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queersrus · 8 months ago
Mermaid Theme
[mermaid theme]
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includes sirens, selkies and other fishfolk as well as general water dieties.
if you see duplicates let me know
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loralei/lorelei/loralei/loelai/lorelay/loralay/loreley/loraley/lorelie/loralie, lake, loch, limniad, lara, leucothea, lamia, leucosia, ligia, ligeia, laume, llyr, lir, limnade, leiminide sire, siren/syren, shiren/shyren, sel, selk, selki/selkie/selky, sea, seara, searsia, sirena/syrena, sjokona/siokona, sireno, styx, stheno, scylla, segeta, sequana, souconna, sirona, sinnan, saga, sjora, shoopiltee mer, merma, marmay/mermei/mermai/mermey, mermaid/mermaide/mermade, mermi/mermie/mermy, mermist, mermista, merman, mermen, mermaiden, mermix, melusine, melyzin, melusna, mel, merwif, meremenn, meer, merrow, marina, meermin/meerminne, min, meri. minne, merimin, meremin. maree, medusa, melusina, morgan/morgen, marimorgen, moryana, moryanki, moriany ocea, ocean/oceane, oceana, oceania, oceanix, oceanic, oceanice/oceanis, oceanus, oceanid, oceanide, ondine ran, rain/raine/rayn/rayne, river, revine/ravine, rainy/rainie/raini, rusalka, rhine, rura, rusalki pearl/perle, pearla/perla, pearly, poseidon, pisces, proteus, palaemon, phorcys, pontus, potamoi, psamathe, parthenope, pisinoe, peisinoe, pegaeae nymph, nymphie, nympha, naiad, neried, neriede, nereid, nereida, nereide, nix, nixie, neptune, nessie, nereus, nerites, nantosuelta, nodens, nehalennia, nerthus, njoror, nuggle, njogel kelpie, kymopoleia water, wodnik undine/undyne, uiara haffru, hiara, hippocampi, hippocampus, hi, hip/hipp, hippo, hippoca, hafgufa, hydra thala, thalasso, thalassa, thalia, tethys, thaumas, thetis, triton, triteia, tritone, thelxinoe, thames, telchine, tangie ceasg, calypso, ceto, coralia, carcinus, cancer, cymopoleia, coventina, condatis, charibdis, crinaeae, camenae atargatis, amphitrite, achelous, aegaeon, alpheus, anapos, asopus, asterion, aino, asrai, aglaope, aglaopheme, aglaophonos, acionna, aegir, aspidochelone, ahti, Aughisky, adara, adaro derketo, doris, dynamene, damona, danu, dana, duberdicus, durius, davy yara galene, glaucus, gorgon, graeae, glashtin brizo, belisama, brigid, boann, bandua, berehynia eidothea, electra, enipeus, eurybia, euryale jones ichthyocentaur vedenemo, vallemo, vodyanoy, vodník, vodnik, vodenjak, vodyanitsa
1stp prns: i/me/my/mine
mi/me/mers/mermine si/sire/sirens/sirine si/se/selkies/selkine sci/sce/scy/scaline fi/fe/fish/fine(fishine) ti/taile/tailes/tailine ny/nymphe/nymphs/nymphine nai/naie/nais/naiadine(naine) wai/wate/waters/watine
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
mo/mer/mers/merself so/sir/sirens(sirs)/sirself(sirenself) so/selker/selkirs/selkirself sco/scaler/scalers/scaleself(scalerself) fo/fisher/fishers/fisherself to/tailer/tailers/tailerself(tailself) no/nympher/nymphrs/nymphself no/nair/naiars/naiadself wo/water/waters/waterself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themselves
mer/maid, mer/folk, mer/man, mer/mers, mer/mermaid, mer/merfolk, mer/merman, mermaid/mermaids, merfolk/merfolks, merman/mermans si/ren, siren/sirens, si/siren, sel/kie, sel/selkie, selkie/selkies, sca/ale, scale/scales, sca/le, sca/scale fi/sh, fi/fish, fish/fishy, fish/fishes ny/nymph, ny/mph, nymph/nymphs, nai/ad, nai/naiad, naiad/naiads wa/ter, wat/er, wat/water, water/waters, water/nymph
the mermaid, the merman, the oceanic, the sea/ocean dweller, the swimmer, the devine river, the fish folk, the one of fish-like descent, the descendant of oceanus, the descendant of poseidon/neptune, the nymph, the naiad, the water nymph, the god/goddess of merfolk, the deity of the sea/ocean, the dweller of the deep
*one who dwells in the dark waters, one who has scales, one who lives in a tail and gills, one who breaths with gills, one who rules the deep, one who lives among the creatures of the deep, one who is half fish, one who controls the waves, one who's voice enchants, one who sings of the hearts desires
(*) you can replace "one" with any pronouns
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violetmoondaughter · 2 years ago
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Water, the flow, the womb, the origin of life, the element that is in constant movement and transformation. Water flows through our bodies and across the earth; we depend on it for life. As far back as we can remember, humans have been intimately connected with water, both physically and spiritually. According to the theory of evolution we emerged from aquatic sources and ancient creation stories from around the globe told us life on earth originated from waters. Ancient Civilizations around the globe built the first cities near water sources. Water is deep, receptive, and purifying, and represent both the life giver and the death bringer.
