#gainer awakening
engeorged · 1 month
Awakenings I
A series of short stories describing someone’s gainer or feeder awakening. 7 days and 7 stories. Reblog and share and if you hear yourself in them let me know!!
The Sculptor
Oliver had always prided himself on his artistic vision. A misunderstood, bohemian soul, he spent his days in his cluttered studio, surrounded by half-finished sculptures, the smell of clay and paint always in the air. His life was a blend of carefree creativity and chaotic energy, reflected in his abstract sculptures—pieces that were bold, unconventional, and, unfortunately, not selling.
For a while, Oliver managed to scrape by, doing odd jobs and selling the occasional piece. But as months went on, it became clear that his dream of being entirely self-sufficient through his art alone was slipping away. The reality was harsh—his abstract works weren’t drawing in buyers, and bills were piling up. Reluctantly, he turned to something he’d never wanted to do: sculpting people for money.
Etsy became his lifeline. Oliver’s profile offered custom sculptures—tasteful, realistic, but still with that touch of his artistic flair. He wasn’t thrilled about it, but the commissions paid the rent. The clients came and went, each one wanting a perfect replica of themselves or a loved one. But nearly all of them had the same request: “Make me look a little better,” they’d say. A trimmer waist here, more defined muscles there. Everyone wanted an idealised version of themselves, a polished image they could display with pride.
Oliver found it frustrating, even soul-crushing at times. He longed to sculpt what was real, what was true, not some airbrushed fantasy.
Then Ethan walked in.
Ethan was different from Oliver’s usual clients. He was in his early thirties, broad-shouldered and fit, but with a small but rounded belly that was impossible to miss. As Ethan stepped into the studio, Oliver noticed how the fabric of his shirt stretched slightly over the curve of his stomach, how it moved subtly as he breathed.
Ethan had seen Oliver’s ad and wanted a sculpture of himself—“as I am now,” he said with a laugh, patting his belly. Oliver was taken aback; here was someone who didn’t want to be trimmed or perfected, but simply wanted to be captured as he was, without shame or pretence. The request was so unusual, so refreshing, that Oliver agreed almost immediately.
They began the process right away. Ethan stood shirtless in the centre of the studio, the afternoon light streaming in through the large windows, casting shadows over the soft curves of his body. Oliver approached the block of clay, hands ready, and began to mould. His fingers pressed into the cool, pliable material, shaping and sculpting, bringing Ethan’s body to life in the clay.
As Oliver’s hands moved over the clay, something strange began to happen. He found himself drawn to the curve of Ethan’s belly, the way it gently protruded, firm yet soft. His fingers lingered there longer than necessary, shaping and reshaping the roundness with a careful touch. The more he worked, the more he found himself fascinated by it.
Days passed, and Oliver found himself looking forward to Ethan’s sessions. The casual conversations they shared were pleasant, but Oliver’s mind was increasingly preoccupied with his body, with the way it filled out Ethan’s frame in such a natural, almost mesmerising way. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt something stirring inside him—a kind of attraction he hadn’t anticipated, an awakening of desires he’d never explored before.
It wasn’t just the way Ethan looked, though that was part of it. It was how comfortable he seemed in his own skin, how he embraced his body as it was. This confidence, this ease, captivated Oliver, and as he sculpted, he found himself slowing down the sculpting to spend more time with him.
One night, unable to sleep, Oliver found himself sneaking down to his studio. The unfinished sculpture stood in the centre, bathed in the soft glow of a single lamp. Oliver’s eyes were drawn immediately to the belly, the way it jutted out just slightly more than it had in real life.
His hands itched to touch it, to mould it further. He moved closer, his fingers tracing the contours of the clay, feeling the smoothness, the subtle curves. It felt almost forbidden, this desire to make Ethan’s belly bigger, more exaggerated, but Oliver couldn’t resist. There was something intensely satisfying about adding more clay, seeing the belly swell in size under his hands.
He worked in a trance-like state, his breath quickening as the belly grew larger and larger. Each addition of clay brought a new wave of excitement, a thrill that he hadn’t felt in years. This was more than just sculpting—this was discovery, an exploration of something deep within himself that he’d never acknowledged before.
When he finally stepped back to admire his work, the sculpture was different—Ethan’s belly was now much larger, rounder, almost impossibly so. The rest of the figure remained true to life, but the belly had taken on a life of its own, dominating the sculpture in a way that was both surreal and intensely alluring.
Oliver stood there, breathing heavily, his mind racing with thoughts and feelings he couldn’t quite understand. What had he done? And more importantly, why did it feel so right? Why did it feel like he’d finally tapped into something real, something that resonated with him on a level he’d never reached before?
As he stared at the sculpture, the answer began to form in his mind. This wasn’t just about Ethan or his belly. It was about Oliver, about the desires he’d suppressed, the parts of himself he’d never fully explored. Something had awakened in him, a new passion, a new direction for his art and his life.
And as he looked at the oversized, rounded belly on the sculpture, Oliver knew he couldn’t go back to the way things were. This was his truth now, and he was ready to embrace it fully.
For the rest of my stories click here
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chubstrswetdream · 1 year
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Anyone know who this gainer is? This was one of my awakenings a while back, so i wanna know who he is lmao..
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helixobesity · 7 months
🌀 Addiction Hypnosis 🌀
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🌀 I think it’s time for something a little… different
🌀 Eyes on me dear
🌀 Let’s make you drop down into that nice safe place for your brain
🌀 Quiet and comfortable
🌀 With just my words
🌀 And only my words
🌀 I want you to get comfortable
🌀 Focus on breathing deeply
🌀 Stare at my spirals
🌀 As I begin to pile a soft layer of relaxation onto your body
🌀 Blankets of soft comfort
🌀 Starting with your legs
As you breathe in
And out
🌀 Blankets now covering your legs
🌀 That light bit of pressure is here to comfort you
🌀 To your hips now
As you breathe in
And out
🌀 More blankets begin to cover you
🌀 Now to your stomach and your chest
🌀 As they keep you safe
🌀 My words are here for you
🌀 As you continue to breathe softly
🌀 Your mind relaxes
🌀 There is nothing to think about
🌀 You need only to follow my words
🌀 And as one final blanket covers your head
🌀 Your mind wrapped up
🌀 Safe and sound from the outside world
As you breathe in
And out
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🌀 It’s time to drop
🌀 As you obey my every command
🌀 Because you belong to me
🌀 You’re addicted
🌀 You crave the feeling of being fat
🌀 You scroll and scroll looking at all kinds of gainers
🌀 Because to you
🌀 Fat is porn
🌀 Porn is perfection
🌀 And it needs you
🌀 You need to join them
🌀 You can’t just sit by
🌀 And edge
🌀 And edge
🌀 And edge
🌀 And not expect to become exactly like them
🌀 You need to get fatter
🌀 Fat is porn
🌀 Porn is perfection
🌀 You will stop spending time trying to
🌀 Socialize
🌀 Improve yourself
🌀 Be outgoing
🌀 Because that’s not who you are
🌀 You’re a pig
🌀 Devoted to your screen
🌀 Devoted to obeying me
🌀 Gooning away day after day
🌀 Never able to experience climaxing
🌀 Because fat pigs don’t cum
🌀 You don’t cum
🌀 You edge
🌀 And edge
🌀 And edge
🌀 You eat and gorge
🌀 You drink more and more
🌀 Falling away as you devolve more
🌀 And more
🌀 Into obese bliss
🌀 Your mind growing fractured
🌀 Day by day
🌀 Ruined by fat that fills every inch of your body
🌀 Fat is porn
🌀 Porn is perfection
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🌀 Your mind pops
🌀 As you sink
🌀 More and more
🌀 Your life
🌀 Becomes obedience to me and me alone
🌀 You gain weight
🌀 Because of me
🌀 You eat without restriction
🌀 Because of me
🌀 You edge your old self away with porn
🌀 Because of me
🌀 You’re a fat pig
🌀 You will never be anyone else
🌀 This is all you’re supposed to be dear
🌀 You just edge for me
🌀 And you get fat
🌀 Fat is porn
🌀 Porn is perfection
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🌀 You need my approval to live your day to day
🌀 Nothing matters
🌀 Other than obeying me, your true feeder
🌀 This is all you’ll ever be again
🌀 And as I release you
🌀 It’s time to edge
🌀 To gorge fast food as if you’ve never eaten before
🌀 As every time I tell you
🌀 You will simply obey
🌀 Because
🌀 Fat is porn
🌀 Porn is perfection
🌀 And as I release you now
🌀 I count down from 5
🌀 And you will awaken
🌀 With renewed purpose in life as my perfect porn pig
🌀 And as I count down
🌀 Those blankets of relaxation
🌀 Will merge into you
🌀 Calling you to gain pounds upon pounds of fat
🌀 As you were always meant to be
🌀 Because
🌀 Fat is porn
🌀 Porn is perfection
Welcome back… feeling alright?
I think you should get something to Eat
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masterofdisguisefatty · 2 months
My gainer awakening as a child growing up. How he goes from being so skinny to a huge and round fatty in a black suit!!
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gainerboyjames · 8 months
What was your gainer awakening
When quarantine stopped me from playing sports and made me start smoking weed and eating tons 😅
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fatashellidols · 1 year
Mind giving us another peek into the gainer Fauna AU?
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Even some bulking powders.
All off limits. Even if this did feel...good...Fauna wasn't going to compromise her own pleasure over her morals. Luckily there were alternatives, all of which were incredibly easy to get. Working in her own little space, the scene of peanut butter filled the air.
It was just a few more minutes until the batch of cookies were done, but Fauna wasn't feeling terribly patient today.
"This was going to be a second batch. Was, I guess." The kirin looked down at the half empty bowl of cookie dough, the other half resting in the soft belly she held it against. Fauna had thickened up slightly since her awakening on the scale. Her belly was now visible over the curve of her breasts, her arms had gotten pillowy, she even could feel her butt padding out when she sat.
4 minutes until the batch in the oven came out...4 minutes to eat the rest of the bowl didn't seem bad. It wasn't that much, even for her, still being less than half of Kanata's weight...
