#ace won the tournament this is just for fun
8balldoodles · 2 years
Bonus match: Portgas D. Ace vs. Roronoa Zoro
After days of intense fighting and fierce polling, we finally have a winner!
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Portgas D. Ace is your Ultimate AllSan Victor!
After a harrowing journey, Ace has defeated every opponent in his path, and has earned the prize of the heart of our beloved Sanji!
...Wait what? Zoro?? You pick now of all times to show up???
It seems that a certain green haired swordsman has finally found his way into the correct bracket, and demands one final showdown for Sanji's heart.
So, here we have our victor, our champion, Portgas D. Ace, who has already defeated government agents, three straw hats, Dr. Heartstealer, his own brother, and God Usopp on his quest to make Sanji his. His final obstacle? Roronoa Zoro, the feared Pirate Hunter, who couldn't even beat vanilla extract and barely defeated salt.
Will Ace prove that he is the one and only champion worthy of Sanji's heart? Or will Zoro's late arrival win the day and his cook?
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cottonlemonade · 7 months
How You Met (Falling in Love)
word count: 2145 || avg. reading time: 9 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Bokuto x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff, tiny smidgen of angst mayhaps
warnings: spoilers, having dropped out of university(?)
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> you currently live in Kyoto
> you dropped out of university (Japanese major, history minor) because the academic setting is just not for you
> you still love the subjects, just not under academic pressure
> in Kyoto you worked as a guide for a while, leading tourists through all the ruins and historical places you love
> eventually you settle in working at a café, quickly being promoted to manager and (no small thanks to you) it‘s one of the most popular cafés in Kyoto now
> one day you get a call from a friend you went to uni with and she has a big favour to ask
> she works as a manager for a prestigious volleyball team and they are gonna head overseas soon for two weeks for a big tournament and their translator had to cancel last minute
> after talking it through with your boss (whom you are on most excellent terms with) he lets you take the time off to go help your friend (asking you to bring him back an autographed poster of the team)
> and so you pack your bags and take the 3h train ride to Tokyo
> until the plane leaves in a few days you will stay with your friend
> you asked if you could meet the team beforehand in case one of them has a dialect you need to get used to first (*cough* Atsumu)
> you‘re in the gym hanging out with your friend waiting for the team to arrive
> (during Uni time you two had been on the varsity women‘s Volleyball team)
> you‘re quite nervous but also a bit excited at the opportunity
> to give yourself something to do you wanna go grab a drink from the vending machine
> you head towards the doors just when they fly open
> „HEY HEY H-hey?“
> a tall, broad guy with grey-black spiky hair and golden eyes stands in front of you looking curious
> „And hey to you.“, you say brightly, giving a soft laugh, turning to your friend, „I‘ll be right back.“
> you duck under the guy‘s arm and make your way down the corridor as he stares after you
> „Pretty“, he mutters before getting pushed through the door by Sakusa
> during the overseas trip you get of course much closer with the whole team and you end up having a really fun time with them
> you even exchange numbers with them (Sakusa being so happy to have found someone who treats disinfectant like holy water just like him)
> that day, the Jackals had only won by a hair-width in the semi-final
> however, that didn‘t stop Bokuto from spiralling
> for the most part his mood swings had calmed down significantly since his teenage years but whenever a truly crushing match came his way he couldn‘t stop the dark thoughts
> his spikes had mostly been blocked and he wanted to figure out what went wrong but was so embarrassed that he, the team‘s ace, had let his team down (none of the team had given him any crap about it (except Sakusa a little))
> It was late, he was alone in the gym and buried his face in his arms, making himself as small as possible under a table in the corner
> „Bokuto-Kun?“
> he heard your voice softly, a little confused, then saw your sneakers as you knelt down in front of the table
> “Are you alright? Are you hurt?“
> he felt childish for not saying anything but he couldn‘t bring himself to, not right now
> he heard the soft thump of your bag as you set it down and a moment later he felt you scooting in next to him
> “Do you want to talk about it?“
> ever so slightly he shook his head
> “Hm.“, you made, quietly, then „Okay. Do not be alarmed.“
> And you hugged him
> you just
> hugged him
> tightly.
> You smelled like lavender, your body just so so soft and cozy and when he felt your hand rubbing soothing circles on his back he broke and started crying
> you only held him tighter
> „Are you upset about the game?“, you asked, gently after a minute or two
> when he didn‘t say anything you figured you were dead-on
> „I actually had to leave the court during my first varsity match because I couldn‘t handle the pressure and had a panic attack.“
> He pulled out of your embrace to look at you
> you smiled, kind of sadly, then focused on your shoes as you continued, „I get very uncomfortable being in front of a lot of people and letting the team down was something I was really struggling with, too. It might have been alright during training but when it was an official match - well, you could knock me over with a feather. Every mistake I made seemed a hundred times worse.“
> he just stared at you because he knew that feeling you described so so well
> The hand you kept on his back was warm and reassuring
> „This wasn‘t meant to make you feel worse.“, you said quickly, „I just wanted to tell you that I get it. And I know that no one in the team is blaming you for anything. This was a really tough match and without your points you guys wouldn‘t have won. Blocking you took their defence everything they had and it still wasn‘t enough. You did a whole lot more than you think you did.“
> and then, right there, when you smiled at him, that‘s when he knew he was in trouble because his little crush was suddenly not so little anymore
> you stayed with him under the table for probably another twenty minutes
> you were quiet, just sat with him, listening to the rain softly drumming on the large dark windows
> after a while when you felt him relax a bit more you pulled out your phone to scroll through Instagram // your page consisting mostly of food and cute dogs, which you figured would cheer him up, and he enjoyed just watching yummy recipes and puppies while being so close to you (that’s how he learned of your love of food, cooking and baking and fell even harder)
> eventually hunger won you over when both your stomachs growled at the same time for a video of a particularly cheesy pizza
> „One more hug before we leave the table territory?“, you offered, your genuine smile now completely chasing any dark thought away
> This time he hugged you back (and man, does he give good hugs)
> After a few moments you felt his tension finally fall and he let out a long breath, making you smile knowing you succeeded in making him feel better
> You went to grab some pizza together, talking about this, that and everything
> once y’all returned to Japan you went back to your actual job in Kyoto and the Jackals back to training, but Bokuto (and Hinata) stayed in close contact sending you messages every day
> one day, maybe two weeks after coming back from overseas you suddenly look up from some paperwork you were mulling over at a table in the café when an empty chair is pulled up and a tall broad figure with grey-black hair is plopping down across from you with a big grin
> (Dude, you missed the weekend training. We thought you were dead. Where were you? - Kyoto. - Ky-what???)
> after maybe another month where you head to Tokyo on your days off and Bokuto comes to visit Kyoto whenever he has the time, you start to think about what would happen if you’d confess your feelings to him
> long distance relationships were an absolute pain and he was busy being a volleyball star, he couldn’t keep this up forever
> but were you really about to move back to Tokyo for a guy who wasn’t even your boyfriend?
> and what about your job?
> your friend of course had her antennas up about you two from the start so she listened patiently when you called her for advice one night
> your boss, who had also caught on to your blossoming love, took you aside one day and casually mentioned that he had been thinking of opening another branch in Tokyo and would need a capable manager to oversee it
> so you move back to Tokyo
> you had brought up the move to Bokuto before and he had been practically bouncing off the walls at training ever since
> he even offers to help you move
> as a Thank You you cook dinner for him and if it hadn’t been super obvious to him before, it’s official now that he is most definitely absolutely irrevocably gone for you
> Bokuto is just so so happy that he can see you basically every day after practice now
> (as soon as Meian calls for the end, Bokuto is first out the door, quickly showers and then jogs (at full speed) the 17.5mins to the café to walk you home)
> he has been trying to talk about it with Hinata, Atsumu and (because he was in the general vicinity) Sakusa but none of them were exactly experts when it came to love and confessions
> he was worried that if he would confess to you and you rejected him he’d make you uncomfortable and you’d regret moving to Tokyo
> he didn’t even want to think about you avoiding him
> so he just kind of decided to pine. A lot.
> Like. A lot.
> Atsumu and Sakusa were so done with him during that time because if Bokuto talked often about you before, it was nothing compared to now
> Hinata didn’t mind. He just listened while they were out jogging in the mornings
> meanwhile you yourself were overthinking
> seeing Bokuto every night, slowing your steps to make the walk home longer and hanging out with him on his days off was wonderful and you could only imagine how much better it would be if you could hold his hand and kiss him
> there definitely had been moments when you were sure he felt the same about you but then he would be sweet and kind to a stranger and you just kind of shrugged it off
> that was just Bokuto, genuine and warm to everyone
> you were no exception
> that did not stop you from daydreaming when you were baking at the café or cleaning the coffee maker in the evening (or in the shower or your bed)
> with winter came the first soft snow and both hands tightly wrapped around a hot chocolate from your cafè, you and Bokuto walked home one night in the swirling flakes
> he was losing his mind because you looked so gosh darn pretty and cute and gorgeous with snow in your hair, your cheeks a little red from the cold, enjoying your chocolate
> not so casually he asked to take a picture of you
> confused but game you posed in front of snow covered bushes
> (Bokuto’s mind turning into a full-on keysmash when you made a peace sign and smiled brightly with closed eyes // he took like ten pictures in a row)
> “Well, that’s a new screensaver.”, he announced without thinking and you were just like 🧍‍♀️
> “Uhm, Bo?”
> he melted like the snow around the hot chocolate he had sat down to take the picture
> the soft nickname was still somewhat new and sent a pleasant shiver through his body
> you took a deep breath and decided to just go for it
> “Do you … like me?”
> “Of course I like you.”, he said with no hesitation
> you nervously played with the sleeves of your jumper sticking out from your coat, not looking at him
> “No… I mean like-“
> “I know what you mean.”, he said with a huge smile but when you just looked at him in shock his confidence wavered, “Wait. Is- is that bad?”
> “God I hope not, because I like you, too.”
> his chest felt like a balloon inflating as his smile returned bigger than ever
> “Can I be your boyfriend then? Please?”, he added and his ears were burning so much he was glad you nodded cause he wasn’t sure if he would have heard your answer
> he stepped forward, closing the distance between you two and looked down with the dreamy expression of someone who had just been handed a puppy
> ever so gently holding your chin between his strong calloused fingers he bent down to kiss you
> slowly and sweetly at first
> you shifted a bit and he grinned a moment later when he felt you standing on your tiptoes
> he deepened the kiss, his other hand now on your hips and you sighed when his tongue slipped playfully between your lips
> you were about to pull away to catch your breath but he pulled you in again, cupping your cheek, muttering against your lips “Not yet. A little more.” and you chuckled into the kiss
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invye · 7 days
So @kacievvbbbb asking about modern AU headcanons had me revisiting my 'modernised' MiShanks AU I thought up a couple months ago.
I call it 'modernised' because it is more of a medium modern AU, where I keep much of the base OP lore and history, but shrink the 'active' world down to just a few islands. The overall tech level and societal developments are much closer to what we have now and I do away with most of the political plot. I haven't yet decided if Devil Fruits still exist, but if they do, they are much more rare and are kind of a thing of legend most people don't believe in. Only very select few people would know about them and the curse associated with them.
So lets get into it, I've got plenty of thoughts on Mihawk, Shanks and how their relationship plays together in a more modern world. (And because Rosinante is also one of my favourites, and I can't seem to not smush them all together, there is a CoraMiShanks bit at the end too.)
