#actually i have to be at work rn and am slacking off
3-aem · 2 months
reading im courting you now i guess by solarbishop and its so cute i love the characterization its like warm milk for my exhausted brain
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gatorbites-imagines · 11 months
Kinktober day 27
Bruce Wayne + cock cages
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Schools killing me, I am so tired rn 👍
Kinktober 2023 masterlist
Bruce stood amongst the many attendees of whatever Gala it was he was taking part in. It was one of many he had to attend during this time of year, so many people to greet and so many hands to shake, as surface level conversations passed from person to person, in some weak attempt at comradery.
But only about half his mind was on the Gala and people around him, instead he was more deeply focused on the metal constraint weighing on his crotch. You two hadn’t seen each other for a few weeks, both busy with your work, as heroes and during the day.
Bruce wasn’t sure what had come over him, but around halfway through the third week he had started sending you pictures and texts that he knew would get in trouble, but he couldn’t help himself. From pictures of him in just his tight black briefs, to him in even less splayed out on the deep red silk sheets of his bed. Every picture he took was planned and posed just right, showing off just what he knew got you going.
It awoke some giddy almost bratty part of him when you texted him back warning him about punishment, part of himself that Bruce thought didn’t exist anymore at his older age, but you lived to prove him wrong. When you finally reunited again, you gripped onto his shirt and pulled him to his bedroom, Bruce almost stumbling along after you as excitement and arousal bubbled in his gut.
But as you kissed and licked and bit, never once did you actually grab his cock. Even as you sat him in your lap and pinched and twisted at his nipples, or sucked hickeys on his thick pecs, even as he groaned and whined, his hips lifting off the bed in search of any semblance of friction.
Instead, you just kept teasing him until he was a dripping wet mess, the crotch of his boxers and slacks wet and sticky to the touch. But in the end, you didn’t bring him any type of completion, just laying down on the bed beside him and pulling out your phone, scrolling through different work emails or notifications.
Bruce found himself feeling almost wild as he scrambled into your lap, trying to gain your attention as he gripped onto your chest, his blue eyes misty and lip red from all the biting he had done to it. As he tried to grind against you, you wound your arm around him and pulled him down against you, letting out a displeased noise that had him going slack almost immediately.
This kept up for a few more days, you teasing him and kissing him, but never touching him where he wanted you the most. The closest Bruce got to it was when you pressed up against his back and rolled your hips into his ass as he was working on the batcomputer, but the touch was gone as quickly as it came, leaving him aching even more than before.
The lead to this night, as he stood getting ready for yet another gala he had to attend. As he did his tie, you came up behind him and wound your arms around his waist, the small touch almost having Bruce keening and buckling at the knees from the gut burning need he had for you and your touch.
“I have a way we can end this little game, what do you say?” you mutter against his neck, Bruce finding himself nodding before he even heard what you had to say. But it had been weeks apart, and now almost a week of you teasing him any chance you got. He knew it was his own fault for teasing and sending those pictures, but just the thought of going another day almost had him in tears.
That’s how he found himself on the bed, an ice-cold rag on his hard cock as you dug through the drawers beside your shared bed. Bruce had gasped as you placed the rag on his dick, but the metallic clinks of the item you were messing with made it obvious what you had in mind. Bruce found himself gulping nervously as he caught sight of the cage, made of stainless steel and custom made for his specific size and needs.
His legs shivered as you removed the rag and got to work securing the cage around his cock, the coldness keeping him from getting hard immediately again, and when he could feel the heat returning the padlock of the cage snapped shut. Bruce exhaled shakily as you wound the kay around your neck, placing an almost loving kiss against his tip through the cage.
He twitched and gasped as you patted his caged cock a few times as you got to your feet, the grin on your face a little cocky as you watched Batman himself writhing against the sheets. “Come on Love, we have a gala to go to” your voice as thick with want yet teasing as you stepped away from him, moving to get dressed up yourself.
Bruce needed a moment before he shakily got to his feet, tucking on the clothes needed. It was only experience that kept it hidden that he wasn’t feeling as even footed as usual, but your hand on his lower back kept him steady, even when your thumb rubbing against his lower back had him shiver softly.
Through the whole night he could feel his cock ache against the bars of his cage, trying again and again to get hard as the smallest touch from you set his senses alight. But no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible, and he could almost had cried as you finally left the Gala together.
As you got into the drivers’ seat of the car, Bruce took his spot in the passenger side, his hips softly rocking against his own wishes like his body just couldn’t take it anymore. A soft chuckle left you as you placed a hand on his thigh, your hand dangerously close to his still locked up cock as you drove back towards the manor, soft mutters of praise leaving you as Bruce tried to keep himself presentable. He knew from your praise that he had done good, he could only hope you would keep up your promise and finally touch him, whenever you decided to take off the cage, that was.
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cordyce · 2 years
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neteyam sully x gn!reader
notes: this is silly & overtly fluffy & all over the place if i am completely honest rn. neteyam is a little flustered & probably ooc. sorry :’)
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"there you are."
"here i am," you mirror back instantly, hardly sparing a glance up at the far too familiar voice as your fingers continue to work at chopping up some vegetables. it's a busy day—a momentous day. there is no time to waste.
"let me help," neteyam offers, already making moves to steal your knife from you as he steps to your side.
but you weave it away from his grasp, nudge him back with your shoulder and point the knife at him as you address him. "aht, don't think so," you differ, then continue your slicing. "besides, don't you have your own tasks to get to, mr. mighty warrior?"
days like this require a lot of preparation; everyone chipping in and doing their part so that it all gets done and runs smoothly. if even one person slacks off, it could cause a rift in sanctified plans. and that simply wouldn’t do. no, it would not.
"i have completed all of them, actually," he retorts, but he shrivels when you narrow your eyes up at him. "okay, almost all of them."
you scoff, let your pupils meet your sockets with a roll as you pry the truth out of him. of course, one of the most important days of the year and it is now that neteyam chooses to have an irresponsible whim. you aren’t sure what you’re gonna do with him.
"your mother will have your tail if she finds one thing out of place for tonight, you know this." it isn't necessarily a warning, but there is some tip-off in your tone. "you must get everything done."
neteyam hums, leans his hip against the raised wood that you are using as a makeshift counter. he says nothing, simply watches you. takes into account how you dice up the vegetables in front of you diligently before sliding them to the side with your knife and moving onto the next ones. his stare is driving you crazy—no one works well under pressure, after all.
it causes you to have a slight blunder; a misstep. you cut a pattern a tad too fast and send a slice of root tumbling towards the ground. neteyam's instincts are superb, quick, and he catches it before it hits the dirt. mumbling a thank you under your breath as he places it back on the tray, you find the heir before you still not making a move to speak.
you aren't sure why it unnerves you so.
"what do you have left to complete?" it's not the question you want to ask, but 'what the hell do you keep staring at?' doesn't sound quite as nice. so you settle on it.
you take a pause, a breath, to turn to him. throughout the years you have seen the eldest sully child wear many expressions. ones tainted by smiles, irritation, pride, devotion—but this one has you tipping your head in the most peculiar way.
because timidness is not something you think you've ever seen don the strong features of neteyam sully.
he carries himself with such an air of confidence; shoulders pressed back and chin held high—not arrogant, but undaunted. he does not shift gaze unless he is avoiding scoldings and he does not suck in his cheek unless he is fighting frustration. so, you wonder, what could possibly have his face contorted in such a reticent manner. if you did not know any better, you’d almost call his demeanor a rendition of shy. but that seems rather uncharacteristic of him, doesn’t it?
"ah—are you sure you don't need help with that?" he's deflecting, brushing off your inquiry like he hasn't heard it. and you can't decide whether you find that amusing or concerning.
he's making way for your knife again and you twist your arm to hold it out of his reach behind you. you eye him carefully, flit your gaze all around him to pick up on anything that you can that would explain his behavior.
"tell me." it's not an order, you aren't demanding, but neteyam nods his head like he's respondent of such.
"my father told me i needed a, uhm," he stutters, licks his lips, like he's tripping over his own tongue. and it's undeniable the way you see his ears twitch. "for the celebration tonight. i need a.."
"a what, neteyam?" you press, cock your brow up at him. you don't think you've ever seen him like this. never witnessed him so.. "you need a what?"
"a.. date."
so fidgety.
"a date?" you repeat with widening eyes.
"no, no not a—not a date really but i need someone for the—“
"the staining ceremony.” you finish for him, continue his sentence because with all his blubbering you aren’t sure he’ll ever spit it out.
he nods curtly.
the celebration tonight is for all the young warriors who have proved themselves throughout the calendar year as being strong willed and great protectors of the clan. neteyam, of course, is one of them. has been since he earned the right to be titled as such. so perhaps it should have clicked in your head that he’d be searching for a partner for the staining ceremony portion of the night.
but a part of you—if you’re being completely honest with yourself—just figured he had one already. events like this take weeks of planning; most warriors find their artisan a fortnight in advance. because it cannot just be anyone.
the partner one chooses for the staining ceremony must be someone with whom they feel a connection. some of the older warriors choose their mates. some of the youngest choose their mother or father. some settle for siblings. others, in brazen acts of outstretched hands, choose a mate unbonded; one who they harbor feelings for but have yet to seal such in the eyes of Eywa.
you cannot lie and say you had not pondered over who neteyam’s choice would be. a part of you thought he would pick kiri—they have always been so close and she has been his partner for such ceremony before. but, you are not deaf to the murmurs of your village, you are not ignorant of what has been passed from mouth to ear of all that will listen. there have been other… prospects who have been suggested to neteyam for this special commemoration.
your name has not been among them.
“well,” you continue, tear your eyes away from him and get back to the task at hand. there is no need to dwell on such things and fall behind. you have just one more batch of greens after this to prepare then you will be done and can walk away from all this. “if you’re here to ask my opinion on who your choice should be, i’m not sure i will prove to be much help.”
a shut down; a cut off. you’d like this conversation to be over as soon as possible because it’s making your fingers itch. you’re offering him a gateway to close the topic off.
but he doesn’t seem to get the memo.
“no,” he chuckles, now, and you can tell he’s shaking his head out of the corner of your eye. it’s breathy; like he’s punched it out of his chest and finally broken past the barrier of whatever flusteredness had him trapped before. “that’s not why i came to find you.”
“if it’s to convince kiri to sacrifice herself to do it for you again this year, i’m not game for that either.” you don’t understand why his laughter leaves you agitated, why this whole situation has caused an odd twisting in your gut.
“that won’t be necessary,” he disputes, “i do not need kiri to be my partner this year.”
your fingers fumble, your slicing stutters. “oh?” and you want to kick yourself for how your voice hitches. you clear your throat, bite the corner of your lip that neteyam can’t see. “convince some other poor soul to do it for you? is it zuy’nik? i know she presented you a kill from her hunt recently.”
neteyam hums. “no. i have not chosen zuy’nik.”
you grip your knife harder, focus carefully on the blade as you chop down on a bundle of leaves. your throat is dry, your heart is thundering. you feel silly.