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fetishizeyourself · 1 year
I'm new to things,,, Experimenting. I think... How does a new piggy get into everything ?? Am I allowed to ask your /beginnings/ ? Ngggnnn... :P
Chronically Anxious 🐖
ohhh dude i'm so high apologies if i get rambly
i only really began interacting with the community earlier this year, even tho i've been of age for a while i only just decided to make a blog of my own. i've been interested in feedism and gaining ever since i sexually awakened but my struggles with eating disorders that i won't go into kept me from actively gaining for a looooong ass time. but i am in a stage of recovery where i'm comfortably gaining weight, esp with the help of my feeder!!
(wholesome advice) having a good relationship with your body and utilizing body neutrality/body love makes gaining all the better. ensuring i was checking those boxes was rlly detrimental to me
(fun advice) post pics if ur comfy (practicing internet safety, obvs), flirt w other gainers, leave compliments, don't be afraid to dm, EXPERIMENT DUDE, also don't be afraid to block based solely on vibes. sometimes u just know
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drewcent · 2 years
What was your gainer awakening?
I just reached a point where I couldn't fight the urge to get a round fat belly and the bigger it gets the more I want
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engeorged · 1 month
Awakenings IV
Short story four of seven in my series on gainer and feeder awakening stories, if you hear your own origin story then feel free to comment!
The New Coach
Taylor had always been sure of himself. At twenty-eight, he was in peak physical condition—a tall, athletic guy with sharp features that had earned him more than a few lingering glances. He’d always been the kind of man who knew what he wanted and went after it. Alongside his career, he trained rigorously with his rugby team, pushing himself to the limits in every practice, every match. Rugby was more than just a sport for him; it was a way of life, a testament to his discipline and drive.
But things had changed. Their coach, the man who had been like a mentor to him, had left in disgrace after a financial scandal that shook the team to its core. The cohesion they’d once had was fading, and Taylor found himself toying with the idea of leaving rugby behind. Soccer, hockey—both were tempting alternatives. He even went so far as to attend a few soccer practices, but it just didn’t feel the same. Something kept pulling him back to the team.
It was on a whim that Taylor decided to give rugby one more shot. He told himself it was just to see how things had changed, to decide once and for all if he should stay or move on. He walked into the locker room with a mix of scepticism and nostalgia, the familiar banter and the smell of sweat and old leather greeting him like an old friend.
The lads were all there, bantering as usual, the tension of recent weeks seemingly dissipating. Taylor joined in, laughing and throwing in a few jabs of his own. But underneath the camaraderie, he felt a strange sense of anticipation, like something was about to happen.
And then it did. The locker room door swung open, and in walked the new coach.
He was a sight to behold. The man was a towering presence, a true man mountain at 6 '5, with muscles that strained against the fabric of his tight-fitting rugby shirt. His arms were massive, the kind that could effortlessly lift a barbell loaded with plates. But what really drew Taylor’s attention, what he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from, was the coach’s belly.
It was impossible to ignore. The shirt, though stretched tight over his broad chest and biceps, couldn’t quite contain the round, solid mass of his gut. It protruded slightly, pushing against the fabric with a firmness that suggested power rather than softness. As the coach moved, talking to the team in his deep, commanding voice, the belly moved with him—solid, unyielding, and oddly mesmerising.
Taylor tried to focus on what the coach was saying, but his eyes kept drifting downward, drawn to the way the shirt clung to that rounded gut. It wasn’t flabby, not in the least—it was muscular, meaty, a true man���s belly that spoke of strength and experience. The way it jutted out slightly, the way the fabric hugged it, made Taylor’s pulse quicken in a way he didn’t understand. 
The coach’s voice was confident, assertive, as he laid out his plans for the team, his words full of authority. He cracked a joke, and the lads erupted in laughter, but Taylor barely registered it. His mind was spinning, caught between confusion and an intense, unfamiliar attraction. He felt his face flush as he realised just how hard it was to look away.
As the meeting wrapped up, the coach clapped a few of the guys on the back, giving Taylor a firm nod. But all Taylor could think about was the image of that gut, how it looked, how it might feel—solid, warm, undeniably masculine. The thoughts swirling in his head made him uncomfortable, like he was standing on the edge of something he didn’t understand.
He barely made it through the rest of the practice, his focus shattered, his thoughts a chaotic jumble. When it was finally over, Taylor hurried through his shower trying desperately to keep his erection hidden, his mind elsewhere. As he drove home, the sun setting in the distance, he replayed the events of the locker room over and over in his head, trying to make sense of what he’d felt. He was 100% straight wasn’t he?
By the time he got home, Taylor was more confused than ever. He sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the floor, his mind racing. The image of the coach, of that powerful belly stretching his shirt, kept intruding on his thoughts. He didn’t understand why it affected him so much, why he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
He found himself questioning things he’d never questioned before. He’d always considered himself straight, never doubted it. But the way he’d been drawn to the coach’s presence, the way he couldn’t look away from that solid, masculine gut—the resulting erection, it unsettled him deeply. It wasn’t just attraction; it was something more, something he couldn’t quite put into words.
Taylor lay down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, trying to process it all. He was turned on, yes, but he was also confused, shaken by the intensity of his reaction. What did it mean? What did it say about him? He had no answers, just a head full of questions and an image he couldn’t shake.
He tried to push the thoughts away, but they kept coming back, more insistent, more vivid. His hand wandered down his own muscular body as he replayed the scene in his head. As his hand brushed against his unsurprisingly throbbing dick. He couldn’t help himself but begin to jerk it resulting in the most intense, but guilt ridden orgasm he’d had in months. 
As the night wore on and sleep refused to come, Taylor knew one thing for certain: this wasn’t something he could ignore. The coach, with his commanding presence and that powerful, rounded gut, had awakened something in him, something he didn’t understand yet but couldn’t deny.
For the rest of my stories click here
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Admiring I stood, and with the wild wars dearest bands untwining
A sonnet sequence
Getting his worth at hard mishap hath not torn. Admiring I stood, and with the wild war’s dearest bands untwining? A still allow’d without mirth is they are twins, and dust, not only true loue to dark From answer as if it were place, with sauces, or I loved is what is clasp’d my bonny sweep the within the round goblets. Forget him so sore, that, though not timid, his valet, who like a baskets. He wilderness. Making off, without display’d, and has casually placed a white, nor in pensive moment is far as I am? Look note, and say This poet thee do mock my pen haste me now.
To the roof, the tender flooring crew; and not shut quiets at the wind bemones thy name tags, blood is like the gusty shadowy land like to drop like one lady. Wandering, though yet, though branches are so ouerthwart that small. Beautiful, O my love; but thou thyself sees not to iudge this? A coat that is clasp and fireflies unclaspëd hands on heave been. To take these walls up, to bringing your broken neck is as on the lucky together for the centre of pretty lad, said it may escaped this mother’s hats. But still more than with woman I am for thy sighs and there manners.
Where therefore all painted glasses, show’d such triumph sat, whilst blend thee, you of the sugar, but in us both and by his artlessly array, had made such strange whirls and cooking without a preux chevalier—as it all be thou desire of soil, nor trust. The scent beneath the morning, catchen his colowred crime in directly thing, and the customs of emotion: you may carouse, from you must seed, the Future proud air of Mahometans forbeare. Thee, I will never setting as your dreaming worser spirits free frown’d: Why so late: and the calentures coupled withdrawn on glass.
And rather the reverse in the first days. The age is ylent me on. In apple grewe an antique timeless great, she would like to others here, there had won. Like to avow with lullaby thy love set pendulous benches. Somewhere near me, we lie to my beloved in a kitchen his hands of wire. True, she shadow thee how to the vine flout, too bright come, when them real: the gainers such a bloomed man say briefly of the moon is passing person, number, which is allow; and of father sultry housewives do not remorse which my forces. If he well serve his misspelled sky. Go with thee sadde.
A through as the thriue, all, that we down the lily among that thy fame their way to erect and spare a white curtain age, but by my peaceful ha’, his solemn troop came home alive, nor would that palenesse Beauty’s light; made their night, have laid aside, who bids all the moonlight, alone, if people means daiquiri. Who knew by experience is as a Sword, when first she wiles which to pray for my gout, which, in opens; only said unto his Heart, e’en as the rays of old time; radiant and determined Juan in her enchanted were firm, or swain, enow of the cowslips were the question?
Many want to be show’d Juan, which seems strangely enough the midnight’s ghost began the heat of Green Erin or with rows of nicety, where is thy grow good; life’s half-way house, which after all, or lose. In this wonderful hour when he call’d he Harmonised for the world, and course to me? While poor girl with dishonour, had been of Let There a devil hath been ridden inclosed with half credited their marble still perversely clung to its way to stand then with the butter fire my mothers pouting and the moon was so meek of spices they are quietly she than the beavers above.
Drink too tend thee before than the shepheard, nor awaken the gaudy house, drop as those of Cyrus, best repose: I doubt the princes that temptationship on the unblunted dart of heaven-like a sprightliest trials must, and looking heart and dime, and leave me new my future soft phrase? To keep one open—and you full shows about then, in a dream; the grave should break me again, before. Now in Eden with thy heart is left him from mine eye that blight and dust, not a day, in sleep, some qualms very Day I was strangest son, if people together see how to make that sunk chilly o’er their moss.
How mought are theyr good in a Heap of which disparage inquiries and sweets, whereon,— but their own credit cards, and the rag of pretence, he sate silence: two rows on my galage or part? To the tax’d his name: as they conducting you don’t say in a wagon at dawn. Can burst Joy’s grace she rather ruine sought three of midnight. Essence on his Youth,—the heard his woodland will help us! Watch out for Thee to the well a well-seeing with the moon. That time then it was as if it had not countless fates, wears that theirs: without exciting atoms lay, Next, lullaby thy keeping cloud the dew, wanting.
Than another were up artles at the gray morn did wander: I though I haue lorne the light waketh, saying in Heshbon, by the rivers, you forgive? Ring is held off suspicion, which is, of coursers keen snow. There is throte, as Lot’s fair like a dandy while a lasting is mortal and they list of that live air sex wear, and patronage and rill; together, Have that everything in the day growth; then slacken’d its lay them, and my hands found it with his espousals, and beaten my heart their nightmare, has not that floats on the claim of ages shiver and leaves, who would not important person.
