#ace attorney rare pair week
pepperquinnartz · 2 years
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[ @aararepairweek Day 3: AU ]
I'm a couple days late with this prompt but that's what I get for actually rendering a piece that I told myself would be just a sketch lmao. Anyways: had to draw some Clayvier with Werewolf!Clay and Vampire!Klavier...just two monsters in love <3
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baratrongirl · 10 months
If you are a person with erratic health who sometimes goes years without writing, how do you get back into it?
I have an idea for Ace Attorney Rare Pair week which has been doing the fic equivalent of burning a hole in my pocket for a while now, and I have to write it because if I don't, no one else will.
I booted up my fic-writing laptop for the first time in months, and there are so many half-written stories on my hard drive. They range from 25% to 75% written, and quite a few of them I know were not far off being finished before my unintentional, unexpected hiatus. As in, they only needed a few more days of concentrated effort to put together.
Somehow I need to remember that I can write - never rapidly enough to be a Big Name Fan, not at this stage of my life. Nor do I subscribe to all of the currently popular headcanons in the fandom. But I can write well enough to entertain myself and my friends. I just need to... Start.
Any advice would be welcomed.
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ultraviolet-ink · 9 months
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: 大逆転裁判 | Dai Gyakuten Saiban | The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mael Stronghart/Herlock Sholmes, Mikotoba Yuujin/Naruhodou Ryuunosuke, mikotoba yuujin/mycroft holmes Characters: Hart Vortex | Mael Stronghart, Sherlock Holmes | Herlock Sholmes (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Mikotoba Yuujin, Naruhodou Ryuunosuke, Mycroft Holmes Additional Tags: Digital Art Series: Part 5 of AA Holiday Rare Pair Week 2023 Summary:
A collection of the art I made for AAHolidayRare 23
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sunn-kist · 1 year
Do you have a fic you want to read, but no one's written it yet? Are you looking for a specific rare pair with very few fans? Is there a special trope that you're dying to read, but don't have the energy to write?
Or do you have beautiful OCs you want to read about, but writing is too difficult? Or do you have OC insert characters you’ve made, but don't have the time to make content about them?
I'll write that story for you!! I am opening writing commissions for fanfic, original works, and OC inserts. You can request just about any fandom or characters, but I have the right to refuse any request.
$20 for 1000 words
$30 for 2000 words
$40 for 3000 words +$5 for OCs
More info under the cut
I will write as much romance as you want but no NSFW or yandere
If you want to see my style and quality of writing, I will provide samples upon request or you can visit sunny_ghost on ao3
Commissions may take 1-2 weeks to complete, writing takes time and I'm in school right now so I appreciate a bit of patience!!
If you request a fandom or character I'm unfamiliar with, it may take extra time for me to research + write the story properly
All payments must be done through paypal
For legal reasons, commission fics can not be posted publicly. Any work I write for you cannot be posted on ao3 or any similar fanfiction website. Your fic will be sent to you in a google doc, and if you like you can share it with friends, but it cannot be posted publicly online.
See below for a list of fandoms I know about/am familiar with. I can write any of these with little research.
Ace Attorney The Adventure Zone Batman DHMIS DSMP Deltarune Detroit Become Human FNAF HLVRAI Hermitcraft Inscryption Life Series/Traffic Series Markiplier Cinematic Universe Pacific Rim Pokemon Portal Re-Animator Sanders Sides Sonic the Hedgehog The Stanley Parable TF2 Undertale Voltron
If you're interested, please DM me and we can discuss more!! :]
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ziskandra · 2 years
10. How do you decide what to write?
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
10. How do you decide what to write?
It's usually the AO3 matching algorithm that chooses for me, given that most of my fics have been for fanwork exchanges! 😌
A less tongue-in-cheek answer: when considering the pairings and tropes I'll offer for an exchange, I’ll usually look for one of the following: - inspiring requests for fandoms I've written recently - open-ended prompts that would fit with something I already wanted to write - old fandoms of mine I would enjoy reviewing (when I have enough time on my plate to do so)
Even when I’m not doing exchanges, most of my other fics have been created for some challenge or request or prompt. I usually just need something to spark an idea, and if the first little bit of fuel is provided by someone else, the creativity process feels a little less lonely.
Conversely, it’s very rare for me to spontaneously write a fic because I felt the desperate need to share a story! I recall only three periods of my life when this has happened: when I first discovered fanfic as a kid (so many weird HP AUs…), when Mass Effect: Andromeda came out and I finished the game in two days in some sort of fugue state (writing near 10k of Rydam fanfic in a week), and … now with the Meresino. Two cakes and all that, but I think there’s a part of me that’s uncomfortable with writing something unless I know it’s not been written before? And I can’t guarantee that unless it’s a very small pairing or very new lol. Much to think about!!
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I don't really strongly disliked any tropes, but I never really understood the appeal of omegaverse until I read some excellent Ace Attorney ones that dug more into the gender roles and worldbuilding tropes of the genre — after I took that plunge with some trusted authors I was like oh I get it now. It’s still not something I seek out frequently, but I don’t automatically discount it now!
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I know I’ve told you and others on twitter about this before but Meresino train controller AU. I have a lot of the characters’ respective roles planned out and a few different arcs I think it would be fun to explore.
Meredith is a train controller and Orsino is a signaller, of course. They both think the network would fall apart without them, and they’re right, but they also are yet to truly appreciate just how vital they are to each other’s roles.
Basically, train controllers have more responsibility when it comes to managing liability: making sure the signallers under their direction are given the information needed to do their jobs, and responding to emergency situations. BUT at the end of the day, it’s actually the signaller at the controls, and they need each other, even though they might hate each other times. … There’s a lot of tension, both sexual and otherwise!
(There’s even rumours that in other countries the signaller and train controller roles have been combined but Meredith’s just like ‘sounds fake but okay’)
Anyway, in terms of supporting characters, there’s Hawke, the beleaguered union organiser who used to work in the aviation industry. She’s dating Anders, who is doing a lot of grassroots organising around improving the transport system (and hence doesn't loop Hawke into his plans because he doesn't want to undermine the work she does in the union). Cullen is one of the department's current union delegates and is basically being punted back and forth by management and Hawke like a football. He is very out of his depth but by he is trying his best! Anyway, it's chaotic and everyone is trying so hard but they all have very different definitions of success, and what sacrifices they're willing to make to achieve it. And Kirkwall is a mess, like usual. Some days, the city's rail network is brought down by errant dragons. Some days, it's brought down by a nug nibbling through essential wiring.
Questions for Fic Writers
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agent-gladhand · 1 year
for the emoji oc ask, for anton (or whoever pops into your head first!): 🌌🚲🎀✏❄🍓
🌌 - Anton
Anton was actually inspired by a game of Pokemon Crystal Clear (Pokemon Crystal rom hack, very fun, look it up!). Started off as just one of the save files I was playing and then going "Hm, but what if I make an OC", and he eventually just started existing. Definitely a lot more changed from the initial concept for him, he used to be just a less smug Pokespe Gold, but then the PLA brainrot set in, and then the Submas brainrot set in, and then everything just becomes a big dark void after that, and now here we are! Also, first thing I decided about him was he worked on the Magnet Train, because in Crystal Clear I went everywhere on foot, no fly, and that had me riding the train a lot because I challenged all the gyms via a randomizer for an added challenge!
🚲 - Anton
Yup! Anton owns a bike while he's living in Goldenrod, he'll usually uses it to ride to work, usually when he's running late or he feels like he could use a bit of exercise. The rare time he has to leave Goldenrod, like to go visit his family or run a favor for Gold, he'll take his bike to make the drip easier if he can't catch another form of transport.
🎀 - Anton/Samba/Fau
Getting all the goobers together for this one-
Anton, I could see easily somewhere in the worlds of Ace Attorney or Ghost Trick, though he'd likely end up being a wrongly accused defendant or a victim in need of saving knowing his luck! Samba, absolutely could fit in Professor Layton, to him, his work is like putting a puzzle together to reach conclusions, and he has enough of an odd touch of whimsy to him to fit right in the world. One Piece also feels like a fun pick for him, give him a bumblebee Zoan devil fruit for fun, because why not. Fau feels like she'd be right at home in One Piece as well, slap some Armament Haki on that girl's fists and let 'er rip. Also Fullmetal Alchemist, I feel like she would just have a lot of interesting relationships between other characters!
✏ - Anton
A lotta parts of "Hi Ren" by Ren reminds me a lot of this boy, especially the first verse, makes me think of part of his inner conflicts and how he feels like Cinder views him.
Hi there Ren It's been a little while Did you miss me? You thought you’d buried me, didn't you? Risky… Because I always come back Deep down you know that… Deep down you know I'm always in periphery Ren aren't you pleased to see me? it's been weeks since we spoke bro, you know you need me You’re the sheep, I'm the shepherd Not your place to lead me Not your place to be biting off the hand that feeds me
❄ - Anton/Fau
Anton feels like he does come off as cold to others, since he's at least aware that the way he outwardly emotes with his face can be difficult to read at times, and his voice doesn't often have much inflection. In reality, people often find him awkwardly endearing, especially if they can get him on a tangent about certain subjects. And while he doesn't emote as much with his face, his body language is often quite expressive for him, though like with many things, he doesn't quite notice that well. For Fau, she's actually more opposite where she feels like she comes across to people as very caring and dedicated, while most people tend to think she's got a bit of a ruthless and harsh personality. She can be rough outwardly, but that's just the mama bear instincts in full throttle.
🍓 - Anton/Samba
Anton's not particularly picky about food unless it comes to meat, or if it's something very bitter; he enjoys fruits and veggies/berries a normal amount. If he had to pick, he likes sweet cantalopes and corn on the cob most, and enjoys a good Occa or Kasib berry when used in pastries. Samba has an insatiable sweet tooth, rejecting any and all veggies unless it comes paired with a sweet sauce to drown out the veggie taste. His favorites are gala apples and tomatoes, with his favorite berry being Watmel.
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aaholidayrare · 2 years
Welcome the the AA Holiday Rare Pair Week blog!
We are excited to host an all inclusive event for any and all fans of the Ace Attorney series (Investigations and Chronicles included!) that recognizes some of the rare pairs that are real hidden gems! This week will run from December 25th through December 31st, 2022, with reblogs continuing all the way to January 7th, 2023! Just tag your works as #AAHolidayRare and they’ll be showcased here!
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December 25- Gifts/Loss
December 26- Fire/Ice
December 27- Light/Dark
December 28- Free Day!
December 29- Work/Play
December 30- Holding On/Letting Go
December 31- Old/New
We have more information about what may or may not be a rare pair in the info document below! INFO DOC
Art and Graphics by TayaSigerson
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littleladymab · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
🥰🥰🥰 ahhhh thank you em!!
far from the world that I made, my affectionately nick-named "Rebels S5". Sabine and Eli have to team up to go find Ezra and Thrawn -- it's not so much a "search for Ezra" fic as it is a story about two people learning how to heal when they've never been given the proper chance to realize the capacity of their wounds.
