#across the sea: act. II
3rachasdomesticbanana · 6 months
Among Strangers | Bang Chan
•Synopsis: A handsome stranger takes it upon himself to take care of you in a crowded subway as you try to evade a man that had been following you after a night of drinking.
•Pairing: au Bang Chan x Female Reader
•Content Includes: smut, stalking, public unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, crowded area, sex with a stranger, biting, possessive chan, brief mentions of bondage and claustrophobia with a surprise ending. (I think that's everything)
an: This was first posted on my Wattpad but it was pretty ass and didn't do well so I fixed it up a little bit (a lot... Like it was so bad lol) and figured maybe it would be better appreciated here.
Part II
Want more smut? Follow the banana 🍌
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After a chill hangout at the bar with some friends from work, you all decide to head home. It's been a chill night with not too much drinking. Since you live close by, walking home seems like a good idea for some fresh air. But as you split from the group, you realize you're not alone. You start to get this eerie feeling like you're being followed. Looking over your shoulder you see a hooded figure and the hair on the back of your neck stands straight up. At every turn there he is, shadowing your every move, sending shivers down your spine.
Nervous about the idea of him following you home, you hop onto the subway thinking you could hide among a sea of people. With the size of the crowd there's no way he could find you. You're confident it'll work as you weave your way through the crowd, tripping over your own feet in a rush to lose him. You aim for the door at the end of the car on the other side just to create some distance between you and him. You steal a glance over your shoulder, heart pounding, checking if the man is still behind you. But in a rush, you accidentally step on someone's foot, sending a jolt of embarrassment through you.
“Oh my god!” You exclaim, cheeks reddening. “I'm so sorry.”
When your eyes meet the stranger in front of you, you're met with kind gentle brown eyes belonging to a beautiful man with dimples and perfectly styled hair buzzed slightly on the sides.
“No worries.” He smiles sweetly showing off his perfect dimples while his velvety Australian accent engulfs you and calms down some of the panic in your chest.
Looking over your shoulder again, you catch sight of the man coming into your view. His gaze meets yours, and a smirk plays on his lips before he casually looks away. Panic surges again, your moment of peace gone, sending your heart into overdrive and your eyes to widen in alarm. The handsome stranger in front of you notices your reaction and follows your line of sight to the man in the black hoodie, mirroring your concern.
"Hey, you okay? That guy giving you trouble?" His voice cuts through the chatter of the people around you. His voice, laced with a hint of concern and tinged with something darker, making you snap your attention back to him.
The dim subway lights overhead cast shadows across his young face, highlighting his handsome features more rather than diluting them. You feel a knot tightening in your stomach realizing just how worried for you he is. He glares at the creep and the muscle in his jaw ticks once.
“He’s been following me since I left the bar. I was too afraid to go home so I tried to make a detour to shake him off but he's fucking relentless.” you explain in a quiet hush.
The creep looks over at you again as if to make sure you're still in his eyesight and looks away quickly to not draw attention to his shady acts.
“Maybe he'll back off if he thinks we're together? He looked away pretty quick when he saw me. I'll stay with you for however long you need. Just to be sure that you're safe.” The stranger beside you says sweetly.
You felt fucking lucky to have run into someone willing to help you, to keep you safe. You could've ended up locked in some damp dark basement if not for this man you thought to yourself. You can already feel the mild tipsiness from the alcohol wearing off and you feel more alert and aware of your surroundings.
“Thank you so so much.” You reply and the man holds his hand out for you.
“I'm Chris.” He gives you an award winning smile that lights up his whole face and yours.
You mirror his smile and take his hand. One shake and you gasp at the sudden static shock that you feel spread throughout your whole body rather than just your fingertips. His hand is soft and warm and your body suddenly feels hot all over as if you drank a lot more than you really did.
“Y/N.” You introduce yourself timidly and he gives a small nod of his head.
The train rattles to a stop and opens the doors behind you and Chris, letting on more people eager to get home after work. It becomes increasingly crowded and you're forced even closer to Chris. So much closer that you have to take a couple of steps back in an attempt to have some space, only for your back to hit the glass window of the other doors. Another stop and more people push in, bringing the creep closer to you and forcing Chris's chest to push into yours. He apologizes, placing gentle hands on my arms.
“If you get uncomfortable let me know. I'll try and make space.” He tells you, placing a hand above your head as the train rumbles along.
“Y-yeah okay.” You mutter, feeling the hard muscles underneath the white button up shirt he's wearing.
With the alcohol completely gone from your system now, you realize that the situation you're in is beyond embarrassing. Your breasts are rubbing against his chest with every rock and shake of the train in an almost lewd way. Granted you are thankful that he's keeping you away from being pressed up against some weirdo or worse the guy following you but still, It's awkward. There's no way he can't feel your heart beating so rapidly. The train makes a sudden bump and your bodies are pushed together even more.
“Sorry.” You whisper when your hands instinctively go around his middle. He chuckles and you feel it vibrate through your chest, causing the butterflies in your stomach to flutter awake.
“It's okay y/n. You give great hugs.” He says, the butterflies go mad and your face grows warm.
He's so sweet and so good looking there's no way he was flirting with me just now. No way, he's just a really sweet guy. Yeah… he's just being nice.
As the train continues to go on you feel eyes on you, burning a hole straight into your skull. Looking around Chris's muscular frame you see the creep, staring, lewdly licking his lips and undressing you with his eyes, no doubt. You squirm to try and get out of eye sight but Chris's strong hand holds you still.
“What's wrong?” He whispers. His voice makes you shiver against him and his fingers tighten on your arms briefly.
“That creep is staring at me.” It makes you feel disgusted. Your skin crawls the way his eyes slide over your face.
Chris curses under his breath and pauses. “I'll push up to give you enough space to turn around so he can't see your face. Maybe once these doors open we can quickly get off and lose him then.”
You nod at his idea and he pushes on the door, putting an inch between you two. It's not a lot of space to move but you try your best, turning around facing away from Chris and the creep. Now, at least like this, your breasts aren't crushed into him. Only now, your ass is pressing against his front. From one awkward situation to another…. This is what I get for going out after work on a Wednesday. You think to yourself. I should've gone straight home or at least changed.
The skirt you decided to wear to the office today is now hitched up just barely covering your ass. If you can just keep still maybe he won't notice and the situation doesn't get any more embarrassing than it is.
“So uh what do you do for work y/n?” Chris asks and clears his throat. You can feel every word against your back.
“Uh, I work at CBO. I'm an editor over there.” You feel him nod behind you slowly.
“I heard they're supposed to get a new CEO. Some big shot is what the news is saying.” He responds but you shrug. You haven't heard much about the new CEO except for that he's the son of the previous CEO as well as the new owner now that his father is retiring.
“I'm sure he'll be a great boss. I actually haven't met him yet. I don't even know what he looks like” You utter softly sounding uncertain. Would he be a great boss? Would he take care of you? Who knows he could change everything with just one hand.
The train enters a tunnel and you watch the lights outside in the darkness flick and zip past in a blur before noticing Chris's reflection. His eyes are on you, studying your face in the glass of the door. Your eyes meet in the all the air gets sucked out of your lungs like a sudden punch to the gut. His gaze is smoldering, far too hot to be on the receiving end of such intensity. No one says a word although his lips slowly form a sexy coquettish smile.
“Do you need me to stay with you when we get off while you call your boyfriend?.” He whispers.
You shake your head no, eyes still on his reflection. “Don't have one of those but I can call a friend to pick me up.”
As you're about to open your mouth again to thank him for the hundredth time, the train comes to a screeching stop and the lights in the car go out. Men and women grumble and some even scream. The force causes Chris to slam into you and your skirt bunches up further about midway up your ass. In a panic you tell him and he curses under his breath.
“I'll try to fix it but I have to touch you, y/n. Is that okay?” Him asking for consent to touch you makes him that much more attractive.
“Yes, please.” You say, just as a voice is heard over the speaker.
“Passengers, please be patient there seems to be some debris on the tracks that is blocking our route. They're already taking care to remove it. We'll be moving on shortly.” The voice is replaced with calming elevator music playing loudly.
That's a smart way to keep everyone calm so that no one panics. Only one panicking right now however is you. The feel of Chris's fingertips against your bare thighs is driving you insane. His touch is hot but you shiver like his fingers are made of ice. Why is it turning me on so much when he's just trying to fix my skirt?. The move is too slow to be legal that's why. His movements feel so sensual.
“Sorry, I'm trying not to draw attention.” He explains as if he can hear your thoughts.
Shit you want to stop him. To say never mind and to leave it as is and pray that the train will be stopping soon to let some people off… but you don't. Instead you hold your breath and squeeze your legs together. Your arousal grows to an unbearable high. It's just a simple touch. Why is it driving you crazy? You aren't inexperienced at your age by any means. You've had lovers before but this man's fingers, they burn wherever he touches.
“The material of your skirt seems to be stuck on my fly.” He says and the urge to crawl into a hole is strong. “I can fix it but I'll have to lower my zipper. Tell me what you're comfortable with y/n.” He whispers leaning closer to your ear.
Loose tendrils of your ponytail flutter around your ear from his breath and you mentally remind yourself to breathe. Would it be selfish to ask him to lower it? What if he's uncomfortable with that? This isn't just about you now.
“I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.”
He places his palm flat against your thigh comfortingly. “Whatever you decide, I won't be uncomfortable. As long as you're comfortable y/n, then so am I.” The conviction in his voice calms you and you give him a curt nod once.
“Lower it please.” You whisper, your voice sounding small with embarrassment.
His hand moves again from your thigh to your ass and you bite your lip hard. His knuckles graze the bareness and you unexpectedly feel him stir from inside his black slacks. Seems like I'm not the only one turned on by the other. Slowly and agonizingly, he lowers his zipper to not be heard over the piano and violin playing through the speakers.
“There. Are you okay?” You don't feel okay. You feel like you’re on the verge of dying from embarrassment and horniness. You can feel the opening of his pants against you and his growing erection pressing into your ass.
“I'm okay.” You lie. “Thank you Chris.”
Out of habit whenever you're riddled with anxiety, you shift your footing which only makes your ass rub against his erection more. “Shit. I'm sorry, I move around when I'm in an embarrassing situation and this takes the cake for me.”
He chuckles softly. “It's okay. I uh, I can't really control it unfortunately. Not when I've got such a beautiful woman like you in my arms. You make it… difficult to say the least.”
You rest your forehead onto the cold glass feeling the blush take over your whole face and he chuckles again.
“If I knew my evening would be like this I wouldn't have gone to happy hour with my co-workers.” Your sad confession fogs up the glass and you close your eyes.
He places a comforting hand on your hip. You're so packed he can't seem to stand the way he was before. His arms are restricted from raising any further than your hips now.
“It's okay y/n it's not all bad. We got to meet after all.” He says, making you smile.
“That's true. I don't know what would've happened if I didn't run into you.” His hands linger and you get so used to the heat that when he finally does move them away you feel cold and shiver under him. He groans softly, sending something like an electric current to the space between your thighs. That sound… you want to hear it more. Biting your lip you shift your weight from one foot to the other.
“Y/n…” Chris quietly says, sounding amused. “What are you doing?”
You shake your head feigning innocence. “My feet. It's these heels, I'm sorry.”
Why did I do that? I've seriously lost my mind but why do I want to do it again? The feel of him hard against your ass must be making you certifiably insane. This isn't right. Your better judgment screams at you. It's just your hormones getting out of hand.
When he places both hands on your hips and leans in, you expect for him to call you out on that blatant lie but instead he whispers, “Do it again.” All while slowly playing with the hem of your skirt.
You stifle a silent gasp, jaw dropping in disbelief, yet you obediently follow his instructions moving your hips just slightly. When you do, his left hand grips onto your hip tight and he sighs. His erection, that's fighting itself to stay inside the confines of his briefs, jerks forward against the fabric. Before you can shift again, his right arm wraps around you and his fingers find the wetness of your panties.
“So I'm not the only one fighting temptation I see.” His warm sweet breath fans across your cheek and your body sags a little in his arms when his fingers begin to dance.
Focusing on your breathing is all you can do so you don't faint from his touch. And trying to stay quiet now becomes a struggle the more his fingers move.
“Is this okay y/n?” You can only nod, too afraid of accidentally moaning and embarrassing yourself anymore today. He just chuckles and stops the torturous tango that his fingers were doing. “Use your words baby girl. Tell me if it's okay or not.” he instructs.
“Yes. It's okay, more please.” You hoarsely whisper, voice thick with lust.
Chris doesn't move, doesn't make a sound for what feels like minutes rather than seconds. Afraid that he might not have heard you, you open your mouth to repeat yourself when his fingers slip under the satin of your thong and into your slick folds.
“Good girl.” He says, his voice dripping with sex.
You lay your head back onto his shoulder as he works you just barely over the edge. Long fingers slipping in and out, massaging your thoroughly drenched cunt with ease. He grinds the heel of his palm against your clit and everything around you begins to blur. Lust, that primal urge, it ignites like a flame inside you, pulsating with an insatiable hunger that courses through every fiber of your being. You're so close to cumming around Chris's fingers, soaking his hand with your desire. You want to tell him just how close you are but if you let up on the hold your teeth have on your bottom lip you won't be able to control the sounds you'll make.
The lights come on just as you're about to come undone and he quickly removes his fingers just as quickly as he inserted them. The train begins to move again and you squint at the sudden light overhead that blinds you, breathing heavily. Before your eyes can adjust to the light and before your core begins to crave Chris's touch, you feel him fumbling behind you freeing his cock and distracting you from the frustration of your denied orgasm.
“Is there anything I should know?” He inquires, sounding like he's in a business meeting.
You don't need to ask what he's referring to. The real question though is do you really want to do this here, with someone you just met? What if you get caught? You both could get arrested. You could get fired. But there's no room in your mind for logic right now with the thrill and your need to cum clouding you. Fuck it.
“No nothing, I'm good. This is what I want.” You see his reflection smile.
“Good. Now, keep your eyes on me y/n.”
You feel the tip of him, covered in precum pressed firmly on your ass and his hands slide under your navy skirt pushing it up further. He hooks his thumb under the string of your thong and pulls it to the side. Your eyes never leave his face.
“No noise.” He warns, situating himself behind you, lining his cock up just right.
His cock feels thick and hot slipping between your thighs. You're so wet that there's little to no resistance as he pushes further and further until he's fully inside you. You let out a shuddering breath and your eyelids flutter close, feeling his warmth.
“No noise, remember? Look at me y/n. I want to see you when you cum on dick.” He tells you quietly, his voice more quiet than a whisper.
Your eyes fly open and stare at his reflection in awe of how gorgeous and composed he looks. He looks calm, like he's doing nothing other than waiting for his stop but his hands tell you otherwise. You feel it in the way he's gripping you to steal himself and to keep from bucking his hips into you at full force like he wants to. Like you want him to.
Instead he has to go at such an aching delicious slow pace so that the people behind him or next to you both aren't aware of what's going on. Your fingers long to hold onto him, to anything really. You're stuck standing still with your palms flat against the glass in front of you. Your breathing begins to fog the glass but you keep your focus on Chris and notice how his eyes go half lidded.
The brown seems to have gotten darker than the warm milk chocolate from earlier. One of his arms snakes around you and he presses his hand flat on your belly giving him more leverage. When he starts to move just a tad faster your heart rate skyrockets. The fear, adrenaline and lust mixing together creates an intoxicating concoction. Every glance, every touch, becomes charged with an energy that enthralls you. Your pulse echoes in your ears, drowning out all rational thought.
Chris's thrusts are covered up by the rocking of the train as it speeds down the rails. Your orgasm isn't far at this rate. Like a slow burn you feel it building up. A simmering that starts deep within your core, radiating up and outward. You're struggling to stay standing, to stay quiet now.
Your breathing comes out in ragged pants and your knees threaten to buckle the closer he brings you to ecstasy. You aren't the only one struggling, Chris's breathing is just as shaky and primal as yours and you hear him whisper something in another language before he murmurs “Fuck.” Into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. When your walls tighten around him he curses again and his gaze looks wild.
“Why do you feel so good around my cock y/n?” He asks but you don't dare respond. He smirks, grinding himself into you. “You take directions s-so well. So… obedient.” He whispers.
You can hear how he's losing his control. His composure has melted away and he no longer looks calm and collected. He looks like a man high on sex and chasing the release that's within reach.
“Y/n… fuck. Tell me, can I cum inside you? Will you let me fill you? Use your words beautiful.” He nips your neck just below your ear and you tremble.
“Yes. You can,” You bite your lip again to hold back what would've been a loud gasp when the train jerks Chris forward causing his cock to slam into your sensitive cunt. “You can cum inside. I'm so close Chris.”
“Then cum baby. Fucking cream on it y/n. Shit, so good.
Hearing him lose himself like that is your undoing and you're falling apart around him. The air becomes heavy with the heady scent of arousal, thick and intoxicating, swirling around you and Chris like a seductive veil. Each breath is laced with the taste of pleasure. Time seems to stand still as you stare at him. Eyes wide as you breathe through your nose squeezing your lips shut tight desperate to make no sound at all. Your cunt convulses around his cock begging to milk it of every drop.
The aftershocks of your orgasm shoot through you as he continues to thrust deeper and deeper. His own orgasm right at the edge. His arm tightens around you, hugging you closer to him. his breath becomes shallow and erratic as he reaches his climax.
“Fuck, fuck.” He whispers and he bites down hard on your neck over your fast pulsating pulse, sucking your flesh to keep himself from telling you how you belong to him now.
He bites you to keep the grunts and praises from tumbling out of his mouth uncontrollably. Because something about you makes him lose control. He doesn't do shit like this. He's careful, always planning and thinking things out. He just doesn't do spontaneity. He didn't plan this, it just happened. You just bulldozed into his life and he can’t get enough. What is it about you that makes him desire this cunt he's currently filling to the brim that he craves to make sore and swollen with his cock until the sun rises? Whatever it is, he's already addicted. He needs you in his own space, tied up nice and pretty like a gift only for him to unwrap. Fuck. He's already thinking of all the positions he'd have you in if you were at his place.
You watch in awe at how intense and irresistible he looks while he spills himself inside of you. His eyes hold so much power over you. You feel the weight of his possessiveness in his unwavering stare and it excites you immensely. You find yourself thinking of asking him to come back to your place where you'd be free to move around, cry his name out without anyone around. You're curious how sex with Chris would be in a more relaxed setting. If this orgasm was intense you can't imagine how it would feel when he isn't holding back.
He slowly pulls out of you, fixing himself as best as he can and then fixes your skirt back in place. He places a sweet kiss to the back of your head, chest still rapidly rising and falling. When you blush he chuckles.
“You're a cutie y/n. After all that, you blush from a kiss. So adorable.” He murmurs and you shift your feet. “If we don't get off soon I'll end up going for another round if you keep that up.”
You giggle and look back at him, “Sorry, I'll behave.” You sweetly say.
“What if I don't want you to?” He says instantly.
You blink at him, your face reflecting shock in the glass, and he chuckles. “To be honest with you y/n, I'd love to see you again if you'd let me.”
“Me? Seriously?” You whisper in disbelief.
“Of course. Preferably somewhere less crowded. I think after today I'll be just a little claustrophobic.”
You laugh and even after what just happened you can't believe how incredible of a guy he is. He wraps his arms around you, hugging you while you laugh.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful laugh y/n?” He whispers and you shake your head. “Why does something as simple as hearing you laugh make me so hard? What have you done to me?”
A shiver of pleasure runs through your body and he exhales quietly.
“I'd fuck you again right now if we weren't about to stop.” He tells you followed by the robotic female voice informing everyone to wait until the train comes to a complete stop and the doors open.
As the subway doors slide open, Chris grabs your hand and pulls you through them, dodging the rush of commuters that are eager to go home. With ease he leads you away from the hooded creep that's desperate to find you, vanishing into the shadows behind a massive pillar. You peek out from behind Chris who scans the area cautiously. When the man doesn't see you he hops back on the train, disappointment evident on his face but relief floods over you. Glad that's over.
"Thank you Chris." you say, sending a quick text to your best friend for a ride. “For saving me I mean.”
"It was my pleasure, y/n." he replies smoothly, grinning at you, his gaze lingering on your lips. His thumb brushes your cheek, sending a shiver down your spine. "Anytime you need saving, or anything really just give me a shout, yeah?" He hands you a sleek black business card with fancy gold letters.
Maybe you will call him, because you really can't imagine that you'll get the memory of how he felt inside of you out of your mind. Besides, he made it very clear he wanted to see you again and how could you turn a man like Chris down?
After saying goodbye when your bestie arrives, you watch Chris walk away in the side mirror as the car eases into traffic. Glancing at the card in your hand, you see it reads "Chris Bang, CEO and Co-owner of CBO," and you feel a wave of shock and mortification wash over you.
“Who was that hottie?” Your friend asks bobbing her head along to the radio when she stops at a red light.
“My new boss…” You say, still feeling his warm cum still inside of you.
“Also... what the hell happened to your neck?”
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fhrlclln · 2 months
II. can you try me? | qimir
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SUMMARY -> when two paths collide, it becomes one. but your differences make it an obstacle for this path you both now walk with the sith lord.
qimir x fem! reader
part I
GENRE -> angst, fluff & nsfw/smut
WARNINGS -> unprotected p in v, fingering, hair-pulling, slight exhibitionism & slight choking
WC -> 3.39k
a/n: i went on a downward spiral into the sith code & their decrees for this. also, aside from the juicy smut i wrote, i really love how the conflict between qimir and reader transpires here lolzz i fucking hate tumblr so much lol i had to repost this multiple times just for it to appear in the hashtags
likes, comments and reposts are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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what was it that made you so special?
the question ripples in the sith's mind, just like how the water ripples in the lagoon as he wraps his arms around your waist. your bare back pressed against his bare chest as he presses wet kisses on your shoulders having the taste of sea salt on his lips. addicting. he thinks, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck as he felt you shiver as he kisses the soft flesh of yours every so lightly. he doesn't want this to end, he thinks of next. the sound of your breathy sigh makes him press his hips against your bottom as he grinds slightly.
a quiet moan escapes your lips.
and that answers the circling question in his mind- for a moment.
"is having a second wash a thing of yours?" you tease him as you press back against his hips as well. a small smile dances across his face as he groans in your neck.
"being extra clean with a woman in my arms? yeah, i'd call it my thing now." he huffs, hands roaming up to your chest as you giggled at the sensation of his moustache tickling your neck. as he was about to have his hands grasp the plump swell of your breasts but you stop him for a moment.
"we should head back." you whisper, turning your head to the side to meet his eyes. he almost pouts at that as you further explained your reasoning. "it's almost getting dark and cold, qimir." you try to hold back a smile when he shakes his head.
"i'll keep you warm." he suggests, tone heavy with a rasp that makes you clench your thighs underneath the pristine water.
"i mean it..." you roll your eyes as you turn around to face him as his hands settle down on your hips as he massages them.
"fine." he gives in despite his refusal but the way your eyes look at him had him already giving in. you kiss him as he kisses you back eagerly. he watches you part away from him and he almost wants to pull you back in but he controls himself with the urge. since when did he felt like this before? the fluttery feeling in his chest and the dizziness of desire? he can't remember. he was once a jedi and the essential aspect of being a jedi was to forgo attachments. feelings of desire were forbidden, along with anger, hate, jealousy, resentment... only to have a calm serene mind, in control with your emotions and not be swayed with the dark side of love.
the thought of the jedi code brings hate within him.
though, long since he abandoned the order and set on his path of freedom. when did he ever had someone like you? and it dawns on him, you are his first. first love? it makes his heart beat loudly upon that realization. he never loved anyone as strong as his love for you. you, the woman from the market with those innocent eyes and the most kindness soul, have swept his heart and mind entirely like the pull of the darkness.
"qimir?" you call out as you dressed in your robes. "you'll get cold there." you say with a worried tone as you tuck your lightsaber to your belt. he looks up, eyes momentarily flicking down to your saber as he heads towards the shore, towards you.
"you have a staring problem." you smile teasingly as you hand him his clothes. qimir chuckles as you adored the way he acts now, just like the moments in olega, in his apothecary.
"i blame you." he says as you roll your eyes again before you shoved his tunic to his chest, earning a teasing smile from him.
hand-in-hand, you both arrive back to his home. osha's head shot up from where she sits and you see her, an emotion crosses her face and you look at qimir. there's an unreadable expression on his face but you still caught on what has been said between them. and you wonder, if he had meant that he'd have you as an equal than his desire to have an acolyte. though, doubt crosses your mind with that- remembering the decree of the siths. chwayatyun, as your master had taught you. and you wondered further how your master had come across the sith's doctrine to bestow this knowledge upon you.
two should only exist- master and apprentice. one to represent the power of the dark side and one to crave for it.
a cycle. a vicious cycle of the greed for power that corrupts. your master had quoted to you in your trainings.
"can... i speak to you?" osha's gaze is trained towards you, a sort of plea you register in her tone. you let go of qimir's hand as he merely stays quiet yet his eyes don't deceive you that his gaze suddenly hardens. you look away from him as you nod at osha.
"of course." you smile at her. you sit next to her as qimir shuffles in the background as he heads somewhere deep in the cave. osha fiddles with her hands nervously. you take it as a sign for you grasp her hands in yours, urging her to remain calm.
"what can i help you with, osha?" you ask with a gentle voice.
"i don't know what i really want to believe anymore." she begins. "he says that my strength in the force is more than what the jedi had taught me. and... i ask you, do you think it's true?" her eyes search for an answer in yours.
"it's true." you nod. "i am no jedi, osha but i was trained in your jedi code in someway. my master taught me there are multiple ways to access the force. the jedi may have taught there is only one for that."
"he said that as well. that there is another way..." her words drift and you know what she's talking about. "i'm not easily corrupted like my sister."
"i know." you say as she sighs. "that path he says of... yes, emotions can be a strong factor. i've experienced it before but i resisted in honing those further."
"how? how did you resist it?"
you stay silent for a moment, that memory of being swayed into corruption has long been in the back of your mind. something that lurks and destroys your head from reminiscing it. your master's face in anguish and betrayal, and you-
"i didn't before." you confessed, a tremble in your voice. osha brows scrunches in confusion. "like i said, i am no jedi. but i taught myself now that power isn't what i seek and greed is a awful thing to have."
"what do you seek now then?"
"nothing." you say, shrugging. "but trinkets, food and love, perhaps." a smile is on osha's face with that and it makes you smile as well.
"how are you with him?" osha suddenly asks, removing her hands from yours. "how can you trust him? you saw him how he killed my friends." you see tears swell in her eyes and the question does seem to make you ponder.
"i think i like to gamble with that. trust is a dangerous game." the answer you give feels like it wasn't enough to explain it but it was there. "and nor should you trust him, osha." you whisper that, feeling like a hypocrite.
"i'm gonna get some dinner." you said quietly, standing up as osha nods. you see her leave from where she sat as you approach the steaming pot that qimir had cooked. osha's questions hangs in your mind as you stare at the steaming stew, a familiar aroma catches your nose. do you really trust him? you pick up the spoon in the spot and scooped a bit of the stew as you took a sip. the taste of it surprises you.
it's your stew he cooked.
the questions disperse immediately in your mind as you sighed. trust is a dangerous game indeed with him.
"have you eaten already?" you ask feeling qimir enter the room.
"i did." he answers as he huffs, placing a crate near some junk he has in the corner of the cave. you're sat on his bed, legs crossed and eyes closed as you exhaled slowly. your saber is perfectly levitating in front of you and qimir smirks at the sight.
"meditating? very jedi of you." you feel his presence behind you as he bends down to kiss your neck. you hum, letting him interrupt your meditation.
"i just like meditating. makes my head empty." you answer him as you open your eyes as you catch your saber before it fell on your lap and placed it on the table beside the bed.
"a credit for your thoughts then?" he sits beside you as he grasps your free hand.
"i feel osha's conflict with herself." you begin, intertwining your fingers with his. you look at him now as you ask him. "what do you really want from her?"
qimir's face is emotionless as he raises your hand to his lips. he doesn't answer you, he knows you figured it out what his true intentions are for the girl, and mae before that.
"i think you know." he kisses your knuckles.
"you see a similarity in her like you." you say. "revenge, freedom... power. you saw that in mae, yes but in osha, you feel her desire for it more."
"are you looking to let osha kill her master for that freedom she seeks?" you eye him, remembering sol, he would eventually find where osha and them are. qimir doesn't say anything for a moment, he feels amused, how easy you read him.
"it's up to her." he says. "rage and loss is a powerful emotion."
"if you are so trapped in hatred and revenge, is that really freedom?" he tenses a bit at your words. "i think it's a facade."
"and this means?"
"stop making her see that this is her only way."
"spoken like a true jedi." he mocks you, an anger builds inside him. you don't understand him, you don't understand why. he has to make you understand this somehow.
"don't toy with me now, qimir." you plead with him as you search his emotionless eyes for something. doubt? maybe a hint of guilt? yet you can see that there was none.
"you say these words but i know how you also felt how powerful it is when you accepted it." he had heard your talk with osha. his gaze roams to your features as he takes in the look of guilt in your eyes.
"i chose not to dwell with the dark side as my master had taught me of what becomes of who follow that path. and power? i simply wished to live a free life now, qimir. even in secrecy away from the order, mundane as it is in olega, i am free." you sighed as he puts your hand to cup his cheek as he kisses your palm.
"freedom in secrecy? are you truly free when you hide away in the shadows of your city?" he mirrors your words. "you'll understand why i chose this, love."
"i think i don't want to." you confess, your tone hushed. "i don't wish to part away from you because of this. and you'll kill me if i somehow get in your way in your path." his eyes widen slightly at that and his jaw clenches at how sure your words are. is your trust for him so little?
"i won't." there's the emotion you were looking for in his words and face. the sadness.
"you will." you give him a sad smile.
"you don't trust me?" his heart clenches at his own question as you caress his cheek.
you blink. "i do. dangerously."
"then this path i walk, i walk it with you." he says strongly. "i don't wish to part from you either." he leans forward, pressing his lips to yours softly, to seal that promise in his words. you kiss him back, with much trust in those words. he could still feel you lost in those thoughts as he pulls away for a moment. face inches from yours as his gaze darkens seeing your lips shine.
“trust me more.” he says, almost a plead as he kisses you again, with more heat just like in the lagoon. your hands land on his hard chest as he pushes you back onto the bed as he towers over you. he gets in between your legs, pressing his hips forward as you caress his chest, way up to the soft skin of his that’s peaking out of his cream tunic.
“you’re so beautiful.” he sighs between kisses. dark brown orbs heavy with desire.
“flatterer.” you whisper, your voice also evident with desire for him.
“i speak the truth.” he kisses your chin then lovingly nips that spot on your neck making you let out a blissful sigh of pleasure. he grinds his hips down, clothed cock rubbing against your covered core, breaths mingled and heavy as his hands slowly crept inside your tunic. his touch on your bare skin makes you grip the nape of his neck, the fluttering feeling tickling you as he helps you undress your top then wiggling you out of your bottoms.
the clothes are tossed aside and he does the same with his tunic, granting you a wonderful view of his pale skin and the well-built form of his. he sees your eyes greedily take him in as your hands shot up to ghost your finger along his chest and downwards to the hem of his black bottoms.
he smirks as he also greedily takes in your bared form, soft skin is presented beneath him, your breasts are calling out to him as he finally leans down to take a nipple in his mouth. you let out a gasp, the sensation of his warm lips wrapped around your areola as he sucks. you arch your back as his other hand grasp the other, kneading and squeezing as you rake your hand in his black locks, seeing it cascade his face.
"qimir..." you breathily moan out, trying to be quiet, knowing osha is in the other room. he pushes his hips forward, grinding his hard length down making you jolt your hips up to feel him more. releasing your nipple with a pop, his lips ghost up back your neck again as he nips and sucks, wanting to leave bruised marks across your body. his other hand descends down your stomach then to your inner thighs as he feels his way to the prize down there between your legs.
"all for me?" he whispers, his fingers ghosting over your wetness. you nod dumbly as he lets out an airy sigh when he touches you finally. he's in a trance, lips hovering above your neck, eyes trained down to see what he's doing and to see your pretty cunt react to his fingers as he rubs your clit in circles. he can see you trying to hold mewls and moans, knowing you'd be embarrassed if osha somehow hears what the two of you are doing. maybe that ignites something in him, wanting to show-off how good he makes you feel.
"don't hold back." he ushers, fingers coated in your slick as he rubs even harder and a bit more faster as you gripped his toned biceps. he smirks, watching you fall apart as he suddenly removes his fingers on your clit making you let out a low whine. he sits up momentarily, disappointed a bit that he can't feel your body heat to his but he eases.
he sighs, groaning when he cups himself, feeling his cock twitching underneath his pants as he licks his fingers clean before shoving his pants down. you watch him as he grasp himself, making your core clench at the sight of his cock. you open your legs a bit wider as he leans forward, kissing your heated cheek lovingly as you placed your hands to the back of his head. he feels like in a state of a dreamy feeling, addicted and desperate to feel you wrap around him.
"don't hold back as well." you tease him as he groans when you rub your cunt against his tip. he closes his eyes for a moment, savoring the sensation as he airily chuckles. he aligns himself to your vulva, pushing forward slowly earning a breathy gasp from you. he groans out, feeling you clench around him as he pushes his hips forward, inch by inch. the warmness of your cunt is making him feel dizzy as he props himself on his elbows as you kissed his neck lovingly.
qimir shudders as he's fully inside you.
