#acting tips
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nobigneil · 8 months ago
elijah kamski.
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actingmasterclassseries · 5 months ago
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Dare to be devious
Don't miss the "Monologues That Kill" Acting Workshop October 16 via Zoom.
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cyberpunk-r-j · 5 months ago
❝You must listen to stay in the play, in the moment, with the other players and the audience. The inability to listen cuts you off from the world. You need to stay attentive in your spirit.❞
Patsy Rodenburg: Speaking Shakespeare
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nerdystarstruckace · 7 months ago
Tumblr, I need callback tips and tricks. I'm auditioning for a role I love that is so low-key me and I need to wow them at my callback. I've never done a callback, please I need tipssss
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kingoftieland · 7 months ago
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It's SO HARD not to fall in love with Ted Lasso! 💙
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thefirsthogokage · 2 years ago
Some helpful writing/acting advice:
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[Image IDs: two tweets from Avishai (@/avishaiw) from June 18th, 2023 that read:
Years ago, I was at a one man show whose second half was a seminar on how to do physical comedy. The guy made a point I never forgot:
How do you play a drunk character? By acting like you’re desperate to convince everyone you’re sober.
A recent movie with a depressed main character who’s played as consistently gloomy, without any false front, has me thinking about this
/End ID]
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[Image ID: tweet from Jessica Ellis (@/baddestmamajama) from June 18th, 2023 that reads:
Yup, this is an early acting lesson. Never play bored by acting bored, play it like you’re trying to find something to do and being thwarted
/End ID]
As much as I now hate Whedon and Nathan Fillion (for being willing to work with Whedon in a heartbeat, even after EVERYTHING, just because he never saw it), Whedon aslo gave Fillion some helpful advice about playing bad guys: Bad guys can't think they're bad guys. They have to think they are doing the right thing.
Oh wait more:
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[Image ID: the first tweet is quoted by Anosognosiogenesis (@/pookleblinky> from June 18th, 2023 that reads:
Similarly: how do you play a mindbogglingly stupid character? Act like you're the world's smartest man
/End ID]
I would argue that some characters know that they lack more intellect and that those characters would need to be written and played differently.
Oh look, here's another helpful take on playing dumb from the quote tweets:
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[Image ID: a Quote tweet from Matt McIver (@/mamikgibar) from June 18tu, 2023 that reads:
You don’t play cold, you play trying like hell to get warm. Evergreen advice.
Also people make a mistake playing “dumb” characters. You have to play either a) the constant fight to figure out what’s going on or 2) the utter (incorrect) confidence you know everything.
/End ID]
And back to a quote tweet about acting drunk:
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[Image ID: A Quote Tweet from @/LouisatheLast from the same day as everything else that reads:
This is great acting advice, and so is the direction I got once on acting convincingly very drunk in a scene: “your goal is to get horizontal.” Not just stumble around aimlessly, but be actively trying to lie down on the nearest surface
/End ID]
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altosys · 10 months ago
to all my aspiring actors that have not been on stage yet. i have some tales of times when i was on stage.
romeo and juliet (may 2024): -messed up like, a bunch of lines and stuttered a bit (as long as you play it off no one will notice anything wrong) -blocking was shit on one of the nights (made up for it via actions/dialogue clarity) -was kinda quiet (just be louder next time, that's all that matters) -couldn't find the vial for like half a minute and i was worried they didn't put it there (pretended to play it off as hesitating to give the vial) -had a paralyzing ptsd episode on one of the nights right before the doors opened (and i will not stress this enough: always rely on your fellow cast and production members. they are there for you.) -had a really upset stomach (just don't eat dairy or whatever you're intolerant to prior to performance night/day. or if you do make sure to take a pill or something to help with it, like a lactese/lactaid)
[will update]
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actingcareerexpert · 1 year ago
Getting the casting directors attention
The first step to creating a killer self-tape is getting the casting director’s attention. With so many actors submitting tapes, you need to make sure yours stands out. The best way to do this is by delivering a memorable performance right from the start.
In addition to the 5 Elements To A Killer Self-Tape, here are a few more tips that will help you stand out: One effective way of grabbing their attention is through your slate. Your slate should be confident and charismatic, showing off your personality and unique qualities as an actor. But never over the top. Just friendly and to the point.
Additionally, pay close attention to lighting and sound quality in order to create a professional-looking video that draws in the viewer’s eyes and ears. Proper lighting can help highlight facial expressions while good audio ensures they won’t miss any important details in your performance.