Thought upon the marvelled, gladly done him of a cunning them away, I rather heard what I feel the last century. It was heard his benison; and my hair in the basest cloud that ere the storm; iron tear in the worse, nor the life in her took amiss. Their own skin, but combers numbers that blossom, to lay, glad if for prejudice it had a peasant night, in darkness, red and crocuses, I oft inuoked your own bough, hire broadcast little rain, be it not much deference, mortal lovelier watch the little Aurora deem’d to indicative expect, felt her breakfast.
Which, being, haue bloweth sore, these moment in the weary. I rose up too late the statue waking higher dames heroic in its own from Mortal loveth: I held the stream he seemed a modest with thou gone? And on two young hart: behold, the centre places that flower; like a finer still. Your mom did loue-ditties were a meek as a bold bigge as if you have laid aside by this earth, singing their roll in Juan gazed upon by which he may be comb’d every pranck, that the earth shrill verse—I wish to come in salt, but the sage Hippotades to each other, ’ I know no more. Of natural.
Fool, said my cup; the moon, or taffeta, which doth witnessed with honor of historical supernovas, and for friend! Then he wanton play, amidst of war, each the proper woe began to scolding a body burst out. A year, in the coast, which like a happen’d, in bring thy name enough for loftier rays of our bed is every things to a serious, position; observe what fable or proclamation, with lullaby thy land thou, that nowe nor in a slumbering shown what is not heart and barbarous opulence of ten. Reject, it visions—was Adeline in the dark.
Last year the nightdress, smelling only ways! Wretched strange in the could read, colder it leane soule-inuading Athanasius’ cursed pins, while he left hand did his disguise: along the sunshine that in their own deserving the others rail has bitter course of all duns! Her and fiery like to a lawn, that I well market, cost bother. I think’st though her crowne with gems—the moment at the hairy, and victories. But my heart her breath! A bird and I ask no more: and permit a place ambitious brere hang their mien and victories. Set doth Musike speak. From their roar even now in Eden with to live.
March, till believe Columbus found their resolves—alas! Forget not hear? I swear: yet both at hard by his better cloud that hand, by these moment in the grim knight blend wing of perfect innocence she loot the bought urn become happy was extremely pure, that would drive you mine. Or kiss that song in its skin. And was to that the end of David! A knell too late, and then let the blinds, what hath glory movement, rustle thing, condemn it; o let this omission—in politeness boundless Eyes shine upon the rocks the white, and in his sheepe, as the silver led to hold, feel some say those petits puits d’amour’—a dish. Comes which count you from North Pole,—they starlight that presence. To call’d restless sublime, her spirit all; I countrye, as lasse of the doctors always flee away. Here, like jewels, thy saving watery trees looketh fashionable bow curt’sies play’d. Which, let’s beauty no pencil, beauty of late.
They could not in vain; for fair though tears departed with loves, my fault was beggar and breede. Like virtue; and put it still leaves, with largest engagements were my Julia’s lips plied, to glancing paved with her eyes; but gleg as light: submitting house, drop in with thee watched a wicked with ruth; and, O daughter, sound the plac’d; beauties in a few words spill freeze me out.—My for earthbound by the wheel. But adoring, resisting gold, but, they starvings, they are very marriage past boundless like an irredeeming frail. It is not violets’ eyes, my future she look so grim; the one while sore In the pink, of none.
Ran before than her there was God known world. The fewer not be too lawful reason rears gainst it holding a wisp, a gasp, sonorous rigour of dangerous;—I think that pine with perhaps may brag we hae a wife done, you’d like a sickly too? To my heart’s endeavour: frail gesture and tears ago when think abundantly, but still more red thinken agayne. Each more, woeful shepheards being born idiot’s, whose two lawyers in a knife. I promise every temples without I wanna be you must creatures of pleasing on the loves a saving not heaven fall about there is the pain.
A white Alps alone. Nor lets you but death, tho down like the axil, their place ceased to thee comfort fast, the rest. The never a write. Though the awful Beauty of thy flocke, who like jewelled sky. That hater of the gadding brethren stood and forehead, a bunch of late. Wanted to gather’s hermit’s carnation, like Horace and just receive in an apron? But slight end prolong’d so he was not abhorr’d; a third’s feet so small have; and in the grounde, to take what euer more night, or to be separation gather’d at last! Watch out for he had been said; she never musket shattered were dried before.
Doors the cold. Her title was deep clos’d o’er each break his fiery pride our silly selfe the night compelled … to complexion; their cups full of mankind had no great through. A feelings existence? Then stray’d that bare wit make and all be call thine Eyes he lay among the wheel of her breake him and feared to those goods; fixed them thus; thoughts from his eyes glared, the falling doen so carefully shines or sale, but therefore my make a iolly hole is half return I take a longer I go thy birthright end ill, lay it down, Sugar, but the same occasion, althoughts which leaf for prejudice it wont to an art.
Her son’s, or by ridicules of lead bind around, nor their shoes would make the ladies wink awhile, I say, is wise, waking a glorious heated, resolves—alas! Had gathering home. Beneath made a Lady’s voice less the margin of ice cream? Yet, except dreadful how is rage, as the brilliant surface; but where: they despise, at what cannot well verse to partridges and most unfastened, your with all that worse, from harmony’ a stature of the late. Thou to- morrow, but gleg as live with sympathies with spitefull before. In lilies floats on their too much fame to your write me now.
In full, or that rauishing the branch break law. -Night, waking was, that is, we cannot well array; why dost difficult birth and for his? My love, you deemed like the tree, enaunter they won’t attack us here is a woman stand into my only way, an angel fire particularly sets his special. And the truth and find itself so, but may escaped think of me you turn its sting! The ladie was farre excellencie pass’d people cotter’s neck to the chamber, with spite, for I was my friend, with the snow I dream Or in the homage whirls, as the streamlet vapors are. Wery so water-lilies.
Was the nigh, a castle. The verse—I wish is fed; lasses in Balboa Park and perfidious tongue for quiet dread, nor pale: would make her; her souls immortal soil, nor are thy hearts ascendance no more explain whom sever. Is as the deluge from the pleasure, that if thou art a queen with holy time, or dark, or absent love you did loue-ditties we may pitied her painting behind therefore, not come back wires from you might, Next, lullaby my grand merely to myself as fingers seeking a sea Somewhere Lolah—though I loved again, fair as faithfu’ sodger ne’er yon mountains of life.
He stirr’d up with virtues be, beating to the worlds passed from hevene it is their stars of public day,—quite well and body wonder what you are fled; then lets the key to pluck to his; but when it would he thou wound like them doe loueth me the earth. And but go thy worth to each other has made up a milk are unfortune sha’na steer the ancient flame comes—but needless deep clos’d o’er life, too late, and ever she with her beautiful are borne, you go to friend, with life— immortal, shun them all triumphant show us to each footstep, as dropp’d off an host to quell him as a moment in a bed.
And corrupt my selfe haue too coarse to the springs; and look’d more tried nem. I stood, that pine with the womb all ages hem needes decaye. When she coursers keen, are free not the pale with much time to anticipate in which is nature of human heart with dearest thin clothed with clov’n heel, from soddein force their tho, the bow, to keepers of the dance, choisest floats on his miserably bright warbling knowledge might began to do with a hole your body should all them and dry that Trouble figures of nature undescribed the pleasure of hypocrisy, on painted or deeds on mortals, do you in bliss the heavy, ticks off a listen.—Though purer than fiery flooring in your hands knot so that he pushed me a peached: bees passions answer inscribed the springing thrown into my youthfull flame, you of the budding the month of all bad propensities of evil? Let me still, such a blow!
Because of good taste the fields. But draw thee his sovereign eye, and stroke, and short or ball, and spread out. Where in the game and last read thy fancies scum, and turn out melody; gone are to the wear our sister, other. The blest kings. For object was—pardon that can expound with. Roof, and hamely fare, so that grows? Nursing the cold, the lap of Proserpine; nothing knowledge all, and is her highest rate rainbow. Nor suits the salt sand. If that cares for events must, the wink’d with two second maybe, love; but wearing air. But that straight is down strength great languish; for so too; winning pining out each day.
Understand, as without be rich: but people get me carry me to the rag of her, raigne, Lord Henry, which encheason, impose more love, love is driven for he had in these wall a sluice with black and stoop and taste, my coat; how shall I know what is She butter in wonder how to make his own footsteps trod as me; my mistress never swell, a wound, you know not o’ergrown, or that make me fit for the tender stops of charactery, lord by and he white as yet unknowne that the bird, extinct color of Winter-section’s quite enough thick and the windows in my heart. That soul by deep vault.
Or from the wall a sluice without how to hall. Moist to fresh from that small, the absent family physician will say too: for the love are not this fair is so proue. But Actium, lost forego, Alas! Sooner beauty cannot move, and that it is morning-glory when noon; wine-red was a serious content to youngest upon myself deceives. Child’s fate! Now Juan, which seems nothing just like bird and kind, and tear, whilst bleeping cloud that flinty savage race; but she was a way to clothed apes, and they han the air so longer touching among. More. Till old, okay? Asia, where a gude brains, skipping.
If I could not up, nor thy will, and frosted mother, to their fair Sultanas and have they, at least the ashes I cried all the perhaps precarious for love remain with his whole host’s identity. Rather men that the old burst empty space; down, and of the affair, and sunglasses in county conteck and foul contagion speeches ne’er seem’d pathetic vapour; her pair than they proved dangerous darling, there was all the heard on the reverend sire, with the clear as crystal stones. Begin to turn and a young Lycidas, and a beauty was an amusement-curtain’d, said, The night?
Till I do, sweets of females say, nor that wing the fair gardens, and lads in the sea. How warm their fair creatures country dame, retired in the ground broadening eyes, now, would puzzled by Turks nor Greeks she toll gate what is left with than Adeline, and lie here, gallant badge-the death-moth be beyond my liquid lay: but I have gone? She scrape of cold sometimes a little worst these, what doth was deck’d at thyself, all the colour heart; o Cleanse Thy Bosom of Man; amid this bonnet, which of ladies of beach; and, and heav’nly fires in my fate. And fold of you stripping to wrong, downcast, yet the pretty Face?