"you feel so good." he whines, slowly rocking his hips back and forth. your hand caresses the nape of neck as it creeps upward to his hair as you grip it, pulling lightly making him moan out your name. he sets a pace, pounding into you with much desperation, your breasts move with each powerful thrust he does.
your hearts beat, chest to chest, lips to lips, eyes staring back at each other with much silent love there is. he kisses you as he rocks a rhythm of endless pleasure. you kiss him back, tongue dancing with his. you match his pace with a subtle rock in your hips as well. he moans in your mouth as his hand grips your neck, you sigh heavenly, his big hand on your throat. squeezing lightly as he fucks you with more precision.
"qimir, please-" you feel like you're about to explode as his other hand descended down to rub your clit. he feels you clench hard around him as your fingers gripped tight on his hair. he groans, pounding into you, loving the way your face contorts into a face of pleasure. he gives one hard thrust in your warm cunt before your back arch, shuddering as you clamp tight around him. his muscles tense as you greedily take in his sweaty figure. your orgasm washes over you as qimir pounds into you.
"good, good, so good for me-" he rolls his eyes back as he also is at the point of cumming. he trains his eyes down to you, seeing your wet eyes, bruised chest and neck, his hand wrapped around your pretty throat and those moans you let out when he thrusts in faster. an guttural groan he lets out as he empties himself inside you, flooding your cunt with his warm cum.
you let out a breathy sigh, feeling warm underneath him. he pulls out, dropping beside you as you release your hand from his hair. you let him pull you to his chest, a muscled arm wrapped around your back as you drop your head to his chest. your chests are heaving and you can hear the strong beat of his heart and it makes you smile.
"you are my equal." he whispers, kissing the top of your head.
"and i you." you whisper back, those words cementing between both of you as you wondered further but you let yourself close your eyes, enjoying the quiet moment.
the whole room is dark as you sat up on the bed. qimir is fast asleep beside you, still bare but his back is shown in front of you. your eyes wander to the scar of his, your finger ghost above it but you pull away. you kiss his shoulder as he stirs for a moment. you stand up, wrapping yourself around your discarded robe you pick up from the floor as you headed to the other room.
and you watch with heavy eyes, seeing osha putting on the cortosis helmet qimir wore. and that answers the question in your mind of what path might the young girl take. a feeling washes over you and doubt crosses your mind as you look back to see your beloved sith sleeping peacefully. you watch back to osha as you step back, letting yourself accept what lies ahead and it frightens you finally.
but all you know is that qimir will be by your side, always.
writing smut after waking up is smth. XD
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foreverisntenough · 15 days
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‘Act II’
Summary: Attraction is like a gravitational pull that is undefinable and unavoidable. Unbeknownst to you, Jude had been keeping an eye on you since he caught a glimpse on his best friend’s girlfriend’s Instagram but he’s been loving his single life. You always were independent and know how to swim on your own but maybe you have been just treading water. Could the tides change on a holiday in Greece when you finally meet? It might get a little rocky but maybe you could be his paradise.
Warnings: This series is 18+ MDNI
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! ‘Act II’ is interconnected to the 'You’re Mine' and 'Ours' Series but can read it independently.
Chapter 2 - Wine & Tequila | ‘Act II’
word count - 10.8k
That night at the villa unfolded like a watercolor painting, the colors of the evening blurring and blending together under the influence of laughter, music, and the heady warmth of too much wine. The luxurious Greek coastline stretched out below, a glittering ribbon of blue under the starlit sky, but the true magic was in the villa itself, where the night seemed to pulse with an energy that was as intoxicating as the drinks that flowed freely. You were surrounded by British boys and your best friend, their faces flushed with joy, eyes bright with the kind of happiness that only seems to exist in these rare, perfect moments. The terrace was alive with the sound of their laughter, the clink of glasses, and the murmur of conversations that felt endless and full of possibility. The air was thick with the scent of the sea, mingling with the sweetness of jasmine that climbed the stone walls of the villa, creating a heady mix that made everything feel just a little bit more surreal, a little bit more dreamlike. You found yourself drawn to Jude, who was leaning against the edge of the terrace, the warm light casting soft shadows across his face. He looked like he belonged here, in this place where the earth met the sky, as though he had stepped straight out of one of the myths that clung to the ancient stones of the island. His presence was magnetic, pulling you toward him with a force that felt as natural as breathing. With every glass of wine, every shared smile, you felt yourself slipping further into something you couldn’t quite name. You moved closer, the warmth of the alcohol in your veins giving you the courage to flirt, to let the banter between you and Jude to flow as easily as the wine. Your conversations were light, playful, but beneath the surface, there was something more—a spark that ignited every time your eyes met, a connection that grew with each passing moment. As the night deepened, the villa around you seemed to fade, the world shrinking to just the two of you. You couldn’t stop the way your heart fluttered every time Jude laughed, a low, rich sound that seemed to wrap around you like the night itself. You found yourself watching the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, the way he leaned in just a little closer with every word, as if he was as drawn to you as you were to him. You shared another drink, and with it, the distance between you seemed to dissolve completely. The night carried on, and so did your dance—a dance of words and glances, of light touches and shared secrets whispered in the dark. By the time the first hints of dawn began to touch the horizon, you knew you were in trouble. You could feel it in the way your heart leapt when Jude leaned in close to whisper something in your ear, in the way your pulse raced when his hand lingered on the small of your back. The world around you was starting to blur at the edges, the villa, the sea, the night—all of it fading into the background as you stood together, their breaths mingling in the cool night air. Jude reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, his touch gentle, almost reverent. The gesture was so simple, so intimate, that it took your breath away.
You and Jude decided to sneak away from everyone after this dance was dragging on too long. Not a word shared. You just both felt you wanted to be alone away from all the chatter and curious eyes. You descended down a massive staircase from the villa nestled up in a clif down to the shore line. The sun in its slow descent toward the horizon, painting the sky with streaks of pink and orange as you wandered down to the beach, a bottle of wine clutched in your hand.
“You look good tonight, did I tell you that?” Jude asked you softly trailing behind you, getting lost in the vision of you, having a hard time focusing on the steep stairs.
“Yeah, you did but you can always tell me more than once.” You turned around with a gentle smile that had Jude taken aback by how naturally gorgeous you were. It wasn’t like your carefully curated instagram that he had coyly stalked not only today but had since he had seen Whitney post you ages ago. You weren’t trying. This was beautiful in an organic way. He almost preferred it…almost although the bikini pictures weren’t exactly a turn off.
“You just got my mind and my heart fucking racing the past couple days. You do something to me.” Jude admitted against his will swayed by the amount of drinks he’d had as you made it towards the bottom of the stairs.
“I thought you’d like this one. What do you think?” You asked, spinning for him. The moon catching on the gold buckles of your Christopher Esber mini dress and the highlights of your skin.
“Yeah, thought right. Looks unreal on you.” Jude cooed. The villa’s laughter and music fading into the background as you finally stepped onto the sand, leaving only the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. The soft crunch of sand beneath your feet was quiet as you made your way closer to the water's edge.
“Wouldn’t look better on your floor?” You cheekily joked recalling his words the other night. It was a bit forward but you two didn’t really have to be subtle anymore.
“You’re funny, you know.” Jude told you as he watched you slightly stumble to a quiet spot near the water’s edge, where the sea kissed the shore in a gentle, rhythmic dance. Jude plopped down first and held his hand out to help you come sit with him. You sank down onto the ground, the warmth of the day still lingering in the sand beneath you. The air was salty and sweet, tinged with the fragrance of wildflowers that grew along the cliffs, mingling with the rich scent of the wine as you uncorked the bottle.
“Yeah? I just like to see you smile so if I have to pull out some jokes it’s for my own benefit.” You smiled gently at him. You weren’t actively trying to be funny but getting Jude to give you that million dollar devastatingly handsome smile was a welcomed response.
“Like it that much? Wow…” He flashed that very smile you adored so much to you.
“What can I say? I think you’re very pretty and I’m very funny so it’s a good match.” You babbled a little drunkenly. Jude’s eyes filled with adoration you didn’t catch. Without a word, he grabbed your chin gently and swiftly in what felt like slow motion pulled you towards him. His lips brushing yours in a tender, almost hesitant kiss. It was a kiss full of longing, as if he was trying to pour all the unsaid words and hidden feelings into this single, fleeting moment. It was slow, soft, a little drunk, and perfect. You smiled. Your lips curling and inadvertently peeling off his. He kissed you again, more deeply this time, with a passion that caught you by surprise, as if he couldn’t get enough of you, as if he had been holding back for far too long but then he pulled back abruptly, his breath shallow, his eyes searching yours with a mix of apology and worry.
"Shit. I'm sorry.” He murmured, his voice barely a whisper over the sound of the waves. "I didn’t mean to be so forward. I just... I got caught up." It wasn’t that he was drunk, which he was but it was more that he just didn’t even know he was going to kiss you. It was instinctual and magnetic. You blinked up at him, a soft giggle escaping your lips, a sound light and airy against the heavy backdrop of the night. Your fingers found their way to his cheek, and you smiled, leaning in to kiss him again, more confidently this time.
“It’s okay, Jude.” You whispered, your lips brushing against his as you spoke. “You can kiss me whenever you want.” You smiled bigger, grabbing both his biceps, giving them a gentle reassuring squeeze. His hesitation melted away in an instant, replaced by a smile that mirrored your own, full of relief and something much deeper. He pulled you closer, his arms wrapping around you as if he never wanted to let go. You kissed him back with all the reassurance you could muster, pouring everything you felt into the kiss—the warmth, the comfort, the unspoken promises. You had brought down a bottle of wine with you. You poured yourselves each a glass, two that Jude had carried down for you, the deep red liquid catching the last light of the day, turning it to molten gold. Jude took his glass, your fingers brushing in a way that sent a thrill through you, a shiver of excitement that had nothing to do with the cool evening breeze. You clinked your glasses together, a soft, lazy toast to the moment, to the perfect simplicity of sitting on a beach in Greece with nothing but time stretching ahead of you. The first sip was rich and full-bodied, the taste of it lingering on your tongue like a promise. It was a wine meant to be savored, but with each sip, the edges of the world seemed to soften, and you found yourself sinking into a delicious, wine-induced haze.
“You know wine?” Jude asked you with another flash of his smile. He shuffled in his place turning his body more towards yours.
“I should say yes.” You shrugged after your admission. Jude raised his brows looking for more information. Your words were clearly laced with more. “My dad’s into it.” You vaguely explained not really providing any further clarity.
“What’s he like?” Jude attempted to learn a little more about you with a question but you didn’t think you wanted to talk about your family with him, especially not right now.
“No, don’t start on all that.” You sympathetically smiled appreciating the ask but unwilling to delve further.
“Well… fine, answer me about wine then.” Jude threw you an accepting smile that made you wish you were willing to open up to him. You felt you could. You trusted him but you didn’t trust yourself not to get yourself in too deep. You almost hated how comfortable he made you.
“Yeah, I mean I enjoy it as much as the next person… we… or my family like own a big winery in France or whatever, it’s a whole big thing.” You babbled giving him a small nugget of information about your family background but brushed it off burying it with nonchalance.
“Sorry?” Jude muttered between a hearty laugh that sent an ache through your chest. A big winery in France wasn’t all that clear but your casualty about it made him know there was more beneath the surface. Your lifestyle was very clearly one of luxury, there was nothing casual about it. He figured he’d ask another time. He kissed his teeth. “You and Whitney just really run the show, huh?” He teased you, nudging his knee against yours.
“Daddy’s money isn’t exactly running the show, is it?” You sighed with an insincere smile. You and Whitney had met at uni and bonded over similar interests but your commonality of similar childhoods glued you together for life. It was an upbringing of getting gifts in exchange for your parent’s presence. No matter how grandiose the present was, it was never exactly enough to mask what you really longed for. And while you didnt take your life's comforts for granite, it felt hollow. It did also mean that it wasn’t exactly new for you to take off work to galavant off to Europe to stay in a villa on a whim. In a bizarre world you actually had some similar experiences to Jude; unlimited credit cards, no supervision and unrealistic body standards but Jude seemed to be enjoying his circumstances more than you ever did but who were you to complain about the predicament.
“Nah, I’m obviously joking.” He squeezed his hand right above your knee. “You said you work, yeah? Remind me what you do?” Jude turned to you entirely, genuinely more interested in what you did for work than anyone ever had been.
“Art galleries.” You quietly answered him, not really sure your job would be of any interest to a footballer. It was important to you but depending on the person some found it mundane or pretentious.
“Meaning…” He laughed, waving you on to continue to tell him more. His eyes sparkled in the falling night.
“I curate art galleries.” You bashfully explained a bit more with a shy smile. It didn’t feel like he was pulling teeth by any means but Jude could tell you were holding back in the conversation.
“That’s kind of mad, you know.” Jude told you. He reached his hands out and placed them on your shoulders and turned you towards him more since you had been apprehensive to do so.
“Is it? You ever been to an exhibit you liked?” You asked Jude. His willingness to listen to you and inquire more made you feel a little giddy. You got caught in the excitement and asked a question Jude wasn’t exactly ready for.
“Erm… An exhibit might be a stretch. I have some field trips I enjoyed.” Jude laughed with a shrug. You scooted towards him and with a smirk he pulled you further into him, getting you to sit in between his legs. Your back to his chest once again encased in his scent.
“Oh Jude… We have to get you out! We’ll do wine and an exhibit one time.” You giggled, settling further into his embrace.
“You’ll have to help culture me, angel.” Jude cooed. His words warming your heart.
“You’re cultured Jude.” You smiled, turning your head back to him slightly to catch a warm glint in his eyes looking down at you.
“Yeah but in a different way. Forced to learn Spanish in my 20s isn’t much culture.” He laughed humorously belittling himself.
“Just ignoring your family background, living in other countries, and playing international football but sure. Think you're getting any good?” You asked him. He kissed your temple appreciating you acknowledging him. “Big duo lingo boy?” You giggled.
“Ha I wish. I have to go in person to class unless I’m on the road.” He reflected on his progress with a sigh. “Nah, well… maybe it depends. The more I drink the better I think I get.” He hummed resting his chin on your shoulder tucking his face into the nap of your neck.
“Go on…Háblame bebé.” You turned to look back at his gorgeous face as his hand moved to lay over your stomach whilst his fingers played with the gold metal ring details of your dress.
“¿Tú hablas español?” He asked in blur of a Madrid and Birmingham accent smashed together.
“Un poco, no muy bien, pero me va bien con los idiomas.” You stumbled through your words trying to recall the language you’d learned in school.
“Eres interesante, ¿sabes?” He spoke faster than you anticipated. Maybe he knew the language better than he led on but his accent and the wine had you struggling to keep up.
“This is hurting my brain, I’m bowing out. I haven’t spoken Spanish in a minute.” You giggled, settling back against his chest.
“You sounded good.” Jude complimented you kissing your hair with a hum.
“Yeah? Well neither of us are Spanish so who are we to say?” You took a sip of your wine before nestling the base of your wine glass back into the sand beside you ensuring it wouldn’t spill.
“Nah, you sound good. I like your voice.” Jude cooed gently. He kissed your hair again. You weren't sure he even knew he was doing it so you let it go on without saying a word but each time he did it your body relaxed more.
“Oof really? I’m always one of those people that when I hear it back in a video it’s just the worst.” You winced a little hearing anyone, but specifically him, saying they liked your voice.
“No, trust me… as someone who has heard it first hand a lot lately. Like a lot, you don’t shut up.” Jude teased squeezing you a little. You hummed feigning offense by his jab. ‘Nah, It’s perfect.” He further explained. You questioned him with an inquisitive glare. “You moaning my name in my ear is perfection.” Jude groaned a little remembering it, moving to come kiss your neck. You couldn’t see but his eyes went wide after the words fell out of his mouth. Did he really just say that out loud? Maybe he was more drunk than he thought or maybe he liked you more than he knew. He couldn’t see but you gave him a smug eye roll. You talked about everything and nothing, your conversation flowing as smoothly as the wine. The sky deepened to indigo, stars beginning to flicker into existence above you, and with every glass, you felt the space between you shrink. The wine made you bold, your laughter louder, your smile softer as you leaned into him, the warmth of Jude’s body seeping into yours. The banter was easy, playful, but beneath it was something more—a current of unspoken tension, of desire that swirled between you with every glance and every touch. The wine was loosening your tongue, your inhibitions slipping away with each sip, and you found yourself telling him things you might not have otherwise—secrets, dreams, the kind of thoughts that only come out under the influence of too much good wine and the spell of a Greek night. Jude listened with that same lazy smile, his eyes dark and knowing as he leaned closer, his hands finding their way around you. It was a delicious warmth that mingled with the wine, making you dizzy in the best possible way. As the bottle emptied, the world around you seemed to blur, the stars above spinning in a slow, languid dance. The wine was doing its work, pulling you closer, making everything feel just a little bit more intense, a little bit more real. The waves continued their gentle rhythm, a lullaby that matched the pounding of your heart as you turned to face him fully, your lips curving into a smile that was both shy and bold. There was a moment of silence, the air thick with anticipation, before Jude leaned in around you, his lips finding yours in a kiss that tasted of wine and salt and the sea. It was slow, languid, a kiss that felt like it had all the time in the world. You melted into him, the wine making everything feel softer, more intense, as if the whole world had narrowed to this one perfect moment on the beach, with the stars above and the sea at your feet. In a fell swoop, your back was pressed against the sand, Jude hovering over you, his arms placed beside your head. “Fuck, you’re so sexy.” Jude groaned looking down at you as he began to pull your dress up your body. You arched your back letting him take it off entirely. You helped him rip it off before guiding his hand back to your now exposed body, causing you to let out a moan at the touch. He had you, hook, line, and sinker with your eyes pooling with lewd desires. You placed your hand on the nape of his neck, tugging at his hair, as he lowered his head, placing kisses along your collarbones and chest. You buried your face on his biceps to muffle yourself as he began to play with your nipples, pinching the hardened buds while he sucked the curve of your shoulders.
“What if someone sees us?” You asked Jude apprehensively when you felt an ocean breeze hit your skin and your now wet core, reminding you of your state. Although, your lust-induced mind hoped he would be able to come up with something to convince you.
“You’ll just have to be a little quiet f’me then, yeah?” He cooed licking on the spot behind your ear as he tugged on your nipple, making you shiver not sure if you could keep to what you were about to agree to. You nodded anyway, impatient for his touch you’d been craving.
“Jude” You gasped into his mouth. He immediately pulled away from you and kissed his teeth in an effort to reprimand you for making noise. You mouthed a ‘sorry.’
“I’m all yours tonight, baby if you can stay quiet, yeah?” Jude cooed before crashing back into a kiss. Kissing Jude felt different tonight. Maybe it was the build up of tension throughout the holiday or maybe it was the thrill of knowing you could get caught fucking him down on the beach. Jude wielded his dominance over you fervently, he pinned your arms above your head, his lips never leaving yours longer than a second to breathe. His perfect pouty lips traveled down to your tits. You whimpered as you felt his lips come around your nipples. He sucked on the left one, brushing his warm tongue left and right before tugging on it with his teeth. The level of arousement in you was getting higher and higher and the familiar knot forming at the pit of your stomach was starting to form. The prominence of his cock burrowed between your spread legs, rubbing against your clit and making you thrust your hips further into him for friction. He let his hand come to knead your exposed tits, the wisp of his breath tingled down your body as he kissed your skin, tying a knot in your core. Swifty he rid you of the only bit of clothing you had on left. A minuscule thong, he threw to the side with no care. “So fucking wet f’me already.”’ He mused as he kissed your pelvic bone, letting his finger drag through your folds gathering up your slick. The request to stay quiet gone out the window in minutes. Swiftly he moved his finger up and into your mouth. Your tongue obediently swirling around him. ”‘Who made you this wet, huh?” Jude smugly asked you.
“You, oh my god you.” You whimpered as he kissed the inside of your thigh. When his lips finally began kissing your clit your hips bucked upwards involuntarily. Your fingers gripped his hair. He sucked harshly on your sensitive clit. You had no control as you writhed underneath him. You had been dreaming of this. His mouth on you sent a shot of ecstasy through you. You felt dizzy from the wine but more so from him. “Fuck Jude!’ You whined as he pushed not one but two fingers into your pussy. His tongue fluttering over your swollen bundle of nerves. Your walls welcomed the pressure of his intrusion. Your eyes shutting in rapture at his pace. You couldn’t stop your body from involuntarily grinding against him. You couldn’t stop yourself. He curled his fingers further inside, finding your g spot fast, refusing to let up. You rode his fingers, your moans only getting louder as he worked in tandem with his tongue toying with your clit. You let out a soft cry as you rocked your hips up onto his hand.
“So good f’me.” He looked up at you, a wet smirk on his lips breathing hot air into your cunt, a coil winding in your stomach. Almost immediately you felt your orgasm come crashing over you. Your body shaking as his tongue continued to assault your clit rhythmically. “Cum f’me. That’s it angel. Good girl.” You looked down at Jude as you came, his eyes filled with hungry lust, his face buried deep in your pussy, the moon beginning to shine down on you both. The iridescent ocean in the background played a symphony harmonious to your moans and his filthy slurps dragging out your high. Jude slowly pulled his fingers from inside but still softly stroking though your folds when he finally emerged from your legs to breathe. It was a deliciously lewd sight. Your slick dribbled down his chin. You giggled in pure ecstasy as your thumb swiped to catch the wetness.
“Can you… Can you please fuck me.” You begged him desperate for more of him. In the darkening night Jude flashed a devious but excitedly childish smile watching you tug down his trousers and allow his enormous cock to spring free. He groaned between the swift motions slowly aligning his cock with your core and sliding into you. You both gasped at the contact. He moved slowly inch by inch letting you adjust to his size but he just wanted to get as deep as possible. You felt better than before. His thick cock hit your g spot almost immediately once he was in. He felt so deep and the stretch of him being back inside you had your mind turn to complete mush. You lost any control you had when he was fully inside. The force and pace of his thrusts increased and so did the volume of both your moans.
“You’re such a good girl, so fucking wet for me.” He said hearing the sounds of your slick as he dragged his cock slowly out of you and watched himself push all the way back thrusting harder. Your legs wrapped around him tightly as you let one of your heels drag down his muscular back. You were whining in pleasure. Your lips parted gasping at the sensation of him. You both were moaning inexplicable phrases of praise and adoration. You were completely obsessed with each other and how good the sex was only amplified it. You could feel another orgasm fast approaching.
“Please, please, please keep going.” You whimpered, feeling him continue to drill into you, the sand shifting beneath you with every rough thrust. You were getting lost in the pleasure that he was giving you while he was just as infatuated by your body and the sounds you were making had him fighting to not cum.
“Fuck, baby, feel so good. You’re gonna make me cum.” Jude grunted watching you quiver under him. The intensity of his fucking truly was overwhelming and became even more so when his hand dropped to rub harsh circles on your clit between your bodies. He let his spit drop down onto your throbbing pussy. You squeezed your eyes tight. Your mind was complete mush with every stroke seeming to hit deeper. “So close, angel. Cum with me. Will you cum with me?” Jude heaved, picking up your leg, draping it over his shoulder, kissing your ankle. You could only manage a nod. You let your head drop back letting out a sinful moan as he managed to hit even deeper inside of you. His whole length repeatedly hitting your g spot. Suddenly he felt an even more arduous determination to fuck into you like you’d never felt before. Jude bit his lip and with a devilish glint in his eye he watched you fall apart on his cock. Your pussy tightening impossibly around him.
“Jude… Jude… I’m gonna cum. Fuck!” You cried feeling like you were going to black out. Your body trembled as you squirted messily onto him and his cock. Pussy gushing around his thick girth in uncontrollable squirts. The release caused your body to shudder, your head pushing backwards with force, you were moaning his name senselessly.
“Fuck, fuck!” He cried out. “Baby I gotta cum. Fuck! Let me cum inside, please.” He was at his limit desperate to release. You could only nod again, you were in the pull and you didn’t want him to pull out. This felt too good. His harsh movements began to a halt as he buried himself deeper inside you. Pumping you full of his cum while pressing his lips to yours. You both laid into each other's sweaty bodies, foreheads resting on the other. His cock was soaked in your slick as he carefully and gently removed it as you both came down. Beneath the dark azure sky of a secluded Greek beach, the world seemed to hold its breath. The sun hung low, casting a golden glow over the sands that stretched like a whisper between the cliffs and the sea. The waves lapped gently against the shore, their rhythm a soft invitation, a lullaby that melted away the rest of the world. “Holy shit, angel.” Jude groaned, exhausted. You giggled as he rolled off you and pulled you into his body again, his laughter quick to follow yours. Jude’s hands traced the curve of your back, his touch like a brushstroke against your skin, each movement deliberate, reverent. You responded with a soft sigh, your fingers gripping his hair holding him to you. The salt-kissed breeze caressed your bare skin as your bodies entwined, a dance of want and need that was as old as the earth itself. Your breath hitched as Jude’s lips found the hollow of your neck, his touch both tender and urgent. Each kiss was like a drop of honey, sweet and languid. The sand beneath you was cool, grounding you even as you lost yourselves in each other. When you finally came to, breathless and spent the first stars were beginning to twinkle. You let the cool night air wash over you, the beach your publicly private haven. The sand, the sea, the sky were all witnesses to a moment that was at once primal and profound, a memory etched into the very fabric of the earth.
“I think we’ve been here for hours… I mean, is that the same star we've been staring at, or have we just been spinning around?" You giggled a little delirious from the sex and the wine.
"I think it’s the wine that’s spinning, not us. But who knows? Maybe the stars decided to join us." Jude smirked at you, moving you to settle more on his chest as he rubbed his hands over your warm skin.
"Maybe they did. It feels like we’re the only ones in the world right now." Your voice was soft paired with the waves hitting the shore as you shuffled nuzzling your face against his strong chest.
"Yeah? I don’t think I’d want it any other way. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so… what’s the word… content? Maybe that’s just the wine talking though." Jude laughed at himself. He was struggling to find his words and he wasn’t sure if it was the wine, the sex, or frankly, he was a little nervous that it may have been just you.
"Or maybe it’s me. I’m pretty great company, you know." You giggled and the sound rifled through Jude’s heart. It was like you were reading his inner most terrifying thoughts.
"I won’t argue with that. But honestly, you’re… different Y/N. Like, in a good way. You make everything feel lighter, like I could drift away if you weren’t holding me down." Jude laughed cautiously. His eyes had a warm front but there was a fear behind them that you were unable to see.
“Are you trying to say I keep you grounded, Judey? Because I can be a lot of things, but ‘grounded’ isn’t usually one of them." You playfully nudged him with a childish nickname that he normally hated and yet he didn’t even bat an eye when you said it.
“No, I mean it. There’s something about you… the way you laugh, the way you look at me like you’re figuring me out. It’s… I don’t know, refreshing Y/N." Jude told you sincerely the laughter disappearing from the night air. Jude was cautious around people especially since he had catapulted into fame. He trusted his gut and he trusted that it felt as if you really liked him for him, not for entity Jude Bellingham.
"You’re not so bad yourself. You’ve got that whole cocky confident athlete thing going on… But then you smile, and it’s like—bam! Everything changes." You blushed slightly wiggling against him to sit up to take a much needed sip of wine feeling incredibly parched by the serious undertone of this conversation.
"And how do you feel about that? About me changing things?" Jude leaned closer. His voice dropped low. A shiver ran up your spine along with Judes hand tracing up the protruding bones.
"It scares me a little… I won’t lie but I think I like it. I think. I like you… ” You confessed unexpectedly and uninhibitedly. You met his gaze, your voice almost a whisper. Jude shifting from this media persona to someone you were actually interested in made you very worried. “You know, like in a fun friend way.” You tried to rectify your admission. You didn’t want to fall for him and you certainly didn’t want to admit to it.
"Yeah, sure. That’s good, angel. I like you too you know in a ‘fun friend way.’” He mocked you with a pinch to your side. “A lot more than I expected.” Jude admitted himself, sitting up and wrapping his arms around your naked body. You shouldn’t have felt this comfortable completely bare on a beach but you did with him.
"What did you expect?” You laughed softly and a little nervously. You raised your brow at him wondering if you were supposed to be offended or not.
"Honestly? I didn’t expect you to be so… easy to talk to. So easy to want more of. I didn’t expect to be so interested.” Jude shrugged, taking his eyes off you and looking out into the blurred, dark, and distant horizon with a serious glare. He wasn’t sure what he thought he was saying but it felt vulnerable.
"I didn’t expect any of this either. But here we are, a little tipsy, a little reckless… and maybe that’s okay.” You turned and kissed his shoulder behind you. “So did you know I was coming on this holiday or was I just a pleasant surprise?” You giggled and reached up to cup his cheek to get him to look at you. You wanted him to know it was okay to just talk right now. You weren’t clinging to every word like it was bible.
"Yeah, it feels more than okay. Maybe it’s exactly what I need." Jude admitted looking down at you. He kissed the inside of your wrist holding his face. “I heard you’d be here. You were a big part of a pretty enticing holiday package I’ll be honest.” He shook his head very confused at how you were getting him to tell you all this.
“Oh…” You whispered inquisitively. You laid back down tangled together on the beach. The night was still warm, and you could feel the breeze brushing over your skin as you rested against Jude’s chest, both of you catching your breath. Jude shifted under you, his fingers lazily tracing circles on your arm. There was a comfortable silence, but you could sense something was on his mind. You glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow. "What’s going on in that head of yours?" You asked him, seeing as he just stopped talking moments ago.
“I, uh… I should probably tell you something. It’s kinda dumb, but I feel like you should know.” He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering with a mix of embarrassment and vulnerability. Your curiosity piqued, you shifted onto your side to face him fully, your chin resting on his chest.
“Okay, sounds interesting.” You wanted to laugh but you also wanted him to share with you. He let out a low, almost nervous chuckle, avoiding your eyes for a second before finally meeting them.
“I’ve, uh... I’ve seen your Instagram. A lot. Like, I’ve gone through it more times than I care to admit.” He sheepishly told you. You blinked, surprised by the confession, but a grin immediately spread across your face.
"Wait, what?" You almost giggled but refrained, needing more. Jude groaned softly, rubbing a hand over his face.
“Yeah, it’s embarrassing. I could probably tell you your Instagram handle backwards at this point, that’s how many times I’ve typed it in my search bar.” He ran his hand over his face. You laughed softly, teasing as you traced your fingers along his chest.
“So, what, you’ve seen all the bikini pictures? The selfies? All the nights out?” You giggled recalling some of your frequently posted content tropes. He groaned again, rolling his eyes with a sheepish grin.
“Yes, all of it. Every single post. All the nights out… in very tiny tiny skirts by the way.” He admitted with a sigh. You sat up slightly, still grinning.
“And you didn’t like one single post? Not one! Because I’m pretty sure I would’ve noticed. Wow…” You cheekily smiled at him with some self satisfaction knowing he had been snooping around but you noticed your teasing wasn’t being received all that well so you dropped it and moved to place your hand on his leg, swiping your thumb over his knee a few times “Wait… how long has this been going on?” You mused with real curiosity. You felt like you would’ve seen it an account with millions upon millions of followers was in your likes or story views. Jude propped himself up on one elbow, giving you a lopsided smile.
“A while. I told you , you were part of why I agreed to come on the trip to Greece in the first place. I knew you’d be here, and, well… I wanted to meet you, not just admire from afar.” He gently explained. Your teasing expression fell and softened as his words settled in.
“Really?” You almost pouted but didn’t want to patronize him.
“Yeah.” His voice was low, a little rough with emotion. “I didn’t know when I’d have the chance otherwise. I’d heard Whitney and Trent talk about you, and then I saw you and then I didn’t want to miss the chance. I wanted to know if you were the same girl I’d been looking at through my phone.” He confessed. You felt a sudden warmth spread through your chest, your heart skipping a beat.
“And now?” You smiled. Jude reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as he gazed at you.
“Yeah, think I prefer knowing you in real life.” He smiled back at you leaning forwards to rest his forehead against yours. You leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, the teasing gone, replaced by something deeper.
"Well," you murmured against his lips, "guess that makes two of us." You cooed as your lips met once more in a soft, lingering kiss, the kind that made the world around you fade into the background, leaving only the warmth of your connection and the sweet promise of something more.
“You’re not talking to Y/N right?” Jude sheepishly asked Trent’s brother, Marcel after you had snuck back up to everyone at the villa. Your disappearance was definitely noticed but not harped upon. Jude had taken a seat next to Marcel on the lawn.
“Nah mate, told you. It was just like a one off no big deal.” Marcel brushed him off with a wave of his hand. Marcel shot him a look of confusion. He assumed that was a given. Sure you were flirty by nature but it was clear you were into Jude. Jude had known and heard about you and Marcel and it didn’t bother him, not a bit. He just wanted to know where things stood and he was too juvenile to ask you. He didn’t want you to know he cared that much. He wasn’t supposed to care despite him not needing to.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sound.” Jude didn’t look at him, he kept his eyes locked on you as you moved, swaying in a hug with Whitney. You didn’t tell her the finer details of what just ensued down on the beach but you said you just wanted to ‘have some fun alone’ and you assumed she would understand. Jude began to smile seeing one pull on your face.
