#achilles and pat be like: 👀👀👀
Rereading TSOA.
There's a part where Achilles and Patroclus are like, u know when they're talking with Dio and Odi at the ship and Pat think something about their dinamic and Achilles just smiles.
Dude. I love Odi loving Penelope. But they know what u are boys.
At least we all know that Dio in some moment had a crush on Odi.
That's it, thank u. Now I'm gonna cry because they're arriving at Troy:')
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tododeku-or-bust · 9 months
Somebody ask me bout my OCs 😭 I wanna squeal
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johaerys-writes · 21 days
ik this is so random buttt if all of your patrochilles AUs were in the same room what do you think would happen; like would they beef orrr ???
Omgggg I love this ask 😭🙏 this was so fun to think about, so let's see. If all my patrochilles AUs were in the same room...
Disasters & BBB!Achilles would absolutely be FLOORED by Twin Flames, Nameless and Fates!Patroclus 😳 those pecs, those arms, that back..... like "Whoa... C-can you bench-press me pls... pretty pls 😳🥵"
Disasters!Achilles would THROW DOWN with BBB!Achilles for treating Patroclus and also Dei the way he has 🤬 teach him some respect!!!!
BBB!Achilles would totally make out with every version of himself for shits and giggles
Disasters!Achilles would be incredibly intrigued by Fates!Achilles (a super strong, super fast demigod version of himself?? Sign him up👀) and would also chat with Twin Flames!Achilles about dresses and passing as a girl LOL
Any version of Achilles would climb Fates!Patroclus like a tree honestly LMAO that alpha is just too powerful 😩👌 and Fates!Achilles would get super territorial and bite them all
Disasters!Patroclus would absolutely throw down with both BBB and Twin Flames!Patroclus for not following Achilles wherever he is!!!!! Like what do you MEAN you're too depressed to love him right, get your shit together bro!!
Disasters and Twin Flames!Pat would have big beef with BBB but also Fates!Patroclus for treating Achilles with anything less than complete devotion, respect and adoration. Twin Flames Pat especially might challenge all of them to a duel at dawn lmao
I think BBB!Patroclus would cry upon meeting Disasters!Patroclus and realising how things could have worked out between him and Achilles, and how they didn't need to completely trash their relationship for years 🥲 maybe that would be the wake up call he needs
Despite all that, every version of Patroclus in a room full of Achilleses would think he's in heaven or something LOL
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enlitment · 3 months
What’s the beef between Voltaire and Rousseau? I follow this person who pretends they’re Rousseau and they shit on Voltaire every other day…I’m so curious what is the lore 👀👀
Hi, first of all thanks for the ask! There's a lot going on, but I think it's quite entertaining, so if you have some time to spare to learn about a beef between two colourful characters from centuries ago, strap in!
(Also just decided I'll make two posts because there's so much to get into. Sincerely sorry, brevity has never been my strong suit.)
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The genius leads Voltaire and Rousseau to the Temple of Fame and Immortality (from French Revolution period)
PHILOSOPHICAL DIFFERENCES (aka let's get the basics out of the way first)
I know that a lot of people (myself certainly included!) are mostly there to discuss the juicier stuff, but I think an overview of their general outlook on life is still important, if only to better understand the drama that went down between them.
This will of course be a gross oversimplification of quite complex philosophical problems. (I can almost sense my lecturers shaking their heads as I'm typing this.) Nonetheless -
The simplest way to describe their differences of opinion is that Voltaire championed reason and logic while Rousseau’s philosophy focused much more on feelings. (His personal life was like that as well. JJ prided himself in being in touch with his feelings, which I’m all here for, but sometimes it does really feel like he’s crying in the woods on literally every other page). Another key difference in their general worldview would be Rousseau’s optimism contrasted with Voltaire’s pessimism (probably best exemplified in Candide).
Voltaire essentially believed that human Reason, along with all the rapid advances in sciences and arts overseen by the 18th century would lead to a better life and a better society. Rousseau, on the other hand, in his famous essay First Discourse on Arts and Sciences that skyrocketed his career as a philosopher basically argues that people were originally good in their 'natural state' and it is the artifice of society that corrupted them and rendered them unhappy.
This then very much ties into the differences between the two philosophers as people.
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From Paris. Shout out to my friends who waited for me for five minutes before I got a decent angle.
Rousseau saw himself as a champion of the simple, humble life. In a personal letter to Voltaire, he claimed that the fact V spends his life surrounded by opulence, luxury, and insincere manners of the upper-classes is the precise cause of his misery. V in turn though that both Rousseau’s views and he as a person are a bit ridiculous. (Honestly? Fair. Lot of people did, especially among the upper-classes and 'men of letters' - a lot of which were former Rousseau's friends as well before he decided to go full cottagecore).
Voltaire contacted Rousseau after he read his famous essay The Discourse on the Origin of Inequality among Men in 1755. The letter itself is far from just patting Rousseau on the back. Voltaire does defend the arts, the sciences, and the human progress in general against Rousseau's criticism. I'm including this quote from it since it illustrates the typical banter of V that nonetheless has teeth:
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as well as this quote (mostly because I think it's a banger line):
Letters support, refine, and comfort the soul: they are serving you, sir, at the very moment you decry them: you are like Achilles declaiming against fame (...)
