#across the asile
hale-nathan · 7 days
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Trump Weird News - Conciliation - Cat In Hat Style
(If Trump don't eat me)
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Y/N *pointing*: Well, Well, Well. If it isn't the bitch who ignores Major Character Death and Trama for her own fictional devices.
Finn:.... You're pointing at a mirror though.
Y/N: YEP :D :D
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yes-asil · 2 years
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All the lion doodles mashed together into a first meeting comic.
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
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T'Pel's Children! Bios under the cut. Patreon | Ko-fi
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[Transcript: Sek is an elementary school teacher who has a mixed-species classroom. He has three children under his care - one biological daughter and two half-Klingon wards whom he considers his daughters. He is married to a woman named T'Nia, his betrothed. 
Sek is a busybody and prone to being judgemental. However, he does care deeply for other people - especially children, and is never intentionally mean. His favored sibling is Varith because he's the only one who reliably listens to him. He and Elieth bicker a lot.
Elieth is a politician who is concerned primarily with his personal goal of changing Vulcan's image in the eyes of the wider universe. He 'loves' Vulcan and he wants to showcase its diversity to everyone.
He is married to a Betazoid socialite named Ione Kitain and they are often in the tabloids due to her stunts. They have a podcast together. Elieth's personality is opinionated, stubborn, and free-thinking. He often clashes with his more traditional older brother and father.
Asil studied the kolinahr but quit right before going through the final ritual. She is now an independent detective who focuses especially on cases given to her by women. She is married to a Ferengi sex worker but has hundreds of admirers across the galaxy. 
She has no bias towards or against any member of her family thanks to her kolinahr studies. The reason she quit was that she didn't want to become a stranger to them.
Asil is soft spoken but her language is flowery and she is flirtatious in the way a fairytale prince might be. Gallant, chivalrous and mysterious.
Varith is a Starfleet science ensign. He has chronic pain, a dog, and an attitude. He joined Starfleet instead of the Vulcan alternative in an attempt to understand his father more.
His personality is sarcastic, curious, and somewhat grouchy. He is a fan of anime and has a figurine collection.]
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[Transcript: Sek is a member of an orchestra and a private tutor. He has one daughter with another child on the way and is often extremely busy as a result. He often feels pressure to be 'perfect' and holds people to standards which are too high. He gets along very well with his mother and often plays her songs which Tuvok once did.
He gets along very well with all of his siblings who view him as a reliable and steady presence in their lives. His personality is responsible, calm and a bit of a nag.
Varith is a scientist and a member of the Vulcan Expeditionary Group. His betrothed is also in the group and they serve aboard the same ship but they are not yet married, to everyone's confusion. 
His personality is dedicated, straightforward and idealistic. He is a person who lives by his morals and dislikes liars. Wants to honor his parents. Very close with all his siblings whom he views as good people. 
Elieth is a lawyer who specializes in domestic disputes. He is married to a Vulcan woman (his betrothed) but is currently having an affair with a betazoid socialite, Ione Kitain. His sister Asil is the only one who knows of this and he doesn't like speaking to her. 
Elieth's personality is extravagant, sly and calculating. He enjoys leading a quiet life where he wants for nothing which is a reason he doesn't want to become publically involved with Ione. Another is that he doesn't want to disappoint his mother, who views him as a rehabilitated troublemaker.
Asil is a priest who completed her kolinahr training. She was already a priest but she completed her kolinahr training after her father's disappeared in order to deal with the crushing sorrow it left her with.
Her personality is logical and serene. She truly experiences no emotion so she has little reaction to the world around her. Her life is dedicated to the teaching of others and maintaining her equilibrium.]
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salternateunreality2 · 6 months
AGSZC Wedding Highlights (crack)
from the @strayheartless archives <3
The ceremony will be quiet, sweet, intimate, possibly an elopement, and the after party/reception will be a literal zoo because Zack will invite every friend he's ever made, which of course includes animals. Naturally, Cloud's dragon aunt and cousin (Asil and Knarf) will also be invited.
Cloud biting Hojo and Sephiroth immediately urging him to let go… because of how gross Hojo is (that can't be healthy for Cloud), not because Hojo is screaming in pain.
Sephiroth and Cloud hiding under a table/in a closet is going to happen. No, not to make out (though that will happen), but to get away from ~the people~.
Sefikura do come out at regular intervals to show love for their partners by braving the humans. They emerge together, holding hands, and go greet family members or dance with AGZ for 30 minutes at a time, then they make eye contact from across the room and go rescue each other.
"Excuse me, Aunt Rachel, it was lovely meeting you, but it looks like my new husband needs a break" *scuttles off to rescue Cloud from a dance with Cousin Casey*
"Oh, my new husband looks like he needs me, thanks for the dance, bye" *skitter skitter skitter*
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AGZ being so proud of them and grateful that they're pushing through AND taking care of themselves.
