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Keep These 3 Points In Mind To Grab The Best Sports Clothing
With the right appearance and features, sportswear enhances your workout performance. However, when buying sportswear, there are several things that you should look out for and pay close attention to. SHOULD BE WELL-DESIGNED Well-designed sportswear will let your body move easily and won’t irritate your skin by causing friction. They will be lightweight and will look fashionable. To hold all the…
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
I'm trying to write a post about tick safety and avoiding tick bites, but a lot of the info on websites is like "Avoid going in the woods, in plants, and where there are wild animals" and "Activities like hiking and gardening can put you at risk" and I'm like thanks! This is worthless!
As ticks and tick borne illnesses are expanding their range, I think it's important for people to be educated about these things, and I think it's especially important to give people actual advice on how to protect themselves instead of telling them to just...avoid the natural world
Rough draft version of Tick Advice:
Ticks don't jump down on you from trees, they get on you when you brush against grass, brush, bushes etc.
Ticks get brought to an area when they get done feeding from an animal and fall off them. In the USA, the main tick-bringing animal is deer, but I've seen plenty ticks on feral cats and songbirds.
Ticks get killed when they dry out so drier areas with more sunlight are less favorable to ticks.
The above is useful for figuring out whether an area is likely to have lots of ticks, and how vigilant you have to be in that area.
Wear light-colored, long pants outside. Tuck your pants into your socks, and tuck your shirt into the waist of your pants. Invest in light, breathable fabrics idc
IMMEDIATELY change out of your outside clothes when you come back from a tick-prone area, wash them, and dry them on high heat to kill any ticks that might be stuck on.
Shower and check yourself for ticks after coming inside. Hair, armpits, and nether regions in particular. You can use a handheld mirror or rely on touch; an attached tick will feel like a bump kinda like a scab
While you're outside, you can just periodically check for ticks by running your hands down your legs and checking visually to see if anything is crawling on your clothes. Light colors make them easy to spot, and they don't move fast.
Combing through each others' hair to check for creepy crawly critters is a time-honored primate ritual and is not weird. When hiking, bring a friend who will have your back when you feel something on your neck and need to know if it's sweat or a tick
If you're careful, you can usually catch ticks before they bite you, but if one does bite you, it's not the end of the world. Since tickborne diseases are different regionally i suspect this advice will differ based on where you are, but the important thing is remove the tick with tweezers (DON'T use butter, a lit match, or anything that kills the tick while it's still attached, please) and contact a doctor to see what to watch for. Most illnesses you can catch from ticks are easily treatable if you recognize them when symptoms first appear
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notchainedtotrauma · 4 months
On The Subject Of Bots: A Former Bot Farm Operator Speaks On The Process (Also spread this video all over this website. I mean it. Spread it. For a whole set of reasons-one of them being antiblackness)
ID [ Close up of a woman in a car wearing a green shirt. She has a dark brown ponytail. She says: 'I'm a a former tech employee that created and sustained a bot farm between 2015 and 2018 in California USA.
Wanna give you guys some information because American bot farm operators are pretty rare. Most bot farms operate oversea. I don't know if there's anyone like me in the US that can tell you this stuff is what I'm saying.
I'm typically way secretive about this but it's gotten so bad I need to talk about it
So what is a bot farm ? Something that an individual or a company purchases. You get a set amount of bots that look like normal people, go out, and spread your message. And here's the work that goes ino that:
I as a operator have to create each individual fake person. I have to create a bio. I have to create a username, a real name, then I have to generate content that has to be supportive of the message the client is paying for.
Positive opinion of the company or the individual. If anyone has ever tried to create content (you know that) that takes time and also that takes ideas; it's not easy.
Finally you need to program these bots based on activity. Bots respond to what you do.
You think that you going around and liking things is invisible. It's not. You're leaving a footprint across the app. That footprint is tracked by people like me. So based on what other people like or comment on, I program my bot to go and search for those people, find them, and then interact with them with my content that supports the message that I created.