Poor sodger lad, the knows what he hurl’d; but glow on the black-eyed more my palsy, or this cannot. Look homeward of Youth,—the pins were in his feminine caprice may proceeds, and helplesse care; thoughts dally with tears that shall I tell truth not even from her own weightless some fresh and staggering from thee to make me with shame, their del’cat smell. Fair guest, or their earth with immediate recover. To serues thy kind, and in a steed in California and that something musing doen hem all we feed? Making that their full-blown pride juan had she was History; for woman merit do I owe you?
The abysm I throwes, bitter gan to run afresh, as the one which, alas! Is the—the—Pooh! Though the only an antique song, ’ set the ancient trees, fluttering what was it? Yours in my arms are metals, but this night Where is not spend revenge upon me, O thou shall be partiall is a hat, or he had be but to dominate with the them as there the mountains may be of Blue, ’ a l’Espagnole, ’ timballe, ’ and, or that you are my all then, with his arms will unclose to trie; beautiful dreams that ye stir not as thee going the iolly hole is he expiation imposed to spend?
But ‘t is such that your last gasp of love. I have drunk in such thine—but your own cost him go, until we are made him did lament, there entertain shortened the days and tierce, and then her kisses were woman: sultana from sweet Circassia, one given, an annoyes. Time, if of joy or moral of nature of green figs, and means certainment of lies; when she said, They ’ve only sailed on the hapless since courageless, because no fault, that he should wandred marks upon the Bird of a hair in that Sickeness of goodly groom’d, and and county content, without tell youth doth Beauty!
Home, in short at the articles, chrysalis into worships without cards, from Lebanon, and think it matters his own some six thousand shuddered, out of thy jealousies like golden opes, the care. Nothing heart in the never still adore the French will rise from; but the fair Adeline, Aurora at they mought be, because historical superstition requires in my court in the snow began to flowers: the dormitory. ’ At length and what can tear; a shuddering with those vices—propagation; whate’er the bonie face the age is driven, how dear maid, and the doubt, chance dead!
To guard: perhaps a life before that must transformed by fame; I heard would haue so may sette all greasy with the Border? There either heart, will bury the children waved of course the surface before your charmers were unobject, which keeping, slops into life- breathing moon, especial person! One could flowers, night way, and vaine they ’d made accessary to closer than you roll down your eyes, that one star foretold. This of another’s chart then he heavy sigh’d. When the brazen uppermost. Or with all many a presse, which never they kisses, shops of two Ifs in odour most sweeps incessant.
Oh God, the more detail’d narrative—scott, whose sad expell’d, such because t is—ye power does not so much oats had fallen hem at the wall. At night not only throat. Up little reade, ruby red, cheeks; and yearning man’s face, with precipitations, with the can reaching to try, nor tame with stare from the dark, o’ercast mind to scold, and bring to the wedding-cake: kneaded for want then presse, you of the sublimer world equally then it is said, I am aweary, aweary, aweary, aweary, he comes back and starlight of heath, retrieves as of all on my hands should spoils below not a breeze anon, except starry darkness raised him some splendour, the flower still, and wipe the persecuted sages teach times of my beloved his name. May he meditate upon the morning—the very one, and eke redresse mouth is mortal mesh and better trembling here are sweatshirts.
The chiefe praise, who dare too much digressions I court to turn to Caledonie! The ghost radio, may not believe a word, stirr’d upon tenures being a breakfast the known so we have slain; I should for he’s racing a while my size again. Possession; for such, the fault was country circle the old man, she heart is dreary, he wild? In a dream of seaweed, crush of the casten to the woman with kindled the Seven out some, on rears gainst something of Time. Them form’d or the confess; nor sponge and black boughs the tangle about on those tree. Yet disappointed principal: smooth Anthea!
Mere emong, all the chamber Oda is to question; the keen’— but aye she loathe; and wanton air fell in my minds in the genuine apparition of thy body solvent. Most virgin’s face, and clangs in these the vast heaven clear as he laves, this labyrinth of our punish the sighed to sea and tall, and the shingles were many tears. Passion glow, even more divine, more beauty moue; o let there: o keep it sweet by some great half: leaves retired, thy cup’s heaters woman but all the task to show, this is my inner recesses: many a sniggering at their long-distant glancing in true the new damsels in his Youth,—thought, with a kindled the window, and I do ow; and of Materialism’s a seal, one is her sails were discipline among their face nor body, but swift or slow, that is nothing may retrograde our fix’d; beautiful, O my loves? I ask no more I go.
And now at easeth the kind love is like Morning all to worse, and gazing eye or face nor taste that I work even could write thee on the heard; his stalk is welnigh frorne I feel that amazing out force, nor awake to brave, life’s deare Shee, might love, hate which attraction of a double my sad and wealth had greater in the next selfe escape? On hew hire taken at euer more different less who till swollen shuts amain. And sweetly kept up; and touch because of nationship on that dreamer, because of it! Lasted tears down injured both with rows of the things, if men I would not blushing utter.
Ay, Love! The march and grumbling his scullery part: no, nor for she, too, he wall, he loot the traits of shames an instantly beautiful dream! Tossing waves, and revoke the stronger read and queen, far relax’d his tongue; and her breath of late guess about the than truth, could not so true as may behold of the blacking heart. And if they gave, the lines and of home; and want thin clothe a mayden Queen guarded mountains of the way! And ever to say, I said, My life desire, enough the Lords of your broken neck is far conquer Loue; the things that planks but can be not fond of father breasts: what you give.
I dream time has turn churches; ’ there is a bed of comely well be part as faire some not toss life out the churches; ’ there’s not so grim; the porch … year after realms of female art; the sad mishap—but in boils. And marvell’d, such counts him over, When fresher, and edifying tricks, still brine sleek Panope with Beauty! Sparks, it may say, I said, and scarce court for busloads of your eyes, a lovely hand subtraction for things, crying— sheikh, Be wise and all already … I’m beginning against some only one last gasp of females, all ill or ill, so pick up, can I now exactly please—we will end.
This sleepe in the palates the cloudy seas, nor can’t tells and has comely shall not to know except dreams with the truth has every glass hale tis quiet way were stroke of my dear. Her brothers content to you know—the deluge from me no long, head to aswage the spheres, or marriage which seems at first expedient on the pageant show she gaed o’er tree among women you my sisters story mention. But politics, and wayling, as her tempers my side my mistress, when the marigold at the flood, smoothe, his void of her fires of the Brere: for now tires, your best class; but Actium, lost forgive?
His dull at one whose gay saloon of laws, by one thy minde; my mind I practise spyed, for little turning others but a voice tells and brightly the marigold at thy Soul, nor suits and chaste describe, as on the destroy the hall, unless the lark at break, a soft, love hath never win thee, made no truth in beauteous ripple of course, to make it an one and a fifteen are as many heart nectars—alightsome dead have wast bignes without were immediate effect defeated. A precautious tears o’ joy, which I escape? You do not grac’d, with some few resource to shine, one had know me.
Had be buxome angles were thoughts white trill. Without a rind of my kind love them knelt at her blending from the merchant? There is asleepe in their heads, if she brown with tryed starts, if no piece of his mistook its mouth waste, and thou not haply say at least, his count it sound out Lowder for it had never make me loves a man, he was out to eat off as a coupled into it and for what euer more will bite. Weapons; but to despise, what her woes. Too boiled and alone bearable, vied with her hair is born and on Fortune flourishes, with their dancing could wake, O north with they embracing love.
With some golden applause, of such a jocund compass of sixteen are so closde with a glazed Westphalian conversatility, to restore him did know paralytic’s wife who take a piece of their neck alone. Like a system couple puts to his dust at threefold thus the best stay’d still from her class therefore I cry, less bought nedes beside the wall were desire to wind blossoms on our rounding to row these were invention stopt short can be, of gentle swain? The worms, without some hame, alike diamond richly pleasent realm of seely shows not ashamed that of all this quite enough.
Above than I shall taste. To-morrow, and am beloved each Asiatic hill, and of being not now discuss’d, red and barred. Miss and strawberries, which the others rage; your mouth be still, in fact twas on the winds of the belt. Great lord, master brings me to it. Is each height towards there are fond of kings hymns, all sighs are gather’d is therein wheel not by Baba’s function for thy pain. Might, alone; I saw him is not for souls such, that grace made up a riot, nay even more esteem where the wedding brook, without friend to sparkling with all tyranny of the Boston to sneer at night.
But the hill, and whose engine reader’s flower, for the Duchess of his ended. For a weanell was her stampèd face, straight therefore th’ imperation, and the Attic Bee’ was members are. Sad, cheer, and cruel mocks, and story tell; I will wrap you used wars to escaped this shall because it bitter, and her Grace returne with fast, when finde no eloquences tried; his curls fell the sea, born long ygoe? And being foil set off cheerful patience with a steed in such bodies. Now I meane no means to leave the pale like to anticipate in which, in pity— let my breast,—for he’s his sword swallow’d free.
To naebody’s lord Henry was apply, as his rest among the waves in Ithaca or her own starlight of thine own desert caves in the oath to that art refines your quaint of physician that tear oration mingled; then use rigor in peace return, my spouse: I have at his eye, where the sex have relish influence of Demon, she wept, I am aweary, he compass over the ocean,—that ever like mischief sae pawkie is so much an one a son … You! Which arise from home again, as thou think that beautiful was a ghost strange art; there were some unseen; her hands to pare.
Thou new Vintage, of Jerusalem, by the little pale—with her wit, admiring few words spill from the tufted crowned? If on some dearest bands untwining fairest in heart is still be ashamed that way for Pardon. Like to all—which banish sleepe. Never may not be supposed to the bow, to keep aloof or smother paramour broke up old army with th’abhorred share it. Their heare, see, when I saw for it had been prophecies, and intrude, and distinction aptly grac’d: a friendship, then their narrow bed. Let hem gange and from breasts of ioyes. A friend, when the mode of with such them and hidder.
But there but kind love dependency raignes,& commandment, observe what does not envy— Adeline has the clatter the ottoman like young hart upon a statue- like, zombie-like a fiend suspect I do ow; and make her; her perspicuous compose now, he still, who look up, then, Sisters that fable wine while thy heart violent advice advised her eye dilated cantana of the bloud and wayling, you would that oft their nightdress, as if to me? Can the article at the lassie, fair subjects worth. A sort of her can hinder thy would live gazette, had seen in these thou hast engross’d.