Nonetheless, the tone of the letter is overall quite amiable. To me, it reads as playful criticism - critical, sure, but no open hostility at this point. He even invites Rousseau to come visit him at the end:
M. Chappus tells me your health is very unsatisfactory: you must come and recover here in your native place, enjoy its freedom, drink (with me) the milk of its cows, and browse on its grass.
[1/2] to be continued...
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darlingpoppet · 26 days
Jealousy pza BLEASE!!!!!!!!
This one I would probably consider to be another Closest To My Heart redux, because I have one (1) idea I’m fixated on and it’s DISGUSTING 😂 This WIP has the honor of being THE thing I was doing the moment Hades 2 Early Access dropped and it’s actually fairly far along so I could probably bang it out pretty quick and get it done the next time I’m in-between projects 👀‼️
Basically the idea is, what if Patrochilles have this sort of good cop/bad cop ritual with Zag where Achilles “punishes” Zag for lusting after Pat (this whole thing was initially inspired by watching a friend drawing a picture of Achilles with Zag over his lap and spanking him lol) and it’s very degradation kink… And then Zag goes to Elysium and Pat takes care of him and it’s very praise kink (playing up whole idea of callous, arrogant Achilles vs gentle, kind Patroclus) BUT ALSO Pat purposely does stuff to Zag to rile up Achilles, and Zag also comes home all full of himself like “that sure is a top shelf man you’ve got there, I’m still sore even after taking a rejuvenation trip down the Styx!” so it’s wash, rinse, repeat since Zag is just a huge perv who gets off on all of it :3 And I guess it culminates in him encountering them both in Elysium and they get to have him together
Also I made zag explicitly trans for this one… so I thought of like, Achilles filling up his pussy as a treat for Pat and Pat like “for me? <3” and eating him out
I also wanted Zag over Achilles’ lap and Achilles fingering to make him squirt and then scolding him harshly when he gets his robes all wet
And then Pat gently kisses all the marks Achilles makes on zag’s skin :’)
Oh and hey, here’s a snippet of prose, even!
He is a toy, a bone that two dogs fight over; he experiences the thrilling rush as they manhandle him roughly. He is not afraid, not even if they were to mishandle him to death. For Zagreus, the sort of god that he is, it is the ultimate expression of worship.
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Hello!!!! For the fluffiest smutfest - Happy Lowman with accidental tickling caught my eye 👀
Contains:Fluff, smut (oral sex M and F receiving, face sitting, fingering, P in V.)
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Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #Sp's fluffiest Smutfest
You discover Happy's Achilles heel.
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Gif from Google
It was one of those times when everything was wonderful, there were no issues with the Club, work was great and you had nothing to do. It was a cool afternoon and you and Happy were lazing around on the couch with his head in your lap while as scratched his scalp while you enjoyed the nature documentary on TV.
The dog, Snowball, was on his special chair, lying on his back with his legs in the air and his tongue hanging out of his mouth while he snored softly, "I swear that dog has it better than most people."
Happy chuckled, "he's the best boy, he deserves everything he wants."
You shook your head, "he is a good boy, I also bought him a puppy pool."
Happy huffed, "you are worse than me."
You bent over and kissed him, "hell yeah I am."
He sighed, "you wanna go somewhere fancy tonight? I figure if we treat Snowball we should treat ourselves too."
You smiled, "that would be really nice, what about der volle Tisch?"
Happy thought for a moment, "that new German place that has a Michelin star in its other location? Why not, I know a guy who can get us in."
You kissed him again, "of course you do."
You threw off your shoes at the end of the night, your belly full as you flopped down on the couch, Happy sitting next to you, "that was amazing."
Happy smiled and held up a bag, "shall we give puppy his treat?"
Snowball seemed to know what was going on, running over with a silly dog smile on his face. You reached into the bag and took out the container, opening it and showing him the stake, "are you a good boy?" There was a tail wag and you put the container down, Snowball munching the stake down while his tag wagged so hard his whole butt wagged.
"That was so worth the forty dollars."
Happy met your eye and kissed you, his lips soft against yours as you placed your hand on his chest. The dress shirt felt strange under your hands as you ran your hands from his hard pecs to his ribs, you must have touched him in just the right way because his eyes went wide and he looked at you like you had just discovered a horrible secret.
"Happy, are you ticklish?"
He shook his head, "no, your hands are cold." You looked him dead in the eye and did it again, and he clenched his jaw to hold back the laugh.
You smiled maniacally and did it again, harder this time and his whole body twitched, "you are, you're ticklish."
The smile on your face had him half grinning, the rest of him doing his best to look scary, "sure, but I know you are for sure." He gave you an evil smile and you took off running, doing your best to dodge his arms.
Snowball was interested, his head tilting and you took advantage of his need to get praise, "where's daddy?" He ran between you, jumping on Happy to show you how smart he was. Your plan worked twofold, Happy couldn't stop himself from patting him, and a sixty pound dog jumping on Happy with his tongue out slowed him down.
Happy managed to give him an extra good scratch and Snowball walked away to sleep off his steak. You hadn't moved from your spot and Happy tensed, "you're really in for it now little girl."
You didn't have the chance to run, a long arm wrapping around you as fingers went into your side. You tried to apologise through your laughter and Happy took mercy on you, spinning you in his arms and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss deepened and then his hands were brushing the straps of the dress off your shoulders.