This programming also includes research to find the people that are the most susceptible to believing the message that you're selling, and targeting those people. This is just a scratch on the surface of what it takes to program one of these. And people are buying hundreds of them.
Now here's the interesting part. The software to run all these bots is not free. And the time that it takes to create all the things that I just told you about also not free. All of this stuff costs money.
And it represents money when you see it. If you're seeing non stop videos posted with a certain agenda, someone's paying for that. So when you see a dump/ a ton of media that's telling you all the same message, do not say wow what a thing happening right now.
Please instead say wow who's trying to buy my opinion on this topic ?
End of the video ] End of ID
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missroy33 · 1 year
Whatever your fitness style is, the team at Fitness Clothing Manufacturer has you covered with custom-made workout apparel and yoga clothes. Check out our collection of gym outfits now!
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alanicglobal · 2 years
How to Wear Activewear?
Wearing sports clothes is not as easy as you think it might be, you need to make sure all the elements of glamour has its own space and performance has its own. Know more: https://tinyurl.com/y53kunnw
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laurellynnleake · 1 year
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Hey fellow Northeasterners on Turtle Island, aka the USA and Canada! Recent wildfires are spreading smoke and dangerous air conditions across New England. I only realized this because of social media, so I'm spreading the news further with maps for visuals. Things are officially UNHEALTHY so everyone needs to be careful, especially anyone with heart or lung conditions.
If you're in NY, MA, RI, CT, NJ, etc, please be careful!
Close your windows (consider sealing them if it's really bad)
Wear respirator masks (ex N95s) outside
Turn on air filters if you've got them
Use fans inside to keep cool and keep air moving
Check for air coming in around window AC units! You can probably still use your AC, but remember that their filters generally don't block smoke.
Remember, wildfire smoke doesn't just include burnt up trees but can include all kinds of hazardous materials, so the less outside air inside your house the better. If you've got any DIY Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes around for COVID-19 filtration, they excel at filtering out other dangerous particles too. Here's a diagram for making one, :
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Also, try to avoid strenuous activities (ex moving furniture, climbing lots of stairs, etc) and listen to your body's needs. If you need to lay down and do nothing for a while, go for it. Stay hydrated, especially if your throat is getting scratchy! If you've got asthma, make sure your meds are close by.
Take care of yourselves and each other out there!
6/7/23 UPDATE:
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Thought I'd add more context and sources for people to look up their own areas! The above map shows the current outbreak of wildfires across the West Coast and Midwest, versus the huge plumes of smoke traveling across the north, middle, and east of the continent, including Mexico. Click the source link to explore the map yourself.
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IDs are in the alt text!
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neon-ufo · 1 month
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my friend is running a 70s sci-fi flavoured stars without number campaign and im currently in my 70s fantasy era so here's a space barbarian i made for it 👀
his name is ire and he swore vengeance against space USA
i took inspiration from moebius' designs for jodorowsky's dune as well as just the general awesome 70s pulp fantasy covers!
You can read a short backstory under the cut, or a longer dive into his culture and character on his ToyHouse profile
He is a member of the powerful Kron tribe from the primitive* planet Magentero (*primitive in comparison to futuristic technology most others have in this setting).
After his tribe's lands were colonized and his people decimated by the Unified Stars Alliance, he was chosen to avenge his people as one of his tribe's champions.
The Kron mark their significant kills - enemy generals, champions or leaders - with scarification, and Ire himself has thus far collected 5 such scars. His tribe's blood is lilac, but most of their enemies bleed red, so the scarring ceremony uses special pigment to make the scars heal red.
It is considered a serious threat in his culture to wear an enemy's flag tied around his arm, as it marks the place where the next scar will be placed. It's seen as a proclamation of war, or a sign of an active bounty.
Ire is likely not his real name, but a name he wears until he gets his peace.
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jacensolodjo · 7 months
I love certain people but if at any point the thought process is 'besides the invasion of Ukraine, russia is actually okay because it stands up to the USA/West etc.,', I'm gonna have to wonder where the FUCK y'all have been the past fucking 100+ years aka YOUR ENTIRE LIFE russia has been not okay.