“sënuul, then?” you question, do your best to sound as disinterested as possible even though your chest is burning to know who could be lucky enough to have been picked by the heir himself. “i hear many young warriors wish for her. they say she has delicate hands.”
your hands—in contrast—have grown tense; your chops near erratic. being this worked up over a man who is not your mate seems so futile, so nonsensical. if your mother were here to see you now she’d call you childish.
but is it so childish to want things your heart yearns for?
“while that may be true,” neteyam agrees with the sentiment, and that makes your stomach lurch, “it is not sënuul either.”
“then who is it? who could you possibly—“
a hand covering yours has you cutting yourself off. neteyam’s palm melds over your knuckles; stops your unsafe cutting and stills your wrist’s movements. before you can even bring yourself to look at him, calloused fingers are hooking around your chin. swiveling your head around, you have no choice but to meet his gaze. and it is not averting, not twinkling with tepidness like it was before. you think, for a moment, that’s because he’s passed the feeling onto you.
“i do not wish for any other partner in this clan.” and his voice does not waver, does not stumble, now. you swallow as you listen. “i came here to ask if you would do me the honors, for tonight.”
your tongue feels like cotton; the fuzz of it floating to your brain to make everything go static. this is.. not what you had expected.
you had expected to follow neytiri’s orders for preparing the food for the meals that would be shared. you had expected to dress yourself in the ceremonial clothing and jewelry you keep for these special occasions. you had expected to stand around the edges of the circle during the opening dance, serve food to the elders, and sit with a content tight smile as you watched kiri declare neteyam’s war paint for the third year in a row before the true celebration began.
you had not expected yourself to be standing face to face with neteyam, ears twitching embarrassingly sporadic, as he asks you to join him in one of the most intimate and important events of a warrior’s life.
and you suppose you can use that element of surprise as the reason why you find yourself a tad bit speechless while you nod dumbly. a wide grin cracks across his face, curves up his cheeks as he lets out another breathy laugh.
“thank you,” he murmurs, and he still hasn’t let go of your chin. “i was worried i would not get the chance to ask you in time. i was pushing it, but i tried to get all my other duties done as fast as i could.”
now that, the mention of time, finally knocks you out of your little lovesick trance.
“hey, wait,” you huff, shove at his chest lightly with your free hand. “you should have asked me sooner! i should have already had your stain pattern planned out, and—and now i have to go get all of your paints and i didn’t factor in the time for that. you’re terrible!”
“ah, i’m not terrible. i am sure you can just wing it,” he waves off, simpers like this is funny.
“wing it?” you gape at him. because he genuinely cannot be serious. “this will be your war paint pattern for the rest of the year. if it’s bad then you will be stuck with it. you want me just to wing that?!”
“why not? i have faith in you, i’ve put myself into your hands.” and it’s meant to playful, you know this, but the way he’s looking at you proves his words hold their full weight regardless. “don’t be mad at me.”
“oh, i’m mad,” you retort, brush him away as you get back to slicing because now you really do not have the time for distractions. “i cannot believe you have waited until last minute.”
“would you like me to ask someone else?” he queries, and you whip your head over to level him with a glare. “i mean, i am sure sënuul would be honored to be the partner of the future olo’eyktan.”
“you know, i liked you better when you were sputtering and nervous,” you spit back, retract your attention once again. “terrible. truly terrible.”
“ah, do not be mad at me,” he levels again, “what can i do to have you forgive me?”
“nothing. you will never be forgiven.” with no hesitation, but also no malice. your bite holds no venom, and your cheeks are still warm. such hypocrisy you spew.
“nothing?” he questions, and you don’t even have to see his face to know he is smiling. there he is again; the neteyam who holds his chin up high and taunts his brother into mindless games to prove his worth. you admire this neteyam; love this neteyam.
this neteyam grabs your face and tugs you forward before you can think of another mindless rebuttal to spout.
the kiss is light but fervent, and if you were a poetic person you might just say that his lips taste like future promises you already intend to keep. the fight drains from your body and you find no urge to bring it back. this neteyam seems to know how to quell you, how to dispel your frustration and wipe away your grievances like fogged up glass. so easy, so effortlessly.
he pulls away languidly, breath puffing against your lips. "forgive me?" he asks again, and you find yourself nodding before he even finishes the question.
he turns your head to peck your cheek then drops his hands to finally successfully steal the knife still held in yours. you tip your head, blinking through the daze to inquire what he's doing.
"i can finish that, you know."
"i know," he answers, then flashes you a crooked grin that has your stomach twisting in a way far different than before. "but don't you think you should start planning how you want to trail your hands over me?"
and, oh. part of you wants to hit him for that. but part of you wants to tug him in by the neckpiece he dons and get him to shut up by an alternative method.
as you reach forward to run your hand ever so heedlessly up his chest, a faux illusion of planning your mapping, you think you might just settle on the latter.
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likes & reblogs appreciated !
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jae-is-confused · 2 years
Heyyyyy rn I'm questioning if I'm transmasc so I would loooooove if you could write a lil something with reader being Steve's transitioning lil brother who's hopelessly in love with will and us afraid will won't love them back bc they're not a bio boy<3 sorry if it's too specific 😭
Heyyyyy I would love to help a fella out! It took a male!reader fic for me to realize I was in fact not gender fluid, but trans masc, so enjoy and I hope this helps
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Will Byers x Ftm!Reader
Pronouns: He/Him
Summary: Steve has been telling you from day one to 'shoot your shot' with Will. But he doesn't understand how different it is for people like you. Especially for people like you.
"y/n you just have to be direct with him. Just say how you feel and see where it goes from there." Your older brother Steve said while slipping on his green work vest. You groan and fell backwards onto his bed.
"I'm sure Robin has already explained this to you but it's different for people like us. It's alot harder to find someone who is as chill about it as you. Let alone someone who also feels the same way!" You continued to complain while Steve stood in his bathroom messing around with his hair.
When you don't hear a response you lean your head up a little to peek into your brothers bathroom.
"Dude, you look fine! Will you just put down the Fara Fawcett spray and listen to me!" Steve sighs and leaves the bathroom, now heading for his bedroom door.
"I am listening and to me it just sounds like your making up excuses." You jump up from the bed and follow your brother when you start to hear his voice trail away.
"Well I have every right to if I don't want to be beat up! I'm not actually a guy you know." Steve is how standing by the front door as you run down the stairs. Steve turns to you just as you stop behind him.
"Do you really think Will of all people has the willpower to hurt you? Or anyone for that matter?" He raises his eyebrows at you and adds a small 'hm?' at the end.
"No, but Mike might." You lean against the wall as you watch Steve tie his shoes.
"Last I checked you were confessing to Will, not Mike." You brother laughs as he stands up. "But if you like both of them then I'm going to be concerned."
"Like you can say anything. You've dated probably every avalible girl in Hawkins and now after Nancy I haven't seen you sneak one girl in." You grin at Steve as his face goes blank. He grabs your hoodie and throws it at you.
"Get in the damn car..." You muffle your laughs as you put on your hoodie and step out the door, closing and locking it, before trailing behind Steve to his car.
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You now stand leaning over the counter of the 'Family Video' store, Robin talking your ear off. You love Robin and you love to listen to her talk, but Steve was slacking so she was lonely and more talkative than usual.
You actually had a really nice conversation with her about what you should do about Will. She didn't have a lot of advice, her dealing with the same problem at the moment but you both came up with idea's. She was way more helpful that Steve.
At some point though you did have to go to school. It wss the last day before spring break and then it was off to Cali with Mike.
Yeah. That's why you were so worked up about someone who didn't even live here anymore. Because at 6am tomorrow you were getting on a flight with someone you were sure Will had a crush on to go see, well, your crush. So, awesome.
Anyways, you decided to walk to school and met up with Dustin and Mike outside by the doors. At some point after the assembly you broke off with them to hang out with Max. You met back up at lunch, talked about hellfire, blah blah- basically it was an eventful day.
In the end, after the game, you got picked up by Steve, grabbed your suitcases from home, and got dropped off at Mikes house. You decided to stay the night there so Nancy could drive the both of you to airport in the morning.
You stayed the night in Holly's room that night. Beleive it or not she was yor favorite Wheeler sibling. Things were weird with you and Nancy because of Steve and you and Mike just weren't that close anymore. You had a feeling Mike somehow knew about your feelings for Will and just never said anything.
So you spent most of your time at the Wheeler residence coloring and talking with Holly. After dinner you helped her pick out an outfit for tomorrow and set up a sleeping bag on the floor for you next to her bed.
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In the morning Mrs. Wheeler woke You, Mike, and Nancy and soon enough you were all off to the airport. At this point you were so tired and scared that you only remember getting on the plane, falling asleep, and Mike nudging you awake as the plane landed.
Mike helped you grab your bags from above you and then walked away.
'Man he's eager' you make a face and quickly stumble down the aisle as someone pushes you as a sign to move.
Exiting the gate you walk next to Mike, who looks ridiculous by the way, and peer your head over the crowd of people also exiting the gate. Your nerves are high as you look for Will's face and specifically Will's face.
You see Mike next you also looking around, which seems to work out better for him, when he grabs your arm and points. You look and see an ecstatic El waving you and Mike down.
You smile as Mike waves back and runs over to her, colliding with her into a hug when they meet in the middle. You jog over to the small group that has formed with Mike and El at the very center. Everyone was hugging and saying hi, though it was awkwardly. You just stood there, un-noticed.
Ouch. You look over to Will when he gives Mike an awkward side hug. You frown when Mike quickly retreats back. You walk over to Will and tap him on the shoulder, making him turn around.
You watch as his face immediately lights up.
"y/n!" He pulls you into a gentle hug and you laugh at his eagerness.
"Hi Will. Whatcha got there?" You pull away from the hug to look at the rolled up paper in his hand. His mood noticably shifts as his face falls slightly.
"You don't have to tell me." You say, putting a hand on his shoulder. On the outside you were pretty calm but inside you felt like someone lit a fire in your stomache. You were so nervous you were afraid your hand would sweat through Will's shirt.
Will shook his head and smiled at you.
"No, it's okay. It's just something I made for Mike but he doesn't seem all that interested right now." Will turns his attention over to Mike who was getting tag checked by some dude you hadn't noticed before. You instantly respected him though.
You felt the small fire in your gut go out when you saw how Will looked at Mike. I think deep down you knew that Will probably wouldn't have a care in the world for your romantic feelings for him. All because of the straight boy he just so happened to fall for.
Everyone in the friend group knew you were born female and were kind of on edge when you came out as trans to them. It's one of the reasons you and Mike aren't that close anymore. But after that Will came up to you one day and pulled you aside.
He told you that he was questioning if he liked boys and you were so happy. But, not, at the same time, for obvious reasons. But you were there for him. Like he was there for you when you came out.
After introductions were done, the guy with long hair, who you now knew as Argyle, drove you all to a small diner. After, he and Jonathan dropped you all off at a Roller-Skating rink. It was apparently a place El went to alot. She brought up her supposed 'friends' alot too.
You guys skated for a while but the whole time you were watching Will. He kept looking at Mike and El while they skated. Hand in hand.