- Mihawk -
Basic weaponry is a bit more in line with modern expectations in this AU, but that will never ever stop Mihawk from being a swords guy. Mihawk is the authority on fencing, especially in historical context. He's basically got a PHD in swords, identifying them, maintaining them, using them. He's filthy rich, not just because he won every fencing tournament there is, but also because he straight up inherited that half maintained castle outside of town along with stupid amounts of money from an uncle everyone thought already died decades before Mihawk received his testament.
These days Mihawk only competes in the highest level tournament once a year to defend the title (his 'rivalry' with Shanks makes the news every time) and otherwise spends his time at home, reading, drinking, occasionally taking small sailing trips with his beloved Hitsugibune, and of course training his swordsmanship. Everyone thinks he's just living it up big in Kuraigana castle, but the people in town know that he just wants to raise his kids in peace.
Where did the kids come from? No one knows. They're definitely not his though. Anyway, turns out that Mihawk is really good with kids, so it takes barely a couple years for the whole town to load off their kids with him during holidays and days off school. (Look, Zeff runs a busy kitchen, and as much as Sanji tries to help, he's still too young for the holiday rush. Garp has to leave on Marine assignments at the most random times, and his bum of a son has vanished to who knows where years ago, and the grandkids are friends with Zoro and Sanji anyway and can do with burning out their energy running around the woods behind the castle. Bellemère has to leave on those assignments with Garp most of the time, so Nami joins the fray while Nojiko mostly plays with Perona. Mihawk usually leaves the teen girls be on their own, especially since Robin showed up a while ago to join them [she seems to stay on her own, and Mihawk keeps an eye on her in case she needs additional help, but Crocodile seems to have that sorted already]. Usopp's mom is still sick, and she's grateful to know her son is out there having fun with his friends while she tries the next medicine with horrible side effects.)
The kids love Mihawk. Mihawk loves the kids too and to much of his dismay, the kids know it. He is a figure of authority to them, but also a person of trust, who they can approach with problems and worries when their usual parental figure is unavailable or out of reach. Given that Mihawk is pretty much always around, he begrudgingly accepts his new job as free childcare provider for the town (Garp tried to pay once. They all realised very quickly they get much farther by paying in favours, food, or doing little odd jobs because that old castle always needs something done).
Mihawk promised to teach Ace and Sabo to sail this summer, and with Luffy insisting to bounce around them, he already plans on doing more swimming and child fishing than actual sailing.
- Shanks -
Shanks is still a pirate, but it's all on a much smaller scale. He's still got the 'Red Emperor' epithet, but his reputation is much more Robin Hood of the seas. The Red Force gets into small tussles with other pirates more often than the Marines, and really, as long as they have food and alcohol on board they are all perfectly fine just sailing and enjoying their freedom. No one ever knows where the Red Force is at any given time, but they are known to show up when natural disasters strike, not to plunder the remains, but to help the people rebuild long before the Marines get around to offer their help (once the Marines show up on the horizon the Red Force clears out, a couple shots are exchanged, none of them ever hit). Garp tried to yell them into joining the Marines more than once, really Shanks could even stay captain and keep his ship and crew, he just needs to fly the Marine flag, but they all simply laugh and wave as they go off again to who knows where.
However, there is one week every year, where everyone knows exactly where the Red Force will be. Shanks won't ever miss his chance to duel Mihawk in the grand fencing tournament a couple islands over from Mihawk's home. As opposed to Mihawk, who has his fixed position as defending champion, Shanks fights his way through the other contenders every year. He leans into the pirate reputation, taunting opponents, refusing protective gear, tiptoe-ing the line to breaking the rules. The people love to hate him, it's a spectacle every time. The grand finale inevitably is a duel between Mihawk and Shanks, even after Shanks lost his arm (he sat out for a year and people thought that was the end. They were very relieved when Shanks made his over the top entrance again the year after).
They have long abandoned the actual fencing rules and equipment during the finale. People clap and scream when Mihawk steps on stage carrying Yoru, the black blade just as legendary as his own reputation. Shanks never fails to grin and deliver a witty one liner (the people's boo is part of the performance) and then they lunge. Watching that fight is exhilarating. No protective gear, real blades, and two absolute masters going at each other with a force that would leave less competent fighters with the gravest of wounds. It's every bit as real as it is a performance. Everyone knows Mihawk will win before they even start, and the people can recognise a small collection of moves that they build in every time, the more flashy and wide swipes that could easily be punished but never are. It's not simply about Mihawk winning and Shanks losing, it's about witnessing a piece of history being brought back to life right in front of their eyes.
The fencing tournament has always been held within the context of the summer solstice, and with Mihawk and Shanks putting on their show its become a part of a bigger festival that focusses on celebrating history and old rites, the origins of which aren't always known anymore. Every year after the finale they throw a huge feast, traditional food all over, as historically accurate to a long past pirate era as it can get (Mihawk makes sure of it, that history PHD has to be good for something), dressing up accordingly is very much encouraged. Shanks and Mihawk keep carrying their blades and play up their daring villain and chivalrous hero act and no one thinks twice about drinking with the Red Hair Pirates (they have amazing stories to tell). Usually Mihawk ends up in the middle of a group of kids and answers all kinds of history questions, all professor like, but in his full on historical get up. Shanks catches a glimpse of him and sighs dreamily and all the people he's jokingly been flirting with and threatening to kidnap as part of his role know that they're talking to a very much taken man. They enjoy his company anyway and talk to him about what it is like to raise a kid out at sea as they watch Perona and Uta tease Zoro in the distance.
What people don't know, is that the Red Force winters. Pretty much everyone aside from a volunteer skeleton crew leaves the ship for home during the winter months.
No one in town mentions to outsiders that the Red Emperor stays with the Strongest Swordsman up in Kuraigana castle. Why would they? They're great with the kids. And Uta singing with Brook during the Baratie winter solstice celebration sells out the house every time (the townsfolk get a cheeky 50% off that day, it's a community event after all [except for Mihawk. His filthy rich ass can pay double and wouldn't notice {he does pay double. He does notice. He does not care}]).
- Rosinante & Law -
Because I can't help myself and I love thinking about Rosinante together with MiShanks, this story's active events that would make up a proper fic make it a CoraMiShanks story, which starts with Cora-san and Law arriving in town. (Rosinante is genuinely a situational mute in this one, and Law's illness is a bit less horrifying, and potentially cured/managed with medicine.) They're on assignment from Doflamingo who heard that there's a spot that has gone unfilled in the island's underworld and wants to take full advantage of the opportunity to weasel into Crocodile's operations.
Little does Doffy know that: a) Corazón accepted the assignment so he could get away from him; b) Corazón insisted on taking Law because he's still working on getting Law's illness cured; [c) {depending on if Devil Fruits exist} Corazón may have secretly taken the Ope Ope no Mi on his way out;] d) Dracule Mihawk personally checks out every newcomer in town and seems to know much more than he reasonably should; e) Dracule Mihawk loves kids and bonds with Rosinante in a single meeting that included him pulling Law out of a lake; f) gods damned Dracule Mihawk directly protects Crocodile's operations in a infuriating 'someone will do it so I pick the smallest evil' mindset and Crocodile is so damn smug about it; g) fucking Dracule Mihawk decides to keep Rosinante and Law under his protection; h) and WHERE DID THE FUCKING RED EMPEROR COME FROM???
Doffy is seething at his plans foiled. Crocodile laughs at him, tells him to go pound sand and uses the opportunity to poach a couple of Doffy's operatives. Doffy has no choice but to retreat and plot his vengeance for later.
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companion-showdown · 2 years
Masterpost of Masterposts
Want to see how the previous tournaments went, look no further
Best Companion
WINNER: Rose Tyler 2023 edition - ran this one again this year voters comments are tagged differently as i will reblog passionate arguments for any candidate winner announcement
Fight Club
WINNER: Leela Who would win in a fight? winner announcement
Toxic Relationship
WINNER: Clara Oswald Who has the most toxic relationship with the Doctor? winner announcement
Get Them
WINNER: Tegan Jovanka Who is the most likely to beat the Doctor's ass? winner announcement
Companion's Companions
WINNER: K9 Favourite character who could be described as a companion to a companion winner announcement
Glowing Green Goo
WINNER: Iris Wildthyme Who is the most likely to lick the glowing green goo? winner announcement
The Great Himboff
WINNER: John Benton Who is the Greatest Himbo Companion? winner announcement
Not From Around Here
WINNER: Jamie McCrimmon Favourite companion not from contemprary Earth winner announcement
Just this once
WINNER: Wilfred Mott Which companion deserves to do well in a tournament for once?
Doctors of Doctor Who
WINNER: Martha Jones Who is the best companion who is a Doctor or medical professional winner announcement
Chaos Incarnate
WINNER: The TARDIS best chaotic companion winner announcement
Teenage Takedown
WINNER: Ace McShane best teenaged companion winner announcement
Master's Mates
WINNER: Jo Grant most fun relationship with the Master winner announcement
Biggest Gay Icon
WINNER: Bill Potts what is says on the tin winner announcement
Greatest Accomplice
WINNER: The TARDIS greatest accomplice to the Doctor's War Crimes winner announcement
Fashion Show
WINNER: (in a Romana-off) Romana II Greatest Fashion Sense winner announcement
Most Tragic Departure
WINNER: Donna Noble, but the final was rerun post 60th specials, and Adric won in a massive landslide! what is says on the tin (winner announcement)
Hottest Companion
WINNER: Martha Jones what is says on the tin winner announcement
Freaky Little Pets
best weird pet of anyone in Doctor Who WINNER: K9 winner announcement
Almost Companion
WINNER: Li Shou Yuing Who do you most wish had become a companion? winner announcement
Impossible Pairings
WINNER: Martha Jones with 9 favourite non-canon pairing winner announcement
Showdown 2k24
WINNER: Donna Noble Redo of favourite companion winner announcement
WINNER: The TARDIS Which companion would make the best villain winner announcement
WINNER: Donna Noble Best companion to get intoxicated with winner announcement
WINNER: Gomez!Master Which villain would you most want to see as a companion? winner announcement
Family Feud
WINNER: Mott-Noble-Temple Who is the best family in the whoniverse? winner announcement
UNIT members
WINNER: Liz Shaw Who is the best UNIT member winner announcement
Bad Times
WINNER: Fitz Kreiner Who had the worst time aboard the TARDIS winner announcement
Best TARDIS Team
WINNER: 9, Jack, Rose Who is the best TARDIS team winner announcement
You can find fun arguments for candidates under the tag #tags and replies
The current tournament is always my pinned post once it starts.
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neonshrike · 9 months
Tagged by @corvosattano to do this OC interview thing! I did it with my current main two, as well as some ones I wanted to develop more. This was fun!
Tagging @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @carlosoliveiraa @bbrocklesnar @the-laridian @the-lastcall @marivenah @nightbloodbix @shellibisshe @perpetuagf @birdswings and anyone else who would like to do one!
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Name: Lucille Ilene Novak
Nickname: Luc (But never Lucy.)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’10
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: American, born in Everett, WA.
Fave Fruit: Mango
Fave Season: Autumn.
Fave Flower: Rose, but she's really not a flower person.
Fave Scent: Ocean, since both of her homes are by it.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee, usually taken black. She doesn't like tea very much.
Average Hours of Sleep: Depending on how late she has to be out and how bad her nightmares are that night, she sleeps about 5 hours on average.
Dog or Cat Person: Cat person, dogs are a lot of energy and noise for her and she really adores Kurt's pet cat Dima.
Dream Trip: New York City
Favourite Fictional Character: Ellen Ripley.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: One, just a regular blanket on top of her made bed since she doesn't like to get too warm.