He pecked your cheek and stepped back, taking in your nice but not fancy lingerie, "what?"
He smiled, "I like this colour on you." The love in his eyes as he looked you over was painfully clear, like he had never seen something so wonderful.
He took your hand in his and walked to the bedroom, stopping in the middle of the room as you undid the buttons of his top. You dropped the top in a pile and removed his belt then pulled his pants down, his half hard cock tenting his boxers. The mischievous look in your eyes was back and Happy raised his eyebrows, "don't you dare."
You raised your hands, "I was only thinking about it, I wasn't going to do it."
He smiled and took our face in his hands, rubbing your nose with his then kissing your senseless. His hand ran up your back and he undid your bra, his lips moving down your neck as he walked you backwards until your knees hit the bed.
He pulled your bra off your body then ran his hands down your side and gripped the legs of your panties and pulled them off too, licking his lips as he took you in.
You reached out to take off his boxers and he slapped your hands away with a laugh, "I don't trust you."
You snorted in fake offence, "I don't think your penis is ticklish Hap." The laughter continued as he waved you up the bed and climbed on top of you, his lips finding yours in a gentle kiss. You wrapped your arms around him and hooked your leg in his, flipping over and landing on top of him, "are you going to let me suck your dick or don't you trust me?"
Happy smiled, "suck away."
You wrinkled your eyebrows and made a face, "way to take all the romance out of it."
His hand stroked your cheek as you pulled his boxers off, Happy's cock springing free as he sighed with relief. You licked him from base to tip and back again then taking the tip in your mouth while your hand cupped his balls. Happy's hand found the back of your head as he guided your mouth further down.
"That's it, you're so fucking good at that."
You went down as far as you could, your free hand covering what your mouth couldn't as you rolled his balls with the other. Happy was grunting and groaning as you swallowed his down. He tapped your cheek and you pulled back, "what is it my love?"
He smiled, "come up here and sit on my face."
You rolled your eyes, "when you ask like that how can I say no." You did as he asked, hovering over him as his hand found your thighs and he nodded for you to sink down on him. He moaned against your flesh as your taste filled his mouth, his tongue darting out to lick your clit. You clenched your legs and did your best not to crush him as his lips wrapped around your clit and he removed one hand from your thigh to circle your entrance with two fingers.
His fingertips found your G-spot and he moaned again as your started to rock your hips against his mouth, the vibrations shooting up your body. The hand on your thigh squeezed your tight enough that you were sure you were going to bruise and you barely had the chance to warn him before you were cumming all over his face.
You held yourself up by the headboard and caught your breath before moving to kiss him as you hovered over his cock, tasting yourself on his lips and reaching down to grab his cock as he grunted, kissing him one last time before sliding down in one go.
"Fuck." Happy's voice was tight as you began to rock your hips back and forth, placing your hands on his chest to stabilise yourself. He sat up, with a smirk, his lips finding your nipple as he ran his hands up and down your back. You faulted as you got closer to the edge, Happy hips picking up the slack as he rocked into you.
His hand found your clit as he angled his hips to brush your G-spot and with one last pass, you fell over the edge. Happy hips became harsh as he chased his own high. The noises he was making becoming feral as his teeth sunk into your neck and he pulsed inside you.
You rested in his lap and he shifted his hips, slipping out of you then wrapping his arms around your body in a loving embrace, "you good little girl?"
You nodded, "I'm great, I love you."
He smiled and rubbed his cheek against yours, "I love you too."
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#quick tell me ur theories on what's happening in this scene 
Well ok let’s see 🤔 Maybe Jack sees Javi needs some new gear and has him try out a new pair of boots and spurs. Maybe Javi stumbles a bit after a few steps. Maybe Jack catches him, sits him down. Gives him a once over to make sure he’s good. Maybe Jack says something like “Well here’s the problem. Your spur’s loose.” Maybe he gently but firmly puts his hand on Javi’s knee with a “No no, you stay right there big boy, I got ya.” And maybe there’s a Lot of intense eye contact while he’s fixing that boot against his chest. Like idk maybe 🤔🤔
🩵 Pat 😅
@patternedlantern, my darling, my beloved. Anything could be happening here, u know? Like idk maybe 👀
The boots are clunky, clumsy. Javi feels like a newborn foal, stumbling about. The new metal feature on his boots is unfamiliar, a strange weight over his ankles and hanging on his heels. Right at his Achilles tendon.
An uneven board catches his foot and he trips again, pitching forward, the barn floor sailing up to meet him-
Javi clears his throat, flustered from more than just his fall. "Yeah. Fine." Jack had ushered him toward a crate, forgetting that Javier was slightly shorter than him, and now Javi sat with his feet off the ground and Jack between his knees.
Jack puts his body between Javier and floor. Javi lands flush against his chest, hands on Jack's arms as he steadies himself. The biceps he's unintentionally wrapped his hands around flex as they gently maneuver him upright. An amused drawl, murmured in his ear: "Easy there, cowboy." Those same hands guide him to a seat- gentle, but commanding.
"Y'alright?" Jack's eyes are black beneath the brim of his hat. The tack room is only half-lit at this early hour- sunlight pours in imperceptibly slowly, like crystallized honey filling the other half of the room, but where the two men stand is still shadowed.