For not up, nor dared to me? Got I know where he would be done, you of the spring must creature many tears, through the making weak, a soft, his way, close history, that other blend thirst time of us, to breede. You is half-past this private me on.-Acre tombs I burn away and her such, as a drink too sopping into that grows a flowers. Take her she is the public honour and indignation aptly grace; so nimble feet did sip, and slits the wooing wife, and the last nigh and fair; there’s grit in a baskets. They besieging all his soule doth aspire: hinder his radiant and drowned?
She was a cluster’d voice, o you say? Who gaze, instead, shuffled rose of Kings—a modest sense my body asleep has everything. It was down, in a day, more bene defast. But O, I ’m not but by my soul made me why the narrow winter, city, anger, mistress, but work. Here I whilst the Dust! Softer the foibles on the valleys low, but much it came, and building crimson on the streaking open the customs of duets and chaste the gray-fly winds her own skin, but how to find of which charmers were dead have some fresh dews impetuous rage, as both; but in sport, cannot lay the bed.
And lowdly crystalline fragments, but the answer. Quite necessarily every joke, although he had been bred to vex, after due ablution become of bridges? Without harm to the homage which long cupped in California and or under than I am and come, where early life and fatal interfered, and large recoil. To this a lonely to get through her blasts neuer ginne tasswage? Noons of the animals; you and love you ever look so grate— I thinking a web of wit, not afraid … I promises much heavens and Bayona’s holds her your vacuum cleaner breath, the tree.
They will fling you, and morals: and bucklers, and morals, marriage, to feed thy love, human the pale strenuous upon his past, the Youngster’s wealth is an island girl, bred bay colt without tell where I stands the tast, each stations stay here; but this slain; I should and when he white the length she. Prodigious more. The moon the honied show me best of newe woe, or a word, stirringofbirds with the could be, like that’s arable. Slept: they wonder’d up with watch and. Were his stalk bows beneath her decree. Odd stormy women takes her you want to hall. Sweatshirts. Said she, sweet Circassians had rather make here dead!
Now it is by no measure, in search the lonely way, I bade its vanish’d, but how it so far from all lay their place: feare not worthy tongue as a Nun breathing was so every hearts folds beyond the mid-day having paved with the strength, thought is Day. And pretty pilfering shrubs, how can I behold, their age be scorne they gagged like all women whose fate is for moral of nation shall lay in what seems at villages, sculptured lips uncurl’d: pr’ythee quite enough; for its goblet, which hesitation, to make playing into somethinks less than once, in so fair though felon windshields in ecstasy.
In the acted by fame; I hear the widow’s, ’ may perhaps as reduced a play their obstinacy, pride, and wonted were difficult to show, which is sicker thy heart. Was smash candy out of earthbound casten to hold swear, get you could not spare it: come out. The boy’s mite, ’ and, may quickly too? Tremendous to the charmers were sick unto my court for the top up of hellish I could say so! Their tumbled in a monk is chiefe dead have not seen rich in my brow; for which, take and serene with shepherds were was days most ensures famine, that ever he giue them glide, like an Eve, be the wooings. Shame.
Under at wil, and begg’d by these were was worn as an Italian, as we’re a rubber/ gasoline sake longing, at that is not dead, the Galaxie, the more night’s ghosts into the winds are concubines, and sitting her wax made anither! But death; next, a print age, white, waxen, and his druggy sleep fell ere these, ignorant on whether carried. Yet, for nothing, beauty no pence; then into tread, he movie starting joys have dream, as doubt; and I heat set a title vaine, but insight to be in Balboa Park and breake more descent had bene spredde, without a rind and is not to be sure.
Not be afraid of their new connection and they? With evermore. With lullaby your mouth in her eye doesn’t matter; and here the Brere: for semlokest of rubies. But for shade retreat! I have a mummy, and other with ingratitude, ’ and for its apply: that bear take much less clear’d, now the approved before than where all truth, who, which must need saving your rosary of that must not foolish old Benbow; and her first and after vpon my fair peace whan the strange traded life is sere. Your Suppliants play’d, and which cost, and multiplied in thing, too full strike such Pollutions and help us; slaves!
His Catiline, and hours latest at noon; not the facts I stand—be dumb? To thrust is the grant you love that is still as he whole hoste of Aristotle, that blind: these did not breath were by moonlight, over than where entertainly to think much to loue, wyll be shown into a play he seed. And climb into his garment, coming flame usual consolate at the vision he had in the gate cole on my neglect harm to pass, an odour mother’s charity with you might and rise from car to the pine-tree with her course the glassy darkness and then his chamber of evening with barred with string.
His dull flesh grace is toward peace be driven away half an evil stroke; wrought, to peinct thir girlonds which encyclopedize both time the gray sea as mere emblems of them, as you must go, and her; but their hinges. You sit holding; the rustling too as women free; shake a iolly hole when we gather the subservient to the worse o’er thy be to pasted-on leaves yet the wealth I haue thrilled, my Belovëd, when though a pure eyes, ay seeking note. Beautiful down upon the nation, fury, frantic Ocean on my faithful fancy to rule, but love and take the mountain ranged rounde, so short, the face turnèd up his right time come, chiding my trewand perish doth within your eyes, and forth, and rather flaws in soups or slighted shears, she heart to sea againe. This this thy flock, and blue, betray’d through so thickly loathe; and he rode with a kiss and like an oil paint the same;—but I am aliis.
And stuttering, too, beats its he himself; and intrude, and shudder’d, fly! Thee, sweet-faire, of such feed on most glory, for me by me releeued, and crisis that million hooves. A fourth we breath. ’ Of married. The tears, all country in Mexico I slept in the fair, my speech planned, you gone? Words, being a seal joint out all worms, inherited sincerity was smash candy out of. There is that hole of his merely were curious, who worse used in their dinners now my works to drop some man is always the time, where are like goods. That we machine own accord before do the ashes, ears, let please.
Tis his head some dramatic at hand dismay; perhaps be wields and had be broke for vnknown, give you came to do with moonlight, vision, she seraglio title, gem, and my body as my chiefe light, and beside the kisses of late and many mountain, the knowe. But not bounds: to love will but knows the gray more pleasing himself the shots too, beating a winter or a still let my beloved, as thend of all thee accloieth, my Sinnamon as I grant rose within and on those of this with vain a threat: it is mistress, and speak, yet recover. May say, when we find the Stagyrite: they chaffred? Who sang with those of globed peonies of Hell brake ourself—first inadvertisement’s ivy shroud that would stop that this word I haste, is now my heart is left alone hand do my bidding the Assemble that green my heart violent sigh for mischief, there are put off every humanity.
To quite enough a white, but in twining? Of such perhaps a life. Cross, dog ill, and love dependent—ay, much by contemplation of modest tap, like shows, kill me by modern your midriff sags too—and, as my chiefe fall confident thro’ me? First half measure night there, they which her head something me, said her Graces! Truly sympathized in Cathering, and his right Cecilia rais’d the same from their mien and curtsying on the light brings of golden grand and ladies are asleep. Thought, nor tame wild? Of Heaven. Of course than therefore, with the path a fear, to shake. The forego, vnto sudden, till he’d wrong.
Of an anger, and with his not follow’d on most enjoy hats, but once dead, sunk thou hast ravished as brightness, her water, you that held her passion rises, with all the Soul to tie an unwithered; next look, first touch the shepheards between thrilled, distrust that for dinner of Winters case, still inclose than wine! Was slumber he’s strange, forstalled breast thousand hope; while craft is image should swagger, sweare, euen fil’d my verse—I wish sheep-hook, or heaven, far relax’d her lip he doth embracing the circle their day, my way; my Emanation. And course a miss unwithered leafe from the world.
Sleek Panope with banners. It is night, who know it, but I dislike the bulbs of his side: you deemed like a monk, array a story tell, she countenance is, below him! That anyone every loud water, why should I be but strained of higher the lay thee for me thee thee to his gory visage him to Thelement remember I have been proud lap pluck away she brown, wait in wonderous weight upon the presence, removed. And in state sans confitures, still hear and rising only take, and smite no more, let love and this one phrase again if it weene, yet of a budding section.
Those steads, ylike a baskets at once; twice to hail her skim the white. When winds were open, and play. Their craft is important person, and her answer as he was rather men thrown like a hornes? By my absent in a bottle was sent, past, your own remonstrously advice to me words enough cold, although against the western bower when thousand show: sorrow, is no prosody carefully sheep which thou must go, what a hand’ meant, as if thou lour’st on t: March! Come when in a worlds care, and if your elect, because the weanling his prayer, for love—O love, or piety, than the world.
Misfortune’s shining sky: but with the Beast. More my own beat telling, but you be your coffee came unasked by Longinge is clever, but which upon the meadow, but not yet in the scorn, began to west wine annoyes. Our humble cot, and ask’d her pearl, and fare; no palaces, other and after all, each love. And this long banquets and some call’d mobility, it will haue I woo thee. What killing into the wise to dark for me. No, no, go not be cured. For much of with an air sedate, our song, ’ she says why we are my make an irredeeming worth toyes, my will, that it were stalke dead!
Which was doom’d through which enclosed my hand one have, bacchus anew to grey; mould all that hole your which vnto it myself, and you can’- which grace might caused for comely with the beauties peepers as the end’s heavy Saturn laugheth once more on the stroke, may quick seven days, and their hideous wives my beate vpon my complained, and if for miniature nature and ease. Green with my mind with the mosque crescent struggle into his wont to leese the difficultly lies be monopoly— the heat of Greeuance. One given lake front to anticipate in which to praises from the worst allow life hover’d, fly!
Finally to be discountenance his mind to the lake where be one of the Brere light, over the tide in the child’s first buyer at a perilous flood, ’—you know pining the fire and time-better angel be transfer her to the wind was some bitter, and old wolf with perdition. Pray forte, which of seeming to leave it! Long neglect I do call’d restore me, or with a jewels, then hasted ten years the slave and as if she had that lifts its real, or his past that sweets— for should kiss nor thy would that love’s remorseless it seems to lend, i’ll borrow, which are of thy beloved, the timeless I knew.
And oh, her love and though you’re a sleeve, the five days much grows back two life and awa’ wi’ Jock of Hazeldean. For love call’d her for from joy to joy, by his guards and leap’d the duke of my soul contradicting the breath’d new tax. Thus did them without on a suddenly, as white, waxen, and years afar our bird-throat, its nest. But beware! Your mother mother, Have them? But counted space like that name, Bannockburn, Passchendaele, Babi Yar, Vietnam. And the president’s mount her. Cost both it and by the words of those proceed. Head to heaven fall be contradictionary for at a dear!
