#achilles come down fic
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pencilofawesomeness · 1 year ago
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“I made her feel powerless, I knocked her down and— and she still makes me feel scared.” —Satoru, So Find One And Seize It, Chapter 5
So a consequence of rereading Chapters 4 and 5 of SFOASI from The Odyssey series by the utterly incredible HotCocoaaa ( @biscaanii ) and then listening to Hawk in the Night by Maddie Buckley soon afterward is getting immediate brainrot for the most depressingly brutal piece I could start 2024 with. It worked too well for the Gojo Clan, especially Cocoa's rendition of Satoru and his grandmother, Akemi. She's a terrible woman and she fascinates me.
Go read this series guys it's so great—
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genderjester · 1 year ago
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been reading achilles come down & the other fics in that series by @biscaanii / @biscaani & i am honestly obsessed. so of course i doodled some things inspired by it uwu
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inks-lil-quiet-corner · 2 months ago
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Self-Made Soulmates
(based on / inspired by Achilles Come Down by @biscaanii! i am. very normal about this fic and The Odyssey in general. so, so normal i promise.)
(rambles under cut!! also cw gore / tw gore (i drew a thing based on a certain chapter in acd) and warning for spoilers on all of the current fics in the odyssey (except for the fic with the scrapped ideas))
. . . . .
so i lied i'm actually incredibly Not Normal about this fic series. it has made its home in my brain and will now never leave.
i originally decided to read it cuz i had just finished the anime and wanted some fanfics to sink my teeth into, and the moment i saw this fic and the Time Travel tag, my fate was sealed.
i instantly fell in love with the story it was creating and may have gotten a little too attached to the story's interpretation of the characters. my favorite jjk character before reading this fic series was yuuji, but the moment i read the first fic gojo immediately skyrocketed to the top of my list, along with the other two members of the trio.
and speaking of gojo...
i thought of this meme when i read the chapters where the brain bashing incident happens and immediately had to draw it lmao. please disregard the horribleness and inconsistencies of it i can't animate or do anatomy stuff for shit lol. this is also my first time drawing anything remotely bloody. i just wanted to have fun with it so here we are 🎉
here's the image of gojo with the ibuprofen text lol
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anyway back to rambling-
i think the series did a really good job with tackling satoru's mental health issues throughout the story. he felt alive, as did all of the other characters with their own issues and emotions and love. this fic also made me really like suguru as a character a ton more since i was more so indifferent about him before reading this fic; same with shoko. i also like yaga a lot more now which i wasn't expecting honestly cuz he's probably one of the characters i cared for the least at first lol. and i wanna give haibara and nanami a hug. and ohhh my god the children were perfect i love them so much i want to squish them. and kenjaku was also really well written! i liked the lore thrown in about their constant search for knowledge in the most extremely non-ethical ways.
i found it funny that bits of canon, the lore, and the timeline were all essentially thrown out the window at times lol. not in a bad way!!! especially cuz it made the story flow a lot better and i'm also a big fan of rewriting canon to suit your whims if it makes for a good or better story.
the first fic in the series is probably my favorite? cuz i feel like the big story plot points are the heaviest in it and it got me hooked the fastest, but the kids in the other two make it a hard contest cuz i really like the familial fluff and these fics are actually the first time i've ever willingly read something like it. and i thought the plot stuff in between was really well organized and i was living for the murders that happened it was great lmao.
and also the 2nd and 3rd fics actually made me tolerate children more lol. i know they're not always sunshine and rainbows when it comes to behavior and taking care of them, but the fics made me remember the nice parts about them so that was really appreciative. i wanna give the fushiguro siblings and the twins a hug so baddd. and i remember screaming when they got their last names changed in the 3rd fic it was so fucking cute!!!! stsg family my beloved.
it took me... *checks calendar* 11 days? to read the entirety of the current fics in the series. i started reading it around dec 11th, finished it on dec 22nd, and it has not left my brain since. i'm probably gonna reread it at some point also when i'm able to reclaim some free time because i'm a little bit extremely obsessed with it.