The Strifes defend the new husbands from obnoxious relatives (some lines borrowed from the illustrious @strayheartless)
Cloud: *materializes out of nowhere* Hello, Genevieve Rhapsodos. I heard you were saying this cake was triggering your asthma because of the gluten. You meant celiac disease. Which you don't have and didn't warn us about. Furthermore-
Sephiroth: Nope, back to the table *drags Cloud away, desperately grabbing his hands so he can't flip her off*
Zack: *laughing his ass off*
Gillian: You had that coming.
Angeal: *trying not to laugh and come up with an apology*
Genevieve: *sputtering indignantly* Are you going to let him talk to me like that?!
Genesis: *smirking* Yep.
Claudia: How's that for a country bumpkin, bitch? *shoves cake in her mouth*
Genevieve: Are you going to let HER talk to me like that?!
Genesis: I don't LET the Strifes do anything. They do what they want. If you want to fight her, go ahead and good luck, mother.
Claudia: If you need me, I'll be under the table with them having delicious, gluten-filled cake, mmmmm!
(((For context, Asil is Claudia's dragon mom friend, as discussed here, and Knarf is Asil's dragon son)))
Hojo: *shows up, starts making a scene with security. Apparently being bitten wasn't warning enough.*
Claudia: I smell bitch. Be right back. ASIL!
Hojo: *suddenly gains the power of flight via dragon*
Knarf: *is raiding the buffet, his mom can handle this*
Hollander: *skedaddles with a pocket full of cake after seeing what happened to Hojo*
Knarf: *pops his head under the table to lick the boys then trots off because he smelled Scientist with CAKE*
Hollander: *is about to learn a valuable lesson about dragon tracking abilities*
Claudia: *adopts Sephiroth on the spot and pats his head because she's awkward and doesn't know what to do. It's the perfect thing to do.*
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Genesis sneaks each of his boys away to dance in the night air at some point, just the two of them in a circle of fire he lit with his materia skills to show off.
Angeal makes sure everyone eats, especially Cloud, who was nervous before the ceremony, and Genesis and Zack, who simply forgot.
Sephiroth whisks each husband away to look at the stars together and fumbles through a few lines of the individualized love letters he wrote for them.
He knew he wanted to do something like this and wound up asking Cloud's friend Tifa, who walked him through romantic ideas, and encouraged him to write them each a letter if he was uncomfortable speaking it all out loud. Once he had a structure, the rest was easy. Each of them cherishes their letter to this day.
Zack worked really hard to smooth the way for everyone socially, and also gave each of his men a special, meaningful wrapped gift.
Cloud pulled each one into a random hallway, got on his tiptoes, and kissed them.
He's not the biggest on physical affection, so they were all thrilled that he agreed to marry him despite his hang-ups AND that he's initiating a lot. They're all out of their minds and over the moon over how incredibly cute he is.
He also told them each the same thing, trying to be romantic. And, well...
"I'd kill a god for you and rip out their innards with my teeth".
He...probably should have asked Tifa for help. They love it anyway.
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After the party, they take their time on their honeymoon to chill in each other's company.
That suits Angeal just fine, because even neurotypicals get worn out by socializing, and he LOVES cuddling his boys.
Cloud gnaws on a lot of stuff in happiness.
Sephiroth is purring non-stop, and they all take turns laying on his chest.
Everyone passes Cloud around like a prize and he puts up with it because it's THEM.
Everyone simultaneously decides to dogpile Angeal and thank him for all he does for them while suffocating him to the happiest death ever.
Besides marital activities, cough cough, there will be a lot of...
Them play fighting in the long grass. Them getting ticks in the long grass. Them being treated by Angeal and told not to go back into the long grass. Them going back anyway because one of them (Zack) found the coolest bug ever. Genesis setting fire to the long grass because he hates bugs. All the ticks dying because he firagas the shit out of the long grass. Angeal sighing about the long grass. Sephiroth pulling out his textbook knowledge and saying it's fine, the grass will come back, but the ticks won't, and really, they did the world a service. (I KNOW THIS IS NOT SCIENTIFIC, LET A SALT DREAM)
Them all stargazing in the burnt field, Cloud falling asleep almost right away, sandwiched between two of his husbands. Zack asking to be carried home when it's time, then falling asleep in Sephiroth's arms. AGS putting the spiky ones to bed together and taking so many cute pictures as the pair automatically gravitates to each other.
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They stumble across a Hojo lab and discover their new children: the Remnants and some Chadleys.
Zack: I love all our babies 🥰 we should have more! Video of Zack with his babies
Sephiroth: Alright, let's find another lab to raid.
Angeal: *reading documents* WHAT THE FUCK, HOJO?!
Cloud: ikr even after Asil ate him we're still finding his experiments. They're hella cute experiments, but still.