Random Fact: Lucille's favorite food is any type of noodle dish.
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Name: Brenna Elaine Ross
Nickname: Bren
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 4'11
Orientation: Undecided
Nationality/Ethnicity: American, born in Willowdale, VA.
Fave Fruit: Orange.
Fave Season: Summer, it's the one that messes with her asthma the least.
Fave Flower: Sunflowers, she likes the idea of getting lost in a tall field.
Fave Scent: Eucalyptus, especially when accompanied by steam.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Tea, she actually shares her dad's favorite kind: sencha.
Average Hours of Sleep: 8 hours, she stays up just a little bit late with her games.
Dog or Cat Person: Dogs! They make her so happy to see just walking around and has a great time when she gets to play with one.
Dream Trip: Tokyo
Favourite Fictional Character: Eevee
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: Three, she likes to stay warm and cozy!
Random Fact: Brenna won a Mario Kart tournament at Culver. She was almost a decade younger than most of the other people and one of the only girls.
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Name: Jasmine Miranda Ramirez
Nickname: Jazz
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5’9
Orientation: Heterosexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: Filipino-American, born in San Francisco, CA.
Fave Fruit: Cherries, she has a few articles of cherry clothing too.
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Flower: Plumeria, since her favorite colors are white and pink.
Fave Scent: Cherry blossom, her go-to soap/perfume choice.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: All three! She drinks coffee the most, however.
Average Hours of Sleep: She tries her best to get her 8 hours.
Dog or Cat Person: Both, but she had a cat growing up.
Dream Trip: Paris
Favourite Fictional Character: Elle Woods
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: Two, maybe three if it's really cold.
Random Fact: She basically charmed her way into a Stark press conference once.
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Name: Tristan Mateo Castillo
Nickname: Tris
Gender: Male
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 5’8
Orientation: ?
Nationality/Ethnicity: Mexican-American, born in San Jose, CA.
Fave Fruit: Pineapple
Fave Season: Summer, it just feels like there's more to do then.
Fave Flower: Poppy, especially red and orange ones.
Fave Scent: Barbecue.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee mixed with powdered hot chocolate.
Average Hours of Sleep: 5-6 on worknights, 12+ when he can sleep in.
Dog or Cat Person: Dogs, they all tend to like him.
Dream Trip: Indianapolis
Favourite Fictional Character: Luke Skywalker (shh)
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: One, since his place has terrible AC.
Random Fact: Tristan owns a pinball machine he found at a sale with Kurt.
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redwineconversation · 10 days
Lindsey Horan Olympique et Lyonnais Interview (September 6, 2024)
I'm morbidly curious which fans will end up being the most offended by this interview.
Jokes aside, I have a lot of thoughts about Woso and/or US fans but that's something I have already discussed privately. Though I think if you read between the lines you know what my views already are.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply; I'm Swiss I'm not cut out for this heat @OL Comms Dept pls save me and by that I mean my AC bill; if you're offended at players keeping their private life private then maybe you are the problem; blah blah y'all know the speech by now.
Lindsey Horan (Lyon): I became a better leader because of the Olympics
During the preseason camp in Tignes, which she joined halfway through, Lindsey Horan sat down for several long minutes with Olympique et Lyonnais to talk about her summer with the United States, her role as a leader with the USWNT and at Lyon, but also her desire to might as well be a coach. All that with her trademark good sense of humor.
Olympique et Lyonnais: Lindsey Horan, how is it being back with the Lyon team?
Lindsey Horan : It's going really well. I only got back four days ago (interview took place the day before last during the preseason camp at Lyon). I came straight here so I had my first summer training this Tuesday. It's been good be back with my teammates.
It isn't too hard to come back so soon after winning the Olympics, without really having time to rest and recover?
Yeah, it's a bit difficult, but it's mainly a mental question. Playing in the Olympics takes a lot out of you, mentally as much as physically. So when it's over, you're really happy to have won. But the adrenaline crash comes quickly when you realize you immediately have to start getting ready for the following season. It's hard, but once I saw the team and we started playing, it immediately motivated me again.
We saw today that the new coach focuses a lot on ball possession. Is it easy to be motivated again when you know you're going to be playing football rather than a fitness session?
Exactly, I can't take any more fitness sessions (laughter). It's much more fun to play.
"People don't realize what a captain does during a tournament"
Going back to the Olympics... Is it a source of pride, as captain, to have won this gold medal?
Yes, it's the biggest honor to have been captain of a team who won gold. It wasn't easy. It was one of the most memorable tournaments. It was a big adventure and the team was really in form. I'm really proud of the team and to have won gold.
Male players often say that the Olympics doesn't have the same meaning as the World Cup. Do you feel the same?
No, it's just different. It's hard to compare the feelings. Obviously, winning the World Cup was something incredible for me. But the only thing I was missing was a gold medal at the Olympics. It's different because we're representing our country in a different way, with Team USA and its athletes. And as I said, it's really hard to play six games in only 2 and 1/2 weeks. So mentally, having overcome that challenge by winning gold is an incredible feeling.
Emma Hayes said a lot of nice things about you after the final. How would you rate your evolution as captain between the World Cup and the 2024 Olympics?
You need a bit of time before the competition to really understand the enormous responsibility that a captain has to take on during a World Cup. People don't really understand everything a captain has to do during a competition. I learnt from the World Cup and Emma (Hayes) has also taught me an enormous amount about how to be a good leader [no comment]. I've evolved a lot, even during the tournament. I took on a lot of responsibility. That's why I was so emotional during the press conference. People don't understand all these responsibilities. That's how having heard what the coach said really touched me. She didn't even have to say it, that's why I was so happy to hear her congratulate me.
"What Wendie does here in Lyon inspires me"
Between camp and the competition, the Olympics lasted two months. In the end, did you have more of a mental role than as a player in the team?
Yeah, it's a bit difficult because we had a new staff. It was Emma [Hayes]' first tournament and she brought a lot of staff with her. So, I think having our old staff and older players adjust to these new principles wasn't easy. I hope that I managed to elevate some of the stress from my team and especially from the coach. Tournaments are also very stressful for the coaches, but Emma never stresses. She is very calm and involved, which is really comforting for the players.
How do you stay concentrated on football being that you spend so much energy by helping others? Was there anyone helping you?
It was hard (laughter). The one who helped me the most isn't in the team. There's someone outside of it, her name is Tobin Heath (former Portland and OL Reign player) and who is a massive support [system]. When you are captain, no one would think you might need help. It's hard because I don't think I played the best that I could every game. But if I could help the team play its best, that's remarkable. It's why I look for help outside the team, even if Emma really supported me.
Was having a break between the Olympic Games and preseason with Lyon also a way to stay mentally fresh?
Yes, I went to San Diego with my fiancé, who also became Sporting Director. This doesn't mean that I will go to San Diego even if a lot of people seem to think so (laughter). I went to see him and sit in on his press conferences, then we went to the beach for a few days. It was really nice, it allowed me to decompress after a long season.
"I like the positive energy from head coach Montemurro"
Going back to Lyon, you've almost been here for three years. Do you have a leadership role here as well, or is it something Wendie [Renard] handles really well by herself?
Already after the first year I started to become more of a leader in the team. I think you can see it in the way I play on the field. I work even harder off the pitch to become better because it's different with the language and the culture. We have incredible leaders in this team, like Wendie (Renard) who has taught me a lot, she is the most professional captain I've played with. I learn a lot from her, it helps me develop my leadership skills. I also try to bring to Lyon what I learned with the USWNT.
Last year, there were defeats in the Champions League as well as in the Coupe de France. This year, is the objection still to win all three?
It's important to not take that for granted. We have to stay humble because it's not easy, as we saw in the Coupe de France last season. A team can struggle sometimes. The level has evolved to a point where we're never sure to win the league. For us, the objective is the same each season: we want to win everything. That's how every competitive club should think. But we need to stay humble: we know we have to work hard the whole season. We don't want to experience defeats again. We fix new objectives for ourselves to motivate us.
Sonia Bompastor left, did you know of head coach Montemurro before he signed with Lyon?
A little bit. I've heard really good things. We played against him when he was at Juventus. I've heard people talk about his style of play and how he coaches players. We also heard him talk about what he wanted. I really like his positive energy. Obviously we need to train with him to see how everything goes but he has given a good impression. We're going to work hard to be able to play according to his strategy.
He is a coach who likes to have [ball] possession. That must really be a philosophy that you like and which speaks to you...
When you look at how the game is changing in this day and age, with clubs who are putting more and more of a focus on rapid transitions, it's interesting to see a coach who prioritizes possession. It's really important not to lose sight of that, to know when to go, when to be in transition, when to keep the ball. In terms of tactics, the coach is bringing something different which the team might never have seen before. It makes me want to learn.
"Coach in the future? I've thought about it"
Even being one of the best players in the world, are there still things you can learn?
I see some things when I play, and I am always asking myself if there is something better which can be done. Do I need to pass, dribble, shoot ... is there a better solution? I need to learn tactically and learn more about my teammates' style of play and their habits. Having fresh eyes can only be good in terms of personal development.
You talk like a coach. Is coaching something you might be interested in getting into later on?
Yes, but it's something I will need to think about because being a coach requires a lot of work and doesn't seem like much fun. You have to stay at work all day (laughter). But it's true that I like passing on information to others. I adore helping the younger players, be at Lyon or with the national team. So yes, it could be something which interests me. I'm starting to look into it, I have to pass my exams, but I'm thinking about it.
The atmosphere within the team seems very laid back. Is something which continued from last year or did the new staff bring in this joy of life?
Between all my teams, Lyon has always been the club with the best atmosphere and has been since I arrived. Everyone is so welcoming and they are great teammates. It's a really great feeling, because we all want to play in this team, composed of really good people. I've been back for a few days but I still have the impression of being on vacation with them. When you haven't had any rest, it helps with the recovery (smiles).
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
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Summary: The Interhigh is already here, you’re going to the Hyogo Prefectural Cultural Gymnasium, where the winner will be determined. December then rolls around, the guys helping you to the holidays with lots of love before the big tournament happens. Sadly, you received sudden news that could change your life forever.
Year 1: Suna x reader; Miya twins x reader(platonic)
[Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4] -> Second Year
The first school that they have a match with is Hōtoku Gakuen High School, starting the match with Inarizaki serving, gaining a point right away thanks to Atsumu and setting the peace for the rest of the game, Inarizaki winning the two first sets quite easily.
“That was really good guys, you did awesome” you say while giving them their water bottles “Although Rin, by the end of the match it felt like you were slacking off a little”
“We were winning though” he whines back as he back hugs you
“Does it matter though? You know that things can turn around when you least expect it. Try not to do it again, ok?” He nods while taking a sip of his water
“The long matches with Fukurodani really helped us today, I'm not tired at all!” exclaims Atsumu
A few hours after eating lunch the guys have their second match of the day with Kobe High School, one of the favorites to continue the round; and while everyone knew that Inarizaki has a good history of going to the nationals, it seems that having too many first years in their line up made them doubt the school a bit.
The match started, this time the other team serving first, and before anyone could notice, the ball was already smashing the floor, which ended up with the first set in favor of Kobe High. You go around giving them their bottles and telling them some things that you were able to pick up from the other school, listening to you carefully. The whistle sounds telling the players that the second set is going to start when you hear the twins scream.
“This game is going to be fun, Samu!”
“I know, Tsumu. Let´s win this!”