The Phoenix Suite, holds a special place because it is the first Star Wars fic that I wrote, and the first that I wrote that got turned into a podfic. Kallus gets stuck in a time-loop at the conclusion of Rebels S3, and has to relive the events of "Zero Hour" until he figures out how to break the loop. Also, Kallus can have little a force sensitivity, as a treat.
inside every open eye, might be cheating, because it's a series, but I love every fic within it very much. Fantasy AU for The Magnus Archives, in which Jon goes missing in an attempt to perform a ritual for the Beholding, and so Sasha has to return to the Archives and take over his role in order to hold everything together. Fics within are "watching the waiting" (a Georgie/Melanie side-story about how they get involved), "tiny cracks of light" (the main fic), "when your seams have come unknitted" (Jon rescuing Martin from the Lonely), and "hollow me out" (Gerry prequel, in which he realizes there is a prophecy about him in the archives)
it's only forever, which was an incredibly silly conceit in which Kaite and I were talking about "what if Gerry Keay in tight pants" but then it turned into a Labyrinth AU for The Magnus Archives. I wrote it in two weeks in an absolute whirlwind and I had a lot of fun doing it, and it was also me finally learning how to say "fuck it I don't have to explain everything in minute detail I'm allowed to handwave things" which, like, was a relief. Anyway, this one goes out to the JonGerryMartin nation, who all kept reblogging my post of "what if Gerry in tight pants" and not actually interacting with my fic when I posted it. This one is for you stop interacting with that post.
My Place to Land, my absolute beloved, in which I wrote a novel for the rare-pair I made up for "Twilight Mirage" season of Friends at the Table. Echo is arrested while on a job, and is given the choice to serve a term in the guard, or to become the last remaining Excerpt's bodyguard. They thought being a bodyguard would be easy, but lmao politics, and also, Love? I was full up on my bullshit, and I still love this fic with my whole heart. Also my friends were very kind and drew me a lot of fanart for it that fills me with joy.
Honorable mention, since it's not finished, is my "regency magical spies" au for Ace Attorney. I've written 1/3 of it (49k) before I had to stop because I got really burned out. But now I'm getting back into it and think I might be able to pick it back up later this year. I absolutely LOVE the fic and the plot and just, everything about it. I have written a sequel fic for Klapollo Minibang which can be read without the main fic, but I am very eager to actually finish the main fic eventually.
Just also a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has read my fics and continues to do so! It means a lot to me, and I'm so happy that I can write things that you enjoy!
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Fandom: Dai Gyakuten Saiban/The Great Ace Attorney (spoilers for the setting of DGS 1-2 but nothing major plot-wise)
Pairing/Characters: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke/Asougi Kazuma
Rating: T
Word Count: 4268
Notes: Third of my SS Burya fics! Individual tumblr posts are here: part 1 | part 2 | starfish | you can say what you want
Asougi’s smile broadens; Ryuunosuke hadn’t realised the sight was rare until a classmate had huddled close to him last year and hissed, in a whisper, “He’s laughing. Naruhodou, are you going to be okay?” Well, there’d have been scarce reason for fear if his classmate had seen Asougi now, leaning close, and drawing his hand into his cloak. Cat’s cream grin, Asougi dangles a flask in front of Ryuunosuke’s face. “Share a drink with me, will you? I have felt bad for that time last week, Partner…”
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sapphicdalliances · 4 years
Dear Chocolatier,
thank you so much for being here!! my sincere apologies for the lateness and messiness of this letter! sorry about my incredibly inconsistent capitalisation! it has been updated on the 8th of january, and may receive more updates this week.
I’m a simple bitch with simple tastes; here is a general summary of my preferences, and fandom-specific notes and prompts can be found further down!
I very much enjoy:
Fics that are short, but imply a longer, deeper verse; since this exchange is for short fics, but some of my prompts seem expansive, I just want to give you carte blanche permission to dip into an AU, splash around in it, and simply not provide additional details.
Comedic tones, slice-of-life, lighthearted fun, any amount of improbable romcom tropes
Am also on board with misunderstandings and drama as long as there is a happy ending!
I’m deeply okay with AUs, and most likely would be down for any modern, romcom, fantasy/fairytale, gender swap, or remix/crossover AUs you feel inspired to explore! My favourite settings include mundane/urban fantasy (witches! werewolves!), anachronism-stew-with-magic western fantasy jumbles, and disney’s Tangled.
Writing tropes I love:
Proposal fic
Wedding fic where the couple getting married is not the main couple
Outsider/third character POV of the main couple
Exes who are still in love/getting back together
Friends-with-benefits-with-feelings/did a bad job keeping it casual
Shipfic where two or more couples are contrasted
Oblique declarations of love/saying i love you without saying i love you
Provision and caretaking (acts of service!)
Aggressive matchmaking/wingmanning by an enthused friend
Hanahaki, or any other improbably dramatic instances of Cannot Spit It Out
Arranged marriage/fake marriage/fake dating
Epistolary fic
Regrettably I also love a/b/o, especially the kind that emphasises on scent safety and contains little to no actual sex
Art tropes I love, if you offered art:
Art where the characters simply look fond.
Fashion remixes – street fashion, cultural/traditional clothes, festival clothes, renfaire-esque clothes, beach photoshoot, get wild with it
Putting animal characteristics on one or both of them
Botanical motifs + celestial motifs
When plants grow directly out of people
The thing where character A is focused on something they’re doing or seeing, and the character B is focused only, wholly, desperately on A. please… the Gaze
Depictions of intimacy where faces are partially or fully hidden, but the body language is gentle
Characters SLEEPING next to each other, or comfortably doing separate activities in each other’s presence
If you wish to get frisky with your fills:
Go for it!
I don’t have strong top/bottom preferences (and usually enjoy it when they switch or are otherwise generally equitable) so whatever you’re in the mood for is fine!
Kink tropes I very much enjoy include oral, restraints, praise kink, when proud characters cry during sex because they love their partners so much, and xeno tropes.
I love non-horny sex scenes; comedic, silly, charged, fraught, or simply affectionate exchanges that happen to include sex are my favourite. Feelings are the real kissing disease.
But like, if you wanna get horny about it.
Chase your bliss.
They simply must be in love.
I’m not as into:
First person narration
Soulmate AUs specifically
Kink wise, my only major squicks are incest, teacher/student, and public sex/getting caught, but i’m also not super keen on daddy kink, toilet stuff, or anything with blades or needles.
In general, please avoid:
Character death or serious/permanent injury
Animal abuse or death
Hopeless or downer endings
Fandom specific info:
changed my life, cured my depression, what can be said about it? truly one of the most important series to me of all time. all musings on craft and creativity aside, let’s focus on the TRUE LOVE!!
i’m all caught up with the manga and supplementary materials!
suggested prompts: - sakuatsu, being mean to each other on purpose vs. being soft to each other by accident - kagehina or iwaoi dealing with LDR - kyouhaba are forced to cooperate on an innocuous, preferably wholesome task, such as gardening, or finding the owner of a lost dog, and it goes approximately As One Would Expect - bokukuroo + overheard phone conversation: and you've slept together how many times now? hmm. yeah, that's not technically a bromance (not in a no-homo way, just in a we-are-both-so-stupid-and-like-each-other-so-much-way) - actually that overheard phone conversation would work for any of these ships.
suggested prompts, art-specific: - festival clothes!! - put some wings on some of them. now it's bird romance, which is for birds - (i lied, this isn't art-specific at all, wingfic is always welcome in any of its forms) - just pick up your whole boyfriend and carry him like that. maybe even kiss him.
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
suggested prompts: - Hanai and Tajima really. struggle to get together. for like a bunch of years probably? Tajima copes with it by patiently processing his emotions in a healthy way and enjoying some casual dating. Hanai copes with it, as he does all things, by not coping - The ways Abe and Mihashi learn to take care of each other… Mihashi cooking 4 Abe… T_T
i simply think the twink and the himbo are in love.
Ace Attorney
favourite klapollo dynamic goes like this:
klavier: *genuinely and sincerely in love with apollo, in a very soft way* apollo: *furious* he's mocking me. why are you like this? klavier: I enjoy your company apollo: FINE, KEEP YOUR SECRETS
also consider: - what if klavier was a big ol golden retriever and apollo was just an angry liddol bunny. like, think about it
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
I love that this series has three couples in different stages of a relationship: one who’ve been together for years and love each other like well-worn grooves; one who have history but have only just recently begun a relationship and are discovering each other anew; and one who probably will not bring themselves to share a kiss for another 27 calendar years.
Narumi/Hirotaka: Honestly, the main couple of a series usually goes over my head a bit, but the more i thought about these two the more wretchedly fond of them I became. The thing I think of the most is how Narumi taught him how to smile as a child; how she did things that meant nothing to her, so easily does kindness come, but that meant so much to him; and how now that they are grown, he does things for her that take no effort, but shake her foundations. I think theirs is a love that grows quietly; something that cannot change the world, but can change them.
Koyanagi/Kabakura: My thoughts on these two are not complex, but they are deeply positive. I love how huge their personalities are, and how they fit around and against each other; I love the implication that despite their endless bickering, they are not an on-again-off-again kind of relationship, and have instead chosen each other over and over again for ten straight years. I love that despite everything, they are kind to each other, first and foremost; they find ways to apologise and to take care of each other, and treat each other gently in private.
Kou/Naoya: I love every ship in this manga equally but perhaps I love Kou/Naoya more equally than the other two? They are just so kind and so silly, and so sweet to each other in exactly the way both of them didn’t realise they were missing. I think about Naoya being told that Kou is “okay with being alone”, and realising that “okay with it” and “have accepted it” are different, and taking his little baby steps to fix it. I think about Kou giving Naoya every last drop of patience he’s trained himself not to accept, and doing so because it simply makes her happy. My only concern is that they are both bottoms. I don’t have a solution for this.
suggested prompts, fic:
- accidentally dating ft. Kou and Naoya, or, “and you’ve made out how many times now? Hmm. Yeah, that’s not technically a bromance.” - 5 times Hirotaka and Narumi almost, almost kissed, and 1 time they did; the unresolved romantic tension may kill me and it would be worth it - what Hirotaka and Narumi taught each other (apart from the more mundane gaming and life skills, i believe that she taught him how to smile and be loved by others, and he taught her how to be loved by herself!) - smutty domesticity ft. Koyanagi and Kabakura — a lazy Sunday, laundry in the sun, fucking on the couch, everything easy with familiarity - (addendum to above: pegging)
suggested prompts, art: - festival clothes - someone’s getting married - naoya: *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a t - red string of fate motifs
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
seowaka: they are idiots, and they like each other very much, but they do not know. i love a tall crying boy and his short but much more powerful girlfriend.
chiyo/nozaki + chiyo/nozaki/mikorin: im rooting for her in the face of such overwhelming stupidity. one himbo is difficult enough to seduce but two. chiyo is a hero and a woman of rare courage. i like the pair and the trio equally; again, if you go with trio, it’s important that they all love each other please!
suggested prompts: - 5 times any of these ships went on a date without realising, and the time they realised - urban fantasy AU where Waka is a hapless monster hunter and Seo is an annoying but deeply harmless werewolf who’s been terrorizing his town?? - fairytale AU where Seo believes she must rescue the prince from the tower and deliver him back to the kingdom capital, and the prince, who had not realised he’d been kidnapped, thinks Seo is a usurper from a rival kingdom who must be supervised all the way back to the kingdom capital to be served her justice
suggested prompts, art-specific: - festival clothes… - nozaki carrying chiyo, who’s carrying mikorin - (seo carrying waka) - waka sleeping peacefully in seo’s presence… :’(
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
we made it through all the fandoms.
