#actually i do think that OK is a yuuji song.....
philosophiums · 5 months
💖pls i wld like one (1) mix inspired by the sukuna/yuuji dynamic smile :)
i will admit most of these are Yuuji-centric (as they should be)
GOOD ENEMY by PVRIS (yuuji song frfr)
Maniac by Tropic Gold
Shadow by Livingston (not my usual type of music but it's a Vibe)
Fallout by UNSECRET & Neoni (sukuna song i fear)
OK by 8 Graves & AViVA
There's Fear In Letting Go by I Prevail
Like A Villain by Bad Omens (just bc it's a banger)
💜💜 music mix ask game💜💜
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emmyrosee · 2 months
 Hiiii, I have a request. Imagine a highschool AU where reader has a massive crush on Sukuna but she thinks he has a thing with Uraume, but he actually likes her. Ok ok, so hear me out. Reader is childhood friends with Yuuji and Sukuna and she notices how Sukuna and Uraume have been hanging out a lot. So she asks Yuuji if Sukuna is going to prom and he says yes, and that he is probably going with Uraume. So reader is sad and doesn't want to go to prom anymore even after already buy her dress. Buttt, the day before prom, Sukuna and Reader end up talking and she mentions how he and Uraume are going together and he is confused.  Then they both confess and end up going together. Pleaseeeeee make this as angsty as possible, I love me some good angst😫
Bro this is so long yaLL GET A SNACK- I never had a senior prom this is my venting PFFFFF-
I do want to make a disclaimer! To make this fic work I had to go and use an American based school system, where traditionally seniors are 18, can drive, and eat in cafeterias. For those about to comment my inaccuracies, thank you!
Sukuna has been a little more than preoccupied lately.
He, who once would spend every afternoon driving you and yuuji home, who would blast your favorite music and take you to McDonald’s for a soda, has been more than busy with someone new.
You don’t know where she came from, hell you’ve known the two of them for years, yet this is the first you’ve ever really heard of the being known as Uraume.
“They’ve actually been friends for years,” yuuji had told you. “I’m surprised you never really met her- though she’s pretty shy. Only close with sukuna, honestly.”
Yeah. Real close.
Within just a few weeks, Uraume has snagged your place as Sukuna’s number one. No longer does he stand outside your class to carry your books to the next. Your front seat privileges go to her. He plays her favorite songs. He drops you off at home before taking her to god knows where to do god knows what. And yuuji is blind to this change, merely glad his best friend is sitting in the back seat with him, all the while it tears you up on the inside.
And it isn’t until you catch a beefy hand shift to hold Uraume’s that you realize it’s over. Your heart shatters, your lip wobbles, and you turn your body to face away from the disgusting sight.
“You okay?” Yuuji asks, gently nudging you with the tips of his fingers, and when you look up to peek at Sukuna’s frame once again, you catch his eyes looking at you in the rear view. You sigh and turn your gaze away.
“What’s wrong, brat?” He asks, and you could throw up when Uraume turns in her seat to look at you too.
She looks genuinely concerned, and you could punch her for it.
“Just… take me home, Sukuna,” you murmur.
“But we’re getting pizza!” Yuuji whines. “I don’t want you to miss out!”
You smile and gently pat his leg, “don’t worry about me, yuuji. I’m just getting car sick.”
Car sick enough you don’t car pool with him anymore.
You’re back to taking the bus, curled on your seat to stay out of other people’s way, leaving home about 45 minutes earlier than you would’ve with Sukuna. It makes you skip breakfast and washing your face, barely giving you enough time to get into clean clothes and head off onto the day.
But it’s better than seeing them interact, a crush and potential romance brewing right in your eyesight. You never told him how you were getting to school, either, not in the mood for his attempts to change your mind or force you otherwise.
“You’ve been taking the fucking bus?”
There’s a loud bark that rings through the halls of school, people moving out of the way for the one and only sukuna to come barreling down it, some looking in worry, others with their eyes rolling in their skull.
You sigh and close your locker, leaning against it, “did yuuji finally tell you?”
“No, and I’m going to beat the shit out of him for not telling me,” he snarls, leaning in close. “Do you know how fucking dangerous the bus can be?”
You roll your eyes, “people take the bus every day, Sukuna.”
“Yeah. Not you. Not anymore. I drive you. You know that.”
“Not anymore,” you grumble. He cocks a brow in challenge and you roll your eyes, “I have no interest in being in a car with you.”
“Who fucking shit in your oatmeal this morning?” He snaps. “You’ve had a punk ass attitude for the past two weeks, what the fuck happened?”
“Maybe im just not into being babied anymore?” You lie. He furrows his brows and licks his lips as the bell rings.
“This isn’t over. We’re not done.”
“I am!” You sing.
You’ve never had a day at school drag like today has.
Classes have never felt longer, teachers have never talked slower, and the clock has never ticked drowsier. It physically causes your head to pound and your stomach to become nauseous, and agony courses though your veins as the lunch bell rings.
It’s only lunch.
You manage to shuffle your way out to the cafeteria to meet your friends, two who cheer happily at your arrival and one who offers you a nod of acknowledgment. You plop down next to Fushiguro and rub your temples.
“What’s wrong?” Yuuji asks, and you flash him a small smile.
“I just don’t feel well.”
“You haven’t felt well in days,” he points out, “I hope you’ll be alright for tomorrow night!”
Tomorrow night.
Prom is tomorrow night.
You scrub your face with your hands, “I’ll feel better once I eat, yuuji. Don’t worry,” you say quietly.
The drumming of Nobara’s nails on the table don’t help the growing migraine in your skull, and you try your best to drown out the noise of so many people and so many thoughts and so many feelings about your argument with sukuna that you feel like you could throw up straight on this table.
Kugisaki grimaces, “I told your brother to be here today to talk about prom,” she says, poking her juice open with a straw. “He’s late.”
“He’s not late,” yuuji says, pointing a finger at a table just a few down. “He’s over there, with Uraume.”
The minute every vowel passes Yuuji’s lips, a shiver trails down your spine, filling your entire being with heaviness and hatred. You don’t dare look over your shoulder, instead you grab a grape from Fushiguro’s lunch to munch on. He nudges the small container closer, and you take another green grape from him.
“Besides,” Yuuji continues, taking a bite of his lunch, “I’m 98% sure Sukuna’s going with her. Something about her friend group and car pooling, I figured we could catch a ride with someone else.”
Your heart stops completely.
The man you’d assumed you were going with, the man you’d been in love with for years, is taking someone else, the day before prom.
“He WHAT!” Kugisaki snaps, and next to you, Fushiguro laces his pinky finger with yours, squeezing softly to keep you grounded. “Oh! The fucking nerve! I knew he was a piece of shit, but THIS?! Oh, Itadori, why couldn’t you have your license!”
“Hey! Why don’t you!”
“Kugisaki,” Fushiguro says softly. “Him being a scumbag is nothing new. But,” you feel blue eyes focus on the side of your head. “Let’s be a little more gentle about this, okay?”
From behind you, there’s a set of laughter that eases its way over the cafeteria, and you wish it was literally anyone else’s, anyone’s other than Uraume’s, and you hate how light and airy it sounds.
How pretty.
“I know for a fact Sukuna’s not that funny,” Kugisaki grumbles, but all you do is pick at your food and silently pretend to agree with your friend.
Sukuna is funny. Sukuna is so funny it hurts, it brings tears to your eyes and your sides and stomach to hurt, and even though you share him everyday, it hurts now to share him with her.
“Man, she’s laughing real hard,” Yuuji says, taking a sip of his water, his head turned to watch his brother interact with his friend. “Wonder what he said.”
“Yuuji,” Megumi warns.
Yuuji chuckles to himself, “it’s almost like they’re feeding off of each other, it’s kinda sweet.”
“-and I mean, Sukuna’s usually not so open and friendly, let alone cracking jokes. It’s cute-“
Megumi snaps hard enough at his friend to make him shut up, and when yuuji finally turns back to face you, your bottom lip wobbles and you play more with your food. Tears pour down your face, as Kugisaki reaches over to rest a hand on yours, sympathy in her gaze. “Yeah,” you sniffle. “It’s cute.” The hand not being cradled by Kugisaki comes up to wipe your tears, and before you know it, your legs stand up and carry you straight to the bathroom, locking yourself in a stall where you’re able to finally let it go. You cradle yourself in comfort, eyes screwed shut as you sob every fiber of your soul out.
Kugisaki calls your name once, twice, then she sighs, “come on. Let’s talk this out, okay?”
“I’m not going to prom,” you confess. “Not if he’s going with her.”
“You don’t know if he is, though,” she argues, leaning against your stall door. “And if he is, and he fumbles the best thing that ever happened to him, he doesn’t deserve your tears.”
There’s another person that enters the bathroom, and you hear Kugisaki scoff. “You’re like, a thousand percent not supposed to be in here.”
“Bite me,” the voice snaps, and it doesn’t take long to decode it as Sukuna’s. Your hand claps over your mouth to silence your tears, not wanting him to hear you. “I thought she was crying, I wanted to check on her.”
“She’s fine. Shoo.”
“Don’t talk to me like we’re friends,” she snaps, and you close your swollen eyes as she defends your honor. “Because we’re not. Don’t act like you care at all about me or her, or her peace or her business. So fucking beat it, before I snitch you out to the principal, then no one’s fucking happy.”
You hear sukuna exhale in annoyance, “just… text me, okay?” He says, and you know he’s talking to you.
“She’ll think about it,” Kugisaki growls. Once the big footprints are out of earshot, you slowly ease your way out of the stall and straight into Kugisaki’s arms, “I know honey, I know,” she soothes, hugging you tight. “You deserve so much better, babydoll. Fuck him.”
“He led me on for months,” you wail. “And he tossed me to the side like a fucking piece of trash. For her.”
“And that’s why you should go to prom,” she argues, pulling back to look at you, eyes soft in understanding. “You don’t need him to have fun- you’ve got friends who are dying to go with you. And you want to make him real jealous?” She asks, and you quirk your brow in intrigue.
She smirks, “go with Fushiguro.”
You sniffle and shake your head, “I cant do that to Fushiguro. Im not going to use him as a pawn to make Sukuna want me again. It’s not fair.”
Kugisaki nods and clicks her tongue, “why don’t you get a note from the nurse and go home for the day?” She encourages, and you ponder the idea in your head.
Maybe it wouldn’t be such a terrible idea… to go home and process the day, figure out what to do about prom, maybe even return the dress for your money back. You sigh shakily and nod your head before the bathroom door bursts open again, emerging a yuuji whose hands are clasped over his eyes. “Just wanted to bring you your backpack!”
You snort and wipe your nose, “thank you, Yuuji.”
“You’re welcome!” He shifts his fingers to peek at you, lifting the middle one to make eye contact, “so… sorry we didn’t get to talk about prom.”
“It’s okay,” you sigh, ushering them both out of the bathroom. “I’m… I’m probably not going anyways.”
“WHAT!” He whines, his hands coming down to his sides in a saddened pout. “But! It’s senior prom! We have to go!”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “I haven’t felt up for it since we made the plan to go. Maybe I’m just not supposed to.” When Fushiguro appears from the men’s bathroom and approaches the group, you flash him a sweet smile, “but I want you guys to still go!”
“Well if you’re not going, I’m not going!” Yuuji proclaims.
Fushiguro shakes his head, “if this is about prom, I won’t go either. We can chill at our houses instead-“
“EVERYONE IS GOING TO PROM!” Kugisaki barks, causing more than a few heads to turn in the hall. Then, she sighs, “we’re all old now. This is it. Our last chance of good memories from this shit fuck of a school. Everyone is going. Period.”
“We’ll talk it out later,” you say quickly, noticing the duo of Sukuna and Uraume heading to the vending machines together. “I’m going home. Someone take notes for me.”
“Will do,” Fushiguro calls out for you. You feel three pairs of eyes boring into the back of your skull, but you couldn’t care less.
Not when you’re left to pick up the pieces of your broken heart.
Getting out of school was easy enough. Working up an excuse that you’re dizzy and need to be rushed home. It’s getting home that sucked.
Before, Sukuna was your ride home when you were sick, cutting classes to get you back to your home so you could take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. Now, you stand at a public bus stop, earbuds in your ears, and you wait. You’ve done this route plenty of times by now, courtesy of Sukuna’s front seat being taken by her.
The ride is quiet enough, your head resting against the cool glass of the window as your phone buzzes violently.
sukuna 💪🏻 Where the fuck did you go?
No seriously wtf
This shit with Fushiguro taking notes for you? The fucks up with that?
Why’d you even leave?
You think you can ignore me?
This isn’t over. Once this bell rings?
I’m hunting you down.
You ignore his threats and let the bus carry you home, your exhausted legs finishing the trip up and into the familiar confines of your house. You’ve got at least two hours before sukuna makes good on his word, and you decide to take that time to take care of yourself- something your heart has been too tired to do since Uraume came into your life uninvited.
After a hot shower, some skin care and topped with some pretty perfume, you make your way to the living room, stopping briefly for a snack from the kitchen.
You put on a movie, but your phone won’t stop buzzing. It’s Sukuna, it’s always going to be Sukuna, and you merely turn it on Do Not Disturb.
If ignoring his texts wouldn’t get him pissed, that certainly would.
But you don’t care. Not anymore.
There’s a ferocious knocking on the door that snaps you out of your zone, and it doesn’t take you long to render the intense energy as Sukuna’s. You pause your movie and shrug your blanket off, making your way to the front door.
Your hands tingle and your heart pounds at the idea of confrontation, but you figure you have nothing to lose as you open the door, revealing an annoyed Sukuna, foot tapping impatiently.
“You think you can hide from me?” he snaps, and you roll your eyes and try to close the door. Sukuna merely jams his foot in the frame to stop you. “Stop fucking around with me, and talk to me. And what’s this bullshit of Yuuji telling me you’re not going to prom?”
“I have nothing to say to you,” you say blankly, but all that does is aggravate him more, and he uses a big hand to force the door open more. The act would be attractive to you, had your heart not been torn into pieces by him. “Don’t break my door.”
“Don’t ignore my goddamned texts!” He barks. You scoff and step back inside your house, where he swiftly follows you. “You’re acting like a fucking child.”
“IM ACTING LIKE A CHILD?” You screech, loud enough where even Sukuna’s eyes widen. “Me? After this entire week where you’ve picked your new best friend to cling to, IM THE CHILD?”
“Yes!” He snaps. “What, I can’t have other friends?”
“You seemed pretty content with the one,” you chuckle. “Certainly didn’t need me to keep you entertained.”
“It’s not my fault that Uraume’s been hanging out with me more,” he says, crossing his big arms. “You just can’t handle sharing me once in a while? Are you that insecure?”
This, has you wincing back, his words making you nauseous and tears bite at your waterline, stinging painfully as you finally blink a line down. He takes a deep inhale and cards a massive hand through his hair, “I didn’t mean that-“
“Fuck. You.”
“No, you look, Sukuna,” you growl, hands coming up to shove him hard. “You don’t get to gaslight me into thinking I’m being dramatic, after you’ve completely thrown me to the side and neglected me for the week. You don’t get to make me feel like the bad guy after you led me on for months on end, only to chase after another girl. You don’t get to break my heart, and demand me to piece it back together, only to try and guilt me for protecting my peace! FUCK! YOU!”
“Led you on for what?” He asks, confusion replacing annoyance, but aggregation still in his tone. “The fuck are you spewing?” You reach up to shove him again; this time, he grips your shoulders to make you steady, “are you out of your fucking mind? There is no other girl!”
“Oh, yeah,” you scoff, your voice tight with tears. “You just hold every broad’s hand in front of me. You just rest your hand onto every girl’s thigh, clearly. My bad, Sukuna.”
“I never held her hand, I moved her hand from my thigh, you weren’t fucking paying attention!”
“Yeah? What about not walking me to class anymore? Not carrying my books for me? Not sitting next to me anymore, instead going to be with her?”
His brows furrow, and there’s nothing you’d like more than to smack the expression clean off of his face. “Doll, Uraume is a friend. That’s it!”
“Yeah? Then what does that make us?”
“Everything!” He yells, the plates rattling and doors creaking from the force. The tears in your eyes still as you stare up at him, whimpering and shaking in his grip.
He sighs in exhaustion, “are you so dense you don’t notice just how obsessed with you I am? The minute someone else comes into my life, you’re blind to that?”
“I’ve fought Fushiguro over you,” he continues. “I’ve argued with teachers for being late to walk you to your class. I’ve gotten pulled over speeding to your house to be with you. I’ve fucking been here, wanting you, but I was waiting for you to be ready.”
“Well, you’ve sure had a hell of a time proving it,” you snip, and he grits his teeth to ground himself. “Talking to another girl, taking her to prom-“
“I’m not taking her to prom, I’m taking you!”
“Then why have you been ignoring me!”
Your words are silenced as he grabs you by the chin and pulls you in for a kiss, the broken bits of your soul and heart snapping back together. Your brain stops and your stomach swirls, but your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, keeping him close. He tastes like orange soda and feels comforting like a freshly washed blanket, his band tee getting fisted in your hand as your other one plays with the hair of his buzz cut. He shivers, his arms hug around your waist, panting into your mouth before hesitantly pulling back.
He leans down to your ear, “listen carefully. I’m not taking Uraume. I’m taking you. Uraume is a friend. That’s it. Once I tell her we’re together, she’ll back off, and we’re going to be fine. I’ve been ‘ignoring you’ because I figured you wanted space, but I couldn’t deal with it anymore. Got it?” You sniffle and burrow your face in his chest, letting his big arms wrap around you and keep you safe. He presses another kiss to the crown of your head, and you feel your mind go fuzzy at the moment he cradles you close.
“Missed my annoying brat of a crush. Driving to school was so fucking boring,” he says, and you scoff against him and wipe your nose on his shirt. “Ugh. Ew.”
“You’re supposed to find me pretty no matter what,” you sniffle. “Even if I use you as a tissue.”
“Maybe, just don’t use me as a tissue?” He snickers, and when you loosen and laugh yourself, he gently pulls back to look at you.
“C’mon. Show me your dress. Need to know what color tie I’m getting.”
“You want to match with me?” You whimper.
He smirks, “Kugisaki already hates me. You think she’s going to let us not matching slide?”
“You’re so right.”
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macawritesupdates · 4 months
Aww loved the latest prompt chapter so much I'm a big sucker for Yuuji naming a kid after his grandfather it gets me feeling all warm and fuzzy every time. I won't lie I think having an adorable little paradox child running through the timeline causing problems is karma for Sukuna, I hope all of his children are little rascals all their lives. May they all be even bigger brats than their daddy, and may they all have him wrapped around their little fingers. Sukuna telling the kids Yuuji took his other set of arms because he was bad is the funniest thing. I love the thought of him being kind of a silly dad with his kids 10/10. I grew up in a family with multiple speech language pathologists so unfortunately reading little Wasuke's sound substations sent me into multiple flash backs of my mother talking about how she thought my childhood sound substations were super cute but she was always praying that I'd get past them quickly because she specialized in helping the elderly and didn't know pediatric speech therapy techniques so she would have had to ask a colleague for help which would have been super embarrassing to her. Imagine the child of a speech therapist needing speech therapy (I did in fact grow out of the sound substations normally). See I probably spent way too long trying to remember my childhood lectures on speech development instead of focusing on the fluff, lol (side note speech therapists are trained to decide on the best course of action for their patients and stick to it and fight hard for what they think is best which has the fun side effect of making them super stubborn at times if you ever want entertainment get two of them to argue about something they do not back down (at least all the ones I know don't. I can't speak for all of them)). As you can probably guess I really liked the chapter but it sure brought up some memories ok enough reminiscing back to what you wrote. Gojo gets brownie points for being smart enough to ask little Wasuke people's names to figure out who his parents were good choice. Nobbie is an adorable nickname I'm so glad that she's clearly still good friends with Yuuji in the future 💖. Poor Megumi getting roasted huh you would think he'd have grown out of the need to summon at the drop of a hat but nope apparently he does it enough for it to be his defining feature in little Wasuke's eyes. I hope he uses his summons as free baby sitters, imagine the great general adapting vocal cords so it could sing baby shark to the kids (this may seem sweet but its actually an act of strategic psychology warfare against Sukuna by ensuring he'll never escape that song). At the very least, he could call up a bunch of bunnys for the children to run around with to tire them out a bit when they're being rowdy so he can put them down for a nap. Future Wasuke what a cutie is that poor boy trying to keep track of all his past paradoxes so he can go save himself that sounds like so much work good luck little guy. I won't lie time travel paradoxes break my brain a bit kinda glad this is just a one shot so I don't have to think about it too much 😅. Sukuna getting offended at the thought that he couldn't be a good dad was funny love that man. Man all Yuuji's friends handled the fact that he's going to have kids with Sukuna super well that's sweet. Yuuji now gets to tell future Wasuke that he loved him and thought he was adorable even before he was born ❤️💖💓💞💕❤️. Very nice thank you for writing and sharing with us 😀 😊 ☺️ 😄.
Glad you enjoyed! Have a few of these little family prompts to come through, so perhaps more little Wasuke in the future lol Time paradoxes use to confuse me until I realize you just have to complete the circle on them, aka making sure it all happens in the right sequences XD Older Wasuke is so desperate to keep track of it all... working double time!
It was a fun little write as it is fun to write family fics like this <3 makes me excited for when some of my long fics get to this point just for the fluff <3
Thank you so much for the long comments! I love reading them and really enjoyed getting all those little tidbits!< 3
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year
Good morning my beloved ✨🤍 I wonder how is the creative process for your kinktober fics? Is there a movie or song that inspired you to create them or where did you get the idea? How are you working on it? Is there any fic you're more excited to finish than any other?
Take all the time you need and I just want to remind you that this is your hobby and these fics will be ready when they are ready. Don't pressure yourself with a deadline because you're already doing a great job, ok? I love you and I'm hugging you (plz don't forget to drink some water)
Aww hey hey hey babe 💗💗
This is such a sweet ask!! I love talking about my stories and the process of writing them!! Thank you so much!!
"Brother" (Yuuji x Reader + Sukuna x Reader) was a spontaneous idea. Usually, I love to write a softer version of Sukuna, but I thought that Halloween would be the perfect opportunity to finally write a truly evil version of him. I can't say too much about the story, though, because I don't want to spoil it. I am excited to see what people will think at the end. There are several ways to interpret it.
The song that I picked for this fic is "Pink Party" by Isaac Dunbar. I have it on my Itadori Twins playlist for another AU, and I love the vibe of it. This story starts at a party, and in my mind, this is the song that is playing in the background while Reader is trapped in the bathroom with Sukuna. The evil twin gets explicitly mentioned in this song, so it is really perfect ;)
"Mine" (Megumi x Reader) has been in my drafts for a long time. It was originally planned for a You collab (the tv show). But I never finished it. So when I saw my friend Loni make a Halloween collab, I remembered this story, and I thought it would fit very well. And it's a good motivation for me to actually finish this story finally.