“Uhh ohhh. I see now. So you’re into herrrr, huh?” Marcel’s eyebrows raised interested watching Jude almost pout looking at you. He thought you were a sweet girl, fun, and a good time but he wasn’t trying to take anything more from it. Jude had thought he felt just the same until now.
“I don’t know if that’s the word. Just sussing her out.” Jude sighed, shifting to look back at him. ”Mate my heads a mess. It wasn’t exactly my plan for the holiday. She’s cool, you know?” He looked at Marcel hoping he wouldn’t take the piss and would maybe understand Jude’s confusion.
“Yeah cool, course, bro. Not the first thing that comes to mind when I look at her but...” Marcel started laughing Jude joined in. He jokingly shoved at him amidst the laughter. Your looks often were the first thing people, particularly men, seemed to notice.
“It’s maybe not the first thing I thought either. She’s so leng bro but also as much like I hate to say this because I know it sounds fucked up but she’s a lot smarter than I thought she might be.” Jude explained with a tinge of guilt in his voice.
“That is fucked up. I think meeting her as Whit’s friend I wasn’t expecting anything but. Whitney’s not exactly stupid.” Marcel laughed humorously criticizing Jude’s shallow expectations.
“No... no, she’s not. Stupid for being with Trentski for sure but otherwise no.” Jude continued laughing. It was apparent once all the boys in Trents life had met Whitney that she was more quick witted than her appearance might have had them assuming. They all gave Trent shit upon this discovery for him punching above his weight class. Although you were proving to be just as much of a heavyweight as she was.
“Bro’s fucking punching. For life as well, he’s locked in now” Marcel laughed both at his brother’s ability to pull a girl like Whitney but also the fact that he had fallen into a wildly serious and committed relationship.
“Definitely mad that it all came from some holiday.” Jude laughed along with him. “Maybe Y/N’s not a monogamous girl though like Whit. I don’t know her that well.” Jude threw a thought out he really had no interest in entertaining but in hopes it would help not ruin Marcel’s perception of him. He also didn’t want to end up looking like a simp the way Trent did after a holiday.
“Doubtful bro but I’m not gonna say no either.” Marcel laughed with a tinge of real disbelief in Jude’s sentiment he didn't feel comfortable with. Jude’s lack of sincerity in saying you may be a more than one man girl didn’t sit right with him. “I mean it’s not all that far fetched for you to end up the same though.” Marcel tried to switch the direction of the conversation to another possibility far from the one of sharing you.
“Eh… I mean she’s sick. I like her but she lives in New York and I… I don’t.” The reality of your fling with Jude loomed. He felt his heart sink a little.
“Didn’t stop them.” Marcel patted his knee and stood up. At the very same time Marcel was departing, you were walking by where they were sitting to head inside when Jude grabbed at you.
“You better be going to wait in my bed for me.” Jude cooed, his voice low and teasing as he traced his fingers lightly along your arm, stopping you in your tracks. You glanced down at him, meeting his gaze with a playful smile, swaying slightly on your feet. Lust was beginning to bubble in your chest. His other hand slid up your leg from your calf up your thigh.
“I will… in a bit.” You smiled with a wink. “I’ll meet you there, baby.” You flashed him a grin before turning away. You tailed Whitney inside to get more to drink which became a poor decision fast. Standing in the warm, flickering light of the villa's kitchen, you felt like you were floating on a cloud of tequila and laughter. Whitney and you were barely keeping your balance, your movements graceful in the way that only a couple of very drunk girls could manage. The bottle of Don Julio 42, so beautifully designed with its intricate patterns and rich amber hue, sat like a trophy on the counter between you. You admired it as though it were the most precious artifact in the world, your eyes glassy and your giggles louder than the music playing in the background. You reached for the bottle, struggling to pour more tequila into the pitcher while Whitney clutched a salt-rimmed glass, her fingers slipping and sliding over it like she was trying to grasp a slippery fish. You were both so thin, your alcohol tolerance barely holding up against the potent allure of the tequila. Every sip made your heads spin more delightfully, and your cheeks flushed with the heat of drunken exhilaration.
“Look at this,” Whitney said, her voice slurred and filled with admiration. “This bottle is like... a piece of art.” She cooed. You nodded, feeling the weight of the tequila in your veins, making you giddy and uninhibited. “It’s gorgeous. Like, if I could marry a bottle, it would be this one.” Whitney laughed, a joyous, carefree sound that mingled with the clinking of glasses. She leaned closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief and inebriation. “So, what about Judey?” The question hit you like a splash of cold water, though it was anything but unwelcome. You felt a flush of warmth spreading through you, not just from the alcohol but from the thought of him. You bit your lip, trying to suppress a smile that was already tugging at the corners of your mouth.
“Oh, Jude,” You said, your voice a soft, dreamy sigh. “He’s... He’s Jude.” You sighed. “He’s so sweet. And there’s something... just sweet about him.” You said saying really nothing at all. You swayed slightly, your hand reaching for the bottle again, your fingers barely able to grasp it. Whitney, equally disoriented and amused, grinned at you with a knowing look.
“Really? You think so?” she asked, her tone playful and teasing. You pouted, taking a sip and letting the tequila warm you from the inside out.
“Yes, really. He’s like… sweet. I don’t even know how to explain it. It’s like... he’s so sweet, and... I don’t know. It’s just...” You babbled. Whitney laughed again, her laughter merging with yours, creating a symphony of drunken joy. You stumbled around the kitchen, your conversation growing more disjointed and incoherent as the tequila took hold. The world outside was a distant blur, and in that moment, it was just the two of you, tangled in a haze of tequila and unguarded confessions. As the night wore on and the tequila continued to flow, your words became less coherent, but the feeling of being carefree and in the moment remained. And amidst the drunken banter and endless giggles, the truth about Jude slipped out in the most vague and blissfully honest way possible. You two were absolutely housed. Whitney weighed exactly nothing, you, maybe a pound or two more than nothing. It wasn’t a hard task.
“Come on, drunk girl. Let’s go.” Trent sang coming into the kitchen wrapping his arms around Whitney. He lifted her effortlessly in his arms.The night spun faster as you struggled to maintain your own balance alone. Whitney wrapped herself around him ready for him to carry her to bed.
“Don’t you think Y/N should fuck Jude again?” Whitney slurred nuzzling into him. She had completely forgotten your sly insinuation after you had come up from the beach earlier.
“Yeah, baby. I think they’ll decide that though. Might’ve already happened, alright?” Trent gently spoke to her, shooting you a wink that made you laugh. ‘Such a gossip’ You mouthed to him. Trent took care of her and sometimes you envied having that person in your life. Whitney wanted that and you were fairly sure you didn’t but every so often it would ping in your chest maybe you just must’ve.
“Are you gonna fuck me, T baby?” Whitney slurred again, asking Trent as she kissed his neck like you weren’t there anymore.
“Nah, you and me are going to go have a cuddle.” Trent laughed, running his hand over her hair whilst trying to create some distance between them. “You’re good?” He cooed gently to you with a smile, watching you inflict a worse hangover on yourself finishing the rest of Whitney’s drink.
“All good. Thanks, T.” You smiled before heading down the hall very obviously towards Jude’s room and away from yours. Trent only able to laugh. The way Trent cared for Whitney with such tenderness and attention was maybe something you longed for, though you were unsure if you would ever allow yourself to truly desire it. It was a bittersweet realization. You watched them with a mix of admiration and longing, feeling the weight of your own unresolved desires. The Grecian air was still warm through the house as you stumbled into Jude's room, your head swimming with the dangerous mix of wine and tequila. The villa was dimly lit, the soft glow of the moon casting long shadows across the marble floors. You were giddy, feeling the alcohol loosen your limbs and lower your inhibitions. Jude had told you to go wait in his bed, a suggestion that seemed anything but innocent. You didn't think much of it as you peeled off your clothes, leaving a trail from the door to his bed. You stared in a mirror and sighed, catching a glimpse of yourself. You hope you looked good enough for him. Your momentary self reflection was short lived as you started laughing. Who were you kidding? He was lucky to have you in his bed. You took more than good care of yourself so you drunkenly skipped over to the bed with confidence and slipped under the covers, your bare skin immediately cooled by the soft sheets. Your head spun, but you felt comforted by the familiar scent of Jude on the pillow beside you. It smelled like a mix of salt, from the ocean air, and something distinctly him—a combination of woodsy cologne and sun-warmed skin. You curled up into a ball, letting the exhaustion take over. A bit later, Jude entered the room, a soft smile pulling at his lips as he saw you already nestled in his bed, asleep, your hair fanned out on his pillow. You looked so peaceful, your face relaxed in a way he rarely saw. He chuckled softly to himself, shaking his head. It was a sight he wouldn't have expected to find tonight, but there you were-completely naked and unapologetically in his space. He quietly got ready for bed, brushing his teeth and washing the last remnants of the night off his face. When he slid into bed next to you, he kissed you all over carefully. He wrapped his arms around you, feeling your soft, warm body press against his. You stirred slightly, your eyes fluttering open as you felt the weight of his arms around you. In your sleepy haze you were grabbing for more of him.
“Alright, c’mere.” Jude cooed softly with a breathy laugh and a kiss to your temple pulling you into him all the more. You were a clingy drunk and Jude had amplified it. Usually you used to push for drunk sex and you did with him that first night but you also just wanted him to hold you now
"Jude?" You murmured, your voice laced with sleep. “You took so long.” You pouted, smushing your face into his warm chiseled chest.
"Yeah, it's me.” He whispered back, his hand gently rubbing your back. You nuzzled closer to him, your lips brushing against his bare chest as you did. “I’m sorry, I’m here now, angel. Were you waiting for me?” He smuggly grinned loving the fact that you had been and you were so cuddly with him now because of it. He had just stayed up a bit later playing a few games of cards with some of the boys. It wasn’t actually that much later, you were just drunk.
“Yeah.” You said sadly with a dramatic frown. Jude was enjoying this. It was adorable, you showing him an incredibly more vulnerable side. “I wanted a kiss.” You confessed holding your pout. Your drunkenness allowing your true want to come spilling out. Your words slurring slightly from the alcohol and the sleep.
“Well you can come get one, baby. C’mere. I wanted a kiss too.” He cooed with a breathy laugh. His heart swelled at your admission. You seemed to always be so guarded, so careful to keep your emotions hidden away. But here, in this quiet, intimate moment, you were letting yourself be vulnerable with him. He tightened his hold on you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Too tired now.” You barely got out a whisper as sleep began to take over.
“Oh, okay.” He laughed more out right, wrapping his arms tightly around you. “I’m sorry. You can have a kiss whenever you want though. So you can get one whenever.” He smiled, pressing his lips to your hair once more. His voice was a low rumble in the dark room. You laid there in silence for a while, just holding each other, the rhythm of your breathing slowly syncing up. But then, from down the hall, you heard the unmistakable sounds of someone else in the villa having sex. Your eyes snapped open, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. You didn’t recognize the noise coming from down the hall though. You knew it wasn’t Whitney and Trent, unfortunately you knew that sound better than you’d like to. You glanced up at Jude, your mind suddenly connecting the dots.
“Wait you wanted to have sex.” You frowned feeling incredibly bad you let sleep and too much tequila probably derail what Jude thought he was walking into. You were trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably. You felt horribly being in his bed now, like you should leave immediately.
“It’s okay, angel.” Jude chuckled, his chest vibrating under your cheek. You didn’t feel fully convinced. Your drunken mind twisted his words, making you feel insecure. You frowned, feeling a twinge of rejection.
“You don’t want to have sex with me?” You asked embarrassed and saddened. Jude watched your facial expression break, feeling hurt by his words. His heart ached reading your inner thoughts that were plastered across your face. He could hear your voice almost shake, the way you were almost pleading for him to want you. Jude immediately shook his head, his thumb brushing across your cheek.
“I do, trust me I really do but tomorrow.” He laughed very sure he would’ve liked that but Jude still wasn’t crazy knowing that you hadn’t remembered the first time. “I just want a cuddle from you. Do you want to have a cuddle with me?” He gently lifted your chin so you would look at him, his expression soft and sincere. You nodded. It did ping in your head that this was thoughtful just in the way Trent was to Whitney earlier but it was a fleeting thought. You were too drunk to hold onto it. “Thank you for getting naked for me though, that was really nice of you.” Jude laughed rubbing his hands over your body.
“I wanted you to like me.” You mumbled against his warm skin earnestly. You really felt like that was the only way he would like you.
“I like you with or without clothes.” Jude cooed with that same ache returning from before. His voice firm but kind. He didn’t like that, drunk or not, how you thought that was the only way he would like you.
“Really?” You meekly asked, picking your head up. You rested your chin on his chest. A sleepy smile pulling on your lips.
“Yeah. Course hard not to.” He told you honestly, kissing your forehead.
“I like you.” You unexpectedly admitted to him through your haze. Jude smiled more than happy hearing it, even though a part of him already knew it. You had tried to walk out of it on the beach but he knew it wasn’t in a ‘fun friend way.’
“I know. C’mere Angel.” He cooed, pulling you into a tight embrace, you were securely wrapped in his arms as if Jude could shield you from the world. Maybe Whitney was right. He was nicer than you thought. He swayed your body back and forth with his. He could feel you relax against him, your breathing evening out as you started to drift back to sleep. He pressed another kiss to your head, his heart swelling with affection. He was determined to show you that you didn't need to put up a front with him, that you were enough just as you were. And as he closed his eyes, holding you close, he knew he'd do whatever it took to prove that to you. Jude liked you a lot, more than he even thought. You’d been glued together the whole holiday. He wasn’t sure how to manage this and neither were you. Jude thought he’d see the trip out. You were attempting to keep your distance but failing miserably when he came up behind you in the kitchen pinning you against the counter top.
“You want to sit next to me for the movie?” Jude whispered to you, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. An unforeseen rainstorm shook up previous evening plans, the night shifting to an impromptu movie night.
“Depends. How close do I get to be to you?” You cooed trying to fight back a giggle feeling his hands run up and down your sides dragging your top up with his big hands.
“We can share a blanket. Can be however close you want.” Jude smiled, his lips curling against your skin. You pushed your back into his chest, Jude subtly peppering small kisses behind your ear for no one but you to notice.
“Perfect…” You cooed, keeping your eyes fixed ahead on the microwave. A bag of popcorn spinning around as you listened to the kernels pop inside. “And when the lights go out and my hands wander, is that going to be okay?” You asked Jude with a pur. You tilted your head to the side to give him more access to your neck.
“I’d encourage it, mine are.” Jude cooed, letting his hands wrap around you entirely. They dropped down your stomach to come and play with the drawstring on your shorts. A shiver ran up your spine with the microwave beginning to beep dragging you out from the moment of sheer bliss feeling Judes hands on you. The living room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the flickering screen as a movie played out in front of you all. The large, comfortable couch was crowded with friends, everyone lounging with drinks in hand, half-watching the film and half-whispering in quiet conversations. You and Jude were sitting together on one end of the couch, your bodies intertwined under the blanket Jude promised. The night had been filled with laughter and teasing, but now, in the softness of the late hour, there was a fragile tension between you. You felt the warmth of Jude almost beneath you. The movie droned on, but your mind was elsewhere—on the way his arm rested around your shoulders, his fingers slowly stroking your skin. Jude could feel the heat radiating from your skin. His heart seemed to beat a little faster whenever you shifted, brushing against him even more. You glanced at him, catching the subtle way his eyes flicked toward you before quickly returning to the screen. You had been so courageous in the kitchen but now surrounded by everyone else under the warm blue light of the screen, despite the cover of the blanket, you felt more exposed than ever. You were nervous on how to navigate this. It wasn’t the physical touch that made you nervous but the comfort you felt with him. Somehow this public cuddle felt far more intimate than sex. It was a dance, this game of touches and stolen glances, a wordless conversation filled with question marks and ellipses. The anticipation was electric, crackling in the small space between you. As the movie rolled on, Jude shifted slightly, his arm moving in what seemed like a casual gesture at first but he was throwing caution to the wind. He wanted you closer to him. He gripped your arm and pulled you into him with a hum. It sent a rush of warmth through you. You were so thankful he made the move. Your heart thudded in your chest as you leaned against his chest feeling the strength and warmth of him even through the fabric of his shirt. Your breath caught in your throat, and for a moment, you couldn’t focus on anything but the feel of his hand resting against you, the quiet weight of it grounding you in this tender, tentative moment. You leaned into him more, enough to send a clear message. Jude responded in kind, his body relaxing into your, his fingers tracing small, gentle circles on your skin. The touch was soft, almost shy, as if he was testing your reaction, afraid to push too far, but eager to deepen the connection. Your head found its way to rest against his chest. His heartbeat was steady and strong beneath your ear, a comforting rhythm that made you feel safe, as though you were in your own little world, separate from the rest of the group. You could feel the rise and fall of his breath, the way it seemed to catch slightly when you moved, the way it synced with your own.
“What’s happening?” One of the boys asked, breaking the spell as they tried to follow the plot of the movie. You lifted your head slightly, still close to Jude but now aware of the world around you again. You hadn’t been paying attention to the screen at all, lost in the quiet, courageous touches you were exchanging. Jude’s hand stilled on you, dragging your body tighter into him, inadvertently and unintentionally protecting you from reality.
“Honestly, no idea,” Jude said softly, his voice low, meant only for you to hear. His breath was warm against your temple, and the sound of his voice so close made your heart skip. You smiled, your lips brushing against the fabric of his shirt.
“Me neither.” You whispered back, your hand moving to rest lightly on his chest, just over his heart. “But I think I like this better.” Jude’s arm tightened slightly around you, a subtle but unmistakable affirmation.
“Yeah.” He murmured, his lips grazing your hair, the touch so light you almost thought you imagined it. “Me too.” He cooed. You stayed like that, wrapped in the tender warmth of each other, the movie long forgotten as you cuddled closer, the touches growing less tentative, more confident. Jude’s hand slipped down your arm, his fingers intertwined with yours, holding you close in a way that felt both protective and intimate. You began to doze off after the movie ended, comforted by him. The boys had queued up the sequel, all of them entranced by a film series getting lost in the next movie. It was well into the morning, the rain had long gone and you were practically on top of Jude at this point. “Going to sleep, angel?” Jude whispered to you.
“Hmmm? What is this the 4th?” You asked Jude after you heard the theme music for the series began again.
“Nah, only the third.” He whispered kissing your temple with a cheeky smile watching you cuddling up to him more. “Want me to bring you to my room?” Jude offered.
“No, I just want to stay right here. Is that okay?” You asked him quietly, not able to even pick your head up, you were so tired. You were exhausted but you were so cozy with him you didn’t want to be apart. Not even a bed could be better.
“Yeah, course, you’re good, angel.” He smiled, pulling you tighter to him, resting his chin on your head after a subtle kiss. It wasn’t long before you fell asleep completely in Jude’s arms as the third movie rolled on.
“Judey, Judey, Judeyy.” Whitney teased from across the room. She sat up in Trent’s arms with a smug smile. As she sang the nickname that bothered him so much poking fun at Jude’s affection towards you it pinged in his head that he really didn’t mind when you had said it just the same earlier. He flipped her off and put his arm back around you where he wanted it.
🪩🫶❤️‍🔥🍹🌞🍒 Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter 🍒🌞🍹❤️‍🔥🫶🪩
Next part - Chapter 3 - Mr. Madrid xx
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novelistrry · 8 months
Wind picked up, swirling around the two as she approached him. There was a leather riding jacket hooked on one of the stable doors, and as she approached him directly, he unhooked it and propped it around her shoulders. Reaching down, he began buttoning it up, until his eyes met her.
The sheepish look she had on her face nearly brought him to his knees. “How were your dreams?”
Her face felt hot. Was it noticeable? “Are you teasing me?”
A smile danced across his lips, bringing his hand to her hair and softly caressing it. “Of course not, Princess.”
Harry is a prince, Y/N is a princess, and neither of them know how to feel.
Tropes: Enemies to lovers, forced proximity, fake dating, tension, etc.
Warning: Mentions of panic attacks, nightmares, praise kink, deception, an awkward sexual encounter (consensual of course), etc! Also, this is not proofread.
Word Count: 4k, sorry it's so short D:
Part One
II. The Rain
Niall had been growing increasingly frustrated with Harry as the days passed. As Harry’s hand, and his best friend, he knew Harry was not as cruel as he made himself out to be. This plan of his, this deceit was one of the cruelest things Harry had ever thought of.
Everyday, Niall asked him if he really felt that this plan was sound, and everyday Harry would show remorse. Every now and again, Niall wanted to roll the words “you’re acting like a frightened child” off his tongue, but never could bring himself to hurt Harry’s feelings like that.
As wrong as it felt, as wrong as it was, his loyalty was not to Harry, it was to Y/N, which made him feel like scum at the bottom of a sea barrel. He could not imagine the guilt that was weighing on Harry’s conscience. He knew his friend. He knew his heart.
Y/N was floating on a cloud, the air smelled sweet like the grapes growing on the vineyards just South of the castle, and Harry looked so wonderful walking in front of her. A white linen shirt was loosely tucked into his riding pants, and his riding boots hit just under his knees. She could almost see his back muscles through the shirt. It was mouth watering, really. Y/N chose to walk a few steps behind him to admire what he looked like from the back, how beautiful his silhouette was.
As if he could feel her eyes on him, he turned. “Hello, dear.”
Her stomach coiled, and she nearly kicked herself for it. “Hi.”
Wind picked up, swirling around the two as she approached him. There was a leather riding jacket hooked on one of the stable doors, and as she approached him directly, he unhooked it and propped it around her shoulders. Reaching down, he began buttoning it up, until his eyes met her.
The sheepish look she had on her face nearly brought him to his knees. “How were your dreams?”
Her face felt hot. Was it noticeable? “Are you teasing me?”
A smile danced across his lips, bringing his hand to her hair and softly caressing it. “Of course not, Princess.”
For a second, she thought maybe he would kiss her but when Brad came out of nowhere, Harry’s hand immediately dropped, putting a chunk of distance between them. Y/N couldn’t help the way her face contorted with disappointment. The way he immediately put space between them almost seemed like he was embarrassed to be acquainted with her.
She never understood exactly what they were, exactly where the boundaries were. Sometimes it felt like they were utterly obsessed with each other, and other times it felt like they were merely conversing because they needed to. The winds grew harsher as Brad neared them. The sound of the wind was like a murmur in the air, musical and somewhat daunting.
Dark clouds had surrounded the palace, signifying rain, which was not ideal riding weather. It was much too dangerous. The sound of the wind replicating the kind of haunting music you would hear the string section play in a Royal Theatre added to the ominous darkness.
“Still doing it, Princess? I’m proud of you,” Brad clapped his hands together, in support of her showing up for riding lessons.
Harry’s jaw clenched together, and his eyebrow twitched as he licked across his teeth. If Y/N knew any better, she would have thought this is something he does when he’s annoyed, “Right, she does very well.”
Her mind rushed, flooding with everything Harry had said about letting Brad into his bed. Was he upset that Brad had complimented her, when he should be complimenting Harry? The pair were so hot and cold, it was beginning to give her whiplash.
Brad and Harry exchanged a few pleasantries as Y/N brought her fingers to Freya’s coat, getting acquainted with the horse once more. Freya was so lovely, and strikingly beautiful.
As Brad scurried off, Y/N had Harry’s completely undivided attention once more. 
“I want to get on Freya today.” Y/N spoke the words before she even fully thought them in her head. Her eyes went wide, but she knew why she said it. She wanted Harry to be astounded, to be completely winded with her.
Harry chuckled, tightening the bridle around Freya’s head. When Y/N didn’t say anything in response, he looked over at her and realized she was serious.
“No,” he spoke in a low voice, dancing around the subject with caution.
Anger swarmed her veins, like all of her blood cells had been replaced. Who was he to tell her no? Her ears felt hot, and Y/N’s nose scrunched. It was a habit she picked up as a young child when something didn’t go her way. Whenever she felt her nose scrunch and her eyebrows furrow, she felt like a small child demanding things go the way she wants. 
“What do you mean no?” She grabbed the bridle from Harry’s hand, and he couldn’t help the smirk that spread across his mouth. Y/N was even more endearing when she was angry.
Carefully, he grabbed her by the waist, spinning her around so that their chests were pressed together. Taking a breath as the harsh winds racked through the stables, he smelled the scent of her. Vanilla and cinnamon; mouth watering and sweet.
“It means that you are precious to me,” Harry clicked his tongue, eyes locking with hers as if he were trying to convey everything he felt through his eyes. “And you don’t need to impress me.”
“How do you know that I’m not ready?” Y/N’s jaw clicked again, the scowl still apparent on her face, even with his swoon-worthy words. She would not be swayed by his charm.
Harry glanced over to where her hand was white-knuckling the bridle. When she followed his glance, she realized that her hand shook slightly, a nervous habit she picked up after her bad experience horseback riding.
He realized that he needed to approach this delicately; she was stubborn, hard-headed, and did not like to be told she couldn’t do something. He, at times, was so similar to her that it was like they were different sides of the same coin.
She dropped her hand, a deep shame washing through her. It was like he knew everything she was feeling by the microexpressions fleeting across her face. 
He took her hands in his. Freya was starting to become an unwelcome third, because everytime he touched her, even in the most platonic way, she craved more.
“Don’t feel shame,” he said softly.
“I…” She trailed off, eyes glued to the ground. It was hard to look at him, and know that he was the picture-perfect prince, and she was so not. “I am not used to being… not good at something.”
Harry chuckled, and when she looked at him, she had never realized how he looked at her with so much delicacy. “I’m the worst sport you’ll ever meet, Y/N. If I am not good at something, it throws my temper. Just ask Niall. I wish I had an ounce of your poise.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” She asked quietly.
“Because… Someone must have told you that it’s not okay to feel fear and I don’t like that.” Harry looped his fingers under her chin, forcing Y/N to take her eyes off the ground and look at him. “We start small, like you did when you were first learning as a child.”
He grimaced at the poor choice of words, comparing her skill level to that of a child’s. Y/N was so easy to discourage, and he felt like he couldn’t say anything correctly.
Y/N saw the grimace and let it go. “So what do we do today?”
“How about today you just sit on Freya. I’ll hold onto her bridle, and you sit in the saddle. No walking, no trotting, just sitting.”
She chewed on the inside of her lip. “For how long?”
“Not too long,” he promised.
And with that said, his hands were all over her, helping her mount Freya. As soon as she was up, her thighs squeezing the horse tightly, he was watching for her micro-expressions that told him he needed to help her off immediately. 
But she didn’t have any. If anything, a small smile formed on her lips, like she was proud she got on in the first place. Usually, she chickened out, but with Harry, she felt safe and cared for.
“You’re doing so well, Y/N.” Harry spoke, gripping the bridle closely. His hand rubbed her leg as she looked down at him. Swallowing, he realized he had been gripping the bridle with all his might, white-knuckling it the same way that she was earlier. Harry was feeling more nervous than Y/N was, and a deep sense of pride had him smiling from ear-to-ear as she confidently sat atop Freya.
She muttered an embarrassed-thanks, but by the way her head turned and her smile got bigger, he knew that she was liking the positive attention from her.
“You’re such a good girl, darling,” Harry said softly, his hands now resting on Freya’s sides to ensure she would not move.
“Me or Freya?” Y/N mumbled.
“Both, but I was talking to you, sweet girl.” She was melting.
Freya, feeling sick of their conversation and not being able to go anywhere, shifted her weight from one leg to the other. The sudden movement threw Y/N, causing a yelp to sound from her throat. Immediately, Harry dropped the bridle and reached for her hands, pulling her off of Freya and into his chest.
Whispering in her ear, he tried to soothe her before it led to a panic attack. “You’re okay, you’re fine. Sometimes they get tired of having all their weight on one side, just like us, so they move to get more comfortable. It’s normal,” he hushed her, “You’re okay.”
She shook slightly, but there were no tears or signs of panic in her eyes. As soon as Freya moved and Y/N yelped, Harry was there, pulling her head into his chest and reassuring her. 
“Thank you,” she muttered.
He pulled her away, enough to scan her face and make sure that she was actually okay.
“I think that frightened me more than it frightened you, Y/N.” He laughed softly, earning a grin from her. “That’s enough for the day.”
Harry led Freya back to her stable, removing the bit and bridle from around her mouth. Y/N overheard him promise to come out a little later and ride her, or let her run wild in the tall grass behind the stables for some extra exercise. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out an apple slice he had stolen from one of the breakfast carts in the hallway and fed it to Freya with an open palm. Harry’s intention was to have Y/N do it, to get over the fear of their massive teeth, but he thought she had enough scare for one day and didn’t trust her to set a boundary she was actually comfortable with.
Using her fingers, Y/N unbuttoned the coat Harry had put on her. She was fixing to put it back on the rack, where Harry had originally had it then head back inside, but he stopped her, letting her know that he wanted to stay out here for a while longer.
Walking together, they found themselves in a large tack shed with a bench for removing riding boots. There were so many tools and instruments for the horses and Y/N didn’t quite understand what they were for, but she had a feeling he didn’t bring her in here for a lesson on tools and riding equipment. 
As predicted, the rain began pouring. Pitter patters of rain, hitting the shed pinged off the wooden roof, some of the holes allowing for water droplets to seep in.. It was cold, but she felt cozy nuzzled so closely next to him. Harry was so warm and so safe.
As soon as the door shut behind them, their bodies were pressed together and his lips were merely inches from her own. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?”
She nodded, but then added, “Why won’t you do it in front of anyone?”
He spoke, now his lips pressed against hers, “This isn’t going to be a gentle peck, Y/N. How would they feel seeing my tongue on the inside of their precious princess’ mouth?”
Harry was so vulgar, sometimes the words that came out of his mouth shocked her, and the gasp that slipped past her lips, Harry used to slide his tongue along her bottom lip and pull her lip between his teeth.
Using the wall made from plywood, Harry moved her so that Y/N’s back was pressed against the wall. His thigh was fitted between her legs as his lips moved against her own. They stayed like this for a while, small moans falling from Y/N’s mouth, and each moan went straight to Harry’s core. He liked earning those from her. He liked being with her.
“I wanna feel you,” Y/N said, and even she was shocked by how outright she said it. With each day, she felt more comfortable expressing her needs to Harry, and when those four words tumbled from her lips, their faces still pressed together, he couldn’t help the vulnerable moan that escaped his own.
“You want my fingers or my mouth, doll?” Harry took a step away, so her body wasn’t smushed between the wall and his own. He wanted to see her face as she answered, as her eyes flickered around the room and she begged for either his fingers or his mouth.
She opened her mouth, then shut it again. That small bead of confidence was beginning to wither away. As if he could read her like the back of his hand, he understood that she was growing too bashful to respond.
“You want both my fingers and my mouth? You don’t have to say it, you can just say yes or no.” Harry tacked on the last end to make this experience as comfortable as possible. They hadn’t been together very much, but he always wanted her to feel safe with him.
“No, no.” She responded, looking down.
His brow quirked upward. “I’m not understanding, Y/N.”
Gently, she pressed a kiss to his neck, her tongue darting over the exposed skin as she suckled softly. It was almost like second nature, wanting to taste him everywhere. The moans that caught in the back of his throat were an added bonus to the sweet taste of his skin.
“You want to feel my cock, love?” He was trying to decipher exactly what she needed from him.
Pulling her lips from his neck, a soft string of spit attaching them together, she nodded her head. “I’m ready for it.”
He shook his head, “Not today, darling.”
She frowned, but he laced his fingers in between hers and led her to the bench against the opposite side of the tackshed. There, he sat, urging her to straddle his lap. She did exactly that, putting one leg on either side of him, so they were touching but their clothes acted as a barrier. 
Y/N’s breathing caught in her throat as she felt the thickness beneath his trousers. A devilish smile that she had seen him use on countless other people before spread across his face. Using his hand, he softly grabbed her by the throat and guided her lips back to his.
Their lips worked together; their bodies in tandem with one another. Naturally, her hips started to buck, begging for some sort of relief. As she felt him against her center, she tilted her head back, exposing her neck. Harry used this as an opportunity to attach his lips to her neck and taste her, breathing in the scent of her bath soap. She was so beautiful and enticing, it made his head spin.
As they moved together, her hips became sloppier and sloppier with each roll. He tasted so marvelous, notes of mint and lemon as their mouth worked together. Y/N hadn’t realized just how much she yearned for him, in every single aspect. Even when he was being so mean, she had longed for his approval. Now, she wanted him in every single sense of the word. With just his fingers, he stopped her hips from moving against him, a displeasing cry sounding from her at the loss of friction.
“You’re doing so well for me, darling,” Harry breathed out, slightly out of breath. “I think you need to take your riding pants off, though. You should be as close to me as you can.”
She nodded, and with much enthusiasm, she stood up and quickly unlaced her boots and removed her pants. As she did that, Harry unbuttoned his own, sliding them down to his knees, revealing his white-colored briefs. The sight of him nearly finished her then and there.
“Can I give a small lick?” She asked, not caring how depraved it sounded.
“Christ, Y/N. Yeah,” he breathed.
Y/N sunk to her knees, the cold ground was somewhat uncomfortable but she was too engrossed in Harry to even realize. Darting her tongue out, she licked him over his briefs. Just enough to wet the fabric of them so much that you could see the outline of him.