I want y'all to think long and hard every time, EVERY TIME, russia is in opposition to something the USA/west does. (always be suspicious why they are against it. believe it or not a country isn't always against something because it is morally/ethically right to be against it. they are against it because they don't like the other country. Surprise! while you may shrug and say 'same difference' haha read on) and then WATCH WHAT THEY DO. you WATCH. they will do THE THING THEY JUST CHIDED THE WEST ON DOING. Maybe a month later, maybe two months. Who knows. BUT THEY WILL DO IT!! IT IS THEIR THING!!! Or even better, IN THEIR HISTORY they have done the exact fucking thing they just chided the west on doing. And no I'm not even gonna say 'oh a hundred years ago they did this thing'. But they did this thing they are chiding the west on within living memory. or are ACTUALLY ACTIVELY DOING IT!!! While saying to the world 'ohhhh bad evil West, you no good West, how AWFUL!!!' They will shake their finger about war crimes and GUESS WHAT THEY ARE DOING RIGHT NOW??? They don't get to sit there and say SHIT while they do the same thing they're saying is bad. Any other country pulls that, they get hung out to dry. russia does it? Why is it okay?
It's called fucking whataboutism and it is still alive and well in russia. It was invented there and you are FALLING FOR IT EVERY FUCKING DAY. Because why? Russia is not your friend. Russia is killing the people you say you care about. Russia is killing people. EVERY DAY. Just because one day it also says it is against the shit you are does not mean you start going "yay russia! you tell 'em russia!"
Russia knows what you dislike about your own damn country, about the West, and it mocks you for agreeing with it for going 'bad West'. You earn points with absolutely no one. You merely look silly when, inevitably, russia does the bad things it does later after you have praised it for saying the same things you do. When it was advantageous for it to go 'bad West'. Or when it does something politically that you say is awful when the West does it. Because, again, it is STILL bad no matter what country does it.
After it has murdered Ukrainians. Chechens. Georgians. Siberians. Jews. Muslims. Gay people. Trans people. Black People. Asian people. The people you claim to give a fuck about. The people it has been murdering for decades. For centuries.
You want to sit there and go 'yay russia' because it happened to go 'naughty West'? Imperialism is Imperialism is Imperialism. Just cause it's a different flavor of it doesn't mean a goddamn fucking thing. It does the same bad shit you hate the West for doing. Russia just wears an ushanka while doing it.
I grew up with 'russia bad'. Idk when things stopped with 'russia bad'. But can we go back to 'russia bad'? Being anti-USA/West does not make some entity good. Take that fucking thought out of your head. russia bad. say it with me. russia. bad.
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genderkoolaid · 7 months
out of spite at the people who think transhet men have straight male privilege, i was planning to look into violence against straight transmasculine people specifically. i was going to look through the aovatp and see what i can find about the victims' sexualities, but i wanted to first ask if you had any information on their seuxalities already from your research. no worries if not, i just figured i'd check.
100% support that. I think straight trans men especially see a lot of erasure from other queer people, who are quick to portray them as cis lesbian victims of lesbophobia.
Here are the victims on the Archive who I know would be relevant:
Khleo Finnie (USA) - Assaulted and slashed along with his wife while being called slurs
Maria Paola Gaglione (Italy) - A cis woman who was murdered by her brother to "teach her a lesson" after getting engaged to a trans man
Unnamed trans man (Qatar) - A member of the Qatar royal family fled and went into hiding with his girlfriend after his freedom was restricted by his family.
Phillip (Malawi) - Assaulted by police officers along with another trans man for "doing lesbian activities"
John (USA) - Murdered by the ex-husband of his girlfriend in the late 1986. "During the murder trial in 1990, the defense proposed the argument that it was not a “real murder,” as John was just an “it”." (Hung Jury chp. 9)
Nicole Saavedra Bahamondes (Chile) - A camiona (butch lesbian) who was murdered, and had been previously harassed by cis men who sought to "correct her" and "make her a woman." She lived in Valparaíso, a region known for its lesbophobic violence.