Thank you for making it to the end of this whole disaster; I hope at least one of the prompts sparked joy! The most important thing to me is that whatever you end up doing, you are able to enjoy the process at least somewhat, and deliver a creation that you like! I can also be found on twitter at @hawberries_ (for art) and @popplioikawa (for general ramblings). If you need some more inspo, I recommend going through my art tags for the selected ships because I put a lot of Opinions into my fanart.
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renegadewangs · 5 years
Ace Mindhunter - 1st Interview
Characters: Simon Blackquill, Athena Cykes, Shi-Long Lang, and a rogues gallery of AA villains. Fandom: Ace Attorney. Pairings: N/A. Warnings/rating: 16+, I would say. Talk of heavy themes such as death and abuse, plus cursing. Spoilers for every AA game up to Spirit of Justice, AAI2 included. Gratuitous amounts of headcanon for antagonists. Summary: Simon Blackquill is roped into a Behavioral Analysis project along with Athena Cykes. They must sit down with convicted murderers for interviews, in hopes of finding out just what drove them to their convoluted crimes.
((A/N: This fic is based on Mindhunter, which is not only a good series on Netflix but an actual book written by John Douglas, the FBI agent who played a very important role in the Behavioral Science Unit from 1977 to 1995. Behavioral Science aimed towards serial killers is a real thing and it’s fascinating. As an additional note, the prison’s setup is based on AAI2′s explanation of how it all works over there, so if you never absorbed any info from that game, you might be a bit lost. 
Anyway, mind the warnings up there and enjoy!))
1st Interview Dee
Date: June 5th 2028 Time: 2:02 PM Location: Interview Room. Dee Vasquez was a woman in her mid forties, though the only reason Simon Blackquill knew this was because the paperwork in front of him told him so. Her short hair was as black as could be and her features showed virtually no wrinkles. Just as most other convicted felons, she was wearing the standard prison uniform of black and white stripes. There was also a metallic bracelet around her wrist, which ensured she couldn't leave the room without suffering a nasty disciplinary shock. Harsh as it seemed, that measure still paled in comparison to the shackles Simon had worn up until half a year ago. His own wrists itched at the mere memory of it. He had seen her around death row during his own incarceration, but he'd never paid her any mind. She had been very adapt at keeping to herself, just as he himself had been. There was something to be said about the company of fellow inmates, but that 'something' was not Simon's cup of tea. He'd had Taka. As far as he could recall, Vasquez had never been in the company of a therapy animal. “I will be recording this conversation. Is that all right?” he asked, sliding a device towards the center of the table which stood between them. As he felt it best to have her agreement on tape as well, it was already cementing the sounds in the room. Vasquez glanced down at it from the corner of her eye, but said nothing. Her expression, one of boredom, implied that this interview would be more troublesome than advertised. 'An easy start', Lang had told him. 'A pain in the arse', Simon concluded at this time. “... I shall accept that as confirmation.” “Hm.” Simon drew in a quick breath through his nose, then peered down at the prepared statement he was meant to give. Even looking at those words made him feel more formal than he would ever hope to be. Still, it was expected of him to say these things out loud. “Now, I am here on behalf of Interpol's Behavioral Analysis Unit,” he ultimately began. “What you discuss with me is subject to Interpol's confidentiality clause and cannot be used against you in your applications for parole. I'll be asking you about your family history, antecedent behavior and thought patterns surrounding the crime you have committed. Our goal is to compile several psychological profiles and, ultimately, use them to create a statistical analysis which will not include your name.” Vasquez crossed her arms over her chest, sitting back in her chair. “What is the meaning of this? I was convicted almost twelve years ago.” “The lady is quite observant,” Simon replied dryly. “As I've already stated, your answers will not serve as a weapon we may wield against you. Rather, by delving into your history and psyche, we hope to corner and disarm others like you.” “Others like me?” “Those who would take another's life and avoid their responsibility in the matter. Specifically, those who go to asburd lengths to shift the blame of that crime onto an innocent bystander.” “Innocent? Hardly.” Simon felt his eyes narrow at the statement. “You don't believe that Will Powers was unrelated to Jack Hammer's death?” “That is not what I said. However, I believe that no man is innocent.” The air with which Vasquez had uttered that statement was so very nonchalant, it came across as a fact of life rather than biased opinion. She still hadn't glanced Simon's way yet, either. She did nothing but stare up towards a far corner of the room. Why she had even agreed to sit across from him was difficult to estimate. Perhaps she'd simply wanted a change of scenery. Simon placed a hand on the table and leaned forward. “Even if no man is innocent, you are the one donning the garb of the common criminal.” “... Shouting.” “I beg your pardon?” “Out in the courtyard. Two men are shouting. Do you hear them?” Closing his eyes and straining his ears, he could indeed distinguish it. A pair of deep voices was engaged in an argument somewhere. That something so faint would catch Vasquez's attention was ludicrous, but then, perhaps anything was more interesting than Simon's words. Taking in a few seconds of the silence which reigned, he thought back to what had roped him into this situation in the first place. ------- Date: June 3rd 2028 Time: 4:23 PM Location: Simon Blackquill's Office. Even with all his past research into the Phantom, Simon had rarely ever spoken to anyone from Interpol. Perhaps it was because he didn't want them to hinder his work, or perhaps it was because Interpol itself hadn't deigned him worthy of their attention. If indeed it was the latter, the events of five months prior must have left such a grand crater that Simon, who was standing in the middle of it all, could no longer be ignored. To have a senior investigator visit him in his humble office would have been considered sudden overkill, were Simon not aware that Shi-Long Lang was long-time friends with the Chief Prosecutor. Simon's first impression was that Lang had walked through the door with extreme reluctance, perhaps even distaste. There was a particularly stiff slouch to his walk which implied as much, but it was the tone of voice which set it into stone. “Simon Blackquill. We meet at last.” “Not for lack of effort from my hand. And that's Prosecutor Blackquill, if you don't mind.” Lang's mouth curled into something of a smirk. As he made no attempt to approach Simon's desk and instead lingered near the door, Simon in turn decided not to get up from his chair. Courtesy was a favor to be repaid, after all. “Quite right. You did not clear your record for nothing. I have to say, though, the image of pencil pusher doesn't suit you at all. Lang Zi says: A wild wolf has no place among tamed retrievers.” “You must have gained the wrong impression of a prosecutor's duties from some of my colleagues. I tend not to push pencils unless the intention is for them to go up a culprit's nose.” “Getting confessions in any way you see fit, huh? That's a Twisted Samurai for ya.” Despite Simon's grin matching Lang's own, there was no covering the elephant in the room. Small talk, no matter how tinged with dark humor, was small talk all the same. The folder clutched in one of the Interpol agent's hands must have been there for a reason. “Agent Lang, humbled as I am that you would travel all the way here to speak with me, I doubt either of us are the sort to beat around the bush. Why are you here?” “Interpol has a project for you.” “I don't work for Interpol. I work for the Chief Prosecutor.” “And that Chief Prosecutor has so kindly agreed to relay all your most challenging cases, so that you may work with Interpol on a part-time basis.” A wild urge to protest dawned on Simon, only to die down as quickly as it'd arisen. If the Chief Prosecutor had agreed to this, it must've been important. Not only that; if Interpol needed assistance from a 'pencil-pushing prosecutor', they must've been desperate. He leaned forward and folded his hands together atop the desk, a very different sort of fighting spirit being born inside him. There was a fire the likes of which he'd never known; a fire which had spent the last five months smoldering due to lack of oxygen. “Is this about the Phantom?” he asked, convinced that he already knew the answer. “No,” was the unfortunate response. Lang finally approached the desk and allowed the folder to drop. It hit the wooden surface with a soft thud. His sharp gaze met Simon's head-on and when he spoke, it was in an impatient manner. “The Phantom is not your concern. It should never have been your concern to begin with.” “Agent Lang-” “Interpol has failed spectacularly in the past, but now that we have that mutt on a leash, I can assure you that the matter is ours to deal with as we see fit. No, you had best forget about it and focus your skills on more pressing, more recent problems.” Simon's eyes flicked towards the folder, then back up to Lang's face. “What is this project, then? Why does Interpol have need for my skills?” “Surely, you must have noticed. Over the past decade or two, Los Angeles has become a hodgepodge of extravagant murders, each more contrived than the next. People can howl all they want about this supposed Dark Age of the Law and how it may or may not have ended, but Interpol sees things differently. There is not a single city in the world which hosts this many desperate and innovative criminals. If there really was some sort of dark age, it was born from the killers themselves. Knowing that much, we need to take into account that fixing the court system won’t do a lick of good.” While disagreement was the first thing on Simon's mind, he decided to give the notion due thought. He visualized Geiru Toneido, who had murdered her own father by suffocating him with udon dough only a few weeks ago. That in itself was already a terrible tragedy, but her attempts to deceive everyone around her instead of accepting her own guilt had bordered on ludicrous. No common killer should have gone that far. If criminals were the ones taking advantage of the Dark Age of the Law to get away with their crimes, then criminals were indeed the root of it all. It came down to people who believed they deserved to get away with their crimes, even if the court system would normally say otherwise. “Then... What, exactly? You believe our water supply to be contaminated?” “I don't believe much of anything, Prosecutor Blackquill,” Lang said dryly, shaking his head. “FBI, CIA, Interpol... They're all scrambling to make sense of it. The Behavioral Analysis Unit-” “Behavioral Analysis?” “No need to act so surprised, I'm sure you know damn well what that unit does. Anyway, they believe the only way to get answers is to take a long, hard look at some of the killers we've caught so far. And I'm not talkin' about means, motive and opportunity- those were already established during the conviction. I mean the actual why of the matter. What drove a human being to that point in their life? Childhood, family, mindset... If we can find a pattern, we can solve murder cases a whole lot faster through profiling. Maybe even prevent them from happening in the first place.” Simon released a deep breath through his nose, closing his eyes. “You believe that I ought to be the one to take this long, hard look.” “Again, I don't believe anything. I just do as I'm told.” Lang stepped back from the desk, instead wandering towards the window. “You have a degree in psychology. You have experience with constructing psych profiles. More important than any of that, you have walked the halls of death row yourself.” “You're barking up the wrong tree, Agent Lang.” “I don't think I am. You were virtually one of these killers yourself. They know your name, your reputation. And you know them.” “It is precisely because I know them that I cannot participate in this project,” Simon insisted, his voice taking on a low growl. “I know what it's like to hear the screams of those less lucid than myself. I have been forced to consume that paltry fare the guards claim to be meals, have had to endure the humiliation of sharing a shower with complete strangers. Every day, I recall how it feels to awaken on a hard cot, asking myself whether today would be the day that I die. I am a free man now, Agent Lang, with no intention of returning to that cage willingly.” “No one said you would set foot in death row. The interviews would take place in a specialized visitor's room and the participants of the study may be rewarded for cooperation if you see fit. Consider it an opportunity to pull these poor saps into more