The second set starts with a serving ace by Atsumu. He does it again by switching his serve from the powerful one that he has been using, to the floating one. This time the set goes in Inarizaki´s favor; and Suna, who in the first set was mostly blocking and using normal attacks, starts to use the wide range one. The move not only confuses the blockers, but also the whole audience; for them Suna basically looks like he was diving horizontally. The second set finishes in favor of Inarizaki. The third set starts with a powerful serve from the other team, but Inarizaki is able to dig it nicely, ending up with Inarizaki winning 30 – 28.
“Well done guys! You did amazing!” you say to them
“Chibi-chan!! We're going to the finals!!” screams Atsumu crashing you into a tight hug
“Tsumu, I can't breathe” you chuckle making Atsumu relax his embrace while muttering a little sorry “Should we go to eat dinner? You have a big game tomorrow too”
“Let's get ramen!”
“Sure, you need to stretch first...and a shower”
“Chibi!” exclaims Atsumu offended, only receiving a hit on the back of his neck.
After all of that is done the coach takes your to a ramen place nearby. Throughout the dinner the team talked about the matches, not only the good things, but they also wanted you to give them all the feedback to get better, it was heartwarming how much they wanted your opinions. When you were done, you went back to the school for a meeting so the boys could prepare for the next day
“So let me start by saying that you guys did really well today, well done, but we still have one more match to go. Let me give you this report of Koyo Gakuin, the school we're playing against. Yn-chan can you pass them?”
“Report? Do we have to read it?” asks Osamu
“We just won 2 games, coach! We're tired” adds Atsumu
“Oh, so you guys want to throw away all the hard work your manager put into this? Go ahead then” The boys eyes widen at that sentence, clearly not expecting that.
“Chibi-chan, did you do this? Why? When?” asks Osamu
“Yep, I did it. There's so much I can do as a manager, so I wanted to help you as much as I can. And when we received the lists of schools, I search them up and I thought that Koyo Gakuin would go to the finals...So, I went to watch their match when you were resting”
“You did all that...for us? Damn, we have the best manager ever” says Suna astonished
“So, still tired?” asks the coach with a smirk on his face
“Tired? Who's tired? Couldn't be me. Let's read this” says Atsumu
“Good job, Yn-chan. The match hasn't even started and I already know they will win” whispers the coach while the boys are reading the report and discussing it.
It's the day of the finals, today it’s the day were it’s decided if you go to Tokyo or not. After the meeting the guys were more confident than ever, everyone could feel their energy when they entered the gym. Despite all this the coach asks you to do the prep-talk, because for some reason, he thinks that your words will be 10 times more effective than anything he could say.
“Ehh...You guys have practiced like crazy for this, I've witnessed all the efforts you have put into it. This is your first match with 5 sets, but you have played longer with Fukurodani and have won. You guys are strong, you know this. You got this; I believe in all of you”
“You heard our chibi-chan. Let's go all to Tokyo” screams the captain
And just like the coach thought, Inarizaki was killing the game; it wasn’t by a huge gap, but they ended up winning by the 4th set. The guys hug each other after winning, all of their emotions coming out at once. You tried your best to not cry, but failed miserably; you had seen the amount of hours all of them spent practicing, so you couldn't help but feel proud. Unexpectedly Suna was the first to run up to you and hug you, the twins following seconds after making it a group hug.
“I'm so proud of you guys” you say to them
“Thank ya for being our manager”
“We love ya chibi-chan”
December rolls around, and with that the winter break. Surprisingly, even the twins were down to take it easy throughout the 2 weeks of festivities, which shocked you greatly.
It was a week before Christmas when you started to feel sick, to the point that you had to leave early from the Friday afternoon. You hoped that it was just a little sickness, however you started to feel worse the more time it passes. You were tired, but couldn’t sleep properly; you were nervous and anxious, but you didn’t know why; and despite the boys constant messages and calls, you felt lonely and insecure.
When you went to the doctor he told you that you were fine, and all the symptoms could be because of homesickness, after all Christmas was coming and the way it was celebrated in Japan was completely different, which may have triggered it.
It was the 24th, you were lying on your bed when you heard a bunch of voices coming from downstairs, voices that soon came to the front of your door. As soon as the door opens, you see the three of your favorite people, a mix of blankets and snacks on their arms.
“Ya look dead Chibi” Atsumu says receiving a slap on his head
“Yer’re such an insensitive pig!”
“I’m trying to be honest!”
“Both of you are idiots” adds Suna; you chuckle at the scene, making the guys turn to you again “What happened to you sunshine?”
“I haven’t feel good lately” you say, your voice shaking. Atsumu pouts, taking one blanket and moving to cuddle your left side, Osamu cuddles your right side passing you a cup of dangos, and Suna puts his bag by the end of the bed and lays on top of you.
“We were worried about ya Chibi, yer mom told us that ya were barely eating” Osamu pass you a snack so you can eat it “Ya need to take care of yerself”
“Yeah, we miss ya a lot Chibi” Atsumu adds hugging you tighter “Everyone in the team misses ya a lot”
“I told you to tell us whenever you need help, idiot, you don’t have to deal with things alone anymore, you have us” Suna flicks your forehead lightly. Truth is, your mom told them everything, so they knew that you probably just needed love; which was evident by the small tears that started to fall.
“Thank you guys, I love you” you sob
“We love ya too. Don’t leave us again, ok? It’s boring without ya” Atsumu says while drying your fallen tears. They let you relax while telling you what happened throughout the week, a successful attempt to cheer you up. Once they saw that your mood got better, Atsumu moves slightly to pass you a bag “Merry Christmas Chibi, we know it’s not the same, but we hope it helps”
Inside of it there was the classic Japanese Christmas cake, alongside some KFC, a laptop and some gifts.
“We figure that ya don’t wanna go out, so we’ll just have a movie marathon together. We can do more traditional stuff next year when ya feel better” Osamu says while setting up things; at the same time Suna moves behind you, pulling you so your back is on his chest and his head on top of yours. After a few movies passed, all of you fell asleep in a cuddle pile.
The team told you to come back for the Nationals, so for the next week the guys went straight to your house after practice, they didn’t want you to be alone and your family was more than happy to have them there. Slowly you started to feel much better, but they didn’t want you to get overwhelmed again so they told you to stay at home while they went to a shrine on January 1st. When they came back, they arrived with charms and a surprise bag for you, alongside many other gifts from the rest of the team.
They stayed over until January 3rd, only leaving to their houses to pack their suitcases since the Nationals start on the 5th and you’ll be leaving at midnight. After a small fight between the twins trying to decide with who you should sit, you opted to sit with Suna; you love the twins but they can be a little extra from time to time.
“I´m falling sleep as soon as I can, just to let you know”
“Rin, it´s midnight, that´s exactly what I want”
You all settle down, the twins looking at you with a look of betrayal, yet happy that you were back with them. As soon as the bus starts moving, you get comfortable in the sit and lay your head on Suna's shoulder; before falling asleep, you can feel him moving a little so your head is in a more comfortable position, kissing the top of your head.
The six hours pass rapidly with all of the boys sleeping. It´s 6.30 am when you wake up, but you couldn’t move much because Suna was laying his head on top of yours and had a arm around your shoulders. The coach noticed that you were awake, so he whispers to you
“Yn-chan, good that you´re awake. We should be arriving in a few minutes. Can you start waking them up please?”
“Sure coach”
You had to start with Suna considering how he was holding onto you, so you open the curtains of the bus just enough to let some sun in.
“Rin, hey Rin wake up” you say while poking his chest rapidly “Rin c´mon, wake up”
“Mhm chibi-chan shut up” answers in a low voice, and instead of letting you go, he moves in to hug you better “what time is it?”
“6.34 we should be arriving soon, let me go so I can wake the others up”
“No” says putting his face on the crock of your neck, somehow hugging you even tighter. You put your hands on his shoulder to try to push away from him, but that just makes him hug you tighter. You get flustered, feeling your cheeks get warmer since you never have seen Suna this clingy before.
“Rin seriously, I need to wake them up, please let go of me” you insist
He sighs, but straighten himself and looks at you with his barely open eyes. You have to admit, he looks hot, the sun light giving him a light glow. The fluster look on your face doesn’t leave at all, making him smirk a little.
“Guess it was worth it to open my eyes, I have a beautiful view in front of me” he says while moving his eyes up and down. He was taking a risk by flirting with you, he knew that, but it was worth a shot. You feel his arms relax a little, so you take the opportunity and get up.
“Anyways, good morning, Rin. I’m going to wake the others up” You go to the sit behind you, where Kita and Aran were siting. Your fluster state didn’t get any better when you see Kita open his eyes with a little smile.
“Sorry, I woke up when you opened the curtain. I was going to help you if things went further though, I promise” he tells you making you go red again. You know he said it with good intentions, but what else was he expecting? Suna and you are just friends…
“Can you help me wake them up please?” you ask him trying to ignore the last part of his sentence
“Sure thing”
With the help of Kita everyone was awake when you arrived at the hotel. When you came back to the seat, Suna acts like nothing happened, so you decided to ignore the weird feeling and continue your conversation while arriving to the hotel and getting your things set up; the boys are all on the 3rd floor while you are on the 4th, next to the coach room.
After everyone was ready and with full stomachs, you go to a nearby gym so the boys can practice. It was odd, but you couldn’t sense any nerves from the team, not even the first years even though this would be their first time playing in the Nationals. The practice goes like usual, everyone doing their best and trying to perfect their attacks. It was already late when the coach told them to stop.
“But coach, it´s still early. Tomorrow are the Nationals; we have to practice more!” exclaims Atsumu.
“Tsumu, you already practice a lot. If you continue your body is going to get tired and you can have trouble tomorrow, you don’t want that do you?” you say this time
“Taking care of yourself is also part of training, you know that”
“…I know”
“Then let´s go” the coach adds “Well done Yn-chan, I can always trust you to make sense with the team”
When you arrived at the hotel, you looked up the potential team you could go against, Shiratorizawa, from the Miyagi prefecture. The ace of that team, UshijimaWakatoshi, looks really strong, especially considering that he's only a second year.
You spend a good part of the night researching the teams before falling asleep, information that you share with the coach on the way to the gymnasium. Now the boys seem much more nervous, fidgeting with their clothes, or talking more; Atsumu in particular seems to be quieter than usual.
“Tsumu, are you okay?” You ask him, making him look at you with widen eyes
“Yes, just a little nervous”
“You´re going to be fine, I know it” you take his hand, trying to soothe him; so he moves you into a tight hug
“Thanks, chibi”
Once you enter the gym you noticed that it was full of colors due to the uniforms of the other schools, and since your uniform was fully black, you stood out. You were on the back of the pack making sure that all the boys stayed together alongside Osamu; you noticed that a lot of teams were looking at you, not only were you the manager of Inarizaki, but you also stood out from the rest. At some point the crowd level starts to get higher, so you instinctively take Osamu´s arm before anything happens.
“Scared chibi? Everyone is tall here” he teases you
“I just don’t want to wander off. I´m not comfortable in huge crowds”
“I know, come here, we don’t want to lose our beautiful manager with so many men around” he passes his arm over your shoulder protectively before kissing your temple.
You stopped on an emptier area, waiting for the opening ceremony to start. You were talking to Aran and Atsumu, who asked about the team they were against with, when you hear a commotion around. You barely can hear the whispers ‘isn’t that dude on the top 5?’ ‘Dude, he´s huge’.
“HEY, HEY, HEY! CHIBI HEY!” right when you turn around, you feel a really strong pair of arms around your waist, lifting you up from the ground and spinning you.
“Bokuto-san!” you laugh, putting your arms around his shoulders to give him a hug.