Genesis: *at the babies* STOP CHEWING ON YOUR BROTHER.
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berglietz · 4 months
[ Mint Candy ] - For when your breath isn’t as fresh as newly-fallen snow.
Flora proceeds to serve a younger student, passing through the refreshments asile to make a quick decision. These are...mints, correct? Resembling candy to an untrained eye, though their mint flavor does leave a favorable taste. Perhaps what a young soul would enjoy for attracting company on a night like this.
"Might I interest you in some candies, young sir?" Flora opens her palms to reveal a handful of mint candies. "You can take one - or as many as you'd like. There should still be plenty left afterwards."
"Oh, thanks!" Caspar plucks one of the candies from the maid's palms and wastes no time in unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth. The sharp taste of mint rushes across his tongue and down his throat, and he exhales a cool breath with a smile. "So you're one of the people working tonight, I guess?" The mint clicks against his teeth as he speaks. "I hope they let you take a break to enjoy the party. There's a lot more fun to be had if you're not handing stuff out to people all night."
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theyareweird · 8 months
Vampire Knight: Senri Shiki's Yandere for Kianna Komori — Aesthetic Part 7 (Requested)
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Deadly Secrets
The air was cold, but snow had yet to fall. It was now December as the fifth month of the school year came about. This meant first semester Final Exams were around the corner and as was the Cross Academy's annual winter ball to wrap up the school year. However, Senri didn't care about any of it because it meant winter break would take place immediately afterwards. Meaning, he would be apart from his Sweetheart for two weeks. Speaking of which, Senri hadn't seen Kianna all day. Of course, this wasn’t out of the ordinary considering their schedules function during polar opposite times of the day. Regardless, it didn’t stop Senri from thinking about his girlfriend.
Senri was walking along side Rima and the other Night Class Students across the bridge, which led to the main campus building from the Moon Dormitory. The golden sun was setting on Cross Academy. Thus, it was time for the switchover as they approached the Moon Gate. Once the large double doors parted, the vampire students were greeted with the usual cheers and squeals of the Day Class Students. Well, most of them. Kianna was among the scarce few who never participated in the crossover. The loud noise was too much for her. Senri understood this, but it would be nice to catch her eye in the crowd once in awhile.
"I see Zero is nowhere to be found". Kaname commented.
"Yes. That is odd". Senri blinked beside Rima.
"I wonder where that Disciplinary Committee member ran off to". Takuma smiled.
"Doesn’t matter to me". Rima shrugged.
Hanabusa walked with his hands behind his head. "Good riddance". He huffed in response.
Kaname then approached Yuki from behind. She was struggling to keep the rowdy girls in line. "Yuki, don’t push yourself too hard". Kaname commented.
"Ah"! Yuki jumped. She then whipped her body around and bowed respectfully. "I-I won't"! Yuki declared. "Thank you very much". She awkwardly stuttered, scratching the back of her head. Unfortunately for her, several teenage girls were now glaring at her back for barely talking to him.
It was obvious to everyone Kaname gave Yuki special treatment. However, they were all a little confused by it. No one understood Yuki was the only thing Kaname cares about. Except for Senri. After talking with his cousin the other night, he knew Kaname was referring to her. Knowing this, he hopped the Pureblood has been thinking about is proposal to turn Kianna.
Eventually, everyone reported to class. By the time all the Night Class Students were gathered in the dark classroom, stars shown in the sky. Vampires were positioned across the room. Some sat at their desks, or on top of them, others were standing on the asile steps, while a few students even sat in the large windowsills above the classroom. The only light in the room came from the gothic windows pouring natural moonlight into the space.
Suddenly, the heavy wooden classroom door opened and shut. The sound caught everyone's attention. Every vampire in the room stiffened and their eyes glowed a fiery red on instinct. The man who walked into the room wasn't their usual instructor. He was a rather tall man with bright white skin, which was flawless. He adorned a traditional victorian instructor suit consisting of dark brown slacks with a long matching trench coat over a white blouse. The man's lace-up, dark brown leather boots heavily stomped over to his desk located at the bottom center of the room. His raven hair swayed in a ponytail above his tailbone as he walked. Once the unknown figure reached his desk, he stood behind it and faced the class with his stone cold gray eyes. "Hello". The man greeted in a husky voice. "My name is Maku, however; you will adress me as Professor Komori. Starting today, I will be your new ethics teacher". He announced in an emotionless tone.
Kaname was leaning against the wall with a book in his hand. He was halfway through turning a page in between his fingers when he paused at the announcement. At Maku's words, Kaname glanced up at Senri with his mahogany eyes. From his point-of-view, Senri was in the center column of the classroom. He was sitting in his chair with a poky stick hanging out of his mouth. Shiki received the candy from Rima, who was sitting atop her desk in the row above him.
"What did he say"? Rima asked with narrowed eyes.
