#actually I want to take him to a mineral and rock show
cr1ms0nking · 9 months
😳😩🥵😮‍💨 < that’s all I have to say about this.
(It’s like he makes it his personal mission to make us blush ❤️)
(Ignore the fact that my Tav looks like he’s been beaten up. He has been)
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cactusdrinkstea · 24 days
─ ‧ ִ ۫✭ A rock for a dragon
Malleus Draconia x Reader
Summary: You found a rock and gave it to Malleus because it reminded you of him.
Word count: 899
I kinda want to draw him with his tiny pretty black rock.
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Malleus wasn't a stranger of people feeling uneasy around him. Everyone thought and expected too much out of him. He was used to such thing, even if he wasn't too fond of it. Not many could just approach him casually and make small talk. They either treated him too formally, too artificially or they ran because Sebek scared them off. He could count with his fingers all of the people that genuinely appreciated him and he still would have some space left. He had his friends sure, but he never quite had something true. Of course that was until a particular human came along. 
Oh how he cherished you. You would wave, talk to him and even invite him to anything you had the chance to. No one else treated him in that way. That’s why whenever your familiar head would pop up, when your voice reached his ears or when your eyes stared at him, he knew he was about to have a good day. 
A familiar voice said, and the smile that appeared on his face was almost automatic. When you walked towards him, the normally unapproachable fae housewarden looked over your direction with small fondness in his eyes. That little pet name, he had grown fond of it too. It always caused that fuzzy feeling in his chest. You ran all the way to where he stood, and you seemed to be holding something between your palms. 
“Child of man, what a pleasant surprise. Is there anything you need from me?” He asked, curious green eyes peering at your shorter figure.
“Take a look at what I found!” You replied excitedly. After that, you showed him. 
There was a small rock on your palm, a black one. It looked smooth but it had some sharp edges here and there. Upon closer inspection, it looked like black obsidian. Is that why you acted so excited? How charming.
“Look! It's a shiny polished rock! I found it near Ramshackle and it reminded me of you right away!" You beamed with joy. 
Malleus focused on the last sentence. You found a rock and you immediately brought it to him because it had reminded you of him? What simple way of thinking, and yet he was delighted to know that was the reason and not casual love for minerals. 
“You thought of me from a rock?” He questioned, cocking his head to his left just slightly. 
"Oh not because it's a rock, but because it's so black and shiny. It reminded me of your horns or your hair. So I thought 'Malleus would like it' and I cleaned it up and brought it. Do you like it?" You replied right away, as if your logic made absolute sense. 
That made him even more delighted to hear. It was actually very adorable of you. Malleus carefully took the shiny rock  into his hand to look closely at it, examining the obsidian for a moment. 
“I do, I like it very much” He answered, his voice sounding almost as soft as the way he stared at you. 
"I am glad, I thought it would be silly, you know? It's just a rock, why would a fae prince be impressed when he can have thousands of rocks? But I went for it anyway” You said, and he could see where you were coming from. 
He had received thousands of gifts in the past. Lustrous jewelry, expensive treasure, accessories, trinkets, food, and more. All of that was true, and yet this one was different. It was a gift meant for him. Not because of its price or value, but because it was given from the memory of him. He was kept in your mind. What else could he ask for?
Just being in someone's mind, not because of his power or his position. Not at all, just him. Oh he wanted to do anything for you now. If you asked for all the gold in the world he would hand you even more somehow.
“It is not just a rock. It is special” He said, still touching the rock with his gloved fingers. 
"Oh you really think so? Thank you so much. I hope you treasure it. I would too if you gave me a rock" You said before suddenly looking as if you remembered something. "Oh I have to go back to Ramshackle, I will see you later!” You replied and immediately bolted through the halls. 
He only smiled politely and waved you away, since you ran off so fast. Once he lost your figure his gaze went back to the rock. He touched it close to his chest, as if it was the most valuable treasure ever. He would never lose it. He kept thinking about you. The way you showed it to him so happily and the happy look on your face when you said you liked it. It was priceless. His heart almost skipped a beat. How could you be that adorable? It was like magic. 
“So endearing…” He muttered fondly to himself before placing it in his pocket to avoid losing it. 
Since that day, he had been carrying it around with him. Everywhere. It didn’t matter where he went, the little rock was coming with him. Occasionally he would take it out and stare at it, with the most adoring look one could give to something. And he definitely wanted to give you something back, but he hadn’t found yet what could possibly summarize how much he felt for you. He could only hope that when he found it, you would be just as happy as how he feels right now. 
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gotstabbedbyapen · 4 months
But now we must know, what are your headcanons for the first generation of Gods siblings? Personally? Zeus isn’t allowed to swim with Poseidon cause they always fight and Zeus goes toaster in bathtub mode where he’s the toaster.
I haven't considered Zeus doing the "toaster in bathtub" thing. Thank you Anon, I will put this into my HC list :3333
Now on with the first-generation Olympians (it's gonna be a long ride, so strap on!)
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon were swallowed when they were young kids/nearing adolescence, not newborn babies. I want Kronos and Rhea's family to have some years of happiness together before the prophecy ruin them all.
Out of the Big Six, Demeter and Hades look the most alike to Kronos (unrelated note: Persephone looks the most alike to Kronos out of the 2nd gen)
Demeter is Kronos' favorite child because she shares his power over agriculture. Kronos has even planned her future to be his successor as goddess of the harvest.
Poseidon has the fear of dark, closed places due to his trauma of being locked in Kronos' stomach. During his first centuries ruling the ocean, he cannot stay in his kingdom at night because the realm gets extremely dark and it paranoid him. Poseidon can't go to the deep trenches either.
To cope with his fear, Poseidon's bedroom is filled with bioluminescent algae and jellyfish.
After escaping Kronos' stomach, Hera was sent to take refuge at Oceanus and Tethys' place. Around this time, she became besties with Amphitrite (I see Amphi as a daughter of Nereus but she is close with the other sea deities too)
Thetis and Hera's friendship is underrated. Hera, Thetis, and Amphitrite have occasional girl's nights where they ditch their spouses to spend time together.
As besties Hera and Amphitrite share the same taste in men *looking at Zeus and Poseidon*
Hera and Amphitrite were not happy when Zeus married off Thetis. Oh boy, there were a lot of screaming and fighting for Thetis' behalf.
It was very surprising when Thetis later made her husband Peleus immortal (there is a version of that lol)
Zeus and Poseidon created the electric eel and other aquatic animals that produce electricity. The purpose? Ask them.
When Hebe was training to become the cupbearer of the gods, Zeus watched over her and gave her tips from time to time. He used to be the cupbearer of Kronos, too.
I am seriously contemplating on whether Poseidon have a thing for Odysseus or not. Like in "I want to fuck you up both ways".
Hades doesn't outright ban the others from coming to the Underworld. The reason he doesn't like them visiting often is because some will ask (read: screaming and crying at) him to resurrect their favorite mortals.
Hades adopted Cerberus some times after Typhon (Cerberus' bio father) was defeated and the doggo had nowhere to go. From then on Cerberus was living in luxury in the Underworld with the only job is to guard the door.
Hades has a messed up sense of humor after centuries of dealing with the dead, and Persephone got infected as well. If you ask Hades "Can you give me a hand?" he will give you an actual hand.
Hades x Persephone x Minthe OT3 is real.
Hades isn't some gloomy dark man. Yeah, he wears black a lot but also with gleaming gems and fine jewelries (you know, god of precious minerals and all).
You don't believe me? Here's the testimony:
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(tfw your husband rocks his dress prettier than you :DDD)
The three kings didn't draw lots to determine who will rule which realm. During the Titanomachy, they grew fond over their future kingdom and showed hints of belonging to them.
Poseidon's first hint of becoming King of the Sea is that he makes lots of sea puns. Like, a lot.
They also don't have total rule over their kingdoms. Their authority is above all but still under the Primordials of their respective realms (Zeus is under Nyx, Poseidon under Pontus, Hades under Tartarus). Every time they make major changes in their kingdom, they have to consult the Primordials first.
Demeter isn't officially crowned ruler of the Mortal Realm but they all know she is in charge of the whole place.
Even though the Big Six preside over lots of domains, they don't always tend to each one themselves but have lesser deities like dryads, naiads, nepheles, etc. to assist them while they act like the head directors.
The marriages of the three kings and queens are more about political power than love. It's not that they don't have some feelings for each other though.
When they were young and Zeus is courting Hera, he once put on a peacock tail to woo her.
Demeter is married to Leto and they raised Persephone, Artemis, and Apollo together. I don't take objection.
All of the second-generation Olympians were taken care of by Hestia at least one time.