^ Unnamed camiona (Chile) - Whipped with chains while being called lesbophobic slurs. Also from Valparaíso.
^ Carolina Torres (Chile) - Brutally beaten and permanently disabled by cis men who specifically targeted her, and not her femme girlfriend, for being a camiona; during the attempted murder, they asked her "Why do you dress like a man?"
Kavi/Kaveri (India) - Murdered and had his body burned by two cisgender men because he was against one of them dating his friend.
Jorge (Ecuador) - Forced into conversion therapy where he was physically abused and made to wear sexy feminine clothing (his girlfriend was also subject to similar treatment).
Manoj (India) - 17-year-old who was tied up, beaten, locked in, and threatened with murder by his family after coming out as a straight trans man. He was also taken out of school and forced into marriage with a much older man.
However there definitely are other people on that list who might be of interest to you.
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mommywilliamsblogss · 1 month
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It a new weekend for all adult baby who wear there diaper 24/7 without shying and always be proud about it in both private and public mommy is also glad for that this a new outfit for you if you are a real adult baby who dosent have an outfit or best outfit in his apartment or nursery am using this opportunity to ask you out now if you are a real abdl baby and you dont have a mommy who takes care of you you just any ordinary baby with no mentality just be proud of yourself with having me as your future mommy who is going to be with you forever you dont have to doubt me anymore am a real mommy not a fake ass as other mommy over there my nursery is free of charge let get to know each other and have a couple of time in my children's room i have alot of all babies stuffs in my nursery if you need me for pickup just drop your home address and location you're usa,germany,uk,australia,france,canada am active and dont forget to follow and reblog mommy loves you❤️🥰🍼👶🏻❤️❤️❤️👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻🚘❤️👋
Es ist ein neues Wochenende für alle Adult Babys, die ihre Windeln 24/7 tragen, ohne sich zu schämen, und immer stolz darauf sind, sowohl privat als auch in der Öffentlichkeit. Mama freut sich auch darüber, dass dies ein neues Outfit für dich ist. Wenn du ein echtes Adult Baby bist, das kein Outfit oder bestes Outfit in seiner Wohnung oder seinem Kinderzimmer hat, nutze ich diese Gelegenheit, um dich jetzt nach einem Date zu fragen. Wenn du ein echtes ABDL-Baby bist und keine Mama hast, die sich um dich kümmert, bist du nur ein normales Baby ohne Mentalität. Sei einfach stolz auf dich, mich als deine zukünftige Mama zu haben, die für immer bei dir sein wird. Du musst nicht mehr an mir zweifeln. Ich bin eine echte Mama und keine falsche Idiotin wie die anderen Mamas dort. Mein Kinderzimmer ist kostenlos. Lass uns einander kennenlernen und ein paar Stunden in meinem Kinderzimmer verbringen. Ich habe viele Babysachen in meinem Kinderzimmer. Wenn du mich zum Abholen brauchst, gib einfach deine Privatadresse und deinen Standort an. Du bist in den USA, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Australien, Frankreich oder Kanada. Ich bin aktiv und vergiss nicht, Mommy Loves zu folgen und zu rebloggen. du❤️🥰🍼👶🏻❤️❤️❤️👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻🚘❤️👋
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Stock Collection For a Better Apparel Manufacturers in USA:- Activewear Manufacturer
Activewear Manufacturer, a top name in the business who are coming up with the latest clothes for your store. Click on https://www.activewearmanufacturer.com/usa/
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glowl0 · 4 months
Is there a backstory of your scp oc?
Very much so!
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Their full name is Seamus Kelly, but after outliving their only family (pre-963) decided to just go by Kelly (lore dump ahead)
Sean was born after the great war (1920), the youngest child of irish inmigrant parents in the USA. He was very sickly as a child and was often taken care of by his brother, Liam (6 yrs older) as both parents were unavailable (full time working father and emotionally unstable mother).