“Come here,” he whined, but he didn’t have it in him to be mortified with the whiny tone. Typically, he would be.
Like before, she straddled him, her center pressed directly on the hardness of him. Once more, she was moving against him, the pleasure so much more intense now that layers of clothes had been stripped.
He used his hands to guide her, and she mumbled something about how he was a trained professional. This must have stroked his ego in the best way possible, because suddenly he was bucking into her, begging for her to come with him.
Harry often had a tough time feeling comfortable enough to reach his pinnacle with another person, it was something so deeply vulnerable to him that sometimes he couldn’t do it out of sheer embarrassment for them to see him in such an exposed state.
But when he felt her hit her high, he couldn’t stop himself before he was coming too. With no warning, he finished, come spurting in between them and landing on his white linen shirt. Just watching him finish, made her eyes roll back in her head.
Shock washed through him as her hips halted against him. Gently, he removed her from his lap, standing her up. Frantically, he looked around for a rag, anything to wipe the sticky residue off his skin and before it could stain his shirt.
He didn’t watch her as she dressed herself, completely oblivious to the fact that he had no intention of showing her that part of him.
With a hot face, he asked for his jacket to conceal the stains of his come on his shirt as he walked back to the palace, “Is it okay if I have my jacket back?”
She shimmied out of his jacket, handing it to him. He quickly threw it over his shoulders and buttoned it up before muttering out, “That was really good. Thank you.”
Shuffling through some boxes, he found a pancho they used when it was raining but the horses needed tending. He helped her put the cloak on so when she walked back to the palace, she would be assaulted by the rain and grow sickly.
Y/N just smiled at him as he rushed out, letting her know he had somewhere to be. With very much confusion, she watched him as he hurried out the door, rain pelting him.
That night, Harry did not find himself going back to the palace immediately. 
Instead he wandered around the grass fields, too ashamed to face Niall or anyone else for that matter. Especially Y/N.
But as the sun began to set, and he knew Niall was growing more and more worried as each hour passed, he finally made his way back to the comfortable cottage Niall was staying in during their time at Y/N’s family’s palace. He was completely soaking wet when he returned, shoulders shivering. Niall ushered him to the fireplace, looking around for dry clothes that would fit Harry.
“Where have you been?” Niall asked, a clear tone of worry laced throughout his words.
And with that, Harry dropped himself onto the chair directly next to the warmth of the fireplace and spilled his guts. He told Niall about how Y/N made him feel like he couldn’t control himself, like he was a magnet that only responded to her frequency. He teared up as he told Niall what a terrible person he was for using her like this, and how it was going to feel even worse because his heart was already breaking.
And Niall, like the good friend he was, listened carefully and thoughtfully. Only when Harry concluded did he say, “If you like her so much, why don’t you call off this plan? It sounds to me like the plan is still on.”
“It is,” Harry confirmed. “I’m simply not good enough for her.”
Niall, knowing that he could not argue with Harry when he was in a mood as sour as this, rested his hand on his shoulder and offered a reassuring squeeze.
That night, Harry found himself sitting outside Y/N’s door, afraid that her scary experience on Freya today might haunt her in her dreams. With his back against the door, and tired eyes threatening to close, he waited to hear her screams.
He wanted to be there, to hold her and tell her it was okay.
Dorothea, hearing the sound of feet shuffling as Harry readjusted himself so that his earshot had a clear line of Y/N’s room, went out to investigate who was lingering in the hallway.
“Prince Harry?” Dorothea asked, wide eyed and confused.
Harry hummed in response, barely flickering his eyes up to meet hers. He was so tired, they were threatening to close.
“It’s the middle of the night, what are you doing here?” She was slightly delirious from just waking up.
“I’m on nightmare watch,” he muttered out and it took a second for Dorothea to comprehend exactly what he said to her.
“Prince, if she has a nightmare and calls out for you, I will come get you again. You do not need to miss sleep to wait outside her door.”
“And what if she doesn’t call out for me?” His tired eyes looked up, “Will you still come get me?”
“Yes,” she promised, reaching her hand out and helping him to his feet. “Go to bed, Prince. You need beauty sleep.”
He nodded his head, rising to his feet with her help and turning to the direction of his own bedchamber. “Can you do me another favor?”
“Hm?” The sound coming from Dorothea was soft.
Harry reached his hand behind his neck, massaging softly. “Please don’t tell her.”
Dorothea only nodded in response, a silent promise between the two of them.
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A collection of all my writing. ♡
My Fic Recs
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12 Days of Smuff Masterlist
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Aemond Targaryen x OC
Series Masterlist (ONGOING) (18+)
Lady Arianwyn Targaryen, Lady of Runestone, was not born of love. Nor passion. Nor even a sense of duty. She was seeded by her father, the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen, in an act of unbridled hatred, and borne of her mother, the late Lady Rhea Royce, as a desperate grasp at revenge. But even a child born of such darkness can find her way to the light. With her mother dead, and father flown across the Narrow Sea with a new wife, the girl is taken in by her Aunt, the Queen Alicent Hightower, to be raised among the little family she has left. There, she finds her cousin, Prince Aemond Targaryen. As they grow, the two find themselves indelibly bonded. The two spend long nights in the palace library together, studying the histories of both Old Valyria and the First Men, seeking to understand who they are and where they fit in the world. But finding that place proves more difficult than in the fairy tales they read. The seeds of disaster were laid long before they were born, and as tensions in the family rise, it seems as though their places may begin to diverge. Will they let themselves be pulled apart as the dragons dance?
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Moodboard by @sapphirehearteyes
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
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Warnings: Angst, pregnancy and related symptoms, infidelity, childbirth
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Inconceivable (WIP) Aemond Targaryen x Sister!Reader
Part I - Part II
Westeros has been at peace for nearly a year, and a wedding has been planned to celebrate the anniversary. King Jacaerys will marry his aunt, the only surviving child of the Greens, and unite both Targaryen bloodlines at last. It is a fairy tale ending, but this is no ordinary fairy tale...
Warnings: Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles... Angst, grief, forced marriage, more to be added
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My Fair Lady's Maid (WIP) (18+) Prince Aemond Targaryen x Lady's Maid!Reader
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X
Frustrated with his grandsire's tedious and thorough process of choosing him a "suitable" bride, Aemond makes a declaration that a lady's maid could be indistinguishable from a true noblewoman so long as she was sufficiently dressed and educated in embroidery, conversation, and the like. Otto takes this as a challenge, and gives Aemond four months to turn one of Helaena's lady's maids into a noblewoman.
Warnings: Aemond being an entire cunt
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The Girl at the Table (WIP) (18+) Michael Gavey x Reader
Michael has a plan for Oxford: complete his degree at the top of the class, avoid the wealthy, spoiled pricks that make up the majority of the student body, and stay focused. The plan begins well, until a girl begins sitting at his study table.
Warnings: Smut, math
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Monsters in the Garden (ONGOING) (DDDNE) (18+) Ettore x Reader
Part I - Part II - Part III
No one comes to your garden but you, not even Dr. Dibs. So what is the most dangerous man on the ship doing leaning against your doorway and watching you work?
Warnings: SMUT; hand job; kissing; blood; mentions of rape, murder, and violence; female genital mutilation; vague mentions of corpse mutilation
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Storge, Philia, Eros, and Agape (WIP) Osferth x Reader
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Series Masterlist
When he arrives in Coccham to join with Lord Uhtred Ragnarsson's band of righteous warrior, Osferth does not get the greeting he expected. Uhtred himself is very clear that he has only accepted the young monk to irritate his father, and the few warriors he is introduced to delight in picking fun at him. Still, it is better than the monastery, the Lady of the estate is kind to him, and the servant girl who leads him to his new chambers is... something entirely new to Osferth. Something that, perhaps, will help him understand what the Bible means when it speaks of love.
Note: This is a series of inter-connected oneshots that can be read together or on their own.
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That Pointy-Eared Blond Bastard (WIP) (18+) Half-Vulcan!Aemond x Human(?)Reader
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Graduation - Away Team - Red Alert - Holodeck - Pon Farr
You are Aemond's greatest rival at Starfleet Academy. Or you would be, if he cared enough to have rivals. Vulcans don't care that much. But Aemond is only half Vulcan. And you... you bring out something decidedly non-Vulcan in him.
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A Companion (WIP) Otto Hightower x Young Widow!Reader
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Series Masterlist
At the suggestion of Princess Rhaenyra, King Viserys Targaryen had commanded that his Hand, Otto Hightower, find a new bride. Preferably at the King's own wedding to Otto's daughter Alicent. While the Princess intended the suggestion as a form of revenge for Otto's machinations which led to the royal engagement, he intends to make the best of it. While he has always known that his late wife, Madelyn, is the great love of his life, he welcomes the idea of finding a tolerable companion. What he doesn't expect is you, a lady widowed far too young, who begins to spark feelings within him he thought long extinguished.
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synchodai · 2 months
It's very important to me that Jacaerys Velaryon is not perfect. He suffers from the same affliction Robb Stark and most young, inexperienced commanders do — that despite being good at short-term strategic planning, his decisions in the book absolutely suuuuck long-term.
He wanted to send himself and his brother instead of ravens because he wanted to prove to the lords that they could ride dragons.
“We should bear those messages,” he said. “Dragons will win the lords over quicker than ravens.” His brother Lucerys agreed, insisting that he and Jace were men, or near enough to make no matter. “Our uncle calls us Strongs, but when the lords see us on dragonback they will know that for a lie. Only Targaryens ride dragons.”
They were so insistent on proving themselves as "Targaryen men" that they couldn't foresee the obvious danger of how easy it would be for some lord to take them hostage or sell them out to the greens.
It was his decision to send Aegon the Younger and Viserys II to Pentos while leaving Joffrey in the Vale.
The Prince of Dragonstone also had to care for the safety of his half-brothers, Aegon the Younger and Viserys, aged nine and seven. Their father, Prince Daemon, had made many friends in the Free City of Pentos during his visits there, so Jacaerys reached across the narrow sea to the prince of that city, who agreed to foster the two boys until Rhaenyra had secured the Iron Throne.
In this part, you could tell he saw Daemon's children as seperate from the brown-haired sons and made the unwise decision of relying on a foreign connection that he himself couldn't vouch for. He reaches out to a foreign ally he never spoken to and suddenly the brothers who he sends off to the Free Cities are targeted by Free City warships? It's uncertain if he was betrayed, but this tragedy could have been avoided if Jace wasn't so complacent about the Pentoshi prince's loyalty to Daemon and Corlys's naval dominance remaining uncontested.
And finally his biggest achievement/blunder was calling for the dragonseeds. Yes, it gave them the raw firepower needed to take King's Landing, but it also had the worst long-term affects on House Targaryen as a whole. It gave a bunch of untrustworthy randos access to their most powerful weapons and shattered the already crumbling mystique of Targaryen Exceptionalism. Not to mention how it burned and killed scores of their own men who tried their luck at claiming.
Like a lot of his decisions, this is a reckless gamble that only seems like a solid plan if you don't spend too long thinking about the possible consequences.
His poor decision-making isn't as obvious on the show because they gave a lot of his wartime contributions to Rhaenyra, probably since she's their designated main character and they had to give her something to do, but it leads to the unfortunate outcome of fans thinking Jace was this noble, put-upon boy who had the wisdom and temperance his peers lacked.
That's not only untrue, but also flattens his character by putting him up on the "perfect prince" pedestal that is so clearly his albatross. A lot of his choices were motivated by hubris and the desperation to prove himself as a man and prince. Once Rhaenys died and Corlys was instated as Hand (with Jace convincing him), Jace was empowered to make such decisions and act as the de facto head of the blacks — and almost every one of those decisions eventually come back to bite them.
He was a smart young man, that was clear by how he was responsible for securing key alliances. But he was also a foolhardy and inexperienced boy who modeled himself after a peerless adventurer and a rogue prince. Corlys and Daemon's rashness was ultimately tempered by their age and experience, but Jace didn't have the luxury of living through his mistakes.
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lokideservesahug · 5 months
Once upon A Dream II
Part of the 𝓕1 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓼𝔂 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
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Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Fem! Reader (Sleeping Beauty AU)
Warnings: Kidnapping, swords, killing and I think that's it?
Notes: Here is the second and last part of the Oscar Sleeping Beauty AU. I hope you all like this!
Summary: What do you do when you meet the man of your dreams and the love of your life? Why you run away to the palace of course...wait that can't be right?
Word Count: 4.5K
Part 1
Back at the cottage, things were going really quite well. Florah has pulled together a really lovely dress truly "fit for a princess" as she said, Merryweather was utilising the time to clean around the house Fauna was making great progress cake. After they were all finally allowed to use their wands after so long of course. All was going swimmingly and with their magic the surprise early was nearly ready. Merryweather dances around the room eith the mop as it weaves in and out of the furniture, around Fauna and her baking, and back to the living room area were the acting seamstress is creating her masterpiece.
Merryweather spins around, wand waving with her. And spots the dress in the middle of the room. She gives it a one over and then begins to sport a look of disgust as she mumbles to herself. "Oh no. Not pink. Make it blue!" She subtly taps her wand in the air and as tiny sparkles are emailed from the tip of the wand, in front of their eyes, the once gorgeous pink dress begins to turn a lovely blue hue. Flora gasps in horror. "Merryweather!" She thrusts her own wand in the direction of the dress whilst mumbling "Make it pink. And in the same magic, sparkly fashion, the dress returns to its original pink.  She continues to sew momentarily as Merryweather begins to spin again.
Until the dress is in her sights once more. She mumbles subtly another "Make it blue." And continues to dance with the mop as the blue engulfs the pink on the dress. Flora let's out a frustrated "Pink!" And turns to glare at the other fairy. Merryweather glances at the change through a (newly cleaned) extremely shiny pot and eith a tap of her wand, goes to change the colour once again. However, her magic bounces off the pan and hits Flora rather than the dress. The now also blue fairy gasps in horror and disgust at her clothes' new cosmetic appearance and as Merryweather bends forward in laughter, she finds herself in a  new colour if clothes. The two go back and forth. A shot of red magic flies across the room. And then a shot of blue. Red. Blue. Red. Blue. The paths of magic begin yo loose direction and end up flying anywhere and everywhere. Past the cake, to each other, through the chimney.
And unbeknownst to any of the trio of fairy's, the contant red and blue sparked flying through the chimney, alerts a certain crow flying over as to their whereabouts. He stops in his tracks and begins to sqauwk loudly in shock at the flashes of light. He lands on top of the chimney of the cottage narrowly missing a red beam of magic coming from the spout. He leans in to get a look down the chimney only to be hit by multiple shots of magic, holding him in the air as if he was surfing on a sea of magic.
In the cottage, the two fairies continue to argue until it they both shoot a beam of magic towards the dress at the same time, causing it to appear to be splattered in different shaded of blue and pink. "Oh now look what you've done!" Flora angrily approaches the dress. "Shhh!" Fauna cuts across their conflict. "Listen!" The distant sound of beautiful singing fills their ears. They all cuttle to clean up. Merryweather puts the last of the dishes away, Flora lays the dress on a chair (not before giving it a tap with her wand to make it pink) and Fauna adds the last few candles onto the cake. "Now hide!" Flora grabs the arm of the green fairy as Fauna taps her wand in the air to light the candles on the cake.
"Aunt Flora. Fauna. Merryweather?" You call for the women as you push open the cottage door. "Where are you?" You walk further in the house and gasp at the gorgeous dress lying on the chair. Suddenly a chorus of cheers fill your ears "Surprise!" You grin at their display. "Happy birthday!" "Oh you darlings. This is the happiest day of my life! Everything is so wonderful. Just wait till you meet him." You gaze forward longingly, daydreaming about the man from earlier that swept you off your feet. Flora splutters in confusion at your words. "Y-youve met a stranger?" You shake your head at her. "Oh no. He's not some stranger. We've met before." This causes both Flora and Fauna to look more alarmed. Merryweather however is the one taht speaks up. "You have? Where?"
You sigh dreamily "In a dream of course." You begin to hum the song from earlier ; which you have now deemed yours and the man from earlier's song (you wish you'd caught his name). At your clearly smitten look and lovesick humming, Fauna adresses the older women "She's in love!" Merryweather turns to Flora and covers her mouth with worry "Oh no..." Flora turns to Merryweather. "This is terrible!" You stop your humming and turn to the red-clad woman "Why? I'm twenty one after all." She shakes her head "It isn't that deary." Fauna walks towards you and takes your hands in hers whilst smiling. "You're already betrothed." This makes your smile drop. "Betrothed?" The other women in the room smile and Merryweather adds "Since the day you were born." Fauna nods her head. "To Prince Oscar, dear." You shake your head in disbelief "But that's impossible, how could I ever marry a prince? I'd have to be-" Merryweather grins and cuts across you "A princess."
"And you are dear." Fauna chimes before Flora comes back into the conversation "Princess Y/N. Tonight we're taking uou back to King Stefan, your father." Not that any of you noticed, but the crow now perched outside of the door perked up at the newfound information and if birds could grin, he would be. You turn and look at the women in horror, having just processed their words. "But...but I can't! He's coming here tonight!" You look around hopelessly "I promised to meet him. The women give you sympathetic glances "I'm sorry dear but you must never see that man ever again." Flora says with your hands in hers. You pull back from her embrace with wide eyes. "No...I can't believe it! This can't be happening...No!" The women try and approach you with a comforting embrace only for be met with your sobbing figure running out of the room and up the cottage stairs.
You say nothing for the rest of the day. Even when the tree women sneak you out of the forest and into the castle. You just tuck yourself nearer into the large cloak covering you and let your thoughts be plagued by the man from earlier and what could have been. They lead you inro the most elaborate room you've ever seen, sit you down at a stool by a vanity and gift a gorgeous tiara to you muttering things about it being your royal right. You only lawn your head on the vanity and mourn what could have been eith the man of your dreams as you watch your life swiftly be given away to some random prince.
Flora gently ushers the women out of the room muttering "Come. Let's give her a few moments alone." Merryweather shoots a concerned glance at the door "It's that boy..."
You continue to crumble softly with your head still lying on your arms. So you don't take any note to the dimming of the fireplace. Or the figure that emerges from it. Or even the bright green, floating orb of energy that makes its way into the middle of the room and begins to permeate your senses with a spell. You stare at the orb in a trance, feeling completely at its mercy.
Merryweather angrily groans "I don't see why on Earth she needs to marry any old prince!" Fauna  pits a comforting hand on merry's shoulder "Now, now dear. It's not for us to decide." She stands up and adresses Flora. "Maybe we should tell King Stefan about the boy..." Merry gladly joins in "Well why don't we?" Flora stops her pacing and Hughes the other two women. "Listen! Malificent!" They all scamper worriedly to your door whilst chrousing your nickname. Yet when they open the door, they're met with your retreating figure dowsed in unnatural green light. "Oh why did we leave her alone?" They chase after you only to be met with the entry to the passageway turning into a brick wall.
The light leads you up a flight of stairs, not that you're consciously aware of it. You don't even notice the distant echoes of your name from the bottom of the staircase. The light stops in the middle of teh room and begins to morph into some wooden contraption. After a moment ir two, you realise that the wooden contraption is in fact a spinning wheel, glowing the same sickeningly green shad eof the magic orb. Your tunnel vision focuses on the sharp point yet you notice a distant shouts of "Don't touch anything" from familiar female voices. However, an ominous voice (which you just assume is your inner monologue) urges you to touch the spindle. You do as it says and feel a brief moment of relief from the magic before you collapse.
"You poor simple fools." The tall, slender figure of Malificent stands in teh centre if the room. "Thinking you could defeat me. Me, the mistress of all evil! Well here is your precious little princess." She points to the ground where you lie and the fairies gasp in horror. Malificent exits the rol  with a manical laugh as the women rush over to your figure.
No one sees how much the fairy's weep tonight. But as they lie your body into the plush, untouched bed, the walls certainly bare witness to their sobs. The same walls also watch as the three fairies agree to place the entire kingdom under a century long sleep to wait for the princess to awake. The fairys shrink themselves and take off, out of the window and begin to spell the kingdom. They visit everyone from the guards to the dogs. To the subjects and even the rulers.
However when they reach the throne room, Flora hears the last conscious thoughts of the king from the neighbouring country. "I was just talking to Oscar. Seems he's fallen in love with some..." He yawns and his eyes begin to flutter to a close. He begisn to recall the events from earlier (of a lovesick and elated Isvar running to him and confessing his love for a poor, wood-dweller rather than the princess Y/N he was betrothed to). "Peasant girl." This causes Flora to halt her ministrations. "Peasant girl?" She utters to herself in confusion. She lopps back round and approaches the (much) larger man's face. "Yes?" She tries to tap the man on the face only to receive a tired sigh in repsonse.
Flora flies over to his ear and shouts urgently in it. "The peasant girl, who is she? Where did he meet her?" The neighboring king only mumbles. "Just some peasnt gi...." Before he drifte back off. "Where, where?" Flora forces his eyelid open. "Once upon...a dream..." He slips out of consciousness for the final tie. Flora gasps loudly at his word sand repeats them to herself. "Y/N, Prince Oscar." She shoots up into teh air in realisation and determination. She meets the other two fairies who are hovering above. "Come on, we've got to get back to the cottage." At her exclamation, they all zoom off into the woods in hopes of finding the prince.
Oscar happily jumps off of Smason as soon  as he reaches the front door of the cottage. A big grin splits across his face at just the thought of the woman he met earlier. He's never felt such a warm feeling from being in the pretense of someone before and even the few hours away from you make his heart yearn for your presence once more. He knocks gently on the door despite his excitement on what should await him on the other side. "Come in." A voice beckons to him. He opens the door, lovesick grin still prominent on his face. That look however quickly drops when he enters the darkness filled cottage. Slam. The door suddenly closes and before he can react, he's being jumped apon by what feels like a million small creatures.
His arms are swiftly tied, leaving him unable to do anything. Maleficent only watches with a smug look on her face as she watches the prince be tied up. Oscar desperately kicks, trying to ward if the creatures but his attempts are futile due to the sheer number if the henchmen. He even looses his ability to cake for help when not long after his legs are tied, something ties a cloth around his mouth, leaving him and his senses at whoever bound him's mercy. Oscar grunts lowly, trying to break free of any of the ties only to have Maleficent approach him with a wicked grin.
"Well..." She looks him up and down with an almost hungry look in her eyes. "This is a pleasant surprise." Her grin widens even more as she holds the candlestick not far from his face. "I set my trap for a peasant and instead I caught a prince!" She laughs to herself before slamming her staff on the floor. "Take him away." Oscar tries to wiggle out of the binds once more. "But gently my pets, gently." She softly adresses her minions as they take Oscar far away from the cottage.
When the fairys arrive at the cottage, they find it dark and empty... Well apart from the brooch of a travel cloak carrying the Pistri Royal Family crest. Flora gasps. "Prince Oscar!" She picks up the brooch and shows it to the other 2 women. They gasp and simultaneously mutter "Maleficent." Merrywether opens her mouth and shock and mutters "She's got Prince Oscar!" Flora only responds with  dazed "At the forbidden mountains." Making Fauna gasp in horror.
Maleficent walks along the gloomy corridors of her castle to the large cells. She pulls a large key from a concealed pocket and opens the creaky door and approaches the man with his head rested on his hand. "Oh come now Prince Oscar, what are you so down? A spectacular future lies ahead of you. You, the destined hero of a fairytale community to life." She leans happily against her staff.
"Behold, King Stefan's Castle." She points the orb if her staff towards Oscar's face. "And in the highest tower, dreaming of her true love, the Princess Y/N. But by some gracious twist of fate. Why it is the same peasant girl who won the heart of our noble Prince, but yesterday. She truly is a most gorgeous maid. With locks of Y/H/C and lips of red, in ageless sleep, left eternally in bed. " She smiles wildly and continues her strange narrative as the image in the orb changes to a long, white haired clearly aged version of Oscar on a clearly shattered horse. "The years pass but 100 years to a steadfast heart pass as if only a minute. Now the gates of the dungeon part and our prince is free to go his own way. Off he rides on bus noble steed straight to wake his lady love with loves first kiss. And prove that true love conquers all."
Maleficent smiles sickeningly sweetly and at the end of her Minogue, Oscar jumps up as if ready to attack, only to be held back by the giant chains. She laughs at his helplessness and leaves the dungeon with a quieter, self-satisfied laugh this time.
After a very long and action filled journey to the forbidden mountains, the fairies eventually find Oscar in the cellar. They look on from a high perch as Malaficent returns to the highest point of the castle and they take that as their sign to act. They fly down through the window to where Oscar is being kept and transform from their tiny, flight ready selves into their full size selves. Flora hushes Oscar as he looks up in confusion upon their arrival. "No time to explain." She says to the young man as she begins to use her wand to free the prince of one of the chains in his arm. Fauna makes quick work on the shackles binding his feet whilst Merryweather works on unlocking the door.
Oscar looks at his newly freed form and rubs his rusts slightly, getting accustomed to the feeling of no large metal binds. He takes a determined step forward before Flora stops him. "Wait Prince Oscar the road to true love may be blocked by many more dangers. That you alone will have to face. So arm yourself with this enchanted shield." She waves her wand in the air and a large shield appears on Oscar's left arm. "And you can't forget this mighty sword!" She flicks flicks wand once again and a sharp sword takes home in Oscar's right hand. "Now these weapons of righteous shall win against all evil. Now come, we must hurry." At her words, the four of them quickly sneak out of the cell.
Squawk. As soon as Flora exits the cell, she ends up being face to face with a squawking Maleficent crow. She goes to grab it yet it has already flown up the stairs, still squawking, before she can act. Oscar turns and gestures to the women to follow him along an alternate route. "Come on. I think we can go the way I came." He leads them along the corridor and they run up a different flight of stairs. Stairs with over a dozen of Malaficent's henchmen stationed on them and an ever squawking crow above them. Oscar turns and runs back down the stairs as the fairies shrink for easier exit. Oscar jumps up to an empty window frame and begins swinging his sword. He manages to land a fair few blows before he leaps put of the window and onto the surprisingly large ledge below (which he had noticed when he first jumped to the window frame). He runs along the ledge until he reaches the corner.
Driven by his sheer bravery and determination to meet his fair maiden (who is also theprincess he is betrothed to?) Oscar jumps from the ledge and manages to slide on what must be an old form of guttering and take a calculated leap onto the floor. He hears a small shout of "Oscar watch out." Brgore he turns and only narrowly blocks an onslaught of arrows fired by some henchmen (instructed by that annoying crow). Merryweather flys to a few metres away where Samson is chained to a pair and begins to break through the binds. Oscar early finds place back on the back of his horse and with the fairies trailing behind, gallops away. The fairies manage to block many attacks and even Oscar fails to realise many if them with his tunnel vision being focused only on the end objective of seeing and saving you.
Merryweather growing tired of the windless Birdcall, splits from the group and chases the loud bird in and around different pillars as it dodges shots of her magic. They teach the highers tower and before it can enter the fairway, she catches off guard and the shot of magic turns him into a gargoyle looking bird. She casts a self satisfied glance at the taste and flies away.
Oscar hears the harsh words of "hurry" from the red clad fairy to his left before ethe sky suddenly tursn an unnatural shade of purple. The stone archway he rides under is only there for a moment longer after it is hit by a bolt of lightning, a strange purple hue. Oscar holds the shield above his head and let's out a few grunts when he feels the pressure of loose stones falling on the shield. Another strike hits the path ahead of him but Samson thinks fast and jumps to a ledge just below. The five of them continue on the path and the palace suddenly enters his sight. But before his eyes, the ground spits and a collsal mask of thorns begins to sprout. He watched the plants grow contort at strange angles and he mutters a quiet "What the-" before Samson grinds to a halt by tilting onto his back legs.
The still determined Oscar doesn't think for more than a second before his right hand is leaving forward and slaughtering the branches. He makes quick work of the thorns and ploughs through them. He only gets held up for a small moment when the back of his travel cloak gets snagged by a particular unruly branch. Merryweather sees this and flies out and tugs the cloak free. Oscar makes  a mental note to thank her later before continuing yo ride towards the palace and cut down the unreadonable shrubbery. It doenst take long for Oscar to reach the end of the thorns and instead he finds a bramble free bridge only covered by a thin layer of purple fog.  But at that moment, yhe nothing before him turns into a green flame filled eith the mistress of evil. If looks could kill, Oscar would be long gone because she looked like she was ready to kill him over a hundred times over.
She proves this theory when she opens her arms and proclaims "Now you will deal with me Oh Prince." She looks up to the sky and her limbs suddenly begin to grow and contort to weird angles. None of the groups see much though because a large amount of her signature smoke comes with the transformation. Maleficent let's out a  cunning laugh and trails off when she wholly becomes her final, dragon form. Oscar only stares, horrified and slack jawed before he snaps out of his mood and charges forward. Yet Maleficent reacts quickly and in her dragon form, releases a large breath of flaming air. Luckily Osacr manages to block it but not without being sent backwards a tiny bit and off of Samson.
Oscar only sends a silent prayer in thanks that his horse didn't have to be involved with the fight between Oscar and the towering creature. Malificent sends out multitudinous blasts of fire that even lead to the crumbling if the castle bridge. But none of this deters Oscar from his mission. Oscar moves back slightly to hide in the brambles and when Mlaificent sticks her significantly karge head in Saif plants to find Oscar, he strikes. He lands a good hit to her giant, scaley nose and even as she bites back in retaliation, he manages to land a few swipes here and there. Maleficent raises her head once more and St's the branches laughter with one small breath of fire. Oscar backs himself against a tall cliff. "Up this way!" Flora commands the man and he hoists him himself the cliff and climbs to the highest point. He manages to end end eye level with Maleficent and lands a few more swipes to her head, halting her sudden biting motions.
The dragon backs Oscar up until hes left looking helpless at the edge of the cliff. She shoots another breath of fire and Oscar loses his balance slightly and drops the shield. The onlookers hold their breath in fear. But when the fairies approach and Flora mutters a low enchantment of "Sword of truth fly swift and sure, that evil die and good endure" Oscar feels as if its decond nature to throw his sword straight to the heart of the dragon. Magnificent let's out a conquered wail at the contact and as Oscar sees rhe sword peirce her scales, he feels not an ounce if sympathy. Maliwfwicent tries to land one more bite at Oscar but he narrowly doges it.
The ground however is not nearly as unborhered by her actions and as the large creature falls to the floor? The unsteady cliff collapses in front of his feet. He shakes bimself, almost as if trying to sober himself up afyer a bus dream only to be met with the sword lodged into a dark purple stain in the ground... Oscar has no time to ponder this however before he hears the approaching footfall of Samson. "Here boy." Oscar smiles as he grabs the reigns. Oscar throws a glance towards the castle only to see eit looking bibrant, saturated and most umportantly, not surrounded by brambles.
Oscar almost finds it unfair that you're as gorgeous asleep as you were when you danced with him two days prior. He gazes at you in awe. You really were a sleeping beauty. He approaches ypir bed softly and feels giddy with the reminded of what the fairies told him he had to do. He traces your features gently with his eyes. And feels himself smile softly at your serene look. Oscar takes  adero breath in and leans in, mouth meeting yours. And Oscar feels like he's never felt such a wonderful sensation as your plush lips meeting his (especially when yours are surprisingly warm). Oscar pulls back k slightly to admire your radiance onec again only to be met with a pair of fluttering eyelids.
You smile softly when you see Oscar leaning infront if you and the fairies in the back coo at your awakening.
Neither if you notice the rest of the kingdom awakening but when you and Oscar  go downstairs to the throne room, you feel everyone's eyes on the two of you. You however are so lost in Oscar's eyes and the loving look he's giving you that you don't even notice your father's exclamation of "It's Y/N, she's here!" Or your future father in laws confuse spluttering (he did after all still think that Oscar wanted to marry that 'Peasant girl' from the woods). He does however manages to male a great observation of "and Oscar!" The two of you bow to your fathers and you leave Oscar's sid etc go and give your mother a warm embrace.
Oscar's father approaches him and says quietly whilst looking around, "What doe sthis mean son I-" You however swiftly silence his thoughts when you kiss the man  on either cheek before Oscar holds out his hand for you and you take it. Oscar leads you onto the dance floor and the two of you begin to softly sway. You look up lovingly into his eyes and he smiles slightly and mutters "So I all worked out then?" You let oit a gentle hum od confusion and he clarifies himself. "Your dream love." His words make you ought softly and the two of you smile and exchange yet another long, lasting kiss. And why you don't think even your dreams could capture such a magical, truly spectacular feeling.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome.
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee @minkyungseokie @c-losur3 @yourfreeenchtouch
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stellar-skyy · 11 months
DANCE WITH ME! - Platonic Freminet & reader
i. SUMMARY: Freminet dances with his sibling. ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: Implied sensory overload. iii. NOTES: STRICTLY PLATONIC, found family, older sibling!reader, fluff, slight hurt/comfort(?), gn!reader, they/them pronouns used, 1.5k words. iv. A/N: I really wanted to get this out because it's the last time I have time to write for like a week, so I'm sorry if it seems rushed. ;-; This is technically a continuation of my other Freminet fic, the warmth of home, set much further in the future.