Do not mistake Hestia's dislike of violence for her incapability of inflicting violence. She can cause more damage than your mental health is prepare for.
Hestia doesn't yell or hit others, but disappointing her is the biggest crime.
Demeter makes the best vegetable dishes, roasts, soups, anything. Kids love veggies because of her. She can make you love broccoli with one meal.
Headacanon but also true myth: Demeter adopted and raised lots of kids on her own. Many of them later became her companions or spread the agricultural knowledge they learned from her to humanity. They all love mama Demeter.
Hera treats her daughters better than her sons, but it's because she is learning from her mistakes in bringing up Ares and Hephaestus. She isn't the best but she is trying everyday.
Zeus doesn't hate Ares, but what he reflects. Ares is a raw reminder of a darker side of Zeus that he'd rather pretend doesn't exist.
I've made this joke before but it's still relevant: The only thing more complicated than advance mathematics is Zeus and Hera's relationship with Ares.
Zeus' favorite children are Athena and Apollo, obviously. His least favorite (as in he doesn't care enough compared to others) are Ares and Persephone.
Iris and Chloris/Flora are not straight because of Hera, but they know they won't have any chances with her.
Zeus' first lover is Aëtos, an earth-born man who was his childhood friend when he lives in Crete.
In the modern world, the lock screen of Hera's phone has the picture of her family being happy together. And her home screen is the pic of Zeus in a Pikachu onesie.
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writella · 1 year
I know others have probably said this before, but I just love the idea that Daryl would be the type to give you little things— small treasures— or do things for you— share a sweet moment, or of course, be his heroic self and help you (or really you help each other) out of harms way. I think it’s because one of his love languages obviously has to be acts of service. He may not be a big talker, but the way he fights for his loved ones is nothing sort of fearless, and as I heard Norman Reedus say in an interview, when it comes to Daryl as a person, “it’s about what you do, and what you say, and what you follow up with…” Similarly, I think this is how he would show his sincerity and care for a partner and since he may not be quick with the verbal initiation…
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⋆。˚ this care would first be shown in the things he gives you or does with you like… ⋆。˚
- The way you’d probably have variety of little knickknacks all around your room or ones that you’d keep in your pocket from things Daryl has found for you outside.
- Perhaps he would find cool looking or pretty rocks on the ground from a supply run or from hunting in the forest.
- He’d pick the interesting ones, the ones that glittered or shimmered in the sun, or if he was lucky enough to find it, maybe there’d be a colorful mineral.
- You’d have them specifically placed all around different corners in your room, the collection getting too big to keep in one place.
- Maybe he’d also start a charm collection for you.
- One time in the woods, the two of you tracked a deer, or really Daryl did. You stood behind, taking it as a hunting lesson for yourself.
- When he caught the deer, you both went closer to the body and in the corner of your eye you saw something that shined in the grass.
- Crouching down to pick it up you discovered a tiny charm of the sun. “Look!” You held it to the sky so the sun could shine on it further.
- “We just caught a deer, and you’re lookin at that?”
- “We just caught a deer for the first time in months and this was right by them… it’s good luck, literally a lucky charm.”
- You clipped it onto your necklace so you didn’t loose it.
- There was something about how the charm, and the actual sun, and your eyes shined perfectly together with it, so after that, he wanted to find one with a moon and another with stars to match.
- Then, he’d just start collecting whatever charm or even keychains that had a clasp or jump ring to add to your collection.
- You didn’t even think it was something you’d be interested in starting until he found those other two. It felt special because he gave it to you and it made you become obsessed so much so that you even joined him in the pursuit of finding charms or cool little keychains yourself.
- It became a fun little side quest for the both of you, a-not-actual-competition-competition to find the most interesting and unique ones when you happened to be on runs together.
- You’d both keep an eye out on the ground or whenever you searched vacant neighborhood houses: looking in the kids room for charms or on the key hooks by the front door for keychains that could possibly work.
- If either of you found one you didn’t have, you’d add it to your collection. Or if you found those bigger keychain character figurine ones, you’d both give those to Judith so she could play with it. Unbeknownst to her, you were helping her set up a collection as well.
- You would use them to hopefully make a charm bracelet in the future if you found the right chain for it or if you could find pieces to make one yourself; or you would just switch them off with your necklace chain depending on the day; or have them on your backpack or jeans or belt if you could.
- Now here’s a moment: after a lot of begging and wear down he would finally teach you how to ride his bike.
- You two were a team, and he knew he would probably need you to know how to ride eventually. Maybe it would come in handy when the group is attacked or they are the one doing the attacking. Who knows where he’ll be or where you’ll be in those moments? Or who the bike is closer to in that instance. This way, you have a possible escape plan with that extra skill.
- You’d probably even get a little too comfortable after you got better at riding and try to hop on first, taking the main spot.
- He doesn’t always let you, pushing you to the back so he can get in front, but sometimes… sometimes, he likes letting you take the wheel, because he knows you like it from time to time, and because he likes to see you smile; likes to see you proud of your capability.
- I think he’d also try to find a special knife for you. Something unique like Carol’s or that has a nice sleeve like Beth’s did. Something uniquely your own. Just like he has his bow.
- And with that, if you didn’t have one yet, I also think he might help you find the best weapon for you. Another thing that you could have as your own that you could become very skilled at fighting with.
- One time, he’d even gift you with the action of allowing you to talk a picture of him: Rick’s polaroid would have been in your backpack one day as you take a break from your travels outside of Alexandria. You and Daryl are sitting under a tree near an open grass plain. You would see how the wind made strands of his hair fly, making him look even more effortless in his uniquely strange natural beauty way. You’d take the camera out slowly, knowing he’d protest, and of course he did.
- “Please,” you would plead softly, “we don’t get to do things like this all the time. All we use the camera for is to document the houses, and the community work, or when Rick used it for the Savior war… it would be nice to have a nice picture for once.”
- He would look down impassively for a moment. You couldn’t tell it from his face— sometimes the quiet usually meant no— but he was actually deciding on doing it for you.
- Finally he says, “If I gotta take one, then it’s going to be of both of us.” He looks up at you through his hair, hiding the fact that he wanted to see how excited you were going to get. “Don’t need no one thinking I wanted a picture of just myself.”
- It makes you laugh. This is even better actually. A picture of you and him to have; a piece of you and him that will last forever.
- He would also gift you with one of his rare touches.
- Maybe it would start with allowing you to hold onto him while you’re on the back of his bike just a little closer. Or him pushing his neck back into you just the slightest bit more when you rest your head on his shoulder as he rides.
- Then maybe, the hugs would start increasing. Him not only giving you one after you’ve just escaped death yet again, but after he comes home one day from a run, maybe it happens just because now.
- And finally, this would all lead up to a kiss. Perhaps first on the side of your head, in your hair, as he comes home from a long journey one day, until the time finally comes where you both express all the things that have kept in your head about each other for so long, revealing your love.
- It would all commence to the kiss that you always wished would be placed right on your lips. It might just be the best gift of all. But not just because it’s a kiss, but because you finally get to love him in the way you’ve always desired. As your man, as your partner, as your Daryl.
So… this may or may not be a teaser for the next fic? >:) Stay tuned. ♡
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worriedvision · 2 years
Here's the first ending to the poly tighnari and Cyno fic, this was the intended ending before the Zhongli discussion was a thing lol! Ill add in the link for the fic here when I can!
A few weeks later was when Cyno discovered you were no longer in Sumeru. He believed that you must have had something come up with your work, and the important thing could have waited, but there was something that didn't feel right. The first person he started dating, and this was the first time you hadn't even seen him once in weeks. It's not like he had to try too hard to see you, always finding it endearing when he saw his first love.
But then he overheard a rumour that you left for work in Liyue. He would have dismissed it if it weren't for the fact this was around the same time you had asked to talk to him and presumably Tighnari, the other part of the relationship. He didn't think you would have went to work in the chasm, solely because you were entirely unfamiliar with the area, but from a work point of view the Chasm was really good to work.
Then he finds out that Tighnari looked into it, and found out quickly that you had left.
"Why have you been lying to me?" Cyno asks, hurt evident in his voice. Tighnari winces, this sound being unpleasant. "I've been worried sick for them, and I'm sure you love them as much as I do."
Tighnari doesn't respond for a good few seconds.
"To put it simply, it looks like they must have had a change of heart." Tighnari responds, hoping Cyno would understand his perspective. From his point of view, you weren't able to keep up with him and Cyno, and you never looked happy especially when your boyfriend had changed how he was with you.
"...You saw them leave, didn't you?" Cynos voice cracks, Tighnari nodding. Cyno takes a deep breath, slowly processing the fact that you were now gone from his life, and Cyno scolds himself for treating Tighnari like an exciting new boyfriend and you like the safe lover that he 'always' had.