“Bokuto-san, stop spinning around and put her down, we don’t want anything to happen to her, do we?” says Akaashi, who’s right behind
“AKAASHI! Do you really think I would let anything happen to her?” whines Bokuto, putting you down nonetheless and moving to give you a back hug “I just missed our chibi-chan a lot”
“I know, Bokuto-san, I missed her too. Hi Yn-chan, how have you been?” he asks while putting his attention on you. You take Bokuto’s arm off and go to his side to give him a quick hug
“I’m fine Akaashi, how are you?” you say while letting him go, Bokuto immediately coming back into the back-hug before answering the question
“We have been fine! You know the other day we had a practice match with Nekoma and…”
“We’re still here, you know. Hi Bokuto-san, hi Akaashi-kun” says Atsumu with his eyes a little squinted
“TSUMU! HI! Sorry I forgot to say hi to you. HI GUYS!” screams Bokuto waving at the rest of the team. They smile waving back before letting you be, knowing that you missed the guys and that you would be safe with them.
After all the commotion the whispers around you intensify; you could hear some of them going like ‘who’s that girl that Bokuto, THE Bokuto is hugging?’ ‘she’s hot too’ ‘Isn't she dating some Inarizaki member? She was with the grey hair dude’, making you tense up. You felt a hand moving up and down on your arms, helping you come back to reality before realizing it was from Bokuto. When you look at him, he just smiles before putting his chin on top of your head.
Bokuto tells you that he is in the other group, so the only way for your schools to play against each other will be if both of you win every single match and meet in the semifinals. You continue talking to them until a voice came out of a speaker, announcing that it was time to get ready for the opening ceremony.
“BYE GUYS! Let's meet at the semifinals!” Bokuto says to our team
“Of course, make sure to not lose Bokuto-san, we will be waiting there” snickers back Atsumu with a playful grin
“I will win!” after that he turns and ruffles your hair “See you Chibi-chan, cheer for me okay?”
“Bokuto-san, she has a team to cheer on herself. We will see you in between matches, Yn-chan, after all we still owe you a birthday present”
“You don't have to buy me anything, Akaashi, it's fine. Good luck!! And Bokuto-san” he bends down noticing that you wanted to whisper something “I will cheer for you too”
“HEY, HEY, HEY. We will win Akaashi!!! Let's go!”
You go back to your foxes while they get ready, Suna, Atsumu and Osamu instantly came closer to you, a mix of proud, happy, sad and nervousness on their faces.
“I'm happy that ya have friends outside of us, chibi-chan” says Osamu taking your hand and squishing it while Atsumu lays on you.
“We are still your favorites, right?” asks Suna
“Of course, you guys will always be my favorites players and friends”
“We better be. After all we have been together”
“Let’s do this guys, let's win against everyone” says Atsumu with determination.
The guys are warming up and practicing their receives before the match. The school sent the school band to cheer for the team, making the boys presence even bigger; they were the team with the biggest cheering squad, it was impressive how intimidating it was.
“Chibi-chan, do you know something about our rival?” asks the captain when they finished their practice time
“Yeah, from what I have seen they are really good at blocking, it’s their best weapon”
“But they don’t look that tall? They’re a little taller than Suna” says Osamu
“How do you guys think that’s not tall?” you ask in disbelief “they react fast and their timing is almost perfect. They also seem to adapt fast”
“Got it. Thanks, Chibi” adds the captain ruffling your hair.
Atsumu does his little routine with the band before sending a powerful serve, earning a direct point with ease. Inarizaki is able to gain three points like this, but in the fourth one their libero was almost able to stop it. For his next serve Atsumu takes 4 steps, meaning that he will change his serve from the powerful one to the float one, but the other team doesn’t really notice, resulting with them in shock when they realize that he had fool them.
The match was completely dominated by Inarizaki, winning the two sets by a quite large margin. The other team was barely able to make points, and a part of them were due to the guys' mistakes.
“Man, that was easy. Are ya sure they were good in their other games chibi?” asks Atsumu
“They were, but you seem to completely break any strategy that they had with your serves”
“By the end of the first set they looked defeated, I guess they didn’t have a good day today” says Suna
“I hate playing against people who suck”
“Stop being an ass Tsum. GUYS! Let’s go so you can eat something light; your next match is at 14.30, you can rest in the meantime” you call the team
“Yes madam!”
You go to the backstage so the guys can rest a little. Suna goes to sleep, others are eating a snack, the twins said something about buying a t-shirt. After organizing everything you got up to see the chronogram of the matches, the match of Shiratorizawa was about to start.
You leave the boys alone, Kita promising to take charge for you, and went to the side of the court to see them play. You watched part of their match in their prefecture, when they played against Aoba Johsai. In terms of technicality, teamwork and plays Seijoh looked stronger, but Shiratorizawa had Ushijima on their team, and he was able to break all of that. When watching their match, you couldn’t stop feeling sorry about Seijoh, they were really good, although their setter was the best player in the team. Sadly, power overtook him and his team.
When you arrived, Shiratorizawa already had 3 points. You got there just in time to see the infamous Ushijima serve, and man he was powerful. Luckily the other team was able to dig it, ending up with a point. You were so concentrated in the game that you barely noticed the arms that were going through your waist, alongside with a chin on top of your head.
“Hey, hey, hey chibi-chan!”
“Fuck!” you say scared “Bokuto-san! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Hey! It’s not my fault you didn’t hear me!” he answers squishing you even tighter
“We did talk to you and you didn’t hear us, Yn-chan” chuckles Akaashi while patting your head “Here, I bought you a Chinese bun”
“Thanks, ‘Kaashi” How did you not notice Bokuto loud self? That’s an answer you’ll never have.
“If I didn’t know how cute you are I would have run away from you chibi-chan. You looked so serious!” says Bokuto while putting his head against your shoulder.
“Sorry, Bokuto-san, I guess I was more focused than I thought. Did you guys win?”
“Of course we did!”
“Everything went smoothly, Bokuto-san didn’t have any major problems. I assumed you guys won too, that’s why you´re here” answers Akaashi
“Sharp as always ‘Kaashi” you smile at him before looking back at the court “I wanted to see them play, I couldn’t watch the whole match against Aoba Johsai. I want to do everything that I can to help the guys”
“Chibi-chan you´re so cool!” says Bokuto loudly, making some people turn around to look at you.
“Understandable, Shiratorizawa is strong” adds Akaashi focusing his eyes on the game right when they score another point “Ushijima-san is in the top 3 after all, meaning than he´s better than Bokuto-san”
“AKAASHI! That wasn’t necessary” pouts Bokuto
“And Bokuto-san is already super strong” you say, hearing a little mhm from Bokuto while he hugs you tighter, he really hasn’t let go of you this whole time “is he a monster or what?”
“He is, but he is not the only monster on the team. A lot of teams forget that he isn’t the only one playing” adds Bokuto with a sudden serious tone
“He works as a good bait too”
Right when you say that Shiratorizawa gains another point, winning the first set. But that point wasn’t done by the ace, or any of the other wing spikers, it was through a block. You haven’t been paying much attention to the number 5, the middle blocker, because Ushijima shined so brightly, but he definitely reacted differently to any other block system you’ve seen so far. The last point of the game going to Shiratorizawa made you notice him
“That middle blocker…the number 5”
“You noticed? Good” Akaashi smiles at you
“He jumps before the setter passes the ball…?”
“He does something called Guess Block; he guesses where the ball is going to go” explains Akaashi
“But it´s still a guess, how can he be so sure where is going?”
“He´s a monster as well, he´s exceptionally good at guessing, and he’s right most of the time. So annoying” says Bokuto
“The amount of pressure he puts into the setters is incredible. After a few of his well guess blocks the setters start panicking and try to find a way to not be read” adds Akaashi
“Damn they’re good. At least it’s going to be harder for him to guess with us, with Rin and his wide range”
“Yeah, it’s going to take him a while to get used to Suna-san, that’s good. Atsumu-san is a really good setter as well, he’s not going to make it easy for him”
“True, and he’s way too competitive”
Shiratorizawa leaves passing besides you when the match ended. Your eyes go from Ushijima to the number 5, only to find the latter looking at all of you with a confused expression, eyes moving to the arms of the ace in your body. Suddenly all the whispers become clear, the majority were talking about how good the match was, or about Shiratorizawa, but there were also some about you; after all seeing the manager of Inarizaki being hugged almost throughout the whole game by the ace of Fukurodani wasn’t a normal sight.
“Oh? Do we have a couple here? Is this a hidden relationship?” asks the number 5 with a lot of enthusiasm, making some of his team stop too.
“Oh, you don’t have to worry, if you don’t want your team to know I won’t say a thing!!” adds the red head with a teasing tone
“Chibi-chan and I? We’re not dating, I just think she’s cute!” Bokuto says while he unwraps himself, he could tell that you were more nervous than normal
“Bokuto-san likes giving hugs to people, but since most don’t like that he doesn’t do it often. Yn-chan here is a foreigner, she’s used to a lot more casual skinship. That’s why he clings to her when they meet. Please don’t misunderstand” explains Akaashi
"Yeah, we’re not dating, it’s what Akaashi said” you say looking at the red hair again
“So, a foreigner, how interesting! We don’t see a lot of foreigners! I’m Tendou Satori, nice to meet you!”
“I’m Yn, nice to meet you too. Your hair is cool, I like it”
“EHH?! You like my hair? You’re not afraid of me?”
“Why would I be afraid of you? You look nice” you say confused
“Everyone’s is afraid of me when they first meet me. You’re so nice, Yn-chan, so nice” he explains. Why would anyone be rude towards him?
“That’s just…mean. Why would anyone do that? Anyways, I should get going though, my boys must be waiting for me”
“We’ll drop you with them” says Akaashi
“It was nice to meet you all” you bow to them “Hope to see you again Tendou-san, bye”
“Bye Yn-chan!”
The three of you go out of the court and went to where the boys are. Bokuto talked about wanting to buy a t-shirt that says ‘the way of the ace’ on it, insisting on buying you one too before leaving. Arriving to the back stage, the first ones that you see are Aran and Osamu.
“There you are chibi, I was about to call you” says Aran
“Thought we lost ya, I was scared that ya were alone around so many men” adds Osamu going to your side to hug you
“Don’t worry Osamu-san, we stayed with her almost all the time. Bokuto-san let’s go; they need to get ready for their match”
“Good luck guys! Bye chibi-chan!” Bokuto says to the team
“Where were you by the way?” asks Suna arriving next to you
“I went to see Shiratorizawa match. I have a few things to tell you about them”
“Chibi-chan! I bought ya a t-shirt! I got it in purple, and since I know ya like wearing our t-shirts, I got it in my size so it looks big on ya!” screams Atsumu running to you with the t-shirt on the air, it reads Just Volleyball on it
“Thanks Tsumu, I’ll put it on as soon as I can” you say while hugging him “Anyways, I need to talk to the team”
Once everyone was around, you explained what you saw in the match, from how strong Ushijima was to Tendou blocks, putting emphasis on him since he can be the biggest challenge for the guys.
“You guys have been able to receive Bokuto-san spikes, so you should be able to receive Ushijima-san after a while. I think their middle blocker will be harder to deal with though”
“If he guesses most of his blocks then we should be able to get away for a while” says Atsumu
“Especially with Suna's spike, I don’t think he will expect the range, though we don’t know how fast he can get used to it” Osamu adds
“But at the end, he is still guessing. Tsumu is an amazing setter, I’m sure you can find a way to fool him” you look at him with a smile
“Yeah, I can think of something. I’m not going to let him win so easy” he says while entering the court, the match was about to start
“Thanks, Chibi” Suna passes his arm over your shoulder “while we were resting you were working to help us”
“Best manager ever” adds Aran patting your head.