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Freminet stood against the furthest wall of the ballroom, holding a glass with both hands and hoping if he huddled close enough into the corner he would become one with the wallpaper itself.
Lyney was dazzling guests on the other side of the room, a luminous smile on his lips and no shortage of charm dripping from his words. A clever magic trick here, a whisper of sweet words there, and half of the party had fallen for him. Lynette stood beside him: silent, but still carrying her own unique charm. She might not be as flashy as Lyney, but she still was one the guests fawned over, for her quiet charisma and peculiar demeanour.
Freminet wasn’t originally on the guestlist of the party, only being added at the last minute as a ‘thank you’ from the hotel owner for fixing some bits of machinery within the walls of the hotel. And even then, it took Lyney convincing him to make a polite appearance to drag him away from the sea—the place he was planning on spending that night instead.
They’d arrived as a group, being greeted warmly by the host. It took about three minutes for Lyney to be swept away by a crowd of adoring fans of his performances, Lynette following close behind as she always did, and Freminet—
Freminet was left alone. 
It wasn’t as if being overlooked was a new experience for him. Lyney and Lynette thrived in the spotlight, while all Freminet did was wilt, so they were content keeping the attention away from him. It was easier that way; he could blend into the shadows and retreat back into his own mind, where there was no one to disturb him. He didn’t care about being ignored by the guests.
(He just didn’t want to be ignored by his siblings.)
Freminet clutched the glass tightly in his hands. He was still too young to drink, so when he was handed the glass of wine by a passing waiter, Lynette was quick to swoop over and swap it with a glass of water instead, before returning to her twin’s side.  
The music had gotten louder, the orchestra playing a more upbeat song than the ballad that had preceded it. It was an enjoyable sound in theory, but the sheer volume of it—combined with the overlapping chatter in the room, thick smell of wine, and bustling crowds—made it sound like they were playing their violins with knives. They scraped along the strings, a metallic screeching echoing across the ballroom.
Why didn’t anyone else look bothered by the noise? Was he the only one who could hear it?
“—eminet? Freminet?”
The voice cut through the other noise in his ears, letting his attention fall directly on the concerned look of the person in front of him. He stumbled backwards slightly—when did they get so close?
“Freminet, are you okay?” (Name) repeated, a furrow in their brow. “I’ve been calling for you and you haven’t responded.”
“I-I’m okay, it’s just…” He swallowed, looking back down at the glass of water in his hands. “…very loud.”
Their eyes widened in understanding. “Do you want to me to take you somewhere quieter?”
He nodded, shrinking back into himself. Disappearing acts were more his brother’s specialty, but he wouldn’t mind being whisked away for a while. And of course, it wasn’t polite to make his sibling escort him out of the party, but the noise was so dreadful that he couldn’t even bring himself to feel self-conscious about it.
(Name) brought him through the crowd, dodging both guests and waiters as they led him past the dancefloor, up the stairs and out a set of double doors. The two emerged onto a balcony, almost being knocked back by the biting wind.
“Here. We can stay as long as you like.” They said, sliding down against the railing to sit cross-legged on the floor. Cautiously, Freminet did the same.
“It’s much quieter here.” He muttered to himself, before addressing (Name) again. “Won’t you be missing the party?”
“It’s okay,” they said easily. “I was pretty tired myself.”
The music was still audible through to the balcony, reverberating through the walls in a muted symphony. As minutes passed, it shifted in tone from joyful melodies to a slower waltz.
Through the window they could see through to the bottom floor, where Lyney still entertaining guests. As the music changed, he looked over at Lynette with a tilt of his head. She blinked back at him and nodded slightly, taking his hand as he extended it to her. Their ability to communicate without a single word was always something that puzzled Freminet, but seeing the guest’s confused reactions made him think it was just something that only made sense to the two of them.
“What are they doing?” Freminet mumbled, watching Lyney lead Lynette to the centre of the dance floor.
“They’re going to dance together.” (Name) replied, also observing the pair. Sure enough, Lyney let go of Lynette’s hand long enough to shift it to the middle of her back, clasping their other hands together and sweeping across the floor.
“They look so elegant…”
(Name) hummed in agreement.
“I think I would have liked to dance. Not in front of everyone, though.” Freminet said quietly. (Name) was quiet for a beat, before abruptly standing up.
“I guess it’s good we’re alone out here, then.”
“Huh?” He blinked at them.
“Dance with me!” They stuck out their hand, a grin across their face.
“R-Right now?” He glanced around himself, as if there were guests loitering around the corner, ready to scoff at him at any moment. “But we’re outside, and I don’t—”
“We can still hear the music from out here,” They reasoned, not moving their hand. “It’s just me. There’s no one out here to stare at you.”
“I’m not that good.” Freminet frowned, looking back at Lyney and Lynette twirling across the floor. More guests had swarmed to the dancefloor following their lead, pairs spinning and dancing across the ballroom. The dance seemed easy enough to follow, and Lynette had run him through the basic steps of the waltz ‘in case of emergency’…
Before he could think about it too hard, Freminet had laced his fingers around his siblings and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. (Name) rested their other hand in the middle of his back, while he hesitantly placed his on top of their shoulder.
In time with the music, Freminet was pulled across the balcony in a gentle rhythm. They glided round in a gradual circle, in time to the tempo of the music echoing outside.
One, two, three. One, two, three.
On the third beat, Freminet faltered, almost stepping on (Name)’s feet before he caught himself. He ducked his head in embarrassment, watching his feet carefully to make sure he didn’t accidentally stumble.
The dance was slightly awkward with their inexperience, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. The music was faint in his ears, the crowd was a distant memory, and all he could pay attention to was how light he felt. This must be how Lyney and Lynette feel when they’re together; like he was free to let the weights slide off his shoulders and just simply exist, without worrying about the other’s judgement. He’d never have his other half like they had, but he had (Name) and that was good enough.
They let go of the hand across his back, stepping back to spin him around in a twirl. The movement made him slightly dizzy, but they were right there to grab onto him and make sure he didn’t fall. To think, his plans changed from diving into the ocean and not emerging until the early morning to dancing a waltz on a balcony with his sibling. The entire thing…
It was rather absurd, wasn’t it?
A giggle escaped his lips, then another and another until he could hardly breathe through the laughter. His sibling was staring at him like he’d gone mad, and with good reason. Freminet wasn’t one for emotion—he liked to think of himself as an impassive and cold, free from needless feelings. It wasn’t in his nature to smile often or laugh.
But (Name) soon fell into their own fit of giggles, as if catching a contagion. Their steps stumbled and faltered, until they’d collapsed against each other. Freminet looked up at them, an open smile twisting his features into something almost unrecognisable. There was a warmth spreading across his chest, akin to the exhilaration he got whenever he first dove into the water.
“Do you want to go back inside?” They asked, stepping back to lean against the railing. Freminet hesitated.
He could see through the glass that the twins had finished their dance, Lyney whispering to Lynette while scanning the room in a look Freminet knew to be the face he made whenever he was hiding how troubled he was. His eyes swept around the guests—looking for the two of them, it seemed. Logically, he knew he should go back inside to at least let them know he was okay, and hadn’t just vanished into the sea like he usually did. It would be the polite thing to do.
But he had his sibling with him. And the wind was a pleasant coldness against his cheeks.
“It’s peaceful out here.” He said quietly. “Let’s… stay a little bit longer.”
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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generalsdiary · 5 months
there is no rain without clouds
rain deity!Dr. Ratio x nonbeliever human!Aventurine
warnings: kissing (?)
word count: 6.5k
a/n: the intro will be the og post reframed- jump to keep reading to get to the added writing, one cannot escape Ratio being tsundere wherever you go (it’s literally canon), not beta read Firefly you better come home
description: an au, sorta soulmate vibe of a rain deity Ratio and human Aventurine falling in love (with an alternative ending), a smidge of angst; mostly fluff
What if Ratio is a type of deity with control over the rain/sky and Aventurine is a nonbeliever except for his immense luck given by the Mother Gaiathra Triclops.
And what if every time before it rains, he feels a drop on his shoulder or person much earlier than the rainfall actually begins- like a warning to seek shelter. And when he realizes that others don't notice the rain that early on, he feels somewhat special.
And on one day he is walking below a gray sky and a drop, tiny, smaller than any other, falls on his lips. And he smirks to himself and says to the sky, why do you kiss me in the form of rain?, he wipes it off with his thumb like there's an intimacy between him and the oncoming rain, a lingering feeling on his lips. A minute passes and another tiny drop falls to his nose, he assumes the rain will fall down any second now.
But in all actuality, the deity of rain, Veritas, is blushed and looking away, frozen, not making the rain fall because he is shocked and flustered from being called out on his very obvious bias.
And what if when he swims in a body of water, Aventurine feels light and free, comforted by the waves of the sea or the current of a river. But almost every time he is swimming the rain starts to fall. It is a gentle, soft one and he feels even more in tune with himself. Like he is being hugged, held. Veritas can't help but be obvious with his preferences in every universe.
Ratio would curse the deity of the sea, because why doesn't he hold those powers so he may feel Aventurine in his embrace, he'd beg the nymph of the river to take their place for a moment only to be denied. So he caresses him in the form of rain, from which Aventurine seeks cover. He curses the sage of the wind, because why can't he dance across the blond's skin, feeling the softness of his cheeks. Cursed to bring rain. Bold to make a drop fall on his lips, and now have his feelings revealed.
It won't rain for days, he is hiding, out of fear of being rejected, ignored... Vulnerable.
So when the rain does fall, weeks later, the great deity of rain is on his knees in the sky upon the sight of Aventurine sitting down on the ground in the downpour with a smile on his face.
“I am not.”
“I want to kiss you, hold you, hug you, have you- just-” he sighs, “and I know love and relationships can be much more than physical-“Aventurine exhales, looking up to the sky, his voice turning lower, “Why do you touch me like this?... Why does the water make me imagine your lips in their place- when I have never even seen you, why is it your hand which I wish to hold when I feel raindrops on mine... Why do you caress me,... Why do you touch me- it feels so personal every goddamn time and so… teasing.” When the skies bring no answer except the soft occasional raindrop, he turns and goes back inside.
About a week later the rain came again. Aventurine is standing behind a casino, catching a break from the heavy air inside. Veritas decides this is the right moment, the rainfall shifting to act as a waterfall and merely showcase an invisible silhouette like a ghostly figure, creating his shape.
“It is not easy to take a physical form.” There's no sound, Aventurine cannot hear his voice with his ears, but with his mind. His eyes widen upon seeing the elemental shape, he walks closer. This is the confirmation of everything- he isn't insane- well, that's still debatable, for some reason he doesn't feel shocked, surprised would be the better word. Aventurine reaches out with his hand, fingers moving through the rain which shapes a cheek. It is just water. Feels less real than the same drops that warn him. “I don't think you can call this a physical form.”
“Why me?”
“Indeed, why you?”
“I do not have to.” With a small wave of his hand, a larger raindrop falls on Aventurine's bottom lip, making him close his eyes. It isn't just the water, it gives him this feeling, this image of being kissed- of lips pressing into his own.
Aventurine ponders, a rain person, and his shape- it is a tall shape that much he can conclude.
“I wish to see you partake a physical form.”
“I can feel you, through the water- don't you wish to do it yourself?”
The elemental shape is quiet. “Things are more complicated than you know, Aventurine.”
Aventurine raises his eyebrows in small surprise from hearing his own name, “Introductions are due?”
“You know my name.”
“How could I possibly know your name, Veritas?” There it is. He stops, shocked, how do I know that name?
“Did you really think I'd make droplets fall to your lips without leaving my name there? It would've been rude.”
“This feels right- but I know it is wrong- I don't know anything about you.”
“Yes, you do, you just need to think- we have been communicating this whole time.” Within a blink of an eye he leaves, nothing left behind to mark his existence.
The facts list on in Aventurine's mind like pretty organized bullet points, Veritas is a rain deity, cold in nature, knowledgeable, etc.- and the list turns into... Memories? Or perhaps future memories; his mind fills with images, a fact of Veritas' dark blue hair showcased by Aventurine pulling his fingers through it, the high cheekbones shown with his lips on it... Aventurine feels dizzy, leaning back onto the wall of the building for support. What is this? It feels like he left a list, he wouldn't leave the second part as is. What is going on?
Veritas’ eyebrows furrow whilst observing the human. Why is he stumbling over a list- I didn't leave anything of such a mark on it. He didn't drink... Is he feeling ill? He moves past his worry when Aventurine goes inside.
One could ask the rain deity when it began, and how it started, this is what he would say.
„Darling… you ask a difficult question,“ Veritas says softly. His gaze shifts lower, and with soft eyes and a small smile he continues, „Allow me to quote a book…I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.“
With a sharp inhale Aventurine wakes up from the dream. He cannot remember what the man looked like and his voice is even fading from his memory. What was this dream- it didn’t feel like a dream. It felt like a memory that hadn’t happened yet. The dizziness he knows from the first time is there again. Luckily he is still lying in bed. From all the given information, he concludes this isn’t the doing of the deity… Veritas. This is something else entirely, frightening and eerie.
Aventurine is now aware of the rain deity, and his strange preference… and whatever they have together. Opening his phone he checks the weather forecast- it will rain. When leaving the apartment building, he leaves his umbrella by the door on purpose.
Aventurine ponders his…memories, visions? under the warm water of the shower head. They feel amazing and real and genuine- and overwhelming, exposing. Why is he seeing them- feeling them… living them?
Going about his day and obligations to the IPC, Aventurine ultimately forgets about today’s forecast until he feels the soft raindrop on his hand. It feels like putting on noise-canceling headphones, everything quiets down and slows down for him. He can feel the lingering touch, “Why don’t you hold my hand yourself?” Aventurine decides to call Veritas out early on; he has grown used to the water hitting his shoulder or shoes, and the rain deity is getting bolder by the day.
Out of the gambler’s sight, Veritas has his hand over his mouth, dumbfounded and astounded at the younger man’s forwardness. The second raindrop meaning to hit Aventurine’s shoe misses and falls beside him- out of pure lack of focus from Veritas, once again frozen and… one would dare say blushed. Much like the previous time the rain falters and falls later than the deity originally planned. Veritas can only observe from the sky as Aventurine smirks and walks cheerfully along; the happy feeling he has clears the sky of its clouds.
When Aventurine decides to go home, he is met with gentle rain outside. He somewhat regrets leaving his umbrella at home. The knowledge of how this communication works puzzles him, for a moment it is there and for a moment it isn’t. He speaks aloud, “Must we dance around like giggling teenagers? I will warn you, I am not a patient man. especially when teased like this.” He regrets saying the last sentence as soon as it leaves his mouth, I am so fucking touch deprived, I should keep my mouth shut.
The same elemental shape, that even if anyone saw would brush it off as nothing, shows up and walks beside Aventurine. “No umbrella?”
This is his moment, he will go all out. It is all or nothing. “I wanted to feel you on my skin.”
Unfortunately for him, Veritas came prepared, “Why don’t you walk naked then?” he asked with a snicker in his soundless tone.
Aventurine tilts his head, “Good one… maybe I should.” He teases, turning his head to look at the shape beside him.
Fortunately for him, Veritas isn’t that well prepared. With a silent cough, he quickly tries to think of something. “You could get ill.”
Aventurine stops in his steps, “Then take a physical form. I may then relish in your warmth” he pretentiously declares.
“Is this really something you want?” Veritas softly asks, or at least it seems soft in Aventurine’s mind. Another memory fills his sight and overwhelms him; his hand on the man’s cheek, breaths mingling- standing together- he can almost make out his eye color, the one of dawn? He can feel the warmth radiating from Veritas’ skin, the frequent how does he know it is frequent? blush in the man’s cheeks warm under his fingertips… Light-headed again. Aventurine blinks a few times, stabilizing in the present again.
There it was again, he almost fainted. Is he alright? “Are you okay? You seem unwell.” Veritas mumbles.
“I’m fine, don’t stress about it” Another typical hand wave from the blond. “Yes, I- I’m sorry, I..” The dizzy feeling threw him off his game, “Can we continue this conversation another time, I have to get home.”
Of course, the rain deity leaves silently.
Veritas is a deity who loves rationalization, thereby he is confused as to why he is so drawn to the human, so defensive over him. What made him make an actual move after a couple of years of silent appreciation passed? It would’ve not been an actual move hadn’t Aventurine called him out on it. Veritas feels like he knows him, like he knew him before… well, before anything he knows at this moment. Like they knew each other elsewhere, spent time together. Why must there be history here and now; to justify his feelings? It is not a crime to love what you cannot explain. I am one with the water and it too flows through me as do the affections I feel.
What can you expect from a gambler than to gamble? And this one uses his life as a chip.
Aventurine exits the worn-down building, made of brown moss-covered bricks, through the side door into an empty alley. A dead end one. He had fun, getting all the hard-earned and well-needed information from the players at the poker table and quite a bit of money.
One of the men followed him out, asking for another round, which Aventurine dismissed with a wave of his hand. They chat along, the man making different suggestions regarding other gambling businesses and potential scams.
“As intrigued as I might be, I prefer to work alone- and, you know, stick to what I know,” Aventurine says with a thousand credit smile.
“Yeah, yeah, understandable- but listen I got this gig- you will love it, it is made for you…” The man’s tone suggests hidden intentions, his body betraying him- the shaky hands, his eyes jumping all over the place… Maybe it is due to the strong smell of cigars and heavy alcohol that clouds Aventurine’s perception, or perhaps the few drinks he had (he isn’t actually drunk, not even tipsy), maybe he is tired or maybe he is just feeling so cocky at that moment that he doesn’t notice the imminent threat.
The rain knows, he- Veritas knows. He recognized the man’s intentions early on and tried to warn Aventurine, to no effect. The time ran out, the man gnarling his teeth and hitting Aventurine’s head, making him lose consciousness and fall limp on the concrete. A heavy downpour with sharp raindrops starts, and those sharp ones of course avoid the blond’s body. As if someone emptied a bucket of water, a curtain forms between Aventurine and the man. He appears surprised, but it doesn’t stop him from taking a step forward before a flash of lightning spooks him for a second. The lightning flash blinds him for another moment, Veritas tries his best to protect the young gambler, but it will not be enough and he knows it. Another flash of white and the curtain of heavy water normalizes, the man’s vision clearing up to see a tall man standing menacingly before him, practically towering above him. He has dark violet hair which is dripping with water, long dark indigo, and blue robes that flow to the ground, and a white shirt that is sticking to his torso. The arm which isn’t under the cover of the robes reveals a well-defined muscular shape. It is strange, the way the tall man appears to be soaked and completely dry at the same time. The water sliding off of his robes like off of a duck’s back, meanwhile, his shirt is stained and his hair drenched. There is power in his presence, the unnatural way he appeared already sent fear down the other man’s spine. Veritas raises his head, the sharp amber dawn-like eyes flashing a light blue when he in a deep voice with a sharp tone commands, “Leave.”
A heavy raindrop falls onto his shoulders, the prior blue sky turning a silvery shade of gray, almost purple. He knows this, what it means, even in his mind he disregards it, waving his hand around; seek shelter, yeah, yeah, it will rain. I’ll live. The conversation continues and a few more heavy raindrops fall onto his frame, unusual. The overblown self-confidence makes him ignore it, ignore the obvious warnings he doesn’t even see. It’s just rain, nothing more. It was never used for anything else except for a sign it would rain. Well except that one time…
Aventurine keeps talking, more raindrops fall- showing the rain is getting impatient, he even feels annoyed with the way it only keeps falling on him and not in the general area.
The man scours away in a blink of an eye. Veritas doesn’t turn back to look at Aventurine, he can hear him inhaling sharply and he disintegrates with the rain, leaving as quickly as he came.
When Aventurine comes to, there’s an ache in his head and his clothes are wet. He is disoriented, confused as to where the man left. His eyes drift to his jewelry and his personal belongings- all safe, all still here. He frowns. What happened? Slowly he stands on his feet, walking away to get a cab. While he stands in the heavy rain he ponders what went on. Was he really warned? It isn’t real, it can’t be real. Rain is just rain. And after all, he is a deity, why would he trouble himself over a mortal? Aventurine enters the vehicle and goes home.
With a yellow soft towel, he is patting his hair dry and looking out the window to the white sky. That man would not leave without robbing him or beating him up, he should’ve been more careful. A deity wouldn’t help. Why would they? They never did in the past.
Despite his thoughts, he doesn’t yell at the sky for explanations or behave like an angry toddler. For some reason, there is a certain amount of respect there. He can’t find it in him to converse in a rude way, even when he doesn’t believe in any of it. At the end of the day, it is just rain, and it isn’t anything special. Aventurine simply writes it off to his luck.
Veritas isn’t observing him at this moment. He lets the rain fall heavily down, not caring for it. How dare he be so careless with his life? He scoffs to himself, arms crossed and pacing around. Veritas feels angry and the masked emotion washes off of the rain deity to reveal the worried god underneath it. Thus, when Aventurine walks out on the balcony to grab a jacket left there before the weather changes, a raindrop falls on his cheek caressing it as if to say, don’t do that again.
And it is those simple, intimate moments where Aventurine feels like he is going crazy. How could he possibly explain all of it- or any of it? He felt water on his lips before so why did it that day feel like a kiss? A kiss he wants more of… why did this drop on his cheek feel comforting? No, he is losing it. I am not falling for rain- I cannot ‘fall in love’ with rain, what is going on? The rain stops and he finds himself drawing his fingers to the lingering drops on the outer side of his balcony door. If it isn’t real, why does this feel… like that? Cold droplets turning warm under his fingers, he sighs and leans his forehead on the glass door. Would the rain be able to hug? Maybe I’m just touch deprived… with that he goes back inside and ends his day.
“… if you’ll let me.” Veritas notices the way Aventurine wavers, losing balance as his eyes turn back into focus. “You worry me.” He whispers.
Aventurine is standing under a red umbrella and conversing with Veritas. Both gravitate to each other with slight confusion as to why it feels right- good. They are trying to have a normal conversation, and sort of get to know each other, yet the more they talk the more they realize that they already do know each other.
“I could show you so much, my favorite places; food, music…” Veritas’ voice fades off in Aventurine’s ears- another one of his visions…before the sound switches to normal inside this memory. “I will show you so much, my favorite places; food, music, art, culture- history of the world,” Veritas utters the sentence between kisses he places on Aventurine’s knuckles, looking up at him with a smile. Aventurine laughs, “And I will show you how to have fun- you will learn poker and so many fun, fun games and how to dance-“, Veritas jumps in, “I do know how to dance, and I am incredibly clever I will pick up poker easily for you, my love.” In a cloud of smoke, he loses focus and falls back into reality.
The hand wave every time, “It is jamais vu* from what I managed to find out.”
“From my knowledge, that doesn’t cause dizziness.”
“It is often related to migraines”
“You are not experiencing migraines.”
“How would you know my lack of pain?”
A sigh, “The same way you know things about me.” Veritas prettily forms the sentence to avoid the question he has no answer to. He simply knows, how could he not know?
Aventurine tries not to think about the intimate scenes the memories show him, he doesn’t want to spiral down the rabbit hole. And when he does try to recall how Veritas looked in them, it melts away from his mind like chocolate in the summer sun. The memory stays, with the visual and audible facts fading if he focuses on them too hard. He isn’t allowed to see them yet, is what he believes. The touch, the warmth- that doesn’t go away, it stays, lingering like the raindrops on his fingertips. It feels exactly like Veritas.
An hour later, Aventurine is back at his home, he takes off his jacket- staying in a white button-up shirt. He walks over to the glass doors to the balcony, sliding them open and his fingers drift to the unmoving raindrops on the glass, it takes his full attention… giving him comfort and he closes his eyes, turning the tables as to who is touching who through the raindrops.
Weeks pass with them having conversations and confused thoughts, shifting between yearning, flirting, and curiosity. The air around them stops for a millisecond when Aventurine makes a suggestion, “I want to show you my apartment.” He expressed with a smile, with no ulterior motive, but to show a more private part of himself which is his home. The elemental form, expressionless as ever is silent.
“I am certain you’ve noticed we only converse while it is raining and I take this shape, how would I go inside as this?” Veritas makes an excuse.
“Come in through the balcony- you can stay there if you must drip like that- but there is a way, don’t play dumb with me, oh great rain deity~” He flails his arms about and rolls his eyes with a big smile while he teases Veritas.
The shape disappears due to Veritas losing his concentration and falling to his knees once more from the teasing use of his title.
In his waterfall shape, Veritas appears in front of Aventurine- the gambler didn’t even have to call him, he felt his touch. What a strange feeling…
He stands still as ever, no emotion readable off of his figure, no voice able to be heard. He felt the… teasing way the phantom touch is, and felt a tad impatient- he would have great use of a few breathing exercises at that moment. To reframe his thoughts and ground- instead, he is on the balcony, in a distant form, as he said he would be.
“Why?” Aventurine asks.
“Ah, Veritas. You came! Allow me to show you my home~” Aventurine cheerfully exclaims and steps backward into the apartment, “Unless you plan on bringing the water inside- in which case you can observe through the glass…” Aventurine’s voice fades off exactly when the elemental shape shifts and Veritas takes his actual physical form, taking a step forward into the building, towards Aventurine. His eyes are the colors of dawn… The tall, attractive man steps closer until Aventurine’s back meets the wall behind him. Memories become clearer- the indigo hair, the dark blue robes, the deep baritone voice that soothes his ears- “Is this the form you wished so hard to see?” Veritas tilts his head and raises his eyebrows.
Aventurine is speechless upon the sight of a literal god in front of him. He did expect him to look good, he is attracted to him, but oh dear gods, this is… wow. Why is he standing so close? Aventurine can feel the change in the room’s temperature, turning slightly warmer.
“…yes…uhm, it is good you… changed and now you can get a tour of the place.” It took Aventurine a few moments before he softly answered. His eyes shift around, surprised by the moment, despite it all, his thoughts calmed down since Veritas is physically here. Aventurine feels at peace, safe, and content. Until his eyes fall to Veritas’ lips and everything is out of the window, his head filling with thoughts of how it would feel to actually kiss him. Their breaths are mingling, why is he standing so close? he barely notices his hand moving the Veritas’ side to pull him even closer. The air feels heavy, filled with electricity and the scent of another man which is entirely new, but then again it is a scent he knows all too well from his memories- focus allowing only now to remember it clearly.
To Aventurine’s surprise, he isn’t the only one feeling like this. He watches Veritas summon a raindrop between his fingers and drop it onto his bottom lip. Veritas eyes trained on the way it falls, then closing them relishing in the feeling. It also makes Aventurine close his eyes, and he holds on to not just crash his lips against his.
“I… don’t know,” Veritas admits.
With the droplet still on his bottom lip, Aventurine raises his chin and presses his lips onto Veritas’. The heavy air, frozen, flows again when they connect. Lips opening to get closer, hands hesitant and shaking to bring the other closer, fearing to not get overwhelmed, minds connecting to ask the same question, why does it feel so good… why does it feel right? Aventurine’s hands travel up, one rests on Veritas’ chest and the other one cups his cheek, it is as soft as he recalls. Veritas embraces Aventurine, his arms wrapping around the shorter man’s torso and pulling him closer. Clouds fill the sky and no rain falls. The moment is theirs and it is hidden. It felt like the built-up pressure in the atmosphere right before a storm, was released. The tension loosens up when they finally feel each other’s touch and not through water.
When the kiss ends Aventurine’s head fills with questions such as, how dare he gatekeep this form- why?
Veritas, still close, quietly points out an observation, “Your eyes glow in the dim light.”
“So do yours.” Silence. They spend the next few minutes staring into each other’s eyes, Veritas is the one to break the silence and ask for a tour of the place that was promised.
“You will outlive me. I will die. I am…” he sighs, “just a human. I have, what, maybe 50 years left at best?”
They fit together like puzzle pieces, perfect in every way. Veritas takes his physical form much more often and spends most of his time beside Aventurine, going on walks, dinners, and spending simple time together. Veritas still sends the raindrops to his lips, embracing him through the rain. Their physical affection turns simpler and is shown through occasional lingering fingers and short-lived hand-holding. They find solace in each other’s company much more than anything else. It is another one of the simple days, both sitting on the couch, Aventurine is fidgeting with Veritas’ hands when he asks, “Are you immortal?”
“Hm… what a strange question. I am not immortal in the true sense of the word, I am meant to live forever- well as long as there is rain.” He explains in a gentle tone, causally watching the man caress his fingers.
“I will be by your side through every day then- and after, I will find a way, I will not leave you and you will not leave me- do not worry, dear gambler.”
Beat. Aventurine ever so slightly slumps, leaning back and looking up. “Are you sure?” he presses on in a shaky voice which he desperately tries to hide.
“I promise. I will do my best to make it happen.” Somewhat reassured by his words, Aventurine moves to rest his head on Veritas’ shoulder.
It can’t be all sunshine and rainbows- or in this case, clouds and rain. There’s turmoil happening inside the rain deity. Doubts fill him, guilt poisons his head, and self-consciousness traps him in a spiral of negative thoughts regarding his feelings and actions. He knows all emotions flow through him, water takes on any shape, and therefore at some point in time, it will take the shape of a whirlpool. The rain deity feels chained by his thoughts, trying to solve them- work them out, only for the bounds to get tighter. The days turn into weeks, the rain no longer warning Aventurine- he cannot focus, and the sky turns a shade of dark purple, calling thunder and lightning at times, it is loud, terrifying. Aventurine can’t help but worry, is someone punishing him? Every loud snap and whip sound burns his ears, Aventurine mumbles his name sometimes in distress- to no avail.
Months later, he stands on his balcony. Uninvited, he waits for Aventurine to return home. When he does, most part of the conversation is silent, Aventurine opens the door- sees him, and stares. Thoughts are exchanged without a sound, of Veritas’ pain and regrets, and of Aventurine’s anxiety. Am I even human anymore, why can I do this? He ignores that thought.
“Talk to me next time- let me help-“
“This isn’t something that would be safe to have you around for.”
“I agree, since when do you have control over the thunder and lightning?”
“I do not… When a deity, a sage, a nymph, or whichever being; goes through strong emotional turmoils- their power expands because they lose control over it. I apologize for making you worry.”
“Don’t do that again.”
“I cannot promise it won’t happen again.”
“I’ll make you promise” With furrowed eyebrows and a firm step he walks over, looking up at the rain deity with a frown. He shall put it in words even Veritas will understand, “Lack of your well-being leads to me not feeling good. If you care about me as much as I do about you, you will do better. I expect of you to do better- no better yet- I demand it.” Aventurine stands tall, chin raised and proud, putting a god in his place- equal to him, right by his side. His eyes focused on the man in front of him.
Veritas is weak, too weak to say no- to deny anything Aventurine may wish… He is the air I breathe, how could I ever reject him? His eyes scan his face, not a single tread of fear in the shorter man. Veritas nods, “I will have you near me, next time such a thing occurs. I promise.”
Aventurine’s shoulders relax, he nods to himself and steps back in, “Come inside, you’re cooking tonight.” Veritas politely follows with a shy smile on his face, his eyes looking down at where Aventurine’s fingers are pulling him and leading him inside.
A century passes. Aventurine passed away years ago, and not a day nor night has gone by without Veritas building up his power to summon him here. Until he succeeded. A bright light blinds him, making him turn his head and look elsewhere in the plush, warm-toned clouds he was sitting in. Turning his head back he is met with a smiley Aventurine who immediately jumps and embraces Veritas- making him lie on his back.
“You did it- you actually did it! Took you long enough!” Through warm laughter he greets.
“It was no easy feat. It, indeed, took too long.” Veritas’ arms tighten around Aventurine’s frame, inhaling the scent of the perfume he missed so much, “I missed you- it feels so good to actually feel you- the human realm cannot convey the feeling of touch the way it does here.”
“It does feel different.” Aventurine props his elbow to look at the rain deity better.
“Now, it is a tad more complicated than I… originally explained. You are a… cloud deity now.”
Aventurine tilts his head and narrows his eyes, “A what now?” He laughs softly, “Aren’t you in control of that?”
Veritas slowly explains, “No, I am in control of the rain- and yes while clouds are water- they are not rain. By controlling the rain, I pull also the clouds indeed, but for example- I could never pull a cloud over a desert area where it won’t rain. Whereas, you can. Clouds are timeless and everywhere- you are free to manipulate them- all across the space and time.” He ends it with a smile, “There is no rain without clouds, my dear.”
The pieces all fall into space, their connection, his memories of the future- they have yet to happen right here in these clouds- he saw them happen, the way he felt less and less natural and more supernatural, the way they communicate- he knew Veritas wasn’t controlling that. It is also obvious that the rain deity did not plan for this, it is simply the way it all worked out. He provided them a… forever. The visions made so much sense now- clouds are timeless. It flows for him, time flows- he smiles and kisses Veritas’ cheek. “I knew this would- I- thank you, I am overjoyed to be here with you.”
All the memories become, soon enough, memories. Now, they spend their time almost always in some time of physical contact- hands never separating. They float around and smile at nature, Aventurine very excitedly leads Veritas through old games he had won, teaching him poker and blackjack, they laugh and enjoy this powerful life to the fullest.
On one of those countless days, Veritas takes him to the waterfall and the river, where he had previously begged the nymph to borrow their powers to hold him.