Tighnari watches as his boyfriend walks away, a tight feeling in his chest. He knew Cyno wouldn't be able to stay mad, but he didn't feel right about it. He should have actually tried to get to know you, past the stuff everyone knew, but he shut you out when you tried to talk to him.
You had been joining a new team of miners that were older and more experienced, and when you were first there, they did quiz you. It was nothing malicious, just for them to check you had a good enough head on your shoulders to navigate through the caves until they went too deep. Satisfied with your answers, they treat you like the 'kid' of the group.
A hobby you had back in Sumeru was stone carving. Sometimes, you had carved small patterns into stones to pass the time when a rock had to be merged with some other material for identification purposes before completing a job. One you always carved to signify where you had been was a four leaf sigil, similar to those ones that hovered. Sure, you didn't have a vision, but this allowed you to at least see the stone carving.
It's like a ritual for you - you had stones ready to deploy, and the miners you worked with found it endearing and cute so they teased you, but they left the stones where they were.
The cavern you were exploring started to show signs of instability, and everyone with exception of the oldest member of the group wanted to leave. When the others go to move back, you see that the bloke wasn't going to leave.
"I'm staying, you guys go ahead." You call out, the man turning to you and placing a hand on his hip.
"Kid, you got a long life ahead of you if you leave." He scolds you. Seeing your gaze not falter, he shakes his head. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."
You both walk along, him showing you the picture of his loving wife and his adorable son. The way both of them have genuine smiles, it tells you that this man had people who loved him. You ignore the pain in your heart, listening as he starts rambling about the achievements his 5 year old had done already and a hearty laugh when he finishes his chat, putting his wallet away before he looks over.
"You must have someone yourself." He pokes your side, you realising he was asking about who you had close to you.
"...Promise you won't judge?" The man nods, encouraging you to continue. "Well, back in Sumeru I did have a boyfriend. At first it was really nice, he had his work as a Ma-" you clear your throat, stopping yourself from telling this man about Cynos work. "Well, I can't exactly explain what he does. A really incredible guy."
"I'm feeling a big but in the air." The man says, you nodding your head.
"At one point, he got interested in another guy. It wasn't cheating, it was only that I saw the way he looked at Tighnari. I asked him to have the guy join the relationship, thinking maybe it would be nice." You think to yourself, unsure what else to say. "I tried to get closer to him myself, to know my 'other boyfriend' better, but he couldn't stand my job. My lover stopped giving me the affection he once did, and well I knew that I lost him the moment that man came along." You say. "And that's what brought me to the Chasm."
The man across from you nods, silently agreeing to keep this to himself. You both walk on, and he asks you to tell him when you want to start dating again. It was almost like he himself knew how painful this stuff could be. You keep placing the rocks, your mind screaming at you that these were going to be especially important.
The man falls through the ground, and you instinctively grab him, not following safety guidelines as you grab his side. He understands what you're doing, but not why, simply deciding to hold onto your side as you both fall. You close your eyes, praying that someone could figure out how to get enough elemental energy into the stones of yours to get enough four leaf clovers to get out.
Tighnari gets an urgent request to run along to the opening of the Chasm, and he rushes along with the fear in his mind that you were hurt somehow.
The sound is overwhelming for Tighnari, and he almost turns back until he realises people are calling for two names, one of which being yours. Tighnari picks up his pace, grabbing his bow as one stone in particular stands out. It does sound silly in hind sight, but Tighnari got an idea. He infused a bow with dendro, aiming and taking a shot.
His mouth falls open, gasping as he watches four leaf clovers spawning in. His ears pick up on someone using the device, and he keeps aiming and shooting at the rock as he jogs along to get to where the first leaf spawned. Chances are, neither you nor the guy had a vision, so he would have to be the elemental source. He spots the line that implies someone is using the teleporting device, and he expects to see a second one despite not hearing it. When he realises you're holding onto someone, he can't stop himself from dropping everything and sprinting towards you.
You drop to the ground the moment you see the surface, your older colleague pulling you safely away from the edge. Hearing footsteps, your eyes close out of exhaustion after the prior events, thinking it was simply your colleagues.
"Sweetheart?" Tighnari hushes out, not able to ignore how the man you had saved with you glared at him "Can you hear me?" Tighnari doesn't even realise he's just given you a pet name, simply administering the best care he could.
"You." He hears someone say. Reluctantly, his head looks up, regretting his actions when he makes direct eye contact with the guy. "So you're the one they were talking about." Tighnari's head tilts, him not understanding the question. "Haven't you done enough?"
Tighnari feels you stir in his grasp, and he turns his attention to you.
"Honey, I'm here." Tighnari hushes out, you not leaning away. "Are you feeling okay?" You groan out, clearly not wanting to stay awake for now.
"I'll be taking them back to Sumeru." Tighnari states, holding you in his arms as he stands up. "Rest assured, I willy take care of them."
"Stop playing with their heart, you twerp." The man growls, his wife reprimanding him before she gets Tighnari to stop for a moment.
"My husband told me about that stone, something about them carving those personally." His wife starts. "Please, I want to thank the both of you. Them for somehow carving those stones to be effective, and you for uh... Doing what that was." She laughs lightly, Tighnari nodding before leaving.
You wake up in Tighnaris bed, and you already knew you were back in Sumeru, specifically the region where Tighnari stayed. You get up, holding back the gasp out of the immense pain you got, before you try to sneak out.
"And where do you think youre going?" You hear Tighnari tease, before he gets up and lightly places you back onto bed. "Morning, sleepyhead."
"I need to go back to the Chasm. I have work there, and I need to move on." You explain, crossing your arms before wincing. Tighnari can't help but smirk, him handing you some medication to take for pain relief.
"No you don't." Tighnari states. "After a discussion, your boss and I came to an agreement. You'd create those stones, and I'll even let you get the stone samples from Sumeru yourself, and these would be shipped to them for their own uses." Tighnari explains.
"That solves one problem, but it doesn't change the fact I can't get over Cyno." You explain, Tighnari nodding.
"Well, I did shut you out." Tighnari admits, sitting next to your bed before continuing. "Let's give this a real chance, I think we have more in common that we've thought." He smiles, you nodding before starting to talk.
Cyno visits Tighnari a week after the incident, and he wasn't mentally ready to hear your voice. He hears it, and he fails to ground himself before he runs over to the source of the noise, that being laughter from Tighnaris place. Opening the door, there you both are. Tighnari looking rather happy with himself, successfully making you laugh and you leaning into his embrace.
Cyno enters the room, and the both of you look up. Cyno feels like he's in a dream, he had been trying to stop thinking of you but nothing worked. He reaches out, touching you to make sure you weren't an illusion as he stares blankly. After he pauses, he wraps his arms around Tighnari, crushing you in between the both of them. Hearing you yelp, he pulls away apologising before he holds you closely.
"You won't believe what happened" Tighnari stated, him starting to explain what happened while you held Cyno in your arms. Cyno doesn't seem to want to let go, he still think you must not actually be here, especially so close to Tighnari. It felt like he was on cloud nine, both of his lovers finally realising they were also compatible.
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thefanciestborrower · 9 months
do you have prey link hc's i am BEGGING spare vore
YEAH here you go! These are mostly gonna be B0TW and T0TK Link since that's who I talk about most on here, but if you want any other version I'd be happy to do that too. Okay so it might actually take Link a second to warm up to being eaten in a friendly manner if I'm being honest because there are. SO many monsters that would love to make him into a proper meal so in his mind it's a bad thing. At least...until it's very firmly established as something affectionate and kind of silly a few of his friends can do. Then once he warms up to it he's an absolute menace. Cannot ever sit still in someone's insides and I mean he absolutely CAN'T. It's impossible he's just too fidgety and can't keep his hands to himself to save his life. That I feel like is true of every Link, but especially our lovely B0TW/T0TK gremlin boy because look at him. Even his idle animations show him constantly stretching, bouncing, and shaking his little hands, so staying still in a stomach really isn't an option. Unless he falls asleep of course which is, a very big probability. Especially if he's bored. Something I think might be a little funny is how easy it would be to startle him by just, grabbing him up. For a normally rather stoic hero it seems very easy to catch him off guard in the games, and I feel like that would very much apply to any time a friend decided to grab him for a snack, even if they hadn't meant to scare him. He'll make the silliest shocked little face before he realizes what happened and chills out. The biggest culprits of just snatching him would probably be Si.don and Dar.uk because, well look at them they're huge.