pleasant surroundings for a few hours.” “More pleasant surroundings?” Simon snarled, rising to his feet at last to stare Lang down. “Asking them relive their greatest mistake is considered pleasant to you? They already have more than enough time to reflect on what they've done.” “Which means they should be able to answer your questions with ease,” Lang rebuffed. “Listen, I’m not here because I thought I’d give you a fair shot at the job. It definitely wasn’t my idea to send a prosecutor of all people. If it were up to me, one of my most trusted men- or women- would go in there with a list of questions, but these killers don't open up to just anyone. We need to get just the right information to profile them. You fit the bill perfectly, Power of Suggestion and everything, and that's why it’s my job to persuade you to do it. If we don't find out what prompts these people to jump through hoops for killing, you're going to be taking on a lot more cases where the defense will want testimony from clowns and orcas. The Chief Prosecutor agrees, the LAPD agrees, Interpol agrees...” The hawk feather in the corner of Simon's mouth had seen better days, by now. He'd started chewing the tip of it at the start of Lang's tirade and now, fifteen seconds later, the bite marks were irreversible. The proposition made perfect sense, but that didn't mean Simon wanted to do it. Did he even have a choice? Lang didn't seem like the sort to give up easy and if that was how Interpol wished to play, perhaps it could be used to Simon's advantage. He slammed a hand down on his desk to be certain he had Lang's full attention. “I want the Phantom.” “Come again?” “If Interpol demands that I must be the one to interview these killers, then a humble prosecutor such as I is in no place to object. However, I will do a thorough job of it. As the Phantom has claimed at least two victims within our fair city of Los Angeles and went to extremes to cover it up, they have the necessary attributes to fall within the case study.” “I've already told you the Phantom is not your problem.” “If I am to accept this project-” “That's just an excuse and you know it. No one speaks to the Phantom, do you understand? Not even me- and believe me when I say that I would give an arm for the opportunity to exchange words with them. A high-profile liability like that is out of our league.” “Then, we will have to rise to the necessary level, won't we?” Simon grinned, his fingers curling along the desk's surface. “If you wish for me to compile profiles on these killers, then I will do so. However, my one condition is that should these methods be proven successful, Interpol will arrange for an interview with the Phantom. If they do not agree, they'll have to find themselves another former inmate with a psychology degree who excels at drawing the truth from people.” For a few seconds, there was nothing. Then Lang threw his head back and laughed. “All riiight, that's what I like to hear! A passionate predator is a successful one. I'll see what I can do!” “... Good.” “Looking at it from the official point of view, you'd be aiding Interpol as an external consultant and that involves a healthy helping of paperwork. Confidentiality clause and all that. I've got most of the forms here for you to sign.” Lang meandered back over to the desk to indicate the folder. “But more important than the bureaucracy of it all is the more substantial situations. This project requires discretion. We can't be seen as hassling the inmates, or they’ll take measures against us. You need to keep your head down for the most part and play nice with the other kids.” “I understand.” “We can't have you processing your findings in the Prosecutor's Office, and so, you'll have your own little spot in L.A.'s Interpol headquarters. Report there tomorrow morning and they'll show you where to go. Now, as for the matter of your partner-” “My partner?” “You can't very well sit across from a convicted killer by yourself.” “I fail to see why not. I interact with killers before their conviction on a daily basis. That is part of my job as a pencil pusher.” “It's not a question of your grit, it's a question of what Interpol would say if they knew we weren't taking proper precautions. Needless to say, we got in touch with Athena Cykes-” “You did what?!” “Will you stop barking across my words?” Lang snapped at him. “Athena Cykes has partnered with you before and despite her age, she's supposed to be the best when it comes to processing emotional responses. You can draw out all the answers you want with the Power of Suggestion, but we need to know the feelings hiding within those words and that's where her special ability comes in.” “You refuse to let me meet with killers by myself, yet you claim it's wise to have a 19 year-old girl by my side?” “That 19 year-old girl has more of a reputation than you give her credit for. She's a feisty young pup, too. Ready to jump into the action.” “You've already spoken with her?” “She's already agreed.” “Then I refuse.” “Blackquill-” “Prosecutor Blackquill. And I will not allow that girl anywhere near convicted butchers.” Lang grit his jaw, his nostrils flaring. Then he threw a glance down at his watch and shrugged his irritation off. “Fine then. Have at it by yourself, see where it gets you.” ------- Date: June 5th 2028 Time: 2:05 PM Location: Interview Room. This interview was headed nowhere at the most rigid of paces. Simon would have dismissed further attempts as a waste of his time, were it not for Vasquez's MO. She had been convicted on charges of manslaughter out of self-defense, and if indeed it had been self-defense, why had she not outright admitted to that from the start? Why target Will Powers? Had it been out of a grudge, or had she taken advantage of an opportunity regardless of who she trampled under her heel? In order to construct a proper psychological profile, he would need far more answers than Vasquez was willing to provide. The door slammed open quite suddenly and in walked the one person Simon hadn't wanted to see here. There was not a single shred of intimidation to be found in her, as if she'd walked into a grocery store as opposed to a prison. She pulled up a chair, smiling as brightly as ever, and dropped herself down on it. “Buen día! Sorry I'm late! The subway was delayed!” she proclaimed. A pause, then she leaned in closer to the recording device. “This is Athena Cykes, by the way. In case that's needed for documentation.” While Vasquez didn't turn her head, Simon could see that her eyes had moved towards the newcomer. “What are you doing here?” he asked Athena, as he thought he'd made himself quite clear towards Lang. “I'm here to help with the interview, of course! Looks like you don't have any notes yet... That's great, I was worried I might've missed something important! You've already done the explanation and the statement thing, right?” Simon managed to stop himself from grumbling and hit a button to pause the recording. This next bit didn't need to be saved for posterity: “I told Agent Lang that I would handle the matter by myself.” “Right. And Agent Lang told me that you told him that,” Athena replied cheerfully. She took out a small, colorful notebook even as she spoke. “But he also said that you're my peer, not my boss, so if I wanted to take the job you couldn't stop me.” Once again, Simon had to fight a hard battle to swallow his next words. His fierce gaze moved from Athena to Vasquez, only to note that the subject of their study was no longer looking bored. A hint of a smile had come to being on her face. Was she mocking him? Athena hit the button on the recorder again, then turned her attention to Vasquez. “It's an honor to meet you, ma'am! I have to say, I love your work. Samurai Summer, Dynamite Samurai... The original Steel Samurai is great too, of course, but there's something about those old movies that just can't be replicated.” “... You saw Dynamite Samurai? A young girl like you?” Vasquez sounded almost suspicious of the claim and Athena must've caught onto that in a heartbeat. “I did! I must've seen it ten times! When I was growing up in Europe, those old movies would rerun really often in a whole bunch of different languages. Did you know that in the German version, they changed Uncle Samuel to Aunt Sammy?” “... Because Samuel was so effeminate and close to Hiroshi, it raised questions for some.” “Right! I always thought that was weird. But you were the producer, so I've gotta know. Do you think that the change messed with your artistic vision?” “The decision was not mine to make. A producer has no influence over localization. Men felt threatened by such progressive notions and so, they did as they pleased.” Athena started scribbling down a few notes. Simon attempted to read them, only to find himself unable to decipher her handwriting. Hieroglyphs would've been preferable at this point. “That must've struck you as very unfair,” Athena surmised. Though she stopped writing, her pen remained pressed against the paper. “I'm sorry, I didn't have time to read through the profile Interpol gave us, so I'll have to ask a few obvious questions. Will that be all right?” Vasquez glanced towards Athena, only for a second or so. “... Go on.” “What was your family life like, growing up? Were your parents happily married? Any siblings? Things like that.” “My parents were just fine. I had no problems with either of them. They had no problems with each other.” Vasquez paused and her arms, crossed over her chest as they were, strained visibly. “I have two older brothers.” “Really? I don't have any siblings myself, but I hear that brothers can be a pain sometimes.” “They were exceptional pains.” “So you didn't get along with them, huh? Why not?” “They were bullies. They would destroy my things and walk away without so much as a lecture.” Athena was taking notes again, and Simon found himself doing the same. It was a relief that they were finally getting some answers, but at the same time, he was frustrated. Why was it that Vasquez would respond to Athena, but not to him? Who was the master of the Power of Suggestion, if not him? … Well, he supposed the remainder of the interview would solidify just why Vasquez was so difficult to work with. “What about your family later in life? Did you ever get married?” “I was married four times.” “Four times?!” Athena reached for the folder in front of Simon and flipped through the papers. “But it says here you were only 34 years old when you were arrested.” “No one said they were long marriages.” “What happened? Did you marry them too soon, or were you just fast to settle on divorce?” Vasquez reached for Athena's pen and pulled it from her grasp. Simon reflexively prepared himself to interfere, should there be a need, but violence was not at all Vasquez's goal. She held the pen between her index and middle finger, twirling it up and down even as she regarded Athena with a cold stare. “I was naive. I learned the hard way that men consider themselves stronger than us. The only way to survive is to be stronger than them.” “What do you mean? Did any of your husbands ever hurt you?” “Not with their fists. It was their words, their actions behind my back... My first husband found himself a new girlfriend only three months into our marriage. My second husband squandered our money. The third husband thought I should give up on my career and instead become a mother. My fourth husband was just like the first. What a joke.” “You didn't think to talk these problems through with them before slamming down the divorce papers?” Simon asked. Vasquez ignored him, instead raising the back of the pen to her mouth as if it were a cigarette. “Ah... What my partner is trying to ask is whether you communicated your concerns with them,” Athena said, and Simon felt his nose crinkle at the political wording of it all. “They would not listen,” was the ambiguous response. “Hmm... But you found other men who would listen to you, right? Even if you didn't marry them?” “Are you referring to my friends in the mafia? Or perhaps that spineless director?” “Either, really. If they listened, they listened.” “My mafia friends in particular were very good to me. They recognized my strength. As for Manella, he loved to play the part of my doormat. Masochist that he was, he was inspired by my treatment of him. I didn't even need to lift a finger. A good scolding already served as enough intimidation. One doesn't often meet a man who makes his presence worthwhile simply by being yelled at. His resulting scripts brought in good money. Still, I would not say any one of those men listened. They only did as they were told.” Athena flipped to the next paper in the folder, describing in full detail the crime Vasquez was accused of. Most prominent was a photograph, showing a man impaled on a fence while both Vasquez and another man watched in horror. “What about Jack Hammer? Did he listen to you after you made that accident with Manuel disappear?” “He had to. That does not mean he wanted to. His revenge proves that.” “Right, right... You blackmailed him and-” “Not blackmail. I reminded him of his place,” Vasquez said quite sharply. “Sorry. You kept him in his place and after five years of that, he decided he'd had enough. He came to you in disguise and