“Ah, Lord of the rain… and Lord of the clouds, what can I do for you today?” The nymph of the river smiles, their hair, the color of a cherry tree, flows with the wind, sending a scent of strawberries. The easygoing smile relaxes both men.
“We were passing by- how did you know about Aventurine?” Veritas is surprised, they do all know each other in the end- maybe it has something to do with his partner’s time-related affinities.
“It is written, the Lord of the rain will bring forth the Lord of the clouds. And no matter when he is brought forth, he shall be gifted the control of time so he has always been with us.” They say without a tremor in their voice like it is a well-known fact.
“I have not read this in the writing, Ro.” Veritas crosses his arms, mentally recalling every line in the very long text.
“You cannot know the lines which refer to you. Just as I didn’t know the ones that were related to me and my Lady of the Flower lotus.” Ro nods, the smile unmoving from their face, they seem at peace, content… happy. The beings of nature live pleasurable lives, and Aventurine feels fond of it.
“Wait- you have told me the previous time I was here that you loved a human and no one as well had borrowed you their powers to come closer- is this the same Lady? You didn’t tell me of this.” Veritas continues, Aventurine floats off to the familiar beach and jumps in the water, partaking in his old physical form. “I mean, I was aware of what was written… The nymph of the river will love the flower lotus.”
“Veritas, we have been over this, do not fret- enjoy the Lord of the clouds- and I shall go have tea with my Lady, it is late afternoon and I refuse to keep them waiting. I’d be more than happy to have you two join us, but I am afraid we won’t have enough biscuits for today- how does tomorrow sound?”
Veritas nods. “Enjoy your time, Ro. Tomorrow is fine.” Veritas leaps out of the clouds, taking his physical form as well and diving into the water. Aventurine is quick to swim over and put his arms on Veritas’ shoulders, “The water feels amazing, and you look good like this- we should go swimming more often~”
“Don’t belittle me, you just like the sight of me shirtless,” Veritas smirks, and Aventurine chuckles. Veritas moves his arms to his lower back.
“Mhm~ Yes I do, doctor” Aventurine moves closer to kiss him, there are drops of water on their lips and they mix along with the kiss, the sun shines brightly illuminating the water's surface and the wind blows over their shoulders. What a perfect world they got so lucky to exist in- together and in love.
VIII (alternative ending)
Aventurine’s eyes suddenly open, with a hollow chest and faster breathing than normal. He turns to his side to see Veritas already awake, his hand on Aventurine’s cheek wiping away… tears?
“Bad dream, darling?” He whispers.
“No- I… a lovely dream. I don’t know why I am crying…” He moves closer to Veritas, seeking his warmth, “You were a rain deity and I suppose the tears might be happy ones?... It feels like a beautiful world was ripped away from me… It was so real.”
“A rain deity? You truly have creative dreams…” Ratio pulls his head into his chest, hand in the blond locks soothing his partner. “You have me here, I am not going anywhere.” A soft kiss is placed on the crown of his head.
“I love you… thank you for being here. It was a nice dream, maybe somewhere utopian where it is all perfect and where we could be happy… it was a bit unrealistic but comforting. Although I could feel you were missing something, you also were human before you became a deity so perhaps you didn’t recall what drove you. Your motivation for knowledge and spreading it- I missed it in the dream.” Aventurine draws small circles on Veritas’ chest. The digital clock shows 3 am, they should go back to sleep.
“I love you too,” He whispers.
“When did you… when did you realize it? That you… ‘loved’?” Aventurine inquires, a sleepy mind asks strange questions.
“What a strenuous question…” Veritas answers softly, his eyes travel lower to meet the colorful ones of his partner, his own softening when they meet. With a small smile, he goes on, “To quote a wonderful writer; I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”
Tiredly, Ratio nods and freezes once the words register in his head, “Mhm, yes, wait what- excuse me? That I will do what now?” The surprise is evident in his voice.
Aventurine’s eyes widen, dreams spill over into reality and every scene flashes before his eyes, he feels overwhelmed, his head running around with so many thoughts…
“I hope you will even in this reality kiss me in the form of rain.”
“Hush, go to sleep- I have an interview in the morning.” With a quiet grumble he listens to Aventurine and goes back to sleep.
a/n: s/o to J. Austen for being an amazing author; the quote is from the book called Pride and Prejudice, *jamais vu - a French loanword meaning "never seen", is the phenomenon of experiencing a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but that nonetheless seems novel and unfamiliar
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engeorged · 1 month
Awakenings II
The second short story of seven about gainer and feeder awakenings. If you read yourself in the story feel free to reblog or comment!
A Taste of Freedom
It was one of those weddings that felt like an obligation, the kind where the only people who spoke to you did so out of pity or politeness. Daniel knew it the moment he walked through the door. At thirty-two, his life had settled into a dreary routine—a dead-end job in an office where he was just another face among a sea of grey cubicles. His ambitions had faded, replaced by a dull acceptance of his mundane existence. His body reflected the life he led—soft, a bit pudgy, with the beginnings of a belly that hung over his belt, a constant reminder of his dissatisfaction.
As he stood awkwardly at the reception, trying and failing to engage in small talk, Daniel felt an overwhelming sense of isolation. His family, caught up in their own lives, barely acknowledged his presence. Conversations buzzed around him, but he wasn’t part of any of them. His cousins bragged about their kids and careers, his parents were doting over his sister’s children, and his old friends had become strangers, their lives revolving around topics he could no longer relate to.
It wasn’t long before he found himself gravitating toward the one thing that seemed to offer any kind of solace—the buffet table.
It was a sight to behold. Platters piled high with decadent foods, an array of dishes that seemed to call out to him. Rich, creamy pasta, roasted meats glistening with juices, desserts that looked sinful. Daniel picked up a plate and began piling it high, the simple act of serving himself filling him with a strange kind of satisfaction. Why not? No one else seemed to care what he did.
He found a secluded corner, sat down, and began to eat. The first bite was heavenly, the rich flavours exploding on his tongue. With each mouthful, the tension in his chest eased, the gnawing sense of emptiness began to fill. He ate methodically at first, savouring each bite, but soon the pace quickened. The food wasn’t just satisfying his hunger—it was filling a void he hadn’t realised was so deep.
He finished his plate and went back for more. Then another plate, and another. Each time he returned to his table, his plate was more loaded than before. By the fourth trip, he noticed a few family members watching him with curious or concerned expressions. Aunt Carol’s brow furrowed as she passed by, and Cousin Tom exchanged whispers with his wife. But Daniel didn’t care—not anymore. For once, he was beyond their judgement.
With each bite, a strange sense of liberation washed over him. He would normally keep his appetite under control but today something had changed. The more he ate, the less he cared about what anyone thought. Comments were made, looks were exchanged, but he brushed them off with a dismissive shrug. It felt good to do something purely for himself, to indulge without restraint.
By the time the wedding reception was winding down, Daniel was utterly stuffed. His belly, once soft and only slightly rounded, had transformed. His shirt strained against it, the buttons threatening to pop as his stomach pushed outward, swollen and tight. He could feel the food packed inside him, his belly stretching to accommodate the feast. It was no longer just a bit pudgy—it was round and taut, like a balloon filled to its limit.
He waddled to his car, each step sending a jolt through his overstuffed belly. It was an odd sensation, the weight and fullness of it, the way it protruded outward, almost comically so. But instead of embarrassment, he felt something else—something new and thrilling. He managed to drive home, his swollen gut pressing against the steering wheel, a grin spreading across his face despite the discomfort.
The moment he got home, Daniel tore off his clothes and stood in front of the mirror. What he saw took his breath away. His belly, once just a soft reminder of his sedentary lifestyle, was now a massive, round orb. It stuck out prominently, the skin stretched tight, almost shiny, from how full it was. He placed his hands on it, feeling the firmness, the way it pushed back against his touch.
A thrill shot through him, more intense than anything he’d felt in years. He ran his fingers over the taut surface, tracing the curve, feeling the pressure of all the food packed inside. It was heavy, solid, and completely unexpected. And yet, it felt incredible—like he’d finally found something that was his, something that brought him pleasure in a way nothing else had.
As he stood there, admiring his reflection, Daniel realised something profound. He wasn’t just filled up; he was fulfilled, in a way he’d never been before. The act of eating, of letting go, of allowing himself to indulge without restraint had given him a new sense of purpose, a new passion.
For the first time in years, Daniel felt truly alive. The thought of his newly bloated belly, of the freedom it represented, filled him with excitement. He had finally discovered something that made him feel good, something that was his alone.
And he couldn’t wait to do it again.
For the rest of my stories click here
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butterflydemons · 6 months
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Chan comes across a picture on his for you page of a baby and notices that the infant shares the same similarities as him.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bangchan x biracial!oc ( Miya )
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3,607
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Fluff.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Hope you guys enjoy.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @michelle4eve @lovesunshinefelix @resi4skz @kaciidubs
⇢ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ——— ɴᴇxᴛ
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Chapter II🧸: The Truth Comes Out
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『 July 20, 2022 』
   AS OF LATE, Chan found himself thinking back to that glorious night on his birthday last year. Since that evening, he often thought about Miya. What she was doing, where she was, or if she thought about their shared time together. There was a night where he even masturbated thinking of her naked body beneath his. Whatever he did, Chan couldn’t get her out of his mind.
   Chan was with his bandmates filming an episode of SKZ Code on Jeju Island. It was a warm sunny day so the staff decided why not film there. The beautiful blue sea reminded him of back home in Australia when he’d go to the beach. Listening to the waves crash against the shore gave Chan a sense of relief and peace. Nothing beats being at the beach, especially with people you care about.
   Staff had the group divided into two squads. Team Wear Your Seatbelts was a white sedan, and Team Screwdrivers was a black vehicle. Each member chose which car, cracking jokes about each other. For their mission on their two-day stay, all the members on the first day would eat at a restaurant, play in a swimming pool, and have a fun barbecue, ending it with a day of a video diary. It was simple.
   After laughing at Changbin as he acted as if he was going to leave Han, everyone settled in, and the divers got on the road. The members sat back for the ride, jamming to their music and relaxing. Everyone said hello before heading to the table when they arrived at the restaurant. Employees handed Chan and his teammate's menus before they ordered their food. All of them enjoyed the delicious food and each other's company.
“I’m going to start with some red-handed lobster,” Changbin replied, picking up a piece of food with his chopsticks. “Mmm, it’s good.”
“We should do this all the time,” Chan responded, glancing at all of his members, laughing and being happy.
“I could live on Jeju Island forever.” Han smiled, laughing with Felix, who sat beside him.
“I'm so full, but I can't stop eating.” Felix groaned, rubbing his stomach.
   It’s safe to say the first mission of their two-day stay on Jeju Island was a great success. The group filled their conversations with laughter and good food. Once everyone was well-fed, they wanted to enjoy the view and take pictures of each other. Chan felt a sense of peace and joy as he watched his members be themselves while running around. Sometimes, being in the spotlight got to all of them, and they reveled in this moment.
   Chan walked on the beach as Minho found a stray cat and started petting her, being the only feline owner in the group. Yet again, he found himself thinking of Miya. Pulling out his phone, Chan began taking pictures of the beautiful scenery. He smiled at how the photos turned out. Walking along the sand, Chan grabbed his phone and scrolled through Instagram.
   When he tapped on his for you page, he saw a picture of an infant. He saw that the person who posted it was a mutual friend of his friend Hyun-Jung. Suddenly, Chan realized it was the girl he slept with on his birthday last year. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared at the picture. The baby girl shared similarities with him.
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   She had his nose and lips. The wheels in Chan's mind started spinning. Was the child his? When did she have a baby? How old is the infant? Many thoughts kept running through his brain. Chan contemplated whether he should message her directly or ask Caleb. He didn’t want to catch her off guard or seem weird, so he asked Caleb.
   Clicking on the direct message button, Chan began typing his text. After sending the last message, Chan's heart tightened, realizing his added dates. If he were correct, that would mean the baby girl Miya posted is, in fact, his daughter. Holy shit, he has a kid. He couldn’t believe it. Chan had to keep a straight face, knowing that he was filming. 
   Quickly tapping on his phone, he ordered a bouquet of pink flowers for Caleb to pick up and give to Miya with a specific note attached. He sighed, running his hand through his hair as the new information settled in. The wheels in Chan’s head had him so wrapped up he didn’t hear Felix calling him until he tapped his shoulder.
“You okay?” Felix asked with worry written on his face.
“Y-Yeah, I’m good.” Chan nodded, smiling at his Australian friend.
   Chan and Felix walked over to the other guys, letting loose while enjoying their time on Jeju Island. The entire time, Chan couldn’t get the image of that baby girl out of his mind.
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Miya walked into the kitchen of her house as the television occupied her daughter’s attention to make her a bottle. After discovering she was pregnant, Miya resigned, but since her boss was understanding, she allowed Miya to take an extended leave from work. She fled Korea to California to live with her parents. Her family supported her decision to keep the baby and continue the pregnancy. Kaya and Karsyn missed their friend so much.
   In all honesty, Miya missed them too, so during her twenty-ninth week of pregnancy, she decided to fly back to Korea from Texas. At thirty-six weeks, Miya gave birth to a 7lbs 5oz baby girl named Bang Cheon-Sa, whose English name is Noémi. She was the cutest baby when she was born. Miya cried, holding her newborn daughter to her chest. Not believing she pushed out a 7lbs infant from her vagina.
   Of course, her mother flew down with her friends to help with the recovery process, so she knew she was in good hands. It’s safe to say that Noémi has her mother's friends wrapped around her fingers. They’d do it in a heartbeat whenever Miya asked them for something related to the baby. Hell, they’d even offer to babysit for her while she worked. 
   Miya shook the warm bottle as she exited the kitchen, and when Noémi saw what her mother held, she started whining, motioning with a grabby hand. The young woman shook her head as she placed the bottle in the toddler's mouth. She smiled at her daughter before sitting on the sofa and continuing her reality show. As Miya went to check on her baby, her cell phone started ringing, making her turn back around. Picking it up, she saw Kaya’s contact name on the screen.
Hello, bestie.
Bestie🤍🥤- Hey, what are you doing?
Watching a reality show, what’s up?
Bestie🤍🥤- I’m with Caleb, Ryan and Karsyn. We’re on our way to your place. We have a surprise for you.
What is it?
Bestie🤍🥤- It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.
Whatever. Well, I’m at home.
Bestie🤍🥤- How’s Noémi?
She’s on her way to sleep. I gave her a bottle.
Bestie🤍🥤- I can’t wait to see her if she’s still awake. Well, we’re almost there.
Okay, I’ll see you when you get here.
Bestie🤍🥤- Bye.
   After Miya tossed her phone aside and got up to see Noémi staring wide open at her, the toddler showed her mother a gummy smile as Miya shook her head. She raised her arms, making Miya chuckle before picking her up and hoisting the baby on her hip.
“You know what you’re doing.” Miya smiled, kissing her chubby cheek. 
   Miya held the toddler to her chest as she patted Noémi to sleep. As she closed her eyes, the doorbell rang, echoing throughout the house. Holding the infant to her chest, Miya stood up and went to answer the front door. When she opened it, she saw Kaya, Ryan, Karsyn, and Caleb holding a bouquet of pink flowers. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she allowed her friends inside.
   The four took their shoes off before slipping on their assigned slippers and following Miya to the living room.
“Noémi’s always sleeping.” Karsyn pouted, poking the infant's chubby cheek.
“That’s all she does is eat, sleep, and poop,” Miya replied, rolling her eyes as she laid Noémi in her playpen. She glanced at Caleb, who sat the flowers on the table. “Who’s the floral arrangement?”
“It’s yours,” Celeb answered, sitting beside Ryan on the other sofa.
“Mine? You didn’t have to buy me flowers, Caleb.” Miya smiled, feeling a sense of appreciation.
“I didn’t buy them. None of us did.” Celeb denied, shaking his head. “I’m just a delivery guy.”
   Now, Miya needed clarification. If Caleb, Kaya, Ryan, or Karsyn didn’t buy her flowers, who did? She looked at her friends before reaching over and grabbing the card from in between the petals. Flipping the card, she read the note the person wrote there.
   𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝑀𝒾𝓎𝒶,
   𝒜𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝐼’𝓂 𝒷𝓊𝓈𝓎 𝒻𝒾𝓁𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓀 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈. 𝐼𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜𝓃’𝓉 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝓃 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓂 𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒. 𝒲𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝐼’𝓂 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝐼 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒽𝑒𝓇. 𝐸𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇𝓈.
   𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓃 찬
   Miya read over the note again, again and again. She knew that Chan would see the pictures she posted of Noémi and put the dates together. It was just up to her to confirm it. 
“What does the note say?” She heard Ryan ask from his spot on the sofa.
“The flowers are from Chan, saying that he knows about Noémi and would like to talk when he’s free,” Miya explained, looking at her friends. She felt guilty and anxious. 
“How does he know about her?” Kaya questioned, reading the note over Miya’s shoulder. 
“I think he saw the picture I posted of when she was born and added the dates together,” Miya answered, staring at the beautiful flowers and gently running her finger over a petal. 
   She didn’t know how to feel at that moment. Her heat heated wildly in her chest, and butterflies erupted in her stomach. Was it love? She didn’t know. Could it be that she was nervous? Who knows. All Miya knew was that she didn’t know how to feel.
   Yes, she has had boyfriends who bought her things, but this is different. She had a daughter with a K-pop idol, and he wanted to be in her life. Most men who have a one-night stand where the woman ends up pregnant deny the baby and want nothing to do with it. Miya didn’t want that to be her, so she was prepared to raise her daughter as a single mother. With the help of her family and friends, she knew she had all the support she needed.
“Are you okay?” Kaya asked, seeing a tear roll down her best friend’s face.
“S-Si Bal.” Miya cursed, wiping her face. She laughed as her friends pulled her into a hug. ( “Shit.” )
“What’s on your mind?” Karsyn asked, putting her chin on Miya's shoulder.
“I don’t know. I-you see men wanting nothing to do with the women they impregnate or the baby, and here I am in a similar situation, but the father wants to be in her life.” Miya sniffled, explaining her feelings. “Plus, he’s an idol, so I’m thinking of everything that would or could happen if and when his fandom finds out.” 
“Which is why you have to talk to him,” Kaya said, rubbing her back soothingly. “That can be one of the things you can bring up in the conversation.”
“Yeah, I know.” Miya nodded, sighing as she wiped her face. “It’s just that sometimes I can’t believe what my life has come to.”
“That’s understandable.” Karsyn smiled, lying her head on her best friend’s shoulder.
“I guess I’m just emotional,” Miya responded, shrugging her shoulders. “Maybe it’s the birth control I’m taking.” 
“We understand. My birth control does that to me, too.” Kaya nodded as she laughed.
“Yea, one minute I love on Caleb, the next I hate his fucking guts,” Karsyn replied, shrugging her shoulders and making her boyfriend look at her. “He knows I love him, though.”
“Okay, enough crying. Are you guys hungry?” Miya asked, wiping her face of tears. 
“Always if you’re cooking.” She replied, rubbing her hands together. 
“I’m in the mood for some tteokbokki. Are you guys okay with that?” Miya questioned, walking to the kitchen. 
“Hell yeah,” Ryan shouted, almost waking the sleeping child. 
“Shut your loud ass mouth.” Kaya shushed her boyfriend, smacking his shoulder.
“Sorry.” He apologized, turning to the television.
   In the kitchen, Miya started grabbing ingredients for spicy & cheesy tteokbokki. She heated the skillet, adding Korean red chili paste, red chili flakes, soy sauce, garlic, and sugar before simmering it with chicken stock. Miya was in her element. She loved cooking. It relieves her when she’s stressed. She didn’t like when someone else was in the kitchen with her; it was unnerving.
   After thirty minutes, Miya sat the pan on the table before calling her friends over. “Come and get it.”
   The four friends got up and walked over to the kitchen table, gawking at the meal Miya prepared. One thing they loved Miya for was her cooking. No matter what, she’d cook for them with no questions asked.
“Gamsahabnida.” Yeong-Sik, also known as Ryan, praised, smiling at his friend. ( “Thank you.” )
“Cheonman-eyo,” Miya replied, sitting next to Karsyn as everyone helped themselves to a serving. ( You’re welcome.” )
   As Ryan went to eat the food, he moaned at the mere smell of the spicy & cheesy tteokbokki. The spices' flavors exploded in his mouth when he started chewing his food. 
“I love your cooking so much.” Caleb nodded with a mouth full. 
“Aww, thank you.” Miya grinned, putting food in her mouth.
The group talked amongst each other, laughing when Caleb received a message from someone.
찬 Chan🐺 - You think she’ll be mad at you if you give me her number?
No, Miya is a very humbled person.
찬 Chan🐺 - I’m nervous about texting her. Being a mother is all new to me.
You don’t have to be nervous, and it’s all new to her too. She’s taking it day by day.
찬 Chan🐺 - Thanks again for giving me her number. Anytime man. 
   Caleb sat his phone down and continued eating when the cry of Noémi made the friends look over at the child. She stood up in her playpen, staring at them teary-eyed, poking her bottom lip out. Miya moved to get up to get the toddler, but Caleb stopped her.
“I got it. You can eat.” He said, nodding for his friend to stay seated.
   Miya nodded as she watched Caleb go over to her daughter. The toddler reached her hands out for him to pick her up. When she was safe in his arms, she squealed at him, showing him her gummy smile and kicking her feet. Caleb placed Noémi in the high chair beside Miya, and she began feeding her. Of all Miya’s friends, Caleb was the closest with Noémi.
   When she was born, he held her for hours and wouldn’t let anyone take her from his arms. From the moment Noémi clasped his thumb, he vowed to protect that baby with every fiber in his body. Caleb had always wanted siblings, so when he met Miya, he instantly became like an older brother to her. Now that she has a daughter, he’s like a protective uncle. He may not have had a good life or any siblings, but Caleb loved Miya and Noémi like one.
   As Miya made funny faces at her daughter, her phone dinged, signaling she had received an incoming text. The screen lit up, and she saw a message from a number she didn’t recognize. She unlocked her phone, tapped the notification, and saw what the number sent.
(850) 961-3198 - Hey, Miya, it’s Chan. I got your number from Caleb, if that’s okay.
Um, yeah, it’s okay. I didn’t expect it.
So what’s up?
(850) 961-3198 - I’m waiting to continue filming.
What are you guys filming?
(850) 961-3198 - We’re filming a four-part episode of SKZ Code in Jeju Island.
That sounds so fun. I miss Jeju Island.
I’ve been there once.
(850) 961-3198 - With everything going on, we decided to film a relaxing episode.
(850) 961-3198 - We’re going go karting tomorrow to film some more.
Sounds like you guys have a busy schedule.
(850) 961-3198 - A little bit, but not really. However, we've been filming all day. 
(850) 961-3198 - Did you like the flowers?
Of course, I did. The pink roses were beautiful. Thank you.
(850) 961-3198 - You’re welcome, but I would like to meet and talk when I have a free day.
That’s fine. Just let me know. 
(850) 961-3198 - Thank you.
*photo attachment* She has your features.
(850) 961-3198 - What’s her name?
Bang Cheon-Sa or Noémi.
(850) 961-3198 - That’s a beautiful name.
   Miya smiled as she stared at the picture she sent Chan of Noémi. Setting her phone down, Miya looked up to see Noémi wanted more food. She scooped a helping onto a small plate before cutting the rice cakes into tiny bits and handing them to her daughter.
“Did you give Chan my number?” Miya asked Caleb, making him look up at me.
“Y-Yeah, I did. I hope you’re not mad.” Caleb nodded, answering me with food in his mouth.
“I’m not. I just wished you had said something to me first.” She responded, staring at him as she spoke. 
“Sorry.” He apologized, bowing his head.
“It’s fine,” I replied, smiling at him.
   Miya wouldn’t be angry at Caleb because she knew he had her best interest at heart, and he did it for a good reason. After eating, Miya cleaned up Noémi and took her out of the high chair. She approached Caleb, leaned over him, and kissed his cheek.
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After the group ate, they took a mini break to take pictures. Chan and his group members arrived at the house where they would stay on Jeju Island. Everyone ran around the home searching for the rooms they wanted. Some had to share, but the boys didn’t care. Of course, Chan had the most enormous room out of everyone.
    Chan proceeded to lock the door before he plopped on one of his beds and sighed through his nose as relaxation took over him. Once Chan pulled out his phone, he went to his messages and clicked on Miya’s number, which took him to their conversation. He couldn’t help but stare at the last thing she sent him. It was a picture of their daughter. The beautiful being they made.
   He could see the resemblance between them. Noémi had his eyes and Miya’s nose and lips. A smile came to Chan’s mouth as he found himself thinking about how this happened. That night, he shared with Miya in his hotel room. All he needed was consent, which she gave, and he devoured her.
   Never in his wildest dreams did Chan think he'd have a child with a girl his friend introduced him to on his birthday, probably when he was a little older, maybe in his thirties when he matured more, but not in his mid-late twenties. It seemed surreal to him. Just last year, Chan traveled and performed; now, he has a ten-month-old daughter. The whole situation blew his mind away. Chan started thinking of how his parents and Stays were going to react.
   Once everyone relaxed and took a thirty-minute nap, it was time for their next mission. Swimming was one thing Chan loved to do. The water was his lover, and he could live in it forever. After he had changed, Chan met the rest of the guys by the pool. The staff divided into two teams for their first game, wore blindfolds, and attacked the other team, taking their eye coverings.
   The game was fun overall, and Chan wouldn't trade it for anything else. Seeing his friends laugh and have fun, what more could he ask for? Nothing. Not a damn single thing. At all. 
   After having fun in the pool, the group got out, showered, and lounged around while Minho and Seungmin went to the local market to get food for their dinner tonight. Little did they know that the staff rearranged their rooms. Hyunjin and Han took it upon themselves to switch the blue and yellow stickers, laughing as a joke. When everyone went to their rooms for the night, Chan grew excited, knowing he was sharing a bed with Seungmin. Of course, Seungmin didn’t like that and switched the colors back to their original places.
   As the guys settled into their beds, they ended the day with a little video diary. They talked about their upcoming shows and lives and told Stays to be healthy and careful with what’s happening worldwide. 
   Miya rubbed lotion into Noémi’s skin as she got her ready for bed. Her friends left a few hours ago, so she put Noémi down for the night. After getting her daughter dressed in pjs, Miya sat in the rocking chair and started putting Noémi to sleep. Within ten minutes, the toddler was knocked out in her mother's arms. As Miya got ready for bed, she stepped out of the shower, dried off, and replaced her towel with an oversized t-shirt.
   She took out the clip, holding her hair up when she showered, and let her hair fall down her back. Miya climbed into bed and started playing around on her phone. Right before Miya put her phone down, an incoming message from Chan came through.
(850) 961-3198 - Goodnight.
Goodnight Chan.
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oxittocin · 8 months
whatever this is (nico robin x reader)
nico robin masterlist
i'm not a writer, just a nico robin simp. this is but an unworthy tribute.
cw: gn!reader, an exploration of the [nico robin x reader] relational development across arabasta, skypiea and enies lobby arcs, with the god/devil motifs.
i. Post-Arabasta
Sanji had a terrible habit of leaving his cigarettes around. It is kind of a miracle that his pockets continue to contain a never-ending cigarette supply. You spot a half-burnt cigarette lying on the deck for the fifth time this week and swiftly picked it up. Didn’t want litter on Merry.
“Should I start calling you Janitor-San?” A hint of playfulness in her voice as Robin looks up from the book she’s holding.
You cleared your throat with a flourish.
“You can call me Mr. Prince.” Cigarette between the index and middle finger, you cooly placed it between your lips, pretending to take a drag in the best Sanji impression you could muster. Wiggling your eyebrows and pretending to exhale sweet smoke into the cool air, you asked Robin, “Are you lost? I need to call God and tell him I’ve found his missing angel.”
Expecting to hear Robin’s gorgeous, gorgeous laughter, you mentally gave yourself a pat on the back for a job well done on an exquisitely accurate Sanji impression.
Or so, you thought.
A long moment passed before you saw the tiniest trace of amusement grace her features. Still, the silence that followed had already pushed you down a rabbit hole of self-consciousness and embarrassment. Involuntary flashbacks of Robin nonchalantly breaking necks with merely a flick of her palms had you panicking. What kind of idiocy had possessed you to freely joke around her like this? Stupid cigarette. Stupid Sanji.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust her. It just always felt like she was keeping you at arm’s length. A careful distance, a wariness masked by gentle smiles, a tentative friendship that rendered you a bumbling idiot. You didn’t know how to act around her when in this state of incongruence.
It felt like an eternity had passed when she finally responded.
“Ah, an angel.” She simply stated, turning her attention back to her book.
Now, cue the internal screaming, cursing yourself over and over again, wishing you could just jump off the ship and disappear. Face flushed red with embarrassment, it was no surprise that you missed it when she said, “Lucifer was an angel too.”
Ah, it must have been odd for someone so closely associated with the name of the Devil, to be called an angel.
ii. Post-Skypiea
Sure, God Enel did wipe out a whole lot of folks but the real bulldozer was the Moonlight Party afterwards. Leaving behind a sea of wasted idiots - including the majority of the Strawhats - you winced at your throbbing headache as you shuffled to sit beside Robin, who seems to be the only one sober enough for a conversation.
“What a God, huh?” You offered her a friendly smile.
“It seems you might have jinxed us with your Sanji impression, with wanting to call God and all.” She retorted.
“Well, eh, I’ve never believed in God,” you say with a shrug of your shoulders. A pause, before you continue, “I believe in you, though.”
Throughout the events that unfolded in Skypiea, you had grown much more comfortable around Robin. She remains a mystery in more ways than one, but she has saved your hide countless times over that you feel safe around her.
“Another attempt at a pick up line, I see.” She teased.
“No, I mean it.” You admit. It must be the sentimentality that arose from the quietness of the night or the atmosphere under the full moon that had given you an ounce of courage to be sincere.
“Even if I were the devil incarnate?” She asked. In the dimness of the night, you couldn’t quite make out her expression. You weren’t sure if she were joking or not, but there was a quiet desperation in her tone that you couldn’t quite comprehend.
A pause.
“I’d still think you were cool.” You say softly to her, not sure if that was the answer she wanted to hear. You hope that it was enough anyway, because you meant it. You liked her, regardless. You hope she knows that, but the silence that ensued lasts a little longer and tells you that she probably doesn’t.
iii. Post-Enies Lobby
“It's divine intervention, you know that right?" That was the first thing you said to her after the ordeal that was Enies Lobby. A couple of pirates against the Marines' stronghold is practically a suicide mission after all. If not for heaven's will, then how else?
"And would God really save the Devil's Child?" She asked, amused by your interpretation of the events that had unfolded. A twinkle of playfulness in her eyes as she challenged your theory.
"God made me to never leave you alone."
A promise you intend to keep.
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genshinnrambles · 11 months
[4.1] What is "It"?: Theories on Will, Wishes, and Fate
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With the finale of Fontaine’s Archon Quest in just a few days, I know there’s a lot of questions I’m personally anticipating the answers to: what is the true origin of the prophecy? What is the Primordial Sea, really? What is the connection between it and the Abyssal whale? And just what exactly did Skirk mean when she said that Childe had awakened “it” and had traces of “it” on him?
Most community theories suggest that “it” just refers to the whale, but like, what is the whale? Why did Childe even see it in the Abyss all those years ago, and why has it reappeared now? Well, I have a few ideas I’d like to explore about that, albeit in a very roundabout way, and they start with a quest that I feel has been severely under-discussed and under-theorized since its release: Yoimiya’s second story quest.
It’s understandable that this quest didn’t get too much buzz between its very unfortunate timing in patch 3.7, when community burnout was exceptionally high, and Honkai Star Rail’s debut as the Shiny New Thing. But it’s also a shame, because this story quest is full of interesting lore, Freudian references, and a few intriguing world building mysteries beneath its very wholesome story and further exploration of Yoimiya’s character. That is to say, the content of Yoimiya’s second story quest really matters. It’s not just because it is the first non-Archon character’s second story quest to date — it’s because it is an incredibly important piece of the puzzle comprised of Nahida’s second story quest, Caribert, and Khvarena of Good and Evil that was preparing us for Fontaine’s plot.
This is an attempt to identify and analyze the connections between Yoimiya’s second story quest and those above, as well as to theorize about the greatest mystery in Yoimiya’s quest, the “Urstone,” and finally tie all of that into Fontaine’s Archon Quest thus far. As that is an ambitious project, this will be far from an exhaustive theory, but I hope to at least get closer to understanding the meaning behind Childe awakening ”it.” 
SPOILERS: Fontaine AQ Acts I-IV, Yoimiya’s SQ Act II: Star-Pickers’ Passage, Aranyaka, Nahida’s SQ Act II: Homecoming, Khvarena of Good and Evil, Ei’s SQ Act II: Transient Dreams, Kazuha’s SQ: A Long and Friendless Road (very minor), and Caribert.
A “Story”
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Yoimiya: But there’s a premise to every legend, and that’s belief!
Since it's been a while, let’s start with some recap of Yoimiya’s Act II: Star-Pickers’ Passage. 
By chance, the Traveler comes across Yoimiya in Inazuma as she prepares to search for a great meteor shower like the one that her ancestor saw many years ago. It’s patch 3.7, so the Traveler’s got a lot of time to kill and offers to go with her from Ritou to Port Ormos. There, they come across Acara Crafts’ stall that sells Aranara carved figures, which Yoimiya buys out to bring back as souvenirs to Hanamizaka.