You skated up to Will and grabbed his hand. He looked at you and flinched a little. When he saw it was you he untensed a bit. You guys skated in silence, getting weird glares from other people in the rink. Nice to know you look somewhat masculine.
After a little you finally broke the silence.
"Ya'know, I always had a hunch you had feelings for Mike." You whisper. Will looks at you with wide eyes as you continue to look at your feet, your expression unchanging.
"I think the only reason I noticed is because you spent so much time looking at someone who doesn't care when I was the one looking at you. I guess it just irritates me how much you pine over Mike while he has head up in the clouds, surrounded by El." You feel the back of your throat dry up and you stop by the entrance of the rink.
"I'm gonna go get something to drink." Without looking at Will you step out of the rink and head over the the food counter. You get a bottle of water and go to sit in an empty booth.
You sit there and slowly sip at the bottle of water in your hand, just staring at the table. At this point you didn't feel like crying, you felt like screaming. You took Steve's advice and ended up walked away before you could get an answer. Stupid.
You put your forhead against the table and softly banged it a couple times. You sat there with your head down for a while, to be honest you lost track. At some point you felt someone sit next to you. They grabbed your hand and you instantly knew who it was.
You look up and see Will with a worried expression adorning his face. When he saw your face he smiled a little and leaned back in his seat.
"Your right, about Mike. And I've definitely accepted that fact. But I think I have yet to accept the fact he's dating and loves El. I-I made that painting in hopes that it would at least bring Mike attention to me and get us talking again. I don't even care about feelings at this point anymore. I just want us to be friends again." Will sqeezes your hand as he talks, I don't think he realizes until he looks down.
"And I'm sorry I didn't realize your feelings sooner. Now I feel like I'm doing to you what Mike was doing to me." He lets go of your hand moves away from you a little. "I don't know how long I've liked Mike, probably my whole childhood," You frown and Will realizes that probably didn't help.
"But that doesn't mean I still like him-I mean I do but I-" He groans and turn towards you in his seat. Your eyes were welling up, thinking the worse possible situations. "Y/n, I do like you. but I'm not completely over Mike. Far from it actually. But that doesn't mean I don't want to move on." He grabs your hand again and rubs it with his thumb, keeping eye contact the entire time, which is rare for Will.
"I know what it's like to be chosen last, and the last thing I want is for you to feel that way as well." The entire time Will was keeping eye contact you could feel how sincere he was. You knew that Will didn't didn't have the heart to break other peoples hearts. That just wasn't him.
Your eyes drift from Will's eyes and before you know it your pushing our own lips against his.
He doesn't fight it.
He kisses back.
Your eyes go wide as you pull back from the kiss.
"Will- oh geez, I am so sorry. You just explained to me that you needed time and I just kissed you-" Will laughs as he cups your jaw with one of his hands, cutting you off as he pulls your face into a gentle kiss. You instantly melt, his hand on your jaw as if you were made of glass. The kiss lasted for about 10 second before you both pulled away.
"It's okay y/n. And if it's ok with you, I'd like to go on a actual date while your still in town." You smile at Will and nodded, still in shock from the sudden kiss. You lean back a bit and grab your water bottle.
"Are kisses still on the table?" You asked slowly, still unsure about where you both stand on this situation.
"Believe me, I would love nothing more." Will said bashfully. You laughed and pulled him into another chaste kiss, him placing one on your forehead after.
"We'll take this slow."
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HEY GUYS!!! It only took me forever but I finally got something posted. I had some stuff going on but I'm back momentarily. :D
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heartshattering · 19 days
UGH, it just hit me... I wanted to do my grad application this weekend, but my aunt is here. But part of me is also putting it off because of anxiety even though I have time left but I feel like it's going to run out fast.
I wanted to go to the cinema, but again, my aunt's visit messed things up a bit... I thought she'd be able to watch my mom while I went, but I guess she wanted to come too, but then said she wouldn't watch a horror movie, and then made it sound like she didn't want to go in general.
My room is a fucking mess, again because I haven't been able to clean and all my shit is piled on my bed. It's looking like a depression pit again.
My sleep schedule is all messed up. I haven't had good sleep in a while and I've been needing the full dose of my sleep med to knock myself out, I've also been dealing with horrible anxiety during the daytime a lot, and headaches and stomach issues.
I have gallstones apparently but the doctor says it's not bad enough to need surgery, I guess that's good but it also means it hurts and I can't do shit about it. Same with my IBS, the only thing I can do about it is take antispasmodics and avoid trigger foods but sometimes I'll get a really intense craving and can't help myself even if it fucking hurts like hell later on. I'm actually going through a flare-up rn which I knew was coming but I was super hungry and it was 2 AM...
I feel ugly and under pressure to look better because I've been going out in public again after 5 years of isolation. I've been self-conscious about my appearance and letting it take over my thoughts more. I gained 40+ lbs and have a huge stomach which I hate (I also get IBS bloating which makes things even worse).
I feel like I've been having to relearn everything - how to dress, wear make-up, smile, talk to people, etc. And I do try to cut myself some slack for that but I still feel so awkward all the time.
I GO BACK TO WORKING THIS WEEK. Fuck it completely slipped my mind but yeah. My job is flexible and I work from home but I don't always enjoy it anymore... ESPECIALLY because my dad is back at his job (teaching) so I'm home alone with my mom almost every day and she needs constant help which makes it hard af to concentrate.
I've been bad at keeping in touch with people and three of my friends have bdays coming up.
Then there's the issue with my former friend, I keep putting off wanting to talk to her but I haven't been able to cut her off for good and like in constant anxiety of how I'm going to respond to her if she messages me or tries to come over when I don't want her to.
I feel so fucking alone and overwhelmed by everything, I feel physically sick and I just don't know how to cope with... everything.
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st-kitten · 10 months
pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4
she didn't know if she felt anything for kiyoshi, but she was sure falling for his actions. his little gestures that swooped her and whisked her away
"why did you give me this book?" she asked
"because i saw myself in you back when i was studying. but, i got distracted by the training, the parties, the dating, and the works. i wanted to study and get my degree, but i also wanted the fun. i knew i had it in me to focus, but…" kiyoshi was unsure about saying riko's name, but fuck it, he thought. he didn't want to lie. "riko made all the fun seem more enjoyable than the studies. so, i slacked off and eventually fell deeper into the student debt when i couldn't catch up. i had to drop out. then i got the cafe job, which I'm still working. I've been studying with some friends, who are helping me catch up for an entrance exam to get into a nearby university once more. somehow…"
kiyoshi looked directly into y/n's eyes
"watching you study so passionately made me want to try it too… and not gonna lie… studying with my juniors, kagami, kuroko, and of course, imayoshi, who by the way is over the top insane about studying and basically a monster version of you… is fun too. you made me see how fun it can be to truly put your effort into something. so, if i was doing this better, i couldn't leave you worrying over your studies. i'd seen this book in touou university library, when i went there to give imayoshi some things hyuuga couldn't deliver. it seemed older. but, i still wanted to get it for you. There's just… this pleasure… in reading a fucking book… with actual fucking pages. never thought i'd say that, but here we are..." (my thoughts too, bestie)
y/n felt happy for kiyoshi after hearing his story. she never thought she'd have an impact on him
"kiyoshi... that's so kind of you. and i'm happy that you're studying hard. only good things from hereafter, trust me. no better joy than to overstep the word limit of your paper. ace that exam, you motherfucker!" she punched him on the arm
he ruffled her short hair. "nerd."
"right back at you, asshole."
y/n and kiyoshi spent the next few minutes insulting each other and eventually ended up laughing comically
"international terrorist, what, where did that come from?" asked kiyoshi in between laughter
"i don't know! the way you look rn, you'd pull off a mass murderer easily"
"i'm the sweetest guy ever! whom would i kill anyway?"
"your exam, your friends, your teachers, the common public?"
"you think you'd survive?"
"you won't kill me."
"mm you sure?"
"oh yeah."
"how so?"
"aren't i your inspiration to study?"
"well i am studying. not like i need ya now"
"what if you do?"
"what if i don't"
"you'd really kill me off?"
"what you have to offer?"
"i could be your legal support."
"too complex."
"i could make another speciality for your cafe"
"i already do that"
"i could be your tutor?"
"no thanks, i don't want another imayoshi..." said kiyoshi
"the fuck, teppei, just kill me off now. I give up."
"already? someone i know didn't give up on her work and still continues to strive for it..."
"you and your wordplay. you sure you're not a manipulator or something?"
"a terrorist, a murderer, a manipulator. do you actually like me or were you just attorney-ing your way into my cafe?"
"shut the fuck up, i do like you!"
"what was that? didn't hear you."
"you sly bastard. i said i do like you."
"mmm must be hyuuga snoring, could you repeat that?" kiyoshi leaned closer to her, lending his ear trying to hear clearer
y/n leaned forward and yelled in his ear "i fucking like you, asshole!" 
kiyoshi flinched a little, laughing at her messy state
"ahh, i see. got it. you love me,"
y/n hit his arm once more, laughing
"you don't love me? bitch pick a side!"
"stop playing mind games, kiyoshi!!!" she whined like a child
"wym nah" she asked
"nah. i won't stop."
"fuck you then"
"right now? here? i don't even have a condom."
"kiyoshi fucking teppei. what is wrong with you?" she asked, chuckling
"more like what's wrong with you? you say you love, wanna fuck me, and then you call me out like that? girl, you mean"
"bring back kind kiyoshi. please" she begged.
"mean kiyoshi is sexier tho"
"no he isn't."
"he is"
"I'm not playing this."
"so i win?"
"so you lose"
"i- wow you'd make a troublesome lawyer"
"advocate kiyoshi... has a nice ring to it."
"sure does"
"tell me, ms l/n, what do you have to say for your crime?"
"bitch what crime?" she asked, throwing a pillow at him
"my my, you've gone deaf now? you defamed me, kiyoshi teppei, your guardian angel, who helped you generously and got you through a tough spot. yet you defamed him."
"fuck i did not!" y/n couldn't hold back her laughter.
"and now you lie! this is perjury! the court demands you answer the truth and nothing but the truth."
"geez, fine." y/n raised her hands. "ask away, punk"
"Mm... Did you think about him after you both kissed?" he suddenly asked. y/n looked at him. he looked solemn, meaning he wasn't joking around.
"answer the question"
"i- kiy..."
"truth and nothing but the truth"
y/n took a deep breath. "yes"
"yes what?"
"yes, i thought about him after we kissed"
"and is there something you'd like to tell him about it?" he asked. he had no idea where this unflinching confidence was coming
y/n wanted to lie and say that it didn't mean anything. that it was just an accident. and even if it was so back then, she couldn't lie to herself that she'd liked it better than her kisses with hanamiya. hell, sometimes she'd imagined kiyoshi instead of hanamiya whenever they made out
"tell him... that the kiss didn't mean much..."
kiyoshi gulped.