tried to kill you, so you defended yourself. Or at least... That's what the report says. Could you say in your own words what happened?” “My own words... They are the same. I agree with that statement.” Before Simon could process it was happening, Athena had snatched the pen from his hand. She used it to take a few more notes. When she continued with her questions, her voice was more subdued. “Do you regret how things ended?” “I am in prison. So yes. I regret it.” “But... What about Jack Hammer's life? Do you regret ending it?” “Not at all. Jack Hammer was a murderer who should have been executed for Manuel's death. The way I kept him in line for those five years was too mild a punishment. Perhaps he came to me that day because he knew that as well. Perhaps he wished to die for his crime.” Athena exchanged a glance with Simon, who could give her no proper response. She shook her head, looking frustrated. Perhaps she could see something- or hear something that he could not. Was there a hidden meaning in Vasquez's words? Simon didn't need to ponder the matter for too long, as Athena was the one to bring that truth into the light. “Ms. Vasquez...” she began, her knuckles whitening around the pen. “The way you keep talking about men, you act as if they're all beneath you. You're filled with anger towards them. But whenever you talk about Manuel, your heart betrays grief. You must've taken his death especially harshly. Were you in love with him?” At last, some wrinkles came into being on Vasquez's face, similar to the cracks which formed in the casing of Athena's pen. “... Had Manuel been my fourth husband as opposed to the wretch I did marry, it would have lasted.” And there it was. The grandest portion of the why they'd been searching for. Simon was at a loss for words, though it didn't matter. Just as Athena had led the conversation, she brought it to its proper conclusion. “Thank you for your honesty, Ms. Vasquez. It must have been painful for you to recall such things. I have one more question for you, if you don't mind.” “One more, then.” “If you believed that Mr. Hammer's death was justified and he would have killed you, had you not defended yourself... Why didn't you admit that to the police? Why go to such lengths to frame Mr. Powers?” Vasquez brought the broken pen to her lips again, not realizing that the blue ink was staining her lips. She looked thoughtful, the most minute of frowns tugging at her eyebrows. “Is that not obvious? It is because I didn't want to go to prison.” To Be Continued
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aararepairweek · 2 years
Hello, I have a few questions for clarification of the rules. 1) What is considered canon-adjacent? Would that be no AUs? What about pairings that include characters that haven't met in canon? 2) I know that it says that rarepairs are defined as ships with little pre-existing content, but is there a certain number for that (like under a certain number of works on AO3)? 3) Do poly ships count where 2 of the characters would be considered part of a popular pairing? Thank you for any clarification!
Thank you for your question! 1) We love canon-non-compliant content and AUs, and both are encouraged for this event! "Canon-Adjacent" refers to the 'age rating' of the content; essentially, if it's too adult for an Ace Attorney game, we ask that you do not include it in your Rarepair Week pieces (eg. excessive gore, explicit sex, etc.) 2) Our definition of a "rarepair" for this event is a ship (not necessarily between two people) that has little to no pre-existing content. As this is a cross-platform event covering more than one medium it feels unfair to judge how popular a ship is based purely on its ao3 tag. Plus, everyone has different opinions of how "rare" something has to be to be a "rarepair". If you're unsure if a ship counts as a rarepair, it may be worth looking it up on multiple platforms to see how much content there is and how many people are creating it. As a general rule of thumb, if a ship has an active tag on multiple platforms with a variety of creators making content for it, it's not a rarepair. 3) Yes, poly ships where part of the ship is a popular pairing (such as Klavier/Apollo/Simon, or Phoenix/Edgeworth/Larry) are allowed. However, we ask that you focus your piece on the whole, three-person dynamic, or the dynamic between the characters in your poly ship that are "rarer". For exmaple, a Larry/Phoenix/Miles piece focusing on the domestic life of the three of them is allowed, but one where Phoenix and Miles are domestic with mentions of them also dating Larry would not be. In the spirit of the event, which is a celebration and promotion of underrated and under-utilised pairings, we also ask that you do not tag poly ships as popular two-person ships, even if they make up part of that ship (eg. don't tag a larry/phoenix/miles fic as wrightworth)
Thank for your questions! I hope that helped!
-- Mod Rowan
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Not An April Fools Gag; That’s A Game Boy Advance With A GameCube Stick Affixed For Reals
What you're seeing is a modded GBA that I spotted on eBay. It's a real thing! Though it doesn't magically grant analogue control to all the digital input only games on the system, which is all of them for the record (sorry). Then again, it could be argued that the controls in WarioWare Twisted is technically analogue...
That aside aside, welcome to yet another recap of stuff posted over at the Attract Mode Twitter! Though this time it's gonna be a bit on the short side, relatively speaking; even I know covering two entire whole weeks has led to hard to handle Tumblr posts, so I'm going to try concentrating on just one week at a time/attempt weekly updates.
Let's see how well that goes...
Hey, it's SF2 IRL thanks to ARKit (via prostheticknowledge)...
At the time, when I first tweeted about it, there were only three left of Amanda Visell’s Player One Mario; no idea how many there are now...
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When you can make a decision regarding lunch (via @Mechazawa)....
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If you appreciate both the ease of slip-on sneakers and the taste of ghosts, then Games Glorious has something for you (via miki800.com)...
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As a connoisseur of video games on the printed page, it is my goal to one day own a copy of Namco's newsletter that was distributed in game centers during the 80s & 90s, NG (via miki800)...
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Remember that time Namco got someone from Yellow Magic Orchestra to hawk their wares (via namcomuseum)...
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Both in print and on TV…
The YMO member in question, Haruomi Hosono, also did a Xevious remix album, which longtime readers of the blog will hopefully recall.
Sticking with Namco CMs, there’s a pair of longtime faves that I could have sworn I’ve already posted as well, yet cannot find. Though as noted, many times already, the search functionality here is broken.
So here’s a boy playing with his Famicom in the middle of the woods...
And here’s a girl playing with his Famicom in the middle of the woods...
Back to the subject of print, can’t seem to find any info on the Futabasha Fantasy Novel Series, which (I think) was a line of video game novelizations; this one appears to be written by the creator of Xevious himself (via shmups)...
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The focus here is supposed to be the Lawson’s reward card with Kirby on it, but I am all about that Space Invaders whatever the heck it is (via miki800)...
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Spent MANY hours at Japanese bookstores during my college years, flipping through Sega Saturn Magazine; seeing these VF Kids ads again makes me feel all warm & fuzzy (via thesegasource)...
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This (what I believe to be a) farewell image of the face of the Saturn from the very first issue of Dreamcast Magazine, also gives me the feels (via oldgamemags)...
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BTW, everyone knows the identity of Saturn's pitchman (Segata Sanshiro), but what about the Mega Drive's? (via yokosuka87)...
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Back to the Saturn; I love how Sega want from Segata Sanshiro to Hidekazu Yukawa for the Dreamcast. This launch edition of the console, btw, was spotted at VideoGamesNewYork...
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It's also where they Kira Kira Star Night DX for twice the asking price, as @gamespite)...
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Speaking of music, to fully enjoy this animated gif of Eggman running…
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… you need to have this song playing (via lunaticobscurity).
And to fully enjoy this image of Eggman on the sax…
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... you need to have this song playing (via very-territorial-oak).
@ondoruragitan sez: "whoever designed that clown lady in ace attorney is probably the most horny artist to ever exist" (it's funny cuz it's true)...
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So the big news these past few weeks, especially among video game folk my age, has been the end of the Toys R Us. Many have been sharing artifacts from the glory days, with my fave example being these old flyers, with the obvious highlight seeing all the original MSRP prices (via retrogamerblog)...
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Oh, and don’t forget the gifs (via nintendroid)...
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The following are more appropriate for my way, way overdue batch of game culture snapshots, but since we're on the subject of retail anyway; I recently stumbled across Nintendo's collab with Bloomingdale's that I had no idea even existed...
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Took a bunch of pics, but unfortunately, due to the harsh lighting at the SoHo store, it was impossible to capture the women’s section, hence the abundance of men’s wear...
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These women's sweatshirts are the best example of the line's overall design sensibilities, or lack thereof; it’s just a bunch of random Nintendo sprites on attire that is available at Bloomingdale's, period. That's all it aspires to be, nothing more...
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... And that's a real shame, cuz aside from the quality of the clothing itself being high, some of the ho-hum looking designs could be really engaging with a few minor tweaks, like this b&w women's jacket with a very random assortment of b&w Super Mario World sprites...
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In addition to clothing, you had accessories, like iPhone cases...
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Plus sunglasses, which revealed Super Mario World playing on what appears to the naked eye to be a blank, white screen....
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Speaking of Super Mario World, here's a hamster enjoying the game (via @kousuke_teppei)...
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The lil guy also owns an original Famicom, and here we is playing Solomon's Key (thanks to @Topherocious for helping me to identify the game)...
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Being that friend who is REALLY into video games means I'm asked a wide variety of questions from folks who are not, like why @beesmygod  is "freaking out" over a Sonic & Garfield two pack for the PC...
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... I'll be honest, I don't really understand why either.
Here we have a mockup for an ad blocker that replaces banners with GBA screenshots, which I really want to see happen (via @tinycartridge)...
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I also really want to see this happen too (via @truongasm)...
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Back to Tiny Cart; that's where I found out that you no longer have to play emulated Tiger handheld games sans backgrounds...
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Nothing beats a pic of a dimly lit arcade, especially when it's shot on ACTUAL film (via mendelpalace)...
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As for this particular arcade show, @kappuru theorizes "it looks like cinestill film, or a filter designed to mimic it." (via parkerwoods)...
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"WHO IS THIS NUN?! WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO SINISTER?" is a great KOF related question (via vice-s-assistant)...
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And "BOWL BEFORE ME" is a great KOF related gag (via brondeef)...
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"this is the best cosplay i’ve ever seen" is a a great costume play related observation made by lunaticobscurity...
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"how to get away with playing super mario odyssey in class" is the caption given by retrogamerblog...