For Sid.on it's more of an affectionate Z0ra thing I think. It feels like something they would use to transport very young Z0ra still in their tadpole stage if they had to and a lot of fish use mouth brooding anyways to care for their eggs, so it stands to reason that eating someone might be a fairly understood and acceptable thing. Especially looking at all the stuff that happened with Jabu Ja.bu in previous games. Sooo Sid.on has a tendency to eat Link as a way of catching up with his friend after going a while without seeing him, and honestly Link never really minds it. His insides are soft and make a great bed, and they're warm too, so Link honestly just wishes he was given more of a warning sometimes before getting gulped lmao. Dar.uk tho...he was awful about snatching Link up because he thought it was a bit funny. Gor.on eat pretty much exclusively rocks and minerals, so it's possible they might be completely incapable of processing something like a Hyli.an, especially one that's still alive and kicking. Combine that with how much bigger Dar.uk was than Link and....yeah there was really no reason for him not to eat his tiny friend every once in a while lol. Link was pretty fussy about it because he was NEVER given a warning and always grabbed at an inconvenient time, but he never was genuinely mad about it either. Just playfully annoyed and incredibly wiggly. I feel like Link also gets eaten by various monsters he fights like Hinox, Molduga, and other things like that, but it's waaayyyyyy less friendly or fun for either party
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veilmetricked · 7 months
jake gyllenhaal, pansexual, cis male + he/him → isn’t that joachim goldmann? i’ve seen them hanging out with the fairies. i hear they’re 402, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 1 month ago. they seem to be philosophical & efficient, but also selfish & defensive. it’s cool that they’re capable of rock / crystal magic with life-force manipulation!
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joachim goldmann was the first born to ahava & etan and known to be a part of the royal court in their region 
while they weren’t the royal family, his mother was cousins to the king & queen and that was close enough for them 
his father ran the military faction and was known to drill that persistence, determination, and need to protect those around them into joachim 
while his younger brother, micah, was able to follow the beat of his own drum 
still, he lived a good life and never had to ask for anything, so he was happy
when he came of age he started to rise up the ranks in their group’s army and then took over for his father 
then he started to travel, taking nearby countries by surprise or making peace treaties so that they could all live in harmony 
during his travels he came close with other fairies and even dragons, spending time with both kinds 
namely, he had an affair with greyson around 200 years ago and then fell for another fairy by the name of florian 
ironically both were softer than him who was always considered to be strict or rough around the edges to those that he didn’t know 
his romances even led to a child, paxton, who he came to love and adore
again, he couldn’t show others how much he actually cared for someone because that not only would show weakness, but provide a target if one of his enemies wanted to attack him 
recently, he decided to come to alexandria when he heard that it was a safe haven for supernaturals (not at all believing it) 
that’s when he came face to face with multiple exes and his son 
he’s decided to work as a miner, getting some of the precious crystals out of the caves, but he also wants to see if he could make a group of warriors out of the town and make sure that they don’t get too weak
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undercoverpan · 1 year
Ok humans magic au goooooo
I don't wanna do elemental magic since there's already an avatar avatar au and it's absolutely lovely
I don't really wanna do a harry potter au because 1. Already done and 2. Hate that goddamn woman sm
But unfortunately that's all i got. Im so sorry
So ill just be making things up w very few rules and whatever
So magic. Everyone can do it. It's everything, from water to electricity to light to dark.
There's no escaping the mystical forces.
Im being basic and deciding that there are 3 levels of ppl who do magic: lower, middle and upper mages.
How do you level up? Its easy!
You die.
You straight up pass away.
Yeahhhhh death plays a very big role in this magic au. Inspired by the na'vi a lil bit here. Death is their rebirth. With every death, there is a new beginning. There is no escaping death, the same way there is no escaping life nor magic. There's no guarantee that you will be reborn after death as a more powerful being, but if you want more power, then that's just a risk you have to take.
Your death needs to have meaning. You can't just get hit by a car and come back as a middle water mage or smth.
After the first death, you're noticeably less human than before. You typically gain animalistic features–, fangs, horns, feathers, talons, scales etc.
Using this to make my human avatar ocs look actually cool. Sick of camo fr 
Yes they dress weird. They go absolutely bonkers with their fits. Practicality is an option when magic is involved.
Now moving on to the Sullys, recoms n RDA.
Jake wasn't really a mage, but thanks to him sorta rebirthing as a na'vi, he's a middle mage. I'm thinking earth–he's strong, constant, reliable, like dirt. This means that he gets the animal traaaaaaaits!!!
He might have lion-like attributes, crom him being a father trying his best. This means having a bit of a mane, bigger teeth, eyes w slits.
He can control the earth around him just fine. Need to bridge a gap? Just move some dirt. Think of anime, he can do the spikes from the ground thing, blah blah blah
He controls minerals too. This means he gives his family the most beautiful rocks in existence.
He uses it to form quick shelters from the earth to protect others during raids. He burrows into the ground and forms tunnels so they can move undetected and safely move the wounded
He'll use mud and dirt as puppets, making little shows for all the kids. They love it sm, they adore seeing the mini direhorses and ikrans he makes and the stories he tells. The only person who succeeds past his storytelling prowess is Mo'at.
Now onto his kiddos, Lo'ak:
Hasn't done his iknimaya yet, so not yet reborn.
He's showing early signs of magic tho. 
He heals a bit quicker than normal, so that's exciting. 
I dont think shes been reborn yet, but magic eywa Kiri bb
Like her mom, she controls plant life. She doesn't even need to connect to a plant in order for it to do anything for her.
She senses life all around and inside her
I think she can hardly wait until she manages to be reborn. Its her chance to be closer to Grace.
Will do the others soon. Maybe. Its nap time tho so dont count on it.
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quincyhorst · 5 months
April is an interesting month for me, in a way or another. Two years already, back on April 7th was where my hypefixation with BW started; and on the following year, 6 days after things would instead switch towards the spanish team instead.
...Unfortunately I've already missed the first date by quite a long margin, but I'm still not giving up on posting something related to it. So, just like I did with BruShine, I'd like to share a JeanQuin draft too ;')
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While Geology isn't Jean's thing at all, he enjoys to see Quincy getting all enthusiastic with it. Seeing the value of the soil and its minerals wasn't he ever expected to get into, but Quin's passion was enough to hook him in. Now when the two are apart, even the simplest things such as tiny rocks at the beach remind Jean of him. So when re-meeting in Perth, he likes to bring Quincy collected things that could be of his interest.
One day, within the things brought there was a little blue stone. Jean had seen many similar to those since he was a child, but he never had the interest of knowing what they were (And its not like Reef or Nice had actual good answers either). Now with a rock expert at hand, he finally wanted to get an answer.
...Though for his surprise, turns out these stones weren't a natural wonder, sadly, just glass that once fell in the sea and ended differently on the shore. Despite the dissappointment, Quincy decided to reveal he also had been collecting them a while ago. So, they decided to collaborate by merging their collections together; increasing as reunions go by.
Time passes and passes, and in one meeting, Quincy brings a surprise for Jean: A seaglass bracelet made with the stones from their private collection. Turns out one of Quincy's younger sisters had gotten into jewlery recently, begging her brother to use such a pretty material for her craft. Quincy accepted, but as long as she also made a gift for his boyfriend.
Warmed by the gesture, Jean went and put it on his right arm, maybe with some help from the blondie. And for the cherry on top, Quincy himself shows off his matching one!
So, from now on, those adorable crafts serve as reminders of each other when they are apart.
Jean barely takes off his bracelet. Perhaps maybe before a match or hard training of course, since he's rather afraid of it falling off and/or breaking. But during his everyday life, he just brings it wherever he goes, no matter how casual it it. Perhaps to the point even his friends notice it too. Reef for example points it out at every occassion, enjoying to call it a "huge colorful wedding ring". While at first Jean would shun him off by the dumb joke. with time he came to like the comparison. It served as a good reminder of something he wanted to do later on.
Quincy meanwhile likes to show off his bracelet too, tho he does take it off during his Judo classes, rough excersive routines, or in any of his possible Outback trips. At some point in between his geology classes, the bracelet almost dissappeared from its sight and it made him go almost in full panic mode. The campus became a hell of a mess that day. Fortunately the object was found in decent shape, turns out it just fell due to a loosely tied knot. He needs to be more careful with that...
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noirapocalypto · 1 year
Get to Know Me
Tagged by: @katsigian, thank you again, bestie 🤗🖤
𝟏. 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞?
I am not, no.
𝟐. 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝?
A few tears came out about an hour ago, but an actual sobbing cry, I think it's been a few days?
𝟑. 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬?
Nah, and we're gonna keep it that way. Not for me, thanks.
𝟒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐦 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭?
Yeah, probably. We're a sarcastic bunch in my family so lots of sarcasm thrown around. I don't think my sarcasm comes off as much through text though dksjfhglsd
𝟓. 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲/𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝?