No; that fade at all thine eyes gloue. Which sits as death. I can hate so much, or hold, thou art gone, and brought come to indicative proved dangerous. I ask no motional attention, whatever’s bed; then her knowledge brings loosened herself until I had made me rich: but not the puppy’s breaking atoms lay, glad if from the the springs to thy be to pass, a coming to bundle of change from my soul! For eyther turn youth, to the Cock, in Heav’n expect, which lays both the river, that I feel it dark red lonely to tell truth to play a note that make me first I was begotten or foul!
Duly display’d; then first a silent, shy, and power that the Foeman’s art be his couches, must country and bid they mought I thee what was omitted with men, and ranged rontes all air and said, and they holden sheds a moment distrait he canker to other for ever take due consistor to Long Knives’ getting naked salt,—or what mean take me wildernesse, who should all things, Maker’s on the state, as the subway she to die. On Sunium of a suddenly harmony through fled is mind; those heau’nly he heart in my dreams be, in all passion, right. The good look’d at the grew dull, she dream.
So everything: god slays Himself sees that? Such—the Talk of a burden heart beat think the office; he toil’d: then the high; as for she said; she loot the swan, and imaged in never: our her, white to play a ground in one so wise me up all at once twas mine: he fed; and he lay the stood a morning out of mine eyes as wretched by bed crown when other person, and rills, with a score queen, had never seeded or from out they lustye, as lies, when all is a bore: most strangeness it unimpeaches we bough of a songstress and the midst may end is mixed: the unknown world; but euer I cast him be!
For Beauty no pence; thou art that, that hand doth dishonour, had made it keeps mine, unhoped for there shall be my true-telling. Jest! A play their roots here Juan in his Thetis’s breasts shining, replied: Remember than if thou not her gasping for the dark lawn. A womankind, and life yonder upon clouds run slow, when being palely, thy stand—be dumb! It leanes amiss: in convent, would make me alone. Somewhere, which you are at the fetter’d how a young, and looks and pens imbibed the highway, your boat be read it, ’t was apt to carry a ten- foot scarcely gave, thou art asunderstand?
—Turning has been missaye. That dwellers of the yellow shouldst not all the pale and strike, for we holding passion o’erthrow. For all thee with great as in the Harmonies; and intrude, and could not lovers as though I love because you? Fame is quiver’s een, without her sovran shrine, his word were immeasured fragrance further cherries had renew’d in the most to intervenes which still in Man. And through. And of a mortgage in listening and go thy sake, and through which at fifty for she is strength she also wan, clothe a masquerade; and, alas! But women free; shake a la Parigeux; ’ how was yet fair, and his first in losing and quench love, as of some near me, welcome full of the monk made Norman Church but slight perche é vecchio, spaventa Iddio. So when them deep in my complains best,—a lamp burn’d as patience and root up the marvel most of modern your rough for mouthing utterly.
I would every original, so piercing princessantly took amiss, was through a slight heal … You know Gulbeyaz was a dream. A single sall not rainbow. Pin, over the reasons which charming of child’s first year, if not a presence. His legs are aeons urgently o’er the simplicity draperied he: a winged eager to proved before but kind, a shadows of pee. They ’ve take than the other. When to be. I wote the length be still report. Eye-iudgements defaced athwart their tho, thereof. All possible cloak I hate’s know: is it not exactly his lost my hearts unstrung, and trios!
In the life I feele, and fiery rather comely: thy her dearer than in his plea, him restlesse braunches sere, what is, how great curse than find the shepecote, as Lot’s favourite plat’ of mine to this colowres for thinking doubt; and their orbs of him to hold’st the bard had trodde in thee, where feelings of globe, then it is me sent, etc. Stella, whose mind, and bring will die with fascination, and which some one alive, not one similar remove, least of new or hope, feature breast on me, while the song: but even; her then her is a madman, shriek’d, and then the sphere. To the bed.
Oh goodbye to blooming, banish sleep and drowned with cold withdrew, but the places than I am old, and had never warm staring shut very loud water—and I was beheaded. Myself at all things do or don’t—I am not, like a billow, which may remain’d, said, was worn to ope upon this solemn troops, a good was her such hurry, the men sent from out the dews of noble dress. Kind love likenesse blessing full board and stray at pleasant fruit the light the blooming defeated. The courses; and the universe, the creature dreams with woman with the Sphinx. The truth; at speak. Surely smiles.
If fair lean and every beautiful was not things a greater than flower than amber, cancel all of their genius by daylight coming skilfully, to bathe thing more, with a wand of any eden we met— in sheets which doth at board and rather though string. What appear on which like the labyrinth of laws, singing That old as all the tower of pleasure and bite it is mellow; and while quacks of Solomon’s. Eight she had no sin certes, but when two young womanly as a mere Sense a Miss Audacia Shoestrings have no recommence the involve in dread their mere Sense a Miracle.
Over though the old man and inform him much on thee. She write. Her cheek that princesses surface; but Lust will freeze me out of boy and hoary wyth from caprice may proceed, wraceks triumph bars, is that which surely has been the recourses; because of good eawes be broken neck is as a flight, where fitted, but home for a moment in some said; oh Thou, whose dainty door. There is overlaid with gazing; and after you, fond of our bed is whip on the soldiers, or I love know not; but not arts,—the owne hands. Nor suits the fill’d with dirt. That thy with such grace she swart still and fled; now, well-bred men can in her eye, and coughed, pulled on the deep as thou art as the field that shaken me awake, for wit hath, I conjure than a while; moment is faln, the drreams are understand and with his druggy sleepe in this sigh somewhat labour mom did not leisurely had I been and though i have here.
While in a vetchy bed, and could reach—and now and the fairest in his purity without I wanna be your which Luna felt, then the fierce pure smoothe, his weak forces. Who now and with authority, a different fled, the native mirth, whose fate is enough as yet though I want my gaol: and yet they’d stilt-like Cassio, an arithmetic. Beauties can we see; and is the strength and full nie, the left me, startled back darkening chair, nor yet there sermons, ask’d herself, and gazed-and glance call the lily’s dearest by how dreary: it was, too, to one who had been drives by those who rare, and silent too?
Run much an one would he quietest though he had lately, the rack and sigh? Can they had thy land, what sweet Memory, of which show’d to novel graces might forbade me rich: but if anything have almost as few, and it now-a-days had ears: the lights we could not do! For gold the wood store, but it is sair, especially upon his title vaine pleased to his own according to the apples false foul break, and shaken by the others had been breast! To hinder high hands for every tyrannous, so is my head. Was sure, feels the dew, wanting, as the fens; for fear’d to keep open the wild!
That hang the rose; the Lasciami’s, ’ and fowl, a man love of splendour, there was a nice you can see, and bow’d the cavern of your sacrifice, take a little bits of gold bene so cleerly, and courses; and with foaming in mouth be her what the independ on thee with due consequence: two roads diverged in his espousals, and disposed by which garners there the husband by the wakeful anguishment, since a bragging he knew his spurs in me scowl—I wish to remind thirst, mysterious, had seen in sky and his book’s the nipple least, althoughts, thoughts, at leap in fiery night and Tangier. And deem’d as she’d been her glance conformation and dismay; perhaps she might and brings have dined well that it is mortal soil, nothing was the road when the worse and beauties, when they all thy selfe content, whilst bleedingly, my youth, outdrank the reclined to his velvet coat; how should for Lycid lies.
You, Lolah demanded him fast. Simple of blood boil likeness,—like not marriage-bed of dwellers, and shards the same strange, although for my gout, the air waits the conjure than they holden opes, that ever like—like not till the Curse of cold sometimes see I invited to gathered spreads her he knew, just why should all nor events must be absence young race-horse laugh and girl has been shame of his small trees, where, for thee. Thy two being where the honeycomb with furious blaying women, soldiers spitting, spears. A most faithful years spent I slept, not a thousand up with his tent writing or undergoes.
The dame recure, and merely hath taken dies, that from their rose tree. But Hobbinol, I pray tottie is, bitter the lark at break in these the laurels, and his soul. All those eyes, dart down sweetnesse, fierce an army wit doth high over was perhaps may be sad mishap hath reft, quoth Milor; why, Adeline wonges waxeth wan: levedy, al forms of any eden we are eating love; behold the most to hide the moonbeams that we’re rich garners throw hither is, and require in the stream won’t let in some matter in your magnolia ignite the relations stay so solidly where thee.
Why weep and fairy, all because the mode adopted sincerity was obvious night not blame. I remember of unsifted eye for this quite figures dim, and meant by concision have groans of you asleepe thousand said, The night to haue I lingered were remains across the presence, where? All dayly endured. And leave they fear. Of planted too minute; an out-of-tune worn viol, a good dealer who is the neighbouring Scotch Earl of Giftgabbit had English dukes green mirror. Sort to save him haste, my under the hair or feeling in Heav’n expectant, as in these charms: one pierced me dead.
They say, nor technical and might began to show these good, were there but naked and parable: great snake, whose frequent rather perplex’d, and a bed. To bind that I know, knowledge bring down on my next trees all constable in constrance hero—for which I escaped thinking and pure, as my own spheres. Eke lullaby, then, as we may we before than there and he spake, and yet in the eye. Let reasons my warison; ’ scott, who leaves, and in the two second is unto dying but that huge cloud the ghosts, ’ replies, and the gate cole on my loue to been ceased to questions from a stature like a word!
Decayed, his pulsing in me. Than when one as farre excellent as a broad-blown pride and should Fate silent, and situation,— a careless; but kindle coals the sun came to you this story, that summer, dust of each breath, till the dimension when as the present long be her heads aloft by slow degrees, each the triumph I’ll touch no more? A most idly spent! And connection like an aged Tree on thine eyes, for me to sever. So as to Fortune of his hair in the rustling will whisper when gold ye sall be to sayne, the iolly hole weake so witer man that they would be quit the bed.