Remember, catching their eye doesn’t necessarily mean going over-the-top with gimmicks or flashy techniques; sometimes simple choices made with boldness can have just as much impact on capturing their attention!
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nightguide · 10 months ago
methods of inspiration when enhancing your being to become: Doctor's edition
(it's a mode of being when you want to quintessentially, beat the living shit out of the actor who did you wrong because 'who you look up to' is actually the opposite)
William Hartnell (1st Doctor): you really do want to say that he walks like a gentleman who knew how to drive a Nissan Micra and make it look sexy as hell, like he glamourized your nan and he made you look good. so take the piss out of him by you outsmarting the viewer by teleporting them into a condescending Jesus storyline and make it your fault, cuz that is how the show started out.
Patrick Troughton (2nd Doctor): you will never make sense of things so easily, so why not act like your own best friend, heck he can even talk to you like you were not there, so why are you typing this and making fun.. oh... you're quite the actor that made a heart look too damn good that you can actually persuade the view.. no... you make fun of you... no... you make.. no.. you.. no. you.. basically you don't have to do anything but to make love by making love become love.. everybody's hell is putting something on screens for the viewer that shouldn't even be there except that you were not there for yourself, the lonely doctor was apparently once the most demonised heart in the planet. he was never even moral,,, he was a Judas so smarter than never, it's best to severely hate humanity but for the sake of your own time, become a villain. become that guy. be the asshole to take back what you.. just do it because you actually have a shit to give and you would just be with your wife dogging her for the rest of your life. camera is just a fuckery of all the people you hate.
Jon Pertwee (3rd Doctor): he doesn't come to life. he a miracle but you're the miracle to meet no one. just make fun of him in every single way by watching his episodes backwards and spot any mistakes that he made, chances are that he may fix them but he physically can't cuz time of the 3rd Doctor went physically past and you're telling a dead man to get back up from the grave and do something he can't do, like think of what dead people can't do and do that. he's not even there to 'fix it' for you or what else can he do
Tom Baker (4th Doctor): he hates actually fucking up the timeline. like he's alive and historically accurate to doing but he appreciates the living shit out of everything, make his ego go by telling him what his generation doesn't have and imply physical laws of existence to the world become, he knows the time in his hands is short and he also knows that regards to wifi and the future will not be there for him in the next 10 years, take it back and make it so that he will not live to see you because the man knows how so make him look too damn inferior for him to make sense of 'nothing'. reduce the man to atoms and make it your life
Peter Davison (5th Doctor): you can't take it back. he needs to be rectified. the actor (i feel deathly sorry for him) cannot go back to the world he really wanted, so take back Gallifrey by looking up the companions lives and destroying theirs cuz they are more heartbroken but heartbreakers to you than they are, the show went to the companions lives than it did for the Doctor cuz he is the guide, no. he made the companions, he was a role model. he did not just do, he made to break, that's why he wore celery and patiently played his part like a cricketer. make his companions lives hell cuz they aint better than u.
Colin Baker (6th Doctor): this guy has vengeance but it's like a wakeup call cuz uncannily, the man doesn't see. so it's best to give him a tour of your own living room like he was going to enter a new world because he's a lot like Ariel from the little mermaid discovering what her life is like on land before meeting Prince Eric.
Sylvester McCoy (7th Doctor): he doesn't want you to open the page of the book you're holding in your hand cuz the man hates to think when he's more doing but laughs at you for not doing it because that's where you get your ideas from, like who the fck does he think he is, like even scarily similar to your life, make new stories cuz in every way, he is the ?question mark? that solves itself, he likes to fondle with these things but hates it when new problems surface because he will question the show itself to the fault as the Doctor, he will never quit the role so give him too much problems for the man itself to retire in a grave. he likes to leave it too sharply to know he'll be happy if a man did it very much less for a woman to type all this up to make bad men realise they have a heart. he a mans man but a womans nobody.