Whenever he was bedridden (which was often) his older brother would bring him whatever trinkets he would find (this would partly play a part in his collecting and antiquarian tendencies)
Liam had an ability that adult Sean now knew as an scp, he often cured his sibling's reocurring illnesses by somehow transferring whatever the body needed from his own (ex. white blood cells for an infection) although he wasnt really aware of the specifics. He deprived himself so much he eventually succumbed to an illness himself, passing away when Sean's 12.
About 5 years later his mother takes her life, death becomes a sore topic
He starts doing jobs for college money, as his father refused to pay for it due to their economic situation.
He looks for scholarships and because its the cold war, the goverment starts investing in science which also means: foundation scholarships, he finds them through a coworker he often talked with and had mentioned his brother's ability to (under the assumption of it just being child vision)
Once he moves into foundation quarters he cuts off his father, not being in good terms with him. Maybe its something he regrets later, in his thirties, when he is diagnosed with a life threatening illness and doesnt have an inmediate suitale donor, finding that his father passed away from kidney failure way before he even finished his major.
Around this time one of the articles hes in charge of is 963, a safe scp known to produce small fragile gems
It was thought to be used in some sort of healing ritual, as the tomb it was in had other things related to it, but it was clearly defective now, with an empty socket at its center.
Kelly kickstarted further research in an attempt to activate it, at first due to his own masked desesperation to find something that could cure him (he wasnt going to join his family, he wasnt) but after a while his fixation on it wasnt normal, with bouts of euphoria when near it and debilitating anxiety when not
Its a while before anyone realizes the artifact had seemingly stopped producing its crystals, that whoever was in charge of it had never reported it (conveniently Kelly's health is better than ever)
At some point after being suspected, hes detained for trying to take 963 out of its containment, thankfully a colleage was aware of Kellys abnormal behavior and claimed it to be a memetic effect, Kelly was given A class amnestics (this wont work of course, because Kelly's memories arent stored in himself now, its the artifact's)
Before he is relocated a security breach breaks out, and Kelly finds himself going through a path he shouldnt be able to recognice.
He is later found dead wearing the object, and when he is opened up they find the reason why. 963 had fed on his soul and grown its seed inside him, replacing his organs, millions of crystals varying in size, until it found the perfect form that could make it whole.
And somewhere an unfortunate researcher unknowingly woke up with it inside them.
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian (The Regal Warrior of Stones)
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Color: Black, Dark Brown
Hardness: 5-5.5 (softer than quartz)
Rarity: Easy to Acquire
Type: Igneous Rock (Comes from a Volcano)
Chakra Association: Root
Angel: Uriel
Deities: Pele, Tezcatlipoca, Itzpapalotl and Sekhmet
Element: Fire, Earth
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries
Planet: Saturn, Pluto
Origin: Anywhere with Volcanic Activity
Powers: Protection, Grounding, Clarity, Releasing Blockage, Drawing out Stress, Creativity, Divination and Scrying, Negativity Banishment, Transformation and Absorption
Crystals It Works Well With: Howlite, Malachite
How is it Created: Obsidian is a black volcanic glass, formed when molten lava hits cold water or air and solidifies. It is composed of silicon dioxide (quartz) and many impurities which allows it to take different shapes and colors. Black obsidian gets it coloring from iron and magnesium.
History: The earliest obsidian tools can be dated back to the Oldowan, at the dawn of the Paleolithic/Stone Age (2.6 million- 10,000 BCE). Different origins of this rock can be found in Britain, Italy, Mexico, and the USA. In Egypt, obsidian knives were used in ceremonial circumcisions, as well as making mirrors (scrying mirrors for most) and other decorations in tombs. The word “Obsidian” was first used by a Roman explorer, Obsius, who “discovered” it in Ethiopia. In the Americas, Obsidian was used as a symbol of Tezcatlipoca, the chief god of the Aztec religion. Tezcatlipoca means “smoking mirror” which is why a lot of the Mayan priest used the glass rock for scrying mirrors like the Egyptians did. On the Eastern Islands, obsidian was used to make the eyes of the Moai statues before they were lost. The indigenous tribes of North America used pieces of obsidian to make arrowheads, spears and even knives by using an antler in order to carefully form different shapes.