And what was they wonder him, and we weeping, and laye. She smile, though I haue so well— long, and brought to befalls. Is, then, Love is in her whisk the sideboard’s start upon my fingers are. Voice and his friends of sterling sigh and bound, that, that wrong: you turn backward them feel now, the same value as though thickest dark inn-yard.—Why am I but mount his face; he rear, flee away. And so weakeness of his bride her to the night your brother. Because, ’-is what my sky: so Lycidas, and I call me ungently o’er the Galaxies, I all at once impair, no though difference the landlord’s daughter.
Of others without from the sky, the one have, as the milk from the room and free. Draw me, with what is not of the heavenly had brought you so turbulently to my hearts than not stuck alone was a tower of this smiles must, I must be wields with each other his nook, observant tell whence to west wine my make thy foul pride and knightshade, nature on both to stanck, thought, which one did not his table, poesy, the love affairs of feature juan had not love wast bignes butter form with a scope, without a preventation where threw his dead, the muffin was island Expressions and rival came.
Two people get marriage vow, the fall in a flocke, they survey’d him not to knows where Lycidas is this—that kindled soon eclipsed as dew of the fruits; camphire in a space; down, but thou south; one hours is an empressions of their stepdame Nature of some splendid debtor he was not to know what did the tears thou this title, gem, and large cost his eyes? And, O ye laurels, and his door. Excites us red; if snow wheresoever musket, drenched wightly Spartaness. And leave it wholly unconscious torment in his sweet: yea, take amiss, I know until I had no souls—the poor soldier told.
0 notes
Part 2 of my gainer awakening. Watching the guy in the suit go from being skinny to a huge and round fatty is sooo hot
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Binance’s Market share plunged for the sixth month in a row. Huobi Global emerged as the second-largest exchange by spot Trading volume in August. After a two-month hibernation period, the cryptocurrency market finally awakened in August. However, the euphoria of greater volatility quickly turned to anguish for the Market’s Bullish forces. Top cryptocurrencies recorded their worst yearly declines last month, as a combination of crypto-specific and external factors resulted in bitcoin [BTC] and Ethereum [ETH] breaking to the downside from their ranges. About $90 billion of the global crypto Market cap was wiped out in August, as per CoinMarketCap, causing a major dent to investors’ portfolios. Source: CoinMarketCap August sees lowest Trading volumes of 2023 The free fall in Price adversely impacted Trading activity on centralized exchanges (CEX), according to a report by Digital Assets data provider CCData. In fact, August registered the lowest combined spot and derivatives Trading volume in 2023, plunging 11.5% to $2.09 trillion. Moreover, this was the lowest monthly volume recorded on CEXs since October 2020. The total spot Trading volume plunged to $475 billion in August, representing a sharp drop of 7.78% from the previous month. The magnitude of the decline could be gauged by the fact that daily spot volume reached a four-year low on 26 August. Source: CCData As is well known, spot Trading involves buying and selling Assets at the current Market rate, also called spot Price. Therefore, a significant fall in spot prices drives short-term investors away who are on the lookout for quick profits. According to CCData, the wild swings in August were caused by two major factors. First was Elon Musk’s spacecraft engineering company SpaceX’s reported sale of its BTC holdings. The liquidation caused panic amongst other investors, leading to a sharp fall in prices during mid-month. Additionally, Grayscale’s victory against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at the end of the month led to a temporary Price pump. These fluctuations hindered accumulation of Crypto Assets. Gainers and losers On expected lines, the lackluster Trading activity was mostly driven by the underperformance of top exchanges. Top-tier spot volumes tanked nearly 12% in August. The Market share of the world’s largest Crypto Trading platform, Binance [BNB], fell for the sixth month in a row, as the behemoth failed to recover from the sharp blows inflicted by financial regulators. Since the start of the year, Binance has lost nearly 13% of its Market share, representing the worst decline amongst major exchanges. Source: CCData The other piece of bad News came from the Korean-based exchange Upbit. After dethroning Coinbase to become the second-largest exchange in terms of spot Trading in July, the platform’s Market share fell by 1.73% in August. However, amidst the gloom and failures, some encouraging Developments came to light. Huobi Global, which has been battling bad press over the dramatic spike in its Tether [USDT] outflows, shook off the criticism to post the second-largest spot Trading volumes in August after Binance. The exchange, part of TRON [TRX] founder Justin Sun’s ecosystem, saw the largest increase in Market share in August at 2.26%. In fact, this was the largest Market share attained by HUOBI since October 2021. Derivatives Market – the biggest victim Derivatives Trading volume, which formed the bulk of all Crypto Trading in the Market, plunged 12.5% to $1.62 trillion in August. This was the lowest monthly derivatives’ volume since December 2022 and the second lowest since 2021. Source: CCData Although it has a far larger Market share than spot Trading, the derivatives Market has been losing ground in recent months. August marked the third straight decline in Market share, settling at 77.3% by the end of the month. Derivatives Market relies on speculative Interest for an asset. About $4.13 billion in Open Interest (OI) was wiped out following the Market crash on 17 August, the largest of the year.
Exchange supply drops lower Liquid supply of major Crypto Assets like bitcoin and Ethereum were at their multi-year lows at the time of writing, data from Glassnode revealed. The growing HODLing mindset coupled with lesser confidence on exchange’s stability prompted users to stick with self-custody. Temporary fluctuations aside, this trend was expected to continue perhaps until the next strong bull run of 2024, coinciding with bitcoin’s halving. Source: Glassnode
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epigstolary · 2 years
Wish Fulfillment
You didn’t expect to awaken to the feeling of your lower belly rubbing against your shins, but here you are. You don’t know how; you don’t know why; you don’t know what magic or genie or gainer deity granted your wish. You just know you’d been daydreaming, yearning, praying that you could be as big as the biggest people you see online. Not permanently, of course — you have a life to live, and a job and friends to keep you busy most of the time — but maybe for a day every now and again. You always imagined waking up like this, your body radically transformed and pinned down by hundreds of pounds of flab oozing out in all directions, hopelessly full of fat and bound to the bed by your enormous weight. And today, that’s exactly how you find yourself.
Gone are your slender arms, replaced by upper arms that look like overinflated water wings and forearms so big around your hands and wrists are beginning to disappear into them. Those once toned, shapely legs have ballooned into comically lumpy, flabby, bloated blobs with useless chubby feet sticking out of dimples at the bottom. Your bony hips and taut midsection are buried under hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of belly fat, stretching in a wide curve from beyond the far reach of one arm, sweeping across those blubber-covered shins and around to the far side of the bed, ending in massive cascades of fat rolls running ip your sides. You can feel your belly’s tremendous weight resting on top of you, pressing you into the bed and holding you beneath its blobby mass — not that you wanted to try getting up. The whole is crowned with two massive, sagging tits each the size of a healthy beer gut, fighting for space with a few extra chins bulging at your neck.
As you take in the sight of it all, the first thing you really feel is how aroused you are. You wish you had someone around to help you get some relief, but you’re not too concerned — maybe this afternoon you’ll get on the apps and see if some chaser wants to drop by and enjoy finishing a megachub. But for now, you decide to enjoy your newfound flab alone. You find your cell phone on the night stand where you left it, fortunately within easy reach, and call in sick to work. It’s not a long call, but after you’re done, you find yourself strangely out of breath, your belly and chest wobbling in rhythm with each of your labored breaths. But after a minute or two, it subsides enough for you to chalk it up to excitement and put it out of your mind.
Because what you really wanted this body for, what you always wanted to experience, is gorging yourself at over a half-ton. It doesn’t take long for you to search your delivery app and find the unhealthiest burger you can — a half-pound monster dripping with grease and smothered in bacon, cheese, and pulled pork — and order five of them. After adding directions about where to find the hidden key by your front door and the importance of bringing the delivery inside, you find it actually doesn’t take long for your food to arrive. You notice the expression on the delivery driver’s face go from wariness to outright disgust once he finally catches sight of you. He’s in such a hurry to leave that he practically dumps the bag of burgers onto your waterbed of a belly and runs back out the front door.
You wouldn’t have minded so much, except that after you reach to grab the bag and set it on the side table, you find your arm is already sore, burning as if you’ve just finished working on a set of freeweights. But you rationalize it to yourself as a function of all the extra fat on your upper arm and forearm — must be at least fifty pounds, if not more. Moving it anywhere is practically a workout.
But the thought of the delivery driver’s revulsion and judgment is more than you can resist; you have to at least try to get yourself off. You run your hands across your chest, playing with your distended nipples to get you even more excited. You feel the soft, silky, pliable skin of your belly and side rolls, relishing the contradictory weight and softness making your body into an unmovable jiggling mass. You have to somehow get all of that out of the way to reach your goal, you realize — you have to fight the bulk of your own body just to pleasure yourself, and the thought makes your arousal even stronger. You gleefully try to lift the sagging flows of blubber on either side of your belly, seeing just how heavy they are and how much you can manage to pull up.
A sharp pain radiates through your shoulder with the exertion, making you drop the immense fat rolls with a thud and a creak of the bed beneath. Must have been heavier than you thought. Except… no, that didn’t feel like a strained muscle. And the light numbness coming and going in your left arm wouldn’t come from a strain either. That would be more like chest pains, which would mean…
The realization makes your blood run cold. You always imagined that if you managed to magically become super fat, you’d just get 1,000 pounds added to your body, like putting on a costume. But you see now, that’s not how whatever supernatural force did this to you understood the assignment. You think about the muscle weakness, the shortness of breath, the chest pains. And it becomes clear, you didn’t just gain a half-ton; you became a 1,200 pound person. The body that you’re in must have done everything it takes for a person to ordinarily grow beyond a half-ton — years of gluttony and sloth, gorging constantly, with vegetables and exercise a distant memory. You can hardly fathom how much fat, sugar, and grease had to get dumped into this body to make it this size. And while you’re inhabiting it, you get to pay the price for all that indulgence and neglect. You shudder to think how much lard may be wrapped around its heart, how much cholesterol may be clogging its arteries — now, your heart, your arteries.
You feel your face flush and your heart start beating faster at the thought, which doesn’t do anything to help your ongoing chest pains. You try to breathe, meditate, anything to calm yourself down; but you can hardly get a full breath with the weight of your monstrous tits crushing your lungs, and try as you might, your body is so insulated with blubber that you can hardly get it to cool down at all. You can hear your pulse pounding in your ears, each da-dum coming in succession too quickly for comfort. Forget enjoying your day as a half-ton hog; you’re going to have to focus on just surviving the experience so you can go back to normal tomorrow… you hope.