 Some of the most common water spiritual correspondences are:
Orientation: West
Qualities: Emotion, Intuition, Flexibility, Receptivity
Magical Weapon: Cup, Cauldron, Mirror, Comb
Rituals: Divination, Purification, Healing, Blessings, Transformation
Places: lakes, springs, streams, rivers, beaches, oceans, seas, wells, fountains, waterfalls
Natural elements: rain, thunderstorms, snow, ice, fog, seashells, starfish, pearls, dolphins, seahorses, frogs, toads, fish, turtles.
Tarot: Cups
Rune: Laguz
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Spirits: Naiades, Nereids, Mermaids, Oceanines, Nymphs, Kelphis, Each uisge, Gwragedd Annwn, Morgens, Nixie, Jenny Greenteeth, Peg Powler, Crinaeae, Limnades, Pegaeae, Sirens, Camenae, Asrai, Karkinos, Charybdis, Cetus, Grindylow, Kraken, Pistrice, Selkies.
Deities: Aphrodite, Venus, Mefitis, Diana, Thetis, Leukothea, Ino, Amphitrite, Hapi, Sobek, Neptune, Poseidon, Oceanus, Sabrina, Melusine, Acionna, Boann, Bormana, Dylan Ail Don, Llyr, Sinann, Sequana, Nefti, Khnum, Tefnut, Anuket, Abzu, Enbilulu, Achelous, Anapos, Nereus, Pontus, Scylla, Proteus, Thalassa, Coventina, Fontus, Juturna, Danu, Proteus, Tiamat, Triton.
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hochgouez-nerzhus · 3 years ago
The Gallic water goddesses:
Damona and Acionna
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Goddess Damona - Bourbonne les Bains- France
The cult of water in Gaul was long-lived, as evidenced by the toponymy of many places, rivers or spa towns. It was particularly embodied through two goddesses with unknown names, but with traces still present.
The cult of water in Gaul was perennial, as evidenced by the toponymy of many places, rivers and spa towns. The goddess Divona, for example, venerated among other Gallic peoples by the Bituriges and the Cadurques, is at the origin of the name of Divonne-les-Bains (Ain). We can also cite Vesunna which gave Vésone, a district of Périgueux (Dordogne). The ending in – onna or – unna is typical and common to Gallo-Roman water deities and means “river” in the Celtic language. Other examples are better known, such as Icaunis (Yonne), Matrona (Marne), Sequana (Seine). The survival of the theme of water in toponymy can also be found later in Roman times, as with the cities bearing the name of "Aix" (Aquis, ablative of Aqua ). This article presents two goddesses associated with French localities: Damona and Acionna.
Damona (Bourbonne les Bains)
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Damona is associated with Borvo, who is the Celtic equivalent of Apollo and patron of healing springs, whose name is at the origin of several water towns such as La Bourboule (Puy-de-Dôme), Bourbon-Lancy ( Saône-et-Loire), Bourbon-l'Archambault (Allier) and Bourbonne-les-Bains (Haute-Marne).