"Sure you are," Jack rasps. He smooths at Javi's shirt, over his shoulders, down his chest. He does the same to his jeans- palms over his thighs, tugging straight the hems. His fingers skim the bare skin of Javi's calf above the boots, and Javi's jaw clenches.
He lifts his foot from Jack's grasp and plants it on his chest. A dark sound rumbles in Jack's chest. He reasserts his grip on Javi's boot, his knuckles whitening. The fingers of his other hand flit, long and graceful, over the metal spur fitting.
"Well now, here's the problem." His voice is deep and gravelly. Javi can feel his chest lift and fall beneath his foot. "Loose spur." Jack flicks the metal star, and it spins with a little whir.
Neither man pays the sound any attention. Javi's eyes are as round and mesmerizing as Jack has always found them.
Javier reaches for the spur to fix it- only to have Jack grab his wrist to stop him. "Nuh-uh. You stay right there, big boy. I got ya."
Jack, keeping hold of Javi's gaze and his foot, kneels. He sets his hat aside. Javi watches, speechless, as Jack tightens the spur, removes the boot from his chest, and then from Javi's foot. He does the same on other side.
Jack then braces his hands on Javi's thighs and pulls himself upright between them. Those graceful fingers skim Javi's jaw and tip his chin up.
The sunlight is closer now, reaching over Jack's shoulder to add to the wicked sparkle in Javi's brown eyes. With his back to the sun, Jack's eyes are still depthless, all-consuming. He glowers closer, until his breath brushes Javi's cheeks, and Javier has never been happier to stay in the shadows.
Like...maybe 👀😘
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foldable-mattress · 2 years
Give me your honest opinion on Mondo and Rantaro 👀👀👀
Oo okay (I'm so sorry that this has been sitting in my ask box for so long)
Favorite Thing: I love it when the big intimidating characters like smaller animals. Like you think this guy would like Pitbulls or Rottweilers or something, but nope. Also, I would kill for his jacket, it looks so cool!
Least Favorite Thing: This is difficult for me, I don't necessarily hate anything about his character (other than his hair, he's all you would be getting from me if I could draw his fucking hair). I guess that he's a little quick to choose violence, poor Chihiro (and Makoto). Definitely chapters 1 and 2 Fuyuhiko vibes.
Favorite Line: He has so many funny lines in the anime but I'm gonna stick to the game. Going through his voice lines, he's so fucking useless during the trials but he has a lot of funny back-and-forths with other characters. I like the one at the beginning of the first trial where him and Taka go back and forth a little bit. "Don't be a goddamn idiot. Why the hell would they raise their hand?"
BrOTP: Already said him and Leon for Leon's. I would love to see him interact more with Sakura and Aoi, though. Maybe they can teach him there are better ways to release your anger. Okay, maybe Sakura can teach both of them that lesson.
OTP: Ishimondo is an obvious one, absolute sucker for enemies to lovers. Though he mentions that he yells when talking to someone he has a crush on iirc and homie is always yelling so I am inclined to believe that he's had at least the passing thought of "oh, they're attractive/cool" with all of his classmates whether he likes it or not (bisexual struggles ig)
NOTP: Idk, I don't really like victim x blackened ships, so Chihiro, I guess. They can be besties, though
Random Headcanon: iirc in his graduation event, he tells Makoto he'll build a house for him once they get out, so I like to think he's a yes-man when it comes projects. You make an offhand comment about needing more storage? Bam! He's on your doorstep the next day with a homemade chest to keep all your shit in. His love language is definitely gift giving.
Unpopular Opinion: His and Rantaro's are going to be similar, but the butter jokes get old after seeing it constantly (admittedly, I am guilty for making these jokes when I first joined the fandom and I still make some out of habit every now and then). Jokes about his hair are always welcome, though.
Song I Associate With Them: I haven't thought about this too too much so these are off the top of my head. Bad Bad Things by AJJ, Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths, and Shit by Bo Burnham
Favorite Image: I couldn't find it, but I think it's like a promotional art or something where it's just a bunch of characters sitting around, and he's just like patting Taka on the head. Very cute 10/10 (I pray you guys know what image I'm talking about). Also this one is so funny
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Favorite Thing: He's so cryptic, and it's so good. He doesn't give us shit in the time he's around (minus FTEs), and I love it!
Least Favorite Thing: I don't dislike anything about him personality or writing wise tbh. His side profile haunts my nightmares, though.
Favorite Line: I would go with the classic "You wanted this killing game, so you have to win no matter what" but instead I'm going with "I was just thinking, what you said back there would have pissed off whoever's running this. They definitely don't want us holding hands, workin' together...They're going to come for you, Kaede. With everything they've got. I'm a little worried about you. You're just so...straightforward." Rantaro is secretly the Ultimate Clairvoyant lol
BrOTP: Him and Kaede are mlm and wlw solidarity and you cannot convince me otherwise.
OTP: I don't really ship him with anyone, but I really liked his Salmon Mode with Shuichi
NOTP: Him and Tsumugi, hands down
Random Headcanon: I like to think he is constantly dying his hair. It's just a faded green because he hasn't been able to redo it for two seasons, and he's going insane because of it.
Songs I Associate Them With: I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire by Kerrin Connoly and Ship in a Bottle by fin
Unpopular Opinion: The fucking avocado thing. Like, I don't mind comparing characters to things, but it gets annoying.