"It appears you won't aquire my help after all, Senri". Kaname mumbled to himself.
Since the Night Class is composed of vampires, it's only natural for them to be taught by Vampire Hunters to keep them in check. These hunters are a species all their own. Their human ancestors drank the blood of a Red Cloaked Pureblood and managed to obtain various inhuman abilities to fight against vampires. However, none of them were aware Kianna's father was a vampire hunter himself. Although this meant she's technically human, Kianna is truly a vampire hunter because, the species is dominant in their offspring. Like vampires, any children conceived with a weaker species will automatically inherit the blood of the stronger parent. Hybrids don't exist among humans and vampires or humans and vampires hunters. Yet, it's possible for a vampire and a vampire hunter to create a hybrid child as both species are codominant.
Acknowledging this, Senri now knew his dilemma had been solved. Vampire Hunters are known to live thousands of years. In addition, their inhuman abilities would increase with each generation. For all Senri knew, Kianna could now live as long as him. Despite this welcomed information, it also meant he had questions for his Sweetheart. Even though they had always been reserved, Senri at least told Kianna some things about his family. His girlfriend, on the other hand, had been completely silent about her relatives for some reason. Perhaps this was why. Senri thought Kianna didn’t want to scare him by admitting she's capable of killing his own kind... specifically, killing himself. At the same time, there seemed to be more to this than Senri knew.
Requested: @nunezs-stuff
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transformationofmatter · 11 months
honestly i have become a great proponent of transverse seating on metro trains. montréal has a very jumbled mix of transverse and longitudinal which i think is maybe more complex than it should be… they have no more than a couple longitudinal seats together at a time and i think if your door spacing is large enough you should get at least 3 side by side longitudinal seats in a row while also having 2+1 transverse seating interspersed. i think that mixed layout, in addition to fold up seating at two adjacent wheelchair parking spots in each car, and leaning spots made of seat bottom material everywhere that is unsuitable for a seat is my perfect metro car. you can squeeze maybe a couple more seats out of the same floor area, and 2+1 means that the asile isnt much narrower than transverse when accounting for ppls legs. also, you can put things to hold onto on the asile side of the transverse seats (which can also help you get up from sitting) AND i think transverse is more friendly to the autism/anxiety combo as youre not forced to stare across the asile in the direction of other ppl.
montréal for reference:
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captainchewtoybaby · 2 years
Be my Baby
Chapter 4 : Strictly business
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"Should I order the pancakes or the porridge?" Jayne looked at the menu. Whitney, who was sitting across from her, looked up from her menu.
"I thought you said you hated porridge." 
They were out getting breakfast before they would hit the road and go to their next destination. Tom had told Jayne and Whitney to wait up for him and the rest of the group at the diner. Whitney had met Tom last night. Even if he looked like he was mere seconds away from punching you, he was a very chill and easy going guy.
"I do, but this one looks absolutely delicious." Jayne said. "I blame the blueberries sprinkled on top of it." She said and put the menu down on the table. 
"See anything else I can change me mind about?" Jayne asked.
"Uhm, how do you like a fried bacon and cheese sandwich?" 
"Whitney, dear, I can make that at home." 
"Then I got nothing."
Jayne looked at her watch. "They should be here by now, unless they are moving like snails."
"For how long have you and Tom been together?" Withney asked, breaking the silence.
"Six years, we met while he was training in my father's gym." She said, smiling. "Me father didn't like him at  first because he was this brutish, hard headed kid, but I liked that about him." 
"Did your father ever accept him?" 
"Well yes, of course with a lot of scolding from mum and me." 
One thing that Whitney had noticed about Tom and Jayne was that they were very much in love. It reminded her of the love between Gomez and Morticia Addams and she thought it was very cute.
"So, tell me about you, darlin', do you have a special someone in your life?" Jayne asked.
That was a good question. The last time Whitney dated someone was in her last year of highschool. 
"I haven't dated anyone since highschool." Whitney said. Jayne looked at her in shock. 
"That long?" She said, "My god, how did you survive that?" 
"Through work." Whitney said. "I mean it was never a big deal for me if I ever took a break from the dating side."
Just as Jayne was about to say something, she was interrupted by Tom's voice. 
"Hey, sorry, we're late, Owen decided to walk like a sloth." Tom said as he sat next to Jayne.
"Hey, it's not my fault my shoes were untied." Owen said as he slid next to Whitney. He was then Followed by his brother, whose name she kind of forgot, and another gentleman. 
"Ya know if ya would just tie your shoe's, Owen, we wouldn't be having this problem." The gentleman said. He also had a British accent.  Owen scoffed. The guy then turned his attention to Whitney.
"I believe we haven't met the name's Davey." He said. "You must be Whitney, I've heard a lot about ya."  He smiled. Whitney thought he had a cute smile.