I was in karate from 3rd grade all the way to early highschool. I regret stopping and I would like to take it up again. Maybe a different style. But my old dojo and sensei are still around so I've been thinking about hitting him up again. He still remembers my bitch ass each time he and his wife run into me in public.
𝟔. 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞?
Just how they present themselves and how they come across to others and myself, especially in a public setting. Just general vibes.
𝟕. 𝐞𝐲𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫?
Lighter shade of brown.
𝟖. 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬?
I'm very picky with horror movies so happy endings, I suppose.
𝟗. 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬?
The only one I can think of, I can't really do it anymore. Gotta practice again.😂But I can identify most common minerals and rocks and some of their properties from memory, if that counts? Show me a pretty crystal and I'll probably be able to tell you what it is and what's associated with it.
𝟏𝟎. 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧?
Brownsville, Texas. At the tippy tip, way down in the deep south by Mexico.
𝟏𝟏. 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬?
Writing, crafting, collecting, video games, virtual photography, world building, OC design, paranormal stuff, the occult, just being a silly billy in general
𝟏𝟐. 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐬?
Three cats.
𝟏𝟑. 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
5'10" (177cm)
𝟏𝟒. 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥?
English and Audio/Visual Production
𝟏𝟓. 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐣𝐨𝐛?
We're not made to work dkjfhgsd I'd like to be able to create (stupid dream but I went through a massive soapmaking/jewelry making phase and I wanted to have my own little small business outside of my now inactive Etsy) and still be able to support myself. So I guess something like that, being productive in a fun way that I enjoy.
Also pro-wrestler or boxer would have been fucking dope.
Tagging with zero pressure: @a-pirate @freckledsweetpea @ne0n-rust @spicyraeman @aldcaldos @kidomega91 @iamsancho @werewolves @oaathbound
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squadrah · 2 years
what are la squadra wearing for halloween when they're hitting the town?
Thank you for bailing me out, now's my chance to deliver late Halloween fun times! :D I'm actually going to go a number of ways here - I'm going to remind everyone of their costumes as depicted by that one official artist, and then add some of my own ideas!
Okay, so here's the art (had to hunt it down manually and scroll for half an hour but it was totally worth it):
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And now I can give some of my own ideas!
Random costume: I feel like he's the perfect candidate for dressing as a Cenobite, since Metallica can help with any of the metal "accessories" like the nails on Pinhead.
Sexy option: I would love for him to dress up as a Pillar Man. Not even one of the few we know, just a generic interpretation of one.
Mundane Halloween option: "Man helping others reach the tall shelves at the supermarket"
Random costume: I think he should dress up as a leprechaun, go to a party, and gradually shrink as people are getting drunk to mess with them. Bonus if he has a pot of "gold" to lead people to.
Sexy option: I feel like he should do us all a favor and take a crack at Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn.
Mundane Halloween option: "A guy who's dissatisfied with his haircut but cannot bring himself to tell the barber"
Random costume: This is too much in the vein of the art above, but I feel like he would make a really good Lestat from Interview With A Vampire; it's just an iconic and elegant look.
Sexy option: I want him to do the world a favor and go as Marilyn Monroe in that one white dress. You know the one.
Mundane Halloween option: "Project manager losing his mind over a tight deadline" / "Old man inspecting construction work"
Random costume: My first thought was that something like Conan the Barbarian would look good on him - just an excuse to really try on a different fur trim and show off his guns.
Sexy option: The random option is already halfway there, but he can't go wrong with a scantily clad wrestling outfit.
Mundane Halloween option: "A guy who had his order mixed up at the fast food place"
Random costume: I envy him because White Album could technically make him an armored costume so he could go as a Pacific Rim Jaeger pilot if he wanted to and that's just magical to me.
Sexy option: Best option is probably dressing as a beach guard because he can flex if there's a pool.
Mundane Halloween option: "Jogger waiting in line at the store to buy mineral water"
Random costume: This is such a random thought indeed but what if he went as a member of Daft Punk with a cool custom helmet that could emote for him (powered by Baby Face, perhaps.)
Sexy option: I feel like he deserves a slutty teacher costume and a hand pointer to brandish at people.
Mundane Halloween option: "A guy trying to dye streaks into his own hair at home"
Random costume: For him I would love something iconic like the Goblin King from Labyrinth (his Stand actually reminds me of the armored goblins from the movie.)
Sexy option: He would absolutely rock a Playboy Bunny outfit complete with high heels and his hair down.
Mundane Halloween option: "A guy who can't remember which pocket he put his keys in"
Sorbet and Gelato:
Lumping them together because they would want to match.
Random costume: I will die on this hill - they should go as Morticia and Gomez Addams, respectively, because I think they possess the energy required and it gives them leave to make out in public.
Sexy option: Imagine them dressing up as an extremely hetero couple from a romance novel cover and posing for pictures.
Mundane Halloween option: "Two guys who collided and spilled their drinks on each other"
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So tell me about The Boomtown Boys? What crime have they committed? Where the idea came from?When I saw them I literally felt loved them already and take your time<)
The Boomtown Boys have all committed destruction of property in their own "unique ways" to say the very least, and surprisingly enough, they've all committed their very acts on the same day unintentionally, and the three were all sent to the same jail into the same jail cell where they all just so happen to meet for the first time.
Bobby Bomb was a short-tempered demolition worker, who take part in blowing up old buildings in a city for construction workers to build new ones in. One day, he was ordered to blow up another old building during one of his times away from work, and so he carelessly planted bombs inside one of the empty buildings without double checking with the others. 'Cause of his stubbornness to listen to what the other workers have to say, he blew up and wrecked the wrong empty building, that was the newly constructed one the others tried to tell him about, which in turn fell down and destroyed parts of the city. 💣
Dylan Dynamite was a cautious gold miner, who works in a mine shaft with a bunch of other mine workers digging out any gold they could find. He plans out where to set explosives in carefully in the mines to create new areas to mine gold in, in which some of the mine workers are a bit reckless when it comes to solely looking for good. Then one day, one of the workers tried smoking a cigar by lighting a match while on the job, which Dylan quickly took noticed and took the lit match to toss away. But the wind blew the match around and into a mine cart full of explosives and ignited all the fuses, Dylan panicked from the sudden turn of events as he pushed the cart away from them out of quick thinking, only for it to then roll down into the mine shaft, which let out a giant explosion and cause the entire gold mine to collapse and filled up of broken rocks. 🧨
And Carl Cannon was a big strong member of a pirate crew, who he used to set sail on the big blue sea for their own adventures, which he enjoys sailing across and especially seeings the whales they happen to come across. During one of their travels with a whole loot of treasures, he lay eyes on a nice lady who was part of a royal ship while passing by, as he formed a big soft little crush on the woman and secretly lended some of his crew's loot to hers in secret whenever their ships stops by an island together. One day, as Carl was admiring the lady on the royal ship while passing by on his crew's ship, he then took a smell of the big sea breeze as caused his "nose" to itch and let out a big sneeze. In which the big sneeze caused a cannonball to be fired out of him and aimed directly at the royal ship, causing it to go down under and all of its passengers including the lady he likes. 🏴‍☠️
I mostly been brainstorming some bosses and their themes that would fit into their level on another Inkwell Isle they're location on, but after watching the "Jailbroken" episode from The Cuphead Show" and listening to the catchy song "Lucky Ducks" from The Bob's Burgers Movie, the idea of a boss level taking place in a jailhouse where you fight a small group of prisoners came to mind. The name "Boomtown" was heavily inspired by an actual place called "Boom Town" from Minecraft Story Mode, that consist of inhabitants who are known for their explosives, in which the idea of the small group of prisoners being actual bombs came to be. And thus The Boomtown Boys were made!
Also thanks for loving their first appearance, btw, Angie! I wanted to draw how each of their crime looked, but I might do so some other time. I got their reference sheet in the works, which I hope to get done soon enough. ^^
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kadecre · 2 years
Universal Hawks Headcanons by Matter of Importance
(That Will Span All of My Fics)
The man can cook.
He uses y’all. (This is canon)
He has ADHD and is autistic. (Covering his mouth with the collars of his jackets and the little foot rub he does (like that one time he was perched on a power line) are all tics.)
Unless otherwise specified, Keigo Takami is trans and uses he/him pronouns. *
Keigo is panromantic asexual.
He has freckles.
Adding on to 3) he has sensory issues. If a fabric is off in any way, he will hiss and claw at it until the offending fabric is either off his body, or torn to shreds. Which ever comes first.
Chicken nuggets are his safe food. He only says he likes fried chicken so he can seem more adult, but if given the option between fried chicken and dino nuggets, it’ll be the nuggies every time. No hesitation.