i think the last fic to have impacted me this badly was like. over year ago i think. i go about my day and then randomly think to myself "i miss acd stsg family :(" completely unprompted. they just. pop into my head. i need more content or i will explode. but i do understand that it's on a bit of a hiatus so i'm just gonna reread what there is lol. and also maybe draw more if i get the motivation or remember to do so cuz i usually forget.
i will now throw in some of the screenshots i took while reading the series cuz i wanna show some of the bits that made me laugh lol
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to those that read all the way up to this point- thank you for sitting through all of this lmao. i will now go back into my hermit cave -w-
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pokedokiecentral · 1 year ago
@peccaberry hope you don't mind I made your boys real
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The boys enjoying their happy home
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Uh oh
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intruder alert
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The gang's all here
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intruder alert part 2, N-truder alert
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sincerelylancelot · 3 months ago
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The World Championship trophy rests in his trembling hands, his name etched in fine gold. It isn't until he's staring down at it—his name nestled close to Max’s—that he realises his dreams have always been carved out of someone else’s pain. Jules. Max. And now, maybe even himself.
Charles Leclerc / Max Verstappen, mature, 21k
Tags: angst and hurt/comfort, charles leclerc-centric, suicidal thoughts, jos verstappen is his own warning, alternate universe - canon divergence, amputation, angst with a happy ending
(find the fic here)
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theotherbuckley · 1 year ago
Fuck it Friday 💜
Tagged by: @wikiangela @aspecbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings 💗
Ooh hi I haven’t written in a while.. but here’s a snippet of my Achilles Come Down coma fic which I’ve only written a bit of but here…
When Evan Buckley was born, he stayed in hospital for one whole year. He wasn’t sick, quite the contrary actually — he was in hospital because he was the cure. The cure for a little boy who had the same blood running through his veins.
Evan Buckley was only in the hospital for one year because he didn’t save his brother. Daniel got sick again and Evan, Evan cried and he cried, and he didn’t know why.
Evan turns two and there is no party or celebration. Maddie holds him as he cries, sings a lullaby in his ear. His parents are packing and he doesn’t know why. But somewhere inside, he knows it’s his fault.
Evan is three and Maddie buys him a zebra plushie, he names it Danny. Maddie cries and he doesn’t know why, but he thinks it’s his fault.
Evan is five when he starts school. He’s known by the other kids as the boy with the red-marked eye. He’d always thought it looked cool; Maddie told him it was special. But he goes home and he steals his mothers concealer and he covers it up. His mom cries when she sees him. And he knows, again, that it’s all his fault. His father tells him to wash his face — it’s the most words he’s spoken to him in a while.
There’s a pain in his chest and he thinks he’s lying down when he hears words that sound something like “Do more!” They’re shouted from a voice he knows he loves but they sound broken, hurt. He wonders if that’s his fault too. He doesn’t know where he is. He doesn’t know if he’s going to come back.
He doesn’t know if he wants to.
Tagging <3 @disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @jeeyuns @wildlife4life @honestlydarkprincess @eddiebabygirldiaz @spagheddiediaz @jesuisici33 @your-catfish-friend @ladydorian05 @giddyupbuck @eowon @elvensorceress @watchyourbuck @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @king-buckley @rainbow-nerdss @cal-daisies-and-briars @crowleywasagryffindor @malewifediaz @evanbegins @jamespearce9-1-1 @bucksbirthmark  @callmenewbie @underwater-ninja-13 @daffi-990 @fionaswhvre and anyone else who wants to share!!! I love reading your snippets!! (Let me know if you want to be added or removed)
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meraki-yao · 1 year ago
1 💕
8 for Can I Have This Dance
2 Which scene was your favorite to write in I Need Comfort (But I Hate Being Comfortable)
Thank you for the ask dear!
1. Of the fics you’ve written, which is your favourite and why?
Honestly the fic I'm the proudest of is not an RWRB fic, it's a shadowhunters/malec song fic: Achilles Come Down
My best works and best creativities come from me projecting myself and putting my actual feelings into the fic. What happened with this fic is I had a really shitty day, went out for a run while listening to Achilles Come Down, thought of the fic and proceeded to dump all my feelings, spend the next entire day writing the fic, finishing it within 24 hours. Till this day I think it's the best thing I've ever written, ever.