"... but it might if it happened again..."
kiyoshi had never reacted this fast in his entire life when he grabbed y/n's face and kissed her roughly. y/n jolted a little from the impact, but kissed him back, holding his shoulders. kiyoshi pulled her closer and she sat on his lap, snaking her hands around his neck, aligning her lips with his, deepening the kiss. this was a moment she didn't know she wanted until it happened. kiyoshi half-moaned into her mouth, holding her waist with his vice claw, practically embedding her onto his lap. he'd imagined this scene countless times and now that it was unfolding, he wasn't going to let it go...
u guys want smut? ( ≖‿ ≖ )
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shmaptainwrites · 1 year
back to school is just…no
the back to school depression is hitting kinda hard rn and i don’t really wanna be taking any of the classes that i am taking but i have to because they’re requirements for my degree. i just know i’ve always struggled with cutting myself some slack and giving myself room to not get as good grades and seeing that i’m taking 3 stem classes all with lab i know that attitude needs to go, but it’s not something that just disappears and i’ve been working on it for years, like since i was in high school but i’m still not at the point where i can just get a c, and be disappointed about it without a full emotional breakdown. faking it till you make it only works for so long and to a certain extent and knowing that i’m in microbio, biochem, and ochem with 6 midterms, 3 lab exams and who knows how many quizzes and lab reports i just don’t know if i can keep up with it all. because i need rest, i need time for my brain to recuperate and actually understand the material i’m learning not just suck it up like a vacuum and keep it in my brain forever. vacuums have dirtbags and they need to be emptied like where is the logic in this method of education? i have work, i have family responsibilities, i’m a really active member of my community and yet it feels like each time i think i’m doing the right thing with school, taking a balanced course load it just gets harder. i love to learn but school has been making me slowly despise it to the point where when my brother tries to come and tell me something new i just close my eyes and tell him i’m too tired or i don’t really care. the old me would have eaten and morsel of information you gave her, any rational concept you explained and now i just sit waiting empty the dust and dirt that’s sucked into my brian into the trash. speaking of not wanting to think i don’t even know if i can write which is normally what i go to when i’m stressed or anxious. tumblr is at the back of my mind and idk if it even makes sense for me to stay right now because with everything going on in my head and the fact that somehow i always seem to get interested in the things people want to talk about the least, i’m better off just appreciating media by myself (not on social media) and sharing on ao3 whenever i have enough energy. i need energy for fall and winter, prayers and love and warmth because as the days get colder and shorter i go more inward when i need to reach out. actually make friends, have lasting memories with the people around me and learn to appreciate them like i appreciate all the beautiful people i love who always seem to live in a different city than me even if it’s only an hour away.
this fall i want love. i want success. i want stability. i want clarity. peace of mind. serenity. contentment. certitude.
i want faith.
faith that i have the capacity to take a deep breath, look at life in the eye and say
i can take anything you throw my way. just watch me.
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tuiyla · 2 years
Are there any plots that you just refuse to take seriously and/or hold against the characters, because you find them to just be THAT stupid or ooc?
Like for me, I just simply cannot be bothered about Santana's role in the Brody mess. The whole plot was clearly about giving Finchel that "stay away from my future wife" moment that we're meant to swoon over, and Santana was nothing but a plot device to get Finn in the room. So whatever. I am not engaging.
And it's slightly different, but I still mostly ignore the entire Lucy Caboosey plot. To this day, I mostly view it as them grasping for something to mock about Dianna, and coming up empty, they were like "let's just have fun destroying a pic of her in photoshop". The only good thing I took from that plot was it allows Santana to call her "Lucy Q" in fics.
Okay no more procrastinating answering this, hey Anon. Sadly I can't say I took so long because I've come up with a myriad of examples. Truth is, Glee's both a) so inconsistent and b) so far removed from reality at times and tonally shifting all the time that there are a bunch of moments we could dismiss as OOC. It actually seems to be an issue that everyone has that line in the fandom where they ignore things but the line is somewhere else in each case. Fun, thanks Glee.
For me, I actually don't cut Santana slack for that one because it was a big Yikes and unfortunately something she would at least sorta do. I do fully consider Finn a freak for it as well and hate the framing of the scene. As for Lucy Caboosey, it's funny, I've never known where I stood with that. I still don't. Honestly, since I can make it work I don't hate it all that much. I often feel like I do a lot of the heavy-lifting for the writers, more so than they deserve but Lucy Q is one of those that I can sort of make work so I don't ignore it.
An example of my own that immediately comes to mind is the infamous sex tape, of course, which is played for laughs and is the second most infuriating thing Flopson has written. Wow that man's scripts suck. I simply cannot treat it seriously or even as part of canon most of the time because it's just so icky. Maybe that makes me a hypocrite because I won't hold it against Britt's character but I just refuse to engage with that plot on any serious level. You can't, it's non-consensual distribution of underage p*rn played for laughs. Not even good laughs! Pathetic.
Another much less serious example that comes mind, and one that pisses me off regardless of it being a minor instance is Rachel and Mercedes' bathroom scene in 100. When Mercedes says Santana is one of high school ghosts? When she and Rachel commiserate about people like Santana and Quinn? No. Absolutely not. I refuse to indulge this pity fest designed to reestablish Rachel as the ultimate underdog despite all her dreams coming true. I refuse to let the writers throw not one, not two, but like four rich and interesting female dynamics under the bus. All so we can be clear who the baddie is and get rid of any sort of nuance in the Pezberry feud. They can pry Sancedes from my dead cold hands, and same goes for Quinncedes. Wasn't it enough throwing Quinntana under the bus in Trio? God, where does it stop.
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Those moments often annoy me much more than entire storylines do. When the writers can only elevate one friendship/relationship by downplaying another. It's a sign of weak writing and I hate it. It's like they treat personal relationships as a zero-sum game. Anyway, other than that I'm blanking on standout OOC moments. I'm sure there are loads, like I said Glee's inconsistency is awful and happens not only from episode to episode but within 45-minute spans. It's inevitable that many moments will feel OOC and completely out of place. The ones I'd care most about are, naturally, Santana-related ones, but for better or worse I can integrate just about anything into a logical arc for her. Except for not talking to any of her friends in season 6. But I don't see that as an in-universe problem.
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ginevrafangirl · 2 years
Love Between Fairy and Devil Commentary Part 2
More highlights from my reactions to this drama, episodes 13-24.
Part 1 | Part 3
oh no emo boy is staging a coup // also the actor for emo boy really has peak younger sibling face
his expression is EXTREMELYY badass rn // though you still need to redeem yourself after that unneeded kissing of girlie
omg i think batman actually cares about his friend, he just laid his head down ectremely gently
does batman love his bestie enough to transfer his cultivation? // omg he DOES
i LOVE me some depth to my villains
oh jin guangshan is the god of thunder and lightning! its always the king of the gods that has that power!! the parallels to greek and indian mythology!
oh dragon boy, you were so close yet so far // i love these loyal sweet slightly naive yet super powerful and badass right hand men of the male lead // dragon boy, welcome to the club that consists of wen ning, zhong li, chuanyu, and someone from eternal love i am most certainly forgetting (mdzs/cql, who rules the world, eternal love references)
lol people wrote smut about them // i meannnn its basically celebrity real person fic
sauron: i wanted to see you // girlie: see ME?? // sauron: i wanted to see you FIX THE BOOK
boy the moment you feel ANYTHING sweet for her you double down on being a dick
lesbian shopkeeper is a hustler and has STREET SMARTS
okay i suppose i gotta cut dragon boy some slack, he is indeed a literal dragon and doesnt understand human customs
jieli is the human 'are we dating' buzzfeed quiz
sauron: its EMOTION time baby
this is the game of thrones lesbian 'teaching you how to make love to our chief' scene
girlie is actually twirling her hair ornaments around her fingers
tragic misunderstanding brothers, my jammm
sauron: i have no emotions. thus i dont love you // girlie: i am so happy that means you dont hate me // like GIRL
i love when this show does comedy man, its so funny
i mean she is literally TAKING EDIBLES
is her hair jewellery getting more and more elaborate??
honestly batman could be honest about his true plan and i think iceman would understand
batman is growing on me as well. his motivations are kinda dark lwj, actual dean winchester vibes // and he actually cares about iceman. fucking yu wuyuan WISHES he had this kinda dimensions (mdzs/cql, supernatural, who rules the world references)
jin guangshan is the true villain of this show, just like hes the only true villain in mdzs
the love triangle i do not love, but its funny that in any other show iceman and girlie would 100% be the main leads, i mean their backstory set that up PERFECTLY
god is speaking to ice god // oh its jin guangshan speaking from the sky
damn man must not even be able to jerk off without big brother watching
dragon boy: you're also an orphan? // sir there are a lot of orphans in this world
dragon boy you want to be trustworthy and honest and you're working for THE LITERAL DEVIL
catwoman has a WHIP!? of CHAINS? thats BADASS
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she fixed it??? since when did she magically gain THAT ability
its really interesting how physical objects enter illusions and dreams // by that i mean the fucking golden leaf
'how dare you come for my people' cue ROCK GUITAR SOLO
sir you already broke the couldron once, aint batman just gonna glue it back together again?
they sure sacrifice the plot effects of the one heart curse in favor of romance quite a bit
evil god??? there is a god named evil god??
i think girlie has grown proper fond of sauron // she is acting so 'oppaaaa' aegyo-y to him rn
who tf sleeps with their arms crossed, sauron, you can be such a pouty child sometimes
i am glad they showed the effect on all the soldiers and families that die in meaningless battles
soooo since she looks like an old woman, i guess in this universe immortals do age, just really really slowly
cue the 'why are you running meme' except its sauron being chased by an emotion
oh his emotions are growing! its cause she is the goddess of xiyun that can cure anything (oop)
i think daddy was losing the war and got desperate and traumatized his kids
she is wearing more jewellery! symbolism of her falling more in love and growing more comfortable by his side?
sauron: oh NO i am feeling an EMOTION
the founder of the moon tribe is lady yan, aka princess yue heheeh (atla reference)
jieli, honey, why did you have to make things so hard for yourself and try to steal
jieli stealing makes no sense, she is a smart woman, she wouldnt take that kinda risk
so sauron here is incredibly op and the big struggle he has to overcome is dealing with his own emotions
this is a very thinly veiled metaphor for men being fucked up and emotionally repressed and the women in their lives having the responsibility (even if taken willingly) to fix the emotions
langhua is THE 'i can fix him' girlie now that she cares about him
girlie always finds her backbone whenever it comes to a man smh
i think girlie and lesbian shopkeeper should date, dragon boy and sauron should date, girlie and sauron should date, and just be a fun polyamourous quartet
daddy is a qi deviated nie mingjue (mdzs/cql reference)
if the book is burnt to ashes, how are you gonna find a random pile of ashes? how do you know its the book? // someone very conveniently collected the ashes and put them back in the original box and put the box in the throne
if the final step to the ritual is patricide, how will he successfully complete the ritual this time?
bro just became ghost rider
also why was there a throne in the bedroom of daddy?
difference between daddy and sauron and the nie bros is that nhs always knew his brother loved him very much (mdzs/cql reference)
she is INSANE to willingly jump into a whirlpool to go to the afterlife to ask a very scary demon lord if he loved his son // girlie is one dedicated pr agent
she is just supermanning through this water // and he is ironmanning through it
if the guqin was repaired by magic, why can you see the cracks?
