#acoustic no. 3 album
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asongperday · 1 year ago
Song of the Day — “everything i wanted (acoustic version)” by The Mayries
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I had a dream I got everything I wanted Not what you’d think And if I’m being honest It might’ve been a nightmare
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months ago
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juliamccartney · 5 months ago
yooooo the anthology 3 version of 'honey pie' slaps
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The 13 Taylor Swift Tag Game: Post your —
3 favorite albums,
2 favorite bridges,
1 favorite mashup,
1 favorite alternative/re-mix
1 lyric you always mishear,
2 songs you can’t get out of your head,
& tag 3 accounts!
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officialpenisenvy · 10 months ago
what are your favorite and least favorite lz songs?
oh godddd this question is so hard to answer. my least favourite songs are the hippie acoustic flower power ones (sorry mr plant) and also most of in through the out door (sorry mr jones). my favourite songs in chronological order are babe im gonna leave you and dazed and confused especially live + whole lotta love and heartbreaker ofc + since ive been loving you + most of lz4 tbh but especially black dog stairway and when the levee breaks + all of hoth but especially the rain song and no quarter + trampled underfoot and kashmir + all of presence but especially achilles last stand
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mitskistevens · 1 year ago
I'm relistening to Fabulous Muscles for the first time in a while amid its 20th anniversary, and all I can say is that album is way more crushing than I remember. Like, Support Our Troops OH! is now a way more crucial song for me because of the Palestinian genocide. I finally understand Jamie's feelings in Little Panda McElroy and... damn. And now that one of my relatives went down a really dark path, Nieces Pieces feels way too relatable. Imma go contemplate my way of life now 🥲
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happylandfill23 · 2 years ago
i want to inject technology is a dead bird and all of its versions into my bloodstream
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likeicedcoffee · 2 years ago
can’t believe i just listened to a fitness podcast first thing in the morning
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doodlingwren · 8 months ago
10 latest songs you've listened to
Tagged by @triko-the-fluffy-artist (I am now legally bound to answer lol)
Tagging... well, I don't know, I guess anyone who wants to do this?
And remember! Repost but don't reblog!
Love Like Ghosts - Lord Huron
Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
Kids - MGMT
Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron
Joan of Arc - Arcade Fire
Everything Moves - Bronze Radio Return
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Man
Willow Tree March - The Paper Kites
I Can Talk - Two Door Cinema Club
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thoughts-and-vibes · 11 months ago
lizzy mcalpine’s new album just made me cry oops
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ironmanrecords · 1 year ago
Iron Man Records will be at Moseley Record Fair on Sunday 3rd December 2023
People go to record fairs for a variety of reasons. Some go to buy and sell rare or hard-to-find Vinyl, CDs, cassettes, and other music-related items. Others go to discover new music, explore different genres or eras of music, or to meet friends or network with other music enthusiasts. I like the social aspect of going to a record fair, browsing through collections, listening to music, and…
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wefindourselves · 2 years ago
Listen/purchase: everything is alive by Slowdive
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maggotbrainzzzz · 2 months ago
AUGH…. Reblogging cus my friend is silly and cool.
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I made music
Here’s the link https://on.soundcloud.com/9Dq9TB8FVkx74ADU6
Artwork by my good friend @maggotbrainzzzz
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girldadfromvegas · 3 months ago
Taylor Swift - A Force For Good
Up until recently, I was not a Taylor Swift fan. Never listened to any of her albums. But then… I came to Vancouver last weekend because my wife’s birthday wish was to take our two daughters to a Taylor Swift concert before the Eras tour was over. So we put a small group together, got concert tickets, a flight and hotel rooms near the concert venue - BC Place. We left the entertainment CAPITAL of the world to see the greatest entertainment CAPITALIST in the world. When I first heard about Taylor’s earnings from the Era’s Tour, I was confounded by the fact that she personally earns $10 - $13 million PER show. That’s ~$72,000 per minute (of her 3-hour performance). Beyond-belief money. On the way to the hotel in Vancouver, the driver told us that Taylor is expected to generate $150,000,000 of economic impact in Vancouver for the three shows she is doing this weekend. 180,000 people like me (well not really looking like me) will flock to see Taylor and send her off in the grand finale of a two year long, 150 shows-long Eras Tour. And you know what? She deserves every single penny and every ounce of praise for what she is and what she does. Her impact is much bigger than financial. We walked the streets of a foreign city, watching my girls exchange friendship bracelets with complete strangers. Smiling and giggling every step of the way. We watched as an old-world clock powered by steam, at certain times of day played the sound of Shake It Off, in steam. We saw how much admiration her fans pour into the city. It’s so real, so passionate and so beautiful. Total love-fest. And what about the show itself? Holy mother. It’s not just the vocals. Those alone are worth the ticket price. It’s… Her movements. Her costumes. Her versatility. Her sultry vibe one moment transitioning to a girl-next-door piece, a song later. Her masterful, solo acoustic guitar and piano renditions. Her messages of positivity. The most astonishing part is that she wrote every single one of the 47 songs that she sang. Taylor Swift is a phenom. A role model for young people. She is probably the greatest singer, song-writer and performer of our lifetime. We are so fortunate to have been able to see her and experience an Era’s Tour show. This world is a better place because of @taylorswift!
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hmsdoodlin · 2 months ago
I absolutely adore how Heart portrays himself throughout the album.
Despite Minds 3 song tangent about how incapable and batshit insane Heart is, Heart is incredibly well put together and ‘calm’ during his half of the album.