"Is that so? I hope those things were good things." Whitney said.
"Oh yes, they were indeed good things." Davey smiled and then turned to Bret, who was very annoyed. 
"Yea yea, can we cut the chit chat and actually order some food, i'm starving."  Owen said.
After breakfast the group left for their next destination. During the whole car ride, Bret was preparing himself to talk to Whitney. As soon as he saw her alone, he would take his chance. An hour later they stopped at a gas station. As everyone was stretching their legs, Bret made his way inside of the shop. 
Just as he turned to the snack aisle he saw Whitney by the magazine stand. Now was his chance. 
"Whatcha readin' there?" He asked, startling her. Maybe not a good start.
"Jesus, how long have you been standing there?" She asked.
"Long enough before you flipped the page." Bret said. "I was just about to grab something, want anything?" 
"If it's from the snack aisle, no thank you, Davey already stuffed me with a pack of cheese balls." She said walking away from the stand and into another asile. Bret followed her. 
"Listen, I was thinking, since we don't talk a lot, how about we get to know each other?" Bret said. Whitney slowly turned around.
"Alright." She said. "What's your favorite color?"
"What?" Bret asked, confused.
"You heard me, what's your favorite color?" 
"Nice, mine is baby blue, there we know each other already." Whitney said and kept walking. Bret chuckled.
"I don't mean it like that." He said, quickly walking into the other aisle. "I mean it in another way, you know like going somewhere and tal-" 
"Are you asking me out?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"Uh- well- yea." 
Whitney let out a small laugh. "Listen, Brad-"
"Right, look, it's really sweet that you're asking me out but I'm gonna have to decline your offer." Withney said. Bret felt his face grow hot. He was hoping he wasn't blushing out of embarrassment. 
"As much as i would love to go out, you have to remember i'm here to do my Job and i'd like for you and me to keep it strictly business related, you understand?" 
All Bret could do was nod. Just then Tom showed up. 
"Hey, you two, we're about to leave and please hurry up if you want a window seat because Owen is gonna take it." Tom said.
"No, he can't have it again." Whitney said and moved past Bret. 
"What's wrong with you?" Tom asked.
"Uh- nothing, i just need to grab something real quick." Bret said. 
"Well, hurry up or else we're gonna leave ya." Tom said and walked out of the store. 
Well after that embarrassment,  Bret thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea to be left behind at the  gas station. 
Heyy, how yall doing. I know i said i was gonna upload like all weekend but yesterday my ass was so busy that i was a bit too tired to upload. So today i'll give you two chapters. As always i hope you enjoyed it. ~ thys
Tag list: @rainchyna @aritamargarita @diesel-pls-powerbomb-me
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pov. motherland. μάνα
Theo doesn’t believe in God. And yet, here he is, waiting in church for an act of faith. This particular church isn’t grand or impressive like the ones he’s seen across the world before—churches carved in pure gold, churches tall enough to make your neck hurt, but the ceiling is painted in blue, constellations in bright gold, and he can’t stop looking up, nervously rubbing his fingers together. He often wonders if he would have been different had he grown up under normal circumstances—if the orphanage he’d grown up in didn’t believe so much in penitence, if the Baileys hadn’t been so syncretic and secular. 
He’d never looked for any sort of faith, even though the poetry of it never went unnoticed for him. In the devotion of the faithful, the prayer of those in pain. He was, after all, a man of words and those said with such honesty fascinated him.
Now, he’s in the third row, on the hard wooden bench, and waits. Waits, staring at the starry ceiling, until slow, deliberate steps echoes through the church and a veiled sister, a nun, sits next to him. Theo can’t find the words in him, “You called for me.” She says, in Greek, sounding heartbreakingly unimpressed. He’s dreamed of this moment many times in the past, a moment he thought had been stolen from him, and so he didn’t know how to proceed. He nodded, not able to look in her eyes—eyes he’s dreamed of his entire life. “Do you know who I am?” She makes a sound with the back of her throat. She knows. He hadn’t been looking for her, he had never looked for her.
He’d been arranging his documentation, his resident visa, when bureaucracy drove him back to his motherland, to the island he was born in, the pastoral community so ill equipped to deal with dangerously premature babies that he’d only spent a few hours of life there before being taken to Athens. He’d never actually returned to his birthplace, even if he visited Greece fairly often. Now, the ferry took him to the island through the clear blue water, to a stunning place secret to tourists, where fishermen yell around in angry, dialect-heavy Greek. It doesn’t feel like home, and the fact that it’s on top of a rocky mountain doesn’t make it very easy on him—another reason why he likes Athens better, because accessibility there is at least an afterthought whereas here it’s not a concept at all. The climb, the endless stairs, are hard on him, and he makes the decision to spend the night, just so he’ll manage to rest. Theo didn’t know then what he knows now.
Theo didn’t know a lot of things.