But for RWRB, I'm gonna say I’d Hang the Moon for It to Shine on Him Sleeping. It's also partially me venting through both Henry and Catherine, but there's also this part where I wish we could see more or less what I wrote on screen, hopefully in the sequel. Writing in Catherine's pov was really fun. I'm really proud of that one.
2. Which scene was your favourite to write in I Need Comfort (But I Hate Being Comfortable)?
Oh, this was pure vent and very raw. I was going through a depressive episode those couple of days, so I kind of wrote down what I did for Henry and copied a couple of lines from my own diary for Henry's inner monologue. So my favourite scene to write was actually taking what's my own feelings and reframing it to fit Henry's narrative. So this part:
He’s kind of frustrated at himself. He’s in a much better place than he was in the past: he’s away from the palace, he’s writing his own book, he has a boyfriend who he loves and who loves him. It’s what he always wanted, he’s what he thought he would never get. The constant fear and despair of hiding his sexuality for his entire life, the thought of pretending to be straight and getting married to some noblewoman, the feeling that he doesn’t fit in the space, the dread that sticks to his skin and dyes his blood a dull shade of black like some toxic, viscous tar, that’s truly gone for good.
I'm kind of happy something so negative inside me can be translated into some sort of creative outlet.
8. Which scenes did you cut, and which were added in Can I Have This Dance?
I'm not sure if this counts as cutting because I didn't actually write it, but I considered putting the Paris scene for the first section instead of DNC night, but 1, I ended up deciding I wanted actual dancing, in the traditional sense of the word 2, I wasn't really ready to write smut at the time and felt like Paris was too heavy for me just to stuff it as a quarter of a fic. So I wrote DNC instead.
As for what scene was added, Alex and Henry dancing to their playlist was a later decision. I initially kind of just thought of them slow dancing in the kitchen or something, but then I remembered that playlist exist and added it in.
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theprophetizaiah · 1 year ago
Achilles Come Down | Chapter 1: Pain As a Motive
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Summary: Crowley believes Aziraphale died in the bookshop fire. Now, he's sending the armies of hell to avenge him. Based loosely on the story of Achilles and Patroclus.
Warning: None for this chapter! (Aside from some foul language)
Word count: 1.5k (this chapter)
All chapters should be available here! (I haven't written on Tumblr in many moons please forgive me)
To read on AO3, check out my work here!
Crowley burned in the hell he imagined he’d always belonged in. Ashes rained from the heavens. Burning paper engulfed his senses. Black smoke burned in his eyes. He breathed in his dead lover. Misery. Misery for the rest of eternity.
“Somebody killed my best friend!” he was somewhere between a yell and a sob. “Bastards!” Between fury and agony.
They spent the last 6,000 years toeing the line between best friends and lovers. Dining at the Ritz, feeding ducks, saving each other from mortal peril, you know, as friends do. Crowley would know him in any lifetime. From the weight of his step, the smell of his hair, the sound of his breath (it would skip and stutter when he had thought of something clever). The air around Aziraphale was always heavy, but not in the manner of suffocation. Rather, his aura was a heavy wool blanket. Warm, grounded, homey. The closest thing Crowley ever really had to a home.
Before the apocalypse, Crowley recalled their drunken ramblings. Amidst the whiffs of red wine, he remembered how he smelled. Like earl grey, oak, and bourbon: something his barber suggested. He also always smelled a bit like paper. It made the burning around Crowley all the more unbearable. Anthony J. Crowley, fallen angel and Duke of Hell, reeling over the doing of a foreigner’s god. Certainly not the one he knew, or maybe exactly the one he knew.
He laid in the flames, thinking through his new reality. This was a rare moment of clarity for the distraught demon. Who killed him: heaven or hell? Either reality had some sense to it. Heaven could, and would, excommunicate him for working with a demon. Permanent discorporation, or banishment to hell. Hell would kill him just for the sake of it. Just to say they did. Racking his brain, he realized Hell was unfortunately, his best chance of finding Aziraphale, or at least what became of him. Crowley slowly creeped up from the ashen ground. He was unsure how much time had passed, but it seemed that the flames had slowed. In mere moments, he stared between the two escalators. He chose downward. As the escalator carried him into the dank, dark corridors, his anguish gnawed at him, clawing its war from the inside out. He allows a single tear, and immediately wipes it away. Only the damned cry in hell.