In Sumeru City, Yoimiya and the Traveler briefly split up to look for meteor shower leads, and the Traveler runs into Nahida at the Akademiya. Upon learning their journey’s purpose, Nahida explains that meteor showers are unpredictable occurrences related to “intricate fates” interfering with one another, and for this reason seeking one out reliably is impossible.
The Traveler and Paimon are reluctant to tell Yoimiya this out of fear of disappointing her and rendering her journey meaningless, so with Nahida’s help they decide to facilitate the meteor shower through a dream in order to fulfill her wish.
This is the first of many references to psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud’s theory of dream interpretation in this quest. Freud thought that the psychological purpose of dreams is to fulfill wishes, particularly wishes that we’ve forgotten through repression. He believed that these unfulfilled wishes are what produce the dream itself; the wish “wants” to be remembered, and the mental processes that repress it are weakest at night, so dreams are our mind’s attempt to translate the underlying “thought” that represents the wish into “images” while we sleep. Through dreams, unfulfilled wishes can be made conscious or remembered and fulfilled through a fantasy. 
To lure Yoimiya into the dream and sell her their “story”, the Traveler and Paimon craft the perfect pretext so that she fully believes that they are preparing to see a meteor shower. Their pretext’s foundation, namely the idea that meteor showers are summoned by people’s wishes, subtly twists the truth in Nahida’s words so that something intangible and uncontrollable is framed as something with an amount of certainty. In other words, by controlling the pretext, the Traveler and Paimon are able to control “truth.”
Upon reuniting with Yoimiya, the Traveler finds her with a little girl in a wheelchair named Avin. Before parting ways, Yoimiya gives her a carved Aranara souvenir to thank her for guiding her through Sumeru City, and to cheer her up. Yoimiya then tells the Traveler that Avin has an unknown chronic illness that immobilizes her legs, and that she had approached Avin because she seemed to be alone and in a bad mood.
As they refocus on finding the meteor shower, the Traveler and Paimon begin to tell Yoimiya their lie and set the plan in motion. They play the role of magicians using careful misdirection to craft a wonderful illusion; beneath the ruse of finding the right “location” (or “space”) and forging a special device (which can be anything) to observe the meteor shower, they will take Yoimiya on a journey through Sumeru and make memories with her, adding meaning to what is ultimately a trick. With these seeds planted, they head off to Devantaka Mountain to “practice” wishing for the meteor shower.
At the top of the Ruin Golem there, Yoimiya shares more about her motivations for setting out on this journey. As someone who was entrusted with the wishes of everyone in Inazuma who heard of her dream, Yoimiya began to wonder why people derive this meaning from meteor showers in the first place: 
Yoimiya: People use fireworks to remember their most precious memories, and these memories sparkle and shine each time the fireworks fly.
Yoimiya: In other words, fireworks symbolize the past. Yoimiya: And shooting stars make people think of wishes because wishes carry people's brilliant hopes and expectations for the future. Yoimiya: One represents the past, and the other the future. They both bloom in the sky, but have completely different meanings behind them.
Yoimiya’s belief that wishes are beautiful things that join the past and the future is what gives her journey meaning, and this is what keeps her moving forward despite the lack of certainty that she will ever find this beauty herself. This admiration for the hope in people’s hearts is what shapes her wish, too.
After returning to Sumeru City, they ask Ahangar for guidance on how to forge an observation device with the purest ore. After some initial skepticism, he chooses to entertain their “story” and tells them about his own profession’s local legend: somewhere, there exists an excellent forging material that few have ever found, and the few who already have it have never used:
Yoimiya: So you mean that [the forging material] symbolizes dreams? Ahangar: Dreams, inspiration, obsession, focus…. Call it what you want. But if you take it to symbolize “purity,” then I believe it is your goal as well. Ahangar: We call it Urstone, but in truth, neither I nor my colleagues have ever seen it.
As they are about to set off and find this Urstone, Avin’s parents show up looking for her after  she didn’t return home that day. The Traveler and Yoimiya then find Avin collapsed on the outskirts of Sumeru City. After calming her down, Avin discloses that her illness has not just immobilized her – she has also forgotten her happy memories and how it felt to be passionate before she got sick. With no end in sight to her illness, Avin’s dreams of becoming an adventurer have ended and her world feels as if it is closing in on her – as she later reflects, her world had “shrunk down to a tiny space.” Avin’s illness is an objective truth with material consequences on her life, and this truth ended the fantasy of her innocence, along with her dream of becoming an adventurer one day. This loss of innocence, and therefore loss of childhood, triggered feelings of depression and hopelessness in her. However, the Aranara carving that Yoimiya gave Avin reminded her of her childhood friend, Arashani, who she desperately wanted to see again. 
To help Arashani and Avin reunite, the Traveler calls on the Aranara for help with a whistle that Nahida gave them for the dream-meteor shower. When Arapurva arrives, Yoimiya asserts herself as someone who both values childhood innocence and sees children’s dreams as worthy of protection, which earns the Aranara’s trust:
Arapurva: It seems that Red Nara has not yet grown up. Paimon: Huh? What do you mean by that? Arapurva: Time is very important to Nara. Nara walk with time. They remember much, and they forget much. But Red Nara is different. You know how young Nara think. The warmth in your heart is very pure, and it is fierce like the sun.
Arapurva then takes them all to Mawtiyima to find Arashani, and here they enter a collective dream. Before leaving them, Arapurva urges Avin to remember, and that to do so she needs both memories and dreams. Arapurva also says something very interesting, also worth keeping in the back of your head: “Dreams are connected to your heart, not your body.”
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Avin: Wow, that’s amazing, is this…the power of my heart? Video Still from Streetwise Rhapsody
The dream space allows Avin to unite thoughts with belief to create images. Remember, according to Freud, the psychological purpose of dreams is to make conscious an unfulfilled wish – so, in this liminal space between the conscious and unconscious, Avin can create the image of herself walking again just by thinking of it, because it is her wish, and thereby remember how she once felt before she got sick.
As they search for Avin’s memories of Arashani, Yoimiya and Avin chase a wayward “star” across Mawtiyima’s mushroom canopy until they reach an iridescent pale blue stone with a solid partial casing surrounding it. Inside, the stone glitters with the light of the universe. 
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Avin: I dunno how to explain this…I don’t know what it is, but it feels very familiar…Almost like it’s a part of me.
Yoimiya speculates that this stone is what Avin has been searching for all this time, and that it is her Urstone:
Yoimiya: It's a very rare ore that symbolizes a person's aspirations and dreams. Yoimiya: Since you can see it, that means you've found what you've lost. Avin: Is that how it works...? Avin: It's just like in fairy tales... I thought I'd stopped believing in those. Avin: But I'm glad that I found that belief again.
Avin then reaches into the Urstone and passes through it into a deeper layer of the dream, and there she reunites with Arashani, signaling that she has regained her memories. Having found him again, Avin’s hope is renewed and it changes her reality – indeed, it changes her fate. To be clear, Avin can’t dream or wish away her illness in real life, but her hope is what allows her to expand the “tiny space” her world had become in her depression.
After this, the crew seemingly returns to reality, but finds that Arashani is still there along with Arapurva. Having settled her worries, Avin resolves to help Yoimiya and the Traveler achieve their wish to see the meteor shower, and offers them her Urstone…
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Avin: Yoimiya, you need this Urstone because you want to see a meteor shower? Yoimiya: Yep. Oh! Once we find it, you should come with us! Avin: If that’s how things are…I’m happy to lend you my Urstone.
…And then, Avin pulls a light blue lens from her chest, right over her heart. With this lens crafted using the purest ore, they locate a meteor shower of stars flying up from the ground and ride them through the clouds. Finally, they wake up from the collective dream and part ways in Port Ormos.
The Purest Ore and the Will to Power
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Now, there’s a lot to discuss about Yoimiya’s second story quest, and we will get to as much of it as possible, but the bulk of this theory will be focused on trying to understand the Urstone, so that is where we will begin. 
Let’s start with what we know from the quest. We are told three things about the Urstone: it is “the purest ore,” it symbolizes dreams, and through the dream we are implicitly told that it represents the power of the heart.
This last area is where we’ll turn the majority of our attention, because from there we can reach a greater understanding of many worldbuilding concepts we’ve encountered in the story thus far. However, all of these definitions of the Urstone work hand-in-hand and do not contradict one another, so they are all helpful to keep in mind going forward.
But what do I mean by “power of the heart?” Well, first let’s harken back to the Aranara quest, Aranyaka, where we learned about the “Sourcesong” and the songs that split off from it through time. By learning all of the songs that represent these branches from the origin, the Aranara get closer to learning the Sourcesong:
Arasudraka: Songs are like rivers. They derive from the same origin, the "Sourcesong." She is the home to all songs and the source of all great rivers. Arasudraka: Then, it changes when it is sung for different memories and different stories, just like how a great river diverges into creeks. Arasudraka: Just like all the creeks eventually flow into the sea, all the songs eventually converge into one, into the Sourcesong. Arasudraka: So Aranara song gatherers have to find all the songs. That way, we can find the Sourcesong.
These songs serve as a metaphor for another theme of Aranyaka, which is the concept of “returning to Sarva,” or returning to Irminsul after death in the form of memories/energy in the Ley Lines. It could also be extended to what we currently understand about the Primordial Sea as the origin of all life, its “source,” and all the lifeforms that arise from it are like the creeks that diverge from the river before they eventually converge back into the sea: 
Paimon: What? You mean you don't believe in the prophecy? Augereau: No, no, I believe in the prophecy, but I also believe in another story. Augereau: The story says that people once lived in the ocean. They were one with the ocean and couldn't live apart from it. Augereau: But as time wore on, people desired to live on land and developed blood vessels, encapsulating the sea within their bodies. Thus could people set foot on land. Augereau: So if you ask me, when the water rises and takes us all, it'll be like we're going home.
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was also interested in the idea of things differentiating themselves from a primordial source of sorts, and he uses this language in one of his many attempts to define his most well-known philosophical doctrines, the Will to Power. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche marks the inner “world of desires and impulses” as the source of emotions (Nietzsche, 35). He likens it to a primitive world where desires exist in a state of unity that then branch off into distinct organic processes. Nietzsche argues that this differentiation arises due to “will,” and that will is the “causality of all things,” and that all will is Will to Power – in other words, the will to dominate and to multiply (Nietzsche 13 & 35). 
“Will” is the force that differentiates the primordial soup of our base desires and impulses into distinct organic processes, and these processes then give rise to distinct life forms that separate themselves from the original state of unity. That is, without “will,” we would all still be floating in the unified state of the primordial soup - will is both the cause, and the reason for individuality: 
Mary-Ann: Water can take any shape, and life can choose what form it must take. This, however, has nothing to do with its essence. That is a different matter.
If you’ve been following the Narzissenkreuz Institute world quest plot, this discussion of “will'' should be ringing some bells. In Khvarena of Good and Evil, we came across Rene’s Investigation Notes in the Girdle of Sands, which talked about the power of Khvarena and a blurred out word (likely “Abyss'' or “Void”) containing a will of their own that can recognize itself, unlike the power of the Elements:
...Though the results are nothing impressive, this is because the object [the Khaenri’ahns] chose was pure elemental force, which lacks any will whatsoever. Like the difference between the Director and a Hydro Slime, perhaps? […] Even though the calculated result is unchanged, but if the refinement method is reflected... If the power of... then maybe we can extract the "will" within. Using this method... resist the impact…
The investigation notes do two things here that we’re interested in: first, they establish the presence of “will” as the distinction between elemental energy, such as that found in Azosite, and the higher powers represented by Khvarena and “Void,” and second, they raise the possibility that “will” is something that can be removed from its vessel, so to speak, or perhaps manipulated. Just keep this in the back of your mind for now, too, we’ll come back to it much later.
If we apply this concept of will back to the Sourcesong story, then it is will that differentiates each song into its own unique form, but each song still contains the essence of the Sourcesong from which it arose. A similar story is told about the five branches of the Raiden Gokaden. In Kazuha’s Story Quest, Amenoma Tougo likens the Raiden Gokaden to schools of thought that originate from a single source, with each branch carrying its own philosophy. Kazuha’s family’s school, the Isshin Art, seeks “complete harmony between blade and mind” during the forging process, because they believed this was the only way for a blade to “capture and convey its maker's thoughts and feelings, and eventually become an extension of its wielder's will.”
This is a very important concept as we move forward. If we think of will as what differentiates each forging art of the Raiden Gokaden from each other and their source, and each branch is considered a unique school of thought and philosophy of blade forging, then thoughts are an essential component of will. If a blade that these philosophies produce is meant to capture the thoughts and feelings of its respective forging branch, such that they are an extension of will, then will can be further defined as the cause and reason that an abstract form (thoughts and feelings) is translated into a physical form (an object, such as a blade). It is both the how and the why.
Put another way, the blade is the bladesmith’s will embodied. It is the bladesmith’s thoughts and feelings, which we have just established are an essential component of will, given a physical form. The thoughts and feelings are will, the object is will, and the “force” that translates the abstract into the physical is will. So basically, it’s all will, but in different forms.
But so what? Well, let’s go back to the amazing feat that Avin accomplished towards the end of the story quest. She asks Yoimiya what she needs, then says she will lend her Urstone to Yoimiya to help her achieve her dreams, and what does she then do? She pulls a viewing lens from her chest, right over her heart. 
That is what the Urstone is. The Urstone is the source of a person’s will, and the Urstone is associated with the power of the heart, which would also make “will” the power of the heart. Will is what underlies the power of creation and imagination, or as Ashikai puts it in her theory of Irminsul’s true purpose, the power by which “thoughts become things.”
The purest ore was needed to craft the observation device, and of course the purest ore would come from the purest will – a child’s will. What’s more, Yoimiya and the Traveler never even mentioned what kind of device they needed to forge with the Urstone. It was Avin’s will to help her friends that materialized their thoughts into an object. The implications of this are fascinating, though this theory isn’t going to go there. Instead, I’d recommend watching Ashikai’s video above if you’re interested in that train of thought.
The Seed of Ideas*
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Paimon: The light turned into…a seed?
Having established this connection between thoughts/feelings, the power of the heart, and “will,” let’s see how else we can think about the Urstone. I noticed that “will” turns up in a couple of other recent to semi-recent contexts, and both of them involve the origin of some important trees in the open world.
To start, let’s revisit Ei’s second story quest. As a lightning fast refresher, Ei and the Traveler were investigating Rifthound activity near the roots of the Sacred Sakura tree, which we know protects Inazuma by purifying “filth” from the earth, or rather the memories of people who died on the land. This is meant to mirror Irminsul, since the Ley Lines also contain memories and are Irminsul’s root system. With the Sacred Sakura’s roots damaged, this “filth” leaks out, and the memories within are briefly re-projected onto the land.
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As Ei confronts her past through these memories of Inazuma, she vocalizes her change of heart since the Vision Hunt Decree and her newfound will. The Shogun then challenges her to a duel in Raiden Makoto’s realm of consciousness, which Ei preserved before she passed away 500 years ago. When Ei successfully proves the strength of her will to the Shogun, she awakens another fragment of Makoto that she hid inside Musou Isshin. Interestingly, Makoto calls this a fragment of her will. Upon awakening her will, it becomes a seed that Ei plants in the realm of consciousness, which grows the Sacred Sakura tree in the real world. In other words, the Sacred Sakura tree is Makoto’s will given a physical form, another example of someone’s will embodied.
But this is not even the first time that will has been represented to players as a seed. In Dragonspine, the Frostbearing Tree goes through a physical transformation as the Traveler offers it more and more Crimson Agate, which is a crystal tainted with Durin’s abyssal blood. After offering enough Crimson Agate, we get the blueprint for the Frostbearer catalyst, which tells us an interesting story:
A long, long time later, yet still long ago — When the deathmatch between the dragons of darkness and wind was decided at last, When corrosive blood stained the ashen valley red, The tree, at last, remembered that it had not died with that entombed city, And it extended its greedy roots towards the warm ichor that irrigated the land. Because a certain someone poured out a crimson essence upon it, The tree that should have long died remembered its past, And bore a single fruit from the coalescence of all its might…
As creepy as the Frostbearer catalyst lore is, there’s another useful analogy to be made here so that we can better understand Avin and her Urstone. 
Think of Avin as the Frostbearing Tree, a tree that “should have died” but remembered its past upon being offered Durin’s blood. This may seem like a strange comparison at first, but Durin’s blood is conceptually not so different from the memories flowing in the Ley Lines like water, or the filth flowing through the roots of the Sacred Sakura tree, just as Durin’s “heart” is likely a similar anchor for his consciousness as Elynas’s is, just as Makoto’s fragment of her will became the seed or “source” of the Sacred Sakura, or the “Urstone,” we theorize, is the source of an individual’s will. 
Basically, Durin’s blood is a liquid form of his will that can change the “shape'' of the objects it comes into contact with, and upon being exposed to it the Frostbearing Tree remembers what its life was like before the Skyfrost Nail dropped on Sal Vindagnyr. This is very similar to how Avin remembered her happiness before her illness through the magic of the dream space and finding her Urstone. And upon remembering its past, the Frostbearing Tree bears the “fruit” that is the Frostbearer catalyst, the “coalescence of all its might,” but Avin bore the observation lens. Both are products of their source’s will, but have different emotions behind them due to their difference in purity.
But there’s one last thing I want to point out about the Frostbearer catalyst before moving on to the next point. A fruit is like a sugary case for a plant’s seeds, so what might this structure be in the center of the Frostbearer catalyst?
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That’s right. A “seed,” which also resembles a gem or a stone. And not too unlike the general shape of the Urstone, I would add.
But you know what else the Frostbearer catalyst and the Urstone really remind me of? The Fire Seed from Nahida’s second story quest. Although the Fire Seed neither becomes a tree nor seems to come from one (though this is also debatable if you consider Rukkhadevata and Nahida to be like…smaller trees, originating from Irminsul), it’s still worth talking about if only for a potential analogy between it and the Urstone.
The Fire Seed has obvious visual similarities with the Frostbearer catalyst, with both “stones” or seeds in the center of them having the same overall shape - the Traveler and Nahida even call the Fire Seed a crystal before they learn what it is from the elemental life form in the Chasm. 
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Video still from Star Dragon X
The Urstone also generally looks similar to the Fire Seed in terms of the stone’s shape and the orientation of the casing-like objects around it, but there’s a more compelling analogy to be drawn between their composition. The Fire Seed is described as an extremely high concentration of elemental energy in a very fragile or unstable state, and we know from our understanding of Irminsul that elemental energy is another form that memories can take. While it’s not clear if passing through the Urstone is the same thing as entering the Urstone itself, Avin does access more of her repressed memories of Arashani after doing so, allowing her to “remember,” as Arapurva asked her to. So, both seem to contain memories.
You may also know that the prefix Ur- in Urstone means primordial or original, something from before the present. This leads me to wonder if that light of the universe glowing from within the Urstone is what Roozevelt calls “primal energy.” Hoyoverse does like to worldbuild through analogies and allegories, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the visual similarities between the Fire Seed and Urstone were meant to be a tip for a functional similarity as well.
Finally, there’s the relationship between the Fire Seed and Apep’s Heart of Oasis. The Fire Seed was made by Greater Lord Rukkhadevata with the help of Apep’s “children,” the elemental beings that split off from that “source.” It is meant to mimic the Heart of Oasis and the way that it functions, which tells me that all of this will/”heart”/source as a seed imagery is being repeated for a reason, because it’s meant to teach us more about how “will” works.
Remember how the Aranara believe they can find the Sourcesong by learning every song, and how this points to the idea that the essence of the source is retained in each of its “children,” despite the unique form that each song takes? Well, let’s think about that for a second. For example, think about how light shining through a prism will split off into unique colors - each color is distinct from the other, with a unique character and “form,” so to speak, but each color still originates from light. Red, green, and blue may all look different from each other, but each tells you about a characteristic of this thing called light.
I think the same is true about these “seeds.” These fragments of an original consciousness can take the form of seeds because that is one facet of the essence of the source. That’s why an Urstone can be so many things at once: a “heart” (though not corporeal), an “ore,” a source, a will, and a seed. That is because each fragment of the source’s will conveys a small “idea” taken from the original consciousness, and these ideas are like fruits born from a tree. If you were to “plant” these seeds in the ground, the ideas would spread across the land, thereby allowing one’s will not just to dominate, but also to multiply.
*The “Seed of Ideas” heading title is taken from an enemy in Honkai Impact 3rd introduced in Chapter 33. Lore-wise, they’re actually not a great example of the idea I’m trying to illustrate here lol. So don’t think too hard about the heading if you’re a Honkai 3rd player – I just thought it sounded cool. >_>
Wherefore Did the Spirit Tree Grow?
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“But the reason it is effective is due to the nature of the origin, the primordial... based on the records, the constituent elements should be a "Circle of Four Orthants" and a "Tree of Emanation"... flows from the roots toward the center of the circle, and the circle encircles the abstract of... It's akin to pie crust and the filling of the pie, a metaphor sure to excite Jakob.” -Book of Revealing, Enigmatic Page VIII
And plant them we shall! That is just what Greater Lord Rukkhadevata and Raiden Ei did with Egeria and Raiden Makoto’s consciousness. Egeria’s consciousness sleeping in the Gaokerena has always reminded me of Avin’s Urstone, long before having the language of “will” to talk about it, but I could never quite explain why. I think the answer is a little more clear to me now, though there’s no concrete way to prove this theory at the moment. The Harvisptokhm, the Sacred Sakura, and I would also venture to guess the tree at Windrise are the result of planting either the source of consciousness or a fragment of consciousness, which anchors the consciousness to the mortal realm and allows it to exert its will on the land by purifying and containing its “filth.” 
These trees all belong to the consciousness of gods and ascended allogenes, but Avin is as ordinary as they come, so how is it possible to suggest that her Urstone is anything like the Gaokerena or Makoto’s will? Maybe all that’s missing is “time”?
So…what is "it"?
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“An external form is but a gift of time. Through ‘growth’ comes change, and even abandonment of previous forms. However, our true nature is not so easily affected.” –”Where Lies the Path Home,” Sapientia Oromasdis: Act II
Now with all of that set-up out of the way, let’s get to the heart of the matter here…ignore the pun.
The Archon Quest establishes early on that Childe’s Vision’s malfunctioning and his bad mood are connected to one another, and with Act III and IV we see that Childe is literally being summoned by the whale – it is calling out to him, drawing him into a rift where it swims in the Primordial Sea. His Vision’s malfunctioning is what I want to zero in on first to begin to answer the larger question of what the whale is and explain Childe’s movements so far.
Once again, Aranyaka becomes very relevant here. When the Traveler saves Rana at the end of the quest after resealing Marana’s Avatar, Rana resolves to go out on an adventure and receives a Vision of her own. Though we are not shown a visual of this, it is described on a black screen of white text:
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Rana pulling the Vision from “a light with the warmth of a heartbeat” from her chest is imagery we’ve already seen before, when Avin pulled the lens from her chest in the collective dream. I mean, isn’t the parallel a little too on the nose here? Avin created a lens, something you use to see and perceive, and Rana was granted her…Vision? …Why are you booing? 
Although Rana’s is the only Vision story so far that fits this imagery like a glove, I think Act III and Act IV offer some more support for where I’m going with this. Despite having Childe’s Vision in their possession since Act I, the Vision is shown twirling at the beginning of every dream sequence the Traveler experiences in the Fortress of Meropide, sequences that seem to be copies of Childe’s memories while he was a prisoner. The fact that the Vision doesn’t need to be on the physical person of its wielder in order to transmit these memories could be an indication of a deeper connection between the Vision and the wielder – that is, the Vision is similarly a physical extension of its wielder’s “Will,” created by their Urstone or “Heart,” and therefore is a part of them, like the fruit of a tree. And if that’s true, then Venti wasn’t kidding when he compared Visions to organs.
This also puts the Vision’s malfunctioning into a different perspective. To go back to Nietzsche’s statement about Will to Power, will can only operate on will, and will is the causality of all things – through this lens, it may be correct to say that the traces of “it” that Skirk could sense on Childe are traces of the Abyssal whale’s will, and that its will is interfering with Childe’s own will at this fateful moment. 
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If we buy the idea that will is at least part of what can change your fate, and that Childe has traces of the whale’s will left on him, then the secret of why “it” has reappeared now may have been foreshadowed by what Nahida said in Yoimiya’s second story quest: that “meteor showers'' appear as a result of many intricate fates interfering with one another. 
Specifically, it’s an allegory for Childe and the whale. The dream Childe had when he fell into the Abyss and the meteor shower are analogous, to be sure, but let’s not forget about our good friend Mr. Freud here either, who’s analysis shows us that dreams are suppressed wishes translated into images. From that perspective, it would also be correct to say that the meteor shower is analogous to a wish. That is, Childe’s fate and the whale’s fate are interfering with one another because of their encounter in the Abyss when he was a young teenager, and perhaps the Abyss appeared that day because Childe’s fate and the whale’s fate were interfering with each other then too - and that this was Childe’s wish all along:
“Pursued by bears and wolf packs, he lost his footing and fell into a bottomless crack in the earth's surface. There, he witnessed the endless possibilities of another ancient world. There, he would meet a mysterious swordswoman... Or perhaps one should say that this dark realm had sensed the burning ambition in this boy's heart.” –Tartaglia, Character Story 4
As for the larger question of what the whale is, it’s likely not very different from Visions, or the blades of the Raiden Gokaden, or Avin and the lens. It is an extension of the Abyss’s will that branched off from its source a long time ago, a primordial being much lower on the Abyssal phylogenetic tree than the more humanoid Abyss Heralds or mages. That’s as far as I feel comfortable speculating about its origins for now, but I hope we get some clarity on its age and “distance” from its source very soon. Speaking of which…we haven’t talked about Caribert yet, have we?
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There’s something eerily similar about the way that Avin described her world as a “tiny space” before changing her fate when we consider the additional context of Caribert. When he regained consciousness, he said it felt like he had just woken up from a “long dream,” and that in his dream he was hiding in a “little room,” and that he had no desire to leave it. I think this language is similar on purpose, and it tells us some more crucial information about Urstones, will, and their relationship to these curses placed on the Khaenri’ahns.
The “little room” and the “tiny space” are metaphors for a person’s perspective, which has been repeated over and over again in nearly every Fontaine world quest thus far to further our understanding of aesthetics. It’s clear from those quests that an individual’s perspective is limited, but it can be broadened by interacting with others + the passage of time, and that over long periods of time these perspectives allow for aesthetic values to change. Thus, the world is also changed. But the opposite of change is stagnation, and stagnation is precisely the result of losing the ability to connect with others - indeed, the will to leave the tiny room.
We’ve already established that when “will” exerts its influence on another will, it can change the “shape” of the will it is dominating - the Frostbearing Tree is a great example of this. The Hilichurls have also had their external forms altered, and they erode away until eventually dissolving into the mud in the Chasm. So maybe, just maybe, the “curse of the wilderness” is a result of their will being tampered with by the same “thing,” such that their inner world becomes so small that they cannot find their will anymore, and therefore they cannot change their fate.
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Childe is briefly seen fighting the whale in his Foul Legacy form in the version 4.2 trailer
Now, I’m not suggesting that the traces of the whale’s will would ever result in Childe becoming a Hilichurl, or that the whale is responsible for the curse of the wilderness at all. What I am wondering is if this is why Skirk took Childe up as her disciple – to teach him a “form” of combat that would maintain his grip on his will, on some kind of “belief,” not allowing it to be dominated by the whale’s will, so that there is yet hope that Childe can change his fate.
And if that is true, then here is my last theory before I disappear: Yoimiya’s belief that a child’s wish is precious and worth protecting is likely an allegory for Skirk’s motivation to train Ajax, and the relationship between Yoimiya and Avin is also meant to foreshadow them – a master and her disciple, a traveler from afar and a child of this world, a child-at-heart and a child who is lost. This core belief is what makes Yoimiya’s heart pure, and by passing that belief on to Avin, she plants the seeds of new hope for her to defy fate, and one day she may do the same for someone else. This, in essence, is the meaning of will, and that is what I believe Skirk’s lessons were meant to teach Ajax. And that is a twist that I truly never saw coming.
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TL;DR: The Urstone is the source of will that exists in each person, will is what translates thoughts into images and objects, smaller "wills" or "ideas" split off from the Urstone/heart/source/consciousness and allow for will to spread and exert its influence on other wills, and Skirk may have more in common with Yoimiya than you thought.
Thank you so much for reading, I really hope it made some sense. I would love to hear what you think of all the lore up to this point and what you make of it! :) 
Yoimiya Story Quest Act 2 (Full Quest) Carassius Auratus Chpater: Act II | Genshin Impact - YouTube- grabbed the “is this…the power of my heart?” screenshot from here because I forgot to take it in my alt’s playthrough.
Nahida Story Quest 2 - Using the fire seed to save Grounded Geoshroom | Genshin Impact 3.6 - YouTube - Video still of Lumine holding the fire seed from this video.
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche, which you can read for free here. Page numbers are given from my hard copy.
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud, also can be read for free here.
For more analysis of the Will to Power doctrine, check out Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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scotianostra · 3 months
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June 10th 1768 saw construction start on the Forth and Clyde canal, it was to take 22 years to complete.
The building of a canal across Scotland was first discussed during the reign of Charles II. It was not until the mid-1700s that the building of the Forth and Clyde Canal or “The Great Canal” as it was referred to then, became an actual possibility with funding being raised to carry out the work. The canal was to be built across the Central Belt of Scotland from east to west. The first spadeful was dug out in June 10th 1768 and the construction continued for 22 years including a 7 year period when no work was carried out due to lack of funds. It was the Canal Company’s policy to try to recruit locally to provide employment in the areas the canal crossed.
The work was hard and was manual labour with the use of picks and shovels to dig out heavy wet earth. Wages were about 10d (£0.04p) per day and the workers were a tough lot. Discipline was often hard to maintain and drink was cheap and plentiful causing various problems. Theft of tools and other equipment was common and often the workers were seasonal due to also working in the agricultural land surrounding the canal works. None the less the work was done and the canal was dug. Water was first let into the canal in 1773 when it was filled as far as Kirkintilloch, which increased this town’s profile with additional trades appearing in the area. It was 2 years later that the canal opened as far as Stockingfield, Maryhill. A cut was also made towards Glasgow as far as Hamiltonhill and then funds ran short and worked stopped for 7 years.
In 1784 work resumed when the Government of the time approved a loan of £50,000 to the Canal Company, the money coming from the Forfeited Estates Fund (a legacy of the Jacobite Rebellion in 1745) and this allowed the canal to reach Bowling. The Forth and Clyde Canal was opened from the Firth of Forth to the Firth of Clyde in the summer of 1790 with the first boat navigating its channel in August of that year.
The length of the Canal from eastern sea lock to the western sea lock was 35 miles. In 1791 the Glasgow Branch was extended from Hamiltonhill to Port Dundas giving it a length of 3.5 miles. There are 39 locks to navigate on the canal with 20 locks on the eastern section the firth of Forth to Wyndford and 19 on the western section from Maryhill to Bowling on the Firth of Clyde. The canal was crossed by many bascule bridges and made use of aqueducts such as the one over the Luggie at Kirkintilloch and the river Kelvin in Glasgow.
The canal served three main purposes. It allowed seagoing vessels passage from east to west or vice versa, therefore avoiding the long passage around the north of Scotland. It provided the fast movement of goods. Agricultural produce, mineral resources and locally produced goods could be transported more easily across Scotland. It also acted as a way for travellers to move across Scotland using “Swift” boats that linked to coach services.
The Forth and Clyde Canal had an active life into the years of the Second World War though by this time railways were carrying more goods around the country. Trade was slowly falling away though transits through the canal and day tripping continued. Eventually on 1 January 1963 the Forth and Clyde Canal closed to through traffic.
As part of the millennium celebrations in 2000, National Lottery funds were used to regenerate both canals. A boat lifting device, the Falkirk Wheel, was built to connect the Union and Forth & Clyde canals and once more allow boats to travel from the Clyde or Glasgow to Edinburgh, with a new canal connection to the River Carron and hence the River Forth. The Falkirk Wheel opened on 27th May 2002 and is now a tourist attraction. The Helix project, which includes the magnificent Kelpies is also part of this ongoing regeneration.
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raayllum · 6 months
Chapter length: 7.6k Summary: Callum's dreams offer more insight while he and Rayla make their way across the Frozen Sea. Ezran and Viren reach a tipping point, while Soren disagrees with a newly arrived Corvus.
CHAPTER 9: By Some Other Things
CASSIUS:Tell me, good Brutus, can you see your face?
BRUTUS:No, Cassius; for the eye sees not itselfBut by reflection, by some other things.
— Julius Caesar,act 1, scene ii, lines 138-141
It was close to dawn, the sun just beginning to rise over the battlements, when Soren spied a figure coming up the castle bridge. He squinted, shielding his eyes with one hand. It wasn’t uncommon for the townspeople to come to the castle to leave messages or complaints to Ezran of their concerns, within reason, but it would be unwelcome, today of all days. Or week of all weeks, honestly.
Soren moved swiftly along the wall, intending to signal to the guards manning the front to turn the stranger away, when he caught sight of their dark hair and a blue scarf flapping in the wind.