Favorite Image: NO LOOK OUT
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cosmicvoidance · 1 year
All right!! Void doing the meme!!! Since you mentioned WIPs in the tags I made sure to include one of those! 🏆👀⏳
EMICA! ❤️❤️❤️
Here you go!!!
🏆 What’s your most popular fic?
It really seems to be between three of my fics: Desperate, Lazy Mornings are for…, and Teach Me a Lesson. Really surprised that two of my first fics are my most popular.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
How about some of the Professor AU fic that I really should finish at some time??
“I told them I’d think about it. I don’t know yet,” the brunet said as he fidgeted with Achilles’ fingers, his fingers running over the golden wedding ring that adorned his left ring finger. “I know that I have my more difficult time-consuming classes in the spring, but you know me…”
Oh, Achilles knew quite well. Patroclus had always been one to help others when they needed it, even if that help came at Patroclus’ own expense. His department always relied on Patroclus to do extra work and Patroclus would almost always accept to prove his usefulness to the department. It’s always been like this since Pat was younger. He was always the first one to help out when asked even if it inconvenient him.
Achilles sighed as he turned Patroclus to face him. “Patroclus, look at you. You’re burnt out…” He looked at him in the eyes, pleading. For the first time, Achilles noticed the dark bags under his husband’s eyes. Patroclus was exhausted. “I mean…you’re working seven days a week. You get home late and get up early.” Squeezing the other man to him, he continued in a whisper, “I miss you at night.” He rested his head on Patroclus’ shoulder.
Patroclus took Achilles’ face between his hands, bringing his lips to Achilles’ for a quick kiss. Pulling away, he smiled. “I know… I miss you too.” He buried his face into the crook of Achilles’ neck as he ran his hands down Achilles’ sides before wrapping them around his waist and pulling him in tight.
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Ahaha…I haven’t finished a single chapter/fic since January! But usually depending on the length (and my motivation), it could be a couple of weeks to a few months. I have so many WIPs that if I would just sit down and work on them I could have some done in about a day.
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dervampireprince · 2 years
I wonder where Zag will be? I've read theories about him being a boss battle or gives Melinoe boons and with Hades apparently trapped, is he now in charge??
I really hope we get to see everyone else as well and Moros looks so pretty, hopefully he's a love interest!! and ohhh I wonder if Achilles will have choice words to say about Apollo? 👀
- ♠️ anon
i don't think mel will fight him, as she appears to be on the surface and zag can't go on the surface. i think it's more likely he'll be in charge now hades is gone, maybe with persephone's help, and that we won't see much of him. only because supergiant has said they want people to be able to play hades 2 without having played hades 1 and that while it's a sequel it won't be super connected because they don't want people to have had to have played hades 1, which is a shame to me, i think most people who play hades 2 will have played hades 1, i honestly don't see them suddenly getting lots of new players but oh well
i would love achilles to have words, but i sadly just don't think we'll see him, for reasons above. of course i'd cry if we saw either achilles or pat.
i was wondering about moros and nemesis for love interests but then thought wait if they go poly route like with than and meg perhaps maybe not, or perhaps they won't have the poly route, since in hades 1 they changed certain gods lineage to make them no longer related (hades and persephone)
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merymoonbeam · 2 years
I haven't seen this mentioned from the ACOSF paperback interview yet, which I was happy to hear haha (unfortunately can't add video so I transcribed what she said, it was in the first 5 min of the talk):
"I chose the Barnes & Noble special edition for this one, which I- I still have the orange baby up there, but uh I actually reread this one recently, and I'm so obsessed with how this Barnes & Noble special edition looks that I've been keeping it next to my nightstand, which is (laughs) I don't know, it feels super weird (giggles), but I don't know I can't stop looking at it (pats book lovingly lol)"
Reminds me of Az placing the headache powder on his nightstand and looking at it every night 🥺
Hello anon 🤸‍♀️
It is nightime for me so I can’t go and find that part of the video right now but there is also this about where Sarah puts her copy of Song of Achilles on her nightstand
“putting it in the shelf feels like I’m like putting it away”
“every time I look at the cover I just like smile and it makes me happy”
These two parts in that audio 👀 Azriel putting the headache powder on his nightstand because looking at it makes him happy? I’m gonna cry 😭
Also I have a parallel post about this between Varian and Amren, and Elriel. This is the post.
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greycaelum · 3 years
greetings! omg I've just finished binging through your chains series and I am literally in love, my absolute favourite was 911 because clingy Gojo is the best Gojo,
anyways that's all I wanted to say, thank you for writing such amazing masterpieces! keep it up! (also do you have any plans for the chains series? if so maybe a sneak peak? 👀👀, but it's ok if you don't wanna, that's valid and cool)
Hi~ I'm so happy you love Chains Series! Agreed a clingy Satoru is a cute Satoru.
I already have a plot and considering the main chapters. And sneak peak huh?...
Sure, why not~
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"I miss you, I miss you to death Y/n!" His scream was muffled by your hair squeezing you almost painfully. How honest he is right now gently crumple your heart, Satoru sporadically get emotional much more in front of a crowd.
You could careless of the gazes you've both been receiving from passerbys in the arriving area of the airport. But even reunions like this has their own right place.
"I miss you too," you delicately pat his back soothing the rigid muscles, appreciating that he turned his infinity off but worried for any untoward threat looming around. You suggested him your chauffeur is waiting in the parking area.