Damona, in Gallic mythology, is generally the consort of the god Borvo. The notion of consort designates an association between two deities, the consort often being secondary and inferior to the other, although possessing the same attributes. This term can also designate the spouse of a god, or his feminine form.
Borvo is a water healer while Damona is a goddess of springs and rivers. It is locally associated with the thermal spring of Bourbonne-les-Bains.
If Damona is most often associated with Borvo, she is sometimes represented in the company of other gods such as Moritasgus, Bormo, Albius and later with Apollo, which would give her a polyandrous character (ie a woman with multiple male spouses).
We find Damona represented alone on several occasions such as in Bourbonne-les-Bains and Rivières-en-Charente. Its representation is quite rare in the form of a statue.
Like the Celtic goddess Sirona, also associated with the symbolism of water and healing, she is often represented with an ear of wheat or even a braided crown of wheat ears, and a snake wrapped around her forearm. left, presumed symbols attached to fertility and healing.
For Albert Grenier, historian and archaeologist specializing in Gallo-Roman civilization, "  these goddesses have little character of their own, they only seem to be the female personification of the divinity with which they are associated" .
Places dedicated to Damona are most often hot springs. The four Bourbon-Lancy inscriptions indicate that she has the ability to visit the pilgrim in a dream and heal him. But most often he is invited to bathe in the spring water.
His cult is attested in an area corresponding to present-day Burgundy as well as in Charente (lapidary inscription of Saintes), and even extends as far as Vienne (Isère). A statue of Damona was discovered in Bourbonne-les-Bains in 1977, during archaeological excavations carried out on the occasion of the destruction of the old thermal baths of the city. The current thermal baths of the Haut-Marne city have two gates, named Borvo and Damona. A chapel is present behind the baths with a virgin of the waters, an element which would suggest a continuity of the cult of Damona.
Acionna (Orléans and Essonne)
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Acionna is a goddess whose Gallo-Roman cult is attested locally in the region of Orléans. The Essonne river, whose upper part, the Egg, has its source in the forest of Orléans, would take its name from this deity and we find derivatives like Axiona or Exona in medieval texts to designate it. We find elements of the name of the goddess in that of other rivers in this region such as the Esse, also from the forest of Orléans, and even the Egg. The name of the Egg would be derived from the name of Essonne, abbreviated EFF on old maps, taking into account that the letter  S was noted as an  F in the Middle Ages.
The name Acionna is Celtic but the meaning of the root aci is unknown.
Concerning the cult of the deity, surveys were carried out in 1822 by the civil engineer Jean-Baptiste Jollois on the site of an old spring, the Étuvée fountain. The site of the Étuvée fountain, 2.5 kilometers from Orléans, is on the territory of the Carnutes tribe, whose capital, located at the current site of Orléans, was the oppidum of Cenabum . Initially intended to find alternative sources of water supply for the city of Orléans, the surveys of Jollois revealed important ancient remains including wooden basins and a fragment of stone bearing an inscription in Latin:
The holy Aug(ustae) of Acionna, the hair of Illiomarus in the portico with his ornaments
(Consacred to Auguste Acionna, Hair, sob of Illiomarus)
This stele indicates the presence at this site of a portico dedicated to the divinity and erected by Capillus, son of Illiomarus, in gratitude for the granting of a wish. Jean-Baptiste Jollois estimated that the stele must date from the 1st  century AD.
Other excavations carried out between 1969 and 1992 confirmed the presence of Gallo-Roman basins and multiple canals that could be linked to a spring sanctuary as well as to an adduction network intended to supply water to the ancient city. of Orleans ( Cenabum) . The most recent excavations on the site, carried out by the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), prior to the development of the ZAC du Clos de la Fontaine, date from 2006-2008. They have brought to light a real cultural ensemble that evolved over several Roman eras, with a sanctuary dedicated to the worship of the deity.