“Eh?! So this is your team Yn-chan? How interesting” you hear. All of you look at the direction of the voice just to look at the tall, red hair, Tendou Satori with his team behind “I like you, you’re nice Yn-chan, but I’m going to break your team hearts”
You can feel the tension after Tendou said that, not only Suna’s arm stiffens, but the whole atmosphere changed a bit. Atsumu is the only one who doesn’t seem affected at all by the words.
“Good! Don’t contain yerselves, I hate playing against bad teams”
“We will never contain ourselves, I hope we can have a good match, let’s go guys” says Ushijima with courtesy
“The fact that he doesn’t seem to have bad intentions annoys me. How do you know the number 5 Chibi?” asks you Suna
“He saw me with Bokuto-san and Akaashi after their match, we talk a bit before I went back to you”
“Let’s not get intimidated guys, we’re good. They do have a powerful spiker, but we have that too, right Aran?” cheer them the coach
“I’ll do my best”
The match starts with the captains handshake, Shiratorizawa serving first. Ushijima gets ready, doing his jumping serve and smacking the ball on the floor, gaining the first point. The guys were shocked by how powerful it was, but they just smile getting ready for the next one. ‘Let’s stop the next one’ screams your captain, and right after, your libero is able to dig the serve, it was off, but that didn’t stop Atsumu to send a quick pass to Osamu, gaining a point. You noticed some frustration in Tendou's face, and also Atsumu saying something to him. Now it’s Osamu's turn to serve, sending right over the net and making Shiratorizawa break their formation; still their setter was able to send it to Ushijima, and even though your blockers were right there to stop him, he was able to break it.
The match continues, both teams extremely close to each other. Tendou it’s starting to get used to the tosses, but he still misses some due to how unpredictable Atsumu was. Inarizaki is in the lead right now, winning 21 – 20 when the coach asked for a time-out, right before Ushijima serve. You go around giving them their water bottles and towels before standing between the coach and Suna, the latter leaning on you. You knew that he was tired, so you just let him despite how sweaty he was.
“We’re doing good with the spikes and serves of the number 2, so continue like that. Aran you are doing an excellent job with your spikes, well done. Yn-chan have you notice something?”
“Tendou-san, I mean, their number 5 seems to be guessing more accurately. He has been right for the last points, but was slow enough to not do a complete block”
“Yeah, I noticed it too. I was sure he knew that I picked Samu the last point. Thank God he doubted a bit” adds Atsumu
“Rin, do you think you can start using your other range now?”
“I should be fine” he answers
“Then it would be good to start using it for a few moves, it would be enough to confuse Tendou-san. Try mixing the normal ones in between too” you say to Atsumu
“Sounds good”
The team goes back to the court, ready to receive the powerful serve. Once again, they are able to lift it up, sending it to Atsumu. This time you noticed that he looked at Suna, and apparently Tendou noticed too by the big smile on his face, smile that disappeared when he realized that despite guessing right, the ball didn’t even touch his hand. He looked at Suna and Atsumu with pure irritation on his face. The broad attack worked.
The last point of the first set goes to Inarizaki, thanks to a powerful spike sent by Aran. You were sure that Atsumu was going to pick Osamu, but he set it for Aran instead, making Tendou scream in frustration.
The second set with Atsumu´s serve. After a few points Shiratorizawa takes the lead thanks to Tendou, who manage to block Suna´s wide range attack; despite his attack still being effective, Tendou still was able to guess a few of them. The second set ended just as close as the first one, Shiratorizawa winning it 29 – 27. This was the first time in the Nationals where the boys will have to go to a third set.
The third and final set begins with all the boys fired up as they tried to tired up Ushijima. The end of the match is a really long deuce, but Inarizaki has the set point now. Atsumu is up to serve, ending gaining the point thanks to a mistake from Ushijima.
The match ends with the boys screaming of joy, the score being 35 – 33, the longest match of the whole season so far. The twins and Suna start running towards you, crushing you into a hug while almost throwing you to the floor.
“You won guys! Well done!”
“WE won, Chibi. Ya are part of us”
The team goes to say goodbye and give handshakes to Shiratorizawa, exchanging a few words to each other. Before you can leave the court, Tendou and Ushijima appeared behind you.
“Your team is really good Chibi-chan, I barely got some blocks because of your contortionist friend”
“Contortionist? You mean Suna? He’s really good. You did good too, I really like the way you block. And your spikes are so amazing Ushijima-san”
“Thank you. Your team did great too” says the big man with a barely noticeable smile
“AHH! You really are nice! Let’s see each other next year too!” adds Tendou moving to give you a quick hug
“I hope to see you too” you were able to say before you felt a hand pulling you backwards
“Chibi, Bokuto-san match should start soon, want to go and see them? The twins want to go too” asks Suna putting his arm on your shoulders, you didn’t see the glare he sent towards Tendou.
“Yeah, I wanted to go. Bye, see you next year” you answer bowing to the other two boys as a goodbye, Ushijima and Suna bowing to each other while Tendou waves.
All of you arrived to the court where Fukurodani is going to play. You stand on the side of the court and watch the other match, arriving at the end of the third set. Nekoma High versus Kamomedai High School. Despite seeing a few minutes, it was noticeable how good both schools were, each point took a lot to win. Nekoma High kept the ball alive no matter how strong the spike was, and even if it wasn’t the most amazing play, they didn’t let the ball touch the ground. Kakomedai on the other hand, seem to be extremely good at blocking and had a talented middle blocker. The winner will be the team you play next.
“Nekoma is good, it feels that they are watching every move and adapting” says Osamu
“I mean, they’re on their third set with another favorite, they have to be good. I wonder how a match between you two would be” you answer
“They truly are like cats” says Atsumu fascinated
After a long deuce between the teams, the match ending with Kakomedai as the winner. You really wanted to see a match between Nekoma and Inarizaki, but it would have to be the next time.
The match of the owls goes really well, Fukurodani winning the first set with a comfortable margin. In the second set, however, you noticed that Bokuto was making more mistakes than normal, ending up with the other team gaining the lead. Akaashi seems to notice too, so the coach asks for a time out.
“What is happening with Bokuto-san? I haven’t seen him like this before”
“Apparently Bokuto-san has some unpredictable mood swings; he tends to play worse if he is in an emo mode” says Osamu
You hum looking back at where the boys are, making eye contact with Akaashi who seems a happy to see you. He turns around, coming a closer to where you were, and points at you.
The moment Bokuto hears that his head goes immediately to where Akaashi is pointing, making eyes contact with you with wide eyes. You smile at him and wave your hand excitedly
“Bokuto-san, you can do this!” you say as loud as you can
He screams his classic ‘Hey, hey, hey’, his whole aura changing while entering back at the court. The moment Fukurodani got the ball Akaashi sets it to Bokuto, who does a really amazing cross shot. After that play Bokuto becomes unstoppable, not only gaining back all the points, but also making enough to win.
“HEY, HEY, HEY! CHIBI-CHAN! You came to cheer for us!” he pulls you into a hug, you hug him back not even caring about his sweaty self, at this point you’re used to it.
“I told you that I would cheer for you. You were so cool!”
“Bokuto-san, your cross shot was so cool!”
“I know Tsum-Tsum, I know” while those two continue talking, Akaashi comes near you, doing a gentle nod to the guys. You were surprise when he takes your shoulders with a grateful look
“Thank God you appeared Yn-chan, I don’t know if I would have been able to take Bokuto-san out of his emo mode without you. Thank you”
“I just came to cheer for my friends…? How did I help?”
“Believe me, we wouldn’t have won without you here”
“Chibi-chan did you saw the straight shots that I did?!” calls you Bokuto
“I did saw them, they were awesome! And your form in the jump? Amazing” you say excited, making Bokuto even happier “Shouldn’t you guys go to stretch though? You don’t want to hurt yourself, right?”
“True Chibi-chan! Let’s go Akaashi, we need to do that” with that the both of them go back to their teams and start stretching.
“I swear, every time Bokuto-san is around it feels like ya become their manager too” Osamu pouts lightly while taking your hand to pull you outside of the gymnasium.
You arrived to the hotel after saying goodbye to the owls. The team was exhausted after playing two long games, so they went straight to bed.
However, things couldn't be so easy for you. After a talk with your mom, you found out that you had to leave to Tokyo next year.
The news felt like a bucket of ice water was thrown at you, even if you knew it could happen. While Tokyo was the place where you wanted to live first, it didn’t have your foxes.
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glitter-jackal · 2 years
Random gangreen gang head canons
He has a gambling addiction whenever he and the others play poker he sometimes goes overboard when it comes to betting he would sometimes bet his sunglasses by accident until someone mentions what he did.
He tries not to let the gang know about his aquaphobia he doesn't want them to think he's weak or wants them to make fun of him.
He sometimes doesn't act like it but he cares a lot about his gang he would sometimes say there his brothers the others think he does it to impress and or get a girlfriend but that's not true, he just cares that much that he sees them as his brothers.
After he met snake's sister ivy he started out as her friend but as time went on he started to have a crush on her and wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend but snake said something cryptic/scary about what would happen if he dated and or broke ivy's heart.
He is hoping to maybe form a secret relationship with ivy.
When he loses a video game he tends to rang quit.
He sometimes speaks Italian when he gets angry/annoyed
He secretly plays in gaming tournaments and gets some money from it. He doesn't let the others know so he tells them that he stole it or won a bet or he got it from going to an underground poker game.
His gamer name is venomousshadowcobra.
He is ivy's twin brother.
He hates snake/reptile skin outfit and bags.
Some days when he gets really hungry and he hasn't eaten anything he sometimes he eats rats he finds at the dump and he sometimes weirdly enjoys it.
He doesn't tell the gang that he has some contact with his parents and ivy because even though he tries to act edgy, he actually has a heart of gold when it comes to the people he cares about.
He only allows certain people call him by his real name like ivy or his parents and in some serious situations the gang will call him by his real name.
The d in his middle name stands for dominic.
When he thinks of something that's really upsetting he softly cries himself to sleep.
He is afraid of mongoose and large hawks.
He keeps a heat lamp for himself.
He secretly has a tail.
He has an ability where he can understand reptiles.
He goes in disguise when playing in the gaming tournaments so no one receives him and he always refuses to do interviews.
some people call his gaming persona a they but doesn’t care.
He is pansexual he sometimes says that he just doesn't matter what gender a person is as long as they love him and are good to him.
He's the older twin by two minutes.
He and ivy are part Nigerian on there mom's side of the family.
The gang takes turns to be his caretaker and let's just say that with how chaotic arturo can be they would say there's a reason they don't let him go off on his own unsupervised.
When he gets mad he cusses in spanish.
He sometimes translates what he or someone said in Spanish.
He never met his mother and doesn't know what happened to her.
Everyone thinks he looks up to ace but he actually looks up to snake but doesn't let people know.
He likes women that are taller than him.
When ever him and the rest of the gang are running from cop or the powerpuff girls and if he is running to slow they will pick him up like a child or give him a piggyback ride.
His middle name is Alejandro.
The gang sometimes puts him in a child/baby leash if he gets the idea to run off without them.
He's not allowed to have energy drinks.
Billy calls him, his best friend.
He sometimes uses blackmail against the gang just for random reasons *they could never be more prouder of him*.
He covers his eye because he knows billy sometimes gets insecure about his eye so he covers it so he doesn't feel alone or sad but he tells the others that it's just a hairstyle he thought was cool.