With your palm clasping his face up making him look at you, nothing much change in his appearance but him turning more maturely handsome and you could swear he added three centimeters in his height. And yet you're aware you needed to know him much better than just this, by emotionally connecting with him. Running over your finger on the bridge of his tall nose and your thumb swiping gently over his glossy lips your face softened and smile of how perfectly he fits in the cradle of your palms.
"I'll take you somewhere, will you come with me Satoru?"
No hesitation, he nod mesmerized of how affectionate you are to him and the soft smile grazing on your lips, if you know how much he tortured himself not to scour and turn the whole world upside down just to find you back in his arms surely you can't just compensate him with this.
I'll pin you down. His mantra ever since you left him with no goodbye. All he held on while he had no clue whatsoever where you are is your promise that you would never leave him back in the rainy night when you saw him break down from all the mixed emotions and obligations devouring him alive.
You tug him along as he let you guide him, following close with attention solely directed on you basking in the sense of warmth slowly returning to his soul with your presence surrounding him. If there's something he should be thankful having Six Eyes, it's the fact that he could see every flimsy and striking detail of you.
He could careless of where you entered, and whose car are you two riding in the moment he simply stare at you and listen at your voice.
"'Toru?" You blink at him who never took his gaze off of you since the beginning, the chauffeur for the sake of privacy out up the divider not to disturb anything.
His heart leap hearing his pet name spoken by your lips sweetly.
"I'm tired," words he never uttered for a long time easily rolled out his tongue as he clutch your hand into his. Fear of rejection and vulnerability often gnaw him in dealing with raw emotions but the fear of you slipping through the gaps of his fingers genuinely scares him more than anything.
He would wear his heart on his sleeves just for you even if it means giving himself an Achilles heel. Truly, how mighty has fallen... A man's downfall would always be his woman. He sigh and draw out his white flag.
You may seem like his weakness to the eyes of many but what do they know? Satoru trusts in you—trust enough to wage himself an Achilles Heel to the eyes of many. Because no matter how Satoru sees it you're stronger than him.
Next thing he felt was your hand guiding his head on your lap as your slender fingers thread on his hair untying several knots and massaging his tensed temples soothing the veins and weariness haunting him with the mere warmth radiating from your fingertips.
"I will stay 'Toru, never will I go anywhere again, so rest I'll wake you up when we get there."
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Hope that suffice a good sneak peek, have a nice day/night ahead! :3
I was rummaging through my drafts, this one is the supposed Pt 2 to 911
Seriously I need to keep track of this~
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After preparing breakfast you waited for the kid. His footsteps and still wet hair came in your line of vision.
"Oh, you look like a drowned pup there," you resisted the urge to burst into laughter.
His white hair messy and flopped down, but the navy blue hoodie and white trousers although plain made his eyes glow more darker and immersing.
"C'mere," beckoning him and coming to your side holding a towel you lift him up making him yelp and set him above your lap. Taking the towel from his hand you place it on his head rubbing the thick hair gently.
"Can we go out?" He asked, staying still above you.
"Where do you wanna go?" You know where the adult Satoru spends most of his time either on mission or sightseeing or cafe hopping but where would the kid Satoru want to go? It piques your interest.
"Amusement park!" He excitedly supplied.
But Yaga-sensei did say to stand by... Besides, a Satoru and amusement park in one sentence sounds a headache.
"I'll call Ijichi to clear my schedule, eat your breakfast." Setting him back down you usher him to the chair and put his plate of bacons, eggs, cheese and french toast and orange smoothie.
"Do you have miso?" His small nose scrunch up, but nonetheless started eating.
Oh... He grew up in the Gojo Estate and surely traditional washoku meals were served.
"Let's save that for dinner," patting his head you went to get your phone and told Ijichi you're not taking any job for the day and tomorrow.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Satoru look up to you already close to finishing his smoothie. Glutton.
Seeing him this more domesticated is weird but it's cute. Your resolve to know this Satoru as a kid grew stronger.
"Where else you want to go?"
"I don't know." He shrug.
Surely he must've spent almost all his life in the confines of the estate.
"Do you want to see the snow?" You asked it didn't escape you how his eyes widened but narrowed. Let's not forget Satoru can be Jack Frost without blindfold or even Elsa with a long braided wig with his looks.
"Are you mentally sick? Can't you see it's spring?" He snorted.
"Just answer the question brat, do you wanna see the snow?"
"Well, yes. Can you make it snow?" He rolled his eyes, tone dripping with sarcasm.
"I can't but I can take you there."
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
Festival Day!
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Kairos (Orpheus x Eurydice) | Calix (Hector & Andromache)
Fun Details Underneath!
They could be going to a music festival, arts festival, Pride, it's whatever!
They are dressed in glitter because Eurydice is performing, they are a Eurydice House, and her Look involves Glitter. Philia was Dead Serious that this had to happen.
Patroclus' cakes are CAKING in those khaki shorts. Like you didn't need to know that, but you needed to know that. Achilles is like 😤😤😤 get away from my man that's my man and my baby-
Shout out to everyone who knows what the Black Forces mean. Yes, Achilles was given permission. Patroclus bought a second pair of white shoes.
The Blue Nikes were a gift for Philia and they are for Special Occasions. She'll beat up a pair of shoes, so normally Pat gets her Reeboks or New Balance.