He didn’t know, for example, that he never knew his mother’s name not because no one knew it, because she’d died in childbirth, but because that’s what you do when you hand a child over for adoption.
hand him over for adoption.
he also didn’t know that as an adult, he could ask for the information to be disclosed. 
Theo wants to ask her why, but the words don’t come out. Why? He knew why. Because you could fit in the palm of my hand. Because I didn’t think you would make it --- they said that if you did... He wouldn’t talk or walk or think. He knew the drill. His knuckles were white. He wanted to tell her that none of it should have mattered, because it didn’t matter to his parents, his odd, loving true parents, Richard and Jasmine Bailey. He wanted to ask her if she regretted it now that he was six feet tall and not attached to any machines, now that he spoke twelve languages and had all academia glory one could dream of. Instead, without him even asking, “I was young and alone”, she says. 
“Me too.” Theo answers.
They don’t say anything else. He can’t say anything else. Theo wishes he could stand up fast and simply leave, show her how wrong she’d been, how he could have been worth it, but it doesn’t have quite the same impact when your limitations are as visible, when it takes so long for him to even manage past her in the asile and his graphite crutches resonates against the centuries-old stone floor as his tired, cramping legs carry him out of the church. He doesn’t make it very far. He sits on the stone bench under an old, twisted olive tree and buries his face in his hands as his chest clenches even tighter and his heart races and he finds it difficult to breathe, until he hears someone coaching him through it in his mother tongue, with a calm, steady voice.
She brushes his back. “You know where to find me, son.” It feels unclear whether she means son in the biblical or biological sense, and he supposes it doesn’t matter. Before she leaves, he looks at her. Theo has been right his entire life. They do have the same eyes.
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lightpost · 9 months
I went to a dark place, torment horror unbearable I'll never speak about, a place a soul gets ripped apart Divine found me and put peace inside my heart and it's a good place to start.
I always write letters I can never send so I put little notes like these out.
I just want my heart to be safe, able to run wild to see joy jump across his face is my happy place.
I accept you as you are, I have control over being a good person because I respect me, but that doesn't guarantee you will be good to me, so I can always walk away and sleep guilt free.
This different is madness but you can't hate the roses because you got scratched with one thorn.
Hard to believe how much damage can be done in a year, I was completely different last year.
Can a bad ending be redeemed by a good beginning?
I'm making flowers grow in the saddest parts of me, my tears are watering them gracefully.
Waiting for the day I kiss with a smile, he doesn't tell me to stop he gets me to laugh instead it's just a dream I have in my head.
One day I'll walk down that honored asile in those satin white ballet shoes.
Even as broken as I am, I am strong. what do you have to say for how I hold myself together and move along?even though I'm shattered, I never stop to wonder what might of been if I stayed, keep going always this is my healing and you and I both know us wasn't pretty.
Someday you will understand.
Civil war is coming, government wants us to fight, private owned prisons are owned privately for a reason, nothing will be safe, the slime from the dam one day will break water will be poison after that no life will be spared. beware.
Portals are opening, the kuiper belt is full of watchers, the watchers are aware, something is awakening. The ripple effect as just begun and no one is ready for what is to come. You can't run and you can't hide even their bunkers won't be enough to survive. This download is heavy head feels like it's splitting, from discernment because the government will use project blue beam more and more now from aliens to humans nothing will be as it seems what is real just might be fake and what is good will be covered as evil. nothing is safe.
What is something we always want but never have?
You can cast spells with your eyes? Show yourself is what I always say when someone looks at me I just call it out silently. It has never failed me I always see what's hiding. Yes you can cast spells with your eyes they never hide the heart or soul. Eyes speak energy.
WW3 won't be what you think, because it's already here, you just refuse to see.
I'll see my x again just not in the way you think, he'll be a ghost standing in my kitchen on Halloween I'll be in a dress surrounded by loved ones the teapot will whistle and his apparition will be his transition. He paid for his crimes, our last time, our final goodbye.
The devil exists, man created him so man had an excuse for his bad behavior to never look in the mirror and blame himself for the devil within.
From the core of my soul life will never depart.
Oh the damage existed, but control never lasted enough to choke me though.
I hate looking people in the eyes, you want to know why? I'll see all that you hide, you'll shapeshift right before my eyes I've a goblin come out in a woman before, I've seen the light of life in a dying man's eyes, I've seen a child eyes turn a soulless black. I don't look see
you have no idea what I've been through, kidnap, pedophile and pimp I'm not ashamed I survived I'll write truth until the day I die, I've been on the streets longer than you, I hate games humans play everyone's a toy until that toy breaks, I see the snakes, stay away.
No, I am no better than you. I'm only trying to be better than your pain.
I'm trying to act okay when I'm struggling. Have to pretend everything is okay.