What It Can Do:
Grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, making it possible to manifest more spiritual energy
Increases one’s self control
Forces you to face your true self
Brings imbalance and shadow qualities to the surface to release them
Repels negativity and disperses self-hating thoughts
Powerful meditation aid
Great for scrying and divination as the glass allows you to look to see the “clear truth”
Can heal you after a spiritual or mental attack
Was used in the past during ritual for healing physical disorders
How to Charge:
Sit with the stone in the palm of your hand and enter a light meditation. Use your thoughts to charge the stones with desires of protection and make sure the thoughts are clear and concise.
Use high vibration to amplify the crystal
Use a singing bowl to send sound energy into it
Place it in a bed of Himalayan salt and let it sit for 48 hours
If you work with a sun or moon deity, I have noticed charging it in the sun or moonlight with the idea of protection helps to charge it as well
How to Cleanse:
Run under water (not hot just lukewarm) for a minute
Create a saltwater solution and submerge it for up to 24 hours
Burn herbs or incense over the obsidian with the intention of cleansing (I personally use sandalwood incense for this)
Leave your stone under the full moon to cleanse and retrieve in the morning
Bury your obsidian in your garden for 48 hours
How to Get the Best Out of It:
Wear a black obsidian bracelet. The wrist area is a highly energetic zone because it has nearly direct access to the bloodstream. This (in my opinion) is the best place to have obsidian to create a powerful shield and help with manifestation.
For lighter dosage, use an obsidian ring.
Crystal Grid:
Letting Go (Triangle Grid)
Mantra: “I release everything that no longer serves me”
Center Stone: Smokey Quartz Tower
Secondary Stones: Obsidian, Malachite, Rhodonite, Citrine
Best Moon Phase: Waning or Dark Moon
Best Day: Saturday
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missroy33 · 1 year
Looking for bulk gym wear wholesale suppliers? Look no further than Fitness Clothing Manufacturer! We are a leading fitness apparel vendor offering workout clothes manufacturer, blank gym clothing, and more. Visit our website today to find out more!
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londonfoginacup · 1 month
not the same anon and i’ve already asked this to someone else without an answer. i’ve never been to a show in the usa but it feels to me like there’s a different atmosphere in general over there so this comes from genuine curiosity: why do you feel like you have to bring a rainbow flag to a concert? let’s forget about louis for a second, just think of a random concert. you said you’ve gotten bad looks for bringing one but also you (and others) claim that flags in concerts are meant to feel people safe. do you not feel safe if you don’t bring a flag? do you not enjoy a concert if you don’t bring one/see one? what’s the need to bring flags? i promise this comes from curiosity because in all the years i’ve attended music shows and festivals, i’ve never felt like bringing the flags i own, but again, i’m not from the usa and i’m not well versed into tumblr queer culture.
Hi anon. I will take this as a good faith question, although your phrase “I’ve asked this to someone else without an answer” is something I suggest you do not include when asking things in future, because it implies you’re upset or blaming that other person for not responding. People have many reasons to not respond, some of which are simply time or time of day or spoons! We are all simply trying our best out here.
Now onto your question— I think that what’s missing here is fandom history. You said “forget about Louis for a second”, but actually what we need to do is look back at One Direction’s history.
I’ve written this out and tried to shorten it a number of times now, but the long and the short of it is that while the band was active, especially 2013-2014, the way that One Direction the Brand and Management handled rumors about Louis and Harry was to create a rift between “respectful fans” and “everyone else”. And the “everyone else” was people who thought Louis and Harry were in a relationship, yes, but it was also simply queer fans. Because those circles often overlap, OR because other fans would see that they were queer and put them in the same category.