Achilles' pants are purple on mobile, which is not something I could see on Desktop. So yeah 🤣 he was gonna wear a more revealing shirt but decided to wait until he was out alone with his Husband for that bc it'll lead places 👀
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johaerys-writes · 26 days
Disasters sequel omg 👀
Aaaaah okay so this is like a shorter story within the disasters universe, and it takes place a few years after the end of disasters so that's why I think of it as a sequel of sorts haha. It's something I've been thinking about for a very long time, when I was still plotting disasters, and it's all to do with Patroclus' grief and his family trauma, and it's kind of... not dark exactly, but definitely very introspective and kind of sad lol, but also hopeful. Basically, after years of Achilles and Patroclus living together, one of Patroclus' half sisters from his father's second marriage reaches out to him to let him know that Menoetius is dying, and if he'd like to see him at the hospital before he passes away. Patroclus at first doesn't want to know anything about it but then he eventually does go with Achilles, and we sort of follow them as Pat sees his father again, goes to the funeral, then stays for a day or two in his hometown sort of trying to wrap his head around everything. It isn't a story of forgiveness, but more about Patroclus trying to come to terms with his shitty childhood and all the abuse he went through, and how he feels about it all now. It's very bare bones so I don't have actual prose to share, but I hope to get to it eventually!
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ramonadecember · 3 years
100 prompt list:
38, 39, 54 for Jed and Theo 👀
still taking prompts.
more of the cowboyfriends! Jed, like always, makes Theo rethink all the life choices that have led him to associating with and loving this dumbass of a man. @ everyone who wasn't aware: yes their horses are named Achilles and Patroclus, what of it.
38. “Just sleep in my damn shirt.”
39. “I’d do anything for you despite how much you piss me off.”
54. “You’re cute when you’re half asleep like this.”
“Please,” Jed begged. “Just do this one thing for me.” The big puppy eyes might have been overkill, but he was trying to be kind instead of telling Theo to ‘stop being so damn stubborn for once in your life and just do it,’ and more than that… Jed was trying to get back on Theo’s good side. He may or may not have been the cause of an incident earlier that Theo was still upset about.
“Fuck off,” Theo told him. “You know I’d do anything for you.” It was never ‘just this one thing,’ if Jed said jump, Theo always ended up asking how high?—even if he first did his fair share of bitching and moaning and telling Jed it wasn’t gonna happen. “Despite how much you piss me off,” he was quick to tack on. Because Theo was pissed, let there be no doubt.
Late that afternoon they’d found a nice spot along the river to set up a more permanent camp while they stayed in the area. Theo had led their horses down the bank to water them while Jed looked for a nice, flat spot to pitch their tent, and he’d just started to unload his gear off Patroclus while the horse drank when everything went to shit, all thanks to Jed.
Jed gave a startled cry of, “Rattler!” and then, in a move that only someone like him could possibly think was a good idea, he grabbed the snake and chucked it toward the river—toward where Theo stood with their horses.
Achilles nickered unhappily and stomped the ground, side-stepping away in a hurry, but snakes were Pat’s mortal enemy, wriggling little demons that the horse wanted no part of. He did what he was wont to do when one appeared, and bolted, taking off for the far bank of the river, and in the process, strewing Theo’s gear that he’d started to loosen but hadn’t quite removed across the water as he went.
Jed was too lost in his laughter to pay Theo’s string of colorful curses much mind at first, but when he noticed Theo scrambling into the water to fish things out of the slow current, he snapped his mouth shut and went splashing in after. This part hadn’t been the result Jed anticipated, and he knew he was going to get an earful over it.
Sure enough, once everything had been pulled from the river and they were back on dry land, Theo demanded to know, “The Hell is wrong with you?” He barely refrained from smacking Jed upside the head. “You really don’t ever stop to think, do you?”
“Aw, come on. You got everything back, it’s just a little wet,” Jed tried to placate, though ‘a little’ was an understatement. Anything that hadn’t still been strapped to the horse had ended up soaked through. “It wasn’t even a real snake, I was just teasin’ is all. Not my fault Pat is you know… like that.” Fussy. A real princess when he wanted to be.
“I’m sorry, what?” Theo put the defense of his horse aside for the time being because there was a bigger issue to address. “Not a real snake?”
Jed gestured to where the ‘snake’ still sat at the water’s edge, and Theo balled his fists at his side so he didn’t grab Jed and shake the living daylights out of him. It was a stick. A particularly squiggly stick, and enough to convince and therefore spook a horse like Theo’s—and even less ‘particular’ horses too, if Achilles’ reaction was anything to go off of.
“I was just teasin’...” Jed said again, knowing Theo was on the verge of wringing his neck.
Theo had given Jed the cold shoulder after that, refusing Jed’s help or to talk to him as he laid out all his belongings to dry best they could in the, by then, fading evening light. It wasn’t very effective and ended with Theo shivering in clothes still damp from splashing about the river for the rest of his stuff, and nothing dry enough to change into as he tried to figure out what sleeping arrangements were going to be when his bedroll had also been deposited in the river, but he still wanted nothing to do with Jed.
Which left them where they were then, with an annoying smile coming on to Jed’s face as he said, “Well good. If we’re in agreement you’re gonna do it anyway…” He held out a red a black checked flannel to Theo. “Just sleep in my damn shirt.” No need to keep being so stubborn when they both knew Theo would end up giving in to Jed in the end.