I love taking a character like Megumi, who I think is a pretty good person in canon, and then taking one of their character traits or one of their super relatable insecurities and twisting them into something dark. With Megumi, those are his abandonment issues after his dad left him as a little child and after suffering the loss of several people he loved. I love the horror of seeing someone who started with good intentions lose control and become the villain.
I picked the song "King of Shadow" by Kat Cunning for this story. It is one of my Megumi songs anyway, and I think it fits this story very well. To me, it is a song about becoming obsessed with the person you love and refusing to let them go again, wanting to be as close to them as possible, wanting to know them better than anyone else could, wanting to be the only person who can give them a good life. Megumi sees Reader as his light while he is in the dark. She is like a goddess to him, like his perfect person, and he CANNOT lose her.
"Death's Bride" (Sukuna x Reader) was an idea I had when someone close to me was very sick, and I kind of needed a story about Death that was comforting to me. I once read an explanation about Sukuna's hand signs and that they are associated with the tale about the King of Hell, who judges the dead souls and decides which part of the afterworld they have to go to. I really love this idea and so I decided to write Sukuna as the personification of Death.
The song I picked for this story is "Don't Fear the Reaper" by HIM. I love their songs and the ongoing theme of death + romance in them, so this fits super well for falling in love with Sukuna as Death ;)
I can't really pick a fave because all three stories are very different, and I enjoy writing each one of them a lot. The Itadori Twins story is the darkest, in my opinion. The Megumi story is dark too, but in a different way. And the Sukuna story is actually pretty sweet, in my opinion.
I am super excited to share these stories with y'all!! And this ask was so sweet!! Thank you so much for your interest and for giving me an excuse to talk about my fics!! I am hugging you!! I love youuu 💗💗
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jujutsubrainrot · 2 years
Chapter 211: The Ripening
Opening words: “The "preparation" progresses! The archipelago crosses over to the other side!!”
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O.O nice cameo, waiter-kun! The official release didn't include it but this dude is actually the waiter that resigned from the restaurant where Kenjaku and co. hung out at in chapter 12. We got to see his four sisters-in-law too!
Anyway, the dialogue for the right panel should have been:
》 Ex-waiter: "Was the filter properly cleaned?" 》 Sister: "Not unless onii-chan cleaned it."
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》 Maki: "The preparation being completed is one thing. But according to the guy that self-proclaimed himself as Itadori's older brother... Kenjaku has captured Tengen-sama."
The term used for pre-prep is 慣らし (narashi). Actually, if yall been following the official translation, they previously used "breaking in", followed by "custom" and then "customary prelude". Now they chose "pre-prep." 😅 Really, let's not be anymore confused; it's just "preparation" or "pre-merger."
Also, forgive my nitpicking here but it's more of "capturing" Tengen, rather than "take" her in the sense of "take her away."
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》 Maki: (...) "It's a blessing in disguise that the back of the Prison Realm is still safe."
The phrase in blue was 「不幸中の幸い」 (fukōchū no saiwai) in the raws. Though very rarely used as "blessing in disguise", I think it's kinda fitting in this context..? It's an expression which means a small mercy (from some misfortune) that things didn't end up for the worse.
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》 Yuuji: "This isn't something we can figure out by ourselves. Anyways, let's focus on Tsumiki nee-chan first."
Throughout the mention of Tsumiki, Yuuji addresses her as "Tsumiki no nee-chan" the whole time and, honestly, it's adorable af HUWAAA LET ME HUG HIM–
》 Yuuji: "Why haven't our senpais added the rules yet?"
This one sounds better, imo.
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》 Megumi: (...) "This 'removal' is done by tampering with the brain, so it basically means 'death.'"
Just FYI, the words removal and death were in quotation marks.
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》 Maki: "Ok, why the hell is that possible?"
Thanks to TCB Scans for pointing out that Maki switched to Kansai dialect here. 「なんでやねん」 (nandeyanen) is a Kansai dialect word and one of the most popular phrases. It's equivalent to "why" in standard Japanese, and is used to express surprise or denial after hearing or witnessing something.
》 Hana: "It's [because of] the Angel's cursed technique."
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》 Angel: "In order to extinguish the barrier technique with my cursed technique, the root of the barrier must be extinguished. If we don't know where that is, then only Hana and I can [freely] move through the colonies."
FYI, the kanji used for "barrier" and "colonies" are essentially the same (結界) but the furigana reads differently in both speech bubbles. Plus, previously the official translations used the term "extinguish" so I'm just reusing the same word here, instead of "destroying".
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Nothing wrong here. Just wanted to share that Maki's last statement in the left panel contained the lyrics from Makoto Kawamoto's song titled "1/2", which is why Takaba mentioned her name in the next panel. The song lyrics that made Takaba mention her was "[kamisama wa] nanimo kinshi nanka shitenai". In the raws, Maki said "(...) nanimo kinshi nanka shitenai nda yo". [Honestly how can some readers not love Takaba?!]
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》 Yuuji: "In other words, it's the same as the random transfer. It's not a general rule of the Culling Game, but a rule of the barriers. 》 Hana: Even if we add a rule to allow free entry and exit from the colonies, chances are we might still get repelled due to the barriers' rule."
The official translations totally changed whatever they said.
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》 Maki: (...) "Let's proceed with "Allow players to withdraw from the Culling Game." Yuuta and the others have already transferred the points to you, right?"
Personal gripe but really, though, we never heard them say "Yuuta's team" ever. It's more like "Yuuta and the rest/the others."
Also more importantly, Gege has made a mistake [again] here. Megumi hasn't added any rules yet, so the rules part should have been reflected as 00 instead of 01.
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》 Kogane: "This is a proposal with regards to the addition of a rule to the Culling Game."
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》 Megumi: "Maki-san, please bring Tsumiki here [to this barrier] for me."
I feel like the official translation made Megumi sound authoritative here, as if he was bossing Maki around. If anything he was more polite than bossy. Also, in the furigana he said 「ここ」 (koko) which means here while the kanji was 「結界」 barrier.
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》 Yuuji: "Tsumiki nee-chan is already a player but she's not inside a colony, right? Then wouldn't it be safer to remotely transfer the points to her and have her withdraw [from the Culling Game]?"
Official translation missed out on the "have her withdraw" part.
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》 Megumi: "Players that hold points for too long also has the risk of being targeted by other players. The safest thing to do is to rendezvous with Tsumiki first." 》 Maki: "Right. But I can't enter the colony with her. (...), so Tsumiki and I will be separated during the transfer."
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》 Tsumiki: "Ijichi-san, are you really going to enter the colony in my place..? I should do it myself.." 》 Ijichi: "No. It's not a good idea to reduce the number of sorcerers outside the colonies."
Okay, Tsumiki wouldn't be addressing Ijichi just by his name without honorifics (yes, even in English). In the raws, she certainly said Ijichi-san, so at least in the English version, "Mr. Ijichi" would have been decent. And as for Ijichi's reply, the official missed out a few stuff.
》 Maki: "This feels like.. a plea bargain with an inmate on death row..." 》 Ijichi: "Haha! I'd love to play along to that, but there isn't enough time."
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》 Gojo: (...) "You're more useless than shit. Hurry and get your driver's license now. The manual one. If you refuse, I'll slap the shit out of you." (...) 》 Ijichi: "If Gojo-san hadn't said any of that, I would have ended up becoming a half-assed sorcerer and died right away."
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》 Yuuji: "Huh, is that her!? A spot-on transfer?!"
The term Yuuji used was 「ドンピシャ転送」 (don pisha tensho) which literally means perfect transfer. "Don pisha" means "spot on", "right on", or "perfect match."
We all know how players will be randomly transferred once they pass through the barrier, however Tsumiki was teleported directly to where Gumi and friends are, which is ever so convenient and highly suspicious!
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》 Yuuji: "Tsumiki nee-chan has some great luck!" 》 Tsumiki: "Pleased to meet you! Thank you for taking care of Megumi." 》 Yuuji: "I'm Itadori. No, I'm the one being taken care of."
Yuuji said 「こちらこそ」 (kochira koso), which is a humble expression used as a response when the speaker wants to repeat what somebody says to them, but in the opposite direction, or the other way around. Like, "No, I'm the one that should really be saying that." This expression is normally emphatic so it can vary by context.
In this case, since Tsumiki thanked Yuuji for taking care of Megumi, Yuuji then humbly replied that he's being taken care of [by Megumi].
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》 Hana: "Great! I didn't have to do a thing. (...) Nice, Itadori! Make me sound good." 》 Megumi: "Let's finish this quickly. Kogane."
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》 Yuuji: "Notice how he acts cool in front of his family. Must be the rebellious phase!"
Closing words: “A sudden rule addition.. Her true identity is..!?”
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falu-red-dreams · 9 months
Jujutsu Kaisen E44
- :(((( nobara my beloved
- i’m tipsy as hell too fuck this shit i can’t do this
- OOOOOOO THEY CALLED IT A MARIMEKKO (finnish brand :))))))
- torilla tavataan!!!!
- nah but actually why is this start so cute and normal i don’t trust this anime anymore
- 🫠 i can’t anymore
- mahito just black flashed??
- i hate him
- i fuckinh hate him acrually.
- he can just die.
- with all due respect,,, where tf has todo been this whole time?
- like wym u come here just now.
- u coulda saved nobara if u had been kinda faster u dickhead
- why does he look so dumb too?
- hhhhhh ok intro now. (i’m lowkey hungry?)
- ahhhh so he was tasked to find gojo. well. good job at that ig.
- ‼️‼️‼️ next part written like 2 weeks later when i’m not drunk and sad and annoyed ‼️‼️‼️
- man i feel so bad for yuuji like
- he’s been thru so much :(
- “sukuna killed so many so i have to save twice as much” MAN UR JUST A HIGHSCHOOLER
- i was gonna say he’s only 16 (or smth) he should’ve been at the club
- motivational speech is slay but i’m still mad at him for being late.
- oh i like this other guys technique
- (i know twitter has spoiled me she hasn’t been back yet so whayever ig)
- jesus christ this fight is confusing me
- yuuji black flash 🥰🥰
- pls tell me mahito just dies now
- miwa called herself useless gege strikes again
- man… mechamiwa lowkey sad but the mf is alr dead 😭
- oh they had the Budget for her crying animation
- oooh kyoto school is otw to shibuya too
- this building? metro? whatever it is. should’ve been broken ages ago.
- again W construction companies‼️
- mahito stop moaning challenge: impossible
- if nobara fully died in vain bc this mf lives after this fight i would never accept it.
- ew? human train 🤢
- todo clapped w his asscheeks
- the amount of exercise these bitches r doing is insane. they just ran up the stairs.
- todo our fav magical girl 😌✨🥰
- now they’re all strong as heck.
- what the hell did mahito even evolve into.
- “let’s kick it up a notch itadori”
- not me immediately thinking of that one Starkid song
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seiwas · 10 months
im back. hi selly belly ily how r u
im currently listening to this love by maroon 5
and I was just thinking abt pale blue (mays yk it) and OMGMGNGKDBGKDNFKDKD the brainrot is real?!!?!!!
THEN i started listening to corpse and hot demon bitches near u started playing. and oh my god the things I’d let sugu do to me. I DO HAVE A LIL CONCEPT IN MY BRAIN THO and it’s actually completely irrelevant to everything I’ve said before this BUT REGARDLESS. MEGUMI TIME
that was so chaotic..made no sense but it’s ok! incase u couldnt tell i think my brain got like……rearranged and put upside down. and that’s why it’s all skrunkled around in there ANYWAY
ive been trying to think abt the music all the jjk men would listen to, and megumi is puzzling me. because I can’t decide if he’d listen to like………….corpse, metal etc bc quiet emo boy = loud aggressive music ofc BUT WHAT IF HE LISTENS TO CLAIRO AND LUNAR VACATION AND JACK STAUBER. WHAT IF HE LIKES RLLY SOFT STUFF AND HES JS AN ANGY BABY ON THE OUTSIDE. i have to know. so I thought I’d share with u and see what ur opinion is on gumis music taste bc gumi brainrot 💔💔💔 ANYWAY i hope u have an amazing day ily be safe
— anonnie 💌
nonie 💌 hello!!! 🥹 lovely to have u back!! 🫶🏻
am doing good!!! spent the day w my bfs family hehe wbu!! how r u!!
omg the way music just brought u on a journey aksnsknx the last time i felt this was when i listened to lizzy mcalpines entire discography and ended up attaching each song to some hq/bnha/jjk boy 😭 w plot and everythING 😭
but!!! what is ur concept!!! i am curious!!!
and as for megumi omg . u know 🥹 i think gumi’s music taste is wildly diverse 🥹 but !!!! i do hc that he’s such a snob abt it 😭 will listen to metal and stuff like clairo, lunar vacation, etc., alt rnb, and indie stuff bUT !!! if it’s mainstream he won’t touch it . 🥲 (is that an ick? if it is, i think that’s his…)
stargazing by the neighbourhood always reminds me of him, along with pretty by col3trane & mahalia and!! omar apollo stuff too!! (those r personally the kinds of songs i think he could be listening to) but as a general rule of thumb . i think . gumi’s music taste is probably everything yuuji DOESN’T listen to 😭😭
this was so cute of u to ask nonie, i hope you have the best day too! ily 🫶🏻
0 notes
emsvegetables · 4 years
27th: you come across something at terushima’s house.
- you’re here to study and chill with him but you spot a little...something on his study table.
no. of words: 1.2k++
okay. i’ve never written much for terushima but i LOVE terushima so much i think he’s actually got much more than meets the eye!!! i hope this made sense and i hope that it’s okay pls forgive me if it isn’t!!!!!!!!!!!! well. this is the last one!!!! yay!
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“i swear, your room only gets messier every single time i visit your house,” you wrinkle your nose in distaste when you enter terushima’s room, and you laugh when you spot something on his bed, “is that a hello kitty soft toy?”
terushima laughs from beside you, and shrugs nonchalantly, “my sister gave it to me, so i might as well keep it.”
“cute,” you smile, and nearly slap yourself when the word comes out of your mouth. maybe you were a bit too obvious in your feelings for him.
“thanks, i know,” terushima grins, before picking up some clothes strewn over his bed and throwing them into the laundry basket, and pulling a pillow and patting the bed, “you can sit here.”
“very comfortable,” you comment when you lower yourself onto the bed, and terushima grins at you, “you’re very welcome, only the best for my queen.”
“that’s gross,” you grimace, “and i’m not your queen.”
“of course, ma’am!” he laughs, saluting to you, “ you can scroll through netflix and choose whatever you want to watch. i’m going to get a drink. you want the one that you always get from the vending machine?”
you nod, smiling at him, “yeah, thank you.”
“no problem,” he winks at you, and even though your heart beats a little too fast at that, you stick out your tongue at him and pretend to vomit.
you settle on a studio ghibli movie, and set it to play as you look around the room.
the room was really like terushima.
random posters were pasted everywhere, clothes were strewn on one side of the room, his study table was messy as hell, and no one would’ve guessed that he was one of the top students in the school, but you know that all the assessment books stacked up on the table amount to it.
“i’m back! oh, we’re watching this? cool,” terushima grins at you and passes you the drink, before settling down beside you and resting his head comfortably on your shoulders.
you try to ignore the way your cheeks burn when he does that.
“i need to go to the toilet,” terushima announces, standing up to stretch after a while, “i need to shit.”
you scrunch your nose, “gross.”
terushima grins, and flicks your forehead lightly, “be right back!”
you pause the movie when he leaves, and stand up to stretch as well.
when you eye his study table, you wrinkle your nose again.
“i’m packing your study table!” you yell, and you hear terushima muffled “ok!”, and you smile.
you laugh when you see the doodles of the volleyball team on his math textbook, and you snort when you see how he drew your chemistry teacher on a random post-it pad. you’re almost done sorting out the books when something falls out of the biology journal.
you blink when you read what it says.
steps to get (Y/N) to like me / date me:
win her heart with my jokes (search for funny jokes online)
pickup lines? nevermind they don’t actually work i tried it once and (Y/N) laughed at me. it was a pity laugh. not funny. never trying that again.
help her carry things! (okay she smacked me for helping her carry her clipboard but thanked me and smiled at me for helping her carry the waterbottles. so there are certain things i can carry and certain things i cannot.)
tell her she’s beautiful! (she really is!!!! her smile is the prettiest i’ve ever seen and her laugh is the cutest and she’s just so nice to everyone fuck i like her so much)
ask her out? then admit my feelings to her? (i asked her out for lunch and she said sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i chickened out and i didn’t confess in the end. i’m such a loser fml)
FIND A WAY TO GET OUT OF THE FRIENDZONE!!! (search how to get out of the friendzone online)
just tell (Y/N) i like her alot, that i’ve liked her for a very long time. she’s just so nice and pretty and i think i love her. (and then she’ll slap me and reject me and hate me for life.)
think of more ideas!!!!!!!!
“hey! i’m back--”
you turn to look at terushima, who falls silent when he sees the note in your hands.
“fuck,” he swears, “okay, you weren’t supposed to see that. can we pretend you didn’t see that? but that probably made you uncomfortable. did that make you uncomfortable? do you hate me? it’s okay if you want to slap me. it’s really okay. do you hate me now? i understand if you hate me, it’s okay if you don’t want to speak to me ever again--”
“terushima,” you say, and he quietens instantly, “sorry, (Y/N).”
“is this true?” you bring up the note in your hands and wave it, and he winces and nods.
“you like me? why?” you ask, and you’re so confused, and terushima instantly straightens up and stares at you.
“what do you mean why?” he asks, sounding offended, “why would i not like you?”
“because i’m...this,” you gesture to yourself, and terushima narrows his eyes.
“what do you mean? (Y/N) you’re literally the sweetest person i know. you always offer to help other people even when you have things to do. you always check on everyone in the team to make sure they’re okay after practice. you always try your best to be nice to other people even when they talk shit about you. you’re literally so sweet, and you’re so pretty, and you’re this amazing person. what do you mean this? why would anyone not like you?” terushima says, and he frowns at you.
“oh,” you say, and terushima turns away from you and exhales out a deep breath.
“it’s okay if you don’t like me back, (Y/N), i just hope i didn’t destroy our friendship,” he finally says after a short pause, and you blink.
“no!” you exclaim, and terushima looks up, “no, yuuji—i like you too.”
terushima lets out a noise of surprise, “are you serious?”
“yeah,” you say, and a smile breaks out on his face immediately, and he runs forward to pull you into a hug.
“can i kiss you?” he asks, and you laugh, “why are you even asking? just do it.”
“i’m just making sure,” he says, and you laugh again, before leaning in to meet his lips.
“by the way, yuuji?” you say, while his head is resting on your shoulders and your fingers are laced with his.
“i’m keeping the note.”
“why?” he looks at you, affronted, “is that for future blackmail purposes?”
you laugh, “that, and it’s cute.”
terushima pouts, “i don’t like you anymore.”
“you’re lying.”
“i’m lying,” he agrees, and grins at you as he presses a kiss to your cheek.
back to my fluffvember masterlist!
general taglist :)
send an ask to be added in :D
@mrs-kuroojinguji @galacticstxrdust @h0rny-m3ss @strawberriimilkshake @lexysclubhouse @alluringeternity @newfriendjen @aam1na @simpinghrs @boosyboo9206 @earl-mint-tea @sachirou-senpai @kuboyasuuu @cotton-hashira @kellesvt @mochipk @ohbois-biggay-bnha @deadontheinsidebut @atsumubabe @wisepandaslimeland @doodleniella @tttournesolll @millie-mint @the-moons-raes @chaosamu @flairlust @l3v1achan @bellesowl @wheeshllumi @karasimpno @sodasketches @dai-tsukki-desu @isentsworld @lavearchives
fluffvember taglist:
send an ask if you only want to be added to this instead of the general taglist!
@omigogames @unicorngluttony @thesecondapplepienation @tsukisemi @tamaguchi @omibaby @psycopath-satan @shibayamasbae @churochuu @crazyrichashea @let-me-have-my-own-name @fo-love @heykoutarou @lovelyrynn @neomuxuxi @haikyuuhopes @bluntkingkuroo @abswrites @ne-kuroo @yadane-bakabaka @song-of-storms162 @lady-snavely @hawksnumberoneuwu @rkives-keiji @llamakenma @mrslordexplosionmurder
i’ll tag those that i couldn’t tag later! this is a scheduled post.
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megumisbimbo · 3 years
- Twelve -
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megumi fushiguro x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
summary: (y/n) was nothing special. A human being who had no idea that curses walked the same earth they walked. But then they locked eyes with Megumi Fushiguro. Can Fushiguro focus on the task ahead or will he be distracted by the king of curses and his new love interest?
series masterlist
©️ @megumisbimbo — all rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify or translate my work. Reblogs and likes appreciated!
Credit for the main storyline and characters goes to Gege Akutami.
taglist: @aspenss @kitkozume @vanilnya20 @micheleinumaki @yuuji-supremacy @tobi—o
the songs are indicated throughout the story at certain points!
songs used:
kazino - BIBI
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— kazino - BIBI —
A grueling month of training and preparation passes. Megumi’s confession weighing heavy on your mind everyday. Practices with him became easier as you managed to grasp the movements and techniques Maki diligently taught you. You couldn’t thank her enough for making you stronger. You’re reminded of the compliment she gave you, your natural strength refined through her regiments. You didn’t feel ready for the Kyoto exchange, but Megumi’s encouragement made you feel slightly more secure in your ability.
“Don’t worry love, as long as we have you as defense we won’t lose.” He says, his bright eyes full of love and a small smile playing across his slightly blushed face.
His comfort around you has grown, the small touches he used to give turning into tight embraces and short pecks. Thought Megumi doesn’t particularly mind displaying his affection publicly, he treasures the moments he has alone with you. Your soft hand that lands on his cheek, stroking it gently. Your chapstick covered lips meeting his, the scent of cherries filling his nose. You were everything and more to Megumi. He couldn’t lose you, like he lost Yuuji. Yuuji’s death haunted Megumi, the thought of not being able to protect those he cared about when they need him most. But you gave him purpose, a reason to get stronger, a reason to be prepared for an unwanted next time. He was sure the Kyoto exchange would display his improvement, but he was just as eager to see yours. The Kyoto students would not go easy on either of you, and you both knew that, but you were prepared.
With Megumi’s hand in yours, you make your way to the front of the school where Maki, Panda and Inumaki were standing.
“Well hello lovebirds, glad you could join us.” Maki says with a proud smirk.
“You nervous y/n?” Panda asks, sensing your apprehension.
“A bit...but I’m ok.”
You wrap your self around Megumi’s arm burying half your face in his shoulder.
“Why is everyone empty handed?!” Nobara asks, her suitcase and backpack by her side.
“Why do you have your luggage?” Panda asks.
“We’re going to Kyoto right? For the goodwill event IN Kyoto?”
“The goodwill event WITH Kyoto...in Tokyo.”
“So that’s why our conversations have been off...”
You giggle at Nobara’s comical misunderstanding.
“Oi..they’re here.”