Crowley had stopped fighting for hell decades ago. In the presence of his angel, he saw no reason for it. He saw no reason to fill the world with more violence. The humans were better at that anyway. After his bout in Edinborough, he was promptly tortured for the next several decades. Crowley never saw the face of Satan, but he would give it an ethereal, firm uppercut the second he had the chance. He lost faith in his leadership, in the art of mass scale temptation. He preferred the gentle temptation of his beloved. Of asking him out to breakfast, bringing him wine, planting seeds of heavenly doubt in his mind. He thought often about the Greek myth of the origin of love. They were alone together at the edge of the universe, a body of eight limbs, four eyes, and a flutter of feathers. Whoever Crowley was, it was a product of the angel. Whoever Aziraphale was, it was Crowley’s collateral. And beautifully so, their symbiosis carried on through the centuries. The demon had the fight pulled out of him the way the angel unshelved his books. Carefully and with gentle hands. 
But now that he was gone, this was war. If he had nothing, he would still have Aziraphale, but if he didn’t have his angel, he had nothing. His fury craved battle, to make them hurt the same way he did. His wrath could summon the very same fire that had surrounded him in the hours prior. If his beloved really was gone, then he would destroy the heaven that took him.
Crowley barely managed his way through the crowds of demons slowly but surely trudging their way through the crowded corridors of hell. After passing the rest of the high offices he comes to the door of the one and only Beelzebub. For a moment, he questions if he should even knock, let alone open the door. He wonders if any of this is worth it in the first place. What if his Angel didn't care whatsoever about him? What if he didn’t need saving, or worse, he was already long gone? But in reality, he knew that wasn't the case. He’d be damned, more than he is already, if he let Aziraphale die knowing that he could have prevented it. Crowley gulps and burst open the door of Beelzebub's office. Demons were typically not known for their politeness. Inside, he sees Beelzebub sitting upon their throne, legs crossed fancifully, almost as if they were expecting him. Crowley's stomach turns at this realization. 
“How's it going up there?” Beelzebub asks. Crowley puts on his best front and looks Beelzebub dead in the eyes and lies:
 “Fantastic,” he says. “The Antichrist is mere moments from inciting the Apocalypse.” 
Beelzebub smirks. “Wonderful. Great job.” 
Crowley shudders ever so slightly. Not enough for anyone else to notice, but enough for him to feel a profound discomfort. He again looks to Beelzebub, “did you capture the angel? Is he here?”
Beelzebub looks confused. “What do you mean capture the angel?”
“Aziraphale,” Crowley starts. “The other angel that has worked in my same jurisdiction for six thousand years. Did you capture him?”
Beelzebub purses their lips, seemingly scanning their memory. Alas, still confused. “No… Why would you assume that? Why would we let him in here?” They began to look vaguely suspicious of their colleague.
 Crowley pulled something out of his ass. “I saw that the Bookshop was on fire,” he blurted out. “I could have only imagined that it was demonic intervention.” Beelzebub chuckled. 
“It's not always hellfire,” Crowley stifles a laugh, just enough for Beelzebub to think it's genuine. Beelzebub speaks up once more. “Yeah, I don't know about the angel. We don't have ‘im here.” Crowley takes a moment and a step back. He decides to tell the best lie that he's ever told, aside from the fact that he was not madly, disgustingly in love with a forbidden fruit. 
“I want that slimy bastard gone forever,” Crowley spits. “I want that fussy dumbarse to not be anywhere near God's green Earth.”
“Well, I know that much… What are you suggesting?” 
Crowley laughs disingenuously, but trying desperately to seem genuine. “I think we need to raid heaven.”
Beelzebub looks puzzled. “But why do we need to raid the heavens if we have already conquered the Earth, Crowley?” they said. “Why would we postpone destroying Earth to fight this war first?”