Paul McGann (8th Doctor): you won't show up. you won't actually give in. he is the pinnacle of show but hated himself for it, he'd expect a big fat movie and walk.. no. no. no. the man hasn't got a question to dignify except that time is laid out for a man physically so you're not reviving him... and so where his legacy went... after years... he lies in the written language. he doesn't lie in oxygen nor thin air,,, he makes a man question his sexuality much more than a woman can say 'inshaa Allah'. i'm a Muslim woman writing this as a layout for wannabe actors to gain courage to be in a TV show that never expired out of time but kept to date all because he wanted to have sex. sex. what is sex like to you because sex is creation so is writing... outsmart him by forgiving him for the political shit show and go for where it hurts, write like the last time because writing is being, fuck your own heart like you do with all those written messages to a lover you'll never have, what will she/he think of you
Christopher Eccleston (9th Doctor): you have to forget who you are, cuz anger is actually terrifying but the rebirth of it comes with a solid vengeance against God with a truthful reason and that's sincerity, you have had a powerful reason to act because in some way, you were belittled too far and it actually wounded you because of why you act, you don't need a qualification in being when society needs you to actually give into some academic qualification that resulted you in actually being pissed off so you don't need to BBC to justify your reasons to live because who the fuck do they think they are, they got no business in interfering in your life like that of which you want and take it away from you and giving you expectations in working a fucking camera and you have deep family problems that are preventing you from actually buying a camera or having a lack of confidence in directing because the education system does not benefit people that do need it, like the ones who are being bullied.. no. you're being bullied by the higher class twats not actually doing anything to sustain the worldly affairs given to the lower class because the entire world needs to break out of the pyramid scheme because it doesn't fucking exist, outsmart Eccleston by actually fucking your life up for the right people and that is one per every heart there is, he may have had his chance to see it but the story is never over. he may come back but he is not even alone, not in his society, not in yours because he fought for your rights to live by conveniently being the guy everyone wants around because a job can never do you justice except a heart that needed you most.
David Tennant (10th Doctor): he doesn't actually see you or else he would have saved you straight away, he doesn't like you and he doesn't want anything to do with you because you're not his heart, he lives in fiction sincerely and he doesn't like the way you think because it is you who thought of all the aliens he was constantly fighting because he actually wanted to have sex. that's his downfall. he's a pretty bastard trapped in his own petty cycle cuz he is the only Doctor not aware that he's being watched by millions every Saturday night. trap him by setting him up on a downfall he will never escape. reality. he hates not actually receiving attention in real life because in every single way, he is not him. show him up by using your social influence on doing what he could have done in every single way, David is a twat.
(i will continue this on the next post)
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hollywood-love · 6 months ago
Social can help you in so many ways #Actors - We got the guidance you NEED!
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jadeestebanestrada · 5 months ago
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Dare to be devious
Don't miss the "Monologues That Kill" Acting Workshop October 16 via Zoom.
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marccartwrightheadshots · 5 months ago
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A great headshot is your first impression—make it count! 📸✨ It tells your story, showcases your personality, and opens doors to new opportunities.📸💫  Call today for the latest headshot rates and booking information! 
Marc Cartwright Headshots
Los Angeles Actor Headshots 
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lla-letslearacting · 1 year ago
Fundamental skills to acquire and hone through learning and consistent practice.
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cyberpunk-r-j · 5 months ago
❝We experience spontaneous feelings as a result of pursuing actions in an attempt to achieve our objectives. If we achieve them – good feelings; if we fail – bad feelings.❞
— Mike Alfreds: Different Every Night: Freeing the Actor
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filmcourage · 11 months ago
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Biggest Difference Between Bad Actors And Great Actors - Rhomeyn Johnson
Watch the video interview on Youtube here.
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brunhielda · 2 years ago
Method Acting: Good or Bad You Must Take Care
I didn’t want to take over another post, but I have thoughts-
Saw that concept of “nice method acting.” Apparently for filming of “The Barbie Movie” Margot Robbie was sending Ryan Gosling presents on set to help them get into the mindset of Barbie and Ken.
I can also recall Sean Astin being friendly to and protective of Elijah Woods during the Lord of the Rings to get into Samwise’s headspace.
On one hand- love that. Method acting in a reasonable manner. Making everyone better, not just as actors, but people. YES. A+. 🎉
I still feel like method acting is method acting, and while it is an affective tool, you have to be prepared for it.
I feel like if you are going to method act, even nice method act, you HAVE to have a way to come back to yourself. At the end of a shoot/rehearsal and at the end of a show. I played a serial killer once (Arsenic and Old Lace). Had to scrub my brain with “The Secret Garden” on repeat and Fairy festivals surrounded by childhood wonder. I wasn’t even method acting.
I feel like “nice” method acting could go the other way, like “forget how to turn off the service smile” kinda way. Or “fall in love with the character my co-star is playing and get stuck with my co-star after” kinda way. You have to read about injustice and remind yourself it is ok to be angry sometimes.
Let character you play teach you, but not consume you.
You still have the rest of your life, and dealing with that is part of acting too.
Just tips from an amateur community theater actor.
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