The x is being questioned, his life is on the line, I can feel it through the timeline, my call is in due time I'm scared beyond fear itself will my pictures, will my scars be proof enough? Will the judge be smart to see his bluff? Doing this alone is rough. This is tough stuff.
I lay out my heart day after day, everything around me is gray, I am invisible in the storm when the heart is beyond repair.
Into the deepest darkness I took a fall, a good one too, no sobbing no anything at all just deep breathing, oh well whatever happens happens to us all.
He sold his black heart at the market, she dare speak of love it didn't touch everything but she changed enough.
Someday I will live in the castle through the trees, near the ocean to feel its salty breeze, one day I will be free, someday I'll love just a little to much for the star to see.
Sometimes sunshine just wears thin.
She looked in the mirror spoke to her heart, "I will take this winter, you will rise again as the sun, I will be braver to wear you in the spring, my love."
She's a diamond in the rough, that still deserves the daylight she's still a flower filled with delight, she's not your enemy, she wasn't your fight to conqueror she wanted shelter from the wind, to fill the home with tiny treasures, a way to say thank you but you hit her instead
Braided into bloom and fade, in need of proof of time that was real, touch them feel them, my storytelling tears searching for pictures of pages turned to debrie, something's are never meant to be
Tons of weight, anchored to a soft heart, buried under, cement afraid of another burden fighting the pull of gravity, twisting steel screams of cracking metal and bone, harsh winds and no release.
Running back and forth between high grief and little delight only trying to live for once in my life.
Between the sunshine and rain there is pain.
Soul to soul, nothing to hide, for we will meet again on the other side, so many fear that rawness, so few know the naked spirit without body only the true in truth know the mind, for there are no lies when are apart.
She no longer expects love or kindness back in return.
Such sadness in these eyes, such a bittersweetness in a smile, it's painfully written in the eyes, they give nothing to world expect everything they've gone through.
You taught me to go back to my heart and reread a few chapters differently with you in mind so I can grow up to be with Divine.
Soon I'll be living in my own home and when he finally comes along I'll get the chance to say I love you for all time.
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iccaglobal · 11 months
ICCA Global: Shaping the Future of International Arbitration
International arbitration has gained immense importance in an interconnected world. It offers a neutral, efficient, and enforceable method for settling cross-border disputes, making it an indispensable tool for businesses and individuals engaged in international transactions. ICCA Global, the International Council for Commercial Arbitration, stands as a key driver in the international arbitration field, promoting best practices and providing a platform for knowledge sharing.
ICCA Global's commitment to excellence is reflected in its extensive network of members, which includes arbitrators, lawyers, judges, academics, and institutions from across the globe. With a presence in over 130 countries, ICCA Global facilitates the exchange of ideas, insights, and experiences in international arbitration. Its biennial Congress, an internationally renowned event, serves as a forum for discussion and collaboration among international arbitration professionals.
ICCA Global's mission goes beyond bringing professionals together. It actively works to promote the rule of law and the effective functioning of the international arbitration system. Its influence is most evident in its renowned ICCA Reports, which provide insightful guidance on various aspects of international arbitration. These reports serve as invaluable references for practitioners, arbitrators, and policymakers.
Furthermore, ICCA Global is dedicated to the development of arbitration law and practice. Its Working Groups, consisting of experts in various aspects of arbitration, actively engage in research and produce guidelines and model clauses. These documents contribute significantly to the harmonization and improvement of international arbitration practices and procedures.
One of ICCA Global's significant achievements is the creation of the ICCA-ASIL Task Force on Damages, which released the "Report on the Practice of Damages in International Arbitration." This report provides a comprehensive analysis of damages in international arbitration, serving as a valuable resource for arbitrators and practitioners alike.
Another critical aspect of ICCA Global's role is its involvement in training and education. Through various initiatives and partnerships, integrative cancer treatment supports the professional development of the next generation of arbitration practitioners. It organizes training programs, seminars, and workshops, offering essential knowledge and skills for those interested in international arbitration.
ICCA Global also plays a pivotal role in promoting diversity and inclusivity in international arbitration. Recognizing the importance of diversity in decision-making processes, it actively encourages the participation of women, young practitioners, and professionals from underrepresented regions. These efforts not only ensure fairer and more balanced outcomes in arbitration but also strengthen the global arbitration community.
The future of international arbitration holds many challenges, including keeping pace with technological advancements, adapting to evolving business practices, and addressing pressing global issues. ICCA Global recognizes these challenges and actively engages with them. It supports innovation in the field, addressing issues related to cybersecurity, e-arbitration, and the use of artificial intelligence in arbitration.
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
Tuvok leaves home without his lunch (forgot it in the morning rush) and Asil sees it still on the counter and decides she’s going to take it to him. Puts it in her little backpack and leaves a note for the rest of her family telling them where she is and heads off.