its a tragedy innit
oh why do i get the feeling he is gonna have to kill her to win some kinda battle and control hellfire again
this dad is the exact opposite of elio's dad in cmbyn
they are practically shoving the cinematic parallels in my face
also there was absolutely NO need to get shirtless lmao he just wanted to show off
give him a hug, girlie // YES // wow // that must be his first hug since his nanny // fuck the patriarchy for not letting men hug each other
sauron with his hair down is a LOOK
emo boy wanted to spend time with his gegeee
she has huge asian mom energy by bribing him with food
i'm not sure if he still wants to take over the fairy tribe or not, this could be a potential conflict in the future
is girlie STILL in denial about her liking him? boy you like the IDEA of ice man but the actual sauron. stop lying to yourself
LMAO he's like i will kill everyone for you so you can go back homee
ice god is suffering from a sad case of second lead syndrome
wow security at the tower is BAD if she was able to sneak him out so easily
dont you dare follow him danyin // NO // do NOT // oh fuck me // ofcourse she did
i wanted some fun mortal shenanigans, not this angst
girlie there are only a few people in shuiyuntian that are worth leaving a powerful man who you've got in the palm of your hands
i think its so funny the mortal realm is called yunmeng lake
dragon boy and lesbian shopkeeper are slick wit it
so the show is shipping my bisexual icons the shopkeeper and dragon boy?? i can fuck with that
oh wow the girlies are gaslighting and manipulating love that for them
you mean to tell me a mansion of this size was simply up for sale???
being a brothel entertainer is probably what being an idol was like
DID BISEXUAL SHOPKEEPER JUST EAT A RAW BHINDI (a bhindi is a ladysfinger vegetable)
the voice actor is giving the ice mans dad so much more oomph than the actor
oh god mortal ice man is gonna fall for fake mortal girlie
sauron: what is this strange illness that has befallen me // dragon boy: idk man but i have it too // me: WUV
daddy again? i thought we were done with this arc // but i guess you cant heal from trauma that easily
that moon is huge, at this size it would most definitely flood the earth
i wonder whether lady si ming will make an appearance in this story
motral jack frost was BORN with the jade??? did it also come out of his mortal moms fanny??
sauron: jealousy jealousyy
jack frost, being the true artist that he is, getting creative in the middle of the night
the way you can tell that girlie is well and truly over jack frost is that she seems excited about his match with lady war
and that kids, is what you call a self fulfilling prophecy
this is a whole grown ass man, and theyre making him go back to school??
JACK FROST CALLED SAURON HIS ZHIJI??? // proof that polyamory is always the answer
finally!! the batman and lady war backstory i have been waiting for
honestly i am all for destroying shuiyuntian, i have no reason to side with the so called heroes of this show
what is it with disciples that are unhealthily attached to their masters and are willing to go to literally any lengths to revive them after dying // the sam and dean style of unhealthy attachement (eternal love, supernatural references)
human jack frost is such a simp
how is it ep 23 and there still hasnt been a love confession
so sauron is a makeup artist too?? // the james charles of ugly makeup??
i love when incredibly powerful men are vain bitches
they are beneficial conqueror vs peace loving hippie couple
jack frost is a playboy but he will never steal another mans love. it doesnt matter if the woman says no, the only barrier in his road is another man laying claim
siblings or dating: cdrama edition
pissy and bitchy dongfang qingcang IS SO FUNNY I AM DYINGG
dont just tell me that catwoman killed everyone, SHOW ME // i wanna SEE her go on a murderous rampage
honestly the bisexual power couple's dynamic, jieli and shangque, is suited to my taste. her just bullying him and him liking it
girlie has incest on her mind
"asking for a friend"
not jieli actually saying 'i am not like other girls'
jieli is a BUSINESSWOMAN she has no time for ROMANCE
girlie is having deja vu
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This was it for episodes 13-24! There will definitely be a part 3 for the last 12 episodes.
PS: I alternate between calling changheng ice god and jack frost, and variations, but they are the same person!
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linawritesocs · 2 years
minnie's voicelines + lesson chats!
still working on everyone's voicelines and chats! hayden is next, hehe 👀👀 i'm also thinking of making seth's voicelines and chats, even though he's my mc.. i just think it would be cute and idk what content i can make for him rn 😭😭 and about minnie's role in twst: i think she would be like seth's sidekick in a way (she would never call herself that though)? look at my boy, he's got a cat AND a cute mouse girl as sidekicks >:D and it sure is fun to imagine him as mc/player character when i'm writing voicelines
[ minnie's voicelines ]
if you choose to hold her hand (tutorial):
"seriously, how can you be so irresponsible? hurry up, i don't want to know what that guy in a raven mask will do to us if we're late."
level up:
"i don't have any magic powers, but at least i have my brains and that already makes me better than some nrc students."
"i didn't expect you to know so much about this topic. now that's embarrassing, i'm supposed to be the smarter one here."
"we're finally done here- wait, where did grim go? ugh, just how can you be so patient with someone like him?"
level up max:
"i actually think that we already are as good as other nrc students, even if we're "magicless humans". if we weren't that good, they wouldn't ask us for help all the time."
episode level up:
"i can't believe i'm saying this, but.. you're a surprisingly reliable person. maybe crowley was right and him making you a prefect wasn't a bad idea- DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!"
limit break:
"there's no time to waste! we still have so much to work on, don't you want to impress other students with your new skills? w-why do you think i'm the one who wants to impress them??"
"see? this is what happens when you work hard enough! do you still want to laze around and do nothing all day?"
lesson lines (before lesson):
"the fact that grim can use magic and we can't.. no, i don't want to think about it, it makes me too angry."
"i don't think this magic-related stuff will be useful to us, but we don't know for how long we'll have to stay in this world. we should learn as much about twisted wonderland as we can."
"can you at least try paying more attention in class? if you do, we can go and get milkshakes later. i think it would be a nice reward.. for me, at least."
lesson start:
"now, everyone, don't you think of slacking off! "
lesson end:
"hehe, i got a good grade~"
battle start:
"do i also have to take part in this?" *sigh* "you really can't do anything without me."
battle win:
"so, how do you feel about getting beat by someone who can't use magic?"
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
[ minnie's lesson chats ]
[ the only magicless humans in this school ]
"i hate that so many other students are looking down on us simply because we don't have magic abilities."
"especially that one green-haired guy who never shuts his mouth.."
"just who do they think they are? sure, maybe they know more about magic and this world, but we're just as strong and smart as them!.. well, i definitely am, i don't know about you though."
"you're not worried about it at all? seriously? don't you want to prove them wrong and make them pay for what they said about us?"
"do you remember what ace said when we first met him? do you remember him making fun of us? i wanted to punch him so badly- wait, no, i still want to punch him."
"yeah, there's a lot of guys i want to punch."
"but that's not the point! i just think you should stop letting them say all that stuff about you. sure, you're an idiot, but you shouldn't allow them call you one."
"am i the only one who's allowed to call you that?.. hm, maybe."
"i'm calling you an idiot only because i want you to improve and become a better person! i believe that you have a hidden potential, you're just too lazy to do something with it."
"i mean, you're good at sewing, baking, drawing.. i was very surprised when i found out you have so many hobbies."
"so yeah, you're already better than that lazy lion."
"now, let's go and show them what we can do. we'll definitely become the greatest magicians in this school! no, the whole twisted wonderland!"
"d-did i sound like grim just now? ugh, you really had to ruin the mood like this?"
[ my collection of dolls ]
"hey, um.. thanks for helping me fix emily's dress. i didn't expect you to help me out of all people."
"to be honest, it actually looks even better now.. no, i didn't say anything!"
"oh, you want to know more about my dolls collection?" *clears her throat* "w-well, it's not like i've been waiting for this moment.."
"i was interested in dolls since i was a child and i got one for every holiday: my birthday, halloween, christmas.."
"well, it was like this until that man left us."
"my dolls remind me of a better time in my life, you know? before everything went to hell and all.."
"huh? why do my dolls like this? what do you mean?"
".. are you saying they're ugly?"
"because if you are, i will make my daughters kill you in your sleep."
"oh, you just wanted to say they look unique? i see.."
"you thought i'm gonna believe you? you're just another guy who thinks my dolls are scary!"
"and you know what? i'm glad to hear it! i asked my parents to buy me creepy dolls on purpose, so that they could protect me from monsters under my bed."
"and now they protect me from stupid guys like you and other nrc students."
"and my brother too."
[ why i don't get along with guys ]
*sigh* "now what? what do you need from me this time?"
".. you want to know why i hate male students so much?"
"w-why, it's because all of them are idiots, of course!"
"look around. all of them are either lazy, dumb, rude or just insane. and it's not just nrc students, rsa is full of weirdos too and you know it!"
"you remember that guy who's obsessed with knives, right?"
"yeah, and he looked so innocent too.. that's why i can't trust them!"
"they're just gonna hurt me again.."
"why i don't mind your company though? wait, who said i don't mind it?? you're, like, one of the biggest idiots in this school!"
"it's just.. i'm pretty much forced to deal with you, so there's no point in complaning. we share the same dorm, i have no other choice!"
"it would be nice to live in a different dorm, like heartslabyul or pomefiore, but mr. raven mask won't allow it."
"well, i can somewhat tolerate heartslabyul and pomefiore students! if we're not counting the weird ones."
".. i just realized that these dorms have a lot of weird members."
"anyway, the reason why i can't be friends with guys is none of your business. just don't annoy me, okay? and then, maybe, i will tell you the truth."
*thinking* "i just don't want him to think of me as a dumb girl with daddy issues.."
[ a crocodile and a mouse ]
sebek: "minnie! we have to discuss the way you've been treating the young master!"
minnie: *thinking* "here we go again.."
minnie: "oh, i'm sorry for not kissing his feet whenever he enters the room. i promise i'm gonna do that next time."
minnie: "you thought i'll say that? i couldn't care less about that guy."
minnie: "maybe he's the greatest magician in twisted wonderland, but he means literally nothing to me, someone from a different world."
minnie: "i don't care about your opinion too, by the way."
sebek: "i should've expected something like this from you.. you're just a human, you would never understand just how great young master is."
sebek: "now, if only you could listen to me-"
minnie: "and i don't really want to."
sebek: ".. eh?"
minnie: "i don't want to understand his greatness or anything like that. i'm not interested."
sebek: "b-but-"
sebek: "you can't just ignore young master's existence like this!"
minnie: "oh well, i'm trying my best."
minnie: "now, if you'll excuse me."
sebek: *thinking* ".. does she really find young master that boring?"
sebek: *thinking* "she truly has no respect for him.."