The site was developed during the Roman conquest, in the 1st century, and the sanctuary was then probably built of wood. The water supply network seems to have been built during the 2nd and 3rd centuries , although the precise dating is not known, and could coincide with the reconstruction of the capital of the Carnutes by Emperor Aurelian in 273. It includes in particular three aqueducts, one of which had two masonry manholes 250 meters apart, certainly used for the maintenance of the structure. An aqueduct crossed the sanctuary from north to south to supply a paved and square basin which probably served as a swimming pool for the faithful.
The sanctuary includes a large courtyard with a portico surrounding a square temple, the fanum. This temple was built around a central part, called cella, representing the dwelling of the goddess Acionna, as well as a peripheral gallery, for the use of celebrants. The cult was also rendered in the courtyard, as evidenced by the discovery in this place of offerings such as coins and ex-votos in sheet bronze, representing stylized faces, offered to the divinity in thanks for healings. Finally, a small square building was discovered in the northern part of the courtyard, in which was buried a statuette of a mother goddess, a symbol of fertility and maternity, probably placed for the needs of the cult on a pedestal. These two elements, in addition to the stele, attest to the existence of the cult of Acionna, linked to the presence of water.
The sanctuary was destroyed in the 4th century and  graves were dug in its ruins. A first group of individuals is buried in what was the cella of the fanum , another tomb has been identified in the peripheral gallery and about fifteen graves are dug on the southern margin of the fanum . This arrangement would indicate that a privileged group of individuals reused the most sacred space of the temple to be buried and that, subsequently, other burials were established around this primitive nucleus.
Finally, other traces of the existence of this divinity were found in two fragments of stone reused in the ramparts and in a wall of the city, where inscriptions referring to Acionna were found.
Conclusion and connection with other mythologies
These two goddesses are examples of local Celtic deities linked to water, which translate in these regions the traditional symbolism associating the aquatic element with femininity. This symbolism is deeply dual, water representing as much a source of life, healing, fertility as a potential danger.
In Greek mythology, the creatures closest to Damona and Acionna are the naiads, nymphs of springs, streams and fountains. Mermaids, on the other hand, are sea creatures. In these two examples, water is a source of danger for men, the naiads thus holding back Hylas, and the sirens seducing the navigators with their songs in the Odyssey.
Arthurian legends present the lady of the lake (also called Viviane) as an important character, tutor of Lancelot du Lac and giving the sword Excalibur to Arthur.
The survival of the names of Damona and Acionna in French toponymy can be analyzed as evidence of the importance and vivacity of the cult that was given to them. More broadly, it is probably also a marker of the adaptation and heritage of Gallo-Roman cults, their deities having thus become, by syncretism, the Christian saints we know today.
Henri Réault – King Arthur Promotion
For further About Damona
• Troisgros (Henri), Bourbonne-les-Bains , capital of the divine Gallic couple Borvo and Damona , Association of Friends of Old Bourbonne, 2015 (BnF Tolbiac Rez-de-jardin, store no. 2016-118646).
• Excerpts from the Archaeological Review , January, February, March 1880 and May 1881, Anatole Chabouillet (BnF Tolbiac Ground floor, store no. 8-LJ20-303).
• Bourcelot (Henri), The Goddess Damona , Association of Friends of Old Bourbonne, 1972, (BnF Tolbiac Ground floor, store no. 8-LK7-58393).
About Acionna
• National Library of France – Gallica:
Bulletin of the Archaeological and Historical Society of Orleans (1874, 1877, 1959).
Memoirs of the Society of Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres and Arts of Orléans (1852).
Annals of the Royal Society of Sciences, Belles-Lettres and Arts of Orleans (1818, 1836).
• Dottin (Georges), The Religion of the Celts , 1904.
• Renel (Charles), The Religions of Gaul before Christianity , 1906.
• Goddesses in Celtic Religion Cult and Mythology: A Comparative Study of Ancient Ireland, Britain and Gaul , thesis defended by Noémie Beck, Université Lumière Lyon 2 (2009), in partnership with the Center for Analysis and Research on the English-speaking World.
• Christol (Michel), A provincial history – Narbonne Gaul from the end of the 2nd century BC to the 3rd century AD , Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2010. (Complete quote from the stele of 'Aciona).  