A group of students around your age walks towards you, each looking more intimidating than the other. Your grip on Megumi’s arm tightened. Noticing your nervous behavior, he interlocks his fingers with yours and gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
“It’ll be ok.” He says, a soft whisper of reassurance making you feel a bit stronger. You had worked hard for this moment, Maki had worked you hard for this moment. There’s no way you could run away now.
“Is this a welcome party?..gross.”
“I don’t see Okkotsu.”
“Would you forget about Okkotsu. Isn’t it too much of a handicap taking on two first years and a newbie with no cursed energy.” The tall robot looking sorcerer, Megumi referred to as Mechamaru says.
“That is irrelevant when it comes to jujutsu sorcery. Especially with Fushiguro, he is a Zen’in after all. I’d say he’s more reliable than the head of the family.”
Your eyes fall on the raven haired boy. His teeth gritted at the sound of being called a Zen’in. You didn’t know much about the Zen’in clan, but you did know Megumi wanted nothing to do with them.
“Hey now! No fighting. Now..where is that idio-“
The Kyoto sensei’s words are cut off as her eyes fall on your shrunken form.
“y/n?...” She asks, her eyes fixated on the familiar glint in yours.
“You look just like her...”
Your small exchange is interrupted by Gojo’s loud voice making his presence known.
He wheels in a large box filled with who knows what. You give Megumi a puzzled look only to receive a shrug in response.
“Looks like everyone’s here! I was actually on a business trip overseas, and I brought some souvenirs for you all!! Not you Utahime!” Gojo-sensei says as he hands out a small tribal doll to the students from Kyoto.
“And for the Tokyo kids!”
The large box pops open startling both you and Megumi. The open box reveals something you could have only dreamt about. Or at least you thought it would only have been a dream.
“It’s the dearly departed Itadori Yuuji!!”
“Ha Gotcha!!”
Your e/c eyes fill with tears as you stare at the face of your apparently alive friend. You thought you would never see him again. You had suffered through months of tears, months of sitting in your bed refusing to eat or drink. Months of being in Megumi’s arms sobbing into the collar of his cotton t-shirt. How could he be here? This must be a sick dream. But the way Megumi clings to you, the harsh grip he has on your hand, proves that this is no dream. Yuuji was in fact, standing in front of you alive and well.
“...how..” You utter, the tears collecting on your lash line refusing to fall.
“Sensei! They don’t looks happy at all!” Yuuji blares, the familiar voice sending chills up and down your spine.
Megumi’s hand loosens slightly as he guides you toward the box Yuuji was still standing in. Nobara kicks the box slightly startling the pink haired boy.
“You got anything to say?” She asks, small tears collecting in her eyes as well.
“Uhhh sorry for not telling you I was alive?”
“Yeah you should be sorry..” You say, your voice shaky but threatening.
“Y/n I-“
“I don’t want to hear it Yuuji, do you know how long I cried, how painful it was to be reminded every day that I’d never get to see you again. But here you are!! Just fine!! Nothing wrong at all! I understand how it would be dangerous to tell everyone...but me? Why couldn’t you have just told me? Just given me an ounce of relief? How could you Yuuji..” You turn your face onto Megumi’s arm, the sleeve of his jacket collecting the tears that never fell. Megumi’s hand comes to your head stroking the top lovingly.
“Y/n..there wasn’t a day that went by...that I didn’t think about you. I missed you so much, I really did. I had to keep it a secret..you know I would have run to you if I could..you know that right?”
“I don’t really know anything right now.” You say, your hand slipping out of Megumi’s as you walk away from the trio.
What were you supposed to think? Suddenly your best friend is back..the Kyoto sensei giving you weird looks and saying you remind her of...her? Who’s she? How were you supposed to feel. This was all just too much for one day. You contemplated dropping out of the exchange, curling up in your bed and sleeping the awful moment away...but something in you refused. You knew, Yuuji would never purposefully hurt you, not after what you two had been through. You will stay, you will fight, and you will find the answers. Nothing can stop you now. Not when you’ve worked this hard. This isn’t for Yuuji anymore, not even for Megumi. This is for you, only you, and you were gonna make that obvious.
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a/n: wow…that took so long to put out omg. but there it is you guys !! the first part of the series is over ! i might just revisit this because i left it on a cliffhanger and i have so many more ideas about this book but for now here you go ! thank you so much for sticking with me for so long and i apologize for the lack of updates towards the end. i love you all so much <3
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hajimine · 3 years
who in haikyuu could pull your moots?
alrighty,, first of all im pretty sure i have over 100 moots so i’m just gonna include the ppl i talk to most recently & the ones i can remember off the top of my head TT sorry this is why i never do these ask games andbjsja </3
edit: i just realized it said haikyuu but im not changing my answers LABSKAH i said what i said !
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in alphabetical order:
@adoringhajime IWAAAA ok ok!! you guys would be so hot together omg wait or maybe megumi . or both :>
@amourdite SEMI. im veita’s #1 supporter yes yes <3 all of his songs would be about u that man is in love omfg
@bellesowl atsumu. you’re basically dating irl atsumu anyway so yes u could definitely pull him !!!
@ctrlvr floch. also zeke in monke form. also carla but you gotta raise eren so u win some u lose some
@entorus ik you like oiks but i offer you: megumi. i can see him falling in love with u hehe
@gg9183 konohaaaa u guys are canon in my eyes i cant see anyone else w him hehe he’s so in lobe w you fr!!
@haru-senji YUUJI u guys would click so well together urgh cuties <3 ik he would adore you bubs
@inuzumi i’d say kuroo bc i know he’s gonna make some dumb chem jokes to flirt with u bc he’s in love hehe
@iyuuji ok ok. nobara. yes. shut up youre both hot and she would take u shopping w her ok it’s gonna be amazing
@kageyuji hm. thinks. oikawa yea yea idk why the vibes just click fr (also akaashi pls ugh such a pretty couple)
@milktyama kageyama. i will forever stand by this you guys are meant for each other :>
@neoheros kuroo omfg literally no one else. you would bully him so bad but you guys are so in love it hurts
@nyg-writes-hq tsukki!!! when i met u you were a full on tsukki fucker and i still ship u two to this day
@pteridofyte yamaguchi!!! you guys would be such a cute couple omg ily both sm <3
@rintaroll atsumu!!! or oikawa actually hmm they’re both hot and kia’s hot so ig... both ??
@rivaillerose mikasa! ooooh power couple fr fr you guys would be so hot together omg
@sgetou hi... Hey.... hai! ok uhmm maki. hell yea u guys are literally so hot ok it’s u and her against the world omfg
@sugawaaras mattsun omfg he would (attempt to) bake you some fancy cakes to make u fall for him 100%
@sunacity this isnt your selfship but makki fr. you would click so well w him and he’s head over heels for u mwah
@sunasbabie suna. oooooh boy the (nasty) things he would do to you >:)
@velvetfireworks LEVI OMG i feel like u would be the one to actually pull levi bc u would def melt his ice cold heart
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it’s impossible for me to include everyone but just know that i ship u and your fave character ok u guys are canon <3
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suknas · 3 years
I accumulated all those tag games again I am so sorry! But here we go!!!
Tagged by Ana <3 (@gojosattoru) thanks love!!
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Tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
Tagged by @ruluxe (hi five here Ru! of course we'd be edgy haha "the 00's teens right? lol)
rules: bold all that applies to you
SOFT: 7/20 🌸
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
EDGY: 11/20 🖤
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
70s: 6/20 🍄
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colourful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairylights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
Tagging: @hanae-ichihara @x0401x @roronoazooro @gojosattoru @tokoyammi @itadorii-yuuji 
Tagged by @itadorii-yuuji​ thank you! that was fun doing (I had to actually think some of those answers lol)
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1) your favourite bands/singers?
Godsmack, Linkin Park, One Ok Rock, Miyavi, Slipknot
2) favourite animal?
Wolves and Tigers.
3) do you have any fears/phobias?
If there's a big ugly spider in the house then it's me or it inside of the house we both cannot exist in the same space.
4) what food you don't like?
I used to be more picky now I don't really care or have a food that I don't like... but I guess I still don't like eating mangoes.
5) does pineapple belongs on pizza?
Judge me all you want. YES Hawaiian pizza is soooo good!
tagging: @ryomenssukuna​ @kitsukkis​ @kmuiyato​ @invmakii​ @izukatsukiis​ (and whoever wants to do that)
Tagged by @ruluxe​ thanks sweetheart!!! <3
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
(in no particular order - except Grimmjow lol)
1. Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, Bleach
2. Kirishima Eijirou, BNHA
3. Hibari Kyoya, KHR
4. Kagami Taiga, KNB
5. Kuroo Tetsurou, HQ
6. Killua Zoldyck, Hunter x Hunter
7. Roronoa Zoro, One Piece 
8. Tomioka Giyu, KNY
9. Kaworu Nagisa, NGE
10. Fushiguro Megumi, JJK
Tagging: @asuuka​ @natsutakashi​ @tohaki​ @shinixgami​ @asagao​ @makiema​ (and whoever wants to do that)
Tagged by @ruluxe​ thanks Ru!!! (and sorry I ended up answering this one really late!)
Name: Kuroos
Relationship status: still recovering from a long-term relationship -- I mean, single
Favorite color: green, blue, black, rose-gold
Pets: Mochi (orange tabby), Amora (grayish hair with other colors) and Miya (pitch black panther lol)
Favorite food: Pancakes!
Coke or Pepsi: neither but if I had to choose I'd go with coke.
Day or night: night - I'm a night owl!
Chapstick or Lipstick: pink lipstick
Text or Call: Is it a life or death kind of situation? No? Text me then.
Last song I listened to: Eye of the Storm - One Ok Rock
Favorite band/artist/group: Godsmack, Linkin Park, One Ok Rock, Miyavi, Slipknot
Any hobbies: writing, reading, manga coloring, watching stuff, playing video games...
Tagging: @saeitoshi​ @sstarphase​ @porco-galliard​ @todorokishou​ @zenin-makis​
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hqprotectionsquad · 4 years
OMG BESTIE I AM HERE FOR THE MATCHUP PARTY! ok so p sure you alrdy know what i look like! i'm very much an aries + ESFP. (like, super esfp it's kinda scary) i'm talkative w everyone, kinda dramatic, but can be real quiet and stubborn. i like being alone, but when i'm out with friends i can be all over the place! my love language is def giving gifts and quality time. erm for hobbies she's a sanger
Hi! Thank you for submitting your application to Lara’s Cupid Match-Making Service!
I will match you with: Terushima Yuuji.
Here’s why I think you’d be a great match for Terushima!
He’s also a pretty talkative person, so he understands where you’re coming from when you’re out with friends. He loves your dramatic side because it makes him laugh. He doesn’t mind when you have your alone time though.
He’s obsessed with you. He thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous and he is a simp and he’s proud to say he’s a simp for you.
He may look like a player, but he’s changed up his attitude since being with you. He’s most definitely not since he knows you’re out of his league. He loves spending time with you and when you give him gifts, there’s a whole part of his drawer/wall dedicated to that.
While you don’t share too many things in common, the things you do are very important to him and he makes sure he pays attention to you. One of the things he loves that you’re so passionate about is your singing!
A sample date with Terushima might go like:
Bring him on a group date with your friends and his friends to a karaoke place! One of those places with a private room with the juice flowing and snacks going, if you know what I mean.
He loves the chaotic energy you bring to the group and he loves when he can pull you close to him while waiting for your turns.
He’s not an amazing singer, but he will definitely try out one of those duets for you. It actually goes pretty well and he’s surprised at himself, but he knows you carried the both of them.
He makes sure the whole lot of you get home safe and after everyone is all sorted out, you go out into the night with him holding you to his side. You walk by the pier, seeing the water and all of the buildings, but no light can compare to the one he feels inside when he’s with you.
Songs that remind me of your relationship with Terushima:
Baby Don’t Stop - NCT
I Like Me Better - Lauv
way home - Sundial
Thank you for choosing Lara’s Cupid Match-Making Service! I hope you are truly happy with your match.
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imaginethathaikyuu · 5 years
hey so this is really self indulgent, but i’m seeing my favorite band, the 1975, live in a couple of weeks and im hyped. i couldnt stop thinking about which songs would be some of my fav’s favs...so … i did a thing
hope u like the 1975? (if not check out some of their songs tho) but i dont expect any of you to like it or care. this was for me ok
sugawara koushi love me. he loves a song he can sing loud, he loves a song that makes him feel happy - and this song checks both of those boxes
asahi azumane if i believe you. he loves the jazz undertones, how the saxophone and pop-sound come together perfectly to create such a serene song. it’s not too loud or too rock or too pop - listening to it calms him down
tsukishima kei love it if we made it. it’s louder than what tsukki usually likes - but he loves it for the lyrics. he likes how they don’t even hesitate to cross the line in a way, it just shamelessly has lines like “we’re fucking in a car” and “fuck your feelings,” he appreciates the message it sends; he thinks it’s important for important people to speak about important subjects, and that’s what this song is doing
hinata shoyo it’s not living (if it’s not with you). it’s just a fun song. he doesn’t know what it’s actually about, and prefers to keep it that way. it makes him bob his head and smile - and even dance, when he’s alone in his bedroom
yamaguchi tadashi loving someone. he really appreciates the message. it makes him happy that this song exists so shamelessly, and he relates to a lot of the lyrics as well
akaashi keiji you. listening to it makes him feel like he’s in an A24 film. movies like that are what he thinks of and feels whenever he listens to this song; young, fun, carefree, but still sad. he likes the way it makes him feel even though he can’t quite explain it
bokuto koutarou sex. he loves this song; he loves listening to it in the car or at a party. he thinks its a good song to be playing quietly while hes… well… having sex
kuroo tetsurou menswear. he thinks it sounds “funky” and he loves the lyrics
kenma kozume this must be my dream. it just makes him smile; it’s such a happy sounding song. he relates it to car rides and all nighters, it makes him feel nostalgic and he’s not sure why. it makes him think about kuroo because he’s the one who showed the song to him
terushima yuuji a tie between chocolate and sex. he loves chocolate because he has no idea what the lead singer is saying - and he likes it that way. he likes sex because he can actually sing along. he always says the line “got your tongue pierced anyway” is about him, he’ll stick his tongue out at whoever he’s with during that part of the song
got a request? send it in. i’ll write it.
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verekion · 7 years
I was tagged by @sawamura-daichis-thighs​
(you’re so lovely thank you!)
TAG| @iamlarissaatypicalgeek​
Nicknames: Ana, Doris, Obelisco (don’t ask) 
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Height: 5′ 2″
Last thing you googled: how to convert meters to feet 
Favorite music artist: I don’t think I have one, so imma just list some bands I’ve been hearing recently
Imagine Dragons
Green Day
Fall out boy
Song stuck in your head: “Everyone is gay” by A Great Big World
Last movie you watched: I thought it was Wonder Woman (which is great btw) but it’s actually Toy Story 3 (I was watching it with my niece) and damn the F E E L S. I cried so much
What are you wearing right now:  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Just some gray sweats, an oversized Doctor Who shirt and this hoodie I hate but it’s warm and comfy so
Why did you choose your URL: So, story time. I wanted a cool name bc this was supposed to be an art blog (it isn’t, but maybe it will be,, sometime) so I had just finished reading the “Captive Prince” trilogy and with “I want a cool sounding, original name” in mind I took akielon and veretian and mashed them together and thus “verekion” was born 
What did your last relationship teach you: Relationship? lol what’s that
Religious or Spiritual: I don’t know?? I mean, I’m not religious but not really spiritual either
Favorite color: I like black, and also different shades of blue and green 
Average hours of sleep: since I’m at winter vacation like 10? maybe?
Lucky number: I don’t think I have one so 
Favorite characters: ok so characters? as in plural? oh boy
Sugawara Koushi, Kuroo Tetsurou, Oikawa Tooru, Bokuto Koutarou, Iwaizumi Hajime, Sawamura Daichi, Terushima Yuuji — Haikyuu!!
Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijiro, Tokoyami Fumikage, Shinsou Hitoshi — Boku no Hero Academia
Tachibana Makoto, Yamazaki Sousuke, Matsuoka Rin  — Free!
Lance, Takashi ShiroGONE (bc he missing, haha no), Keith, Pidge, Coran, Hunk
Percy, NICO, Reyna, Will, L E O, Annabeth — Percy Jackson
Armin Arlert, Makki and Mattsun, Simon Snow and Baz Pitch, Daryl Dixon, Alec Lightwood, Dean Winchester, Kakasheeee, Otabek Altin, Zhang Xi, among others
How many blankets do you sleep with: It’s winter so 3 and an electric blanket 
Dream job: I really don’t know and I’m supposed to decide what I’m gonna do with my life really soon and agh. But preferably somewhere nice and quiet, doing something I enjoy and maybe in another country 
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yuujispinkhair · 3 years
How do we feel about band AU itafushi?
IT MAKES ME SWOON!!! Ok, we know that they sing karaoke duets in the manga! So I can totally see it! Yuuji is the lead singer, of course. Baby is a star!! And Megumi is good with his hands, so he plays guitar.
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If you love me, let me know
Pairing: Megumi x Yuuji Genre: Band AU, fluff Word Count: 4k Playlist: Itafushi Band AU Warnings: None? Pining, sappy moments, kissing. This is just a fluffy story about two bandmates falling in love with each other. All characters are of age. My blog is 18+, so minors don't interact. The song Yuuji wrote for Megumi is "Let me know" by Arizona. If you like, listen to it when the scene comes where he sings it on stage. I think it is pretty fitting for Yuuji and Megumi.
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Megumi has been playing guitar since he was little. He's the type to sit alone in his bedroom and strum slow songs on an acoustic guitar while singing along. He loves doing his own acoustic covers of his favorite songs. But he never uploads anything or shows it to someone. It's just his private little hobby.
Until the pink-haired menace comes into his life and moves in next door. Itadori Yuuji is a music lover too. The walls in their dormitory are thin, so Megumi can hear him sing. But, he has to admit that his new neighbor has a really pretty voice. Just as pretty as the whole boy is.
Megumi didn't plan to develop a crush at first sight, but somehow Yuuji is just so damn cute, and Megumi can't help it. And that sweet voice just adds even more to the attraction he feels.
Unfortunately, the thin walls mean that Yuuji can also hear Megumi.
One evening there's a loud knock on Megumi's door while he's in the middle of a song. He sighs but gets up, guitar still slung around his neck, and opens the door to reveal cotton candy hair and a bright grin.
"Heyyy Fushiguro! Is that you who's playing guitar??"
Megumi huffs while pointing at the guitar,
"What gave it away? The guitar in my hands??"
Other people would be offended by Megumi's rude humor, but Yuuji bursts out laughing and punches Megumi's arm playfully, and before Megumi can even say anything, his neighbor is already inside his room.
"It sounded good! Come on, play something for me!"
Megumi doesn't know what to do. He never played for anyone. This is just his private thing!! Playing guitar, making music....it seems so personal to him. Too intimate to share it with anyone else.
"I... I don't really play for others..."
But Yuuji is already sitting on his bed, looking at him expectantly, his honey eyes shining so happily with excitement. How could Megumi say no to him?
So he sighs and joins Yuuji on the bed.
"Ok.. only one song."
He ends up playing a lot more than one song.
Yuuji looks at him with those puppy dog eyes, practically begging Megumi to play more for him. Megumi doesn't know how it is possible that the pink-haired boy already has him wrapped around his finger, but it is what it is. And so he just keeps on playing guitar.
Megumi can't take his eyes off Yuuji. He basks in the adoration and joy he sees on Yuuji's pretty face. Suddenly Megumi doesn't ever want to stop playing guitar for Yuuji because how could he when his music can put that cute smile on Yuuji's face? He wants to make Yuuji smile like that all the time!
And Yuuji is swooning! His praise makes Megumi feel so warm.
"Aww, Fushiguro, you are so good!! Oh god, that gave me butterflies, I swear!! I bet you would drive all the girls and boys crazy if you actually played for other people!"
And, of course, Megumi plays another song for him after hearing that. He almost faints when Yuuji starts to sing along.
Gosh, who decided it was ok to give this insanely cute boy such a pretty voice on top of his handsome face and athletic body???
It isn't fair! Because it makes Megumi feel all kinds of things, and he doesn't know how to stop.
Suddenly Fushiguro Megumi, the guy who only plays cool music from artists he respects, wants to play the sappiest love songs for this pink-haired sweetie.
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Yuuji comes back the following evening, smiling that cute sunshine-smile and scratching his hair and being like:
"Hey, I thought we could maybe make some more music together."
And that's what they do. But this time, Yuuji asks if it's ok if he records their music.
"You know, I have this youtube channel where I post my cover songs, and I would love to upload a song with you too. Only if you are comfortable with it, though!"
Megumi already accepted that he can't say no to Yuuji, so he agrees.
"Ok, I'll play guitar, but I'll stay out of the video. I don't want to show my face."
Yuuji laughs,
"That's too sad, though! We would get so many clicks if you showed your pretty face. But sure, you can stay out of the video. No pressure!"
Megumi is sure that Yuuji can hear the frantic beating of his heart. Pretty face? Oh god... Before he can make a fool of himself by saying something dumb, he quickly starts playing the next song.
They spent the rest of the evening perfecting one of Yuuji's current favorite songs. Megumi has to admit that even though it is from a super famous mainstream artist, it actually is a pretty good song. Maybe it just sounds better when Yuuji sings it.
Yuuji uploads the video to his channel, and Megumi watches over his shoulder how it keeps getting likes and comments. Yuuji's account seems to be really popular. Megumi can't help but feel a bit jealous when he sees people commenting on how cute Yuuji is. But right when he thinks that, Yuuji turns his head to smile at him and reaches out to ruffle Megumi's hair.
"We're a boy band now, Megumi! Look, people love our song! Thank you for letting me upload it!"
A small smile finds its way onto Megumi's face. He feels a bit stupid for being jealous of some internet strangers who leave comments on Yuuji's videos. After all, Yuuji is sitting on his bed and smiling at him.
Once Yuuji has left for his room, Megumi spends the majority of the night stalking Yuuji's youtube channel and watching all his videos, falling more and more for his cute pink-haired neighbor.
Yuuji is just so sweet! His voice is like honey, and the way his eyes sparkle with so much joy when he sings really does something to Megumi.
And then there are those videos where Yuuji does questions and answers, and he is just the purest and kindest guy Megumi has ever met.
He has to lie down and put a hand over his eyes, trying to calm himself down. Shit. Why is Yuuji so cute?
He falls asleep that night with Yuuji's voice playing on his headphones.
Their video becomes a big hit, and people keep commenting that they want to know who the mysterious guitar player is. Megumi has to bite his lip when he reads the comments and Yuuji's replies.
musiclover113: Omggg, that was so good! Please tell us who played the guitar!
pink_menace: Thank you!! That's my neighbor Megumi! He's amazing! I'm such a fan!!
yuujistan1: We want to see the mysterious guitar player, please!
pink_menace: I hope I can convince him to show his face! You are really missing out!! He's very pretty!!
sing4meyuu: Do you have a boyfriend now, Yuuji? :((
pink_menace: hahaha, he's just my bandmate. For now, at least... ;)
Megumi's face feels so hot. He has to close the laptop and leave the room to get some fresh air.