[ since when we were best friends? ]
ace: "hey, minnie! how are you doing on this fine evening?"
minnie: "what do you want from me, ace?"
ace: "come on, we're literally bffs! why are you always assuming i need something from you?"
minnie: "ace, you're making fun of me every time you get the opportunity. should i remind you about our first meeting?"
minnie: "no, actually, should i remind you about every single time we talked to each other?"
ace: "well, i'm sorry, your reactions are just too entertaining!"
ace: *trying not to laugh* "especially when your face becomes all red, you look just like the dorm leader-"
minnie: "ACE!"
ace: "okay, okay, i'll stop. so, uh.."
ace: ".. can i copy your magical history homework?"
minnie: "wait a minute, you're asking me for help? "a human who can't use magic and doesn't know anything about it"?"
minnie: "wow, is your situation that bad?"
ace: "stop it! you're the only person i can rely on right now!"
ace: "do you really think other students who are at least somewhat smart would help me?"
ace: "sure, i could ask trey-senpai, but he also has his limits. i should stop relying on him all the time."
minnie: "and why are you so sure that i would be okay with helping you?"
ace: "because we're best friends?.."
minnie: "since when?"
ace: "i'll do anything, minnie, just help me out this one time, okay??"
minnie: ".. okay."
minnie: "but first, you have to get down on your knees and apologize for everything you said to me in the past!"
ace: "haha, that's a good one! now, about the homework-"
minnie: "come on, hurry up. i can't hear you apologizing."
ace: "wait, you're actually serious about this??"
[ out of all the students, you're the one to respect me? ]
minnie: *thinking* "ugh, i don't want to deal with this lion guy right now."
minnie: *thinking* "just leave and hope that he doesn't notice you.."
leona: "hm? ah, it's you, little mouse."
minnie: "what did you just call me?"
leona: "you didn't hear anything. so, what did you want?"
leona: "make it quick, i want to go back to sleep as soon as i can."
minnie: ".. i can't reach that shelf."
minnie: "and i need that one book about magic analytics."
leona: "you're trying to understand magic even though you can't use it?"
minnie: "shut up and get the book for me."
minnie: *thinking* "he's definitely not gonna get it. he's too lazy for that, he's gonna come up with some kind of excuse or he'll just ignore me-"
leona: "okay. i'll do it, if you promise to leave me alone right after that."
minnie: "HUH??"
leona: "why are you so surprised? i'm doing you a favor and i'm asking for one in return, what's so weird about it?"
minnie: "n-no, it's just.. fine. i didn't want to sit in the same room as you anyway."
leona: "you're blushing, by the way."
minnie: *thinking* "and here i thought that he wasn't actually that bad.."
[ maybe if you were a bit nicer.. ]
minnie: "um.."
avery: ".. hey, you need something? you've been staring at me for a while."
minnie: "what, you have a problem with that?"
avery: "wh- of course i do! would you like it if i looked at you like this for several minutes??"
minnie: "no, i would literally kill you if you did that."
avery: "see? now, did you need something from me?"
minnie: ".. flowers."
avery: "can you speak louder? i can't hear you-"
minnie: "so, i tried to get into gardening because i thought it would be fun and.."
minnie: *thinking* "i thought it would be cool if i ended up being better at it than you."
avery: "and? you need my advice or something?"
minnie: "..."
avery: "you know i can't help you if you don't say what happened, right?"
minnie: ".. my plant died the next day."
avery: "..."
avery: "how? no, actually, what did you do to make it die so quickly??"
avery: *trying to calm himself down* "fine. just show me the plant, maybe i can figure out what went wrong."
minnie: "really? thank you- ahem, well, i'm glad you decided to make yourself useful for once."
avery: "FOR ONCE??"
minnie: *laughs* "okay, okay, you're actually a bit more useful than those other guys."
minnie: "honestly, if it wasn't for your personality, i wouldn't mind hanging out with you"
avery: ".. same goes for you."
minnie: "what did you say?"
avery: "nothing, just show me the plant already."
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theleftovertaco · 3 years
Love Languages
Had a though about which love languages each of the boys would subscribe to (receiving, not giving, if you want me to make that one I probably can)
People mentioned: Harry, Fred, George, Neville, Ron, Oliver, Draco
Harry likes physical touch.
As a child he barely got any affection from people, and he was initially uncomfortable showing much of any physical affection
However, once you openly showed him said affection, the two of you were attached at the hip.
It does not matter where you are, if your in the same room, your probably touching in some way.
If it’s a large public setting, it’s likely just pinkies, hands, or arms that are linked. But in the presence of close friends he’ll gladly return a hug, and when you’re alone it’s an entirely different story.
He will literally flop on top of you, hold onto you, and hold you until you’ve both fallen asleep.
He also enjoys sitting on your lap or you sitting on his lap.
Stroke his hair or run your fingers on his face or over his eyes and he will melt
Anyways yea Harry is a cuddle whore
Fred likes quality time
You don’t always spend every moment next to each other, boundaries are really important to both of you and you both respect those boundaries.
But when you are together, it is the best time either of you could have.
Sneaking into the kitchens at 3 am to eat sweets.
Shopping at Hogsmeade, getting butterbeer, watching muggle movies
If you like practical jokes you gladly take part in them, if not then he respects that.
Sometimes he just wants someone to listen to him.
So he’ll lay next to you and just talk, for hours.
About school, about his latest pranks, about family.
If you can use the time you have together in a way that makes you both happy, then he will love you forever.
To him, it’s not about the amount of time you spend with him, it’s about what you both do with it.
George likes words of affirmation- he always feels like he lives in his siblings shadow
Occasionally that means living in Fred’s shadow too.
People never really acknowledge them as separate people, and sometimes he needs reassurance that someone sees him as an individual.
Telling him on a daily basis, that you see him as a separate person, even if you don’t have to say those exact words, is important to him.
He also just really likes hearing that you believe in and love him
Within 2 weeks of you dating he greets you with an “I love you.”
And at first he freezes when he realizes what it is that he said.
But when you reply with reciprocation he melts.
The first time you tell him you love him, he practically combusts with happiness.
This could also translate to a praise kink but we’re not gonna talk about that rn ;)
Neville prefers gifts
Not necessarily expensive ones, just small little things, trinkets and such
If you just hand him a shiny rock he lets out this little trill of happiness and adds it to his collection alongside his plants
If you give him a plant he'll fucking collapse.
Once when you came back from a trip over Christmas, you gave him seeds to a rare plant that wasn't found in Europe, he nearly burst from excitement
That was the first time he kissed you in public
He also really likes candy and once when you brought him these little rock candies that were only found in muggle stores he practically ripped the wrapper off and shoved them into his mouth.
(He shared of course)
Neville often gets his fathers hand-me-downs, and while he enjoys them, it sucks that his grandmother refuses to buy him anything of his own
So when you buy him a sweater and a pair of slacks he almost cries
Sugar baby Neville au i said what i said
Ron likes acts of service
A lot of it is when you help him with things like homework
Sometimes Hermione is too tired or unwilling to and when you step in to help where you can, its like a little piece of him falls in love with you all over again
But part of it is other forms of service
A few months before you were together, Ron had a really bad day and returned to the common room with a huge headache, and when you offered to give him a head massage he decided he was gonna ask you out
Sometimes just running your hands through his hair after a long day makes him absolutely melt into the couch cushions
He also often gets homesick, especially when it comes to food, and if you cook or bake for him, he practically jumps in the fucking air
You called his mom once to get a recipe for these Christmas cookies that he missed since he couldn’t go home for Christmas one year and if you both hadn’t been in public he would have cried
When you brought him homemade candies he did cry (he’d had a long day, let him live)
But yea sometimes he just needs someone to take care of him nothing wrong with that my dudes
Oliver likes an even mix of gifts and and acts of service tbh
Often for Christmas or his birthday you’ll get him a new broom servicing kit or a book about Puddlemere United
One year you managed to get one of his favorite books signed by some of Puddlemere’s players
When you presented it to him he tackled you in a hug so tight you thought your lungs would pop.
He also really likes trying new candies so you get him a subscription box where he can try new ones from around the world and the two of you spend a few days every month trying new candies together for a year.
When it comes to acts of service its a little more physical
Quidditch takes a toll on a person's body so often he'll come back from a game or a practice and just collapse.
So if you give him a massage he'll practically sink into the bed.
Dude is just tired sometimes give him a break
Draco is probably into words of affirmation
I think people would assume it's gifts but that's actually how he shows love to other people because that's how his parents showed love to him even though it's not necessarily what he wants
But yeah I think Draco sometimes deals with a lot of shit especially during 6-7 year and so he's probably stressed as shit
And feeling really guilty about what he's having to do
But he feels like he has no choice or else he and his parents are going to die.
So sometimes he just needs reassurance that he's not a terrible person
Occasionally after working on the cabinet in the ROR he'll just go to you and collapse on your shoulder and start sobbing
Sometimes just making sure he knows that he's okay and that he's loved will make him want to cry
Anyways Draco Malfoy redemption arc
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
Because I’m gay
This is me writing some domestic headcanons with some of the genshin ladies because I’m a hopeless lesbian in need of some wlw love <3
Pairings; (Separate) Lisa, Jean, and Ningguang x reader
Warning(s); domestic fluff
Keep reading under the cut!
Lisa is the type of woman who doesn’t bother knocking if she knows your home. Sometimes you’ll hear a “Do you want a cup of tea cutie?” from across the house it’s sweet. If the doors locked, well the spare key you gave her will do the trick
You often visit Lisa at work with some lunch for the two of you. If she’s going to slack off the least she can do is do it with you.
Weekends are often spent laying in bed until gone noon and baking
Lisa loves to shock you with her electricity just to see you jump, bonus points if you use your vision and make her jump back
As much as she complains about doing anything she’s more than content if she’s doing it with you. Especially if you’ve promised her things like picnics and kisses at the finish line
Evenings more often then not are spent cooking dinner and lounging on, the more comfortable than they should be, sofas in your you home. Often reading books, or when you’re not reading talking to each other about everything and nothing 
Lisa gets you matching rings, promise rings to be precise, your ring is purple and Lisa’s is your favourite colour. 
Lisa loves to kiss your wrists, you’re not sure why but it makes you swoon none the less
You love to give Lisa gifts of roses which dot themselves around her laboratory. Just before they start to wilt Lisa will press them into a sketchbook that she keeps for such a purpose. Nobody really sees the sketchbook, but Lisa likes to keep it around as reminder of the small, cute things in life
i am beggin Lisa to never use my name and only call me ‘cutie’ thanks xoxo
She never stops working. So much so that you swear that you can hear her muttering about work in her sleep.