“That’s exactly it… they’ll never see it coming,” Crowley says. “We can start with the archangels: Gabriel, Michael, Uriel… There will be no one left to lead their army in such short order. Then we let the Earth burn, and winning their holy war will be easier than dropping the antichrist at the convent.”
His voice grows raspy. Crowley takes a deep breath. “It'll let them know once and for all that their God means nothing.” Crowley sits down in front of Beelzebub. They seem a bit more intrigued. Crowley describes a plot more ambitious than any of his plans to date: to invade the heavens. To crusade his lover’s workplace by summoning a demonic army, comprised of hundreds of damned souls. He plans to force them through the Gates of Heaven to slaughter any angels in their sight. Beelzebub loved this concept, and was almost surprised Crowley came up with it. But, he did dream up the Spanish Inquisition, after all (or so they thought).
“Honestly, why not?” Beelzebub smirks. “If we're all going to be separated for the rest of time anyway, this would be a fun way to go out. If they want us to fight this war, we ought to do it our way. Hell fights dirty.” As the flies buzzed among their crown, they grinned the way a child would when they had come up with the perfect prank. Except this wasn’t a prank. It was the end of the world. Of Crowley’s, at least.
Beelzebub grimaced. Crowley laughed. “Well, I'll go talk about it with head office, and we'll get it sorted. I want it done by the end of the day today. That sound alright?” Beelzebub nodded in excitement. Crowley seems giddy with anticipation but not in the way that you would imagine. The anxiety pulsed through his veins. He was setting into motion the divine war days earlier than was planned, all for a fussy angel he drank wine with one too many times. But at the same time, he knew this was his reality. Crowley couldn’t pretend he didn’t love him anymore. Not when he could be dead. If heaven wanted a war, they were going to get it, god dammit.
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resident-normal-person · 4 months ago
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika | Puella Magi Madoka Magica Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Yui Tsuruno, Nanami Yachiyo, Azusa Mifuyu, Satomi Touka, various other playable magireco characters, Yui Tsuruno's Family Additional Tags: Character Study, Songfic, Dysfunctional Family, Minor Character Death, Mental Health Issues Summary:
Tsuruno was strong; she was taller than her older sister and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. She’d always been stronger and faster than most of her classmates. With magical powers, physical fights wouldn’t be a problem.
As Kyubey promised, she won the 800 million yen lottery.
Is it worth it, to be the mightiest?
My work for the @magireco-minibang​ Fall 2024 event!
ft. art by @sicksweetcreamy here
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pencilofawesomeness · 1 year ago
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No one had said anything, because no one had been there but Suguru when Satoru had swayed nearly to his feet and then frozen, straightening back up in a way that didn’t allow for gravity, looking up to the sky like he’d never seen it before. It had almost been a relief to carry his unconscious body to the infirmary, because he hadn’t been conscious to fall to his knees again looking like he’d seen hell itself. 
—Achilles Come Down, Chapter 3, by HotCocoaaa ( @biscaani )
...my hand slipped again guys. I love this song and I loved this imagery.
“Oh, your love is sunlight”
—Hozier, Sunlight
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genderjester · 1 year ago
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some more doodles inspired by @biscaanii /@biscaani 's odyssey series bc im still rotating everything in my head at all times...fix it fic of all time truly
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itzmeraven · 1 year ago
Achilles, Come Down by HotCocoaaa
Pls someone read this fic i need to talk to someone abt it the writing is literally 🤌
“He’d wanted to die, had been glad for it even, and maybe he can’t remember how to be human but he does remember being a god… He can’t remember how to live, when he’s spent his whole life wanting to die. ”
“Otherwise, you’ve got nothing to do but be exceedingly gay together.” - love shoko
“Satoru from spilling out of his bed like a clumpy liquid” - how i get out of bed
“It’s almost a little funny how angelic he always looks. To every unsuspecting person, he’s pretty, refined, a face seen more in a fashion magazine than one out on the street. No one who sees him in passing would ever guess at what a huge, walking annoyance Satoru makes himself out to be on a day to day basis.”