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"Stardew Valley gave me 500 characters to use as my farm name, so I put down an entire 1-star amazon review for an Independence Day DVD" is the explanation given by @NoahHafford...
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Hey, you never know, maybe one day a homebrew dev might make “Shinjuku-Nichome Gay District Serial Murders” a reality? (via mendelpalace)
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When you’ve got one copy of Melee with two boxes, and one copy of Air Ride with zero boxes… just gotta improvise (via stellatuna)...
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When you’ve got a killer Game Genie code but no paper to write it down on... and then you discover the code does something totally different (via theassortment)...
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And when I asked what this 4koma featuring a Dreamcast VMU was all about, @JonahD was kind enough to explain: "VMUs are playing hide and seek, Black is seeking. One VMU thinks hiding in the controller would be good but it makes a bunch of noise and they’re found immediately" (via posthumanwanderings)...
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Whereas I have yet to find out what all these Sonics are doing at a German airport (via sonicthehedgeblog)...
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I normally don’t let the weather get to me, yet the constant cold weather in NYC over the past few weeks began taking its toll, to the point that I’m starting to resemble an upside down Super Famicom/European SNES (via sixteen-bit)...
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I also really wish I could have checked out Sakura-Con, and not just cuz the weather is so much nicer in Seattle, but to pick up @alexisparade's Monster Factory zine...
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I stared at gif illustrating the wacky perspective-related behavior of Super Mario 64’s trees for an entire day, no joke (via suppermariobroth)...
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Here we have the rarely seen alternate angle of the internet famous "LAN party gamer duct-taped to the ceiling" photo (via reddit.com)...
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Turning the clock back even further, here's yet another kind of party, one that doesn’t involve first person shooters but shoot ‘em ups; it’s the 1986 Hudson Caravan (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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Recently, a modded NES Max controller showed up on Kotaku, in which the cycloid nub has been replaced with an analogue stick...
... Which actually appeared the day after I spotted that modded GBA at the very top of this page. I am also willing to admit the disappointment over my tweet not catching on as expected/hoped it would, hence why I'm sharing another pic...
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At any rate, I was also reminded of my buddy Nick Santaniello's modded Jaguar controller, which allows for arcade perfect Tempest 2000 controls...
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... Which in turned led to me republishing the post from which it hails from originally, my recap of Nick's Shmup Appreciation Night, for Medium (and also sharing additional pics on Twitter)...
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BTW, for those wondering, based upon the last round of tweets; the kitchen isn’t just for playing old Mega Drive & PC Engine shmups… you can also play old Naomi fighting games (via internetflexin)...
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Guess that's it for now? Sorry, but it finally feels like spring in NYC, and I feel the need to step away from the computer & enjoy weather! Just like Mega Man (via arcadequartermaster)...
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justanotherfoolhere · 3 years
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I posted 664 times in 2021
8 posts created (1%)
656 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 82.0 posts.
(Don't click 'read more' unless you're in for a real long ride)
I added 61 tags in 2021
#bnha - 14 posts
#not mine - 9 posts
#one piece - 8 posts
#undertale - 6 posts
#kakairu - 6 posts
#funny - 4 posts
#tag game - 4 posts
#ace attorney - 4 posts
#craig of the creek - 3 posts
#naruto - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#and they believe suportive means 'predicting worse case scenarios so kakashi will be ready for them'
My Top Posts in 2021
Shanks x Buggy generic high school AU!
What do you do when you really wanna make a comic to your rare pair, but you're no artist?
Well, there are lots of possibilities. Mine was to use a manga creator game to make a really generic story. Yey!
It's kinda long, so keep going under the cut if you wanna!
Contains: childhood friends, idiots to lovers, mutual pining (hinted), Alvida being so done, Alvida the best wingwoman ever, generic but lovely stuff.
1. Buggy's in denial about his feelings for his childhood friend. Alvida's not having any of it.
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6 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 15:15:21 GMT
Hey! I wrote something for the Iruka Week 2021! @iruka-week
Day 1 - Scars.
Title: Tracing stories.
Pairing: Iruka/Kakashi
Wordcount: 1422
Tags: domestic fluff, really light angst, trans iruka (mentioned), scars.
Summary:  Scars are stories embedded on skin. On a too hot night, Kakashi finds himself tracing Iruka's stories.
Read on ao3 if you want to.
Every ninja had a scar. Multiple scars, really. It’s an occupational hazard, a reminder to be more careful in the future and a sign you survived to try again. Most ninjas displayed them with pride, exaggerating the stories and adding their own dramatic flair; some preferred to conceal them and were more discreet and reserved; others just ignored them and moved on with their lives. Rarely someone was ashamed of a scar, it was a victory mark, a reminder you’re alive rather then you’ve failed.
Kakashi thought about all of it while his fingers lazily traced Iruka’s back, caressing the scar tissue there. It was a huge one, left by Mizuki’s shuriken back when Naruto was just a kid. Iruka had told him this story, a mix of pain and grief for seeing his childhood friend so consumed by hatred, and pride for being able to protect the student he saw as his own, for standing up for Naruto when no one else would and seeing Naruto protect him in return.
Iruka wasn’t one to exaggerate stories, so when he said how impressive it was, eyes shining and a smile on his face, Kakashi believed him. If there was a kid stubborn enough to conjure a bunch of clones with barely no practice out of pure rage and protectiveness, it was Naruto.
“Can’t sleep?” Iruka asked, voice low, and stirred to face Kakashi on their bed.
“Too hot,” Kakashi mumbled. Iruka made an agreeing noise. They were both striped to their boxers and it was still too hot, “Did I wake you up?”
“No, I also can’t sleep,” he smiled. Kakashi’s hand, now that Iruka’s back was turned, decided to trace the scars on his chest instead, “something on your mind?” Iruka got his hand to place a small kiss on his knuckles before letting it resume the scar tracing.
“Ow, that was so cheesy,” Iruka shoved him playfully, a grin betraying his true thoughts, “please tell me you didn’t get it from Icha Icha.”
“I’ll let you know Icha Icha is full of great lines!” He play-shoved Iruka back, “You’d know if you gave it a try, sensei.”
“Let’s agree to disagree then,” It wasn’t the first time they talked about it, and wouldn’t be the last. The outcome was always the same.
They fell on a comfortable silence.
Kakashi’s attention went back to Iruka’s scars, his fingers idly tracing them one by one.
The twin lines on his chest, under the pectorals, faded and neat, surgical. Top surgery. Iruka told him all about the pre-op nervousness and the how the first post-op week sucked. Then how good it was, to make his body more his own. Iruka also traced these scars from time to time.
His hand adventured a bit lower, tracing the faint scars on his ribs and soft belly. A couple shurikens he didn’t dodge in time, some accidents on kunai practice, faint marks of cuts that barely managed to scar. Kakashi cherished those small stories as much as he did the big ones.
Iruka chuckled when his finger fluttered over a particularly ticklish spot, but he didn’t say anything. Kakashi kept going down, sitting on the bed to have access to Iruka’s legs. He was mesmerized, like it wasn’t a hellishly hot night, like he wasn’t tired, like the only thing that mattered was keeping on tracing Iruka’s scars, Iruka’s stories.
“What are you doing?” Iruka’s voice was somewhat amused. He tilted his neck to get a better look at Kakashi, but didn’t move otherwise.
“I love you,” Kakashi said, barely above a whisper and so sincere.
There was a bigger scar on Iruka’s right thigh, one made by a deeper cut. A kunai. One of the many kunais Mizuki threw at Naruto. The one that hit Iruka when he pushed Naruto away and suffered the attack on his place.
Kakashi loathed how many marks Mizuki left on Iruka’s body.
“Love you too,” Iruka let his head drop back on the pillow, “but what are you doing?”
“Just… Thinking,” he shrugged, fingers going to Iruka’s ankle, “about how lucky I am to have you,” and for you telling me all these stories. Letting me know all of you.
He didn’t say the last part aloud, but it must have been written all over his face, if Iruka’s blushing cheeks are any evidence.
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19 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 16:23:16 GMT
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Inspired by the amazing fanfic Uncharted Waters (chapter 5 if you’re curious, it’s Shanks x Buggy!). Buggy, Mohji and Cabaji are 19-ish and Richie is some months old. That’s my way to thank the writer! (Really, they rock!)
Bonus, a knitting Cabaji:
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26 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 21:39:52 GMT
I managed to write something for the KakaIru Valentine’s Week 2021!
Me: I want to write something. Maybe a double drable or a ficlet. Shouldn’t take more than an hour.
Also me: spends the whole day writing a 3k words one-shot. Ooops.
Title: Soulmates (I know, very original)
Rating: T (could be gen)
Pairing: Kakashi/Iruka
Wordcount: 3283
Tags: Kakairu Valentines Week 2021, Fluff, Light Angst, Soulmates, First Dates, Friends to Lovers
You can read on ao3 too!
            Soulmarks appeared around six or seven years old.  But it was not as exciting as one could imagine: as much as the tropes of 'first words they say to you', 'a cool mark where they first touch you' or even 'matching marks' or 'their favorite thing tattooed on your skin' were popular in books and films, the reality was far less thrilling.
               Words appeared on your forearm, but not the first ones they would say to you. No. The words that appeared were the ones they would say the moment they realized they loved you. It didn't even have to be words they say to you. You could very well never get to hear the words yourself, if whoever your soulmate is realized it when by themselves.
               All in all, soulmarks weren't that important. They were not reliable and, even if they were, they just made sense when your soulmate already loved you. Not that helping at all. Sure, children loved seeing the words and tracing their little fingers over them, and teachers took advantage of that to teach them proper spelling, reading, writing and calligraphy. Nothing made a kid work harder at writing something right than copying the words on their forearms over and over again.
               Adults, on the other hand, mostly ignored them. Sure, some helpless romantics (cough, cough, Gai, cough) still clung to them like a lifeline, but most people just kept going about their lives and never seeking them out. ��Let life that its course and everything.
               Kakashi avoided his like the plague.
               It hadn't always been like this. As a child, he liked to daydream about his soulmate as much as his peers. Things got different when his father died though. Grief settling in, chilling his bones and washing away his childlike hopes. Things only got worse when his team died, when he saw Obito be crushed and failed on his only promise, failed to keep Rin safe. Then their sensei died too and he was alone.
               He didn't deserve love. He didn't deserve a soulmate.
               And a bitter and irrational part of him reminded him that everyone who loved him died. He'd be doing his soulmate a favor if he never met them.
               People thought Kakashi was being stubborn or proud when he refused to go to the hospital after a dire mission. He wasn't. Well, not totally.
               When he was a kid, the words on his forearm sounded odd yet funny.
               Of course he'd try to shrug off a stab wound, the idiot.
               Like, him? Getting stabbed then just walking away? Sure, little Kakashi knew first hand how a ninja's life could be rough, but the idea was so foreign and ridiculous. He'd never ignore something so drastic!