• Memoirs and Dissertations on National and Foreign Antiquities , published by the Royal Society of Antiquaries of France, volume 11, 1835.
• Description of the site and the archaeological excavations carried out on the site of the Étuvée fountain – National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research.
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ultimatepad · 7 years ago
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175-metre Superyacht Concept “Acionna,” Andy Waugh Design
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moneyisnobject · 7 years ago
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Andy Waugh “Acionna”
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moodboardmix · 7 years ago
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“Acionna,” Andy Waugh Yacht Concept
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antonyhequet · 7 years ago
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#gyre #gyreproject #münd #poet #poetry #slam #danu #acionna #ezili #photo #watergoddess #freyja #crymeariver
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babysfirstpentagram · 4 years ago
Water Witch Post
♋︎ ♏︎♓︎ 
I’mma start this off with: even though I live ten minutes from the ocean, I don’t like water. I’m not technically a sea witch, but my Pisces sun pulls me to the practice, so here is a nice post for everyone that’s interested in starting sea witchcraft (or just watercraft!)
♋︎ ♏︎♓︎
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
Element: Water (duh)
Major tools or nature aspects: water, sea salt, seashells, sea creatures, rain, snow, blue/purple/silver/white, sand, sea plants.
♋︎ ♏︎♓︎
Major Water Deities: (OPEN RELIGIONS ONLY)
Greek/Roman: There are at least 100 god(desse)s for these two pantheons, and I don’t want to force you to read all of them. You probably already know the main ones. 
Nine Daughters of Ægir, who personify the characteristics of waves.
Rhenus Pater
Tiddy Mun (i had to google this nine times, thats actually his name).
Celtic/British/That area:
Selkies (not a deity, but a water creature)
Father Thames
Danu (Dana)
Manannán mac Lir
Lí Ban
Dylan Eil Ton
♋︎ ♏︎♓︎
Properties of Sand:
Normal beach sand can be used for calming or anxiety spells, or to gradually wash away negativity of your life. They are nice in anti-anxiety spell jars, or just to keep in cute jars by your altar to help you calm down during spells. 
♋︎ ♏︎♓︎
Easy ways to connect to the Ocean (if you’re land locked):
Take nice, long baths. Add a water sign bath bomb if you wish, to color the water a nice, pretty blue. 
Put on ocean waves in the background when you meditate. 
You can use fake seashells and such to decorate your altar. 
Drinking coconut juice or aloe juice will connect your body to the ocean and the beach.
Eat seaweed (if you can) or sea food (again, if you can. be mindful of your allergies if you have any.)
Swim in a poor if you have one.
Play in the rain
You can buy sea glass if you wish, and use it like a good luck charm.
Watch lots of movies that take place in or around water. (The Little Mermaid is a fan favorite.) 
♋︎ ♏︎♓︎
What water to use for when:
Sea Water: Water from the sea is great for cleansing and healing rituals. 
Storm Water:  known for strengthening spells and being used in curses.
River Water: Spells and rituals that has to do with moving on or warding from negativity
Rain Water: The selenite of water. Very multi-purpose and can be used in a pinch. 
Snow Water: Can be used in spells that are focused on endings and even changes. 
Dew Water: Good for self love and working with The Good Folk. 
♋︎ ♏︎♓︎
Whats the deal with Moon Water?
There is no deal with it. As far as I’m concerned, someone on Tumblr made a joke about leaving rain water under the full moon and charging it to drink or use in spell work. 
The thing is? That's not safe. Even if you leave a lid on your water, its going to get stale, and probably wont charge the whole way cause there's a lid blocking the moon light. If you leave the lid off, you’re going to get dirt and bugs in it. Adding water to any spell jar is a bad idea, cause it’s going to make all your dry ingredients rehydrate and mold, spoiling the spell. 
If you wanna charge your water, just grab a water bottle and charge it with intentions. 
If you choose to keep moon water, please don’t drink it or add it to spells. And for the love of all the gods, keep it in the fridge. Don’t leave it out or it will mold. 
♋︎ ♏︎♓︎
Thats all I have for right now. I might post another one of these if you guys want it! Remember that I love you all, and you are enough. You’re allowed to take up space, you’re allowed to ask for things. 
