles)
((it also helped that you barely had a gag reflex))
Truly trying to put that to the test, dom iwa came right out, grabbing your hair and telling you  to suck harder
And you impressed the man, to say the least
After that he had to fuck you, he really just had too
For the first time, he went with a solid missionary, just to test that waters
He didn’t think anyone's pussy should feel like that, but since you were his it was ok
All was well he was lost in the feeling of your pussy and the deciding moment was when you pulled him against you and started to grind your body onto his
You were putting a whole lot of body into it too, and you were so soft, and unless he wanted to cum early something was going to have to change
So he flipped and changed to doggy style, which made thighs worse???
From there you got tighter and he could see all of the wetness drips from your fold onto the sheets
Yup, you were the one for him
(solidified when he pulled your hair and you moaned like a street whore)
As for the no sex thing, that was a ride
It started when Makki asked you if you were always dripping for iwa
And after a week of no sex, he confessed to letting them on his phone and  watching a recording of one of your nightly escapades and he was sorry
(and he just wanted to show them what they were missing, y’know brag a bit)
That was, and he says the only time, he let you try to dom him
You truly were the most amazing woman in the world
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( i made him kind of an ass lol sorry)
You wee the girl who sat next to him in class
(not to be mean, but he thought you were a nerd)
You always had your uniform covering everything and you were always playing with your short sleeves
You raised your hand a lot in class, always had a pencil to borrow
He just assumed that you had cobwebs in your pussy
Proven wrong at one of the volleyball teams parties, you had apparently been dragged there by a friend (surprising)
And you both were dragged onto some weird spin the bottle game
The bottle would spring and someone would draw an action from this jar and the two people would have to do it in a bedroom in the house
Seeing as that’’s how fate goes you and him were chosen
A blow-job card was chosen
And he laughed with a friend about how you wouldn’t know what to do
Mistake, that struck a real nerve, was this guy for real?
Oh hell no
Being the baddie you were, you walked to him, grabbed him by the arm, and locked lips, breaking away after a moment you asked if he was ready to go.
Poor boy didn't even respond, he just nodded and stood up
Two minutes in, he knew what he had done
You were blowing him like it would be your last time, it should be illegal to be able to suck someone off that well
And damn you pulled away right before he was going to cum.
And then just left him! Walked out of the closet like nothing had ever happened
That couldn’t be it, he wouldn't let that be it
After two weeks of non-stop begging from the guy you agreed to a date, which led to many dates
Which led to him finally being able to fuck you
God damn, he didn't think it would get better, and it did, it really did.  
You were laying on top of him and grinding your entire body onto him
Dripping all over him and squeezing him like crazy
He was never going to let you go
Now, that same friend from that party seemed very intrigued with your relationship
And he just can't help but tell him about how amazing you were, it just sucks that he did it right in front of you in the middle of lunch
Pussy pass revoked
He didn't think he did anything wrong so he went two whole weeks without any touch and he went crazy
He fell apart and apologized
After he begged enough you gave him the pussy pass back
And now he doesn't do anything to jeopardize it
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this is gonna sound weird
I feel like terushima knows when someone is a good lay
It's like a secret talent of his, he just knows and his radar went off when he saw you
But he thought it was wrong at first considering you were wearing leggings and a huge sweater
Not good fuck material  
But he had to make sure, so he just walked up to you and asked if you were a good fuck
Surprisingly you didn’t punch him in the nuts, instead, you laughed at him and said that he would just have to find out
And that he should at least take you out to dinner first
Adm he took you up it, made it the best damn dinner date he’d ever be on
And you reward him
With what?
The best damn blow-job he’d ever get as long as he lived.
And it fit that to the T
It started with the little licks and swirls, then, you gotta catch the man off guard, and just take his entire dick in your throat
And with that, he was sure he had superpowers
When He came, fairly quick for his taste, you swallowed all of his cum and he was ready to marry you
If he needed to take you on a date for that, he would take you on a date every day for the rest of his life
(not every day) but that's what he did
But eventually, just a blowjob wasn't enough, oh no he knew you had a tight hole
And he knew you were gushing most of the time (ushy gushy my pussy-)
If making him suck the fingers you used to fuck yourself after he came was anything
And you tasted good, really good
He was so ready for it that he let you ride him the whole night
He thought his dick was a]going to fall off, you were just that damn good
It was insane, you were almost using him as a dildo, grinding your clit on the base of his cock
And you looked glorious, he was going to have to talk to you about recording it so he could watch it over and over
Maybe show a few people-
And that's what he did, poor unfortunate soul got the silent treatment for two days before he fell apart
He literally got on his knees and asked for forgiveness
(biggest simp on the planet, but only for you (and your dripping cunt))
He’s sure to never do it again, he’s also sure that if you asked him to step on him he would let you
(and I think he’s the most pussy-whipped)
Ok maybe you didn't fully forgive him until he showed you what his tongue piercing could do, but it was worth every moment.
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Honestly, he was dared to sleep with the next girl who walked through the cafeteria door
And that just happens to bring you, miss. I remind the teacher there was homework
(Well he actually wasn’t really sure about that but that's what you looked like and he was already regretting his decision.)
In defense of him, your hair was in a messy bun and you had this teacher's pet aura around you
But he would be damned if he lost this bet to his brother and Suna, oh no
The moment he wa[lked up to your table you knew what was happening, and shut it down immediately
After that, you officially had his attention!
Lucky you!
Unlucky you for the fact that all he wanted to do was get in your pants.
But lucky you again because you could hold this over his head!
But one day you just woke up and chose dick (respectable)
So when atsumu did his daily “c'mon baby, you know you want some” you just stood up, scaring him
(he finally thought you were gonna kill him)
Instead, you grabbed him by the dick, literally grabbed his dick through his pants, and tugged him all the way to the roof
“Hey-hey baby, no need to be that rough”
“Shut up, Miya. pants down, now”
That was not where he thought that was going but he isn't going to complain.
“You want your dick wet so bad? Here you go!”
Honestly, he could die happy.
Not so sound gross, but you were slobbering around his cock like a pro. Now that left the thought, you had to have done this before.
You had hands on the back of his thighs pushing him further down your throat, hollowed cheeks, damn he should’ve done this was sooner
He was gonna cum-
And your mouth was gone, your hand was jerking him but that wasn't nearly as nice
“Lay back.”
Yes, yes he will do that. If what’s about to happen is what he thinks is about to happen  
And now your pussy was above his face. Ok a little detour but he’ll take it
You were literally dripping onto his face while he got to work, and you went back to sucking him off
Yup, heaven.
After you both came he made sure to tell you that that had to happen again.
And it did, you rode him to hell in the hole to heaven, and he couldn't help himself from telling the entire volleyball team about how good you were
Now he really didn't think about what would happen if the news got back to you
But he definitely didn't think that meant a whole week of nothing
Well nothing for him, you made sure to send him more than a few videos of rigid dildos and fingering yourself
A week of torture, but when it was finally over he had an entirely new folder of spanking material
he was sure about who he told about your escapades, as in he told himself and Osamu if he just wanted to vent
poor guy was paranoid now
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