Rainbow Direction was a movement made by fans in order to feel safe at One Direction shows specifically, because it was one direction shows specifically that people did not feel comfortable at, but desperately WANTED to feel comfortable at, because this band and these boys brought them comfort, spoke words in their songs that connected to their queer experience, etc.
I would not say that it’s USA specific so much that it’s 1D specific. I don’t… believe (I could be wrong) that I’ve brought a flag to a non-1D (or 1D adjacent) show, although I HAVE seen flags at those shows, like Declan McKenna I feel like I saw a flag or two there, for instance.
But honestly anon, when I bring a flag, it is not to make myself feel safe. It’s so that someone else who is queer can see that flag and know that I am a safe person. Likewise, when I see someone else with a flag, I know that I feel safe with them. It’s a way of saying you’re not alone.
Now, it might be helpful to know that I have attended EVERY 1D/Harry/Louis/Niall concert (but one) with @lululawrence . It’s her flags that I wear. She is the best sort of person you could ever hope to attend a concert with, but that’s beside the point. My point is that the one show that I remember the most dirty looks and feeling the most uncomfortable was the one Harry show we attended in… 2021? The end of the 2021. Harry’s fan base grew EXPONENTIALLY over the pandemic. That night, we saw maybe two flags in the pit and none anywhere else. There were more people dressed as bananas than people with flags. Sus and I had the bi and ace flags, and honestly anon, I started to want to hide it. The people around us gave us looks, I heard them talking about us although I tried not to listen. I wasnt afraid for our safety, but I was viscerally aware that the people around us didn’t understand the flags and didn’t want us there.
And I had been there in Nashville at the Ryman, when every flag had been confiscated and the security had been terribly mean and Harry had had to pull out his own and set it on stage at one point when the lights went down. That had been upsetting but we had all been on the same page, the fans and Harry, that the flags were important. Post-2020, that show was different. I felt like a creature on display for people to gawk at.
So when you talk about tumblr queer culture, I don’t actually know how much this extends past 1D/Louis/Harry. But in the beginning of 2023, when Sus and I went to the first concert we had booked (we had… four or five that year), and noticed how few flags there were, the two of us were specifically worried about concerts feeling the way that one in 2021 did. That’s why we did spent the next few months sending flags to every North America Louis show (and don’t get me wrong, I’d have done his other legs if I had the money to get them flags too. But all those flags in the NorthAmerica shows? A few friends whom I ADORE helped but mostly that was almost entirely out of my own personal budget). Because we wanted to make sure that everyone felt the safety of being able to spot a flag in the crowd and know that whoever was holding it was not someone who would reject them for their gender/sexuality.
Sure, another option is that no one brings flags and we all just sit and enjoy the music. That’s really fine. But I think for our fandom in particular it’s a bit of history, of being loudly rejected during the 1D days and then surging our support for one another for the solo tours.
And tbh yeah. Okay. America is scary and people are mean and i know so so SO many people who are ONLY out online or at shows like these. I want them to know im there with them.
So, I don’t know if I answered your question well. @takemehomefromnarnia or @lululawrence or any number of other people could probably answer it better.
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ptseti · 6 months
Julian McCall moved from the United States to China when he was 15. He was expecting police to pull him over while running, wearing a hoodie, but he was pleasantly surprised at the freedom he experienced. According to him, Chinese people and their government don’t associate Africans with criminal activity.
Being an African in the United States, or any country involved in the European Slave Trade of African peoples, forces one to grapple with the legacies of slavery and colonialism, day in and day out. Living like this conditions people to believe prejudice and white supremacist policies are universal.
As he said in his Miami Herald opinion piece, ‘While slavery’s oppressive shadow still shapes American society 150 years after its dissolution, it simply never existed in China. Black people are not a fixture in Chinese history, so my skin generated genuine curiosity rather than suspicion. My Blackness was certainly still Othering but in a much more benign and tolerable way than in America.’
For more on his perspective, please read his 2022 article, ‘Sanctuary: Black in Beijing’ in the Miami Herald.
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