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namelists · 5 years ago
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a list of names inspired by: the ocean
this list includes names relating to the ocean, the shore, and those who live in and around the sea
Acionna: water goddess in Celtic mythology
Ahurani: a water goddess from ancient Persian mythology
Anahita: the divinity of the waters in Armenian mythology
Anuket: Egyptian goddess of the Nile
Atlantis: Greek, “island of atlas”
Belisama: goddess of lakes and rivers in Celtic mythology
Caspian: a large sea between Asia and Europe
Daucina: Fijan god of seafaring
Delmar: Spanish, “of the sea”
Deniz: Turkish for “ocean”
Fisher: a fisherman
Galene: Greek goddess of calm seas
Gali: Hebrew, “wave”
Ginevra: Italian, “white wave”
Hali: Greek, “the sea”
Kai: Japanese/Hawaiian for “ocean”
Kairi: Japanese for “sea”
Kanaloa: Hawaiian god of the ocean
Kyma: Greek for “wave”
Laumė: Lithuanian goddess of wild spaces, including waters
Leviathan: sea serpent in Jewish mythology
Lir: Irish god of the sea
Marina/Marino: Latin, “from the sea”
Mazu: Chinese goddess of the sea
Meraud: Cornish, “profit from the sea”
Meri: Finnish for “sea”
Merlin: Welsh, “sea fortress”
Mizuchi: Japanese dragon and sea god
Moana: Māori for “sea”
Morgan: Welsh, “sea song”
Morskoi: Slavic god and king of the sea
Murphy: Celtic, “sea warrior”
Nalu: Hawaiian for “wave”
Nami: Japanese for “wave”
Neptune: Roman god-king of the sea.
Neri: Hebrew, “ocean spirit”
Nerida: Greek, “Mermaid”
Nix: Norse/Germanic water spirits
Nāmaka: Hawaiian sea goddess
Pacific: Latin, “tranquil”
Pike: a fish
Poseidon: Olympian god of the sea and king of the sea gods
Sakana: Japanese for “fish”
Salacia: Roman goddess of salt water.
Sami: Samoan for “sea”
Sedna: Inuit goddess of the sea and its creatures
Sereia: mermaid in Portuguese
Sirena: mermaid in various languages
Stellamaris: Latin, “star of the sea”
Syreni: mermaid in Latin
Tairana: Hindi for “swim”
Tangaroa: Māori god of the sea
Thalassa: Greek, “the sea”
Triton: fish-tailed son and herald of Poseidon
Uida: Finnish for “swim”
Ula: Celtic, “gem of the sea”
Umi: Japanese for “sea”
Vanna: Norwegian, “water”
Varuna: Hindu God of water and the ocean
Vasa: Samoan for “ocean”
Vellamo: Finnish goddess of the sea, lakes and storms.
Vesi: Finnish word for “water”
Voda: Central European word for water
Wade: English, “at the river crossing”
Zali: Greek for “swim”
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themori-witch · 6 years ago
hey! so, a friend of mine had a dream w a water goddess & shes freaking out. i cant find much resources on female water deities (aside from yemoja but shes white so thats a no) for her, do you know any? esp w blue hair? thank you 💕
I can’t say that I know of any deities with blue hair, but this could be because I don’t know every single deity there is, but also because whichever goddess is showing themselves to your friend, may have chosen to appear in a manner which your friend would be comfortable with, or would like. 
Here are some goddess associated with water:
Acionna (Gaulish): a water goddess.
Belisama: goddess of lakes and rivers, fire, crafts and light.
Boann (Irish): goddess of the River Boyne.
Danu (Irish): continental Celtic river goddess.
Lí Ban (Irish): water goddess.
Sinann (Irish): goddess of the River Shannon.
Sequana (Gaulish): goddess of the River Seine.
Anuket: goddess of the Nile.
Nephthys: goddess of rivers, death, mourning, the dead and night.
Satet: goddess of the Nile’s floods.
Tefnut: goddess of water, and fertility.
Amphitrite: sea goddess and consort of Poseidon.