He's 13/14.
She's a bit of a tomboy.
Due to the green skin mutantashion, her parents thought it was best if she went to Japan with her dad on his business trip.
She's fluent in Japanese.
Her is dyed and her natural hair color is black.
She is a late bloomer.
When her and snake where younger they use to dress and pretend to be each other to trick there parents.
She has less reptile fetchers unlike snake.
She doesn't have a tail.
Snake told her first that he was pansexual.
When she first saw/was introduced to ace she crushed on him hard but she was too shy to make a first impression.
She plays guitar.
She has an acoustic guitar.
She tries to be careful about her and Ace secret relationship between them because she doesn't want to lose Snake's trust.
Her middle name is Harper.
Listens to kpop/jpop.
he sometimes play his violin anywhere to get some money.
He secretly goes to a night school.
He comes up with escape plans when the rest of the gang ends up in jail/juvie.
It took the gang awhile to understand what he's saying.
He's british.
His middle name is Weston.
He has ADD.
The gang knew about his ADD and are extremely patient as they can get with him.
When ever there bullying little kids billy is the only who would just be playing with them until ace or the others tell him not to.
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amelikos · 8 months
Some character notes and episode notes for HZ036, writing them down for future reference.
Liko got asked by Dot to help one of her fans who struggled with her Pokemon. The first time Dot actually asks Liko for help too, which is special because it shows Dot is more willing to rely on others. Liko still gets a bit embarassed around Gurumin, even though she knows it's Dot. She was happy to be seen as Gurumin's friend by Yuno too.
Terapagos was left behind on the ship for this episode. Since Liko and Roy were going to a town by themselves, I wonder if Friede advised Liko not to take Terapagos with her to be safe (since Terapagos is targeted by the Explorers too).
Yuno wants to participate in a tournament but her Perfuton doesn't seem to be doing well. Liko shares her own experiences and talks about how she also couldn't understand Nyahoja at first, and she learned that she had to let her Pokemon how she feels in order to understand them. I really like that they keep emphasizing Liko and her sensitivity to both humans and Pokemon's feelings even in these kinds of episodes, and that she manages to share her experiences to help others with the same issue. Liko manages to put her thoughts into words way more now.
Very specific thought but when Yuno told Perfuton that she wanted to enter the tournament with her but won't do it if it's just going to make her sad, I was reminded me of Iris in BW (when she told Doryuzu that he didn't have to battle anymore if he didn't want to after understanding his issue). I kind of want to remember that I remembered this specific moment.
Yuno's Pokemon happens to like Renta's Perfuton. And both Yuno and Renta seem to like each other too, they are chidlhood friends (Renta is a jerk though). Liko saw through Yuno quite quickly, and Dot also seemed to realize that her Pokemon was smitten. I was a bit surprised to see Dot talk about this and give advice, etc. (Liko already showed she is aware of romance to some degree. Back in HZ005, she misinterpreted Roy for a second at first when he said that he wanted to see someone on the ship, only for it to be about Hogator. For a second there, she thought he was talking about her and was all "wait, what's happening-")
Liko and Roy both helped Yuno bathing her Perfuton. Roy played a bit with the dryer with Hogator (which is such a thing to do for someone like him, liked this detail). Nyahoja kept jumping to play with the soap bubbles, it was cute! I generally like seeing what Nyahoja is up to in the background because she is often sleepy, or playing and things like that... She was practicing how to walk with Perfuton later on in the episode, too.
Renta's Perfuton still acted haughty despite everything, so Kuwassu showed off his dance in front of everyone. It's kind of fun how Kuwassu is more confident compared to Dot, their personalities are really different (though Dot is more confident as Gurumin too). Prince attacked Kuwassu (out of jealousy that he was the center of attention) so Yuno's Perfuton stood up for her friend and just attacked him. Deserved, tbh. It's cool that they showed her standing up and not tolerating bullshit, at least.
Either way, Renta and Yuno managed to reach an agreement (and be more honest) and decide to team up for the tournament so they asked Liko and Roy to practice with them. Roy immediately agreed. I like those small moments where Roy tends to be the first one to take initiative and Liko follows his enthusiasm too. It happened last week when Roy was the first to ask Friede if they could tag along with him to find the lost Pokemon, and Liko followed suit. It shows Liko's shy and reserved nature well (she just needs a little push to try out things, or be more daring in asking for something, etc).
The battle was fun! Liko and Roy rarely have opportunities to battle against opponents around their age, so it was cool to see them learn new things and casually have fun. Yuno and Renta also went on and won the tournament because they actually work well together when they don't argue. Yuno thanked Gurumin, Liko (but used her username and not her real name when Gurumin interviewed her) and everyone for their help. Dot got lots of interactions on her video too which was one of her goals, since she eventually wants to surpass Nanjamo on this aspect (though, her fans now think she is taking requests to help with love issues). I wonder if Yuno will come up again but either way, it was nice to see another Gurumin fan in the flesh (the other one we know of besides Liko is Zir, and I wonder if he was watching Dot's videos this episode).
VA notes but both Yuno and Renta's VAs voice characters in Shadowverse Flame, so it was nice to hear them in Horizons.
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(Same anon) fair enough! Just wanted to say somethin in case it mattered to you. Would be REALLY funny to me (ace spec) if it won tho like “the winner of the FICTIONAL disease tournament is insatiable horniness” ghsg
Glad we’re having fun tho! 💛
Also acespec yeah that would be really fucking funny ....... by my criteria it does technically fit as a disease though at this point i think this is more loosely fictional-things-that-attack-someones-biological-functions than diseases but uhhh if yiu dont like that you can make your own disease bracket !🙂 [genuine] like im not stopping you
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stateofsport211 · 7 months
Lille Ch F: Arthur Rinderknech [1] def. Joris de Loore 6-4, 3-6, 7-6(8) Match Stats
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The pass and volley combination became the reasons of the sole breaks of serve coming from both players throughout the first two sets, although A. Rinderknech has a 50% break point conversion rate from his 2 break points back in the first set. Nonetheless, de Loore's point construction might have helped him carrying through several different moments, but A. Rinderknech came in a clutch on return during the tie-breaker, where his cross-court forehand winner secured his victory during the third set tie-breaker, which denoted how crucial their pressure point handling was on return there.
On the other hand, A. Rinderknech had a more stable service game, which was also visible during the tie-breaker despite the return-based ending. Even though de Loore scored 11 more aces than him (18 to 7), the French first seed still won 5% more points from his first serves with 83% than de Loore's 78%, appearing more clutch in the first set as he was 7% away from perfection there. Somehow, despite both players double-faulting just once, de Loore's second serves appeared to be more attack-prone with only a 55% winning percentage, which was insufficient to get himself out of trouble while having a decent return game as aforementioned.
This marked A. Rinderknech's 6th career Challenger title, his first Challenger title of the year after winning his latest title in the Zug Challenger, which, apparently, he also faced de Loore and won 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 at that time. This secured his return to the Top 100 by landing at 83 live, while de Loore also ranked 188 live by the time he became the runner-up. However, while de Loore will have his semifinal rematch from here against Pierre-Hugues Herbert in the first round of the Lugano Challenger, A. Rinderknech just withdrew from the Indian Wells qualifying rounds and will go straight to the Phoenix Challenger qualifying rounds afterward. Should be fun to follow how he makes and maintains his way back to the Tour-level tournaments!
0 notes
nounpolycule · 1 year
What is Esther Most Correct About? Tournament Round 1, Matches 1-16 Recap:
"The Eleventh Doctor is a stone top" didn't stand a chance against "twelveriverrose stone butchfemme autism4autism4autism telepathy sex", but really, does anything? With 20 out of 25 votes, dyke autism polycule telepathy sex won 80/20
Coming in at 72.5% with 29 out of 40 votes, it's clear the people think Jack and Rose's karaoke nights are more notable than their movie nights
There's much to love about the concept of Ten's coat being lined with fabric that looks like old bowling alley carpet, but 55 out of 76 voters, Jewish Donna Noble won with 72.4% of the votes! This poll had nearly twice the voter turn out of the second most voted in poll (which had 40 votes)
In the very first poll to go against my predictions for this bracket, tentooriverrose beat eleventooriverrose with by three votes with 13 out of 23, or 56.5%!
In what has been described as pitting two "equally a lot right" opinions against each other, "Rose regularly took naps in the jumpseat in the TARDIS" beat "Ganger!Eleven survived and reformed at the end of The Almost People" with 59.1% (13/22) of the votes!
Winning by just one vote (12/23), "The concept of Jack and Rose having a scrapbook in series 1" beat "AUs where Turn Left is the same but Rose isn't in the s4 finale" with 52.2% of the results!
With 26 out of 33 (78.8%) votes, "Many River fans are wrong about River" beat "River Song has futuristic tattoos" in a landslide, the second closest poll so far! As we know, only three people in the world are entirely correct about River Song - Me, Alex Kingston, and the girl reading this.
"River Song has poor self perception" beat "River Song jumping off of buildings is hot" with 15 out of 28 (53.6%) of the votes. The race was close, and no one's to blame. River is a character that manages to look hot jumping off buildings while being oh so wrong about whether or not she's a good person.
Coming in with just under 3/4 of the votes, "The concept of Bad Wolf as disability" beat "Were she telepathic, Rose Tyler would have telepathy synesthesia" with 23 out of 32 votes - because, as we all know, one of the most common outcomes of briefly becoming a goddess is developing a connective tissue disorder that also gives you timegraines (time migraines).
With 20/29 votes, "Rose Tyler is autistic" beat" AUs where River is not the Ponds' daughter" - leaving my roommate appalled that the former only had 69% of the votes, as they felt it was an obvious fact about the show.
While I will forever stand by "Even without frequent hugs, twelverose would be just as intimate as ever", "Eleven and Rose would be so much Worse (affectionate) than tenrose" won with 57.6% (19/33) of the votes! I mean, do we really think these two would be capable of not being obnoxious?
With just 14/27 votes, "Immortal Rose would hold onto all of the Doctor's jackets post-regeneration" beat "Tentoo and Rose are so very not normal about their relationship" with 51.9% of the votes - and made me wonder what exactly my plan would be for a tie.
"The Doctor and Clara are actually a not-romantic-not-platonic secret third thing" beat "Clara Oswald sucks, and that's what makes her fun, actually" nearly 2:1. Perhaps there is some bias as the tournament runner's blog has repeatedly mentioned being team "The Doctor and Clara aren't romantic"? Or maybe I'm just correct 😌
In a race that was neck-and-neck for a while, "Rose Tyler and Clara Oswald are exes" beat "Rose Tyler and Clara Oswald are exes" at 63:37 with 17 out of 27 votes.
While I doubt anyone voting disagreed too firmly with "outing Yaz was bad", 21 out of 34 voters, or 61.8%, thought having Grace as a companion instead of Graham would be the bigger improvement.
And last but not least - while 13 out of 34 voters felt Ace flirting with Graham was a bigger issue, 61.8% of voters felt that "one of Chibnall era's biggest problems is there's not enough hanging out" was more correct.
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class80 · 2 years
Report Card: Tetsuo Maeda 🏀
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{ FC: Madara Mikejima}
Age: 18
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual
Gender: Male
Birthday: August 7 {Leo}
Height: 6'1"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Red
Status: Ultimate Basketball Player
Likes: Sports jerseys
Dislikes: Mushrooms
Appearance: Tetsuo is a tall boy with tanned skin and a toned body. He has shoulder-length brown hair that he ties in a small ponytail, and red eyes. He also has a snaggletooth. Tetsuo wears a red basketball jersey and shorts. On the front side of the jersey is his former basketball team's name, 'Basusen Royals', and on the back, his surname, 'Maeda.' On both sides is his team number, '06.' On his shorts is the emblem of his previous high school. He pairs his outfit with white socks, red-and-white sneakers, and a red sports headband with red and blue sports wristbands and ankle bands.