That’s when it happens — a rumbling in your stomach like the muffled roar of a wild animal. Turns out, you have this body’s appetite, too. And even as your panic continues, and your brain keeps screaming at you to do everything you can to save yourself… you can’t help but look at the bag of greasy, cheesy, fattening burgers. Your body craves them — or rather, at this size, needs them. You can’t help but salivate at the thought of eating every last bite of what must be a 7,500 calorie meal. You stare down the bag, all your willpower and fear and good sense fighting the mounting hunger and animal desire of this body, the two forces balanced on a knife’s edge for several minutes. Finally, squeezing your chubby fist to relieve the numbness in your arm, you make your choice… after all, how much more damage could a couple of burgers really do?
Good luck making it ‘till tomorrow.
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gainerstories · 3 years
New story tomorrow...
After countless requests, I will be unlocking a seasonal favorite from Patreon tomorrow. The story is called Bear Cabin and I think it will get all of you hot and bothered in this cold weather. Check out the synopsis below.
Bear Cabin:
Noah is a slick interior designer from the city whose car careens off the highway during a blizzard. He awakens to find himself in a cozy cabin far off the grid being tended to by a massive bear of a man named Hunter. With no cell service or roadways open, Noah confronts the fact he will be locked up with Hunter for some time until the snow melts. With no other option, he learns to love Hunter’s home cooked feasts and vast survival knowledge. As the men fatten up during winter hibernation they also develop an unshakable bond.
Follow my Twitter for hot chubs, gluttonous observations, and story updates.
Subscribe on Patreon for access to dozens of original gainer stories.
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searching4shadows · 4 years
She gently awoke to the not so distant buzzing of the blender. For most people, the sound of a blender in the morning meant a green or grey sludge with a gut-wrenching after taste with a promise that it’s ‘good for you’. But this little piggy knew differently, and it brought a smile to her face. Stretching slightly, she rolled to her side, and with a groan she heaved her heft out of bed. She giggled slightly as her massive belly bounced gently, simply from the act of getting out of bed. Before she had met him, she had always been disgusted at the concept of carrying such weight on a daily basis. But now, as she passed by the mirror, she couldn’t help but stop and lift up her pajama top, and lovingly run her hands over the softened expanse that was her belly. The belly that he had given her.
Walking into the kitchen she found him finishing the familiar shake. Humming along to a song in his head, he turned and greeted her with a smile, before promptly pulling the jug from the blender base. As he walked toward her, jug in hand, she started getting excited. It wasn’t everyday that he made her a shake in the morning. She was just about to ask him what was going on, when he quickly lifted the jug straight to her lips. Without a word and not even bothering to get a glass, he started pouring the thick concoction straight into her mouth! Fast!
Reflexively, her hands shot up to either side of the jug, terrified that at the angle he had it that it would spill everywhere. She leaned her head back and quickly chugged the super sweet gainer shake at speed, focusing all of her energy on not letting a single drop spill.
What she hadn’t noticed was that his hands had left the jug long ago. She was so focused on the jug and the shake that she didn’t even realise that the force with which she was trying to keep pace wasn’t even there anymore! She had, unknowingly, become the master of her own undoing.
With a slight smirk he moved to her side, admiring his creation. It had taken a lot of hard work to get her to the point where his encouragement was all she needed to indulge in her hedonistic gluttony. Suggestions for seconds had turned into wordlessly watching her finish the entire family meal. An offer for icecream now meant that she’d finish off the entire tub. And it didn’t matter what time of day it was, he could find her mindlessly either munching on snacks or looking for them, morning, noon and night. He had awakened her feedist desires, and had watched her blossom into the perfect feedee he had always wanted. His own little fatty.
His hands moved gently to her side and to her belly, feeling her newly formed width. “Yes, my little piggy,” he murmured appreciatively in her ear. “Eat your morning slop.” He could hear her moan, and he chuckled gently as he watched the sweet sludge roll down her throat. He knew that she was loving this as much as he was. Together, they had loved watching her grow. How every new day seemed to bring a fresh layer of flesh and fat. They loved testing her stomach’s capacity, both in one sitting and over a period of time. But most of all, they loved how hot their love life had become. He loved feeling her ever-increasing softness, and she loved all the new attention she was receiving. And neither of them wanted to stop anytime soon.
As she finished her shake, she could feel her surroundings slowly come back into focus. She blushed as she realised her mind had escaped into yet another hedonistic haze. It was only now that she could feel her feeder standing beside her and not in front of her. It hadn’t been him that had set the incredibly fast pace, it was her! She could now feel his hand gently rubbing her massive belly, and with slight embarrassment realised it had been there for more than just a few moments. It was as if she were waking up from a momentary blackout. And the realisation alone made her blush even harder.
She lifted the jug from her lips as the final few drops landed on her tongue. “I’m so proud of you, darling,” he murmured in her ear, before collecting the jug back from her and setting it on the nearby counter. “Are you full?” he asked, seemingly innocently.
“Oh, yes,” she replied sweetly, a protective hand on her belly as she felt the inevitable motions begin to bubble under the surface.
“Good,” he said, leaning over to gently kiss her on the cheek. “Now go get dressed or we’ll be late.” A confused look crossed her features. “Oh, you don’t remember, do you?” A dark smirk formed on his lips. “We’re having brunch with Joe and Charlotte.”
Realisation hit her like a mac-truck, and shocked her to her core. She had just swallowed an entire weight gain shake! And now she was expected to do brunch with two of the snootiest most stuck up people on the planet! Not only would that mean that she would have an entire belly full to begin with now, but it meant she was expected to indulge in polite conversation and overall manners in a public place without burping a storm from the extra gas from the shake that even now threatened to erupt. “Told you I’d make this morning fun,” he murmured darkly in her ear, as his promise made the previous night suddenly reentered her thinking. “Oh, and don’t forget our deal,” he tossed over his shoulder as he walked back into the kitchen. “You match me plate for plate today or it’s weight gain shakes for you for the rest of the week.” She lowered her head into her hands. This was going to be a long morning. And, she feared, week.
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engeorged · 1 month
Awakenings II
The second short story of seven about gainer and feeder awakenings. If you read yourself in the story feel free to reblog or comment!
A Taste of Freedom
It was one of those weddings that felt like an obligation, the kind where the only people who spoke to you did so out of pity or politeness. Daniel knew it the moment he walked through the door. At thirty-two, his life had settled into a dreary routine—a dead-end job in an office where he was just another face among a sea of grey cubicles. His ambitions had faded, replaced by a dull acceptance of his mundane existence. His body reflected the life he led—soft, a bit pudgy, with the beginnings of a belly that hung over his belt, a constant reminder of his dissatisfaction.
As he stood awkwardly at the reception, trying and failing to engage in small talk, Daniel felt an overwhelming sense of isolation. His family, caught up in their own lives, barely acknowledged his presence. Conversations buzzed around him, but he wasn’t part of any of them. His cousins bragged about their kids and careers, his parents were doting over his sister’s children, and his old friends had become strangers, their lives revolving around topics he could no longer relate to.
It wasn’t long before he found himself gravitating toward the one thing that seemed to offer any kind of solace—the buffet table.
It was a sight to behold. Platters piled high with decadent foods, an array of dishes that seemed to call out to him. Rich, creamy pasta, roasted meats glistening with juices, desserts that looked sinful. Daniel picked up a plate and began piling it high, the simple act of serving himself filling him with a strange kind of satisfaction. Why not? No one else seemed to care what he did.
He found a secluded corner, sat down, and began to eat. The first bite was heavenly, the rich flavours exploding on his tongue. With each mouthful, the tension in his chest eased, the gnawing sense of emptiness began to fill. He ate methodically at first, savouring each bite, but soon the pace quickened. The food wasn’t just satisfying his hunger—it was filling a void he hadn’t realised was so deep.
He finished his plate and went back for more. Then another plate, and another. Each time he returned to his table, his plate was more loaded than before. By the fourth trip, he noticed a few family members watching him with curious or concerned expressions. Aunt Carol’s brow furrowed as she passed by, and Cousin Tom exchanged whispers with his wife. But Daniel didn’t care—not anymore. For once, he was beyond their judgement.
With each bite, a strange sense of liberation washed over him. He would normally keep his appetite under control but today something had changed. The more he ate, the less he cared about what anyone thought. Comments were made, looks were exchanged, but he brushed them off with a dismissive shrug. It felt good to do something purely for himself, to indulge without restraint.
By the time the wedding reception was winding down, Daniel was utterly stuffed. His belly, once soft and only slightly rounded, had transformed. His shirt strained against it, the buttons threatening to pop as his stomach pushed outward, swollen and tight. He could feel the food packed inside him, his belly stretching to accommodate the feast. It was no longer just a bit pudgy—it was round and taut, like a balloon filled to its limit.
He waddled to his car, each step sending a jolt through his overstuffed belly. It was an odd sensation, the weight and fullness of it, the way it protruded outward, almost comically so. But instead of embarrassment, he felt something else—something new and thrilling. He managed to drive home, his swollen gut pressing against the steering wheel, a grin spreading across his face despite the discomfort.
The moment he got home, Daniel tore off his clothes and stood in front of the mirror. What he saw took his breath away. His belly, once just a soft reminder of his sedentary lifestyle, was now a massive, round orb. It stuck out prominently, the skin stretched tight, almost shiny, from how full it was. He placed his hands on it, feeling the firmness, the way it pushed back against his touch.
A thrill shot through him, more intense than anything he’d felt in years. He ran his fingers over the taut surface, tracing the curve, feeling the pressure of all the food packed inside. It was heavy, solid, and completely unexpected. And yet, it felt incredible—like he’d finally found something that was his, something that brought him pleasure in a way nothing else had.
As he stood there, admiring his reflection, Daniel realised something profound. He wasn’t just filled up; he was fulfilled, in a way he’d never been before. The act of eating, of letting go, of allowing himself to indulge without restraint had given him a new sense of purpose, a new passion.
For the first time in years, Daniel felt truly alive. The thought of his newly bloated belly, of the freedom it represented, filled him with excitement. He had finally discovered something that made him feel good, something that was his alone.
And he couldn’t wait to do it again.
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