Keigo can't taste spice, like at all. He can taste other strong flavours, but birds don't have the sensory buds to taste spice, and since he has an avian mutation, this applies to him as well. He lies about having a high tolerance but in actuality, he just can’t taste it.
On the flip side, he is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. Keigo doesn’t like the taste of alcohol to begin with, and he doesn’t like not being in control of his actions. So unless he is in a social setting where drinking is required, like say a gala, he avoids alcohol. However, the few times he does partake in drinking, it’s never more than two, and it’s only enough to get Keigo to relax. Once his senses dull a bit, he switches to juice or water. Outside of cooking wine, alcohol will not be found within the Takami household. You want a drink that’ll take the edge off, you grab chocolate milk.
Keigo has a collection of shiny rocks and cool trinkets. He has a full library of books about geology and different crystals and minerals.
He loves astronomy. During nighttime patrols, Keigo will fly high above the light pollution and cloud bank, so he can have an unlimited view of the stars.
Keigo’s hair is much wavier and a bit longer than canon. He ties it up a lot when at home or in the office. He sometimes throws on a headband to push his hair back or just uses his visor.
He has a crooked smile (caused by a dislocated jaw that didn’t heal properly when he was a child) but it just adds to his “boyish charm” (the media’s words, not his).
He has talons on his hands and feet, as well as fangs perfect for tearing through flesh, (his quirk is that of a raptor, are we honestly surprised?)
Keigo suffers from sensory overloads and gets headaches/overwhelmed easily, so he carries noise canceling headphones with him at all times.
When he is home or in the office, Keigo wears a special pair of glasses that block his enhanced eyesight. It lessons the strain on his eyes and dials it back to a normal human level.
Despite being lean, Keigo is heavy. His bones are hollow, to allow for flight, and with his wings (5.5 meters (18 ft) wingspan people, those pretty wings aren't light) and the way his diaphragm is set up (large lung capacity for high altitudes as well as bone structure) Keigo weighs close to 104.3 k (230lbs).
His wings are really expressive. Keigo’s face won’t give him away, but his wings will.
When he doesn't want to be recognized, Keigo will shed his wings, often keeping them small enough to hide under his clothing. However that doesn’t mean he’s unarmed. If there’s one thing he retained from his time with the commission, it’s to never be unarmed. If you see Keigo without his wings, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have feathers on him.
He’s a plant dad! He was scared at first to keep something alive in his apartment, but he went out one day, agonised for an hour about buying a plant, and then ended up getting talked into buying a few by the cute person who helped him calm down in the plant nursery.
Keigo’s love language is food. The man’s practically a Michelin star chef, of course he shows his love via food.
* There is one fic, as of 21/12/2022 where Keigo is cisgender, however, it is not published at this time.
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runa-falls · 2 years
chapter three: you’ll think you’re in paradise
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Pairing: ari levinson x reader
Rating: explicit (DNI if you’re under 18 pls!)
Warnings: SMUT, nipple play, hickies, unprotected sex, public sex, inexperienced reader, creampie, choking?, fucking in water??
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: I didn’t realize how hard writing smut was until I started to base full series on small smut scenes lmaoo. I hope y’all enjoy this!! Don’t be afraid to leave any comments + pls reblog if you liked it!
series masterlist
main masterlist
You actually set an alarm to wake up early, still guilty about lying to Ari. It was silly but this way you would actually be doing what you said. Kind of. 
You hear from him around noon when he texts you to get ready. He doesn’t ask if you are busy, or where you are, just for you to bring your polaroid camera and yourself. You mentioned your obsession with photography last night at dinner, and the light pink polaroid you treated yourself to after receiving your first paycheck from work.
You don’t even know where you are going or what you’ll be doing, but the spontaneous nature of his proposals makes you restless and excited.
It’s a breezy day today, so you decide to wear a long dress with sleeves that hang over your shoulders. It shows off your neck and shoulders instead of your usual outfits that focus on your legs. There’s still a peek of skin from the slit that runs up the left side of your skirt. 
You put your small polaroid camera in its soft case and tie your hair in a half-up style to keep it out of your face. You hear his truck rumbling in front of the house before you got his text. 
You look out your window to see him in a soft cream button-down standing against the side of the vehicle to wait for you. He sports some aviator sunglasses that rest on his nose as he looks down at his phone. 
His face lights up when he sees you walking out of your house. When you get close enough to him, he takes your hand and places a sweet kiss on the back of it. You swoon at the move, holding the hand above your heart.
Once you’re both in the car, you finally ask. “Where are we going?”
He dips his head, looking at you from the top of his sunglasses, “Be patient, Angel, it’s a surprise.” His deep voice drawls at you causing your body to tighten up a little.
He drives you to a parking lot that’s surrounded by a thick population of trees. A small man-made pathway can be seen, marked by a large green sign. 
"Where are we?" you ask as he pulls out some towels from the backseat of the truck. 
"Ever heard of natural springs?" You nod, thinking of the hot mineral springs you’ve visited before.
“Isn’t it a bit hot out for that?”
“This one is cold.” He holds his stuff in one arm and grabs your hand to lead you down the path. 
The dirt path leads to a huge body of iridescent-looking water. It’s so clear that you can see the rocks and plants through a deep blue filter.  No one is around the perimeter of the springs, just you and Ari. 
"A lot of people don't know about this one so I come here all the time." He spreads out the towels and drops his keys on one of them. He places his sunglasses on his head to hold his hair back and away from his face. "Ready to swim?" 
You were so distracted by the view you forgot you didn’t bring a swimsuit. “You didn’t tell me to dress to swim though.” 
"I know I didn't." He begins to unbutton his shirt. "Who needs a swimsuit if no one is around to see us?" The shirt is opened all the way, loosely hanging from his shoulders. He pushes it off so it falls and drops to the towel below him. 
You’re eyes widen at his naked chest, not expecting him to get undressed right in front of you. You quickly focus your eyes on his face, embarrassed you couldn’t hold back your reactions. He smirks back at you, amused by your prudish behavior. His hands go down to unbutton his shorts, grabbing the bottom to start tugging them down. You turn around, not trusting yourself to face him anymore. You hear more fabric drop to the ground.
"I can look away if you want..." 
"Yes please." You squeak out. 
You can’t believe that you are considering skinny dipping with him, especially being in a public area. Once you hear a splash, indicating he's in the water, you slowly take some breaths, preparing yourself to strip yourself of your dress. You grab the bottom of your dress and pull it up and off of you. You could feel a slight breeze on your bare skin, sending goosebumps up your back. 
Ari watches you from the water, quietly treading water. He stares at your form, now only covered by a pale pink set of underwear. It was nothing like lingerie, but it was enough to get him riled up. You bring your hands back and unhooked your bra, letting it fall like he did his shirt. He wishes he could’ve been the one to undress you, but he knows how timid you are and what a big step this is for you. 
You bend down to step out of your panties and Ari quickly turned himself around, acting like he wasn't watching the most tempting scene he's ever seen. 
"Alright, I'm coming in!" You call to him, finding a good place to slip in rather than jumping in with full commitment. You gasp the moment your foot touches the water. It’s freezing! You try to slowly make your way deeper, but it only prolonged the painfully cold experience.  You finally give in and dunk yourself under the surface. 
As you come up for air, you felt frozen. Your body is covered in goosebumps as you swim towards Ari. You realize that the only thing shielding your bare body from his eyes is the water that ripples around you from your movements.
He waves his hand towards him. "Come here there's a nice smooth rock over here to sit on." 
He's sitting at the edge of the spring, his arms resting behind him on the lip of the rock. He looks powerful in that position, tempting you to climb on his lap instead. Your knees rest on the rock making sure your head remained over the surface of the water. 
You sit next to him, looking up and around at the trees surrounding the area. The peaceful sounds of birds and a small waterfall can be heard through the silence.
Your arms fold over your chest, trying to hide your body because of how close Ari is to you. He leans forward away from the rock behind him and scoots a little closer to you. 
"You cold?" He glances at your arms that are hugging you. 
"A little." You didn't want him to think you're a prude. You didn't expect him to wrap you in his arms, placing you on his lap and pressing his warm body against yours. “Oh.” You gasp at the contact.
"Better?" He whispers it behind the shell of your ear. You can feel his cock pressing insistently against your warmth. He is warm and thick under  you making you involuntarily squirm on top of him. A warm sigh hits the back of your neck at the light friction you caused, and his arms tighten around you. 
You want to see his face as he reacts to your movements, the softness of your skin. You push against his thighs and turn yourself around. The water makes you slowly float onto his lap to straddle him. 