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Yuuji visits him almost every night now, and they start to work on more songs. First covers, and then they even try writing their own songs.
Yuuji keeps uploading songs to his youtube channel, and his fans keep saying they want to see Megumi. It's actually pretty sweet, especially the way Yuuji always replies "maybe one day". But he never pressures Megumi and is so respectful about it. So that's what makes Megumi say one day:
"If you want, we can do the next video together. I mean, so they don't just hear me play, but also see me."
The happy smile that spreads over Yuuji's face would be enough to make Megumi's heart race. But Yuuji even falls into his arms, hugging him tightly and screaming into Megumi's chest. It makes Megumi feel like he will surely get a nosebleed or die of a heart attack or maybe do something foolish and reckless like kiss Yuuji.
He barely regains enough composure to remember the chords for the song they want to record. He's so nervous! Hopefully, Yuuji thinks it's because Megumi shows his face too. Only Megumi knows that this isn't the reason for his nervousness.
Rather it's because Yuuji is sitting right next to him, their thighs touching. His large warm hand sometimes lands on Megumi's knee to pat it reassuringly, which has quite the opposite effect, and instead of calming Megumi down, it makes his pulse flutter.
He doesn't know how he manages to perform the song without messing up, but he has to admit that it really sounds perfect, and the video looks pretty ok too. Yuuji knows how these things work!
That's how Megumi becomes a famous youtuber.
Yuuji's fanbase goes crazy about their video, and his follower count explodes.
The comments under their video all seem to agree that two cute boys are even better than one. Megumi blushes hard. He knows he's not bad-looking, but all those compliments are a bit much for him.
He almost loses it when Yuuji smiles at him and is like:
"See, they are all in love with you! Told you that you are too pretty to hide away!"
"Stop it. You are the pretty one."
Yuuji's mouth opens in a silent O, and suddenly he's the one blushing. Well, that's interesting.
Yuuji recovers quickly, though, when he looks at all the comments that keep getting added under their video.
"I guess we have to upload more songs, Megumi! Read those comments! They all want more! Look at that, they are asking if they can come to see us play! They want us to perform on stage!"
And that's how the idea for a band is born.
Yuuji can't be stopped, and his enthusiasm is contagious, so Megumi agrees to look for bandmates. He can't help but really like the thought of being in a real band with Yuuji.
Standing behind him on stage, watching his cute, round ass when he makes his sexy little dance moves. Sharing a microphone with him. Throwing an arm around his toned sweaty body when they bow to the audience at the end of a gig.
Yes, Megumi is too far gone to ever go back.
Soon Megumi can get his cousin Maki on board, who plays bass guitar, and Yuuji grins victoriously when he meets Maki, asking her for her Instagram.
A day later, his old friend Nobara suddenly agrees to join them on the drums after Yuuji had already asked her to join repeatedly for two weeks. Apparently, all it took was a "badass pretty girl" like Maki to join.
"Your family has good genes, Megumi. That really makes things so much easier!"
Megumi rolls his eyes but inside, he is screaming. Yuuji's compliments always make the butterflies in his stomach go crazy.
Their band Lost in Paradise becomes pretty popular quickly due to Yuuji's already existing youtube fame. The following months go by in a rush. Megumi never expected that they'd get booked for so many gigs.
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Half a year later, Lost in Paradise plays gigs every weekend and some weekdays too. They get booked for local events like street festivals or gigs at bars and lots of private celebrations like weddings and parties. They mostly perform cover songs but sometimes also play some of their own.
Megumi's crush on Yuuji has grown even more during those months. All those nights spent together in Megumi's room, practicing new songs or even writing songs together, have made them really close.
Yuuji regularly falls asleep on Megumi's bed, and instead of waking him up, Megumi just puts a blanket over him and lies down next to him, watching the sleeping boy with a smile on his face.
Sometimes he thinks that Yuuji might like him too. At least he always compliments Megumi so much. And not just his guitar skills. He also comments on Megumi's eyes, his face, his hands, his height... he looks deeply into Megumi's eyes and says in that cute sleepy voice things like:
"You're so beautiful, Gumi. Do you even know that? You have such a beautiful heart and such a beautiful face too. Everything about you is beautiful... aww shit...do I make sense? I'm so tired..."
Megumi just smiles and pets Yuuji's hair as the other boy drifts off to sleep. He doesn't know how to respond. Megumi is bad at taking compliments. But his heart is beating so fast, and he can't stop smiling. He wishes he could tell Yuuji how beautiful he is too.
Maybe one day.
Maybe they are heading that way.
The songs Yuuji suggests lately all seem a bit.... suspicious. The lyrics are always about someone falling in love with their friend. Maybe Megumi is reading too much into it, though.
But then, one night, they are working on another cover song, and Megumi tells Yuuji to put more feeling into the hook.
And all of a sudden, Yuuji is right in front of Megumi's face, looking deeply into his eyes and singing to him about shutting someone up with a kiss.
His gaze strays down to Megumi's lips, and he starts to lean even closer...
Megumi's breath hitches. His lips open slightly, and he catches himself moving closer towards Yuuji too. It's going to happen! Yuuji is going to kiss him!
"Guys!! We had the best idea!!"
Yuuji and Megumi jump apart when the door slams against the wall, and Nobara and Maki burst into the room.
Megumi can only glare at them and curse himself for not locking the door.
So close. He was so close to getting his dream come true! But now, the moment is gone. Or was it just a figment of his imagination? Did Yuuji really want to kiss him? Maybe he was just trying to get the emotion of the song across?
Megumi will never know.
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Being on stage isn't something Megumi ever imagined for himself. He isn't made for the spotlight.
But Yuuji is. And getting to see him shine is enough reason for Megumi to happily enter a stage too.
Yuuji is a star! It comes naturally to him. Anytime they go on stage, Yuuji grabs his mic, waves happily at the crowd, and greets them with his big smile, instantly winning everyone over with his sweetness.
And once he starts singing, everyone is enraptured. They couldn't ask for a better lead singer.
Yuuji has such a beautiful voice, and he exudes so much good energy. Big smiles and sparkling eyes, and he looks sexy as hell when he dances while singing! No wonder Megumi can't take his eyes off his bandmate!
Megumi does the background vocals, and he lives for the moments when Yuuji comes over to him to sing into Megumi's mic.
He's so close to Megumi then, and he smiles only for him, and his pretty honey eyes look so deeply into Megumi's while the words Yuuji sings are about being in love or confessing his feelings to his crush. It makes Megumi's heart flutter nervously in his chest.
He wishes he could just tell Yuuji how he feels about him. But Megumi isn't good with words, and so he remains silent.
He stays in the second row, watching his pink-haired whirlwind shining brighter than a million stars, winning over every crowd with ease just like he won Megumi's heart a long time ago.
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A week later, they play a gig at a local bar. Of course, Yuuji is amazing again, and Megumi can't stop drinking him in with longing gazes.
But something is different tonight. Yuuji doesn't once come over to Megumi to sing into his mic. He barely looks over his shoulder at Megumi. It makes Megumi anxious. Did he do something to upset Yuuji?
Their performance is coming to an end, and Megumi is grateful for it. Maybe he can find out what's wrong once they are off stage.
He's about to walk towards the front of the stage so they can do their usual goodbyes for the audience. But he gets stopped by Yuuji's voice addressing the crowd once again:
"Ok, listen, here's a brand new song that I wrote! It's very special to me, so I'm a bit nervous. I hope y'all like it!"
Megumi frowns. He doesn't know anything about a new song. They didn't write anything new, and also Yuuji didn't mention a new song when they planned the setlist for tonight!
But then Yuuji looks over his shoulder at Megumi and finally flashes him one of those sweet smiles, and Megumi sighs in relief. So are they ok? He smiles back and decides to just let his band leader do what he wants. Maybe Yuuji scribbled down a new song idea during lunch and wants to see how the audience likes it.
But to Megumi's surprise, Nobara and Maki start playing their instruments. Megumi seems to be the only one who didn't get the memo. This is strange... or maybe he was too distracted fantasizing about Yuuji. He really has to get a grip on himself! This is getting out of hand!
And then Yuuji starts singing, and Megumi forgets about everything else.
Yuuji doesn't look at the audience. Instead, he is looking straight at Megumi. His voice sounds so beautiful, and there's so much emotion in it that it makes tears prick at Megumi's eyes. And the lyrics...
If you love me, love me, love me, love me, let me know 'Cause I've been thinking about you, baby, when I'm all alone And I know that you don't like to be so vulnerable But if you love me, love me, love me, love me, let me know
Megumi just stands there staring at Yuuji. His heart is almost beating out of his chest.
He knows. He just KNOWS the song is about him. For him.
Because why is he the only one who doesn't know about this song? And why is Yuuji looking at him all the time? He literally sings it to Megumi!
And those words that Yuuji wrote... It's like he looked right into Megumi's soul.
Yuuji keeps on singing. He's so brave, wearing his heart on his sleeve like Megumi never could. There's no doubt. The song is definitely for Megumi.
He feels dizzy. His heart is beating way too fast, and his hands feel sweaty. But he forces himself to look into Yuuji's eyes. Let him know that he understands. That he knows the song is for him.
Yuuji sings his heart out, and it's the most beautiful thing Megumi ever saw and heard.
There is so much emotion in Yuuji's voice, but he doesn't come closer or anything, which warms Megumi's heart even more because Yuuji just gets him. He knows Megumi isn't the type for public displays of emotion.
It's not that Megumi doesn't want to go over to Yuuji and pull him into his arms and tell him that yes, he understands and yes, he loves Yuuji! But he can't do it. That's not the person he is.
But god, does Megumi WANT to do all kinds of things to Yuuji right now!
He waits until Yuuji has finished the song, and they all bow down to the audience just like every other night before leaving the stage.
But as soon as they are backstage, Megumi slams a hand in front of Yuuji to stop him from walking away.
"Hmm, yes?"
Yuuji looks at him with big honey eyes, chest heaving heavily. He looks so scared, poor baby. Why is he so nervous? Doesn't he know that he is all Megumi thinks about?
"I liked your song."
"You did? Aww, I'm glad...I.. well um...I don't know whether you could tell... but um... I wrote it for you..."
Yuuji is such a cute nervous mess! He's gesturing wildly with his hands, blushing and rubbing his nose, looking so sweet and embarrassed.
"I could tell."
"You could? That's great! That's cool! I... um.. oh god, I'm so nervous right now! I don't know why! Sorry...was it ok that I did that?? That I sang that on stage? I didn't want to make you uncomfortable! Shit, I hope it wasn't too much...Oh god, it was too much, right? I was too much...I shouldn't have...I.."
And that's when Megumi just grabs the front of Yuuji's shirt and pulls him against him, making Yuuji yelp loudly, and then he finally shuts up when Megumi presses a firm kiss on his lips.
For a split second, Megumi is terrified that maybe he misinterpreted things after all. Perhaps it was just a friendship song. What if he is making a huge fool of himself? What if he is fucking up their friendship?
But then Yuuji's fingers are in his hair, and his soft lips move against Megumi's, opening slightly. And Megumi feels like all the weight of the world is lifted off him. He twists his fingers in Yuuji's shirt and is delighted to hear a cute whimper coming from Yuuji when Megumi deepens their kiss.
He slips his tongue between Yuuji's lips, groaning softly when he feels Yuuji flick his tongue against his, licking it so gently.
They pull apart after a moment, both panting slightly.
Yuuji's pretty honey eyes open, and he blinks dazedly at Megumi. God, he looks so beautiful. Megumi can't help but smile at him.
Yuuji clears his throat and licks his pink lips with the tongue that was in Megumi's mouth just a second ago. It makes Megumi almost go feral.
"Wow... Megumi...what?...Wow...I...."
"That's what you told me to do, didn't you? That I should let you know. Well, this is me letting you know...that... that I... "
Why is it so hard to say those words out loud? But Megumi gets saved by Yuuji's body pressing against him, strong arms wrapping around him and hugging so tightly that it's kinda hard to breathe.
But it's perfect! It's everything Megumi wanted! His arms come up too and wrap around Yuuji tightly, holding him, making sure he won't go.
And then Yuuji is the one who says it:
"I love you too, Megumi."
Megumi is sure that the world stops spinning. There's only Yuuji. Only his pretty face, warm eyes, and his nervous cute smile. And his words!
He loves Megumi. He loves him. Itadori Yuuji loves Fushiguro Megumi!
It's too crazy to be true! But yet, here he is standing in front of Megumi, being so brave and handing him his heart on a silver platter.
Megumi's feeling dizzy. He opens his mouth, wanting to tell Yuuji about all the emotions running through him. The overwhelming longing that he has felt for months already, the giddiness anytime Yuuji smiles for him, the warmth in his chest when Yuuji leans against him and rests his head on Megumi's shoulder while they work on new songs. The craving he feels when Yuuji changes his clothes in front of him.
He blinks several times, totally at a loss for words. This isn't right. They didn't do it in the proper order. He was supposed to say it!
"I didn't even say it yet..."
"It's ok. The kiss counts too. Take your time. There's no pressure. Say it when you're ready."
How is Yuuji always so sweet? Always knowing Megumi so well, always going out of his way to make introverted Megumi feel comfortable and not asking too much of him.
Suddenly there's a lump forming in Megumi's throat. He's so in love with this cute pink-haired boy in front of him. He would be an idiot if he didn't let him know! He takes a deep breath.
"I am ready..."
Megumi cups Yuuji's cheek with one hand, gently tilting his face up. Blue eyes meet golden ones. And before he can lose his courage again, Megumi quickly says:
"I love you, Yuuji. Have been for months already, and I don't think I can ever stop."
And then, before his blush gets too big, he quickly seals Yuuji's sweet lips with another kiss.
Something tells Megumi that they will write lots of new songs now. Lovesongs, all of them. Probably really sappy ones.
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Thank you so much for reading! It was so nice to write Itafushi again! They are one of the ships that own my heart, and it makes me super happy to write them! I hope you enjoyed my sappy little story. Please let me know what you think. Comments and reblogs make me happy!
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
it’s Halloween time again! and the tournament is going as strong as ever
Bakugo: *writing a note...* " 'Take...more than one piece of candy...and I will hunt you down and tear your teeth out...'" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "..." *wearing cat ears* yuuji: *in a jack skellington costume*..really guys? -_-; classmate: looks good, crazy bendy. yuuji: =_______=; Aizawa: "It suits you. Just smile and sing the song." yuuji: *mutters* kill me. -elsewhere- Iida: *looking at social media* "...I am mortified." bee maid: oh dear. -a new billy mayes in the mei-king?- Iida: "She made a fool out of me! And I was her corny commercial sidekick! This is not how I wanted to be a sidekick!" bee maid: well, not much you can do now. also, your costume is back from the dry cleaners. miss yaoyorozu will be here soon. Iida: "...Thank you. I will go change." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "All set, Sonia?" sonia: *she nods* Chuuya: ^^ "You look great." sonia: isnt trick or treating tomorrow? Chuuya: "Yes, but your grandmother wanted to see how your outfit turned out..." sonia: ok! Chuuya: *holds up the phone* "Say cheese..." sonia: *smiles* -elsewhere- Mori: *giggling* elise: ._.; Mori: "Such excitement..." elise: i can tell... Mori: "Costumes...candy..." elise: murder, in your case. Mori: D:< "That's mean!" elise: but am i wrong? Mori: "Well, no--but I'm more than just murder." *holds up a doll* elise:.... 7__7; Mori: "Now, make sure you have your costume ready." *sets down the doll* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *snort, laugh* tsubaki:...black star, what the heck. Black Star: ._. "...I lost a bet to Sayaka." sayaka: i think it looks adorable! Black Star: "...Naho, what do you think?" naho: same! Black Star: ^\\\^;; "I guess I'm wearing it." Sakuya: *slapping his knee* "I-I can't breathe!" -elsewhere- Joker: *smokes* "...So, I was thinking costumes." scarlet: oh boy. *rolls eyes* Joker: *holds up a military uniform* "Red, for you." -elsewhere- Monoma: "I will have the best costume--then I will win all the attention!" pony: it looks kinda like your hero costume. Monoma: "...It's...different enough." ._.; pony: well, i think it looks swell. ^^ Monoma: "...Thank you for recognizing its goodness. Yours looks good as well." pony: thanks, my gran helped me make it. Monoma: "That was nice of her..." pony: she helped me with da shoes too. Monoma: "They're comfortable?" pony: *nods* it's hard ta find shoes fo' me cause of da hooves. i usually gettim custom. Monoma: "I see...Surprised more stores don't custom-make them." -elsewhere- Patty: *adjusts her tie* julie: *peeek* Patty: "??? Hey, Julie! Like my costume?" julie: who're ya going as? Patty: *puts on a cape* "Badass super-professional businesswoman!" *puts on the glasses* julie: neato! liz: .... is that my suit? Patty: ouo; "...Just emulating greatness, sis..." ^\\\^ liz: ^^; Patty: *hug* liz: *hug* ^^ Patty: "So, what you going as, sis?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *dressed as Tinkerbelle* gabriella: ..... ./////////////////. an excellent look. Hibana: "Why, thank you~ I wanted something for our little princess when I take her out Trick or Treating." gabriella: ^^ Hibana: "And you..." *taps Gabriella's chin* gabriella: o/////o Hibana: "Have you considered your costume?" *rests a hand along Gabriella's cheek* "A family Halloween photo would be great." -elsewhere- Arthur: *in golden armor* tamaki: are you even comfortable? Arthur: "Verily, for a knight adapts to all situations and attire." *kneels to her* "I promise." tamaki: =///=; Arthur: "And you have chosen your costume?" tamaki: yeah, im working on it. Arthur: "Oh? Well, I look forward to it...but could I have a sneak peek?" -elsewhere- Mifune: "Excited?" yuma: *nods* angela: yeeeeeah! Mifune: *smiles* "Okay. Be on your best behavior today before we head out tomorrow." -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets out Halloween cupcakes* "I think these came out okay...Want one?" aya: sure thing! Lucy: ^^ "So, you excited for your first Halloween at the Agency?" aya: *nods* Lucy: "You like the holiday? Or do you have a favorite?" *sets out cups of tea* -elsewhere- Stein: *with a flower crown* "..." aya drevis: ^^ Stein: "Does this work for this time of year?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: -\\\\- ochako: hey! glad you could make it! Todoroki: "S-Same. Sorry to keep you waiting. ...Your outfit looks good." ochako: thanks! it took a whole night with the bedazzler, but it was worth it! Todoroki: "...Yes, it is worth it. You're radiant." ochako: ^^ Todoroki: "...Well then...Shall we enter?" ochako: yeppers! Todoroki: "..." *opens the door for her* ochako: woah! cool theme this year! Todoroki: "Oh! This is surprising..." yana: *looking out over the dance floor* Iida: "Oh, hello!" yana: hmm? oh hey, just lookin for someone. Iida: "Ah. Not sure I have seen you before. I am Tenya Iida." yana: ....cool. *spots anya and goes over to her* evening. Anya: "Oh, hello! Nice costume." yana: thanks. Anya: "Were you waiting long?" yana: not too long, nah. Anya: "..." *clears her throat* "...Thirsty?" yana: sure. Anya: *walks with her* Iida: "Ah, Yaoyorozu!" momo: good evening tenya! are you enjoying the party? >///<; Iida: "Quite. The decorations are impressive. As is your outfit." momo: thank you! i worked really hard on designing it! Iida: "It paid off...So...Do you..." momo: yes! i do design my own clothes from time to time! OwO;;; Iida: "..." *smiles* "I was going to ask if you would like to dance." momo: oh.. um.. i-i would love to! o//////o Iida: *takes her hand and guides her to the dance floor* momo: *blushing wildly* (thinking: keep it together momo, just relax! you got this under control!) *The music is rather slow, as Iida guides her* -elsewhere at the dance- Bakugo: "You good at this game?" itsuka: you bet! Bakugo: "..." *smiles* "Let's see what you got." -elsewhere- shinra: how's the party? Relan: "B-Busy...Lot of people." iris: we're right here, ok? Relan: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." *offers a ghost cookie* iris: *nom* Relan: "It is a little scary here...but not so bad." *points to a decoration* "Even the werewolf decoration looks cuddly." student:... >->;; -elsewhere- Emine: "...I think the bubblegum is my favorite." lin-kimpur: *nom* ^^ Emine: "They are particularly good for getting stuck into people's hair..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...That is a...good outfit, Eijiro." eijiro: it's surprisingly comfy. Todoroki: "Then that is all that is important--" Monoma: "I COULD WEAR IT BETTER." tetsutetsu:.......*in the same costume*.... OH COME ON! eijiro: for real? this joke is getting old! Todoroki: "..." *struggling not to laugh* Monoma: "..." *snaps a picture* -later- Todoroki: "..." *ahem* "...I..." ochako: wanna dance? Todoroki: "..." *nods* "It's just...I'm not very good." ochako: i can help. ^^ Todoroki: .