“It’s not gay if I don’t think about it,’ he chants in his head, ” - 🫣
“Tell me what you’re thinking?” Suguru asks, endearing and earnest and always a blessing, no matter how much red had been dripping from his hands. ”
“because Satoru’s just as human as him, and Suguru knows that. ”
“Where and how the leopard print tie becomes fashionable remains a mystery to him. ” - hehe nanamin
“He likes pretty people, but he is a pretty person. He likes Suguru, but that’s a given. ”
“It’s easy to take you for granted.” Suguru frowns at that, knowing how disgustingly true it is, and yet unable to find it within himself to be mad about it. Satoru is a commodity, and he’s overlooked. What else is new? ”
“He trusts in Suguru even when he’s nothing but an apparition in the prison of a body. ” - 😭
“When they’d been children sent to die; children marching off to war; children being given the blade and told to paint the world red. Nobody had ever cared that they’d only been kids. Nobody but him. ”
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morticianesbit · 9 months ago
The Departure of Young Severus
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Short Drabble of the day Severus left his home to join the death eaters.
Morning Dew on the window pane. Severus watches the fog. The thick grey blanket on the front lawn. The parlour is quiet and cold. His black cloak falls lifelessly to the ground.
Five men in the distance. The fog parts, smooth and timid. Silver masks appear from the dense grey. Their dark mantels move proud and fierce in the wind.
The creaking of the wooden floor. The gentle sway of Severus’ cloak. To the suffocating hallway that raised him. It is goodbye to the old parlour of his youth.
A firm hand on his shoulder. It guides him to the fog. The men move in tandem. The silent grey that blind them. They follow the one in front of them. Helpless as their cloaks surround them. Their wayward thoughts that bind them. So sure of himself, young Severus walks beyond the protective fog.
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talictries · 1 year ago
It's a death that after eight long years brings them all back together.
It's been almost a decade since the self-proclaimed 'Bellgate Eight' have all seen one another. It just happens that the funeral of their shared past Literature teacher, George's life role model, is what brings them back together, for the better or the worse.
Alternatively; an exploration of justice and injustice, love and hate, fire and water, and perhaps most fittingly the novel they studied together in their senior year at the prestigious Bellgate Academy; Crime and Punishment.
Double Alternatively; The Dark Academia Murder Mystery F1 Fanfic that the world never knew it needed. (Especially in these trying times when there is still two entire months before we see cars on track again.
so,,,, mayhaps not what you expected from me (a wannabe video editor?? who am i??) but i was talking to @cak3art and they made a literal crime board of the suspects which was so funny considering they had the 'groundbreaking idea' before a few scenes later the literal characters were making one 💀.
but yeah? this is... something?? i'm pretty ass at editing still, but honestly this fic is my favourite thing I've written and a 2024 goal of mine is to try do more editing so i pulled an all-nighter and made this.
if you do read this post and decide to give it a read, then thank you!! reblogs appreciated <333 and hope everyone is well <333
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saintmichale · 9 months ago
Anyways if you’re as distraught as I am about the latest leaks you can check out Achilles, Come Down from @biscaanii it is The Fix It and it will surely cure what ails you
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theotherbuckley · 1 year ago
Two coma fics?!?!??
Buck's coma has so much potential!!!
Ok so Achilles Come Down coma fic (also asked by @steadfastsaturnsrings) is based on the song achilles come down by gang od youths. It basically and snippets from throughout Buck's life to where he is now, has him not wanting to wake up. He doesn't breath on his own off the ventilator because he chooses not to. But then have him in his coma dream with everyone at the fire fam having 2 different lives, one in which he interacts with that member of the firefam in his dream and one where he watches them grieving him by his bedside. In it he ultimately chooses between the family he has in the dream and the real one. (This one DOES have a happy ending)
Here's a lil mini teaser snippet: (you can also find a larger snippet here)
Buck thinks he saw a light before it all went black. But that could have just been a figment of his imagination; he knows that the brain comes up with crazy things when you’re dying. Because that’s what he was doing, wasn’t it?
Buck dies coma I have answered here and here honestly similar premise but Buck stays with Eddie in the coma dream.
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