His half-lidded eyes connect with yours then look down at your submerged body on top of him. He’s gorgeous. His hair is slicked back from swimming, the water making it look darker than usual. His skin sparkles as the sun reflects off of little drops that drip down his body. 
Your hand runs up his chest, brushing against the sparse hair that covers him. You continue your trail up his body and weave your fingers through the tips of his hair. You pull his head back, push yourself up on your knees, and kiss his soft pink lips. 
He didn't expect you to make the first move. You were always so shy when you interacted with him, but the amount of desperation in the kiss told him you've been wanting this as much as he did. 
He let you have control of the kiss, your enthusiasm entices him. You pull gently on his hair as you taste his lips like you are scared of hurting him. 
Your kisses are sweet, but won't deepen. He didn't realize you were this innocent, not even knowing how to properly make out. You seem pretty content with little pecks, even letting out a whine when he drags his hands up your legs to hold your waist. 
He nips at your bottom lip, then licks through the seam of your mouth, prodding you to open yourself up to him. You surrender yourself to his actions, letting out a quiet moan when he pushes your hips into him, grinding himself between your folds. He gets harder from the little noises and heavy breaths you let out on his mouth. 
You gasp when you feel your nipples drag against this chest, already sensitive from the freezing waters. Ari notices how responsive you are, almost melting at the contact. He brings up a hand, and pinches your right bud between his fingers, twisting it lightly to see how you like it. Your head is thrown backward as you let out a moan, eyes squeezed shut at the sensation. 
He pushes you up on his lap so your chest is above the water and leans down to slip your other nipple into his mouth. You grab his hair a little harder than you mean to when he starts to suck on it. He groans at the pain, turned on by the way you’re letting yourself go. He circles his warm tongue around your nipple feeling your body shudder in his arms. 
His eyes look at your soft skin, suddenly having the urge to mark you up. He brings his mouth to the top of your tit and sucks on it until he’s sure it’ll leave a bruise. You whine softly at the intensity of the action, almost painful until he releases your skin. 
“Fuck…look at that.” He groans under his breath. “You look perfect with my lips tatted on you.” He brushes his thumb over the purple splotch then playfully flicks it over your reddened nipple, feeling your cunt clench on top of him. 
You never knew someone could look at you with such adoring eyes while still rendering you boneless through their actions. You swear you almost cum as he takes the bottom of your other breast into his mouth, leaving an identical mark to match the first one. He paints soft kitten licks on it to soothe the pain. He can’t get enough of the soft little sound you make as he uses your body.
You’ve never felt more empty than you do now, sitting above Ari as he drags his whiskers along your skin. You dip your hand under the water and wrap you fingers around him, too desperate to feel embarrassed of your bold actions. He pulses with heat against your palm, clearly he’s as excited as you are. 
His face is pressed into the curve of your neck, languidly pressing wet kisses along base of it. You prop yourself up as you line him up to your opening, mentally preparing youself for the stretching sensation that would soon follow.
You sit back onto him, slowly engulfing his hardness with your warmth. You can feel every inch of him as he enters you. The stinging sensation enhances the pleasure you feel as he prods at the sides of your cunt, making you feel like you could explode from the pressure. When he finally bottoms out, you need to take a breather before continuing.  You’ve never felt such fullness before. 
You’re so close to each other in this position, bodies fully pressed against each other, sharing every breath, blink, and heartbeat. He pushes up into you as he tries to sit up a little more. You moan at the new pressure he’s creating against your cervix.
 You involuntarily clench around him, making his body seize up to stop him from cumming right there. His eyes are closed as he tries to focus on keeping his cool. He knows it’s a lot for you to take.
“You squeeze me so tight, honey. Relax for me, would ya?” You nod, a whine sits in your throat as you hold on to his neck. You take a few deep breathes, relaxing your muscles and your rapidly beating heart. 
“You feel so big, Ari. I c-can’t move…” 
“Just ride me slowly, angel. Get my cock all nice and hot with your little pussy…” You’re delirious as you listen to his voice. You raise yourself up on your knees and you feel everything. His thick cock drags against the sides of your cunt, stimulating every nerve of your body. 
“That’s it, honey, take it slow.” Water sloshes between your bodies as you begin to find a rhythm, ocassionally splashing up against your face.
You become more desperate and start to speed up. Your movements are sloppy, evidence of your inexperience, but Ari doesn’t mind, keeping his gaze on your figure and admiring how your face is flushed with ecstasy. This is a far cry from the shy little girl he met at the bar. 
You open your eyes to see him watch you move against him and you have the sudden urge to feel his beard against your lips. You grab onto his jaw and breathe a kiss onto him. You instantly deep the kiss, playing with his tongue against yours and teasingly pulling back as he tries to taste you again. You sure do learn quickly, he thinks.
He feels the need to pound back into you, but doesn’t have enough leverage in the water so he pulls you off of him. You cry out at the emptying feeling, “W-wait, what are you doing?” 
“Be patient, angel…” He turns you around, pushing your naked chest against the smooth rock he was leaning on. Your legs are the only part of you that remained in the water. The breeze quickly chilled your skin, water quickly evaporating off of you. Ari marvels at your ass from this angle and feels up the goosebumps that decorate your body. 
He spreads your cheeks apart and watches as his cock pushes into you. This new angle makes him push right against your g-spot with every thrust. He places his arms right next to your head and fucks up into your cunt. You can hear the sloppiness of your connection to each other. You didn’t realize how wet you were before in the water. 
His thrusts are slow but powerful, dragging himself out until only the head of his cock reamained inside of you, then pushing in until he couldn’t move any further. At some point, it was hard to pull himself out of you, your cunt pulling him back in, addicted to the fullness he provided. 
His eyes are focused on where you connected, your slick dripping down his cock and into the water below. He feels you quickly begin to close around him, your groans becoming more frequent, more broken. His cock throbs inside of you when he sees the tears spill from your eyes, the pleasure overwhelming you.
He places his right hand around your neck, pulling your back to his chest, wanting to see every expression you make. His fingers press against the sides of your throat making you see white as he continues to rut into you. 
“Mm…You like this? Getting choked like a little whore?” You whine out, unable to form words at this point. “You gonna cream on my cock? Make me all messy, hm?” 
You can’t help it when your body begins to convulse from his dirty words, eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your cunt clamps down on him, milking him as he fucks you through your orgasm. He feels himself getting close, hips stuttering against yours. 
“Fuck, Angel, where do you want me?”
“In me, please. I want you deep inside me, Ari.” As your blissed out voice begs for him, he pumps himself into you and stills as he fills your cunt with a breathless groan. He drops his body onto yours breathing against your back. 
After a few minutes, he slowly slides himself out and you can feel his hot cum drip out of you. He tsks at the scene, using two of his fingers to push it back into you. You wince slightly, still sore from being stretched by him. 
“Can’t waste a single drop…” He hums as he fondles your exhausted body. He pulls your body to drape over his as he settles himself back into the water. The icy water cools down your overheated body and relaxed your muscles. 
He holds you in his warm embrace and you feel content to stay there forever. You feel like you’re in a dream, in paradise. His hand rubs against your lower back under the water, soothing you from the intense physical exertion you just experienced. You let out a sigh, brain still in the clouds from your orgasm. 
“Feel good, baby?” He speaks to you with such soft tenderness, voice deep and raspy. 
“Mhm…” He feels your shy smile against his shoulder. He pushes you back so he could take a good look at your face. You eyes avoid his, feeling bashful from what you just did. He pushes your hair back and tilts your head to make you look at him. His eyes trail along the bruises on your chest and the soft marks he left your neck.
“You are so beautiful.” He pecks your smiling lips. “My angel.”
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feraltuxedo · 2 years
Good Omens Fic Recs: American AU
Is it weird that, as a Brit, I love reading Good Omens AUs set in America? Perhaps I just find the change of scene a little more exciting. And there's an authenticity to them, a real sense of place that makes these fics so immersive.
Anyway, here are some of my favourites.
Long Haul by snae_b Rating: E Words: 68160 Summary: First time he sees him he’s barreling down 40 like a bat out of hell. Thirty miles outside of Flagstaff and six hours behind schedule. The desert looming large on all sides. Red sand and sage stretching out for miles and miles in front of him. Juniper and pine and gray crag behind him. The flora might be changing but that's about it. Same bone-dry air that gives him nosebleeds. Same cute little cottontails and scrawny jackrabbits darting under his tires. Same two lanes separated by white lines... He checks his speedometer. He hasn't downshifted since the city limits. Sheer luck, that. He's coming up fast on another rig. Flatbed with Vermont plates. Bright white cab with gold wings painted on the side. Anthony Crowley might have gotten out of Missouri, but he hasn't escaped his past. He wears it like a cloak. When he crosses paths with a guardian angel, he starts to learn how to shed it.