It’s more than concerning
On more than one occasion you’ve had to drag her away from work when she starts showing the tell-tale signs of fatigue. Even if it’s just to pull her away for a few hours for a nice relaxing bath specifically catered to relax
She’s such a big spoon, relinquishing control isn’t really in her nature, considering how many things she personally oversees. And more often than not that is reflected in your relationship. She’s lucky she’s pretty
Despite giving her a spare key, Jean more often then not opts to knocking on your door and waiting for you to answer it. And on weeks where she’s been at the office for days on end you’ll be greeted with a bouquet of dandelions
You often return the favour. When you’re not working yourself you find yourself stopping by Jean’s office with something to eat just to make sure the woman gets some kind of sustenance
You often don’t actually eat with her, but when you do you try and steer the conversation onto more mundane and domestic topics, you really don’t want her to stress over work while she’s eating dinner with you
Dates are often few and far between and for the most part you find that Jean arranges them. They are often nothing more then picnics at Windrise and dinners at the Good Hunter. And if you’re particularly lucky you’ll come home to Jean in the kitchen cooking you something yummy
The time that you get to actually relax with Jean you cannot help but love. She loves to shower you with affections and make up for the time she’s been away from you
your stress seems heavy lemme kiss you rn jean
Tea time with Ningguang is your favourite part of the day. Where the two of you sit beside each other both with a cup of tea in your hands. There usually isn’t much conversation between the two of you due to it being the mid part of your day. The nice quiet before going back to the storm
Working alongside your girlfriend is nice, you get to be with her for most hours of the day as well as influence decisions of Liyue but boy does it make your head hurt a lot
The two of you have the nice rule of no work talk after dinner, which is great and brings a level of normality in your lives. Evenings often range from playing board games, reading books or just generally relaxing
On the nights that the two of you lounge about the second your hands are in your partners hair its practically impossible to get you to remove them. You love the texture and feel of her hair. And more often then not you’re more than rewarded with sighs of content when you play with her hair. Boy does it make you soft
Ningguang is a big spoon, she loves the feeling of having you in her arms, protecting you under her grasp and gaze
She’s horrifically whipped for you, you could breath and Ningguang is sat there like ‘yes, yes that’s my beautiful partner right there get them on a billboard right now’
She loves it when you come to sit on her lap while she works. She loves the feeling of being close to you even when she’s working
Sometimes when your sat on Ningguangs lap you’ll just feed her snacks and her lunch and the normally emotionally in control Ningguang is just a cute blushing mess
Ningguang is the one who initiates most of the kisses between you but kiss her on her cheeks and boy does she just grin at you. If she didn’t as much self restraint as she does she would just boast about you 24/7 ‘look, look at [name] they are so cute when they kiss me~’
hi ningguang i would love a smooch from you thanks
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
// Working through asks as I can! I have one exam left for my Uni Courses before I am officially, and totally, free to do as I please until the 25th of July when I go back for Sem 2. Planning on ESPECIALLY answering all those lovely scenario asks anons have sent in ♡ and to finish what i can of Ryuuto's route (I will forever, and ever, and ever apologise about how slow I have been over the last year, it's not fair on you all that are so sweet and seem so eager ;;)!
// Edit: + I got SUPER sick too (no covid though yay) this week, which is my ONLY weekend off from work so that’s another reason I’ve been slacking on this blog a bit ;;
// Lil idea below the cut for a Ryuuto-related blog:
// Meanwhile, since I have a gaming computer now, I have been thinking... I made a private blog MONTHS and MONTHS back to post "let's plays" of games, as if it were Ryuuto playing them.
// Would anyone actually be interested in that?
// I don't know how I would lay it out, if so. Screenshots? But I feel that isn't engaging (unless it is?)... If I had the money/time I would record something then write a script and pay his VA to record the lines but, eh, not really possible rn (or ever really).
If anyone has any ideas and would like to see something like that, let me know, because I'm stumped!
Of course, though, his route and THIS blog are priority! Always, always! I won't be putting all time and energy into that other blog!
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crybabyddl · 4 years
Yes, let’s circle back to the beautiful performance of Edge of Great. More specifically the BODY LANGUAGE, particularly Julie and Luke’s, which I will be analyzing with gifs.
Exhibit A
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Jealous Luke looks over at Julie and Reggie vibing
Julie is aware that she’s avoiding Luke, which she is doing so bc she realized her feelings for him thanks to Flynn earlier in the episode.
Since Julie has put the task of ignoring Luke upon herself even though she has no obligation to, she ends up failing her own mission. She sees Luke’s reaction to the lack of her attention.
She literally FREEZES. She’s emotionally worried to confront what she’s feeling and it’s beginning to manifest physically.
Exhibit B
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It gets better y’all. After Luke finally has even a crumb of Julie’s attention, he beckons her over with his signature head tilt. This is important bc he did this with his longtime bandmate during the soundcheck of what would’ve been their biggest performance. If he feels comfortable enough using that body language with a girl he’s only known for, what, a week and a half(?) then you know this puppy boy’s got it BAD.
Julie is well aware that Luke is getting jealous. But in classic Julie fashion, she will try to tune it out instead of addressing it. Our wicked beauty doesn’t like confrontation and would rather just deny and avoid than potentially make things awkward, especially when she knows Luke would ask her about it at a later time.
The look on Julie’s face. Her eyes widen and the classic tight-lipped awkward smile is present. She’s literally saying “ok enough of that let’s get back to work doo doo doo” with her face. The way her body SWINGS back into performance mode as she faces the audience again. It may have been a split second, but when you’re deliberately trying to avoid looking into the dreamy (dead) eyes of someone you shouldn’t be crushing on, any amount of time feels too long. Plus, she knows Flynn is watching and doesn’t want her to lecture her (but she does anyway bc Flynn is observant and knows her bestie too well to let any action slip past her).
Exhibit C
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Keep in mind; NONE OF THE GUYS KNOW WHY JULIE IS AVOIDING LUKE. Flynn, Alex, and Reggie have noticed the Juke chemistry, but it’s still too soon for them to get past the “we like each other but we’re too clueless to notice that we reciprocate” phase, so even though their respective besties know, they are still denying. Besides, Reg, Alex, and Flynn know better than to keep pestering if they want to keep their kneecaps. In reality they’re both smart enough to tell by this point, but for the sake of the plot and to make everything more adorably frustrating, Flynn has the collective brain cell under lock and key, leaving Juke to be like *dog tilting its head and making that “a-roo?” noise*
Anyway, Reggie notices Luke being snubbed after realizing that his extra dose of Julie time was slightly out of the ordinary. Luke is clearly concerned (look at his eyebrows and how his eyes travel from Reggie, to Julie, then to the audience to trying and get his mind off it and bring his focus back to the main goal; the performance.) If he can’t have the moment of connection with Julie that he so desperately craves, he’s gonna fill that void as best he can by connecting with the audience. >:’)
But Reggie’s trying to help Luke brush it off by conveying his reaction as ‘look at julie coming into her own! i told you she was a star! and you thought you were the lead singer? think again buddy this girl’s got you beat!’
But since Reggie isnt a master at hiding his feelings yet, especially around Luke, —who was able to get under his skin earlier (“girls, am i right?”)—Luke was easily able to see through that and interpreted what Reggie was saying as “look at julie go, she all in the zone. you’re literally making heart eyes at her get a grip you’re slacking lmao” (hence luke’s right eyebrow quirking at reggie like ‘dude seriously gimme a break u know i need attention like tinkerbell’) even though Reggie’s true message was a bit less harsh and more lovingly teasing, but it’s Luke, he sees things through his eyes and at his intensity, regardless of who it’s coming from. (This is one of the reasons why Luke comes off as selfish at times.)
Exhibit D
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Poor Lukey boi can’t seem to catch a break today! Not only does Julie ignore him, then has a cute lil (platonic but it’s luke so it still makes him jealous >:P) moment, but now she has the AUDACITY to interact with Alex? The guy who was out learning Ghost 101 with this Willie guy instead of rehearsing with the band? What gives?! What’s he got that your moody ghost bf doesn’t? >:’(
He literally just watches, and even glances back in a way that, to me, screams ‘did i see that right? did i just see what i just saw with my own dreamy (but dead) eyes? say sike rn.’ \_(*_*)_/
Meanwhile, Alex pays no mind. I like to think that Alex is fully aware that Luke is an angry boy rn, but has learned to ignore it, especially this bc literally NOTHING happened. Either that or Alex has no clue and just truly thinks nothing of it and is having too much fun to think about Luke’s moody and childish behavior. Either way, Alex is just straight chilling and we love to see it *^_^*
Notice how Reggie is right there vibing with Julie and Alex. Luke feels a bit betrayed like ‘not you too! i know you were the first to turn on me but i figured since you’re such a golden retriever you’d be loyal and come back to my side!😠🥲’
Also; Luke approaches the rest of the group, wanting to be included in at least SOME of the vibing, but when Julie starts dancing and smiling with her buddy Alex, he backs up like
“you know what? nope. nevermind. not doin’ it.”
and the group’s like “i mean hey it’s your loss, but luke we want you to-”
“no, bc you chose to piss me off right in front of my face so no luke time for any of you! no cuddles, no hugs, no nothing! you made your bed, now lie in it and perish.”
Exhibit E & F: This is where it gets a bit interesting and theorized hehe...
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Now we all know that this moment is just fucking ICONIC
But hear me out– HEAR ME OUT!
What if... now don’t shoot the messenger who just so happens to also be the theorist... but what if...
WHAT IF!!! Luke didn’t!! plan this?!!!
Listen i know you’re probably thinking:
“Well uh Nicole, isn’t that kinda the whole point? It literally wasn’t planned until Charlie realized Madi was gonna be standing on the piano so he suggested the idea for the guitar solo to Kenny.”
And you’re right! But here’s the kicker:
What if Luke THE CHARACTER, just decided to do this as an “Alright that’s it! You wanna be like that? Well what if I just hit you with my super awesome radical totally cool wowza guitar skills & make a moment between us? Huh? What do you think about that? Hmm? HMMM???!!!”
He licks his lips & that to me read** like he was nervous (**read rhyming with bed just to clarify) so that means it could’ve been a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment thing.
In the second gif, you can see that Julie’s head is tilted, as if she’s a bit confused, but she’s also delightfully surprised.
Julie is quick to smile and scrunch her nose at Luke, something she does often. It tells Luke his impulsive action garnered a positive response from his favorite girl. Julie also starts to shake her head, but doesn’t go through the motion in full, which means she’s still a bit nervous to let her guard down. This is probably because she doesn’t know what he’s thinking or what he will do next. The lopsided smile mixed with the suave, gliding steps towards her probably brought her back to her daydream lol.
Luke’s happy bc Julie’s no longer ignoring him. He smiles like a GOOBER bc this chump is simping HARD for our Julie. So cute! :’)
Exhibit G
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And hear me when I offer this:
What if Luke poofed the guys out???
I know, I know. It’s a bold claim to make. But the boys are special, considering they are a threat to Caleb (3 gay-variant himbos vs. a gay magician that could’ve been on broadway but decided to make some sort of deal with a devil so he just entertains capitalists who most likely sold their souls to get into the hgc which i will probably elaborate on in a future theory so dont do that bc im gonna lmao idc we all have big brains) So it’s not too crazy to think that they could share some ghost powers.
We know Caleb transported the guys during You Got Nothing to Lose. And the guys have left a place at the exact same time on more than one occasion.
And you may be thinking “well what if the guys poofed out to give juke a moment alone together?” And to that I say...
Look at Reggie. He isn’t looking back at Alex like “dude let’s give them some space.”
The timing of him turning around, at least to me, makes me think Reggie was surprised by Luke approaching the piano. (But also he lowkey was waiting for Luke to prove him wrong by doing something to get Julie’s attention so Reggie isn’t mad. Neither is Alex but he doesn’t like being told how or WHEN to ghost) Luke doesn’t even give his bandmates a warning eyebrow quirk, a hand signal, nothing. Reggie turns to Alex like ‘dude what is he DOING?’ And before he can even really convey that, they go *POOF*
This man had a plan and he was gonna do it, so he did. Whether it’s the power of love, they stopped performing, or Reggie and Alex actually poofed out, the odds worked in Luke’s favor so he and Julie could have a super special moment, a moment special enough to make an actual living person (Nick) wonder if a “hologram” has a better chance at connecting with Julie than he does.