Personality: Tetsuo is a lively and boisterous boy, who often helped pump up his old basketball team with his high enthusiasm. He's the type that can't leave someone alone if they're down or need help, especially with people younger than him, which makes him have a big brother-like demeanour. He's also confident, but never arrogant, in fact often being annoyed by arrogant types and ones who look dork on others, and can get riled up pretty easily by them. He actually used to be a much more shy and timid boy in the past. While he grew a lot more outgoing and confident, the shy part of him truly never disappeared, showing best when he gets surprisingly flustered rather easily when receiving high praise. He stammers and blushes, much to his embarrassment.
Background: When Tetsuo was a child, he was very shy, and wasn't confident. Even at his young age of already growing a passion for basketball, he never gathered the courage to play with the other kids at public parks that had a basketball court, so he often just played by himself when no one else was around. To his surprise, the local park kids had been keeping an eye on him, and one day ‘challenged’ him to best all 5 of them in a game in 1 vs 1 matches, or else they’ll kick him out of the park. Taking their playfully cruel threat seriously, Tetsuo agreed to play against them all. Each match, he won by several points. Shocked and honestly amazed, these boys, who are actually a part of the middle school basketball team at Tetsuo’s school, practically forced him to join them. Hesitant as he was, he decided to go for it, after finally seeing how fun it is to play basketball with others. He quickly became one of the best players on their team, which would carry on to high school, becoming the team’s ace player. This in turn helped immensely with his confidence, Tetsuo growing from that meek and shy boy, to a slowly more outgoing and confident one. This would especially show when he used the combination of his basketball knowledge, skills, and belief in his team’s ability, to help them achieve victory in their biggest basketball tournament victory ever. 
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goodthoughts001 · 2 years
Navy Guy สล็อตออนไลน์ เว็บตรง ไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์
I'm glad that I didn't go up to A.C. on Saturday. I was a bit under the weather and with all the driving and playing and driving, I am fairly certain I would have had a rough going. I was able to play some สล็อตออนไลน์ เว็บตรง ไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์ over the weekend and was meet with mild success. I started out having a good run on FT. Played some RAZZ and got up a bit. Played 3 SNG's and won each (one heads up, one short table, one full table). Switched over to Party (thanks for the free $30!!), played a $7 satellite into the Million $ Guarantee. Down to three and I pick up Aces in the BB. Both opponents push in for 4000 and 5000 each. Easiest call I ever made with my last two opponents going all in, top two get $26 seats to the next round. All I have to do is knock out one of them. The aces held up and I was onto the next round. I played the $26 satellite the next day. Funny situation happened on the last hand. I am in the BB with 8c7c. Blinds are 400/800 there may have been a 25 ante at the time. Three players left and I have 12200 after posting the BB. Button has 3000 and SB has 3600 after posting. Button goes all-in. SB goes all-in. There is now 7800 chips in the pot. I have a couple of options. I can fold, still have 12000 chips, if SB wins we have ourselves a match. If button wins he is back in it and SB is crippled. If I call, the worst that can happen is I am down to 9000 chips (Just under half the chips in play) against two players with now bigger (but not huge) chip stacks or one player with slightly more chips than me. Best case scenario is I call, win, and take it down right now without letting one or the other make it a real match. First place gets a $215 seat, 2nd gets $25. Up to this point, I had been raising and reraising liberally with mediocre holdings against two very tight very weak opponents. I had chipped up from 9000 to 13000 without meeting resistance. It seemed neither one wanted to go home with nothing. To shorten an already long history, I called. My opponents had A4 and A5. I flopped a set of 8's and won the seat.
Winning allowed me to play for the first time in a tournament with over $30 buyin. I was ecstatic to say the least. However, just as we were about to start a slight problem arose. Some of you may know that while we are transitioning between houses I've been relegated to playing on dial-up. Unfortunate, yes. Inconvenient, yes. Connection problems, yes. But I've learned what I can and can't do at the same time. I was not expecting Party to give me a hard time as the tournament started yesterday. Maybe it was an influx of players into that single tournament, but Party shut me down 7 times. I finally had to jump on another computer, update the software and finally get in, missing 8-10 hands. I lost chips early, doubled up on with KQ on a KQx board after my opponent called me down with Q8. I made it through the first hour with 6800 chips (starting was 5000). That was, unfortunately, my high-water mark for the day. I lost races, couldn't hit a flop, and slowly chipped down to the point where I had to push. I did, it was a race, and I lost. I went out somewhere around 2500 out of 4300. The tournament was fun though. Lots of awful players, players pushing early and often with top pair awful kicker. Saw a 13000 chip pot, all in preflop AA v. K10. K10 won of course (it was sooooted). I think I'm going to try some more satellites into this thing for next week. My friend John finished somewhere around 300th for $600 or so. Okay, about to take off for the day. I still have some more, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.
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acumains · 2 years
007 shark bridge
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In 20 Shark won the individual event at the World Computer Bridge Championships Personal Deal Library: all saved deals are instantly available to all of your devices.īridge Bidding Systems: Standard American 5 card major( SAYC or Shark flavor), 2/1 Game Force, Acol, and Swedish 5-Card major bidding systems, more are in the works.Įach bridge system includes the most popular conventions, and you can further customize it with :ġNT / 2NT range and hand distribution optionsįour versions of Blackwood: 4 Aces, 5 Aces, RKC or RKC 1430 VIP online play: manage friends, block players, invite players. 32 WBF, ACBL, and European bridge tournaments from recent years, including 2016. Daily tournament with 16 boards, compare your skill with the rest of our VIP members. VIP subscription ($24.99/year) unlocks additional features and services: Basic Online Bridge Play: create, join, and kibitz at any table. Email bridge hands from your Personal Deal Library. Save deals to your Personal Deal Library. 9 WBF,ACBL and European bridge tournaments from 2014,2013,2011. Play an unlimited number of random deals.
Choose from regular and 4-color card decks.īridge Enthusiast In-App purchase ($19.99) upgrade offers: Open PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) and LIN ( VU-Graph) files from your email. Get suggestions when declarer is on the lead to a trick, Shark will recommend a play strategy. Hints and auction analysis are available at any time. Never wait for a bridge table to fill in, our high-quality robot will play bridge when needed.
Play bridge offline ( no Internet ) or live on the Internet with your friends and foes. Bidding systems: Standard American 5 card major( SAYC or Shark flavor), 2/1 Game Force, Std English Acol (in development) bidding systems. Share the fun! You can also import bridge deals from your computer disk or the Internet. You can email hands to your partner or other bridge friends for discussion as long as they have Shark or another bridge app capable of opening PBN/LIN files. Shark Bridge is the winner of the 20 World Bridge Computer Championships. Internet is not required, except for Daily Tournaments and the Online Bridge Club. You can play and review boards with the complete auction and play details, from International, North American, and European competitions. Shark Bridge offers unlimited hands, duplicate bridge games, Daily Tournament with MP (%) scoring.
Play deals online from your library, classroom hands, and generator Study the hands from your bridge teacher. In a brief scene, Bond later knocks Blofeld's bodyguard Hans into the pool and jokes "Bon Appetit" to the Piranhas.Play bridge with friends or practice on your own. Brandt was once loyal to Blofeld who assumed all the dirty work to satisfy her superiors, but unfortunately, just failing one task was enough to be killed for it, showing the employees what can happen to them if they fail in their job even once, also making Blofeld to be considered one of the worse and blood-lusted villains Bond had ever encountered. This version of eliminating incompetent henchmen is considered to be the worse and only serves as an example for the other SPECTRE employees and shows that Blofeld doesn't have an ounce of leniency for them and doesn't care to kill women and young employees. This lasts very shorty until she is completely dragged underwater, though despite the piranhas being known to reduce a person to bones, her "body" never actually resurfaces to show the aftermath. Helga is shown thrashing in the waters, screaming out in pain, with everyone watching including Osato who seemed actually shocked about the immediate situation. Blofeld, who doesn't tolerate any failure, decides to kill her by dropping her into the tank. She was then called by Blofeld but was unable to justify herself when Osato put the whole blame on her. She was once working as a low-rank assistant and secretary who was ordered by her superior Osato to kill Bond, but she had sex with him first and finally failed to kill him. The only person alongside Hans in the Bond franchise, who is thrown on-screen inside this tank by Blofeld is Helga Brandt. The fishes can shred a human to the bones in less than 30 seconds. He uses them as a method of execution for those who displease him. The equipment was featured in EON Productions' 1967 James Bond film You Only Live Twice.īlofeld's Piranhas are predatory fish that Blofeld keeps in a pool in his Volcano Lair. The device consists of a foot pedal trigger and a collapsible bridge suspended over a tank containing predatory fish. The piranha tank is an apparatus designed for carrying out executions.
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doll-in-the-walls · 2 years
(Platonic) Hellfire Club x GN!reader headcanons
(for a reader who isn't very good at the game and doesn't handle it all that well 🥺)
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Before the headcanons I just wanted to share what prompted this. (Feel free to just skip to the bulleted HCs.)
I have D&D sessions on Sundays and in the campaign our party is in a tournament and I was up in a doubles fight tonight and we lost. Badly.
Everyone else, the other two teams in our party, won their matches. Their fights went on for round after round. We lasted barely even two.
And I already felt stupid because I actually had a plan but things didn't work out, my character got knocked out first and barely did any damage
After, our DM pointed out things I should've/could've done and it just made me feel even more stupid... (He wasn't saying it to make me feel stupid but he gets this tone of voice and a way of phrasing things that just makes me feel like the biggest idiot on the planet)
Because it wasn't my teammates fault we lost it was me. If I had been smarter we would've lasted longer and maybe won. I'm the weakest link in our whole party I have the least experience. And the fact that I actually put thought into the plan made me feel even worse because I was really really trying to do well...
Anyway enough of my whining, have some headcanons.
So I started thinking about being in a campaign in Hellfire
You're still new to the party
Maybe it's only your first or second time playing
And you're getting upset because you're doing death saves
and you've failed twice already
and one more means your character is dead
(like dead dead. get a new character sheet because you gotta make a new one dead)
and you're the only one who's gotten downed
and you kinda suck at the game in general because your rolls always suck
and you never seem to make the right moves
you forget certain attacks/spells you have and how they'd help you
and therefore you're of no help in fights, even if you're really trying to be
and everyone can see you're getting upset
and so they're all trying to keep you alive and keep your spirits up without coming out and saying it
because they want you to have fun so you actually want to come back and play again.
Like one of the guys would get you up via some healing spell asap
and from then on Eddie would purposely not attack you anymore
and if he absolutely had to (AoE attacks for instance) he would lie about what he rolled because he knows your characters AC
or he would make sure there was no way your character would be downed from the attack
and the bard would inspire you so you could have advantage on saving rolls
and they would all just want you to have fun
and would offer advice and help you pick spells or attacks that would help your character.
Eddie would give little tips or say details about the enemy/location/quest he wouldn't otherwise say
If it ever came to your character dying Eddie would pull a "it was all a dream" just so you could keep your character
because he knows how hard you worked on it
and knows how much you love the character you created.
and because he doesn't want to be the reason you cry. Ever.
And no one would get upset or accuse him of playing favorites
because they all want you to enjoy the game and want to see you happy and having fun.
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