Brizo: goddess of sailors.
Ceto: goddess of the dangers of the ocean and of sea monsters.
Cymopoleia: a daughter of Poseidon and goddess of giant storm waves.
Doris: goddess of the sea's bounty, and wife of Nereus.
Eurybia: goddess of the mastery of the seas.
Galene: goddess of calm seas.
Leucothea: a sea goddess whom aided sailors in distress.
Psamathe: goddess of sand beaches.
Tethys: a Titan goddess of the sources fresh-water, and the mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains, and clouds.
Thalassa: primordial goddess of the sea.
Triteia: daughter of Triton and companion of Ares.
Nerthus: mostly an earth goddess, but is also associated with lakes, springs, and sacred waters.
Nine Daughters of Ægir: personify the characteristics of waves.
Rán: sea goddess of death who collects the drowned in a net, wife of Ægir.
Coventina: Romano-British goddess of a sacred spring at Carrawburgh on Hadrian's Wall.
Juturna: goddess of fountains, wells, and springs.
Salacia: goddess of salt water. Neptune's consort.
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175m/574ft Super Yacht ACIONNA concept 😍 - What are your thoughts on this concept design? Head over to TheLuxuryLifestyleMagazine.com to read our latest article on the Acionna by @andywaughyachtdesign with additional visuals and details. Via: @luxurylifestyleyachts https://www.instagram.com/p/B-yAe9wApQU/?igshid=pb4srmcwn7l3
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thexpensive · 6 years ago
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ACIONNA 175m / 574ft _ ©@andywaughyachtdesign https://www.instagram.com/p/ByrvqZ3BHrr/?igshid=mdd6xoq5me3z
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hochgouez-nerzhus · 5 years ago
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Awen Stone ( England )
Pierre gravée d'un Triban, symbole des Druides. Le cercle autour semble divisé en dix parties contenant des runes ou glyphes. St Breward Bodmin Cornouailles.
Stone engraved with a Triban, symbol of the Druids. The circle around seems divided into ten parts containing runes or glyphs. St Breward Bodmin Cornwall.
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Druidic Symbol - France
Summary of links
Druidic practices
- Precepts druidic .
- Celtic Wheel of the year .
- Druids and the Manducation .
- Druidic magic incantations .
- Druid trees of power .
- Wisdom for the fire .
- How to prune your herbs .
- Nemeton : N1- N2 - N3 - N4 .
- Sacred Water : W1 - W2 .
Gods and Goddesses Prayers and Hymns
- Danu .
- Morrigana .
- Morrigana (full moon) .
- Brighid .
- Belisama .
- Airmid .
- Rhiannon
- Kernunnos (prayer) .
- Kernunnos Hymn .
- Belenos .
Gods and Goddesses articles
- Danu .
- Brighid .
- Nemetona .
- Ceridwen .
- Rhiannon .
- Elen of the Ways .
- Artio .
- Lugh (français) .
- Sucellos .
- Cernunnos .
- List of celtic God .
- Damona and Acionna .
- Nantosuelta .
Le roi chêne et le roi houx .
- Customs of Imbolc .
- Ambiuolcios .
- Solo ritual - Alban Eilir .
- Satios .
- Lady Eostre .
- Alban Eilir .
- Beltane .
- Sacred trees of Beltaine .
- Bundle for the Beltane fire .
- The myth of the may Day .
- Legends and lore of Beltane .
- Beltane floral customs and ritual .
- Festival - Ceremony of Belotennia .
- Alban Hefin
- Mediosamonios
Magical Places
St Brigid's well Kildare .
Glastonbury Goddess Temple - GT2 .
Glastonbury white temple - WT1 - WT2 -WS .
The Tor - T2 - T3 .
Chalice Well Garden Glastonbury- CW2 - CW3 - CW4 - CW5 - CW6 - CW7- CW8 .
Druid's temple Ilton - D1 - D2 - D3 .
Mollkirsh .
Huelgoat Druids forest Brittany - H2 - H3 - H4
H5 .
Tintagel : T1 - T2 - T3
Alderley Edge Sacred Well- a celtic portal
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