Again, regardless of who made them poof or how they poofed, they mf poofed so Luke’s a happy hamster. (Idk it just sounded fitting instead of happy camper lol wait what if someone had 3 pet hamsters and named them alex reggie and luke🥺 someone buy some hamsters and let me be their godmother or their aunt and i’ll love them from afar.) Anyway, Luke’s thriving, flourishing, his crops are going to grow in time for the harvest.
You can see Julie lean back as she turns to see Luke. It’s... almost as if... She. Wasn’t. Expecting. Him. To. Be. There..??
Honey badger Luke bc he DGAF <|:) Bitch, it’s Luke mf Patterson and he’s gonna,, GET! IN! YOUR! FAAAACE!!!
You CANNOT tell me he’s not doing the absolute MOST to try and seduce Miss Juliana Mariposa Rose Molina.
Yes I’m making a headcanon that Julie has TWO middle names and that one of them is the spanish word for butterfly and that the other is her mother’s name. Also yes, I believe (i believe that we’re just one dream away from who we’re– oh, that’s not what we’re doing? okay, sorry!) that Juliana is Julie’s full name.
In this house we love and respect Juliana Mariposa (Dahlia)** Rose Molina
**I’m just putting Dahlia there for fun bc I can. :) Whether I’d consider it a possible middle name of hers depends. Anyway I just thought it was a cute thing to add bc it goes along with the other middle names I gave her *^_^* Also, I feel like I made a post giving a bunch of the characters middle names lemme see if I can find it later)
Ok i’m done this took me basically all day from like 10am until 4:08. I obviously took breaks in between, but not long ones...😶
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Hey could you write a fluff with ranpo and kunnikida
I love you!!!
Hi there ⚔anon! Welcome to our family!
I am posting the Kunikida fluff rn.. I'm still working on Ranpo's fic, but I'll reblog this post and add Ranpo's fic when I'm done, or I'll add the link on this post!
Till then, enjoy!
Overworked and In Love
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You were working your ass off this past week. You were so exhausted, you could have collapsed right on top of your messy desk. But you knew you had to keep at it, otherwise the ada's mom would kick your ass. Sighing, you took a break to massage the area between your brows, giving yourself a minute to relax.
Kunikida was done for the day, and was taking a walk around the office to see who was actually working, and who was slacking off. Obviously, Dazai had managed to sneak out without completing his stack of paperwork. He might probably pop a vein because of his colleague's shenanigans, one of these days.
He was passing by your office, only to find the door slightly ajar. Peeking in, he spotted an overworked and tired colleague of his, who was actually doing work. He felt a pang in his chest, admiring how you never once complained about the excess work, and how you were determined to finish it.
He observed how cute you looked, even though your hair was messy, and your eyes had bags under them. He thought it all added to your natural beauty. But he also knew that it wasn't healthy for you to stay cooped up in the office for hours on end. He had to do something for you.
He strode over to the coffee machine, thinking about handing you a cup. But the machine in the ada's office serves the most bland coffee in the world. So he decided to head downstairs and grab a cup from the Cafe.
He knew your favourite drink, and just how you liked it. He ordered for that, and paid. Now, he was seated on one of the stools, waiting for the order to be handed to him. He spotted the glass compartment containing snacks. He knew that you liked pastries. But which flavour did you particularly enjoy? Was it chocolate, blueberry or vanilla? Or maybe it was orange tea cake? No, he knew that you preferred having tea cakes with hot chocolate. You had a habit of eating your sponge cakes with a fork, and partially dipping the fork in your hot chocolate to get a mix of both flavors. Which means that you would prefer to have it slowly, and would prefer a ceramic mug instead of a to-go paper cup.
Maybe he should get you something savory, too. Maybe a croissant? Or a sandwich? Or do you prefer burgers? Maybe he should also get you some sides, like fries. But what if you like wedges more than fries? He was so confused and torn at the moment, that the waitress was concerned. She tried calling out to him, telling him that his order was ready, but he just sat there, unmoving, with a frown on his face and a death glare set on the items displayed in the glass.
"Kunikida san? You're order is here!"
The waitress shouted, finally catching his attention.
"I'd like to order everything in this compartment!"
You were finally done for the day. It seemed to take five hours, but was actually done in half an hour. You were so relieved now. You were getting ready to pack up, when you noticed a mop of platinum blonde hair peek into your office.
"Anything you wanted, Atsushi-kun?"
He jumped slightly, unaware of being noticed.
"Y-yes, actually."
He began.
"Have you seen Kunikida-san? I think he left the office some time ago, but forgot to carry his bag with him."
You frowned. Kunikida never forgot his belongings. Well, maybe he was tired too
"Oh. No, I haven't any idea of where he might be. But I could carry his bag and drop it off at his place! Can you get it for me?"
"Sure! Thank you, Y/N-san!"
You carried your bag on one shoulder, and Kunikida's on the other. You were slightly sad that he had left without you. Walking back to your dorm with Kunikida had become a daily activity; one that you looked forward to. Talking to him seemed to ease your mind. You felt at peace with him. It was obviously more than just that; you had developed a liking to the blonde. But he was always professional with you, so you respected his boundaries and never brought it up.
As you were descending the stairs, you almost bumped into someone.
"Watch where you're going!"
There he stood, multiple bags in hand.
"L/N San! I was just coming over to you!"
"Oh, I thought that you had left. And it's Y/N. Please, we're of the same age!"
Kunikida blushed at the thought of calling you by your first name, but masked it off with a cough.
"Right... Y/N san.."
You huffed at the honorific, but decided to let it be for the time being.
"You were about to visit me?"
"Oh! Yes. I brought you some food. You were working so hard, I decided that you deserved a break. Here you are."
He said, pushing the bags towards you.
"That's really sweet of you! But it was unnecessary, really. I hope you added the cost to my tab?"
"No, I paid."
"Why? I'll pay you back. You really shouldn't have. Just tell me the cost, and I'll pay you back."
"No! It's my treat! Really, Y/N san!"
"Isn't it against your ideals to do non work related things for your colleagues?"
"It is. But you're not just a colleague, you're also a friend!"
You blinked.
"I am?"
"Only if you think so too! I'm not trying to force anything! If you're uncomfortable with this, then we're not friends! I don't want to make you feel-"
You giggled.
"Well, I'm glad we're friends, Kunikida kun"
You placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.
Dazai had told you a long time ago that Kunikida had feelings for you. You never took it seriously, thinking that he was just trying to embarras his partner. But now, noticing the blush on the bespectacled man's face, you were sure that he liked you too.
Taking a chance, you smiled and said,
"So, you're place or mine?"
He froze.
"Well, this is way too much food for me alone. How about we go to my place. You can help me finish it!"
He flushed at the thought of going to your house.
You now knew that he definitely liked you.
So you leaned ahead and caught his lips in yours.
He responded after a few seconds, kissing you back.
Pulling back, he looked at you wide eyed.
"Y/N SAN?!"
"It's Y/N for you. Or maybe darling. Whatever you prefer."
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
@moorsgrimhilde GOTTA SHARE A FIC CONCEPT (I'm not gonna write this because I don't have time to adopt a multi-chap rn but I want to ramble about it anyway because it's fun to think about so)
OKAY you know those cliche ballerina/breakdancer dance movies that never get old because who doesn't love a cliche dance movie?
Yeah, so I am thinking about Vil having this competitive dance studio that keeps coming in second place to Neige's crew despite that Vil's crew is, technically speaking, much more refined. He has some of the best pro dancers in the city in his studio (Malleus and Kalim), but the critics are always telling him his crew's performance is, more or less, "too perfect" and "out of touch" with the audience or whatever.
Vil is about to tear his hair out over this because what is he supposed to do, slack off? Choreograph mistakes into his next performance? Not about to happen because this is Vil we're talking about and he's not going on stage to perform anything but the best of his abilities.
It's still frustrating though, because he feels like he's holding the other dancers in his crew back. It's nothing they say or do to make him feel that way, but actually just the fact that they keep showing up ready to give him everything they got and they're getting nowhere.
One day, though, Vil overhears Kalim gushing to Malleus about this street dancer he'd passed on the way to the studio. Vil doesn't think much about it until a few days later when he's running late to open the studio and has to park a little further down the street than he usually does, so he ends up walking a couple blocks that he usually speeds past and he notices the dancer Kalim was talking about...
Vil doesn't approach him that day, but after their next loss to Neige, he's ready to try anything and so when Kalim raises his hand during a meeting with the crew and suggests they invite the street dancer to exchange some moves with them and add an element of surprise to their next competition, Vil actually takes that suggestion seriously.
He gives Kalim permission to invite the dancer up for the next day.
But to his surprise, when Kalim shows up the following morning, his usually cheerful demeanour is a bit sullen and he explains to Vil that he tried to invite the dancer, Jamil, but his name is about all he got out of him despite throwing a couple hundred dollar bills in his hat.
And Vil just facepalms and sighs deeply like, "Kalim, you can't just..."
So, anyway, Vil marches down there the NEXT day, tells Jamil he's a great dancer (sincerely but with a bit too much formality) and hands him the studio's business card, telling him where to be and when and just kind of assuming he's gonna show up because why wouldn't he?
This technique... does not work either.
Malleus, for one, is not surprised. He doesn't say anything about it, though. He just walks out, with Lilia tailing behind him, while Vil and Kalim are being particularly dramatic because everyone hates them (everyone does not hate them, but now is not the time to talk sense).
Malleus and Lilia just stand by and watch Jamil dance for a while before Lilia starts to try and imitate some of Jamil's moves. That gets his attention because Lilia is doing a terrible job despite being a great dancer in the styles he's trained in. He just looks... super awkward, so Jamil can't help but laugh and ask if he maybe wants some tips.
To his surprise, Malleus ends up stepping in on the impromptu lesson and, well, the way he looks... Jamil is a little nervous at first to correct his mistakes, but Malleus is so chill about it and Jamil starts to relax.
After a while, Malleus and Lilia invite him to come by the studio. They write down the address for him, but forgo the business card, and that does the trick. Jamil actually shows up at the studio one morning...
He's a little hesitant when he realizes what he walked into, especially since Kalim is staring at him like he hung the moon in the sky, but he decides to hear the crew out since they're offering to pay him for his time and he does kinda need the money to save up for dance school.
Anyway, it's not instantaneous, but it becomes clear over time that Jamil was the missing element in the crew and things slowly start to come together with everyone bonding and feeling more like a family.
On the side, of course, there are those who discover something else with each other, and that in itself adds something to their dances, with Jamil and Kalim's styles flowing into each other, and the same with Vil and Malleus as they let their professional guard down...
The ultimate conclusion is they absolutely crush Neige and his crew at the next major competition because this is a happy ending dance movie cliche kind of fic concept, thank you very much jdkaljglkdsjlkg
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