\\\\. "..." *offers his hand* ochako: *leading him out onto the dance floor* Todoroki: .\\\\\\\\\\\. *gulp* "Th-Thank you..." ochako: *slowly dancing with him* Todoroki: "...You have danced often?" ochako: sometimes. Todoroki: "...You're good. As far as I know..." ochako: thanks. you're not that bad yourself, actually. ^^ Todoroki: .\\\\. "...Seriously?" ochako: *smiles* ^^ Todoroki: "...Thank you for inviting me." ochako: im just glad you're having fun. ^^ Todoroki: "...No offense, but I'm surprised I am..." ochako:.... ^^ Todoroki: "...I...don't know any fancy steps, like twirls or anything." ochako: no one said you had to. ^^ Todoroki: "I-I just meant I'm not...fancy." ochako: neither am i, haha! Todoroki: "..." ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Kid: "All set?" stocking: indeed~ Kid: *smiles, as he takes her hand* stocking: ^///^ Kid: "you look beautiful." stocking: as do you~ Kid: "D'aw..." *smooch* stocking: ^////^ Kid: "...How was I so lucky to be with you?" stocking: *dips him* luck's got nothing to do with it~ Kid: .\\\\. "...God, I wish I could marry you all over again." stocking: *smoooooooooch* Kid: >\\\\< -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Say cheese!" naho: cheese! ^u^ lilac: *tiny smile* *selfie taken* Sakuya: "Looks great." -elsewhere- Ivan: TT~TT pushkin: you alright, gon? Ivan: <I have a hole in my heart.> katya: <metaphorically? or did you get shot?> Ivan: T_T; <If it was literal, would I be talking at all?> katya: <...good point. is it about the boss and the nurse again? because we already told you, he doesnt actually give a damn about her.> Ivan: <The hurt remains, though...> katya: <well, we're going to go crash a few parties via boss' orders, see what we can find out. wanna come with?> Ivan: <!!!! W-Well, if that's what Master wants, of course!> ^\\\^ katya: <OI LEO! WE'RE HEADING OUT!> leo: ....right.... .///. Ivan: <I'll get my costume!> -elsewhere- Iida: "That was enjoyable. Would you like a snack?" momo: sure. Iida: *offers a plate* "...I'm surprised you invited me." momo: o-oh? .///.; Iida: *nods* "I usually do not get invited to dates." momo: w-well, i asked you to the movie, r-right? Iida: "True. And I enjoyed it. Hence why I accepted this invitation." *takes a cookie from her plate* momo:... *smile* Iida: "I enjoy this opportunity to spend time with you." momo:... ^///^ i enjoy it too. Iida: *smiles* "So, tell me--what was your best Halloween costume?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: *sips the punch* "...Spiked." yuuji: are you..gonna be alright? ._.;;; Aizawa: "Yes, I had only a small sip. We'll just have to take away the punch before someone else drinks it--" -elsewhere- Gin: "..." higuchi: *stroking her head* Gin: *hugs her* "Thank you..." higuchi: it's going to be ok. Gin: "...I don't know how you can know that." higuchi:...i dont know either....but im here, ok? Gin: "..." *small smile* "And I'm here." -elsewhere- Chuuya: ^^ sonia: ?? Chuuya: "You're a smart, loving, great child." TTWTT sonia: *hug* it's ok, papa, please dont cry. Chuuya: "I'm just...happy with you." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *pat pat* "Just...be you, Sonia." sonia:.... ok, papa... Chuuya: *sniff, wipes his tears, smiles* "Now, then, what do you want to do?" -elsewhere- Anya: "EEEEEEEK!" yana: *staring at the fake doll*...huh. Anya: Q~Q "Such a creepy haunted house this year..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *puts on a jazz album* mary: *eating popcorn* ^^ bram: well, the boss sure knows how to throw a party... Mr. Tsubaki: *pawing at the popcorn on Mary's plate* mary: you hungry? -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...Is this a sufficient costume?" naoya: looks great. now go have fun at the dance! Akutagawa: "...I doubt I will." atsushi:... o-o;;; *takes lucy's hands and brings her into the haunted house to hide* Lucy: "?!!! Wh-What are you doing?" Akutagawa: *looks around--sees the haunted house* "...That seems cliche." atsushi: saw.. *pant* akutagawa....*pant*..i panicked. Lucy: o_____o;;; "...That is sufficient explanation...L-Let's keep walking, find a place to hide in here..." atsushi: good call... Lucy: *points* "There--it's dark, few people are there, and we can blend in..." atsushi: ok. yana:.... ?? hm? Anya: "??? Hear something?" atsushi: um...hi? yana:.... *raises a brow* hey. Lucy: .\\\. Anya: "..." -_- "How lewd." atsushi: s-so what're you doing? yana: checking out the haunted house. you? atsushi: same! nothing lewd intented! owo;; Lucy: >\\\< *pinches Atsushi's cheek* "They get it already!" Anya: "!!! What a...um, adamant person." *looks at Yana* "You know them?" yana:....*stares at atsushi* seen them in class, never really talked to them. Anya: "The same." *stares* "You're the Tiger, yes?" atsushi: ^^; you can just call me atsushi. -silence- atsushi:... ^^;;;; Anya: "...That's a surprising name." atsushi: i seem to get that a lot....and you guys are...? Anya: "Anya Hepburn--" Lucy: "--a princess." Anya: o\\\\\\\o "?!!!" atsushi: that's your costume, right? Anya: "...Y-Yes?" ^\\\\^; Lucy: "..." *suspicious eyes* yana: ..... Lucy: "...Who is your friend [Yana] supposed to be?" yana: im her prince for the night~ UuU Anya: o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o Lucy: "...Yeah, I know that feeling." *holds Atsushi's hand* atsushi: .//////////. -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *stares at Ranpo* "That candy. Was for. The Trick. Or. Treaters." ranpo:....there's still like...5 more bags. -elsewhere- Hyde: "...Why are so many people dressed like Dracula?" licht: it looks cheesy... Hyde: "No kidding. Vampires don't all look like that. Some of them got style!" misono: says the man who wears orange and black stripe socks and sneakers. Hyde: >_< "IT IS STYLE!" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Sister Reimi?" reimi: hm? Tsukiyo: *hug* reimi: o///o; um- Tsukiyo: "You look like you needed a hug." *pat pat, pulls back* reimi: um... thanks 7///7; Tsukiyo: "How you holding up?" reimi: alright. a bit...well...melancholic, but i'll be ok. Tsukiyo: "...Want to take a walk?" reimi:....sure. Tsukiyo: *smiles* "...I like walking around the village. Let's you see how much community there is here...at home." reimi: yeah.....where were you? before coming here to asakusa? Tsukiyo: "...I lived in another village, with my family...I didn't get much...attention." reimi: ... Tsukiyo: "So, I picked a spot on the map where I thought the action would be..." reimi: i see. Tsukiyo: "...Are you happy you made a life here?" reimi:...*she nods* Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Me too. Glad you're here." -elsewhere- Kid: *smooch* stocking: ^///^ Kid: "My angel..." stocking: hehe, my adorable hubby~ <3 Kid: ^\\\^ *rubs her arm* "My adorable wife~" stocking: *smoooooch* <3<3<3<3 kirika: get a room. Kid: -_-; "Could say the same to you." -elsewhere- leo: ..... Ivan: "...Huh. So, this is the atmosphere." leo:....it's rather quiet out....aside from katya and pushkin playing around on the roundabout pushkin: WOOHOO! katya: YEEE! XD Ivan: ._.;;;; "...Good for them..." leo:...it's odd, that they could find such joy out of such trivial things. Ivan: "When you're underground so long, you desire even the simplest of pleasures." leo:....i suppose. Ivan: "Like the swing set!" leo:...perhaps.....it feels....surreal. Ivan: "Like getting to enjoy something you never had before..." leo: ......i know this should be a happy moment....but i just feel tired and numb, like always. Ivan: "...Get on the swing." leo: vanya? Ivan: "I'll push you." leo: o///o a-are you sure? Ivan: "Why not? It'll be fun!" leo: ..... .///. i-i guess... -elsewhere- FD: *taps* zoey: *nuzzling his leg* master~ barkova: =D FD: "..." *grabs a chew toy* barkova: *excited panting* 8D FD: *tosses the chew toy* barkova: *chasing it, barking* zoey: ~? FD: "There..." *strokes Zoey's head* zoey: ah~ FD: *scratches behind her ear* zoey: ahhh~<3 FD: *traces his fingers around her neck* zoey: *soft moan* FD: "Is this good?" *squeezes lightly* zoey: ah~ y-yes~ FD: *his hands rest on her shoulders, massaging them* -elsewhere- Todoroki: ^\\\^ "And...that was the penguin costume one year..." ochako: aww, how adorable! ^^ Todoroki: "I even...made an ice slide to do a penguin belly slide..." ochako: *snort chuckle* oh my gosh. >u< Todoroki: "O-Okay...Now you have to tell me about one of your costumes." ochako: hmmm. well, there was the one year i was dressed as a hoagie. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *sniffs the air* classmate: um....araragi are you oka- Akutagawa: *breathes steam out of his nostrils* "The scent..." classmate:... alright what the fuck araragi? Akutagawa: "I know where he is...The haunted house..." atsushi: *tiger senses* O-O;;;; oh.... oh no. Lucy: "??? What?" atsushi: i think we should go now. very very quickly! Lucy: "O-Okay?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: =w= louisa: you sure tired yourself out, huh? Mr. Tsubaki: *yawn* louisa:....did mary even give you a name? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." >_> louisa: hmmm. wait right there. -she exits the room- Mr. Tsubaki: "...???" *looks around* -silence fills the room- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sets his head down* T_T louisa: so she didnt give you a name....hmmm how about- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks up at her* "..." louisa: hmmm... Mr. Tsubaki: *small fox whine, pawing at her* louisa: hmm? is something wrong? Mr. Tsubaki: *nudges her* louisa: how about toby? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *head tilt* louisa: ^^ toby it is then. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *rubs against her leg* louisa:.... ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "We're back!" himawari: welcome home! lilac: *asleep* naho: he really tuckered himself out, huh, sakkun? Sakuya: "Yeah--" *yawn* lavender: you kids get some sleep, ok? Sakuya: *nods* "We will...Night." Black Star: *looks around* tsubaki: ?? Black Star: "..." *smiles at her, takes her hand* tsubaki:... *smiles* Black Star: *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- katya: *drunk* mush! mush boy mush! pushkin: ^^; *giving her a piggy back ride back to base* Ivan: "They seemed pleased..." leo: yeah... Ivan: "...Anywhere you wanted to stop on the way back?" leo:...no. Ivan: "...Not even for candy?" leo:....im good, thanks. Ivan: "...Do you want a piggy back ride?" leo: i-i wouldnt want to trouble you... 7///7; Ivan: "I doubt it would be a problem--you look to be of low weight." leo:............. *looks down*....... ._.; Ivan: "???" leo:...n-nothing. 7/////7;;; Ivan: "...I have strong limbs." leo: im more concerned for your back- Ivan: "...Ah. Good point. Thanks for watching out for me, friend." leo:....r-right.... (chibi!leo: *AXED IN THE FACE* </3 ) Ivan: *sad sigh* leo: ?? vanya? Ivan: "He's probably with that slut." leo:.... Ivan: "I bet he doesn't even like doing her." leo: ........ Ivan: "Probably just having sex with her to infect her with something..." leo:............. Ivan: "..." TT_TT leo:....*holding his hand* Ivan: *covers his face with his other hand* "Th-Thanks..." leo:... .///////////////////////////////.;;;;;;;;; Ivan: "I just want to get home and crawl into bed..." leo: i know how that feels.... Ivan: *nod nod* "Just sleep..." -elsewhere- Lucy: ._.; "...Think we lost him?" atsushi: i think so... Akutagawa: "Hello." atsushi: O________________O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Lucy: *stands in front of Atsushi* "You want him?! You're going to have to go through my dead--" Akutagawa: *grabs Lucy by the head--and tosses her back* atsushi: *runs* lucy! *nice catch* Lucy: "...WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY?! YOU DON'T JUST TOSS A LADY AROUND--" Akutagawa: "I don't see a lady. I see an interloping, shrewish, nagging red-haired devil." atsushi: just what is your problem, man? Akutagawa: "I am lonely." atsushi: is this about me rejecting you? Akutagawa: "...Why are you with her, and not me?" Lucy: "..." *taking off her earrings* atsushi: well, for starters, she doesnt try to kill me and my friends time and time again. *sigh* how many times do i have to go over this with you? Akutagawa: "Until she is out of the way, and you are mine--!" Lucy: *hands Atsushi her earrings* atsushi: ..... Akutagawa: "--to make you be mine and mine alone, forever and ever, until--" Lucy: *pulls back her fist--and punches Akutagawa in the balls* atsushi: *wince* Akutagawa: X~X *collapses* Lucy: "DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME A NAG, YOU AWFUL, MEAN PERSON!" atsushi:....he needs some help, big time. Lucy: =_= "...Take an arm, let's get him to the infirmary..." -elsewhere- Dazai: ^W^ kirako: you seem pleased. Dazai: "I just had a sense that something improved out there in the vast universe." kirako:.... ?? Dazai: "Like karma paid back someone..." *sits back* "Or maybe I'm just hungry." -elsewhere- FD: *sighs* pushkin: we're back! katya: <verbaaank...> Ivan: ._. leo: katya's drunk, but she didnt kill anyone. FD: "Well, that's good to know." leo: and miss lewis? FD: "Asleep." Ivan: OWO leo:....i see. FD: *nods* "Likely best you all get your rest." -elsewhere- Spirit: *covered in broken eggs* -___-; sachiko: ^^; i guess some people dont realize that trick or treat is _tomorrow_ night, huh? Spirit: "No kidding..." *grabs a towel* "Little brats..." sachiko: i'll get the shower for you. Spirit: "Thanks." -elsewhere- Yumi: *cuddle* lord death: ~<3 Yumi: *sighs* "Quiet..." lord death: indeed. Yumi: "..." *pulls the bedsheet over them* lord death:....*holds her* Yumi: *murmurs* "You cutie..." lord death:...i worry about you. Yumi: "???" lord death:....please stay safe.... Yumi: "...Death, no..." *holds onto him* lord death: s-sorry.....just overthinking again.... Yumi: *sniff* lord death: i didnt mean to frighten you... Yumi: *holds on tightly* "Just...stay here...tonight." lord death:....of course. Yumi: "..." *rests her head against his chest* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *sets down his mug of milk* -...- {Kunikida: "...I screwed up...so badly..."} {yosano: ....you didnt know, dont beat yourself up over it...} {-it was a joint funeral for rokuzo and nobuko-} {Kunikida: "...I should have known. I should have anticipated...planned for it...something...I..."} -knocks- Kunikida: "..." *wipes his eyes* "Come in." aya: you ok? Kunikida: "...Just thinking." aya: 'bout what? Kunikida: "...Someone who died." aya:......oh. Kunikida: "Sorry. I still think about them..." aya: who? Kunikida: "...A client...and a former associate." aya:...oh... Kunikida: "..." *puts his head in his hands* aya:...*hug* Kunikida: *small shiver* aya: i dont know what all happened, but i think you're doing swell. Kunikida: "..." *frozen...crying* aya: .....*huuug* Kunikida: "..." *hugs her back* -elsewhere- Lucy: -_-;;;; "That was annoying." atsushi: yeah. he need serious help, mentally. Lucy: "We keep talking about that--and it's not happening. Not like we can force him into therapy." atsushi: im beginning to worry he's never going to get over it... Lucy: *sighs* "That is...depressing, even for him." odasaku: ... Lucy: "...Thanks for saving me." atsushi:....no problem. same to you. Lucy: "..." *small fist bump* "Good team." atsushi: *smiles* Lucy: "..." *smiles back* ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki: .....*tucks him in* Black Star: =w= *sleeps more calmly* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looking up at the Moon* mary:... ?? what's wrong, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *finally notices Mary, looks at her* "???" mary: you look sad... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." TT_TT *nudges Mary* mary: *pap pap* Mr. Tsubaki: *fox chittering...rests his head on her lap* YY~YY -early morning- Kid: =w= stocking: did that feel good~? Kid: "Divine..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ happy birthday, kiddo~ Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: u///u Kid: "...I never thought it would be like this..." stocking: well, here we are. *kiss* Kid: -\\\\\- "..." *sniff, holds onto her* stocking: *rubs his back* Kid: "...Do I deserve this?" stocking: of course you do. i love you. Kid: "I-I love you..." *nuzzles close to her* -elsewhere- Iida: "..." tensei:....something up? Iida: "Just...have had a lot on my mind since the dance." tensei: like what? Iida: "...A classmate has invited me for two dates now." tensei: oh? Iida: *nods* "And I have quite enjoyed myself. I just...still feel surprised to be invited at all." -elsewhere- Anya: *folding her clothes* bailey: soooo i heard you had Anya: O\\\\\\\\\o "WH-WHAT HAVE YOU HEARD?!" ao: oh my, what's this now~?a date last night~ Anya: >\\\\< "NOTHING HAPPENED!" tsugumi: it's like cinderella! only with the prince leaving after midnight? Meme: "Did you leave your prince your slipper?" Anya: *covering her ears* "La la la! Can't hear you!" -elsewhere- FD: "Any useful information gathered?" yana: *showing him the notes she took* FD: "Hmm...What's this chart with the lines connecting names?" yana: hmm? *looks* FD: " 'Yana and Anya'?" yana: ... that's irrelevant. let me just.... FD: "Is this what the kids call a 'shipping chart'?" yana:.... j-just something i did in my spare time... 7-7;;; it's just observations! =3=; FD: "..." *pats her head* yana:....are you trying to make this weirder than it is? if so, you're succeeding. FD: "...Yes. Now, tell me about this one..." *taps his finger on 'Momo'* -elsewhere- Higan: "Here's your tea." tsubaki: thanks. Higan: "You're welcome. Get any sleep?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *staring in awe* "...This may be the perfection of breakfast foods." *it's a breakfast burrito* bram:...*sweatdrop* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Excited for today?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: *smiles* "We'll visit some houses, get some candy...You'll get to see other children." sonia: *smile* Chuuya: ^^ "Just be sure to not eat too much--I'm going to hold you to a maximum pieces of candy." -elsewhere- Arthur: *asleep...in a suit of armor...full of candy* shinra:................... Relan: ._. "...Where did he get all that candy?" -elsewhere- Patty: "Got the gifts wrapped?" liz: all set. Patty: "Hee hee...So cool...Think he'll like them?" liz: im sure of it. Patty: "..." *holds up her hand for a high five* -high five!- Patty: ^W^ "Best sisters!" liz: hell yeah. Patty: *lifts up the gifts* "When we giving them to him? At the dinner?" -elsewhere- Poe: *writing notes in his journal* emilia: *snoozing* Poe: *smiles lightly, as he closes his journal and opens the cupboard, removing tea cups and a kettle* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Excited for tonight?" atsushi: yeah, it's my first-time trick-or-treating. ^^; Dazai: "I think you'll like it. You bringing Kyoka and Lucy along?" atsushi: *nods* kenji, ranpo, and aya are coming with too. Dazai: "Oh, good." *serious face* "Ranpo is going to steal all of your candy." atsushi: ._.; we'll keep him on a short leash. Dazai: "And a muzzle." -elsewhere- Mori: *tapping a skeleton toy* -.....- Mori: "...Little trinket. Popular in this town." miura: so i see. Mori: "...Except this toy does this--" *He pushes the head, and the eyes light up and the skeleton lets out a small shriek* "...If I pushed down on your head..." miura: no. Mori: "...If I asked Motojirou to add that feature--" miura: *up in his face* no. Mori: .____. "..." *his finger hovers over her nose* miura: do not. Mori: "Boop." *presses* -elsewhere- Joker: "I think going out for a drink tonight is as good as any." ivy: yeah, sounds good. Joker: "And we can dress up--" scarlet: ....... Joker: *holds up a pair of goggles and a cap* "These can work for you, Red." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." julie: ?? Kid: "??? Oh, hello." *smiles* "How are you, Julie?" julie: excited! Kid: "Oh? Why's that?" julie: halloween today! Kid: ^^ "That's right...You ready for trick or treating?" julie: mmhmm! dad's gonna go with me. Kid: "That's good...You have fun, okay?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: >____< naoya: come on, the party will help you get your mind off things. Akutagawa: "...The last social gathering ended with me punched in the testicles. Again." naoya: hey, you'll be fine, ok? Akutagawa: *grumble grumble* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *slicing apples* ranpo: *in dino suit* Kyoka: "...Why a giant lizard?" ranpo: excuse you? im a dino! >3< Kyoka: "...Oh. Sorry." *puts detective hat onto the top of his outfit* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Does this outfit actually look 'Halloween-y'?" kirei: ^^ it's fitting. Benimaru: "Hmmm....I just feel really pale like this..." -elsewhere- Hiro: *pulling on his costume* hime: ?? Hiro: *his voice muffled* "I hope this is impressive--I spent so much time on this, it's like I've been locked away for months..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Oh, hey, Naho." naho: hiya! atsushi: *waves* Sakuya: "Yo. What you up to for All Hallows' Eve?" atsushi: trick-or-treating. it's the first time i've gone. ^^; naho: neato! Lucy: "Same...You all doing the same?" naho: you bet! ^^ Lucy: "Cool! Maybe we'll see you out there?" naho: maybe! Lucy: ^^ Sakuya: "..." *looks at Atsushi* "What're you going as?" atsushi: im just going as a cowboy. Sakuya: "Ah...That's cool." -elsewhere- shaula: *HURK* ugh...fucking sea sickness... Medusa: "Oh, what's wrong? Baby scorpion couldn't find a frog to ride on?" shaula: *flips her off* no, cause your frog ran off with a wolfman. Medusa: "Oh, what's wrong? Baby scorpion couldn't find a frog to ride on?" shaula: *flips her off* no, cause your frog ran off with a wolfman. Alone: *angry twitching* milia: OwO;;; *nudges closer to nals* Nals: "Don't go near that one--he's crazy." Alone: "Sh-She would've been mine--if she had just seen..." shaula: oh shaddap, it's bad enough the fake reaper does that shit. Mad!Kid: *heavy breathing* shaula:...*shudders* freaky. Mad!Kid: "I can help with your seasickness..." shaula: PASS. Mad!Kid: "But I was going to put you out of your misery--" shaula: im cured it's a miracle bye! *walks off very quickly* Mad!Kid: "...Just trying to be helpful." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Got your hot chocolate." kim: awesome! Jacqueline: "How's work been?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "This costume is so good..." *wraps his hand* -knock- Dazai: "Coming!" *then sees his hands are tied together* "..." *manages to put his tied hands along the knob, manages to turn the knob to open the door* "Hey there--" kirako: need help? -she’s dressed as catwoman- Dazai: OWO "..." *nod nod nod* "Yeah, I'm all tied up--and not in a fun way. Great costume..." kirako: ^^; Dazai: "Looking forward to the party...My mummy costume will be killer." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How you holding up?" felisia: alright. exhausted though. Mephisto: "...What may I get you?" felisia: mint choco ice cream with pepper on it. Mephisto: owo;;;; "...Of course~" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, walking through the halls...looks at a door: "DO NOT ENTER"* "...???" -it's just storage- Tsubaki: -_-; ("...Boring.") *nudges a box* -elsewhere- Hyde: *adjusts his tie, then combs his hair* "...All set." licht: what are you supposed to be, a disappointment? Hyde: -____-; "No. I'm a hot Halloween date." licht:....is your date blind? Hyde: "WHAT IF THEY ARE?! SHUT UP!" licht:........ Hyde: "You should try dating. She may have a sibling or a friend." licht: i will accompany your date to protect them from you. Hyde: -_-; "...Your confidence in me is remarkable." licht: on this night where demons stalk, an angel must come forwards. i....*pose* am that angel. Hyde: "..." *claps* "Okay, that was awesome!" julian: ^^; *DING DONG* Hyde: "THAT'S MY DATE!" romina: ya- girl: yo motherfuckers. Hyde: OWO "You made it! Welcome!" kranz: .________.;;;; Hyde: "Ready to go?" *looks behind her* "Or you bring someone else?" -elsewhere- Kid: "..." liz: happy birthday! Kid: ^^ "Thank you..." stocking: happy birthday! Kid: "Hee hee..." *hug* lord death: ^^ Kid: "Father..." *hug* lord death: ^^ happy birthday, son. Kid: "Thank you...for being my father." lord death: ....of course. Kid: -w- -elsewhere- Kyoka: *holds up her bag* "Give me candy." house owner: ._.; atsushi: she means 'trick or treat'. owner: ah, here you go kids. aya: awesome! ranpo: yis! kenji: thanks ma'am! Lucy: "Thank you!" atsushi: where to next? Kyoka: *holds up the map* "If we go to that house, they have whole chocolate bars." atsushi: alright then! Lucy: *follows* "Hope I have enough bags. Anne, how many more do we have left?" -elsewhere- sonia: *holding chuuya's hand* Chuuya: "And we look at both sides before crossing..." *looks...starts walking* "You excited?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "I think you'll get a lot of candy. Want to ring the door bell?" sonia:...c-could you please? Chuuya: "Sure!" *presses the doorbell* sonia: trick or treat! *A face peeks through the barely opened door* Neighbor: "Don't got any--go away!" sonia:.....*staaaaaaare* Chuuya: "...Hey, come on, buddy--it's Halloween. You know, for the kids--" *Door slammed into Chuuya's face* sonia: ....another house? Chuuya: "..." *smiles at Sonia* "One moment." *looks at the door...and rips it off its hinges* sonia: ... Neighbor: "?!! Hey! What the hell are you--" Chuuya: *death glare* Neighbor: "!!!!" Chuuya: "Apologize." sonia: *puppy eyes* Neighbor: "H-Hey, dude! I'm sorry I slammed the door in your--" Chuuya: "To. Her." sonia: ..... Neighbor: "..." Q_____Q *hands her a whole bag of lollipops* sonia: thank you. Neighbor: "Y-You're welcome." Chuuya: "...I'll fix your door on the way out..." -elsewhere- Gin: "Ready?" higuchi: yeah. -the party seems to be doing well- ayako: WOOT! Motojiro: -_-;;;; "Keep her away from the soda..." higuchi: ^^; Akutagawa: "..." elise: ?? Akutagawa: "Hmph." *crosses his arms* elise: well arent _you_ just grouchy. =3= Akutagawa: "Don't you have dolls to play with?" elise: well, the old man said he'd take us trick or treating in a moment. you in or out? Akutagawa: "I don't--" Gin: "He's in." Akutagawa: "?!!" hirotsu: excellent. Q: ^^ Akutagawa: -____-;;; -elsewhere- Relan: "Ready?" shinra: *nods* Relan: "Okay..." *rings the doorbell* sachiko: hello? Relan: "...Trick or treat?" owo; sachiko: ah! here you kids go. shinra: thanks! Relan: "Thank you, ma'am." ^W^ -elsewhere- child: *aiming an egg at a familiar house...* "Watch this, buddy..." child 2: *giggles* Poe: *chilly, serene, calm voice* -w-# "And what are you youngsters up to?" child 2: *SCREAM* Child 1: o____O "..." *drops the egg* "RUN!" lana: edgar? did something happen out there? Poe: ^W^ "Just some visitors." *holds up an egg* lana: *chuckles* Poe: "Just scared them off. I'm sure they'll be gone--" *SPLAT* lana: D8< HEY! Child 1: "Hee hee--" Poe: *his hair is over one eye...and his other eye...is on fire* child 2: *has run off already* Child 1: ._. "..." *runs* Poe: "YOU COME HERE AGAIN, AND I'LL FEED YOU TO MY GHOST DOG!" *stamps his foot* lana: *sigh* need me to help you wash up? Poe: "..." T__T *nod nod* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *at the grocery* "...But why do they have Christmas items out already?" worker: welcome to retail, dude. Fitzgerald: "...Huh. ...So..." *excited* "When does the Halloween candy go on sale?!" -elsewhere- Anya: .___. rowena: ?? Anya: *looking around* "..." rowena: is something wrong? Anya: "No...Just...thought I felt someone watching." rowena:... *looking around* Anya: "..." {Anya: "Did you enjoy the dance?"} {yana: yeah, it was fun.} {Anya: "Yeah! ...Well, thanks for keeping me company. Are you walking home?"} {yana: yeah. see ya later?} {Anya: *nods* "You going out for Halloween?"} {yana:...not sure.} {Anya: "Well, there's always Trick or Treating. Can get candy..."} {yana:...i'll think 'bout it.} {Anya "...Okay." *smiles, waves* "I'll walk back to the dormitory. Good night!"} {yana: *waves and walks off*} -...- Anya: *sighs* -elsewhere- FD: *looking at cameras* "...So many costumes." yana: mmhmm. *throwing darts on the dart board, with a few pictures on it* FD: *looks at the pictures* -the pictures are of various members of both the mafia and the agency- FD: "Who's at the bullseye?" yana:...*throwing a dart...right at fukuzawa's picture* -elsewhere- fukuzawa: !!!! Kunikida: "??? Sir?" fukuzawa:....n-nothing, just felt uneasy... Kunikida: "...Some tea?" fukuzawa:.....yes, thank you. Kunikida: *pours* "...I am onto something regarding our Rat problem." fukuzawa: oh? Kunikida: "I have been tracking new individuals passing our office, writing an algorithm." fukuzawa: *listening* Kunikida: "It predicts paths they walk, destinations...and origins." fukuzawa: hmm... Kunikida: "Eventually, points will accumulate on the map--with the larger dots on it indicating origins and destinations most common for people near us. We can use this information to get a better prediction who is interested in spotting our offices." fukuzawa: i see. Kunikida: "I also have set up some photo-recognition software, in case certain individuals keep stopping by..." *passes a photograph, showing Lucy* -ID: Lucy Maud Montgomery- Kunikida: "...Former members of the Guild deserve some added attention." fukuzawa: hmm.. Kunikida: "It is especially important, with so many people wearing masks tonight." -elsewhere- Kid: *sips his drink* stocking: beautiful night out, huh? Kid: *smiles* "Yes..." *reaches for her hand* stocking: *holding his hand* Kid: *rubs her hand* "...Thanks." stocking: ^^ Kid: "...It is surreal." stocking: hmm? Kid: "I just...can't believe this is my life." stocking: well, it is. *smiles* Kid: "...I feel like I don't deserve it." stocking: *sighs and hugs him* you do deserve it, ok? Kid: *sniff* *hug* stocking: *kiss* i love you, always, ok? Kid: T\\\T *nods, kisses back* -elsewhere- Lucy: "--eleven, twelve--thirteen bags full of candy!" aya: neato! kenji: ^^ Kyoka: "Shall we return to the Agency--or try one more house?" ranpo: i saved the best for last! Lucy: "Oh?" ranpo: lo and behold! -it's poe's house- Kyoka: "...Oh." Lucy: "..." *rubs her arms* "D-Did it get c-colder here?" ._.; atsushi: didnt rowena say the house is full of ghosts too? Kyoka: *shiny eyes* Lucy: O_O;; kenji: cool! Lucy: *pushes Atsushi forward* "Y-You ring the bell..." atsushi: ok? *knocks* *The door inches open* atsushi: hello? ranpo: hey poe! hope ya dont mind us dropping by! *wind is heard rustling* ranpo: ?? aya: hello? *steps inside* Lucy: Q~Q *chains are heard rattling* atsushi: 0w0; *ghostly moans are heard* Kyoka: "...???" ranpo: hey poe? you in? *something is dripping on the table...it's red* aya: O_O; ranpo:...did you spill jello or something, poe? Lucy: *clutching Atsushi* *giggling is heard right over Aya's shoulder* aya: *looks* Poe: *standing, giggling, as his hands are elbow-deep in red* "Hee hee hee..." atsushi: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* aya: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! Lucy: *clutching Atsushi* "EEEEEEEEEEK!" Kyoka: "..." kenji: ? ranpo: OuO;;;; lana: edgar? did someone come in? Poe: "Hee hee..." *flips a light switch, smiles at Lana* "Yes! We have guests! And I'm just about done crushing the grapes." atsushi: *phew* aya: >3<; ranpo: oh, so no jelly? boo. fran: you rang? Lucy: Q________Q "...I'm going to pee myself..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *revving up a motorcycle--decorated in skulls* sayu: woah. Vulcan: "I think this suits Halloween..." *puts on a skull mask* sayu: ghost rider! Vulcan: "Bingo!" *sits on the cycle, revs it* "I just couldn't get the mask to light up on fire--without killing myself." sayu: OuO ? Vulcan: "...I mean, I don't have flame abilities. Actually, does anyone with flame abilities just light up their head?" sayu: probably! but i dont have flame abilities either, so i dunno. Vulcan: "...How are you in physical work?" -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "..." *hugs himself* pandora: *asleep* Mad!Kid: *shivers* "..." ("I will return to her...") -silence- Mad!Kid: "..." ("He's probably with her...He'll be the first to go.") -elsewhere- Kid: *shivers* stocking: hmm? kid? Kid: "...S-Sorry. Just felt cold." stocking: it's ok. -elsewhere- soul:....*staring up at the moon* .... {Maka: "Are you even listening to me?"} {soul: *mumble* its 7 am, lemme sleep... zzz} {Maka: -_-# *grabs his ankle*} {soul: noooo...} soul:....*looks at his hand* ...... *gets up and heads to the DWMA training room* -and so- soul: *stretch* alright...let's to this. *slicing at dummies* {Maka: "Good slice!"} *eyes are focused on Soul* soul: thanks... *back slashes another dummy* {Maka: "Behind you!"} *A hand reaches for him...* soul: ?! *turns and blocks* ???: "EEK!" *pulls back their hand* "I-I didn't want to get it sliced off!" soul: !! sorry, you kind of startled me. ???: *small whimper* soul: ?? h-hey, you ok? *letting his eyes adjust to see the person* ???: "I-I just was lost and heard the noise in here..." soul: wait....hiro? Hiro: "Y-Yeah, it's me..." soul: ah....you come for some late night training too? Hiro: *shrugs* "N-Now and then?" soul: ah, cool. Hiro: "..." *puts on his gloves, approaches a punching bag* soul:...did you graduate with us or not? Hiro: ^^; "I thought I would...but I missed some credits because of a paperwork error." soul: that's rough, buddy. Hiro: *punching the bag* "Oh, you know--I'm just rolling with the punches--" *the bag swings back, hitting him in the face* soul: *wince* arent we all? *helps him up* Hiro: "Thanks..." *rubs his bruised cheek* "Guess I hit harder than I thought..." soul: maybe you could be a fisticuffs meister like kilik? Hiro: "...Know any weapons that fit onto hands?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "You happy?" hanako: *nods* i had so much fun! Hibana: "D'aw! I'm glad." ^^ hanako: i saw so many other kids today! Hibana: "Do you like hanging out with kids your age?" hanako: *nods* Hibana: *pats her head* "We'll have to get you more playdates." -elsewhere- Relan: *drops the bag of candy on the living room table* "Holy moley, that's a lot..." shinra: so tired... Relan: "..." *pats a hand on the couch* shinra: *lays down* =w= iris: ^^ Relan: *pats Iris's shoulder, as he strokes Shinra's head* shinra:....zzzzz Relan: *small forehead kiss* -elsewhere- Mori: "Hee hee hee..." -...- Mori: "...." *looks around* "...Why am I laughing to myself?" -......- Mori: "..." *tosses his mask onto the couch, exits his office* -the hall is silent- Mori: >3< "Boring..." elise: ?? Mori: "Is everyone still out?" elise: miura's charging, so yeah. besides the guards. Mori: "..." *waves a hand in front of Miura's eyes* miura: *charging* Mori: "..." *removes a permanent marker* miura: do not Mori: OwO;;; -early morning- Kid: "Zzzzz..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: *wrinkles his nose* "Mmmmm..." *instinctively hugs her* stocking: u///u *snuggle* Kid: "Stocking..." *rubs her back* -elsewhere- Hyde: "Zzzz..." licht:...*sigh* honestly... Hyde: *hedgehog yawn* "..." *looks around* "...How did I get here?" licht: that demon delinquent tricked us, attempted to rob us, i chased her off because im an angel. Hyde: "...Huh. Did she take my record collection?" licht: she didnt take anything. Hyde: "Well, that's good...Did she leave her number?" licht:.... *le tosses hyde out the window* Hyde: O_o *flaps his arms--and falls like a brick* *CRASH* Hyde: "...Owie." -elsewhere- Dazai: *stretches* kirako: zzzz Dazai: "..." *cuddles* kirako: =w= Dazai: "Hello, kitty..." *rubs a finger behind her ear* kirako: morning. Dazai: "Sleep well?" *rests his head on her shoulder* kirako: yeah. and you? Dazai: "..." *kisses her shoulder* kirako: hehe, well you're sure affectionate this morning. Dazai: "...Yeah." *smiles, kisses her cheek* kirako: ^^; Dazai: "...Want some breakfast?" *sits up, rubbing her back* -elsewhere- Poe: *humming, as he pours orange juice* henry: did you get rowena's present? Poe: *nods* "And wrapped." henry: ^^ Poe: "So, when shall we give her the gifts?" -elsewhere- FD: *washing his face* -....- FD: "..." *looks in the mirror* "..." -what do you see?- {FD: *staring at his reflection in his glass of water* "..."} {barkova: *chewing on a stale loaf of bread*} {FD: "...You got some teeth on you."} {barkova: hehe...*nom nom*} {FD: "...Hey..." *slides his glass of water to her* "Dunk the bread in there. It'll soften it."} {barkova: OuO *dunk and nom* ^^} {FD: "...See? You can learn."} {barkova: ^^} {FD: "...What's your name?"} {barkova: <anna.>} {FD: <Fyodor.> *offers his hand*} -...- FD: "..." *towels off, opens the door* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *staring at his phone* *checks messages* ochako: [how was the movie marathon?] Todoroki: "..." *small smile* [lengthy. fell asleep after the third. how was your halloween?] ochako: [went T-r-T-ing with the squad] Todoroki: "..." [did you get good candy?] ochako: [yep!] Todoroki: [that's good. which is your favorite?] -elsewhere- Chuuya: *vacuuming* sonia: zzzzz mito: *mreow* Chuuya: *turns off the vacuum* "Sorry, Mito--the vacuum scaring you?" mito: *scared kitty sounds* Chuuya: "..." *holds his palm up in front of her* mito:...*nuzzles her head against his hand* Chuuya: *smiles, pets her* "It's okay." mito:...*purr* Chuuya: *small chin scratch* mito: =w= Chuuya: "I'll finish up the old fashion way..." *dons an apron, mask, and a cloth with a stick* -elsewhere- Patty: "And with Halloween behind us, you know what's coming up next, right?" julie: christmas! Wes: "..." *glaring* "We meet again, you bastard." riley: ?? *looks at who wes is talking to* *He's talking to a banjo* Wes: "You have an awful sound that I just cannot master! Why?! It should be like playing a violin!" riley:....*sweatdrop* Wes: "...ANSWER ME, YOU CONFOUNDED INSTRUMENT OF MAYHEM!!!" -elsewhere- Joker: *holding up animal crackers, slurring his words* "Then the happy bunny says hello to the happy bear...but, 'Oh no!'" *bites the head off the rabbit cracker* scarlet:.......how many did he have? Bartender: "Three beers, one shot, and a Diet Coke--" scarlet:....good god. Joker: "Then the bunnies return! And they murder the bear! ARG! RAWR! Blood! Intestines!" *munches the bear cracker* -elsewhere- Hibana: YY~YY gabriella: tired? Hibana: *nods* "I want to lie down..." -elsewhere- mikan: *letting asura rest his head on her lap* Asura: Q____Q mikan: *humming* Asura: *closes his eyes* "Th-Thanks..." heibito: da? Asura: "..." *pats his head* heibito: =w= mikan: hard to believe he's going to be 2 years old in a few days... Asura: "He's a growing boy..." mikan: ^^ Asura: "...He's beautiful." mikan: he has your eyes. heibito: hehe! Asura: "Your laugh..." -elsewhere- Poe: *raking the front lawn* "There...One large pile of leaves raked--" emilia: *peeek* Poe: "??? Emilia?" *holds up a leaf* "You see how the colors were changing?" emilia: *nod* Poe: "That's the chlorophyll in them, dying." emilia:.... ??? molly:....*looks at lana* i worry for your future children. lana:.... ^^;;;;; Poe: "--and it feeds the tree." *sweeps his hand* "And the tree stores all that food to survive through winter." emilia: ...cool. Poe: "I know! It's so fascinating! I once wrote a story about how the age of the tree was integral to the treasure buried under it--" emilia: buried treasure?! *shiny eyes* Poe: "It's an entertaining story--at least, I think so. I have the book, if you want to read it." -elsewhere- Anya: "LET GO OF IT!" Fitzgerald: "NO, YOU!" shinoa: oh my, what's going on? misono: *pinches nose* there's more than just one of those things... -_-; Anya: "THIS ONE HAS MY FAVORITE FLAVORS!" Fitzgerald: "THIS ONE HAS MY FAVORITE COLORS!" misono: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." *touching his face* -...- {Shamrock: *gasping*} {-no one else is there....only him and the vampire before him....-} {Vampire: *smiles--as he holds up his sword* "Did they leave you by yourself?...Heartless."} {Shamrock: "..." *collapses to his knees* "Th-There had to be a reason...What was it...?"} {Vampire: "...There is none. No reason to betray. To kill. But to not forgive, even someone you despise..."} {Shamrock: "..."} {Vampire: "The saddest thing...is the failure to understand each other. There is no justice. Nobody can change how you were wounded. I cannot tell you not to be hurt by that. It's fine if you want to scream, 'I hurt!'"} {Shamrock: *shudder, tearing up*} {Vampire: "...If there are people who say those things to you...I will strike them for you. Now--"} {*BANG*} {Vampire: "?!!" *shocked...then looks sad* "...I will give you a new name."} naho: sham? Shamrock: "...Hmm?" naho: you ok? Shamrock: "...Yes. Thank you." *rubs his eye* naho:...*hug* you're important to us, ok? >u< Shamrock: "..." *sniff* *pat pat* "Th-Thanks..." naho: ^^ Shamrock: "I-I will make tea..." -elsewhere- Johannes: OWO metsu: ....yes? Johannes: *holds up crayons* metsu: .....are you going somewhere with this, doctor? Johannes: "Let me draw you!" metsu: um.....alright? sounds harmless enough. Johannes: "--in this." *holds up a dress* metsu:....spoke too soon. -elsewhere- Kid: *wearing his new birthday sweater* .______. kirika: *snickers* Kid: "I...don't know what to say." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *soaked* -___- aya: what happened to you? Kunikida: "Someone dumped a bucket of water onto me--then dropped the bucket onto my head." aya: yikes. Kunikida: "I gathered some clues to their identity, starting with fingerprints on the bucket and this hair sample..." aya: *peeks* *The hair is purple* aya: dr yosano! Kunikida: "Hmm...What is the motive?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets down a plate of fries* "Okay...We need to talk." atsushi:.....*sweating violently* Q~Q;;;; Lucy: "There's a play about one of my favorite books...and I want to go. And it's fancy." atsushi: oh...sure! *internal sigh of relief* Lucy: "So you will need a suit. And a taser." atsushi: ok- wait taser? Lucy: "I am not having that shadowy jerk ruin our date and my play." -_- atsushi: right... ^^; ehehe.. ^^; i knew that. Lucy: "..." *rests her head on his shoulder, takes a fry* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *wearing cat ears* elise: ^^ Mori: "See? It's all going according to plan..." Gin: "...What plan?" Akutagawa: "I have no idea--and it's scaring me." elise: i think rintarou's off his meds tbh. Mori: OWO;;;; "...Ha ha ha! I don't know what she means--" Gin: "Please, sir, go lie down..." miura: get some rest. Mori: "I CAN LIVE FOREVER--" *collapses* miura: *sighs and carries him to bed* kouyou: ..... *concerned* Mori: *muttering in his sleep* kouyou: ..... *sigh* Mori: "Rin..." miura: ?? Mori: "Rintarou..." miura: ..... Mori: "Rintarou is a good boy..." miura:..... Mori: *holds onto Miura* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Stein: "..." aya drevis:...? Stein: "...A new mission." aya drevis: where? Stein: "Germany..." aya drevis: back at home, then... Stein: "...Yes." *lights another cigarette* aya drevis: so valentine and i are holding down the fort then? Stein: "I'm afraid so." *puffs* -elsewhere- Mifune: "...Your house seems...highly occupied." tsubaki: ^^; naho: didnt i see you feeding stray cats the other day? Mifune: "??? No. I was at home yesterday." naho: hmmmm... Mifune: "Must have been someone else. Besides, there are only a few cats that ever stop by my house." naho: ah. maybe it's your double? kind of like how lilac has a double! tsubaki: you mean chrona? naho: *nods* Mifune: "...Dopplegangers. I already had to deal with those." *holds his sword* naho: *listening* Mifune: "A wraith, sent to hunt me." lilac: s-scary... naho: and _then_ what happened?? Mifune: "I killed it. ...Sorry. I'm not good at storytelling. And I figured, if I'm sitting here telling you the story, I must have survived." naho: ^^ Sakuya: "...How do we know _you_ aren't the wraith...?" Mifune: "...Maybe I am." lilac: *hiding* tsubaki: mifune! Mifune: "...Sorry. I also can't tell jokes." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "I want Halloween candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner." atsushi: ._. Lucy: "That is not healthy..." *tosses a piece of unwrapped gum* "And with my braces, I can't even eat this." -elsewhere- Meme: "Up for cleaning the pool?" tsugumi: i think it's closing up for the winter Meme: "..." *looks at the calendar* "...I think I just had one of my old brain fails." -elsewhere- FD: "He's been quiet." yana: the padre? FD: "Yes." yana: yeah, i noticed... FD: "...Wake him up." yana: alright......oooi, padre, you up? Hawthorne: "..." *coughs up blood* yana: im just gonna take that as a 'not really'. Hawthorne: "..." *The blood seems to be...bubbling?* yana:....*backs up* Hawthorne: "..." *The blood bubbles up--into a spire* yana: *slams the door* O-O;;; *thumping and cutting is heard inside* FD: "???" yana:....<damn. you and the nurse did a serious number on his mind...> FD: <...I think his religion helped.> yana: ... <maybe.> *thump thump thump--SLIIIIICE* yana:....<what do you think we should do about this?> FD: <Let him tire himself out--> *STAB* *The blood has pierced through the door--and into FD's arm* FD: "..." yana: holy- Hawthorne: *loud screaming* FD: "...Zoey. Now." zoey: *knocks him out wth a crowbar* Hawthorne: *collapsed* FD: "...I'm bleeding." zoey: *tending to his injuries* FD: "..." <He is too powerful like this...> yana: <what do we do with him?> FD: <He obviously wants something that we are not giving him. We've broken his mind--so, let's rebuild it.