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Unfortunately she’s still practically a baby so her note is essentially just scribbling and she can’t respond very well telepathically so her mom, brothers and grandparents just know that she’s alive somewhere - not where she is. T’Pel calls Tuvok at his work saying that Asil’s gone missing and Tuvok immediately starts heading to the shuttle station to go back home and join the search but as he’s making his way through the promenade he hears a familiar voice.
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He looks down but is unable to find the owner of the voice. Eventually he’s about to get on the shuttle but then he hears an announcement for him to return to the security office. He returns, confused, and is met face to face with a commander who gestures across his desk to Asil, who is sitting politely in a chair. “I think you two know each other?” “...Yes.” Tuvok says, looking down at his daughter, radiating disapproval.
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Asil looks up at him, confused before she understands why he is upset with her. She reaches into her backpack and pulls out his lunch, handing it to him. She is very proud of having delivered his lunch...it would have been very unfortunate if he were unable to eat. (she forgot about replicators and cafeterias and restaurants and-) Tuvok is silent for an extended moment before sighing and lifting her into his arms. “Thank you.”
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lanshengic · 1 year
STMicroelectronics Introduces Hot-Switch Ideal Diode Controller for ASIL-D Automotive Safety-Critical Applications
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【Lansheng Technology Information】STMicroelectronics STPM801 is the first to market the ideal diode controller with integrated thermal switching for automotive specifications, suitable for automotive functional safety applications.
This ideal diode controller from STMicroelectronics drives an external MOSFET switch, replacing the Schottky diodes commonly used in input reverse protection and output voltage hold-up circuits. The voltage drop across the MOSFET is lower than the forward voltage of the Schottky diode, therefore, the power dissipated during normal operation is also lower than that of the diode.‘
The ideal diode control circuit also provides an ORing controller for main power and backup battery power switching, ensuring uninterrupted power supply for safety-critical equipment such as autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).
A built-in hot-swap controller drives a second external N-channel MOSFET to protect the load during switching between main power and battery backup. The soft-start function charges a capacitor of known value connected to the gate with a constant current to control the turn-on transient event of the second MOSFET and avoid high inrush currents. The overvoltage and undervoltage pins cut off the output voltage as long as the input voltage is not within the specified threshold.
The STPM801 also has protection and monitoring functions and is suitable for systems with functional safety requirements up to ISO 26262 Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) Level D. These functions are integrated in a 5mm x 5mm VFQFN-32 package, saving PCB board area and minimizing external component count.
With an operating voltage range of 4V-65V, the STPM801 is tolerant to automotive electrical hazards, and its 25µA quiescent current minimizes battery drain when the vehicle is off. Target applications include zone/body ECUs, ADAS ECUs, high performance computing ECUs, infotainment ECUs, redundant power supply systems, and dual battery systems.
Lansheng Technology Limited, which is a spot stock distributor of many well-known brands, we have price advantage of the first-hand spot channel, and have technical supports. 
Our main brands: STMicroelectronics, Toshiba, Microchip, Vishay, Marvell, ON Semiconductor, AOS, DIODES, Murata, Samsung, Hyundai/Hynix, Xilinx, Micron, Infinone, Texas Instruments, ADI, Maxim Integrated, NXP, etc
To learn more about our products, services, and capabilities, please visit our website at http://www.lanshengic.com
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ukdamo · 2 years
A Spellbound Place
Thomas Hardy
On this kindly yellow day of mild low-travelling winter sun
The stirless depths of the yews
Are vague with misty blues:
Across the spacious pathways stretching spires of shadow run,
And the wind-gnawed walls of ancient brick are fired vermilion.
Two or three early sanguine finches tune
Some tentative strains, to be enlarged by May or June:
From a thrush or blackbird
Comes now and then a word,
While an enfeebled fountain somewhere within is heard.
Our footsteps wait awhile,
Then draw beneath the pile,
When an inner court outspreads
As ’twere History’s own asile,
Where the now-visioned fountain its attenuate crystal sheds
In passive lapse that seems to ignore the yon world’s clamorous clutch,
And lays an insistent numbness on the place, like a cold hand’s touch.
And there swaggers the Shade of a straddling King, plumed, sworded, with sensual face,
And lo, too, that of his Minister, at a bold self-centred pace:
Sheer in the sun they pass; and thereupon all is still,
Save the mindless fountain tinkling on with thin enfeebled will.
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asilcorner · 2 years
You know, if there was a Encanto series, I would really like Bruno to have a pet. My brain: "But...he has his rats". No, those are his babies, I want him to have a puppy
I love the fact that the animals in Antonio's room flocked around Bruno immediately. On one hand because animals can sense a good person and want to hang out and on the other because Antonio himself already liked the weird wall man and the animals went "oh, yes, double the reason to stay around".
What I'm saying is; Bruno being tailed by various animals at all times, especially his rats, would be adorable.
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