               Also, it sounded like a funny thing to say when you love someone. Didn't sound affectionate at all.
               He was glad for it when he grew up. Maybe his soulmate wouldn't be burdened with loving him (sure they would like Kakashi a bit, but maybe not love him). And maybe Kakashi wouldn't even be present to hear it, since the sentence wasn't adressing him.
               Still, he didn't want to take any chances. So, since Kakashi can remember, he stitches up his own stab wounds. Avoiding getting stabbed also helped, but it was near impossible in fights with shurikens, kunais and the ocasional sword.
               He figured whoever his soulmate was, they must work at a hospital or be a medical nin. So he avoided both. Seemed like the best course of action.
               It was just another day. A common, boring day. Kakashi was waiting in line to hand in his mission form (he was still scribbling some things on it as he waited) and could barely wait to be done with it, so he could drop dead on bed. The last mission was a nasty one and he had barely washed the blood off his face before coming here.
               Sure, he could procrastinate it, as he ever did, but now he had five old mission reports still blank and an increasingly annoyed Iruka who chewed him out for it. So he decided to drop the habit and actually hand in this one as soon as possible.
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69 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 23:32:15 GMT
LoV's Bedtime Stories!
Inspired by this post by @mha-quotes-and-such.
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125 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 01:42:45 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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andyfrills · 8 years
Andy’s FanFic Log 21/03/2017
I’ve been a bit out of it this week, so it was a bit of a mission to get up to a consistent number for this log. And I’ve also been replaying some Ace Attorney games (5 & 6 - 6 being my fave), so that’s taken some time off of reading. But I somehow managed it!
Fic count: 23 Fandoms this Log: Voltron, Nancy Drew, Ace Attorney, Yuri!!! on Ice
※ I end up reading a lot of random shit. Until I’m a bit more comfortable I might censor a few things out, but there will be explicit fics, darker themes, crazy plots, and insane ships amongst all the sugar and fluff I find around the place. So the really important thing is to carefully read the warnings that I occasionally give & that are on the fic itself, and back away if it’s not for you.
Other posts in this little series can be found under the read fanfiction tag on my page~
Black's Choice by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 2.7k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance (Keith/Lance) Shiro's gone, and the team needs a new Black Paladin, and quick. But Black is a lot pickier about who she wants her paladin to be than first thought. Alternatively titled: No one wants to be the new black paladin but someone is forced to be anyways. ~ Thumbs up for black paladin lance!
Blue's Acceptance by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 1.9k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): None After Lance becomes the black paladin, Allura becomes the blue paladin. Blue is quick to accept the princess. Alternatively titled: Blue would be anyone's Lion but she would pick Lance over anyone. ~ Really enjoyed this one! It's nice to read more about Allura.
The Blue In The Black by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 2k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): None Black looks back at how Lance and her started out, and is ever so proud of where they are now. Alternatively titled: Black Reminiscences At What Just Might Be The Worst Time ~ More black paladin lance! <33
Make Me Your Home by Reader115 Words: 38k, Rating: Mature, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance “Space cadet,” Keith mumbled. He repeated the words again although his eyes had zeroed in on Lance’s hands and Lance offered no resistance when Keith picked one of them up and pulled it possessively towards his lap. He began to gently trace over Lance’s fingers, sending shivers up Lance’s arm and down his spine. “You have looong fingers,” Keith murmured after a few moments. “I bet you could reach all kinds of things, Lance.” ~ So good! Really enjoyed this one, left me feeling super contented.
Teamwork Not Included by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 3.4k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance (Eventual) Lance struggles with his new position. He's not entirely sure this is where he should be, but he's trying his best anyways. Alternately Titled: What Would Shiro Do ~ Nice installment in the series!
The Tide by Zurela Words: 4.1k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance Lance doesn't know whether or not he can trust Keith to have his back. But now that he's stuck under a tree, with broken bones, and on the verge of drowning, it seems he might not have a choice. ~ Good fic! I think I vaguely remember the show this is based off…
And We Go Where The Stars Take Us by thebestworstthing Words: 5.3k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Klance (Eventual) On the ninth day, Lance shuts his eyes in his own personal hell, and when he opens them he’s in his home back on earth surrounded by his family and the warmth and light is so bright his eyes burn with it. ~ Omg Lance, I'm so worried about him in regards to this fic… I have a feeling things are going to get way worse for him before they get better. But I also have a feeling this will be a good fic! The author said they'll update every few days, so we'll know soon enough!
It's Hard to be Diplomatic by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 2.6k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance (Eventual), Shallura (Shiro/Allura) Team Voltron, now that they have Shiro back, go to Lotor to plan the final fight. Full title: It's hard to be diplomatic when you and the person you're supposed to be planning with keep flirting  ~ Nice fic! I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the series plays out.
Nancy Drew
starships were meant to fly. by rushie Words: 1.1k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): None The first time the boys met Sonny Joon, he had green hair. ~ I really enjoy reading this one! Although I might be just a bit biased since I love Sonny Joon and there isn't a huge amount of content for him…
Ace Attorney
A Bizarre, Beautiful Thing by Geodude96 Words: 1.5k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Athena/Apollo (I have no clue of any ship names, so I’m just gonna stick with this version) Athena chooses a beautiful way to remind Apollo about the important things in life. ~ A rare hetro pairing has appeared! Ww in all seriousness, this is a sweet fic.
Before & After by shinigami_yumi Words: 1.6k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Apollo/Nahyuta Three months after SoJ, Nahyuta and Apollo finally catch up and figure out where they stand now that the little girl Apollo grew up with is prince and regent. ~ Bit of a different pairing, not that I don't love Apollo and Nahyuta themselves, I just don't usually ship them. But it's a good fic!
Last Goodbye by DaisyDogOx Words: 1.4k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): None Apollo has one last chance to say goodbye to his father. He just never could've imagined it would hurt this much. ~ This is kinda short but it still made me cry a bit since it reminded me what happens in AA6… Major spoiler alert btw…
Discovery by thawrecka Words: 12k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): NaruMitsu (Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright ~ i.e. the only ship in this fandom that I know the actual name of www) At 35, and very confused, Phoenix reconsiders his sexuality and his feelings for Edgeworth. ~ Disregarding the very accurate portrayal of biphobia, this is very cute. Good pining and angst vs fluff ratio.
The Diplomatic Turnabout by Lumelle Words: 8.4k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klavier/Apollo, Ema/Nahyuta The worst thing about being sorta-related to royalty, Apollo finds, is that sometimes he is the most diplomatic person around. Which really should never be the case, honestly, he is loud and abrasive while Rayfa has been raised to be a princess and Nahyuta is a holy monk, yet Rayfa is also spoiled and impatient while Nahyuta is developing a quite worrying penchant for practical jokes. Really, Apollo has his hands full trying to keep the country from slipping into war because his brother finds it quite amusing to aggravate various foreign politicians. And just what does Klavier Gavin have to do with all this? ~ It's nice to see them going about their business and being all domestic in Khura’in~ Would have been nice to see some of Rayfa instead of just hearing about her in passing. But a good fic!
Colors by shinigami_yumi Words: 6.3k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Apollo/Nahyuta In a reality where Nahyuta is born blind, Apollo becomes much more than his eyes. ~ An interesting fic! I enjoyed reading it~ :)
Backup Vocals by SummerMermaid Words: 77k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Klavier/Apollo Klavier Gavin is a prodigy prosecutor holding auditions for his band. Apollo Justice is the son of an accomplished guitarist who he can't get out of his head after he tries out. ~ Good fic! Quite a bit of drama, but it's well written and things seem to be panning out alright.
Yuri!!! on Ice
turntables by Vitali (exocara) Words: 4.3k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri (Victor Nikiforov/Katsuki Yuuri) Prompt: “you’re a celebrity who just broke up and i tweeted you a selfie with the caption “date me” as a joke but you thought i was serious?” au ~ Felt a little rushed, but a good fic nevertheless.
Masks off by emulikule Words: 27k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri And so the story goes that a playboy comes to a town, makes it fall in love with him and then proceeds to get himself enticed by the most mysterious person there. Wait... did it really go like that? ~ Awesome fic! Good plot, good length, good ending, and really nice execution! What else could you ask for?
Showing Results for 'Katsuki Yuuri' by Ferrero13 Words: 3.9k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri Victor makes it his goal to get Katsuki Yuuri, figure skater, to the first page of Google results. There is no way he could let such a brilliant skater be overshadowed by Katsuki Yuuri, winner of some stuffy academic medal, who is probably 50 and balding. Or: Yuuri has made a name for himself outside of figure skating, and athletes are slow on the uptake. ~ Omg Victor… This is hilarious, it's brilliant~
Twenty-Five Hours by 0lizzybennet0 Words: 14k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri In which Yuuri spends a 25 hour flight next to Victor Nikiforov, skating legend, and feels it might simultaneously be the best and worst thing that has ever happened to him. ~ This is great! It's really sweet, slightly angsty atm, but it's going to get sweet again soon! I just know it!
Rock, Paper, Scissors by nerdlife4eva Words: 3.3k, Rating: Mature, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri Victor and Yuuri discover the only chore they both dislike is vacuuming and decide to rock, paper, scissors (RPS) each time the chore needs to be completed. Yuuri is an ace at RPS and Chris sends them personalized charts to track their successes. All adorable Victuuri hell breaks loose! (These two have no chill, in basically anything!) ~ Omg this fic~! Great for a laugh!
cover story by fan_nerd Words: 8.2k, Rating: Explicit, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri Yuuri stares down at the person standing in the doorway. The stranger hisses, "Who do you think you are, anyways?" Quickly, before he can really think about it, Yuuri responds, "I'm Victor's boyfriend." It's a lie, but the words feel good in his mouth, and for some reason, he doesn't want to take them back. ~ I loved this fic! It's really good! <3
The Return of the Little Piggy by SASS_QUEEN Words: 4.4k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri Everybody had their regrets in college. For the students, it was making fun of Katsuki Yuuri. For Yuuri, it was letting himself become too stupid. For Viktor, it was not doing anything. ~ This is a bit of a different fic, quite metaphorical in places, I'm not really sure what I think about it yet. Hopefully it'll be interesting. :)
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pixxieliv · 8 years
Nicole’s dog didn’t attack the killer proving that the dog must’ve known and been comfortable with said killer. Akita dogs have an aggressive trait, and if there was an intruder it would’ve attacked.
Nicole’s neighbour said he heard two men arguing and then saw a white van speeding away from the crime scene (could be Ford Bronco).
LAPD found two sets of keys to Nicole’s condo in OJ’s possession. Nicole had stated that a pair of keys to her condo had been missing a few weeks prior to the murders.
Witness Jill Shively saw OJ speeding in the Bronco around the time of the murders.
Expert testimonies have stated that the killer walked from the crime scene, not run, proving him to be familiar enough with the surroundings that he felt safe enough to walk.