> -elsewhere- Monoma: *reading something--* Izuku: "Hey!" *snatches it out of his hands* "Give that back!" Monoma: "..." *smirks* Izuku: *glare* -CHOP- itsuka: monoma, quit being such a jerk. Monoma: >3< "I was just doing some light reading--" Izuku: "This is private!" *hugs his notebook* itsuka: you know, while katsuki can be very brash and admittedly a bit of an asshole at times, but at least he doesnt violate people's privacy! Izuku: -_-; *holds up the notebook* "He _did_ burn this one and tossed it into a koi pond..." Monoma: "It's as they say: best to know your enemies' strengths and weaknesses. It's not like _I'm_ in the competition any longer...And Midoriya needs all the help he can get against Todoroki." itsuka: well, the next match is about to start. Izuku: "!!! R-Right! Ochaco against...*gulp* Kacchan..." itsuka: well, we better find our seats, right? Monoma: *follows* Izuku: *sits with Class 1A* -elsewhere- ochako:...*breathes*.....ok ochako...you got this.... announcer: this round, the very epitome of a hothead, he was kinda famous in middle school, KATSUKI BAKUGOU! Bakugo: ಠ_ಠ announcer: VERSUS, dont let her bubbly looks fool you, OCHAKO URRRRARRRRRAKA! ochako: ... Bakugo: "I'm not going to go soft on you, Round-Face." ochako: !! ... Iida: "Midoriya...What would you advise?" Izuku: "Well, Kacchan may be strong--but he's useless in close-range combat--" Bakugo: *sneezes* Izuku: "If she can keep him from moving, like float him, she'll have the advantage." -ROUND START!- ochako: *running forwards* Todoroki: *watching* Bakugo: *stands still* ochako: *still running* Izuku: "As I thought...He won't dodge. He'll lead with a right hook--" *BOOM* ochako: URK- (thinking: crap! i couldnt dodge even though i saw it!) Bakugo: *marches to the smoke* "Now die." -something approaches him- Bakugo: ("There she is...") *approaches her jacket* ochako: *coming up from behind him* Bakugo: *slams his hand onto her jacket--and it falls* "?!!!" Izuku: *violently shaking* Todoroki: "!!!" ochako: (thinking: if i can get to him, then i-) Bakugo: *swings his arm back--* *BOOM 2X* ochako: !!! hanta: he reacted as soon as he saw her! itsuka: with reflexes like that, smoke screens wont do much.. Izuku: *overhearing Itsuka* "No kidding. I don't know how--" Monoma: "Idiots." ochako: *charging again* Izuku: *giving a 'The fuck you say' face at Monoma* Bakugo: "Too slow." *swings his arm along the floor--* *BOOM 3X* Monoma: "..." *smirks* Mineta: "...So, Bakugo is a sadist..." jirou: *throws him in the trash* ochako: IM NOT DONE YET! Bakugo: *swings his arm again--* *BOOM 4X* Audience Member: "Owie!" audience member 2: thats not how a someone that wants to be a hero is supposed to act! audience member 3: just push them outta bounds! Audience Member #4: "Villain! Why can't you be like a hero--like All Might or Endeavor?!" Todoroki: "!!!!" Bakugo: "..." Aizawa: "..." ochako: ..... Audience Member #5: "You are just bullying that defenseless girl--" Aizawa: "SHUT UP!" yuuji: !!... old man... Aizawa: "HOW MUCH EXPERIENCE HAVE YOU HAD AS A PRO HERO TO BE THIS STUPID?!" Death the Kid: Izuku: “Ah..” Todoroki: "..." audience member: urk- Aizawa: "You don't like this match? Turn away. Go find a new job. This is what heroes face: insurmountable odds. It is whether you have the courage to face those fears and rise above them that determines whether you have what it takes to be a hero." yuuji: .... Aizawa: "Bakugo is not being this violent just because he's a bully and a jerk--" Bakugo: -_-### Aizawa: "--but because he knows her strength, her power. This is his worthy opponent. A hero does not hold back to accomplish their goal..." ochako: *wiping blood from her mouth* *pant*... Bakugo: "...You still standing, Roundy?" ochako:...thanks, bakugou. Bakugo: "?!" itsuka:... !!!! ah- Monoma: "Oh. You finally noticed." Izuku: "???" Bakugo: "The hell you thanking me for?" tsuyu: *takes hold of izuku's head to make him look up.....at several floating rocks* ochako: thanks for not dropping your guard! Bakugo: "!!! Sh--" ochako: release! *Rocks fall* Bakugo: "..." ochako: (thinking: i just got to find my opening, then i can win! for my family's sake-) *BOOM 5X* ochako: !!!! Todoroki: "!!!" announcer: WOAH! Bakugo: "You've been hanging out with Deku for a long time, Uraraka." ochako: *stunned* announcer: her secret maneuver just went up in smoke! literally! Bakugo: "Surprising...But I knew you had a plan. That was a close one..." *looks up--sneering* "Now it's time to get serious..." *runs at her* ochako: *moves forward........before collapsing* Bakugo: "???" Todoroki: "!!!" Izuku: "...Her capacity..." ochako: n-not....yet.... *crawling* d-dad....i...got to.....*faints* midnight: *going over to check on her*....uraraka has passed out. the round goes to bakugou! Bakugo: "..." Izuku: "..." {Izuku: "I just want to help. Take my notebook--"} {ochako: it's fine....iida said, he'd challenge you, right?... *thumbs up* see you in the finals!*} ochako: .... announcer: the first round of the tournament has concluded, soon, the second round will begin! after repairing the field. again. -later- Bakugo: "DEKU!" Izuku: O~O Bakugo: "ARE YOU LOOKING TO DIE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!" Izuku: "N-No! Um...Congratulations on win--" Bakugo: "YOU GAVE HER THAT PLAN, DIDN'T YOU?! That stupid reckless plan may have tripped me up, but--" Izuku: "That was her." Bakugo: "...What?" Izuku: "She came up with that plan. Her. By herself. You want to be upset with someone? You irritated by that plan? Blame Ochako--because she figured it out." Bakugo: "..." Izuku: "...Well...Good day." *fast walking* hanta: hey bakugou! nice job playing villain! ^^ Bakugo: "SHUT THE HELL UP, ARMS!" itsuka: you both really went all out today, huh? Bakugo: "...Yeah. Uraraka kept going." denki: yeah, he's undoubtedly a more 'brawns over brains' guy. Bakugo: *DEATH GLARE* -elsewhere- ochako: nnh....*in medical bed*....ah... *knock knock* ochako: hmm? Todoroki: "...Ochako?" ochako: come on in. Todoroki: "...Are the medics taking care of you?” ochako: yeah.... ^^; guess i lost, hehe. Todoroki: "...Are you hurt?" ochako: just a few scratches. recovery girl took care of me, so my stamina's getting better. Todoroki: "I'm sorry--" ochako: it's fine, you didnt do anything to apologize for. but darn that bakugou! he was too much! i just got to try harder next time! >3< Todoroki: "...I'm sure." ochako:...well, i wish both you and deku best of luck out there, ok? *thumbs up* Todoroki: "..." *thumbs up* "Thank you." ochako: ^^ -ochako's phone rings- Todoroki: "...I suppose you should take that." ochako: yeah... see you later? Todoroki: "I'll be waiting." ochako: *nods and watches him exit*....*picks up* hey dad. Mr. Uraraka: "Hey, sweetie. Mom and I watched the match." ochako: i didnt do too great, i lost. Mr. Uraraka: "I thought you did great. I don't know much about the technical side--but just because you lost doesn't mean you're done, right? You'll try next year!" ochako: ...it only matters if you win, show them how you can do with different types. the scouts cant learn anything from losing a single match... Mr. Uraraka: "But what's the rush?" ochako: *tearing up* i-i mean...i have to...f-for you and mom- Mr. Uraraka: "...Ochaco. I don't want you worrying about us. No matter what happens, I know our daughter is going to be a hero." ochako: ....*sniff* *hic* Todoroki: "..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." classmate: thinking of using a similar strategy, ozaki? Chuuya: "Hmm...Not sure." ("They'd be expecting it now...Hang in there, Uraraka.") -elsewhere- Izuku: *fast walking* *Suddenly, someone appears around the corner--* Endeavor: "Hey." Izuku: ( . ) _________ ( . ) Izuku: "End-End-End--" Endeavor: "There you are. I saw what you did out there. Amazing quirk. That force from just a flick of your fingers." Izuku: "..." *step slide back* Endeavor: *finger point* "In terms of power, you're on par with All Might's quirk." Izuku: "I-I don't know about that. I have to go--" Endeavor: "My boy, Shouto, has the duty to surpass All Might." Izuku: "..." Endeavor: "His match against you...will prove a valuable test. So give it your all. But up a good fight against him." Izuku: "..." Endeavor: "That's all. Sorry for my bluntness." Izuku: "...I-I hope you'll allow me to be blunt." Endeavor: "???" Izuku: "I'm not All Might." Endeavor: "Well, of course you're not--" Izuku: "Just like how Todoroki...is not you!" Endeavor: "..." Izuku: "..." *turns, walks away* -elsewhere- Shigaraki: "..." ???: these children may be your obstacle one day... Shigaraki: "..." *scratches* "Children? Please...What nonsense." -elsewhere- Monoma: "Well, that was interesting." *writes something down* pony: ?? Monoma: *holding a notebook labeled "Quirk Analysis for Copying* pony: doesnt dat deku kid do something like dat too? Monoma: "His is to be a hero. Mine is a little more limited in scope, kind of a cheatsheet to know abilities and weaknesses for when I copy them." pony: ah...but dont you wanna be a hero too? Monoma: "Well, yes. I just need to get a handle on my own ability before I put people at risk. No point jumping into combat unnecessarily before I'm ready." pony: i guess dat makes sense. Monoma: "Of course it does--because I'm no dummy." *bishie sparkle* tokage: in terms of battle, no. but socially.... ehhhh, how do i put this.....you're a bit of a major ass. Monoma: -___-;; "Last I checked, the occupation of 'hero' did not have that as a barrier to employment." itsuka: .... Monoma: "And what do you all do to prepare for our inevitable heroic rises?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *in bed, holding his stomach* TT~TT louisa: i did tell you not to eat it all in one setting, lord francis. Fitzgerald: "I just wanted one more...May I have a ginger ale?" -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "...Soon?" pandora: soon, child. Mad!Kid: "...Okay." *scratches his arm* -elsewhere- Hyde: *sipping through a straw from a packet of red liquid* licht: -,-; *he has bandages on his arm* Hyde: "I got to say--mixing it with berries is delightful~" julian: ._.; Hyde: "May I have seconds?" -elsewhere- Relan: "That was some battle..." shinra: yeah- ah! shit, still sore. tamaki: and you say _i_ have bad luck... shinra: =3=; i didnt plan on slipping on the steps... Relan: *slight frown at Tamaki* "Let's get you ice, Shinra." *offers a hand* shinra: *smiles* love you, rel. Relan: -\\\\- "Ah, gee...I love you, too." *pats his back carefully* -elsewhere- Burns: "...I think that Jack O'Lantern is rotten." ruby: aww. Burns: "Better toss it out, or use it for fertilizer." ruby: aye aye, sir! *salutes* Burns: "..." *salutes back* ruby: ^^ -elsewhere- Hibana: "KICK ENDEAVOR'S KID’S ASS, TINY FRAIL CHILD!" ryuuko: commander, the next round wont be for a few days. Hibana: "LET IT HAPPEN NOW! THEN ENDEAVOR CAN GO CRYING WHEN HIS KID GETS HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM! I WANT THAT BRUTE TO CRY HIS EYES OUT LIKE THE LITTLE B--" gabriella: *rubs her shoulder* shhhh.... Hibana: *grumble grumble* =\\\\\= Izuku: Q~Q "...May I pass by to get my produce, ma'am?" mikami: g-go right ahead. ^^; Izuku: "Thank you." *nervous walking the fuck out of the grocery store* Manager: "HEY! YOU GOT TO PAY FIRST, KID!" Izuku: "I'M SORRY!" *pulls out his All Might wallet* "I-I'm ready to pay..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *scooping out ice cream* naho: YEEEEAH SUNDAYS! Black Star: "Lilac, you want chocolate syrup?" lilac: ....i-im good....c-chocolate gets me too hyper... Black Star: "That's cool." *sets out chopped nuts and syrups* -elsewhere- Kid: "Will we be at the battle's awards ceremony, Father?" lord death: of course! several members of city council will be there. Kid: *nods* "I look forward to it. I haven't had as much time to keep up on the competition." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *chills his own drink* fuyumi: that was an exciting fight today, huh? Todoroki: "Yes. I was captivated." fuyumi: yeah. they really didnt hold back. Todoroki: "No...I am happy Uraraka worked that hard." fuyumi: yeah. Todoroki: "...I think she could have won." fuyumi: i think so too. Todoroki: "...I..." fuyumi: ?? Todoroki: "...Just thinking about how adamant so many are to get ahead in this competition." fuyumi: hmm... Todoroki: "...When this is over, I want to do something." fuyumi: oh? Todoroki: "Maybe a get-together? I could make something..." fuyumi: sounds like fun....shouto...do you like uraraka~? Todoroki: *spits out his drink* o\\\\\\o fuyumi: well~? Todoroki: "Sh-She's my classmate! Th-That's all!" >3< *crosses his arms* "Where would you ever get such an idea?" fuyumi: sure, shouto. sure. Todoroki: "Sh-Shush!" -\\\\\- *sips his drink* "Just want to be friendly is all..." fuyumi: mmhmm. -elsewhere- Lucy: *holding up a dress* "This one?" kirako: oh definitely! Lucy: "Mmm...Color is nice...Just not liking my shoes to go with it." -elsewhere- Gin: "Is he still sleeping?" miura:....yes. Gin: "...Good. He needs his rest. Excuse me." *departs...looking around* miura: ..... elise: ..... Gin: *continues walking* ("I don't see any additional entrances...") Mori: "Zzz..." elise:..... (thinking: it's not fair, rintarou. that you got to grow up, but you didnt let me grow up with you...) *sniffle* Gin: "..." {Rintarou: *looks down at Elise* "...Have you gotten shorter?"} {elise: nope, still the same height as i was.} {ougai sr: i think you're getting taller, son. well, you are getting a little older now... *smiles*} {Rintarou: "...Oh." *looks at Elise* "I...don't know how to change..."} elise: ..... Mori: *tosses* "M..." elise: ..... Mori: "Hmm..." *yawns, opens his eyes* "...Elise?" elise: you passed out. Mori: "...Oh. I didn't keep up on food...or sleep..." -elsewhere- Poe: "..." *flipping through envelopes* *They are yellowed with age* henry: hmm? Poe: "I can't believe Mother didn't throw out my inane writing." henry: well, mothers do like to keep the things their children made. i mean, we have a whole box full of emilia's drawings, haha. Poe: T_T "Emilia's drawings don't show a heart shattered by the torment of rejection." henry: .... *awkward back pat* Poe: *hug* henry: you're doing alright. Poe: *sniff* rowena: *hug* Poe: TT____TT -elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." *looks at a photograph, from a Halloween long ago* miwa: hm? Akitaru: "...Sorry. Was looking at family photos." miwa: it's all good. Akitaru: *puts it down* "...We had some post-Halloween clean-up. Some Jack O'Lanterns got out of control." miwa: i know that feeling. Akitaru: "...We can grab lunch on the way back." miwa: sounds good. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *holding a plate in his mouth, with medicine and a glass of water on it* louisa: *pets and takes the plate* here you go, lord francis. Mr. Tsubaki: ^W^ Fitzgerald: "Thank you..." T~T *takes the medicine* "Tell me, have you re-scheduled meetings?" louisa: yes, sir. Fitzgerald: "Very good." *sips his water* "...When I return to work, I have something to fix." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *stares at a candy bar* "..." naoya: you hungry? Akutagawa: "..." *nod nod* naoya: *hands it to him* here ya go. Akutagawa: "...Thank you." *opens it...* *nom* "...!!!" naoya:....*glances at the wrapper* -choco con carne; hot and spicy choco- Akutagawa: Q~Q "Wh-What is th-this do-doing to my tongue?!" -elsewhere- Mr. Uraraka: "Welcome home, sweetie." ochako: im back! yuu uraraka: *throws confetti* welcome back. trixie: *licks her hand* ochako: ^^ Mr. Uraraka: "We got you some cake. And ice cream." mrs uraraka: and pizza pancakes! ochako: awesome saaauce! -elsewhere- Patty: *lays out a map* liz: hmm? Patty: *takes out a red marker, and draws a path* liz: *watching* Patty: "AND THERE IT IS!" liz: ah. *The map now has a Santa drawing on it* liz:....oh my god. Patty: "And that is the path Santa will take to deliver here!" *circle Death City* -elsewhere- Kid: *sorting papers* shiori: kid! Kid: ^^ *waves* "Hi, Shiori!" shiori: hehehe ^^ Kid: *sets down his papers, picks her up* shiori: ^o^ Kid: "Hee hee...Want to play?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *holds up a tie with piano keys on it* atsushi: um...thanks? Dazai: "You're welcome! It's real fancy!" *taps the keys--and they start playing "Eye of the Tiger"* atsushi:.... odasaku: i have no words. Dazai: ^W^ -elsewhere- Shamrock: *packing a suitcase* lavender: going on a trip? Shamrock: "Not quite...Just...in case." naho: boooo. Shamrock: "!!! I-I just mean we don't know what happens next. What if we can't stay here?" tsubaki: .... Shamrock: "...What C3 is capable of, or whatever else happens...I just want to be ready." tsubaki:....it's going to be ok. i promise. Shamrock: "..." {Mr. Tsubaki: "Follow me, and I will never abandon you."} Shamrock: "...I have heard promises before..." *takes the suitcase--and empties it onto his bed* tsubaki: .... Shamrock: *sad smile* "I guess I'm still believing promises..." -hug- tsubaki: .......*shaking slightly* Shamrock: X\\\\o "..." *pats her back* "It's okay..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "...Two of those donuts, please." clerk: coming right up. kenji: ^^ Kyoka: "...Are you going to put more plants in the office?" -elsewhere- Stein: *packing his suitcase* marie: do your best, ok? Stein: "I'm going to try...but not looking forward to who I'll run into." -elsewhere- *Weird squeaking noises are heard stepping along the floor of Gallows Mansion* stocking: huh? kid? kid wake up. Kid: *groans* "H-Huh?" *squeak squeak squeak* stocking: do you hear that? Kid: "...Yes...It's like a floorboard--only I checked every floorboard this afternoon--twice." *squeak squeak squeak squeak* Kid: "..." *takes his robe* stocking: *has her sword out* Kid: "..." *throws open the door* "AH!" stocking: ?! ???: "EEEEK!" *falls back--and a bowl of milk and cereal smashes into Kid's face* Kid: "Ugh!" *squeak squeak--* stocking: what the heck?! *turns on hall light* *something soft and cloth is flipped into Stocking's hands--a slipper in the shape of a giraffe's head* Patty: *collapsed on the floor, in her pajamas, missing a slipper* "Owie...What the hell, guys?!" stocking: patti? are you sleep walking? Patty: *stamps her slipper onto the floor--which lets out an animal squeak* "I was getting a midnight breakfast snack!" stocking: oh. ^^; oops. sorry. Kid: *doused in milk and cereal* "...What have I said about wearing the squeaky giraffe slippers?" Patty: "...To wear them?" Kid: "I SAID THE OPPOSITE!" -elsewhere- Hibana: "..." *standing on the balcony, looking at the stars* mikami: are you still awake, commander? Hibana: "Oh, just wrapping up perimeter review. Can't sleep either, soldier?" mikami: not really. Hibana: "...Nightmare?" mikami:...........akami....i know it was her....at the workshop.... Hibana: "...You're sure that's who you saw?" mikami:...*she nods* there was no doubt....it was her. Hibana: "...With the Hoods? Or that smiley guy?" mikami:....with that man....joker... {mikami: akami! come with us!} {scarlet: i....its not that simple....please...just forget seeing me here.} {mikami: AKAMI! PLEASE!} {scarlet: STOP CALLING ME THAT!} mikami: ..... *trembling* Hibana: "..." *rests a hand on her shoulder* "...Did she know him before? Had you seen him before?" mikami: i....i dont know.....i think...i saw him....at the newbie tournament....but... Hibana: "...Yes, Shinra had mentioned him there..." ("And enough other people were there, too...Burns...Victor...) "...Do you have any idea where your sister may be?" mikami:...i-i dont know....*sniff* why is she with him? Hibana: "...This joker seems to attract certain people...and from what Shinra has shared, he is a wild card. Maybe your sister wanted to fight the Hoods, just not with a Fire Brigade......Like outcasts." mikami:....i know akami is a good person...even if she makes mistakes...*touching her scar...* Hibana: "...Then you have to hope you can reach her..." ("...That scar...but on Iris...") mikami:...*nods* Hibana: "..." *hug* mikami:.....t-thank you. Hibana: "Any time." *pat pat* "Now, my order--you get some tea and milk." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *walks through his apartment's hall* scarlet:.... Chuuya: "Oh...Good evening." scarlet:...you too. Chuuya: "..." *puts bucket under ice machine* "...Quiet out." scarlet: yeah. hard to believe it's already november. Chuuya: "No kidding...You do anything for Halloween?" scarlet:....got drunk with some acquaintances. Chuuya: "Heh...I would've done the same, before Sonia. Have fun?" scarlet: eh. Chuuya: "Hmm...Well, if neighbors and I share a drink around here, I hope you'll join us." scarlet: depends on if work will let me. Chuuya: *nods* "I understand. Unpredictable work hours?" scarlet:...you could say that. Chuuya: *nods* "...Well, just let me know your favorite alcohol. I'm sure we can get it." scarlet: i appreciate the offer. Chuuya: *finishes filling up the ice bucket* "Well, that's it for me. Have a good night." scarlet: night..... Chuuya: *walks back to his apartment* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and the lemons must be tended to like a parent would for a child." ayako: *taking notes and nods* hmm. hmm. Motojiro: "Lemons are perfection. They are the right color, the right shape...All the world should aspire to reach the color, yellow shape of God's privileged fruit. It was the lemon in the Garden of Eden that Eve ate." higuchi:.....*facepalm* -early morning- Black Star: *snore* {???:...... *standing in the middle of the fog*} {Black Star: "...What is this?"} {-the figure stares at him-} {Black Star: "...Who are you?"} {white*star:....} {Black Star: "!!!! O-Old man?"} {white*star:.....*grins, bearing sharp teeth*} {Black Star: *assumes fighting pose* "Back off! You're dead!"} -THUD- Black Star: "...Ow." otogiri: rough night? Black Star: =____= "More or less..." *yawns* "I need some tea..." -elsewhere- hitoshi: *on a bridge* ..... Izuku: *jogging...and spots him* O~O hitoshi: hey. Izuku: *opens his mouth--* "..." *waves* hitoshi: relax, kid, im not gonna do anything to you. Izuku: *sighs of relief* "S-Sorry...Just, you know--fool me once..." hitoshi: ...cant say i blame you. Izuku: "...How have you been?" hitoshi:....alright. stayed at home during the dance watching halloween specials with ashe. Izuku: ^^ "Oh! Well, Halloween specials are fun. But...who is Ashe?" hitoshi: my cat. Izuku: "Ah. That's nice...How old is your cat?" hitoshi: 4 years old. Izuku: "Neat! I didn't think you were a cat lover. Like Mr. Aizawa?" hitoshi: i guess....that bioeni kid mentioned it. Izuku: "You two get along?" hitoshi:....i guess. he seems like a pretty alright guy. Izuku: *nod nod* "I've had him over for dinner....Maybe you can join us?" hitoshi:....i'll think about it...