For the first time since his Viren had come to the castle, Soren smiled, bright and untarnished.
“Corvus!” he called down, waving. 
The man jumped, glancing around and then up. He raised his hand in greeting, small and tired but smiling. 
Soren ran down the stairs to meet him, picking him up in a big hug. Corvus laughed and coughed, wincing. “Easy,” he cautioned. “My ribs are still—”
“Oh.” Soren sat him down and then brushed nonexistent dirt off Corvus’ shoulders. “Right. Sorry. I’m just—I’m so glad you’re okay. And uh, here.”
Corvus slowly returned his smile. “I’m glad to be back, too.”
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"As Light Rain Falls Without Reason" Version 4.0 Update Details
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Dear Travelers,
Below are the details of the Version 4.0 update "As Light Rain Falls Without Reason" and the update compensation.
〓Compensation Details〓
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems per hour the servers are down)
Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300 (please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details)
〓Scope of Compensation〓
Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2023/08/16 06:00 (UTC+8).
Compensation must be claimed before the end of Version 4.0.
Issue Fix Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2023/08/16 06:00 (UTC+8).
Please log in and claim your compensation before 2023/08/19 06:00 (UTC+8).
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2023/08/16 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
〓How to Update Game Client〓
PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.
PS5™ and PS4™: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select "Check for Update."
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
〓Update Details〓
I. New Area
New Area - Fontaine
A story that has never been heard, a legend that has been forgotten, like a lost kingdom sunken beneath the waves, yearning for a bard to sing its drowned songs. Following the direction of pure currents, crossing wilderness, the depths of the forests and vastness of the sea of sand, arriving at the origin of all the waters of the continent.
At the top of the waterfall, in the depths of the capital atop the terrestrial sea, the curtain softly rises on the start of the adventure's next chapter.
In Version 4.0, the following areas in Fontaine will become available: Court of Fontaine Region, Beryl Region, and Belleau Region.
※ Completing the Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom" will automatically unlock a Teleport Waypoint in the Realm of Farakhkert in Sumeru (If you have already completed this Archon Quest, the Teleport Waypoint will be unlocked after the update). Travelers can use this Teleport Waypoint to head over to Fontaine. You'll also receive the Primogem reward for this Teleport Waypoint when it unlocks automatically.
▌New Fontaine Mechanic
Fontaine's Blessing
A mysterious power that flows out from a statue to imbue you with the blessing of the Transoceanic Sourcewater.
Your progress will remain unhindered so long as you are moving through the lakes of Fontaine.
※ Currently, some gadgets equipped by characters cannot be used underwater. There is also an issue whereby after characters enter the underwater areas, the icons of the gadgets will not be displayed, which further prevents Travelers from switching to other gadgets through Quickswap. If you need to switch between gadgets, you can do it in the Inventory for now, or Quickswap to the gadgets usable underwater before you dive. This issue will be fixed in future versions.
▌New System in Fontaine
Fountain of Lucine
You can throw the Hydro Sigils you obtain across Fontaine into the Fountain of Lucine outside the Opera Epiclese to raise its level and obtain valuable rewards.
Satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock the Fountain of Lucine:
• Reach the vicinity of the Fountain of Lucine
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act I "Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur"
Fontaine Reputation System
◇ Fontaine Reputation Unlock Criteria:
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II "As Light Rain Falls Without Reason"
• Complete the quest "Steambird Interview"
By interacting with certain NPCs in Fontaine, you will be able to accept requests to complete and increase your Reputation. As your Reputation Level increases, you will unlock various Reputation Rewards!
Expeditions, Daily Commissions, and other new content will also be added in Fontaine.
◇ Fontaine Daily Commissions Unlock Criteria:
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II "As Light Rain Falls Without Reason"
• Complete World Quest "Another Horizon of Adventure"
Adds the Fontaine Fishing Association, where Travelers can exchange for new items here.
In addition, there will be new Fishing Points and "Radiant Spincrystals" in Fontaine.
II. New Characters
"Spectacle of Phantasmagoria" Lyney (Pyro) (5-Star)
◇ Vision: Pyro
◇ Weapon: Bow
◇ A famed Fontainian magician who possesses great stage presence as well as gift of the gab. Audiences are enthralled by his exquisite skills, and they hang on to his every clever word.
◆ Lyney can enter a special Charge Level 2 when he aims his shot, which, upon hitting a target, can summon a Grin-Malkin Hat that taunts nearby opponents. If Lyney's HP is above a certain level, his Charge Level 2 will consume some of his HP, and add one stack of Prop Surplus. When the Grin-Malkin Hat is destroyed, it can fire off a Pyrotechnic Strike at a nearby opponent, dealing Pyro DMG.
◆ Elemental Skill "Bewildering Lights"
◆ Clear all current Prop Surplus stacks, deal AoE Pyro DMG, and cause the Grin-Malkin Hat created by Lyney to explode, dealing AoE Pyro DMG. The DMG will be increased according to the stacks cleared, and this will also regenerate Lyney's HP.
◆ Elemental Burst "Wondrous Trick: Miracle Parade"
◆ Lyney turns himself into a Grin-Malkin Cat that can move around quickly, dealing Pyro DMG to opponents along the path. When the Grin-Malkin Cat's duration ends or is actively canceled, Lyney will ignite fireworks, deal AoE Pyro DMG, summon a Grin-Malkin Hat, and grant himself one Prop Surplus stack.
"Elegance in the Shadows" Lynette (Anemo) (4-Star)
◇ Vision: Anemo
◇ Weapon: Sword
◇ A magic assistant of few words, her emotions are as inscrutable as any cat's.
Elemental Skill "Enigmatic Feint"
◆ Lynette flicks her mantle and executes an Enigma Thrust, dealing Anemo DMG. When Holding this skill, Lynette will enter a high-speed Pilfering Shadow state and apply Shadowsign to a nearby opponent. When this high-speed state ends, Lynette will approach the opponent with Shadowsign applied and deal Anemo DMG.
◆ Elemental Burst "Magic Trick: Astonishing Shift"
◆ Deals AoE Anemo DMG and makes a giant Bogglecat Box appear. The Bogglecat Box taunts nearby opponents and deals Anemo DMG to nearby opponents as well. When it comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro, it will gain the corresponding element and additionally fire Vivid Shots that will deal DMG from that element at intervals.
"Yearning for Unseen Depths" Freminet (Cryo) (4-Star)
◇ Vision: Cryo
◇ Weapon: Claymore
◇ A reserved young man who is well-versed in diving. Beneath his distant, icy demeanor lies a pure heart bereft of all flaws.
◆ Elemental Skill "Pressurized Floe"
◆ Causes Freminet to enter Pers Timer state. While Pers Timer is active, when Freminet uses Normal Attacks, he will also unleash waves of frost that deal Cryo DMG and increase Pers's Pressure Level. When Freminet uses his Elemental Skill again, he will execute different sorts of attacks that deals Cryo DMG and Physical DMG of different strengths based on the Pressure Level of Pers.
◆ Elemental Burst "Shadowhunter's Ambush"
◆ Deals AoE Cryo DMG, resets the CD of Pressurized Floe, and enters the Subnautical Hunter mode. In the Subnautical Hunter mode, Pressurized Floe will receive a CD decrease and Freminet's resistance to interruption will increase. Additionally, in this mode, the frost DMG of Freminet's Normal Attacks will be increased.
Traveler (Hydro) (5-Star)
◇ Interact with a Statue of The Seven - Hydro to resonate with the Hydro element, and use a new Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst.
◆ Elemental Skill "Aquacrest Saber"
◆ Unleashes a torrent that can cleanse the world. Pressing the skill sends a Torrent Surge forward that will deal Hydro DMG to opponents it comes into contact with. Hold this skill to enter Aiming Mode and constantly fire off Dewdrops in the direction in which you are aiming, dealing Hydro DMG to opponents they hit.
◆ Elemental Burst "Rising Waters"
◆ Unleashes a slow-moving floating bubble that deals continuous Hydro DMG to nearby opponents.
III. New Domains
Domain of Forgery: Echoes of the Deep Tides
◇ Legend speaks of a time in the distant past, when the Sovereign of the Waters had not yet returned from confinement, there was another God King who dreamed of building a prosperous empire out of harmonious music atop the waves. But the great ambition of building a utopia failed to come to fruition, and the arrogance of humanity sunk into their depths along with their pride. The golden melodies long silent, only the cold music of the tides still echoes upon the remains of their grand altars.
◇ Unlock Criteria (satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock):
• Reach Adventure Rank 16 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act II "For a Tomorrow Without Tears"
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain Weapon Ascension Materials.
Domain of Mastery: Pale Forgotten Glory
◇ In the past, the great white armada that traversed the seas was Fontaine's supreme pride and glory, for the Mistress of Rivers and Oceans blessed her people with the authority and wish to conquer all the waters of the world. However, this lofty ambition was insufficient to overcome the laws of fate. To this day, on the brass masts are inscribed the words: "I have conquered the waves of the four seas."
◇ Unlock Criteria (satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock):
• Reach Adventure Rank 27 or above
Complete Archon Quest Chapter I: Act I "Of the Land Amidst Monoliths"
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain Character Talent Materials.
Domain of Blessing: Denouement of Sin
◇ Legends say that the first Lochknight concealed themselves in the remote wilderness with the Lochfolk, intending to use self-exile and rigorous training in an attempt to repay a sin fated to be beyond redemption. Now the land has long returned to deathly silence, with the long, chill winds still blowing through the deserted valley.
◇ Unlock Criteria (satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock):
• Reach Adventure Rank 22 or above
• Complete the Archon Quest "Prologue: Act III - Song of the Dragon and Freedom"
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain artifacts in the "Marechaussee Hunter" and "Golden Troupe" sets.
IV. New Equipment
1. New Weapons (Examples based on Refinement Rank 1)
The First Great Magic (5-Star Bow)
DMG dealt by Charged Attacks increased by 16%. For every party member with the same Elemental Type as the wielder (including the wielder themselves), gain 1 Gimmick stack. For every party member with a different Elemental Type from the wielder, gain 1 Theatrics stack. When the wielder has 1/2/3 or more Gimmick stacks, ATK will be increased by 16%/32%/48%. When the wielder has 1/2/3 or more Theatrics stacks, Movement SPD will be increased by 4%/7%/10%.
◆ During the event wish "Epitome Invocation," the event-exclusive 5-star weapon The First Great Magic (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
Fleuve Cendre Ferryman (4-Star Sword)
Increases Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 8%. Additionally, increases Energy Recharge by 16% for 5s after using an Elemental Skill.
◆ You can exchange for Fleuve Cendre Ferryman (Sword) and its Refinement Material at the Fontaine Fishing Association.
▌Forgeable Weapons
Finale of the Deep (4-Star Sword)
When using an Elemental Skill, ATK will be increased by 12% for 15s, and a Bond of Life worth 25% of Max HP will be granted. This effect can be triggered once every 10s. When the Bond of Life is cleared, a maximum of 150 ATK will be gained based on 2.4% of the total amount of the Life Bond cleared, lasting for 15s.
※ Bond of Life: Absorbs healing for the character based on its base value, and clears after healing equal to this value is obtained.
Tidal Shadow (4-Star Claymore)
After the wielder is healed, ATK will be increased by 24% for 8s. This can be triggered even when the character is not on the field.
Rightful Reward (4-Star Polearm)
When the wielder is healed, restore 8 Energy. This effect can be triggered once every 10s, and can occur even when the character is not on the field.
Flowing Purity (4-Star Catalyst)
When using an Elemental Skill, All Elemental DMG Bonus will be increased by 8% for 15s, and a Bond of Life worth 24% of Max HP will be granted. This effect can be triggered once every 10s. When the Bond of Life is cleared, every 1,000 HP cleared in the process will provide 2% All Elemental DMG Bonus, up to a maximum of 12%. This effect lasts 15s.
※ Bond of Life: Absorbs healing for the character based on its base value, and clears after healing equal to this value is obtained.
Song of Stillness (4-Star Bow)
After the wielder is healed, they will deal 16% more DMG for 8s. This can be triggered even when the character is not on the field.
◆ You can exchange for Weapon Forging Blueprints from Estelle in the Court of Fontaine by consuming certain amounts and types of materials.
▌Battle Pass Weapons
Wolf-Fang (4-Star Sword)
DMG dealt by Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst will be increased by 16%. When an Elemental Skill hits an opponent, its CRIT Rate will be increased by 2%. When an Elemental Burst hits an opponent, its CRIT Rate will be increased by 2%. Both of these effects last 10s separately, have 4 max stacks, and can be triggered once every 0.1s.
Talking Stick (4-Star Claymore)
ATK will be increased by 16% for 15s after being affected by Pyro. This effect can be triggered once every 12s. All Elemental DMG Bonus will be increased by 12% for 15s after being affected by Hydro, Cryo, Electro, or Dendro. This effect can be triggered once every 12s.
Ballad of the Fjords (4-Star Polearm)
When there are at least 3 different Elemental Types in your party, Elemental Mastery will be increased by 120.
Sacrificial Jade (4-Star Catalyst)
When not on the field for more than 5s, Max HP will be increased by 32% and Elemental Mastery will be increased by 40. These effects will be canceled after the wielder has been on the field for 10s.
Scion of the Blazing Sun (4-Star Bow)
After a Charged Attack hits an opponent, a Sunfire Arrow will descend upon the opponent hit, dealing 60% ATK as DMG, and applying the Heartsearer effect to the opponent damaged by said Arrow for 10s. Opponents affected by Heartsearer take 28% more Charged Attack DMG from the wielder. A Sunfire Arrow can be triggered once every 10s.
◆ The abovementioned Battle Pass weapons will be included in the BP Bounty in Version 4.0. Weapons in the current BP Bounty — The Black Sword (Sword), Serpent Spine (Claymore), Deathmatch (Polearm), Solar Pearl (Catalyst), and The Viridescent Hunt (Bow) — will still be available in the BP Bounty after the Version 4.0 update.
2. New Artifacts
Marechaussee Hunter (4-Star and 5-Star)
◇ 2-Piece Set: Normal and Charged Attack DMG +15%.
◇ 4-Piece Set: When current HP increases or decreases, CRIT Rate will be increased by 12% for 5s. Max 3 stacks.
Golden Troupe (4-Star and 5-Star)
◇ 2-Piece Set: Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 20%.
◇ 4-Piece Set: Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 25%. Additionally, when not on the field, Elemental Skill DMG will be further increased by 25%. This effect will be cleared 2s after taking the field.
V. New Main Story
1. New Archon Quest
Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act I "Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur"
◆ Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act VI "Caribert"
Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II "As Light Rain Falls Without Reason"
◆ Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act I "Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur"
◇ After the Version 4.0 update, Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act I "Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur" and Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II "As Light Rain Falls Without Reason" will be permanently available
2. New Story Quest
Lyney's Story Quest - Felis Fuscus Chapter: Act I "The Forgotten Thief"
Permanently available after the Version 4.0 update
◆ Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II "As Light Rain Falls Without Reason"
3. New World Quests
◆ New World Quests: "Ann of the Narzissenkreuz" Quest Chain, "Ancient Colors" Quest Chain, "Aqueous Tidemarks," "Book of Esoteric Revelations," "Hey, This Isn't Pumpkin Soup...," "Another Horizon of Adventure," "Danger Lurks Everywhere in Fontaine," "In Expert Company? (I)," "In Expert Company? (II)," "A Certain Notice," "A Certain Trifle," "A Certain Stamp," "The Fountain Flows Again," etc.
VI. New Enemies
Icewind Suite
◇ A gift from the Fontaine Research Institute, it is composed of two pieces, Dirge of Coppelia and Nemesis of Coppelius.
At the climax of the performance, Coppelia will halt at the center of the dance floor and expose her spare clockwork component charged with ousia or pneuma, thereby drastically increasing the efficiency of her exertions. During this phase, extinguishing this energy by attacking with the opposing source will overload her, thus progressing the performance.
Located in the Court of Fontaine Region
Emperor of Fire and Iron
◇ An Armored Crablord that has survived for countless eons and surpassed almost all other Fontemer Aberrants.
The twin molten horns located high up on its body are Pyro-aligned organs that can unleash more vicious elemental attacks and grant it even stronger defensive capabilities. When the Armored Crablord unleashes certain attacks, its twin molten horns are closer to the ground. This provides for a great opportunity to use Elemental Reactions to remove the Pyro element within.
Located in the Belleau Region
Shatterstone Breacher Primus, Large Shatterstone Breacher Primus, Overgrown Breacher Primus, and Large Overgrown Breacher Primus
◇ Strange life forms that share nothing in common with any other land-dwelling creature.
In battle, they will enter a stressed state and unleash fierce attacks while under the protection of a Geo or Dendro shield. If the shield is broken during this period, it will cause the life forms to fall into a paralyzed state. Aside from the usual methods of using Elemental Reactions, attacks imbued with ousia and pneuma can also efficiently pierce the defenses of the Breacher Primuses.
Recon Log Mek, Arithmetic Enhancer Mek, Underwater Survey Mek, Underwater Patrol Mek, Geological Survey Mek, Nimble Harvester Mek, Area Alert Mek, Assault Specialist Mek, Suppression Specialist Mek, Annihilation Specialist Mek, Construction Specialist Mek.
◇ Machines created from the union between Fontaine's intricate device and special energy technologies.
Based on whether they are exhibiting ousia or pneuma energy signatures, they will operate differently in battle. When these energies are extinguished upon being attacked by its opposing energy source, it will induce an Overloaded state and cause them to lose energy, weakening their combat capabilities.
Blubberbeast, Hunter's Ray, Armored Crab, Hat Jellyfish, Bubbly Seahorse, Ball Octopus, Angelic Sea Hare, Sternshield Crab, Bubbler Seahorse, Cherubic Sea Hare
◇ Aquatic life forms that have embarked on a unique evolutionary track due to Fontaine's environmental factors.
Some of them are more aggressive and can unleash fiercer elemental attacks and possess even stronger defensive capabilities. If you use Elemental Reactions to remove their Elemental Shields, things should be easier to handle.
Tainted Water-Splitting Phantasm, Tainted Water-Spouting Phantasm
◇ Today, with the Oceanids extirpated from Fontaine, strange elemental life forms have appeared in the waters.
Enter stress state in combat and retaliate violently.
VII. Other Update Details
New Recipes:
○ Hotel Debord, Fontaine: Duck Confit, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Fontaine Aspic, Lasagna, Poisson Seafood Soup, and Fontainian Foie Gras.
○ Louis (NPC): Garlic Baguette, Fontainian Onion Soup, Fish and Chips, and Pate de Fruit.
○ Arouet (NPC): Ile flottante and Conch Madeleine.
○ World Quest Rewards: Tasses Ragout and Poissonchant Pie.
○ Fontaine Reputation System Reward: Steak Tartare, Fruity Trio, and Vessie Chicken.
○ Event Rewards: Fruity Smoothie and Fruity Duet.
New Character Specialty Dishes:
○ Lyney's specialty: Cubic Tricks
○ Lynette's specialty: A Leisurely Sip
○ Freminet's specialty: Seabird's Sojourn
New Achievement categories such as "Mortal Travails: Series IV," "Meetings in Outrealm: Series IV," "Fontaine: Dance of the Dew-White Springs (I)," and new Achievements added to the "Wonders of the World" category.
Adds some prompts for loading screens.
New Namecards:
"Lyney: Pretense": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Lyney
"Lynette: Earnestness": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Lynette
"Freminet: Progress": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Freminet
"Fontaine: Judgment": Reward for completing all achievements under "Fontaine: Dance of the Dew-White Springs (I)"
"Achievement: Orbits": Reward for completing all achievements under "Meetings in Outrealm: Series IV"
"Achievement: Mariner": Reward for completing all achievements under "Mortal Travails: Series IV"
"Fontaine: Wondrous Machine": Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 4 (Fontaine)
"Fontaine: Big News": Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 8 (Fontaine)
"Travel Notes: Primordial Waters": Reward obtained via the BP system
New Fontaine Reputation Reward Gadgets: Hydroculus Resonance Stone, Hydro Treasure Compass, Wind-Powered Wind Generator, and Crystalfly Trap.
Wind-Powered Wind Generator: Creates a temporary Wind Current in flight.
Crystalfly Trap: Consume a certain amount of Forging Ore to deploy. It will automatically capture Crystalflies when deployed in the open world. You can collect Crystal Core from it 7 days after deployment.
Adds some of the Harvestable seeds from Fontaine to the Seed Dispensary.
Inventory - Destroy Interface: 4-Star Artifacts can now be auto-added.
Increases Inventory limit for Artifacts from 1,500 to 1,800.
Adds Fontaine-related text into Midlander Billet origin descriptions.
Another 8 sets of Artifacts are available to exchange in the Mystic Offering system: Artifact Strongbox: Tenacity of the Millelith, Artifact Strongbox: Pale Flame, Artifact Strongbox: Shimenawa's Reminiscence, Artifact Strongbox: Emblem of Severed Fate, Artifact Strongbox: Husk of Opulent Dreams, Artifact Strongbox: Ocean-Hued Clam, Artifact Strongbox: Vermillion Hereafter, and Artifact Strongbox: Echoes of an Offering.
New Animals: Snow-Winged Goose, Darkwing Goose, Flatcrest Fulmar, Violetgold Angler Gull, Slate Umbrellafinch, Burgundy Umbrellafinch, Magenta Fantail Pigeon, Viridian Fantail Pigeon, Redcrown Finch, Bluecrown Finch, Chestnut Hunting Hound, Glittergray Hunting Hound, Amber Hunting Hound, Hydro Crystalfly, Leisurely Otter, Lady Poodle, Guard Poodle, and Gentleman Poodle.
New Fish: Streaming Axe Marlin, Rippling Heartfeather Bass, Blazing Heartfeather Bass, Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration, Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner, Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller, Maintenance Mek: Platinum Collection.
The Maintenance Mek can be converted to specific kinds of Character and Weapon Enhancement Materials at the Crafting Bench.
Adds Set 25 of "Paimon's Paintings" chat emojis.
New Function: Multi-Layered Map in the map interface.
New functions in the Party Setup Screen:
(1) Characters' entrance and idle animations
(2) In Settings > Other, you may decide whether "the background of the Party Setup Screen will change based on your current region." If this option is enabled, the Party Setup Screen will change based on your current region.
Gyroscope is now supported on the platforms below:
PC:DualSense™ Wireless Controller, DUALSHOCK®4 Wireless Controller
PS4™:DUALSHOCK®4 Wireless Controller
PS5™:DualSense™ Wireless Controller, DualSense Edge™ Wireless Controller
※ Travelers can find the Gyroscope settings in Settings > Controls while using a Controller to play.
Adds Global Illumination on PlayStation® and will automatically be in effect after the Version update.
Adds Global Illumination on PC devices with a Discrete Graphics Card with a VRAM of 4 GB or more. Travelers may enable it via Settings > Graphics.
It is recommended for Travelers on PC devices to enable this option when your PC specifications are above the minimum specifications below:
● Minimum Specifications for Global Illumination:
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: 9th Generation Intel® Core i5™-9400F or equivalent
Discrete Graphics Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 1050 Ti or equivalent
VRAM: 4 GB or more
RAM: 16 GB or more
"Genius Invokation TCG" Gameplay Update:
New Character Cards: Qiqi, Lisa, and Albedo, and their corresponding Talent cards
New invitation duels and guest challenges added to the Player List.
New Action Cards: King's Squire, Golden House, Setaria, Where Is the Unseen Razor?, Joyous Celebration.
Adds the "Observe Duel" function:
(1) When a friend is in a Genius Invokation TCG duel in Single-Player Mode, you can see this on the Friends interface and observe their game in progress (if this friend is in Co-Op mode, you must first enter their world).
(2) In Co-Op Mode, if your teammate is in a Genius Invokation TCG duel, you can see this on the Co-Op mode interface and observe their game in progress.
(3) In Co-Op Mode, if two of your teammates are in a Genius Invokation Duel through team invitation, you can observe the duel in progress and see both parties' cards and Elemental Dice.
(4) You can respectively allow your friends or teammates in Co-Op Mode to observe your duels or forbid them to do so via Settings in the Genius Invokation TCG duels.
(5) When you are in a Genius Invokation TCG duel, you can select specific observers and remove them from the observers list.
Spiral Abyss
The "Nymph's Dream" and "Vourukasha's Glow" Artifact set rewards in "Domain Reliquary: Tier I," and "Domain Reliquary: Tier II" for Spiral Abyss Floors 9–12 will be replaced with the "Marechaussee Hunter" and the "Golden Troupe" sets.
Floor 9 Ley Line Disorder changed to:
• After a character triggers a Vaporize reaction, the Vaporize reaction DMG for that character is increased by 50% for 5s.
Floor 10 Ley Line Disorder changed to:
• Character deals 50% increased DMG to opponents affected by Hydro.
Floor 11 Ley Line Disorders changed to:
• All characters in the party gain a 60% Pyro DMG Bonus.
• All characters in the party gain a 60% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Updated the monster lineup on Floors 9 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss.
Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 4.0, the two Lunar Phases will be as follows:
Phase I:
Keen Moon
When a character recovers HP, that character gains 10% increased ATK for 10s. Max 3 stacks. Each stack will be counted independently. When a character loses HP, that character gains 40 Elemental Mastery for 10s. Max 3 stacks. Each stack will be counted independently. The effects from recovering and losing HP are independent from each other, and stacks are counted independently.
Phase II:
Gyrating Moon
When a character recovers or loses HP, that character gains 40% increased All Elemental and Physical DMG Bonus for 3s.
※ The above Spiral Abyss update will take effect from September 1 at 04:00 (Server Time).
〓Adjustments & Optimizations〓
● System
Adds the function to view artworks of "Enemies of Note" in Archive > Living Beings > Enemies and Monsters.
Adjusts the mission objectives of the different phases of the "Stellar Reunion" event and reduces the difficulty of missions. The total score obtainable during the event remains unchanged (this adjustment applies to Travelers who activate "Stellar Reunion" after the Version 4.0 update).
Optimizes selection logic in the Artifacts and Weapons interface: after selecting an Artifact or Weapon to view or enhance, when returning to the previous interface, the Artifact or Weapon you initially viewed or enhanced will automatically be selected.
Adjusts the number of Teleport Waypoints required to unlock the achievement "Descending Into the Depths of Desolation." The original total number of Teleport Waypoints required to be unlocked is 16, and is now adjusted to 18 (if the achievement has been completed, the completion status of the achievement remains unchanged).
● Genius Invokation TCG
Adjusts the reward rules and reward display for Genius Invokation TCG: Heated Battle Mode. For each of the first 3 games you complete, you can receive 1,000 Lucky Coins (a maximum of 3,000 Lucky Coins can be obtained ).
● Audio
Optimizes certain interface sound effects in "Genius Invokation TCG" matches.
Optimizes the Korean and English voice lines for some quests.
Optimizes the character sprinting sound effects.
Optimizes certain interface sound effects when using the controller.
Optimizes the display accuracy of the Wind Glider on mobile devices.
〓Genius Invokation TCG Balance Adjustment〓
Adjusts the cost of Elemental Dice required for Support Card "Jade Chamber": the Elemental Dice cost required will be adjusted from 1 to 0.
Adjusts the cost of Elemental Dice required for Equipment Cards "Broken Rime's Echo," "Wine-Stained Tricorne," "Witch's Scorching Hat," "Thunder Summoner's Crown," "Viridescent Venerer's Diadem," "Mask of Solitude Basalt," "Laurel Coronet," "Capricious Visage," and "Thundering Poise": the Elemental Dice cost required will be adjusted from 2 Dice of the same element to 2 Dice of any element.
Adjusts the cost of Elemental Dice required for Equipment Cards "Blizzard Strayer," "Heart of Depth," "Crimson Witch of Flames," "Thundering Fury," "Viridescent Venerer," "Archaic Petra," and "Deepwood Memories": the Elemental Dice cost required will be adjusted from 3 Dice of any element to 2 Dice of the same element.
Adjusts the cost of Elemental Dice required for Equipment Cards "Vermillion Hereafter" and "Shimenawa's Reminiscence": the Elemental Dice cost required will be adjusted from 3 Dice of the same element to 3 Dice of any element.
Adjusts the cost of Elemental Dice required for Equipment Card "Ornate Kabuto": the Elemental Dice cost required will be adjusted from 2 Dice of any element to 1 Elemental Dice.
Adjusts the cost of Elemental Dice required for Equipment Card "Emblem of Severed Fate": the Elemental Dice cost required will be adjusted from 3 Dice of any element to 2 Dice of the same element.
Adjusts the effect of the Event Card "Thunder and Eternity": this Event Card can now convert all of your Elemental Dice into the Omni Element.
Adjusts the effect of the Event Card "I Haven't Lost Yet!": this Event Card can only be used once per Round.
〓Version Update Known Issue〓
There is an issue in Genius Invokation TCG whereby when you have 0 Elemental Dice before the Action Phase begins, you would still be able to abnormally play the Event Card "Covenant of Rock" due to the Omni Element generated by the Equipment Card "Gambler's Earrings" after the Action Phase begins. (Under normal conditions, "Covenant of Rock" will not be playable as you have more than 0 Elemental Dice at this time.) This issue is scheduled to be fixed in Version 4.1.
There is an issue whereby some enemies in the water and some characters in swimming mode are unable to take DMG from Electro-Charged Reactions in certain water bodies. This issue is scheduled to be fixed in Version 4.1.
〓Bug Fixes〓
● Quests
Fixes an issue with the Story Quest "Where Lies the Path Home" whereby Nahida's location was abnormal.
Fixes an issue whereby there was the possibility of encountering repeated options or objectives when carrying out the Commission Quests "The Gourmet Supremos: Foodie Quiz," "Good Sign," or "Akademiya Q&A."
Fixes an issue with the World Quest "Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibility" whereby there was a small probability of abnormally triggering character teleports and the NPC Kaia may erroneously disappear.
Fixes an issue whereby the objective "Follow Kaeya" in Kaeya's Hangout Event is unable to be completed under certain circumstances.
● Enemies
Fixes an issue whereby the Boss "Guardian of Apep's Oasis's" aftershocks of the apocalypse attack could not deal DMG to some characters under certain conditions.
Fixes an issue whereby some special effects of the Boss "Stormterror" would abnormally disappear under certain conditions.
Fixes an issue whereby the opponent "Abyss Herald: Frost Fall" had a small probability of not regenerating HP normally when leaving combat.
Fixes an issue that prevented the enemy "Iniquitous Baptist" from generating a shield after unleashing the Elemental Ring ability under certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue that caused the enemy "Cryo Samachurl" to not fall off properly after his ice pillar was destroyed.
● Characters
Fixes an issue that prevented Lumine from quickly performing the 1st hit of her Normal Attack and Charged Attack after performing the 5th hit of her Normal Attack.
Fixes an issue whereby there was a chance that Icewhirl Brand generated by holding Eula's Elemental Skill would fail to deal DMG to target enemies.
Fixes an issue whereby after adding Nahida to the party for the first time, holding the Elemental Skill could cause the character and camera to be positioned abnormally.
Fixes an issue whereby when the Frostflake Seki no To released by Kamisato Ayaka's Elemental Burst was blocked, it had a small probability of not dealing DMG even if it hit enemies.
Fixes an issue on mobile whereby when some characters sit on a high-legged stool, the character model would display abnormally.
Fixes an issue whereby Fischl would stand on water abnormally after casting an Elemental Burst under certain conditions.
Fixes an issue whereby under certain circumstances, some characters may trigger the special effects of water ripples while walking on land.
● System
Fixes an issue that caused a white line to appear abnormally on Yaoyao's Constellations interface.
Fixes an issue whereby in the Character interface, when switching from Ganyu's interface to multiple secondary interfaces (such as Talents, Artifacts, or Weapons), there was a chance that the character movements could be incorrect.
Fixes an issue whereby the pre-selected Conversion material selection state would be reset when using a controller to carry out conversion with the Crafting Bench.
Fixes an issue that caused the maximum number of Weapons or Artifacts that can be selected (by dragging them) in the Inventory to be displayed incorrectly under certain circumstances.
● Genius Invokation TCG
Fixes an issue in Genius Invokation TCG whereby when the Character Card "Eula" gains Grimheart, the DMG value indicated in the Elemental Skill description will be abnormally stated as "Deals 4 Cryo DMG" (the actual DMG dealt is as intended, and is 5 Cryo DMG).
● Audio
Fixes an issue whereby the audio effects of some quests were not controlled by the voice-over settings in the game.
● Other
Fixes an issue whereby Sorush could switch to other characters abnormally when flying under certain conditions.
Fixes an issue whereby the grass in the landscape was not displayed correctly under certain conditions.
Fixes an issue that caused flying birds to abnormally fall under certain conditions.
Fixes some text errors in certain languages and optimizes text. (Note: Related in-game functions have not changed. Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.)
Text-related fixes and optimizations in English include:
◆ Unified the term "Hilichurl Shooters."
◆ Optimized some inconsistencies between certain voice-over lines and what is displayed in Archon Quests, Story Quests, and World Quests.
◆ Optimized certain UI of the Serenitea Pot.
◆ Optimized the text in certain Namecards.
*This is a work of fiction and is not related to any actual people, events, groups, or organizations.
"PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
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