At 9:37 PM on the night of the murders, Kato Kaelin who lived in the guesthouse on OJ’s estate, saw OJ leaving in a dark blue cotton sweat suit, the same kind of suit that produced the fibres found on Ron Goldman’s shirt.
Kato heard thumps outside his window by the air conditioning at around 10:50 PM, nearby the bloody glove was found.
Kato testified that at around 11 PM he was loading OJ’s five bags into the limousine for OJ’s trip to Chicago, and was told not to touch the smallest black bag.
It’s believed that the black bag held bloody clothing and the murder weapon (knife). The bag was never seen again.
A week before her death, Nicole told her friend Cici Shahian “He’s going to kill me and get away with it and charm the world because he’s OJ Simpson”.
Her friends Faye Resnick and Robin Grier said Nicole told them OJ was going to kill her.
Nicole told her therapist, Susan Forward, that she thought OJ would murder her.
Limo driver, Allan Park, testified that OJ entered with five bags when he left Rockingham. Skycap James Williams counted only three bags when OJ got out of the car. Simpson was standing by a trash can afterwards; speculations that he stuffed two bags into the trash. Never found missing bags.
In 1982, OJ threw Nicole against a wall. In 87, he shoves her to the ground. 89, he slaps her and pushes her from a moving vehicle.
Nicole wrote a will five weeks before the murders.
Police responded to a 911 call on New Year’s Day, 1989, to find a bruised and bleeding Nicole hiding in the bushes, wearing only a bra and sweatpants, crying. “He’s going to kill me”
Nicole had her sister Denise Brown take pictures of her bruised body, locked them in a safe-deposit box, and tell Denise “I need proof that OJ beat me. Without proof no one will ever believe me. The public thinks he’s a hero who can do no wrong.”
Another 911 call in 1993, Nicole said “When he gets this crazed, I get scared. He gets a very animalistic look in him. His eyes are black, just black, I mean cold like an animal”.
She told Faye Resnick, “I look at his arms and think ‘God, are these going to be the arms that kill me someday?”
OJ admitted to Resnick that he was seeing a therapist for his volatile feelings towards Nicole.
Nicole tells Kato she thought OJ would kill her with scissors.
The murders took place after Nicole rejected OJ’s company at their daughter’s dance recital.
Nicole had a bath ready and burning candles just before her murder. Chris Darden, prosecutor, believes OJ spied on Nicole and saw her getting ready for a rendezvous with someone and killed her in a jealous rage.
DNA evidence proved that five blood drops found near the killer’s footprints at the Bundy murder scene belonged to OJ. 1 in 170 million chance.
DNA evidence showed that OJ’s blood trail from his Bronco to his Rockingham estate included: one blood drop behind the Bronco on the street Rockingham, one on the driveway just inside the Rockingham gate, three more on the driveway leading to the front door of his residence, five on the floor of the foyer, and one on the bathroom floor.
DNA test proved tat the spots of blood on the driver’s door of the Bronco belonged to OJ.
DNA tests proved that three blood stains found on the rear gate of Nicole’s home belonged to OJ.
DNA tests proved that in at least one blood drop found at the Bundy murder scene, the chances of it belonging to anyone other than OJ is 170 million to one.
On blood evidence alone, there’s only one out of 57 billion chance that Simpson is innocent. Fifty-seven billion is approximately 10 times the current population of the world.
At the Bundy scene, OJ’s blood was found at the exact spot where the murders were committed.
Blood on socks in OJ’s bedroom matched his own and Nicole’s.
LAPD found blood in the shower and sink of OJ’s bathroom after the murders.
Tests show that three stains on the Bronco’s console were a mixture between OJ, Nicole, and Ron. Another console stain is a mixture of OJ and Ron’s, and Nicole’s blood was found on the driver’s seat carpet.
DNA from Ron Goldman’s blood was found on the Rockingham glove, 1 out of 21 billion people.
Cellmark, America’s largest private DNA laboratory, ran 11 genetic tests on the blood drops from the crime scene and at OJ’s house and every test matched OJ’s blood.
Fibres on the knit cap found at the murder scene matched material in OJ’s Bronco.
Fibres on the bloody glove found behind OJ’s house matched carpeting in the Bronco.
Forensics confirmed that the fibres found on Ron’s shirt matched what Kato said OJ wore that night.
Hairs found in the knit cap matched OJ’s.
Hair matching OJ’s is found on Ron’s shirt.
A 12-inch hair matching Nicole’s is discovered on the bloody glove.
A bloody glove matching the glove found at the murder scene that was found on OJ's property within hours of the murders contains a hair with the same microscopic characteristics as Ron's and Nicole's.
The killer’s bloody shoe footprints found at the murder scene was a size 12 Bruno Magil show, the same worn by OJ.
OJ denies owning Bruno Magil shoes but photo of OJ from 1993 football game shows him wearing Bruno Magils that match the prints at the murder scene.
GLOBE publishes more photos of OJ wearing those shoes.
FBI agent William Bodziak testified in trial that an area of the bloody shoe print inside the Bronco could have been made from the corner of a Bruno Magil shoe.
Only 299 pairs of these size 12 rare Italian-made Bruno Magil shoes were ever distributed in the US in 1991 and 1992, and were sold in only 40 stores in the entire country. One of which is Bloomingdales in New York, where Simpson was a regular customer during that time period.
The glove at the murder scene and the glove at OJ’s house are both extra large, OJ’s size. Matching right and left.
Both gloves are identical to the type Nicole bought for OJ at Bloomingdales in December of 1990, one of only two hundred pairs like them sold through out the whole country that year. Prosecutors found the receipt.
On the night of the murders, OJ cut the knuckle on his left middle finger. Investigators determine the murderer is cut on the same side based on the blood drops found immediately to the left of the killer’s shoe print.
When asked by LAPD how he cut his finger he first said, “I don’t know.” Then he said he cut it in Chicago and immediately afterward said he reopened the cut in Chicago, admitting that he cut himself in LA.
Defence attorney said OJ’s blood found at the murder scene came from a previous visit to the condo.
When LAPD arrested OJ he had three other cuts besides the deep wound on his finger and seven abrasions.
OJ didn’t ask any questions when notified about his ex-wife’s murder when LAPD notified him. Not even about how she was killed.
He didn’t ask about the safety of his two youngest children after he’s told his ex-wife was murdered at her home.
OJ complained about the heat and sweats during his limo drive to LA airport, even though the weather was cool and there was air conditioning.
Flight attendant Beverly Deteresa, said OJ chugged glasses of water and went to the bathroom every 15 minutes throughout the flight.
OJ does not shed one tear during his first interview about the murder.
He spends less than a minute at Nicole’s grave during his first visit.
OJ promised to hunt down the killer of Nicole and Ron, but when private investigators offered their services for free, he refused.
OJ expressed no surprise when LAPD told him he’s a suspect.
Photos showing OJ holding a gun to his head during the speed chase.
OJ wrote a suicide note that is read after the escape of his arrest on June 17, 1994. His best friend Robert Kardashian, had the notepad that matched the paper the note was written on on June 15. It expressed guilt.
Cellular phone records placed OJ in the Bronco at 10:03 PM, minutes before the murders.
The Bronco is parked at a haphazard angel in front of his house the night of the murders.
OJ flees from cops on June 17, 1994 in AC Cowling’s Bronco.
Jennifer Peace, AC’s girlfriend, tells the grand jury that AC admitted OJ was heading to Mexico in the Bronco.
After OJ’s arrest, LAPD found in his possession a passport, a gun, a fake moustache and a beard, and fresh changes of underwear in the Bronco.
LAPD found $8750 in Ac’s possession after the Bronco chase. OJ told him to carry the money.
A receipt in the Bronco shows OJ purchased the moustache and beard on May 27, 1994. Two weeks before the murders.
Denise Brown testified her reaction to her sister’s death as, “He killed her. He always said he would kill her”.
Juditha Brown said OJ threatened to kill the Brown family in 1979 if Nicole left him.
Juditha said after the divorce in 1992, OJ became very neurotic and phoned his former mother-in-law six times a day to tell her how upset he was about the split.
Two plastic bags were missing from the hotel room in Chicago where OJ stayed.
A broken glass is found in OJ’s hotel room the day after the murders. He claims thats how he reopened his cut after hearing the news of her murder, no blood found on the glass.
Defence witness Dr. Robert Huizenga, team physician at the time for the LA Raiders, was called to stand in the trial to establish that OJ’s arthritis would have prevented him from committing the murders. He conceded on cross-examination that OJ was physically capable of committing the murders.
Within the day of the murders, OJ only doesn’t have an alibi for the hour of the murders. He says he was home alone.
Defence attorney Johnnie Cochran tells the jury that OJ was hitting golf balls at the time the murders happened, while OJ tells the limo driver he was napping.
When OJ was late for his limo, he told the driver he overslept. The driver saw a 6 ft 2 figure dressed in all black weighing 200 pounds walk into the entrance of OJ’s home at the time OJ said he was sleeping.
Driver said he saw this figure at the same time he saw Kato walking around with a flashlight after hearing noises outside of his house, the figure was coming from the direction of where Kato heard the noises.
Limo driver Park said he rang OJ’s buzzer for 20 minutes without a reply, after the figure entered the home, OJ answered the buzzer.
An expert testified the bloody gloves would have fit OJ except the blood and moisture caused the extra-large gloves to shrink a full size.
OJ claimed he couldn’t have murdered anyone due to his old football injuries, but after the murders, he made an exercise video and went golfing regularly.
OJ’s son, Jason, admits he thought his father was guilty.
OJ says the blood found at the scene came from times when he played with his children before, but the drops are close to the bloody footprints leading from the bodies.
Experts say the murders are consistent with a rage killing. There was no sign of a break-in or a burglary at the murder scene.
In 60% of all domestic murder cases, the killer either beats his victim, strangles, stabs or slashes the victim’s throat.
Jennifer Peace said AC told her the knife “sleeps with the fishes”.
Friends say OJ knew Nicole’s biggest fear was to be killed with a knife.
Nicole’s mother, Juditha Brown, heard OJ saying “I loved you too much” over Nicole’s casket.
Friends said OJ told Nicole, “If I can’t have you, no one else can”.
Prosecutor Chris Darden claimed OJ told a friend the night of the murders “I’m going to get her. I’m going to teach her a lesson”.
Ron Shipp said OJ told him he had dreams about killing Nicole.
Jennifer Peace said she heard OJ crying “I didn’t mean to do it. I didn’t mean for things to turn out this way”.
GLOBE discover OJ took a polygraph test before the trial and scored a minus 20, meaning he was lying.
Prison guard Jeff Stuart swears he overheard OJ telling minister Rosey Grier that “I didn’t mean to do it. I’m sorry.”
After he was acquitted, he threw a rage.
Afterwards he tried to have a pay-per-view special.
He wrote a book called “if I did it”…
Then made a tv special called If I Did It.
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