Compared to Minds harsh words and loud background music he portrays himself in a very emotional, sympathetic light. Sure he spirals, like at the end of Good Day and in the middle of THA, but for the most part he’s coherent and reasonable. He’s a master at getting the audience onto his side because his tone is so much more ‘peaceful’ than Minds strong no sugar coating attitude. THA isn’t acoustic, but it might as well be compared to Minds.
We don’t get to see the ‘bad’ Heart until Soul shows up, where he throws all of his past tactics out the window and immediately matches Minds energy. It’s so fascinating. Yes he keeps his more emotional approach, but gets more and more aggressive throughout TSE and The Bidding.
Mind goes on and on about Hearts violence, something he himself has admitted to, but we only get to really see it twice. Once in ROE where it’s referenced in past tense/from a 3rd party pov, and in The Bidding when he calls Mind a piece of shit.
Heart is trying his absolute hardest to sugarcoat his flaws in front of the audience. And if Mind is to be believed, Heart has a LOT of untapped aggressive potential we have yet to see because he won’t allow it.
Idk I just think how he carries himself is very interesting. You can see him as manipulative, reactive, the victim, really anything you want because of how he sings and messes with your understanding of the situation.
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pinkie-quinns · 4 months ago
rocker eddie/actor steve | exes to ????? (yearners?) | fame au p5
p1 p2 p3 p4 interlude p6
Steve says he's flying out to New York for meetings. That’s what he tells everyone. That’s what he does. He's courteous, even lets Eddie know he’s in the city, that he can maybe, maybe stop by his place later.
But he doesn’t tell Eddie he’s coming to the show.
He gets there late, hangs at the very back of the venue, the nosebleed cheap seats. He’s in uniform, black jeans and scraggled tee. Bit of liner under his eyes, baseball hat and shitty prop wig he stole from set. It should be enough for most people to not look at him twice.
It’s the worst spot he’s ever had at one of Eddie’s gigs, but he couldn’t take the “I’m with the band" seats Eddie had offered him. Like he’s still some kind of accessory. Couldn’t take the c-list celebrity box seats either. Cause, well– he’s not supposed to be here.
Eddie’s a blip on the stage from where Steve’s standing, but it makes his idiotic traitorous heart swoop all the same. He’s only been on tour for a month. Steve wasn’t supposed to miss him this bad.
He’s really not supposed to be here.
Eddie's solo stuff has always been too wordy, too raw. Like he’s Dylan in the body of a metal star. It makes Steve's gut sore.
It’s mostly songs from his latest album, at least. Seemed like Eddie had a bad run in with benzos last year. Which also kinda makes his gut sore.
Eddie plays the hits. It's been years but the ones from "Penitence" cut like fresh wounds. The crowd goes wild for Dead Weight. But Pavlov's got the one-up on Steve. Those first three chords still make him want to crawl out of his skin.
It’s nearing the end now and Eddie drops the band, walks up to the front of the stage with just the spotlight on him. He’s holding Lucky, the old pawn-shop acoustic Wayne got him when he was twelve. He used to strum it between joints in the back of the van.
He’s– he’s nervous.
He coughs into the mic. “Hey uh, um, I've got something special for tonight. I don’t really do covers and uh, especially not ones that–” He cringes, grits his teeth, “Well, this isn’t exactly my sound.”
It was unsettling how nervous he was. Steve could fill journals full all of Eddie’s fuck-ups and flaws (and he has, many, many times.) But performing? That was undeniable, coded into his DNA. Eddie was a great performer. He was never nervous on stage.
Eddie's hands tremor at the tuning keys. “But uh, someone couldn’t make it tonight- a um, well. An old friend.”
“–And he really used to really love this one.”
Shit shit shit shit.
“So, uh, yeah. Sing along if you know it.”
Steve knows it. One chord in and he knows it–
It’s Dave fucking Matthews. Eddie hates Dave Matthews. He's the total opposite of anything Eddie considered worthy art. His sound, his look, his ability to fill stadiums with every guy that wears sandals in a 50-mile radius, everything.
More importantly, Eddie’s fans hate Dave Matthews. If they don’t, they keep that close to their chest. Hell, not even– Steve spent enough of his early twenties bopping around dive bars with Eddie's crowds. They'd take that shit to their grave.
Eddie's already on thin ice with most of them.
Steve knows most of them resented the experimental sound of the new album, knows sales are low. He’s heard enough of Eddie's 3 AM pillow talk bitching about it.
There’s multiple audible groans. Someone in front of Steve whispers, “What the actual fuck.” in total disbelief.
But Steve doesn’t register it. Not really. Not over the blood rushing in his ears. Over the sound of Eddie crooning, “Who’s got their claws in you, my friend? Into your heart I’ll beat again."
Truth was, he hadn’t listened to that song, that whole album, in over a decade.
Steve would start up the car, like always and “So Much to Say” would play, like always. But there were no loud puking noises from the passenger seat, no pile of empty, over-dramatic threats. Just dust in the sunlight where someone had loved him, once.
And he couldn't stomach it.
He can't stomach it now. Eddie in front of 13,000 people. Shaky and vulnerable and too-himself for them all to bear witness.
It’s– fuck. Steve’s nineteen and the bimmer’s out of gas and Eddie’s cursing this song out, but his hand is under Steve's sweater and it's warm.
The third verse now and Eddie's crooning about forgiveness, about begging and haste and “Holding you so, boy.”
"Boy". Not "Girl". Unmistakable.
Steve wonders if anyone noticed. Eddie’s not out, not really. But he dedicated a love song to an old friend. Maybe he is now.
Then it’s all too much. Too big for him to hold. The love and hurt and longing and bullshit and near-two decades worth of sludge dredging up his throat and crashing down, pulling him under.
Steve doesn’t wait for the song to end. He keeps his head down and skips out before the encore.
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