*spots someone in the distance*...shit. hey, midoriya, can you do me a solid? Izuku: "???" hitoshi: dont tell monoma i was here. *jumps off into the water below* Izuku: !!!!! "H-Hey!" *looks over the bridge* hitoshi: *swimming under it* Monoma: "Oh, Midoriya. What're you doing here?" Izuku: Q____Q "...N-Nothing! Just...looking at the clouds." Monoma: "...???" Izuku: *points* "That one looks like a bunny! Ha ha ha..." ^^;; Monoma: "...Okay, I see you're in good form today..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walks into Deathbucks* "...One coffee, please." tsugumi: coming right up, sir. Todoroki: "??? Aren't you in the NOT classes?" tsugumi: *she nods* yeah. Todoroki: "Ah. So, part-time work?" *puts five dollars into the tip jar* tsugumi: *nods* i've worked here several times before. Todoroki: "Hmm. Anyone in the hero courses ever work here?" tsugumi: i think so. i think on- hagakure: fancy seeing you here, todoroki! Todoroki: "...Hagakure? Is that you?" hagakure: in the flesh! Todoroki: "...You like the uniform?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Ready to head out?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: *locks the apartment door, takes her hand and walks through the hall* sonia: ^^ Chuuya: *presses the button for the elevator* "I think you'll like the park. The swings look fun." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *he's wearing a white shirt...and suspenders...* naoya:....ok? Akutagawa: "I will understand my enemy by dressing as him. I also have this--" *pulls out a dress like Lucy's* naoya:....hey, i aint gonna judge. Akutagawa: "And I appreciate that about you. I just need to determine what to wear underneath." -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* kirika: what? Kid: "Just not the best sleep--and we're out of cereal." kirika:....that sucks. Kid: "Yes. I'll be shopping for more. Any requests for you and your boyfriend?" kirika: ok number 1, mind your own goddamn business, and 2, get doritos. Kid: *smirks* "Very well. Also, he's at the window again." Gopher: *waves* kirika:..... we have a fucking door, you know. Gopher: "!!!" *runs to the door--knocks* kirika: ....you strange, strange little weirdo. -elsewhere- Hibana: "...Maybe have someone locate her sister?" gabriella: already on it. Hibana: ^^ "I knew you would. So, any leads?" -elsewhere- Mori: *whistling* miura: how did you sleep, sir? Mori: "Better than before. I think I over-exerted myself." miura: i see.... Mori: "...I had a dream, though." miura: oh? Mori: "...You were dancing." miura: me, sir? Mori: "You, Miura. Ballet, flamenco--the hustle. It was weeeeeeeird." miura:....do you need more sleep, sir? Mori: "Maybe...Do you dance?" miura: ....i probably have it somewhere in my programing. Mori: "...Can you try?" -elsewhere- Tokoyami: *tosses up an apple* dark shadow: *nice catch* Tokoyami: "Very good. You're in good practice for the next round." -elsewhere- Iida: "Good day, Momo." momo: good morning. ^^ Iida: "How are you?" momo: doing well. Iida: "That's good...Have you plans for lunch?" -elsewhere- Mifune: "..." *stares at a kunai in one of his old boxes* angela: ?? Mifune: "...A keepsake." *a star is on the kunai* angela: ooh. Mifune: *closes the box* "How about some drawing?" -elsewhere- Tuhl: "Look how big Io's getting..." saki: she sure is. io: hehe! Tuhl: *rolls a ball to Io* "How has she been with the other kids?" saki: pretty good. Tuhl: "That'll be good for her to keep playing with them...Not a lot of kappas I got to play with." saki: what about that girl, kaoli? Tuhl: *nods* "Just...You know, when you're young, there are few around, kind of what it is like for Dokeshi." saki:...*nods* (thinking: chie....) Tuhl: "Just...want her to have as normal a life as possible." Shotaro: *walks by in a hot dog outfit* Tuhl: "...as normal for us." saki:....^^; -elsewhere- Free: *scratching* eruka: hold still... *putting on the anti-tick and flea medication* Free: "I'm trying." TT~TT -elsewhere- Gopher: ^W^ "Have you seen any movies lately?" kirika: saw lights out. seen scarier. Gopher: "Well, you're brave. I-I would probably hide under the chair..." *eats a chip* "...Have you seen 'Your Name'?" kirika: nah. -elsewhere- leo: ... Ivan: "..." *scratches his cheek* leo: <how are you feeling?> Ivan: <Awkward...> leo: ....<how so?> Ivan: <Master is busy right now...I heard yelling.> leo: ... Ivan: <And not the usual yelling...Angry yelling.> leo: ....... Ivan: <I think something is getting to him...He may need relief.> leo: <perhaps tea?> Ivan: .\\\\. <...Yeah, sure, let's go with that.> -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, in the building's garden* "..." *there are eyes in the bushes, watching him* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" cat: *mreow* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *gets low to the ground, stays there* -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Don't buy the Endeavor merchandise." yuuji: is it cause he's a dick? Aizawa: "Yes. That is the correct word. That earns you a free meal." *hands Yuuji the kids' menu* yuuji: ..... -elsewhere- Yumi: "How did it go?" lord death: *exhausted* Yumi: D: "Do you need to lie down?" lord death:....*muffled* yus. Yumi: *leads him to the bed* "Just rest...Want some water?" lord death: *nod* Yumi: *rubs his back* "I'll be right back. Get some rest." *walks to the kitchen* lord death: *takes off his cloak and mask and lays on the bed* ah... Yumi: *returns with water* "..." *shuts the door* lord death: thanks. =u= Yumi: *sits by his side, hands him the glass* *smiles* "You're welcome, handsome." lord death: ..... u///w///u Yumi: "..." *lays down beside him* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking out of Deathbucks* ochako: hey todoroki! Todoroki: "Oh. Hello." *waves* "...How are you?" ochako: doing good. you? Todoroki: "Fine...You look more healed now." ochako: yeah, im doing better now. ^^ Todoroki: "That's good...I'm sorry we won't be battling in the tournament." ochako: i guess, but there's always next time, right? ^^ Todoroki: "..." *nods* "...Running tasks right now?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "--and it turns out he has a cat, so that has to mean he's an okay guy, right?" inko: perhaps. *smiles* Izuku: "..." *nervous smile* -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: =w= Kid: *rubs her back lightly* "Love you." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Play well, okay?" sonia: *nervous* Chuuya: "..." *pats her back* "I'll be right here. Just try for five minutes, okay?" sonia:....*gingerly walks over* Chuuya: *sits on a bench, watches* Child #1: "Hee hee..." sonia:... *looking around* ..... *There's a slide, a jungle gym, swings, a merry-go-round...* Child #2: "Over here!" *A ball rolls over to Sonia* sonia: *looking at it* ?? Child #2: "Toss the ball back!" *waves* sonia: ??....*toss* Child #2: *catches it* "Hee hee--thanks! Hey, want to play?" sonia:... *looks over at chuuya* Chuuya: *smiles, gestures for her to go ahead* sonia: o-ok. Child #2: "Super! I'm Juan." *holds out his hand* sonia:....sonia. Juan: "Cool." *bounces the ball on the ground over to her* -elsewhere- Dazai: *staaaaaaare* atsushi:... ??? Dazai: *looks at both sides of his head* "...Maybe a haircut." atsushi: *points to himself* ???? Dazai: *nods* "It could be a bit more symmetrical..." atsushi: maybe? *looks in the mirror* it's been like this for a while now. the other orphan kids cut it as a joke, and i just let it grown in as is. *looks at his streak* Dazai: "...Well, you get to decide what you want to do--and I promise, no one is going to cut your hair against your will." *pat pat* atsushi: thanks.... i dont really have a problem with it, but i'll keep it in mind. Dazai: ^w^ "Now, let's talk smelling good--" *holds up a basket of shampoo, cologne, and lotion* -underground- keek:........... Ivan: "..." *whispers* <She's still quiet.> pushkin: <guess it's the legs, still.> Ivan: <Hmm...Well, it was Master's will.> pushkin: <pretty harsh, gon.> RHOD member: <jeez, this is just depressing to look at.> RHOD member 2: <it's like 'grave of the fireflies' level depressing.> Ivan: <But Master wants her alive, so we can't just kill her.> pushkin: <do we just leave her in her room then?> Ivan: <We could take her out of her room--maybe do what kids her age do...> pushkin: ??? Ivan: <They use the media of society? Or...um...hula hoops and roller skates?> RHOD member: <i think the skates are out of the question.> Ivan: <What about on her--> RHOD member 3: <dude. no.> Ivan: >_< <I'm just being helpful!> leo: ... Ivan: <What do you think, Lev?> leo: <im not sure. perhaps give her a skateboard to ride on?> Ivan: <We shall do so!> katya: <works for me.> *shrug* FD: <What are we discussing?> katya: <miss no-legs.> FD: <Ah. Does she need punishment?> katya: <she's just being mopey. as usual. these hostages are so lame that i wanna barf.> pushkin: <kiiiillljoooys> XP FD: <Then cheer up our guest.> *holds up a party hat and a bag of confetti* katya: *rolls eyes and throws the hat at keek* BE HAPPY YOU LITTLE SHIT! keek:.... FD: <...Try the confetti.> -elsewhere- Gin: *shudders* naoya: *hands her a coat* Gin: "Thanks..." *puts it on* "Didn't anticipate the temperature today." naoya: that time of the year. Gin: "Yes...when the cold gets down to your bones." naoya: mmhmm. Gin: "...We didn't have a lot of warm clothes when I was a kid. Or blankets." naoya: ... Gin: "...I think soup would be good." -elsewhere- Gopher: QWQ inori: ?? Gopher: "Just overwhelmed with emotions..." inori: ah. Gopher: *hugs his pillow* >w< inori: you appear to be in a good mood. Gopher: "...Things just feel better. Love. Family..." *holds onto the pillow...cries* inori:..... *pat pat* eibon: my child? Gopher: "Y-Yes?" eibon: are you alright? *soft smile* Gopher: Y-Yes. Thank you. I'm just...not used to feeling like this...It-It often follows with something bad..." eibon *hug* it will be alright, i promise. Gopher: "...Th-Thank you..." *hug* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Life is suffering, Q." Q: are you having your angsty moods again? i mean, i agree 100%, but are you? Akutagawa: "I am always angsty. I _am_ angst." Q: ...cool. Akutagawa: "...My angst wants pudding." higuchi: i'll...go get some. Akutagawa: "Thank you..." TT_TT -elsewhere- Vulcan: *flipping through a calendar* "...Time flies. Hard to believe I've been staying here this long..." karin: yeah. Vulcan: "...It's not terrible. This place lacks a scrapyard, though. And animals. And... ..." *looks down* karin:.....*pats his back* Vulcan: "Th-Thanks..." *sniff* "I can't imagine what she's going through." karin: we'll find her, and we'll bring her home, alright? Vulcan: "...Right." *fist jab* -elsewhere- lisa: ...... Giovanni: "...What is it, Feeler?" lisa:...nothing. guruna: i think she's lyyyying. Giovanni: "..." *stares at Lisa* "Are you, Feeler? Are you lying?" lisa:........ Giovanni: "Silence can be a lie as well. Guruna..." lisa: i guess guruna's very honest, since she never shuts up. Giovanni: "...She is talkative. But not necessarily truthful. Now, I ask you again...What. Are you. Thinking?" -elsewhere- keek:........... Shousaku: "...Yo." keek:......*acknowledging nod* Shousaku: "...Top you off?" *holds up a 2-liter of cola* keek:....*nod* Shousaku: *pours into her cup* "...So...You like soda?" keek:...*quietly* i guess.... Shousaku: "...Like cola, or maybe ginger ale?" keek:....i guess..... Shousaku: "...You play games?" keek:....i guess...... -she sounds almost dead...- Shousaku: "...I snuck this in..." *holds up a 3DS* keek:....... Shousaku: "...I play this all the time...You like Mario Kart?" keek:...... Shousaku: "...Or maybe you want to play some Smash?" keek:.............am i going to die here? Shousaku: "...I...don't know." keek:....*trembling* Shousaku: "!!! Hey! Don't think about that...Think about right now." keek:......*sniff* Shousaku: "Just...think about today. Right now...Talk to me." keek:....i miss my mom.... Shousaku: "...She lives around here?" keek:....i dont know where _here_ is. i dont even know if we're even still in death city.... Shousaku: "...Yeah. I hear the people in charge talk about going into the city...but I don't know how far we are." keek: ........i dont know what i did to deserve this.... Shousaku: "...I doubt you did anything to deserve...anything like this." keek:....*whimper* Shousaku: "..." *sets down his 3DS and cup--and hugs her* keek: ?! Shousaku: "...You look like you needed a hug." keek:....*sniffles and whimpers, holding onto him* Shousaku: "...It's okay. Just...think about right now." keek: *cries* Shousaku: "..." *holds on...rubs her back lightly* keek: *trembling* Shousaku: "..." ("What was it they sang...?") *hums* keek: *sniff* Shousaku: "..." ("How the hell do I get out of here?") -elsewhere- lana: edgar? are you ok? Poe: Q___Q "...The minutes..." lana: ?? -she peeks into his study- Poe: *staring into a mirror* lana: everything ok? Poe: "They turn into hours, marked by the bells, counting down how much i have aged, how much time has passed since...since..." lana: .....*holds his hand* Poe: "..." *small squeeze* "...I'm not used to this." lana: i love you, ok? dont doubt that. Poe: "And I love you." lana: *smooch on the cheek* u///u Poe: Y///Y -elsewhere- Iida: "Is Bakugo still in the canal?" tsuyu: nope. he's in the nurse's office, drying off. Bakugo: "Achoo!" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Tamaki? Are you busy Thursday evening?" tamaki: nah, why? Arthur: "Hiro's family is having dinner.” tamaki: oh, cool. Arthur: *nods* "I'll bring a dessert." tamaki: sounds like fun. Arthur: *smiles* "Thanks." -elsewhere- Rin: *skipping a stone across water--that then abruptly sinks* D8 kyouko: that bites. Rin: Q__Q "It's like I'm cursed or something..." madoka: ^^; *pat pat* Rin: T___T *holds her hand* madoka: ^^ -elsewhere- michelle: ..... *looking out the window* .... Neuhaus: "..." michelle:....if they...take those spiders out of me.....am i....am i going to die? Neuhaus: "W-We'll find a way..." michelle:.... Neuhaus: "..." *offers his hand* michelle:....*weak lean* Neuhaus: *arm around her shoulder* -elsewhere- Dazai: *holding up a cat treat* mii: OwO Dazai: "...Not up for it?" mii: *kitty butt shake and pounce* Dazai: "Hee hee..." mii: >X3 Dazai: "See? That's fun..." mii: *looking around* ...so, how goes our little rat problem? Dazai: "..." *sighs* "Kunikida keeps trying to track locations and paths--but no luck." mii: hmm. any progress from katai? Dazai: "Minimal. He's been locked up in his place." mii: hmm. Dazai: "He needs time and encouragement--and that's hard when you're all closed up and, you know, your last attempt at a date went bad." mii: yikes. Dazai: "At least if he is locked away, he's our secret play." mii: *nods* Dazai: "Can you keep an eye open for what else you notice in town?" mii: already on it. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *digging behind a bush* *he holds some cloth in his mouth--but his paws then hit something* "???" *he looks down...to see metal* "???" -a time capsule?- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sets down the cloth, looks at the metal box* ("Maybe I wasn't supposed to dig this up yet?") "..." *nudging the box to find an opening* -click- Mr. Tsubaki: owo *looks inside* -there is a few items and a note- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at the note* note: dear ###, have you become the person you wanted to be? hard to believe it's been so long since you first began working here. i wish i could see what amazing thing's you've made. keep up the good work -T J Eckleburg (of the past) Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looks at other items* -there are a spare set of glasses, a hankie, a business card, and a photograph with a few people- Mr. Tsubaki: ("I recognize Eckleburg in the photo...Who are the others?") -also in the photo are daisy, mr buchanan...and another person.- Mr. Tsubaki: ("That...was the person in the newspapers that Eckleburg was accused of killing...Oh my.") mary: toby? where did you go? Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *closes the lid, quickly buried the time capsule--and the cloth* mary: toby? Mr. Tsubaki: *walks up to her* mary: there you are! *picks him up* wow. you need a bath, mr. Mr. Tsubaki: -_-# -elsewhere- Yumi: "Feel better?" lord death: *nods* Yumi: "I'm glad..." *hug* lord death: *smooooch* Yumi: =\\\\= "...Smooth." *nuzzles* -elsewhere- shaula: aaaare we theeeere yeeeeeet...... Medusa: -_-; "Can you say anything else?" shaula: IM ALMOST OUTTA KUSH!! DX< Medusa: "...What the devil is 'kush'?" milia:....you wanna tell her, or should i? shaula: nah. keep it a secret. neian: kushy! shaula: *laughing her ass off* neian:.. ??? Medusa: ._.; "...I'm so confused." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "How was it?" sonia:...it was nice. they seemed nice. Chuuya: "Thank you for trying." *smiles* sonia: i was scared at first. Chuuya: "...That's normal. I'm still scared meeting new people." sonia: really, papa? Chuuya: *smiles* "Really-really. So I had to learn how to have the courage to face that fear." sonia:....*small squeeze of his hand* Chuuya: *holds her hand* "How about we get some ice cream?" sonia:...ok Chuuya: *walks with her* "...And you're good at playing ball." sonia:....thanks. the other kids showed me how. Chuuya: "You're a fast learner." sonia: ...there werent any other kids underground. Chuuya: "...I know. And you're not there now." sonia:....my neck itches sometimes. Chuuya: "...Why your neck?" sonia:...i dunno. -elsewhere- Joker: *puts out his cigarette* "Any update on the 8th's moves?" ivy: nothing yet. Joker: *slides a phone* "Call Victor." ivy: *dialing the number* -At the 8th- Victor's phone: *ringtone* "--I just met you / And this is crazy!" nozomi: mr victor? your phone is ringing! Victor: "!!! DON'T ANSWER IT!" nozomi: ?? um...ok. ._.; Victor: *answers* "Hello?" ivy: hey dingus, what's the hold up?! Victor: owo; "I-I promise, you'll get it soon...Mama." ivy: WHAT THE FUCK?!?! O_O Victor: "I know, I know--I've just been busy! Sorry I haven't called!" *nervous laugh as he glances at Nozomi* nozomi:.. ^^; *exits* Victor: *nervous smile--then a sigh of relief* "Okay." ivy: *throws the phone at joker* Joker: *hit in the head* "..." *calmly takes the phone* "So, any leads?" Victor: "Still waiting for the last bit of intelligence before going underground." Joker: "...What did you say to Ivy?" Victor: "...'I understand, thanks for calling, Mama.'" Joker: "..." *loud cackling* ivy: i will kill you both in your SLEEP! Victor: owo; "...I love you too, Mama. Thanks for checking in." Joker: *louder cackling* ivy: -_-# scarlet: *walking in* Joker: *hands the phone to Scarlet* scarlet: i take it you're bringing miss fake idol with you as well? Victor: "Unfortunately. Can't get out of that--" Takehisa: *walks in, picking up trash* Victor: "!!! --Daddy." scarlet:....................................................................................... Joker: *shaking, covering his mouth* Takehisa: "...You're not being paid for personal calls, Licht. Get off the phone." scarlet:.................................... Victor: *nod nod* "I-I have to get going. Tell Mama I love her." scarlet:....*hangs up* ....................urgk- Victor: *sweating* owo;;;;; Takehisa: "...This is why family conversations should not happen at work." Joker: "HA HA HA HA! You and Ivy are his Mommy and Daddy!" scarlet:....please do kill him. ivy: agreed. Joker: *cackling* "Oh, man...So, you two going to make it official?" scarlet + ivy:........ *DOUBLE PUNCH* Joker: XWX scarlet: *sigh* Joker: "...Something bothering you?" ivy: does this mean you've given up pursuing her- scarlet: IVY. DO NOT. Joker: "???" scarlet: IGNORE HER! Joker: *back on his feet with two black eyes* "Hard to--she's very loud." ivy:......im confused. im gonna go outside for a smoke. brb. Joker: "...Scarlet?" scarlet: what? -_-; Joker: "...Talk to me." scarlet: i am, arent i? Joker: "...I know you're sad. And upset." scarlet:......do you need to lay down? Joker: "...No. I'm worried about you." scarlet:...ivy, call the hospital, i think we gave him brain damage. Joker: *his hand takes hers* scarlet: ?! O_O; Joker: "The worst feeling...is to be separated from your family." scarlet: please stop this, you're legitimately freaking me out right now. Joker: "It's okay...You'll be reunited with her. We can help..." scarlet:....*teary eyed* why do you even care? Joker: "...Because we've all lost something here, that we would give anything to get back. And until we can retrieve it...I hope you can consider this location to be your home." scarlet: ...... Joker: "..." *lets go of her hand* "I'll get some ice for these and lie down..." scarlet: ......*sigh* Joker: "..." *opens the freezer, pulls out two ice-packs, and heads off to his room* -elsewhere- Iida: "I'll have some tea, please." waitress: coming on up, sir. momo: ... .-.;; Iida: ^\\\^ "Thank you for recommending this location." momo: of course. ^^ Iida: "...Have you made plans for the New Year? I know it's early..." -elsewhere- Patty: Q____Q "...My shirt..." roxanne: what happened? Patty: *holds up her shirt from the laundry basket--it has fabric cut out of it* roxanne: oh my goodness! Patty: "WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?!" riley: ?? Kid: "Look at these cute cloth dolls--" *spots the shirt* owo;;;; Patty: *murder face* stocking: what the heck? Kid: "I didn't do it!" Patty: "YOU OWE ME A SHIRT!" -elsewhere- Izuku: *waves* eijiro: hey! whats up? Izuku: "N-Not much...How have you been since the last round of the competition?" eijiro: been doing good. i made it into the next round! Izuku: "Hey, maybe we'll face off!" eijiro: who knows. Izuku: "Y-Yeah, true...Good luck." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *tending to a plant* himawari:...*small smile* Shamrock: *sets the pot down* "Maggie is doing well." himawari: *nod* Shamrock: "Good work. The garden looks really happy because of your work." himawari: im glad...*a small vine crawls up her arm and she smiles* Shamrock: X_O "..." *blink* himawari:...?? is something wrong? Shamrock: "N-Nothing. Just surprised at the vine." himawari: oh. hehe. Shamrock: X_^; "Glad you are happy." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Thanks for that info..." mii: *mreeeow* Dazai: ^W^ *pet pet* mii: -w- Dazai: "Let me know if you hear anything else." mii: mreeeow. -elsewhere- Belkia: *juggling* "...We should take a trip." naho: to where? Belkia: "NEW ORLEANS!" naho: neato! Black Star: -_-; "And get followed by C3?" naho:....*pout* Sakuya: "...We could try disguises--" Belkia: *shoves Sakuya into his over-sized hat, into another dimension* naho: D8 BELBEL! Belkia: *holds up his fingers...* "Five, four, three--" *reaches into the hat--and pulls out Sakuya...who is now in a bunny girl outfit* Sakuya: o\\\\\\\o Belkia: "See? A disguise!" Black Star: "..." *facepalm* naho: o////o Sakuya: *trying to cover himself* "I'm going to kill you, you stupid third-rate magician!" Belkia: "I'm not third-rate!" -elsewhere-
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