Crowley and Aziraphale are truckers. This is one of those concepts that sound so out there that it's hard to imagine it working. But trust me when I say that it does, and the result is an entirely unique and utterly compelling story that takes the dynamics of GO and transfers it to the endless highways of the American midwest. Like all of snae_b's stories, this one is sexy, romantic, beautifully written, and wonderfully plotted from start to finish. Crowley as a nervous young trucker who is just coming to terms with his identity and newfound freedom, and Aziraphale as the older, more experienced trucker whose easy-going outlook on life is helping him with that.
Old Vines by sevdrag Rating: E Words: 189706 Summary: A.Z. Fell, one of the most respected names in wine and food blogging, has been sent on assignment with his assistant Warlock Dowling to spend six months in California Wine Country. Under direction (by his boss, Gabriel) to use this experience to double his blog followers and write a novel, Aziraphale is both excited and anxious about the opportunity. Anthony J. Crowley is the owner and viticulturalist of Ecdyses, a winery that unexpectedly fell into his lap eleven years ago when he hit rock bottom. He may be in debt, yeah, but he’s paying off his loans — and despite pressure from his lenders and their team of inspectors, Crowley has found a kind of contentment tending his little corner of terroir and producing extraordinary wine. Crowley’s old vines are the heart of his vineyard, and he’s never let anyone in. Crowley finds Aziraphale intriguing; Aziraphale finds Crowley enthralling. Turns out a famous wine expert and an experienced viticulturalist can still learn things from each other. The summer of 2019 unfolds.
An absolute fandom classic, which is as much about wine and wine-growing as it is about love. As someone whose taste in wine goes as far as preferring white over red, I found it nonetheless incredibly appealing, and it made me want to actually pay a little more attention to wine as a result. There is a real sense of passion that underlies this story and defines its characters. Crowley's full-body connection to his soil is palpable, Aziraphale's epicureanism is taken to the extreme, but the entire ensemble of characters (and this is very much an ensemble piece) show the same kind of passion for the land, business, wine, and of course their various relationships.
The False and the Fair by Princip1914 Rating: E Words: 173064 Summary: Growing up in the shadow of West Virginia’s Eden Mountain, Aziraphale Wright always expected to work for the family coal mining company. Anthony Crowley, the son of a down-and-out miner, was going to become a pilot and leave town forever. Now, thirty years later, neither of their lives have gone as planned, and an unexpected inheritance brings them back into one another’s orbit. Aziraphale hopes that they can move beyond their shared past, and a high school arrangement that ended in disaster, but he has secrets of his own that threaten their fragile reconnection…
This is a dual-timeline epic that details the beginning romance of Crowley, son of a miner, and Aziraphale, son of a mine owner, and their reconnecting thirty years later when Aziraphale returns to his old hometown to claim a bookshop he inherited. Such a bittersweet slow-burn of a story, in the course of which secrets are uncovered and past actions are atoned for. I absolutely love how human and flawed the characters are, but in particular Aziraphale. This is one of my all-time favourite characterisations of him, and the author does not pull any punches. An emotional rollercoaster with a true sense of melancholy about it.
Hell's Half Acre by Lurlur Rating: E Words: 7266 Summary: Of all the saloons that existed in Hell's Half Acre, Deputy U.S. Marshal Anthony Crowley had a strong preference for the establishment operated by old Sergeant Shadwell. He could be found propping up the bar at the Witch's Tit most afternoons, and at one of its gaming tables almost every night. Being a man of reliable habits was part of his service to the town; people could always find him when they needed him.
An action-packed one-shot that squeezes so many Wild West tropes into less than 10k words. Crowley as the lazy, but competent sheriff with a dark past is a wonderful protagonist, and I loved his dynamic with a gun-toting but faultlessly polite Aziraphale. There is a fun mix of action, humour, romance, and smut in this story that unashamedly revels in its genre: there's gunfights, outlaws, saloons, horses, and everything else you would expect. It's a feast, an absolutely delightful piece of writing.
Put down the apple, Adam, and come away with me by Arokel Rating: M Words: 32045 Summary: Special Agent Anthony Crowley hadn't assumed infiltrating a lesbian convention to sniff out anti-American sentiments would be easy, but he also hadn't banked on an ambiguously-queer academic with peroxide-blonde hair and a talent for seeing right through him.
I have already written more extensively about this fic here. To summarise, it's a stunningly written piece set in 1950's America that's chock-full of longing and repressed feelings, set in a time and place that's evidently very well researched, but feels so entirely natural to the story that you don't even realise how much you've learned about 20th century queer history until you've finished.
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princess-ibri · 2 years
More Frozen 3 Stuff
So, my basic idea for the Bad Guys side plot of my hypothetical Frozen 3/Frozen TV show is this:
The old soldier Voland is seeking to unlock something held with a magic mirror, currently protected by enchantment laid with the help of the previous 5th Spirit (who I'll explain more about in the next part where I do the Heroes storyline) and the four Elemental Spirit Gaurdians.
In order to break their enchntments, Voland needs to obtain four magical items capable of binding the Spirits. For this purpose he has gathered four people with special skills and connections that can help him gain the items, and who are desperate enough to bidn themsleves to him.
The four itmes he seeks are an ancient lantern crafted to hold the hottest Fire, a silver bridle string enough to tame even the rolling raging Sea, a bag gifted to hold the wildest Wind and a bell that rings deep enough to rock the foundations of the Earth.
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Each of these items would correspond to an Elemental Spirit Gaurdian, each of whom will be encountered by Elsa on her journey to discover what it mean to be the 5th Spirit (yes its basically kinda Avatar but when youre working with an Elemental Magic system you run that risk).
Elsa's main guide on this journey will be Vand, the Spirit of Water, who we've already met in his horse form as the Nokk (credit to @im-fairly-whitty who created his human form and name based off of Scandinavian folklore where the Nokk had the human form of a man playing a violin).
Everyone has a an element they're most linked to, and Elsa's is Water, always deeper then you think, and linked to eternal transformation. Thus Vand will be her spirit guide on her journey.
Dovregubben is the Mountain King, lord of all the Earth spirits, suck as the rock giants and the trolls. He dwells within Miner's Mountain beyond Elsa's Ice Palace.
Then there's Tuuletar, the true name of Gale the Wind Spirit, who prefers to tak the form of a woman outlined in leaves when they deign to take human form.
And finally there is Norrsken, the eldest of the Salamnaders who's flame is the echo Northern Lights itself.
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For fun here's a size comparison of them all worh Vand in human form/size for scale.( Both Wind and Water are able to change their size as needed )
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Since this is a passion project for fun I get to make it the movie/show I'd want, and I wnt some actual Disney crossovers. So my idea for the heist plot the Bad Guys are on is this. First, they have to travel to Glowerhaven, home of Princess Ida, where the journal of one Herz deSonne of Corona has washed up and is in the process of being transcribed and restored before being returned to Corona. The book has the locations of the other items they need, and Hans, with his knowledge of court and ways of twisting people, is sent in to gain it, where he runs into the far too perseptive Princess Ida, who's insight into his psychology rattles him, and is what begins the first crack that launches his eventually Redemption Arc.
Each location afterwards would focus on learning more about the other members of the group and slowly building up the mystery of Voland and his ultimate goals as well as the slow burn of Han's Redemption as he both has informative exprinces as he helps steal each item, and realizes just how much like Voland he could turn out if he continuesto follow this path, and how little he truly wants that (also his slow burn enemies to friends to lovers relationship with Karen).
The Lantern is the Spire which Rapunzel once discovered in her own series, and would be a Hans centric episode, and might have a cameo with a now married with children Rapunzel and Eugene.
The Bell is located in the Kingdom of Peltinore, where we'd learn more about the sadisitic Inge and how her cruelty landed her in the Dark Realm, which she only escaped with Voland's help, as well as meeting a young Prince Charming, pre-Cinderella.
The Bridle is located in the Kingdom of Equis, ruled by the boorish King Trevor, where we'd also learn more about Skyggen and hia tragic backstory of how his magical experiments ended up with hia own shadow stealing his life and his desperation to regain it with Voland's help.
Finally, the Bag of Winds (as seen before in my Canon Descendants Little Mermaid story) is located in the kingdom of Tirulia, where Hans and Karen must face the questions, riddles ( and knife )of a strange statue, and we learn of Karen's story as a lonely young orphan who only wanted to be pretty as the young Princess Ida, and foolishly accepted a pair of red dancing shoes given to her by an old soldier, that she's never been able to get free of since.
The Mirror of course is to be found in Atohallan, where the final battle between Elsa and her family and Voland and his minions will take place...
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