Theo glowered a moment longer, then snatched the shirt out of Jed’s hand and quickly swapped it out with the one he had on. The scowl returned to Theo’s face at the pleased look Jed gave him as he did, more so when Jed then said, “Now get out of those wet pants too, and let’s see what I can do about warming you up.” Didn’t mean Theo didn’t do just that, even if it came with a lot of him muttering under his breath in the process.
Jed convinced Theo not to set up his own little lean-to to sleep under, to instead share a tent like they’d been doing for some time by then. Jed’s ‘warming methods’ started out innocent enough, pulling Theo back against him until Jed could press all along his back and envelop him with his body heat, but it didn’t take long for lips to find the back of Theo’s neck or for hands to start wandering, slipping under the too-big flannel. Jed didn’t know what Theo expected, he ended up saying. Already only half dressed, and what he was wearing was Jed’s. Theo knew what that sight—both those sights—did to Jed.
It ended with Jed overtop of Theo, and by the time he rolled off onto his back after, Theo could no longer complain of a chill, even with his shirt hiked up so Jed could get at more skin and his drawers left hooked only around one ankle. Theo did his best to right his clothing, then flopped back again once more, throwing an arm over his eyes. “Still pissed, you know,” Theo made sure to say, but between riding all day, collecting all his shit out of the river and trying to calm his horse enough to get him to come back to their camp, and now that with Jed, Theo was worn out, and it was hard to put too much feeling behind the words.
“I really am sorry,” Jed told Theo, propping himself up on an elbow. He pulled Theo’s arm away from his face so he could instead cup Theo’s cheek as he leaned down to kiss him. “I get why you’re sore with me.”
“Pissed,” Theo corrected, but it was even less believable than the last time, what with him nuzzling into the hand against his cheek.
Jed moved to kiss Theo again, but it was cut short by the huge yawn Theo let out and he settled for a chuckle and asking Theo, “Ready for bed?”
Theo nodded, reaching out for Jed to pull him down to him. It didn’t take long for him to snuggle in close and tangle himself up in Jed’s long limbs, ready to leech more of that warmth he so loved. Jed was sure Theo would wake at some point to complain about being too damn hot like he always did, but until then, Jed was content to hold him tight.
“You’re cute when you’re half asleep like this,” Jed couldn’t help but say. It was always a treat, that needier side of Theo. It was more like how he was in the mornings, softer, before the weight of the day took its toll on him. Jed loved it, loved him.
“Really pushing your luck today,” Theo rumbled.
Jed let out another laugh. Alright, so not entirely softer. He pressed a kiss to Theo’s temple and told him, “Go to sleep.”
It wasn’t long until Theo did drift off after that. After all, he always ended up going along with what Jed asked of him in the end.
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darlingpoppet · 26 days
Which of the previous WIPs are you most excited about and please briefly describe what you have/had in mind for each
Haha I see how it is anon, you wanna make sure I have all the bases covered and answer everything! 😂
Out of the WIPs mentioned on this list, I’m tbh looking forward to all of them because just talking about these ideas gets me hype about them all over again LOL. But for purposes of this ask, I think the one WIP I’m most excited about right now is (once again) the one I’m currently working on, which is “Patrochilles side story” because surprise! It’s actually a small spinoff fic to Liminal Spaces that I decided I wanted needed to write and so I’m planning on posting it during the intermission, between chapters 4 and 5. This fic is gonna be just a little Patrochilles-centric scene that takes place sometime during the timeskip at the beginning of LS chapter 3, and will offer a bit more context and world building (as well as Patrochilles-only sex) that we otherwise can’t get with Zagreus’ limited pov. I didn’t want it to interrupt the flow of the main story though, so a side fic it is!
As for all of my other WIPs not discussed yet, a quick roundup:
Achilles worship pza: a direct sequel to Flourishing Into Greatness whose wip doc was called “Pat worship pza” haha. Even though I was satisfied with Achilles not getting off in that fic I still kind of left open the possibility of a sequel and then my brain went, “ok but what if, tho 👀” It’s gonna be Pat pov!
Kitsune Levi + Priest Erwin: an eruri fic idea I’ve had in my head for a million years, based on collab art from an online game. Erwin is a shinto priest in modern Tokyo who lives a pretty quiet, normal life until a shape-shifting kitsune spirit starts showing up at the shrine. Will also be partially inspired by the Japanese children’s story called Gon, the Little Fox.
MP eruri AU: Yet another Eruri idea I’ve had for a million years LOL (see I had these ideas in my head the whole time during my snk years and then FINALLY I started writing as a hobby and then almost immediately switched fandoms LMFAO) basically this is a canon divergence AU in which Erwin decides to join the Military Police instead of the Survey Corps after the death of his father, and exploring all the what-ifs of that scenario. I’m envisioning a sort of ACWNR-like enemies-to-lovers erotic crime thriller type thing as Levi, recruited by Erwin into this corrupt police organization, learns the truth behind Erwin’s past, his motivations, and eventually helps him gut the place from the inside out.
Patrochilles sex: this one is gonna be a fluffy first time fic… the raison d’etre for it being I wanted to see if I could tap into that best friends-to-lovers joy of making love with someone you already have no emotional barriers with, and it’s just something beautiful and natural you’re sharing together. Hopefully I can successfully get that across! 😤🙏
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